The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1886, Image 3
OPERA, HOUSES, HLOOMSnUKU, PA. THURSDAY, JAN. 28. Harrigan's Doii Etonian Co, HUSH AND AMEIUCAN TOUHIST8. Positively tho largest nnd most complcto enter tatnmcnt of tho kind In existence. 8 Great Comedians 8 bujtportcU by n strong comedy company in tlio funniest of nil comedies, 2 THE TWO BARNEYS, 2 OH .MULI.ttlAN'S DOUBLE. A 1AI1F tll-Alir,l, tfnllHil 1.nm I showing you nearly all ol 'ho iirlticlpat Rttlea ni'il iiuif,nlilcentiulns. A varied nnd picturesque do. llncnllon of tlw life, customs nnd scenery by n company ot Indies nnd gentlemen lio would worn to display anything but tlio most renin den. iiTiniiimciii. iiuringinu lour mo rouoiung ce lebrities will nntx'nn .lerrv Cnhnn. Tim. fnlmti Hilly .Monroe, .loiin lCagan.Con. Totihey, MnJ. MIIoh v-uuiiu, .ruiuiuiiiiii, Nellie vouiic, Prtti Ml ahnf l,na 11 ,tr-tirn.t 1 ' S. W. Washburn, - - - Eusiiicss M'ger. a. A. tfigelow, - - - - Frosa Agent. HESEHVED SEATS on sale nt McKln. ncy's olllco without extra charge. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. " FRIDAY, JANUARY, L'9. 18S0. hiiiiiut minium Tim. Trains on tho Philadelphia A" U It. leave ltupert NORTH. SOCTII. 0:3(1 a. in. 11:49 n. m. 3:12 P. ro. 0:13 p. tn. Trains on tho 1. I.. it V. It. it. lcavo Bloomsburg nafnllmt'a. NORTH. SOUTH. s ' 8:30 n. in. 10:'J1 a m. 11.41 a. m. S:W 1. in. 1:11 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:17 p.m. Trains nn tho N. W. 11. Itallway pass Bloom V.rrv na rnllmira . NOltTII. BOOTH. JD.5J n. m. lS:o: p. in. 0-37 p. in. 4:15 p. m. SUNDAY. NORTH. SOUTn. 10:11am OMSpm X'tlUI.tC HAI.ICH. Tho executors of James Iiurton deceased will sell n ronn uiaro with foal, n top buggy nnil n tr".ck wagon, at the court house on Monciny, Feb. 1st nt 3 p. m. Oeorgo W. Farver, executor of George Fnrver, decensed, will sell valuable real es tate on premises In Jackson township, on Saturday, February 20, 1830, commencing nt 2 o'clock p. m. See advertisement. l'CTHOIlill. Judge Elwell held court In Danville on Tuesday. Jlr. Frens Hrown visited Mllllin on Mon- day on insurance business. J. F. Dorr, of Jackson, spent nfew hours on business in town on Wednesday. Mr. Kli Mcllcnry, the genial whole-sou). ed farmer of Denton was In town on Tucs- lay. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chamberlin of Ply. mouth visited friends in town on Wednes day. Charles 15. Fenstcrmachcr. of Philadel phia, is visiting friends in this place this week. Harry II. Hess went to Hethleliem on Wednesday to undergo an oxaminr-tion preparatory to entering Lehigh University. Dr. Thomas Mcllcnry, of Ilenton, one of tlio most enterprising citizens of the upper end of the county, was in town on "Wednesday. On Saturday last Mr nnd Mrs. Philip V. Weaver, Miss Agnes Iiauer, Miss Kate Glover, Miss Pearl Piatt, Miss Minnie Kreider, Mr. William Glover, W. Kdwarc' James and Jlr. Harry Lee, drove from Ha zlcton and spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the home of Jlr. I. S. Kuhn Six of tlio party returned Sunday afternoon; the others remained until Monday after noon. Mr. Weaver's many filends heio were pleased to gleet the company. Court next week. A Jersey calf for sale with pedigree. Inquire of 11. Stohner. 2t U. P. McIIenry has been appointed postmaster at Millville. The weather moderated on Tuesday and softened up tlio sleighing. Try Tower smoking and chewing tobacco aud you will like it. For sale by Alexand or Bros, it Co. Out of twenty eases on tho criminal list for next week, twelve of them are for for ideation and bastardy. I hereby nnnounco myeelt as candidate for Collector of Tuxes of tho several dis tricts of Illoomsburg. David Wix.nki;. L. Ilernard has a line stock of watches, jewelry and silverware. Only first class goods at low prices nil goods warranted us represented. dee Dr. J. Pchuyler Is tho republican rundi datc for director of llloom Poor District. It is rumored that Hcecc Fairman will run as nn independent. Salesman drumming coal and iron op. crators, hardware, Ac, can ndd A 1 line, One of our agents earned over ?U,000 last year, llox 1371 New York. 2t. Foot passengers are crossing tlio river on the lco nt Milllinyillu since last Monday, Wo tiled It, and are free to confess, that wo much prefer a bridge. Col. M. J, Keel: litis puichascd soma slate quarries In Utah, through Chicago capitalists, and proposes to develope nud work them on n largo scale. Services are held at the Lutheran church each evening this week, commencing at half-past seven o'clock. Communion scr. vices were held on Sunday last, I hereby nnnounco myselt ns candidate for Collector of Taxes of the several dis tricts of tho town of Illoomsburg. 2t D. F. Wkiss. Wo will pay cash for wool during tho inoutli3 of January and February. Saniis & Ki.iuti:, Mordunsvillc, Pa. A Wllllainsport hen was deceived by the Bpring-llko weather a few weeks ago, and his brought out nlno young chicks. Wonder what they think of this cold world ? Ho enreful in your choice of candidates for the Spring elections, but when notnl luatcd, put them through. Where you have tho majority, voto solidly. You can't lose. Close up your ranks quietly, Foit Sai.u, lease or exchango nn cstub. lUhed manufacturing business with u com. fortablo homo near by. Two railroads. Terms easy, Address, Stkam Poukii. Piloomsburg, P, O. jan. 1, il cow. Nervous weakness, femolo complaints, loss of appetite, languor nud a general de pression of spirits can bo readily cured tiy tho iiso of Keller's Catarrh Kcmcdy, Try it. See advertisement. Tho St. Cloud Hotel. In Phllndclphla.wns destroyed by (Ire last Monday night. Notick. Any ono wishing n vendue crier, plcnso call on tlio undersigned, 2t David Winnku Tho heirs of Isaach Snyder deceased met at tlio old homesUnd In Mllllin town ship on Monday nnd made n flnnl dlstilbu lion of the estate, with tho nsslstnnco of their attorney, and Samuel Snyder F.sq, w!iu4ook tho necessary acknowledgments, Ilemember, Democrats, the ofllco of Collector of Taxes Is n very Important one under the Act of 1885. Some competent man of our party must bo selected for the ofllco nnd loyally supported. Make a good ticket, Btand up to It nnd elect It all. Don't trade. A suppor, dance nnd reunion of tho 0. A. H. men was held nt Ulnck's Tcupcranco hotel at Hohrshurg, on Tuesday evening of last week. The Posts of Unllyvlllc, Fair- mount Springs nnd Kloonisburg were rep resented. About 70 members wero present. i ney nil report having had a cood time. Tills notice was handed us last week, but too late lor publication Tlio young women ot a Connecticut town have formed n vcrv laudable ni-rrnn l.ntlon, known ns tho "Tongue Guard." i.acn member drops n penny in a box cv cry time she says a word against anybody, The money Is elven lo the noor. nnd rim er!)' is said to be rapidly decreasing In that I0WU, We know of nlnccs where Riieb nn nrrvin - n Ization would require it dry goods box to iiom me pennies ror n week. Steam wns turned on tlio mains on Tues1 day afternoon about flvo o'clock, by Mrs. A. Z. Sehnch, wife of the President of the Steam Heating company. Thoro was n pressure of forty pounds on tlio boilers when the valve was opened, and in a hnlf hour the mnlns were warmed up and tho stenm was circulating through the houses where attachments have been made. Ev. erythlng works nicely, nnd the works will undoubtedly prove nn entire success. Mr. Enos Jncoby was tnken willi n con gestive chill on Wednesday afternoon. Hi was frund in a chair in his oyster saloon sitting near the stove, in nn unconscious state. A stranger went into the saloon and finding Mr. Jncoby, supposed him intoxi cated, nnd tried to arouc hlmj falling In this ho called Jlr. Marr, who said that Jlr. Jacoby did not get intoxicated. Assistance was obtained and Jlr. Jaeoby tnken to his home. Ho was able to sit up on Thursday morning. Hie answer of Prof. Grlmc3 in last week's Issue, to certain Inquiries ns to what wns done with the proceeds of tho Institute lectures, is complete, and ought to be entirely satisfactory to everybody. Jlr. Grimes would have a perfect legal and moral right to claim the profits entirely as his own, as he alone Is responsible for any deficit. Hut when he generously puts the profits in a fund to meet deficits that may occur hereafter, there is no ground for complaint. Under the act of 1883 Tax Collectors must lllo a bond in the olllco of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions before entering on their duties. This bond must be in double the probable amount of the several duplicates that will come Into their hands, and is in- tended to cover all the duplicates. The bond must first bo approved by the Court or one of the Judges, nnd it would bo well for the Collector to get a rertiilcato from the proper ofllcer of each district whose duplicates will come into Ids hands, us to tho provable amount of each duplicate, so that the Couit or Judge may know that the amount named In the bond is sufficient. List of letters remaining In tlio Post Of. flee at Illoomsburg for week ending Jan. 20, 1880: Jlr. 31. V. Ilowman, Amos F. Crawford, -Mrs. Dr. Gruus, 31!ss 3Iell Hartman, .Mrs. Leah C. Ilitzelberger, .Miss .Minnie .Madge burg, Jlr. George Jlelcalf, (ship,) Jlr. Win. Holmes, Annie Xeyhart, JIIss Cnllio E. Neybard. OAlillS. Lewis Ilrothers, .Mrs. 31. Kelly, William II. Thompson. Persons calling for these letters will nlease say 'advertised." Gi:oi:okA. Claiik, P. 31. iY slight lire occuried In the kitchen of .Mr. 1). Lowenberg on Sunday about noon. .Mr. and 3ns. Lowunbere wcru in tho kitch en when the latter thought she smelled something burning and looked to see If it was any of her clothing, as she had been about the stove. She then opened a closet door and the llames burst forth. Huckets of water and the pave wash hose were put into use at onco and tho tiro extinguished, ilthongh ubout 5.110 damage was done. It was fortunate that the lire was discovered so timely. The fire apparatus wns out, but fortu nately the services of the firemen wero not needed. A hearing was lia'.1 before Justlco Jaeoby on Saturday last in n charge of assault and battiry betwien A. J. Evans and members ot the Silvutlon Army. From the testi mony given nt the heeling wo learn the fol lowing facts: .Mr. A. J. Evans, on the 21st of November, had rented his hall to the Sulvatlon Army for six months at .10 a month payable In advance. OnThursday lust the captain of tlio army went to Jlr. Evans nnd ottered part payment for the coming mouth, suying ho did not have enough for all, but would pay the balance In a tew days. Tho part payment was not aken, and the army not suspecting any- thing, went to the room in tho eycnlng and found it locked. Tim Salvation Army had about JilO worth of property, consisting of benches, Ac, nnd still retained tho key tn the room. The next day they consulted an ittorncy and was instructed to tender Jlr. iiynns tlio full amount of rent money. They dtd 60, and Evans rfifuscd to toko It. They again consulted their attorney and were instructed to go up and tako posses ion, dipt. .Moore, Henry Hassert, Chas. C. Kcsly and Chas. Jlcllrlde started for the hall aud wero met nt the head of tho fliurs by Jlr, Evans and others. Tho members of the army wero notified that they could not como up, whereupon Henry Hnssert attempted to pass 3Ir. Ev ans aud was hit in tho fuco and kicked. No rcslstunco wns offered, hut they re turned again to consult their attorney, who udvised tho nvrest. Tho hearing resulted in Jlr. Evans being held for Ids appearance nt court with ball of ijilOO. After tho hearing 3Ir. Evans accepted tho rent ten dered aud pave the unny possession of tho hull. After tills conllict, tho Salvation Army dis played very luil judgment, und n question, able spirit for a religious body, when on tho evening of tho same day they marched past Mr. Evans' store and up Into tho hall, singing "Glory Hallelula." Perhaps It win not done to annoy .Mr, Evans, but It looked very much that way, Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod I.Ucrcilt M'iltilllupl:oHiliUvii Its Use In Lung Troubles. Dr. Hiram Ccdorctto, of Jacksonville, Fla. says; "1 have for the last ten months prescribed your Emulsion, to patients suf. hiring from lung troubles, and they seem to be greatly beneilttcd by its use." THE COLUMBIAN AND JSotlcc. TO COSTnAOTOIW AND IIUILDKHS. I havo on hand nnd for sale 1,000,000 ft. of one-Inch second-growth whllo plno bonrds, Including about 100,000 ft. of pitch pine, Is a good quality and nil perfectly dry, has been plied two .ycers, will sell reasonable for cash. Also a lot of hem lock fencing und shingles of dlltcrcnt kinds. Hour JIoIIknuv, Jan. 18, 18S0,Mt. ' Henton, Pa. CoimtnlilcN' IltltlCH. Tho law requires that the conslnhlo of every township shall give public notlco 1 f the township elections by ten or morcprln ted or written handbills, nlllxcd alas many of tho most public places therein, nt least ten days before tho election. In case ot the denlh, removal or neglect of the con stable to give such notice , it is the duty of the supervisors to give tho notice. Printed election notices can bo obtained at this ofllce, or will bo sent by mall on receipt of 10 cents In stamps. A Hcrluus Accident. Jlr. A.W. Snyder of Mlllllnvlllo was badly hurt on Thursday of last week. Ho was assisting In pulling n tube out of a boro hole when the derrick broke nnd ho wns struck across tho back by n heavy pole. It wns thought at first that his lower limbs were paralyzed, as he had nn con trol over them, but wo nro glad to learn that he Is now Improving, aud hopes to bo out again soon. It was n narrow es cape, as from the size of the polo and the distance it fell It Is a wonder his back wns not broken. Jlr. Snyder Is Jlltlllinvlllo's postmaster Tlic TourlHlH I.unI Mlglit. Ilenova livening Ncn s. Hnrrlgan's Irish nud American Tour- Ists held forth at the opern house last night and made fun for eighteen hundred peo- pie. Without exaggerating in tho least we can sny that the show gave universal satisfaction. The scenery of famous and interesting places In Ireland was Itself n gonil card and many went to see that The two Uurncys mado much fun, and. they with the "nagur,' and Dutchman kept tho people In n roar all the time. Tho bagpipes were something new and wero well appreciated. The dancing was of the best nnd there never wns better or more of It in Hcnoya. Harrigun's Tour ists can get a full house hero any time. Bloomsburg Opera House, Jan. 28. ;jv Systc-m ot Kducutioii. At a late meeting of the State Grnnco of Pennsylvania, Secretary Thomas submitted plan for a system of education in the Grange. He claims that a practical svstem of education In the order is feasible. He based his system on apian of home reading in regular and graduated steps. Tho sub ject matter is to be selected and arranged witli reference to tho wants nnd attainments of tlio renders, or ns the Secretary nuts it. 'tho students shall becin with tho simmer elements of the sciences nnd continue un til Hie subject is thorouchlv understood." The couise suggested by Secrctnry Thomas will embrace American h storv. uractlcal botany, chemistry, gcolocy, natural philos ophy and political economy, the subiccts to be studied Informally and reviewed at stated or special meetings of the Grange. l'armcrH, 1, 00k Out ! Farmers in the region ot tho Susque hanna nro being victimized by sharpers who advertise a new. variety of oats for sale. 'Hohemian oats," "China hulled oats," iii.d "Hod lined wheal" are rank swindlers- The modest sum of $15 per bushel for Ited line wheat is charged nnd in agreement made with the purchaser that the parties who sell him the wheat this year at ijlfi per bushel will tako of him double the quantity next year at S10 per bushel that he buys this year. The seed onts nro sold to farmers for nbout 7 per bushel nnd n similar agreement is made. 1 ho agreement nmounts to noth ing, for the company that makes the ag reement will have been disbanded before next year comes around. It is about time that people stopped signing papers without having even cu riosity enough to. examine their contents, Don't sign papers without understanding tlielr contents, and when they are offered by slraugers be doubly cautious. Tlie ImprlHoiicil .ttlnci-H Surely Head. Tho Jllno Inspectors who mado the in vestigation into the situation of nffnirs at Slope 1 of the Nantlcoko mines sny they could not see that anything further could bo done by the Susquehanna Coal Com pauy to hasten the recovery of the en tombed men. They claim that If ;tho men are reached at nil they can only be got at through the blocked workings and that no m6ro rapld.'progress can lie made than Is now being made by the rescuing party. The Inspectors expressed their entire satis faction willi tho measures taken by the company fo recover the men and say that even under tho most favorable clrcuin. stances it will take a month or six weeks longer to reach tlio spot whero tho victims are supposed to he. Tlio sinking of tho bore hole is being carried on only to satis fy the relatives und friends of tho entomb ed men, but It will be productive of no good, From all that can be seen and learned by the Inspectors who entered the mino they are fully satisfied that none of men are alive, and It is seriously doubted whether any of them .suivlved the first rush of water and saud. Aaron W. Hhoad. cs, superintendent of the mining engineer squad, reported on Jlouday that the work of the rescuing party is progressing. He says that no light has ns yet been seen by anyone since the ac;ident occurcd nnd tint no sound of any kind has been heard from the men Illcom l'oor IHHtrlL't. Tho members of tho Democratic Stand ing Committee for tho township embraced in Bloom Poor District met ut tho Ex change Hotel lu Illoomsburg on Saturday, 2!1 iust. Tho meeting wns called to order by D. Lowenberg, Chairman, and F. 1). Dentler was elected secretary. Nomina, lions for Directors being In order, J. W. Perry of Sugarloaf iiamcd Jlr, Fritz of same township, J, Drlcbelbis nominated Wesley Jlorrls of Greenwood, William Deilterich nominated Dr. F. W. Hcdeker of Espy, F, D, Dentler nominated O, A Klelm of H'.oom, and on motion tho noiui. nation closed, On tho 1st ballot Lowen berg, Deullcr, and DriebelbU voted for Kleim,U, Hlchnrt voted for .Morris, 1, Dolt, tcilch voted tor Hcdekej, 1, nnd Perry for Frit, 1, No choice. On 2nd ballot tlio tho voto win the samo except that Drle. belbls voted for Jlorrls, and Hlchnrt voted for Klcmv Nn choice. On 3rd ballot nil voted for Klelm except Deltterlcli and Perry who voted samo as before. Klelm was declared ono ot tho nominees. On llh ballot ull voted for Jlorrls, except Deltterlcli, who voted for Fritz. On motion Klelm und Jlorrls were unanimously nom inated. Adjourned. F. D, I)ntlki!, Secretary, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. l'.lcctlon NntlccH. Wo will send by nintl post-paid to any constable In tho county, one dozen election notices on receipt of 10 cents. Tins Is much chenper than thej con bo written. tf Ilctlvrlllv, On last fcrlday night there wns a party nt Thomas JlcJIurtlc's from Illack Creek. I There were two sled londs. Swank it Snyder were over the .Mountain to Sclirlnor's mill with n load of ryo re cently. They report sleighing very good, Dnnlcl lloyer has quite n sore eye. Wo nrc Informed that ho struck It with tho thrashing flail. Hev. Haslngor will prench In tho Forks church nt this placo on Sunday afternoon, It Is reported that C. E. Hortman Is go Ing to move to our neighborhood lu tho Spiing, Sallle Schweppcnhelscr was visiting E, L. Klrkcndall's nnd George Jtourcy's on bundny last. 1'owlerHville. Wo havo been rending the news of tho day, and learning therefrom, of great suff erings from tlio recent Hoods nnd cold wenther through out the country nnd con cluded that we havo been highly favored, our streams being able to control tho wat er, and shelter nnd heat to keep us warm health prevails and our children all go to school, 3llss Kate llarman being tho only ono sick and she Is improving. Our millers have hud some trouble with Ice, but both luvo kept running. Wo nro to liavo a S. S. Convention nt the 31. E. Church Saturday, Feb. Oth. Our black-smlth, Mr. James Kclchner, sold part of his goods preparatory to mov. Ing to Kansas whero he expects to make his futuro homo. Jamesjhas not only beena good smith, but n quiet, sober citizen and a most excellent neighbor, and we are loth to part with him, nnd to show our regret, on Monday evonlng ubout seventy of us assembled ut his father Anron's, whero ho is stopping to glvo him and h'.s good wife n "send oil". Ample preparations for the occasion had been made by tho friends, ns oysters, cakes, pies were left In abundance after the party had dispersed. To James and wifo we all say farewell. IloariiiKcrceU. Farmers arc busy hauling coal and lime. Harry Y. Oabel left for Philadelphia last Saturday. Uysetting wns ono of the requisites of sleighing on Sunday evening from church. Lucas Fnhrlnger's thermometer register ed 22 degrees below zero here, the morn ing ot tlio 14th Inst Preacher Hamlin, J. II. Stino and W, 1 eager each purchased now cutters for the lino sleighing. Danl. Houch and son Saml. left Satur. day morning for a visit to friends an'' rela tives In the vicinity of Niscopeck- Hev. Dr. W. S. Hamlin is not very well having been unablo to attend the quarterly meeting at Jit. Zion on Saturday and Sun day lust. The Editors of the Coluumax will accept our thanks for copy of their Pictorial An mini for '80 containing much useful nnd Interesting matter. Danl. Humble and George Getty left .Monday morning a week for the northern part of Sullivan county whcie they had been on business, returning on Saturday. Leander Eveling who resides in the western part of our village, on tho 14th inst became the happy father of two fine and healthy twin boys. Now "Lan" Clove- land would be n very good name for cither one or the other of thoso new boys. Lots of sleighing parties In this place Sat- urday evening. One sled with nine couple from Danvlllo put up nt Yeager's hotel ; soon after which the Etcelsior band, with eighteen pieces and twenty-four persons, of near Shamokln nrrived, also pulled up to the hotel . "Well" was somewhat crowded but be did his utmost for I1I3 guests. Tho boys having upset once or twice were pretty cold, but after getting thoroughly thawed up they "got off" some good music leaving for home, Sunday 9, A, 31. Also a party In town from Catawissa who pulled up at J Yeag er's, among them being 31. O. Hughes, F. L. bhuman, A. Truckenmlller, Simon Kaup and others. ICUHt IlClltOll. The most interesting branches cf study ever introduced into our public schools are physiology and hygiene. Parents and guardians take a moio lively and active part in them than the pupils do. The re sult thus far 1ms been several public exhi bitions with crowded houses whore speeches and much other promiscuous speaking of rather an excitable nature, were indulged In. Altogether they are marvelously developing the intellect of old and young In n stirring manner. Coerciou does not seem to conform to the spirit of our people worth 11 cent. .Mrs: Jlury Eipper, whose maiden name was .Mrs. .Maty Campbell, from near Or- ungevllle, with two chubby little boys, is visiting fiieuds in tills neighborhood. Hev. William H. Campbell nnd his sister, .Mary, took charge of Jlouroo Semiuary at Howman's Creek, Wyoming county, in tho year 1878 and remained principal and preceptress one year when tho former en tered Lafayetto college and tho latter ro- nained some time longer in tho seminary. In 1882 JIlss Campbell was married to Jlr. Thomas Eipper, of Dallas, Luzerne county, mid soon thereafter moved to Spottsylvunia county, u., not far from Fredericksburg, on n branch of the Jnmes Hlvcr, Having sold out, Jlr. Eipper, witli his family, re turned to Pennsylvania. Wu never yet saw 11 Winter which had not Its "frlzzis," "thews" "snows," and even "blows;" yet it is possible that our misguided muskruts migrated to Huckhornl and shamefully deceived us In tho signal service Hue. Jlr. Georgo 31, Gibbons was suddenly tn- ken sick last Friday: somo better now. The trouble Is heart nftecllou. Our Henton boys captured 420 fishes last Jlouday n week In what had been Swart wout's mill Cam. They got them all. Last Saturday we, In company with two others, searciicu lor more and never found "a one." Hev. I), 31, Klnter Is holding u series of meetings in tho Christian chapel at Cam bra. In the next round wo expect to see hy- gleuo knocked out of time. I have been troubled with catarrh from boyhood and had considered my cuso chronlo until about three years ago 1 pro. cured ono bottlo of Ely's Cream Ualni, and 1 count mysojf sound to-day, all from tho uso of ono bottle. J. H. Cooley, Hurdwaro Merchant, .Montrose, Pa. Tlio romainiui; copies of tbo History of Columbia County, a book of COO i;es illustrated anil bound in cloth will bo closed out at SI, 00 each, 25 cents oxtra by mail. For salo at Ui Coi.UMiiuK Olllce. Illoomsburg, Pa. Iliiltrontt CoIIInIoii at Ktipert. ONE MAX KILLED AND T11HKK INJURED A collision between two freight trains occurcd at 0.80 Saturday morning of last week nt tho North end cf Rupert yard, on tho Catawissa and Wllllnmsport branch of tho Philadelphia and Heading Hallrond, resulting In tho dentil ot ono man and tho serious Injury of thrco others. Tho follow. Ing arc the nnmcs ut tho victims, all real, dents of Catawissa. KILLED. Lewis Gctkln, 25 years old, married, fireman of north-bound train j crushed be. tween engine nnd tender nnd Instantly kill cd. INJUHED. William llcckcndorf, 43 years old, mnr ricd, engineer of North. bound train j badly Injured about back, breast and head, will recover. William Illlncr, married, brakeman cut and bruised ) not dangerously, Albert JlcCarty, 28 years old, single, en. gluetr of South-bound train s bndly Injur- cd nbout back, hips and legs, will recover, burled In the snow beneath a car load of lumber, and nlmost frozen before ho was rescued. llcckcndorf, engineer of tho North-bound train, Is responsible for tho collision. Ho loft Catawissa as tho first section of No 01 freight, with orders to meet and pass an extra at ltupert. As ho pulled through the yard at tho pissing point ho saw the switcli engine standing on a siding carry ing white lights, nnd supposing It was tho train mentioned in his orders, ho pulled out and crashed Into the extra on the curvo at tho North end of tho yard. Tho extra was coming at tho rate of about fif teen miles nn hour. The cars and engines wero plied ir. inextricable confusion, nnd tho locomotives wero completely wrecked. Getkin, the llremnn for Ueckcndorf, was pinned fast between tho tank and engine, and his body was horribly mangled. Beck. endorf was found lying upon the footboard of his engine, one of tho largo "dirt-burn crs,'' nnd his escape from Instant death wns remarkable. JlcCarty was thrown from his cnglno Into u snow-bank at the side of tlio track, and a carload of lumber was hurled upon him. Ho was found by some of the crew soon afterwards, with only his face showing above tho wreck. It required forty-fivo minutes to release him. Illlncr, tho brakeman, jumped Irom t jo cars as they struck, and was hit in the back by some of tho Hying timber. The track was blocked until evening, passengers being transferred in tho mean time. The Injured men wero taken to their homes in Catawissa, and aro now resting well. .This Is the most disastrous collision in the history of this division of tho Philadelphia und Heading ltailroad. Tho Coroner's in jucst resulted in tho plac ing of the blame of tho accident upon Engineer Beckcndorf. The financial loss will probably reach $30,000, as both en gines nud part of the rolling stock aro a total wreck. To tlic-Sunday Hcliool Workmen of tlic KcvHtonc state. Gukktino: The Pennsylvania State Sab bath School Association has long felt the need of direct nnd regular communication with the workmen nnd the field. In many parts of tho State the Sunday school organ ization is incomplete nnd the work ineffic ient. The Keystone State should rank in the very front of the Sunday school army. To this end the executive committee have decided to carry out the recommendation of the last Convention at Sunbury, nnd is suo a paper devoted to the interests and work of the Sunday schools of the State. It will at first appear as a quarterly, in the hope that it may soon bo much improved and appear as a monthly. The success of the undertaking will depend largely upon its reception by Individual workmen throughout tho schools of the State. Whilst a nominal subscription price is fixed at 25 cents it necessarily follows that the paper will have to bo suslalned principally by the liberality of tho friends ot the cause. It is proposed to circulate at least 5,000 copies among tho different counties. The Association has no fund to devote to this work and earnestly solicits private contrl buttons', ns well as subscriptions and ad vertisements, especially as in many locali ties the paper will have to bo distributed gratuitously In order to reach tho end de sired. The work of editing tho paper will bo a frco-will o.Tering most cheerfully made. The paper will aim to furnish its readers with reports of tho field, including statistics, and all matters ot general inter est. It will be tho medium of tho officers and executivo committee of tho organiza tion und thus take tlu place ot tbo annual circulars sent out by them. It will nlso coutniu special articles prepared by exper ienced Sunday school men, brief and practical. In this way it is earnestly hoped that tliis paper will prove a valuable aid and a welcome visitor to many homes and schools throughout the State. Hev. J. M, Hkimensnydeii, Lowistown, Ed. ami Chairman of Pub. Com. Hev. Alexandeu IIknhv, Wllllainsport, Asst. Editor. Hev. S. G. Siianson, Sunbury. W. S. Ko.s3, 31. D., Altoona. Ci.auknoe J. Hkddiq, Shlpp'jnsburg. Note. Subscriptions and contributions for The Penntyhxima Sabbath School Iteritw may bo sent to Clarence J. Heddig, Ship, pensburg, or tho chairman. Tho paper will bo Issued during the month of January. i.lKlitHtrcvt. On Saturday last quite a nnmber of ladles from town look a slclghrldo to Ureenwood. On Friday lust a number of Invited guests took in tho turkey roast at Jacob Terwilllgcr's. We learn that somo thieves broko In the granary of J. Terwllllger nnd helped them selves to tho substnnco that sustains life. Kather a bad season for that kind of work as there will bo poor hopes of getting Hour. On Wednesday night qulto a party from Berwick took possession ot Jtho hotel and enjoyed tho fantastic too until (bo "weo small hours of tho morning." Ill took supper. Hev. Byer commenced a series of pro. traded meetings on Tuesday evening. Thus far there has been ono seeker. H. 31. Johnson ono of our uptown black. smiths has been very busy for tho past week on sleigh work generally. Humor has it that there will bo an Inde pendent candldato from west Scott for tho olllco of poor director. The slate seems to havo been pretty well made up from all appearances, Ono of tho committee men says that tho Independent man shall bo tho candldato slnco ho helped to run Scott out of what sho Is justly entitled to. A. II. White is replenishing his stock of lumber, John Phillips on Friday brought in c load containing 2013 feet with two horses. On Saturday Jos Ilippeustccl took a load of young peoplo sleighing, visiting Blooms burg on tho route. Jlr. and Mrs. J. M. Ilulshizer returned home on Friday from a visit to hU old home In New Jersey. Amos Drlebclbls and family In company ! with Will Hartzel and wife called at Ellas 1 Driesbelbla' on Sunday, Centre, communicated) Having como to tho conclusion that somo nowe from Centre would not be out of place slnco there, Is no regular corres pondent I will give n short nccount of tho surrounding country ns viewed from ac quaintance mado In years gono by, Ccn trevllle a llttlo village situated on the west branch ot tho Susquehanna contains ono hotel kept by Jackson 31ann, two stores ono operated by Low Bros it Co,, tho other by Geo Hponslcr, two churches, a commodious school house, ono ot tho best that may be found In the township. This llttlo vlllago Is surrounded by a beautiful farm country passing from thero to what Is called tho llldlny church district wo pass many farms owned and operated by staunch old Democrats, and the now black smith shop operated by Jos Gclgcr, whilst his better half engages lu carpet weaving. In tho llcldlny district somo Improvements havo been going on of which tho lntest Is the new dwelling of Andy Hagcnbuch, nlso tho great molasses mill of F.D. Hagen buch which did a great amount of work considering tho country nnd tho Interest taken in tho raising of sugar cane. Whilst making tho circuitous route one of Blooms burg's old residents may bo passed, Jocob Aul who engages extensively In tho truck. Ing business, from thence wo may pass to thegrongo hall which was built by tho grangers, a part of which is rented to the township for public school purposes. In this part of the township may be found the genial host Lafayette Creasy and fam Ily, who lately purchased tlio old homo, stead of John Kclchner deceased, for the nominal sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars. Not wishing to occupy too much spaco 1 will shorten tho journey and give a few details of the different parts that havo not hnd any description, not wishing to be partial. From granger hall wo come b ick to the portion of tho country occu pled by E.,'.J. S., and F. P. Hagcnbuch sons of Jeny Hagcnbuch deceased) from there the beautiful farms ot Squire Hldlay may be viewed nnd tho steam tannery owned and operated by J. F. Hlnk & Sons. Centre townsiiip for sleighing parties. 3Ilss Jennio Sillier, daughter of Wilson Miller, who has been sick for somo time Is convalescing rapidly. Mrs. T. N. Swcppcnhiser is amongst the number on the sick list. Our schools for some time past have been small owing to the great fall of snow. The measles arc here as well as else where. CntawlHHn. The Luther Union purposes holding an entertainment In Jlasonlc Hall the 19th of next month. All should attend, as It is for a good cause. Ono of Jlr. KaufTman's chlldred died last week und was buried nt Turaaqua where 3Irs. Kaulf man's relatives live. Sleighing parties still seem lo be the rage In this place; hardly a day passes, but wc havo several either to, or from this place. One of the saddest collisions that has occurcd for a number of years, happened on last Saturday morning, by which one man was killed and three more seriously In jured, at Rupert. Two engines were almost totally demolished and quite a number of cars. The men were busily employed un til four o'clock in clearing tho track, and on Monday they worked at the wreck, but did not succeed In removing It. The men, who are Injured nro getting nlong as well ns can bo expected. Our supervisor has again notified the people not to deposit ashes or dirt in the streets. Why do the people have to be told each year of this tact? The burning of Sirs. J. Walters' house last week established one fact, that If wc Intend to have tho water works of any benefit in caso of fire, tlio citizens must cither purchase more hose, or else those who are any dlstanco from firo plugs will receive ho benefit. As the time for spring election is coming on, let the citizens see to it tiiat men are selected, who do their duty conscientious ly and look to tho interests of the people, more than to their pocket books. Men who will not hesitai! to do right if some of their particular friends aro not benefited or their pet scheme pushed forward, at tho cost of the taxpayer. Sir. Fisher who purchased tho drug store, from Helwig has a first class phar. maceutical education, and will woit on his patrons cither day or night. Tho remaining copies of the History of Columbia County a book of COO paces illustrated and bound iu cloth will be closed out at SI 00 caoh, 2.r cents extra by mail. For sale at tho Columbian Office. Bloomsburg, Pa. MARRIAGES. KAIILEH-SEVISON. - On Thursday. January 21, 1880, by Hev. F. V. Slanhart, at the residence of O. C. Kahlcr, Esq,, 3Ir. Charles H. Kahlcr to Sliss Kate Scvison. both ot Bloomsburg, Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. I. W. Ilnrlmau & Hnn's ginghams are in. See them soon. A few more ladles' nnd children's ennto to closo out cheap at O lark it Son's. 1. W. Hartman & Son's 20 nieces nf lilnn calico 8cts. a yard aro now open. Special bargains In black and rnlnm.l dress silks at Clark & Son's. See them. I. W. Hartman it Son's four Imli-s nf muslin are on hand. OJcts, a yard to 7 cts., by bolt fine and heavy. Clark it Son nro offerine sneclal barsalna In Hamburg edgings. Go see them. TO WHOM IT MAY OONOEItN. All persons aro hereby notified that nnv persons buying Conyngham township or ders will purchase tho samo subject to any equities that may exist as to tho taxpayers. jjmv uiu iaijuycra ivBsuuiaiion are win ing to mako all roads, keep in repair ull roads and bridges free of expense to Indi vidual taxpayers tor tho eur 1895. nnd subject to the direction of the Supervisors of said township and as thero is no legal tux levied for the year, and all leglllmuto expenses of tho Hood Department uro be- ing pain, mere is no necessity for any or ders being Issued. All orders require the signatures of both Supervisors of the Township Clerk and should bear the seal ot tbo township. Tho nbovo notice is being given so that all persons can govern themselves accord- l"'1'" . . a M' ItlLKY Agent for Taxpayer's Association. Ashland, Pa., Nov. 27, '85.-tf. Slusllni, 40-Inch wide, up to 2 yards at I. W. Hartman it Bon's. 10c. to 30c. All tho new styles in buttons, buckles and clasps for dress nt Clark it Son's, Embroideries at all prices now open at I. W. lUrtman it Son's. 1,000 yards more iu iuuow next yvccK, 100 dozen ladles' linen collars and cuffs, Including nil tbo now novelties ot the sea son, nt lowest prices at Clark it Son's. Summer panting, over all goods, Sprlug Burnings, eoiureu uucKings, denims, cliovl. ots, itc Just in-at I.W. llartman it Son's. You can buy muslins, calicoes, glifghams, tickings, towellug,itc, at lowest prices, at Clark it Son's, ,,, n The Whlto poods nrn rnimnir lnnl T V." - llartmaa it Son's. BUSINESS NOTICES. . Khcumitlsm is primarily caused bv ac Idity of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilln purines mo uioou, anu thus cures the ills case. For the poor miserable, Writable dispo sition of constipated children and dvsncn- ties, Dr. Hand's Plcnsant Physic Is nil they need. Try It nnd bo Jolly. Hcincin bo? It Is especially for children, sickly peo. piu mm women, no constipation oiler, wards. "Dozens of letters a day pour In upon Dr. David Kennedy, of ltoundout, N. Y., from peoplo who have been benefitted by using his popular preparation called Ken nedy's 'Favorite Hcmcdy.' And they of. id. iiiiiBtmiu wimi mis rcmarKuuio incut clno accomplishes In somo now nnd hith- firtn iintrlnil ni.1,1 nf nnjthflllnn NTnl qucntly patients come long distnnccs to Kiuni, 11. u uuuiur uiu uunu nnu express their gratitude for deliverance from pain." -Troy (N. Y.) Daily Tima. J.lMt. For earache, toothache, soro throut, swelled neck, and the results of cold and Inflammation, uso Dr. Thomas Eclcctrlc Oil the great pain destroyer. I hnd to comb back tho hair from my forehead and omit the parting to conceal my baldness. Slnco then Parker's Hair Balsam has mado my hair us thick and glossy ns ever. Ladles whose hair Is get ling thin wilt find tho Balsam just splendid. Slnry Swnnson, Chicago. jan-15-4t. Worms nro tho scourge of childhood. Thousands of children die or grow up weak nnd sickly, with disordered nerves and stunted minds, the lood ncccssiry to their growth having been eaten up by th;se disgusting parasites. Dr. Walker's Califor nia Vinegar Bitters not only expels worms, but frees the stomncli from the unhealthy secretions in which they breed. Aycr's Sarsaparilla, being highly concen trated, req lilies a smaller dose, and Is moro cflectlve, dose for dose, than any other blood medicine. It is the cheapest, be cause tho best. Quality and not quantity should bo considered. From the Dundee "Record," Dundee, A. 1'. 1 was troubled for a long time with ner vous nffeclions of the heart. It became so severe thatl fouud it dllllcult to He down getting hardly two nights rest In a week. Heart would beat very fast at times, and at other times very slow. When lying down could hear every artery in my neck nnd chest beat, seemingly ns loud ns a clock's tick. 1 was treated by some of the best physicians in Steuben and Yates counties, but received no decided benefit. I nccidenjally saw ono of Dr. Kilmer's "In. valld's Guide to Health, "and after carefully reading It over concluded to try n bottle of his Heart Hemedy. I did so, and after us ing four bottles I considered myself cuied. I can conscientiously recommend Ids Oeeao-Weed Heart Hemedy to any ono af flicted as I was. W. W. Westcott, Jan. 1, 1880. Editor Dundee Record. Dr. Kilmer's Occan.Wced Heart Itemrilv is sold by nil druggists. Price, $1.00. Liuuoratory, Jiinghnmton, N. V. Jnn.-15-4t. Slany cases of fever and ngue, dumb nnd congestive chills, wero promptly ar rested and entirely bnnlshed by the use of your Simmons Liver Hegulalor. You don't say Halt enough in retard to the elllcacv of your yaluable medicine in cases of ague, intermittent levers, etc. livery case has been arrested immediately. Believe me, when I say I was a sufferer for years with the liver disease, and only fouca relief by using your medicine. Hobcrt J. AVeeks, Hutavla, Knnc Co., 111. House wives, shop girls and saleswomen all sutler moro or less from weak buck and sideache. Apply a Hop Plaster and get Instant relief. A famous strengthener. 25c druggists. Slany suffering people drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into the grave, when by using Parker's Tonic they would find a cure commencing with the fit st dose, nnd vitality and strength surely coming back to them. jan.-15-4t. Pnntnln Mlli-lioll nf ll.o l.nrlr A !: Sola, low York and Havana trade, came I- l! .!!.. i.i.., iiuiiiu iu amy, euiiiciy jieipiess wiwi rneu mutism. He went to the mountains, but receiving no benefit, at his wlfo's request bepan tn lnkr Hnnd'H Snrsnnnrllln !T Im mediately began to improve: in two months lita .-I.e.. .notice ..1! 1 1... M...I lubuuiuuBiu nas ail vuv, uuu uu Blllieu in command of his vessel a well man. Hood's fijirsiiniirillji will lipln vnn Snl.l by all druggists. We should havo better preaching if the preachers were all sound and healthy men Calvin may have had the dyspepsia, but It did him no good as a theologian. A Jlcth. cdlst minister of Hartford, Conn., writes that Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite liemedy" cured him of chronic liver disease and In digestion. His brethren of all denomina tions are respectfully invited to note the fact. Sick preachers aro in poor condition to proclaim tho gospel news. Sound bod ies are wanted. jau.-15-4t. Wnin Hby wu ilck, w give her Cutorli, When the wu m Chfld, she cried for CastorU, When the became illee, she clone to Caetori, When she had Children, the gre them CutorU, EXECUTOR'S SALE Of VALUAULK Real JUslalc ! By virtue of authority contained In tho last will and testament ot Oeorgo Fan er, late of Jackson township, Columbia county, deceased, tho under slimed executor will expose to public sale on Saturday, February 20, 18S6, at 2 oMloek p. m., on tho premises, all that certain farm, tract ot land, situated In tho said township of Jackson, bounded on tho north by lands of Washington Knouse, Alexander Knousoand B. A. Piatt, on tho east by lands of ElUs Young ami William Colley, on tho south by lands of samuo Young and Oeo. W. Farvcr, on tho west by lands of B. A. I'latt nnd Thco. W. smith, containing about 85 Acres of JLand and allowance, on which aro eret ted a two-btory Frama Dwelling House bank barn and other outbuildings. All ot said land Is cleared, except about 20 A CUIUS OF TIM 11 Ell LA NJ). J'ursuant to directions contained In said wlll.tbo undivided one-tenth part ot said real estate, the Interest of Mrs. susaua Heath, will not bo sold. TEltMH of SALE. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property, tho one-fourth lessthetcn percent on tho nrst day ot June, A. I), ism); nnd tho remaining three-fourths In ono year.from June 1st, 1886, with Interest from that date. OEOItdE W. FAUVKII, Executor ot ueorgo Farver, dee'd. It. Bi-CKiNoiusi, Att'y. 1'. o Perry, ra. IDOW'S APPHAISESIENT. run tnUnwinrv Vi'Mmvi.. n..t.n. ...A. . prehentoatotho Orplians' I'ourt ot Columbia Co.. (n 1 lift flnit tlnnrliiii if L.. . . . . . I coMlriued nlal, and unlets uxci.Uons aro mini Wit ht tl f ftllP il ft V'u thnriiuflnn ti-l It t. a i solute: , .lw m w v.ui,n.ieu uo- James Barton estate, Bloomsburg, Personalty $'JHl.l!fi, ' ' Nathan Knlttlo estate, Beaver, liealty. Mini $31?3o " eallUe' CatuUssa- I'ersoualty, lteuben Rltler estate. Centre. Personalty, Jlto.71. Joshua M. Wllet estate, Illoomsburg. 'ltealty. HTl.lX). WM, H. SNYDKlt, clerk 5,", Clerk's offlce, Bloomsburg, l'a., Jan. is, ts V IBGLNIA FARMS FOR SALE. 1 riwEET tffWW J A l is AUEaTM'tter.biiill, Vi. CLAlimiOVr COI.ONV! VLAHUMDVl' l't)1.0.V I' toi.o.w i C'LiAltU.IIO.Vr COI.O.V V I I'liAltllXIO.Vl' COLON V I l'L.AIU:.HO.Vl- COLONY 1 DLAUL'.llO.Vr COLON V ! A new Home evtry It clayi Iq the lt yetri (In. lll.only M inoiithtlu.hM,toVVioSl, tinibol,lltlniuduiilUiliilv. 'iVud rii'fjlT f dv.uclng. StnU. wiul, und by all nua 5, wi3 lur circulate villi 4 unpi.36 l iolomipLu) "iu ol huusf i. all alum the niUcrtiil KtoMU of out cT. kMR'.'1" f" onllyitn.tllmV.i tu ibow A J Jim t, I, MAMt'ilA.CjeKniviit.tiiirry c,,Va " jau..'.Jv.ai4.t, FOR SALE. A lot ot ground sltuato on Third street In Scott Town, near tho Fair ground, about sixty by tw hundred feet, on which Is erected n dwelUnf house, grocery store, largo bake oven, stable ana OUt-bUlldlDgg. Also, another lot ol ground adjoining thcabor nbout torty by two hundred feeton which Is erect ed a mvEMJNO Ilorsu, nearly new,nlcely palat cd, nndout-bulldlnirs. For terms and conditions apply to a. c. KAnn, Hxchange, Montour county, l'l. or O. .Miller, Illoomsburif, l'a. Jan. Si, 4t. T 1CENSE NOTICE. otho Is hereby elvcn that tho tolloirlno- nivmM persons havo tiled with tho Clerk or tho Court ot ounrter sessions of tho lvace of Columbia CoL their petitions ror license, which will bo prenentM to tho snld court on Monday, the ot Feb ruary, A. I). 1H8B, nt 2 o'clock p. m.s Name. Twn. or Uoro. 1. Ilrennan, M. W. Centrnlla, ItestAursnr. . iiiuuj, .mines iu uaiawissa, 3. do. do. 4. Curry. Daniel V. Centralla. noUle I.lquor stop 5. onmore, Fred. M. Illoomsburir, 0. illlmore, Mm. II. do. 7. (llrlon, Jacob I.. do. P. Ilcckman (ieorgo Orange, 9. llngenbuch, W. If. do. 10. Markle, Moses A. llirwlclc. HfsUurtBl. Dottier Howl do. do. Restaurant II. Mann. John M. Centre. Hon om IS. .Mclirenrty, Jnmes Centralis, do. in. l'eirrer, Mrs. vm. do. do. Hobbles, Cortez it. Bloorasbure, Liquor store Tubbs, V. It. do. Hotel w.w. 11. s. vdeh, uierK o. u (I. M. OU1CK, Dep. Clerk's offlce, llloomsliurg, l'a., Jnn.ll, ISMS. It EOISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hercbr clvcn to nil leMfeea. rrorlirnn nnd other persons Interested In tho estates ot tho respeetlvo decedents and minors, that thofol lowlnit administration, executors and guardian accounts havo been nled In Min nmrn nr tfin undo. tcr of Columbia county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation nnd allowance in tho Orphans' court to bo held In Illoomsbure, on Monday. Fob renrylst wm, at 2'clock p. m.un said day: 1. The nrst nnd nnal account of Thomas W. Harrison Etr. or Samuel Harrison late of Fishing, creek township, deceased. 2. The first and final nccount of flennrn I., vnr. er, Administrator of Harriet Moyer Tato of the town of Iilooiuiburg, deceased. 3. Tho nrst and nnal nccount of nuy Jacoby. Executor of Nancy Knhl;r late of tho town of Dloomsburg, deceased. 4. Tho first and final nccount of Weslev liaun. Administrator of Oanlel Itnun. latj nf Intnl. township, deceased. 5. The account of Maurice E. Seybert, Adminis trator Of hUHAn Sevliert. imp nf flrnntrn (nwn.Mti. deceased. 0. The account of Maurice II sert. Admin!. trator de bonis non or Samuel Seybert lato of Kcott township, deceased. The flnal account of HavIiI Whit.mirp rannn. an of vm. Trcmley, minor child ot John Tremter lato ot Scott township, deceased. 8 Tho first nnd nnrtlal nnrniinr nf Nnmnnf ir Jayne, Executor ot Clara Linden lato of tho Uor ough of Berwick, deceased. 0. Tho flrst nnd nnal account, nf 1. 11. fiihhnna Administrator of (ieorge lles.s, lato ot sugarloaf township, deccasea. 10. The flrfet and final .Inhn Wpltl- ver, Administrator of lteuben Itouch, lato ot Mon tour township, deceased. II. Tho flrbt and nnalnccmint nf stpniir-n Pnhn and I'hUlp u: Miller, Trustees ol l'hebc A. Mulor, lato ot Mifflin township, deceased. 12. The nrst and Ilnal account of II. O. Crevel lug, Administrator ot Susan 11. Case, Into of Scott vui.tiaiil,., Ul. ..-il-.!!. OEO. W. STKUNElt, Jan, 8-to Itcgtater. SHERIFF'S SALES. Ily virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot ths Court ot Common l'leas ot CoL Co., and to me di rected will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House In Bloomsburg, at vi u'elock p. m. on MONDAY FEBRUARY 1st, 1SS0, All that certain vlllago lol sltuato In Espy, Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the south by Main street, on the west by an alley, on 1110 east by lot owned by Alexander wanlck, being sixty feet fronton Main street, whereon li erected a two-story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-bulldlngs seized, taken in execution at the suit of M. C. Woodward vs. John Waters and to bo sold as th property of John Waters. Al. Vend. Ex. HowKLt, Atty. ALSO, All the following real estate lo-wlt: All thwe thrco certain lots of ground lying contiguous to each other In Itoberts' Addition to tho Town ot Catawissa being lots marked or numbered In th plot or plan ot said Itoberts' Addition, numbers Mty-slx, nity-seven and fifty-eight, M, 37 and Ml, forming one whole square In said plot or pUnot two hundred and ten feet In length aud thessnre In breadth, bounded on tho east by Fourth street ot said Itoberts' Addition, on tho west by an alley and on tho south by tho boundary line of saJd Itoberts' Addition to tho Town of Catawissa which said described real estate Is situate In Itoberts' Addition to tho Town ot Catawissa, In tho town ship ot Catawissa, County of Columbia and Stato of Pennsylvania, whereon is erected a two story brick dwelling house, barn and other out-bulld lDgs. Seized, taken in "exeoutlon at the suit of Solomon D. lUnard vs. Charles W. McKelvy and to be sold as tho property ot Charles V. McKelvy. Vend. Ex. Hiuwjt, Atty. ALSO All that certain property sltuato tn Jackson township, Columbia county, l'a., bounded and O "cnbed as follows, to-wlt :On the north by prop erty of Win. Brink, on tho east by property ot wiiuam i-arKs, on the south by property of Boyd Itlchie, on tho west by property of Thoa. V. Young. containing ntty acres, whereon aro erected a two story frame dwelling and bank barn, wagon shed and straw shed. Seized, taken In execution nt. tun suit, nr r.uuv Sleppy now lo use ot Jacob (Jerrard against Dan iel s. Young aud to be sold as the property ot Dan iel s. loung. K.A-W. Al. Fl. Fa, , . SAMUEL SMITH, Jan. Sth, 1S80. Sheriff. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! !, Kllno deceased, will offer at rrlvato sale A FARM sltuato two miles above Oraogev lllo, along Fish- ingcreeK. Known as me liomefitoad, containing 84 ACRES. It Is In a good state ot cultivation, and thfio is erected thereon a Large Dwelling House, well painted, and in good condition, largo bank barn with sheds attached, carriage house, wagon shed, hog pen, and other out-bulldlngs In first class condition. Two wells ot water, ono at the nouse, nun tho other ut tue barn, ;;::;: ol Excellent Fruit. ALSO ANOTHER FARM containing 60 ACRES, In Orange township, ndjolnlng tho ono abovo de scribed and In a good state ot cultivation, on w bleh aro erected a TWO STORY HOUSE, BAHN AND OUT-BUIUHNUS. Also & tract ot Timber Land, In said township, containing 50 AORKS. Any of tho abovo properties remaining unsold on the 1st of February will bo for lent. For terms and conditions apply to J. HOWAltll KLINE, orangevtlle, r. Jan 8, It. E. B. BROWER UAS FITTING A STEAM HEATIKO DEALElt IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Rool ing nnil Spouting promptly attended to. tfSvrtct attention given to heating by steam, Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa,