The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
J. K. BlttesVender.,; Ellt0"'
, Samuel Ithodcs, tho Democratic
member of tlio Delaware County Hoard
of Auditor.'", ha i of used to npprovo
Uiat portion of tlio County Treasurer's
icport In which the bill of tlio firm of
Vernon & Cooper, publishers of tho
Delaware Comity American, for
printing tho advertisement of the Mer
cantile Appraiser's report is charged
agfihst tlio county. Rhodes claims
that tho advertisement in the .i-lmfrcan
was not authorized by tho Appraiser
nnd this is admitted by Senator Cooper's
til in, who published tho report on the
interpretation of tho law which pro
vides that it shall appear in thrco of
the county papera including tho official
organs of tho two political parties.
Tho proprietors of tho American ns
Hiimed thai tho journal was tho otlicial
organ of thn Republican party in Del
aware couuty, printed the advertise
ment and received tho money through
an order from tho Auditor General's
ofliee, obtained by Senator Cooper's
A friend at court Ls sometimes a
good thing to have. Tho law requires
that tho Mercantile Appraiser shall
certify that the papers asking for pay
wero selected by him to publish tho
list, but tho Auditor General paid tho
bill of tho Republican state chairman
without compliance with the law.
And especially concerning law li
braries, in which it seems to mo a
great revolution and reform might and
should be made. The small, compact
and neat law library is a thing of the
past. Of tho making of law books
thcro is no ond. Subjects arc sub-divided
and largo and expensivo volumes
written upon branches which, a few
years ago, wero sufficiently treated in
a chapter or division of a volume. On
one Binglo subject, that of "Corpora
tions,'' legislation and litigation have
evolved hundreds of volumes, and rail
road reports ate coming to bo a nuis
ance, and a oumberer of the shelves.
And what is still raoro frightful they
aro being produced by tho Courts and
tho reporters by tho dozen a year.
Every largo county in the Stato must
havo its legal jonrnil, and tho weekly
issues aro forced upon tho attention of
the Bar of tho State, and support ve
hemently urged. I do not mean to say
these publications are of no value far
from it. It is the fact of their value
to tho busy practitioner, that causes
tho trouble, for it must bo admitted
that much of tho matter in them is
mere padding. Still they exist and in
most cases give good reason for con
tinuing to exist. And it is to be feared
that instead of diminishing they mav
increase; though the new enterprise of
tlie Uounty Court Kenorts is a step in
the right direction, and may prevent
somo and absorb others.
Tho date of our first reported Su
preme Court case in Dallas is 1754, and
up to 1854, one hundred years, there
were only eujbty-six volumes issued.
From 1854 to 1884, only thirty years,
there are eighty-six more, and these do
not lnclu-io Urant and 1'ennypacker.
And if to theso we add the side re
ports, making several hundred volumes
more, it can be easily seen that we
need not go outside of Pennsylvania
to overwhelm the poor country lawyer
wiiu books, and distract the ludces
with conflicting decisions whioh are
called authorities, and altogether mak
ing confusion wono confounded. But
in addition to all this, the reports from
sister States and of the Supreme Court
oi the United states aro thrust upon
us; and as if thero were not yet
enough, the "American Decisions" bo
gin out in California, aud propose to
come troni too beginning ot the lov
ernment to tho year 1809; and thcro
the "American Keporta becin and
propose to continue for all time to
come," and wo may well repeat tho
agoniziug cry of Solomon, "Of the
making of books there is no end."
But after all, this is only the beuin
mug of sorrows. There are carl loads
of books upon evidence, civil and
criminal, upoe uanKrupicy, upon
Jiiens, upon Atlmavits ot Defense, Mo
chanics' Liens, Saving Funds, Married
Women. Divorce, tho Domestic Re a
lions, and about every other subject
wiiu which uiu courts aro caned upon
lo ooai.
it is manliest mat tno monov in
vested in books and book cases is cnor
mous, far beyond that it should bo or
need be, and it is in this matter cspeo
ially, whero revolution and reform
must be made. A few considerations
aud figures will show what could bo
dono and what soon must bo dono.
Thero nro forty members of tho Bar
in Columbia County, and it is safe to
say that there are twenty-fivo complete
pets of thn Reports of our Supreme
Court in thocounty, and also numerous
incomplete ones; together with several
thousand volumes of outsido Reports
and text books of tho law. Including
tho collection in tho Bar otlice io the
Court House, it is safe lo say that tho
law books in Columbia county cost not
less tnan tiitrty thousand dollars; and
many of them aro duplicated, as it
wero, more tlian twenty tunes over
Tho cases nnd shelves for the earn of
theso books cost more than a thousand
dollars. This is a dreadful wasto of
wonoy. Ten thousand dollars would
probably pay for all tho separate works
nnd reports in nil tlio libraries in the
county; and ten dollars a pteco an
nually would keep the library stocked
with nil tlio necessary curreut law liter
ature. If all tho. law libraries iu Blooms
burg wero put into a ioint stock con
cern, with duplicates of the Reports,
and a proper and convenient building
erected for tho purpose, tho tax for law
books, which now runs to hundreds of
dollars a year, would be a mero baga
telle. The capitalist who would erect
such a building would make n profit-
nolo investment, and all parties would
bo benefitted. Take a building iu
winch tliree or lour lawyorsaro tenants
if thero was ono good, warm, weli
lighted room lorn common library, ono-
loiirth us many I ooks as aro now pro
vlded by them would bo enough, and
they would have tho uso and advantage
ot ii large library at small cost.
Fifty volumis of working books
would be all that any lawyer would
need in his ofliee; and ho couM exam
ine his authorities at his good leisure,
at his table in tho common library
room, and with tho use of tivo times ns
many bonks us ho could owu himself.
His stock iu this Library compiuy
would bu valuable, aud could be sold as
now members were desirous lo couie
in and use, for a few hundred dollars,
u library worth thousands. J. G. F.
An Act.
MONWEALTH. Section 1. lie it enacted, fce., That
for the benefit of agriculture and for
tho protection of game within this
Commonwealth, thero Is hereby estab
lished tho following premiums for tho
destruction ot certain noxious animals
and birds, to bo paid bv the respective
counties, in which tho samo are slain,
namely: for every wild cat two dollars,
for every red or gray fox ono dollar,
for every mink fifty cents, for overy
weasel fifty cents, for every hawk fifty
cents, and for every owl, except tho
Arcadian screech or barn owl, which Is
hereby exempted from tho provisions
of this nut, fitly cents.
Section L. it shall bo tho duty ot
nny person, having killed any antmamr
bird mentioned in tho first section of
this act, nnd who is desirous of avail
ing himself of tho premiums therein
provided, to produce such slain animal
1 i i i.i
or oiru ueiore uuv iiiugiouun.-, uiui-i-
man or iiistico ot .tno peace oi mo
county, in which the samo was killed,
and make affidavit of tho time and
,co of killing tho same. J'rovitletl,
l'hat the pelt, if entire from tho tip of
the nose of nny .such animal, may be
produced in lieu of the same, when so
preferred; and upon tho reception of
any such animal, or pelt, or bird it
shall bo tho duty of such magistrate,
alderman or justice of the peace, in tbo
presenco of raid person killing such
animal, or bird, nnd one elector of
tho county, to cut off the ears of such
animal or" tho head of such bird, and in
tho presence of said persons, burn the
Section 3. Upon the destruction of
tho cars or heads as aforesaid, the
magistrate, alderman or justico of the
peace shall givo to the person produc
ing Buch animal or bird, a certificate
of compliance with the provisions of
this act directed to tho commissioners
of tho county, in which such animal or
bird was slain, which certificate shall
contain the following facts, the kind of
animal, or bird killed, when, whero
and by whom killed, and tho date by
whom and in tho presenco of what
elector tho cars of said animal or head
of said bird was destroyed, and upon
the production of such certificate, tho
said commissioners shall givo au order
upon tho county treasurer lor the pay
ment of tho premium or premiums pro
vided by this act; and it shall be the
further duty oi the magistrate, alder
man or justice of tho peace taking the
affidavit, provided in the second section
ot this act, to hie tho samo lorthwilh,
or cause tho same to bo filed, iu tho
ofliee of tho commissioners of the
county, and upon filing tho same, tho
said magistrate, alderman or justice of
the peaco shall receive from tho county
stoik, tho sum of twenty cents, in full
compensation for all services under
this set.
Section 4. If any person shall wil
fully and fraudulently collect any
premium or premiums, provided by
this act, or shall aid, assist or abet in
any oflicial capacity, or otherwise, in
the same, he, she or thev shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd
upon conviction, they shall bo sent
enced to pay a fine not exceeding fivo
hundred dollars, and undergo an im
prisonment not exceeding one year, or
either, or both at the discretion ot the
Section 5. Any or all laws, or parts
of laws, inconsistent herewith bo and
the same aro hereby repealed.
Ai'i'itovED The Sod dav ot June,
A. D. 1885-
The Eight Hour Law.
the president declares in its iwvort.
In a recent interview President
Cleveland said, concerning the eight
hour law: "1 believe that the law is
a sound and good ono nnd that it
should bo enforced to tho letter. I
have no information regarding instan
ces of its violation or evasion, but if
such instances nro presented to tno I
will seo thai tho abuso is remedied and
tho full spirit of tho law enforced,
which I understand to be to pay work
men in the government employ for
eight hours' work daily what is paid
outsido of the government employ for
a full day's work. Tho govcrnmonl
cannot afford to set the examplo of
non-enforcement and non-observance
of its own enactments.''
The President further said: "I
appreciate the effect upon tho mechan
ics of tho country of the constantly
increasing use of labor-saving machin
ery and I can think of no more prac
tical relief for the unemployed surplus
labor than tho occupation by it of tho
publio lands. I do not hesitace to say
that I am heartily in favor ot any
feasible plan for tho encouragement
and .issistance, if need be, of prospec
tive American settlers upon the pulic
domain by the General Government."
In this the President expressed somo
very radical views upon tho subject of
tho occupation of vast tracts of public
land by foreign capitalists. The Pres
ident seemed desirous of impressing
upor. his hearer his willingness to heart
ily co-operate with Congress in any
efforts it may mako to elovato the
working class and improve tho social
condition of the bread-winners.
Miss Cleveland at Muncy,
recollections ok how she taught
"You know, of course," said a Clin
ton township gentlemen to a Telegram
representative recently,"tbat Miss Rose
Cleveland, tbo J resident a sister, was
a teacher in tho Munoy Semiuary at
ono timer'
"So l'vo heard," said the Telegram
man. "How long ago was that'"
"Abouruen years. -Miss Cleveland
was not over twenty-five years old
when sho came to Munoy and during
her stay there sho became quite popu
lar. To givo you on idea of her dis
position: One prominent lady of
Munoy conceiwd a strong aversion to
Miss Cleveland upon first meeting her.
The latter thereupon determined to
make this particular lady the very best
friend sho had in Muncy. Not only
did she mako this determination, but
she accomplished it, and before sho
left Munoy tho lady in question hold
her in very high regard and had bojomo
her warm and devoted friend.
"Sho 1ms silica paid frequent and ex
tended visits to Miss Cleveland at her
homo at Patent. Among her other
close friends wero Mrs. Patton and
daughlor, of our township, where she
often visited. Shu also visited the
family of Colonel Lilloy, who is n-son-in
law of Mrs. Patton. Sho enjoyed
her visits to these farm houses exceed
ingly and made herself entirely at home.
Sho was very praotical and sensible
and adapted herself perfectly to the
situation wherever she went. At Mrs,
Patton's sho was in tho habit of climb
ing n lnrgo applo trco that stood in tho
yard and sealing liersolf in tho fork of
the trco. There sho would remain for
hours, reading some favorite book. At
this timo sho was familiarly called
'Johnny' Cleveland. She did not for
get her friouds after leaving here,
either, but has kept up correspondence
over since. Letters have been received
from her by these families since she
has been living in tho Whito House.
Sho has also sent them her pictures
and they havo received invitations to
visit her at the capital.
"A lady nt Muncy nttnided ono of
her receptions at tho White House.
Tno hostess promptly recognized her
and said: 'Aro you hero Maiy Don't
go nway, I want lo havo a talk with
you.' "
"Do you think Rose has much in
fluence with Grovorf tho gentleman
was asked.
"Has shot You can depend upon it
she has. Why ono of her old ftiends
hero thought ho would liko to have n
position in tho Patent Office. He
wrote to Miss Cleveland, stating his
desire in that direction, and almost by
return mail ho received a letter convey
ing tho coveted appointment. Oh, yes.
sho has plenty of influence with
"It has been claimed that Miss Clove
land helped write the message; do you
think sho did ?''
"Well, I heard a lady who is well
acquaittd with Miss Cleveland and who
is thoroughly familiar with her literary
style say: 'If the President's sister did
not write three-fourths of his lato mes
sage then I am worse mislnken than
I've over been in my lifobefore.' "
Tho same petili- im-n m-snred 1 lie
Telegram cuti-poi.dent that Miss
Cleveland while with tho Muncy Semi
nary displayed a strength of character,
a self reliance and a degree of literary
ability that attracted attention nt the
time, and those who then becamo ac
quainted with her have not been sur
prised at tho prominence sho has since
attained to, aside from tho distinction
involved iu being tho mistress of the
White House. Tho peoplu about
Muncy aro naturally viry proud nt
having known a lady who is now in
such an exalted position Elmira
Governments and nations havo their
origin in a higher than an inherent
power hence, liko individuals, nro
born to die, to live nnd servo their day
and generation then perish. Their
deeds are, and should be, put upon
record for future judgment by succeed
ing generations to profit withal. Liko
individuals, they are subject lo malig
nant convulsions that threaten their ex
istence nt every stage by sudden ami
open rupture, or, afllicted'with diseases
milder in form that may bo overcome
by reform, and prolong thoir existence
to a more nature age. Our country's
hopo la in the rising generation. Since
all tho flood gates of light and knowl
edge incidental to science and ait,
wealth ami renown, civilization and en
terprise have been lifted up, and the
mighty rush of general intelligence has
swept away types and shadows, ignor
ance1 and superstition, and upon tho
surface of the current carries tho drift
wood of vice, immorality and crime in
every channel aud avenuo of liberty
and justice, forming formidable gorges
and obstructions that either menace or
threaten destruction to society at large,
and more especially to society in local
communities. Hence wo said, that in
the rising generation is the hopo of our
country, since totbein will bo submitted
issues moro profound and momentous
in importance, hence, greater responsi
bilities will devolve upon them. Re
formers aro to-day upon the active
arena that belongs, to lutuio genera
tions, preparing tho way by their praise
worthy deeds that will .lead to the
abolishment and exclusion of many
eviis now sancuoneu ana protected by
law. This will bo a necessary result
for tho perpetuation of our free insti
tutions, and more paiticulnrly for
tho protection against tho continual
and unlawful encroachments of evil
upon society. There aie but two
classes that enter into the composition
of society, both of which strugglo for
supremacy and leadership; and lo fur.
ther their causes make uso of all the
power and intluenco they can bring to
hear upon each. Theso two classes
may bo known as tho law loving, or,
law abidiiur, and tho insubordinate.aud
in these two classes aro visibly mani
fest the two spiritual kingdoms tho
"Powers of Righteousness" and the
"Powers of Darkness." Insubordina
tion is duo largely to a lack of exercise
of parental authority which gives rise
to insubordination to still timber au
thority, and which is daily augmenting
both ns to numbers and magnitude.
Aim me nnat issuo will bo tho strug
gle between our liberties nnd despot
ism. This end can only bo averted bv
wise, prompt and energetio action of
tno rising and luture generations.
iney will not dare to parloy and com
promise with wicked and questionable
customs as their fathers did, as the
lines between these classes will be
more closely drawn ns timo rolls on.
iho laws in tho luturo will necessarily
beuomo moro speedy nnd effectual in
tho punishment ol crime, or, insubor
dination will be kept at bay only at
tho point of a bayonet. All our cities
aro governed to-day, moro by police
force (t) than by civil law?. On no
count of tho lenity and delay ol tho
laws and punishment of crime, tlio
lawless havo lost all terror for civil
laws. Behold tho chronology of crime
the press is daily exhibiting to publio
view au over our lauu; men inter troni
such a record whether futuro uenera
tions will, or not, successfully grapple
wwi many oi tno evils that nro alarm
ingly prevalent today. But wo aro
told that "society has no euro for its
ills," "no balm for its wounds." If
that bo true whero then shall wo look
or hopo for tho ideal society promised
by so many through reformation by
expulsion of many of tho Present oyils
through tho enforcement of compulsory
laws t It is evident to all that a crisis
is approaching which many believo to
culminate in a deadly conflict between
"capital and labor." Of such a result
we have not the remotest idea. But
has the appearance of an almost end
less conflict between lawabiding citizens
!...!.... i . ,.
uuu luuiaui iiiiiuniu iiuu insuuoi innate
commi'iiism. The furnace that is to
burn tho dross nnd purify tho golden
metal may not bo clearly defined bv
any ono; but its fires are kindled and
oaiiy luuueii aim the heating process
in full operation; but tho mouluitiir to
mains iu unseen fundi X.
After ti vo months of incessant burn
nig tho firo in Packer colliery No. 2, at
nusi vyree uas ueen subdued. J'ifty
thousand dollars was spent iu extin.
guujiilng the flame?. Work will re
sume this week.
IJichnrd Curium, a prominent coal
operator ot im. Uarmel, died sudden
ly on Satii'day, no i 03 years.
(From our ltegulur Correspondent.)
Washisoton. 1). O., Jan. 2.5, 18S0.
Skirmishing between tho President
and tho Republican Senators; lively
debates' in tho lower branch of Con
gress; notable speeches In tho Senate)
n Convention iu behalf of tho Missis
sippi river; and another by tho Nation
al Hoard of Trade aro featuresof the
week at the Capita'.
Tho controversy between the Pri'si.
dont and tho majority in tho Senatn
has rt ached an interesting point, and
there is prospect of a political debate
in that end of the Capital this week.
Tho Republicans of tho Senate de
termined lonu slnco to make ns much
trouble for tho President and his party
ns tuoy could, iney will tako every
nrlvantage within their leach to per
lilex ami annoy ihu Adminislrntinn.
They nsumu this cuurso to bo a polit
ical uiity, .mil their leaders, lulinunds,
lloar, .Mori HI, Sherman and others aie
thoioughly trnined in nil tho aits of
obstruction nnd lruislativo chicanery.
Thoy wero drilling for this onslaught
on the persons and policy composing
the Administration.
Senator Kdmunds proposes lo becin
tho fight by oflVrint: his resolution
calling ui)on tho Preisdent to furnieh
i.. t . r ,., i.
mini minimi ri'g.iming 1110 cafCS oi re
moval of federal officials and his reasons
for tho same. Tho Democratic Sena
tors aro united and harmonious and
will support Mr. Cleveland. They ate
getting ready for tlio discussion by
holding caucuses and the Republicans
aro doing likewise.
mere is no moro bitter partisan in
the Senate than chieftain Edmunds.
of Vermont. Ho is tho arch enemj of
uiu juiiiucruuu party, nnu no shaped
this little game while professing great
admiration for tho President's good in
tentions and an anxious desiro for uis
success. Ho took pains to call at the
White Houso at the timo of Vice-Presi
dent Heudrick's death and affected
good will towards Mr. Cleveland by
urijiiig mm not to auentl me luncrnl
at Indianapolis. Mr. Edmunds be
lieves moro in strategy than in violence,
and he has laid bis plan for entrapping
the President very artfully. Ho would
like aonve all things to convict Mr.
Cleveland of inconsistency as a Civil
Service Reformer and to trip the Ad
ministration. President Cleveland's fnturo course
in the matter cannot be outlined. Ho
has expressed his willingness to fur
nish the Senate with all tho papers on
file iu the Departments bearing upon
his appointments, and such documents
havo been sent. But. whether or not
he will agree to Mr. Edmuuds' propos
ed demand remains to be teen. He
may be relied upon for knowing his
rights under the Constitution, and
also tho application of the Civil Ten
ure law to his appointments. Ila is
not np'. to be discourteous to tho Re
publican majority in the Senate, but
he is apt to maintain tho authority of
the Executive. The Senate may re
tent any lofusal to furnish reasons for
suspension or removal, but it can only
reject nominations, or lay them over
The Senate has again been debating
tho old Electoral Court problem. Sen
ator Sherman went at length into tho
issues involved, opposing all other
plans nnd offering ono of his own, to
tlio effect that if the two Houses disa
gree, they shall meet in joint conven
tion and elect a President. Other
Presidential candidates besides tho
wily Senator from Ohio, discussed how
the next vote for tho Electoral Col
lege should bo counted. These weie
Evarts, Mr. Hayes' Secretary of State,
and Edmunds "and Hoar, either of
whom is reckoned as an eligible New
England candidate if the other one
can be gotten out of tho way. Four
other Presidential aspirants 'sat in a
grou, silent but alert listeners, turning
occasionally to .1 neighbor and whisp
ering with tho emphasis of a clenched
fist. Theso were Ilawley, Harrison,
AIHsod, and Cullom. The subject evi
dently had a personal interest for each,
although Logan has said recently that
no man can go from tho Senato to the
White Houso nowaday.
The Houso has been discussing Pen
sions among other things. Nearly all
the old pension projects of the Forty
Eighth Congress havo been introduced
in this, whilo there aro some new ones
which outdo in extravagance anything
hitherto pioposed. Thero was a warm
debate on the bill increasing widows'
pensions from 8 to 12. "Represen
tative Reagan, of Texas opposed it.
Said he ; "I do nol expect to defeat
the bill, nor any Pension bill brought
up here, no matter how great an out
rage it may bo upon common sense
and common right. But in the name
of my constituents and tho tax payers
of this country, I protest aginst the in
discriminate giving of pensions to all
men and all women who ask for them.
The purpose of thoso who bring for
ward theso bills is not to benefit the
men or women in question. Their
motive is to buy thoboldier's vote, and
to make the tax-payeis of the country
pay for their political supieniacy.
The Silver Question.
Congressman Brown, ot Bradford' is
very conspicuous in the Pennsylvania
delegation for his attitude on the silver
quoatiou. Last year he was an advo
cato of suspension, but during the
Summer vacation or in tho weeks pre
ceding the announcement of commit
tees his views underwent a change.
Ho announced that he was in favor of
fice and unlimited coinage of the
American metal, and introduced a bill,
of which tho following is tho most in
terestiug section :
"Thai at the option of tho owner of
any silver bullion produced and miued
within the United States, but not else,
wheie, he may deposit tho samo with
tlio Treasurer of tho United States iu
quantities not less than 100 ounces
Troy weight, and receive in exchange
thereof, at tho rato of $100 for every
112 J grains standard silver, silver cer
tificates iu tmius not less than SlOeach
and any multiple thereof correspond,
iug with tho denominations of tho
United Stales notes ; and the bullion
deposited (or or representing tho certi
ficates shall bu retained in tho treasury
for the payment or redemption of tho
same on demand. And the said silver
ceilificates, authorized by tho second
and third sections of this act, shall bo
a legal tender at their nominal vnluo
to tho same extent and for tho bame
put poses that gold certificates nro a
legal tender under existing laws."
Noaily overy one of thu newspapers
in his district havo taken tho ground
that his proposition is wrong, and a
great .many private individuals have
written him protests and advice to
abandon it. The pressure seems to bo
growing nnd tho delegation aro watch
ing with a great deal of iuterest for
tlli H'Sllll,
A frightened horso lecently Imped
from a biidgo near Ziegloisville, a
distance of iiO feet into u stream below 1
nnd fijoaped uuhurt.
Tcnnsjlvanla News.
Northampton Coiipty during 1885
granted 32 divorces.
Pink-oyo has made its appcar.moo in
Fayctto County.
Dandelion sold at 10 cents aplato in
Reading on Saturday.
Tho new carpet factory nt Bristol Is
rnpldiy hearing completion.
Tho now Lutheran Church nt Lititz
will bo dedicated on February 11.
Tho deposits iu the National Bmks
of Reading nmoiint to $3,003,003.
Pittsburg's eiomatory has been test
ed and is now leady for business.
A lnrgo skating rink nt Beaver Falls
is to be converted into an opera house.
Eight divorces were granted nt tho
last session of Crawford County Court.
The Qiiakerlort-n creamery consumes
about 5,000 pounds of milk per day.
Tho ico on tho Susquehanna below
Columbia is reported lo bo 3 to 4 feet
A disease among horsos has broken
out in Peunsburg Township, Chestir
Tho free bridge question i3 agitating
the minds of the average Coniiellsvillo
In various places in the Stnto skating
rinks nro being transformud fur thea
trical purposes.
The Commissioners of Crawford
County have fixed the tax levy at seven
mills for the piesent year.
The twenty-four banks iu Lancaster
County have an aggregate capital and
surplus of $1,200,000.
A Union County youth recently
diank a pint of whiskey and started to
run two miles. He fell dead at tho
end of the second mile.
Four huudred and eight students
are on iho roll of the West Chester
Normal school. This is the larpot-t
number in the history of the instilii
Recuitly a butcher going from Mil
ford to Freiichtown in a wagon was
found to be almost frozen. Restora
tives were applied and he revived.
During December 4,125 squares of
roofing slate was shipped oxer the
Bangor and Portland Railroad from
Hangor and 4,050 squares from Pen
Two tramps who had beem put to
work bieaking stone at Altoona work
ed faithfully until after they .had their
dinner when they suddenly took their
Three women were immersed in the
Schuylkill River on Sunday, whilo the
thermometer legistered 15 degiecs
above zero. Ono thousand persons
witnessed tho ccrmony.
Judgment was rendered iu favor of
tho defendant in a suit whero the
plaintiff attached a railroader's w,ag(s
through a West Virginia agency for
a bill ho owed a Pittsburg paity.
A Germanlown girl who has been
three months a wife will sue for a di
vorce. Her husband has treated her
in cruel nnd shameful manner. The
courtship was as brief as the honey
moon. A gill ten years old, of Scranton,
wants tho Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company to pay her $15,000 damages
for ono of their trains striking her and
cutting off one of her feet. The trial
is in progiess.
The Hungarians Going-
A Hazelton dispatch says : The
recent stoppage of work kat many of
the mines iu this legion on account of
tlio workings having been flooded, ha
caused a largo exodus of Hungarian
laboiers who havo been thrown out of
work, and crowds of them are leaving
daily for New York City to tako pass
age for their nalhc country. The
exodus is alao in piogrtss in other
parts of the coal region, and it is esti
mated that over 800 Hungarians left
last week. Most of them havo saved
money laugiugin sums fiom $200 to
$800, and are content lo leave, as they
can live comfortably on this amount
for tho rest of their days in their na
tive country.
It is an established act that Hood's Sar
suparilla lias rroun an Invaluable remedy
la nianj severe cases of rheumatism, effect
Ins rcmarkablo by Its powerful action
hi correcting tlio acidity of the blood, whleh
Is Iho cause of tlio disease, and purifying
and enriching tho vital fluid.
It U lertalnlv air to assume that what
Hood's Sarsaparllla lias done for others It
vrlU do for you. Therefore, If you suffer
tho pains and aches ot rheumatism, give
this potcut remedy a fair trial.
A Positive Cure.
" I was troubled very much with rheuma
tism In my hips, ankles, and wrists. I
could haidly walk, and was confined to tny
bed a food deal of tho time, lielng roe
ommcuded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I
took four bottles and am perfectly well.
1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla
as ono ol the best blood purifiers In tho
world." W. 1'. 'Wood, Dloomlngton, 111.
For Twenty Yonrs
1 havo been afflicted w Ith rheumatism. Before
ISS3 1 found no relief, but grew worso. I thcu
began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did
mo more good than all tho other medlclno I
ever had." H. T., Shirley. Mass.
"I suffered from vbat tbo doctors called
muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sar
saparllla and am entirely cured." J. V. A.
I'iioddkoot, letter carrier, Chicago, III.
We shall bo glad to tend, free of charge
to all who may desire, a book contalnlngmany
additional statements ot cures by
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. 91 j six for ?5. Ma Jo
only by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
er'8 Cherry Pectoral.
00! in "Orrvlll.i.Ohlo.Sopt. 10, 1SK2.
uULyj, "llaUng li-cn Hub'oct Ion limn. ailiMlliiii, with frequent
riildi, for a number of yar, I hereby cer
tify V.mi .ivrit'i -ii:iiur l' gives
"" l-r-'inpt rliif. awl . n ,uo,t cffecllra
remedy 1 Lave iter tried.
lldltorof The Crtscent."
nnnnuo "Mt,0IeilJ.oiiio, Junaai, ism.
uUUUnb. " 1 hi" used A VMt's ClIEituf
PnfToiiAL this spring for a se
me rousli and lunp; trouble; with good
effect, and I am pleased to recommend It
to any one similarly utrected,
IlAiivr.v IIauiiimw,
Proprietor Olobo Hotel." "
Sold by all Druggists.
Jiuv-estiUe or Cathartiir farm; lute at Jackson
(oiiWtfji, Qui. Vo, atttated.
Utters ol administration lutald estate having
been granted to me mideiuirucd administrator
ah perilous Indebted to said i-Bialo ore lieiebyuol
lined to pay the Mine, and tlicee hating claims
ugulnst bald estale pu-oeut the same to
Jan. 1, cw
r. o. Pcrr's.
riROINU FARMS Si'lSrf'te,
I circular. A, o, IIUXS, fmtriu, vii 1
Absolutely Pure.
This pewdor never vanes. marrel of purlt'
strcnirm and wnoiesom-'nes. More
thanttie ordinary km m. nnd cannot bo sold In
co npetlon wltn tho multitude or low test, short
ivi-littit, alum or phospbati powders. Hold only
In cms. itorALlHiiNo I'owdkiiUo , loa va!l-st.
N. V. Oct lB-ly
l'rom January 12, lb5, to January II, isso.
JOHN K. OIIOTZ, Tieasurcr.
To A I Heller note $ 75 01
' judgment against J. llerrlnglon 45 no
" Inteicst on hamc, 2 Vi
" cash or nioom duo 'si nro oi
" ' Scott dup 'Si 4'jl i;s
" ' Greenwood dup '81 018 no
" " Sngarloaf dup 81 1U100
' " llloomdup'to. 70S 13
" " (NCOttdllp 'C5 120 00
' " (iiwnwooddup'83 all si
" " LI'axton UJ(iO
" " (ico, Knorr as si
" " state on Asylumncct. 40147
" " Ilerrlngton Judgment 1 no
" ' I. .M Hates.. 3 15
" " T.MclirMe, product of farm... 108 85
f 5313 53
II y bal. duo last bet tlement. .... $ in 54
' orders of -si & '81 redeemed.. 5067 40
" " 83 redeemed 3.W 3
" postage so
" commission 101 Ul
" noteot A 1' Heller returrrd. n to
juagini again't.i ilerrlngton 17 v:
uaiuuc ncusurer
37 !7 $ 6312 55
1681 pd due
, t 2ISOS3 $ 31 11 SO I StfJ 5S
If 85 pd due
. f 2VU 04 710 15 f 211 15
102133 12) (10 U'3 35
6S5 07 211 81 f.U 2a
234 16 251 19
Greenwood.. .
t IOJJ 42 t 1037 (0 i S0 KS
Amt outstand'e orders Jan 12 'Si t 2in; us
Orders issued from Jan. 12, '85 to
to Jan 11, 'bO 45C7 28 t (7?l 20
Amt orders redeemed to Jan 11,
'81 5310 10
Amt outstanding Jan 11 ( nil c CT21 20
lorjearendln? Jnn 11, '80. btate Hos
pital for tho Insane.
Oeorgo Fox $
M.zlu I io.iii
-Mary Hushes
Jesse Kelley.
1.7. Kahler
John 1)03 cr.
sundry bills for merchandise tor
famlly.paupersand lepalrs.
Audltoisand clerks bill Jan 12,
L i: V hary for repairs
Four papers printing statement
K A liaw lings beer I'll
Expenses taking Uoyer to Dan
ville D Halibut, on discing ditch
(1 V Hates shoe bill to 1' II
K u Furman, conin
WJl i:cs nnd Jno Low order
A C Hldlay smith work
i:vc9 & Heurle, eonin, Hutu
Costs on Kbnercase will, Jorcloii
twp Lycoming county
HO Wuples, lima...
tlwell 4- lilttenbender bills In
equity in tax case.
Sheriff costs In A Crevcling ease
I. H ltupert, oidersof lellef.....
J M Clark "
ouvJacoby, "
Wm -Masters, lumber
JKWcimcr '
Hodarmel Welllver, smith
liacliman .v. dross, repairs
Ilarmai& Hassert. repairs. ...
Jlovlng 1 Gorman to Catnwlasa
Oaths on return tollarrUburg...
O A Klelm, medlclno
PlerTenbach, brooms
Suilih Decker fertilizer.
Poor tax on Long house.
J ii. Miultz, doctoring hono..,.
A V Hldlay, smith
o A Jacoby, coal
Geo II Grimes harness.
11 F Jiclirlde, painting
c V Seal & hro,coal
school tax, Long house
Pump nnd express
It II Little, attorney fee,
DrW.M lleber.
Dr. I D .McKelvy.
K Fairman, salary
W MorrLs. "
F w Itedeker "
I. II Unpen Sec'y, salary
M o Windward, "
T Jiclirlde, "
L II ltupeit, post and stationery
0 1'ailM, money borrowed
Matthias Shotts.
Kllen and Harriet Kinney
Jackson Karns
AI endow M
iarla Zimmerman
Fred Welmer
-Mrs. Jl. serrels
Kuthand KUza Dornel
Wm. shoemaker
.Mrs. James .Mccormick
Andrew crevellng
.Mrs O lirown
UrsChailes Hamilton
.Mrs .M Dawson . .
-Mrs Ellen cox
.Milton cox.
William Ingold
Mrs Abby Fonnan
Lu Ileldebrandt
John lloytr.
$ 155 69
20 Hi
ua oi
Ul 58
111 53
SS 00 t 519 OS
311 59
20 00
28 17
43 UO
!l 3!
1 f,3
12 23
7 15
5 01
1 00
I 83
14 00
37 07
12 00
3 CO
8 21
4 31
5 01
1 UO
11 7J
3 31
!l 40
3 10
08 31
12 40
" 18
3 00
30 10
1 50
35 (10
3 bS
50 02
3 25
5 25
30 2J
1 33
9 57
135 00
50 00
50 H)
73 (HI
73 (l
73 00
73 (HI
10 (HI
G50 (I)
3 79 1720 I.',
10U0 00
211 81
101 UO
ll'l Oi)
17U (10
22 (XI
II (0
12 00
18 48
30 11
12 50
51 00
W 50
10 75
43 to
31 00
11 00
3 f.0
12 50
3 tO
15 2S 941 40
19 10
We, the undersigned Auditors ot tlio townships
'omprl-lng tho uioom Poor District, met at the
Poor House on .Monday.January 11, ism. examined
the accounts of tho Treasurer und Directors from
January 12, I8s5, to January 11, 18S0, and tho
toucheis for the samo and nnd them correct as bet
lonu aoou',
J. E. W ELLIVEli, I .
A. It. FltlTZ, J
Hal of llloom dup '81 f &19 68
" " '83 2100 15
" SCOtt " 83 1HIJ 35
" Gieenwood dup 's3 oil so
" bugarloaf dup '85. 251 lo
Less estimated exonerations and com.
4300 50
2S1 20
Farm and buildings.
Judgment on Demits piopcrty
Long property
3 horses.
o cattle
4 large hogs. ,
II shoats
100 chickens.
Furniture in l'oorllousj
Furniture in stewaid's house
Farm implements.
4023 21
l'ilOO 10
100 DO
251) III
4(0 IX)
310 01
70 (0
50 00
3) (10
210 00
20 1 (0
500 IU
111 75
70 10
200 00
so no
3 73
n on
2 (U
18 00
5 (10
10 80
in U)
119 20
28 U)
21 00
19.' 01
10 II)
113 51
2ua ousneiswneat..
oats. .
torn ears
a ooans.
ono beads cabbage
1 bbU Inegar
1800 pickles.
2 bbla saurkrout
250i lbs pork and bird.
130 lbs packed butter.
Sou lbs beef
12 tons hay
40 cans tomatoes
13 acres gialn in the ground,,
80-,'Tt 81
235 bushels wheat.
M " oats.,,
122.' " corn ears
112 ,inl!itniw
3li 33
18 75
ma 50
50 0.1
7 5)
7 50
3 (10
37 93
6 01
7 50
10 III)
12 50
VI 2,
133 Ul
25i, IK)
103 40
10 10
18J 00
3 00
101 2)
21 00
4 80
i " turnips
13 " beets
3 " beans
1263 beads cabbage
5 bushels onions.
Hi bbM Inegar
3U cucumber pickles.
wo. .................
83 chickens ,
20 buoats
10 tons hay
Sinn sheaves corn fodder
8tco lb pork and'la'rd', '. '.,
OiiHiuti'BB ,
4 lb butter, ,
3110 lb beef .
12 doz mangoes
I 1739 10
Number paupers remaining last report., 13
uuumieu i,,,
died. ,
remaining Jan ll, issc.
wksi.ey .moukis, 1 Directors.
J, J
Tho perfection of tho art. Natural contour. No
BHitAKSKU in. Ease aud grace combined. LADT
commissions. Address for circular. bCKANTON
toiwhTco.bVrttutoii.l'a. ' jViUJ-iu
Wholesale. Itctnll.
Wheat ncr bushel 85IM
lly " " fiO
Com " " ....old 60 now 40 GO to to
Onls " " 3 40
Flout " bhl C to 0
llntlcr 20 22
Ettcs 22 24
I'olnloes 40 W
Hums 11 14
Dried Apples Oil 0
Side nml shoulder 03 Ul
Chickens till 03
Turkeys 10 12
banl per lb 03 10
liny per ton 10.00
Vlni'cnr per qui 20 i'.O
Onions per bushel 7f 1.00
Veal skins 07
Wool peril) !1.)
Hides 0 to 7
Coal on Wiiaiif.
No 0 52.00; Nos 4 & 5 $3.25
llltumlnus, ii.
Philadelphia Markets .
FKKD Western winter bran, spot, 10.10 17.(10
sprinir 13.50 w 16.5)
FLoUH. Western extra's .1.0 3.73 : I'eunn
family, t.oor 4.23 Ohio clear, l.srs, winter
patent 6.23 (. is.5),- l'enna. roller process 4.37
WHEAT Pennsylvania red, No. l, .97
COIlN.-.No. ), 40 (A II' 0. 3, 43, No. 2, 49.
OATS. No. 3 White i. S1."', No. 2, II
HAY AND STIIAW '1 Imutliy Choice Western
nnd New York, 17. fair to good Western and
New York-,13. (4; medium Western nnd New
York, 10 15. ; cut hay ns to quality 19. (a 20.
Hjo straw 19, Wheat straw, 10. oat straw
9 10.
Rons. Pennsylvania 29; western 88.
liUTTEIt Pennsylvania creamery prints 33
C'ream i y Eitra 31 5, Western Dairy, 7 i 12.
Ll roi'U'KV. Fowls, aj o io, Turkeys 19 a
13I)nEsKI) Port.TltY-.-Chl5kem,:i2c. Turkey ,11
c ducks 9(lz.
Letters of administration on tno estate ot lieu
ben siller, late or Orange ton nshlii, deceased,hne
been granted by the lieglster ol said county to the
undersigned administrators. All persons having
claims against tbo estate of the ileoeased lire re
quested to present them for settlement, and those
Indebted to tho estate to make payment to the
undersigned administrators without ulay,
V. .1. SITI.F.Il,
Dec. 25, cw."
Letters of administration on the estate of Mary
lornwnld, late or Catawlssa township, Columbia
couuty, Pennsylvania, deceased hate been Brain
ed by the lieglster or said county to the undersign,
ed Administrator. All persons haMng claims
against thoestaie ortho deceased nro requested
to present them to-settlement, nnd thoso Indebt
ed lo the estate to make payment to tho under
signed administrator without ilel.iv.
Decl8-Cw Administrator.
Notice is hereby g!on that, tbo following ac
count has been nied in thlsonlce, and will lw pre
sented to the court for eonnnnation on the 1st
day of February next, and win be confirmed ab
solutely unlessexceptlons be riled thereto within
four days therealier.
First account of .Samuel 11. smith, trustee ap
pointed by the court of i miunon Picas, or the fund
or bequest left by John II Fuwler. laic of tho b u
ougli or llerwlck, deceased, for (bo poor ot said
,, W. If. SNYDEH,
jans,it. Piothonoiury
7n iv-es((i(c ii Cruvye Farn-r, lulf of Jaiksoii Mi),
Columbia connly, decea.ved.
Letters testamentary In said estate having been
granted to the undersigned executor, nil persons
Indebted to said estate are hereby notified lo pay
the same, nnd those hating claims against bald
estate, present tlio same to
. . . Executor.
Jan. 1, cw. p. o. Derrs.
.1. A. D., ISSfl.
Mrs. D. 11. Frederick ts. Edward Lyons.
Mary c. Sheatler s. William saWdge,
liohr Mcllenry vs. William K. Patterson,
.lames llird vs. Darling culp, et. nl.
Jacob Haines vs. N. 6. . ll. Hallway Co.
Lydla Kobblns s. Susanna Stoker, et. al.
Adams son vs. Francis Evans, trustee,
Mary n. Holmes vs. James s. Woodset. ux.
William ll. Yorgey s. LocusLMt. Water Co.
1'Uer .Michael's heirs vs. Jolunioorniigle.
licuben Fagely.s ILxr's. vs. John i erry.
John (Irotz vs. John K. OroU'
Joseph nets' Exr. k. Frank L. Hess.
John nombov s. M. M. ilartzel.
T. F. Craig s. Mahal i Craig.
Charles W. McKelvy et. al. vs. C. n. Hrockway.
lieiijamln Fetteimanta J. 11. lioblson.
(.eo. II (lordner vs. William C.liigles.
11. . Doner s. 0. F. Ferrlset.ul.
A. M. I'reas .irg. Co. vs. O. F. Feirls et. al.
I. . I. Adams use s. Philip Spnney.
'I homas E. lieddis vs. Joseph Faust ct. al.
1'. K. Viinualta s, Joseph l'aiist.
C W. EU-svs. W. 1L Cut.
(,'eo ll. seybert is. lurnbaeli and Hess.
II. F, l.eiltt vs. II. F. sutlllfet. nl.
(leorgeo. WclllM'rs. o. F
s. D. Hosier's u vs diaries Krug.
obed Michael vs. Sarah A. .Michael et. al.
I 111 IN I) J UUV.
nearer W. ll. FWier.
Denton- Siewnit rouau
iilqom-llenry Williams, J. K (liotz, John C. Jones.
Iirlarereek ii. w. Miller.
Catalssa-Wm. Eyer, Wm. .Martin, Henry strouso
J: II. llhluard.
Centralla Albert Catterley.
centre ItenJ. stluer.
FlslilngcreekIneob Ilnyioan.
Jackson Ezcklil Fritz.
Locust - sol. 1). snjder. C. W. s Fox.
Madison- (i. H. suppiee, Parker Koster,
Montour Daniel II Iiailor.
scott Miles (ireenwalt, Thos. V. Edgar. Jacob
Sugarloaf. -Wellington Icss.
tiiaveiise jntons-nnsT WEEK.
lienton-Alrred (llbbons, Thomas Edwards
llerwlck-(ieo. A. care.
llloom-Loul) dross, 'i homas fioiey, Wm. Ilabb.
Iirlarereek (I. ti. Iiouimri.
Catawlssa M, (i. HugK-s, Jacob Kllngainan.'
litre James Tursby, Joseph Wlillinoic,
Conyngnam Ha l.oaubirmel.
l'lshtngcreelc-Wm m-ars.
(itcenwood-Wlii. II. Lattlon, DaMd Albertson.
Jacksor-Emanucl Yorks.
locust Ezra Yocum, John c. Waller, 1). IleluLr.
Join, Fetterinan.
Mnln-(leo llrelch, 1). s. lirown. W. S Fisher.
.Mlfflln-I'. A Fedcioir, Chas. oeaihait. Alfred W.
Montnir loslali Iloberts.
Mt Pleasant -1 homas .Mo Hrlde.
orange- Jesse lirumsiettler, oiuer Covanliovan.
I'tne John (lordlier,
Hoailngcteok Michael ltoach.
bugarloaf W, A. Kline.
lleaver-J. Paul Fry.
llerwlck-c.eo. DeMns, 1). W. Han Icy, Thos. Sher
wood. llloom-Cbas. Armstrong, David lilttenbender,
.Miles Iletz, Edward llichard, Win. Ferguson,
,, Johii W. Kramer, J. c. Menagli, John F.
Peacock, John Milliard.
Catanissa-.Mahlln Hamlin. Alonzo Jacoby. (I. L.
hosienbauder, II. b. Iteeder, Hen schmlck.
Iiav d Slrouse. '
Centre F. I). Hugenbuch, Jacob Sponsion
FWilngcreek-liruco Dresher, A. W. Mcllenry.
Fiank M. I'caler, John button.
Franklin L. D. (leoige.
(ire-im cod-John Klsiier.
Jackson W. W. Hess.
Locust Joseph Sanders.
.MadLsou lira Vundlne.
Mlniln-Christaln Hamster, A. W. Snyder.
Orango-ll. ll. Low.
scott Abraham Custer.
Bugarioai james sswurd.
WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwei.i.
rrcsldent Judiru or tbn cnurt nf ii,.,vnn.4
Terminer and (leneral Jail Delivery, court oi (juar
ter Sessions of the I'eaco and tlio Court ot Common
Pleas and orphans' Court lu tho siith J udlctal Dls-
inci, cumpuseuot tuo counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho linns, .ininm r nb.. n.i u ,
Shuman, AssKlato Judges ot Columbia couuty
have Issued thelr,precept,bearlng date the 2lst day
of Dec, In tho year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred end elguty-ino, and to undirected for
uumiuii u vuui i ui uyer ana Terminer and General
(iuarter Sessions of the I'eace, Court of Common
Fleas and Ornhans' Court, in,. ,,,
county ot Columbia, on tho first Monday.belng
tho it day otFeb. next, tj contluue tor two
Notice Is hereby given to tho tho Jus.
tlces ortho Peace, andthocniistnijuu nm... ...i.,
County ot I'olumbla.that they be ihcn and therein
" i"opKc person ul id o ciock in tuo forenoon ot
said 1st day of Feb. with their n,nnr,i. i..,,i
sltlons and other do thoso things
" unices uppenam to bo dono, And
thoso that are bound bvreouL'ninni i. in nrau,.i,.
against the prisoners that aro or may bo In the Jail
. ... oiuwmuj ui v. uiuuiui.i.iu wincn ami tnore
to prosecute them as shall ba imt. .iim,.,.,
quested to bo punctual In their intondance,
lyiiiviruuuces. nl llloomsburg
11 hi ?'3t to?.0 lo- In tho yoar ot our
Ub. f-Lord ono thousand eight hundred and
J eigbty-ilvo. and lu the one hundred and
bta&irVi!fa Inat',,eUdt'UCe 01 U0
BueriuMince, ' John Aion(i:y,
Attractive. Entertaining, In
structive. The Family
Journal of America.
A Paper for tho Homes of tho
Land Sparkling and Origi
nal in Every Feature.
0T the first of Jninmry a new depart
lire in every fonttu o of tho Weekly
Times was inadu. livery iiuinher
will ho liherally illustrated in its
War contribution, which hnvoso long
been a specialty in its columns, nnd in
its stories, which will be greatly en
larged from the pens of the best
writers, mid in cuneiit history, biog
raphy, politics, ait, science nml the
leading events of the day.
The time has passed for the weekly
journal of tho city to fill tho place o"f
a newspaper. Thu daily newspaper
from the great centres of news now
reaches into every section of tho land,
livery inland city and uvery town of
iinpoitancu have their daily newspa
pers, mid the local weekly, with the
wonderful progress in provincial jour
nalism, meets every want that the daily
newspaper fails to supply. The met
ropolitan weekly of to-day must ho
much more than a newspaper; it must
be n magazine of family reading;itinust
lead the magazine in popular literature;
it must lead it in popular illustration,
nnd it must meet every requirement of
the intelligent reader of every class.
Will be published iu each number from
tlio ablest writers who participated in
the bloody drama of civil strife, and
each will bo profusely illustrated. The
most entertaining " and instructive
Sroitics from the best writers of fic
tion will appear in each issue, with il
lustrations. TERMS:
Sold by all news agents at fivi:
ckxts Fr.n copy. 15y mail, L' per year,
or Si for six months. Clubs of ten,
$15, and an extra copy to the getter up
of the club. Address,
t Times Building, Philadelphia.
ISeiBi Estate !
It not previously disposed of privately, will bo
orrercJ at I'l'm.ic sai.H, on .Monday,
-i;ilitir.iKV i, iHjifi, at io o'clock In the
forenoon, at tlio Court Ilcuso in llloomsburg;
about l-'ivij AClti:s ot land, ljlng between
the Normal ..chool grounds nnd tho Llghtstrcet
road, in the town of llloomsburg. lleautlful build
ing lot, partly In SATI VIJ l'lUlliST, over
looking tho town and surrounding country. Tho
owner reserves tho right to withdraw tho property
lt Iho bid Is insufficient.
THIOIS: Ono-fourth cash, one-fourth tho
nrst ot April next, the remainder secured on mort
gage, on ono and two years, If desired. Possession
and conveyance, April 1, lbso.
llloomsburg, Dec, 1883.
I AflKNCY. Moycr's new bulidlng, .Main street.
Dloorn'iburg, l'a. 1
.UtnalnsurancoCo., of Hartford, Conn r,irrs,irj)
Jtoyal pt Liverpool is wajouu)
Ijincashlic ioooooo'
l ire Association, Philadelphia -tlliMlrio
Phcenlx, or London s !6fl 37tt
London & Lancashire, ot Kngland 1 TO'j.wo
Hartford of Hartford! 7. 3 S73 oio
Hirlngtiold Kli o and Slarlno a,os2,Sbi)
As the agencies aro direct, policies aro written
for the Insured without delay In the onico nt
Dloomsburg. oct. !8, 'SI-
ffl's, 'c warn
Who always gives you the latest
Ktyles, and cuts your "clothing ,to fit
you. Having had the experience 'ior a
number oi years iu the Tailoring Uusi
ness, lias learned what material will
givo his customers the best satisfaction
for wear and style and will try to
please all who give him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' burnishing Goods
Always of the latest styles. Call nml ex.
amino lils stock before purchasing else
where. noma
Comer Main & Market Sts.
Tho .Jobbing Department of
is well stocked with material for
doiiitf ill kinds of printing.
Calling Cards, and Invitation?
in great variety. All kinds of
kopt in stock. Special prices
on largo orders. Otlico 2ml
door below lixchango Hotel,
Main Street,
Blooiiiurg, Pa.
llloomsburg Pa.