The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1886, Image 1

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    C0i.cvBiiDiiocnAT,STnorTniiORtn, and co-
, VVUU..U,..v.U,j
InauFil Wrr-lily, i-vrrr I'rlclny .Mornlnv, nl
it ncr year. To subscribers out o( thn ennn.
EV tno terms are slrlctlrln advance
! lir.So piper discontinued oxcept at tho option
lot the publishers, uiitllnll arrearages nro paid, but
Bonif continued credits will not Uo Klvcn.
AH pai'uir nunif uul ui tnu Buiiuunouismniposi
unices rau-t ikjii.uu i it in imviuicc, unless a respon
sible poraon In Columbia county assumes to pay
ho subscription duo on demand.
I Tho.tob Printing Department ottho colcxrian
Ein1 millin ery nnd Is tho only onico that runs lob
pprv miiiu l'lu. n runuims i in ininat now 1 vnn
hiresHca vy innwi. k . UK ui inn wbi, inciniics. ks-
.llmaics itirmsueci on inigo jons.
I iiihiii i r " V nin wnimiii .wiiiihii iiiim
Hloorasbunr, Pa
onics over 1st. National Dank.
IiLoosiSBcno, Pa,
O.llco In Ent's Building,
lllflOMSBCRa, Pi.
o flee over Jloyer Bros. Drug storo.
onico In Urowcr's bulldlng.sooond No. 1
llloomsbure, Pa.
Offlco corner of Centra and Main Streets. Clark J
Can bo consulted In German.
Hi.ooM9nni:a, I'a.
Onico on First lloor, front room of Coi,
bmuian HulUllnB, Main street, below hx
chnngo Hotel.
Office In Columbian ucildiko, Itoom No. i, second
omoe lu 1st, National Bank bulldlns. second floor,
first door to no 1 ft. Corner ol Main and Mart-t
streets lllooinsburtf, Pa.
jtaS"Jf;isioi and Doun'.Ut OollteUd.
Office in Malzo's bulldJig ever BlUmeyer's grocery.
C. E.
Attorney s-nt-LaWi
(Ofllco front Milt of rooms on second floor of
Nsws Item bulKUnR.)
Members of Slurp and Alleman's lwje "l?
Banker lilrccloiy and tho Ameilenn Mercoiit lo
and collectlor .Association. Will Kbe prompt and
rarcfiil atteiitlon to collection ot claims in ai
mrt or tho United Males or Canada, ns well as to
aUttuc business entitled to them
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
Catawlssa, Pa.
omce,cornerot Third and Main streets.
pj V. WHITE,
B'UO'.D M S B U R G , PA.
Office In Browers' liuilding, ,2ml lloor.
map 1-tf
"yr E. SMITH,
Attorncy.nt Law.Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted in Ocrman.
,3"Ofllco first door below tho post oQlcc.
JB. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon anil Phy
4 slclan, north side Main stroet,be!ow Markst
A L.
FKITZ. Altorney-nl-Law.
laCOLOllBUN llulldlus,
Siwmc Machines and Machinery of all klndB re
pilrea. Opkki Uocbh Uulld flg, llloomiibiirs, Pa.
rU. J. 0. BUTTER,
Office, North Market street,
M. HEBEU. Surceon and
ofllco corner of Hock und Market
J II. EVAN'S, M. D., SurReon and
.Physloian, Ojlco and Hesidenco on Third
1'KOl'LKS' N. Y.
TftHMO old C0KF0UATI0N8 are well seasoned iby
tace uid niiK iksteu and have never let had a
losateitled by any court ot law. Their assets are
all Inrested In solid becukitiES aro liable to tho
hazardof riKKonly. ..,
Loshes rKOMitLY and honkbtlt adjusted and
paid as toon as determined by CinusruN
The people ot Columbia county should natron.
tie tho agency ivheiu losses It any are settled and
paid by oneof tlierown citizens. ...
Iorth American of Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
YorK, ot Pennsylvania.
Hanover, ot N. Y.
Oueens. of London.
North British, ot London.
Onico on Market direct, No.
8, HloomBbure
UUfc. SI, J
"Viotoi" Kooh, Proprietor.
Itooms are heated by steam, well ventllatod and
elegantly furnished. Finest liar and Lunch Coun
ter In he city.
lileaU to order at all hours. Ladles and Gents
restaurant furnished with all delicacies of the
Iiocau&n near 1. us w. 11. 11. Depot, Bcranton,
VU rjesind convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms
Aot and cold water and all modern conveniences
Ten tlioiiPiind babies nro given
yearly totlie grave by not having
Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on
their gums when teething.
To bntho tho baby's gums while
teething, relieving all inflamma
tion, swelling and pain.
A good many night's rest by
not having Dr. Hand's Colic Cure,
for it gives baby comfort and
sleep without stupefying or in
juring it. No opiates. No con-
Kleim's drug store,
general agent for Dr. Hand's
remedies for children. Labora
tory at Seranton, Pa.
ClemiHCH t lic
it c nil. A1I1H
I ll I) a in a t i o ii.
IIviiIh tliu Hiircs
Restores tlie
HeiiHcH r;'riistc
Smell Ileariiiu:.
A Mulclc Itclluf.
AI'oHltlvu Cure
partlclo Is applied Into each nostril and Is
nureeableto use. Prlco m cents by mall or nt
diugglsts. send for circular.
ELY UUOIilEUS, druggists, Owego, N. Y.
ant,a4v. d
'iTzViNWiiiGirr & co.,
N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets.
IV Orders will receive tromtt altentloa
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in
Ciockery. Olassware, Tablo and Pocket Cutlery,
Window (ilass, nnd l'lalcd-ware,
The 5(1 candle-power rnarth electric lamp.
'1 ho celebrated l'lnatore burner,
lllrd Cases, Fruit Jars.
K2 Lackawanna Avenue. SCliANTON, Pa.
may i-iy
our readers for 15 cents In postage stamps to
pay tor mailing and wrapping nnd names of
two book agents, will receive FllEE a Meel
Finish Parlor Engraving of all our I'HESI
DE.vir, li eluding Cleveland, slzo 2MS8 Inch,
worth 1.00.
Address Eider Pub. Go.,Chicago, III.
July lMy
i50 0 a N EW nnd completo
Tho world's greatest soldier, and tho nation's most
honored citizen. Low price. Hapld sales. F. W.
ZfEOLEH & CO., 015 Aich Mrect, Philadelphia.
Send 10 centspos'nge. and wo will mall
you .rive a rovnl. valuable, hainnlo box
or Roods that will put ou lntlie way
of maklm: inocc vioneu at once, than
nnj thing else In Ameilea. lloth sexesol all ages
can lloat home and w oik In tp.uetlme, or all the
time, capital not lequlml. Wo will stnrt on.
Immense pay sur for those who start at once.
hTI.Nto.N 4: CO., Poitland, .Me. novaoiy
DVMT'lil'SlA. Its Nature. Causes, I"reven
Uonandcuie. UyJohn 11. McAIMn, Lowell,
Mass., 1 1 j ears lax collector, t.ent free to any ud.
ill ess. Jan. 8, jw d
Illfllhllllif '1'Ui'ktT. ILitllcr.
tZ.tMt nf t Ili'tnimTK.Hliii I-
I tr. aii-l i.-n.n inuitl ui ihpiui
iitri"- warranuii j fieri.
J I'll ! O jour uv ti
iM'JOfc i mi pay
mivjurtui! i f
Iiirphuo from ui tui l y cm tor
rirciil:.r mi 1 ) C, A. WOOD A CO,,
ti'KllmuniuK I 17 N Tenth M.t I'liilu'u. !.
1 Thi' louili'tit nmt m Jtxtx
llcrrillKl Hill' 11 y A
bt) licurd Hum one lu '
V,lt IHll.M J !i t jt
sle of u i') iaii y
hriTt'iitTetln j
t iirii hi;
Zsit ipcrti
i"in and rvir
tarwrr thou Id bave
W XCiii VJ" "' f"r ernl In
S43'ilP stmipi. Oi-iici- now.
Aj& tovV1 nd t'fl fnntlouu ol
Mtif) kunMi". ai.lon a- ro..
one. bent frft. y
piui.AUEi.pniA. pln.n'a;
Dr. McTaggart
Tills nnteil Specialist of Scrnnlon, is tlio
only specialist this sldo of jxow lorK.fiui
nde'liiliia ami HulViilo who makes an o xclu
slvii specialty of trcatliiir chronic, long
stamliiiK ami llnirering ihscnscs to wlilcli
man nml womnnklnil nro suhjert, such ns
Consumption, llinnchml nlTectlons, Scrofu.
In. Salt Ilheiim. Loss of Miiiiliooil.Skln ills.
eases, Itlieiimntism, Ulcers, Olil Sores, EpU
lepsy, Svphllls, Uentness, I.osg 01 voice,
Chronic Dhurlui'n, Chills mill l'uycr, orms,
Uver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, l'araly
sis. Tape worm, Heart disease, &c, &e,
C-3'Femiilo diseases ft sncclaltv.
No matter liow long you have heeu mf.
icrlng nor how many Doctors you nayecm.
plojed in vain, you should apply to Hit.
.MoTAQQAitT at once, when ho will tell ill-
rectlv without holillnir out falBo hopes
whetlier your disease is strictly curable or
can only tu lciicveu.
Ho owes Ids wldn reputation for tho sue
cessful treatment of all lingering or chronic
diseases to expel lenoc nnd closo npplicn.
tlon for over 20 years, und to no miraculous
What the Papers Say i
i.ii.i u skillful honest, enielent. unrlght and re.
llablo and well worthy nt the peopl-'s conndence
anUCSieilU. liumwajs wjai'AULiu niub iiu
means and mcancexactly what no says." hcran-
tun lleittitilliii.
"lieu too Useful a man to lose," Lackawanna
Corner LicVawanna and Wtshlcgtss Avenues,
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
mooeraie lies,
our oiitce u opposite the U. s. Patent onice, and
wo can obtain Patents In less time than those ro-
mfiln frnm WilhlllnirtOll.' drawing. Wo advlso as to pat.
enlabllliy fiee of charge, aad we mako no charge
unless patent Is seeuied.
Wo refer here, to the Postmaster, the supt. of
Money order Dlv., and to oniclals of the U.K.
Patent onice. For circular, advice, terms aud
releienccs to actual clients In your own Mate or
touuiy, wine iu
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
OMiofelteJ'utcnt onico, Wabhlngton, X)
run this i
Hl'il.K I
Vr ' vi'Jt time tonmhf
fvlT tin' ' ft i They nre hand.
lt rr.'cyXwu.u' iltimhle, mid llBht-
" cMihir7in Wflm C0 to SSQ.
7&'j&xf$Z? or oj
"The OrTAtert Ctiro enSTtli 'for nin." YBM
reiltT mora quick It thnn onr other trm-H
-twlno if mf)nn Hwi" li'n'oarH
Forthc cure ofCoufchi.Colila, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Couf;!i, Incipient Con
sumption, nnd fur the relief of con
sumptive persons In advanced stncs
of the Dlsase. For G-lctycll Drug',
gists. Price, 25 cents.
Almost as Palatabloas Milk.
Tho only rrrp""0" Dt I''I I lVFlt Oil, Ibnt
can bo taken reatlily and tolerated for a long time
Lv (li-llralo fttonmrlii.
AM) as hkheut ro't rovgrMrTiov,
KrmiHI.HI A'lllllOW ANH.'III. i I.N -
l.iuii uniii.iii. tnioiis A.T iiiKmr .tt.
n'llllhs npil nil HtsilMI fliMtllliHiS IK
CHII.IlltK.N II H muttilloni In Iti rrsnlt..
1'rescribi-tl and endorsed by tho bent l'hyIclans
In tho countries of tho world.
the popular f.iv trite for dre
whengr iy,anlji, -entiiigP.
driiff. iPcleaii1 the k lij-,
r,top- the h.iir ftlli
, ana 1
8 ure to pleae. 0'
ana fti. Biles ni i '
The Best Cough Cure you can usa
an J the best known prccntive of Cm innpiion.
Parker's Tonic kept in a home is a s.entmtl to
keep ickncs out. Used dUcreetly it keeps the
blood pure and the ctomach, Liver and Knlnvs
in worVinq order. Coughs and CoIJi vanish bc-
lore it. It Uuiius up tne neaun, t
If you suffer from Debility, Skin r.rupU&ni, I
Cou'li, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney. I ru:ary cr F
I emaleCompl lints, or any dU irdcrcf t ic Lun- . 5
Stcnm-h, Dowels, o 1 or Ncre, it w .t G
t!1 y ti ar I. in bed. tut ii'- V. k Tonk 3
m-dav ; u ill cive j 3it n -v lire nnd r, j
b : C ' . N Y.
S M y I'm I.a a- h iyt v: 5 1
aug. 14-ly
"fcv.V Jt.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Purify the Blood.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Sound. Refreshing Sleep.
Burdock Blood Bitters
That Tired. Weary Feeling.
Sick llcutluclir.
Gr.NTS: I have been subject to Sit;:
nendacho for 'years, tind liavo tried, in
vain, many mlvertlicil rcmciiie anil sev
eral iiUysiruiis, butalltono jmrpo-c.'At
l;iit I tried yoor U. 11. Hitlers witliout
much failli. 1 tuJmit but to day 1 eiii
truly say, that after Inking Iho lliirdbntil ,
1 h ivo not suffered from it. I recommend
it to nil my fiiend-. sevoiul luivo been
cuied by it. My littlu cr.imhon wan jut.
mancnlly curtdof Ililioianesa and faick
llcadacho, ninth woio fo severu ua to
causu convulsions. Tliey liavnll censed
sincu he pomnienced llm uo c. Il.IJ.lJ.
.M11B. 1!. C. liODI.K.
Orange, I.uierne County, I'a.
aug. 28-ly-ald.
mo I
Kill plu, floctho and atiraidaio the Ured
tauselej, and wonderfully 8t jn;-ir:i wt .it
rorti. All iho valuablo iacd.claal Mrtueac?
frc -a opa, combined witii Uarcundy 1'ito-
ajd Canadi Applied to Backache, u.
C laUca, rUieumatlBia, Crick, Stitd.e6, Bile it
Ac he, Kidney ACecUona, Sore Cliwt or aay of u ,
tad vanoue pains ana wcaKneaocs o coumisui
instant relief is ctven. Cures Dyspepsia aad
Liver tro Jblca without Internal dosing. SaM
HOP TLASTE" CO., rrep'rs, Uoston, Maea. (j
AWnnrlorfnl i
-wwl-rm. C5l S for SI. MallOdforTinCJ. it
Offer to tho Trade tnelr Kino Brand ot Clgara.
Tho Landres,
Ilonry lay,
Samson, and
Kino KrtiiU nml Kino Confectionery
on hand. J' resh every week, lilooms-
burg, Pa
J'b. 27
First-class work always on band,
Pricti reduced to mil the timet,
yy ii, iiousij,
All styles ot work done In a superior manner,
fm Best"!
oxandcr Bros. & Go.
wuiTUiucuua reurtratTuu'U. 1 BfTU uxthact
id without I'a in by the use ot (las, and
fraeot cUaro hen urtlflclal tooth
are Inserted.
OKco over Kleim's Drue Store,
lo be open at all houn during the
Mathias SandorfJs
"ahoonu Tin: woiir.t) in eighty,
bayh," " MioiiAr.rj STitooorr,"
, 'riurTFU six coNCiCDKn.
"Writ nil thobo words in n line, one
nfter tlio other," wiid tho banker.
"And why?"
"To see,"
Boroany obeyed ; and he obtained the
following :
gitrermerpuaUrptsH uot
The letters had senrcely been written
before Toronthal snatched tho paper
from Sarcany nnd rend it and gave a
Bhout It wns tho banker who now lost
his head. Sarcany thought he had gone
"Head 1" said Toronthal, holding out
the paper to Sarcany. "Rend !"
" Read 1"
"Yes I don't you see that, before they
used the gratinff. Count Sandorf's cor
respondents wrote tho letter backwards ?"
Sarcany took tho paper, nnd tliis is
what ho read, proceeding from the last
to the first:
"Tout est pret. Au premier signal
quo vous nous enverrez de Trieste, tons
pe loverout en masso pour 1'indcpend
enoo de la Hongrie. Xrznh.
"And tho four last letters ?" ho asked.
"An agreed-upon signature, or some
thing to 1111 up," f.oid Toronthal.
"Oh, llieul 'All is ready. At the
'bet Mgual you send us from Trieste, nil
tf us will riso together for the independ
encoof Hungary!' That is it, is it? Well,
v?e have got them at lust t
" But tho polico havo not got them t"
"That is my business."
" You will act with great Mvreey ? "
" That is my" said Sammy.
"The Governor of TrieMo shall bo the
only person to know tho names of the
two honest patriots who havo nipped in
ila bud this conspiracy nguinst the em
pire of Austria I"
And ns ho spoke, the mockery of each
tone and gesture betrayed the true feel
ing with which ho littered the words.
"Aud now I havo nothing else to do,"
eaiil tho banker.
"Nothing," answered Sarcnny, "ex
cept to tnke your share of tho profit"
"When tho thveo heads fall which
are worth a million apiece."
Toronthal and Sarcany bid each other
adieu. If they wished to gain nnything
out of tho secret that chance had handed
over to them they bo quick and
denonnco tho conspirators before tho
plot broke out.
Sarcany returned to Znthmnr' house
if nothing had occurred, and went on
witii tho accounts. His work was nearly
finished. Count K.uidorf, in thiiiikiug
him for tho zeal ho hud shown, told him
that ho should not require Ills hiuvuvs
after tho next eighteen days.
' To Sareany's mind this meant that
ubout that time tho hignal was to bo
given from Triosto to thu chief of lluu
garinu towns.
Ho continued, therefore, to wntch with
tlio greatest care, but so as to gieiiso
to no suspicion, all that tool; place in
Zathmai's houto. And ho lduycd his
part so will, he termed mi imbued with
liberal ideu, ami had taken so littlo
pains to hido tho iminciblo repulsion
ho mid he felt for the (ieimans, that
j.vndorf thought of giving him n post
later on, when tho rMng should havo
made Hungary u fie country. It was
uot so with lioiik. who had neer got
oer tho lil'M feeling of dislike with
which tho young man had inspired
Sarcany nenred his triumph.
It was mi tho llth of Jiinii that Count
Siudorf had agreed with his friends to
give the signal, und tho fcth had come.
Hut tho informer bail been nt wont
In tho eM'Uilig. nbont eight o'clock,
tho polico Mtddouly entered Zathmar's
house. Resistance wns impossible.
Count Sandorf, Count Zathmar, pro
fessor Rathory, Sammy himself, who
madono piotett, uudRorik weru secretly
On.VI'TRU Vll '
Till! TttlAfc.
Ihtrin. which beeamo part of Austria'
Ifiiii'urv in accordance with the treaty
of 1815, is n triangular peninsular of
which the isthmus form the base.
This peninsula extends from tho Gulf
uf Trieste to tho (lulf of Quarneio j
and ulong .the coast line nro several
haibors. Among others, almost nt tho
extreme southern point, is Pola, which
thelloveiunieut was then forming into
a dockyard ami ui'soual of iho llrst
The pi'oviuus m hm especially on its
western oo ist i st.U Italian, nnd even
Venetian in its customs and language.
The S hive element, still struggle with
the Italian element, and the Herman
element i:h suae it. :ll -tiUy in maintain
ini; i's lullueiie.i.
Theio nre sev niipoi'tniit towns on
the oust and iu tho iuteiior. Among
Uk'so mo tupo dlstiia mid I'imuo,
whoso population is almost entirely
employed in tho salt works ut 'ho
mouths ui tho Jtisaiio nnd Uorna-ljiiuga;
'arenzo, tho headiniarters of tho Islnan
Diet and tho residetice of tho Rislmn :
ilivigno, rich in its olive trees, and Tola,
where tourists llnd interest in tho su
perb monuments of Roman origiu, and
which is ttestiueu lo uccomo tho most
important military port in tho Adriatic
But neither of these towns have tho
right to call itself the capital of Istrio,
Tho placo that boars that title ii Pisiuo.
situated almost iu tho centre of the tri
angle, and thither, unknown to them,
the prisoners wore about to bo taken
utter their secret arrest.
At the door of Zathmar's house a post
ehaiso was waiting. Tho four prisoners
entered it and two of the Austrian
police, who were put iu charge during
the journey, took their places beside
them. They wore thus provented from
exchanging n word which might in any
wny compromise them or iead to a
mutual understanding beforo their
nppearanco in tho dock.
An escort of twelvo mounted gend
nimes, commanded by a lioutentaut
took up their positions in front, behind
aud at tho doors of tho carriage, and
ten minutes afterwards they wero out
of tho town. Borik was taken direct to
the prison at Trieste, and there put into
solitary confinement
Where were the prisoners going? In
what fortress of tho Austrian Govern
ment were thoy to be lodged, since tlio
castlo nt Trieste was not to receive them 1
Count Sandorf and his friends would
havo been glad to know, but they tried
to discover iu voiu.
Tho night was darli By tho light of
tho ojrriago lamps only the first rank
of tho mounted escort could bo seen.
Tho pace was rapid. Sandorf, Bathory
und Zathmar remained motionless and
silent in their comers. Sarcany did
not sock to break the silence, either to
protest against Ins arrast or to ouk why
tho arrest had been made.
After leaving Trieste tho post-ohaiso
made a bend which took it obliquely
towards tho coast. Count Suudford,
amid the noiso of tho trotting horses
and tlio jingling sabres, could hear the
distant niuinnir of tho surf on the roek3
along the shore. For a moment n few
lights shone out iu tho night, nnd almost
immediately disappeared. This wns
the small town of Jluggia, which tho
post chase had just passed without halt
ing. Then Sandoif noticed that tlio lay into the interior.
At cloven o'clock the ch.iso stopped
to change horses. It was only nt a farm.
where the horsea were waiting ready to
be harnessed. It was not n jioat-station.
Tho escort resumed its journey. Tho
carriage passed along a road among tho
vineyardi whero tho vinos interlaced
themselves in festoons to tho brunohea
of the mulberry trees. Tlio road was
flat and tho carriago raado rapid pro
gress. Tlio darkness now grew more
profound, for heavy clouds, brought up
by a violent sirocco from tho southeast
covered tho sky ; and nlthough tho win
dows were lot down from tinio lo timo
to admit a littlo fresh air for tho nights
aro warm in Istria it was impossible to
distinguish anything even closo at
hand. Although Sandorf and his
friends notod every incident on the
rond, tho direction of the wind and tho
time elapsed since their departure, thoy
could not discover the direction m
which tho carriago was traveling. The
object was doubtless to keep it as secret
ns possible so that thoir placo of con
finement should not oo known to uio
Alxmt two o'clock in tho morning
they again changed horses. As at the
first change, the halt did not last tho
Count Sandorf thought he could make
out in tho gloom a few houses at tho
end of n rond, as though on the extremo
outskirt of a lowu.
This was Bujo. tho chief placo of a
liBtrict i-ituated about twenty miles
toiitli of Muggin.
Ah soon as tho horses were put to too
carriage lieutenant spoke a few words to
tho postillion inn low tone, and thoohniso
set oil' at a gallop.
ct half-past throo oeloek tho day le-
gan to dawn. Au hour later the posi
tion of tho rising miii would havo Miown
them the direction in which they were
going, but tho police shut down the
shutters, and the interior of tho car
nage was plunged into complete dark
Neither Count Sandorf nor his friends
made the least observation. It would
not havo been replied to; that was cer.
tain. Tho best tiling to do was to sub
mit and wait.
An hour or two afterwards it was
difllcult to reckon how the time wont
tho post-chaise stopped for tho last time,
and tho clmngo nf horses was very
quickly performed nt Visinada.
As they left here all that oould bo
noticed was that tho road had lieconio
very hard. Theshoiit-J of tho postillion,
the cracking of his whip, incessantly
urged tho horses forward, and the shoes
rattled on tho hard, stony ground of n
mountainous region. A few hills with
little clumps of grayish trees could le
made out on tho horizon. Two or three
times the prisoners heard the sounds o
a flute. They oamo from tho young
blieplierds who were playing their our!
ous tunes as they gathered together
their Hooka of bl.iok goats, but this
afforded no BiifTlcient judication of tlio
country the prisoner were passing
through, That had to bo found out
without sceiuir it
About nine o'clock the ehaio went oil
in quite a dilYerout direction, Unless
thoy wore mistaken they wore dewiend
iug rapidly ufter luivinir reached tho
29, 1886.
highest point ot their jnrrimv iti.i
sliced was much increased, nnd oooa
sionally tho wheels had to bn skidded.
In faot after leading through the hilly
country commanded by Mont Mujeur,
tho road drops down obliquely as it ap
proaches risino. Although the town is
very inuoh above Bea level it seems to
bo in a deep valley to judgo from tho
neighboring hills. Some distanco bo
foro it is readied tho campanile nbovo
the houses picturesquely groiqwd on
tho hillside becomes visible.
I'isino is tho chief place of tho dis
trict nnd contains about 2 1,000 inhabi
tants. It is situated almost in tho een
tro of tho peninsula, and particularly nt
fair timo n largo business is done nmong
the mixed population of Morlaqucs,
Sclaves of ilirTorout tribes, nnd even
Tsiganos, who llourish there.
Tho capital of Istrin is an old city, nnd
has retained its feudal ohnraeter. Thii
jtrikiugly appears in the auoiont castlo,
which towers shorn several more mod
ern military establishments whero the
sduiinitratioti of tho government is
carried on.
Itwasintho courtyard of this castlo
that the post-eliaiso stopped on tho Utb
of Juno, about ten o'chmk in tlm nrtm
ing, after n journey of fifteen hours.
Count Sandorf, his two companions and
Sarcany loft the vehicle, and a few min
utes nftorwnrds were shown into separ
ate vaulted cells.
Although they bad had no comtnuni
cation with each other, aud had not been
able to exchange idea iu any wny, yet
Sandorf, Zathmar aud Bathory were all
engaged in pont'.ering over the satno
subject How 1-nd the secret of the
plot been discoverod? Had the polico
como on the track by chaneo? Thero
had recently been no correspondence
betwoen Trieste nnd tho Hungarian nnd
Transylvatiiau towns. Was tltoro a
traitor in tho camp ? But who could be
the traitor 1 Confldeuco had been
placed iu none. Thero were no papers
to fall into a spy's hands. All tlio docu
ments had been destroyed. Had they
rummagod tho most secret corners of
tho Acquedottn they would not havo
found a single suspicious notol And
that is what had happened. Tlio police
had discovered nothing oxcept tho
grating, which Zathmar had uot de
stroyed incase he wanted it for further
nse. But unhappily tho grating was
serious evidence, for it was impossible
to oxplain its use except a n means of
ciphered correspondence.
In fact, everything rested on tho copy
of tho messago that Sarcany, with Tor
onthnl's connivance, had handed over to
the Governor of Trieste after haing
made out its real meaning. But, un
fortunately, thnt was quite enough to
make good tho accusation of conspiring
against the state; and it has been de
cided to tiring Count Sandorf nnd his
friends before a special tribunal, a mil
itary tribunal, whichj would proceed in
military fashion.
Sarcany 's game was n deep one, nnd
ho played it with tho coolness and de
liberation that distinguished him. He
had allowed himself to bo arrested, to bo
convicted, if need be, on tho under
standing that ho should receive a par
don; and in this way ho hoped to disarm
Sandorf wns completely deceived by
him nnd who would not have been?
nnd resolved to do his utmost to clear
him of tlio charge. It would not bo
difllcult, ho thought, to show thnt Sar
cany had taken no pait in the conspir
acy, that ho was merely an accountant
only recently introduced into Zathmar's
house to arrnngo certain private matters
which in no way had referonco to tho
plot. If needful, he oould call Silas
Toronthal to testify to the young man's
innocence. Thero could bo no doubt
therefor'1, that Sarcany would bo found
iuuocent of having been either aprinci
pal of acoosnory, in tho event of tho
prosecution being persisted in.
Tho Austrian Government know
nothing of the conspiracy boyond what
ther heard at Trieste. Tho conspirators
of Hungary nnd Transylvnuia remained
absolutely unknown. There was no
trace m existence of their complicity in
tho plot. Sandorf. Bathory and Zath
mar need havo felt no anxiety on this
head. As far as thoy were concerned
they had made up their minds to deny
overytbiug until some material evt-
doneo was produced. In that case they
new that their lives were forfeited.
Others would ono day take up the
movement thnt had now proved abortive.
The causa of independence would find
now leaders. If they were convicted
they would aow what had been their
hopes. They would ahow tho object at
which they had aimed, and which ono
day or tho other would bo attained.
It was not witliout eomo reason that
Count Sandorf nnd his two friends
thought that tho action of the polico
had been restricted in tho matter. At
Bilda, atl'esth, at Klausenburg, in nil
tho towns in which tho rising was to
ak placo at tho signal from Trieste
uouirtes had been made in vain. That
was why I bo Government had arrested
the chiefs so secretly at Trieste. Thoy
had tent them to l'lsiuo, and desired
tint nothing bhould be known of tho
matter, in tho hopo that something
would happen tobetiuy the seuders of
the cipher message. Tho hopo was uot
realized. Tho expected signal was not
given, Tlio movement was stopped for
a time nt least The Government had
to content itself with trying Sandorf
and his companions for high troasou.
The inquiries took boveial days; and
it was not till the 20th of Juno that the
proceedings began with tho examination
of tho nccused They weio not even
confronted with each other, and were
only to meet before their judges.
1 lie chiefs of the Trieste conspiracy
were, as wo have said, to be tried beforo
a court martial. Tho proceedings be
fore such a court never tako long, the
trial is conducted very quickly, and
thero is no delay in the execution of the
It was so in this matter.
On tho 25th of Juno the court martial
met iu one of tho lower rooms of the
fortress of Pisino, und tlio accused were
brought beforo it. Tho proceedings did
not take very long, aud nothing start
ling was discovered.
The Court opened at nine o clock in
tho morning. Count Sandorf, Count
Zathmar and Professor Bathory, on tho
ouo sido, and Sarcany on tho other, saw
each other for tho first timo since their
imprisonment. Tho clasp nf the hand
which hamlorf and his friend inter
changed us they met, gave yet another
proof of their uuanimity. A sign from
Zathmar, and Bathory gavo Sandorf to
understand that they left him to spoak
for them. Neither would undertako
the defence. All bandorf hail dono up
till then hod lieeu well done, AU that
he thought fit to bay to tho judges,
would lie well said. Tho hoaring was a
public one, But few persons woro
present, for tho affair had not yet
transpired; aim tho spectators, soma
twenty in utimlier, belonged to the
BtnlVoftho onbtlo.
Tlio identity of the accused was first
proved, Then, immediately afterwards,
Sandorf asked tho president tho uame of
thu plaoo which he und his companions
had been brought for trial, but uo reply
was given to tho question.
The identity of Sarcany was likewise
established. Ho still did nothing to
distinguish his case from that of his
Then the fac-sitnile of the nies'ii.T'
handed over tothe police wn produced
wul tho nectifod were asked if thev re
mcmbereilieeeiving the original, They
replied that it win the duty of tho prose
cution to prove that they received it.
At this reply tho grating which hud
been found iu Zathmar's desk was pro
duced. Sail lor f nnd his companions could not
deny that the grating had been in their
possession. They did not try to. T
such material oWdeiiep there was no IC
ply. Tho application of thogmting per
mitted theeryptopraphiolettertobe read,
and the letter must consequently haie
been received.
And thus they learned how the secret
of the conspiracy had been discovered
and the basis on which tho prosecution
wns originated.
From this time forwnr'd question nnd
answer passed rapidly mid clearly told
the story.
Sandorf denied nothing, lie spoke
on lielmlf of his two friends. A move
ment intended to bring nbont thosopem.
tion of Hungary from Austria nnd the
niitonoinioiecoiistitution of tho kingdom
of the ancient Magyars had been organ
ized by them. Had they not been ar
rested it would shortly have broken out,
aud Hungary would havo reconquered
its independence. Sandoif claimed to
lio the chief of the conspiracy, and in
sisted that his fellow prisoners were
merely his agents. But Zathmar and
Bathory protested against this conten
tion, and claimed tho honor of haviug
been his accomplices and desired to
share his fate.
When tho 1'resident iiitcrrocated tho
prisoners ns to their dealings witii others
icy refused to reply. .Not a uamo was
"ion havo now thieo heads," said
niidorf, " and that must bo enough fos
Three heads only, for Sandorf then
set himself to exculpating Sarcany, -A
young clerk employed in Count Zath
mars house on tho reeoinnieudation of
Silas Toronthal.
Sarcany could not confirm what San
dorf stated. Ho know nothing of thu
conspiracy. Ho had been greatly sur-
nsod to learn that m this timet housd
on tho Acquedotto a plot wns in progres-1
gainst the safety of the State. If ho
had mado no protest when ho was nr.
;sted it was lecause ho had no idea
hat it was all about.
Neither Count Sandorf nor Sarcany
ad any difficulty in proving this mid
it is probable that tho Court had already
made up his mind iu the matter. At
tho suggestion of tho Judge Advocate
io ehargo against barcauy was then
and there ubondoncd.
By two o'clock in the afternoon tho
pleadings were all over, and the sentence
as given without oven an adjournment.
uouut jUatlnas isamtorf, Count Ladis-
as Zathmar anil I"rofes3or Stephen
Bathory were found guilty of high
treason against the Stato and sentenced
to death.
The prisoners wero to be shot in the
courtyard of the castle.
Tho execution was to tnko place with
in forty-eight hours. Sarcany was to be
kept in custody un til the closing of the
jail books, which would not tako place
until after tho execution of the sentence.
By the same judgment all theuossos-
Bions of tho prisoners were confiscated.
lue prisoners wcro than removed.
Sarcany was takou back to tho cell he
occupied at the bottom of an clliptio
corridor on the second floor of tho don
jon. Sandorf and his two friends, dur
ing the last hours of lifo that romained
to them, were quartered in a large cell
on tho same level, oxactly at tho end of
tho major axis of the ellipso which this
corridor made. Tlio secret was now
known. The condemned wero to be left
together until their exeoution.
This was a consolation, even a nleasru a
for them, when they found themselves
alone nnd allowed to give way to feel
ings which they could not at first
My friends," said Sandorf, "I am
tho causa of your deaths I But I have
nothing to ask your pardou for ! Wo
worked for tho independence of Hun
gary I Our cause was just I It is our
duty to defeud her t It is an honor to
die for her !"
'Mathias," said Bathory, "we thank
you for having associated us with you in
tho patriotio work which would hava
beon the work of all your lifo"
"As wo are associated with you in
death !" added Zathmar.
Then during a momentary silence the
three gazed round the gloomy cell in
winch they were to Bpend their last
hours. A narrow window Bomo four oi
five feet high, cut through tho thick wall
of tho donjon, let in a certain amount of
light Thero wore three iron bedstead,
a few chairs, a tablo and a shelf or two,
on which were a few articles of crockery.
Zathmar and Bathory wero soon lost
in thought
Sandorf began to walk up and down
tho cell.
Zathmar was alono in tho world, had
no family ties and no near relations.
Thero was only his old servant Borik,
to mourn for him.
It was uot so with Bathory. His
death would not only prove a blow to
himself. Ho had a wifo and son whom
it would reach. That wife and child
might oveu diel And if thoy survived
him, how wero they to live? What was
to bo tho future of a penniless woman
and hor eight-year-old child? Had
Bathory possessed any property, how
much ot it would remain niter a judg'
mont which directed it to bo confiscated
and Bontouoed him to death ?
As for Sandorf, all his past lifo re
turned to Inru I His wife came to him I
His littlo daughter came a child ot two
years old, now left to tho caro of tho
Bteward. And thero wero his fruls
whom he had led to ruin l He i ed
himself if he had dono well, if he had
uot gone farther than his duty toward
his country required ? Woul I thnt tho
punishment had fallen ou him alone,
and not upou those that wero innoocut 1
JNol no! 1 hnoonlydonemy duty 1
ho said to himself, "My country beforo
all, and above all!
t flvo o'clock a warder entered tho
cell, placed the dinner on tho tablo, ami
went out again without baying a worn
Sandorf would have liked tu know iu
what fortress ho was kept a prisonor.
but ab the l'ruMilent ot the court-martin
had not thought tit to answer the qucs'
turn it was qui i certain that tho warder
would not give the information.
The prisoners hardly touched the din
ncr which had been prepared for them.
I hey liasscd the rest of tho day talUui;
nu various matters, iu tho how that
their abortive mowinent would ono day
be resumed. Very often they returned
to tho incidents ol the trial.
" Wo now know," said Zathmar, " why
wo havo been nnebted, and how tho
police riiHcov led us from that letter
whiell thev eiune norms."
"Yen, Imdislas," Miid Sandorf, "but
into whose hand did that message,
which was ono nf the last wo received,
at tiibt fall, and who copied it ?"
1 9 w
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Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient advertisements must t paid for before Is
serted except where parties liavo accounts.
luteal advertisements two dollars per inch for
three insertions, and at that rate for additional
Insertions without retcrenco to length.
Kxccutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's s
tlces three dollars.
Transient, or Local notices, ten cents a line, ttg
ular advertisements half rates.
Cards In tho "rtustness IHtectory" column, on
ollar a year for each line.
"And when
Buthoiy, "how
it was copied, added
did they read it without
tho grating ? '
"Tho grating must havo been stolen,"
said Sandoi f.
"Stolen! nnd nnd by whom t" asked
Zathmar. "The day wo wero arrested
it wns still iu the drawer on my desk,
hence tho jiolice look it."
This was indued inexplicable. That
tho letter had been found ou tho pigeou
that it had been copied lioforo Ix-iug
ut to its destination ; that tlio house
here tho person to whom it was ad
dressed had been discolored nil that
could bo explained. But that the crypt
ographic despatch could halo been
looiphered without the grating by winch
it had been formed was iucoinpreheii.
"And besides," continued Sandorf,
we know that tho letter was read, and
it could not havo been read witliout
tho grating I It wns this letter which
put the polico on our traces, nnd it was
on it that tho whole ehargo was bused."
It matters ery little, after all," an-
Bwerpd Bathory,
On the contrary, it does matter.
said Sandorf. "Wo have lieen betray
ed ! And if there has been a traitor not
to know"
Sandorf suddenly stopiied. Tlio nania
of Sarcany occurred to him ; but ho
abandoned the thought at onco without
caring to communicate it to his com
Far into tho night bandorf and his
companions continue their conversation
on nil that was uuiutelligblo with re
gard to theso matters.
In tho morning thoy wero awnkeued
from sound sleep by the entry of the
warder. It was tho morning of their
last day but one. The execution was
fixed to take place in twenty-four hours
from then.
Bathory asked tho warder if ho might
bo permitted to seo his family.
The warder replied that ho had no
orders on tho subject. It was not likely
that tho Government would consent
to givo tho prisoners this last con
solation, inasmuch as they had conducted
tho alVair throughout with tho greatest
secrecy, and not oven tho name of tho
fortress which served them a a prison
had been revealed.
" If we writo letters, will thoy bo for-
arded ? asked Sandorf.
I will bring you paper, pons and
ink," repliod the warder ; " and I prom
iso to givo your lotters into tho Gov
ernor's hands."
Wo nro much obliged to you," said
Sandorf. " If you do that you do all
ou can 1 How shall wo reward you ?
Your thanks nro sufficient, gentle
men," said the warder, who could not
oouoeal'his emotion.
He soon brought in tho writing mate
rials. The jirisoners spent the greater
part of the day in making their last
arrangements. Sandorf said nil that a
father's heart could prompt in his in
structions regarding his baby girl, who
would soon bo an orphan ; Bathory all
it n husband and a father could
think of iu bidding a loving farewell
to his wife mid son : Zathmar all that
nuistcr could say to an old servant
who remained his only friend.
Ji'.u during tno day, nlthough absorb
ed in their writing, how many times did
they stop to listen I How many times
did they seek to discover if somo distant
noiso wns not coming nlong the corridors
of the donjon! How many times did it
seem to them ns though the door of their
cell had opened, nnd that they were to
bo permitted ono last embrace of wifo,
son or daughter 1 That would havo
been some consolation ! But, in truth, the
pittiless order deprived them of this
last adieu and spaicd them the heart
rending scene.
The door did not open. Doubtless
neither Mmo. Bathory or her son, nor
the stownrd, Lendeck, to whose care
Sandorf's daughter had been given, knew
no more whero tho prisoners wero taken
to niter their arrest than Borik in Ins
prison at Trieste. Doubtless also, neither
of them know of tho doom in store for
the conspirators.
Thus passed the earlier hours of tho
day. Occasionally Sandsord and hi
friends would talk for a whilo. Oc
casionally they would bo silent for soma
time, and then tho wholoof their lives
would bo lived over ajain in thok mem
ories wilh nn intensity of impression
quite supernatural. It was not with tho
past as affecting tho jiast, that they
wero entirely concerned ; the recolleo-
tionssecmed nil to shape themselves with
a view to tho present. Wa it then, a
prescience of that eternity which was
about to open on them, of that incom
prehensible nnd incommensurate stato
of things which i called tho infinite ?
Bathory and uthmar abandoned
themselves without reserve to their rev
erics, but Sandorf was iniincilily domi
nated by nn idea which hadtakou posses
sion ol him. Ho could not doubt but
what there had been treachery iu this
mysterious nfl'air. For a man of hi
character to dio without punishing tho
traitor, whysoeicrhe wiii, without know
ing oeu who had betrayed him, was to
dio twico over. Who had got hold of
this mos-sago to which the police owed
tho discovery of tho conspiracy nnd llm
arrest of tho couspirators? Who had
read it, who had given it up, who had
sold it, perhaps? PoiioVrin over this
insolublo problem, bn il a t s excited
brain beeamo a prey to a sort of foter.
Mil while lus Ineuils wioto on or re
mained silent and motionless, he Btroda
uneasy nnd agitated, pacing tho lloor
ot his cell liko u wild beast shut up iu u
A phenomeon strange but not unin
telligible in accordance with ncousticnl
law came nt last to hi aid aud whisper
ed the secret ho had despaired of dis
Several times ho had stopped short a
ho turned attho angle which thodividiug;
wall of tho cell mado with tho main wall
of tho corridor, on to which tho different
cells opened. Iu this anglo, just whero
tho door was hinged, ho seemed to hear
a murmur of vo cen, distant aud hardly
recognizable. At first ho paid no atten
tion to this, but suddenly a nanio wns
pronounced his owu and he listened
intently. At' once ho detected nn ac
oustical phenomenon, such as is observ
able iu tho interiors of gallories nuu
domes or under vaults of ellipsoidal
form. Tho voico traveling from one
point of the ellipse, nfter following tho
contour of tho walls without being per
eeptiblo nt any interim dlato point, h
jilaiuly heard at tho other focus. Such
is thu phenomenon met with in tho
crypts of the Pantheon in Pari., in tho
intorior of tho dome of St. lVter's at
Rome, and in thu whispering gallery at
St. Paul's in Loudon. Tlio faiutest
word utlerod at one focus of thosoourvos
is distinotly hoard ut tho focus opposite, ,
Thero could bo no doubt that thu two
or jnoro pi-sous who wero talking either
iu tlio eoiridoror in a cell situated al
tho end of tho diameter, the vooal point
of which wa eloso to tho door of tho
cell occupied by Sandiirf,
By a sign he called hta oomrunions to
him. Tho three stood listening.
Fragments of phrase distinctly reach
od their car. ; phrases broken off and
dyiug away as every now and then tho
Bpenker moved from und towards tho
point whoso position determined the