The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 15, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
J. Ei Blttsnbsndw,,) 1"'rl'
CotiRii'Ssmnn Stnrtn is a member of
the committee on Indian nfTnirg.
Tho appointment of Congressman
Ferry I!elinoni of Now York u ulniir
man of tho uoiutuittco of Foreign
Affairs in place, of ex-governor Cnrtin
of tliN slate, liai excited much mi
favorahlu comment on tho action of
Speaker Carlisle. Gov. Uurlln is pe
culiarly fittod for tho position, and
filled it very satisfactorily for tho
past threo years, while Mr. Belmont is
n younjr, man of limited experience,
and not to 1h compared with Cnrtin in
piint of ability. Whether tbo speaker
has mado a mistake remains to be seen
The Supreme Court has recently de
cided, in an opinion by Judge Gordon,
that where a judgment is entered by a
justice of the peaco against a married
woman add an appeal U taken theie-
from to tho Common Pleas jurisdic
tion it must aflirmativcly appear on tho
transcript of the Justice that the debt
was contracted anil incurred tor artt
e.lns necessary to the support of the de
fendant's family. The judgment,whioh
was entered by tho Common Pleas on
such transcript for want of an appear
anco, was thcreforo reversed and BCt
If tho rumor bo ooriect that a fiuht
will be mado against Chairman Hensel
at tho meeting of tho Deraocratio
Mate (Jommitteo on tho SJUth, it is a
great injustice to a faithful andelGoient
leader. lie ha done all that could be
dono against the great odds in this
Htate, and deserves to bo retained at
the bead of the committee so long as ho
is willing to sacnuco himself tor tho
good of the party. Wo believo that
ho will be reelected by a large majority,
A bitter speeoh was aade against him
last year hy a member from nmaucl
phia who had failed to secure- what he
wanted, and Hensel was elected with
only ono dissenting vote, that of the
speaker. Vo have heard of nothing
that is likely to produco a different re
suit this year.
Republican newspapers are Indus
triously circulating the information
that ex-senator William A. Wallace is
about to dig up tho tomahawk that
was buried by him and Randall at
Chicago, aud that he will proceed at
once to scalp the latter and all his ad'
nerents in the state, iho programme
as laid down by our republican cotem
poraries is that Wallace will bo made
chairman of tho Democratic State
committee as an entering wedge. Mr,
Wallace is out of politics, aud is de.
voting bis attention to his private
uusincs, and tue wuole thing is
probably a republican fabrication, the
object ot wlucli is to produce dissen
sion in our ranks.
The Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court has recently decided that offices
posts of profit, are proper subjects of
taxation. The case arose on a bill of
equity filed by certain citftens of Pitts
burg, to restrain the commissioners of
Allegheny County from making
contract tor the erection ot a new
com thouxe and jail. It appeared that
with property of the olais mentioned
included in the assessed valuation of
property, the contract for the erection
of tho court house was not in violation
of the constitutional provision which
prohibitHany municipality from increa.
sing its indebtedness to an amount ox.
ceediui; 2 per centum upon the asesa
ed valuation of property without the
assent of the electors at a public elect
ion. It father appeared that the assent
ot the electors had not been given to
the creation of the debt in question
and tdat if the offices, posts of profit
and occupations were excluded from
the assessed valuation the -debt would
be in excess of thn 2 per centum allow
ed by the constitution. The Supreme
Court decides, moreover, that tno
County Commissioners haj a richl to
adopt the-valuation of tho preceding
assessment as tho basis ot their action
in making the contract without innui
riiiK as to whether the articles included
in said valuation wero properly Uxablo
or not.
Modern Methods of (Jetting Office,
T. vr Fowderly's Letter in Scranton Truth.
The man who aspires to office now
must stoop to a great many things that
htrictly religious people do not dieam
of. He must siart out after dark, of
course; go to the Thirty-first ward aud
set up tho beer in Tom, Dick and
Harry s saloon"; ho must sign every
petition or subscription that may be
handed to him; he must buttonhole
and bo buttonholed; he must resort to
double-dealing, lying, conniving, gin
tiwilliug and linuk-bitingof evrry vari
cty. The politician will
hold up his hands in holy horror and
Bay "Powderly is slandering the
people." But I say no. I am not
talking of the people, but to the people
wlio sit at Home and permit three or
four men In each ward to represent or
rather misrepresent them. I will be
told that in speaking so plainly I am
digging my political grave. Well if
speaking tho truth will dig my political
grave I am satisfied to not only dig the
grave, but to shovel the dirt in after
thij corpse is decently laid away. In
fact, I have been told that nnlesi I
submit to the dictation of certain men
I can, have no nomination.
Ths Wisdom of High License.
Tho nmoiuit of revenue derived from
litpinr licenses in Chicago under the
ii v law has incroased from 20U,0l)0
to 81,500,000 a year, and the number
of salo ma lnw decreased trom 13.000
to 0,000. Tlio licenso charge is only
5,Ui, which is much les in proportpu
to the amount ot "jjoods sold arid th
profits upon them than tin local tax
paid iy retail merchants who do th
same amount of trade In other lines,
The liui ne is therefore, not a hard
ship, and thoso who pay it are protect,
ed from a competition that would de
duct moru from their profits than the
tax dors. The diminution in the nuin
ber of drinking places is a distinct gait
to tho community in three ways,
1 Thoso that are closed aro usually of
the lowest type, the temptations to
drink are diminished, and the police
miperviMon ot the train j is made easier
by a reduction in tho number, amount
Ing to nearly one-half, anil by tho in
tere't ol thoso who pay Irish licenso in
aiding in tho suppression of unlicensed
sale. Roth in the matter of revenue
and of regulation high- license is vin
(Jieatlug Us wn Jom.
Tho crcat storm of last week passed
over tho cntlro country. Muoh damago
was dono to shipping along mo cost.
oranges wero lrozen in v loruiri, nnu
tho thermometer fell to -15 degrees be
low zero nt Omaha, and 52 below at
Manitoba. It was tho coldest stoim
for many years.
Halleck's Envy of Grant1
1K(! TO SlCIllt'lCIi (HUNT IN 1801.
General Low Wallace uses tho follow-
sng startling language in nn interview
printed in tho Commercial Gazette-.
"Gcnoinl Grant, in his report of I8G.5,'
says emphatically that tho battle of
Monocaey on July 9, 1801,. did save
Washington. 1 have no hesitancy in
saying thai it saved tho capital, con
traiy to the wishes ot Ilalleck. lam
convinced that nt the time, out of jea'
ousy of Grant, Ilalleck was willing to
. .1 1 . !. tt-.l.
oeiray mo country ami permit r niu
iiiutnn to bo capttirul, knowing that
such a thing would destroy Grant.
"Until Orant was called lint ilal
leck had been commander-in-chief.
Ho was then let down with the title of
'chief of staff,' but nobody has ever
been able to discover whoso staff he
was chti f of. It was this that made
him envious of Grant. In June 18GI,
when Early made his movement on
Washington thu first information of it
was when ho appeared befoio Martins-
burg and drove angel out. niegel
telegraphed to Ilalleck that E.uly,
with 30,000 men, was in his front ami
was bent on going either to Washing
ton or Baltimore. Ilalleck refused to
believo the report, and said Siegel was
scared at a small raiding party, lie
also failed to notify Grant of what
Siegel had reported. Siegel telegraph
ed tho same thing to mo at Baltimore.
I thoimht I would satisfy myself, but
knew if I went in the daytimo Ilalleck
would hear of it and remove me. bo
I went out to Monocaey, tho Unit of
mv department, in tho iiiuhtiiuut.
I soon became satisfied that tho enomy
was moveing in force, but just what
his objective point was could not be so
readily determined. I immediately bo
gan concentrating my small force at
tho crossing of the iHonocacy, near
Frederick. Tho road to Baltimoru
and tho road to Washington cross tho
river on bridges not far apart. It was
an excellent placo for dofensHand by
tho morning ot the Dili ot July 1 had
5800 men well posted. A great pait
of my men wero only 100-day men
aud had never been under fnc. The
rebels began the attack early in the
morning with about 16,000 men, with
several thousand more at Frederick.
The battle lastod until 5 in the evening
when I withdrew without the los of a
gun or a flag. Tho enemy was so
much discouraged by the stubborn
icsistauce that they did not cross the
river until noon of the next day. Thus
they were delayed thirty-six hours.
I iad succeded in making Early show
his force and demonstrate his real ob-
jietive point.
"I immediately telegraphed to Grant
tho result of thu matter. Ho did not
disbelieve my report, as Ilalleck had
pretended to do that of Siegel, but at
once despatched by transports an army
corps to Washington, and it nrrivtd
just in time, as Early was skirmishing
at the outworks when the reinforce
ments disembarked. Just tlun was
where Grant showed his wonderful
genius. Uther commanders in at
tempting to tako Richmond had al
ways left behind a largo army to de
fend Washinoton. Grant was detenu
ined to utilize his forces, and he kept a
fleet of transports at City Point under
steam at all times by which to send
men back to defend Washington, but
in 1801 he would have been too late if
I had not teU graphed to him instead nf
ilalleck. for winning that battle
Ilalleck removed mo from command.
but Grant telecraphed an Older re
storing me and inviting me to spend a
week or two with him at City Point.
It was the first communication we had
had for two years.''
From our ltegular correspondent.
WASHINGTON. U. U, Jail. 11, 1BSU.
Wliilc Congress has dono nothing
startling sinco it reassembled, almost
everything that has occurred on Capi
tal Hill during tho week has been
fraught with interest and importance.
The Senate has discussed and voted
against the Mormons, and incidentally
against woman aultrage. steps were
taken towards over-hauling the street,
railways of Washington as well as thu
U. S. Pension office, and the Congres
sional Record was embellished with
considerable eloquence on silver coin
age, senator lieck exonerated himself
from his recent alleged antagonism to
the President. About ono thousand
new bills wero introduced in tho Houso
and the Speaker completed the organi
zation of that body by formally an
nouncing where ho has assigned his
5 men on his lorty-eiglit commit
There is no more than tho usual
amount of dissatisfaction among mem
hers on account of their positions on
tho committees. Indeed I think there
was less complaint than was suspected.
and the general veidicl of those who
have no personal interests in the great
questions with which these committees
ire to deal, is, that speaker Lai lisle
has arranged them with wisdom and
There aro so many new members in
the present House, that their assign
ment had to be made somewhat blindly
as their special abilities had not been
tested. But the Speaker profiled by
his experience in tho forty-eighth con
gress in placing the old members with
a view to their qualifications. The
more prominent committees whioh
liavo tho most important work to do
are strong.
With each congress the task of or
ganizing thu House is becoming a more
delicatu and burdensome one. The
question has been raised whether the
labor should any longer be thrown up
on one man.
Both branches of Congress aro now
ready for real work, any amount of
whiuh is waiting for them. It is
thought the session will continue until
August. About three thousand bills
have been presented in tho Hous
alone. Among those that have been
lutroduced in the senate is onedemaiid
ing longer sessions of Congress, so that
tho country oaji have more work for
tho saiuo money. Tho sessions ought
to bo continuous, with only such short
recess as other business men take trom
their labors. Thu pay of Congress,
men goes on whether they are in ses
sion or not. While it is a very agree.
ablo arrangement to them for Congress
to sit only ten or eleven months nut of
the twonty-fotir, public business suffers
trom neglect.
Tho list of bills with which Congress
is uooded lurnlshes undeniablo pro
of A ivrican inventive genius. No
possible subject of legislation has bicn
slighted among them uro many old
J timers that come up and die out with
every new Congress, una bin asks
that for tho remainder ot tier nie tno
widow of Gen. Grant may correspond
with her friends nnd that her friends
may correspond with her without pay
ing postage Tho most popular meas
ure is ono for tho establishment of
Agricultural Experiment Stations.
Nearly nil tho Members from rural
districts havo introduced it in ono form
or another. About a dozen Civil
Servieo bills have been presented and
0 new bill asks for tho establishment
of a National University here. It pro
vldes Instruction In tho higher branches
of all departments of knowledge, with
facilities for research and investigation.
Space lorbids me to give the full terms
of the bill, but 1 will mention that tho
government of tho institution is to bo
vtsted in a board of Regents consist
ing of ono member from each statu ol
the Union, to be) appointed by the Gov
ernor. Each statu and territory shall
be entitled to scholarships in tho ratio
of one lor each Repiesenlalivo or Del
egate and two for each Senator. Tin so
cho'.nrships shall nccure free instruct
ion for live years.
The Republicans ia both branches
of Congress aro after the Pension Of
fice and tho Senate has passed a resolu
tion for nn investigation of its manage
ment, past and present. Th, y com
plain that Cominicsioner Black does
not treat thorn with siillicienl dulcrcnuj
when they call on business, and then
they havo to do somothing in retalia
tion against the leeent charges, in Gun.
lilackV annual report, about the Pen
sion bureau having been a political
machine, run by Republican partisans.
The Mad Dog Scare.
At the present time more printer's
ink is being used to detail thu doings
of Pasteur, of Paris, than of, perhaps,
anybody clso in the world. IIo has
patients of several countries, including
quite a number from the United, Sums.
Four boys havo been sent from Newark
N. J., to bo treated by him, and since
they left for Europe, a veterinary
surgeon of the same city and a German
01 tho locality have followed. Pa-tour
now has between suventy anil
eighty poisons und'T his care. Hu
employes a surgeon to inoculate ac
cording to instructions rooeived from
him, the law of France not permitting
him to opcrate,as he is neither a physi
cian nor surgeon.
Pasteur experimented 5 years before
he announced that hu had discovered a
mode of preventing hydrophobia in
human bemgs, but morn than a year
previously ho had given to the wor'd
the Btatetnent that ho was able to pre
vent it in animals. This is the way in
which ho describes his method of pro
curing thu means of inoculaiioti: ''I
first take tho poison from the brain of
a mad dog. Willi this I vaccinate a
rabbit, which will die within fourteen
days, and this gives me the poison for
a second oue, which is vaccinated tho
same way. I continue this practice
until I have rrachul thu twentieth or
twenty-fifth, from theio up to the
fiftieth the rabbit will die in eight
days, nnd after the fiftieth tho an.inil
will become mad within seven dajs.
This procedure enables mo to determine
tho most impoitant features of the
treatment, namely: the duration ot the
period of incubation. There wero
people who were alllictcd with the
fatal disease -everal yens alter the
aoiident, while others died after a few
weeks. '
The learned Frenchman, whoso al
leagt d discovery is thu woi.der of the
times, is about sixty years of age, a
native ot Dole, in the Jura. His
patents were of humble origin, and
poor When his father, an old soldier,
decorated on the field of battle, re
turned to France, he took up tho trade
of a tbiintr, and was obliged to wmk
very hard to kt cp tho wolt from tho
door. Nevertheless, ho found tune
every evening to superintend the
lessons of his son, who, at an early
age, was sent to collcgo and ot whom
le was determined to make an educated
man. Ilio buy, however, wai no
infant prodigy: aud it is reported of
him that he did not always take the
shortest load either to or from school.
He was fonder of drawing than any
thing else, and whenever ho could ( s-
cape from his books, would amuse
htmsell by taking portraits of his
neighbors. Au old lady of Arbois
was heard to regret, as timo went on,
this wasted talent and to say, "
a pity ho should have buried himself
in chemistry, for he might havo made
his fortune as a painter."
In duo time, however, the passion
for work, afterward so imperative,
was born within him. He studied al
Hesancon and there received thu degree
of bachlier-en-lettres. Immediately he
was appoint) d tutor in tho samo col-
ege, and in tho intervals of Ins duties
he followed thu course of mathematics
necessary to prepare him for the scien
tific examinations of the Ecole Nor-
male. Ho is now onu of the most
learned chemists in the French capital.
Pennsylvania News.
Altoona is coming to the front with
a new bank, to bo styled the Citizens'
Tioga peoplo aro discussing tho
building of a hospital for the care of
their lujanc.
Selinsgrovo's watcr-works'have proved
a sucotss, and the inhabitants aro
The Erie Iron Works aro again ex
tending their bouudaties. A sign of
Tho Halstead mines at Lackawanna
have resumed, making bread-winners
Tho Luztiio miners aro contributing
one day's pay in aid of Nantieoku's
Gas was struok at Youngstown, and
tho city is to bo lightid with that il
lnminant. The Rading Railroad coal shipment
last week is officially reported at 1!10,
000 tons.
Tho Reading as well as the Penn
sylvania, will soon adopt tho Woollen
Fannio Davenport sent her check for
$150 to the widows and orphans nt
Thu loss by thu early Sunday morn
ing fire in Philadelphia is estimated at
Si. 000,000.
Tho Philadelphia Base-Ball Club
has secured Casey, the lufi-haiided
pitcher of tho Detroit club, for the
coming season.
Bar-iron men from all parts of tho
State and East will meet iu conference
in Philadelphia city on Wednesday
"uieu irom opium poisoning, ' was
the verdict in the case of Charles West
cott, who dropped dead on a Philadel-
phia street.
Tho printers and publishers of Road
ing will celebrate Franklin's birthday
anniversary by a grand banquet and
Tho Indications of tho bituminous
toai trade this year aro mat, mo ouipui
win no mucii larger man in iooo mm
prices low.
An epidemic of malignant dlptlieria
In nnd around Hawlev ! caused tho
closing cif tho schools. Many children
havo died.
Tim puMio schools at Bauksvllle,
near Pittsburg, aro closed, owing to
the prevalence of the scarlet fever and
Philadelphia 1ms only one or two
largo steel manufactories and is far
down on the list compared with other
ities In the state.
A Tioga County lumberman felled a
hemlock treo which mado two logs 21
feut long, three 10 mill two 12. Tho
smallest log was 7 inches in diameter.
MelCcesport, n nn Inducement, has
offered 10 aorcs of laud and a bonus
of 1,000 to any parlies that will start
it mill of imporiaticoiti that borough.
Telegraph poles in Woodvnle, Cam
bria County, must be painted black to
a height ol 8 feet. An ordinance to
this effect has peen passed by its
In Indiana Coiifty l!ies a man 80
years of ago who has been but oiico in
tho court house. Ho was diawn as a
juror and askeil to bo excused on ac
c xint of his advanced age.
Tho L coming Commissioners will
have a lively time in seeing to tho te
pairing and re-building of thu Humer
us bridges damaged and swept away
hv the late tlood.
Demorabzition scums to rule tho an
thracite coal trade. Producers are ev-
dcntlv endeavoiing to see which tine
of them can obtain the lowest prices
for their coal. Cut is following cut in
rapid succession.
The Reading Typographical Uuion
protests against tho passage of tho in
ternational copyright bill now beforo
Congress, on the ground that it would
i.rovo disastrous to American printers
and publishers.
Sixty-three of seventy collierbs
wned by tho Reading Company
had to suspend for a few dajs, owing
to storms and Hoods. I Ins will curtail
I he shipment of co d, but the company
has a huge stock on hand.
James and Clint lis Mercer, of Read
ing, aio among tho heirs ot tjreiieral
Mercer, of Revolutionary fame, who
expect to com" in.o possession of lands
owned by tho General in New York
valued at 8500,000.000.
A Chester county farmer found tho
water in his well covered with an oily
scum, and became elated at the discov
ery, thinking ho had "struck oil, sure.
Investigation, however, showed that
the oil came from a leakage of thu oil
irks which frequently stand for a con
siderable timo upon thu railroad tracks
near the well, that oil prospector is
not so near hilarious as lie was.
Rev. Dr. John Dunn, pator of the
Catholio Church at Plains,nuar Wilkes
barre. whoso sudden death has already
been announced, was regarded as one
of tho most learned clergymen and elo
quent speakers in the Diocese of Scran
ton. Ono of his actions will long be
remembered. In August, 1877, when
a great riot was threatened in Scran
ton between the steel-workers and the
militia, Father Dunn appeared on the
scene just in tune to quell it. The
mob had begun to assault the soldiers
with stones, and a rush was made for
Mayor McCune. The priest interpos
ed and saved his life.
The Ice Gcorgo at Havre de Grace.
IIavih'. iu Gkaci:, Md., Jan., 12.
While theio is no immediate danger.
tho out look from the present state of
tho river is ominous, and a sudden
thaw or heavy rain would prove very
lestriictive. the river bed is tilled
with large hummocks of icu and snow
from ten to fifteen feet thick, and at
many points jammtd to tho bottom.
Tho liver is completely closed, but the
ce is unfit for harvest. It has frozen
while gorgtd and is therefore muddy
and rough.
At Port Deposit no break is antici
pated at present, or until the weathei
moderates. Travel has been resumed
on tho Frederick Division, but discon
limed on the Peach Bottom Branch
on account ot ico and snow blockades.
Tho watei is at itt, normal height here.
Tugs aro at woik clearing ico from the
woodwork of the Philadelphia exten
sion ,of tho Baltimoio nnd Ohio bridge,
which Has been swept away twice this
winter. A largo gang of men are at
work trying to lepair the damage, but
little headway is being made.
Tho remain ng copies of tho History
of Columbia County a. book of COO
pages illustrated ami bound ii clo h
will be closul out al SI 00 each, 25
cents extra by mail. For sale at. the
Columiiian Office. Bloomsburg, Pa.
IOO Doses
One Dollar. Hood's Sarsararllla Is the only
medicine ot which this can bo truly said;
and It Is an unanswerable argument as to
tho strength and posltho economy of this
great medicine. Hood's S.irs.iparllla Is mado
of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably
known for their power In purifying the blood;
and In combination, proportion, and process,
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is jiccutlar to itself.
"For economy and comfort wouso Hood's
Sarsaparllla." Jlns. C. Hiiewstiui, Iluffalo.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla takes le time and
quantity to show lis effect than any other
rreraratlon I ever beard of. I would not bo
without it In tho houso." Hits. C, A. M.
Hubbaud, North Chill, N. Y. loo Doses
One Dollar
Hood's Sarsaparllla cures scrofula, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general do
blllty, dysrepsla, biliousness, sick headache,
catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com
plaints, and all affections caused hy Impure
blood or low condition of tho system. Try It,
"I was severely aflilcted with scrofula, and
for over a year had two running sores on my
neck, I took five bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla, and consider myself entirely cured."
C, V.. LovcJor, Lowell, Mass.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo an Immenso
amount of good. Jly w hole system has been
built up and strengthened, ray digestion tin
rroved, and my head relieved of tho bad feel.
Ing. I consider It tho best inedtelno I havo
over used, nnd should not know how to do
without It." JLtuv L. l'r.KLE, Salem, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, $1; six for $3. Mado
only by a I. HOOl & CO., Lowell, Mass
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
If you aro gronliii; dray or Lui
If your llnlr Is Thin, Urash; , Ory,
nnrsii, or iteaKj
If yoiinrctrotiMeil vItlt Dandruff,
iinnm:, or nny iiumer or lih
cft'oof the Scalp,
It hcaU nearly evc-y illcao rultar to
tho scalp, checks tho fillluj mii i f tho Hair
mi 1 prmi ntt It from turning gray, nnu t un
unequalled drrwlnj mid tuilut articY.
rnci'AUED uy
Sold by all firuygliti.
W Thoyal r:xr.j j
Absolutely Pure.
This ocwder nivor viulns. A marvel ot purity
strength tml wn iiesomness. J'rn ponomtcnl
thaat'ie oMInarv km 'n. and cannot bo sold tu
con potion wltri tho multitude of low test, nli'.-rl
wpii(iu, aiuin or pnospnnco powaers. KMiooniy
In oinf, Hoval llAntNO I'owiimi Co , inn Wall-St.
v. V. Oct 16- y
Ilrwcr W. II. Fisher,
Ilenlon stew.irt I'oiist.
.tloom-llcnry W llllani, .t, K tlrotA John C. Jones,
llrlarereek o. W. .Miller.
CatnwiS'U-Win. t: er, m. Martin, Henry Mrouw
.1! II. milliard.
Vntndl i Albert Catlerley.
Centre--llenj. Miner.
KHilnitcrtfk -Jacob llayman.
nekton Keklal Killz.
l-ociKt - sol. p. snider, C. W. S. Fox.
Nn ilson- -d. II. Mipplop, Parker Kestcr,
Montour Panic! K. llnllor.
Kott Miles Uieeuwalt, Thos. W. lidgar, Jacob
Migarloaf- -Wellington Hess.
llenton Alfred (llbbons, Thcinaa Kdwards.
lierwlck-uco. A.Carey.
nioom Louts dross, Thomas Oorey, Win. Itabb.
llrlarereek O. W. Iluwman.
Oatawlcsa-. M. (). Hughes, Jacob Klln?ainan.
centre .lames Turiby, -lo-eph Whltmure.
conyngnam Ira l,o.ird.mncl.
Klshlnncreek Win .Mcar.s.
ilreenwooil Wm. II. Law-ton, David Albertson.
Jackson Lmantiel orks.
Ijocuit Frn Yocum, John C. Walter, 1). Hclwl;,
Joliti Fetterman.
Main lleo Ilrildt, 1). S. Iirown. W, S. Fisher.
.Minim 1'. A. Federolt, (learliart. Alfred W.
Montour -JoslAh liobcrts.
.Mt. I'.cjsant 'I hoinas Sic Pride.
"range- Jcsso lirumstettler, Oliver Covanhovun,
rtno lolin (lordner.
lioarlngcwek .Michael ltoacti. W, A. Kline.
Heaver J. Paul Fry.
Uernlck (leo. Pevlns, V. . Hawley, Thos. Sher
wood. Bloom-Chan. Armstrong. David UlUenbcndjr,
Miles lietz, Kdivaia itlcli.nd, Wen. Ferguson.
John W. Kr.uncr, J. c. .Menugh, John F.
Peacock, olin llliliiuid.
catawlssa Malilln Hamlin, Alonzo Jacob)-. O. L.
KostenbiU'ler, II. . Kceder, lien Schmlck,
P.ivd miojso.
Centre F- P. Ilagenbuch, Jacob Sponsler.
FlsUlngcreck llruco Preilier, A. W. Mcllcury,
Frank .M. 1'e.Uer, John Mutton.
Franklin L. 1). lieorge.
(lie liwood-John Klsiier.
Jackson W. Y. llesa.
I.oeu-,t Joseph Sander.
.Miullson Hr.i Vnndlne.
.Mlilllu Clulitaln llarpster, A. W. Snyder.
OrutiKu-ll. U. Low.
lto.iilngcrvok Daniel lieer.
N:ott Abraham Custer,
fcugarloai James hi. ward. .
Notice Is hereby given to nil legatees, creditors
nnd other persons Interested In the estates ot tho
respective decedents ni d minors, that the fol
low Ing ndmlnlstiutlon. executors nnd guardian
accounts ha;e been Wed In the onico or tiio Polls
ter of Columbia county, nnd will bo presented for
conilrmntlon nnd allowance In tlio Orphans'
i ouri to bo held In liloomsUurg. on Monday, Feb
reary 1st 181, at a'clock p. in. on said day:
1. Tho first nnd tlnal nccount ot Thomas W.
Harrison Kxr. ot Samuel Ha.rlsonSate ot Fishing,
creek township, deceased.
S. The first nnd tlnal account ot Dcorgo L. lloy
er, Admlnl-trator ot Harriet Mojer lato ot the
town of ltloomsburg, deceased.
3. The lint and ilnil account of (luy .Tncoby.
Kxeeutorof Nancy Kahl;r lato ot tho town of
Ulc omsburg, deceased.
. Tho first and final nccount of Wesley ltaup.
Administrator of Daniel ltaup, lrio of Locust
township, deceased.
5. The account ot Maurice V. Seybert, Adminis
trator of busauseyb rt, lato uf orange township,
C. Tho account of Maui loo K. Seybert, Adminis
trator do bonis non of Samuel Sej belt lato ot Scott
township, deceased.
". Tho Dual nccount of David Whltmlre guardi
an ot Wm. Tremley, in nor child ot John Tremley
lato of Scott township, deceased.
8 The ilrtt and partial account of Samuel C.
Jayne, Lxeeutor of Clara Linden lato ot tho llor
ough ot jierwlck, deceased
U. Tho first nnd final nccount of I. 11. elbhnns.
Admlnl-trator of (leorno lles.s. Into of snirurlo.if
township, deceased.
10. '1 he llrst and final nccount of John K. Weill.
ver, Administrator of Iteuben liouch, latoot Mon
tour township, deceased.
11. Tho lirst nnd Anal account, of Stenlien ""oho
and Philip L. Miller, Trus ees ol I'hebo A. Miller,
wiuui wniiiu lunusiup, ueueascu.
l'J. The first nnil nepnimt. nt It. n. r'revnl.
Ing, Admlnl-trator of susati n. Case, lato ot Scott
lownsuip, ucccaseiL
Jan, 8-to llegtster.
Ill- vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot the
Court ot Common Pleas ot Col. Co., and to mo dt-
eetedwlll bo exposed to public salo at tho Court
Houso In Uloonisburg, at a o'clock p. in. on
All that certain Mllagolot situate In Espy, Co-
lu iibla ounty, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho
south by Main street, on the wo t by nn alley, on
tho east by lot owned by Alexander Wanlck,
being sUty feet fronton Main street, whereon Is
erected a two story fratno dwelling hou3e, stable
and other out-bulldlngs
soued, taken In execution at the suit of M. C.
Woodward s. John Waters and to bo sold as the
property of John Waters. Al. Vend. Ex.-
llowiu, Atty,
Alltho following real estato lo-wlt: Alt those
three certain lots ot giound lying contiguous to
each other lu ltoberts' Addition to tho Town ot
Cataw lssa being lots marked or numlx-red In the
plot or plan ot said ltoberts' Addition, numbers
lltty.slx, tlfty-bcien and llfty-elght.tu, M andM,
forming ono wholo square In said plot or plan of
two hundR'dnnd ten ftx'tln lengthund I lie same
In b eailth, bounded on tho east by Fouith street
ot said ltoberts' Addition, on tho west by an alley
and on tlio south by tho boundary lino ot said
ltoberts' Addition to tlio Town of Catawlasa which
said described real estato Is situate In ltoberts'
Addition to tho lown of CatawUsa, In tho town
nhlpot CitawUs , county of Columbia and State
ot Pennsylvania, wheieonls erected a two story
brick dwelling house, barn and other out-bulld"
Beled, taken In ;cxo .utlon at tho suit of Solomon
p. Itlnard vs. Charles W. McKclry and to ba sold
as tho property of Charles W. .McKelvy.
Vend, lit.
ltiiAWN, Atty.
All tint ceitaln property sltuato Pi Jackson
townsuip, coiumtiia county, fa , bounded and de.
Honbed us follows, to-wlt ! On the uoith by prop
erty or in. prink, on tho enst by property of
William Parks, on tho boulli by property of poyd
Mtchle, on tho west by propoi ty ot Thos. l. Young,
containing titty acres, whereon nro creeled a two
btoiy frame dwelling and bank barn, wagon shed
and straw shed.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of I.llley S:
Sleppyuowtousoof Jacob (ierrard cgalnst Dan
iel S. Young and to bo bold as the propeity ot Dan.
Icl S. Young.
K.4W, Al. Ft, Fa,
Jau. 6th, 1M0, sheriff.
The ilemind for tho tmnrovod &- Hamiin
UAKns I. now u Urk-u that n decern! Ari.lllton to thu
tactury liaa tit-tome Imperative. Im not mpilre one
quarter ua much tunltitf aa riauoa un tlie prevailing-ttrpht-pln
ayalem. Con.tilt Catalogue, free.
110 Si) lea of Ok,iak, to t'jou. For C'a.b, Laiy
Payment, or ItinteJ,
Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co,,
Jan..)5 lt-alJ.
WANTED. Ladles or gentlemen in
rllv or rnunlrv to tuUn Hirhi un,k
nt their own homes. 13 iofi a day can be easily
made; w ork sent by mall; no canvassing. Wo
havo good demand tor our work and furnish
steady employment. Address, llh blimp, CHOWN
.M'F'O COMPANY, DI Vino St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
r ui buiLiuu uay, biruw, ensilage, etc, 'Hie only
cutter that will cut and eplll cornstalks. Cannot
bo damaged by orertci-dlng. Very durable end
btroug. lias btialght heavy knives, cuts tlx
different Hzes, and sold to suit tho times THOU.
(1. MMEPLEY, (Jeu. Agt,, Wtlllstown Inn p. o.,
Chester Co., pa. (Jiwi6-u.-r.
Srmptpcr AUtrtlalua; Partau,I0 (ipruce Kt.,K, V,
WHHEAS,tlielIon. VlLtAM Ef.WF.t.t.
President Judno of tho Court of Over nnd
Terminer nnd (leneral Jail Pollvcry, Court ot Qtinr
ter acssions ot tno rcaco and tho Court of Common
Pleas nnd orphans' Court In tho 56lh Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia nnd
Montour, and tlio Hons. James Lake nnd F. L
hhumnn, Assiclato Judges of Columbia county
havo Issued their prcccpt,benrlng date tho 81st day
of Deo. In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and elgtity.nvo, nnd to modlrcctod for
holding n Court ot Oyer and Terminer nnd (leneral
Quarter Sessions of tlio Peace, Court of Common
Pleas nnd Orphans' Court, In tllooinsburg, In tho
county of Columbia, on tho first Munday.belng
tho 1st dty of Feb. nott, to contlmiB for two
Notice Is licrcby given to the tho Jus
tices ot tho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho said
County of v'oluinbla.that they bo then and thcr") In
their proper person nt to o'clock In the forenoon ot
said 1st day of Feb. with their records Inqui
sitions nnd other rcmombrnnces,to do those things
which to their ofllces appertain to be done. And
thoso that nro bound by recognizance to prosccuto
against tho prisoners that nro or may bo In the Jail
of tho saldcountyot Columbla.tobethen nnd there
to prosecute them as shall bo u t. Jurors are re
quested to b punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg
(, ,) tlipsistdayof Deo In tho year of our
UN. VLord one IhotH.ind elitht hundred and
) o'tfiity live, and In 'ho ono hundred nnd
nlnih jenr M thu Independence of tho Putted
States of America.
Sherllt's omce, JOHN MOUUKr,
The undersigned auditor appointed bv tho nr.
phans' Court ot Columbia county to distribute toil,
anco In tho hands of tho executor among the par
ties entitled thereto.wlll sit at his other In lllooms
burg, on Filday, J .nuary 1Mb, IKsfiat io o'clock
a. in., tor the purposes ot his appointment, when
nndwheronll irrsonn hnvlng claims against said
estate must appear and prove thesatmair bo de
barred from any share of said fund.
OEO. K. F.LWEt.t,
Deo 18-lw Auditor.
rn re-eetnte qr Catlmrtnr t'arver, late tf Jackson
towmhlii, Col. Co, Get earn).
Letters of administration In sild estate haMng
been granted to the undersigned ndmlnlsTator,
all persons Indebted to said estato are hereby no
tified to pay tho same, and thoso having claims
against said estalo present tho samo to
Jan. l, cw l'.o. Pcrr's.
LOtle'S testninentnrv nnfhnivitntn nf Amrnllni
MncPowell deceased, late of Scott township coL
county, Pennsjlvanla, havo been granted by tho
lleglsier ot said county to tho undersigned oxecu
tor. All persons having claims against tho estato
of said decedent nro requested to present them
for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted to tho estato
to make payment to tho undersigned without de
.. w. ntn Street, New York,
Dcoll-Cw Executor.
In tho matter of tlio innnir nnM Ihin mh.i
W illlam John and Charles Krelgh upon mortgago
of Jacob Krelgh to Joseph Probst and Peter Kcr
lln nnd Mary his wife.
Tho auditor nrniolntprt br t tie rnnrt Pnmmn,.
Pleas or Columbia county by consent of parties
to distribute the above nnrned fund in nnri
among the parties entitled thereto will hit at his
onice In llloomsburg on Tuesday, January nth,
ltM, at io o'clock a. in., to perrorm the duties or
his appointment, when nnd where alt poisons In
crested mu-t appear and present theirclalin or
bo debarred irom coming In on sal.t fund.
, . uco, ti i;lwki,l
dec 23-4W ' Auditor.
i,V.V. . It "'cu -n ui me ninenaea
Horticultural and Mechanical Association thu
timo or holding tho annual mcetlnir ror tho elec
tion of onicies Is changed from tho third Saturday
; num nimimtT iu .ihuii ry, ineie-
fore: Notice Is hereby gpen that the Annual
Mepttnenr Miamnmhun,., .
i . .. . ? ... mo v.jn.-j iiuusu III IHUUIUS-
imrg, Saturday, January (I, isst at 3 o'clock p. in.,
for tho purpose ot electing onlceis for tho ensuing
dltcirs to pass upon tho accounts of tho secreturv
and lreasurer, and to attend to such other bust-
tPM nu Until .nmn . -
" - wiu iiuycuj ui-iuru iuu meeting.
, ., II. V. WHITE.
Jan. 8th, sw secretary.
euir, UM.KASK1).
Letters nf nmlnlkt.nflnn nn tnn nu,n,n n.
lien Sltler, lato ot Orange township, deceasod.havo
been granted by the lteglstcr ol said county to tho
undersigned administrators. All persons having
claims against tho estnto of the deceased nro re-
lui-iu-u ui pr bent tiiciu tor settlement, nnd tho. e
Indebted to tho estnto to make paiment to tho
undersigned administrators without delay.
u a. si n.i;it,
C. F. S1TI.EU,
Him. .MAliY SITLElt,
,s - . Administrators.
Dec, S3, Cw."
ESTtTK O,' VIRVmuvH'iui ntnn.otn
Letters ot administration on the estato of Mary
lornwald, lato of CatawKsa townshin. rniumi.i,,
county. Pennsylvania, deceased have been tram,
ed by the lteglstcr ot said county to the undersign
ed Administrator. All persons having claims
against thoestnio or tho deceased aro requested
to present them fo' settlement, aud those Indebt
ed to the estnto to mako payment to tho under-
sfKui-u uuiiumsiruiur w linoui neiav.
Dec 18-dw
Notice Is hereby given that thn fniintiinn- on.
count has been filed In thlsonico, nnd will bo pre
sented to tho court for connnnallon on tho 1st
diy ot February next, and will bo confirmed b.
solutely unless exceptions bo filed thereto within
four days thereafter.
First account ot Samuel K. Smith, im.i un
pointed by tho court ot omraou Pleas, of tho fund
or bequest left by John E. F wler. late ot the b r
ough of lierwlck, deceased, for tho poor of said
, o .. II. SNYDEIt,
Jan 8, Jt. Prothonotary
JL A. 1)., lbfsl.
Mrs. D. 11. Frederick vs. Edward Lyons.
Maryc. sheatlervs. William SaMdge.
Itohr Mcllcury vs. William C Patterson.
James bird vs. Darling culp, et. al.
Jacob Haines vs. N. . It. Hallway Co.
I. jdla Kobblns vs. businua stoker, et. nL
Adams & son vs. Francis Evans, trustee,
Mary 11. Ilolmos vs. James s. Woodsct. ux.
William II. Yorgey vs. Locust Mt. Water Co.
Peter Michael's nclrsvs. John lloofnagle.
lleuben Fagely's Exr's. vs. John erry.
John (irou vs John K. drot.'
Joseph He s' Exr. vs. Frank I. Hess.
John Poinboy vs. M. M. Hartzel.
T. F. Craig vs. Mahal i Craig.
Charles w. McKelvy vs. C. r.. Prockway.
llenjaiulii Fetteimanvs. J. II. lioblson.
(leo. II (lordner vs. William (llngle,.
II. W. Power vs.o. F. Ferrlset. al.
A. M. Fr?.is Mfg. Co. vs. o. F. Ferris et. al.
L. L. (dams use vs. Philip sponey.
T hoinas li UeiUts vs. Joseph Faust et. al.
P. K, Vanuatu vs. Joseph Fausl.
c. W. Eves vs. W. K. Cox.
(leo II. seybert vs. Tumbach and Hess.
It. 1. Eveiltt is. P. F. sutllitet. al,
oeorgoii Welilvervs. O. F Fetilset. al.
s. P. Hosier s uso vs chailes Krug.
Obud Michael vs. Sarah A. .Michael et, al.
Real Estate!
The heirs of Kllno deceased, will offer at
private Balo
sltuato two miles above Orangevtlle. along FlsU
Ingcreek. known as tho Homestead, containing
It Is In a good stato ot cultivation, and ihem Is
. crecttst thereon a
Large Dwelling House,
well palutnl, and In gwid condition, laigo bank
uarnwitusiieds attached, carriage house, wagon
shed, hog pen, and other oui-bulldliura iu hrst
class condition. Two wells ot water, ouo nttho
nouse, una tuo other at the barn,
'i ::' MH Fruit.
In Orange township, adjoining the ouo above de
scribed nnd In a good statu ot cultivation, or
which aro erected a
Also a tract ot
Timber Xiand,
In said township, containing
Any of tho above properties remaining unsold on
the 1st of February will bo for rent. 1'or terms
and conditions apply to
orasgevllle, Pa.
Ian e, 4t.
1 if 9 3 if 1
pisTiacm I . " I 2 S lS 9 S
9 1 I I l 5 H
lie nver
l"i uni.11 11
Mt. Pleasant.
Tlio nlinve statement 1
nt shows Hie iinioiiiit
encli nf tliu several I)ls
pn '.v.s.n 1PSID ttoil BV) I nil miio ! ssjirii
,, 117 omimt trw bio'1 sis.'S .who fsrr.D ! 'j
187 1 IlilSI 'IITKI aui I stow, S2.VI unm l.WW 11 j !
US 3'CiTlll tnit.'i 4IU1 1 1 lll'H 1ITH 4WI5 .
..1 .... 1311 IV-.'lhO 1(M! S!WV 8150, 0 16II.", in. Vinsio ; I i "
ii .jviis.v) 41KH) 51m I ti'o liiwi Mmn I
,,. PS) 1(11173 SIISI3 (0.10 1 PM, 1301.1 01(1110 ,'j 'A
P! r.vir.s.1 inpi I'so.,,. M0, 3 nmj nriTin
ls iihom K logti sciKl lii:tii ireno 4ni.vs i '
hu PI7K.1 lu-.'ii 7iii 'iii "is 4sn smjin ! "
PC ilini) 411:1 ft"i s:ilii 15s;o miiiivH .. i "
11s siiri'.'i) insrs 4ssn kio ia;o. t-nn 41311:, 1
1(10 NltWI KI.10 lilSt SI IV 831.1 1I7CI,
, sin li'.'.iiw nun nam tiw 11m oiia;,i "
p,n SI .VJ3 1SINI Mill S7.VI 3,'i0 PIMl :.1s(l SiBHKI
US SI1II11 l("i Mil 1TU0 1 llisl Mw.1 S312I3 a 'i "
IM 4Jd!W 1SII7 .TKf MO PU5 1.1IS.1 jIMI, . '"
till Sff.1,70 '07.1 3lae 3l) I Mil MKp.1 Stoi'nl I "i "
llll Ml 3H 171155 MIJ !M j Nl 4HT.1 V!-IB:.-I .! "
K) aOdtS 1SIK) 3.140 SOII0 1I1I.1 13110 31I3S0
IIS 115511) 4.11,1 Sill' ....J 311 mil ISs'Wi " " "
r, ilini: tiro i ni7 11.10 4-jiii "I"
M 4S.1I0 PWil 4.17.1 UK) .1 35.10, wain M-J1II0 4 'al'l'
120 viojuj iMsu rm i 41173 ius
M:eij7.3,K8 iWlKO lltfl0J (35.1)1 3(13 Hl JlOMSJSJ u
11 '1 r 1
risilieitl ui V.U1UIIILMI i:uiiiiij us 1 ui 111 lieu uiu 1 I lCDnlal Asst'ssors
Nollcc Is hereby L'iven that tliu County Cniiiinlsflnners cluing 11s n llonrit of ll,.irUi
...III .l ... ..111.... 1.. in t "1.,. ,1,.. ,.r ., . , "t-.vl51n
III 1,11,-IHI IIL llll-ll 1,111,1- 111 l.lLll.lllsiMl , 1; l.ri
any of tliu valuations of tliu Acsessors linvu
lie Interest nnd men' lnj; of Hie Act nf July
l, om ,.,...1 ,. I.r... !.,, tOll,
Ivor, Jiinmiry tlio lililt fur nil blstrlcts west uf 111 I-'islilngcreek mill Jnniin y the Mil,
inr liiilanct) of Districts lit-In IIkhu tlirnugli hlcli tlio f aid creek pusses untl those
vliully nn the oust side ut vvlileli time nnil place nil persons for tlicinndves and Illmrtcts
dcslrinir In lit, benril. run ntti-ml. The returns will lie ntipn far tMii.,nitn.. ...n , .
....Tt.i , , : .. 1 . 1
IWVISlllll 13 UUilipiLlUll.
Attest t JoiW II. Cakv.
Ooinmlstioners' Olllce lllooinsljurj;, Die. 20tli, 188.).
Wlinlesnle. Hetnll.
Wheat per bushel 85 0.1
Hye " " fill
Corn " " ....old 00 new -iO CO to 05
Oats " "
Flour " bbl
Ijried Apples
Side uiiti shoulder
I.nrd per lb
liny per ton
Vinegar per tpd
Onions per buslirl
Void skins
Wool peril)
aa -io
5 to 0
20 22
21 24
40 Cl'
11 11
o;i 05
OS 10
0(i 08
10 12
03 10
20 ;:o
75 1.00
5 to 7
Coal on Whahf.
No 0 2.00j Noa 4 ,t 5 3.2o
llltumiutis, ii.
Philadelphia Markets
FEED- Western winter bran, spot, lB.t.0 w 17.00
t-prlng 15.5(1 ( m.5)
L'l , ,111. ,..-. .. .
. ...v.... ..iz.ii.-iii cAiiiln J..uinL .,,.i; , nun n
family, 4 un m 4 -ii Ohio clear, 4.( o a i.hi wit ter
" -7 , . tu.IV, ,IUVL03 .1 ,3
Pennsj lvanla red, No. 1, ,U7
UOItN.-No. 4, 41) (3, 41' o. 3, 45, No. S, 40.
OATS. No. 3 Willi o (ut 3.1 If No. 2, 41
..... ...... oiiwii iiuiiiiuj lytiuieu ivesiern
nnd New 'iork, 17. fair to good Western and
VnrL- ,K tn. ...... i ,i ,
..v.. .u.n,,u. vs ia.u, iiiiuiUlll CSII'I II UllU iL"lV
nrl;. in irfi IK .(-iti ii,,.. u tn ii, in .1,1
lye straw hi, Wheat straw, io. oat ' straw
I ( 10.
I'linU Dnn...1.Hln .w n. . n..
llin-l'l-ll .,.,,nuvlvn,,l,. V, ,,
v..iani i j r.iraoi, Uiiein iwiry, t M 1
roui.Tltv. Fouls, x ia lo'Turkojs 1
lb t:ssi:i) 1'0ULTI!V.-Uhli;kens,:i3c. Turfccy.ll
c ducks iglt,
In pursuanco ot an order of tho Oi nhnns' Court
ot Columbia couiily.Penn.u, the undersigned
utors of John kelehner, deceased, will exnosu to
public sale on tho premises, on
Saturday, Jan. 23, 1886,
at 1 o'clock, p.m.,! day tho pillowing de
scribed valuibl-i real estate, to-wlt : All that cer
tain messuage, tenement nnd tract of land sltuato
In tho township ot centra county ot Columbia nndJ
itato of Penna., bouud-d and described as follows,
to-wlt: Peglnnlngat a stone In tho public load,
theneo by lands late ot tho heirs ot John Conner,
leceased, north ono half degre east two hundred
and nluety-nlno and thicc-tcnths perches to a
white oak stump; theneo by the same south
elghty-two and ono fourlhilegiues west, lorty-sev.
n and eight-tenths perches to a stono ; theneo by
tho same south elghty-ono and onMouitli degiees
west, ten and eUlit-tenths nerehes to a stono;
theneo by lands of the heirs ot Jeremiah Hess, de.
ceased, south ono-lnlf degree wesl, two hundred
and ninety-three nnd nlno tenths perches to a
stone ; thence by laLdsot Lafay- tto Cteasy, north
seventy-eight and ono half degrees east, ten nnd
eight-tenths perchesto ii stono; tli-nce by tho
s,une south elghty-nlno and one-fouttli ih-grees
east forty-tw o and four-tenths perches to a stono
lu public road the placo of beginning containing
107 ACRES,
i thirty-four pcrcheu strict measure bo the
10 moro or less, on which Is elected a largo two
Frame Dwelling House,
largo bank barn, straiv shed, tables, wngou shed.
corn cribs, ling pen and all necessary outbuildings
being tho homestead. A largo npple orchard on
tho premises and a ncv er falling spring ot water at
tho door, and at tho barn conducted thither by
Tho sum of twenty-llvo hundred dollars secured
to the widow Hester Kelehner' by tno will of Mio
said John Kelehner, deceased, to lemalna Hen
upon said land during tho widowhood of thotuld
Hester Kelehner the Interest thereof to 1 paid to
her annually nnd nt her deat h or re-ir arrlage the
principal sum to bo paid to tho heirs of said John
Kelehner, deceased.
All, that certain piece, parcel aud tract of thn
berland situate In tho lownihlp of Orange, county
ot Columbia and state of Penna,, bounded nnd de.
bcrlbed as follows, to-wlt : Peglnnlngat a rock
oak.thence by lands ot Levi Alkmin north eighty,
nine degrees east ninety peichcs toaplno knot ;
thence by lands of Johnliemley norlh mo de
grees westtwenty-ono perches to a pine knot j
thence by lands of Dinlel Pester south i lghty.nine
degrees west nlnety.tivo jieichos to a stone;tlienco
by lands ot Joseph lluckel south twelve and ono
halt degrees east, twenty-one perches to tlio place
ot beginning containing
and ono hundred nnd llliy.ono perches ot land bo
uiu b.iiiiu more or tcss. i no above tract Iswclt
timbered and n very dcMrnblo pioperty,
TUII.MS OP S.L1'..-Teii percent, ot onc-tourtli
ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tlio striking
down of tho property, Iho one-fourth less the teu
percent, at the confirm ulon absolute nnd tho ie.
matntng three fourths In ono jearlhereatter.wltli
Interest from confirmation nM purchasers to
pay for deeds.
K. I. KEI.l'IINKlf, I Executois.
re-tttatt or (leoroe Paw hit of JmKnoit Urn.
fu'.uinbui ivHittu, itneaml.
letters teHnmentary In said estate having been
granted to the undersigned twecutor. all persons
IndebKd to said ttnto aio hen by nollned to pav
tb" Mime, and thoso having. Ualms ngnlnst said
estate, present the sumo to
aiioitui: V. PAHVE1I,
1 . . Kxeeutor,
Jan.J,6w. p. o, Hen-
In prebeuts civeu way, t-eiul uaa
ceuts postatff, ami by null you
)"WVllll. 1 1 till. Ulll hfnrr tnn In ii J.SE
that win at oiict brlnif you lu luonoy riuit-rthau
anythliiireluo la Amtrlca. AHubuut lUei.'O . mi
Inpreaoiiia with each box. Astntti wamt'tl uv
eryrtUero, or either box, ot all agoa, for u'ltlie
time, or span tlmuonly, to work torus ui thetr
ownlioraea. Fortuues rorall work-ra b-o.uteJy
aasurttt. Don't Uelay. II, lULmrT & Co., i-0u-Uua,Hali.o.
of encli Ulnd or class nf t ixnlile properly In
lui ,,ll l lulling u,-, nilllt)IP WlietlllT
liuen iniulc liclow 11 jnt rnio ucconllni; 1,,
l!?lli 18 IU, ntnl In rnlac reduce nnd (nii.iiu,,
r H llUlrlol. II... 1. V . 1 . "zu
tvviiiw uuiii saiti
Stbi'iikk I'oiik, ) n
1:li Wknukniiall, J Coll,n
mlsslnncra of
mila C'ountv.
Ilcsal 'Estate !
It not previously disposed ot privatelr, wm bo
orrered at iHfm.iC HAI.1J, on" .Monday,
I'lillKHAllv 1, i88h, nt 10 o'clock In tho
forenoon, at tho fouit House lu llloomsburg;
about t'tvii ACU1CH of land, lying between
tho Normil school grounds and tho Llghtstreet, In tho town or Uloonisburg. lieautlful build,
lug lot, partly In ,v'ri VIC lOUlls r, oicr
looking tho town and surrounding country. Tho
owner reserves the right to withdraw tho property
it the bid U Insufficient.
' TUliaiSi One-fourth cash, one-fourth tho
llrst ot April next, tho remainder secured on mort
gage, on ono a nd two years, It desired. Possession
and conveyance, April 1,
joiin o. FHEEZ11
llloomsburg, Dec, 1SS3.
.Moycr's new building, .Main street,
'a. 1
4,111 ,,710
.Una Ir.suranco Co., of Hartford, Conn
H0y.1l of Liverpool
llru Association, Philadelphia
I hicnlx, or London
London S Lancashire, ot England...!.'..
Hartrord of llaittord. ,.
t-prlngitcld Plio and .Marine
As tho agencies aro direct, policies aro written
forthe Insuied without delay lnthe onico nt,
mooinsburg. oct. S8, '81.
IB -J" a m:r
a ItiM vu Ml
m m i m m
Who alwnjM gives you tho latest,
styles, anil cuts your clothiiij; to fit
you. Having had tin- expericnci! lor a
number ol jnrn in tlio Tailoring Busi
ness, lias learned what material will
givo his oiistomeiH tho bout satisfaction
lor wear and stylo and will try to
pleaso all who givo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' burnishing Goods
Always of the lutes' styles. Call and ex
amine Ills stock bcloru purchasing else
where. Store nest door to Pirsl He.Uon&l Bank
Corner Main ,t Market Sts.
Blfiooisljiii'g, Pa.
Apr25-Ut r
H Weed's YoiJfJq People
Tho position of IIni'Kiis' VorNO Pboi-i.k as tho
leading weekly for jou g readers Is
well est.ibll-.hei!. The publishers spate no pains
to pimuie the best and most attractive reading
and Illustrations, 'iho seilal and thoit stoiles
have s'rong and dramatic Interest while they
aro wholly fteo fiom whalever Is p.riilclous or
vulgarly sensational; Iho paperson natural hls-
.ui, iimisiiein e, iravei, nnil tno facts ot me, aro
by wi Iters whoso names gl o Mio test assuraneo ot
.lecur.iey and value. Illustrated pipers on nth
let to sports, games, and pastimes hlve lull lntor
matlon on Iheso subjects. Theio Is nothing
cheap about It but Its pi ice.
,i,n t:n,ltn",u ' Ver5 lMnZ tll3l s attractive and
desliablelii juvenile llterotmc. fiunrou Cuurlir.
A weekly of goo.1 things to tho bo.vs and
I'ii'wi Clery 'am"y w,lk1' 11 lslts.-'cooUii
Il ls' wonderful in its wealth of pictures Infor
mation and lutcrest.-Cirtl(cm .iniwuie, N. V.
TERMS: Po3tago Prepaid, $2 00 Per Year.
Vol. VII. commences Nov. ii, '8.r.
Flnglo numbers, tlvecentseuch.
lieiulttiinces should be made by postonico nuney
order or dratt, to avoid iHianeo ot loss.
.Vir))iij,fM nir dot (o com ti aaeertlumenl
iclthoiu the esiie.m order onuwEKS PnoruElis.
Address HAltPLIl fi llltOTIILIts, New York.
Bttnp faltv aVwtt ef tba
ritttitiicieit thi lditrt
ttklnj In KaMlnftonUfrik.
h pirpAitd t Cm
rfartl4 bUtapliff pftt
Urn on ktt oeintnfftt
oondparcbtnrni l'pt, all
JlScitnt, Including1 Spiljf
nf GvMen Kixl. finnei,
W1M Hotel, 1 otgti me
not l, ThUtlet.StiattLcrnci,
Uutllntt vt Boy. Uttl. lluvt.
Skull. Cuiy buich 11'
tcrni.Cryttil Ctchlnvi.ltw
Jri. Vend Lihci. Tutu.
H iic. &e.. AO lit All. ilftninir
iHH In tit. r.nn. .. In. Iivt In.
h alto i Ifwi Mluttunvliig l'wdr.1 HosUfclle
ftUniplaff Ivdar. I I'aient rvvaralbl rut, an4
iiU iiil ciDipUudinclltiiiri KiPliugtgn itatni inif and
EtnUft dny, KnilBUn rititin( I.uu, Metallic riluei
and IrridtKiDi ralnunr, Colon uud mj mlilne o Colon,
Klbboo HrabfolJiry,cEnlll nd Ataicna V vtk. Cict
Culoia ct all th different Aom. Dracnuion ot titty n'.'cll
ti In ambrcldiry 4.C.. waking a tbtnplm Outfit that caa
notbcUiurht at itttil tot Itn htn ji do. To lotioduc
fAKM AlTo IIOUSUI101.T1. ih. Ufg t, 3j past UlutiratU
Mtftilnideroudto tha Inttrtna ot lh Country Jlutn
andTllouithold. wU) itnd oni t(th( Ouinti complete
fy and poet p t.1 to any Udy who wilt lend Ub. fur
S noi. lubicnpileo to the Mlgailna, Fiva for ft. Money
ihetifully refunded If not more tttan setiifactoiy. Addjeia
FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, Box 49, tUitford.Conflw
M.W.ftEiS & SON
( or, Clii-sliiiii nnd DIkIhU Ms,
Adviilui'iiiii.u fi.r iU.a f. -cr.
ESI (MATES at' Lov,S"'tlc",n S atet FREE