The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1886, Image 4

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'"Stand back, ccntlcmonl Clear the
trackl" shouted tlio police, and as tlio
lidckly-gntlierlng crowd surged bnck,
steamer No. -I camo up tliu street, tliu
iingtiificent, black horses striking (Ire
from tliu pavement. Hut lioldl A
wheel conies ofTl the steamer is over
turned, and bravo firemen arc picked
tip bleeding and senseless!
An investigation revealed the fact
that in oiling the steamer that morning
tho steward had neglected to put in
the linch-pin. A llttlo ncgleot on his
part had caused a loss of half million
dollars Tho busy morts of trado aro full
01 men who are making tho same fatal
mistake. They neglect their kidneys,
thinking they need no attention, where
as if tliev made occasional uso of
Warner's safe euro they would never
say inaiuiey don t leel mnto wollj that
n tired feeling bothers them; that they
nro plagued -with indigestion; that
thnir brain refuses to respond at call
that their nerves aro all unstrung.
jurfi ,ournai
Mythical Millions.
A paper on t'le subiect of unclainv
t-d estates in Enuland, prepared under
tho direction of Minister Lowell by Sir.
Henry White, ono of the American
secretaries of legation, has been sent
by tho President to Congress with
other state papers.
"1 hero seems to bo no doubt," Mr.
White saje, "that many aro led to be-
novo themselves heirs to vast estates
in Great Britain by dcaiixmiiu person
on both sides o! the ccean, who mesrt
notices in newspapers in tho United
States that, a large property left by a
person by tho samo namo with that of
some well known family of the samo
district, or ot some exceedingly com
mon name likely to occur anywhere,
such as IJrown or Jones, or who dis
tribute far and wido lists of unclaimed
estates which do not exist. Largo
sums ot money aro annually thrown
away by tbo dupes of theso advertise
incuts and fictitious lists, and a hand
somo revenue is inado by the agentf
as they call themselves, for tho discov
cry ot lost heirs and tho recovery of
unclaimed estates. Tho modus oper
andi usually adopted by theso asents
is to ask first for a remittance of 2 or
3, to cover the cost of copying the
will upon which tho claim purports to
bo based ; then a larger sum for tho
expenses ot instituting inquiries ; and
at each successive staco more black
mail is levied, the correspondence being
so cleverly conducted that several
years frequently elapse beforo tho
fraud is discovered. None should con
tribute a dollar to unknown agcntB, es
pecially towards any expenses con
neeted with establishing claims to es
tales in this country, until inquiry has
been made ot counsel herd.
first, as to tho existence of tho estate,
and then as to tho chances of its recov-
cry. I am told by reputable solicitors
that not one claim in a thousand of all
those referred to them by the Legation
lias had any validity whatever, and
v.-ry few, during their long experience
ot claims troin .America, have been
Mr. While describes the results of
inquiries relating to tho "Jennens Es
tate, to which there were many Amo
licau claimants, showing that tho prop
erly went to the heirs at-law long beforo
American claimants wero ever heard
of, and that tho latter never had the
"shadow of a title to it." Moreover.
had the title once been a good one it
would long sinco have become worth
less by the operation of tbo statuto of
"Any attempt, therefore,'' continues
Mr. White, "to recover real eBtato
from tho Crown or individuals after
lapse of twelve years (which may bo
oxtcuded to thirty under certain cir
cumstances), and personal property
aflcr a lapso of twenty years, however
valid tho claim of the person making
mo attempts may have been originally,
is certain to end in a failure.
"All members, consequently, of the
Mcnnens Assocation ot the United
States of America may rest assured
that their subscriptions are simply
monoy thrown away, if their object bo
the recovery of the Jennens estate.
Kecenlly a letter was received here
irora a member oi the aforesaid Men,
nens Association,' who had just been
notified that a general assessment of
85 had been levied for tho year ending
Juno 30, 188-1, and who, before paying
iuu same, inquired wneiuer mo Je
galion could furnish any information
rouarding tho Jennens estate, 'said to
be pending beforo the Court of Chan-
' eery in England.' ''
annular to this are tho "Hedges
estate, tne "lirantoru estate, tho
Hyde estate,'' tho Homo estate," and
many others which aro described as
among "the ordinary myths by which
so many ot our coumrymeu havo been
With regard to large sums supposed
io uo awaiting American claimants m
tho Hank of England Mr. Whito
quotes from a letter written by tho
chief accountant of that institution as
follows: "I here are no large amounts
of unclaimed stock or dividends stand'
iug on our books. Speaking generally,
without having made an exhaustive
research, wnicn would involve some
considerable labor, thero nre vpry few
amouutiof 1000, and probably none
mat. exceed tuts sunt by tnoro llian
100 or 200."
In regard to tho fabulous fortunes
locked up hi chancery, ho says: "To
iudgo from tho letters received " nt this
Legation from tho United Stntes in
reference to tho unclaimed funds in
chancery, many of our countrymen
ini.iyjMu nun iiipiiiimun to bono
pository of incalculable millions, n
goodly share of which can bo easily
wiimirawn upon mo mero institution
of a claim to tho samo by tho Ameri
can muster ami without requirement
by tho court of any particulars as to
thu namo of tho suit, tho relationship
ot tho claimant to tho parties mention'
ed therein or to tho original owner of
mo esioto claimed, it is very rarely
that in any communication sent us on
this subject a smaller sum is mentioned
than several millions, nnd frequently
our correspondents stato that they aro
entitled to twenty, fifty and even moro
millions. It will doubtless cause
tsomo surprise and disappointment to
such as theso to bo infoimed that tho
wholo amount of money in tho custody
of tho Court of Chancery at'tho pres.
cut tiiau is about XH-1,000,000, of which
8:1,000,000. belong to owners who
aro known, leaving about ono million
only of unclaimed or dormant funds."
J. II. Meictr wishes to mako an
assertion, which ho tn back with a
positivo L'uaraulce. It is all about
Acker's Ulood Elixir. Ho claims frr
it superior twills over all other reined
io i of its kind, and guaranlecs for it a
j isitivo nnd sure cuio for llheumntisin,
Sphillis, and all blood disorders, it
frees il,o skin from cpots and disease,
n:i I leaves tin) complexion clear,
Adc him about it.
Onljr Ti'irncrniico Hitlers Known.
Wn other mrtllrl no known BoeffcctnaHypunjca
tho blood ot dccn-ncatcd diwai-cn.
Mllllona bear testimony to Us wonderful
curatlvo ttTtKt.
It U n purely Vcixrtnlilc Preparation, made
rrom the native licrhn nnd room ot California, tho
medicinal properties of u tilth are extracted thurt
from without tho dm of Alcohol.
It remote the onimo of dl-cdnc, nnd tho
patient recovers his health.
It In tho (treat Wood Purifier and life
tfvluff Principle a Utntla Purptlu and Tonic; a
KTfect Itenorator and Invlporator of the )UTn.
everbeforo In tho lilntory of tho world ha a medicine
been compounded powosrtng the power of Vineoah
Hitter lu healing the pick of etcnr disease man la
eh to.
Tho Alterative?. ArwrlmL ttUnhnrrMi. Cat
mlnatlvu, Nutritions Laxative, Sedative. Counter
Irritant, Sudorific, Antl-DIUono, Solvent, Diuretic and
Tonic properties ot Vineoaii IliTTEfts exceed those
oi any outer medicine- in tho world.
Nil Itcmon ran tnlca tlm ItiTTrn nrrnrdlno- frt
directions ami remain long unwell, provided their
injurs uru not utpiruyeu ny mineral oinju or oilier
ineativ and tha ltal organs wasted bejond tho point
of repair.
lllllotlfl, Itemlttciitt Intermittent and Ma
in i mi iCHiB ail) HetUIVUl UirUUJiUUHl HIU UIUICU
8tatt. nnrtlcnlarlr in tho a1Iim-4 nf nur pri-nt Hu m
and their azt tributaries tlurfjg tho Summer nnd
Antnmn, tvpuci&llr during seasons of im usual heat
nuu uryncvff.
Thco Fever nro Invariably accompanied by
extcntUo derangements of tho stomach, liver and
bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a
powerful luflueuco mura theso organs, it absolutely
nee wary.
There in no rntlinrttc for tho purpose equal
to Dr. J. Walk En's YtfiWAU Dittkiis, im It wilt
tpeedlly remote tho dark-colored ipcld matter with
which tho bowels are loaded, at tho samo time stimu
lating tho secretions of tho liver, and renerally
restoring tho healthy functions of tho djtfcetlvo
Fortify tho limlv mralnst disease bv rmrifrinir
all Its fluids with Vinloah IIitteiis. No epidemic
von mmi ui ryiuein inns lurtuiniirii.
.It III vlciriltf!i llin NltimiK'li nnrt trr!mu
lates tbo torpid Liver nnd BoweH, cleansing the
blood of All impurities, Impnrtlnfr life and vigor to
tho frame, and carrying off without the aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter
zrom tne system, it is easy of administration,
TiromDt In action, and certain In ttn resulta.
I)iitihlii,r Intllcotloii Headache, Pain
In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlphtnes.- of the Client,
ixeumonia, uizzinea. uau insie ui me jioum,
Dlllous Attacks. 1'alnttatlon of tho II curt, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, aro at onco .re
lieved by VncEOin UiTTEita.
for Iiiitiniiiiiiitory and Chronic Kbeumo-
mm, uout, iseurajRia, iusenMrs ot mo niooa, jiver,
jvuiufju anu uiauufr, me xtmers navo no equal,
iii mwjf, as in BiicuiiBiiiuiionai uiseaseH, alkek i
Vineoaii lirrrEna has shown Ita p-rent curat Ui
powers la the most obstlnato and intractable
JTleclimilenl DIscnNriv Persons engafred In
Taints and Minerals, euch as 1 'I u in be re. Type
setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance
in life, aro subject to Paralysis of tho Dowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
Rwellings, Pimples, Pustules, Doils, Carbuncles,
lUne-worms. Scald-head. Kor lives. KrvBlnolas.
Itch, Scurfs, DIscoloratlons, Humors and diseases
of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, aro liter
ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use of the Bitters.
11 ii, Tape and other Worm a, lurking ta
the system of so many thousands, are effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine,
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the
system from worms like V in En An Sitters.
ITfeaaleN, Scarlet Fever, Mumps, Whooping
Cough, and all children's diseases may be made
less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild
doses of the Bitters. This wonderful remedy Is
purifying herbs alone give it its remarkable cura
tlvo powera. It contains no alcohol, opium or
For Fcmalo Coninlnlnt. InTOumrorold.
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or
me mm oi me, ipii uuters nas no enuai.
Cleaiine the Vitiated IIlooil when ltslm
purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or
sores; cieanse n wnen oosirucieu ana siuggisn in,
the Tel ns; cleanse It when It is foul; your feelings
will tell you when, and the healtU of tho system will
In conclusion i Give tho Bitters a trial. It
will speak for itself. Ono bottle is n letter guar
antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Around each bottle aro full directions printed
iu uiuereiu languages.
K. II. Mellon n hi Drag Co., Proprietors,
Sn Francisco, Cal.. and bi tc Waabiugton St
uor. unariion ou, nw iorK.
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists
IF YOU Uave Tumor (or tumor avmntnmuv nm
cer, (or cancer symptoms), scrotum. Krvunotna
Baltrhcum Skin lilotclies-I)r. Kilmer's KK.MAI.E
niTunuun-uiuniri'. uruggists sell It
IF YOU haTeSnasmoiIlOKtrlclllrnnr
vjiuuu nr. Kilmers WWA3U
KOOT COnnuera every nttnek nnrl r.irtlnnllv p!itf.u
...... vvw. UIUBAUV .WI lw, v,t fi.
IFlllUl! Sleet) 19 fitful, or nut. nfn
tilled ltb terror, juur very existence, threaiene!
ur.numer ii oueak.ivkki) slioulU always bo at
lt YOTI hftVft nrnl.l nrilmnla .m.l.
light, when neglected, otten lends to mnsuinpllon
Dr. Kilmer's INDIAN CO.NM'.MlT10N OllTwlll
ureak up all eaily attacks, and euro the inoit
60.. i ASRjuururuggisistorit. sac,,
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
our omce Is opposite tbo U. K Patent onice. and
we can obtain Patents In less time than those ro.
muie iroin wusnington.
hem model or drawlni?. v A.ivfn natnnn..
entablllty free of charge, and we make no charge
unless patent Is secured.
We refer here, to tho I'ostmaster, tho Supt. of
Money order Dir., and to omclals of the V. M.
I'ttteutomce. For circular, advice, terms and
references to actual clients In v..r ,!.... kai...
C A. SNOW & CO..
Opposite 1'iUcni onice, Wasbtngton, p o
Dr. McTaggart
This noted Hneclallst nf Swnninn I. ti,
Olllv specialist tills siiln nf Nniv Vrl.- HI. II
adelphiii and UulTulo who makes an eiciu.
sive specialty of treating clironlc, long
o.numuK nun iiugeniig oiseiises to wlilcli
man and womankiiul aro subject, such as
Consumption, llronchiul uileclions, Scrofu.
Ill, OUU-llllfUIIl. J.OSS Of JIllll mm Skin .lis.
cases, IiheuiiinlUin, Ulcers, Oldaores, IIpl.
lepsy, Syiihllis, Deafness, Loss of Voice,
Uironio DlHrrlKi'a.Chllls nnd Keyer, Worms
l.iver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, Paraly
sis, Tnpo worm, Heart disease, Ac, Sic.
-.w a tiuuiu uol'hscs u specialty.
No matter how lomr vnn Imv.. i.nn,, c.r
fcring nor how many Doctors you Imvc em.
p oyed In vain, you should apply to Dit.
Mul AaoAiiTatoiicc, when ho will tell di
rectly without ho lilnir (int f..i... i .
whether your dlseaso Is strictly curable or
can only ho relieved.
Ho owes his wldo reputation for tho suc
cessful treatment of ull lingering or chronic
diseases to expcrlcnco nnd closo npplicn.
tion for over SO years, nml to no Miraeufoiu
' dat tiik I'ai'kiis Say i
, ' ' V0 1 sHHful honest, eflklent, uprli-lit and re.
an.lef Ht,"iV0r.t"y 01 11,8 lPI ' l" n"ecee
su'tealetln. lie always sajsejactly what ha
SSu MSSSr "1,C" W"at 1,8 ""-an-rr.1,'.1&l.00Us''ula
wan to lowV-Lackawanna
Csrser Lackawaana and WasWngtcn Aveauej.
Bos Keeping.
l'Afi-.n itiiAK nr mb n. n. iutovN at tiif,
Adtucui.ruriE at iu.oo.M9iittit(i,
on wkdnesdav, iir.c.
2, 1885.
IK'c kcetilnij Is n plca?Dnt nnd profit
nblo pursuit to tlioao who dclcrmlno to
innko it a biicccps, by tltivoting tlmo
nnd lnbor In becoming fully ncitiainl
cd in nil tlio di'tnlh of its mnnngi'iiU'iit.
And 1 feel nsoired Hint tnillions of
dollard woilh of hoiiuy is lot tvery
yeor,of whicb tho fnnntrs of this conn'
try might nvnil tliuinseUu.s to n great
extent nnd for their troublo nnd oxpenso
receive from twenty to onu hundred
per cent, piolit on tho in vest incut. It
needs but little capital to begin with
nnd they can bu kept on n very small
spaco of ground, for many uru kept
profitably on roofs in large cities.
And farmers can keep n fow colon
ics and by giving them the proper at
tention, oud nt the proper time can sc
curo from the, blossoms mid lloweis
which nro to bu found in nbiiudancu in
rural districts, st acted with honey
ready for tho bee's visit to gather it
for its own and keeper's use.
Tho farmer will not only bo tho iaiii.
er by the honey gathered but also by
the visits of tho bcu to tho blosoin's
of his orchards and fields, at it U ntwv
sary for some insects to carry the pol
len from tho male to tho female bios
somo to fertilize them, or otherwise
they would bo barren or nearly so. If
nt the time of the blooming of ou
apple or cheiry trees wo should havo
n week of cold stormy weather so that
tho bees or other hi'im-n cannot work
on the blossoiiH id a m-i hi tho woik
of fertilizing, we will not have a full
crop of fruit. And again if tho bloom
ot the buckwheat contains much ot
secretion of hoiiev the bees will woik
daily upon it and tho result will bo tho
blossoms will become fullv fortiliz
and there will be n largo yield of buck
wheat, llio white anil clover
liavo very short blooms ami they
secrete largo quantities ot tioney, and
tho bees work on it from morning till
night nml by this becoming fertilized
aro well filled with seed, tt is not so
with tho red clovtr, ns the blofsoms of
the first crop aro deep and vcrv nar
row, so much so that tho bee'H tongue
is too short to reach tho honev theio
Becreted. And as tho much abused
humblo bees at that beason of tho year
ate very scarce, as it is tho only bee
that has a tongue long enough to reach
the honey, time nro but few blossoms
lertilized and tho heads are bailor.
And thus it 'plainly thows that tho
beo was created for the purposo of as
sisting the fertilization of tho different
plants, and that the honey was i-ectct
od to induoo tho bee to visit thu llow
ers to gather tho honey and pollen and
thus wo secure tluough thu beo tho
delicious honey.
Tho location does not so much do
pfjnd on the successful keeping of bees
as tne manner in which they are kept
Many farmeis keen their bees in suoh
a way that you eoucludo thev are eitlw
er too iudolcnt or ignorant to mako
them a success. Tho kind nf farmers
who can keep bees at least colonics
enough to furnish honey for their own
families, if not to sell, aro tho ones who
havo the senso to preparo their ground
and plant tlieir crops in tho proper sea
son instead of waiting until tho moon
gets in tho right sign. To be successful
you should havo alovo for beo keeping
cnu yousiiouid do the right thing am
at the right timo and that requires
knowledge. And you can acquire that
oy reading somo standard work on
bees and by thu use of practical obser
vation. Where bees aro kept on the
principle that it is a business and that
it requires somo energy to caro for
them they will conclude that for pleas
nre, health and profit it will comncn
sato them well for tho timo and atten
tion given to them. I5eo keeping seems
especially adapted to women as it re
quires patience and attention rather
than strength. There aro many women
to-day engaged in beo keeping and
they haVo not only made it pay but
havo gained much useful knowledge.
!.!. 1 .1 .... i"
ucoiuub vuuyiiig a pieasant out uoor
exereiso by caring lor their bees
Many with limited means can procure
a fow colonies of bees and with tho
proper caro can mako quite a profit
wun a small outlay and also navo a
supply of pure honey for tlieir table.
Mrs. L. Harrison ono of tho most noted
writers of agriculture whoso health at
ono time was so reduced that her phy
sicians said sho could not live, but ani
culture did for her what her physicians
coum not uo, restored her health and
gavo her such vigor that sho has been
ablo to work a largo apiary for years.
Mrs. L. li. Baler of Lansing, Mich.,
who has bept bees successfully for
quito a number of years, says : Sho
has tried both keeping boarding house
ana apiciuturo antt alio gives bee keen
ing the preference as moro profitable.
healthful, independent and enjoyable.
The fear of that terrible beo sting
which every beo seems to know so
well how to uso in self defence and in
protecting in stoics, may prevent
many nom beo keeping, lint by tho
uso of a bellows smoker and a bee veil
you need havo but little fear of being
Wax is one of tho products of tho
bee and is produced by the bees con-
Biimiug about twenty pounds of honey
to mane ono pounu oi wax Tho wax
exudes from tho under sido of the boo's
abdomen in thin Hakes. And then
tho bees with their mamlables press
and work it in tho comb to store tlieir
honey anil rear their brood in. Why
U used by tho bee keeper in foundation
iur Mantra in tne uroou trained mid
surplus section. It is made by rucning
thin sheets of wax through a machine
consisting of two rollers, and it forms
ho base ol the cells and slight side
walls, thus enabling tho beo keener to
securo straight combs by its use. A
colony of bees consists of tho queen,
woi iters and at certain times ot tin?
year, drones.
The queen's nlaco in tho onlnnv i
simply to lay eggs, and the is capable
'i jinn nom two to tnreo tiiousand
day, und she can aL Imr a-ill Inv
unci wuiKcr or (irouo ei'i'S. ' in
life of a queen is from three to fivn
yeais, mm tho life of a worker is only
liom three to six weeks during the
houey gathering season, and a oolonv
contains from thirty tofoily thousand
beer. It plainly shows to meet the gieat
. woi Hers tiio queen must boa
roimo layer. Mho (pieen can bo
atched from auv ctri' if not. over n!y
lays old, that would havo tiroduci-il n.
worker beo in twentv-ouo davs bv mi.
largiug tho cell containing tho egg
and supplying it with food called roy
al jelly. Tho queen six to eight davs
Iter hatching will leave tho hivo on
pleasant day on her marrintre 11 nbt
and if successfully mated (he will be-
in to lay about thu fecond dav after
her return, nftfir which sho will
gain leave the hivo unless to atoom-
pauy a Hwarin. Tho woiktr beo will
hatch iu twentvouo das from thu eoi
and tlieir labor for tho lirtt two wicks
t'cntif.iif ii mi tUtli wtwtw.
Kliltivy C'oiiittliiliitM Animtir llotlt
.ncxcH mill All Aites-.l llrllllnnt
There U somotlilntf stnrtllnR In tho rnpl.t In
crenso of kidney diseases nnionir tho American
peoiilo.wlthln n few years past. Jinny causes pe
culiar to certain classes tend to produco and uij.
irravato theso troubles as, lor, oxmnple, careless
Immr, nmnorK and exposure. Dr. Davit Ken
nedy, of liounilout, N. Y., is often comrratutatril
pn llioe.xcentlonil success ot his medlclno called
riivumu iteimsiyin nrrosunir ami radically cur-
Ihl tlieSO InOst tmlnflll nnd ilnnirnrniia fllurtt-ilni u
Proofs of this, llko tho following, aro eonstnnlly
uiuuKut ii. ins aiii-niion, ann arepuonsnea uy nun
fortlm sako of thousandsnf other siitrercrs whom
he desires to roach nnd lienent. Tho letter, there
fore, may m of vital Importance to you or to
nuiuu unu nnuiir you Know, ii isironionoot tne
utsl known and popular Untwists In tho fine nml
irrowlnif city from which ho wrltos. where thoso
Interested may nnd .Mr. Crawford nt his placo of
uuoiuim u. ihowiiri .limn nun UIUUI niN.
,, nniiNiii;im.D, Mass ,j Match si, l'SI.
Dr. Mvld Kennedy, lioundout. fi. Y.
rhuR Mini For ten jcnrsl had been antlcted
wun kiuney disc iso in its mot ncutn form. What
1 sintered must do left to the Imagination, tor no
onoeananpredatolt except those whnhnvegono
through It. I resorted to many physicians and
lcauv different kinds ot treatment, and spent n
(treat deal ot money, only to nnd myself older nnd
worse than ever. 1 may say that I used twenty,
live bottles of a preparation widely advertised as
.1 ni-txiuu luruus pi -ccis" him oi irouuies,nnd round
It entirely useless -at teist ln my ease. Your
"FAVoltirE l(i:IKDV-I sly II with a perfect
recollection of all that was dono fur mo bcMdes-ls
I he only thinjr that did Ino tho slightest Rood, nnd
nm happy to admit that It trae me permanent re
lief. I hive recommended "FAVouitb HEM
KDV to many people for kidney dlseas ', nnd they
all uifree nun me In saylmrthat nil. KKNNKDY'H
wun r. ir. iir.ui ims not iiscnual in tne wide
;iuru luruiHiiL-ircssiniranii often tatnl complaint.
I'hp this leller us you deem best for tho ben. nt ol
far llin hnti. tit. nr
others. uur3,c,
Till: C1KUAT
Blood Wler d to World.
an Aiisot.tiTi: roit
MIHl tnt ntuhborn vnc yloM readily to It
Anna urn na iiiiicu iu i nro a einu;ia cao
wlifra direction urn follow oil, lttfttcooiid
1ms hccii reiuurknbloiuiii itaouro.i woiulcr
fut. It li tho mot Mieoorul jiroimnitlon In tho
mark.-t Tor OATAUKIl atul 4I10 only ono tlmt
IiroiucK nn Absolutr, I'omUUo ('tire. It fa
inly 11 Mof'liiLf tu ULinkltul. A Trlul U ull
tlmt N hhUimI Tor it. Onto tisoil, It la alwnys
rcoomincMiltiil Semi Tor U'tUinuniiils of actual
Ona bottlo h Kencrnlly r ulllclcnt for a cure. Stop
ta-'ilni? Quinine. Atrial only Is akril forKBL
i.uit'tf Oatauiui Kumkhv, Jt U a SPHCIl'lO
lor nil ih-te.i-fsiiriflu from an Impurohlooil anil
drives alt eruption! Irom tlio Fkln. I'or Hvplii
lltlocuniitlntnta It Is pupcrlor to any preparation
In tho ntaiket. One buttlo will euro imwtof tho
follow i 11' ruinplulnt nn.t a crutliiued 1150 will
1'OSlTtVt.LY ou re. S.ivo doctor bills und try It.
skik kuiu'tioms.
vi:xi:ui:al diskasks.
ri2KLT:a of lamgour.
livkr troubles,
xkkvous 1vkakmess.
fkaiali: iveakxi:ss.
Kellku's t'ATiu:ii Hkmkdv li no patent
mi'dlelnc, tint a fafu and pleasant preparation
to take and surely tho Kicatcst medical discov
ery of tho nice Ono bottle rejuvenates thoentlro
y-itcm and poMef-ics moro vlrtuo than a half
do.o.i bottle-, of ordinary patent preparations.
Write for tc'tlmonljisnnd other Information.
, ylor salo by ilnnrirlsts tiencrallv,
J' in: .".l.oo a hottm:. six iiot-TI-!'S
FOJt JS.'OO. On receipt of 5.00 by
tlio mamtffturcrs, SA?uHt. 1 K ell pit ftt Co.,
. ..irrl bur, I'a., fix bottles will bo pent express
XV-pulai Ity nt liouia ts .lot aln.'-s Tic .rt
test ut merit, but we j.nt punuili tu u.o lact
that no other mmlii-ii.L- um v.i.u Iur Itsi-lf
such nnltcrsal a-jrnl.:itio.i In ii. mni vn
f tate, and country, auu uuioni; ;.li jioui m aj
Ayer's Sarsapariila.
'llio follow Iiif letter from oiieof our beK.
Known .Ma'SacImseits JiiufcUfcuomU buoi
Ir.tortst to ever) nuJfcicri
1,1 I-iM year aii I
VI lit 1 itn .ill iu-!. i,t
vcm tl.i t c-.u'd imt nunc lion the lKd, nr
drets, vvuhout hilp. I tile I t-eteril nnu
(ilefi Mjtiiout Inuutt i? a'i i nef, uuui 1 tiMtk
Am tf- Si; -Ai'AJtu.i.i, by tne Uhf . r two
lottlo- .f wiil.'h 1 ronii leti-iy "tmd,
Kavt i-'tjd l.trjit n vnt.iii of jmtr Siksa
rutin., and it iUn 'vuiiii its uondortiil
lnu-aiy. Tin iiiMty nr.tnble cures It
ttlecteil in t'iU v --iiiity couvlneo mo tlittlt
iHtlm Uetb.ou.t n.LMtdnc oerolleted totho
wiWK i:. i iiAituts."
Itm-r "t., lituL. -iu(, y.asz., May u, 1.-6'.'.
5 CroRtiv Avnnrwa,
nn-rsi tr In t'u. l.nMell
W 1 1 t CI rft. t .inuif .t ai
was foi nver twentv U two ri'iiunnl
t Uiwell uiiUtod wild salt ItticMitu in Its
v.or?t in -in. a t uleerttioi s iuiu 't (m r. ,i
mot Inr lh. snrf.ino uf h bod a: d
limbs. Jlo . entrej curetl by AvritN
nititriiii.i... jjco fertuuvto
Almuuaj lor U-3,
Ayei a
i-ucpAKi:!) nv
Sold by all Drulst. CI i a: bforW.
Urutvhitf Iiuitrinnenls, riilloKaphlral ani
( liei.ilenl Aiiinrntiu.
Ut and Diwnj.tln of oar Ten OatsI1Kne!, .ni
024 Chestnut SI,
WJ ltm. !0 to 10.1)00 icrei t a to J Sr
acre, (lood mirketi. Healthy cllnute'r'.vor,
able pro;pecu. Write lor clrcnlara contalnlni
decrlpllon. Sent Tree. PYLK & DtllAVKV'
tlco 85-lw ulil
.s handsome v.lHB UVMl' givon
with a 5 orJcr for Tea anacotr
ce. An Iron Mono t'llAMliKIt
KPT innlM-M nr n TV . uvn
rlecog. or a lianclsoiiioliltUNZH HANi.i'su i.A,i
t'lven with a -ltl order. A t'IIA.Mlli:i( SKI' ofiu
liiiwfs, wun Ltuo, maruon or iiinliuanu or nu lltov
bTONK CHINA Ti; hE'l' Ot 6tl nieces, urn lll.As
KT otso nlwes given with una order, IIANIJ.
komii I'ltEMlUllS, consltlti ot Decorated China
lYitru iu lea neiM. aibu limner an i ica sus.-d....
blnrU, and Chamber sets, etc., etc., given with
orders for tis, fio, M, tin and 50. send lor clrcu.
lar, which win give jou fun lurtlculara. uliAKU
t'NION T1IA I'O.Ml'ANV, i'3 f-outli .Malufct
iiiiivus jKtuv, in. urtiuuuur
ters tl Front street. Kew
York city.
may js-jy
lor working people Send 10 cents post-
lUrn mill U.1 Wllf ti.nll vn.t frm. n nu-.l
valuable wimple bax ot goods that will
pay jou tu the way of inaklnir mora
money In a few dav a than vnu e ink.i.
Uo nt any Luolneha. Capital not rcnulied. vou
can ino at uoaio anu worK mt-paio u u.o only, or
all the time All ot both Mxes. ot all ages, grand.
ly bticccbaful, W cents to J3 caMly earned every
evening, 'Iliat all who want work limy test tlm
btisluebs, we mako this unparalleled oft,en To all
who to not well Batlsfledwe wllUend ft to nay
for tlio troublo ot wilting us. l ull p.irltcutars,
directions, etc., tent free. Immense, pay absolute
ly auiviur uiiau biuu uv uuee. lion I ueiay.
Address Stikson Co., 1'oitland, Maine. UcclB.
Slates and Felts,
Slate Mantels,
Slate 12 lack ISoards,
School Slate,
Rooting Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, 2&3
r. y
85 Ijickawanna Aveni
nue, scranton, l'a
".tiik fc'iuur op uy urr.
Ani lltu Art 01 ZJpncy Uetlluir with
LS& V mm A .'m m
t-ieiii.l,iviv.t rAM LY SUALES
I n,.w In wl. ,!.. wMViS
w lull ciciy (anilly nc.U tn.l will Uv kVniri .u: IJT. .1 -..ail.
74 M t luy
K liluM.l
I'or nil diseases ol t ho
Llvtr, Kidneyi, Stomach and Splcoa.
This purely vegctablo pre- bo celebrated as a
air ily Jteillelue, originated In
the south in isss. It acts
gently on tlio lionets nnd Kid
neys and corrects tho act loti of
tho I.lver. nnd Is, therefore, tho
tiest preparatory mrsl I c I n e,
whatever tho Rlckne-w may
provo lobe, In nil common ills
eases II will, by any
other mcdlclr.o, i-Hwt a speedy
The Itpculntor Is safeto mlmlnlster In any con
dition nf tho system, and under nn rlrcu ustances
can It do harm. It w 111 Inv Igorate Itko a glass of
wlnr, but Is no Intoxicating beverago to lend to
ii.ii-iiii'i-izini-u ; win irinnuie (iigesii n, ui-wiimie
headache, and generally tonn up the sj stein. 'Iho
.-'null, nut. iuipitfas.ini, and lis viruu-s uu
No losoftlme, no Interrup
ruptlon or stoppage of business
while taking (ho Hegulator.
Children compliilning of t'ollo,
Headache, i r . Ick siomach, a
leaspoonlulormorr will give re
lief. If taken occasionally by pa
tients exposed to .MAI.AHIA.
will expel tho poison nnd pro
tect tliom from attack.
I havo been practicing medlclno for twenty
3 enm, nnd have never been able to put up a voire,
tnble compound that would, llkoMintnons I.lver
Hegulator, prompt tr and effectively mnvo tho iu iieiiiiii, iiihi m i ue s lino hut- am (insie m
or wcanentngi uie ulgestlvo and assimilative pow.
ers of tho s) stem. I,. .M. llisros, M I)., Wash-
iiiluii, arK.
.. H Xitlhi D Co,l'lnhiihlphUtJ'a
1J WEsTKitN n.uutoAD.
p.m. p.m.
9 m 11 3 1
8 61 is -it,
s JS 1 '11
411 !-' 15
S 30,
a.m. a.m. p.m.
....viranton.... c in 9 15 am
liellcvuc,.., ! o 15 9 20 2 ui
...Taylorvlllo... , (i 20 9 20 2 lb
..Lackawanna., a 27 ti m - yi
S 2(1
S 2.'
8 If.
8 III 11 OS
s III I'ltteton (I 31 Ii II 2 30
8 (11 ..Weit I'lttSlon. 0 4(1 9 41 2 38
8 3, V! (II
s at ii as
8 II II Bl
8 VI 11 SO
S OS 1 1 47
8 (If 11 II
8 0:1 II i!
os ....Wyoming., . a 15 V 02 3 41
..Mnltbv (1 49 ti s.i - ii
: 50
' If!
' 42
' 3S
' 31,
....UCUIiett I 1151 10 0-2 4f
....Kingston..., 38 101.12 50
....Kingston ....
Plymouth June
....l'lj mouth....
.... Atomlalo. .
(I 5S .0 03 1 511
7 l'2 10 10 3 53
7 07 II) 153 Oi
7 13 10 20 3 03
7 13 111 23 3 10
7 59 II :w
01 11 HI
m u uu
2.l,llunlock'.s treek
7 21 10 1(2 3
110 II 13
IS 11 (0
11 10 SI
05 111 II
7 12
7 00
li 51
(I 471
II 41
6 3S
0 31
a 21!
C 21
0 1(1
II 11
7 37 10 44 3 119
iiicK-s t erry
.lleach Haven..
.lirlar creek.
..xlllow drove..
.. .M.i.o ltldgo...
. .. ltupcrt
Catawi a lirldgo
. . Danville....
7 5U II 11 3 5J
7 51 1 0-1 3 58
8 01 11 114 03
8 10 11 20 4 12
C 58 10 II
C 51 10 US
6 50 10 31
6 -13 IC 37
6 an io si
8 11 n r4 io
s 25 li 3J4 t
S 30 11 44 4 34
6 SO 10 10
8 30 1 50 4 40
8 41 11 53 4 46
6 25 10 II
6 OS 511
6 01) 9 49
5 55 I) 45
5 40 9 3J
p.m. a tu.
8 53 12 13 5 01
5 43 1
1) 03 12
u os i2 23 a 17
9 25 13 40 5 33
fi H2 Xnrtlilimherlan,!
a.m. a.m. p.m.
omce. Scranton, Feb.lst.18i
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effliCt. XftV. Hfh IBS-. Train. l..n C. n
9.10 a.m.. Se.1 Shorn Hvlir..a Mllv p...n(
. ..aniauuiK iiuu iiiieriueuiaiusiaiiuiis,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 n. m. : New York.
0.20 p. in. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington,
5.50 p. in., connecting nt l'lilladelphla for alt bea
Shore points. Through Daisenirer coach to
dally except SundayJ.for Harnsburg and Interme
diate stations, arriving nt 1' h 1 1 a d o 1 p li 1 a
ti.50 n. in. New York. as n m .
i5p. m. ; Washington, s.00 p. m.' Parlor car
tlirOUirll to 1' iH.lllp lililii nnrt n.uu.nm,
through to l'hlladelplila and llaitluiore.
p. iu. iicuuYu vvecoinmouaiion (aauy
for Harrlsburg and all intermediate stations, arrlv.
ing nt l'lilladelphla 4 25 a. m. : New York 7,oo a. in.
uiiiuiuuru. d.l-.i i. ni. w iis i np-tnn rT n in
Sleeping car accommodations mn in a,irura.i ,
Ilarrlsburc-for I'lilladelnhi.-innii v..w vnrL- iw. sinn
uajs aiuiougu sleeping car win bo run; on this
tralntrom WIlllamsp'ttol'hiladeliihla.l'hlladclDhla
TUa. m T!rlo Vnii M.iiiv pvni vnTnin-
iur iiarnsuuri? ami lntermi-ii aio utntinnu
.. . . T .......u.,,
arriving at 1-hifadelpUla 8.25 a. m. New York a. m. ; iiammpre S.l5n. m. s Washington, 9.25
a. in. Through inilman Heeplugcnisare runon
iun inuii iu i-niiaueipiiia, uaitiinoro and washing
ton, and through passenger coaches to 1'hlladel-
puiu aim iiauunore.
5.20a. m.nrlfi Mali MnlK' rrnlUnnnlul tn
Krloand allluiermedlato stations and L'anan'dat!
gua nnd Intermediate Matinns. iinr.hi.vtpr iinrri:
roandNlagaial-'alls. with thiouirh liniumn Put.
acu cara and passenger coaches to trio aud ltoch-
vsicr. I
inAtiT -ws rfniCl3. Wa,1' oxtcpt Sunday) lor
. ' .".."IIV..I.I.O CLUIIU11S.
I.Uln. in l-IVI...UU .I..II.- Pvnan.
daj-) lor Kano and intermediate stations and Can
audalgu.i and prluclpal inteunedlato stations,
Itochester. OutTulo nnrl 1.-AHJ ..-in!
through passenger coaches tu Kano nnd lie-Chester
auu l-arior car io wiuiamsport.
Kins aud intermediate stations, w ith through nns.
senger coaches to iteuovo and Watklns.
9.20 a. m.-sunday mall for itenovo and lntcrme-
wh snximnY anu south. -
Siinday mall leaves l'lilladelphla 4.30 a. rn
HarrlSburi; 7.4U nrrlvlnir nt snnhiiiv ii un ... .. i.i.
thiouirii sieeiittH-pur iiiii..h:.i..'i... V.-..
"S'l inre,, leaves ,.un.rt.,nfc.. . . .
Harrlsburg. S.I0 a. in. ..i.,,t k,,,',,.".
arming at bunbury 9.53. u. m. '
:hlladelDhla.7.i0a. m. It.Mionnm? -5Pnein J.ny I
S'S !!irtf S, buffl.ia'as
piila ana llaltlmoie.
rubl Lint h'.ivi'j 'cw Vnt-L n rui n r . ii.ti.,.i a. in. w.u.11111 -inn ii m U; . f,7 r
smfhlir?-" W?;! iMy t'?,Vr'l'V,f'u"aa5' arflv log at
coaches (rom 1'hliadeiphta and liatiLore.
niTi, V. . ! "taus"!'T lorn ttoup. in. j 1'hlladel-
nori ixnu, (dally okXviu
at sunbur,' sas T "5., wVtiV trough' r5m.!a?
ij. in. ; wasuiugicn, iu.uo n. m. : Haiti
ltl.(t.irl..l.Tl..: " i' t WVULUViJ 11UU I
iv, iia.i.i!to. a-vii.ii;iiakki:
Jill II)
Wllkesbarro Man ipn.:.'U k....i...'J... ... nn I
arrl.vlngat moomWry 10.WrmearJra
12.18 p. in.
txpress liist leaves Sunbury 6.13 p. m.. arriving
rivtKf i 1,avos ""es-barre 245 p. m." ar-
. o t. ... y, ui .ouuuury D.itip.iu.
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.23 a. m.. arriving
at lllooui Ferrv 10:14a. in., u iiiLJlii. !..!. V.
nllnrl.iv nr.nnm,.l.i.,. u . . V..1'0.1.'-1 U-,J1'
P. n, .rlvmgnt Hloom
i. nVriii...vS in',i.'.,V.':''.,l?."llhls-'lllrro5:i3
J. It. WOOD.
(Jen. ilanager.
Ueu. Passenger Agent
oflh.f0m,m,nfh?,?.f 'f."'?? ' a "o-'rJ directors
, u viutk p. in., tu servo tor Uitt ensuing ear.
.i.n , ii. (iiiorz,
v-.n (Mwliini-
Kevlsed uta cost of over ioo,ooj.
lias 40 Editors
aim aj uepts.
......,,, DI.I.US KASII-Y atul VVKT linn
WUUICll ill l.inrv nn..... v"
-- - - - v vu..v Auuress,
11 Oreat Jones St., New Yorl.
r,l"ll.'li t. .
ffi Sto'lniHK.???
fit Art n.t.n W '
iitth.1.. iinr n
send tlx cents
.'Myiniii receue
A 1 II
13 uuv OI g -OdS
, iufft wxrzi
. eW. JSi: ruIiV'f'fonl
(tiuis, 'liiuus to., Augiintu,j Maine.' Vsi
111 RTNH.ti.u .T r. F
iguiyiuir.rar. ul..n.,.V,3V -o !."""
..... ..A. otutuu,!!! Mtv, Maw Vg,k.
clrcultr, A, u, luiw, l'i
ClhuiU. Chetp homrt
uoinny. Sen.l f0,
cutxiUU, Vu.
tlco 25-lw
I tan IR..IU.0 tuiJ, l..r 1 triS
una lli.iuxu.lso ( ca.ui ..I iu. , J ,,ni o(Y ,i
lai.rlllil t. .VI will ..ndTllVu nrff .Wis)?
I. t' Vl.tri
is in tho hivo (o caro for tho feeding of
ino inrvn.scftiinj ot llio colls nntl r)colv
itig honey from tho bees na tlicy como
in lonJctl nnd di-poslt it in tlio culls
nnti scai mom tip wiion tho lionoy is
properly riptnod,nftfr' whloli timo tlioy
become lionoy gatherer?. Tbo drono
or initio boo llvts on tbo labor of tho
worker nnd is only of tno to fcrtillza tho
young (pa-en, m soon n. tho honey
llow .thickens llio'woikeM tliivotlum
out of thu hivo nnd kill them ns they
nro only considered ns consuitars. It
has nlwnys been n ipiery how tho bets
could htoio tlieir honey in thee- lis mid it tiinalii tla-u-wilhotil liuiiiiiig
out. Tho panl. tcii-ioii I observed n beo
brgiti .ttiring linia-y in noill next to tlio
observation glass in ouo of my hives
ami I foil t.l on close examination that
tlio beo had covi rod tho baso of tlio
cell with n thin tenacious
film mid when tho beo wished to store
Its load of honey it liua-ritd ils tonguo
through atul under llio coaling nnd in
jected tliu lionoy bitienlli and ns tbo
cell tilled ino film moved outwards it till
thus held the honey in place until tliu
ctll was filled and ready to cap over.
In starling lo keep bets il is neeis
aary I) adopt a hivo with movablo
I rami s, nml the leat fixtures, you can
have iu constructing it tliu belter il
will be. And of tho kind of bees to
havo after having tho black, Italian,
Holy Land, Cyprian nnd Albino bees
1 pn ft-r the leather colored Italian, for
all put posts. An inexperienced person
should not begin with moro than ono
ur two colon'us as they will in
oienso in numbers perlinps ns last
as his i-xpeiienco antl knowledge in
creases. The best timo to purchase is
in the month of May and then do
select on account of weight ns to (inuti
lity of bets tho colony contains. For
at that season of tlio year it is best to
bnVo the colony slroiig,for if you have
plenty of been you may expict tally
stroni' swarms and surnlus houuv.
Tlio swarming season is ono of much
interest and it is thus tho bee keeper
secures I. is iner. aso of colonies. When
the first swarm issues it is accompan
ied with the old qnein, and tin; lie
keeper should bo in readiness with a
hive and as soon as they havo cluster
ed tl.ey should be bivid and put on
the stand which they mo to occupy.
In eight to twelve days after the lilst
swarm issues, you may by holding
your ear lo tlio sido of the hivo hear a
peculiar peeping, for tho first (pi ecu
that eineiges irom a cell will go to
rovinu thiotiKh the hive and attemnt
to destroy the cells that rimniti mid if
tl, l'" gtiarit thorn tho queen will
niaKo a noiso something like peep,
peep, nnd the queens iu tbo cells will
0' answer quit, quit, and thev keen that
1 uo mi uuoui me iimo tno next queen
1 ' ..!.. . t ., ,. 1 ...
lo "'"V l". '""" nom tne cen, wnen
ino oees win cast, a swarm toimetl tho
second swaim, accompanied by tho
queen that first hatched. It it is tho
dtsiro to have surplus instead of in
crease then, eight days after the issue
ing of tho first swarm the hivo should
be opened and nil tlio cells icmoved
except one. and that will prevent any
further swarming. The best time, if the
colonies aie strong, to put on section
boxes for surplti, is about tho time the
apple trees are iu bloom, for linn if
the bees -io not swarm, as it is the
lase some seasons, you will be sure il
ti ere is a flow of honey to gel some
surplus. As soon as one sit of hoxis
aro partly cappw! y on should laise
them up ar.d placo another case of
section beneath the oilier, and I bo bei s
will at once oectipv them mid beirin
building comb and storini'
.... to. . 1 r,
iu them.
' ,le" ,llu honey season
is over L ie
boxes should bo removed or the bees
moving over them will soil it. Tho
great difficulty iu beo keeping has been
tho wintering of them safclv. It is
,.(., , t V' , .,
H!llu 10 -ay that thu
iveraue loss in
wintei illtr t ho bees in llio Wirtlw.rn
I States has Iw.dii finin f,i...t.t. ir...
'...-. a.w... .... ... m H..V
i , .-
I"'1 CLI11' iets li ptoperly packed iu
cha t auil have Iwenlv to "o Hounds
. t i muuj iu u imiuius
j, aim ctiiuiiy iti oee
cmi ,oo wintered at a loss not
cxccedicg 10 per cent. Tho
past two winters I have not lost
a colony wintered in boxes or clamps
sixteen ieiiionir, two leet wu n nnd
fifteen inches Inch at the rear and
thirty inches at tho front. Uemovo
tho cans and after niacin'' nn inch of
chaff on tho bottom set the hive on it
abUt lW0 "1C"CS "l'"1 all(1 1 UI
7 ' men mi 1
all the spaces and on tho top will
chaff am put on a good roof that wil
not p.ik-. Ilavit tliul.ii-.u nil r.
,., ...i 1 . , ,ul-"'S
one wni nn(1 i,VB a tunnel from each
"HS" .! ' bce3 V out when-
u ci uioy iitsirr, anu so you can re-
movo tlio entrance lilock and retuovo
.11 -1.. i i , . .. . .-...u.u
I -o ueau oees uurint' the winter. I
1' DO Upwonl'ion but
a winter small nassaLM ihrotnrh tli
combs about two inehns 1.U, il.
bar so Iho lieon nan ii.i frm l.n
" to the cluster. Do not let the en-
trance oecamo clogged with dead bees
or you will lose tlicm bv- BiuolheririL'
In conclusion "tlio nurnbrr of colonies
in the United btates in 1881 was3.0()t).
000 and tlio honey produced for that
vnni Tiirn-rt ilm,. mi1 Ann i .1
-u".u""."o ami mo
value was 800,000,000. And this
"cctar would all uo to wasto if it
, .1 I V . .
nnl 4 . .1... 1 1. . a .
mil, iui me ueu Keeper and ins bees
Tl'L'y thus save to tho oouuiry tha
which would otherwiio bo lost. Api
uiiiiiuc is tuns ni inner immense W in
tin. i.i. t!. :,.i Ar .i...
I . ' ' " . T 1 '"y
Ji I lit. J' ill
Fashion Notes,
For misses, velveteen skirts of t'nr.
... . i.i.... i . : . : .a
m-i, uiuu or orown aru tasluonable,
Large, fancy buttons aro
olas.nd phuJe,,, of
used as
uu cuiiur sine oi nasques and jackets
Prettv anrniiH fnr ui.lmr.l
T. ' " " v. .. . I. . Ij
maau ot black silk worked in silk, nv
of lino black alapaca decorated with
Little heads of spaniels with class
oiro .uu buuii oil so 110 OI I in nriiv mnllj
a lasmuil WHICH WO 00 HOt tlllllk Will
be received with favor.
Look visiles aro mado of tlm nau.
vvooieu Jnbrics winch imitato a laco
pattern placed over a colored linini;
C?.t t il . .
Qinous oi nu sizes com nuo n tlm
greatest favor and appear in most cos
tumes, tnoiigii rarely employed with-
out beillff combined with nlnli. .ni.!.,l
lliick, plusby, woolen materials aro
j'.u, nuuu
n tho season advances, for
walki.m costumer
Kaded shades of violet and heliotropo
rH nil.n tnnwi I,. , n t
s for post, aro onco more in great vogue for dres
teS.rift 8y toilette.-.. These shade ..n,.,U.,
1,roltily witlt Cruam or whll laco
, Vctkn mV woo, Astrakhan aud
iox are tho fasluoimblo trimminirs
used upon tailor-mado suits for ladies
in mourning.
Halsed velvet flowers. .1 f,,iii,fi
cojiy of nature, aro to bo had ready to
appluuu on to any dresses, stiohas uisee,
tulips, eta, quito works of art.
Silver is tho particular fashion of
tlm season, and for evening dres-es it
W impossible to go wrong in. haviiitr
snvor trimmings or embroideries.
iiv m nm
1 7 m
for Infants
"Cutorla Is so vrcll adapted to children that
knowntome," 1L. A, Aucntt', M.D.,
111 So. Oxford EL, llrooklyn, N, Y.
QUjETMPiy or wmz HOUR.
A Lnrge and
7 1 L
9; mmum
Call and be Convinced that you havepjthe
Umm mam if
The Lowest Possitle Prices
Complete Novels and Other Works, by
Tbo fjllowlug booki
Kki re ju llUeJ In tint pamphlet form, many of tbi-iu hiindaorl tlutrutfi. o4 ml rr i-rlntt 1
uniinL'uu.lnum-r. fLeT trt of crftt TiirUlT of aubiHia .1 ..i.i.,l .... ,. ...J.... .1
irom iiooti lypM
ttah. tK.tibuuHii.uuii 1 Jufuuir.
1. Tlio U'lJaiv Iti-.I.iit i'ni..ri. Ttii li lbs book
ver w bltvb lour irraj'Uiiuiiierj ltugbi4 till ihtj ericJ, nu4
It il J nut i funny to lr K tcr
3. Foil or UurL fur Iloim AJoriimvnt, ta eu
lire I j- tiflw worK utwa (Ul ul;t. ooutjiuiu riujr ui
prtotical laitructlou) for uakin Uaej bakeu, wtll
posikuli, bracVoti, ne -l'e work, etubrollerj, tcM iru., iu
helj nJ eU(uil7 illuttrntol
3. rliain' VtAry MorIi- for (ho Youiiff Tbe
Dneit colieciiuu uf Ulry ngriet over publlibool. 1 lia chili
ten will bttdelltrttvl with them.
'i'lii I.udr ol the l.nLt. Tt Blf Wiltrr Scott.
"Thu Ln-lr of tLt Lke h a romanc in ten. ol ul nil
Ibo wnrk tf Kooit mint U ni'iri bc'itiful tbaa tbti.
6. Mini 11 ul of Ktlam Ho for la I mi atut UepUenieti,
ful Ij ta foUinwit ku-I eul brceii'iif, gllutf tba tulei of
luiKlern tiiiuett fur H ocstiloaJ.
fi. Tlio Miimlurd l.i-tter Writer for hUen ol
Ovntleiucn, a 00111 jjie to (tulle tu eorn puti ieuii, vltiti
I illrecilin fur Ui oviuposlttou or Liter of rterr
In I, wltU lnnumurtil formi au'l etnuple,
T. U Inter n1nc lteiriillon, Urcu collection
OtAcitDK Churn tu, Ituk-tux, imniea, luitle, ne fur
ul f ithtrini, prime tbcairloali. tu4 e.euiuai at
bomei illu.tratrt.
. IMuliuura, KrrttHlluns an1 ltpuilliifra, alarti
tn l cuoi t , le.'t ion fur folioot ixlilultluua ant mt,lla auJ
irlrata enii-i-.nliniiunti.
C Karn,r MS' nl Chemlciil r.Tprrlr.irnl.
t book which teln haw to perform bunlrtdavf aiuuiiuii
trkkt lu luaiLj and iaaUnoUvo eiperlmeuia with unipL
tgntf, r
IU. Tlio Homo Cook Honk and Farnllr 1'lijal.
eluti, cuutalnlnj buuJr4i of e ice lent cook in a reel no
an t li uu Ui iioun keeper, alia telltuK bow to cute tit com
aiort allmenu hjr diupk home remt It
II. 3Iunnri- uml i'utoraala Tor Awnr I.unrfa.
t ferr lui.n-.ilni aa-1 iuuruuUe book of uael. d. wrlbt
In tho pci-uliar life, hablti, manner ami cuitoma of tbe
panpl of furefin countrUe, lltmiratel,
.m.;.Kf,t?'n i"l,lnl)l(lRflM by roputirAnttiori.
embraolna love, huniorom u-l itettihe aturlea itoriri ftf
tttllLU,t' 9t 'i'eDUfe of ilwJ tl(e. no., all wj la'
.l.1 'Fe.H,,,li(f't'orU,(' l,""'i'nnI.Kun,a1afce
MlUioiluti of u,e muur Horiei. .kef i.e. anedoiti! to,"
an i Joket ihit hvt Wen written for aomf ecara , Hint im
fV iw wl.lKe lor Hi Million, abaiilr
took of uurjil tnformttlou for all, upou maar QJ arlout
lubiotfti, IlluttraieJ,
ef'-Dirl n..." . ' AXor,, nr"u,hCoti.y( author
ithor J
OUR UNEOUALLED OFFER! Sfl.,iVLniT,wot,'tl,ek 4 irctui0ioa.floDuiOinr
iio,Eeliurt4tetwr.orkoiiirOrdtr;aa4aaJreii lri ooct. Franklin N$ CO., Ph Idti O, Pa.
TPP Tf s
iilfc.AI.lER IN
i- oi-eign ana Mtmestxe
nH 1 -ssjsji mm h mm
m m m m w m
ond Children.
I Castorln cures Jolle, Constipation,
I Hour StomachiJIarrhcea, Eructation,
I 1'11V,u0c.rnm9 ,:'C', ana ',ruaio &
Wllho'ut injurlotl modlcatlon.
Tn Ccrrica Coso-xt, 1S3 Fulton Otrctt, K. T
Varied Stock of
) I
Famous Author Almost Given Anay!
i 1
18. At the Work .Merry, A No? el. Ur Florence
Wrdm auiboraf"! Utfuaa on Ibe llanh, ue
1. 11 iiuri'oi j rnnloa, A hotel. Ur "1 b Duch.
ni. Humor oftklflLnB," etc.
r,I!!1lIi,WK-M'.l.r,r.hc Tree. A hotel.
Br the amour ul l Tborne."
VU, hbnduwtoiit'hiion. A Noeel. lie II. L. Kai
uili0r "'I11' ua U.M-ie aud klie.'- etc,
il IhoUrBjr mun. A.No.el, It Ur. Oaiktll.
autborof "Mafy ttai, itg,
H' lh.e K?t.nV' A Novel. UyWIlkkColllDf,
tuibor of Thi Won tu Wbite," eto.
M Kcd Ccnirt rm. a Novel, lij Urt. Ileprjr
V, twij. auttior r e tyiine," etc.
it IiiCupid' A Aorel. BjtLeAulUrof'Dora
Thorne "
JV Jtaek tothtUI Home. A Norel. Bj Uar; Cecil
Hay, author cf.ill 1 I'ern etc,
III. Juhn lloivriiiL' Ulle. A Novel. Bj llin
11 u lock auihortf "Jj Ililirai (icDllaaan," to.
77. I.mlv mil ne' Ilrvuu. A hovel, fifth
mibor or ' lhm Th--. elfl
.8 .InaneKllon tvtrtt. A Novtl, hj Utu 11, K,
1 r Won, auihfer of rora ft lord, eta
'' l-oMn, A Ivl. Br iiarr Cecil Uar, author f
" llreiKla vrkw " el
30 Uulirl.T. AH a Be. A Novel. By Wllkle CoMd,
author of WNamctti
31 Ia,M limit Note) Br Mr ADO S.Steibeb,
author r Million ft amine ' eto
33. Hriiplrtc lliililrluln.1. A Norel. Be llarr
Oil II iv miltor 01)14 hMlrtuu'a Uober, eU).
31 lluillrr t'arii. A .Novel. Hj tliu , K. Jlrai
oon, tmiior ot' La4u11rv a heirn." eu.
Novel it Hi W, I'e.autliorof "The BmbHaik ew.
35 A Cut Jen tan. A hotel. Br the author of
" ora Thornl.' etc
Ml Y a Nottl. B Wfi, AleiaaJer,
authornf TkeWocOt K
37. J-t-trr Rote. Novel. By Wllkla Colli oi, aatLor
of The Uoivan In Iw, tW
34 A (nu-, 4 A Nt Br ltd. Dior WtoJ. author of
ftat 1 rmiel't
3J Tlie Laurel ib. A N'oreU IJr Mln Unlock,
author 01 -jahn Hii (ientleman." ew.
o. A mo lrle A Novel Br Geoif XUot, author
' aim on lot t ion. ti.
For tlioCelrutcil ClilcUerinf, Ivors &
Iii romi, una Vs& con l'lunos. Worlilre
niwnuil'EsttOrn.iiis, Violins, Aucoulcons
nim oueui nc, ueiciilttieu i lint-, new
High Arm :vig) uw Home, Itoynl St.
John, und LU Kuiining Domestic hewing
Miuiblnci. Inlles, oil nntl iittachments
r 11 .III . . .
fHr a11 'kc'' Bewlng -Viiclilnes.
Me Hd wtrcrccrcE, Nc. 12C
franklin Avenue.
iJW'ju in ri-anklln Ave. ail 100 Cen.
ter street.
to niukii up a new HUgorr
' a, '
or I'lialr. 1, ,.1. 1 1,, Lt,,..i.
3 o
y tu, mi.l Steel UoltH, Bolt
iV'V' ScroHs, Turiibticklo'
lli-uo Mlvts, ami all Blaokeiaitb.