1 1-JLS THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SOarcs Coiipti, CoV!, ITonrw, Crcnp, Asthma, 1 Ui-occhitln, t hoo; in J Ctu2hf fi.lt nt anmrp R iuo Mr JiuU't V nn1 nrnri ourH ItStrin Cau nn Vintetal:frU iJibftt nil tho 'tltinnf .,.,. It'. It-tip Hall ro, MO., U. B. A SALVATI NOEL, if rth for Pain," "Tho Orratett Cure 01 will relieve more qtitly than any other known reraedyj?heumatlsm, Neuralgia, Swellingsi-uisos, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumba jSorcs, Krost- Diies. oacieacne, woua, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, J. Sold by all The Columbian. BLOOMSBU , PA. FRIDAY, JANUAY, 8, 1880. OltllCCT lUIMlllllI Tratnsontho Phlladelpht. as follows : MIIITII. :3fl a. m. 3:12 p. m. Trains on tho I). I,. 4 W7i. as follows t NOKrir. 0:21 a. in. 10.21 a m. 2.20 p. in. u:3o p. in. o Trains on tho N. & W. 11. Ferry us follows : K0KTII. 10:5: n. in. 11.37 p. in. Tllll.K. L 11. leavo Uupcrt SODTII. 11:19 a. in. 0:18 p. in. cavo lliooiusburg SOUTH. a. m. 11.41 ii. in. 4:J p. in. b:ir p. m. Iwaypass Dlcom SOUTH. 12.05 p. m. 4:15 p. in. SOUTH. RA1 p m SUNDAY NOUT1I. 10.11am DO NOT EE! i L this unless yon want in iss a great opportunity. It i4c bcsioflbr ever made by any this county. vs)aper in We have made arrangement whereby wc are ei ed to send and THE THE COLUMBI NEW YORK EEKLY WUli-LJJ lor six lonths for $I.OO cash in ad ce, to old or new subscriber Any old Buoscnuer can sect ithe benefit of tliis oiler by up to date, and one dolln Iditional The World is a tght page weekly, and is the st Demo- cratic paper in t country Write us a postal a with your address and we w send vou nil nr 77 it iii me world andsam copies ot THE COLUMBI The long winter evenings wi ,011 be tore when vou will wanfuething to read, and by takin )tn papers you will get all the tcral news in one, and all the A news in the other. The twiapers can not be obtained i-ratcly for less thnn 52.50 u y Think t! THE COLUmLn and THE W E E K L V 0 1 1 L D OnlVaSl for finths. Subscribe at once ! Illoum l'oor rlct Tho members of the Dp'atic County Committee for liloomsl Kast Scott, West Scott, Oieenwood : ugarloaf are requested to meet nt thojhangc Hotel parlor in Dloomsburg o turd iy, Jan' uary 23rd, 1880, at one thu purpose of placing persons as candidates p. nv, for iinlnatloii mo f(ir Directors for the Bloom Poor Ilia A full at. tendancu Is deslied. I). liS'llKUU, Jan. 8-3t. hairman. I'UHI.IC HA Tho executors of John cd will sell valuable real ner deceas in Cenlri! and Orange townships, omrd.iy, Jan uary 23, 1880. See ndveiint, At the, vendue of G. S inQrcen. wood township, near Hullg,'on Tues day, January 20th will hi nle a good young horse, and the f inija on w hich he lives will also be often- 2 1 l'erHoiiit Ch&rles P. Klwell retun school nt i W. Mc Heading on Wednesday, Kelvy has aUa entered iiiicschool. During his visit here M ler has been reading thi Episcopal church on Sum! aril Drug- Ices ut thu O. . Supleu has pure the hous') ami lot of A. Lewis, In S n. Knt Post G. A. It. held tc Installa tion of olllcers last Frldfcht, Dean soup was served utter thu my Tho niimu of W. II. Ja ins illsap pearcd from the head of tt intl as edl tor. Tho Coiiimlssioners lust appelated John 11. Casey us their cla uiueusu- Ing year, and Dr. J. C. clan at tho Jail. us l hysi- Tho county auditom n work, this week on the books in llidnisslihera' olllce. No doubt their oughly done. 111 bulhor. Much of our space this, Is debtcd to a very full and Interest lliort 0' thu proceedings of the count last week, for which wo itute ticid 'jieatl) In- debtcd to Prof. HurUlus, ol gevill, Tho last day for tiling cense In the Prothonotar) us f1 o is 4n day, January lllh. Itcmoi: es agjist .even ys licences must be tiled at before Court. Ilarman fi Hnsscrt have I ly pu in a new 35 hoise power foundry, thu old ouu being their Increasing business wuys busy, nnd give const: to n large force of men. at tlr llclentfor y uuiil. n ploy tint Our almando for 1880 !s r butlon a,xi ull iiibscrlbcrs not more than one year In for d)-t-io co.ty titled to one. They are belUrlb(d i a rum- as rapidly as possible, and Iwho yu not yet received It will pleill In v?n in town. h. llcrnnrd 1ms a flno stock of watches, Jewelry una sllvcrwnrc. Only first class Rood at low prices nil goods warranted as represented. deo U.tt Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Phillips celebrated tho uncouth anniversary of their mnrrlago on Wednesday evening. About eighty guests were present. Catarrh, malaria, dyspepsia, bllllotisness. rheumatism, and nil diseases nrlslng from nn Impure blood, nro thoroughly eradicated ami cured by tho use of Keller's Cnlnrrh Ilcinedy. It ls the greatest remedy of tho ge Letters remaining In thu llcnton P. O.. for the month ending December nist, 1885: Alleo A. Hill, Messrs. T. O. Hasely & Co. Mr. Thomas .Mndolc, I.uvl Tunicas, August Biiunnburg, a gcrmaii letter. Ku.a Arrr.K.MAN, P. M. Iliomns .Mellrldc, Mipcrltiteudcnt of Hloom Poor Farm, has shown us au egg lam ly u riymouth Hock hen, that mensur. era 8 Inches by 0. Tim lieu has evi dontly turned over unuw leaf mid started In on the new year with the tlrm determln nted not to lo outdone by any of her tribe, Having failed to secure, p.iy for publish Ing Die court proclamation without autlini Ity, tl.u Sentinel Ins discovered that lis pub. llcatlim Is useless, and doubts whether there Is any law inquiring It. It Is pub llshcd by a custom which has prevnlled In every county In the statu for many years nnd has become i law by constant usage. If tho .Vnd.ief Is honestly anxious to savo money for the tax payers why does It charge. 20 for the publication of commls Bloner's sales of unseated laud, whun every other paper in the comity charges but $10 ? List of letters remalnlug In tho Po3t Of. flee nt Hloomsburg for week ending Jan. 0,1880: .Mr. Talhcrt lllakesle, Mr. John Matt, Mr. h. it. Drown, Mrs. Gertrude Jones, Mr J. McUotinlll, Mr3 Ellio Wuron. cvims. Mrs. .Margaret Hess, .Miss Alice Hlttle, (2), C. A. Jamison, Mrs. Oeo. Kramer, Mr. P. ,M. .Moore. Persons calling for these letters will nlease say "advertised." Ueokcib A. Cuiik, P. M. Wonder whether clerk Casey, will next Monday again demand $a of tho County Auditor? to ex. plain such things In his books as they might not rally sec Into. Wo supposo thattheAudltors, who uro now somewhat familiar with tho routine of offleowlll at their next meeting bo able to get along without thd high-priced services ot clerk Casey, who Is already paid for his services. That twenty-five dollar blutt will hardly do this time. The above paragraph is copied from the Sentinel of Inst week, of which paper Wil liam Krickbaum now appears as the editor and proprietor, nnd we may therefore fair ly presume that be wrote tho paragraph. A icferenco to our llles discloses the fact that the practice of paying the commission ers' clerk for stating the account was in. augurated when .Mr. Krickbaum was clerk, and that he received i;2o.00 for such ser vices for the years 1874, 1875, 1870, 1877, 1878. If it was right then, why is it wrong now ? If theie is no law for it now, by what authority was it allowed then or, If there was law for It then when was It re pealed 5 If clerk Casey bus no light to this extra uuii'i. uoaiiMii , ii is cyiiicul uiue -tir. linen- baum lm9 $125.00 of the county's inoiiei ......... .! t. i. t.i . .i.... r r- "'at he has never earned and had no light to tukc, and hu ought to refund it. It Casey is wrong, his mistake is in following u precedent established and followed by Mr. Krickbaum, his predecessor, tor live years or more. election Notice. Wu will send by mail post-paid to any constable in the county, one dozen election notices on receipt of 20 cents. Th.s is much cheaper than they can be wiitten. tf Scett's Emulsion of Pure Coil MicrOII Willi llypoplioHphltus Is Lxcellent in Lumr Troubles. Dr. Knock Calloway, LaGrange, Ga., says I have used Scott's Kmulsion with won- derful success in all Lung troubles, also find it has no equal in Summer Dinrrlura of ohiidlei;." IvIC'CtlUll XutlL-C. An election tor directors of tho Cala- wissa Deposit thick to servo during the ensuing year will be held by tho stock- holdeis thereof at their banking ofllco in Catawissa, Pa., on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1880, between the hours of 10 ,. M. uud 2 P. M. U. M- Timlin, Cashier. 'J w Wild I It lH-Wliat II IlOL-H. Hoods' Sirsaparllla is made of sarsapar- ilia, dandelion, mandrake, cherry hark, uv.i nrri, dock, and other valuable meill- cinal agents long mill favorably known for their power in eindlculiiih disease and purifying the blood. It will cure, when In thu power of medicine. Scrofula. Suit Itheum, Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipa- Hon, llllllnusiiess, Geueral Debility, Pains ntiieH,rk, Kidney Compliint, Catarrh, rcmale eakness, Cancerous Humors of tho Pacu itlngworm, Pimples, Ulcers, Sorts, Tumors, Scald Huad, uiul all dlseas. es arising from an Impure state or low con dition of thu blood. Hood's Sursaparllla is made by V. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. told by nil drmrgist ; 1, six for ?5. IliicUliurn, Tl;c holidays were still, close, and quiet in our town. Scarcely noticeable. A. D. llartman and wife paid their son, John, of Nantlcoke a visit. Went up on rriilay. Wlllets Ilengle went to Pottsgioyc ono day of thu week. Mr. Measles Is canvassing our town. Sammy Shaffer Is very bad. John P. llartman has gone to Grange. vllle. Tho storm on Monday did considerable dumagu to fences. The remnants of a wagon below Sylvest- er Pursel's Indicate a "smash up." Who It was we ha.vu not learned. Johnny llartman of Sedgowlck, Kansas, formerly nt this place, writes that his health has been very poor ever tlncu hu left us. He says ho earned SI. 25 hard cash list month Tho fever attacked him lust spring and is loath to leave him. Ho In- teuds quitting that place as soon us mutters will permit, Our teachers quoto Wambergcr and Vines nnd Oaks so much since Institute. Tlwt Ir-rniH nrt lutii' to iw ninl ilniimml ov nlanation. Answer to our piuzle Jlagple. Hemlock U to havu n weddliig soon. I Ko says it is U No. Hut ho ls oIT. It Is Hu Ko uiul Shu Ko, I havo been troubled with catanh boyhood and had considered my chronic until about threu vcars nso t from case pro. cured onu bottlo of lily's Cream lialiu, and 1 count myself sound to-day, all from thu mo of one bottle, J. II. Cooley, Hardware Merchant, .Montrose, Pu. Tho remaining copies of tho History of Columbia County, n book of COO ynaea illustrated and bourn in cloth will bo closed out at $1.00 aoli, 2" cents oxtr.i by mail. For Balo at tho Coi.iMiiiAN Olllce. lSlooiusbtirg, l'a. tt, TlvACIIIiltH' INHTITUTIt. The Columbia County Teachers' Institute was called to order nt 130 P. M Monday 88th of December, 1895. Not moro thnn eighty per cent, ot tho teachers of the county wcro present, Tho teachers ot the county generally believe that attendance nt the Institute Is not compulsory and to this probably must wo attribute tho fact of the absence. Superintendent Grimes claims however that they aro obliged to nttcnd.for It is not likely that thu Siiperinlendcn would be required to call the teachers to. gcthcr If there wcro no means of gctlln them together. Music was tho first excrclso of the day nnd was led by Capt. Cyrus Straw Thl was followed by devotional exercises le by llcv. Louts Zuhner, Dr. Monroe delivered the nildrcss of wcl come to tho tenchcrs. He said thiit the teachers' calling Is ono of tho noblest I which anyone could engage. It ls thu bu slncss of the teacher to aronso and to d velon thought. The world nnd nil tho beau ties of nature nru one of God's thoughts as art and literature nro the result of human thought. To educate is to develop and thus the teacher's work Is far reachln In Its consequences. While the tenche may never be a president or a cabinet olll cer, yet it Is his business to make presl dents and cabinets. Our first object is to mako tho school attractive. Tho tuache should make his pupils sec and appreciate tho beauties of iinturu una of the lllble Wu should not fear being called old fogy If our teaching Is benefitting our pupils, Wu should not mako copying pads of our pupils but should teach them to think Thu production of true manhood am womanhood in them should bo thu end aimed nt In teaching. Wo should also look after the moral welfare of our pupils. Ho eloquently welcomed tho teachers to place where they learned thu art and scl ence of teaching. Prof. J. P. Ilarklns, of the Orangey!!! Academy spoke next of the "Essential t Success In Teaching." Hu said thu tench ers should strlvu to attain success, since such important results depended upon tl views thu teachers cntertalu couceruln their work, tho spliit and energy they put Into It and the knowledge they possess of tho human mind. He said Hint nil, no matter where placed, should try to attal success, since they have assumed to be teachers. This fact brings with It tho sup position that they are aware how easy it i to ilivarf those powers of mind which might by tho proper application of tho proper means prove n blessing nnd a power lu thu world. No one possesses so gieut opportunities of doing good, since no one is brought luto so closu relation will susceptible minds. Teachers should take advantage of thu trlud methods of others which hnve been found to bo successful for the children of this hind have a right to ull the benefits thu public schools confer, especially when these benehls are within thu reach of the teachers nnd probably withheld only from a lack of proper exer tion on their part. He compared tho mind to p. planet which being brought into con tact with certain outside Intluenees grows to Its full Stature. Tho tnic-hiT ta llin judge of the Influences that must be pre sented to bring nbout the growth of the faculties of the mind. They urn presented to him for guhhincc nnd direction. Hero is thu most delicate part of our work, for us he inllueuces the mind of .tho chl'd aright to thu same extent is he successful. Tho teacher should cultivate In his pupils self. reliance. The teacher should undeistand human nature. He should be energetic and love his work. Prof T. J. Corlcn, of Normal Park, III spoke next on "Structural Geography." We shhould read thu earth as we read ge ography. Selecting South America as an example he pointed tho relation of its structure to its rain fall, vegetable and mil mnl life. Having the material nt hand he made witli sand an outline showing tho elevations. Tho moisture of tho trade winds from the east is precipitated on the western coast. Hu showed that clvlllza- Hon originated not in the tropics wheru all thu necessities of llfu nre so nbundunt, nor near the poles where man can scarcely get enough to eat, but at that point between whero mnn is compelled to work for a liv inc. with sufficient time for reflection. Dr. 1). J. Wnl'er then enterluined the nudlcncu with an Instructive talk nn the "Olllco of .Memory." He said the destiny of children depended in it great measure upon the views teachers entertain concern ing thu ollice nnd training of memory. Two prominent and directly opposlto opinions prevail. One class of teachers strengthen tho memory by committing the letters of the alphabet, names and places in Geography, rules, definitions and tublcslu Arithmetic. This, hu sab', strengthens memory. Hut like shovelling u pilu of dirt from onu place to another in order to strengthen the body, no benefit being derived from the work. The memory and also tho body should bo tmlnc I by useful cxerclso. Any ono who can read a book can show apparent re suits. The knowledge ncquired by the me chanical process of the memory resembles real knowledge and is deceiving. Those who advocate tho other shlo of this (pies tic:; cull Ihu memory the power of Ihing nnn recalling knowledge by association. Wo exult memory when we develop this faculty In connection wlih the other facul ties of the mind, nnd refuse to make her a Junk shop or a capacious maw. To cxer else the memory ns a separato faculty and without calling Into play tho other facul ties of tho mind is degrading tho mental powers. Supt. Grimes then presented to the Instl tulo Miss Leila K. Patrldgu of Normal Park, III., who spoko substantially as fol lows: It Is nearly three years since she had dono nny Institute work In Pennsylvania and that meuiu no Institute work nt all. It seemed like coming back to old friends to come back to Columbia County, for she remembered tills county well, how warmly she hnd been welcomed on previous occa sions and how eager the teachers were to profit by Instruction, She felt flattered by being called three tunes to the same coun ty. A great revolution is going on in tills countryund indeed all oyer tho world, cer tainly In Kngland, Tho object ot educa tion Is now recognized to bo u drawing out of the powers of thu mind. It consists no longer of a pouring In process a, mere uu qulrlug of knowledge. Wo merely ndupt ourselves to thuviuws ot the child nnd sup ply sufllcient material and thu mind grows, Tho teacher has it in his power to cither aid or retard tho development of the mind. In utter years many of the methods now in use- will bo regarded by men and women ns bnrbarous. The point that should en. gage our attention ut nil times ls the com. pleto development of all thu faculties of all thu children under our care. To do this wo ns teachers should not bu too proud to do away with everything that Is faulty In our methods. Inslltiitu adjourned 'Ull 8 o'clock p. m. Tl'ESIUV I'OISBNOON', Tho devotional exercises were conducted by Huv. P. P, Mauhnrt, after which Prof Preemau, Supt. of the schools of Shenan doah addressed tho Institute He referred to thu uct making twenty days nctual teaching a school mouth, und also to tho attendance of teachers at the annual Instl tute. Ho, believes thut teachers nro obliged to attend tho Institute, Ho theu gavo Ids views of methods of teaching, Teachers In former years taught nt ran dom without nny definite object In view, Tho now education socks to develop tho mind. Expression without thought morns .nothing. Thought must prccccd cxprc son. Prof. Corlew then resumed Ids talk of ueograpny. 'l lie surroundings of n peo plq determined In every enso Mhclr clvlllza Hon. Man originally wa9 nature's slave hut learned In time to overcome the forces of naturo and leaped tho physical barriers that surrounded him. The chnrncter of pcoplu Is determined by Its physical sur roundings, ns in the caso of the Holland crs who nro persistent, watchful nnd punctual In their habits, theso traits being wrought Into their character by constant persistent ftglts with the waters that sur round them. Ho then gavo somo interest ing hints nn the nvtnncr of teaching geo. graphy to children. Hu said wo should bo governed In our teaching by tho nnlurc of the child's mind nnd Hie means of develop. Ing it. We can best Influence tho mind thu child by directing Ids attentions to ol: Jecls nroiind us. In digging wells tho crust of the earth can bo Illustrated and In rallrondjcuts wo can sec the strallflca. lion of rocks. We can refer to tho brook as n mlnlaturo',rlvcr,to tho pond ns-i mlnla turo lake, nnd to the falls In the brook us miniature cataract. All around us we can And amplo means for teaching chlldrc those tilings In other countries, Wo must start with the geography of the comtnun Ity In which wo live. Wo find nil the means here for giving tho pupil u correct Idea of all the forms of the land nnd water Wo should give to our pupils Illustration of the clfect of heut,;molsturo and sunlight upon vcuetatlon by directing their attcn tlon to tho pknls around us. Let them make their own experiments. Geography should be a means of awakening thought He said a teacher should not try to Imitate another but in all cases retain his Individ uallty. Miss Patndgc spoke ot "liusy Work.' A great many teachers find mfllcullty 1 keeping pupils busy nt their scats. Good government depends on pupils being cm ployed. Thu child must bo kept busy or it will find employment itself. Wc should educntu the hand ns well as the! brain Shu said nothing should bo taught tier (for its own sake) but In everything tnugli tho end aimed at should be the complete development of thu human being. Tin character of the child Is built up tiy tho nets performed. We ure creatures of habit : wrong act is thu beginning of u wrong habit and lu every caso should bo rebuked by the teacher. Wu should seek to mak education practical. Wc should train children to think. DKCEMIIEIi 30, Exercises opened with music and devo tional exercises conducted by Dr. .Mitchell Ur. Waller continued the discussion of memory. Hu said that in proportion n thu uxerciscs for training memory arc in tellectual, calling into exeicisc the other faculties of the mind, to the same extent Is the exercise an Intelligent one. I the mechanical exercise of the faculty that without any regard to the thousrht buck of thu iii 111 the pupils nro not interested The child in tho first years of life stores the memory with a vast amount of useful knowledge. This he does by coming Into contact with objects and being interested n them the impressions mado arc lasting, He ans.iciates thu namo of tho object with u object itself and thereforo tho memory s not taxed slavishly. i lie pnysician memorizes a new pre scription not by studying the arbitrary characters but by the study of the Ingredi ents contained therein. This is an in- tellectual exercises nnd enables him to re nin thu prescription with ease. These he aid are Hie laws that should control tho touchers In the primary schools. The old pen. knife method was a mechanical ono ml he hoped no teacher in Columbia County followed it. It requires thu pupil to memorize a form without associating the form with thought. Thu proper way is to start with a form which will ctll up n thought. The child at this stage is very iiqiiiiitiye nud this is thu time to nwuken his thoughts nnd to answer his questions. This position in regard to the subject Is not u peculiar one ns It has been lecom. mended in other places and particularly in the schools of Philadelphia. In connec tion with arithmetic tho speaker said that if the subject is properly presented to the pupil there would be no necessity of com mining a great number of rules in order to manipul'ito tho different parts of thu sub. ject. Miss Patridgo then entertained the Instl tuto on thu subject of rending. Sho said our pupils come to us having already usso elated ideas with spoken words nnd power to imitate the spoken word. He has al ready gained Idens nnd thoughts nnd usso- ciuted ideas with words. The expression of leas und thoughts in his own words. The next thing the child lias to do is to asso ciate Ideas with written words. The next dug the child has to do is to associate ideas with written words. Imitate wiitten ords, expression nf Ideas nnd thoughts In he wurds of others. I'hu process of associntion deals with "is and words. There must be a proper limulus. There must bu repetition. First thu idea produced by tho objects and plc- res then tho word sound, then tho writ- ten woul. Sho said wu ought to bo rapid readers. It is possible for somo to under. and thu thought expressed on u printed igo by merely glancing over it. Henrv Ward Iieecher possesses this power in a rcmarkablu degree. Heading Is nothing moro than gettng thu thought from the printed page. Prof. Corlew on Geography. Ho said that there Is great tact lu handling chll- ren and it Is needed in Geography as much ns in nny other brunch of learning. hu Professor then referred particularly to ly&lcal Geography. Hu said we ought to ow our-pupils tho effects of tho winds, tho sunlight und heat upon tho llfu of the globe; how God fitted up this globe for tho abllutlon of man. Hu nid hu would not iifinu pupils to any particular text book but ullow them to read thu different truths Id down by nil. Have them locate the garden spots of thu world nnd then hnvu them explain why they nro found nt that particular point. In this way you impress upon them the effects of sunlight, heat and rainfall, and that wherever they uro found you will find feitllesoll, Thcru is a great lvautngu in having properly constructed maps, lustltutu udjourned 'till 2 o'clock in. AFTKIl-NOON SESSION. Miss Patridgo gavo u tulk on reading nnd how to meet difficulties. This wus di rected to Hie teachers of primary pupils. .Hiss I'inuey then reud un essay on "Eml. neut Women," Shu says It Is u question hethcr as somo have supiroscd Heaven lias denied woman genius. Woman's hap. lest place Is no doubt ut homo If bIio has one, 1 here Is scarcely a country but hns eldod a glowing example of woman. Many truly uolrlu women aro buried In the drudgeries of life. Women engaged In 'caching need never expect to gain ills. Unction, ns tho world has It, though her name ls not found on the pages of history, Yet sho Is engaged lu a nohlo and respon sible work. Although there ure those who clslm that the avocations ot llfu should not be open to women, nnd that sho Is Incapable ot filling them sho has, not wlthstandlig, proven herself capable of learning business by experience. Many women nro working to-day shoulder to shoulder with man. Professor O. II. Dakclcss, Principal ot tho schools of Catawissa, gavo an cxplana. tlon of the .different samples of work on exhibition done In thoso schools. Ho said they wcro presented there without being touched up by the teachers, nnd camo di reel from the hands ot the pupils. Professor Corlew then answered the fol lowing questions! "Do you approve of Hi use ot the rod In tho schools." He said that was n hard question to answer, since It Is a very broad one. Whipping ls evl- dence of a teacher's Inability to control the boy ho whips. Tliero Is a good place In every heart. It Is our business to find It Whipping Is not tho right thing to do, but It Is sometimes necessary. The next qucs tlon wns, "Docs not the present system crc ate Insubordination In school, home and state." Ho answered that It did. Hev. Canflcld, of Ornngevlllc, addressed tho Institute on "Morals In thu Schools Tnc teachers, he said, should seek not only to pour Into tho children n certain amount of arithmetic, geoglophy etc., but to make good men nnn women ns well. Tho seed of morality or Immorality nro sown youn, nnd they should not be allowed to sprout c can teach by example as well as by precept. Also truthfulness, honesty an purity generally need to be looked after, Dr. Orolt talked next on "Tho Eye, Ho used nn artificial eye In his demonstra Hods. Dr. Waller spoke on "Arbcr Day.' A great revolution is taking place In re gard to tree planting. As leaders of pub lie thought wa can't llo back nnd wait till wo nre urged forward tiy public opinion Hero Is the subject presented to the publl nnd wo want to have clear views on It. It demands our attention us a matter of economy. The lumber interests In thl country nro enormous nnd nt the present rate the Hmocr will nil soon bo cut oil, Tho water in tho Schuylkill Is 50 per cer. less than It was sixty years ago. This i: uuo to denuding the fuco of nature cut ting oft lbs treed. Tho earth is kept spongy by the trees and water soaks int it Instead of running oil. Tree planting will awaken an interest In tho pupils In nn. ture. Adjourned till 8 n. m., Thursday. DEO. 31, FOltENOON SESSIOS. The Institutu was opened with music, Uevotionnl exercises were conducted bv Dr. Monroe. Prof, Corlew continued th subject of "Geography." He gavo some plans for reviewing tho products ot th world. Miss Patridgo was the next speaker. She said If she knew what was In the minds of the teachers she could assist them more. Somo teachers think tho new methods discard text books entirely. This is a mistake: under tho new methods more text books aro used Hiiin under the old. The advocates of the new method use text books but do not abuso them. variety of text books creates on interest in the class. Speaking of Hie time given to a recitation, sho said school officers try to maku teachers slaves of time. Thev trv to teach the schools from their homes. Dr. GrofT discoursed next on the "Nerv ons System." Tho nervous system con tains white and gray matter. Each has peculiar kind of structure. Outside of the brain has gray matter. This matter is made up of cells. These cells are not round, but look like an insect with numer- ous legs. The white matter Is mado up of floors, hach fiber has u sheath on outside and Ir.stdo white matter acting like India rubber. We cannot place the point of needle on the body without touching nerves. The brain consists of two parts the ceiebrum and the cerebellum. The cerebrum Is the seat of the intellect. It is the organ of ho mind tho seat of sensa- Hon and ot pain. The cerebellum is the seat of the power which controls tho mus cles. The nervous system is the most inv portnnt part of tho body. 51133 Patridgo showed her method of touching reading to primnry pupils. She took six small children from tho audience and gave each ot them a flower. After they all told what they held lu their hands she wrote the mime of tho object on the board. Sho wroto the namo on different parts of the board nnd they were ablo to read under any circumstances. Sho said she used this method to stimulato thought by associating tho object itself with the name. She then questioned tho children on the flower making it the subject for u Iangunge lesson. Mr. J. C. Drown spoko next on tho sub ject "How Can Directors Help to Raise tho Standard of Teachers." Ilosald It wns his design to present only a few thoughts and leave the subject for others to discuss. As to the work the directors huvo to perform hu said there Is u mistaken notion abroad that the director lias performed his duties when ho has laid the tax, collected the tax hired Hie teacher. and month ly paid the teacher. It is a mistake thut directors hnve had no experience In educational mntters, that they are unable to judge of methods of procedure. The public schools havu provided an education not for thoso who wish to enter the leurued professions, but for the boy nnd girl who expect to cngagaln the practical atlairs of life. Tho directors uro generally choseu from the uverage Intelligence of the coin, munlty, and certainly know something of what Is necessary to produco tho ends de siredwhat branches should be taught and what methods used. Directors aru bio to judgu ot results produced. t'hu directors can aid materially lu ud- auclng the standard of teachers by Insist ing that u difference bo made In tho salary paid. Tills difference should bo based on literary qualification mil the ability to im part information. Tho teacher that can obtain u certillcuto whose average Is three is not qualified to command as much nav as he who has an uverage of one. Nor is one that has had no experience In teaching the right to demand us much ns the one that has. They will also ralsu thu standard of teaching by making a difference be- tween thoso that make it a profession and thoso who do not. Directors are not doing their duty If they hire thoso who are making It a stepplug stone to some other profession, Prof. Uarrctt, of Syracuse, N. Y., belne Introduced spoko substantially ns follows: Somethlug llku nlno years havo passed slncel have had an opportunity of speaking before the teachers of Columbia county. 1 am now among you moro to renew old ac- (piaintunces than to Instruct you by spunk, lug, It there! unvthlner which Is umm my mind In regard to which I would like to speak It Is tho calling you nnd I uro fol. lowing. I regret to say that it cau't bo ustly culled a profession. In a profession certain amount of preparation Is ncces. sary. A man has no right to enter upon any calling contrary to his taste. That teacher Is the most successful In his calling no lias tno greatest love for It. Too many t us lake the position of a makohitt. Wo liter upon It because It U an easy means f acquiring a few dollars, that will enable ut to pursue other studies. Do you know that lu doing this you nru dealing with that which is of rnoro Importance than anythlug that elemands our attention. In. stead of doing that you had better engage In somo other occupation whero thero will be no danger ot doing harm. You have a state reading clrclo for teach, crs. I was glad to sco that I wonder how many teachers aro reading tho pro fessional works on teaching. You ought to be, it you nro not, You need to bo put In harmony with ,tho best educators that you may cat:h their Inspiration. At the be ginning of this new year, teachers, you should turn a new leaf, nnd rcsolvo to do your best. riiiiMY, ja. 1, 1880. After tho opening excrclsn Dr, Oroff spoko on "How to teach Physiology." Under our new law wo aro required to teach Physiology to all. Commencing Willi the classes I think oral Instruction 1 the best. What would you think of par- ents Instructing their children In every. thing from books When n father wishes to Instruct his child on tho nftccts of to hucco he docs not take n hook. In teaching Anatomy it lias been mv plan to namo tho parts of the body first. Take each part and name the division. Tims In systemat io ibiks wo can accomplish much more, Wc shonld teach practical Hygiene, such as the effect of light upon tho eyes, catln at nil hours, the clfccts of keeping on wet clothing, tho necessity of ventilation nn cleanliness. The teacher must know rnoro than ls contained In the elementary book that he may ba ablo to explain satlsfact omy tno question ot the pupil. Ho must prepare himself just as thoroughly as 1; Arithmetic or History. Tho teacher must have n knowledgo of Chemistry and Natur al Philosophy. Success In tcnchlng de pends moro on preparation than on metl oils. 1 am opposed to new methods. Tho first thing is preparation. Lay a broa foundation. Theru.Isa great tendency li children to memorize. Make an outline of the subject nnd require them to recite by outline, llreuk up the order of tho tex oook. uet tno students to use two or three text books. Physiology Is a practl cnl science and must be taught In a prac tical way. If I am teaching about a bono Imusthavs a bone In my hand. The parts of n domestic animal arc In all cases llku our own and are sufficient for illustrat ing. The law requires us to teach the eff. ects of alcohol aud other narcotics. It docs not sSy that wo are to teach it every day. 1 wocld not bring up these subject every Hay but Introduce them gradually Jliss I'atrldge addressed tho teachers next. "I have done," sho said, "the best I could under the clrcumstauces. I nHvay come to the last day of the institute with dlsoontented feelings. I feel that there Is so much that I want so much that I might nave done, let I have dono from hour to hour the best I could. I wish the teachers would always convene on Monday nt noon and stay all week. It is a bad record for t cachets to stay away be cause they arc not obliged to come. Many teachers come to the iustitule and nfler they are gone say tlmt they have gained nothing. It may be the truth. They should try, however, to do Hie best they can. The best the In structors can do, is to send tho teachers homo thinking. Thero is the everlasting lino of investigation the human mind, During the institute I have had my full share of time, I am finding no fault. One moro point I desire to speak on: Teachers lesire to know how they can do away with t nc spelling book. Pupils don't need to know how to spell a word they don't know how to itad. Have them write and spell In every bra nch, in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry or any branch whatever. The elements are tho same, tho combinations are new. Wc must work from principles. The tencher who does this will bo able do practical work My viuws nru requested on another point, viz, btipposo you must resort to many de vices outside of the regular recitation nnd parents should object. I would try to convince the parents that I am doing their children good. Try and gain their conll dence, He thorough in your work and it will tell. We must havo repetition. The Nuw Methods require technical skill in whatever Is done. As you value your moral Influence over tho children never allow any imperfect work. Murk for ef fort, not for performance. Dull children will then get what belongs to them. Great minds sometimes dovelop slowly. Any tencher can teach bright children, the good teacher only can teach the dull. In spell Ing havo the child know whether it knows how to spell a word or not. Don't put wrong forms before tho child. Examine the work while Ihu child is Interested in it, Don' let It gst cold. Correct only the glaring faults. Tho time to corrojt lang uagefis when spoken orally. We should not correct mistakos while tho child Is express ng thought. rror, corlew resumed tho Subject of Geography. He gave on tho black-board tho construction lines of the continents. He said the first thing to do In drawing nny maps Is to get tho general outline. We teach upon the principle of going from generalities to particulars. Ho said this globe of ours Is but u thought of Him who holds the world In the hollow of his hand. Every whero wo can study Geoeranhv. Wo can't go out of doors without secimr lessons. We must not think 'that Gcogra. pny ls locked up in tho text books. You may throw out the map drawing but tho great truths remain the same. Wo should not study this part of science "merely to contradict somethlug in tho Ilible. It should bring us nearer to God. The mo. live makes tho teacher. All pictures In the child's mind aro mado of senso nro. uets. lftho sense products aro imner- icci mo pictures nre Imperfect. Children aro born with a lovo of truth In them and wo nro to develop It. Truth can bo educut. ed, Lead them up to see the truth. Trv in how them thu truth, let them Investigate and test it. Teachers, you aro going out to u new year's work. Tho question conies to you how shall I teach tho children. I wish you nil that success which comes from honest effort. The clcctlou of examiners for perman ent certificates occured next. The. follow. Ing persoiu nro tho favored ones : Amelia Armstrong, O. II. Dnkelcss. Marv Un unpst. Horace Suppleo, Hannah Ilreecc. Prof, AValker being introduced gave tho teachers some valuable suggestions. Ur. Waller then congratulated the teach. ers upon their good bearing during the In stitue. Ho said there was very llttlo whlsn. crlng during Uiotimo tho Institute was lu session. Ho believed tho whisperers had stayed al home uud that tho work dono at this Instltuto was better than nt any pre vious one, Supt. Gilmcs then In somo appronrlsto and well selected remarks to the teachers djourned the Institute sine Jit. LOCAL NOTICES. Kcmnauts of calico, musll tl frlnrvlminc slilnliics. tlcklni'S. tiirrnlcfl lalnes, cushmers, flannels, drillings, pant goods, velvets, fringes, &c, Ac, ut 1. W. llartman & Son's cleaning up sale. The great rush at I. W. Hnrtmun X: Rn.,', ilurlug thu holidays tore thlugs about won. dcrfully, but they aro getting righted up "&. Mi.u hiv nun icuuy iur iuc regular trade. Taking nt count i.f stnelr nt T u" 11., - man & Son's, und therefore thu cheap rem', nantt. Cull now and sea them. Kemnants of embroideries, ill ln,.n,0 . 1 special bargain at 1. W. llartman & Son's. Oo early or you will be left. TO WHOM II MAT OONCKKS. All persons nro hercbv nntlnYil th nt nnv persons buying Conyngliam township or. dcrs will purchase tho tamo subject to nny uquiucs niai may exist as to the taxpayers, . That tho Taxpayers Association nro will Ing to mako nil ronds, keep In repair all roads and bridges frco of expense to Indl vldunl tnxnavcrs for thn rnnr tRST. nml subject to tho direction of tho Supervisors of Bald township nnd ns thero Is no legal tax levied for the year, and till legitimate expenses oi inn iionu ucpnrtment nre be ing paid, there Is no necessity for nny or tie rs being Issued. All orders icqulro the signatures of bolli (supervisors oi mo lownstup Clerk nn should bear thn seal of (ho townahln. Tho nbovo notlco Is being given so that nn persons can govern uiemscircs accord "W- 8. M. Ittl.EV, Agent for Taxpayer's Asnoclatlon. Ashland, Pa., Nov. 37, '85,-tf. BUSINESS NOTICES. Aches and pains long homo make even uie young ieti om. J lie true reined Parker's Tonic. It nurlllcs the Mnml In order the liver and kidneys, bahishc nnlu and builds up the health. Uesldes It nas tne reputation of doing what wo claim or ii. jr dcc.-4-lt. If you use porous plasters tno best nnd strongest one made Is the Hop Plaster. incyKiii pain and strengthen the parts. A great many people say so. 85c. elealers IllHtrcHH Alter ISatluir. the result of Indigestion, will no longer bu experienced If n half tublespoonful of Sim. mons l,lvcr llegulntor Is taken nfter each mi , , BUC" n 500'1 "'Hester, and so mini uuu piensunt in its cltccts, that It sure good digestion. The Iteguiator does ,.oui ut uiiu ii in-any men to i-n imuscuiu ur lrrnato uie stomach, j.uiuij, tL-guuiuie, uuu can ue tiiKen in any condition of the system, and, unllko nny nuunu uuuiUIUU, Wllt'll us use is ins continued the system Is not left constlpat You have often seen women with marked uiueness or paleness of face, vitinted nppc tiles, and n cravine for unwlmlnsnmn fn,i These are signs of a disordered liver, nnd mu uuuuii! muse uo correcicd or worse re sults nru sure to follow. Husbands and miners cannot nltord to treat this K-ntter iiKiiuy. ur. Kennedy's "Favorite Hem ei'y," which dispels liver dlseusc, costs less than sick wives nnd daughters. You will uuu ii a very proniauie investment, dlli For 20 years Henry P. Balcom, of Shir- icj, muss., suuereu witli rlicumatism. He lounu no renei tin lie took Hood's Sarsa jiuriuu. i no uciiiug Hack, tliu sallow skin, Hie V. " . ..ej t' B've w-oy speedily before nunis ucmeuy. Any physician who has usVd It will mrii fy to the excellence Jof Hunt's Hemech-. Hunt's Hemedy Is n slnndard remedy for dropsy and kidney diseases." Gilbert oiarK, .11, u. "Most of these hair preparations don't work." writes .Mr. J. S. Uurdlck, of St. Louis, '!but Parker's Hair Dulsam is nn honorable exception. Jiy hair was thin and prematurely gray. The Ilalsam made u urown again and soft as In my boyhood." t dcc.4-4t. a riivsiciAN's I'm. Kin- Mr. Alfred Speer, who wus Hie first to In troduce tno cutllyalion of the Oporto Grape In this country had a number of New iork nlivslcinns to Instinct Ida vtnoi-or,i and warehouses at Passaic, N. J. About sixiy doctors took tho Erie train. Tut vineyards are over fifty aces in exteut. Here the visitors found the small dark Portugese and thn native C jiuiord grape in nbundance. Among tlioso present wprn Tlr T. IT janes, oi mo IN. 1. Hoard of Health, Dr. tVe?: -uou 01 1,10 nellevue Hospital Medical College j Dr. William II. Huynes, of the Presbvterlan llnsnltnl .t-n fhe wines were pronounced as cquuf to any produced in tho wcrld. A". 1". IS-ibune, tor sale by druggists. Stated by IS. II. Cochran, druggist. Lnn. caster, Pa.: "Have guaranteed nv,.r nnn bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dys pepsia, sour stomach, bilious attacks, liver and kidney troubles." Helnth Is imnosslhli! wlipn tl in lilnml (a impure. tiiicK. and sluiriTiRli. nr wlion (t i nun and impoverished. Under such cou- u uons, uoiis, pimples, headaches, neural, gia, rheumatism, nnd one diseusc after nnoiiicr is developed. Take Ayer's Snrsu purilli, nnd It will make the blood pure, rich, warm, and vitalizing. THE FIltST KEEN TWIXOE. As the season advances, llin rmtna nml aches by which rheumatism makes Itself known, aro experienced after every expos- Uro. It is not Claimed Hint TTnnil'a Kr, pari! la is s specific for rheumatism we uoiiui it mere is, or can be, such a remedy. nut tlie thousands benefited w llnn.1'. Sarsaporilla, warrant usj In urging others uu aimer irom meuinalism to take it be- lore uie nrst keen twinge. Science Is nnoroachim? th n corn nf nnn sumption a diseaso caused by a deposit from the blood of impure matter in the lungs. For stimulating to healthy action the spleen, liver, kidneys, and skin, or gnns which removo wuste and poisonous matter, no remedy is equal to Dr. Walk, crs California Vinegar Bitters. Through OUr luxurious nnd n, r-erle,l modes of living, un.l from n score of causes ucsiues, uiseases or tlie kldneyi and urinary organs nro now umong the most common and fatal In this country,,.Men suffer from them most frenuentlv nnd mnat inte,.!,. 1 heir victims nre falling exhausted by thu wayside of life every day. Do you fear ....o tun iui vuurseu ! ii so, we can us sure you of help by menns of Dr. Ken nedy's "Favorite Hemedy." elll4 TThen I!by wu sick, w. g, her CMtorU, When she wu i Child, she cried for t'Mtorla, When the hecime MUs, ,he clang to Castori. When .h. h.d Children, .he ge them CtorU, PRIVATE SALE OP VALIIAUU: Real Estate!! Tlieliclrsofll.lt. Kline deceased, will offer at private sale A KAHM situate two mites above OraDgeilllo, along pui. Ingcreek. known as tho Homestead, containing 84 ACRES. It Is In a good state of cultivation, nnd thero Is erected thereon a Largo Dwelling House. well painted, ond In good condition, large bank barn witli sheds attached, carriage house, wagon shed, hog pen, aud other out-huiiam m class condition. Two wells of water, nnn .,1 n,n house, nnd tho other at the barn, Orchard of MH Fruit, VLSO ANOTIIHU FARM containing GO ACRES, In Orange township, adlolnlDg the nnn nlmvn iln. scribed and la a good state of cultivation, en filch aro erected a TWO STORY HOUSE, UAIIN AND OUT-UflMIIKdS. Also a tract of Timber Land, In said township, containing AO AO It KS. SAny ot tho above properties remaining unsold on the ut of February will be for rent. For terms and conditions apply to J. HOWAItl) KMNH , . Orangoillle, Pu. Jan8,, in Presents given away. Kend us 5 cents postage, and by mall jou win will at once brlrgj 011 In money lisier tliaii an) thing else lu America. All about tlietjoi 'ii) la presents with cucu box. Ageuu winter ev! limlorlmnuri!, S."W . ?'? 1? ilTnTC'S!!! 'ra workers abboluteiy assured. land, Maine, SHERIFFS SALES. ny vlrtua ot sundry writs Issued out of lh Court ot Common Pleas ot CoL Co., and to mo di rected will bo exposed to public sale at tho court House In Hloomsburg, at a o'clock p. m. on MONDAY FEIIHUAUY 1st, 1880, All that certain village lot situate In Kspy, Co lombia County, PennsylTanlo, bounded on tho siutli by Main street, on the welt by an alley, on the east by lot ownod by Alexander Wanlclt, being Bitty feet fronton Main street, whereon Is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, stable and other out-bulldlngs Mzed, taken In execution nt tho sultofM. C. Woodward vs. John Waters and to ba sold as the property of John Waters. Al. Vend. Ex. IIoivbu, Atty. ALSO, Alltho following real estate to-wlt! All thoso three certain lots ot ground lying contiguous to each other In Itoberts' Addition to the Townot Catawissa being lots marked or numbered In th plot or plan ot said Huberts' Addition, numbers mty-slx, mty-sercn aud nity-elght, es, B andu, forming one whole square lu said plot or plan of two hundred nnd ten feet In length and the same In breadth, bounded on the east by Fourth street of said Hobcrts' Addition, on the west by an alley and on the south by the boundary Hue ot said Itoberts' Addition to tho Town ot Catnwlssa which said described real estate ls situate. In Itoberts' Addition to the Town of Catawissa, In tho town ship of CatawRsa, County ot Columbia and State of I"cnnsylvania, whereon Is erected a two story brick dwelling house, bam and other out-bulld' lugs. Seized, taken In oxejut on at the suit ot Solomon D. Illnard vs. Charles W. McKclvy and to bo sold as tho property ot Charles W. McKelvy. Vend, Ex. IWawn, Atty. ALSO All that certain property situate In Jackson township, Columbia county, l'a , bounded and Uo s;nbeu ns follows, to-wlt : On Jho north by prop erty of Wrc firlnk, on the east by property of William Parks, on the south by property ot IWyd lilchte, on tho est by property of Thos. F. Young, containing fifty acres, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling and bank barn, wagon shed anu straw shed. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Ltlley Sleppy now to use ot Jacob llerrard against Pan lei S. Young and to bo sold as the property of Dan iel S. Young. K.V. AL VL Fa, , . o. SAMUEL SMITH, Jan. 6th, m&. Sheriff. rpWAD LIST FOK FKBHUAHY TEItM L a. v., lsxa. Mrs. V. 11. Frederick vs. Edward Lyons. Mary C. Nheatler vs. William t-avldge. ltohr Jtcllenry vs. William E. l-atlciwm. James Htrd vs. Parting culp, et. at, Jacob Haines is. N. x W. li. Hallway Co. Lydla Kobblns vs. Mis inna Stoker, et. nL Adams & Son vi. Francis Evans, trustee, Mary H. Holmes vs. James s. Woods et, ux. William II. Yorgey is. Locust Mt. Water Co. l'eter .Michael's nelrgvs. John Hoornagle. Ileuben Fugely's tor's, vs. John i-crry. John Cirotz vs. John K. eiroti' Joseph Ilea' Exr. is. Frank I. Hess. John llomlwy vs. M. M. Hartzel. T. F. Craig vs. MahuU Crolg. Charles W. McKelvy et. id. vs. C. n. Urockway. llenjainln Fetterman vs. J. 11. lloblson. iJeo. It cionlner vs. William eiingles. H. W. Power vs. I). F. Ferris euaL A. M. rrsas -Mlg. Co. vs. o. F. Ferris et. al. I. . L. Adams use is. Philip Sponey. '1 hnmas E. eieddis vs. Jo?ph Faust, et. al. P. K. V'annatta vs. Joseph Faust. C. W. Eves vs. W. It. Cox. lieo II. seyberc vs.Turnbach and Hess. H. F. Eveiltt vs. 11. F. f-utllir et. al. (icorgeo. Welllvervs. o. F Ferris et. ah s. p. Hosier's use vs Charles Krug. Obal Jltclnel vs. s.uah A. Michael et. aL N ncE. In ncennlfinr-e n in, iini. q ... . Charter or tho Columbia County Agricultural. Sfn11,1?,1 an.a Mechanical Association the Mine of holding tho annual meeting for tho elec- !iM?!.?m.c',e's.,.s.c!Ja"(te1 rro,n tne ""rd Saturday in -May to the third fcuturdny lu Januiry, there i?,?!,";0. u hereby glren that the Annual Meeting of the member nr f lie ntvivn nnmn-, .... elation will be held In the Opera House at Blooms- .-..luiuaj, oilliuury ID, l-VM at 3 ociock p. ra., ror the purpose or electing onicers for the ensuing year, ilxlng the K(iinriunr n,,, u,.n ,.,i,.. ;t? dllora to pass upon the accounts or the secreturr and 1 reasurer, und to attend to such other hust. ness as shall come properly before the meeting. , ut . v- WHITE, Jan. 8th, aw Secretary. JKCJISTER'S NOTICE. Notice li hereby trtven trt nil lpont.i -a-i, and other perons interested in tho estates or the respectlio decedents imd minors, that the fol lowing nutnlulstrnlton, executors and guardian accounts haie been nied in timnnieo nr ,iyq nania. ter ot Columbia countv. nml win rm n,Mmii . conilrmatlon and allowance In the Orphans' t'ourt to be held In Hloomsburg, on Monday. Feb rturylst 188), at S'clock p. m. on said day: ''' l. i lie nrst nnd nnal nccount of Thomas W. Hanlson Exr. or s.imut-i Hnrrisnn im nr viahin creek township, deceased. The llrst nnd final account of nenmn T. vnv. er. Administrator ot Harriet Mover Tata or trin town of Hloomsburg, deceased. 3. Tho nrst and final account of nuy Jacoby. Executor ot Nancy Kahl:r late of the town of Hloomsburg, deceased. Tho Hrst nnd final account, nf U'eeiev Administrator ot Panlel Haup, late of Locust townshlp,dece-ascd. 5. ThO account, nf Mntlrtr-nT' uevhnrf Irti.i. t'atOrOf SUSan SevltPrt. lAtnnf nTCnira'tm...!, deceased. ' " ""' 6. Tho account nf Maurlee I.' Kevliert Aritr.inia. trator do bonis non of Samuel Seybert late of Scott township, deceased. The nnal account nf Paviii Whttmim m,nn. an Of Wtn. Tremlei. minni etillt nr Im.n late ot Scott township, deceased. 8 The nrst nnd partial account of Samuel C. Jayne, Executor of Clara Linden late of the Bor ough ot llerwlck, deceased. 0. The llrst and final account of I. H. oibbons. Administrator of neorge llesa, late ot Sugarloai township, deceased. 10, Thu first nnd final account of John Fl Weill, l-er. Administrator or Heuben Kouch, late of Mon tour township, dee eased. o1!,1IVnnr,t,a.'!,aflnalftcoountot Stephen Polio and Philip L. Miller, Trus ecs ol Phebe A. Miller latent ulnun tnut.Vhn, rt.n:ni a' J""cri 15. ThO llrst. nnd Hnfil nnnmint nr , .1 n , lug, Administrator ot t,usun H. Case, l'ate'ot Scott E0- W. STEHNEll, Jan'8-tc Heglster. REP OUT OF THE CONDITION The First Nntlnnnl llnnl- nr uinn.!,,, - Hloomsburg. in the MJltV. nr Pennwi-H-nnlft .' ,v.-. close of business, December 21, 1185. ' IIKSOUHCES. Loans and discounter Overdrafts, U. N. iioiids to bccure circulation, other stocks, bonds ami mortgages, loi.rm lr 1,058 67 5'l.WiO 00 iw.1,0 no .Ml, 7211 01 14,41 78 4,37t 7K 324 A 4 ITS 71 320 00 23 Ol 6, Ml 00 3,382 00 puo from other atlonal Hanks, DUO from Stete 1tatilf nml ImnL-nru Current expenses and taxes paid, !!!''' and other cash Items, ums i oiner nauks, traetlonal paper currency, nickels and nennles. Spcclo i-egai leaner notes, Hedemptlon fund with r. S. Treasmer, eo ler tent, or circulation,) 2,230 00 Total, f 100,618 61 I.IAHIUTIES. Capital stock paid lu. Nut plus fiiml, llndlvld.il prollts. National Hank nousj outstanding, 30,000 00 100 000 01) 12,778 15 .'H 010 00 17S,Sti9 07 307 10 H,IXA Hi 439 13 ihiii uuu uicpnsus subject lo check, ashler's eheek u niilullln,. ' Due to other National Hankst Due to Mate Ilauks and bunkers, otal, t I00,61tt 61 Statu op Pknnsvlvanu.) COUNTV Ol' CuLl'llBIA. bS' ...1 ' J- 1; Tii'tln. cashier of the above named ink. Iln solemnly nnirm u,r tl,n ni,.a U true to the best ot m knowledge and belief. J. 1'. Tcstin, Cashier. Subscribed nnd atUrmeil tn liernm inn tl,ls ..K day of January, issn. COKUkcr, Attesl: 1""1' 'ikt, Notary Ilibl.e. 1. . .MCUEI-VV 1 M. (i. Hi'fiims, I Directors. 1KA3. P. DHlhKBK, I pitUSTKK'S ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby trlien thnt. thn tnllnnfln .a count haslieeu tiled lu tldsonico, nnd will be, pre. sented lo tho court for confirmation on the 1st dy ot February next, and will be eontlrmed sb. joluteiyuiilessexceptlons bo filed therelo within four d.i) s thereafter. First aceouut of Samuel U. Smith, trustee ar polntod by tho court ot i ominon Pleas, of tho fund or tiequest left by ,ioun Ii Fowler, late of the biri ough of Heiwlck, deceased, for the (mor ot said ,, W. lit SNYPKIt, j.ius,ii, Frotnouoiary DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE. KSTATS 01' HECHES' UTIEK, IATK OF OHANCK TOWS'. Mill, Ut-CCAtEP, I Iters nf nrlmlnUtrntlnn nn thn n.1.1.., 11.,, . H( w, v., ,u ..u.uvi iiu ben hitler, late, nr Drun-ti Inn iwlitn iWumn-l lieen grnnled by the Heglster of said county to tho undersigned administrators. All iiersons having mums ukuiusi me estaio ot tno deceased are re iluestiHl to prehenl theiu forht ltlement, and thoso indebted lo tho estate lo make pament to the uiidcrklgued udmliiUtrutors without delay, K. J. b'lTLEH, C. F. SITLEIt, MHS, MAliysiTLKlt, Administrators, Dee. S3, i,w. DMINISTUATOU'S NOTICE. ESTATK OK UAKV KOHNWAtl), UECEISED. If Iters uf uillnlnUtrntliiii nn the etutn nf llnv Kornw aid, lale of calaw Issa township, Columbia. I'OUUtV. IVniUJllVatll.l. licensed luilMlieen omnl- ed by t lie Heglster ot said county to Hie underugn ed Adiidntsiruiur. All persons having claims ugalnsl Iln eslaie of the deceased uro requeued. to nresent thein fur settlement. nn,1 ihrwA f,t,lu),t eu lo ineesiulu to make payment to the under. o in e.fcfitA. Humiuiaiiiiiur milium ueiay. ., . aillllAt-L V. EVEHLY, Deois-ow AdmlnUtratur, (deem to. 'i
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