the Columbian and democrat, bloomsburg, Columbia county, pa. The Columbian. 0. E, Elwall, 1 TMtm BLOOMSBUKG, PA, FKIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1880. Tho quost'ton of lilcli Hoenso wilt bo a prominent feature for discussion at the next somioii of. tho legislature. Tho Prohibitionists hivo labored so lotit; ami apparently accomplished so little that many of thorn now look to high licenso m a stop toward tho aohlovoment of grcator results. It would olost) up many of tho smallor dealors, somo country Uvortm and many saloons, that could not .ffonl to tny tho lioense, and thus craatly ro- duou tUn number of licensed places. If tho iTohibitionHts work for a high liconso law thoy will llnd many support ers ouu'ulo of their party lines who will favor tho movement.butwho beliovo that theabsolute prohibition of tho manufact ure and salo ot intoxicating liquors is tm practicable. The Now Sheriff. Samuel Smith, the new sheriff, came to iSloomauurc mi Monday and took tho oath of oillec, nuil entered upon his oiliuial duties. Un Tuesday his family moved to town, and wcro escorted by ti largo delegation of representative men ot inslunocreck township, mcluu itig Cyrus Mollonry, L. M. Crovliue, John y.xner, J b. ilcllenry, T. 11 Edgar, H. II. Kelchncr, Charles Keloh ner, J. M. Dewitt, John Barber, J. J- lvarus, John otryker, W. M. Stoker, 1). B. lthinard, 1$. W. Drcsher, M. W. Ash, W. J. Smith, Lon Huokle, N. Ale M. W. Mollonry, 15. W. IIjss, C. W. rennington, Moses Juclleury, Samuel Lemons, and O. D. Ilacenbuoh. A good dinner was served, and all enjoyed themsolvcs. A. N. Yost Ejq. has beon ippointed deputy shcrilt Mr. Buckalow Doolinos. Hod. Charles It. Baokalew, has re considered his purpose to accept tho position of Supremo Court Reporter, tendered mm about a ttontli ago by Governor Pattison, and returned his commission, accompanied by a letter setting forth tho arduous duties of tho o III co and the personal expenses incident to tho nrenaration of the Stato ItcDorts. and by a draft of an act intended to remedy alleged defects in existing leg' lslation. Atter roternng to too im provement made in the quality of tho Reporter's work Mr. Buckalew says: "What is yet required to secure com plete and moritorious reports and to secure their early publication in oilicial form is to furnish assistants to the Be porter and some other additional facili ties for tho performance of his work. Mr. Outerblidge, he states, has had superior facilities in tho preparation of reports because of his connections with tho Weekly Notes of Cases, whoso editorial staff have been his assistants, and sunJry expenses of re porting have virtually been paid out of tho profits of privato publication. Alluding to the facts that a new Reporter shall have no connection with the Weekly Notes, which requirement ho indorses, JIr. Buckalew says the successor of Mr. Outerbridge would bo unable to do his work well and do it promptly without incurring heavy er pouso for necessary assistance. He calls attention to the fact that tho stationery for threo volumoi a year cover 2,000 pages and postage and ex press charges are now paid by tho Re porter. The printing is done iu Massa chusetts and proofsaroto be twice read with an assistant, who must be paid. As tho Reporter must attend sessions for seven or eight months ho can only work at his., reports at night during that time. The act drawn by Mr. Buckalow provides that the cost, of obtaining typo-writer copies of opinions and necessary stationery not exceeding 500 shall bo paid by iho State author ities, tho Reporter to employ ono or moTo assistants, whoso compensation shall not exceed $1,500 a year, at tho expense of tho State, and requires re ports to be furnished complete for pub lication within four months from the delivery of opinions. Tho Governor has appointed Lemuel Amerman, of Lackawanna county, to the position declined by Mr. Buckalow and he has accepted it. Aniermau was one of tho champions of tho Patlison administration in the House of the session of 1883. He is ono of Attorney General Cassidy's law students. i;ust Itetitou. In our neighborhood on Now Year's Evo and morn tho enliro night till early dawn was heard a series of loud reports from volleys fired by entiro companies, who delighted to greet their neighbors with congratulations and happy Now Year wishes. Wo wero visited by two companies on that night. Tho first gave us a call about 1 1 o'clock, just beforo thinking of ro tiring. They wero masked and dis guised beyond recognition, even upon tho closest inspection; and represented an African family nine in number. "Old mother,"(Bradley Evans,) was spokesman and did his part remarkably well. "Daddy," (Miles Moss) was quiet and bad but little to say. Some of the little dusky fellows would not mind "old mother1' very well who threatened, when they got homo to "spank tho boys." Tho other company arrived about 3 o'clock a. m. and large ly consisted of the boys of last Now Year's visit. Wo treated all the boys to the best of our ability and wero highly pleased with their calls. Mrs. Margaret Heath of Fishingcrcek and sister of J. S. Woods, died last week and was buried in the St. James cemetery last Sunday. She was aged about 73 years. Clell Michael whp was struck by a falling limb while felling trees a few weeks ago, died that sano night ot tlm Raid Bcuidcnt. He was buried in tho Hamiliu cemetery and was about 22 years old. Rov, D. M, Kinter preach ed a very appropriate funeral sermon on tho occasion of that heartrending event. Wo should hnvo reported tho answer of Mr. Buckhorn's puzzle latt week but forgot to do so. Our youug people day it is the name of tho fluttering, chattering, mid much written about "Magpie." Wo predicted a muddy winter all along since laH liarvoit. Not that wo know how the future weather will be, but from signs observed for many years, Last summer tho muskrat did not cut and drag into thu streams from the growing crops on their banks to fortify herself against tho severity of the winter ashaxalwajs been the care hero in summers preceding hard winters. John Mourov. shoriff of this county for tho last threo years, completed his term on Monday het, surrendered his oflico and the jatt to tho now Incumbent, Samuel Smith, sheriu juourov nas been a very satisfactory nnd hu retires from public position with tho good wishes of hosts of friends, who hope that ho may meet with success In whatever ho ennacos in hereaiter. no has moved to a houso on East street and will remain In Bloomsburg for thu present. jcrHCtown. Tho now year began with tho most spring like weather: Very favorable for work on tho new It. R. which is to bo gin well: sometime hence. Tho Madison Hotel proporty is offer ed at publio salo Sat Jan. Oth. Mr.' G. W. Suppleo has rented his farm and intends to rcltre. It is rumored that ho lias bought a property in Bloomsburg. Miss Kate Fruit is visiting at Hazle ton. Miss Geraldino Warner is visiting at Mr. A. K. Smith's. Mr. John J. Kroamer took a plcasnre trip down tho valley last Sunday. Mr. "Win. Wollivcr of Wilkesbario was at homo last week. Mr. Elmer Mo.Bride of Whito Hall was lu town on Sunday, Mr. James It. Diddle, clerk for Krcamcr & Son, is nway on a visit. Look out for a lively interest in the sprinir election. Mr. Hiram Turner lost a valuablo cow last week. Tho Bchools ro-onened this week, No doubt tho teachers will return to their work benefitted by'tho instruction received at tho Institute and tho chil dren to theirs brighter and better after having had a pleasant vacation. Miss Mamio Sheep goes back to tho Normal this week. Rev. B. Hughes preached an inter esting sermon last Sunday morning from"2Cor. 4 39. Tho congregation was rather small, no doubt on account of tho inclemency of the weather. Mr. L. Bomboy of Bloomsburc tho cenial accent of the "Coi.tjmman'' was in Madison last week. Mr. Bomboy understands his business which is Bhown by tho success ho has every where. Dont fail to tako tho Coi.umiiian the cheapest and best paper in the county, audby so doing secure another valuablo paper which goes with it. CutnwlHsu. Mr. Wellington Clark n respected citizen of Franklin township was acci dentally killed in Moses Hower's stono quarry near Catawissa, interment in Union Cemetery on Saturday Jan. 2. Ono of Mr. Overdorf orphan chil dren died on last Saturday of dipthheria. She had her homo with Miss Kistler, her aunt. Interment on Sunday. There aro quite a number of travelt ingtroupes veiling thbfplaoovt present some are cood; but the greater num ber are more of a hindrance than a help to tho moral growth of the place. Pay day on tho P. & R. R. R. camo a littlo too late for parents to pay much attention to Christmas, except they did it on credit, or bad a surplus from pre vious months. l no lectures at tho U. Inst, were well attended by the people of this place, but Heury Ward Beecher was not very enthusiastically praised, while Uol. liain was applauded highly. The Lutheran Union held its usual monthly entertainment and had a fair share of patronage. Could not something be done to stop thoso heathenish praotices which were observed on New Year's night, carous ing, shooting, nnd noises of various kinds, which goes to prove that though we have become christianized in word we have net all become so in truth and deed, for if wo had wo would stop thoro old time, superstitions practices. A distructive rain and wind storm visited this place causing considerable damage to proporty. The houses for rent iu this place seem to bo as scarco as ever, as quito a number aro hunting a place of shelter for the coining year. Protracted meeting has commenced in the Methodist Church, which will continuo for several weeks. There have been severd new inhab itants added to this place this List week. Thoy seem to not bring much wealth along, but bid fair to become noted for their musical (T) talent'. Mr. Towksberry says that ho intends being a candidato on this side of the river and that he means to push his in terests. Wo know of no ono who would represeut us moro faithfully than he, for be has always proven a conscientious and faithful officer. There wcro several of our peoplo at tno county si at attending to legal matters tho beginning of the week. Iho skating rink still continues to bo among us, but it seems that it needs all the help it can get from a certain portion of the community to enable it to hold its own. THE DEAD YEAB. JOIIS SNVDEIl's A NX UAL rtUl'OUT, To the Jiditors of the Columbian: Slits : Through tho lovintr aud tender mercies of our covenant keep ing God, I have been spared through tho journey of another year. As the year of 1885 has closed upon us, as it has beon my custom for many past years, I herowith transmit to you and your many readers my annual report lor ihj ot tuo liorough of Blooms burg. When I gave you my 1881 I did not expect over again to address you on this subjeol. The good Lord has added another ytar in my earthly pilgrimage. I have entered my 83rd year, and lam wuitintt uiv master's call. As I have told you in my last re port, me great question ot our Country is japital and labor. Tho industries of our couutry and foreign ones have for the last year been in a paralyized state. .Now my frieud, there is a ciiuso tor tho misery entailed upon the toiling thousauda of our industries dur tho pust year, and that causo in my humble opinion is combined capital. rarty spirit serves always to distract publio councils and enfeeble the publio administration. It agitates jealous ies, fohu alarms and nots and insur rections. In my opinion the time is tiot lar distant that the labor party will unite to a man and asert their rmhts. May God in His infiuitu mercy avert the calamity, for it will cost moro blood of the nation than our late re bellion. The good Lord has agaiu blessed us with an abundant crop, not as largo yield as formeily, but enough to supply tho national wants and somo to spate, and It behooves us as a nntlon and n peoplo to glvo Him our united thanks for his mercies and blessings conferred upon tis as a peoplo and a nation. Wo havo great roason to bo thankful that tho Lord has kept us from tciror by day or tho arrow that flteth by night or tho peslllenoo that stalkeili iu darkness or wnstcth at noon day. Wo havo been exempted from that awful scourgo that 1mm in fested Spain nnd Finncc, the Asiatic cholera whoso victims nro numbered by thousand!. Also Montreal by that loathsome epidemic, tho small pox. It lias been a year of increasing disasters both on sea and land, with great loss of life. Tho lire record of 1885, sur pases any thing on record, if tho state ments sot forth by tho papors aro cor-ro-t. Tho loss by llro far exceeds that ot 18S1, which was seventy four million dollars according U tho estimates, tho loss by lire for 1885 amounts to tho enormous sum of ninety-four millions of dollars an Increase of twenty mill ion, over 138 1. Thero has been some slight shocks of earthquakes at a few points.wllhout any serious damage. As a nation we are at peace with all forcigh countries. May the blessing of tho great I am, rest upon our ruleru now assembled in tho city of Washing ton, may all their acts in tho leg'wln tivu halls bo done with an oo lnglj to the glory of God and tho welfare of tho nation at large. Our town is still improving notwith standing tho depression of business. Thero has been oight substantial build ing! erected this year, some of them first class ; one on Market Ntreot, ono on Fifth streel, the r ing r building at the depot, ono on Sxih street and two on Seventh street, and ono on Iron street, and tho new Normal school edi fice 70 by 80 feet for tho recoption of pupils, 2 stones high to accominodato tho students which are inci easing year by year, with additional corps of teach ers. Also tho Bloomsburg healing company is erecting a building near the depot, for generating steam to heat all buildings which may apply lor tno same. The pipes are laid for conduct ing the steam up to the hca 1 of Mark et stieet, from Market up Main street to tho Normal School buildings which is to be heated by tho same. Also tho Conner School-desk Co. have broken tho ground for tho erection of a build ing to manufacture their -losl:, opposite tho woolen mills. Thus our friends can seo that our town is looking into tho futuro prosperity of her citizens. During the pat year the Lord has removed from in tho great leader ol the Rebellion, U. S. Grant, who by his indomitable firmness and enorgy brought tho war to a successful olose. Ho was a great leader and tin naiiui mourns his loss to day. Peace to his ashes. Tho next fallen hero was Gn. G B. McClellan of New Jersey. J la was a great leader of the war but after tho battlo of the Wilderness was re moved. IIo passed away in peace and tho nation mourns his loss to day. And now again we aro called to mourn the loss ot Thomas A. Hendricks, Vice President of tho United States, who died suddenly at his homo at Indian apolis under circumstances especially distressing, as no ouo was present at the timoof his death. This death of our Vice President ought to awaken Congress to act on this subject. If Preaidsnt Cleveland should die beforo Congress meets vo would be withot't a President. Thus ono by ono of our national men are passing away to the silent tomb. State of tho weather for tho month of January 1895, highest point 00, lowest poiut 2 above. The snow fall for January was 10.J inches; tho cold est day tho 20th. It was a cold rough month. Stale of tho weather for tho month of February highest point -10 above, lowest point at zero. Thero wero but two mild days in tho mouth; tho 11th was the coldest day. Tho snow fall was two feet inches. Tako tho wholo mouth through it was decidedly tho coldest February in my recollection. Weather for March' highest point 02 above, lowost point 4 below, and two momiugs at zero and six mornings from two to ten above zero. Tho snow fall for Maroh was 9 inches. Tho first thunder shower on tho night of tho 9th with rain and snow. It was the coldest Maroh all through in myrecollectiou. Weather for April, highest poiut was 88 aboe, lowest point 28 above. It was a cold, raw month with tho exception of fivo days, very littlo rain, ono' thunder shower. Snow fall 2 inches. Weather for May, highest point 90, lowest point 33. The only heavy rain that fell was on tho last daty of tho month. Tho foro part of tho month was cold and dry, the latter part was warm. Wo had threo thunder showeis. It was a very cold and backward spring. Weather for June highest point 90, lowest point 52. A part of the month was warm and dry, very littlo rain fall There wore six thunder showers but little rain. Weather for July highest point 98, for 9 days in succession ranged from 90 to 98 and after three days roso from 90 to 95 making 12 days from 90 to 98 i nshade, lowest point 50. It was waim and dry, tho heat continuous. Wo had somo timely showers in tho latter part of the month. Wo had 12 thunder showers, the most part of them slight ones. Weather for August highest point 04 lowest point, 50. For 11 days Thermomoter ranged from 80 to 88. Thero wero 13 thunder showers somo hard ones. On tho wholo it was warm except tho last week cool. There was a great deal of rain. Weather for September, highest point was 80, for 7 days ranged from 80 to 80, lowest point 48. The most pari of tho month cool, tho latter wait warm and dry, no frost this month in this locality. There was ono thunder shower. On tho wholo a pleasant month. Weather for October, highest point was 80, lowest point 34, tho first frost of the season lu this locality was on 23rd October, tho second on tho 20th. It was somswhat remarkable for frost not to appear solato in thotoasou. Tho first part of. tho month warm and pleasant, tho latter part cold and rough. Upon the wholo a pleasant month for fanners to do their fall work. Weath er for .November, highest poiut 82, lowest point 20. Tho first part of tho month warm and pleasant, tho latter part cold and stormy. On the whole a pleasant one for tho season. Ono peculiar aspect of thu fall mouths but l'uw frosts and freezing trifling, ouo thunder shower on tho 0th of Nov. Tho snow full for November was 21 inches. Weather for Deceuiuer, high nst point was 00, lowest point was 18. For 8 days it ranged from 30 to 35 from tho first to tho 21st warm and pleasant for tho season of tho year, with the exception of 4 davs cold, for tho latter pait of tho month cold. On the wholo pleasant and mild for tho month ol Ueccmber, with a green Christmas which is gonernlly raro in this fpothm, Snow fall fur Deeemlier was 2 Inches. July was tho warmest month of tho year and February mid -March tho two coldest. Thero wcro 132 clear daye, somo of them partially bo. Cloudy J73 day. Rainy days including nights 10. Snowy days including nights 20. Thero were thunder showers first ono March 9, April 1, and May 3, and In Juno G, and July 12, mid In August 13, ami Scptombcr 1, nnd the last ono in Novoiuber It makiiig In all for tho ybar 38. Tho snow fall for 1885, was 5 feet. 11 inches. Iho molality with in tho Borough limits of Bloomsburg during tho year from January 1st 1885 to December 31st, 1885: is as follows: Ono in thu 93rd year and 7 between 79, and 80 years; 8 between 00 and 70 years; nnd 7 between 50, and CO years 3 between -10 nnd 50 yens, 3 between 30 and 40 years, and 0 between 20 and 30 years, 5 between 10 and 20 yoais, And from tho cradled infant up to 10 years, 12, making iu all 47 deaths, an Increase of ono over 1881. Now my readers this is tho first week of January 1880. 1 wish you all n happy now year. Many of us wit pass away to to tho spirit land oro this year closes: I would exhort all ou. of Christ, to the gatoof refuge; it is oi)en,yes wide open. The eternal spirit ol God, with flying feut will boar thee within, if thou wilt accept tlip terim. Lft uot tho bells of eternity, loll the death knell of tho soul. Escape for thy life lest thou bo con sumed. All of which is respectfully submitted by your friend mid well wisher. Joiik Stimuli. L!ght3troot. Rev. IJyer held services in tho M. E. church on Sunday afternoon on ac count of tho protracted meeting at Afton, taking into full membership, Nora Itlehio and Ktdla Cusier. C. O. Trench gave n supper to his many friends on New Years evo which was a pleasant lime for all invited guests. Thos Touch returned from an East ern trip on Wednesday of last week, looking as well as ever for a man of bis years. Wilson Wanich and family of Afton and Jeunio Wanioh of Catawissa spent Sunday with John Waniuh. John Garman moved to Waniine to engage in coal digging. Saml. Piillen of Shickshiuny spent Sunday in town with his many friends. A number of our town people took iu the Beecher lecture during Institute week. S. B. Johnson sold his propeily to Mrs. Chas. Leo Jr. one day last week. Cora Dewitt of Rhorsburg spent a week at her uncle's, Jacob Terwilliger. For many years our town enjoyed a reputation of having tho best road in the County excepting tho liver road", but at this time we aio just whero many otheis are, mud very deep. Thos. Fairman and Mark Creasy took a trip to Nanticoko to seo the great cave in, whence they back to Shickshiuny nnd in company of townsman F. P. Kelley visited the mine traveling for two miles under ground. Tho pupils of our school peem glad that, now they eniuy the pleasure of attending school again after tho vaca tion of a week. Mrs Harmaii who has been a great sufferer from consumption died on Wednesday last; her remains were in terred near Rhorsburg on Friday. Three Peculiarities Ilood's Sarsnparllla, tho great blood purifier and rcgulathiK medicine, la characterized by three j-ccullarltlcs, name ly : Sg, A Tho combination ol tho various wl" remedial agents used. m The proportion In which tho roots, herbs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tho procC33 by v.hlch tho r.ctlvo a medicinal pi opcrttcs aro secured. Tho result Is n. medicine ot unntual ttrensth and curative rower, v.hlch clfects cures here tofore uncq'iallcd. These peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Barsaparllla, and aro Unknown to Others Ilood's Sarsararllla la prepared with tho greatest skill and care, by pharmacists ot education and long experience. Henco It Is n mcdlclno worthy ot cnllro confidence. II you suffer trom scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of tho blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, or kidney aud liver ecnpla'.i.ts, catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try Hood's Sarsapa-'Hia "I recommend Hood's Ssrupartila to r.'.l my filcnds r.s tho best blocd purifier ca earth." Vm. Gstv, druggist, JIa:r.IIt(.n, O. "Hood's SirsaparlUa lias cuicd mo of scrcr ulous humor, and dor.o rr.o worlds of good otherwise." C. A. Ar.JfOLD, Arsold, i:c. A hock containing r.any tddlllonal ttatc mcnts of cures will bo sect to til t. ho dcs.rc. Hood's Sarsapas'lSJa Sold by all druggists. SI i six for fJ. MaJo only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. !00 Dosos. Ono Doliar. flyer's Cherry Pectoral. pp, n "Hr-?n:,i,01iIo, Sopt. 10, bllLUj, "lhilng b-rn subject ton hnin. thlal miwilon, with frcrjucnt olil, f r a number of yearn, I hereby err tny ilu.t AvniN Cilciiln I'i ituuai. gives mi',t r. ilif. m-il i t:,g ,nut rffeoUvo reuiLilj I b.ivo i vir tried. J.iiirs A. IUmiltox, IMiicrof Tho Cnuml." Pfilinilc- " Mt' """''i I'" '!, Ue2. UUUUilO, I havo used Avi r.'s Ciirnuf Tixtoiiai, this spring for a o wo coiirIi and lunir trouble with good eiri-ct, and I am pleased to rccommeud It to any one similarly affected, lUmrV IlAVOllMAK, Proprietor Globo Hotel," I'RErAIIEU uv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowoll,Mass. Sold ly all DruggUu. Delop? fully kwkre of th imt Intcrttt tin Uilictart uking m Kenuitei)Wct)t wohai prfara i Com. PWUOutflt containing 60 rftrtl Mam pi at at ttrmt on htit Kuveiunitnt rtondfTchmeiit iir, all Jlfleunt, Iniludiriff Spra yvi'icM ngu. ranaici, WI14 Kotei, target m. not. Thltllcft,StraUrmi, Outline f Iluy, Ctrl. Uul'I. Spidtri.Storki.St.jlIoi 7l Sklrti, Craiy Stitch Pat (erni.Cf)ml Ktchlngt flcr 1it, i'umi Uliei, luitpi, &c. ic.,60 in atl.iangirjf Muavplnr Jotvlr, 1 J'utnt rvcrtbie I'onaet and fall and compute dtrectfona fir Kcnawifton Siamiitnif and haxitfu dery, Keniiaitun Faint Inf. Luttre, Metallic FUtttr ani Irrldatcent falntlrir. Colon uitJ and miiin of Colbti, Kim on fcintnoldery.CFenlll and Aratena Work.Cortect C 'on ttall the different AVwett, Dfltfiption of every ti'.'ch in embroidery &e making a ceirrf let Outfit that can. P.Vi'?.bt,uh, than ll-oo. lo Introduce FARM AKl)HOU5tHOUI, iheUrie. 5,pige Ulutiratcd Maeaiine devote 1 to the intaicata d the CuubUy Horn andlleuaehold.wtwlllaendontoftliete Out tit rrmlet fr nnd Jtoatpatld, to anylady who will lend "4b. fui jtnoa. auttkiifikun to the Magailnt, Five for ft, Money theerfulty tefuuded if pot inuia tliea latlifactory, Addreia FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, Box 49, Hartford, Conn, Jan. 8, it alJ PLAID SHAWL GIVEN AWAY! , iuiuK me lauure el i Urge mauu f.iftimn.f Lhmcro Fatkm I mu-t bli alierohan una iota our hu7l J c milt; u merit fcf I'Ukl I' C-entluhBU.Ulli tint li ivtnur manner bcnJui? t i for U inue. lutifccnptloa to bj Uwitr.iU.lpaiMjr devoted t n 1 general tniacelUny, 'beautiful .La-1. 'mil ly nuil . if ft . B-itiefacUoa ttuaraateod VAItU AND UOL'SKUULD, lk o, Hurler d.Cflniu juu. am DVHI'Ul'SIA.-Ita Nature. tjiiscM, 1'iwen. lion aud I'uro. Jiyjohn II. ilo.Muln, Lowell. Jlasv, 1 1 ) ears tax collector. Kent frc j to any ud drew. Jan. 8, w U V3k 1 mtr ppitl AHiHc mm 911 Absolutely Pure. This nowMer nover viutoii. i marvel of purity atro.iirth an 1 wtnlosompnesi. More economical tnaitha ordinary kln w. anil cannot Do sold in oirpctton wltn tho multltudoof low tent, short woIkui, alum or plwsphnto powders. Mild only In oau. ItOVAL IliINU I'OWDMt "o , ii Wall-St. N. V. Oct 18-ly OUIMIANS' COUItT SALE OF VAIXA11LE . In pursmnco of nn order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county'enna-itho undersigned exe cutors of John Kelehner, deceased, wlllcxposto public salo on tho premises, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 1886, at 1 o'clock, p.m., of said day tho rollowlng de scribed valuable real estate, to-wlt : Alf that cer tain messuage, tcucmer.t and tract ot land sltualo In the township of Centre, county of Columbia and state of 1'enna., bounded and described as follows, to-wit s llcglnnlng at a stone In the public road, thence by lands latooftho heirs of John Conner, doccksed, north ono half ilegre9 cast two hundred and nluoty-nlno and three-tenths porches to a white oik stump j thenco by thosarao south elghty-two nnd one-fourth degrees west, forty-sev-en nnd eight-tenths perches to a stone ; thenco by tho same south elghty-ono nnd one-fourth degrees west, ten and elgnt-tenths perches to a stone j thence by lands ot the heirs or Jeremiah lless, de ceased, south one-half degree west, two hundred and nlnety-thrco nnd nlno-tcntha perches to rt stono ; thenco by lands of Lafayette Creasy, north scventy-elght nnd one-half degrees cast, ten and eight-tenths pcrchesto a stono; thence by tho samo south elghty-nlno nnd one-fourth degrees easnoriy-two and four-tenths perches ton stone In public road the place of beginning containing 107 ACRES, und thirty-four percheu strict measure bo th samo moro or less, on which Is erected a largo two story Frame Dwelling House, largo bank barn, straw shed, stables, wagon shed, corn ct lbs, hog pen and all necessary outbuildings being t lie homestead. A large npplo orchard on tho premises and a never falling spring ot water at 1110 uoor, and at tho barn conducted thither by pipes. Tho sum of twenty-nvo hundred dollars secured to tho widow Hester Kelchncr' by tno will of tho said John Kelchncr, deceased, to remain a lien upon said land during the widowhood of tho said Hester Kelchner the Interest thereof to be paid to her annually and at her death or re-rrarrlago the principal sum to bo paid to tho heirs ot said John Kelchncr, deceased. ALSO All, that certain piece, parcel and tract of tim ber land situate in the township of orange, county ot Columbia and stato of l'enna,, bounded and de scribed ns follows, to-vt It: Deginnlngat a rock oak.thenco by lands of Levi Alkman north eighty, nlno degrees east ninety perches to a pine knot ; thence by lands of Johnltemley north Hvo de grees west twenty-ono perches to a plno knot ; thence by lands of Daniel Fester south eighty-nine degrees west ninety-two perches to a stone;t hence by lands of Joseph lluckel south twclvoand one half degrees cast, twenty-ono perches to the placo of beginning containing 1 1 ACRES, and ono hundred nnd llfty-ono perches otland bo tho samo more or less. The above tract Is well timbered nnd a wy deslrablo property. TEU.MS OF SAMS. Ten percent, of one-fourth of tho purchaso money to be paid nt the striking down of tho property, Iho one-fourth lesstheten rer cent, at tho confirm Ulon absolute and tho re maining three fourths In ono year thcrc.itter.wlth Interest from confirmation nW. Purchasers to pay for deeds. II. C. KULCIINFIt, ) E. I-Ki:i.l'IIXKli, )!;. OEO. W. KKLCIIrElt.J :xecutors. E iXi:CUTOH'S NOTICE. In re-psfftfe o George Viirm; late of Jtukmm firp, Columbia county, iltreamh Letters te? tainentary In said estato having been granted to tho undenlgned e.seeulor, all persons indebted to said estate aio hereby notltled to pay the same, and thoso baling claims against said estate, present the samo to oloiku; v. FAitvim, Kxecutor. Jan. 1, 0w l1. o. Derrs. DMINISTltATOU'S NOTICli. 11 re-eUate of Cathariur l'artvi; late af Jaekiun toicushljt, Col. Co. detetiM'd. Utters of administration In said estate haMng been granted to the undersigned adtnlnls'rator, all pertons Indebted to bald entnto aro heiebyno. tilled to pay tho same, and those havlug claims against saldestato present the same to UKOlttlK W., Administrator, Jan. 1, ow' i', o. Dcrr's. jpXECUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF AMICUS! VACDOWE1.I. Letters testamentary onthoestnto of Angelina MacDowell deceased, late ot seott township col. county, l'ennsj Ivanla, havo been granted by tho llegtster of sai l county to the undersigned etecu tor. All persons having claims against the estato of said decedent aro requested to present them for settlement nnd thoso Indebted to tho estate to make payment to the undersigned without de lay. (.WILLIAM MacDOWLLL, W. nth Mreet, .New York, Decll-ow llxocutor. UIMTOH'S NOTICE. First and rlnal account ot -M. r. Lutz, assignee of c. 11. Itrockway. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the court ot common l'leas or Columbia pass upou th exceptions tiled to said account, nnd make distribution ot the fund In tho hands of said asal gnee, ailslngrrom tho sale of thereat estate and personal property, nnd from any other property real, personal or mixed, to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at his onicoln lllooins burg, on Tuesday, January 12th, issi, auo o'clock a. in., when and where nil persons Interested will attend and present their claims, or bo debarred from any sharo of said fund. J. 11. UOIIISOX, Dec 18-tw Auditor. A UUTOK'ri NOTICE. ESTATE Of I'ATKICK Ht'ltl'llV, HECE48IP. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or. phuns' court ot Columbia county to distribute bal. anco In tho hands of tho executor among tho par ties entitled thereto, will sit, at Ids onicoln lllooins burg, on Friday, January 15th, 18-8 t to o'clock a. in., for tho purposes of his appointment, when nnd whero all person having claims against said estato must appear and prove tho same or bo de barred from auy share of said fund. OKO. E, ELWF.L1, Auditor. Deo 18-lw A UDITOU'SJNOTICE. ESTATE OF l. J. UCIIENIIV, LATE Or t'lSIIIKGCKESK TUWNSUIt-, IIECEASEV, Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho court tomakoillKtnbutlon of the balance lu thehindi of tho administratrix to and among the creditors ot said decedent nocordlng to law, will attend to tho duties o( his appointment at his ontco lu Dloomstmrg, on Monday, January nth, lbst), at 10 o'clock, u. in. When nnd whero ull persons In. terested.nro hereby notltled to appear and present their claims before tho said auditor or bo forever debarred from coming In upon said fund. J. II. MAIZI'. Pee 15 ISO Auditor A UDITOK'S NOTICE. ,-i n . . . , V'..!: iam into court uy Inllin ,vt,,,A..ft.liA ....... 1-. - . . . . ,,,im.ui. u uiiii uhu 1nuiici ivreigu upon mortgago . uuvuu 1,1. mi i.iuuatu jiiuusb uuu reter Ker lln and Mary his wife. " ' mi ""i,!'?1" "I'POIUf'I, hy the court of Common t hlmi.T.", .Vu"i S?"?" parties, ftm0"? 1 !'? I,r,!l enw.l thereto v 111 slut "li'li it,nX!l:.i. January lath, M. , ..v.,... u, in., iu wvriurm 1110 uutleu cf hU appointment, when and where all persons in- j 1 -vv "t'l" ineseiit. lueirciaim or to debarred from coming in on said fund. Hoe S3 liv Auditor. WW LM7 &r UDITOK'a NOTICE. In tho mutter nf Ihfl RhnrlrPn raIa nf rnAlratntn Of David H. llronn. Tho unders'itnod auditor appointed by tho tlourt ot common l'loaj of Columhl.i county to dlstrlbu to money in court artilni from wild nle, to tho par I lei ci.tllled I hereto, will t at tin ortleo tn Mown burif on Naturday, Jftn. utti, H84, at II o'clock In the torenoon.ta perform'lho duties othls appoint ment. All persom havinif chilmi afraln-st said fund mint appear nnd provo tho s.imo or bo debar red from coming In upon the fund. UllAULfa (I. 1IAUKI.KV, Dec 18-4W Auditor. UMTOll'S NOT10E. KSTAT OF MOSES RVKttBTT, tlKCKASIP. Tho iindcrslftnod nudltorappolntcd by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia couiiiy,to pn9r on and tlUnosn of tlin exeentlon llln.l tn thn nrenunt nf .1. iiuwnm Mine, nil in i nigral or ot ino esinie 01 Ainses Kverett, decenied, nnd to distribute tho funds In the hands of tho said administrator lis ap pears on his mini necount, to and among the par lies entitled thereto, will attend tothodiilles of ills appointment at his onicoln Moyers' Imlldlnp In the town of llloomsburs on Tuesday the 12th ttiy of January, A. It. 18WI, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when ami where nil parlies Interested uro requested to present thelrclalms beforo the underslftned, or bo forever debarred from coming tn upon inu i nut iuim. WM. CHItlSMAK, Dee 10th '85 Auditor. SALE OF If not previously disposed of privately, will bo offered nt IUIIII.IC HAI.1C, on Monday, I'lCimvrAllV 1, 188ft, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, nt tho Court Houso In llloomsburg! about 1'IVi: ACltlCS of land, lying between tho Normal school grounds nnd tho Llghtstreet road, In tho town of llloomsburg. lleaiitlful build ing lot, partly In NATIVK I'OlllCHI', over looking tho town and surroundlDg country. Tho owner reserves tho right to withdraw tho property If tho bid Is Insufficient. TUKitlfii One-fourth cash, one-fourth tho first of April next, the remainder secured on mort gage, on ono nnd two years, It desired, lssesslon and conveyance, April 1, 1880. John o. ntEuzn. Bloomsburg, Dec, lHSJ. COURT PROCLAMATION- 1TniKKKA.S.t1ieiToii. W(l.liam Elwell IT President Judge of tho Court of oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quar tcr Sessions of the Peace and t ho Court of Common Fleas and Orphans' Court In tho 20th Judicial DIs. trlct, composed ot the counties ot Columbia and Montour, nnd tho Hons. James Lake and F. L ((human, Associate Judges of Columbia county have Issued tbeir.prccept.bcarlng date the Slst day otDjc. lu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and elguty-flve, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Fence, Court of Common l'leas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In the county ot Columbia, ou tho first Monday.bclng tho 1st day of Feb. next, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the tho Jus- tlccs of the Fence, and tho Constables ot the said County of Columbia, that they bo then and thero lu their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot said 1st day of Feb. with their records lnqui slllons aud other reraerubrances,to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And those that are bound by recognizance to prosecute against tho prisoners that aro or maybe In thcjall of the said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd thero to prosecute them as shall be lujt. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg O the. Slst day of Deo. In tho year of our L. s. yLord one thousand eight hundred nnd r I eieuty-tlve. and In the one hundred und ninth year of the Independence ot the United auiis ui America. Hherllt'somce, JOHN MOUHKV, Sheriff. more money than at anything else by tak ing an ugeucy tor mo dcsi setting uook out. lietrbjiiers succeed irrandlv. None fall. Terms free. Haixett Book Co.. 1'orti.and. jiuine. luccioc. mil AWAY ! Ten thousand babies are given yearly tothe grnve by not having Dr. Hands Jeetlung Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To bathe the baby's gums while teething, relieving all inilainma- tion, swelling and pain. LOST I ' A good many night's rest by not having Dr. Hand's Colic Cure, for it gives baby eomf'ort and sleep without stunefvinji or in juring it. No opiates. iTo con stipation. Sold at Kleiin's drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory at Scranton, Pa. 'deoleow. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! "at"; I THE ARTIST AND MERCHANT TAILOR.1 Who always gives you tho latest Btvk'S. and cuts vour "ulnlliino- tn fit. you. Having had thu oxjiorienco lor a nuraoer oi years in tno Tailoring liusi ness, lia learned what material will give his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to pleaso all who give him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OP ALL DESCHII'TIONS. HATS, CAP AND UMBRELLAS AlwtlVS Of the latest otvlna Poll ,! amlnu his stock beforo purchasing else- n iiciu. 10 Corner Main & Market Sts. Bloomsburg, Pa. Aprts-lllJl E. B. 8R0WER QPIAJMBING, OAS FITTING i STKA.U HEATING DEALER IN STOVES &T1N WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof nig uiiu dimming proinjitly attended to. "'Btrlcuttentloritrtven to heating by steam. Cornor of Main & East Sts., BloocuBburgf, Pa. A VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PRO PERTY OE COLUMBIA NIAL VALUATION iiNia5' DISTltlt'TM. Heaver. ltenton llertlck Hloom Hrlnrereek cntnwKsn cetitrnlla...... t'entro conytiKlinm .. rWilntrcrcek.. Krntiklln (ireenwood.... llemloe): .lackson.. . Iwtlilt ........ .Madison Mnln.. ......... .Mimin Montour Mt. I'leiisont., orange line. ltonrlngcreeK., scott Sugtirloat J?MKh r4(X)t tmi) i;ik) mx sum 4180 Dlf.'O' tool (MO1 INI 1(811 atto 41171 41KI aia; TH20 win snm f40 1 IIII30 I'SHTill torrr.i nrR- aiNra IWiM 4(1180 SITSI) 01111 stm; to am tn 30 C15 iiano inn i 4SHI0 uirew tiiTin HUM 1IUIIS1 04 130 1) 1W, tss. m US 4031), 2I0O.1 10315 14IIXI, 105TB HISO CSS"), 1SIH 1 DtiTH 1SII7 KTT5 lists laini 4SI5 urn 1W25 woo ino am, iro 118 1M 01 lilt 110 UK m 1M ISO wit, arm BM71 JBIfll anvi ai'os 4.17.1 sow SJ JDStftl.T 31MM tf.m 'flio above Btntvincnt shows thu amount of rnch kind or, ems' ' liixnblo property In cncli nf tho Hcvurul Districts of Columlilii cminly as relumed lh Trlcnnlnl Assessors of 1835. j Nollcu Is hereby rIvcii Hint the Count CmnmUtloncrH sltlliui a Ilonrrt of ltcvUlon will nltcntl nt their olllce In HloonisburK for the purpose of ftnkjletirmlnlng whether nny of thu vtiltintlons of the Assessors have been niaile below rntu accordlns to the Interest mitt mearlng of the Act of .Inly S?th 1812, nnd to rWctlttco and equalize the sunn- iirtordtiif! Iti law. Jiiiiuiiiy l-lli for nil Districts', nn iboulh stile of of tho river, January the lltlli for nil District wed of lilt; I'lsliinccietUd Jnnimty tho 14th fur balance of Districts tielnrf those tliroimli which the tnld cri. passes nnd thoso whtillv on the east side nt which time and .lnce nil persons for tlnsclvcs und Districts desiring to be heard, can attend. The icvlslon Is completed, hu Mendsnmam. Attest s Jons 11. Caskv. Commissioners' Oillce Illoomsburf;, Deo 2nth, 185. SEE f MI JVE W JF A L Good quality quilting Calico for ? iic per yard. i?..n i:.., ni'i.i.....i.r..i mi.! .,..i.i..,.i,,wi Ar.,ai;.. tVXt lir. m j: iiil llliu Ui uiv;;vi aim iiiiii.4iiiivi tLitoiiii uum v. .. Clinton Planncls from M file. " lied Twill Flannels from I 2to GOc. " White nnd Gray Flannels, very cheap. All wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors, 1 1 oc. per yard. " " " " " l i yds. wide mf Sc. Ladies' quilted bottom Skirts tor .90 " Italian cloth for f 1.25 Full line of Ladies', Gents and Cliildrens' Underwti cheap. All Wool Double Shawls from - 4.25 to 7.50 New stock of Ladies' Wraps and New Markets.j New stock of Cliildrens' and blisses' Coats. m Some last seasons Coats and Dolmans at less than liii" price. Colored Dress Silks from fSOjtol.lo per yd. Black " ' exlni quality from LOO to!.50 Brocade Velvet black and colored as low as thellowfe'. Plain Colored Velvets, all colors for 'HO per yard. Plain Black Aelvets from 1.00 to !Q0 " Silk Plush all colors froi.n 2.00 oi75 " 'the best all wool Jerseys in town for 1.00. Jefsoytall prices to 2. GO. I J A full line of wool dress goods at the lowest casmpra and much cheaper than ever. 1 1 White Blankets from 1.25tg?,)0 per pair. Ladies' fine black fleeced cotton Hose, white heels anltoes. Also a full line of Hosiery, Gloves, in ti nrst class (At the old stand of Lutz it Sloan.) 3886. HtfEt's YcJq People AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The position ot IUki-rks' Vocxo l'ltoi'LK nstlio leadlnu weekly ror vhiwil. temieiM 14 won establl-hed. TI10 imbllshers fcp.ire nu p.11113 iu i.iuimi!iiiD ui-at una most, atirnetivu reaanw nna illustration-!. The serial und bhort ttorlei have strong iid-J drniaatlo Interest while they nro wholly tree trom whatever It pernlclotia or vulgarly seiisatloniil; tho papers on initutal his tory aud scienee, travel, ami the tacts ot lite, aro by writers whoao names glvo 'he teat assurance ot accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on nlh. letlc sports, games, nnd pastimes fclve full lntor matlon on these biibjects. Thero Is nothing cheap about It but its pilca An enltOinfi Of pvervthlnw thnt ta attrn-(t.-rt ...I desirable In Juvenile literature. notion Couriei: a. neeniy least 01 goou i.tngsto the lwrs and girls In every lainlly wlilch a vlslts.--ooUii Union. It is wonderful In its wealth of pictures Infor mation und Interest. Chrhtlan AOe-Aate, N, V. TEEMS: Postage Prepaid, $2 00 Per Year. Vol. vIJ, continences Nov. !), 'S.j. Single numbers, live cents euch. lteiulttances should bo made by postofllce money order or draft, to avoid chance ot loss. Xemtpaiera are not to voiV Hits advertisement xetlhout Vie exim jj order or lUKl'KKi; Uhotukks. Address IIAltl'KH llltOTlIKilS, New York. ULOOMSBUItG MAHKIiT. Wholesale, ltetall, Wheat per bushel 85 fl.'i Hyo " " nn Corn " " ....old .10 new 40 CO to 0.1 Outs " " an jo Flour " bbl 0 to 0 liulter so 3 Kks oj S4 I'otutoes -jo gi llnms 11 j4 Dried Annies n:t a-. Side nnd shoulder 08 10 Chickens Oil OS nirkeys 111 10 (jecso,,,, Lard per lb 03 10 Hay per ton 10 00 Ineitar ner mil nn n Onions per bushel 7fi 1,00 Veal skins 07 Wool ner h in Hides fi hi 7 Coal o.v Wiiauk. No 02.00; Nos-l &5 $3.23 llllumlntis, $4. Piiiladelplua Markets " COKKECTKD WEKIvLY. FEKIlWnetorn . riAiuiL western extra's 3.:o a l-ennn 'ffJJi.4-? l-MOhlo cleSrieoVjlbiW winter ?.T alB-S5 iM! l'enna. roller procebs i ItVll-fo7l'ennS'1Vanla red' No' 'l lM ''O'-HV!,(i?''- J0' W Ko. 81 41, No. S. MX. HAY AS'll KTlliii' ri7...t:.. ..'...?' ... . lk' Jt'M.f.fe " to".i'uall,uyTli. K i w 10. ""vui oiraw, ju. uai ttraw iimwTrl"Rn,3)'lv.a'.'la,in'l western S3. 10. --". us ( iumevs rj (j c dSD9lQ uI:TUV,--cll,clieas' lso- Turkey "PIlA?.ir ""OWK'S", INK0UASW3" iV.',?.!u. Mojcr'snew bulidiiig. Miuntiw-r. uiouuisuurg, t'O. ' .t!tn.ln. , . ASjfcMi. 1 ui (larviuru, Loan f7.07H.WJ Fire Assoclitiou " PuiladeVphia! "Tu.'tiu I'hceulx, ot London , . , , ' Kthirn lu.n,?r!!i,f a.?5?.s.1i'rf' 01 Kngland....'..; friftimi Bpruistield Klre and ilaiine.'.":'! As the agencies are direct, pollclaaaro written 'i?ir0omsb'uTred wUlumt tattoomS'SS COUNTjV i THU TJUEN- I t3 vimr I Ip I I I I li 1 I Mn il I nn" anrir.0 I .. .. 81335 fl t MH BVI35T 15 3 6 stuol tla. im i)ora.i u, 6 s II" 113.1.1 I 4!IS ,. m;o HO l ll r.HH0l TM1I0 .. 4.. , 1 I si 4aiw) nawiio f n- laws (140140 ,. i a 1 IISI II (Wd t Ditto awn) ,i.i.. I lt IMio 4 nas i .. i ,, am ft m atBito ., .. ii:ii I am ish; 3(mism .. i .. ailOO irt 413145 sor S i a.115 irrnir It3-fl S. i 1IU1 4l3t5 also .ISO f ia '3N0 aaiwti ma) iW' too aaiaii si l .. Mil ) 181.1 -1IM 4.1INH 41.. .. 3IKX i M HtW.1 8301IK) 11.. ".wfl i s mis mm Nm Jlto S"0 MI385 IT 143.1 15311, n.?u Iflir lint injoui ..I.. ,. I i lt 114335 .A. .. IlilitlOis, returns will be open fouptcllon until said Stkimikn Point. i WasIII.NOTON l'AIilt, Codssloners of CoLilila County. PMM 11 Lr5 0018. and such goods as are Mially kept M. C. SLOAN &BR0., IJLOO.MSBURCr'A. Manufacturers ( CARRIAGES BUQQIESJIAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATF0RM1G0NS, &C. First-class work always on nin s L REPAIRING KEA 111 DONE. Prices reduced to mil Mi'ini if! Aiex i Offer to tho Trade tnelr Fine lad ot Cigars. Henry Clay, I Ncrrnall f m 1 Sam, d fmcpolitan Kino Fruits and Fine Oiifeelionery ou hand. i reli evcry wu. Ulooms burg, Pa I " -b i7 Every Ounco ot; Wultcration , INTIIK-L PROOES SOAP. THE WONDBRFUlJl 3-',B BAR. MAU13 ONtY'll Gowans &5 Stover. Uuffalo, NJ T, Ftr ealo by all flrefdJa grccers. flirii iu-1-yr BLOOMSBURG FLAHOG MILL :o. t The undersigned havriig rutlj Planing MI on Railroad street, tn mst-ciass Edition Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work la toiine. FRAMES, SASH,C0ORS, BLINDSjMOULDNGS, FLOORING, fei. fI5fe.iolresonaJleprlce'Ai lumber used areempToyed. "filled workmen ESTIMATOR FflT? -RHlr TvmriH v WI1IIJJ1 VI lo'n8??"'.. ,..r... . i-oinru.iuviiugni8maa UloouiKliirg, ia I fiSf n .PC"rm If Kmma ADVERTISIIIO ,?ASENTS BuTim?m Pi!!LAlElPli!A for. Clu-.i nut mid Klgliiisu. Uecclvo AdiertUemi'nU tuia raw. ESTIMATES iti'.WS FREE Vtli'sWAYEfU SON'S (lAHUAL 11. liousK, r PEntistL Ikooiisiiima, Colvmuia Jouktv, Pa AH stylesot work done In a Omco over K ma iw,,r j ts55)j isail (.') j tioaiasai pi(aoju I r I Bros. & Co aici - wvv o. oi