The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 01, 1886, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. oni'IIANS' COURT SALE OP VAI.VABLE Keal Instate ! lnimrtuivnco of an order of thooiplirtns' Court of Columbia county,t'oiin.( tho unilproljncil rxe. cuionof John Kclclincr, lUVraanl, wlltoipowto publlo bIo on tho premise?, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 1886, at I o'clock, p.m., ofsal.l day tho following de scribed vnltiibla real estate, lo-wlt i All that cer tain messunite, tenement and tract of lnnd Bltuato In tho towmlilp of Centre, county of Columbia nnd utato of Prima., bounded and described as follows, to-vvit! lieglnnlnff at a mono In tho publlo road, thenco by lands latooftho liclraof John Conner, deceased, north nno half degre) east two hundred and nlneiy-ulno and three-tenths perches to a wlilto oak stuiupj thenco by thOBamo Boutli clghty.two and ono-fourthdegrcos west, torty-sov. en nnd eight-tenths perches to a stono ! thenco by the same south clghty-ono and one-fourth degrees wesi, ten and eight-tenths perches to a stono j thenco by lands of tho heirs of Jeremiah Hess, de ceased, south ono-half degreo west, two hundred and nlnely.threo nnd nine-tenths perches to a stono t thenco by lands of Lafayette Creasy, north seventy-elght and one-half degrees east, ten and eighteenths perchesto a stono ! thenco by tho mo south clghty.nlno nnd one-fourth degrees oisiiorty.twoniid four-tenths perches to a stono in puuno road tho place of beginning containing 107 ACRES, 'litid thlrty-four pcrchea Btrlct measure be tho aamu mora ur h'st, on which is erected a large two Btory Frame Dwelling House, large bank barn, strnv shed, stables, wagon shed, corn cribs, hog pen and all necessary outbuildings being the homestead. A largo npnlo orchard on tho premises nnd a never falling spring of water at i no door, and nttho barn conducted thither by The sumo' twenty-tlvo hundred dollars secured to tho widow Heater Kolchncr' by tuo will of the said John Kelchncr, deceased, to remain a Hen upon sild land during tho widowhood of the said Hester helchner the Interest thereof to be paid to her annually and at her death or ro-rrarrlam) tho I principal sum to bo paid to the heirs of said John ivoicnner, deceased. ALSO All, that certain piece, parcel nnd tract of tlnv bcrland situate In the township of Orange, county of Columbia and state of l'enna,, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a rock oak.tnenco by lands of Levi Alkmin north eighty- nine degrees cost ninety perches to a pine knot : thenco by lands of Johnltemley north nvo de grees west twenty-ono perches to a plno knot : thence by lands of Daniel Fester south elghty.nlno degrees west nlncty-two perches to a stone;thenco by lands of Joseph Bucket south twelve and one- half degrees cast, twenty-ono perches to tho plaeo oi beginning, containing ii ACRES, and ono hundred and rlfty-ono perches of land bo inosamo more or less. Tho abovo tract Is well timbered and a very desirable property. TKHMS OP SALT! Ten norrpnf. nf nnn-fnnrlh of tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the property, the one-fourth lessthetcn percent, at the confirm ttlon absolute and tho re- ujhiuiu wirvu juurina in ono yeartnereaner,wiui Interest from confirmation nisi. Purchasers to H. a KKLCHNFIt, ) E. I KEIX'IINKII. Executors. 1E0. W. KELCHNEItJ jgXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE Of ANOELINA MiCDOWEI.L. Letters tcstnmentnry on tho estate of Angelina Macnowell doceaied. lato of sentr, t.iwn.hin rm. county, Pennsylvania, have been granted by tho Keglster of said county to tho undersigned execu tor. All persons hav lne claims against the estato oi sum 'jeceueni. ore requesien 10 present mem for settlemcnr. nnd thoso indebted to the estate a mane payment in me undersigned without de lay. (jWILLIAM MACDOWELL W. 14th Street, New York, Deo ll-Gvv Executor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. First and final account of AI. r. Lutz, assignee of C. U. Brockwny. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the court of Common Pleas of Columbia pass upon th" exceptions tiled (osald account, nnd mako distribution of the fund In the hands of said assi gnee, arising from tho rule of tho real estate and personal nroDertv. nnd from anv other nronertv real, personal or mixed, to nnd among tho parties t-Dimeu inereiu, win sit at msnnicein mooms burg, on Tuesday, January fjtli, lew, nt 10 o'clock a. m., when and where nil persons Interested win nuenu arm present ineir claims, or bo debarred irum any suaru oi sam tuna. . J. ii. romscw; DecltMw Auditor. A UUlTOll'S NOTICE. ESTATBOF PATRICE MCnPHT, DICEA9FD. The undersigned auditor appointed bvthe Or. nhans' Court of Columbia counrvto distribute bnl. nnco in the hands of the executor among the par ties entitled thereto, will sit nthlsonii-eln Hlooras burg, on Friday, Jnnuarr 15th. i6 at 10 o'clock a. in., ior inn purposes or nis appointment, wuen nnd where all persons having claims against said estate must appear and prove the same or be de- uarrcu irum any suaro or gam runa. GEO. K. ELWELt, - Dec 18-lw Auditor, jUDITOH'H'NOTICE. tsriTE or x. j. MciiENitr, late op kisiiisocheek TOWNSHIP. HECKABEn. The undersigned auditor appointed by the court to make distribution of tho balance In tho bonds of the administratrix to and among the credlrors of said decedent according to law, will attend to tho duties oriiU anuolntment at his nrtlce in Hloonisburg, on Monday, January nth, issfl, m ju u cich-k, n. m. vv lien uuu wnere ail persons in terested.nro hereby notified to nnDear and nresent their c'nlms before the said auditor or bo forever ueuarrea irom coming in upon sam tuna. J. II. MAIZE. Deo 151885 Auditor UDITOIt'S NOTICE. In tho matter of tho money paid Into court by William John and Charles Krclghupnn mortgage of Jacob Krelzh to Joseph llrobst and Peter Ker lln and Mary his wife. Tho auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county by consent of parties, to distribute the above named fund in nnd among the parties entitled thereto will sit at his tiiucu in iiioomsuurg on Tuesday, January loin, issti, nt 10 o'clock a. in., to perform the duties of nis appointment, when nnd where nil neiwuis in. teresled must appear and present their claim or mo ui-uuricu irum coming in on saia runa. tfEO. E. ELWKLI, dec S5-4W Auditor. DMINlSTItATOH'S NOTICE. ' ESTATE OP MABV POKXWALD, DECEASE P. Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Fornnald, late of CatawUsa township, Columbia county. Pennsylvania, deceased have been grant ed by tho Itctrlnter or milil enunt v In the nnriirHlirn. I'd Administrator. All peitc-ns having claims uKuiuab lutjL-aLuiu ui me ueccusea are renuesieu to present them foi" settlement, nnd thiwi fmlehr. od to tho estato to make payment to tho under- Diyuvu uuiiiiuiMriuur wiinuub ueiay. MICHAEL F. EYEI1LV, Deo 18-iiw Administrator. DJIINISTKATOkS notice. ESTATE OK JOHN SriUNOEK, PECEA9ED. letters of administration on the estato of John plnger, deceased.lateof Hemlock township, Col umbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased havo been granted by the iteglaler of said county to the un. uerslirned Administrator. All nei-hon having claims against the eslnte of the deceased are re- (luesica-.o pieneni mem lor settlement, and those imicuieii iu me esiaie iq mauo paymeni 10 ine un dersigned administrator without delay. I'KTEIt H. llltUOLEIl, Administrator with tho will annexed. Tost Mice, lluckhorn. Col. Co , l'a nov 13-6w licsldence, Hemlock township, Col. Co., l'a, DMINISTIiA.TOK'3 NOTICE. ESTATX OP ItECBEN SITI.EK, LATE OP 0K1N0E TOWN- Bull DECEASED. letters of administration on the estntn nt tti-it. ben Bitler, lato of Orange to nshlp, deceased, have lw.t-11 granted by the Keglster of said county to the undersigned administrators. All persons having claims against tho estato of the deceased ure re ipiested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho estato lo innke pa) men t to tho ujiurrsigm-u ttiuuiiusiruiurs wiuiom uiny, E. J. sriXEit, C. F., MI1S. MAUVHlTLEll, Administrators. Dec, S5, Cw N 0TIC13 TO TAX C0LLECT0HS. An Act of the Legislature and annroved June 5,1 - lKHI.fsee 1'aiiiDhloi laws, nasre bi renulrlm? tax collectors, township and borough officers, to make return of seated uud unseattl lands uix)nhlcb no proierty can bo found from which to make taxes to the County coudssslonera, on or before me urEb any w January next, wun a sunicieui de bcrlntlon by boundaries or otherwlse.or each uin- arafelotor tract and about the quantity of the same, -inuso ,wtu uu 10 maxo returns uy said day will bo held for such lose. Taxes so returned , become alien agalust ihu property so returned. W have blanks on which these mums ure to bo made and willfurnlili them upon application of lvuwiuib, dim; ii. uaki, t'om'rs' ofllce, Oct. 80,'ia, ft. Com'r Clerk, flririB ftnn ,n l'nfn given away. Bend us5 V 'llll Mllll1"11 iwstage, nnd by mall ou will UUUUiULIU wetlrto upuckago of goodi of large value, that will tart jou In work that will at onco bring you In money faster than anything else In America. All about tliet'.'uvuo In presents with each box. Agents wanted ev 'ryhtn", vt either sex, of all uge, for ul the time, or spaie tune only, to work for us at thrlr own homes. Fortunes for all worker absolutely ussureu. iwi ueiay, ji. & i;u., ivrv Jaud, Maine, (deem B5, Only J.V .urniico r.itlcrs Kiionn. Wo oilier incillrliioknoTmeocfrcctu&Ilpiirgce tho lilood of dcpp-wat(Ml lUpeAPoi, ITtllliniiM hear tcntlmoiiy to its wonderful larntivo clTcctM. It li n pnrrly VoactnMn rrcnurntlon, niftdo from Iho tmtivo hi-tba bik1. remts of Callfonjln. tho (ucdlcinal proportion of hch are citractwl there from without Ilia tipn of Alcohol. It remote tho en line of dlecasc, c ml tho patlcul recovers h hiiillh, It Im tho urent Illoml IMirlflcr nnd Life jlvlnff rrinclphit u (Iciitlo 1'urpnlho und Tonic; a iwrrtit Hcmnutor nml InIrntu of the yftU'm. Never lioforo hi I hu history of tho wurM hm n inetHciuo twen eoiniwuiidcd jiOHuevrttng the turner of VisrOAit UiTTEiulu licutln the elck of CM-ry diBcaso mnn Is htl.'tn. Tho Alterative, Aperient, UlnphorcMe, Car ml native, Ntitrl lions, Ijixiitive, Stnlnllvp, Counter Irritant, Sudor! tic, Antl-IHllOU-. Holroiit, Diurvtle and Tonic properties of ViNEOAit JliTTElifl exewd those of uny other medicine In the world. No pemou can take tho Hitters According to direction nnd rrmsln long timvcll, jirovldcd their bones ure not dt-pimyed hy mlncrnt iHl?on or otlier mean, aud tho vital organs wualwl be)oud the jtolut of rcimlr. ItlllouNi Itoiiiltteiit, Intermittent and Ma larlal Fecn nro prevalent thronghotit the Untied Utt patllcnlarly lu the alley of our Kieat xiwn and their vast tributaries Uurfjg the Summer and Autumn, especially during reasons of unusual beat and dryncpp, '1'FieBo Fcveni nro tnTarlably accompanied by oxtcnthe derangements of the rtomach, lUer nnd bowels. In their treatment, n purgative, exerting a powerful luflueuco npou thesa uryuns, Is absolutely iKTepary, There In no ratlinrtlo for tho purpose ctpml to Dr. J, Walkeu's it Hitteks, n It will cpeedlly remove the dark-colored kU matter lth which the bowels nro loaded, utlho rame tlmo rtlmu lalln the secretions of tho liver, ana trciienuiy retorlng tho healthy functions of tho digestive orcnis. Forllfr tho 1od) against dlneaBO by purifying all its fluids with Viniqaii UiTTKits, No vpldcmio ton take hold of a system thu forenrmed. It IiivlKorutvM Clio Stomncli and stlmu latea tho torpid Uver and Uowth. cleansing tJie blootl of all impurities. Importing llfo and vlpor to tho frame, and carrying off without tbo aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all pokonous matter from the system. It Is easy of administration, prompt la action, and certain In its results, l'Mpct!uor 1 ml lgrtlni, Headache, rain in the bhoulders. Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, rnmmonla. Dizziness, Dad Tasto In tho Jloulb, Itlllous Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, oro at onco .re lieved by V in co au Bitters. I'or liilliimiiintory and Chronic Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralfrla, Diseases of tho Dlood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, tho Bitters havo no cpiaL In these, as in all constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vixeqaii Bitters has shown its crreut curatte powers la the most obstinate and Intractable cases. illcclinnlrnl Ilscne Personscngapeun faints an Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setters, G old-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to Paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take occasional doses of VI NOT AH IHTTCH8. Villi 1Wciicn, Bcroftila, Salt Ilhciim. Ulcers, RwellinffS, limples, rustules, loIls, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Kcald-nead, Boro Eyes, Erynlpelas, Itcll, Scurfs, iDiscoloratlons, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever nama or nature, are liter ally dug tip and carried out of tho system In a ehort lime oy mo use oi me xiiiiers. IMii. Tauoumt other WoriiiR. lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms lik Vweoar BrrrEos. ITIenslc, Nearlet Fever, Mumps, looping Cough, and all children's diseases may bo made less severo by keeping the bowels open with mild doses of the Bitters. Th!s wonderful remedy Is especially adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herbs alone eive it its remarkable cura tive powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or omer poison. I'or Female Coiiiolnliitn. invoumrorold. married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or me turn oi are, iris miters nan no eauai. Clean mo the Vitiated Illood when Itslm' purities burst through, the sliin In Eruptions or Bores; cleanse It when obstructed and slupfdsh In the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when, and the health of tho Bystcm will follow. Iu conclusion t (live tbo Bitters a trial. It will speak for itself. One bottle Is a better guar- nntJAA nf lln inoHfa tlmn ft lptuH hv fiiivprtiftpmpnt. Around each botUearofulldirecUonsprmted in uiuereui languages. II. II. IT1 c Donald Druir Co., Proprietors, San Iranclaco. Cat., and 52fl. Li k ftfl Waabluffton 8t, Cor. Charlton fat, New lor. Sold by all Dealers and Druggists. IP YOU havo Tumor (or tumor symptoms). Can cer, (or cancer symptoms), scrofula, Krjfblpelas, HE.MKUV U warranted to cure. Druggkts bell It. IP YOU have Spasmodic Stricture or Enlargement or the ,1'rostate (lland-Ur. Kilmer's HWA.Ml". JtOOT conquers every attack and radically cures. ASK j our druggist lor It. 25c, si. IFYOUK sleep Is lit (ul, or out ota sound sleep you nwuke fctruinrllni; tor breath,) our whole uelni: Illled with terror, jour U'ry existence tUreatened Dr. Kilmer's OCEAN-WTM) should ahvajB bo at hand. Ask your drusrglst for It. (1. IP OUhave a cold, ortlmplo cough, ever so light, when neglected, otien lends to iimsumpllon Dr. Kilmer's INDIAN COXH'JtlTION oil, will break upon early attacks, and cute the most stubborn cases. Atk jour druggists Writ. S5c, sue,, ft, PATENTS, Obtained and all patent business attended to tor moderuto rees. our omco is opposlto the U. 8. 1'atcnt omce, and we can obtain l-utents lu lcsa time than those re mote trotn Washington. hen i model o drawing. We advlso us to pat. entaoilliy tree o( charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. We reler here, to the Postmaster, the supt. of Honey o.tler Dlv., and to omctals ot the U. b. Talent omce. For circular, amice, terms and references to actual clients lujour own Mate or county, wilio to C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Talent onice, Washington, b'O r ..titi tr . i.r. ' yp w Dr. McTaggart Tills noteil Hpcciullst of Scraulon, Is the only specialist tills side of New Vork,l'lill. adelphla nnd IlulTalo who makes un oxchi. slvo spcciully of tmillng chronic, long stiimlltiK ntnf llugcrltig diseases to which mail mm womankind nro subject, such as Consumption, Dronclual nirectlons, Scroru. In, Sult-ltliuinn, Loss of .Mnnlnioil.tiUIn dis. enscb, Itheinnntlsin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpl. lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, l,oss of Voice, Chronic Dlarrhu'ii.Chllls tmd Foyer, Worms, Liver complaint, Cancels, Tumors, Paraly sis. Tape worm, Heart disease, &c, &c, C-iTFcmttli) diseases a specialty. No matter huw lonjr you liuvu hecn But fcrlng nor how muuy Doctors you liuyccm. ployed In vain, you should upply to D. MorAoaAiiTul once, when he will tell di rectly without holillnij out falsu hopes whether your illseusu is strictly curuhlu or can only ho relieved. lie. owes his wldu reputation for tho suc cessful Irenlmcnt of nil lingering or chronio discuses to experience nnd closo nppllca. Hon for over 20 yeun, uud to no miraculous What the I'ai'khs Bay i i 'I'f u '"'V1 honest, e indent, upright and re liable and well worthy ot the mpl 'a contlileuce and esteem, lie always su)s exactly what he means and means exactly what ho saj s."-i)crau. ton VirliuWfflM, "lie U too useful a man to lose," Lackawanna Cciaer Laeiawam and Washington Avenues. BCllANTON, I'A. Kept VTASHINQTON LETTER. (Prom our ltegular Correspondent,! Wasiiinotok, D. C, Dec. S3, 1885 . As iistinl licic, Christiuqs tiny was ono of quiet homo t'lUfjrt niiinutits, uiid family jiUlieriiign. Tlio (IriiarttuunU wore uloxud, nnd so was tlio White 1 lousy. No ono crossed its threshold on that day. It wai a prlvnto rwl-dt-iioc, and llic l'lesident enjoyed thu tights, of n piivutu citizen. Un nox. Krnlay it will liu cicni'd wide to tlio whole world, or ns much of it m can crowd in during tho hour from ouu to two, hut it ii Uh day on which tho ollicinl world of Washington pays its rO'Dcclsto tho President, nnd tho olliu ial progrniiitno wilt coiiMitno tho tlmo until ono o'clock, wlun tlio leccption of t'itiz'im begini. Tin- l'lcith lit ill lii'Bt rcecivo his Cnl.iin l and thu Diplomatic Corps. The latter will weur tlio attiro of their respectivo for eign Conrtt. Tin n the justices of thu Supieino Court of llm V, S. will come, and tho Judgtn of tho IT. S. Court of Claims. SetiiitorH ami Ie)iesentativis in CoiifjresH nro next in order, followed by tlio judicial oIliceiN of tho nrious District Coiiif, ex-MemlicM of tho Cabinet, and ex-.Miniften of the United Statis. Olliccrit of tho At my and Navy will greet tho Piusn'eia next iu thu (till unifo'in of their ru k. Then Secretaries ami assistant Secrc- tanes of various institutions, a'sistnnt postuiastirs geiu'inl and ntsiHtaut at toriieyvgeneral, head of Uineaus Associations of soldiers, dorans, and iho Ohhst Itihnhitants Association, With theni tho otliulal ieee tion closes, Hid tho peoples ricp i n Ingiup. Wadiington noer known a moio piop(-ioii.s Christinas lido than dio pioent one. Kxpnps Conipiin iis ivpoit that in number and value the packages sent from tho city this year ato in excess of those enl lat year by nt least thiity livo peiccnt. Tho cleiks in thu I'ost illice say that tho inunber nf Chrititinas unukages sent fiom heio this e;ir ex ceed those of last year by neaily one thiid.. And tho inert hauls rcpoit very teatly increased sales tf lanoy goods tor Chiistmas piesents over last yi nr. The cause of this dilTeri nee is iu the policy nf l'ieidenl Cleveland. At this time last year thousands of people nere felt that ll.o sOutee of their in comes was menaced, and looked to the ides of March with dread. They were too much perluibcd to permit tin ni sei ves any oxpenso that was not nbse lutely necessaiy. A largo majority of the citizens Inn whether thev ex press it or not fed in their hearts that the President is to thank for their happy Chiislmns". Tho Prtsidonl is ctediled with hav ing said rtcenily ill regard to one of his appointees npninst whom some in jections were raised, that is ilio ob jections were jtistilied, he hoped tho man would not be confirmed. It is duo largely lo tho President's direcl ners and earnestness of purpose thai tho Republican Senators have been forced to assume a more conservative .ittitude towaids his nominations. An unfriendly critiu said somi thing recent ly about -Mr. Cleveland's incarnate commonplaccness and his sturdy inde pendence, which he said, many peonlo magiued to bo a kind of genius. In reply to this somo ono said it was so rare a thing for us to have a,Presi dent who has the couiago to pursue n common sense policy that ho does be come, in so doing a kind of genius. The Speaker of tho Houso is spend ing his holiday time busy at work ar ranging tho House Committees. Members manifest much anxiety to know where they will be assigned. The desire lo learn their fate in this matter before an ollicial announce ment of the committees was made, kept many Congiessmen in Washing ton during tho holidays, who would have gone home for their Christmas dinners had tho committees been an nounced boforo tho adjournment. Many questions of grave import to tho people of tlio United States besides tho tariff and silver will havo lo bo considered by tho committees that Mr. Carlisle will'name. Ho is a pat liot, however, as well as a Statesman, and no public interest will be sacri iiced by him either through the grati fication of grudge or tho indulgence of paitiality. Thu changes iu tho rules recently made involve many changes in tho committees. Ono aim of the Speaker will bo to place very cautious and judicious Metnbeis upon those cominittecB that have charge of tho Ap propriation bills, The allusions that havo been made to Senator Beck's recent speech on sil ver as an attack upon the Administra tion weio unfair. Ho merely joined issue with tho financial policy of tho Administration, just as ho has been criticizing tho financial policy of Re publican Administiations for years past He refered iu terms of sympa by atid eulogy to tho views ol the Presi dent and Secretary of tho Tieasury as I awnoie. jjui tlio kj. honator is an extreme silver man ami will do all ho can to defer tho suspension of silver coinage. SEE THE JVEW rlA. 4Oi.S. Good (iiiiilitv nnilthif Onlion fiir iMin nno ot wenched and unbleached iMuslui from (Jc. up canton v innne s trom Bed Twill Flannels from White and Gray Flannels, very All wool Indies Uloth. all colors. " " " " " U Ladies' quilted bottom Skirts lor " " " " Ttnlinn Full line of Ladies', Gents and Childrens' Underwear cheap. All Wool Doublo Shawls from 4 9.n tn 7 r() Now stock of Ladies' Wraiw mid NOW Stock nf Cllilllvniis' mill Ari'isar' Pnnla Some last seasons Coats and Dolmans at less than half price. "!. it riii . oioicii urcnH ouks trom JJlaclc " " n-h ored iMnm Colored velvets, all colors Plain Black Velvets from Silk Plush all colors from '1 ho best all wool .Tersoys in town A full lino of wool dress goods at cheaper than ever. White Blankets from Ladies' lino bluek flnened nHnn , a full lino of Hosiery, Gloves, and 111 11 lUHb U1IIH3 (At tho old stand of Lutz & Sloan.) 131. W. SLOAH Kidney CoiiinluhilH Atiimitr Ilotli Hexes mill All Akcm-a lirllllmit lccoery. There Is nomrthlnir startllntr In tho rnnlil In ereano otkllney diseases ntnonir Iho American prnpio w it liln n tew years past. .Many causes pe culiar In certain clnssestetid lo nroditoo nnd nil- irravate tlieso I roubles as, tor example, carries iitiiiK, utemuiK linn ejipunuu. i'l. imti im-ii- liedy.of lioundout, N. Y., is often congratulated on tho exceptional bitecessof his medlclno called "Favorlto llemedy" m arresting nnu radically cur. In? theso most natnrul anil damrerous disorders. Proofs of tills, llko Iho following, nro constantly brought to his attention, and nro published by hltn for tlio sake of thousands of otlier surferers whom ho desires In reach and benellt. 'Iho letter, there fore, may lia ot vital Importxnos to you or to somo ono whom you Know. It Is from onn of the known nnd popular druggies in tho nno and growingclty from which ho wrlUs. wherc-thoie Interested may nnd Mr. Crawford nthls plaeo of uusiuess on mo comer oi .nam aim iiniuimis.1 sraiNontLii, Mass , March si, 181. Dr. liavld Kennedv. lioundout. N. V. 1)AK sta: I'or ten jcars I hod been nflllcted with kidney illsot In lu ino-t. ncuto form. What 1 surrered must bo leit lo tho Imagination, for no ono can appreciate 11 except Ihoso who havo gono iiiiuugu ii, i rcKoncu to many pujsicinns ana nnny different kinds of treatment, nnd spent a great deal of mouey, only to nnd myself older nnd worse than ever, liniv aivtlmtl used twenty. five bottles of a preparation widely advertised as iisih'ciiiu iur him precise sunoi irouoics,ar.u lounn It enure y us"les.H-nt least In my case. Vour "l'AVom I li ncMKUV" I s.iy It with a perfect recollection ot all that was dono for mo besides is tho only thing that did Inn the slightest goml, and urn uaiMiy iu iiuniii. iiiui. ii giuo mo iiermnneni' re lief. 1 luvo nvommeiidl "s'AVoliITK HUM. KliV"1 to many people for kidney disens", and they nil ngretfwlth me In saying that 1)11. KKNNKHY's r a win 1 1. 1 ir, ii i, n i mis not. tsctuai in inn whip w orid for I nlidlstrcKslntrtinil often fatal cnmnlnlnt. I'so this letter as you deem best for tlio ben1 lit of unit-is. iuurd,A.u,, LLiiArs eiiA i r olio. ISM- oubi uiuu wm: Till! t. III. AT Ilooi hir ol to World. AN AllHOl.DTt: uuiir. I'OIl CATARRH. TILH ineft Btubborn caic jtcM readily tuft nnd liatnot fuilcii to 'ura elntflo cj..o wlicretllrt'cUomnro followctl. It?6iicci'ns a boon rctn.irkntflc.ttxt tUcurci oiulcr fill. It H tho ttiotfiUTertslul iirepurutlon In tho mnrkptfur CATAItliU nnd tho only ono that prui nUcs un AbiululH, lltlvo t'liri. It t truly a bleu'lnn; to manulnd. A Trial 1 all that In nikt'il for It. Onco tmcd, It Is nlwaj n recommended. Scid fur tcftlinuulaU of actual cure. it iia o wjt,L 1011 MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. Ona bottlo Is generally pulllelcnt for a cure. Stop tn'ilnx Uulnluc. A trial only Is atkcil for Kel-l-EH'rt I' 11kmi:dy. It U n SIMICIl-'ICJ for alt JUeni'cii arising ftom an Impure blood and drive nil einpttonsfrom tho ekin. For Syphi litic complaints It 1 superior to any preparation In the market, Ono bottlo will euro mon of tho following complaints and a continued uo will rusiTiVFLV ure, Sao doetor bills nnd try it, HIII2UMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIT EKUPTIOXS. Vi:fKUi:AL DISKASES. DYSI'KPSIA. IA")SS Or APPETITE. TEELIiTC OE LAXGOUU. IUUOUSTESS. LIVER TROUKLES. ATERVOUS lVEAKfESS. FEMALE 1VEAKXESS. Kkllkh'h Catakhu Hemkov Is no patent medicine, but n .ufo mid plcusant preparation to take nnd ?urely tho ifrcatejst medical discov ery of tho a-40. tno bottle rejuvenates thoentlro pjjlcm and poo3ici nioro lrtuo than a half dn7on bottles of ordinary patent preparations. Write for testimonial's and other Information. ST-Tor rale by druirirlsts generally. lMiici: ki.oo a isottli:. SIX llOT TM'.S FOIt 85.00. On receipt of 85.00 by tlio manufacturer.", Samukl Kkllkh 8t Uo.t llarrMmrtf, l'nM tlx. bottleatVIU bo sent express pmu. TRALI MARS. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Call erf, Texas, Jluy 3, 1R62. " I wish to express my appreciation of tho valuaMo qualities ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy, "Wlillo wllu Churchill's army, Just beforo tho battle of Violating, I coutmctiil a to vcro cold, which tcruiiuated In a dangerous coubIi. t found i.u ulief till on our march wo camo to a counti y store, w here, on asking for some remedy, 1 ns urged to try Avcu's CllKlmv ri.crouAt.. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slneo then 1 tuts Upt tliul'EcioitAL constantly hy me, for family use, and 1 havo fuund It to bo an luvaluablo remedy for tlnoat iiml linn; diseases. J. ". Wuiitcv." Thousands of testimonials certify to tlio prompt euro of all bronchial unci Iuhb nlTectlons, by the mo of AVer's C'nniir.v 1'ErToiiAi.. IIelngcryiulatablo,tlicyouus cst chlUhcu tako It re idily. ri:ct'AiinD ny Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co.,Lowcll,r:a3S. Sold by all Druggisti. sPEracHoE-eyissEs MICROSCOPES. m F.crietc rELO-GUSSES. tJAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETFRS. THERMOMETERS. Uraiilnir Intriieieiiii., l'Ulloi,o;iIi!riiI nnd I'liemiciil Aipiiruiii., Lit auj IX'B.' (.f our Tun Until, gum rent Htl.B in Fi,ilti ition. 024 Chestnut St, PHILADELPHIA. feb8-iy PMEi3 'Ak ppr yard i lo 2.'3G to 00c. " clieaj). Aim. nnr vn nl. vviiln fnv r.-w. " .90 flnfli (or 1 Or Knw Tiwkota AO to l.lo jior yd. as low as tho lowest, for 1.00 per yard. 1 .00 in 9 00 " 2.00 to !5.75 " for J .00. Jerseys nil prices to the lowest cash pices and much 1.25 to 0.50 per pair. TTnsn wlitfn lmnlj unil ti-mu A laf vj x aw 4 IVl!) tl 1 1 M IUVi?i illOU such goods as are usually kept THE GREAT III N If rou LIVER DISEASE. C VTA" DfTnUrC! . lmtrror bad tasto In mouth! O I JViriUiVlQ, innguni'o.ited wliltoor rov with a brown fur,' pain In thobick-, Hdca, or Joints often mistaken for rheumatism: pocr rtomacii; Lois op AiTETirn! sometimes nausea nnd water brash, or Indigestion.' Hatuleney nnd acid eructa tions, bowels alternately costive and laxs hkah aciib; loss of memory, with a painful sensation nf having fulled to do so i ethlntf which onirht to liavo been done; low spirits; a thick, VKii.nw appearanco of tho skin nnd eyesj n dry coutjlii fever, test lain'ss; the nrlnols noantyuud hbrh colored, and, If allowed to stand, deposlt a sedi ment. II (PUltULY VMIKTAULK) Is Kenernlly used in tho South to arouse tho torpid liver to a healthy action. IT ACTS WITH KXTKAOItntKAIlV SFHCACV ON Tll L 1VEH, KIDNEYS asii HOWKLS. ,S Kl'FECTUAI, Sl'lX'II'IO KOIt MAbAltlA, iSI'EIKIA, t'OSSTlrATIOV, IIIUOl'SNK-S, SICK llEAUArilK, JAL'MilCIt, NAl'SKA, COM?, MENTAL USI'IISSSION, IIOWKLl'OJll'I.AINTS, K1C. KTC K1l Kndorscd by tho umi of 7 millions of bottles, as The Best Family Medicine ' Vor cllldten, for adults, and for tlio ogud. Slllt', lilt l ANY (UMllTlllX r the Mstr.n I J. H. ZE1LIH & CO., eoiRrRoPiiiSTOHS, l'lilUDKU'llIA, I'A, I'aice, tl.ui. mayMdy RAtiEOAD rimU TABLE. D EIj.VWAHK, j.ackanvann.v and WESTKIIN It.MLllOAl). iu.ooiisnuiu; division. NOItTII p.m. p.m. ud 14 :i i H 64 I'-J '.'11 8 4S IS VI H 40 13 1.1 8 .'II ll! OH 8 ST VI II ) H 11 18 8 II 11 51 8 IS 11 Ml 5 OS II 47 8 08 11 II 8 0.1 11 41 7 19 11 88 7 SI 11 31 7 to ii m I 41 11 3d 7 BO It 13 7 18 It (U 7 11 111 51 7 05 10 41 r. 18 10 41 0 11 10 38 0 M 10 31 6 43 IC 37 0 311 10 31 n 30 io in A 23 10 11 HTATIOS. ...,-icranton,. south. a.m a.m. a.m. S 3(1 a in u 15 2 05 fi 15 U 30 3 10 tl 20 II Sll 3 IS 11 27 !l ai 3 2J 11 31 H 41 3 311 Ii 40 II 41 2 811 II II II 53 3 41 Ii III II ail 2 41 l 51 10 IM 3 IT H 18 10 el 2 Ml K Sll 8 33 8 1G 8 111 8 UI 7 lb 7 51 7 Ml 7 4i 7 47 iieiicvuo.,,, ...Tnylorvlllo. .. Iickawanna.. I'lltston ..West 1'ittston.' ....Wyoming.... . ..Mnllby lieunett ....Kingston .... .... Kingston 0 68 10 1)5 t Ml 7 43' l'lymouth Juno 7e3l0i03M 7 88 I 31 ....riyinoutn.... roriuisaui .VMinuaio. . Nanttcoko .. 13 10 3113 0.1 13 10 35 3 10 7 l llunloek's cieek 7 21 10 .2.1 27 7 37 10 413 l.'J 7 Ml 11 II 3 ii 7 51 1 0.1 3 58 8 04 11 11 I 03 8 10 11 30 4 13 8 14 11 214 16 8 18 11 2J 4 31 8 25 11 3J4 27 8 30 It 44 4 31 8 31! 1 M) 4 40 7 13 7 00 51 B4I1 II 41 .MitckHhlnuy.. I lick's l'erry .lleach Haven., ....iserwicK . Hrlar Creek. 88' 0 31 a 31 31 0 1(1 II 11 5 SH 5 4'l ..Vlllow (Iroic. ...1,1 , e nidge. Kspy ...ltloomsburg. .... liunert.... Catawl'a liruh-e 8 41 11 55 4 40 6 08 II Ml . . IMllVlllC.... 12 13 5 Ul ....chulasky.... 03 12 3 5 13 r, on 5 55 5 40 4!l II 45 9 3.' a. ui. 1 451 0 33, a. in. .... Cameron. ... u 08 12 235 u Northumberland 'J 35 13 40 5 35 p.m. ia.m. a.m. p.m. W. V. 1IA1.STKA1), hupt. onico. Seranton, reb.lst.t84 Superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. IIMI Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. In effect Nor. sth, 1885. Trains leave Sun uury. EASTWAHD, 9.40 a. m., Sea Shore Uxpresa (dally except ouiiuuj, lur iiainauuix uuu luieruieuiuiesillliuns, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. ; New York, 6.20 p. ui. : Ualtlinore. 4.40 n. m. : Washlnirlon. 5.50 p. m connecting at Philadelphia for all sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to I U11UUV!JUIU 1.4! p. m. Day express dally OXCentSundavl.forllarrlsburL-nnrl lnlenne. dlate stations, arriving at l'Ullndolphla ""J y. i. , , ivia, ji. ui. ; iiuiiiiuuie 11.45 VJ. m. ! WoshlUirton. K.O(ln. in. I'.trtnr enr through to 1'hlladeliihU and passenger coaches luiuuK" iu i uiiuueiiiuia uuu uaiiiiuurv. 7.50 p. m. lteuovo Accominodatlon (daily for llarrlsburg and all intermediate stations, arriv ing ul i iiuaucipuia a. in. : iew xorK t.uo a. m. llaltlmore, 5.251. in. ; YVushlngton C.SOn. in.; Sleeolnir car accommodations can be Houred a Ilarrlbburi: tor I'hlladelnhla andNew York, on sun days athiough sleeping car will bo run; on this t ruin from NVIlllamsp'l tol'hiladelphl.i.l'hlladelphlu 'uNvujiuBuiii i:ui.iiii iu aiueper uuuisiurutu unil i a. in. 7.UI a. m. -Krlo Stall (dally except Jlonday, for llarrlsburg and intermedial!) stations, arriving at 1'hlladelnhla 8.25a. m. New York. 11.30 a. in. ; Ilaltlinoro 8.13 n. m. ; Washington, 9.25 u. in. iuiuuKu iuu'iuiu sleeping curs are run on una num iu i-uuaueipuia, jiaiiunuro aim wasning ton, nnd through passenger coaches to l'hlladel. phla and llaltlmore. WliSrWAltD. 5.20a. m.i:rle Jlall (dally except Sunday), fo. Krlo und all lutermedlato statloiu and I'anandal, gua and Intcrmedlato stations, itochester, liulla. loandNlugaraKalls, withthiough Pullman l'al- uuo vara aim passenger coacues to Krlo and Koch ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for l.iu p. m. Niagara Uxprens (dally except Sun day) tor Kano and inns una m. andattrua and nrlneloal liutM-ineiiintn htmtnn. Itochester, liuirulo and Niagara falls with through passenger coaches to Kano and liocueslcr aud Parlor car to Wllllauisport. 5.30 p. 111. Fast Uuu idaily except sunday)for lie- iiu.u uuu uiieiiueuiuiu siuuuus, auu .uuira, wat klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas benger coaches to Itenovo una Watklns. .3o a. m Sunday mall for lieiuno and lnterrac- uimv siaiiuns. TIIKOUOII TltAINS FOIt SL'NUUllY FIIOM TIIK i-ADi JVilJ &UU111. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m llarrlsburg 7.40 ai ru lug at sunbury 9 20 a. m. with luiuuu sieepiugear irum I'liuaueipnia to Uamspoit. News Kxnress leaves Pkll.iilelnliin a ki n ... llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. in. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. . , ... . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia. 7.10 a. m.! m Mniiv except suuday arriving at sunbury, l.uo p. m., with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia mtuu uawt tuatUCS IIUUI I'UliaUCl' phla and llaltlmore. Fast Line leaves New York a.nn n. m . piiii,a..i. phla, 1 1.50 a. m. : Washington. 9. so a. m.- nun. more. 1U.I5 a. 111.. Idatlv exeent. suml:ivi nrrivirxr r uu,uu,j, i. in., iiu luruuyn passengei coaches from I'hltadelnhl.i ami it.iiiimnr," -Man leaves New York 8.uo p. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.30 ji. ui. ; Washington, lttoo p. m. : Haiti more, n.2J p. m., (dally except Saturday) arriving at Sunburv 5.15 a. in., with iiirniii.ii sleeplugcurs from Phlladelplila, Washington aud i, Ii V i i passenger coacues iron uiiiiui ijiuia. SlIN'IHIItY", I1A.I.UTIIN .fc VlI,Ki:ilHlt!tl' i.tll.lilf.tir .l.iu .IIILTII .7tt UlST lllt.V.MII II A I, WAV. , (Dally except sunuay.) VMlkesbarri! .Mall 1ihvim suntmrv in nan m ariHing at llloom ferry 10.M a. iu., Wllkes-barr'e 12.18 p.m. Express East leav es Sunbury 5. 13 p. m., arrh ing at liliKiin t erry B.37 p. in.. likes-barre 7.53 p. m ....uuu,j .imuimita iiiKi-&ujiuiu.4uu.lll.arriV Ing at llloom l'erry K'.ts p. in., Minbury 12.53 p. m Expivss West leaves W Ukes barre 2.45 p. iu ar riving at llloom Feiry 4.15 p. lu.bunbury 5.1ip.ui. 81 NIIAY ONLY. Sunday mail leaves Sunbury 9.25 a, m., arriving at llloom l'erry a. iu.,.wilkes-li.irre iliS.1. a.m. uuuaj uci.-uiiiiuuuauuii leaves vv iikes'liarie 5:15 ,). in., urrlv lug at llloom l'erry, 0.48 p. in., sunbury, 1:43 p. m. CUA. E. l'UUlf, Ueu. Manager. J. It. WOOD, Uen, Passenger Agent N oticj: to srocKiiouiKua. Thern will nn plMilAn nf n t.n,r.t .n.i. pf the Hloonisburg llankli g Company, nt their V?,1. i h0Uhu ou '-l"tit"nU a j-, .lunuiry 12th IKsfl, u( v.yvn .. ui., iu DV I U lur IUU VUSUlUg l 11. II. Ill K(irz Jau l 'wi-siv cashier. JofjNSOfJ's CyCLOfEDI. Itovlsed nt a cost ot over ,, Has 40 Edltttrs aud 3.1 liepts. It Is the llllsT. SELW EASILY and FAST. Men uuiuru mvtery cuuuiy. AUuress, A. J. JOHNSON & CO., 11 (Ireat Jones St., New York.,.d. arANlKD-tiADlKS to work for us nt ..,lulfi'r)'.!:i?'U'" .Nu'"oto.palntliiir: nocanvassl ing tor full mrttculara, Please address, at once, Crescent Art Co., lioston. Mass.. Hoy mro.' ul,u"'"r' aoc.-int.-d. ,,,,, fvuu ix cents lor post. 1 1 1 I ' I and receive free,a cost. ' K I II 'ib0'' 0( " od'4 wlllch Hl" II Hi . . - lu niuru iiuiney JlJi uwa' ,h"n unylhlni f so In Ihls world. All, of frvthour. The broad rood tofoituuo opensbe. .v.w ...", uunuiuivijr puifl, At OUCO Ad uioos, TKfK s Co., Augusta, Maine. j j si CONSUMPTION. I Ui o a Klttvii roiuoil j r..r ilia toie JI...Tb7lli "." ',,,1"U,,""",,"M"(I ." Una mid ol fobi uaainicliuV0ltiiMiiu.tiJ. liiUeii.l. ulriiiuli niTrkli lulH.mcurr.ll.Mll w,l HnilTWO HOTrUs fllKR ..e.ll..rwllUYAI.UABI KTKkATISKi, paJa ".ii tfiRDiHit farms Kis;rj5"te ilco !!S-4w aid Fcnnsvlvanla News. Tho Wllkcsliarro llicord's Clirist inns ift to tlio now City was IMiiuch Uliiink kuIiooI cliiltlron now occupy ft now iiinl lmntlsoino S.17,000 liiiiltling. One tlimiRnnil pel-sons nml forty dns wltiicwcd n wolf-clittso near Woiiii'lsilorf, Tlio Stitlo I.iiiioi' I.caguo is pivpar inj,' ii liill for pi csciilalion to tlio Legis lature. Tlio people nt Marsh Run, Yoik Counly, nro passing through a gold c.vciti input, Hiitli'i-cl.iiim to hnvo tho hand soincst and bust arrangoil Coui t-lloiiso in lh Stale. Dr. Hall, who lecenlly died in Krio Coiintv, had been a prominent prohi hitionisi. A hud of plumbago, thirty feet thick has just lei'ii discovered iu Chester County. iMontioso is to havo water-woiks-One-lhird of tlio slock lias alrtdy been taken, A new Grand Army lnt It is bee established at Thompson, Susiju lianna Count v. llood'j f nhnpnrllln nclliiR tliioinrh tlio lilniiil, li'iiclii'S every part of llie system, unil In this wny posllvtly cures calmrli. A D.MINISTltATOIl'S NOTICE. In re-eslate Cathartnr JWrm", fn(e of Jackmn tutciwMv, Cot, Co, ileitaKtil. 1 Iters of administration In said estate having been granted to the undersigned ndnilnls'rator, all peisons Indebted to said cstuto nro hereby no tilled to pay the tame, and those having claims against euld estate present the same to (IKOKIIE W. FAKYEll, Administrator, Jan. i, cw p. o. Derr's. Xi:ctTTOH'S NOTICE. In rt't-tttttf n Groty? fVirrer, tale of Jackson t irp, VvliilitOttt it?i;i(( fti'mitftl. Letters testamentary In satd estato having b'en granted to tho undersigned executor, all iienons liidibtcd lo said estato aro hereby notllled lo pay the same, and those hnvlng claims against Hald estate, present the same to (IE0K0I3 W. FA11VEI1, Executor. Jin. l,flw r. o. Denv. UDITOK'S NOTICE. lo tho matter of tho Sheriff's salo of real estate of David s. liiown. The unders gned auditor appointed by the Court ot toinmon Pleasof Columbia countytodlstrlbuto money in court nilslng from mid sale, to the par ties ei.tltled thereto, will sltathlsonieeln lllooms burg ou Saturday, Jan. 9th, lsa, at 9 o'clock In the perlorm'lho duties or his appoint ment. All persons having claims against said fund must appear and provo Iho same or lx debar red irom coming in upon tlio fund. C'lIAltLES (I. HAltKt.EY. Dee 18-4W Aiidl'or. UDITOU'S NOTICE. FSTATit OK M0SK8 KV'KRKTT, DECKASED. The undersigned nudltornpiiolnted by tho or pluunv com t of Columbia passui on and dSposo of Iho exceptions tiled to tlio account ot ,1. Howard Kline, administrator ot the estate ot Mnses Kvcrctt, deceased, nnd to distribute the funds In the hands of the said administrator as ap pears on his ilnal account, to and among tho par lies entitled thereto, will Attend tothedulles ot his appointment nt his ortkciti Mojers' building in tho town of Hloonisburg on Tuesday tho 13th day of January, A.D. lbsd, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when nnd wheie all parties lnterc-jted aro requested to piesent their claims before the undersigned, or be forever debarred from coming In upon the said fund. W.i. CUIUSMAN, Dec 16th '83 Auditor. SALE OF Heal Estate If not previously disposed of privately, will bo offered at I'UIII.IC HAI.IC, on Monday, I'TUlItlTAKY i, 1880, at 10 o'clock In tho foienoon, at tho Court House In llloomsburg; about 1'iviS ACIIUS of land, lying between tho Normal school grounds and the Ughtstrect road, in the tow n of llloom'.burg. Ueautltul build ing lot, partly In Ji.vri VK roKKST, over looking the town nnd sunoundlng country. Tho owner reserves Iho right to withdraw tho property If the bid Is Insufficient. Ti;iUISi oue-fourlli cash, one-fourth the llrst ot April next, tho remainder secured on mort gage, on ono nnd tw o years, It desired. Possession and conveyance, April 1, 1880. JOHN (!. FltEEZE. llloomsburg, Dec, 1KS5. COURT PROCLAMATION- WIIKHKAS.tliuIIon. W.-mam Et.WEi.L President Judge of the court of Oyer and Torralnerand (leneral Jail Delivery, Court of (juur ter Sessions of tho Peace and tho Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court In the SGtu Judicial Ills, trlct, composed ot tho counties ot Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and F. L Shuinan, Assxlato Judges of Columbia county have Issued their precept.beariug date tho Slst day of Die. In '.ho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elguty.flve, nnd to modlrccted for holdlnga Courtof Oyer and Terminer nnd (leneral Quarter Sessions ot the Peace, Courtof Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, on tho first Monduy.bclng tho 1st diy of Feb. next, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to tho Jus tlces of the Peace, and tho Constables of thu said County ot i."olumbla,that they bo I hen nnd tliers I n their proper person at 10 o'clock In the rorenoon of said 1st day of Feb. with their records inqui sitions and other do thoso things which to their ofllces appertain to be done. And thoso that are bound byrecognltanco to proseuulo against the prisoners tliataro or maybe In the Jail of the said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them as shall be )ujt. Jurors are re- quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg UICVfVVIj tu tucu uuu (,ji0 the Slst day c i L. S. y Lord one thi i ) eighty.nve, t ninth year of the In r of Dec. lu the year of our housand eight hundred and and tn the ono hundred nnd year of the Independence of tha tlnitd OIIUCB Ul AUirUlU. sherlU's oaice, JOHN AIOUBKY, Sheriff, ii ore money than at am thing elso bv tnt lug nn aireucv for thu best hiiinnir lumi- nt liegpiiiers succeed grandly. None fall, Teims free. Hallkit nook ca . itnuii viiinn ,.V.o".-"'"' v' uaiDU, If flRGINIAMMSFQRSM Wible proipectn. Write for rlrcaUn conulnlnit deffrlntlon. Sunt free. VYLR & DillAVKN, -aUblJAAA&AUIUVlB,rCICMllUrK,V. ike Ud-Jw ulcl m . Rnnnnfl A handsome VASE LAMP given T 5 nflPPRr! wllu a 15 ""ler tor Tea and corf I cUUUUU1'1'- An Iron stono ciiamiieu nieces, or a handsome llitONZE hanii'ino Uii' given with a (loonier. A CilA.MUKlt SET otlO pieces, with blue, maroon or pink band or an IKON Sl'ONE CHINA TK V SET of fill pieces, Or a GLASS iw uiau pieces given wun ana oruer, hand. So vie PIIEMIU.VIS, consLsttug of Decorated China Ware In 'lea sets, also Dinner and Tea Sets com bined, and chamber sets, etc., etc., given with orders for lis, ru, 135, fas and 150. send for clrcu lar, which vvlllgivovou full particulars. OIIANI) UNION TEA COMPANY, i!5 South .viulubt vviikes narre, ra. ueaanuar ters so Frout street. New York city. may 15-iy lor working people. Send 10 cents post, age, and wo wilt moll ou free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will nay vou In the wav of uiaklnir morn monoy in a few davs than vou evertlinueht tinsel. ble at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work Iiieiuio tlmuonlr. or all tho lime All of both sexes, of all ages, grand ly siiteessiui, du cenut io o easily earueu every evening. '1 hut all who want work may test thu business, vveinako this unparalleled offer: To all who aro not well satisfied we will tend II la pay for Iho trouble of writing us. Full nartlculknl directions, etc., bent free. Immense, pay absolute; ij buidiui ui! uuu kimi m uuce. iiunfc uciay. uuiiDaDiixBuii a v-u., j uiiiunu, Aiaiue, tuecitf. Slates nnd Felts, Slate Mantels, Slate Blaek Boards, School Slate, Roofing Slate, itooiuig i elts, i, 2&3 Ply. , , , J-1 mi 1. 1., 25 Lackawanna Avenue, bcranton. Pa Jlayw-iy ' T. BARNUM'S New Book F r.,."'J,.."r !. 1111 MriMi I fkA-xoP-aJr "tltlUg Ititlug with ..Willi uo fM:. FAMILY SCALES jeim, 1 OK ,J.l, t MuWAKIN. CnLlNMAi i it for Infants 'and ChHdren. "CMtorllasowcllaJaptodtochlldrenlh&t 1 Coitorlav cures Colic, Conatlpatlon IrccommendltaiieuperlortoauyprcscrlpUon I E0"1"'1' Diarrhma, Eructation, known to me." IL A. Ascntr., M, D., I "Llnoi?8' E'VLS 6lct'P an J Pmo 111 Bo. Oxford Bt, llrooklyn, K, Y. Tllbout Injurious medlcaUon. EVERY THING THAT IS m INI) SIT 1 J I 1l CAN BE llOl'UHT CTDEAFEE I'lAlr ITIEi B A L?rge and Vjaried Stock of CLOTifflG, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH ANirSEI.ICT LINE OF Call and be Convinced LARBBST aUffl OK Til LATEST STYLE, III AND AT The Lowest Poksible Prices! FOR TH0 Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famousl I am loiiowmg uooiiiirii iiuhii.iich in ut" 'nin'unuiiu, wau; viiucii irom jcou'l I rut upon fiiol Hipcr. iiicj irci vi iti tri lint without uu I In s -r i-i ii nv H at to or to wuuti like 10 Jyvjltei. 1. The Wlilon n.'.t.Ht I'uik tiu TLii 1 iti book I Birrwbictt tour ttiaii'l'iioiliiri lauitii-a till llit-jr ttlej, itu 1 It lii-nt i. Vim fu'iitr iit-dar & ft eicr wan. iter l urU Tor Hume A Joninteiit, kn tn- Urclr new work ni-m ttili ui.j:t, cuutiuiuii ear ul I Ii. Hm practical tiHtructtotia for luakinc ftnc ba.keu, wall jH.Hett, bracktf ui'tilltt work, eiubrouerji met, iw. pii futl.T atnl clevantljr llluttr ate t 3. Irlmin'ii.Fiilrjr Morlv fur tbo Younc . Tb Quqh f-olHi-'iiiin of f ilrjr nonet ever publtabej. 1 l clilJ rtffi IH bo J til uh t-1 witli then). 4. I he I. aily ol t)iu l.ukr. Hr Sir Walter Sootl. " 1 he of tlie l,Qu I a rumanou to if no, tuJ ul 11 lli wirkn-r Sooil iiu'io I more beuiiirul thaa tliu. 5. M uuu at of Ktlqtitfllo tor I. a lie an I tit utlerai-n. lulle ui imliteue'i ant good bnn&iug, ijblux ilia rum or modern etiiuetttf for all ooeailooi. 6. The Miinituril l.t-tler Writer for La Hot an I fjentlemen. a omUvte ulle to oorr- p'Hi lemw, piiiu CUlu dire.tloni for the cumpoiitlou of letter of vtrr Itil. vith ItmmuuruMe forme ao) exauiplea. 7. Inter rt-iilnic ltrculluiia,a Inria eoIKctlon Of Acilrijf L'hir.ile, Tauleaux, tnie, I'uitle, etc for ao-.tM 4thernii, pritata theatrical!, aoj euuln-i at bomet HIiHtratet. 0 IMulojcura, lleoltatlona and Heatthifr, a larjc aal choK -uiloiian for achool exhltiltioai uJ iiublk auJ prltato eutcriaiiiiiientt. 9. lurlur ilujlc and Chrmloat Ki perlincnle, a book which telia how to perform huii)reJof aiiim.ii. tfkHln majto and laitrueUTt eiperliueau wtth Wmi.ig if fnti. 10. 'I lie Home Cook Hook und Fuiullr l!irl. flnn, cjnlaliilni huulreJa of eicelleot conk tin rpiiwi au4 (il nt to tm uacket-peri, alo tcllluj how to curu all com nioo llnienu bv timplu hmne rcmejf 11. Muimvra und t imtotita In 1'ur A wny l.nuri, a very latrreiluit uu 1 nitruiio book of truvt I lp-.-nh. loi the peculiar lire, habit, nunnera and ciutoni of the ponple of fjrcUn eouatrire, llluitrat-d, U. Miteen Complelu Morlra hr ToiHiUr Author, eiubraoluit love, huuiurout am) dcn'ciliit unt, iiork f oeleiv life, ot alteuture, or railnar Hte, etc., all vert In tereitlna, ' IS. ThelliiiIi:ettof U'lt, Humor tind V cotleoilon of the mtinr atork. kni he. aneiotr rcfim au 1 joke that have been written for omr ti ur , llhit r t II. Tat-rul Knoul-dKe for I In- Million, alian-tr book of uefnl Itihirmaibio lor Mi, upon tuaur aud fariuua uhjeoi. llUfratel, .,,.'w,!'a itnvt" ANotbI, Bjr HaBbCoiiwaT, author af'Uark Uajri, ' ew. OUR UNEQUALLED OFFER: Mrri.-K.' ,ook(i KU ft M. toe wliultj-lO MriJI.tlO. Snd I I) rLfi veu, ReiUtcred tetter, or Uouer a lire at i.eo. trCWKIl 'M" 1 aettRilu iyff3irS7i" Lt HsiESW M." - -I ' M1 GMAIN STREET, BEALER IN Foreign audi BqxwsMo WINES AND LIQUORS AMD JOBBER IU G1MRS. BLOOMSBURG pnimotct t Tbi CcTAca Cohtant, 183 Fulton street. 1 8JK,SrS.3(IBN Of THE IffOUIl rHB SE ou have IF GOOl ST QUALITY IS 1 llll i 1 t -or- PRICES. -C3i uthors. Almost Given Avat ! ilbjKUaud we thlUk liO una can r uit.lkiLa I nuiuavir iiniairuii'U. auu Biiait i rniiri ctutlibuud furtu I'lcte boL wu.d i.ot fiud I 16. At ftrdtu. IT. Ml ori iu nuu no tin. uuili tic u inranlun, A ?ou. ltj"TLPu f "Hi. r llaan ' Uuj.A cl. Ujr Hugh Conwif autbht Lk. id. ' 19. 1 Im II r th u: iO. Mini iljUr of tho llallr Tree, A .Norei. Jeoii, Butb WMilifMiotr, A Notrl. ByR. L. 31 III ray Vomun. A.Noiel. llj Ur. bttktll. autbor ul 32 'III ru2i)i p. a .Note). Ujr Wllkle Collin, he Umu lu Hhiie. etc. author ot 23 Kfi Wood, aii ourlljrm, A .Vottl, II Uri. IlfufT I or iiiLjiine," no. Id .M. A oTl. Itr tbe AubotofDuri 21. liil TlinrD 25. Itat tothrlld Home. A Novel. UjiUijCtdt f "li ii Pirn cic, lloMn.unk'. ire. A Noret. Uj Lln f(tf n llalilai litnlltinaii. eto. hit, ii '6. J JlulOf BIJ 31- I. n.l Hieulliit'B Hriaui. A.SdiiI, Hjltt mtnur ii H Ju I It Idol! 1 otl r tie lrutiu fcirtt. A Koit BWltiM.E loi ol nn ra lord. ' eta 1. 1'U I e. A Mil. tjr iiarj (.cell Hy, author oi( I I (.lib I' Vnrlaee. A NotI. It WlikU CoLlui , i to HimUA .Norel. Br Ure Add S-Stephcci, ti ttii 1 1 Famine, eto lutnor or 'U lln aiitnur i Hi-1. iK llrt lilrluhid, A Notrl ttjr Wary 3J Hit, K CiWn. A otci. hj Wis LI. K. Btad den. antho It 1 a.r Xocl lit A (in "lnra Thu M talfr author or ST. M-Ii-t of The U . i.iioiiejr a ferrtt "tw n T llveitkir of tub HLll. Ak i W, I've. author l "The Itirth Uaik. eu-j, Irn hrn, A jNotel. llj the auiUe j l'a. A Notel. Dt Ur. Alcuoil , WkllO 1. cw loe. Nuvt-I. P WHIW WlllCA.a' fat t Amir an in lie, eto "mi i 3 The d-urcl ,,h. A Novel. C XV , Uulock, t10'. 01 H"- O'ntlcmaa. etc. turitaA Notcl Ur nt-cjfr-iiot,aultM M, ' TUliluDtbe Flo, ). i ffas Co., Pd jad'a, Pa. for thu r!(.lfl.ii.,l f'liirkiiilnir. Ivca I'ond. uud .Vtif.v. Knn I'iimos. Worl tiovvneil EstcjlrKaiiB, Violins, Accord nml Kin.i t 'Mn,. r'..iiiiii.iii il Wliitc. 1 lllt;li Arm11, cw Home, Itoj'J Joliu. und IJp, Kiiuning Domtfctic fc( .line i nca. Kn i's. o unil niiacuui for nil iiiakfcs i Bowing Machines. mam aaV'in it ri TTTir nnrnii i' f iiimii nim i n i i i ieocvoksi PA. a. Ctcro and wtrtrccitG, Nc 123 Fruklin Avenue MiOnrciooma n rriinKUn Ave. tiil IM f tcr Street, SCRANTON. PAJ 4 H Ail) tliinu s, nukn up a no wifj or iMwir M. in stock. 1 I1.U- Iron in,! Siwl TBohP, 11 KmIh, I,:iS Scivvcl 'I'lirnliiitH Iliirii" Sliori. nnd all Ulavksml BUJlpllOS. 1 Aprsi-iy Uec.4-lt.-nld.