The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 25, 1885, Image 4

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Is Every Body DrunV ?
Among tho many stories Llnooln
usou to relate wiw tho following :
rnulglng ntong n lonely road ona morn
ing on my way to the county scat,.Tudgo
- over-took ino with hta wagon
and invited mo to a seat.
Wo had not gono far before tho wng.
on began to wobble. Said 1, "Judge,
I think your coachman has taken a
dron too much."
Putting his head out of tho window,
thu judgo shouted : "Why, you infer
nalHeoundrol, you ato drunk I"
Turning around with great gravity,
tho coachman said ! "Bo dad 1 but
that's tho firs' rightful s'cision your
llonor.s glv'n 'n twel' mont 1"
If the peoplo know tho facts they
would bo surprised to learn how many
lipoplo ruol In tho streets who novcr
"drink a drop." Thev aro tho victims
of sleeplcsiiiess, of drowsy days, of
nnpopletlo tendencies', whoso blood Is
sot on liro by urio acid. Somo day
thoy will reel no moro they will drop
dead, just boeauso thoy haven't tho
moral courage to dofy useless profes
sional attendance, and by uso of tho
wonderful Warner's safo euro neutral
ize the urio auid in tho systom and thus
get riil of the ' drunkenness in tho
blood." The American Jtural Home.
URE. l'Al'KIt KBAll 11V M. P. t.UTZ AT TUB
m.oo.Msiiumi on
UKO. 2.
Nobody knows when or by whom
fowls were first domesticated. There
are at most only two or tbrco allusions
to them in tho Old Testament and these
aro of doubtful import. However
in the timo of Aristotle who wrote
3."0 years boforo Christ, thoy wore
evidently common for ho Bpeaks of
them as familiarly as a naturlist of the
present day. Tho wild origin of our
domestic fowl is entirely unknown.
Tho race is probably extinct. Tho
domestic turkey is not so far removed
from the wild stato as tho domestic
chicken. There U no disnuto about
his origin, the wild tui-koy not being
yet extinct and uot (Uttering so widely
from tho tenants of our barn yards as
to give room for doubt on that point.
In fact if kept in tho neighborhood of
large torests they will ofton stroll
thither without any dr-siro to return,
such is tho natural wildness of their
species. Thu domestic oosu has ac
knowledged thu sway of man for ages,
perhaps since the days of Noah.
Hotiier mentions them wheio Pene
lope relating her dream says, "I havo
twenty geeau at home that eat wheat
out of water, and I am delichtod with
them." Their cackling it will be remem
bered savod Itotnu from the Gauls 388
years before Christ. Their wild origin
is unknown, tho wild geeso ot tho prcs
ontday being of a different Bpeoie-.
rue origin ot the tamo duck is not a
woll settled point. Dixon supposes it
to have been imported to England
from India and China in or about tho
year 1493.
Wu can hardly suppose that man
has cared for poultry for over 2U00
years and yet not bo fully satisfied
that they n o cither a profit or a pleas
uro. Yet this question is so often ask
ed and by so many different kinds of
people that to aus.ver it intelligently
requires somo explanation. As facts
aro abundant 1 need not offer theories,
Somo peoplo condemn theories in toto
and when anyono is bold enough to
advanco a now ono they go for him
with a vim which nearly frightens him
out ot ids wits and theories alike.
What a great mistako to thns con
demn theory for it is ono of tho best
things when properly used which the
Creator has endowed us with. What
is successful practico but theory prao
ticaily demonstrated t Theory must
always precedo practice and all our
discoveries both great and small aro
tho result of theory successfully car
ried out, and, ono is intimately con
nected and dependent upon tho other.
What wo learn may be taught us by
some one who in turn was taught by
some one else, but it we trace it back
far enough wo will find that somo ono
...!.L 1 y- I ! .1. .
wuu uruttis, imviug muu mu uiu way
no long thought tbero ought to be a
better way. Straightway theory came
into play and by working out the
tbeoiies carefully, new methods and
plans wore developed and then put in
to general practice. Theory is only
distastetul and objectionable as well
as pernicious when it has no lounda
tion and where thero is neither oppor
tunity or inclination to develop it into
lacta, but as J havo said lacts are
abundant and I shall not indulge in
many if any theories. I beliovo I am
safe in saying that in no other depart
ment of the farm has thero been such
advancement of lalo years as in the
.poultry yard, for ono reason, that in
no other department has there been
such neglect and abuse, and another is
that there has been a general awaken
ing among the people to tho interest
of poultry, commonly called tiio hen
Jover, the result ot which has been to
give her a higher place. It has been
quite a common idea tor a long time
that poultry needed but littlo or no
care and the idea was Hilly carried out
in practice,iii8uitable arrangements and
wanton neglect characterized the gen
eral farm management of the chickens.
It is thought by aany that any old
shed winch will not answer lor a pig
pen, cow stable or dog house, Is
plenty good enough for fowls, and tho
jowls otten show their better sense in
choosing the fences and apple trees out
side, rather than accept the palatial
homes offered. This stylo of houses is
not such as will tend to maku the
keeping of fowls elthor pleasant or
Poultry keeping is no exception to tho
general principal in all business that
neglect is very expensive. I speak
wan assurance on this subject lor as
a boy on tho old farm- I saw tho results
of tho faulty management. Later I
havo reaped tho fruit of a better sys
tem. Nor was my father's inanoge
ment of the tho poorest, I doubt it
there was a better in thu vicinity. He
gave tho chickens a warm house and
always had them well fed. faultless
joost polts were in position and cozy
iiostB were arranged to tempt to egg
laying, but for a good part ot tuo year
it was only this nud nothing more.
Cleaning from under tho roosts except
at oorn planting, giving warm drink
in wintor or any drink nt any season,
feeding moat or vegetable food in
winter or making the house light with
ample siinuy windows, all this was
never thought of. Wu got abundant
oggs in bummer when t-gga were al
most worthies except to aid in pastry
and add a rclith to tho table, and hud
Che chielen 6tew, tho toast or tho
famous ubicken jiio uiicuevvr desired
and all ignorant tiiat more was possl
bio we learned therewith to be content.
I would not say, nay, I am of tho con-
(CV((nuJ wi thlra toliuiiik
Only Tci pcranco ItlUers Known,
Wo o li or in oil I c I ii n known so effectually purges
U blood of tlet'ifflentpd 1Ikbwp.
JT1 llllotin bear testimony to lta wonderful
eurntlru titcctn.
It In i purely VcjzetnMii rrepnintlon, lnndo
from tho mitlva herbs unit roots ot Oalirornln. tho
medicinal irojK'rtlcs of which are extracted there
from ulthont tho 11.0 of Alcohol.
It remove tlio lllo of disease, and tho
patient rtTuver Ills lirnllh.
It I tlio cront lllood Purifier ami life
giving rrlnclplot a Gentle l'tirg&tlio nmlTontct a
perfect Kenovator and ltnliroriitor of tho system.
Never beforo In tho Mstory of tho world li.n a meiliclno
hoen compounded possessing tho potter of VlNEGAn
Hitters In healing tho rick of every dUoaso mau la
del.' to.
Tlio Alterative, Aperient, Diaphoretic Car
initiative, Nutritious Laxative, Sedative, Counter
irritant, Strdorlltc, Anll-Hlllous. Solvent, Diuretic and
Tonic, properties ot VlNcoin Uitteri exceod those
of any other medicine In the world.
No person can take tho Hitters according to
directions and remain long nnnrll, provided their
bones aro not destroyed by mineral polsun or oilier
means, nnd the vital organs wasted beyond tlio point
Of repair.
Illllolls, Itcmltteiit, Intermittent and Ma
larial FoveM are prevalent throughout the United
Btatts, particularly In the valleys of our great rhcrs
and their vast tributailcs duriJg tbo Bummer and
Autumn, especially during seasons of unusual heat
and dryness.
Tfiesio Fcvera aro Invariably accompanied by
extensive derangements of tho stomach, liier and
bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a
powerful Influence upon tbeso organs, Is absolutely
There In no ratlinrtlo for tho purposo equal
to Dr. J. Walkeh's VinKUAn IIittehs, as It will
speedily remove tbo dark-colored viscid matter nlth
w iilch the bowels are loaded, at tho sarne- timo stimu
lating tho secretions of tlio liver, and generally
restoring tbo healthy functions of tho dlgesUva
1'ortlfj- tlio Iioiij- against dlseaso by purifying
all Its fluids with Vi.NEOAH lliTTMis, No epidemic
can take hold of a system thus forearmed.
It lmlgorntev tho Moiiincli and stimu
lates the torpid Liver and Bowels, cleansing the.
blood of all ImruriUeM, Importing Ufa and vigor to
the frame, and carrying off without the old of
Calomel, or other minerals, oil poisonous matter
from the By&tent. It la easy of administration,
prompt In action, and certain in its results.
JilNtteiiMlnor I ml lift-! loll. Headache. Vain
In the Bboulders. Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest,
lriimnntA. DIzzlneRd. Had Tustn in the 3tonth.
Dtllous Attacks, I'alpttatlon of the Heart, nnd a
hundred other painful symptoms, aro at once .re
lieved by Vinegar Bitters.
For liiHuuiiiiiifori and Chronic Rheuma
tism, uoui, neuralgia, luseases 01 we muou, i-iver,
Kldnevs and Bladder, tho Bitters have no cauaL
In these, as in all constitutional Diseases, Walker's
Vinegar. Bitters has Bhown Its great curative
powers in the most obstinate and Intractable
itlrclianlrnl TOKcnm.. Persons encaged in
Taints and minerals, Buch as Plumbers, Type
setters, Oold-beaters, and Sllners, as they advance
In life, aro Bubject to Paralysis of the Bowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
N't In Ill.cnc, Pcrofula, Bait Rheum, Ulcers,
Swellings, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles,
nhur-worms. Scald-head. Sore Eves. Erysipelas.
Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons, Humors and diseases
of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter
aUy dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the uso of the Bitters.
l'ln, TnpoHitu other Worms, lurking In
the system of bo many thousands, are effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine,
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the
system from worms like Vtneoar Bitters.
. JTIcrsIch, Nenrlet Fever, Mumps, Whooping
Cough, and all children's diseases may bo made
less severe by keeping tho bowels open wiUi mild
doses of the Bitters. This wonderful remedy is
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
mrifylng herbs alono give it Its remarkable cura
lve powers. It contains tin alcohol, opium or
ower poison.
Vor Female, Conmlnlnts. inTounirorola.
married or single, at the dnwn of womanhood, or
ine turn or uro, irn uitiers nos no equal,
nleniiho tlio Vitiated lllood v.hen ltslm
purities burst through the skin in Eruptions or
bores: cleanse 11. waen oosirucieu auu biukkimi iu
tho veins; cleanse It when It Is foul; your feelings
will tell you when, and tho health of the system will
follow. , .
Ill conclusion I Olve the Bitters a trial. It
will speak for Itself. Ono bottle Is a better guar
antee of 1 ts merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Aro ii nd each bollloarufuUdlrcctlonsprlnted
la uurereni languages.
It. II. McDonald Drill? Co., Proprietors,
Ban Francisco, Rat , and U, k Washington Bt,
uor. unanton ul, atiw iom.
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists,
IF YOU have Tumor (or tumor STmrjtomsV can,
cer, (or cancer eymmoms). scrofula. Ervsineinn
saltrheum, rjklu Ulotches-l)r, Kilmer's FEMALE
jtE..ME.u i is wurraweu 10 cure. Druggists bell It,
IF YOU have Spasmodic Stricture or Enlargement
oi mo jTusiuic liianu Dr. h.umer's bWAMr.
ItOOT conquers every attack and radically cures
Afck your druggist for It. 23c, l.
it- tvuii Dinjjiauuui, urum in n sounu bleep
you nwake ttruggllng for breatu,your whole being
Illtf.f1 Ulth tPrtfir Vnnr trv nvl.annn . V
mvrmi ,iuni.flii,.i . - . .
Dr.Kllmer's OC'EAN-WEKD should always be at
liauu. ABA JVUI Or U. fl.
IK 'iOUlmvo a cold, orEimplo cough, ever bo
light, when neglected, oiten leada to consumption
break up all early attacks, and cure tho most
fiV- , AMtyouruiuggMsront. lac,
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
moderate r,'ia.
our onlce is opposite tho u. s. Patent onico. and
.. w v,. vUIhi , tmwimm i.ujo uiltU lUUhO r6-
mote rrom Washington.
entaDUlty tree of cUanre, and we make no churKe
e rt-ler iiert. to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of
Joney order Dlv., and to omdula of tho U.S.
I'atcntonice. For circular, advice, temia and
county write to KUt;uia IQ 3 our own btate 01
c.D aTsnow & CO.,
aan-tt 0j,I,oslloI'lUmomt'e "'"'"Ston.D C
Dr. mcTaggaxt
This noted Hpi'dnlUt of Kcranlon, Is tlic
only specialist tills sldo of New York.I'bll-uilt-lptiia
ami HulTnlo who makes nn oxclu
slvu specially of treating chronic, long
standing ami lingering diseases to which
man unil womankind uro subject, such as
Consumption, Uronchial nliecttons, Scrofu.
la, Sult-Hheum, Loss of Jlunhood.rjlilti dis.
cusvk, HheuinnlUin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpi
lepsy, Syphilis, Deiifness, Loss of Voice,
Chronic Diiurha'a.Chllls and Feycr, Worms,
Idver complaint, Cancels, Tumors, l'uritly
sis, Tiipo worm, Heart disease. Ac, &c,
CiTFeinule diseases a specialty.
No matter Iiow long you liavu liecn suf.
fering nor how mauy Doctors you liaye em
ployed iu vain, you should apply to Hit.
JIo rAOfuitT at once, when ho will tell di
rectly without holding out falso hopes
whether your dlscuso is strlcllv mirnlil or
can only he relieved.
lie owes his wldo reputation for tho suc
cessful treatment of all lingering or chronic
dlsi uses to experience .unci close applica
tion for over 20 years, and to no mtracuoui
"He li skillful honesr. emctenr. ,iri,,i,, .., n
liable and well worthy of tho peopi conndence
andestetm. lloalway tajsexaitly what he
means and menus exactly what bo tui s." bcran-
ton lit llllUk-IH.
"Jleliiuouaefula man to lrw"! nti-nwur,
pprper lickawaana ani W!aJEgten Avenues.
.Sept l),ly
trnry opinton tliat even with suoh caro
chickens aro not a dcslrablo addition
to every fanner's homo, but would nay
and emphasize tho truth that thero 1b
abutter wnyj under tho old system
potthry on tlio farm is In somo senso a
convcnieiico and a luxury, but under
a better systt in tlio convenience in in
creased, tho luxury ntigmentid and
thcio is also a considcrablo profit.
Tho poultry and ngrlculturo press of
the country tuo doing muoh good by
calling tho attention of tlio fanning
community to their (special Interests.
lint tanners aro very s'.oa' to t uandtn
old tisnjres and invlhods In kt eiiiui!
and breeding domcstio stock. No
cla9'of men havo better facilities for
r nisi n l' iioultrv. Amnio tutiB, oroh
nrds, inendovvs nnd ginin fields to roam
I ..!..! ,.. !. I f. .1 .
in una jmck up wnii i, ii ten ntier inn
plow nud render, and to least on the
grubs, intuets and vsouns that infer,
tlio vegatation and fruit tries of thu
homestead. Now if it pays to keel
cows, sheep and swino most nssntedly
It will pay l,o keep good fowls. I
know Hint on a farm a bushel of grain
will feed a hen a year nnd I know that
it don't cost tho fanner over fit) or 00
cents at most. I know also that any
ot our modern improved varieties will
with earo lay at least ten do.jii oggi
during the year, Iheso at 20 cents i
dozen gics tho farmer a net profit of
about Sl.fiO for eiuih hen. .lnnv of
tho failures and bitter disappointments
in poultry raising as well as in otner
branches of human industry can be
directly traced to not starting right
11 you do not tako tho right road you
will never rcacti too desired point, no
matter now hard yon may push your
way along, l lie lif' s'ou to success
is to procuio t-o.uu i iiuie fowls though
. , , .
viioy way oust, more man iiuuguiti
and mongrels, lliero aro so ninny
difleient breeds of fowls that thero is
certainly an opportunity for all lovers
of poultry to suit their fancy. Tho
Asiattics aro best fitted for limited
runs in cold and wet weather. They
areiioou winter lavers well behaved
quiet and kind mothers. . Tho If ly
moth Kocks would doubtless suit
many ; they posses a happy medium
between the mongolians and the non
betting breeds, they aro goo'I layers
!ood table lowls and haidy. Tho
Leghorns, Hamburg, Polish and Span
ish dispute the superiority of tho
others and ask for a fair trial of their
merits to piovu that they aro emial to
the best. The Houilau shakes her
tufted ci est in derision of such select
ion and reminds on that thev have
no plehian blood in their veins. I
might go on and review every vaiiely
and nnd excellent qualitus to ucotn
mind them. tho best breeds are
those which return to the owner tlio
most money lor the labor and fo'id ex
pended. It is not ncecchsary that the
poultry house should be elaborately
timshed cither inside or out, nor any
parliculat stylo of arclntectuie.
snug warm place in winter villi glass
windows fronting tho eatem and
southern sides id I lie building'
box of road dust in which sulphur ami
insect powder are mixed, dry leave
short straw or chaff strewn on the
floor, a box of gravel, Blacked lime,
old niorter. broken bones, crushed
oyster zsnsiis and somo charcoal or
charred corn constitute tho chief ai ti
des needed for a winter poultry house,
or where fowls are confined during
other seasons. JSothing expensive or
haul to procure. A years subscript
ion to a good poultry paper or tnaga
zino should ho added and yet tho bill
is uot large. The dust box should he
placed where tho warm rays of the
sun will heal it.
Small grain thrown among the leaves
or other litter on the floor give the
fowls exercise and keep them bus
during the cold days that thoy aro not
allowed their freedom. Js,xerciso
essential to good health, it promotes
a healthy action in the wholo fowl
economy, gives a natural warmth to
the body thereby stimulation the van
functions to generous activity. This
is not all, do not crowd too manv into
one house; keep tho placo clean. The
horso and cow stables are cleaned
every day why should not tho hen
house. Wash tho roosts frequently
with kerosene oil and whitewash all
tho wood work. An absolute necessity
is a supply of good freBh water at all
seasons of tho year, they should have
it fresh daily which can only bo insur
ed by making it a point to furnish it
regularly as tho feed is given. When
that plan is once established it becomes
a pan oi me regular roi'lino and is
not neglected. Havo some arrange
ment for watering so that the young
ciucics win not ue tempted to drown
themselves in tho water trough where
the horses drink. I presumo somo of
my hearers will shrug their tired shoul
ders at what I have presented and
with the thoughts of an already irk
somo life will mutter "too much work."
But it will pay. To expect that hens
will lay well iu winter when eggs aro
most desired on account of high prices,
with a correspondingly liberal amount
of food and caro would bo folly in the
extreme. Every year wo sen a con
stantly increasing demand for fresh
egg?, tor they enter tnoio largely into
tho cooking arrangements of every
houshold than any other thing wo can
name. I do not ask you to engage in
an enterprise that is already crowded
as wo never hear of over production in
tho poultry business.
Tlio supply is far short of tho do
mand. Tho impoits of eggs for 1881
amoiintrd to 10,287,204 dozen, valued
at 2,G77,3G0. Jlust wo continue to
uso tho cheap labor of foreign henncr-
it-n, or siuiii wo send a delegation to
Washington to secure the pnssago of
an "Anti i'oreicii lieu P rint Bill T
While tho lobby is (jettinc in its work
let us press every available hen and
pullet into service and persuade them,
hy good earn and feeding, to do tin ir
best to inereaso tho domestic van sun.
jily. Tho egg trade of tho couuiry is
immense It is estimated that tho iu
habitants of the United States consume
15,000,000 per day. New York alono
consumes 10,000,000 dozen annually.
The question, "Does poultry keeping
pay i can bo answered much more to
your satisfaction when I can point to
paiticular instances wheio caieis re
paid hy profit. From reliable experi
mental records, kept bv ten tanners
ono year, I find an nverago profit of
81.90 for each hen, tho first cost of tin
hens being fiO cents each. Here is
about -100 per cent, profit. If ten
farmers can realize as above whv
should not ten thousand do tho Bame
thing! The egg supply of this conn, already oyer 10,000,000
loznn short. To make ti it the defic
iency wo need about L.'jOO.OOO Indus-
trious pullets in addition to tho present
supply. So I feel safo in saying that
thero will ho a handsome profit for
those who devote nioro timo to tho
caro of poultry, Poultry culture is
also an enabling industrial puisuit. It
gives permanent pleasure and recrea
tion from its inoipiency to its termina
tion. It lefiues the grosser pait of our
nature, it aids us to appreciate their
usefulness and to see with clearer
iCviittnued oil Mh olumn.)
IlftlilllllM Amiimr lltftlfi
Hexes "iil All Aces-A llrillliuil
There I (inmethlng startllnif In tho rapid In
crcaw of kidney dlsoasca amonjr tlio American
peoplo within a few years past. .Many causes pe
culiar to certain cliwslcnil to produco and npr.
pravato thrso troubles-as, for example, careless
living, overwork nnd exposure. Dr. Davit Ken.
nedy.of ltmnidoiit, N, Y is otten mngrntulatnl
on tho exceptional successor bis medklno called
'Favorlto lfemedy" In arresting and radically cur
Ing, most pnlnfitl and dnniterous disorders.
Proofs of ttiKllkn tho following, aro constantly
broiiiht in his attention, nnd are published by htm
rornie aako ot thousands ot other aurterers whom
ho desires to reach nnd benefit. Iho letter, there
fore, tuny be of vital importance to you or to
some one bom j on know. 1 1, Is from ono of t ho
K,?ow.l;n".'l'0l",1',r 'IrniOflstsIn thoflnonnd
Krpwlnjrclty from. which ho writes. whom thoso
Interested tnnyilnd Mr. Crawford ntbls plncoot
business on tho coiner of .Main nnd Itnlon its.!
n. i,.M "'"'"n'tlM.ivMnM, March !U, 18I.
Dr. liavld Kennedy, Koundout, s. Y,
.?.,"'i nr 'en Soars 1 lind lieon anildeit
nltii kidney dlsoise In Its tnot ncitlo form. What
lsiUTcrcdimut bilertto tint Imagination, for no
one enn appreciate It except thoso who havo eono
J.Wiii-. 'ffsorled to many plusldans ami
!F.?n? "Jerf'it k,mU 0( retmcnt, nnd upent a
great, deal of money, only to nnd myself older nnd
worso than ever. 1 may say that l used twenty,
mo bottlosot a preparation widely odvertlsedas
i. , 1 f precise sortoi rrouuies,ard found
It entirely useless-nt least In my caso. Your
'FAVOIII ru UI',;iKin--'-I say It (vltK pejfect
recollecllnn of all that, was clono for mo boslde.s-H
tbo only thing h it did mo tlio slightest good, nnd
mil nappy 10 admit mat it gave me permanent re
i iwvo ifcominonded "I'AVoitiru iikm.
r.n -in many peoplo ror kidney disease, nnd they
ll'ili l!,'.1.'.'.'''''.?1.111 1,01 "s equal In tbo wldo
world tor tiilsdl,treitingnndottenfataIcomplalnt.
I so this lei tcr as you deem best for the beii'llt ot
others. ours..Vo.. lyman c'Iiawkiiimi.
H Purifier of lis World,
an- Aiisiu.tiTi; ci'iii: ron
rfllirc Nit Rtitbliorn cne.i !cltl remllly toll
I nmt hamot (iillviltii ('uro a (IiikIo cupo
JL wherit ilirccttoiu aro followed. Jtcsuccca
Inn been rcmiirKnhlofiinl Iticurin wonder
ful. It I tli inot0ticft?5rnl iJrcarntion lit tlio
lunrltctfor CATAUK1I nnd ,tho unly ono tlmt
jimmUcH nn Abt lut i l'otI(in Cure. It Is
truly ii blcltuf to m.tnllnil. A Trliil 1 all
that l HkiMl fur tt. Onco used, It 1 always
rocoinmciulod, So.ul fur te?Umonlula of uctual
it has o tgi'Aii ron
a positive cum: is assuhud.
On3 liottlo is Ronerally ruinclcnt for a euro. Stop
ta'.l iir llulnlne, A trial only la aidiod for Kkl-
I.KU'H ('ATAtllllt litlMKIiV. It Is ft SIMICII'IO
for nil from nn Impure blood and
ilrhcs all cniptloiiilroui the rkin. For Syplii
llticootnphlnts It l. superior to nny preparntlon
Iu tho market. One bottlo will euro ino!t oftho
follonliu; eoiiiplnlnts and a continued uso will
rosiriVEtv rmo. S.ivo doctor bills and try It.
or laxuouk.
Kuii.i.H'i I'.VT.MU'ii ItKMKtir Is no patent
mi iili'lno, but a yafo and pleasant preparation
to tako and Mirely llio trrcutcst incdlcnt discov
ery of tho Hire. Ono bottle rejuvenates tlio entire
VHlcin and puscen'os nioro vlrtuo than a half
1.70! liiti.e- or oidiiiary patent pu'pnratlons,
. 'ori.i ii Oiil.iis and uthcr Information.
' . -I rr iin oy drm-l.-H irener.illy.
I' 1' ll.!0 SIX IIOT
l.i I Oil ' 1.00. 0:1 recolpt of S5.00 by
lli'i lnfi'iuiL'1 tirel-. S Miri.L 1'. Kvm.h:ii 5t Co..
Unil hurt', I'll., tlx buttles will bo f cut ciprcsj
I - ...
Is highly concentrated extract of
Sarsaparilla nnil other blood-purlfylng
roots, coiiililucd with loilldo of Potas
sium nnd IroA, aud U tbo safest, most reli
able, and most economical blood-purifier that
can bo used. It Invariably expels all blood
poisons from tho sj stem, enriches anil renews
tho blood, nnd restores Its vitalizing ioer.
It Is the best known remedy for Scrofulr.
mid nil Scrofulous Complaints, i:rylp.
elas, Ilczcina, Itlngwonn, lUotilic,
Sorc, Dolls, Tumors, nut! llruptlons
of tho Skin, os'also for all disorders caused
by a thin nnd Impoverished, or corrupted,
condition of tho blood, bucIi as Itlicumatlsiii,
Neuralgia, ltliuuiiiatlc (lout, Gcuoiul
Debility, nud Scrofulous Catarrh.
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured.
"Avcn's SAltsAi'AUiLLA has curid mo of
tho Inflammatory Itlii'iimatUm, with
hich 1 ha'vo sullercd for many jears.
W. II.JIoouu."
Durham, la., March 2, 1M2.
I'hEi'Anr.u by
Sold by all Druggists s 81, tlx bottles for $.1.
Ilruwlnu Instrn-.nrnta, l'falloaoiihleul nod
, , t'hrnilrul AppnrnlliH.
List tni Doecrinh ,,,, ct our T Cutalocuw sent
HII.E on aprilliatk.n.
024 Chestnvt St. PHILADELPHIA.
I bare a noaltlroretufdr for tha thorn h ita
tits ihoainiiliof cateiol ths wont klna Hiid of (oxir
tndlni(tiveUncufeil. Iiijell,t.oitrt.tifliiDfith
ia Utemcurr.thitt I nlll fti'tTWO lIOTTLKd FKKK
tottethsrwltb a VAI.UAOI.KTKBATims on thlidlatiM
totiuy luaerer. il.TtteipreiiKiiil V U mid
trl St., New York,
U Dock
"'rin: h'i'iiifi tw m- t . h
And His Art nf Mnn !..' !....
lOoldeq Hule for Money AlaiUmr. wfih
itoti. 1 UKbiau i MlMAKIn'cIncin iVTI, ff.
I ir Trtii .;....V. " . ir "
Allllllflit r ""u i-i;vivu iiriu cost-I-
l-J I U ',b0i; ot 8 "A "Wcli Hill
I II I fill, llL'1l' 5u ' '""" money
I ll lJljs uwaytlinn uuytliln
a. muxjt clso In Uili viorld. All, of
cither hex, succeed from
first hour, Tho broad road toloituno opens be.
foru tho workers, absolutely aure. At nneo a,i.
dress, tuck c Co., Augusta, Maine is M.
tor working people, send 10 cents post
nKC and wo wilt mall you Irir, a royal,
valuable sample box of noods that will
pay sou In tlio vav of maklmr morn
money in a few daysthan you em thought posal
bio at any business, capital not reuulred. Vou
canllvoathooioaiidwoilc luspato lime only, or
all the time Allot both sexes, ot all aires, Brand
ly successful, 60 cents to J5 easily earned evory
1'icnlnx. That all who want woik may test the
business, wo mako this unparalleled oiler: To ail
who are not well satisfied wo will send 11 to pay
tor tlio trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
a.rectlons, etc., sent tree. Immense pay absolute
ly sure lor all who slatt at once, t.on't delay.
Hitdrcij HiiNsojf 4; Co., i'ortlapd, Maine, decis.
Slates and Felts,
Slate MantelH,
Slate Iilaclc ISoard.s,
School Slate,
Roofing Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, 2&3
ss Lackawanna Avenue, ucranton, I'a
suusoinuu l-'oit
"W- . rur nncAT
I fl t
CVTDITnTUrC or bad taslo in mouth
u 1 iUl ivuiu,
wltli a brown fur.- nal
tonguo coated wlilto or cov
witti a urnwn rur,' pain in tncuicK, sides, or joint
often tulstakrn for rheumatism! pooh stomach;
brash, or Indigestion; tlatulcncy niuincld cructa-
nuns, uoni'is uiiiTuiiieiy cusiivo nnil lax; uka
Ai'itit! lossot tnemorv. with a tialnrul sensation i
havlmrfnlleil todoso i cttilnc which onirht to ltnvi
been done; iu.nii.iTr; low spirits; n thick, vnttflw
nppoaranco ot tho sktn ami eyes; a dry cough;
fever, restlessness: tbo urine U scanty nnd blirli
coioreu, nnu, u aiioweuio siana, deposits n seut
(ruiiKt.Y vunr.TAiit.15
Is generally used In tho South to arouso tho torpid
in er iu ii iii'iuiu iiLiiuu.
it ac:
mamkia, nvsrr.rsti,
NAV9IA, C01.1C,
Kntloraed by tho usb ot 7 inllltons of bottles, as
The Best Family Medicine
Forchlldtcn, for adults, and for tho nsted.
J. H. ZElLiJSr &. CO.,
B0LX ntontlBTOits, I'HIUUELl'UIA, I'A
p.m. p.m.
t iu 13 .1 1
IH1! SI)
8 4S Vi 23
8 40 13 13
8 3.1 1.' OS
8 27 VI 01
8 23 II BS
8 W II 54
8 13 11 Ml
8 08 11 4?
8 08 11 II
8 0.1 11 4 3
7 6S 11 :I8
7 51 11 31
7 60 U 30
7 4 .1 11 2.1
7 80 11 12
7 18 11 Ml
7 11 10 51
7 05 10 47
ft 53 10 41
ti 51 10 38
II 50 10 31
6 42 IC 37
G 36 10 21
a 30 10 It)
ft 25 10 II
6 08 0 511
a txi ii i'i
5 .V, 45
5 40 II 3J
p.m. a. in.
n.m. n.m. p.m,
s ao ,...-crnnton....i a 10 9 is 20.1
8 so llellcvue....l 0 15 11 20 2 10
n z-i ... inyiorviuo... 0201120 2 1
8 ill ., Lackawanna.. 0 27 9 &I 2 2
H 10 1'lttston..... .031941 3 30
8 01 ..West l'ltlston.' (I 40 9 41 2 30
1 .....iiyoinin?,.,. 1, 45 9 62 2 41
, 01 . ...vinuuy
T 60 llcnnett
7 41 Kingston ....
7 47 .... Kingston ....
7 ti Plymouth Juno
7 as ....Plymouth....
1 .11 .... Avoiulalc. .
7 3i.. Nantlcoko ..
7 21 Uiinlock's Creek
7 13 Milckslilnny,.
7 00 nick's Ferry .
G 51 .lieaclillaven,,
6 4; licrwlck....
Gil creek..
IS 38 ..vt'tlloir drove..
G 40 ISl 2 4
G 5! 10 012 Ii
58 10 05 3 60
6 58 10 05 50
7 Ii2 10 10 2 65
07 10 15,1 0
7 12 10 20 3 03
7 13 10 23 3 10
, 21 IU S23
7 37 10 41 3 HO
7 50 11 11 3 5
7 57 1 0,1 3 58
8 04 11 13 4 05
8 10 11 20 I l:
8 14 11 2.14 10
O 31....1.1 1,0 Ktuge. ..
8 18 11 JW 4 3
0 27
0 21
.... ltupcrt
CataHl'a lirldgo
. . Danville....
8 25 11 3'I4 27
8 30 11 44 4 31
8 311 1 Ml 4 40
8 41 11 53 4 1(1
8 58 12 13 5 01
0 10
r. 11
5 Ml
1 41,
5 431.... Cameron..... 9 08 13 23 11
6 33,Nortliumberland' II 25 13 40 5 33
n.111. 1 a.m. a.m. p.m.
W. l UALSTKAU, Nupt.
Superintendent's olliio. Scranton, Feb.lst,18i
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect NOV. Hill. IRJCl. NVnlna l.avA K,,n
9.4!) n. m., Sea shore Kxpreas (dally except
uuuaj,, iui iiiiiiiauuiK uuuiuieriiieuiaiosiaiious,
arriving at I'niiaueipiua 3.13 p. m. ; New York,
6.20 p. 111. ; llattlmoro, 4.40 p. in. j Washington.
5.50 1. in., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea
snore points. Through passenger coach to
1.45 p. m. Day express
dlale stations, arriving; at I
G.50 p.m.; .New ork, v.3.1 p. in.: lialtlmore
0.43 1). m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car
through to l'lilladelphla nnd passenger coaches
luruuu 10 1'uuuueipuia ana uaitiinore.
7.50 t). in. Kenovo AceoinlnOflritlnn M.iltv
for Harrlsburpr and all Intermedlato stations, arriv
ing ui 1 iiiiaueiiiiiiu j 11. 111. : rtuw lorK ,.Ou 11. m,
uaiiuuorc, o.yo m. ; ivasniugiou 0.30 a. m. r
SleenlUkT car hCCOtnmod.Ltlnils on lin hrcnrfd n
HarrUburg for l'lilladelphla and New York, on sun
days athiougli sleeping oar will be run; on this
iriuu uuin iiuaiusp i, 10 rniia(ieipuia.i'nuaaeipuia
uanociisvisvau ivuiuiu 111 Sleeper unuislurOCU UUU
7.10 a. m. Krle JIall (dally except Monday
lor llarrlsbuig and Intermediate stations.
arriving at, ruuaueipuia 8.23 n. in. New York,
ii.iiu a. in. iiaiiunoru ,13 n. in. ; wasmngton, v.:
a. m. 'lurougn I'uuinan sleeping cars urc run on
mis irain to ruuaueipuia, uaitimoro and washlni
ton, and through passenger coaches to I'hllade
phla and Uaitimoro.
6.20 a.m. Ei le Mall (dally except Sunday), to.
j,iiu nuu uu luieiiueuiaiu stations ana cananaai,
guu and Intermediate stations, ltochester, llufa'
loand Niagara 1'alts, with thiough Pullman Pal.
ace cars aud passenger coaches to Erie and lioch'
9.5,1-N'ews Express (daily except Sunday) for
Lock Ilavsn and intermedlato stations.
1.U) p. m Niagara Express (dally except Sun.
iwlu uuuiuieiiueuiaiu&iiiiious ana uin
andalguii and principal Intermedlato stations,
ltochester, iiullalo aud Niagara Falls with
through passenger couches to hano and ltochester
nun iuuui iu iiiiauispori
5.30 p. m. r'nst Line idally except Sundavlfor lie.
novo and intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat-
'n'1 iiin-iiiituiaiu biuuuus, wiiu mrougn pas
senger coaches to Kenovo and Walklns.
.2u a. m. Sunday mall for llenovo and Interme
diate stations.
iinuay man leaves rilliaocipilla 4.30 a. m
llarrisburrf 1.40 aiitMug at !unbury 9.20 a. m. with
miuuhu siecuiijuar uoui j'uiiaueiputa to wil
.News Expross leaves I'lilladelohia 4.30 a. m.
llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arriving at SunbuiT 9.5A a. m.
...,.... . NlJS"ra Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; lialllmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally
with through Parlor car from Philadelphia
,,.uBs1 w.u;uco irum i-miaaei,
phla and lialtlmore. ,
i ast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; l'hlladel.
Phla. 11. 50a. in. i Wnshlnirton. rji n ,n . n,nti.
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except bunday) arriving at
raTrhJjwtmTiiflt.i.V.".'! iftr.tP" passenger
vvvU.,vm . i.ttuuvifuta jiaiiiuiore.
trie . Mall leaves Now York 8.0U p. in. : Phlladoi
Phla, 11.20 0. in. : Washlnirtcn. iiinn n m ii .i.i
more, p. in., (dally exeept.Saturday) arriving
at sunbury 5.13 it. in., with through Pullman
Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and
Ua unioro and through passenger coaches from
ll.vil.llll.vil AMI MIItTll AMI WEST
llltA.MIl IIA.I.WAV.
.... . (Dally except sunuay.)
VMlKCSban-e .Mall leaves Slinlinrir in on a m
arnving nt Uloom Ferry 10.52 a. m., Wllkes-barre
tXPreSS East leaves Sllnlitlrv r. .IS n m nrrlflnr.
V , ;; f. . 1,1 ! iiiis-uuiio i.os p. m
ouuuui jr .nuu uu, ea ii iiKesuarro 10.4U a. in. arrlv
at liloom Feiry 12.15 p. in., Mtubury 1J.55 p. m
xpiess west leaves likes barre 2.43 p. m av
ng at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p. iu .sunbury 6.1i p.m.
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. in., arriving
at .lllooiu Ferry 10.U a. iu., llkes-Iiarro 11:35 u.m.
Sunday accommodation leaies Mlkes-llarre6:l5
P. in., arrh ins at Uloom Ferry, 0.48 p. in., sunbury,
Oen. .Manager.
J, It. WOOD,
Ueu. Passenger Agent
All kinds of work in Shout Iron, Roof
iny nnil Spouting promptly
mtentk'd to.
ttf"Sirtct attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
ISlociiisbiirg, Ftji.
JofjHsofl's Cyclopsdi,
HevUed at a cost of over fd0,0na lias 40 Edltara
und HI IK-pis,
It lsthellEST. SELW EASILY and FAST. Men
wanted In every county. Address,
II ureat Jones St.,
New York.
WAN1KI)-I,AI)IKS to work for us at
their own lioinea. 7 to (lo tier week can
oocnilitly tnaile. Konlioto. palutlniR no can vaa.--ln;
rot lull parttculam, nluaM adaiena, utonce.
crmcent Art Co., Uostou, Jlass., Uox uru.
mind nnd ovo thoso lovclv obicel
plumed iu tho most varied nnd trans
cendent uorccouaucM. If wn nnlv
hnvu onr hcnris fully in aocoid with
our worn wo can una rem genu mo
picasuro in uiu pursuit, ot nny cnllin
or business, aud brooding poultry I
certainly no excentton. It n ncrson
does not And any plonsuro In fiedinij
nis jowis nun cnrini; lor llieir wnntr
and needs ho had bettor l!o tin in in
entinly, for tho fowls are sure of being
uioiu ur less iiegitetiti sooner or Inter,
and neglect or earclissnefs efft cttmlly
ulniiks iirolit. Iticeditiu fowls for
prolit is not iiicotupatiiblu with breetl
inj llietn for plensiiiu too, and tlx)
tilings generally go hand in hand. If
jou go nt it to make a nrofitnblo btisi
nt'69 of k nnd find no pli-nsuio in jour
labor other llinn that bi ought by dol
lars und cents lenhzed, you stand a fair
chaneu of fnlluie. As n minna of
it creation for thu hard worked business
man it ulTorils lest as well iw diveision.
A changuof soeuo or occupation to tho
man ol pnru and business is n relief, n
sontliing biltn to his burdened mind.
L'ku unit) tho tired and thirsty traveler
u ho f, liters on thu nriel waste of tho
Lybinn desert, f.igln for an oasis
whereon hu may rest his wcniied limbs
ami cool Ills pnruiieU lips. Tlio man
of cam finds a pleasing relief after tho
wear and tear ot cvery-ilay life, to
miisu ami look nwhilo on tho varied
objects of uatuie. Wo Beo him now
letiiining from his placo of business
mill lio becomes as if hu wero a child
again, triizini; at this bud or flower, or
listening to tnu sonc of some cairud
biid. ' lint what a chango nwaits him
at home I Thero on thu creun sward
stands his flock of leathered favorites
waiting his approach.
They see him comu and instinctively
know hu is wearied and out of soits,
by the furtive ulanoe hu casts aside,
idiecnui creatures, tney aro uowiao
selfish. Tlio presiding chanticleer, liko
a lintliltil sentinel on Uiu watch towr,
gives onu of those peculiar screams of
wnrniug, tnev rue on foot and witnr
and flutter around his feet. The mind
of our caru-worn man receives a new
impiil-e. lhu labois of tho day aio
t'irgtilteii, antb'tho thousand and onu
mills una eml3 ot business which weigh
on his brain like an incubus, mo lulled
to rest as if by magic. Cold solhsh
iitss gives placu to sympathy and kind
ness and worthy aspirations bow in
humility to thu Creator's works bc-
beforo him. What a change I Tho
gioveling and speculative man who, a
fuiv hours before, thouulit of nothint
savu tho manipulation of stocks or
a corner in some speculative enterprise;
see him now in the midst of his ptts
talKing lo tins or tltat biril like a child,
see him stroke tho irlossv t)luinat:o of
his Leghorn pullet and hear him inter
rogate her on tho number of ecr;s she
has laid thus far, ecu liim smilu when
the consequential Bantam with trailing
wings aim on up too steps in trout, to
receive his cares, see him viuld to the
genllu pressure of the hand, how
iea8ca no seems when no hears his
muster say, "that beabrmht is a clever
fellow. One by one they past) befoio
nun in review. Ho examines tlio
comb of this onu to see that it d
sciibes a petfect arch, or thu lobes nf
another it thev arc freo from snots
and wrinkles, see him now balance tho
Langshan iu his hands and hear him
mutter to himself, "l lns fellow, if lie
keeps on, will beat Jumbo vet." The
coquettish Iloudan hen peers from be
hind her lurbaui d veil like a mooVish
maitien nna nines her time, alio lb
recognized by her ornamental dress
and is dismissed with the words.
Good lnyeis, thoso Houduns." The'
sprightly Hamburg moving liko a clip
per snip iu mu sail leceivis well mer
ited pruiit! for its beauty and protect-
iveness, while specimens ot lesser note
n:o along the smooth tuit in their best
appearanco awaiting a kind word from
tho care-worn man. 1? lit the shades of
evening me drawing nigh and as the
birds depart lotneir accustomed roost-
ng place, a serene smile seems to play
on the man s face as ho enters his
mansion with a lighter heart and light
er step for beintr iu company with his
iowis, aim lorgetting lor awhile, tho
cares of lifo.
The Confidence Man,
Josh Hillincs was a oroat student of
human nature. Ho liked nothlnir bet
ter lhau to watch tho different faces of
largo crowd when trreally excited
over something more than usual s and
ho was always ablo to draw some phil
osophic inference from tho study,
which, when uttered in his dry, humor
ous way, seemed tho more impressive.
lie was not always particular m his
dress, and ono day while walking in
Broadway ho was accosted bv a well
dressed fellow who took him for a
"Morton, my dear fellow, said ho
'how are you f '
"1 guess you aro mistaken in your
man, aint yon V replied Josh in au in
nocent tono of voice.
"Why ain't you Timotjiv Morton, of
Syracuse ?"
"No 1 m James W. Bailey of Roch
Tho younir mau looked confused.
begged his pardon, and then politely
took his leave. A couplo of blocks
further on ho met his companion, who
after a short talk followed Josh, aud
met him on tho next corner.
"Whv, how do you tlo, Mr. Bailov 7
How's everything in Rochester 1" was
his effusive greeting.
"I guess you aro mistaken in vour
man, ain't you ?" was Joih's last reply.
'Why, ain't you James W. Bailey
i isoehester I
"No, I'm timothy Morton of Syr
Dio would bo oonfldenco man felt
that ho had caught a Tartar, and with
out even making an apology hu slunk
nway into tlio crowd."
Tlio remaining copies of tho Historv
f Columbia Cotintv a book of COO
pages illustrated and bound in cloth
will bo closed out at SI. 00 each. 25
cents extra by mail. For salo at tho
Colujiiiian Oflice. Bloomsburtr. Pa.
Thero aro scores of persons who avn
sulTeting from somo form of blood dis
order or ski" diseMe, suoh as Scrofula,
Moils, eta, etc. Aftor a practical test.
II. Mercer nsscrtB that Acker's Blnn.l
Elixir will certainly ouro all sueli ills.
eases, including Syphillis and Rheuma
tism. Itis net a patent nostrum, but n
scientific preparation, ho guaiantees it,
Over one million boxn or" Ar.Wu
Pyspepsia Tablets sold iu tho past
twelve months, purely upon their
meiilp. Why guller with Chronic Con.
ipation, Dvsnensia. Sour Sinmnd,
Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Fetnolo
Troublt , when J. H. Mercer offlers
Sou relief and positivo cure in tho
i) spepsia Tablets. Ho Bells them on
a guarantee.
for Infants nnd Children,
'CMlorUlssowelladaptedtochlldrentliat I C&vtorla euros Colic. Constipation,
t recommend It as superior to any prescription I four Ptomach, PtarrhODa, Eructation,
known to me." II. A. Ascotn, M. I K"1 lo1" e''c tlc'1'' aa Promrte
IU So. Oxford St, llrooklyn, if. Y. Wltliouthljurlous modi cation
Tits Cestich Coiousr, 183 Pulton Street, N. T.
EconroMY wm&u practical
A Large and
MiMM rmiiyimi m bum
The Lowest Possible Prices
AT TSlffi
Populas flailing te
a.FQR -
Complete Novels and Other Works, oy Famous Authors, Almost Given Anay!
Tht fullowlng bookiiro(idbUlieJlrj DtH panipblm form, tuinj of them tiHntlaoiitelr llluolralrtl. ftml nil hre I rlntc I
from bo oil t) pi' upon imm1 pupcr Ttie irekl or a grckt varlei of ubji.u, nu 1 itituk no uu on eiun.lur
IUL w. i hunt null u Ut. -in in mi) ilil Lfl or h wuul 1 like to fooeit, la elulU Uuul furiu iktt bukk uulJ t(ji lixj
I. The Wliluw Itciloit I'uptr. Thl It the bwli
fcr whLU uur KriiJinoilier UunhJ till limy ctl.J, tuj
It I Jiut at funuj- to ir a It etr
t. Viiney Work far Home AJorinnfnt, an re
tire 1 new work utwn tlil lutijcct. iuulatuiiiic aud
praulewl lutru.tlou Tor iunloic Unej btkct. wall
puoketi, bmukcti, ue die ork, euibrglJery, eta., to., iu
fuirlr attjelcicautly lllmtritel.
3. (irlinin'ft t-'ulry Morlc for tho Yuunfi, Tin
Dnet eollaciliiii of fair; iluritft e?er iutdlsbetl, 1 li chiiJ
reuwlll li ili llqhtml with them.
i. The Luilj ot Hi ii Lul.iv llf Sir Walter Seoll.
"The I-wIt of tlie Lak' It a ron.ance In teria. aui g all
lb wrk i of Saoit nun it nnre licamlful than thl.
t. .Maiiuul ut' Ktliii?lU' lor I.alK'H ainl (Jiml.-riin, a
guile to poltieiict anil goo I brecJin, ghluc tUe nie ot
Hiujcni cil luette for all wjcaatoiii.
. The Humtui-i) Lrttcf Writer for I.allfi ant
Qentleineii, a uuitiplete guide to oof rp m luuo", hItihj
Claln dlreitIou4 fur the competition of leikr uf titty
In J. with limunmrabU forms au i exainlei.
T. WIntt'F CvvnliiK Hei(reutluiiatalarR4 cotltioa
efAcilug Charale. rableaut, ttaiuea, lutile, ho., ror
10.11 ithtfnu, jritate ibettriuali, aud tteuluti ut
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