The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 25, 1885, Image 3

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rll.t.innr;Vulcki;tSnTn,5!;.?';r.l',Jn-'' w'
pwtllla&L iTCf-rT.V
1 ft25V liciffihS'
1 1 Tolirlelurn. 1 llllniorf-, tf. h A. Ho'
For the cure of Coughs, Colch, Hoarsc
" Croup, Asthma, Eronchitis,
Whooping; Cou-h, Incipient Coni
surnptron, end for the relief of ccn
sump.ivo persona In ndvanccd ciacea
gists. Price, as cents.
The Columbian.
F1UDAV, DECUM1JKU 2.',, I88fl
(onitiiT tun no ui iinr. ttiu.r.
Trains on the Millaitelphta It. It. leave Uuiwrt
na fntlmv. . 1
:.IH n. in.
3:12 p. rn.
11: I J a. m.
0:13 p. in.
Trains on the D. L. & V. It. It. leaio Eioodsburc
6:21 a. m.
10.21 a in.
i!.ao p. m.
ifc.lo p. in.
MQ a. m.
11.11 a. in.
4:11 p. m.
8:17 p. m.
Trains nn tho N, &V. U. Hallway pass Dlcom
M.5J a. m. um p. in.
8.37 p. m. .1:15 p. m.
10:11 a ill G.Mpm
unless yon want to miss a great
opportunity. Tt is tho best oiler
over made by any newspaper in
this county.
We have made an arrangement
whereby we are enabled to send
WOULD for six months for
$i.oo cash in advance, to old
or new subscribers. Any old
subscriber can secure the benefit
of this oiler by paying up to
date, and one dollar additional.
The World is an eight jingo
weekly, and is the best Demo
cratic paper in the country.
Write us a postal card with your
address and wo will send you
The World andsamplc copies of
winter evenings will soon be here
when you will want something to
read, and by taking both papers
you will get all the general news
in one, and all the local news in
the other. The two papers can
not be obtained separately for
loss than $2.50 a year.
Think of it!
!0nly $1 for 6 Months.
Subscribe at once !
Tho executors of John Krlchncr decens
cd will sell valuable leal c'Mnle in Centre
and Orange townships, on Saturday, Jan
uary 23, 1880. See advertisement.
The executrix of A. C. Vanllew, decens.
cii will sell personal properly on the prem
ises In Lightstieet on Saturday Die 20th,
at 11 o'clock a. nr.
J. C. Sylvls is laid up with malarial fever
n ml rheumatism,
Mrs. J. II. Llngle or Ilillefonte, Is spend
ing the holidays with her rehtivcs here.
Misses Annie and Carrie Jamlsuir return
ed home last week to spend the holiday va
cation. A. N. Yost Esfj., is assisting in the post
ofllce this week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Itawliugs went l
Philadelphia on Wednesday.
Mr. Edward Hrugler is visiting rel'ilhc
here. He is a theological student at the
Gcucral Seminary in New York.
Prof. II. E. llarrett uud wife, formerly
teacher in the Normal School, will Usit
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, at the Normal next
Among the recent callers at this otllce
were Harvey George, Cyrus Dcmott, Lloyd
Miller, Ceo. Keekr, 11. S. Oman, V. Win.
tersteen, V. V. Hess, Jacob .Miller, A. 11.
Patterson, Simon Sitler, George Gray, Wll
Ham Evans, J. W. Kramer, 0. II. Wolf.
Mlchatl Heisldine, A. W. llelshllnc, O. W.
Poust, C. if. Coleman, Edward Hughes, P.
Hogenbuch, Jesse Hartman, W. II. Girton,
J. A. Karnes, 0. W. Cole, C. M. Smith, A.
. Stlne, Chas. Ash, I). IS. Whltmlrr,
I). Z. Hemaley, W. M, Quick, Edward
Lunger, M. M. Kline, Seth Shoemaker,
Peter Gross, 1). F. Herring, Mrs. W. J.
Allen, W. S. Hess, Emanuel Sitler, John
Drake, J. Alfred Kline, 0. W. Hrumslet
lcr. The week of prayer will begin Monday
January 4th, 1880.
A working suit for one dollar at I.owen
berg's. 2tl
There will bo an adjourned court for ur.
gumeut on January lllh.
The finest assortment of Plush Frames
la town at Clark's Hook Store.
Our agent, Mr. Leonard Ilomboy, will
make a trip through Madison township
next week,
11, M. Tubbs of tho Shlckshlnny JiW.o,
has been appointed Mercantllo Appraiser
of Luzerne county.
Come and see our standard poU in sets,
Dickens, Scott, lluskin, Irving, Eliot, Ac.,
at Georgo A. Clark's Hook Store.
rri.A Vnl.riab, mni-Hor Irlnl In Klllllvall
county last week, resulted '.in a verdict ot
voluntary mainiaugmer.
Thlrty.flve marriage licenses have been
Issued under tho new marriage law. Thlr.
teen of the number were Issued this month.
Sptclat rules In Photographs to teachers
during Institute week only., Artist.
Tlio Commissioners oi Monday appoint
cd Y II, llclnbold of Coiiyngliam twp., as
Mercantile Appraiser for 1880.
Services at St. Paul's P. E. Uliurcli will
begin nt half past ten on Christmas morn
Ing. The cliurcli Is bcntitlfnlly decorated
and tlio mustc will bo tuiustially good.
If you want lo seen nice lino of Buell
and Portland cnttirs, go lo MIIIIImllK In
eriilre nt hotel. at.
The new bnlldlnp nt ibn Normal Kr-lmnl
Is bdng pushed vtry rapidly. Sir. Hont
Keeps ins masons nl Iho lulck work as long
a9 lie can keep tho tnurlnr from freezing
Ii. llemnrtl l.ns a lino etoch of watelies,
jewelry mid silverware Onlv first class
goods at low pilces nil goods wurranted as
repiescnteil. dec U-tf
Connirtlons for slenm heat tiro being
made by E. II. Little, Col. Freeze, 0. W.
Miller, I. W. MeKelvy, L. S. Wlntersteen,
L. E. Waller, Dr. Metis, nnd others.
The Danville Court adjourned on Tues
day morning. Seventeen Indictments were
acted on by Die Grand Jury. All the Hvll
cases but one wcio continued, and that
was referred to three arbitrators.
Have you seen the suit for one dollar nt
Lowenbcrg's. 2t.
Christmas exercises will bo hild in the
Lutheran thiiich (Thutsday)evenlug, com
rnencing at half past seven o'clock. Music
will be the chief feature, for which consld
eralile lime has been spent In preparatlrn.
Tickets for tho course of lectures at the
County Institute will not be put on salo un
til .Monday, 1 p. in., Dec. 23lh. Dr. D. a.
.Monroe, will deliver tliu address of wel
Illustrated poems and gilt books of all
kinds in great varieties at George A,
Clark's Hook Store.
The Coi-fMiiiAN Is tlie only paper In tlio
county that gave its readers the President's
message in full, nnd the usual amount of
reading matter at the same lime. The Co.
LCMiiiAN is the only paper that issues sup
plements. Make some heart happy on Christmas
day. While you ore enjoying your own
delicious dinner, be able to do so with the
knowledge that you have contributed to
the pleasure of others. Remember the
C. E. Savage has just riceived a nice
line o( Ladies' and Gents' gold and silver
watches, jewelry in all the latest novelties,
nnd silverware of all the ncwejt designs.
Suitable for Christmas prescuts. Call and
see. The prices will please you. St
The assessors of tlio town have complet
ed their labois, and the result shows an
increased npgicgate valuation on real es
tate of nearly 40 per cent over tho last as
sessment. 'I he figures are as follows :
18S0. 188,i.
Heal estate '91,501.130 $G!7.fiT0.
Horses fc rattle 29.930 13.385.
Household furniture 2.400 2.T00.
Pleasure carriages 2 2.10 H.QKi.
Trades, occupatlon.itc Ol.'JO."! 89.220.
llrass Key Hacks, Ash Iieceivers, Pal-
ctts. Plaques, Scrolls, Easils at Clark's
Hook Store.
li. F. Kinney died at his home, near
niooniFburg early Monday morning, of ty.
phoid pneumonia. He had been sick but
a short lime. Mr. Kinney was a pmetleing
dentist in this place about fifteen years ago,
soon after which lie moved above Hlooms.
burg, nnd give Ids attention to bee-raisliig,
and cultivating of choice small fruits. The
funeral took place on Wednesday after
noon. He leaves a widow and several
Have you seen tho suit for one dollar at
Lowenbcrg's. 2t,
Tho Slenm Healing'Coinpany have been
considerably delayed wi'lr their boilers,
The manufacturers did net finish them in
llmo spiclllcd. The Heating Company
Iiao pushed Die rest of the work very rap
idly, except the election of Die bulldinA,
which ought to have been finished long
ago. Probably within tlio next thirty days
tho work will be completed, and it is to be
hoped it will he entirely successful and tho
cili.ens take advantage of the comfort af-
forded by the use steam.
Don't fail to see tho display of Christ-
mas Presents, at Clirk's Hook Store.
Gen. liennregard will give a history of
the Shiloli Campaign in the January num
ber ot the North American Iteview. He
claims that Gen. Algernon Sydney Johnson
acted only as a corps comrnanderat Shlloh.
Gen. lli-urt paid emphatically asserts (con-
trnryto the common belief) that ho was
the solo rmmnamlcr on both days, and.
wiljiout naming them, controvcrtsj the re.
ports of Grant and Sherman as to the na-
lion's forces being taken by surprise.
Pocket Honks, Hill Hooks, Writins Cases.
Curd Cafes, Cigar Cases, at Clark's Hook
In the Cox Jump murder case the jury
rendered a verdict of guilty of voluntary
maiulaughter. Tlie judge gave his cliargo
to the jury Thursday mornlug, after which
the jury letlrcel but could not agree until
11 o'clock In the evening. Whcnthojury
first retired the majority of them were for
ac((uittol, but one member of the jury held
for murder in the first degree, nnd would
not give way. The verdict was at last
reached as above. Tho penalty for such
offence is a fine of l,000,scparatc nnd sol-
llary confinement at labor, or slniplo im.
prisonmcnt, for a period not exceeding
12 j cars.
Toilet Sets, Work Hoxes, Gets' Shaving
Sets, Manicure Sets, Albums, Card Cases,
Writing Desks, Ac , at Georgo A. Clark's
Hook Store.
Do you desire your son, daughter, wife,
husband or friend to associato wiih pure,
intelligent and noble characters f Then
make them n Christmas Present of tho
beautiful and interesting book, "Some
Noted Princes, Authors and Statesmen of
Our Time," by that moat enjoyable of Ame.
rlcan biographers, James Parton, and oth
ers equally uoted. Anyone desiring tho
woik will please drop a postal to tho un
dersigned who will tako great pleasure In
calling upon them and showing them tho
book. Demit B. Heat,
Dec4-4w Hupert, Pa.
List of letters remaining In tho Po3t Of.
(ice at Hloomsburg for week ending Dec.
22, 1885:
.Miss Lou Andes, Miss AdttCrawford.Mrs.
Maggie J. Craford,(2);.Mr. S. Funkliouser,
Miss Theresa llelrl, .Mrs. jano ueiu, .Mr.
A. A. Murphy, Mrs. Catharine Prentls,
Mrs. Hannah Smith (2), It, 11. ;Smlth, By),
vester S. Vognctz, Mrs, ltcbecca Yohe.
Ida May Andy, M, L. Funkhauser, John
II. Howtr.:
Persons calling for above pleaso say
Gkoikii; A. Ci.aiik, P, M.
Gold Spectacles and
Clark's Hook Store.
Eye Glasses at
Tuesday evening December 22nd about
fifty Invited guests met at tho liouso of D.
F. Weiss to eclcbrato tho fifteenth nnnl
vcrsary of tho marriage of Mr. & .Mrs. D.
F. Weiss. A great many handsome ;nnd
useful articles of glasswaro were given to
tho happy couple. Tho host and hostess
seemed to have determined to outdo their
many friends In the matter of presents nnd
therefore gnvo as flue n supper as any.nno
could desire. At about 11 o'clock tho
party separated, all pleated with tho few
short hours merit together. .May they en
Joj their slher nnd golden wedelthg Is tho
w Islr ot '.belt many friends.
Wc have just received the follow Ing New'
Music from Illalr itLydon, Publisher8,l!os.
Way Up High, fine minstrel song, (40
cts.) by Frank Collins j Sweet Lltllo Stan,
nlc Snow, (40 cts,) by O. Elton Georgo
Forgive nnd Forget, (35 cts.) by K. Slier,
wood; "You drenrn cf mo love, nnd I'll
dream of You' (35 cts.) by W. J. Allen.
The Hrldgc, Transcription, (60 cts.) by
A. E. Warren Grade's Hondo, (20 cts.)
by Hlrcher j Lotta Wallz, (50 cts.) J. W.
Turner. The last two are easy and pret-
Tho Winter term of tho Statu Normal
School of this district at Hloomsburg will
begin on Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1880. Tho
present is tlie largest attendance the school
has ever had In tho fall. Additional teach
ers havo bceii obtained since the term be
gan, nnd a building containing twenty-six
recitation looms Is now going up.
Thoroughness of Instruction Is the aim
of the teachers. Full professional stand.
Ing is conferred by tlie diploma, and tui
tion Is almost free to those graduating with.
In two years. The school Is represented
now by students tn Wclleslcy, Vassar, Am
hcrst, Williams, Lafayette and Dickenson.
Cards for half fine tickets good on the
Lehigh Valley, Heading and D. L. & W. It
Ur., may be had from the Principal,
dec 11-lw D, J. Waller, Jr.
Holiday IvxciirHlon KiiIchoI tlie
1'ciiiih1viiii1ii IlcllroiMl.
Pursuant to the usual custom of the
Pennsylvania Hallrnad Company excursion
tickets for holiday travel will bo sold be
tween nil stations on the Jmaln line and
branches December 23d, 24th, 25111, 30th,
nnd 31st., and January 1st, 1880, good to
return until JanuaryJ4th, ut a considerable
reduction from ordinary rates. Tills will
enable all, who desire it, to indulge in tho
pleasure of holiday excursions nnd social
visits, nt very small expense.
As fine and cheap Christmas Cards as In
town, nt George A. Clark's Hook Store.
Mcetlii-r of I'omoiia firmiKC No. 5,
Pomona Grange No. 5, composed of Co
lumbia and Lower Luzerne counties, will
hold its next regular meeting in Correll's Hloomsburg.on Friday January Is,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Forenoon Session. Opening of meeting
n regular order. Address of welcome by
E. H. Little. Hcsponses by H. G. F.
Kshlekir Regular order of business.
Afternoon Feiion. A poem for the
Good of Hie Order, by sUter M. L. T. Harl.
man. Installation of officers by Deputy
Hidleman. Questions nnd answers. The
fifth de'gree will be conferred on quite a
number of candidates in full In the evening
and a good attendance is expected.
.1. H. Hear, Master.
S. J. Conner, See;'.
Farmcr'n Friend.
Musi he seen at once, suit for a dollar at
Lowenbcrg's- 2t.
l'ciuisy Ivanla c:miieaiicl I'lHli I'ro. Ib.i.nliill.,,,.
The first steps towards the formation of
tho nhove named association arc now be
ing taken in this vicinity and have already
met witli hearty Fiippnrt, Tlie movement
is not intended to bo confined to sportsmen
but tlio hearty aid of farmers and town
dwellers is desired. Tlie object us set fortli
in the application for charter comprises
not only the protection of game and fish
but the preservation of all birds that are
useful to tho community. It is proposed
to issue bulletins for tlio benefit of the pub
lie setting fortli tho food supplies of mnny
of our common birds to show in what way
tlie'y'nre of a benefit or detrimental It is
also an object of tho association to sccuio
the best laws for the protection of game,
insectivorous bir-'s nnd fish and see that
such laws aro enforced. Information will
bo obtained for the benefit of members con
cerning the nbundanco of game and fish
throughout the State with instructions con
cerning means of access cost of transporta
tion and other information desired on the
subject. Membership fees havo been fixed
at $1.00 which with small yearly dues will
entitle one to nil the privileges of tho asso
elation. Further particulars can be had of
T. M. Chnlfnnt, Pres., or C. J. Pennnck,
Sec, Kcnnett Square, Pa. Membership
fees may he forwarded to above or D.
Duer Philips, cishier National Hank, Ken.
nctt Square. The Kennetl .Idmuee, Dee. 12,
A working suit for one dollar ul Lowen
berg's. St.
Christian Small was In Danvilln one day
last week.
"Doc" Francis Glassmycr lost ono of his
roadsters a few' days since.
Protracted meeting nt the Itoaringcreck
brick church Is still in full blast.
Hev. Ilerold began "long meeting" at
the Fiirnnco U, H. Church on Sunday even
Ing. Don't forget the Honrlngvllle band fair,
shooting match and drawing tho 20th lost.,
and Jan. 1st and 2nd.
William Yeager of CatawUsa anil Mr.
Gelger of Herks county nro at present vis-
Itors in this village'.
C. Wilson Sllno and G. H. M. llelwlg
surprised their many friends by returning
home from Dakota last Thursday where
they had been over eight months. They
look hale.
Hy tho upsetting nnd bursting of a kero
sene lnmp Thursday evening by a mem
her of tho family of Henry Yenger, what
might hnvo been n serious lire was fortu
nately extinguished without much damage.
Georgo Lolou ended his earthly career
on Tuesday of last week, and was laid to
rest in thu Frleneis burial grounds Thurs
day. He lived to the ripe old ago of eighty,
five years.
While In altcndanco at court last week
through tho kindness of .Mr. Cox the tip
staff we had tho pleasure of Inspecting tho
mechanism composing tho county's tlmo
piece (or clock) on tho court house,
A Meimiv Christmas.
EccU's Emulsion of Puro
Coil I.lvl'rOII Willi llIOlllOHlllltCN
Is Excellent in Luni; Troubles,
Dr. Enoch Calloway, LaGrange, Git , says'
I have used Scott's Emulsion with won.
dcrful success In all Lung troubles, a'so
find It has no equal in Summer Dlarrlm'a of
Tlio remaining copies of tlio History
f v. 1 1.!., fi ... 1. f rtt
I Ul lUlUlUUIil I'Mllll, 11 IJIIUH Ul UUU
panen illustrated and bound in cloth
will be closed out at SI 00 each, 25
cents extra by mail. For salt) at. tlio
Coi.muMK Ollloe, liloomsburj, Pa.
1 if.
Christmas from all appcaranco will bo
enjoyed by the M, K. Church by way of a
Christmas trco for tho benefit of tho child
Hev. Hycr took Into full membership on
Sunday afternoon the following persons
viz. i Misses Florence HolTman, Clara and
Eva Trump, Myra Grimes, Mrs. Ella Whnr.
ton nnd Alvrii Kelm,
The last quarterly conference for the
year ending .Match 1st will bo held In the
M. E. Cliurch, Saturday, Dec. 2Clh 1885.
Commui Ion on Surida) following.
M. A. Hicks gave a lcsturo In the school
house on Saturday evening on tho subject
of Chronology) from what we learn from
those who attended It Wns good.
Our townsninn,John Eckroth who knows
how to raise swine to full extent, this year
killed five hogs the weight of which Is as
follows t 101, 495, C4t, 551 omr 605. The
weight no doubt was certainly more as
they had to cut them up tn order to weigh
L. M. Pettlt dressed over seven hundred
head of turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens to
supply his trado at Ilnz.lcton. llaltls Vhlte
did ample justlco to a like ntnount for Ids
Geo. Vanllew returned to town on Satur
day with three head of horses from Phila
delphia A. M, White Is differing from it severe
attack of rheumatism,
A. H. White sold Ids driving horse to
Sam White of Catnbra nnd purchased one
of A. M. White a 5 year old.
ICaHt ilciilnn.
Lat Tuesday a week Harmon L. Stlne
slipped on the Ico nnd fell and broko his
leg. Dr. Davidson of Cnmbra set the bone,
There Is no more Industrious person in the
county than Harman. This unfortunate
mishap will conslan him to the confines of
close winter quarters. Serious acoldents
often occur from unaccountable nnd trilling
circumstances, and hair breadth escapes
arc often made from alarming and nppa
rent danger.
Last week F. S. Smith's team ran away
with a load of lumber near "Five Points"
the wagon colliding with a 'reo and
crushing a leg of one of tlie horses, neces
sitating the killing of the unfortunate ani
mal which was a valuable one, nnd a great
loss to Mr. Smith.
Last Sunday a week as Ash Gregory and
family of Fairmont were (fa a pleasure ex
cursion, a wagon axle broke, throwing the
family nut, unfortunately breaking a leg
of a child four or five years old. Ash had
one of his legs Ifroken four or five years
Mrs. Catharine Shultz fell last week ser
iously hurting her hand.
Hev. Smyser, P. E. preached at Hamlin
last Friday evening the protracted meeting
has been thus far a success under the nus
pices of Hev. G. V. Savidgc.
The fourth and last quarterly meeting
was held nt Henton last Friday. Commun
ion nnd love fenst on Sunday. Tho Pre
siding Elder preached on Sunday evening.
The weather is changeable1.
Answer to last week's puzzle, "David J.
List Monday morning Mrs. Frank Myers
(of ilio Coleman homestead) after rising
was complaining ill, and remarked that
she believed she wns dying, and died sud
denly that same day.
On lnt Monday evening as Clell Mich
ael of Cambra nnd Amos Conner of Henton
were felling a tree on -tho Thoma Davis
farm (now owned by Alf. Mcllenry) near
Holmes' mills, a limb fell, striking young
Michael on the forehead, and when last
heard from was not expected to live.
Mr. William Wallace Wenncr nnd Miss
Amanda Heisldine, daughter of Mr. Levi
Heisldine, and organist of tho St. James
Sunday school and Hcformed congrega
tion, nil of Hcndertown, were united In tho
bonds of matrimony tills (Thursday 24tlr
Dec.) the uuptlal knot having been Heel
by Hev. A. Houtz.. This young couplo
also adds to the "endless list of testimony
that single blessedness Is only a delusion
nnd has always been, still is, and ever shall
be ignored by the young people whenever
opportunity offers convenient and favora
ble circumstances. Lookout, Wallace, for
a "great big" serenade on Christmas eve
with old tin pans, cow bells, horns and
horse fiddles, Ac.
Forthe colcmman.i
Theory anil l'racllce.
Mev-rs Editors :
Dear Sin : Much has been said and writ
ten concerning ".Method" "Theory," "I'm.-,
tlce," Ac. "Theory nnd Practice" aro terms
many supposo to be Identical and the snme.
Hut llko "Tact and Talent," are as oppo-
site as positive and negative. Those term
in principle and experimental praetlee.caii
not becomo a united power, exctpt, the-y
aro combined In the individual. Theory Is
only tho imaginary work of the mind, based
upon presumed self evident facts, seldom
reduced to practice by the same individual.
Practice Is the consummation of the work,
bv experimental performance. After an
elaborate preparation through years of per
severance In study nnd npptcnticcship im
til tlio individual becomes skilled In the
acts and professions or occupations, after
which ho relies wholly upon experimental
knowlcdgo i not upon theory. Every per
son's vocation In life U tho "tread mill"
upon which ho depends for a llving.wheth
er in tho service of public or privato inter
est, corporate or iiu'ivldual, mechanical or
agricultural, professional or -educational,
church or slate. It is always desirable to ob.
tain tho most in the least possible tlmo and
at the least possible cost; therefore skill and
experimental knowledge aro always prefer,
able to theory. It is not an cmy tiling for
one individual to reduce to successful prac
tice the theory of another individual, It
Is the next thing to an utter Impossibility.
Every individual has his own peculiarities,
channels nnd medium of thought, power
of communicating Ideas, or of Imparting
Instruction. A person may be a good tlico.
retlcal farrrcr, but a practical and experi
mental failure. lie may also bo a good
theoretical tcacher.but nevertheless a prac.
Ileal and experimental failure. Tills prln.
clple applies to nil vocations In life. Nature
teaches the natural order of things. Theory
conlllcts. What is necessary, particular,
ly In our schools, aro good common sense,
and experimental knowledge reduced to
practical nnd earnest work by a corps of
faithful and competent teachers, when tho
best results may not only bo expected, but
always realized, Tho teachers' profession Is
peculiar In itself. No matter how well
qualified Intellectually tho teacher may be,
If ho has not tho power, or adaptability ;of
communicating, or Imparling hit know-
edge to others, no amount of theory will
Improve his capacity. A successful teach
er must be ono naturally and practically.
Theorcllcally ho Is a failure, except tho
theories, havo been proyed and tunnel to
bo In direct lino of his coureo and conduct,
Attention Is called to the advertisement
of Keller's Catairh Hcmedy, tho great
blood purifier of tho world, in another col
unio. Ono bottle posicfsc-s inoro virtue
lli mi a half dozen of 11 3 ordinary patent
Wo will send by mail post-paid to any
constable in the county, one dozen election
notices on receipt of 20 cents. This Is much
cheaper than they can bo wtltton, tf
.Must bo teen ut once, 'suit for a dollar at
Lowenbcrg's. 2t.
Heretofore wo havo given tho nows up
till Tuesday evening but hereafter we send
In our items Tuesday morning.
Our village smtth, A. H. Hartman had
his left arm badly bruised on Saturday
last, while closing the big doors ot his
J. E. Whlto and wife aro both 111 with
the quinsy.
Our new postmaster Is giving entire sat
isfaction, Fruit agents are canvassing Hemlock In
all parts at tho snme time. Everywhere
Protracted meeting In the M. E. Church
will close on Thursday evening of this
Quito a number of this place frceruently
attend tho meetings of the Salvation Army.
Tho following was handed us for pro
nunciation r Chnrgoggagoggagoggrnauch
nKKKgogg. It Is the name of a small lake
In the Stato of Massachusetts. Will some
one pleaso he'p us out ? Not out of the
Our young peoplo render Mr. East Hen
ton's puzzlo to bo David J. Waller.
Wo give one In return i
1 nm composed or six letters.
Tli reo vowels and three consonants make
I am a dlssyllablo and both of my parts
nro slmplo words,
My 1, 2, nnd 4, Is a representation.
My 5 and 0 Is an abbreviation.
My 3, is the seventh letter of the alpha
bet. My wholo Is a pie.
Dont fall to see the beautiful Artotypcs
in Georgo A. Clark's window.
Court lroceclniN.
J. J. Crawford vs H, Thomas, jury re
turned n verdict for Plaintiff for $20 with
This was a suit about a lino fenco be
tween tho lands of the parties, in Mt.
Pleasant, nnd involved n strip of land two
feet wide and and thirty rods long. The
defendant alleged that tho fenco stood on
tho lino from 1858 to 1881, when the plain
tiff moved it over about two feet, and In
18S4 the defendant moved It back. This
Crawford denied, and brought an action of
trespass u tt amis. There Z were about
thirty-four witnesses nnd tho trial occupied
about two'days. Clark and Zarr for plaint-
iffs.lkeler and Herring for defendant.
Decree entered for satisfaction of nmoit-
gage of Jncob Krcigh to Joseph Brobst et
A. H. Herring nnd J. H. Casey vs. S. C.
Crensy. Case tried, verdict for defendant.
Grant Herring Esq., appointed auditor
of public accounts.
liond nnd recognizance of Samuel Smith,
sheriff, approved by the court.
Theusual ordeis for veulrcs were made.
Ordered that jury commissioners place 500
names in tlio jury-wheel for the ensuing
Philip Postcn ct nr. vs. J. Hay & Sons,
reasons filed by defendant's attorney for a
new trial.
Commonwealth vs. D. F. Scybert, recog
nizance of defendant, Mahala Craig and G.
M. Lockard forfeited in open court, and
further proceedings stayed until further
Petition filed hy voters of Jackson town-
ship for change of place of holding elec
tions. Court order that an election be held
for said removal on the 10th day of Feb.
C. C. Hughes vs. .1. W. Albertson, judg
ment by agreement for plaintiff for the
lands described in thu writ, upon condi
tion that if tlio defendant pay the plaintiff
the sum of 341.50 with interest, on or be
fore April 1st, 1880, then their judgment
to be satisfied, and deed to bo made to de
fendant. Hone! in Heaver near Mlfllln Cross Hoads
coufirmed nisi.
J. G. Freeze continued as auditor lu es
tate of Thos. W. Young.
C, G. Harkley cor tinned as auditor in cs-
tato of-Mary F, Trembly.
J. G. Freezo continued as auditor In cs-
tate of Cora F. Creveling.
J. H. Hobison uppolnted auditor on ex-
ceptlons and to dlstnbuto funds In hands
of M. P. Lutz. assignee of O. H. Hrockway.
Order of attachment continued in estate
of Henjamin Llndenmuth.
Geo. E. Elwell continued as auditor in
estate of Patrick Murphy.
F. Hosier to use of S. P. Kaso and S. P.
Wolverton vs. D. It. & W. It. it. Utile on
plaintiffs to show cause why tho judgment
enteied on this case should not bo stricken
Estatu of Moses Everett, adoltlonal ex.
ceptlou tiled, and W. Chrlsman appointed
J. II. Maize Esq., appointed auditor tn
mako distribution in the estate of E. J. Mc
llenry, is. U. Funk Esq., appointed nudltor to
report on exceptions to account of J. W.
Heecc, guardian of Laura Parker,
lias order of sale In estate of Daniel
In ru conyngliam township judgment,
order of court of Sept. 4, 189, relating to
payment of judgment so modified as to di
rect tho Prothonotary to pay all unpaid
record costs out of the fund to parties en
titled thereto.
JSamo order In matter of judgments against
conyngliam and Centralla Poor District.
O. G. Harkley appointed auditor to dis
tribute proceeds of riticrilt's sales of real
estate of I). S. Drown.
Hulo on guardian ot minor children of
John and Augellne Sands to giro further
Hulo granted to show cauio wiiy the real
estate ot Cora Jano Hawk shall not be sold
by hcrjguardian, by reasou of dilapidation.
W. Huckcll, executor, vs. F. Weaver.
Judgment for plaintiff for waut of affidavit
of defense.
Hide to show cause why sheriff's sale ot
real estate of John Wallers should not be
set aside.
Geo. E, Elwell appointed nudltor to tils
tribute fund duo on mortgage of Jacob
Krelgh to Joseph Hrobst ct nl.
Guy Jacoby appointed auditor In estate
of Charles Dollrnan.
Grant Herring uppolnted commissioner
to tako testimony In Mary C, Sheep vs L.
W. II. Huawn continued as auditor in
estate of Joseph Hess.
Jesso O, Linn discharged under Insolvent
Hule on heirs of Daniel Niiss to come in
nnd take or refuso the real estate of dece
dent, or show cause, Ac.
Chronic Cittarrli.
I was troubled wllh chronic catarrh and
gathering In head, was deaf at time, had
discharges from ears, unablo to breathe
through nose, llefore tho second bottle of
Ely's Cream Halm was exhausted I was
cured. C. J, Corblu, 1)23 Chestnut street.
Philadelphia. dec lUw
Harry Faux Is training "Flornl L" that
promises fine speed for tho races of 18S0.
He has charge ot some flno racing stock.
He Is to take cliargo of tho driving park
Waverly, N. Y., shortly.
Dr. I In Her, Ncicopick, has met with
singular success In several terlotis cases of
diphtheria during tho past week.
Isaiah Hower Is not only n prominent
merchant, but has wielded important Intlu.
enco In the political nffatrsof our town and
county lias been a prominent member ot
our Town Council, was ono of the orlglnn-
tors of our Odd Fellows' Hall, superintend-
cut of Sunday schools and a large dor.ator
to tlio Evangelical church to which ho be
longs, nnd yet his namo so seldom appears
In thu papers.
On 2nd January thero will bo a public
Installation of officers In the Opera House
of tho G. A. H. Should the weather prove
at all favorable thero will bo a crowded
hall. The ofllcci s were elected on tho 5th
of December, I. W. Scott Commander.
Wo would willingly glvo their names, but
haven't tho space; sufllco It to say It is a
creditable array of good men. Wo feel
confident the Jackson Post will bo con
ducted efficiently and smoothly during the
coming 1880.
Our Chautauqua Circle Is getting nlong
smoothly. It was Intended to encompass
the masses ot tho people, but they dont
seem to lay hold of tho advantages the clr
clo offers, Thero was a Chautauqua Circle
2,000 years ago, Everything was made
public and everything was brought to the
greatest perfection. It was In her Odeum
Sophocles, Euripides nnd Aeschylus play
ed their tragedies. Here Apellcs painted
not for tho few, but the many. Hero Phi
dias beautified the city with his chiseled
marbles. Here Pericles reigned. Here
Socrates taught nnd Plato was followed to
tho shady retreats by all classes. Here
Demosthenes hurled his anathemas against
Philip of Maccdon. It was u grand city
and nil on the Chautauqua Circle style.
Athens Is a bright gem In the annals of his
tory. Prof. Lehman Howman of Carlisle, is
visiting friends here.
Our stores have put on a gay appearance
for the holidays.
A tobacco man came around here last
week and gave away tobacco by the whole-
There will be no school during the boll-
As our cemetery is now or.o of the finest
why should It not receive a proper name,
such as Pine Mound or Hosemont.
As our nation ha3 gone on for a century
and our distinguished He scattered through,
out the land why should we not have some
great central placo to deposit them, espee
ially those who die in the future? England
has such a place, and nearly all tho old na
tions of Europe. We trust the day Is not
far distaut when such a place will bo oe.
lectcd. Washington would be tho appro
priate city, or New York.
The new buildings for the pipe works,
make a good show.
The M. E. Sunday school as usual, Is
making fine preparations to mako a demon
stration on Christmas Eve in the way of
gifts to the children.
Tho boys' drum corps connected with
our G. A- H. is getting along rapidly. It
will soon be able to make Its nppenrance
upon our streets.
Tho papers nre full of Florida. If all ac
counts arc true that state has a bright fu
ture. Some ot our citizens talk of going
there shortly.
A good many of our farmers will chango
tenants this Spring.
Watchmaker Snyder is selling off the
John Eggert stock.
Henry Cooper's house, Nescopcck, is
about completed. It is handsome und
Williams & Son's hnvo been selling large
quantities of coal there this season.
Gideon Helshlitic.our Chief Police brought
from Fishingcrcek last week 12 pheasants,
2 squirrels and a rabbit. Was limiting one
day. A good haul.
Since the water has been let outbf the
canal, large quantities of fish have been
Congregational singing is adopted In
many of our large places. Would it not he
well to adopt it in our small towns, tho
way the singing comes off by some of our
choirs ?
Samuel Fowler's and Mrs. Klsner's farm
houses above town, nro couple of the finct
in this section And they have an excel
lent view of the river. Altitude 95 ft.
Geo, Depew is a faithful manager of the
water works. It begins to pay something
to the stockholders.
.Tnmpa fMmm1inrlnln lina rp,ntlir mnvpil
into tlio new bridge house, and has com
fortable quarters.
Newtown has a sprightly lot of young
What can bo done to prevent mine dlsns-
ters ?
Hev. Yocum will deliver an address at
the Installment ot tho officers of G. A. It.
Wo fear that somo of our business men,
who bought sleighs for sale, wiM havo to
put them away, and let them blanket them,
selves with cobwebs till snow comes nnolli.
er winter.
We are glad to note Hint tho Y. M. C. A.
library is right well patronized, yet there
Is room for Improvement. Our town has
gone Into expense to put up a flno building
on thu choicest lot In llcrwick, tho old cor
ner of Jesse Howman, deceased, of easy ao
cess and in tho heart of tho business por
tion of the town. The building Is well
heated, lighted splendidly throughout, a
gymnasium, bath room, with other nppen
dages, n largo upper hall, and another good
one, an organ and the library.
Thu best company is our best writers and
authors. Gossip and wandering thu streets
from store to storo und from hotel to
saloon will never take their place.
The music at our debating society Is very
WEAVEU-.MoIIENHY.-On thu 15th
Inst., nt the home of the bride's mother, by
Hev. 1). M. Klnter. Mr. Warren B. Weave
of Fishingcrcek township, and Miss Attn
K. Mcllenry, daughter of tho late lion. E
J. Mcllenry of Stillwater. The brldo wti
tlie rceiplcut ot numerous and handsome
Now that tho Pennsylvania Canal l
closed for the season, the boatmen aro dis
cussing what Is lo be done for next season,
The company havo not built ony new boats
for sevetal years, but havo been constantly
rcpairlug thu old ones, until there Is scarce
ly anything remaining to work upon. Eith
er the company must reduce tho number
ot boats or build new ones. If they con
elude to replcuUh their stock there will be
n good denl of woik for our boat yards
Espy would certainly be grateful to learn
that new boats are to be built. This town
has buffered much for the last few years
because so few boats have been built.
rnaiDELNru, December 21, 18SS
Open nights till ten o'clock,
till Christinas.
It is no lipht task to make
jrovision for those who come
from now till Christmas when
ever there isn't an actual all-day
ilown-potir ol rain, Merc room
is much, to say nothing of busi
ness. 1 ne strain oi tnese ten
clays is necessarily great. It is
fair to ask your cooperation in
the public interest as well as our
You are welcome to see the
spectacle, store and goods and
jeople. Uuyer or not, you are
welcome all the same. The
sight is but once a year and one
in the world. Your seeing it-
elf is part of the spectacle,
hit, if you please, submit to be
crowded, keep your patience,
and make the crowd endurable
by these slight deprivations :
Keep to the right wherever
you are.
Do not stop in any aisle.
Get off the main passages. A
passage is quickly blocked.
Avoid the excessively crowd
ed places by going around them,
unless you wish to go there.
1 hey are : the handkerchief
quarter ; gloves : laces ; books;
ine tune ctrcic arounu ine cen
tre, middle ol middle aisle ; the
gift-quarter, northwest from the
centre ; the central stairway
down to the basement and up
from the basement ; the whole
toy-quarter, northeast corner of
jasement ; Christmas cards,
across the aisle from the restaur
ant ; the restaurant ; confection
ery ; cars of course. Apart
from these and possibly other
quarters and passages the store
is not so very full. The best
ookouts over the store are from
the second floor on the Market-
street front (rugs and carpets),
on the west front (furniture),
and along the east and west
transepts (furniture, upholstery.)
Come m the hours when the
store is clearest. lhey are :
before ten in the morning ; from
one to three in the afternoon ;
and from six' to eicht in the
evening. There: are those who
will thank us for these sugges
tions. But come whenever you will.
The store is open for pleasure
as well as for business. We
arc: satisfied to contribute our
share to the Christmas Show
and take our share in your all-the-year
round remembrance
not of the Christmas Show of
the place you and we together
lave partly built, where we buy
and sell with so clear an under
standing, with so much good
will and with mutual satisfaction
and profit.
Come whenever you will.
The store is open from top to
bottom, lhere are guides lor
strangers who want them. There
arc no strangers here. You are
welcome visitors.
No matter if the invitation
reaches some of you after the
7air. You knew it was going
on : were tnere to see very like-
y ; at any rate you knew the
welcome beforehand. It is
worth the printing nevertheless
to send it.
Remember next Christmas,
and all the year between.
John Wanamaker.
Chestnut, Thlrtceuth and Market streets,
ana city-hall square.
An Invitation Is clven to visit I. W. Hart.
man & Bon's store to examine their holiday
goods. Muny new goods will bo offered
niter thu Christmas rush.
Another bin cut in ru ices of winter coods
at Snyder ifc Sleppy's More at Orangeville.
Cheapest store In the county. Call und see
our siocainci.
Plated knives and forks at Schuyler's
Clark & Son w ill open on Monday corn
Iul', tho 23th, several hundred pairs of
sample stockings, Tho greatest offer of tho
season, along with oilier goods.
Fine groceries at G, N. Wilson's.
Christmas cards at J. II, Mercer's
Cheaper than ever.
G, N. Wilson has a fine lino of fruits.
mils nnit candles lor the holidays.
J. II. Mercer has Christmas cards from
one cent upwards, A line assortment uud
at very low prices.
A nice Christmas present would bu a tralr
of shoes or slippers for lady or gent. Cull
hqu see ine ruicsi isiyres ui o. a. iiess .
Sec the Christmas cards nt Mercer's be
tore you mako your purchases,
I, W. Hurtmuu k Sou will oncn next
ween n line oi iscw lear uarus.
Snyder & Sleppy's produce quotations
Uutter 24 cents.
Eggs 28.
Huckwheat Flour $2 00 per hundred.
What Flour $2.20 per hundred.
Potatoes 40 cents per bushel,
Corn 40 cents per bushel.
Oats ill cents per bushel.
Hyo U0 cents per bushel.
he ut U0 cents per bushel.
I, W. llartmnn & Son will have many
new ami vniuauio presents lor -New lear.
Gents' und ladle's shoes und (dippers at
j, . ncss , opposue i.piseopui cliuitli.
Christmas cards nt Mercer's.
U. A. Clark has an elegant llnu of Christ-
inns carus. uull unit see them,
Auotlter big loi of Dayton's Hand Mad
uoois ami diiocs jusi icceiveel in price
uy uumi avouytier a oieppys.
Christmas cards cheaper than ever at G
a. uiurK's.
A line line of Imported pocket knives at
ui-!iujti-i b uuruw.iru mure.
Clark & Son have u good assortment of
ladle's unci children's coats. To be sold
A grand bargain,
J, A. Hess has an elegant lino ot boots
ana shoes, c all nnd see ucrnre purchasing,
All nersons aro hereby notified that any
persons buying Conyngliam township or
ders will purchase tho tnmo subject to any
equities Hint may exist as to tho taxpayers.
runt mo inxpaycrs Association nro win.
Ing to maku all roads, keep In repair all
ronds nnd bridges freo of cxpenso to Indi
vidual taxpayers for the jcar 1S8S, and
iitilrrt tn i In- direction of thu Supervisors
of said township and as there is no legal
tax levied for the year, and all legitimate
expenses or the Ilonil ireparttneni nre ne
Imr paid, theio Is no necessity for any or
ders being Issued.
All orders ii-tpilrc I be signatures ot both
Supervisors of tho Township Clerk and
should hear thn seal of tho township.
The nbove notice Is being given so that
nil persons can govern themselves accord
ingly. S. M. IllLKT,
Agent for Taxpayers Association.
Asiuanci, i'a., iov. vi, 'a-r.-ir.
Aches and trains lone borne make oven
the young feci old, 'Iho true r.'mcdy is
rarticrs 'ionic, ii purines ine inooii, sets
In order the livcr-nnd kidneys, .banishes
rain and builds up thn health, Uesldes It
ins the reputation of dolns what wo claim
for It, dcc.-4.4t.
The drunkard Is a burden to himself as
well ns Ills friends i but, since Intoxication
becomes a disease It requires a remedy of
no unusual ocliilty. These who hale
taken Simmons Liver Heculator declnro
that It sets tho liver In action and Invigor
ates the system iu such a way as to de
stroy the craving for strong drinks. Tho
shaky, r.eivnus nnd distressed should re
sort lo the Hegulator as n tonic to arouse
the torpid liver to notion, to regulate the
bowels and remove tho feeling of general
epresslon and with 11 lire ciavlng tor liq
Ynu have often seen women with marked
blueness or paleness of face, vitiated appe
tites, nnd a craving for unwholesome food.
l nesc are signs of a disordered liver, and
the trouble must be corrected or worse re-
ults nre sure to follow. Husbands nnd
fathers cannot afford to treat this toattcr
lightly. Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Hem-
iy," wnicii dispels liver disease, costs less
than sick wives and daughters. You will
find It a vers profitable investment. fdll4.
Every day adds to the creat amount of
vldenco ns to the curative powers of
Hood's arsaparllla. Letters are contin
ually being received from nil sections of
the country telling of benefits derived from
tills great medicine. It Is unequalled for
general debility, and ns n blood purifier,
xpeiliim every trace ol scrotum or oilier
Impurity. Now is -the time to tnko it.
Prepared bv O. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell.
Mass. Sold by all druggists.
When a doso of Vinegar Itlttnrs is taken
into thu stomach, all diseases of the blood.
liver, heart, kidneys, stomach and body
generally, begin to pack up, preparatory
o leaving mo system And It docsn t
nue liiem lone to pack, citner Like tire
guests that Mrs. Macbeth dispersal, they
"stand not upon the order of their going,
but go at once."
"Most of these hair preparations don't
or!:." writes Mr. .1. S. IlnrdleR. of Ht.
Louis, '!but Parker's Hair ltalsam Is an
honorable exception. My hair wns' thin
and prematurely cray. The Halsam made
it urown iteniu and soil as in my boyhood. "
dcc.4 4t.
Cntnrrh is a constitutional disease.
Hoods' Sarsaparilla is a constitutional rem-
uy. Jl cures ralarrn. uivc it a trial.
"Hum's He.nedv is valuable nnd Its
benefits nre permanent. Cured me of
kidney disease." Sullivan Feuner, Provi
dence, H. I.
Hunt's Hcmedy cures speedily bilious
headache, cosllveness, dyspepsia, strength-
ns the stomach, nnd purities the blood.
Through our luxurious and pirverted
modes of l'vlug, im.t from a score of causes
besides, diseases of the kidney and urlnnry
mans nro now among iho most common
and fatal in this couctry, Men suffer from
them most frequently and most Intensely.
heir victims nre inning cxiinusied nv the
ujiysidc of life every day. Do you fear
this end for yourself ? If so, we can as
sure you of help by means of Dr. Ken-
eeiys "f avorite ilemedy." din.
!tnrl.-Mi. Rli.irn Pninu lllw.i.m.ll.h,
Kidney Diseases. Tornid Liver. Limn
Troilblpft 11 r.;imi.nifla In nnv ivii-f miinltlv
cured by the Hop Plaster. Tho soothing
mm paru.Krriing virtues oi nops comorncu
utllt Ctr,.r.n(l,..,ln nttma nn.l I-'.tra.l.
The best poious plaster made. 23c.
The Htirdock Plant Is ono of the best
diuretics or kidney regulator In the vego-
iiio world, and tlie compound Known ns
Hurdock Hlood Hitters, is unsurpassed In
all diseases of tho kidneys, liver and blood.
Wbtn Ttftby wis sick, wo pjvo he t Cutoris,
When Bho wm a CnlM, sho cried for Calorl,
Whon sho becaino Alias, sho clnnj to Caatorti,
When eho hul ChUdrea, iho cvo them Cutoria,
"Words fall to express my gratitude."
ays Mr, Se-lby Carter, ot Nashville. Tcnn.,
'for the benefits derived from Avcr's Sar-
saparllla. Having been atllicteel all my Ufa
with scrofula, my sys'ern seemed saturat
ed with it. It camu out In blotches, ulcers.
and mattery sores, ull over my Doily."
Mr. Carter Mates that he was entirely
cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and sioco dis
continuing Its use, eight months ago, has
unti no return oi lire scroiuia symptoms.
In the matter of the rnonev nald Into rnnrt. hi-
William John and Cliarlos Kreluli upon morigjuu
ot Jacob Krc-lih tn Joseph IlroUit and I'uierKer
11 u ami-.Mary his wife.
Tlio auditor appointed by the Court ot Common
'leas ol Columbia eouiilv. bv consent nfn.iriipa
to distribute thn aboie named fund to and
ninanz the p. rtlra entitled thereto will hit at his'
unireln lllooinsburg on 'I ocular. January lPth,
.To,,, in iw u u;ui-u a- in-, ii" iH-nunn me uutres rr
til- appointment, w hen and where u U pert-out in
terested mut appeur- and prehC-nt tlielrelatrns, or
bo debarred nom coming In on said rui.d.
lltl). 1 JXWTl.L
doc -a 4w Auditor.
sun-, uixmstii.
Letters of r.dmlnLlr.itlnn rn th PEr.l. nl timi.
ben Mtler, late ot orutiso lonnshlp, doct'used.have
been granted hy tlie lietiste-r ot said county to the
undeislKui-d nilmlubtrators. All persons bavin-;
claims against the estate ol the deceased are re-
ijui-Bu-u iu pieheni iiii-ia ior settlement, and loose
Indebted lo tlie estate lo make pament to the
undersigned kdiulriUlraiors without delay.
I- J. MTL.r.!t,
u. y. sri i.Kit.
Jins. .MAHV BlTLElt,
, . Adinlnlatruttiri
Oca. M, 6w.-
-wk.3ibi.uic uuu umiruvtxj dune au,
collectors, towi-bMp uuu Lorough omeere, to inako
return nr Mnitrvi -iriii ftnumti imwtu mion ui,i.
no property can bo touna troiu wlilcA to make
taxes to tlie lotinty Co ml loners, ou or before
K-ilptlon by boundaries or others Isc.or eucli bepa.
UmlH lilt. (II tr.lfi (Mill nllT-Ml tl.u y.l.nntl. .'t-
tMma. 'lliow uiiontlHo make returns by sata
uay will be held for such Iosj, Taxed m returned
become a Hen tlio property bo returned.
.v.vuii.uii iiuiiMuiusu jciuruauruiu imj
innnil 11 till 'l 111 f II Ull li t twin itww. r 1 1 1
collector, &c. joflN 11. t'ANKY,
v viu unite, uci, co, to, it. touvra Clerk.
ere. Uoodmiikm. 11... iby cllmu:vw'
Wjbl.proipecu. Wrtlelor clrcnLriconulrilrig
d"crlr-tlun. !wnl frr. I'VLK 4 DiIIAVKn!
elec iw ulit
V circular. A, o. IlLi, Cci
Mild Cllmtt. CTxar- homes
'vutrttl!a, Ym.
(b c 25.4 w
fffinfl Rfln"1 ?rewnts mven awar. Send us5
;M I lceul portals! anil by mau 'u will
VkUUiUWU Iriv n pae-cage ot Koods ol larva
valui, that wilt ttart jrou in work
that will at once brlnif jou tn money taster than
aujthlntfulMj tn Amirtua. AH about the uo-ukm
lnprvseula wllh rath box. Aft-uts warded ev.
cry here, or elthir wx, ot all atjes, Jor all iho
time', or ..pan' t uuu only, lo work torus at their
ownhi'raiu. Fortunes lor all workers alolure)i-as-sureib
lion t delay, 11. iullvtt & Co.. l-ori.
land, Malue. dccls S3
more money thsrr at anjtutng eM by tak.
till! an agency lor the Ut helling book out.
neglniieni xucwed grandly. Nona tail.
MHn dcclS kj. '
sunscmuK vou '
$1.60 A YEAR.