The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 18, 1885, Image 6

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A Help to Good Digestion.
In tho Jtrithh Medical Journal,
Dr. AV. HoboHn, of England, (IUcubsos
tho offect of liquors, toa, ooffco and
ooooa on digestion. Allot them ro
tnrd tho processes, but most
of them Btlmulnto tho glandular nctlvi
tlty nnd muscular contractions Dis.
tilled "pints retard tlia salivary or
poptlo digestion but slightly whon
sparingly used.
Wines were found to bo highly in
jurious to sallvnry digestion. On
ppptjo digestion all wines exert a re
tarding They stimulato tho
glandular and mii'cular activity of tho
stomach. Effervescent wines oxerttho
greatest amount of good with tho
least harm to digestion. When ono's
digestion is out of order everything
goes awry, unless as in tho oaso of T.
T. Seals, ol Hellairc. Ohio, who had
bad dyspepsia for seven years, tho
digestive apparatus is kopt In applo
pio easing order by Warner's Tippo
cano) tho best appetito producer and
regnlator in tho world.
Tea, oven in minuto quantities, com
pletely paralyzes tho action of tho
saliva. Tho tannin in strong tea is in
jurious. Weak tea should be used,
if at all. Strong coffee and oocoa aro
also injurious if used in excess. The
Manure for Grass.
Farmers do not seem to intend tho
grass crop to get any gftod of tho man
ure applied, judging from tho methods
employed by many of them. This may
sound like a strong statement, but tho
manner of applying manure on tho ma
jority of farms, will, I think, bear mo
out in making so strong a statement.
In tho ordinary system of rotation,
when is manure applied t Nino times
out of 10 it is plowed under with tho
sod. .
When no strict system of rotation is
followed, and I am sorry to say that it
is tho rule rather than tho exception, a
field is sown and planted to tho usual
farm producls, until it begins to show
signs of weakening. Then tho farmer
begins to say, "Well, it is about time
that field was seeded down." And by
tho way, he often crops it a year or
two atter this beforo secdinc. In
reality, the field has become impovcr
ished to somo extent, and before seed
ing to grass it should certainly receive
a coat of manuro But no, it is seed
ed down to "givo it vest." Thero may
bo enough of the ingredients needed
for grass growth availablo that have
not been drawn by tho diflerent de
mands of tho preceding crops in the
soil, so that 2 or 3 fair crops of hay
may bo taken .lrom tho field. It is
only when this begins to show alarm
ing signs of falling off that tho farmer
Hunks ot supplying the real want
manure. Ho puts on a coat of man
uro and plows it under with tho sod.
Again and again in tho course of years
this process is repeated always to tho
disadvantage of tho crop as above
shown. It is not, I think, because tho
farmer ranks the grass crop as second
ary in importance. No reasonable
man can look at the matter in this
light : but it is because ho has fallen
into tho way of thinking that grass
-will do well anyhow. To bo sure
grass may do fairly well where somo
other crops would have had but a sorry
existence, but that is no indication
that it will not do much better if given
a better chance.
I know of nothing that will respond
quicker to manure and good tilth, than
tho grass crop. A farmer ought not to
be saushed with a single ton ot nay to
tho acre. Ho can get 2 tons from the
aero if ho will but givo his land the
proper treatment. If ho will fit his
land up for the crass crop, as ho does
for wheat or corn, he may expect such
a return. But if he manures only for
tho wheat and corn, he need not ex
pect much from the grass crop.
We have gotten into tho way of ex-
pecting altogether to much from our
meadows. We out ono and sometimes
'i crops from them in a single season.
and then turn in the stock to pick them
down during tho Autumn. I wonder
if land is really taking a rest under this
manner ot treatment! W. JJ. jsoyn-
ton, tn western l'loicman.
To Administer Medicine to Swine,
Considerable trouble has been eX'
perienced in dosing tba hog. Tho
American Agriculturist says that if
the medicine can not bo given in his
food, as when ho has no appetite, or
is in great pain, it must bo administer
cd direct. To do this is quite difli
cult, and most farmers givo it up,
adopt the Homeopathio treatment, be
causo it is bo much easier. When
properly managed, it is not very hard
lor the pig or tho attendant, ino pig
is caught by a slipnooso in a strong
rope, which govs through the mouth
and holds hack tho tusks. Ho will
pull hack with all his might, and tho
rono must bo raado last quite snort
to the lop of a post or fence then his
legs aro secured so that ho can not
enring forward. Now if an old shoe
with a holo in tho toe is given him to
chew upon, ho will champ away upon
it as angrily as possible, and the uieiti
cino can bo poured into his moutl
through it a little at tho time, or ho
will choko and strangle and cougli
Another way is to hold tho pig in tho
samo way, or as for ringing, and to
pour tho medicino iuto ono nostril
through an oil cau suoh as is U6ed for
oiling machinery. Kither of these
methods render it possiblo to civ
medicine to a pig as effectually as to any
animal, and it is not probablo that las
rago will havo any evil t fleet, aH in tho
cao of a struggling child. Tribune
tv J'urmer.
Clarion's new court house clock
nine feet in diameter aud illuminated
with gas.
Tho remaining copies of tho History
ot Columbia County, a book ot OUU
pages illustrated and bound in cloth
will bo closed out at SI. 00 each, 2
cents extra by mail. For sale at th
Coi.uJiniA.v Olb'ce. Uloomsburg, I
Thero aro scores of persons who aro
guttering troin some torin ot blood dis
rrdr or skin disease, such as Scrofula,
J soils, eta., etc After a practical test
J. H. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood
Elixir will certainly euro all such dis
eases, including syphillis and Jiheuma
tism. Ids net a patent nostrum, but
scientifio preparation, io guarantees it
After a thorough test J. II. Mercer
most positively asserts that Acker
English Itemcdy is tho best medicine
for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping
cough and all lung troubles that can be
Joiind, Ask him about it, for ho fully
guarantees it.
Over one million boxes of Acker'
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twelvo months, purely upon their
ineiits. Why suffer with Chronic Con
elipation, JJyspepsla, oour ntomacii
Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Femnlo
Tioublfs, when J. H. Mercer ofliers
you relief and positive cure in tho
Dyspepsia Tablets. Ho sells them on
a guarantee.
Only Tcr.'ncrniiM Hitters Known.
Woollier mctllcliiwknowntoeffcctny purges
Uio Wood of doep-eotwl rtlwrtpo.
imillou bear tcftllmoiiy to Us wmacrful
tnrntha effects.
It Ih n iiiirrlv VmetnMn Prcnnrfltlon. mauo
from tho native herbs tiuti roots of California, tho
modlclnal properties of which aro extracted thero
from without tho tin of Alcohol.
It remote tlin ciuimo of disease una tho
pstlent riTOvcrs Ms health. ,
It I the urcnt IIIooil lurliler and Life
giving Prlnclplu! n (Initio rurpntUo and Tonic ( a
perfect llenovator nnd InTljrorator of tho pyrtem.
Never beforo In tho M?tory of tho world lias a medicine
hoen compounded powrpulng tho oerof Vineoar
In healing the elck of cury UIhupo man is
Tho Allcrntlve. Aperient. DhumorciiA uaf
tnlnatlvc, Nutrition, Tjixntlve, Pedntlvc. Uountcr-
irnuim, nnaorinc, Amwuuoup, oiveint uiureuu auu
onic nronerues or vinegar hitters exceea inosa
of any other medlclno In tho world.
n pernou can i&kq iua iutteus nccuruiui; iu
directions and remain long unwell, provided their
bones aro not destroyed by mineral hjIm)u or other
moans, and tho Ital organs wasted bejoud tho point
of repair. , ...
union. iKetiiiitrnt. intermittent nnu jm fi
larial FeMir ar prevalent thronphout tho United
emit", particularly m mo vniieys ui uur reiu iivim
and their vast trlhutarls durug tho Summer and
Autnmn, especially during seasons of unusual heat
and Or) nee.
' rnven aro mvanauiy nccompimiu uy
cxtenblvo tleranpemonta ot Uio inoniuch, liver nnd
bowel. In their treatment, n pnriratlvc, exerting a
!owcrfiil Influence, upon lucso urguus, Is absolutely
xiicro i no rniiinruo lorino purpose cqnni
to Dr. J. Walkeii'. Visi.uAn IIitteiu, as It will
i-pmllly reinoo tlio ilnrk-colorcd vNclil matter with
which Uio bowcln aro loiuk'd, at Iho nomo tlino Ulnm
latinL. tlio secretion, of tho liver, and generally
restoring tho healthy functions ot tho U!gestlvo,i
riirlllr Uio lioilr aealnst illwaso by purltylni
all It fliilil. villi Vinloaii lliTTEiia. Nil epltlcmio
can tako hold ot ft cyatem ttiu forcarniod.
It Im iBornlcv llio Mmiincli nnd stimu
lates tho torpid Liver and Vowel., cleansing the
blood of all liupurltlea, lmpnrtlnK llro and visor to
tho frame, and carrying oil without tho aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter
from the nystcm. It is cosy of adinlnlstraUon,
prompt In action, and certain in its results.
A)n.vpiiipr.ii,..H"......f tiuiuiMii, .....
In the Wioulders, Coughs, Tlchtness of tho Chest,
ll:?umonui, irizzmess, iiaa insio ui mu jiouiji
llillous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, and a
hundred other palnm
ul nymptoms, ore at onco ,n
lieved by Vinegar IJitters.
lor iinuiiiiniori'
and Chronic nheuma-
thin, Oout, Neuralgia, IHseaws of tho Mood, Liver,
Kidneys and Ulndder. tho Hitters have no equal.
In these, as la all constitutional Diseases, Walkeh's
ViKEQAit llinxns has fhown Its great curative
powers In the most obstinate and Intractable
itifielintilrnt mum n..ii. Persons eneaered tn
Paints and Jllnerals, such as Plumbers, type
setters, dold-beaters, and Miner, as they advance
In life, are BUbjcct to Paralysis of the Dowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
t .-t in irrrirna
S'lln Itivt-nikCN. Bcrofula, Salt Ilheum, TJtcers,
Bwellings, rimples, lustules, Dolls, Carbuncles,-
JUng-worms, wcaiu-neaa, oore i-yes, r.rjpi3.
Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratlons, Humors and diseases
of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter
ally dug up and carried out of tho system In a short
In. 'rntinuiiil nflml- AVnrillH. lurking tn
the system of so many thousands, aro effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine.
no vermuuges, no anineinumics, win ircu uio
system from worms like VrsiaAit BnTEas.
Blcnslet., Scarlet I'ever, Slumps. Whooping
Cough, and all children's diseases may tie made
less severe by keeping tho bowels open with mild
doses of the Bitters. This wonderful remedy Is
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
puruymg nerDs uioue
q give It its remarkable cura
Ltolns no alcohol, opium or
ivq. pow ers. ii couli
other poison.
lfor iremnla Cotiinlnliitx. tn votme or old.
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or
the turn or me, ins uiuera nas no emiai.
cicniiMe uio vmaicu muou wueii iiaiui
rarities burst through tho Bkln In Eruptions or
Inn.! etennsn It when obstructed and slmrclstl In
the veins; cleanse It when it is foul; your feelings
will tell you when, and thohealthoftbe system will
III conclusion 1 (live the Bitters a trial. It
wilt speak for Itself. One bottle Is a better guar
antee of Its merits than n lengthy advertisement.
Aroumlcncli bottleaxotultdlrectlonsprlsted
In different languages.
It. II. McDonald Drtltr Co., Proprietors,
San Francisco, CaV, and tii & KB Washington St.
Cor. Charltou St, New lor II.
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists.
YOU blioulil not lie unon vour bed. and slsh and
cry until you'ro dead; but toko courage now and
reurt what's said, by others who were contlucdto
their bed before using Dr. Kilmer's FEMALE
KE.MKUY. bovx by druggists.
IF YOU havo cutting, scalding orfatlnglng sen
sations In tho parts when voiding urine Dr. Kil
mer's HWAMP-KOOT quickly relieves and cures.
Ask your druggbit (or It. 25c., 1.
IF YOU feel as though water was gathering
around tho heart, or have heart diopsy, or cola
bands and leet from poor circulation, ordUzy at
tacks Dr. Kilmer's OUEAN-WKKD Is warranted
to remove all causes and promptly cure. tl.
IF YOU are Buffering from chronic weakness of
the lungs, or have hemorrhage or dinicult breath-lng-Dr.
warranted to relieve, heal and make them btrong.
Ask your druggist lor It. 25c., cue, II. t
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
moderate fees.
our office Is opposite the U. S. Patent onico, and
wo can obtain Patents lu less time than those re
mole from Washington.
bem model or drawing. We advise as to pat
entability fiee of charge, and we make no charge
unless patent Is secured.
We refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho Supt. of
Jioney Order Dlv., and to officials ot the U. 8.
Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and
references to actual clients in your own btateor
county, write to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
opposite Patent Office, Washington, D C
an 9-tf
Dr. McTnggart
This noted Specialist of Scrnnton, is the
only specialist tills side of New YorkjI'lill
ndelpliiu and Ilutl'nlo who makes an exclusive-
specialty of treating chronic, long
standing and lingering diseases to which
man and womankind nru subject, Biicli as
Consumption, llroncliud affections, Scrofu
la, Salt.ftlictun, Loss o( .Manhood, Sltln dis.
eases, ltlicuinatUm, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpl.
lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, Loss of Yolco,
Chronic Dlarrliu'u.Cliills and Feyer, Worms,
lilver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, Paraly
sis. Tape worm, Heart dlscaso, &c, &c,
STKemnlc diseases n specialty.
No matter how long you have been suf.
fcrlng nor bow many Doctors you liaye em.
ployed In vain, you should nppltf to I)n,
.MuTmioaut ut once, when lie will tell di
rectly without holding out false hopes
whether your dlscaso Is strictly curablo or
can only bo relieved.
Ho owes bis wide reputation for tlio suc
cessful treatment of all lingering or chronic
dlsenses to experience and close applica
tion for over "0 years, aud to no viiraeuoui
What tiik Papers Say :
"lie Is skillful honest, efficient, upright nnd re
liable and well worthy of the peopl 's confidence
andesteoii. Ho always tuyacxactly what he
means and moans exactly w hat he says." bcran
ton JlMMiM'riii. i
"He Is ioo useful a man to lose," Lackawanna
Comer l&cfcawassa and Washington Avenues.
Eept 11-ly
I'Al'llIt Iir.Atl 11V Mil. J, It. TOWNSE.NI AT
IlOAtll) OK AdlltCUl.TUnK
at m.ooMsntmu on
2, 1885.
I do not propose lo givo n long, or
nttcmpt to givo n Icarn.eti c nsny on tliis
subject. I do not propose to traoo tlio
origin of tho grape, ns wo nil know it
is one of great antiquity nnd n fruit
that is nt present extensively grown
throughout tho civilized portion of tho
A-oihl, nnd there is probably no branch
of Hoitic'iUuro nt tho present time, in
tho United Slates which U receiving
so much attention a tho cultivation
of nativo grap' s, while, Iho laigo in
crease of acreage in some of our Slates
shows that the cultivation of tho grnpc
is fast becoming n source of great
wealth, and it is ono of the principal
features of this essay to diaw tho at
to ntionf my farming friends to tho
advantage that may bo derived fiom
tho cultivation of grapes in tho farm
garden. I simply proposo to givo
tho result of several veals of cvtieri-
mentiuR with different varieties of the
grape, in order that varieties of grapes
may bo planted that are suited to our
countv, anil Hint, my incim n-iv
plant grape vines that they cm rely will
produco fruit to perfection. On many
occasions while travelling through our
county I have frequently observed n
very much negiecteit portion ot some
well cultivated farms, nnd that portion
was the farm garden, n part of tho
farm that is so e'n. ' ni'ceted with
the domestic l au . I ik laim that it
should by no means bo so neglected.
I will "not attempt a description of
tho usual farm garden, but only state
that from frequent observation 1 havo
noticed tho entirn absence of gnipo
vines, and when by chanco they lire
found in the farm garden they are
mostly of an infeiior vniiety or in a
very neixjcctcd state, producing very
littlo fruit and being in fact of no pro-
lit to the farmer.
During a period of several years I
have devoted my leisure time in cul-
tivntmg grapes and 1 navo ootniiieu
consideiable nractieal information
from repeated expeiimcnts wi'.h differ
ent varieties of grapes, until I think I
am in n position to tell my friends
what varieties ot t tin grape aro most
profitable and suitable to our county.
At our Countv Fair I had on exhibi
tion 9 varied" s of crape", each ono or
all of which I can confidently recom
mend as being profitable to raise, and
for the benefit ot my iriemis i win
givo tho names of the different varie
ties. For cntlv craws 1 iind Tin-
Early Brighton" ami "JIoou-V huh'
ore unsurpassed, both of them being
thrifty irroweis and prolific bearets ol
f ruit. I have also crown and toted
several of "Roger's Hybiids: they
arc strong growers and not subject to
mildew like the slow ginwine vaneu. -.
I find the "Agwnm" or No 1 ' xeellent
ard for beauty of cluster and flavor of
berries can hardly bo excelled ; while
tho Salera, a hybrid between the nativo
and Black Hamburgh, is pronounced
by tho best of jjidges who havo tried
it", to have no equal among tho numer
ous varieties now beforo tho public.
Thero aro many other varieties of Rog
ers' Hybrids, all of a different flavor
and each possessing merits )the "others
do not.
Tho "Hartford Prolific" I find very
good, vines aro vigorous and exceed
incly productive. Tho 'Martha", a
palo yellow berry a seedling of the
Concord, but ripening earlier, and
better in flavor, I have grown with
great success, and last but not least
tho "Concord". Of all grapes 1 do not
know of any that can equal tho
"Concord.'' It is a sure and safe bearer
easy of growth, hardy, vigorous and
productive and less disposed to mildew
than any other grapo I have grown.
Suitable for the table, or as a wine
grape, it may lack in flavor, but as a
prolific bearer, I have never grown a
crape to equal it. When somo other of
my varieties may fail I can always rely
on the Concord for grapes. As wine
grapes I find the "Bacchus" and tho
"Clinton'' aro among tlio best, being
extremely prolific and making an ex
cellent wine.
"While tho grapes mentioned by rao
aro varieties that are noted for their ex
cellent qualities,! do not wish to detract
from tho merits of many of our now
varieties that aro constantly being in
troduced by our grapo growers, such
as the Jeilerson, Lady "Washington,
Niagara and many others.
My farming friends may tell me
they have no time to spare on grapo
vines: let mo tell them there is very
littlo time required to grow grapes";
almost any soil is suitable if not too
wet, and thero aro few ifrtilts that re-
quiro so little care, and that givo such
wido spread enjoyment as does the
grape. Vines can bo grown within half
a fool of a fence or building and many
a corner and unsightly spot can be
made to produce grapes, and the little
attention that is necessary is at a sea
son of tho year when the farmer can
do very little farm work, while the
summe'rcaic of grape vines is one of the
most pleasant occupations for ladies r
other persons who cannot perfoimtho
heavier duties of the farm.
Ilygienists agree in pronouncing
grapes as among tlio best of fruits. The
grapo possesses several rare qualities ;
it is ono of the most nutritious of
fruits for those in health, while physi
cians frequently prcBcribe'it to the 'in
valid. Let me assuio my farming
friends that grapes should bo on the
tablo as often as' they can bo procured
through tho season, and not merely on
special occasions but as an article of
food that is wholesome and nourishing.
I havo now told ymi what to plant
in the farm garden, but time will not
permit me on this occasion to niter in
to nny details as to pruning and train
ing tho vine, or as to the merits of
tho different systems adopted by
grnpo growers. In conclusion let
me urge my hearers to plant out a
couple of dozen grapo vines in the
coming spring, aud I think you will
find that with care this delicious and
healthful fruit will amply repay for
tho outlay in tho farm gardon.
Frank Siddalls, tho greatest Phila
delphia advertiser, is reported to havo
lately remarked, as a fact worthy of
oomment, that he had never had a per
sonal application for patronage from the
Newspaper Advertising Bureau of Geo.
P. Howell & Co. of New York.Therea
son for this may be found, not in the
fact that Messrs. Howell ifc Co. do not
want business or aro unwilling to drum
for it, but that they find a cheaper nnd
more etlicacious way of securing pat,
ronago is to keep their names beforo
tho public by using the advertising
columns of tho newspaper. Doing
this they attract those advertisers who
wish their services, and avoid annoying
or wasting the tlino of those who novo
not yet arrived nt that conclusion.
The newspaper is the most pel distent
and at the samo tune the best man-
'lie red of all advertising canvassers.
Kliltlcy CotiiplnltitM Alllimir Until
Hexes ami All Auen-.v llrflltntit
itecm cry.
Thero l snmcthlnif startling In tho rapid In
crease of kidney diseases amonif tho American
peoplo within a few years past. Many causes pe
culiar to certain claeitcnd to produco nnd air-
f:ravato these troubles as, for example, cureless
Ivlng, overwork nnd exposure. Dr. David Ken
nedy, of Koundout, N. Y is often conirrnttilatcd
on the exceptional Riiccessot Im inedkino called
"Kavorlto lfemody" In nrrestlnir nnd radically cur.
tni? these most pnlnful and dangerous disorders,
Proofs of this, llko tho following, nro constantly
brought to his nttentlon. nnd are published by him
for tho sake ot thousands of oilier sufferers whom
he desires In reach and benefit. 'I he letter, the p
fore, may be of vital Importance to joii or to
somo ono whom jouknow. It N from one of tho
best known nnd popular druugMsIn the fine nnd
crowlnitclty from which ho writes, wbero those
Interested may find .Mr. Crawford nthls plan) of
business on tlio coiner ot .Main and t'nlon Mil
MriiiNnrtii.n, Mass,, March Si, 1581.
Dr. David Kennedy. Koundout, N. Y.
i)An sin: For ten seals I had been nnilctcd
Willi kidney dlseise In Us mo-t ncuto form. What
1 suffered must bo left tn the Imagination, for no
one can appreciate It except those who havo tfono
tbrouifh lu I resorted to many phjslclatis nnd
many different kinds ot treatment, nnd spent n
trreat deal nt money, only to II nd myself older nnd
worso than ever. 1 may sty that I used twenty
Ilvo bottles of a ptep.iriitlou wldi'ly advertised as
aspecille lor this precise sort or troubles,and found
It entirely useless - nt least In my ease. Your
"FAVOIlirK 1II:MKIiY"-I siy It with a perfect
recollection of all Hint was ilono for mo besides la
tho only thine that did me the tllffhtcst Rood, nnd
am hanpy to admit that It (tavo me permanent re
lief, l liave recommended "FAVoilITK HUM
KtY'' to many people for kidney disease, nnd they
all nifree with lue lu sajlnjr (hat lilt. KKNNKDY'S
FAViMIITi:ilHMi:i)Y has not Itseciual In the wldo
world for I hlsdl-trcssltiiinnd often fatal complaint.
tlHO this leller as you deem best for tho beiint ot
others. Yours, Ac., I.Y.MAN CIlAWFOItl).
Sfflffl REMEDY,
an Aiisoi.tiTii cum: ron
fTlUli mnt stubborn cncs jleld readily to It
I ti ml tumult failoiltu Cum a MukIu cujq
A. uhcnj ilitccttons nro ful lowed. Its success
bus been reiiiniknblonixl ltd cures won tier
ful. It Is tho inoytput'ceisful itreimrutloii In tho
mnrUctror tMTAIMtll nml tho only ono (hat
rrtmilc3 nil Absolute, 1'ohHIu C'nro. It is
rulv n hle'slni; to nunklm!. A Tritil In nil
th ut U nkfit for It Onco used, it Is Always
m-ommended. Sei.d fur tcidlmonlals of nctual
IT HAS ro SSQl'L fOlt
a l'osmvn cuke is assured.
Oii3 bottlo Is Reuerally pulliclcnt for a euro. Stop
taMuir (iuitiiue. Atriil only la asked for Kkl-
Tor nil dl-casi'sarl.-lii'j: Horn nu Impuro blood and
drives all eruptions from tho eldti. For fciyphl.
lltlo complaints It Is superior tn any preparation
in the market, lino bottlo will euro most of tho
following coiuplnints nnd a continued uso will
roslTiVKLY cine. Save doctor bills and try It.
vkxhkeaii diseases.
loss op appetite.
fkeuxg op laxgouk.
Kei.i.kii's I'ATM'.mt liKMBor Is no patent
iiHMllclnc. but a hi..i aud pleasant preparation
to take and uroly tlio M;renlost medical dlscov
irv of Mm nirn. (Ino bottlf iL'luvon.ites tho entire
syidcin and posc-ct eiore lrtuo than a half
,lo;o'i boti'c's of uniluary patent tucparations.
.i-'.iri stiaii 111 and otlicr Information.
- cor i druifjicts uouerally.
ttlv A llOT'tI.1:. SIX llOT-n,;'-,
!'i: .i-.po. Oi receipt or 85.00 by
tlio mnhiif.ictuieiis r'AMTKi. F. Kgllbk & Co.,
1 lai r I-1 mi r. l'a., six bjttlcjwlll bo sent express
Am n.N.,.llu
f'tfjS- ftjfw bv IiidlKtsllun, 1'oul
DclUlcnt Circulation,
cr somo DcraiiBeuient
or tho Liver nnd Dlireftln. SyHeia.
Sullerers will find relief by tho use of
Ayer's Pills
to stimulato tho stomach aud pioduce a regu
lar daily moieliiciit of tho botuls. Uy ih?l
action on iheso orgai,3, Avun's 1'ills divert
the b',vi,l from tho bialn, nud rilloo m.d
cura all Tonus of Concestiio nml crtuus
Iloadarhe, llillous Ilcadachr, and Mh
llcadaeho; r.nd by keeping the bowels frie,
and presenilis tho system In a healthful
condition, they Insuro immunity from futurs
attaekr. Try
Ayer's Pil
rr.ri'ir.nn nv
Gold by all Irn"(j!t
Dravtliiv IiislrnmenlM, Philosophical mu'.
Clieinlrul AppnrntiiN
List and DoHcripllns nf our Ten OoUlccaei scut
FlmKon pnli'(illin.
924 Chestnut St.
I hftvo a noltlTororuodY for tlio above dlertn: brill
ma itinankiutiotcnieBol tlm wont klntlundpf fontf
mndlnixhavttl'oencuretl. IinleHl1.iotrmR( rorfHlth
tuIteHlCktcy,lltut I wl'I attnilTM'O I-OTTI.K3 HtliK.
tOEtlhcrwltho VA!.OAItl,KTHEATlSlIontliittiiei.M
to anTiolTerer. CJlTseKpreitcml 1 O. ddn .
UU.T. A. bLOCCU,llt I'ttarlSt., Now York.
flHr fli "TIIK STtlltV (IF)IV 1.1 H'
Anrl the An of Money Clemen with
ru norm t acTT u m m r i n vnniiLv
family scales
J atircly new in, Wrih one ounce to J pound i.
W hat every family in.l will tmy, Rainvl utei turprUa
ieutt. lUKbllLL & hlMAKIN, Cincinnati, u.
N.W.AYER & m
('or. Chratiiut und Llshlh Sis.
Itecelvo AiltcrlUeinrhU for this Paper.
tillMflltOnt Lowest Cash Rates rtltt
03Xri1-," 2SS20
I lit tifllnz Tuckir. lttillltT.
ibotif4 iTfiHMH'rK.uiKl Jtiiul
I cr, mil UHimi out lit ui .utlte
Inn. ilfr?il((J3 fiiri.
n rAvcTuiAi'iu
U U.MO wiur (itn
Ijou-o brloir u tmy
3 unit rent, vthrr v-wmu
f fi,ti 'tint ii'diii'dfunr in 14
Vuitttt MntfM dmtM tn maktt
L thti (fici Tliry are liutul
imnut1 (lurutilf, Hitil llitiit
tnimiititf. lint etkir trin.
nlia t Lima Imn tin 1 Wft.
)nrrhtip from im nml iivf h'U). M int (or
clr.uUr .iii-l 1 C. A. WOOD A CO.,
fwtlUiuiiUl. 1 7 .VTthU nu, I'bllad'a, l'a.
Tin loudpal nud mutti -VVT
lilerrluuly ihIii UI JS
h lioartt fiutii una lu y WlJ-J
nut) ot it ai-cuu
lirui'i.nlru nru .
111 u
l. bent frtf, 1,
tann. Oniei- unit,
ki-i, tiur I'uiuiottUH ti
It, ftJOS
hi n I
CVUffrirrcMtfC!. lUtternrbadtastolnmouth;
O I IVil 1 UlVlO . tonirue coated white or cov
with a brown fur; pain In thobick, sides, or Joints
often ndstaken for rheumatism; soun stomach:
boss or ArrKTiTKt soinetlines nausea and water
brash, or lndlitestton) llalulency nndncld eructa
tlons, bowels alternately costive nnd laxj iikap
aciik! loss of memory, with a painful sensation of
havlncf failed todoso i.rtlilntr which ought to have
been done; dkiumtti low spirits; a thick, ysmxiw
appearance of tho skin and eyes; n dry cough;
fover, resllessnes; the urine Is sjanty and hlirh
colored, nnd, If allowed to stand, deposit! a sedi
ment. (I'Ulini.Y VlXIKTAllU:)
Is Rcnerally used tn tho South to arouso the' torpid
l U er to a hrnllhy action.
anii UOWHLS.
AN HFFECTUAt, urKCU'lf) Foil
Kndorscd by tho uso ot 7 millions of bottles, ns
The Best Family Medicine
For children, tor adults, and tor tho aged.
J. H. ZE1LIN & CO.,
BOI-Ki'iionilliTOiis, l'llILADKLl'IIIA, l'A.
Price. I l.oo.
a.m. a, m. p.m.
a 10 0 15 3 05
a is o so 3 10
(1 SO 11 20 3 13
0 27 !l S4 2 21
p.m. p.m.
9 00 is 3 i
8 61 13 '-'II
S 4S 1-4 Si
H 40 12 1.1
8 31 13 (
8 27 13 Ul
8 S3 II r.H
8 SO
8 33 1
8 10
8 10
8 (II
7 58
7 61'
7 50
7 41
.. Dtckawanna..
..West I'lttston,1
....Wyoming..,. I
. ..Mnllby
Ilennett 1
....Klnirton ....
.... Kingston ....
i 31 II 41 S 30
0 40 II 47 2 Sli
0 4 U 53 2 41
(I I'J U 5a 2 41
0 51 10 012 4
li 58 10 l'5S 50
C 51 10 05 ' 50
7 l'2 10 103 53
7 07 10 153 01
7 13 10 20.1 m
7 15 10 25 3 10
7 SI 10 f33 27
7 87 10 41 .1 Ml
7 50 11 11.1 5!
7 57 1 013 58
8 01 11 11 I 05
8 10 11 SO I 12
8 14 11 214 1(1
8 18 11 2114 31
8 25 11 33 4 S7
8 30 11 414 31
8 3il 1 50 4 40
8 II 11 .53 I 411
8 It 11 51
8 13 11 50
8 OS 11 i
8 08 11 41
8 ft) ii i:
7 6'J 11 38
7 4
7 43 Plymouth Juno
7 38 ....I'b mouth....
1 31 .... Avoudale. .
7 31.. Nantlcoko...
7 51 It 31
7 50 11 30
T 13 11 33
7 BO 11 13
7 18 11 (K)
7 11 10 51
S), llunlock's Creek
7 13
7 00
.hick's terry .
..lleach Haven..
Ilerwlck ....
n si
It 4t
05 10 47
C 58 10,41
6 51 10 38
0 50 10 31
8 43 1C 27
6 311 P) 31
.10 10 1(1
3.- 111 11
0 OS 0 ."id
0 41 Creek.
H-.VIllow (1IO0..
tl 31 ... I.I.I. lllli(lo'0...
a st Kspy
21 ...Ulooinsburif...
o 10 .... ltupcrt
(1 11 Catawl'a Iiildgo
5 5ii . . li.invtllo....
8 51 12 13 5 01
am 0 49 5 lli....Chula!ky.... 9 05 12 3 5 12
5M 0 45 5 431.... Cameron.... (W 12 333 it
40 9 31 5 33. Northumberland 9 23 13 40 5 35
p.m. a.m. u.m. la.m. a.m.,
Superintendent's ollce. Scr.tnton, Feb.lst.lS'
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect Nov. "sth, 1685. Trains leavo Sun
9.10 a.m., Eea Shore Express (dally except
Sunday), for Ilarrtiburgandlutermedlatestatlons,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. ni. ; New York,
0.20 p. in. ; llaltlmore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington,
5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for alt Sea
Sboro points. Through passenger coach to
1.43 p. m. Day express
dally except Sunday),for llarrlsbunf and Interme
diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
6.50 p. m. ; New Vork, 9.35 p. m. j Baltimore
0.45 p. in. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia and llaltlmore.
7,50 p. in. Henovo Accommodation (dally
for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. : New York 7.00 a. in.
llaltlmore, 5.23 a.m.; Washington 0,30 a. m. ;
sleeping car accommodations can be secured a
llarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun
days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this
train from Wllllainsp'tto 1'hliadelphla.l'hlladelphla
passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untt
7 a. in. a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Monday,
for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations,
arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. in. New York,
11.30 a. in. ; llaltlmore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, U.S5
a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars an; ruuon
this train to Philadelphia, Ualllmorc and Washing
ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel
phia and lialtlinore.
5.20 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Sunday), fo.
Erie and all Intermediate slat Ions and cauandal,
gua aud luleimcdlalo stations, Keenest er, liuffa
loand Niagara Fulls, wlthiluough Pullman Pal
ace ears aud passenger coaches to Kile and Roch
ester. 9.M News Express (dally except Sunday) for
Lock I lawn and Intermediate stations.
1.00 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
day) fur ICano and Intermediate stations and can
andalgua nnd principal intermediate stations,
ItocliPoter, ilufralo and Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches to haue and Itocheater
and Parlor car to WllUamsport.
5.3U p. in. Fast Uuo (dally except Sundaylfor Ito
novo and Intermediate stations, und Elmtra, Wat
kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas
senger coaches to itenovo and Wntklns.
9.20 a. in. Sunday mall for Itenovo and Interme
diate stations.
Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m
Ilan isburg 7.40 ai i Ivlng at sunbury 9.20 u. m. with
thiough sleeplngcar Horn Philadelphia to Wll
Uamsport. New s Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m.
Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. in.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; llaltlmore 7.30 a. m. (dally
except Sunday anlvlng nt biinbury, 1.00 p. in.,
with through l'arlor car from Philadelphia
and through passenger coaches from Philadel
phia and lialtlinore.
Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; Philadel
phia. 11.50 a. in. : Washington, u 60 a. m. : Haiti-
more, 10.15 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
ouuuur). p. in., uii iiiruuu passeugei
coaches from Philadelphia aud liallhnorc.
Erie Mall leaves New Vork s.oo p. m. ; Philadel
phia, n.20 p. tn. ; Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; llaltl
more, 11.20 p. in., (dally uxcept.saturd.iy) arriving
at Sunbury 5.15 a. m., with through ,1'ullaiun
Sleeping curs from Philadelphia, Washington and
li.iiamoru and through passenger coaches from
(Dally except isuimay.)
Wllkesbarro Mall leases sunbury 10.00 a. m.
arriving ut liloom Ferry 10.53 a. in., Wllkes-barrs
is.ia p. in.
Express East leaves Sunbiiry 5.13 p. m., arriving
at liiuum r erry u.ij, p. in.. uKes-uarru i.ds p. iu
sunbury Mall leav es Vt ilkesbarre 10.40 a. m. arrlv
lng at lilooui Ferry 12.13 p. in., sunbury 12 55 p. in
ijipii'ss est ia,vs iihcs.uaue p. ui., ur
rtvliig at illooui Ferry 4.15 p. m.,buubury S.lup.iu.
Sunday malt leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. in., arriving
at liloom Ferry 10.14 u. in., NWlkcs-ltarie 11:35 a.m.
Sunday accommodation leaves llkes-llarro 5:15
p. m., arnv ing ut iiiuuiu i crry, e.4s p. in., muiuury,
tils p. tn.
CHA. E. I'L'OH, J. It. WOOD,
Osn. Manager. (Jen. Passenger Agent
AU kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing nml Spoutinjr promptly
attended to.
J "Strict attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Rlooiusliiirgf, Pit.
JofjMSOpl's Cyclopedi.
Itcvlsod at a cost oTover fiM.OOO. lias 40 Edltsrs
and it.) Hepts.
It is the 11EST. SELLS EASILY and FAST, Men
wanted lu every county. Address,
11 (treat Jones St.,
New York.
WANIKD-LADIKS to work for us nt
their own homes. IT to (in per week can
boipjletlymadc. No photo, painting; no canvass
ing For full particulars, please uddiess, at once,
Crescent Art Co., Uostou. Mass., llox MTU,
.iiiiu'iniLKm ii i
X Uctroupcct.
Tlio Incorporation of n comimny to build
n r.iltroad from tliu town of Milton,tlirotigli
tlio upper end of tills county to tcrmlnato
nt somo point In Columbia count, tig.
Bests somu rcllccllons on tlio march of Im
provement Hint linn taken placo In tills vi
cinity wllliln tho last fnurtlccndcs of jenrs.
Previous to tlint tlmo Danville lmd no out.
let for travelers except by tinge conch
route or by pnekct-bont on the cnnnl. A
riillrond bad not yet reached tlio place.
True, onu bud been projected, a company
clmrtcicd, tliu routu surveyed, nnd tlie rud
lied purlln'ly built between Tiimaqtin nnd
C'litr.vvlssii, which vvus intended to reneb
D.uivlllu. This was about tliu yenr 183J,
but lltini.clal dlsiisler came, tho company
fulled nnd tho road was nbnniloncd. Hut
tliu projtctots of tlio Improvement nro de
serving of mention ns far seeing men, pnr
llculnily Col, Joseph I'nxton, who was u
man of great energy o' character nnd full
of public splilt. At the tlmo tho Catavvls
sn railroad wa9 chartered It wn9 looked
upon in n chimerical undertaking to build
n railroad over n succession of mountains
and viilluya, and It wn9 predicted that even
If It could be built, tho Incomo would not
pay the expense of building nnd running
the roud. Hence It vva9 a sort of fjndfend
to tlio croak m when the company collapsed,
as It vns surmised that this failure would
end all attempts to build a railroad over tho
mountains between the Schuylkill and the
Susipiohaniia vitiligos. Yet not over tvven
ty j ears afterward n new company was or
ganized, which utilized the defunct Cata
wissu company's road bed, built n railroad
ami brought It to Danville, nud henceforth
our town vvns connected with Philadelphia
by rnll,and the tedious ride over the moun
tain bylstnge coach wa9 n remlnlsccnso ot
the past. Tlio canal packet-boat up uud
down the river remained, but tho opening
of the L. A: H. railroad forced this style of
locomotion olt tne truck. Then followed
the building of the D. S. & XV., an'l short
ly ntler tliu North is XV. 11. H. H.,uud now,
Instead of the citizens of Danville having
but one railroad route to the Knst and
Wi st, they have choico of half n dozen.
ItHteid of tliu Catawlssa railroad being the
solitary truck across tho mountains be
twetn tho Schuylkill and SunitichiMinn
rivets, railroads thread them In every ill
rectlon, nnd a dozen times more travelers
go over these roads dally than went by
stage coach In former days.
And now It Is ptoposedto open up tho
upper end townships of the county to rail
road facilities ; to make the Washington
Hills echo and re-echo the snort of the
Iron horce and tho shriek of the locomo
tive steam whistle. Hut tlio croakers are
on hand as were their prototypes nt the
projection of the Catawlssa railroad, pio
phcsvltig thud It will not pay If it Is built.
Hut tho Catawlssa has paid despite all tho
predictions of failure, nnd most likely the
road contemplated will also pay when
brought into operation. Danville Intelligen
cer. Mr, Hendricks's Will d,
Tho will of tho lalo Vice-President
Thomas A. Ilcndricka lias been pio
bateil. It is in Sir. Hendricks's writ
ing, anil the paper is yellow with age.
It reads us follows:
"I, Thomas A. Hcndrickn, of Marion
County. Indiana, do make this my last
will and testament, hereby revoking
any and all wills by me at any time
heretofore made. I givo bequeath and
devise to my beloved wife, Eliza C.
Hendricks, all my personal and real
piupctty ot every description what
ever and wherever located: also all my
right?, claims, choses in action, and iu
fee simple to havo and to hold the
same to her aud her heiie. In witness
whereof I have hereunto sot my hand,
and if agreeable to her I desiro that
she shall bo executrix tlierof. (Signed)
Thomas A. IIendkiuks.
"Signed and delivered in our
presence and attested to by us in the
piescuce of the testator and in the
presence of each other at hU request.
"WlNSI.OW S. I'lfltCE.
"Aug. 8, 1800. J. II. McKeiinan."
Mrs. Hendricks said that she pre
fened to remain among tho scenes and
BiirrotindiiigH niaclo eacrcd to her by
her husband's presence and that she
should not break up housekeeping.
Speaking of tho hour when tho Vice
President had been stricken with
death, sho said that ho was so much
better at 4 o'clock on Wednesday
afternoon, remarking that ho was free
from pain, tint slio left to see a gentle
man awaiting hor in the parlor. She
descended, anil after a conversation
which lasted soveral moments slio went
back euteiing the room noiselessly.
Glancing at him she was pleased at
the aiiptront indications that he was
peacefully sleeping Fearing to awak
en him, she moved cautiously about
tho loom, putting various articles in
their proper places, occasionally look
itig at her husband and still assuring
herself that lie was gaining rest and
strength in sleep. Several moments
were thus occupied. Finally she ap
proached tlio bedsido and looked at his
face. It struck her then that tho ex
pression was a leinarkably quiet one.
she lowered her ear to his face to de
tect his breathing. Not tho slightest
indication could Bho discover, oho
then put her hand upon his forehead
and it was cold. She then realized
When asked if the shock was not
overwhelming sho answered quietly :
"No. It must have been the al
mighty power of God that sustained,
me. Why I was not stricken down I
cannot tell."
Shu summoned those who wero iu
tho hotiso and sent for Dr. Thompson.
Tho rest is known.
A prominent physician who was
Mr. Hendricks's friend and attendant
for a longer period than any other
physician, says that Mr. Hendricks did
not die of heart paralysis. Several
years ago Mr. Hendricks was stricken
with paralysis, from which ho never
fully recovered, and, as is usual in
casos of partial paralysis, a clot formed
that eventually reached tho brain nnd
caused death.
Percy Smith, writing on the liability
of trees to bo struck by lightning, says:
"The suggestion that oak trees aro
struck because they contain iron is both
erroneous and absuid. If oak did con
tain iron it would in all probability in
crease its conducting power and act as
n preventative. If oak contained an
estimable quantity of that metal tho
wood would turn black on exposure
to the air on account of tho tanniu
which is present. The blackening
may bo seen surrounding tho nails in
any oak fence. The contour of the
rground, nature of tho soil, and tho
presence or absonce ot water, havo
more inlluenco in deciding tho local
ity of an ductile discharge than tho
height of a tree, Add to this the
difference- in conduotility In various
woods, and wo havo at once an ex
planation of tho apparent peculiarity
of tall trees escaping unharmed while
snorter trees aro destroyed.'
for Infants and Children.
"CMtortals so well adapted to children that I Cnstorln cures Colle. Conntlpatlon,
I recommend It as superior to any prescription I four Btomach, Dlarrhcoa, Eructation,
known to me." H.A. Ancncn, !t,D, I Kills Worms, glea sleep, add promotw tu
Ul So. Oxford Bt, Lrooiiyu, Yi j WIlf 0Sjurtous modlcaUon.
Tns Ckntxuu Coiiri-iv, 1S3 Pulton Street, K. T.
A Lrge and
pvrr fVTP'
Call and be Convinced chat you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Anay !
The following liooki areiiuullitielln neat pamphlet form, many of them humltumtly llluatrutvd, auJ a.i ri prtulet
from cooJ tr po upon uuotl punr Ibey treat of ft great variety of ubjrcu, ul r tutuk lo oi can rai..lie tit
llt without duality ili-.ii iu itmu nml ho ur ha wuull lUe u uineti, Iu clutbbuutd luru tVeae Un-ka wuuU roil 1 W
taab. boot it iumiktc lu (telf.
1. The Wlilun ltrtlutt I'tipt-M. Thli U I he boo I IS. At tlio World' .Merry. A Nnd. Vy Vloreoc
rer wbuti tour Krau ImoLlitr Uulitit till they t-tlnl, auj , M arlt u author or " the lluumj tm the War.h, tig
It Itjuit ai futiny flar a H ver .MIMrt-tl Trvuulou. A .Nuttl. Ur"Tbe Duch-
3. 1'aiipy W urL loi Home Atlurnmi nt, n co- auUiurof t-Mulljr ltau," etc.
tiff It uew wora uihjii thli kubject, t.uuuiuiu .My and ti. IturL Hu). A hoitl. Ujf Hugh Conwiy, amlor
iractlcal lnruct(oni fur luaklug iaey ba.ket, all ( if aiied Hack, ' etc.
tjckcH, brjoitW, needle work, embroider, !- h'
ruH-ir tun titouti; uiumriiei.
3. (irtmrn'M Tntry Murle for tho ounc, The
fltu'tt collection of fitf none et er puMUbeJ. 1 tin tUUJ
ron HI Irf.ltlivUti-l lihj itiem.
4. Tho I.u.ty ul the l.uLe. T.y Plf Writer fieott.
" Th- l. It oi tti Lftko f roimne lu mo. ml el ull
Ibe w -"III r Scott none I more lie I'lliful than lull.
5. U tin u ul of Cllqiii'ttv for l.xiiei ant tietillcnvn, a
tulle to HilUtMiei ui gooi bnuttU)!, tjntug UiO rule of
mtxierri etitjtieiie for all ocounloa.
0. The MttnOurd Letter Writer fir Ulle ml
Ofitldtmo, a Cini)tt gulJn t.j corretpiih I'-n.j, itin
(lala ilirectlou rr the compotitmu ut uitt ut vrcr
I tni, with tiiflki'noraMo form an 1 exaail;j,
T. Winter V. riilnie Itrcrrulluna, lira roltvctlon
cfAettiiit i'inrli, lauloiut, tiamet, I'unle-, vu fur R ulieniiii (rltate ihcaincali, anJ uwulu at
bmoet illilrat I.
0 HIulosiic, llorltutluna nml ItcnJInn, a laritc
n 1 ertoice . iik-nm i for acbout eihibUWui au 1 utillj uu I
(rtTtt uterininmen,i.
V. I'ui-lor Muule und Clicmlrnl lTprrliii(nt(
a Umj wtilcn lellt buw to xrlorui huulrulinf hh.m.h.
irlekiln mailg aai luiLraaUve etptrkuieuu ltb iuiU
10. The Home Cook HouL mill I'mull k'lifal
clan, eutuiuliii,' hunlredi of ticelkni ciukln rcciji
aoj hint to hiu tirti, alto telliof how to cum all .otu
Una ailiueut by itxmila home rrueIj
11, litunrra uml 'uatoina In fur Awnr I.umW,
a very lonrtitlnj au 1 tiitfUJtU buok ut traul. il 'tih
log the iwutiar life, hahiti, manner auj cm torn of the
fwoiile nf foreign cojDtrK'i, IllmtratPil,
1J. Mliti'cn Ooinplote Moclf by rotmlar Author,
tiibraiiluK tote, uutuorcui au 1 iliiiftltp turk, atorlfi of
oaletT life, tif alvvuturv, tt raiWar hfo, via. all very lu
tcrvitlna, 13, Tliu Hti.lncl.of U'lt, lluntoron.l run, large
eolleotUn of the tuunr atorie. n i inu totti jonii
ftD 1 Jnkei that have b' u written vrin , lllui tr I
II. r.iftil Knortl-ilffn lor tho Million,
book of uaeful lulurinauoa for ail u n luauf &uil larinui
ubje'ti , MuHrnu I,
li I'utlol Huclt. AXoTtt, Hj Hugh Conway, author
flllR IINPflll A! I PS1 RFPtr?" wf
01. HtgliUiei Letter, or ilouer Urdor aul aj lre at
Foreign aa&;MQme&ta
Vanied Stock of
.. i ""rj ui im- niuir i rvt a ,soju
lif the author of lora Tborue."
0. ShiuluM on the uutt, A Novel, lly Tt. L. Far
jeou, author of " Hr ad aul-l Ltd' and Kt ." etc.
SI 'IbeUruy U umun. A.NuteU 11 Uti. Uaaktll,
author of "Mary liaibui, tic,
32 'I he Krotn lcop. A Not el. l)y IVilkU ColllLi,
author of " Ibe Homao lu White,' etc,
lUtl Court I u nu. a hotel. Ity Uri. Heury
Wood, author of " t m Lrnoe," eto.
H luCuiltl4iU Ahotol. Jlj tie AutLorof" Dora
Thorns '
V. ltark totlioOM lloinc A Novel. VyUary Cecil
II a v, author rf " 111 lilni IVint eU.
36 John HotwrTiiinU.' Wife. A Novel. Uy 11 III
Mulock author of Ji.dn tllili. I. utlciuaD," etc.
ST l.ut) in iHltilliii-'N llrtum. A hovel. Bytti
author of Iiora 1 humr te
H .!n-prr lhint' hi-trtt. A Novel. By Ulu ii. E,
I r l')n author or A uu r lord, ' etc
Si I follne, A Nov I. By ilary ttell Uay, author of
Itremlii orke He
M l.tihrU I'M .Mnrrliiffc A Novel. By Wllklt Colilni,
authorof n Nauiv, no
31 llmll Hunt. A .Novel, Bv Uri Aoa S.Sterheoi',
Buthot if ha. In u an 1 i amnio.' He
3 l.'ouplni: the W hlrlwlittl. A Novel Br Uar
Cii-ll lint niut.i.r oi (tl t tlidilirttiU'e Uober, etc.
St Ihnlli'v ( iirlt-on. A .Sotri, bj kiln ii, h.liraA'
don. author f ' l.adr Au tlty a ho rtt," eta.
3t l.llllt I'M Till UvaikftV t VHI llttrL4hLI, A
Nottl Itt im V, I'luce, author rI " Ibu Mnli Mark. ' etc.
V Uohitn Dtittn. A hotel. Uy the auttu of
" Intra Tliorne efo,
i. nlcilo' Vuic, A h'ottl. By Mri. Aluauder,
author if 1 rt Wooiur (ft, W
37. M.rr ;OB(., a hotil. By Wltklo Colli o. author
of T v W otnan In hlie, eta
A iikc, a hotel By Uri. Henry WwJ. ftuthor of
"l'nl I. nine '
3t The l.uiml Ituali. A Kortt. By VUi UaUiU
author ot " Jiin llalifai (lentlemau." eto.
A mot llnrtfn A huvel By Reorg Eliot, author 1 he MID 00 tho rioai.' ete. 1
"V'tn.1 "T ,w0 of thtay hooVi in I onr cataloi-qe, eontalrlne
cue. rrQflKltn (VOWS LO,, rntlCLQ Qg rQ.
Kor tlio Celebrated Clilcliering Ivors &
l'ouil, mill Vo9u & Sou I'innos. Worldrc
iiowntil Estey Oi'K.iiis, Violins, Aecorileons
ami Sheet Jlusic. Cclebruteil Vliite, New
lli)!h Arm Dr.vis, New Home, ltoyal St.
John, ami Light Hunuliig Domestic bewlng
Machines. Needles, oil and attachments
tor all malccs of Sewing Machines.
Stero andlrartrctrnE, No. 128
Franklin Avonue.
Kho Warerooms in franklin Ae. ana looccn..
Aii.Mliiiif,' to up n new wagon
or rrpnir an old, in Hock.
Uur Iron, and Stiol Holts, Hold
Knu. hay Sciowh, I'lirnliuckleV
IIoim SIiihh, ami all Ulackewlthn