Top-,lWtlmorii,ll.. d;KX E SALVATION OIL, , VUIG on kartn rof pfljn(ii SSil fcl .flcWy than an7 ..... ...... ,oro Other UflnrrN - ' eoy. Rheumatism, Toothache, Sprains, &e. Sold by al DruBRists. FHce 25 Cents a Do?t'e! The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 188.'.. tunutCT niiLiioiii nut. nnir. Trnins on tlio Philadelphia it. 11. leave ltupert KORTII. gouxn. :3a.m. 11:4!) a. m. 3:J P. m. R:ia p. m. Trolnson the, D. L. & v. It. 11. leave Dloomsburff NOKTH. BOCTII. ,'!?J 8:.-!0 n. m. lMi a m. H;44 a. m. P- m. 4:31 p. ra. "h P.m. s:irp. m. Trains on the N.JCW. 1). ltallway pass llloom NOHTII. BOCTII. 5; m' 12:05 P- n. 0-37 p. ra. 4:1S p. m. SVJ.VD4T. NOHTII. ROCTH. 10.11 a m 6. p in PUIU.IC HAI.I-.H. TIlp nvr-pntrlv nf A II 'ntl... .1 ........... v. ... w, iuiiui;i, UCUCUS cd will sell personnl property on the prem. Tl.l .. U....l .. T, .11 ijiguiancut ua ouiuruay lcc. otu, nt 11 r,Vll. .. ... I'CTHOllUl. Miss A. D. Webb is the guest of Mrs. W. Neal. Paul K. Wirt, Esq., was in New York, last week. Mrs. A. A. Mnrplo of Hrldgtport is visit, ing relatives here. C. A. Klclm's nsslstant, Mr. L. Keichncr, Is sick with the measles. J. C. Fitzpatrick of Iliulcton spent Sun day here with his many friends. J. K. Hittcnbender spent several days iu Philadelphia nnd New York this week. Mr. Charles Iluncnbuch nnd William Itatnscy Esq., were in town this week. Miss Mary K. Ilattersby left town on Saturday for Manch Chunk to spend several weeks with friends. II. C. Hell and Jacob Harick, Normal graduates and nt present teaching school at Conynglinm, spent Sunday In town. Ex-Commissioner I.awton was in town on Monday nnd spent some time in the of flco which he occupied officially a tevf years ago. Hu was an excellent ollirlal. Hooks of all kinds at Mercer's. Tho finest nssortment of I'liish Frame In town at Clnrk's'ltook Stoic. The old custom of using chewing gum is being extensively revived. The large Gift Cake is now on exhibition at Phillips', liny your candy early. Tho murder of John Shurpless nt Ches ter remains a mystery. The nssussln is still at large. Wanted. A barrel of cider fresh from the press by Dr. Shuttuck. at Sanitarium, near D. L. fs W. depot. The farm of Henjnmln Uombny deceased, was sold on December 4th, to Thomas K. Evans of Danville for 2100. Come anil sec our standard poets in sets, Dickens, Scott, ltuskln, Irving, Kliot, Ac, at George A, Clark's Hook Store. The election of olllcers of tho lire depart incut foi the ensuing year will be held on Monday night nt the council room. Go to C. E. Savage's for reliable gold nnd silver wnlches, clocks, jewelry, silverware &c, first door below Court House. Win. liehm has now lendy for tho boll day season a choice stock of bananas and oranges. Also fresh candles at thu lowest prices. Tell your relatives and friends to go to Mercer's for thtir presents. The ladles of the Heformcd church are Belling oysters at 10 cents a plate in Mrs. Ent's Etcro room, to ral'e money to pay oil tho debt on their parsonage. C. E. Savugo ba9 just received a nice lino of Ladles' nnd Gents' gold and silver watches, Jewelry in nil thu latest novelties, and silverware of all the uewejt designs, Suitable for Christmas presents. Call nnd sec. Tho prices will plcnso you. 2t It pays to advertise, a notice printed In this paper last week of a young man wanted to take care of horses, iVa, was an. swered by ten applicants in two days. Pretty overcoats for children, pretty suits for children, Pretty caps for children, can now bo bought at D. Lowcubcrg's. Tho essays read beforo tho State Hoard of Agriculture arn in our hands nnd will be piinted in tho orier In which they were read. Mr. Townst nd's piper on "Grapes" will be found ou the fourth page. Christmas cards nn Immense assortment at Mercer's. Gross and Ilachman liavo sub-let nil the brick work on the now bulldlugnt the Nor. rani School to John Hoat who commenced work onFiiday of last week. -Mr. Hoat will push the work to completion a rapidly aa possible. XMA8 XMAS XMAS. Holiday goods. Handsome muffler, In silk and cashmere, Elegant neck scarfs, Just arrived at D. Lowcnberg's. If any who have subscribed fortbo World urough this oillce, or who tiro entitled to viio American Farmer under our clubbing rules, and have not received their papers, wo would bo glad if they would notify us. Tho paper are oidcred nud paid for, and ought to como regularly. It Is impossible to tell you all wo have got that would mako a nlco present. Pleaso come and see and if you an not see what you want, ask for it. J. H, Mercer. Candidates for the legislature from tho other sldu of tho river are already In the field. Wo hear tho names of J. T. Fox, E. M. Towksbury, W. II. Ithawn anil J. U. Yocum mentioned In connection with that Olllco. On this side, n second term seem to bo conceded to Mr. Filtz. Ilras Key Hack, Ash Hccelvcr. Pal- ., ... .. . i. ... r.1l.l ctts, l'Jnques, ficrous, j-.usei at umhi Boole Store. Bco the hanging lamps at Stcrcer. Ocorgc, son of comlHioTl'ohc, lml W tm broken on Thumlny of l.,t week, by a Uck from horse. He was hiding up nfour horse team, when ono of the horses playfully kicked, striking the light arm above the elbow. Fortunately the horse had no shoes on. An elegant lino of overcoats for men, boys ami children, nt David Lnivenbcrg's. Col. Geo. W. Hal.,. Hip irri,,l, ,.. will deliver his lecture on "Hoys nnd Girls" during Institute week on Thursdny even Ing. The Kansas City 2W says of him i. He T)ORSpSfs In n i.-i.,.t...1 .1 n.-. ... descrlbab o inngnctlm of nppenrnncc that characterized Clay nnd Douglas, lly that magnetism ami his matchless eloquenco ho held the sweltering, surging mnss of hu mnnilv sncll.tinumt lir nr.tipui ..lii..,.! ...t.i. the most beautiful language ever heard In rocket Hooks. Hill Hooka. AV'tlltnirPnana CardtVcs, Cigar rases nt Clark's Hook oiorc. Gold Spectacles mid Eye Glasses at Clark's Hook Store. Tho pupplcmint containing 1 !in PrAtt. dent's Missace Id lull will be found In this week's Issue by those who did not receive them Inst week. The messnii! w tint sent in congress until Tuesday and this (iciaycu its publication so that tho supple- menis urn not reach us tint 1 Thursdav nf. ter the greater port of our edition was mall- ed. Had the sunplemenlH como nt the time we expected them all our readers would have had the message in two days niter us deliver-. L. Hernnrd has a line stock of watches, jewelry and silverware. Only first class goods at low prices all goods warranted as reprcsenicu. dec Hcmcmber that all nf our subscribers who are not in arrears will receive a copy ui inn i icuiriai Annual lor issu, which will be Issued In January. Those who arc behind, of course, cannot expect s to make them a piesmt, but tncy can secure the Annual by paying up now. Tho book eontnln about CO pages, with numerous line illustrations, calendar for 1888, and much valuable reading matter. The sup ply U limited, and those that come first will get the books. ftf. They make a nice Present. Diaries for 1880, 15c. to 1.75 at Mercer's. List of letters remaining In tho Post Of- dec nt Illooinsburg for week ending Dec. 15, 1885: W. L. Cummincs. Miss Liurn W. Diet rich, Mr. J C. Jeffrie, Mr. John W. Lewis, .nr. iirniney liucuie, l.niira Umith, Mlis Hortha Wilson, .Miss Emmn Wilton, Mr. Goorgc Zicglcr. GAUDS. Mr. Harry Mngee. Persons calling for above please say 'advertised." Grohok A. Claiik, P. M. Fon Salk One lielfer calf, full blooded Jersey, fawn color, marked perfect. S. C Siiivk. Do you desire your son, daughter, wife, husband or friend to associate wlih pure, nteUlgent and noble characters ? Then make them a Christina Present of tho beautiful and interesting book, "Some Noted Princes, Authors and Statesmen of Our Time," by that most enjoyable of Ame rican biographers, James Paiton, and oth ers equally noted. Anyone desiring the work will please drop a postal to the un dersigned who will take great pleasure in calling upon them and showing them the book. IIenky S. Ititiy, Dec 1-lw Hupcrt, Pa. If you want n good robe in wolfi bulTalo. or n nice lip blanket call and see the cheapest line of robes In town at David Lowcnberg's. The Winter term of the State Normal School of t tils district nt Hloomsburg will jegin on Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1880. The present is the largest attendance the school as ever had iu the fall. Additional teach ers have beci. obtained since the term be gun, and n building containing twenty-six collation rooms is now going up. Thoroughness of instruction is the aim of the teachers. Full piofesslonal stand- ug b confined by the diploma, and till- tlou is almost free to those graduating wtth- n two years. Tho school is represented now by students in Wcllcsley, Vnssar, Am. ein, Williams, Lafayette nnd Dickenson. Curds for half fare tickets good on the Lehigh Valley, Heading ami D. L. & W. II. Its., may be 1 n'l fiom the Principal, dee ll-4w D.J. Waller, Jit. The sti rm of Sunday afternoon came near doing some damage at the corner of Mailed nnd Third sliecls. Tho ditch for steam pipes was left opn without making any piovislnn to carry off thu water trom the gutter in ca'e of ruin. The rain came and the re wns n lively time for a while en. lenvoilug to keep the water out of the lilch. A temporary aqueduct was built mtoss the ditch, which answered the pur pose. There1 l a plaeu in this town that is cal culated to delight the hearts of children. Everything imaginable In the shape of toys can be fount! there in endless variety. There aie sleds, carts.drums, soldiers, forts, games, and a thousand other things suit able for boys, and thero aro dolls, doll's cnirlages, dMics, furniture, nnd a multl tilde of things to please little gills. Christ mas tiee decoialimis, lino candies, nnd In fact everything to make Christmas n happy time. What are we talking about ? Why, Gllmore's Toy lUzar to be sure. Dec 4-Sw. Don't Fall eo sco tho beautiful vases, at Clurle'a Hook Store. "Bullet nnd Shell or War as the Soldier Saw it," Is the title of n book for which Mrs. William J. Heaps, of Columbia, Is agent, and slic la now In Hloomsburg so llcillug subscriptions for tho work. The Columbia &y speaks highly of the lady, and ii9 sho supports a disabled soldier bus. band by her effort sho is entitled to en couragemcnt. Tho book contain over 450 pages and numerous Illustrations. Tho Now York JVhioj, tho Boston Globe, promi. nent general und olllcers of thu Grand Army endorse It, nnd It Is, no doubt, n dt eirnble work to have. orntiKCTlllc. I am Euro our town Is nf enough Import ance to be .epresented occasionally, at least In the columns of your valuable pa per. If wo have) nothing clsu to tell you of wo cm speak of our public school, which is in n nioxt nourishing condition. Tho upper grade H under thu management of Mis Lllllo Mt-gargell, oue of the most estimable young ludies of town. On all tide wo hear word of prnlso for her work. We sco our children bring home monthly reports. Thus we see their pro gress ftir ourtelvf. We are well pleased and wish her success. The mngla lantern show held hero lust week was not a success. Tho audience numbered about eight. Thu niidieuco wus us good as I bo exhibition dese rved. Mr Eugene Achenbach, of Columbia, Ml'ch , la visiting hU aunt, Mrs. Dr. Me. giirgtil. Ilnth churches are making great prepn. rations for Chiistma. Tho Union Chinch will nold exercise Clulstma eve. A good lime I anticipated. THE COLUMBIAN AND Anions our Christmas cant nm u d cgnnt scenrrys for painting. Painter ttko nonce. Jicrccr. To the representative of tho County Commissioners of Columbia county, Pa.. appointed for tho p'trposo of burial of tho Indigent soldier nnd tho erection of tomb. stone nt tho hcnd9 of tho graves thereof. Wo tho undersigned do hereby call meeting of said representative to convene in the Court House nt Hloomsburg on the 20th day of December for the purposo of examining such designs for tombstones ns tuny be submitted for their inspection. It I Intended to ndopt n uniform design nnd to secure tho best posslblo tombstone for tho amount of money t.) which wo are llm Itcd by law, viz., $15.00. It Is absolutely nccessnry that all representatives should bo present ns tho Commissioner will not pay any bills for tombstone until some de sign lias been ndoptcd and npproved. Speeches will bo mndo explaining the pro vision of the law. All patriotic persons ladles and gentlemen arc Invited to be pre sent. Suggestion will bo kindly received from any. Stki-iiks Poiib, ") .,.. ! Wasiunuton Paiik, " S,'T"' f Eu Mbsdenuau- ) to'""1"!1 County. lilCCtloil XotlCCH. Wo will send by niail post-paid to any constable In the county, one dozen election notices on receipt of 20 cents. This I much cheaper than they con be wiltten. tf CliriHllllilH CcudH. A reference to our local notice this week will give nil tho Information neces sary for buyers of holiday goods to know where and what to buy. The stores aro full ol beautiful things and the trade is brisk. Tho choicest article nre being se lected, nnd those who wnnt n choice should not put olT buying until the day before Christmas, ns they will then get only wlmt Is left by others. Those, how ever, who cannot buy sooner, will be suio to find something suitable out of tho vast assortment to be found on tho counters. Those who buy first of course, get tho best. For a nice satchel, hand bag, or fine trunk, go to headquarters. At I). Lowcnberg's. A Ilrlef IlimcMliooii. The Dnnvllle Sun of the 8tb Inst., an nounces the death of Mrs. W. II. Antrim who was married only tho Thursdny pre. ceding, nnd spenks of her ns follows : Miss Emma H. Gelser, of Huckhorn, Co lumbia county, graduated at the High School commencement last spring, ns ono of the brightest students. Sho wns cudenr ed to her teachers and fellow-students by the loveliness of her disposition, and her residence here made her general favorite. Her hand and heart were given to William II. Antrim, superintendent of the M. I. & S. Co.'s Homing mills, nnd It seems hardly credible that only last Thursday was their wedding day. Mrs. Antrim had been suf fcrlng lately from a slight Illness, nnd this fact prevented n church wedding service, and the ceremony wns performed nt the residence of the groom's mother, but none of the joyous throng who were then pres. ent drenmcd that this earthly bride would so soon become the bride of death. Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Gents' Shaving Sets, .Manicure sets, Albums, Card Cases, Writing Desks, &c, nt Oeorgo A. Clark's Book Store. Miiniu. Roads arc bad. J. E. Snyder spent Sunday with relatives at Nescopcck, John W. Nuss has been very sick but is improving. Prolracted mcUinjr iu the Lutheran church is still iu progrSB. The meeting Iiiih been a success. Michael Fctlicrolf Is makinir some im provements on his newly.purchased farm. The prop business is booming again. Mrs. A. A. Bredbenner is very ill of cold on her lungs. Sutni'cl Snyder received a telegram on Saturday announcing the death of ids brother. John Snvder. of Milton. A num. ber of his relatives of this place attended the funeral on Tuesday. On Thursday nicht of last week about eight o'clock the alnrm of fire was heard. It wns soon learned that J. W. Winter steen'a out klt:hen was en tire. This building stood but a few feet from the house which sooon took fire. Nenrly nil the good were saved but both houses burned. A large crowd collected and wero successful by tha aid of a favorable wind, In saving Cyrus Fox's new house which stood just to the west. 'Doc" Kromer lias embarked 1l the fruit tree business. Success, Doc. Hi. Hons, of Nttiitlcoke, formerly of Hetlcrtllle, has taken another partner. Shu is u life partner. If you are going to mako a Xmas present C 1 und oxamiuc the beautiful goods for gentlemen's wear nt D.tvid Lowenberg'a, Mciitencc urn Tramp. William Ludgon was convicted aa a tramp last week, nnd tho court Imposed the following sentence s You have been found guilty by tho ver dict of the jury of going nbout from place to place asking charity and for the purpose of acquiring a living, having no tlxed place of residenco or lawful occupation In this county wliero you wero arrested. Tho law declare that any person guilty of such acts shall lie deemed a tramp, nnd be sub. ject to imprisonment or conviction of the offense. Prisoner (interrupting) your hon or, I don't get my living In that way. (Xmrt. Tho Jury were satlslleel from tho evidence) that you do. Thu jury heard what you had to say on oath on your own behalf. From tho facts detailed by tho witnesses for the Commonwealth anil your own statement in respect to travel in tho Statu of New Jer sey and elsewhere tho jury were justified in finding thu verdict they did. 1'ritoner. tho witnesses did not know mc, and of course I ought not to bo deprived of my liberty for asking for a cup of coffee. Your conduct Iu going from house to bouse, going into the back way into num ber of houses, leaving open gates and In. solently answering request to shut them was sulllclent to convict you of tho olfense charged. The act of 187U provides for tho Imprisonment of ono found to be a tramp, but docs not Impose a line. The muximlum punishment la twelve months imprison ment ; below that the Court may cxertiso discretion, Tho sentenco of tho court Is that you pay the cost of prosecution nnd undergo imprisonment In tho jail of Columbia conn, ty 1 y separate or solitary confinement at labor for the term of four month, and that you stand committed until this sentenco is complied with. This statute of 1870 Is tho only one in forco that requires separate or solitary con. fiueiuent at labor to be part of the sentence of any ono to Imprisonment In thu County jail. Hut this statute requites it, wo eo Impose sentence and tho Shcrltl must sco that It is canted out, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Court Iroccedluxn. Sheriff Mourcy acknowledged the follow- Ing deeds i To Catawlssa Deposit Hnk for laud in Main township, sold ns prop, crty m D. S. Brown, for $3000. To same for limber land of D. 8, Drown, for 20. To same for land of samo old for 5810, To Dorothy Brown lor land In Mifflin township sold ns property of D. B Brown for 50 cent. To SI. O. Hughes and Chnrlca Smith for house nnd lot In Cntawlssn sold ns properly of Cbns. Smith nnd F. Smith for $575. Commonwcnlth v William Houghton, Sr., W. Houghton, Jr., und David Hough, ton, breaking and entering n bonded ware' house, with intent to commit a felony. Not a true bill. Commonwealth vs snmc, larceny. Not a true bill. Commonwealth y Thos. Slurpby. SIls demeanor In oillce. Case tried. Verdict, defendant guilty, court sentence him to pay cost of prosecution, n line of IJ15.00, and bo removed from otllco of Jusllco of tho Pence. Same v Sn.uc, refusing to glvo a trans cript. Jury return verdict that if Lite de fendant Is not guilty the county pay the cost. Point reserved. Jamc Thompson sworn ns a citizen of the United Stntes. Grand Jury's report mndo nnd llled. COLUMIUA COUNTV 8S: To thu Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Columbia co u n ty. Thu Grand Iuepicst of tho Common, wealth of Pennsylvania for thu body of thu County of Columbln. Hespcctfully Iteport, that wo havo pur sunnt to our required duties, Investigated nil bills of Indictment prescnttd for our consideration nnd hnvo passed upon them nccordlng to their mcritj. We hnvo nlso examined the County Build ings nnd find them nil In good condition except the Court room nnd Library which we find in bnd condition and recommend 'hat the same be painted nnd put iu good repair. Isaiah Bowbii, Foreman. Order Issued to A. D. Scely for 40 ns special detective, by order of court. Commonwealth vs J. P. Lewi. False pretense. Nol pros nllowed. Commonwealth v E. II. Hess. llecog- nlzanco forfeited, to be respited on pay ment of costs. Commonwealth vs S. P. Hess. Fornica tion and bastardy. Hccognlzance forfeit ed Commonwealth vs Cha9. Sclitil. Itccog- nlzancc forfeited. Commonwealth vs W. Zeigler. Assault and battery. Hccognlzance forfeited. Commonwealth vs H, Joyce, Desertion. Hecognizanco forfeited. Commonwealth vs Harry Reinhart. For nication nnd bastardy. Itccogniznnce for feited. Commonwcnlth va Susan Brumbach. Not a true bill. Commonwealth va Geo. Getty. Cnsu tried. Verdict not guilty, but pay cost. Auditor's report in estate of E. T. Fields confirmed nisi. Philip Postcn nnd wife vs. Jacob Hay & Sons. Interpleader, enso tried, "verdict for plaintiff. Petition of David Wbltmlre to set asldo a Sheriff's sale, llled. W. II. Ilauoit, Henry IllnterHter and Chas. Heichart, appointed viewers of a. road in Catnwissn. Josiali Phillips vs. W. P. Hnmscy, ct al. Sci. fa. sur mortgage. Caso tried, verdict for plaintiff for 53,300.311. Cyrus JlcIIenry, Eliua Howell and Josh ua Howell, appelated viewers of a road in Centre, near Alfred Bowers'. I. L. Edwards, Charles Gibbons nnd Eli McIIenry, appointed vleweis of n road In Stigarlouf, near Episcopal parsnnnge. Auditor's report in estate of Tliomns Crevcling confirmed nisi. J. J. Crawford vs. Hiram Tliomns. On trial. Om-IONS FILED. C. B. Hrockway vs Locust Mountain C. & Iroti Co. Tills was on a case stated, con cerning a tax title. Judgment for defen dant. In the matter of Incorporation of Borougli of Espy. Exceptions to petition. Excep tion sustained nnd proceedings set aside. The notice published Is In thu samu words ns the notice in the former npplication, not containing the requirements of thu law.and thu proceedings aro set aside now for tho same reason ns before. Tho motion should state on what day tho petition will lie pre sented to the court. Com. vs. John Crane. .Mandamus. Pat rick McDcrmott, one of the supervisor of Conynghum township, seeks by mandamus to compel John Cr.iun, the other supervis or, to join him in levying and collecting a road tax for 18S5. Application refused, re lator to pay the costs. Council l'rocvuclliiKH. The Town Council met In regular session on Friday evening Dec. 11. Tho minutes of last mecllng worn read and nfter noting n few nmUsluns, viz : That upon motion Lnos Jncoby and O. B. Sterling were up pointed a committee on material for high ways, npproved. F. I). Dentler in behalf of tho Winona Fire Co., continuing their appeal for an ad- elllional 25 to tho annual sum now re ceived. No formal nctlon taken. Eno Jacoby, ono of thu committco on material for the high way, made report. The report Is received and the commltteo continued. Thu Town Engineer made report of sur voy mndo by htm from tho Cannl to tho lino between Lockard's works and tho Iloyt Farm" via S. E. corner of Jail lot and Krug's Planing mill, and estimated cost of constructing a pipe dralu to carry off tho water from various points along said lino. Upon tho motion of P;oscnslock and Sterling, .Messrs. L. B. ltupert Henry Kosenstock,Samuel Neyhard wero appoint- ed a committee on Hlght of Way for same and to solicit contributions from property owners ulong the line, ns otherwise, the Town fuuda would bo Inadequate for tho construction of said drain. Bills wero passed upon nnd the Secretary ordered to lssuo orders for samo to thu amount of 54.81. Picture frames, albums, toipt sets, jewel cases, writing ilcsks, wlilsp holders, ccrap booka and ono thousand nnd one different things suitable for a prescut at Mercer's. I.lKlilHtrcet. Abratn Custci'a residenco Is now nenrly completed. Jacob Terwilllgcr la finishing up the Inside In cliestitut, L. SI. Pcttlt moved to tho upper end of town on Thursday last. Chas. White, tho teacher employed at the bill school, Is now having a touch of tho measles. Miss Cora Sliultz lias been enjoying a vacation during thu past week but is now at her post again. Our band was out serenading Saturday night. Mot long since somebody took ndvantage of Mrs. Hinoyer' abseucu and vlited thu cellar und relieved her of a crock of sau sage. Guess it did not leave town. Clifton, son of Charles nnd Annu Culp, was taken suddenly 111 last v.eck with what was supposed to bo ellpbtioria,but nt present tlmo i doing well, HcrwIcU. Thing we would llko to sees Knocking at the door when thero I a door bell to ring, Pas the rug and walk Into tho houso scattering the mud off your boot on tho clean carpets. Spitting nil about you where you sit. Talking loud enough to drown thunder, ns If thu person you wero talking to was stone deaf. Tramping over the floor ns heavy a a horso on a barn floor. Wnlt till you get to tho tnblo to bring up and discuss some filthy and nan ecou subject. It help digestion. Have rudo children that climb all over you nnd nsk nil sorts of questions. Scare your children Into n corner to dry up and wither when a stranger enters. Peddlo around your trouble a a huckster woman brawls out "clam for sale." Other people have no trouble of their own nnd you can en. tcrtnln them with n rehearsal of yours. Go to sacrament on Sunday and cheat somebody on, Monday. Wear thoclonk of religion to glvo you business success. Borrow money from somebody nnd pay back promptly, till tho last borrowj borrow big then and never pay back. Bo rudu and insulting In all you say nnd do; It makes you popular. Atjtho tnblo dip your knifo Into tho scvcrnl dishes, ns spoons hnvo never been discovered yet; other people llko to ent after you. lie the Inst to go to church, wndo up through tho aisles, nil can behold you, nnd you mnko a sensation. Attend to the business of others nnd neg lect your own. Glvo advice when not nskctl. Thrust your opinion upon others, as It Is very Important; It will take. Crit icise your neighbors, as you, have nofault of your own. If you hnve no tlmo to rend respectable authors and newspapers, go nround and gossip. Look over some body's shoulder and rend what he is writ ing. If you nre reading and somebody else alongside of you, bo suro to rend aloud to that person, so that he cannot read, nnd whnt he is rending is of no Im portance, nnd no difference how interested Hint pcrsou is in what ho rends. Alwnys mnko the "Ego" resound. I think thl, I think that. It Is nil Important Hint you should tnko tho front nnd save tho world. Hnvo your children behave themselves on the streets ns If they were prowling wolves or maniacs let loose. Keep the windows and doors of crowded churches and hulls hermetically scaled and breathe over and over again the brcntli of others; It Is healthy. Always render yourself con spicuous upon nil occasions. Do all the talking in company; givo nobody elso a chance to "put n word In edgeways." Tho Almighty put you hero for that purpose. "Knowledge's powcr,"henc.e nlwnys know more than anybody else, and back It up wltti unblushing assurance and dogmatlc perseverance. Hair uncombed, cara dirty, black hands nnd finger nails in mourning, nre objects of benuty and ornaments to so ciety. Tho ocenn roars, tho winds howl, nnu 'jencu you suouiu utway uu nusiug u racket. The way to do it Is to cnll somu ono n liar, strike at him, slander his family, and get soundly thrashed. Discredit Clir!stlanltybccausc there aro hypocrites in the church as If that were Christianity's fault. Hush along to perdition nnd Join lite hypocrites there. Pick out the faults and foibles of your neighbors, but never mention their redeeming qualities, like the cow and the buzzard, that fly over every clean thing to get at a oarrlon. Depreciate everything outside of yourself; preserve yourself Intact. Go elsewhere to buy your goods, and always talk dispnringly of your town, it iiclns to build it up. The Troubadors here last week rendered excellent music and made a tine impres sion. Tho audience was not large, but appreciative. They talk of returning in the Spring. They will receive a splendid welcome. We cannot say the same of the show and the parties that held forth last Friday night. It was a first-class humbug. Those trav eling humbugs should bu1 suppressed by law and not be allowed to rob the peoplo of thei." money, Our new bridge tender, Hctler, is giving good satisfaction. Some talk of tho Salvation Army of Bloom visiting Berwick. As they have done so much good there it is to be hoped that they will visit us ere Spring. Josenli Blank killed a hog last week that weighed 450 pounds. 400-pound hogs have been quite frequent this season here abouts. Those shoes and boots that Drum turn out in Newtown aro of exccllcLt quality. There are more bowling dogs in town than any use for. If some of them wero dljpatchcd it would lie a blesssing. Wo mistated last week about tho Y. SI. C. A. hall. It supplies its own ga and Is well lighted. J. W. Cooper is turning out some very neat harness. The Iloyt house has bnd oyer 100 guests during tho last two weeks. That houso opposlto Isaiah Bowers' store is almost ready to bo placed upon Its foun dations. It has been somu tlmo moving from Front street. A new saloon has opened in Nescopeck well stocked with good eatable. We count several new buildings In New town. A grander view or tho river cannot be obtained than nbove the bridge. Tailor Hertz has been turning some nobby sulls lately. Tho revival still goes ou In the M. E. church. Tho plpo business has become ouo of tho permanent enterprises oMlerwick, Daniel Slcllenry Is getting out lumber extensively up the river, on the opposito side. Tho Berwick Water company 'declare dividend in first week January. What has becomo of tho talk about n town clock 1 'Strong talk of this being an "open Win ter," Did wo ever hear of ono that was shut up anywhere? Good prospecta of finding coal three miles north of Berwick, Parties will soon bo on hand to "ttcologlzo." Wheat will bo thin next harvest If n blanket of snow docs not spread out pretty soon. Notwithstanding tho holidays aro ap. proacltlng, tho turkeys will be guillotined qulto abundantly. Our opera houso Is a paying Institution at present. Our peoplo aro reveling amidst sausngo and ponhosa. They ore good thing to re vel In. Six milk wagons are running in town, besides tho numberless dry weather beaten cows that rovo tho streets. Tho December Ilarper'i Magaxine, the 'Christmas number," prove to bo by no means tl.o end of tho Harper Chrlstmaslntf, for Jforper't Weekly nnd Jhrper't Young J'eople until nnnounco unusually fine Christ inas Issues, and tho January magazine will also Include somo Christmas material, par. tlcularly nn account by Archibald Forbes, tho war cnirespondent, nf "ChrUtmas-tldo With tho German Before- Pari," with 11 lustratloos by sleiney P. Halh snd a "plan. tallon cclio" of Cliristmas-time, called "Uno' Ediuburg'g Drowudln," by thoau thor of "Slaiso Chan," who la maklnp; a noteworthy reputation among the nowcr Southern writers. ' A lino and cheap Christmas Cards ns In town, nt Gcorgo A. Clark' Hook btorc. See our Xmas card everything entirely new 500 or moro designs from lo. to 1.C0. J. II. Mercer. TcnClllTM' IIIHlltlllC. Tho Columbia county Teacher' Instl Institute will convene In tho Opera House Hloomsburg on Monday, Dec. 28th at 1i80 p. in., and close on Friday noon, Jan. 1st, 1680. Among tha Instructor who will be present nre .Miss Leila E. Patrldgo of Illi nois, Dr. Groff, of Lcwtsburg, Dr. Waller, Prof. Harklns, Capt, Straw and other. Tho evening entertainment will bo a follow i On Monday evening n "Talk on tho National Park," by Dr. Wnllcr; lecture, "History of a Cnndlc," by Dr. Groff ; ad mission, 15 and 25 cent. Tuesday evening, recitation by Sirs. Grant Herring; lecture, "Tho Hclgn of the Common People," by Henry Ward Beech, cr. Admission, 60 and 75 cent. Wednesday evening, lecture "We Girls," by Slls Partridge. Admission, 10 and 25 cents. Thursday evening, lecture, "Boys nnd Girls, Nice nnd Naughty, or tho Pendulum of Life," by Col. G. W. Bain. Admission, 85 nnd 50 cents. Supt. Grimes has taken pains to secure first-class lecturers nnd tho peoplo should show their npprccintlon by a liberal atten dance. Every teacher In the county is expected to be present during the entire week. All tho proceeding aro open to tho pub lie, nnd parents, directors nsd citizens nro cordially invited to present. First In stylo first In .Hock lowest In price nro the mottoes of David Lowenbcrg. Tho finest lino of juveniles over seen in Bloom at SIcrcer's. CatllWlHHIt. Our store are beginning to present quite a holiday nppenrnnce, nnd judging from the nmount of holiday goods purchased al ready there will be qulto a goodly number of present given this year. Business upon the several railroads ap pear ns brisk ns ever, und they nre con. stnntly ndding new men to the force nl- rcatly employed. Air. Pltaler lias puichased part of the Haines property and Intends putting up a number of houses on the property. Sir. Haines 19 nt present busily employed in removing-bis stable from tho premise. Thero was it white deer passed through thU plnco a few day ngo, which was shot on the mountains ubovo Nescopcck. Quito a rnro occurrence and ought to hnvo been captured alive. The O. H. C. entertainment was well at- tended. Tho skating rink does not seem to be as well patronized this winter as last What I the cause ? Want of attraction, or have tho people returned to their senses. Justice of last week stated that the word method was successful in Catawlssa. Ask tho parents, nnd you will become some what enlightened, In respect to methods. Too many fine spun methods and not enough teaching common sense. Sir. Hansom's new houso h approaching completion and prcsent9 n fine nppenrnnce. Quite n number of our legal gentlemen were to be seen wending their way toward Hloomsburg to attend court. This town can boast of as fine a lot of se lect chickens ua any town in the atate. Every family seems to havo somo fancy sort, which la highly praised. Dont fall to see tho beautiful Artotypes In Georgo A. Clark's windows. If you wnnt to see a ninu lino of Sticll and Portland cutters, go to Jllllllnvllle. In quire at hotel. 2t. I had one of tho worst forms of Catarrh. Pains over my eyes, in nasal passages, ex cessive discharges Into my throat. I was pronounced to have consumption. Keller's Catarrh Hcmcely cured me nfter using six bottles. T F. Heidy, Wllllamsnort. Pa. ILeHOlutloiiH of Condolence. A tribute to tho late Hupert Smith, of Haven Creek, by his friends and Sunday school mates. At the Hamlin SI. E. Sunday school it was resolved that Wheiieas, It ha pleased God in His nil- wise providence to lemove from our midst by death our Sunday school mute, Hupert Smith, son of Charles SI. Smith, therefore RtsoUed, That we, ns a Sundny school, hnve sustained a grievous loss In the de mise of our friend and young companion, for lie, by his; bright and promising pros- peels of future usefulness, has won for himself the respect and friendship of not only tho Sunday school, but of all who knew him. Re$oheil, Tiiat wbllo we deeply mourn the loss of this, our dear young friend, Hupert, and thnt wo tender our licnrtfelt sympathies to thu bereaved family we re jolcu that be, though pearly called nwny trom earth nnd home, bus, as wo trust and havo reason to believe, found a happy ad mittance In Heaven, where sickness and death never come. Resolved, That we, too, remember our duty to Him who iloeth nil things well, and so live tltnt when It I our to leave this sphcro of action, we may be ablo to say with him "Tho Lord Is our Shepherd," and tlms be prepared to meet our God with joy, and dwell with Him for evermore. Resolved, That a copy of theso resolutions be piescnled to tho bereaved family and that they bo published in the leading county papers. J. W. Belles,-) N. J. Kkipeu, Committee. T. F. Belles, ) Don't fail to seo tho display of Christ mas Presents, at Clark's Book Store. Autograph and Photo Albums,a fine lino at SIcrcer's. Tho people living south of Hloomsburg can como to tho lecture, December 20tb, on tho train duo at Hloomsburg 0:30 p, nt. The tralu going south nt 8:47 will be held until nfter tho lecture. The people north of Hloomsburg can come on the 4:34 train. A passenger car or car will bo attached to a freight train going ncrtli ut 1 a. in. He served seats can bo secured through the 'phono, central office, Hloonisburir. Call and sco the nobby hats, fur cap for men ami boys, tho nowest In stylo, lowest In price, nt David Lowcnberg's. EcU's Emulsion cf Fcra Coil I.lvcr Oil WltllllVltOpllOHltllltCH Is Excellent In Luna Trouble. Dr. Enoch Calloway, LuQrangc, Ga., say' "I havo used Scott's Emulsion with won. derfnl success In all Lung troubles, a'so find it ha no equal In bummer Diarrhcea of children." Chronic Citturrli. 1 waa troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering In head, wu deaf at time, had discharge from ear, unable to breathe through nosu. Before tho second bottle of Ely's Cream Halm whs exhausted I was cured. C. J, Corblu, 023 Chestnut street, i.n-.i ..i.-i.i .. ..... i-Huuuvipmu. ueo U-4W A Christmas present for everybody n Mcrccr'a. Illustrated poems una gift book of all Kinds In great varieties at Gcorgo A, CUrk' Hook Store. A JiiNttceortlie Itcinovcil lor .itlHclcmcuttnr lit Oillce. Thos. Slurphy, of Ccntrnila, who was convicted last week, wu sentenced by t he court n follow; You have been found guilty nf wilfully and fraudulently taking Illegal tees for sei vlcc ns n justice of the peace In a civil suit brought before you. You charged nnd iccclvcd for confession of judgment wbcru there wero no such services ren dered. Your record showed that the ense was tried before you nnd judgment was rendered after bearing tnu purtles, their proofa nnd ullegttlons. PitisoNEit. There were two Judgments and 1 got mixed up with them. Cocht. You nlso charged and iccclvcd payment for nn item in your bill of forty cent for discharging tho parties. Your record dor not show nny entry of ells charge, nnd besides there 1 nothing in the fee bill nllowed for such service. If you did not know whnt fee you were entitled to chtrge, you disregarded your duty In not informing yourself. Whether Illegal charges uro mndo nnd collected by reason of lenornnce of tho law or by design, 1 not material. We nre not disposed to impose upon you a benvy lino in view of nnothcr portion of tho judgment which the lnw require ua to pronounce. The 4th Sectlo.i of Article Oof tho Con stitution provides, thnt nil olllcers shall bold their office on the condition thnt they behave themselves well while in oillce, and sliuU bo removed on conviction of misbe haviour in ofllco or of nny Infnmous crime. Your ense comes within this provision nnd wo render judgment nccordlngly. The sentcuce of the court is thnt you pay a fine of fifteen dollnrs to the com monwealth nnd tho cost of proccution, nnd stand committed till thu sentence Is complied with. And the court adjudge and decree that the said Thomas Slurphy bo and be Is hereby removed from tho office of justice of tho peace of the borough of Contralto, in the county of Columbia. Nover fail to see the nice presents nt SIcrcer's before you buy. LOCAL NOTICES. Everybody Is invited to call nt Phillips'. Tho Fancy Glassware nnd Llttlu Keep Sake In the grocery elepartment of I. W. Hurtman d Son's are worth seeing. Fine ladles' shoes at F. I). Dentler'. You will find n nice line of pnnda sulin. hie for Christmas presents, such as Hooks, Albums, Frames, Dresslne Cases, Dolls, Silverware, Nut Pickers, Ornaments, ice, at Clark & Son's. All kinds of Brushes and fancy articles, at HenderBhotts. 2w Now is the limit in ....i vnn- U';.,i- suit cheap at Geo. W. Bertsch's na he is making up suits nt cost in thu l itest styles. A fit guaranteed or no sale. Whether you wish to buy or not bo sure to sco I. W. Hartman k Son's Holiday ..n.l- . 1, ..... - wiuwa. iiii ure welcome. Almnnnes nnit Tlt.irlno icurt n. T w ...... ...... ,uvu lit a, it, Hartman & Son's-. Clark & Son have just received nnollier large lino of Ladles Coats nnd' Wraps at very low prices. Sco them. Fine Dressing Cases from one to twelve dollar at Ilendcrthott's Drug Store. 2w Christmas Cards for Sunday Schools frOIll S2.00 to Sin (111 wr nt I W Hartman & Son's. Hats acd caps, of all the latest styles, at G. W. Bertsch's, tho hatter nnd clothier. Also a fine line of senlskin cap for the holidays on linnd. Call and see them. Our stock of Jewelry In Lnce Pina.ltl Setts, Cuff Buttons, Drops, Silverware. Cake Baskets, Pickle Dishes, Sugar Bowls. ic., at viuru a ottn s. A fino lino of silk mufflers and handker chief can be had nt G. W. Bertsch's mer chant tailoring establishment, Slain street. I. W. Hartman .t Son toH vnn Inst week about the crowd who would visit their stores. You have seen it already, but the nan lias not been tout, como every day, in the morning, nt noon, in thu evenin" ; 7 and 8 clerks to wait Plain and fancy Bottle ut Hendershott's mug store. yw You will find nlmost nnv thine vou mnv want nt Clark & Son's, suitable for presents uo sec them. Go to Geo. W. Bertsch's. the clothier and furnisher, for your cents furnishinc enods of nil thu latest shies nnd pattern, iust re ceived iresti lor tho holiday trade. You will find nt Clnrk & Son's full lines ot bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Napkin rings, Fruit knives and Nut ricks, cheap at Hcndcrshotl a Drug store, 2w F. D. Dentler has iust received a full line ot suppers for the Holidays. You will find the best und cheapest hooks oi an kiiiiis At cjiuru iV son'?. Have you seen the sets of Wiilte and fancy Dishes at I. W. Hartman it Son's. 5j.uu to so.uu. 4U pieces to iai pieces in see. WANTED All the children to come and see the tine lino of Holiday Goods at Phil lips- uomesiic naucry. Tho wbolo talk, the whole time, tho wnoie desire, the wuoio ellort of 1. W. Hartman et Son. for thu next week, will be to plca9o the people with Christmas goons, Fino shoes for gents, ladles nni tnissc at r d, iJcntier's. ejuii ami examine. Dont foriret whilst I. W. Hartman it Son havo changed the appearance of their stores, you can buy a bolt of Sluslln, a ucii vy oiunKci, u nice lining uunt, u Cash, mere Dres. a set of Underwear, a nntr nf ci i . i ' ouues, ivu., us usual. Ladies' mini hilk.llepceil .lorspi- i.liivra n 4,w, itiBu, casiiiuert'dtrsey gloves ic ladles und children ut II. W. Sloan's. . 1 nn i- i . . Sirs. C. E. liubb Is closing out her stock of felt hats ntcoit tomuku room for Christ mas goods. Harness from 10 up at C. S. Furman's. New jewelry und silk handkerchiefs for cjiirmmas nl u. w. Sloan', Now is tho tlmu to havo plush mull mnue to nruerond nil lelntlsot turs cleaned, lined und reuovated at Sirs. C. E. Hubb's. il n f . i .1- v. .uarr wuu-ji uuiier, i;oc,, eggs, Jlc. , lard, chickens, turkeys, corn, oats, hard anun milt n.ilnna Person wlo havo gonu through Blooms, burg looking up Christmas prcseuts, gay I. . Hurtman it Son have thu assortment. uo nun scu lor yourself. A new stock of rubber boots and shoes at r. i. Dcnticr's. Beautiful Christmas presents for llltlo children at Sir. O. E. Habb'e. Call anil seo me piusii noons. TO THlfT'AiniKliK You cau buy your Christmas present III, I, r . ..,,.,....,.. I T tf It.'. . "ii" wuim win. tfeh" HI I, 11, tlimitlUll Son', Horse blankets from 85 cents up at C, S, r uriuun , .uuin, ueiow -uaruet. The best bread In town, white, light and uig loaves, i- rctii every day, cant be beat, ae e.umwcii'8, We'wlll have In n nice lot of new black cashmeres on Monday. II. W. Sloan. Double wool shawl ntC. C. Starr's veryclionp. Largo assortment of cheap Hanging Lamp at I. W. Hartman'. Ono would make a good and useful Chrltma9 present. Bilffabi and WnTf Hobe nt C. S. Fur man', Stain street, below Starkct. . . The 35 cent, 42 cent, nnd 58 cent Hooks nt I. W. Hurtman & Son's cannot bo found at other places. Go to V. C. Starr for nice Christmas' pre, ent. Will In grapes, orange and alt kinds of nuts and candles ut Caldwell's. It I hoped the person that In mistake exchanged n double h'nek rnshmerc shawl at C. C. Starr' Sept. 10,1885. C. C. Slatr buys dried fruit. Whrn going nround to seo Christmas goods, stop at Cndmnn's. lie hns sleds, bicycles, wagons, chairs nnd sofa for chll. drcn picture frames, easels, curtain cor nice und it large assortment nf furnltutc for older people. Call and sec. Evans it Eyer display some elegant ellk mufflers for gentlemen, nil kinds of gents' furnishing goods, huts, caps,nnderwcnr,Ac. Fine randies, fruits, nuts, for the Holl ilnys nt Caldwell's. Get Vnur ftentlrmnn frlpmla antnpllilnrr useful us well ns ornamental Inr a Christ, mas present. Evutis .fc Ever nn.n oivn vnti Just what you wnnt. Cash paid for hldest O. S. Fiirmau's. Steerschaliiii plues. clirar oises nnd tine cigars for Holiday gift nt W. E. Knorr'a. C. A. Kiel in hu3 added u fine stock of jewelry tn bis store. Ho nlso has lamps, uno toilet soap, perrumcry, tollc: Bets, brushes, combs nnel numerous other desir. nblu goods. A full line ot cigars, tobacco, pipes, etc., W. E. Knorr's. at W. J. Corell it Co.. have foot rests.fancv stands, key hooks, cabinet and manv other articles suitnblo for thu Holidays. A full line ot furniture of all irrmtes nt W. J. Corell & Co'. to whom ir may ooxckus. All ftprrinnn nr.. lirTntiv ,,nttft1...1 ttmt nn. persona buying Conynglinm township or- :ia h im inirciinsc ino sumo subject to nny nllics that may exist ns to the tnxpayers. That tho Taxpayers Association are will- ? tO llinkf1 tilt muds. t.,i.n In rnnnl. nit roads and bridges free of expense to indi- iiniai, inxpnjers lor mo ;,cnr lyyo, and iiibjcct to the direction of the Supervisors if said lunnshlp nnd ns there is nn legal ax levied for the year, and all legitimate) ixncnsra of the liond Dennrlmnnt nm lin ing paid, there is no necessity nny or- :rs ucing issued. All nritlTU t'llllltrn tlm .Wnnlnrna nt .......... ..... 3 yll UUIII Supervisors of the Township Clerk nnel should hear the seal of tho township. ine nunva nouro is ueing given so that persons govern themselv-i.a tnph'. M 1.... --cv .... lllMlj Agent for Taxpayer's Association. Asuiiiiiei, im,, ov. a,, 'jjs.-tf. BUSINESS NOTICES. Aches and pains long homo mako eyen lie young feel old. 'J be true rmeily 19 'arke r's i'onic. It purifies the blood, sets" 1 Older thp llvpr nnil l.-lil tlnvc linrillllina pain und builds up tlm health, HesitU's it has tho icniilutinn nf tint for it. fdec.-4.4t. You have often seen women with mnrki,i Mueness or paleness of face, vitiated appe tites, and a craving for unwholesome food. , These are signs of a disordered liver, nnd the trouble1 must be ewrected or worse re sults nre sure to follow. Husbands nnd rather cannot nfford to treut this rentier lightly. Dr. Kentiedv's "Favorite. Rem edy," which dispels liter disease, costs lcs uuin sick wives and daughters. You will find It u very profitable investment. (1114. WE TELL YOU l'LAISI.V that Simmons Liver Itegulator will rid you ii ujH,-Kiu, pinny your system, enable ou to sleep well, prevent malarial diseases ind givo you a biisk and vigorous feeling. t nr-ta tllrpMli- imnn llm llt.n- n.,.l 1. cli-iinsing, purifying, Invigorating and fori iiiyiug mo HVMieiu against disease. It win uiiiin. ui i.iiiii3 nnu iumt nnu prevent their return and I u complete antidote to all malaria poison yet entirely free from quinine ur caiumei. "SloSt Of these hfltr lirnllnrnlinna .lrtnlt work." writes Sir. J. S. Burdlck, of St. i.uuis, -iuiit i-araer s nuir Ualsatn Is nn honorable cxrcnttnn. My tmli- ,.,.,, , , I ".' na mm and prematurely crny. The Balsam made u u.owu again auu son ns in my boyhood." dec.4-4t. Cnntnln Mitnl.l ,,f tl, i..,.i.. .,!.. I? I X-......, -lllluillU sala, New i ork and Havana trade, came uiiiiiK j ii .way, entirely iieiptess wan rheum. atlsin. Tin wnnt tn flu. mnlint.ilrta i ... ... ...... ... ..... ,,, nut receiving no benefit, nt bis wife's request began l.i take Hood's Sarsaparilla, -He Immediately began tn improve; in two monius ins ilieutnatisin was all gone, and ii.- oiim-ii iu e-oinniami oi ins vessel a well man. IlnmPs s; Sold by nil druggists. TbrollL'b (.lir lllllt-!mis nnil ii. n.n-tn.l modes of living, tin 1 from n score of causes besides, diseases of tbokidnevt nnil II rl nnrv organs aro now among tho most common ami fatal in this country, Slen suffer from them most frequently und most intensely. Their victims nre fulling exhausted by tho nnytiuu in me every day. uj vou fear lids end fur yourself ? If so, we 'can as sure Villi Of hf-ln 111' tilKnna nT Ttr I.'n ncdy's "Favorite Hemedy." dill. mien nby wu tick, wo eTo hrr CwtorU, When eho was a Child, .bet criod for Catori, When alio became lll.i, Uo claae to CiwtorU, Whou .ho LaJ Chlldrou, she garo them Cantorl. Till.'!, tin. fLdltmn.,.. txf .......... t ....... .... ij bi;,i:ii inn u, uvery ten men you meet, and they will nil com. l-iiini ui inning iuii;u Irani "consiipaiioir1 mill Ita lacott...!.. I. .... .1..-1. . , , ... ..".mi, iii-uuuciie, llatiilence, Ac. Walker's Vinegar Bitters m a spcuiuc ior una ailment. It ucts ccntlv. lull J.,-.. 1.. ...! .-Ill l.- K . - ' ..... iiuiij , mm nni nui'uu uiu system, cultivate a natural appetite nnd digestion Dkitqcixi nf tin LMtw.i.a 1t.. orfinns, nro speedily cureil by tho .QfaUiblo ......t (pumivj nun ijivijivcu.euy. Cnntnln U'insliin , i ".r! . .....t.w.w 4 uuuu. suf fered live Years from kidney disease, was cured by llimt'fLKidney and UvcrJRem- for rroup and colds, and declare It a rtosL llv.i mi r. I .n..,ll I I... 11-... 1 .... I, . VIUII4KIIIIH uv tt iu, rtay,io,u Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. No other ini.illplm. Ima ...n.. t ... ........... 0 ,, ,u, iist.-,i ucb universal approbation in its own city Slntr. mill r-nmitrv mill n.nn..n -II 1 ' ... , j 111""'1K "a I'eu ie, as Aver' Sarsaparilla. It Is tho best com- . v .. . "."" uiuiiei punneri, wttu the Iodide cif l'ntiieslnm nni !... offered to, the public. Hop Poroti9 Plaster contain no capsicum to burn unit Irrltt.. rim.. en.i. i kill puln and strengthen weak parts. !5c, ..V HI UljlSlS. Tho most stubborn ense of dyspepsia nnd sirk liendache yield to the regulation Try 'it "lDK 1"llue,lci's of ll03a' Sarsaparilla. No moro convulsion nnd ngony for liable nfte r Dr. Iluud's Teething Lotion is once npplieel to the gum. Bathed nn tho gum It relieves all InllHmmation nnd irr itntiun, nud tliroiiclt It healing nunlltlea baby cuts Its teeth palulesslv. Price 25 cents. I niiinn . e'enia ior pout. l ' I Ii !J",ll0X 01 ''ci m -I I 1 1 I III' '"'ill you to more money l J lllJUi rU'tit away Uun anjlliliig' 'Ii her mx, succeed uoni .ii ifiuou li'W ivj ii-uuiiu urn-Hutu'- I'HO bu1 woikfN, absilutly wire1. At ouco ad. iln-L. ' .tn....... ti...... .. .,. m- w) . ... . u. vw. lli." u, ... ir -lb-S&.