The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 11, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
J. K. mttecbwdr.J E4U"8,
FRIDAY, DKGEMMiK, 11, 1885
Jmln-o Willinm?, of Tioga county, in
catling tho ur.itnl jury's attention to
the law prohibiting tho clmnco games
nt licensed bars to decide who should
pay for the drink, instructed them that
"tho use of dice, cards, dominoes,
checker, or tossing up a penny to de
termine that question was a violation
of tho law.".
The Republican Sonators held a cau
cus at Washington last Friday and
nominated Uen. Logan for tho position
of President of tho senate. Senator
Edmunds mado a speech putting Logan
in nomination. Several others spoko
and tho question was put and unani
mously agreed to. As soon as tho re
sult was auounced Logan arose and de
clined to accept. It is said that it was
understood beforehand that Logan
would not accept, and tho wholo thing
was a cleverly devised larco, by which
Logan was to bo vindicated. This
view of it is borno out by the fact that
Logan was present at tho caucus and
mado no objeceiou to tho use of his
name until tho vote had been taken.
Jndgo Simonton of Harrisbtirg, has
decided that tho legislature lias the
right to forbid tho "manufacture and
sale of imitation butter in this State,
and that tho law passed at the last
session, prohibiting the manufacture
and sale of any oleaginous substance
other than milk or cream, designed to
take tho placo of butter, is constitution
al. Tho oleomargarine manufacturers
will tako tho question to the Supremo
Court. Their case would undoubtedly
have much strength if oleomargarine
was sold or served to tho actual con.
turners for what it rcaly is, but, as it is
made in nearly all cases to masquorado
as genuine butter, tho right of tho
State to treat it as a fraud and to sup
press it is seemingly a perfect one, and,
doubtless, tho Supremo Court will so
Simuel J. Tilden has written a
strong letter to Mr. Carlisle, in which
ho urges that a liberal appropriation
be made at tho preseut session of Con
gress i'ir our sea coast defenses. He
"The property exposed to destruction
in tho twelve seaports Portland,
Portsmouth, Boston, Newport, New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charles
ton, Savannati, Now Orleans, Galveston
and San FrancKco cannot be less in
value than live iImiisuiuI millions of
dollars. To this must bo added a
vast amount of property dependent
for its use on thb seaports. Nor does
this statement afford a true measure of
the damage which might bo caused to
tho properly and business of the
country by a failuro to protect these
seaports from hostile naval attacks.
They are tho centres, not only to
foreign commerce, but of most of the
internal trade and exchanges of dom
estic productions. To this state of
things the raaohinery of transportation
of tho wholo country has become
"The interruption of tho currents of
trade by tho occupation of one or
more of our piiucipal seaportB by a
foreign enemy, or the destruction of
them by bombardment, or the holding
over them tho menace of destruction
for the purpose of exacting contribution
or ransom, would intlict upon tho
property and business of tho country
an injury which can bo neither
foreseen nor measured. Tho elaborate
and costly fortifications, which were
constructed with tho greatest engin
eering skill, are now practically use
less. They aru not capable of resisting
the attacks fit modern artillery.
"A still greater defect exists in our
coast defences. Tho range of tho
best modern artillery has become so
extended that our present fortifications
designed to protect tho harbor of New
1' ork, where two-thirds of tho import
trado and more than one-half of tho
export trade of tho wholo Ijnited
States is carried on, aro too near to the
great population of Now York city,
Jersey City and Brooklyn to be of any
value as a protection. To provide
effectual defences would bo tho work
of years. It would tako much time
to construct permanent fortifications.
A small provision of the best modern
guus would tako several years. Neith
er of these works can be extemporized
in .presence of emergent danger. A
million of eoldiers with the best equip
ments on tho heights surrounding tho
harbor of Now York in our present
state of preparation, or rather in our
total want of preparation, would be
powerless to lesist il small squadron of
war steamers.
"Tho present timo is peculiary
favorable for providing for this great
national necessity too long neglected.
Not only docs tho surplus in tho
treasury supply ample means to meet
this groat public want without laying
new burdens upon tho people, but the
work can now bo done at a much
lower cost than has over beforo been
"Tho defensive works would consist
almost entirely of steel and iron.
These materials can now bo had &t an
unprecedented low price. A vast supply
of machinery and of lubor, called into
oxi-tence by a areat vicissitude in the
Heel and iron industries, offers itself
to our nerwt'i'. Wo should havu the
satisfaction of knowing that whilu wo
were availing ourselves of tho supplies
which would ordinarily be unattainable
wo were suttiug in motion important
industries and giving employment to
labor in a period of deprehsion. With
encouragement by tho guaranteo of
work, or perhaps by tho government
itself furnishing tho plant, tho invent
ive temus ot our people would bo ao
plied to tho creation of new means and
improved machinery and establishments
would spring into existence capable
of supplying all of tho natiounl wants
and rendering us completely ndepend
ent of all other countries in respect to
tho means ot national defense.
William II, Vauderbilt Dead,
Tlnntli id nn rflsnpf'fpr of rtArunna.
'William II. Vamtorliilt, tho tidiest
man in tho world, died nt his palace
on Fifth Avenue, New York city,Tu'es.
day afternoon December 8th at about
i! o clock, no was in conversation
with Robert Garrett, president of the
11. Ss O. railroad, mid died in Mr. Gar
lelt's nrmi without any warning. Mr.
Yandeibilt leaves a wife, eight child,
ren and nineteen grand children. Ho
was 01 j ears of ago. His ostato is
eaid to bo $200,01)0,000.
An Act Regulating tho Oolloctiou of Taxos
in tho Several Boroughs and Townships
of this Uomnionwoalth.
Suction 1. lie it enacted, &c, That
tho qualified electors of each borough
and township in this Commonwealth
shall on tho third Tuesday of February
of each year hereafter, elect an officer,
to bo stvled collector of taxes, whoso
term of oflico Bhall commonco on tho
first Monday of April next after his
Skotion 2. The courts of quarter
scAsions shall havo power to fill, by ap
poiutmeut, all vacancies in tho said of
fice, within their respective counties.
And, if any person elected to till said
oflico shall fall to give bond and quali
fy as hereinafter provided, on or be
fore tho fourth day of tho term of said
court next ensuing his election, tho said
court shall declaro his otlice vacant and
appoint a suitable person, resident in
tho proper borough or township, to fill
tho same. '
Section 3. Tho collector of taxes
shall, befoto ho enters upon tho duties
of his ollioe,tako and subsuribo au oath
of oilice, and file tho samo in tho of
lico of tho court of quarter sessions of
tho proper county, and shall also enter
into a bond to tbo Commonwealth, in
double tho probable amount of Usees
that will couio into his hands, with at
least two sufficient sureties ; said bond
to bo approved, by tho said court or a
judgo thereof in vacation, and filed in
the office of tho clerk of said court j
tho condition of which bond shall he,
that tho said collector shall well and
truly collect and pay over or account
for," according to law, tho whole
amount of taxeis charged and assessed
in tho duplicates, which shall bo deliv
ered to him.
Section !. Tho several county, bor
ough, township, school, poor and other
authorities now empowered, and which
may hereafter bo empowered, to levy
taxes within tho several boroughs and
townships of this Commonwealth.shall,
on or beforo tho first day of August of
each year alter tho first election of col
lector of taxes under this act, issuo
their respectivo duplicates of taxes as
sessed to tho collector of taxes of their
respectivo boroughs and townships
with their warrants attached, directing
and authorizing him to collect tho
same, but road taxes may be worked
out as heretoforo : jfrovidtd, That
such special and other road taxes, as it
may bo lawful and necessary to collect
in money, may, at the discretion of tho
supervisors or road commissioners, bo
placed in tho hands of the collector ol
taxes, with their warrant for collection
by hinij for which ho shall receive five
per centum of the amount collected by
him, or tho samo may be collected by
tho supervisors or road commissioners
as heretofore. J'rovided further, That
.the limitations iu this act, as to timo
and tho requirements hereof relating to
leeping an alphabetical list of persons
charged with taxes, shall not apply to
road taxes.
Section 5. Tho collector of taxes
shall havo all the power for tho collec
tion of said taxes, during his term of
office, heretofore vested in collectors of
county taxes under existing laws, and
be subject to tho same liabilities and
penalties for neglect, or violation of
tho duties of his office.
Section G. The collector of taxes
shall provide an appropriate book the
cost of which shall be allowed to him
iu the settlement of his accounts, in
which he shall enter iu alphabetical
order the names of ll persons charged
with taxes in tho duplicates aforesaid,
and showing the amount of such tax
charged against each person, which
book shall be at all times open to the
inspection of each taxpayer, and shall
be delivered by tho collector of taxes
at tho expiration of his term to his stiu
cessor in office.
Section 7. Where any duplicate of
taxes assessed is issued and deliveied
to tho collector of taxes, it shall be'-'the
duty of said collector to givo public
notice as soon thereafter as conven
iently can bo done, by at least ten
written or printed notices to be posted
n as many public places m ditterent
parts of tho township or borough, that
said duplicate has been issued and de
livered to him : and all persons, who
shall within sixty days from tho dato
ot said notice make payment ot any
taxes charged against them iu said
duplicate, shall be entitled to a reduct
ion of five per centum from tho
amount thereof ; and all persons who
shall fail to raako payment of any
taxes charged against them in said
duplicate for six months after notice
given as aforesaid, shall be charged
fivo per cent additional on tho taxes
charged against them, which shall bo
addod thereto by said collector of
taxes and collected by him.
Section 8. The collector of taxes
shall, iu person or by some 'person
duly authorized, bo m attendance tor
tho purpose of receiving anil receipt
ing lor taxes on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of each week, during tho
last two weeks of said sixty days, be
tween the hours of two o'clock and
six o'clock in the afternoon, at his
residence, or some other placo in tho
proper township or borough, to bo
designated by him in tho notice afore
said. Section 9. The collector of taxes
shall collect the taxes charged in said
duplicates and pay over tho samo to
tho respectivo treasurers or authorities
entitled thereto, after deducting his
commission tor tho collection thereof,
which is hereby fixed at two per
centum cn all taxes paid to him on
which an abatement of fivo per centum
is allowed, and at five per centum on
all taxes attcrwards collected : 1'ro
vided, That where tho total amount of
taxi't charged on a duplicate is less
than one thousand dollars, thu said
collector shall receivo three per centum
on all taxes paid to him on which an
abatement ol live per centum is allow
Section 10. Exonerations may be
made by tho authorities and iu tho
samo manner as heretotore.
Section 11. Tho accounts of col
lectors of taxes shall be settled by
township or borough auditors of the
proper township or borough, and lie
shall statu a separato account for each
different tax collected by him ; but
collectors of county and Stato taxes
shall settle with tho county commis
sioners as heretofore.
Section 12. Taxes charged upon
unseated lands shall not bo collected
by tho collectors of taxes, but shall bo
certified and returned by tho several
authorities levying the same to the
county commissioners to bo collected
ns hereto! ore.
Svction 13. So much of all general
acts heretoforo passed, as is inconsis
tout herowith, is hereby repealed, but
this act shall not apply to any taxes,
uio collection or wuicu im reguiaivu uy
a local law.
AmiovED Too 25th day ol Juno,
A. D. 18S5.
Bocrotary of War's Report.
Wasiiinoton, Dec. 4 Tho report of
tho secretary of war mado public to
day shows that tho total expenditures
under tho direction of tho war depart
ment for tho fiscal year ending Juno
30, 1835, amounted to S15,850,!)99,r4.
Out of this sum 825,754,425,49 was
dovotvd to tho army nud military
academy. Tho appropriations for tho pre
sent yoar aro $31,702,413,49. Ho says
that tho increaso of tho expenditures
for 1885 overthosoof 1881 wna main
ly for river and harbor improvements.
As thcro wns no appropriation for
river and harbor improvements this
year, tho appropriations for tho year
ending Juno 30, 1880, bIiow a largo ro
duutiou as compared witli tho appro
priations for tho previous years.
Tho lieutenant general commanding
icports that tho army at tho dato of
tho cosolidated returns consists of 2,-
151 officers mid 24,705 enlisted men.
Tho expenditures for tho signal ser-
vico during tho fiscal year ending Juno
30, 1885, after deducting tho receipts
from military telegraph lines covered
into tho treasury, were S792,5G2.07.
Tho secretary states that ho is unablo
to concur iu the recommendations of
tho chief signal officer Jor legislation
to provido for tho permanent detail of
fifty enlisted men ftom tho lino of tho
army for duty on tho military tolo
graph lines.
Interpreting the Hew Tax Law.
On account of some dissatisfaction re
lative to thu blank form to bo used on
the subject of personal taxation, the
Auditor General issued tho following
circular, which will bo sent to thu com
missioners of each county in tho Stato :
"In reply to numerous inquiiies, I
beg to advise you that thu item of
horses and cattle, shown on tho blank
form R-12, is not in any way to bo
construed as making such . property
subject to state taxation. When I
was having blanks prepared they wero
submitted to the officers of several
counties for approval and such sugges
tions as their experience would dictate.
These officers all agreed in having tho
item of horses and cattlo shown on the
blanks, bflieving it would facilitate
their local assessment. It was in de
ferenco to this wish that tho item was
included on tho blank. Pleaso advise
your assessors that tho taxpayers are
not obliged to make return of them on
thu blanks."
From our Regular Correspondent.
Wasiiinoton, .D. C Dec. 7, 1885.
Tho event in Washington to-day
was the beginning of Congress. The
session opened in the usual way.
There wero ciowds in tho spectators'
galleries and in the corridors of tho
Capitol, while on the floor of the
House there was tiie old tune confus
ion, bustle, noise, hand-shaking, ex
change of congratulations and intro
ductions. Tho old officers were re
elected from tho speaker down. The
Republicans gavo a complimentary
vote tor opeaker to Jur. Keed ot
There were moro than a hundred
new laces among tho Representatives,
and the hall looked much improved by
its now carpet and freshly varnished
furniture. Tho seat drawing present
ed tho usual amusing scene ol expecta
tion, suspense and disappointment on
tho countenances of tho fortunate and
less fortunate Members.
Tho Senate ohamber looked but
little changed siuco tho last adjourn
ment, except for the crape draping
and floral decorations around tho chair
of tho late Vice-President. Tho Sen
ate oponed as quietly as if its vacation
had been only nine hours instead of
nine months.
Senator John Sherman was elected
to succeed Mr. Hendricks as PresU
dent pro tem, Senator Logan having
declined tho first caucus nomination
for tho placo. Nothing could havo
been moro repugnant to tho Democrats
than tho selection of Sherman. They
would havo preferred Logan as tho
lesser ovil. While Senator Logan is
a narrow, positive partisan, his dis
creet action after the last Presidential
election was in marked contrast to tho
undignified conduct of Mr. Biaine.
And then it must bo admitted that
whilo ho has been in iCongress during
a period of unparalleled extravagance
and corruption, his persoal honesty lias
not been questioned.
oucrman is an accomplished hypo
crite. While professing patriotism ho
would at any moment bo willing to
plungo tho country in war, if ho could
hereby promote his own selfish inter
ests. During his public life at Wash
ington while engaged in no other busi
ness ostensibly, and whilo receiving
tho limited pay of Congressman or
Secretary of tho Treasury ho has ac
cumulated a fortune estimated at sev
eral millions. Ho is known to havo
been tho brains in tho Presidential
thelt of 187G, and to havo been always
an unscrupulous, plausible, ambitious,
avaricious demagogue.
Tho Presidents message sent
in at Tuesday's session. Secretary
Whitney may be mentioned as ouo of,
the ablest. Ho has found during his
incumbency, decaying dock-yards.
squandered millions, bad management,
and no ships. Ho scathingly reviowB
past methods, and holds that tho only
remedy is iu complete ro-orgauizatiou
of the Navy Department. ' Whilo ho
wastes no timo in dragging to light
past rascalities or in making accusa
tions against former Secretaries; the
plain m.nmer in which he exposes thu
mismanagement, evasions and viola
tions of law that oxistcd when ho
assumed control, is the most effective
indictment ho could make against his
In regard to prospective legislation
it may bo asserted that tho House will
first givo attention to a chango of its
rules. Then a bill will be presented
for giving the Presidential succession
to tho cabinet. It is urged that tho
temporary President, provided by such
a bill, would not be tho people's choice.
but neither would nn officer elected by
tho Sonate. Such a bill would meet
thu emergency better than any other
plan that has been proposed, for it
would secure tno continuance in power
ef tho party and tho Administration
elected by the peoplo.
Then thcro will bo debates on tho
Silver question and ti hard fight over
it and uie tartii. iiiero aro many
theories among tho silver men, Thu
West will bo for silver, tho East
against it, and thu South will bo divid
Tho session has opened very quietly,
but sensations will como later, Among
them will probally bo a t-chemo of
Republican Senators to inpeach the
Attorney General in connection with
tho telcphono uaso.
Tosting the Primary Elootlon Law.
Commissioner Leonard, of Schuylkill
county, who was uonvioted of violating
tho primary election laws by promising
patronago to scout o his election to
office, has been refused a now trial nnd
enjoined from performing tho duties
of tho oflico to which he was elected,
His counsel will appeal to tho Supremo
Court, on tho ground that tho primary
election law is unconstitutional nud
will thus givo that tribunal an oppor
tunitv to nullify tho law in question
onuo for all or to decldo that it is on
the statue books to slay.
The Urecno county case, in which
payment of tho forfeit of an election
bet, to tho Poor Directors was demand
ed on the ground that tho law entitled
tho Poor Board to money "bet on
elections" and refused ou tho ground
that primary elections wero not recog
nized by law at tho timo this forfeiture
was legalized, did not mako it nee
essary for tho Supremo Court to pass
on tho constitutionality of tho primary
election law, although tho point of un
constitutionality was raised by the
stakeholder's council. The Leonard
case, however, is calculated to draw
out an exhaustive discussion of this
point and its result will bo awaited
with interest by civil servico reformers
and machine politicians of all parties
Experience has shown tho futility of
newspaper forecasts of Supremo Court
decisions even on moouu law puuhh in
which tho public havo an interest deep
er than tho fato of technicalities, but
no ono can gainsay tho fact that
spoilsmen of every grado and party
hopo tho primary election law will bo
pronounced unconstitutional, uii tno
other hand, all who are iu favor of the
gradual purification of politics and thu
discouragement of methods which tend
to prevent conventions from nom
inating and elections from electing
candidates on theii merits want to see
that law affirmed and placed perman
ently beyond dispute. Times
.Oourt Proceedings,
Tho regular term of December court
began on Monday Dec. 7th at 10 A, M.
all the Judges ou tho bench.
i. v. Jiillmover Jisq. was sworn in
as District attornoy.
Constables returns taken, urand
Jury called sworn and charged. Isaiah
Bower ot Berwick appointed loreman.
11. E. lleacock vs. J. l. Kink, re
cognizance to perfect appeal. "
B. K bharpless vs. lispy jJI. 1. li. el
al. In Equity, reportot masterjand cx-
mino tiled.
Road in Greenwood near Friends
meetinghouse, report of viewers con
firmed nisi.
Auditors reports in the estate of
Angeliuo Sands, Andrew S. Creveling,
Harriet Buckalew, Jacob l.oremaii,
David Davis, Laura Potter, Elizabetli
Delong, confirmed nisi.
And now Dec. 7, 18Sj, bee. 1 ot
Rule XXII is amended so as to lead
as follows, to wit: Tho regular motion
days are every Monday, Wednesday,
and Saturday of each term. Motions
may bo made at any time during the
session of the couit on Monday and
Saturday,but only at tho opening of tho
court on the afternoon of Wednesday,
unless in cases of great emergency by
leave of court, and the consent at bar
of all parties that can be interested a
motion may be heard at any timo.
lir the uoimt.
Report of viewers in favor of a road
in Pino near Elias Watts' confirmed
Petition filed for commissioners to
mako partition in tho estate of Hencry
Gablo deceased.
On petition Abraham Bituer appoint
ed guardian of Elizabeth Gable.
Ou petition Grant Herring appoint
ed guardian of Geo. C. Linden.
Keturn ot salo in estato ot bamuel
Smover confirmed nisi as to tracts Nos.
1, 3, & 4.
Alias writ of partition awarded in
tho estato of Daniel Thomas.
Return of inquest in estate of Dan
iel Nuss confirmed nisi.
Return of sale in estate of Phoebe
A. Miller confirmed nisi.
Report of inspectors approving of a
bridge in Briarcreek near J W. Eck's
approved by the court.
tectum ot salo in estate ot .John
Kelchner confirmed nisi.
Com. vs. J. W. Conner, assault with
intent to commit rape, true bill. Court
sentenced him as follows :
The circumstances of the assault and
battery of which you wero convicted
greatly aggravate your offense. From
tho facts disclosed on your trial, and
from tho knowledgo wo havo of you,
derived from the evidence ot a lormer
trial, we aro satisfied that you are an
incorrigible oltcnder, and that protect
ion to society from a repetition of
your assaults demands that you
be excluded from itfor as long
a period of timo as allowed by
tho statuto in such cases. Besides
tho imprisonment you will undergo
for tho timo of your sentence, you will
bo lurther detained in prison
for tho fine and costs until discharged
by duo process ot law. Wo mark our
estimation of your detestable conduct
by imposing as long a term and as
large a lino as allowed by law. The
sentence of tho court is that you,
James Connor, pay a line of live hun
dred dollars to tho Commonwealth
and tho cost of prosecution, that you
undergo imprisonment in tho jail of
Columbia county for tho term of ono
yoar, and that you stand committed
until this sentence is complied with.
On petition, Frederick bchwmn ap
pointed guardian of W. J. Kumbeck
and l'hilhppenia b. Kemheck.
Return of calo in estato of John P.
Craig confirmed nisi.
I'etilion lor citation to account, in
the estato of John Kinney filed.
On petition Jacob H. btina appoint
ed guardian of Charles Bituer and
George Bilner.
Exceptions filed to account of .las.
W. Reeco guardian of Laura Bellas.
Com. vs. Calvin Grover continued
to next term.
Cora. vs. W.A Lynn, assault and bat
tery settled and nol pros, allowed.
Com. vs. Lucinda Grossly assault
and battery, nol pros, entered.
Frederick Suri sworn as a citizen of
tho United States.
Inquest on body of James A. Geese
approved as a proper caso lor an in
quest. On petition James M. Amraerman
appointed guardian of Dora A. Am
merman. Agreement of heirs filed in estato of
George Hess.
Return of salo in estato of Bcnja
min Bomboy confirmed nisi.
Com. vs. Chas. Holland. Contin-
ueei to iifxt term.
Com, vs. James Conner. Caso tried,
verdict guilty of assault and battery.
oom, rs. Andrew JMears, true bill,
Defondent pleads guilty.
Com. vs. Millard Langdon, tramp,
iruo urn, oaso tried, voidict guilty.
Con. vs. Thos. Murphy. Misdcm
eanor in oflico for refusing trauscript,
truo bill.
Tho following road reports woro con
firmed: Pino near Elias "Wntts'i Hem
lock near Albeit Summers i Roaring,
creek near John Myers' and Elias Bea
ver'sj. Pino and Greenwood, nenr
Robert Pottorsi Hemlock near M. C.
"Whitenlghl'sj Fishingorcok near Jacob
Ilummcl'st Catiwifiea near M. E.
Churchi Sugarloaf nenr Centrali Pino
near Isaac Evansi Mt. Pleasant near
John Wanich'si Benton near A. Smith
Com. vs. Geo. Getty, n true bill on
first count.
Com. vs. Joseph Wcrtz, surety of
uio peace, noi. pros, entered.
Com. vs. J. R. Fowler, selling liquor
without lieonsv, nob pros, allowed
Com. vs. Eliza Fowler, samo as n
bove. Inquest nworded in llio estate of
ijydin I'etcrmati.
Stats Board of Agriculture.
Tho second day's session op
Thursday morning at 9 o'cl
vened on
ock and
was called to order by Gov. Pattisou.
E. M. Tewksbury, of Catawissa. road
a paper on "Ffiriners' Mistakes)" Sam
uel iSeyhard, of Bloomsburg, ono ou
"Insurance of Farm Buildim!'' A. P.
Y'onng, of Millville. nn "How to Bring
Up n Wom-Out Farms" A. Z. Schoch,
ot uioomsbnrg, on "Tho Best Wheat
From a Miller's Standpoint)" Dr. John
P. Edge, of Downiligton, on "Tho
Answer to the Prophecy." Much dis
cussion ensued, and a vast amount of
valuable information was elicited. On
Thursday afternoon tho programme
was as follows: "Tho Fanner's Fain
ily Past, Present ,ind Future," by
Mrs.Eves! "Education of Farmers'Sous
and Daughters," by Mrs. Mary V.
Bowman) "Industrial Education,'1 by
D. J. Waller, Jr.) and "Mind and
Matter, in Health and Di-oase," by Dr.
Shatluck. Wo regtet that fpace will
not permit to attempt a synopsis of
ineso papers and tho discussions. Wo
Bhall endeavor to secure tho manu
script of tho several essays and print
them in full, one each week.
Sheriff's Sales.
Sheriff Mourcy sold tho following
properties at u.u uourt Jiouso on
Prop'erty of Col. Co. M. S. F. & L.
Association, 50 acres, sold to C. W.
Miller for S210iptoperty of F. Weaver,
in Catawissa, lo Catiwissa Deposit
Bank, for 825) property of John
Waters, in Espy, to David Whitmoyer
ior property or unarics and
Frederick Smith, in Catiwissa. lo M.
G. Hughes ami Charles Smith for
55i5; properly of b. H. Miller, in
Bloomsburg, lo C. W. Miller, $2,525.
Our Navy,
Wasiiinoton, Dec. 4. The report
of tho secietary of thu navy was mado
public to day. It shows that tho net
amount drawn from thu treasury bv
warrant during the last fiscal year was
S13,337,8G7.72, as shown by the books
ol tho department, w Inch leaves a bal
anco undrawn of 1,083,075.09 : to
this should bo added tho net amount
unexpended in the bauds of pay offi
cers on sam juno au, lotfo, as shown
by tho oflico of tho fourth auditor. Si,-
205,570, 64, leaves an aggregate bal
ance unexpended of 82,353,045.73,
which stood to tho credit of the, de
partment at tho beginning of tho pres
ent fiscal year. Tho appropriations
available for the present fiscil year,
commencing July I, 1885, aro $13,
590,701.95. The amount drawn bj
warrant from tho treasury from July
1, 1885, to November 1, 18S5, deduct
ing that refunded, is $4,285,704.39.
Tho amount drawn by warrant during
the same period of last year was $4,
383,244.93. Tho estimates for tho navy for tho
fiscal year ending June 30. 1887.
amount to $35.10 t,G95.15. iu which
sum aro embraced estimates lor nuw
objects, not thoso ordinarily for the
service, amounting to Si 0,009,950.24,
leaving lor the customary purpose of
tho service $19,034,744 91. Thoy em
brace tor increase ot tho navy 1510,503,
770; for tho completion and armament
of tho double-turreted monitois $4,-
202,GoG; and for public works and im
provements at tho yards and stations
The secretary says that the Dolphin,
as she now is, should bo regarded as
a pitjasuro boat rather than u dispatch
boat. Tho absence of tho most ordi
nary and approved devices for protec
tion against hostile firo in her design
tako her out of tho category of war
vessels. Tho use for instance of ver
tical engines, exposing her machinery
abovo the water-lino in a vessel with
out armor protection, it is far from be
ing good practice at this timo. In fact,
slits does not bear favorablo compari
son with similar vessels built at about
the same timo by other countries.
Some of our farmers, since hearing the
experience of Mr. Ikeler, would like to
know if ho watclics the moon.
We have had three funerals in less than
two weeks. Hheubon Sltler, Siiinuol Spo
nenburger and Mrs. Alfred llower. Itev.
Mine officiated at tho last and Uodlno t
the others, nud all were largely attended
ev. Iiodlno expects to take a trip to the
western part of tho stato, sturtlug ou
Levi Shaffer nud E. Wuguer have been
back to the mountnin for cattle and sheep.
They report them source with i.n inclina
tion to remain hack to the mountain, as
ono of tho sheep jumped tho wagon and
took to tno woods before thoy reached
Speaking of Uenton reminds mo of some
of the lienton hoys that tako a great de
light iu coming to Fowlersvhle. Charley,
what eny ye?
Ii undoubtedly caused by Impure blood,
nence a medicine which purifies tho blood
removes ths cause of the disease and opens
the way for a thorough cure. This Is exactly
what Hood's Sarsapnrllla does, and It makes
the euro complete by giving the system health
and strength, and enabling it to throw oH tho
depressing effects ot tho disease.
Is permanently cured by Hood's BarsapartlU.
Jlr. A. Hall, Syracuse, N. Ysays: "Hood's
Barsaparllla lias helped me moro for catarrh
and Impure blood than anything I ever used."
"I have taken Hood's SarsaparlUa for
catarrh, and think It has done me a great
deal ot good. I recommend It to all within
tny reach. Hood's Barsaparllia has been
worth eeiythIngtorae." Lutiieu D, Bob
bins, Hast Thompson, Conn.
Hay be breaking down your health. Be wise
In timet That flow from the noso, ringing nolso
In the cars, pain In the head, Inflammation
of tho throat, cough, and nervous prostration
will be cured if you take Hood's Barsaparllia.
"I had been troubled by general debility,
caused by catarrh and humors. Hood's Bar.
eaparllla proved Just the thing needed, I de
rhed an Immense amount ot benefit from It."
H. I', Mills tt, llostou, Mass.
Hood's SarsaparlUa
Sold by all druggists. $1 1 !i for 5. Made
only by O.I HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doaos Ono Dollar.
W Troval raw? ji
Absolutely Pure.
This powdor never varlen. A marvel of purity
Mreogtn and wlioiosom'-ucss. Morn ecimomlcnl
tnaitlia ordinary klins. and cannot bo sold In
compttlon wltu the multitude of low test, short
wetKht, ultim or phospuate powders. Sold only
means. Kotai. Uakinu 1'onnsnCo , loo Wall-bt.
V. oct 10-ly
Till " Wor'1 ,R"
"fill express my gratt-
SKLnv CuiTi.n, nt NnshUUe, Teiin., "for
Uio benefits derived Irom
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Having boon afilletut nil my life with Scrof
ula, in y j stem seemed saturated with It. It
came out III l)loleln-, Ulcers, niul Mnttcry
Sori', all over my body." Jlr. Carter states
that he was entirely cured by tho nso of
Avun's SAiiiii-AiiiLLA, and since discon
tinuing Hi ue, eight months ago, he lias had
no return uf the scrofulous symptoms.
All baneful Infections of the blood aro
lroriiptlyiemoie.l by this unequalled altera
tive. l'ltKI'AltCII nv
Sold by all Druggists; fl, tlx bottles for W.
E. B. 3R0WER
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing and Spouting promptly
attended to.
rwstrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Mam & East Sts.,
Blocnisliiirg-, Pa.
Letters nf administration on tho estate of John
Springer, deceased, late of Hemlock township, Col
umbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been
granted by tho Keglstcr of said county to tho un
dersigned Administrator. All persons having
claims against the estato of the deceased nro re
quested to present them for settlement, nnd thoso
Indebted to tho estate to mako payment to thcun
derslgned administrator without delar.
Administrator with tho will annexed.
Post oflico, lluckhorn, Col. Co , Pa nov 13-6W
Kesldence, Hemlock township, Col. Co., Pa.
An Act of tho Loglslituro and approved June 2d,
1881, (sco Pamphlet laws, page i.l requiring tax
collectors, township nnd borough officers, to make
return or seated nnd unseated lands upon which
no property can bo found from which to mako
taxes to the County Comlsssloners, on or berore
the lirst day or January next, with a suriiclentco
scrlptlon by boundaries orotherwlse.of each sepa
arate lot or trad and about tho miantltv of tho
same. Thoso who tall to mako returns by said
day will bo held for such loss. Taxes so returned
become a Hen against thu property to returned.
We havo blanks on which theso returns aro to bo
made and will furnish them upon application of
collectors, Ac. JOHN 11. CAMIY,
uourrs' omce, oct. au.'hs, tt. com'rs L'lerK.
Itevised at a cost of over fio.OOO. Has 40 Kdltars
nnu ai u?pts.
It ts the BEST. SELLS UAalLV and VAST. Jlen
wanted In every county. Address,
11 Great Jones St, New York.
Slates and Felts.
slate Mantels,
Slate Black Boards,
School Slate,
Roofing Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, z&x
, , J. I. HKLI.,
S5 Lackawanna Avenue, iicranton, Ta
Nos. 304 aiiJ'JOO WestUaltimore6l.,BilUmo,
Ho. lilt fifth Avenue, New York.
Real Estate !
If not previously disposed of privately, will be
offered at l' HAI.IJ, on .Monday,
I'KIIKITAKY i, i88G, at 10 o'clock In tho
rorenoou, at tho Court llouso In ISloomsburK;
about I'lVi; AClli:s of land, ljlng between
tho Normal (school grounds and tho Llghtstreet
roau, in tno town of iiioomsburu. Beautiful build'
lng lot, partly In MATIVIS I'OKliHT, over
looking the town and sui rounding country. Tho
owner reserves tho right to withdraw the property
It tho bid Is Insufficient.
TKitsiHi one-fourth cash, one-fourth the
Bret ot April next, tho remainder secured on mort
gage, on one and two years, 11 desired. Possession
and conveyance, April 1, it).
Bloomsburg, Doc, 1883.
REAFNESS l!.uitoEnsuo
I us ui-m iweuiy-eigin, jears. Treated
by most of the noted specialists of the day
with no benetit. cured himself in threo mouths,
and bluco then hundreds of others liv R.imp nm
cess. A plain, simple and Successful home treat-
meui. Auurcss 4, a, rjiuis, isa Kast i;otn street,
New York city. deo-il-4t-d.
Cream Balm
when applied Into the
sorbed effeo t u a 1 1 v
cleansing the head of
catarrhal virus, caus
ing neat iv secret ons.
U nllai u lnilauunatlou,
:iroiecis i no mem-
jr.inu oi tue nasal lias-
sages from additional
colds, completely heals1
tho Bores and restores!
sense of taste and!
lit U I InulJ ir Knaff.
uSwfiM Tnl'o'TaciiHAY-EEVER
nostril. A few applications relieve. A thorough
treatment win euro. Agieeablo to use. bend for
circular, rnco tn cents, by mall or at druggists.
JSLY liltOTHL'US, druggists, Owego, N. Y,
WANIED-I, ADIE8 to work for us at
their own homes. S7 to flu ner week run
be quietly made, No photo, painting; no canvass
ing l'or full particulars, pleaso addiess, ulonce,
Crescent Alt Co., Boston, Mass., Box SITU.
H. B. Clark, of
just returned from
where he purchased a large lot of
Ladies' Coats at greatly reduced
prices, lower than ever sold here.
He also bought a large lot of Holi
day Goods. Fail not to see then
opening clay, Saturday.
H J.
Good quality quilting Calico for 3ic. per yard.
Full lino of bleached and unbleached Muslin from Gc. up " "
Canton Flannels from 6 to 17c. "
Ked Twill Flannels from 23 to GOc. "
White and Gray Flannels, very cheap.
All wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors, 45c. per yard
" m " " " " li yds. wide for Goc.
Ladies' quilted bottom Skirts tor go
" " " " Italian cloth for 15
Full line of Ladies', Gents and Childrcns' Underwear cheap.
All Wool Double Shawls from 4.25 to 7.50
New stock of Ladies' Wraps and New Markets.
New stock of Childrcns' and Misses' Coats.
Some last seasons Coats and at less than half price.
Colored Dress Silks from .40 to 1.15 per yd.
Black " " extra quality from 1.00 to 2.50 "
Brocade Velvet black and colored, as low as the lowest.
Plain Colored Velvets, all colors lor 1.00 per yard.
Plain Black Velvets from 1 1.00 to 2.00 "
Silk Plush till colors from j 2.00 to 3.75 "
'lhe best all wool Jerseys in townjfor 1.00. Jerseys all prices to
2. GO. j
A full line of wool dress goods at the lowest cash prices and much
cheaper than ever.
White Blankets from 1.25 to 9.50 per pair.
Ladies line black Heeced cotton Hose, white heels and toes. Also
a full line of Hosiery, Gloves, ai.d such goods as are usually kept
in a first class
f y Goods itese
(At the old stand of Lutz & Shan.)
HI- W.
Iwpets, Oil
In order to make room for Spring Stock 1 am selling In "rain
Carpets as low as 15c, an I other Carpets reduced in proportion.
I have on sale the
from Grand Rapids, Michigan. The very latest in the market,
most complete and mot elegant Sweeper ever offered to the
Nov 27-1 in
Farm and Woodland!
The underfclsned olfers at prWte sale tho fol.
low Intr described real estate, loiitedin Flunk Un
township, Columbia count', renl'a., belonclngw
iuo tsmiu oi uumei uieweu. ue-ea&eu : aiduuof
adjoining lands ot Jonathan "Jortncr, Slrs.Johti
Hower and II. I', V rtner. Tli linprui ements con
Mst of
bank barn nnd all tho nece'iary ouNbulldlnsa.
There Is an abundance ot fnit upon tho premiss,
and a noo4 sprint' of water. Thlsfaiml-; Hlthlu
two miles of Calaw Issa.
Also, tho following descrloed tract, located In
Catawissa lownsulp, colur.bla county, l'u., bo
ginning to tho ettal of Josiph Cleuell, deceased ;
adjoining lands of Henry 1 Olierts, Daniel Sueppy
ami others, being well selwllli choice chestnut
nnd o.ik timber, suitable tor lumber, props and
ralllroad ties.
l'or particulars Inquire oV or address jamhss.
LEWAHS, executor of I'ailel CleweM, dee d, and
administrator of Joseph (lewell, dee'd., Ulllbni.
sport, I'a., or, V, II, HllAffN, tmatlnp ey. cata
wlssa, l'enn'a. Novi'ld, ltM,to-tt
A hanilina VAhli I.A.MP given
with a tH order for 'lea and corf,
ee. An Iron Mono CHASlliElt
nieces, or a handsome MlUNzk HANii'lNd Llvi
given with a lluordeu A CHA.MUKlt SKC otio
ilcces,wlth blue, marom or plnKband or an Ilto.N
ITO.SU CHINA 'i)S Si r of 60 pieces, or u OLAHS
kkt of 60 pieces give with atlj order, HANI)
so MB l'liKMIUMS, consisting of Decorated China
Ware In Tea sets, also. Dinner and Tea sets coir,
blned. and Chamber -tts, etc.. etc. irlven wiin
orders for 118, fiO, ta, and fW. bend for clrcu.
iar. wnicn win give jju iuu particulars. (UIANI)
UNION TKA COM.'ANV, S3 bouth Main St,
vuiKes jiarre, ra. lauuiiuar
ters so Fiout Btret 'ew
iur& illy,
may 15-ly
Obtained and alt pjtent business attended to tor
moderate fees.
ouroitlcelsopptlle the U. 8. Patent omce, and
we can obtain Patents In less time th.m thoso re
mote Irom Wasldigton.
send model o' drawing, Wo ndvlso nstopat.
enlnblllty freeoteiiarge, and wonuLo uo charge
unless patent Is peered. 1
vrereierueie, mine rosimancr, lhe Hunt. ot
money o.-der lit, and lo onni.ils otihel.s.
li.lnut Ikl,.., I,, !.. il n.l.t.... ... .....
. ...V..V ..VV. (. !., ,1,1-, .-. UIIU
references to act aal clients luyour un siU' or
County, wrltu t
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
an9-tt Opl)00 ,'tcnt omce VVas'ii! gton, p o
Clark & Son, has
New York City,
K & SON,
Wholesale. Retail.
Wheat per bushel 85 05
" " 58
orn " " ....old 60 new 40 GO to 65
Oats " " yo 4o
"r "I'M 5 too
nutter og 02
KKC8 o3
'.0"'0 40 60
Hams 14
Dried Apples 03 05
oldo and shoulder 08 10
yiiBkcns 00 08
Turkeva m .
Lard per lb 08 10
Hay per ton 10,00
ineuar ner . on ni
"Ions Per bushel 75 1.00
Veal skins 07
Wooijierlb as
5 to 7
No 0 $3. 00; Nos 4 & 0 3.25
HItumlnus, $1,
tlmt'nnTos11 UW
datiom tifrnuS !' m" ,or lhe fount
Sallon ,iil for'?ffbi0lle '!nJ "''cling thefoun.
J. C. IHlOWN, 1
Dec 9 'K5. "
JlafDoTeii0?ii?nei;tiar,J'.0n 1110 e"lat0 Angelina
couutTivm,M township CoL
tuuuiy, ivnnsjlvunla, hate been wanted bvtho
w Uau c,c,0l"',ty '0 the S2d!?Sgue7l eYecu?
if mid UHS'i"1' c"l"na KHnt tho instate
for tiltmei n'.? "..W"1."! lo.l'rewMit them
KK ,"J.,H'?S0 lodeutffd to the estato
to nuke payment to the undersigned without de.
"solHw Executor.
Ilea tat U.n ).,. u. ,,', , ;,, , tIK
iSSvi. ""! UW"H 1 " tor rtmtJr la
, . i . t""' " hH MM ! ! 'MlK'ltUrt mi luf.llll.U r.m.,lj.
mi m tu. ynu. uk. u. u. iigir, in twi si x. i
dec ll-H-d