THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. UronJUtK W Win fetish, IwlptottJSS: i E'ft nl bran tnrl !WnrTi'MrirTITTMmi in SALVATION OSL, " ur.atesi uure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve moro quickly than an? other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Brulsca.Burns Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sorca, FrosU bites. Backache, Wounds, Headaehc, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by nil Druggists, Pdee 25 Cento a Bottl " HOUSE, bloomshuiig. ONE NIGHT ONLY! TUB bAUOHINd EVENT ky Clapham'sRofmed Minstreh ! 2fi SELECT ARTISTS ! 25 Headed by (leorgo Horn and Jnmes nilffln, from Cnrnctots's Mlnstiels, Philadelphia, lite Mchnrd llrothcrs, from Enicrinn-s .Mlnttels, Nnnl'ninUsoo. The great I.orett, tho only rival of Trunk i:. Mc Nlsh. Tho Capitol City (Juartette. Messrs. Wnlte, Owens and O'lirlen. .Master Median and his Dog Circus a wonderful I roupo of piln-atcd dozi, eliht in number. I'r f.d.ll. Sullivan's tireat orchestra and silver Cornet Hand. Every act and specialty new. sea small bills. PEOPLES POPULAR PRICES, 25, 35 and 50 Cents. ItESEItVED SKATS at Western Union Telegraph office, The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1885. tomiKT in i nun 11 tide table. Trains on the Philadelphia It It. leave Itupert as iuiiuwb : NORTH. SOUTn. 11:36 a. m. 11:49 a. m. 3:43 p. in. 6:13 p. in. o Trains on tho 1). I. W. It. It. leave Bloomsburg as luuuws: NOKTH. ROCTII. 0:21 o. in. 8.:m a. in. 10.81 a in. 11:11 a. in. li.'.'i) p. in. 4:31 P. in. ft'i'i p. in. 8:4" p. m. o Trains on tho N. AW. II. Hallway pass Uloom t erry asionows: NOKTII. SOUTH. li).5J a. m. ia.05 p. m. Ii.3 p. 111. 1:10 p. 111. 8CNDAV. NOKTII. SOUTH. 10:11am CUP m DO NOT HEAD THIS unless you want to miss a great opportunity. It is the best oflcr ever made by any newspaper in this county. We have made an arrangement whereby we are enabled to send THE COLUMBIAN and THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WOULD for six months for $r.oo cash in advance, to old or new subscribers. Any old subscriber can secure the benefit of this ofler by paying up to date, and one dollar additional. The World is an eight page weekly, and is the best Demo cratic paper in the country. Write us a postal card with your address and we will send you The World andsample copies of THE COLUMBIAN. The long winter evenings will soon be here when you will want something to read, and by taking both papers you will get all the general news in one, and all the local news in the other. The two papers can not be obtained separately for less than 2.50 a year. Think of it! . THE COLUMBIAN and THE WEEKLY WOULD 'Only' $1 for 6 Months. Subscribe at once ! I-llllI.IC HAI.I'.H. 1'. S. Drugler, administrator of John RnrWer. deceased, will sell personal pro. pcrty nt tho Into icsidenco of decedent in Hemlock township, on Tuesday, Dec. 8lh, at 10 a. m. Tho administrators of Stephen Crawford, .w.nncmi will sell real estate in Jit. riciisant township on Saturday, December 12, at 1 p. in., consisting of n farm of 04 acres, good buildings, water, mm, ic. I'erHoiial. Bruce Carey of Denton was in town on Monday. Mr. J. II. Hruglcr of Danville spent hist Monday in town. W. K. Smith, Ksl-i of Herwlck, was In town on Tuesday. Judgo Ehvcll is holding court at Tunk hnunock this week. Geo. Verdi has leturucd fr.mi a ten days' to Philadelphia. Mrs. G. K. Wilbur 1ms been dangerously sick for tho rust week. N. U. Funk, Kstp, took n business trip to Wllltumsport on 1 ucsilay. Mrs. Dr. Butter has been seriously ill for nomo time, with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. h. S. Wlntcrsteen took possession of their new homo on 1 ucsday. Arthur A. Clark has purchased 100 acres of land In IMk county, Florida, where ho has settled. r, lvi.i ,Ur.nt in New York last week to t'ako charge of the city olUce of the Wirt Fountain Pen. Mr. and Mi . B- -"-bbl"8 rt,um'1' homo on Saturday, after an ausencu . ; rral weeks, during which mey -tensivfly if. tho west. Mrs G W. Illltlo of Uuekhorn called on us on Monday and paldhcr subscription. i... f.,,.MiniS s a welcome vlst- f"", 7hou,c. Such subscribers are always welcome visitors to our ofilce. Court next week. A suit hits been entered by agreement M Easton to test tho new tax law. Tho band now occupy a room on tho eccoiul lloor of Dotitlcr's building. Mrs. Hutli A. Snyder lias somo now and very crctty patterns tor stamping. Tho father of Hon. 8. P. Wolvcrton died recently In Northumberland county. Mr. Thomas Wnyno is repairing and lm. proving his rcsldunco In Scott Town. Main street is In a state of upheaval, pre paratory to pulling In the slcnm pipe. ltemembe r Clnphnin's Minstrels next Tucs. tluy night. It Is ndutllscd ns n refined performance. Cnpt, T. E. Moore, of tho Salvation Army, Is having success in his meellncs. He now has about thirty convtrts. Call nt Jnmes H. Mercer's and seo tho beautiful hanging lamps. Fourteen (lifter, cnt styles In prices from fJl.GO to $9.fi0. ltev. 0. I j. Hattersby. n few tlnvs ana. rcriiuun imi.dsrmt. nnd usiful present ironi a former clinrge In Huntingdon Co. James H. .Merctfr In Uvnns' Illock. onno- sue i-.pisct.pni church, has an elegant line of Hanging lamps in prices from $l,fiO to 0.fiO. licit after we snail co to press on Thurs. tiny morning. All mnlter fur publication should reach us not Inter than Tuesday evening. mcxiiiiticr iiros. i: uo., navo a lino lino i ...i-- ... , . of confectionery, fiiiltsand ntlts for tho holiday trade. Cigars, pipes and tobacco always on hand. I. Vi. Hurlman & Son will soon Issue a very Iinndsomu holtdny invitation to their custoim rs nnd friends. Those who accept the Invitation will be well repaid for their time. bubfcrileis residing out of the county must pay in advance, or papers will bo stopped. We have but ono rule In this matter nnd It is the same for everybody out oi me couniy. Persons having accounts notsctiled with me will call and settle them betweeh this nnd Dtcembcr 15th. Must be settled ( account of my leaving Orangeville. T. W. Conner. The man who prefers a city weekly to a town paper because "its got more rendin' in it," says an excliaugc, reminds us of a countryman who picked out the largest pair of boots In tho box because they cost no more than a smntlcr pair that fitted him Mr. Samuel Blue, formerly n resident of Hlnomsburg, but morereccutly of Danville died in the latter place on Wednesday last, lie will lie bt'rled to-dny (Friday) nt i o'elocli p, m. Thu deceased had been for many years Crier of the Courts of Mon. tour county. Judge Mellaril of Mercer county hns de. ciiled that In criminal cases the clerk of courts should give a subpama on behalf of the commonwealth only upon the order of the district attorney, who should see that none but necessary and proper witnesses are subpienacd. bevcrnl articles have appeared ns tn whether the "word" method of teaching Is the proper one to use in fchools. As the general pub'ic is not acquainted with the word method, would It not be well for some ono to explain what it is, so that the public can read about It tinderstnndingly ? lou Husbands and f Uhers who want to do something nice about Christmas lime should go to J. Snltzer's and buy a sewing machine, nn organ ur piano for n present for your w Ives and daughters. Jerry will give you n square deal, nnd you will bo sure to get the worth of your money. The third lloor of Denllcr's building is occupied as a factory where the Invalid licst Ilcd Spring is made. It is a tprlng mattress wllh nn adjustable piece at the head so arrunced that tho sick may be raised and lowered to any position without jar or Inconvenience. F. T. Gould Is the proprietor, and Edward Cuvany is manag. lug the business. Tiie Weekly II orlJ, the best paper In Ameiiea, and the Couimiiian will both be sent to nny nddress In the county six onlhs for oue dollar, cash in advance, At.y old subscriber can get the benefit of this o.Tt r by paying up to date, nud one dollar b advance. Such nn otter was nev er inat'e ..'.foie in this county. Don't miss the oppuitutity. When the stn 'oncry stock of the Colum. man sure was olosed out last January there was kept -n hand a number of Clirlstmns, cards., p. tin and fringed. In order to dispose of thin as rapidly ns pos, sllile wo are nifirlng the n to the trade be low cost. All not dispose.! of in this way will be put in our windows and sold nt prices lower than such goodi wero ttver offered before In this town. Wa'.K ai'l see tlieni. There Is a place In this town that is cal- ciliated to delight tho hearts of children Everything imaginable in the shape of toys can bu found there In endless variety. There nie sleds, cm ts, drums, soldiers, furls, came?, nnd a thousand other things suit able for boys, nnd there are dolls, doll's cnirlnges. dMies, furniture, and a mult! tudc of things to plensc little girls. Christ mas tree decorations, lino candies, nnd lr fact everything to make Clirlstmus a happy time. What are wo talking about 1 Why, Gllmore's Toy Bazar to be sure. Dec 4-Uv. Do you desire your son, daughter, wife, husband or friend to associate with pure, intelligent and noble characters f Then make them n Christmas Present of tho beautiful and Interesting book, "Some Noted Prluccs, Authors and Statesmen of Our Time," by that most enjoyable of Ame- rlcan biographers, James Parton, and oth irs equally noted. Anyone desiring tho work will please drop a postal to tho un dersigned who will take great pleasure In calling upon them and showing them the book. Heniit 8. Reav, I)ec4-4w Itupert, Pa. List of letters remaiuing In the Post Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Dec. 1, 1885i .Miss Anna Bear, Miss Mary K. Bet!, Georgo Bowman, Mr. D. E. Ehrcl, Miss E'ica Hurlzill Mr. Jacob llcrtzman, .Mr. Hurry Herman, Mrs. Anna Marchran, Al bert Smith, Miss Jnnty Shaffer, Miss Susan Tare. OAIIDS, Mr. J. Herzman, Mrs, Snlllo Young. Persons calling for abovo please say "advertised." . Gkoikie A. 0'i.aiik, P. M. When the death of Vice-President Hen drlcks wns announced last Thursday, our county chairman, David Lowcnbcrg, tlrap ed his Mag nnd put It nt half mast on his building. Postmaster Clark put up appro priate emblems of niouruiug In tho post olllce. Dining tho hour of tho fuiural tho Court Houso bell was tolled, and tho post olllce was closed from 12:80 to 6 p. m., by order of the Postmaster (lentrul. Otherwise tho occasion was not observed lu town,as work piogitsscd on the street, and all places of business kept open. Chrlstmns is only three wicks off, nnd tho stores and shops are putting on their holiday attire. Harry Clnphnm's Minstrels will appear in the Opera House, on Tuesday Dec. 8th. It Is grcnt. Every fenturo new. It cm braces Median's famous dog circus, new burlesques, nnd a grand street parade. On Wednesday at 1 o 'clock the children of the public schools assembled at tho Opera Homo and wero nddrcsscd by Governor Pntllson, who gnvc them some excellent ndvlce, and In language, which thu youngest could understand. It was a ercat day for the children, ns many of them had never beforo seen a "real live Gov ernor." Will T. Snyder of Berwick lins a largo nnd well ecUctcd stock of wall paper, both plain nnd artistic, also celling decorations, Sc., which ho sells very cheap for cash. Mr. Snyder Is an experienced paper hang- er, and possesses excellent taste In wall de- cornllons, and somo testimonials which wo have seen say that ids work compares fa vorably with tho best city work. His prices nnd workmanship always glvo satis faction. On January 1st will bo Issued from this olllce n l'ictorlnl Annual of about CO pnges, the calendar for 1880, numerous handsome illustrations, much valuable reading matter, tcllpscs, postal regulations, recipes, national, state and county dlrec- totics, &c. It will be sent fieo by mall to nil subscribers who aro not tn arrears on our books at that time. Those who are In debt for tho Columbian should pay up beforo January 1st, 1S80, In order to secure n copy of the Annual. Tho mnrrlago of Mr. II. W. Hides, of Hldgewood, N. J , nnd Miss Hcbecca Hanck look placo Nov. 25, at tho rcsl dence of the bride's father, Mr. J. M. C. Hanck, of Llghtstrcct. The ceremony was performed by Hcv. M. Dyer In the presenco of the family and a few relatives only. The brido wore a handsome cream silk trimmed with point lace and bended point and long bridal veil. Her sister, who acted ns bildesmnld, was dressed In cream al batross trimmed with satin. After tho cere mony congratulations followed, when they all sat down to a sumptuous repast. The groom Is just completing an elegant resi dence which they will occupy at once. The bride's father presented her with a deed of a farm In Buffalo Valley, valued at .13,000. When we slated a few weeks ago Hint the Berwick Oatelle was in its death throes we knew what wo were talking about. Last week it changed hands because the proprietor could not pay his rent, his em ployees, nor the purchase money duo on the presses and material. Thiough the Intervention of thu sheriff nnd constable he was compelled to como to terms, nnd the ofilco has been sold to Mr. Daniel Hecdy, of Berwick, who will continue to issue the paper and will, no doubt, conduct it iu n reputable and satisfactory manner. Berwick ought tn support at least one good newspaper, and In proper hands the Gazttle should be a paying investment and a bene fit to the town. To the new proprietor we extend a fra ternal linud, and wish him abundant suc cess in his new venture. At the last meeting of town council, No vember Dili, a resolution wns passed di recting thesctretnry to nolify all persons whohavo connected vilth the sewer with, nut permits Hint they must takn out per mits wilhln ten days or their connections with the sewer would be severed. Some of tho parties took out permits ns required, but tho owners of the Exchange Block hav ing failed to comply with the notice, men were set at work by the council on Mon day morning to sever the connection. They had been digging but a little while when they were slopped by nn Injunction issued by the court, on the nppllcitlon of Jnmes C. Brown who nllcges in ills petition Hint his business will be Interfered with by scv cling said connection, and that he will bo deprived of tho use of ids water motor by which his printing presses aro run, and that he is only a tenant, nnd not thu owner of snld Exchange Block, nnd therefore not the responsible party. A preliminary in junction wns granted, and Saturday tho 5th lust, fixed as (he time for hearing a mo tion to continue or dissolve the Injunction. New lloolt Store. Books, albums nnd bibles nt wholesale and retail. Tho largest stock In Northern Pennsylvania and at prices as low ns any place In tho United States. Send for a catalogue and compare piiccs. 20-pago catalogue, free, upon application. Boston Book Stoue, 410 Lackawanna Ave., 2l Scranton, Pa. Tlie Mlllvlllc Itullroad. An i nthusiastte meeting wnsheld nt Eves' Hall, .Mlllvlllc, in the interest of the .Milton nnd North Mountain liallroad last Monday evenlnir. A delegillon of gentlemen trom Milton piesenttil the c.iso prsctlo illy and sathfnclnrily lo tlm citizens in attendance It U expected the road will bo completed within ono year, Mr. Chandleo Eves wns elected chairman of tho meeting, nnd Mr. William .Masters, Secretary. A committee of seven wns appointed to solicit subscriptions to stock. l'limi ami Ciirtlcn. This department of tho Philadelphia Weekly Pi-m Is under the caro of a prac tical farmer of ability and cxpeilence, who devotes his attention exclusively to making this the best department of Its kind any. where published. In conucctlon with thH, the following extraordlnnry offer Is made liWy l'cw, one year - - - i 1 03 lmericon Ayriculturitt. one year - 1 50 aud your choice of either iu(hold or Farm CbmeniencM - 1 50 Totnl valuo 4 00 All sent to anv address for S3 25. Send for samplo copy and premium Hat. To Wlioin It Slay Concern. All persons are hereby notified Hint nny persons buying Conynghnm township nr. ders will purchase tho fiimo subject to any canities that may exist ns to the tnxpayers, That tho Taxpayers Association aro will- Inc to innke all roads, keep in repair all roads and bridges free of expense to hull vldual tnxpayers for tho jenr 1885, nnd subject to the direction of the Supervisors of snld township nnd ns there Is no legal tax levied for tho year, aud all legitimate expenses of Ihn Hoad Department are be. lug paid, there is no necessity i.iranyor ders being Issued. All orders icqulro Hie signatures of both Supervisors of thu Township Clerk and should bear thn seal of tho township. Tho nbovo notice Is being glyen so that all persons can govern themselves accord. Ingly. S. M. Hhkv, Agent for Taxpayer's Aenoclatton. Ashland, Pa., Nov. 27, '85,-tf. I have scarcely seen a worse enso of ca tarrh than that which 1 suffered. Kellei's Catnirh Hcmcdy tlioiouglily cured mo, II. ei:, Passenger engineer P. & E. H. 11. Keller's Catarrh ltemedy Is tho greatest medlclno of the ngc. Hutltlcti Dontli (if Iter. Ir, McMurrity. Iast Friday evening Hcv. Dr. J. B. Mur ray, Presiding Elder of tho Juniata district preached In tho Methodist Church at Ml lysvlllc, Mllllln County. Immediately nflcr the Fcrmnn he was selrcd with n terrible fit of coughing, nud butsted n blood-vcRsel. Ho died In n few minutes. Ills residence was In Huntingdon nnd the remains wero taken there nn Saturday. He had sirvctt Ihrco years as pastor of the Methodist Church there prior to his ap pointment ns Presiding Elder of Hint dis trict, nud hnd nlso btcn Presiding Blder of the Attnona dlstilct, and was consequently ono tif thu best known preachers In tho Central Pennsylvania Conference nnd was very popular In the church. Ills remains were tnken to Bcllcfonto on Wednesday, nnd laid beside llioeo of his wife. Mr. Mc Mutiny feivcd ns pnstor of the M. 11. Chutch of this town for several yenrs, and hnd many friends litre who will lcnrn of lis dentil with sorrow. Mr. Iliiclmlew Appointed supreme Court Reporter. Hon. Chnilcs It. Bucknlcw, our distin guished townsman, lias been appointed to tho position of Supreme Court lleporter by Governor Pntllson. The Patriot snys i Mr. Bucknlew Is a gentlemen of the high est Intelltctunl nnd legal attainments, nnd its chnr'nt'ter for Integrity Is itbove the each of suspicion. The olllco Is ono w oi thy of tho ripest scholarship nnd the liltrlicst inlellectual ntlninincnts. A position once filled by Hoiace Blnncy and Alexander James Ins H erent enough for tho most eminent man. True, during recent years the olllce has fallen from its high estate, and the Governor meilts tho highest praise for tak- ng n step that.wlll restore to Its former stnndaid. Buckalcw is a fit successor to Blimey. The ndvanliigo to the Commonwealth In restoring this great olllce to Its tiadltlonal importance is moie imictlcal than scntl- mental. When thu olllce was filled by great men thu reports which came from It wero in ilemnnd everywhere nnd authority in nil courts. The character of the reports declined us the standing of their authors deteriorated. If Buckalcw accepts the of. lice, as cvciy citizen will hope ho may, n n desirable change will soon be uoticcd In this particular. From the pastor of tho Olivet Baptist church, Philadelphia, Pa.: I wns so trou bled with catarrh it seriously alfectcd my voice. One bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, did the work. My voice Is fully restored. 11. F. l.tcpsncr. I.lKlithtreet. C. II. Kllnotnok allying tiip to llazlcton this week. Airs. Anna Henry spent the past week at Buckhorn, assisting her brother, Charles Terwllliger, with the store. Somo one who loves chickens visited A. B. White's hen roost nnd took therefrom some liens, amongst which they succeeded in capturing an old chick. A failure in the blood is about all that let the fellow on", as lie wns pretty well tracked. Miss Lizzie Kelly is engaged with the Mrs. Beers, of our town, to learn dress making. A Sunday school convention was held in Hie M. F. Church on December 2 nnd 0 for Scott township. On Sunday evening we noticed on our stuects It. Keller and II. Cadmnn, of Or angeville. Miss Musgrave, of Jit. Pleasant, visited Miss Maggie Grimes on Sunday, John Eckroth, of our town, killed two poikcts last week that weighed 1091 pounds, the heaviest weighing 551. Prof. Heck, of Bloomsburg, attended cervices nt the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Homo of our townsmen nre employed by tho Steam Heating company of Blooms burg. Bertha Wilson, granddaughter of Jo nathan Bnchman, died nt ids residence Inst week. Interment nt Bloomsburg cemetery on Sunday afternoon. lterwlck. Wo arc sorry to record the death of Ml Nellie Colters lately nt her homo nt Iteno. va, I'u. nlie was lull 01 promise nnu 111111 many friends in this section. Her funeral was largely attended. Mr. and Mis. Kelly have the sympathies of many friends heio us well as in Itenova. A and lyre, wicath;aud star of beautiful lloweis covered the top of the casket. Another beautiful nnd accomplished young lady has passed away, as too pure for earth. "Death loves 11 shining mailt." Wo have to record also tho death of .Miss Nora Iteedy In Berwick lately.tho daughter of Peter Iteedy, who died after 11 short ill ness of pneumonia. She wns accomplished and was Interesting and popular. Her death at ngu of 1 7 years is greatly lamented In Berwick. The parents have all our sympathies. Another dcufii in the person of .Mrs. Chamberlain, who died at tho ngo of . 1 years. She had suffered several yenrs pre vious to her denth. She wns a widow of 20 years. She lenves n largo family of children. Miss Iteedy nnd Mrs Chamber lain arc buried In Berwick cemetery ; their funerals were largely ntlendcd. Tuat house on tollers on 2nd street is moving "lowly, yet it moves. Many ducks hnvo been shot recently along the river. Jns. Chamberlain shot 15 at one shot last week nnd brought In 25. The weather was unpropltlous last week for the shooting match on the fair grounds. Proprietor Klase's swine Is n hugo oue that outweighs 745 lbs. Old prosperity is coming back to town. Ono of tho largcBt supplies of sleighs for years has just bceu ree'd by Trcscott Bros, selling at only 522 apiece. They take the Comimiiian which shows their enterprise. L. Kurtz is running fino marble works, recently put up a fino monument for Lewis Eckroth, Mlfilliii ho Is preparing a fino ono for Alexander Thompson to beset up soon Sliles Bros, aro running good business lu tho drug lino on Front street. Behold thu new Installment of pianos and sewing machines at Dricsbnch'ti. Phillips is doing n good buslucss In tho grocery line. Jno. G, Jncoby Is largely engaged In the Insuranco business, employed by first class Companies of this country nnd somo in Europe. The rolling mill boys are going light along, and always full of fun. A. W. Dickson has been visiting friends in Berwick during tho last few days 1 Is looking well nnd happy. He represents A I), Lundy& Co., Wholesale Stationers, 20 East Third St . Wllllamsoort. He hns mndo some fine sales on tho North Branch, Ceett's Emulslcn of Puro Coel I,lcr (III m llli ii ihii1iok',1iIIc(. I'tTV WcitnWfiiiHl J'fiiw (o 111 Husn-tp I'lmiwi. Dr. 0. T. Broinstr, Uoclitsltr, jv 8iiv! "After having used Scott's Emulsion with decided benefit upon myself, I have tnken great plensuro In lecommcndlng It slnco in the vatlous conditions of wasting in which ltla trull cated. Hlatc Hoard of Agriculture. Tho Winter Meeting of tho Stnto Board of Agriculture began In the Opera Houic on Wednesday morning nt 0 o'clock. Tho board Is composed of tho Governor of tho State, who is ojfisi'o chairman, tho secre tary cf Internal nffalrj, the superintendent of public Instruction, the auditor general tho President of Pennsylvania Stato Col lege, nud ono person nppolntcd by each ag ricultural society In the State, and tlirco other persons appointed by tho governor. tho Board Is allowed a secretary who re. eclves $15,00 a yenr, and has a permanent ofilco nt Harrlsbnrg. Thomas J. Edgo is the secretary. Tho meeting was called to order by Gov ernor Pntllson, nnd a commlttco on creden. tlnls nppolntcd. Besides tho members of tho Bonrd,of which there was n good atten dance, credentials wero received from tho following grnnges nnd clubs i North Ah blngton nnd Glcnburn Formers' Club, J W. Tllfany, 11. W. Northrup ; Blooms burg Grnngc, No. 322, P. of II., Ell Barton, John Gordon, Dr. B. F. Gardner Itohrs burg Grange, No. 103, W. W. Parker, Charles Kcstcr ; Llghtstrcct Grnngc, No. 131. Joshua Hartzcll, J. II. Hnrtzell, Snm uel Hnrtzell, David Stroup, Elizabeth Brown Valley Grnngc, EzrnEves, Phoebe Eves, T. O. Wilson, F. P. Mnsters, Rnclmcl Young j Sugnrlonf Grange, No. 105, W. L. Hurllnger, C. A. White, C. L. Kile Mon tour Grnngc, No. 702, D. 11. Dlehl, Brock bill i Pleasant Vnlley Farmers' Club, John Holla. Many farmers and their wives from all parts of tho county were present, nnd tho houso was we'd filled. A long and interesting report of a com mlttco on thu manufacture of tiuttcilne, oleomargarine, nnd other substitutes for butler, was rend by Mr. E. Iteeder, of New Hope, Pa., utter which nn address of wel come was delivered by ltev. D. J. Waller, Sr. Ho spoke of the beauties and ndvnn- tuges of our town, and of the many points of historical Interest -.bout here, of our educational facilities, and tho Intelligence of thu people. He extended tho hospital! tics ol the town to the visitors nnd urged them to mingle with our people nud enjoy themselves tn the fullest extent. Governor Pntllson responded by return ing thanks for the cordial reception. He said that the lied men had made no mis take In Jpltchitig their wigwams. Wher ever the traces of tho Indians were found, there prosperous and progressivicommunl ties had sprung up, and that tho fertile vn. leys of Wyoming ar.d Hie Susquehanna wero striking instances of this. Agricul tural Industry is the leading one of this country. The shoes wo wear, the clothing that covers the body, the food wo eat, all represent somewhere the work of the farm er. It Is the work of tho bonrd to as slst nnd direct agricultural pursuits so Hint they may be rownrded by the best posslblo results. Ills remarks wero npproprinte nnd entertaining. Mi. J. H. Townsend, of Bloomsburg, read an interesting essay on "Grnpcs for the Farm Garden," in which he gave his experience In grape culture and tho vnrl dies of grapes that he hnd found the most sntisfactory for tills section, Dr. Jnmes Cnlder, of Harrlsbnrg, fol lowed with an essay on "Qulnco Culture." G. Hlester, Esq., of Dauphin county rend n paper on "Fruit for Family use." All of these papers elicited Interesting discussion, which closed the morning exercises. At 2 p. in. tho meeting wns again called to order, the hall being filled. William Fairwcnther of Erlo county rend a paper on 'Best Breeds of Dairy cattle," m which ne recommended l"-"'ml1' a long debate. Col. Jameson was unnvold ably out of town, nnd therefore did not rend his paper on "Pure Bred Horses." Excellent essays were rend by M. 1 Lulz, on "Poultry for Profit nnd Ficasurcj'i II. II. Brown on "Bee Keeping" and by M W. Oliver of Crawford county, on "Ex periments in Farming." These filled up the afternoon. A lecturo was delivered In tho evening by Prof. Buckhout on the "Life nnd habits of Insects." Conclittled ue?t ceek. llucUlioru. Tho curious weather is a themo for open ing up every conversation. C. M. Terwllliger is on the mend. We liopo to sec him about soon. lllram Bogurt of Mt. Pleasant prosecuted Audio Beagle, Jr., nnd Messrs. William and .Millard Kcstcr of Madison for shoot- Ing his dog. A hearing wns had before Esquiro Moore on Saturday last. Tho boys lost tho suit nnd have to pny Illrnm $5 for his dog nud all cost, sb much for suppos- ed fun. Washington Hnrtman is erecting n wing on the western sldu of his house Peter Werkheiser will shortly commence to repair the Marshall home, which was lately puichascd by Margaret Whilcnight, Our supervisors nro pulling up Index boards throughout the township We are in the midst of tho butchering season. William Oh! put out two hogs Tuesday Hint dressed 400 lbs. apiece. Tho heft report so far. Wade Hartnmn Is agent for the William spoit i'uHjciw Urmlfuil Uhlte, Then. Dent started Tuesday for Want! coke with a load of produce, Dennis Pursel nnd Lafayette Faust bar- tered colts ono day of tho week. Neither of our Sunday Schools will have n unrisimas entertainment tins year, now ... I npMveilr., innnllnn itc) 1 uuua ui.jjiii3 ..-wMUb i Thursday evening. Tune up your wntch and run It with Joe White's "Itrgulator." lie has a new one. I'.iiHt Ileutoti. Last Monday a week James Mcllenry's storo and postolllco barely escaped total de. structlon by flro. Plenty of available help saved them with small loss. M. O. Smith's eldest son died on Monday evening of last week, aged about eleven ytlltB. 1IIIO T3 U Oltl.l.WI Mil.. UUV..riVv. This was a sudden and unexpected lnntli. caused bv In animation of t lie bowels. Ho wns Interred in tho Hamlin cemetery, ltev. W. Mnther preached the luncrni sermon, auii was great iiuiiu in uiu lor-eased He said tho bov had written a ICCCaSCIl. MC Blllll IIIU uuy llllll nillicuu 1 - .l,l. W .lav. linfrirnliU " , ' 1 n.. . i 10.1,1.1 mnn iitni mnii. knee deep, nnd many without coal or wood, imu "mis- 01 tuin imiuiT i, " .tl1 ..! tn lutolr facts, and la our judgment will uccom pllsli about ns much good as a County In stltute. it is hoped that the general public will awaken to a greater interest in the welfare of the children lu educational mat ters. Although the landscnpo Is covered with a deep snow tho roads nru and muddy, with no linmedlato prospect of sleighing. Mr. John Ashelman dUposes of his per. sonal property nt public sale next Friday. For tho flrct llmo since we tako the Co-Ll-MiilAN did It reach us at Carabra last Thursday evening. If possible como along this early every week. DU" "'-' . . ni' co mm fig rents to 2.0 a .n " ... ,1,., , I, l.,.i.,r.,. i to prosecute tuem as suaii w put. A protracted meeting was commenced '-- i .,1 . ; V,Jf 1 atllnmllnlnst Sunday evening under the yard at which WO haven t plenty 0 l-atedat ,t .,. t ... ..t.i. I . n nl.nj.o ( .-... 1 . . . .t . . 01: t 1 z I 1 1 the "5th dav of Nov. la tho ptsiorsuip 01 iiuv, u. . niviugu. 1 iu uiuuji. iiuui, 1 me sysicmuuu usu ui aiuiiuuua ura iiegu-1 JTl. jorJ one thousand eight Tho controversy, caus'jd by the "lesolu- It- s hnrdlv fair llOt to pick Intor. This Is no vain boast, but nn eslab. v-j elghty-me, .and In the one ... n.M.ii.n.i ti 1... .i. nmoi.,,r. i . , V. llsheil fuel: and sutlers from these diseases ninth year ot the Independence 0 I . , . 1 V V , ,1 . out barnsley tor special notice, deny themselves the blessings of health and MrtBVonuS JOHN School Board, brings out somo Interesting ... ,;,' r .. . ,l, collffort bv refusing to give tho Itegulator "H'ome' J0UN MARRIAGES. anillS-WOLVKKTON.-At tho ltcct- ory of St. Paul's Church, Bloomsburg, on Tucsdny Nov. 24th, J885, Mr. John W. Ulbbs to Miss Tllllo Wolvcrton. Atinlyr.ltii; (lie IlnUliiir I'owtlerH. Under the direction of the New York 8tnto Board of Health, ctghty.four different kinds of baking powders, embracing all the brands Hint could be found for sole In tho State, were submitted to examination nnd nnnlysls by Prof. C. F. Chnndler, n Mem ber of the Stato Board and President of tho New York City Board of Health, assisted by Prof. Edward G. Love, the well-known lato United States Government chemist. Tho official report shows that n large number of powders examined were found to contain nlum or llmo many of them to such nn extent to render them seriously ob jectionable for iiso In the preparation of human food. Alum was found In twenty-ntno samples. This drug Is employed in baking powders to cheapen their cost. Tho presenco of llmo Is attributed to the tmpuro crenm of tartar of commerce used In thctr'mnnufac litre. Such cream ot tartar was also ana lyzed, and found to contnin llmo nnd other Impurities In some samples to the extent of 1)3 per cent, of their cnttro weleht. All the baking powders of tho market, with tho single exception of "Itoynl" (not Including tho nlum nnd phosphate powders, which were long slnco discarded as unsafe or inefficient by prudent house-keepers) nre made from the impure cream of tartar of commerce, nnd consequently contnin lime to a corresponding extent. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysts to be entirely frco from llmo aud absolutely pure Is tho "Hoynl." This perfect purity results from tho exclu- slvo use of crenm of Inrlar specially icfincd nnd prepared by patent processes of the N Y. Tartar Co. which totally remove the tartrate of llmo and other Impurities. The cost of the chemically pure cream of tartar Is much greater than nny other, nnd on ac count of this greater cost is used in no bak ing power but the "Itnyal." Prof. Loyc, who made tho nnalyscs of baking powders for the New York Stato Board of Health, as well as for tho Govern ment, says of the purity and wholesome- ncss ot "Itoynl :" I havo tested a package of 'Hoyal Halt- Ing Powder' which I purchased in tho open market, nnd find It composed of pure nud wholesome Ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degrco of merit, nnd docs not contain either nlum or phos phates or any Injurious substances. E. G. LOVE, I'll. D." 'Salaniunaltcr'.-i. rniLiDKLniiA, November SO, isss The store that sells two-and- a-half per cent of all the linens that come from all the countries of Europe there is the place to see linens Two-and-half per cent is an enormous proportion. We scanned the figures closely our selves, though they came ironi the United States Treasury records extracted by Mr. Lorill Biodirctt, who had as Appraiser f ;rnrrn ton aiaiivvrare ami i. arity with such statistics to blun der in them. No matter why this concen tration. Many curious ques tions might be asked about it more than we could answer probably. This is certain : It's the place to see linens. That is all we care to derive from the fact that nobody doubts. What sorts of linens ? I lie sorts that all sorts ol people had better buy almostof course. Two-and-a-half per cent of the mens used in the United btates are not sold in one store for an unsubstantial reason. The lin ens are there that's certain. Do people buy with judg ment ? Do they know what is good ? .1 i uu int.) kiiuw wiiai cheap in the long run ? ... - borne do ; and some don t. Hotels and restaurants get to know very soon what wears ; large boarding-houses ditto. Families learn more slowly ; but they learn : and many understand the general principle. We can t put much particu lar iniormaiton into a single r 1 newspaper column of easy type, 1 akc table-linens, vn item or two. We know of but a single make of bleached table-ltnen worth having that can be got for r0 centS a Vard. The Irish Can't . fc r gcotch . nor infr. I . . ' . . I I llOil . HUl lJ-w.L-.l. , mv uiin one uerman so iar us we kuuw. It is a treneral fact that it isn't wise to buy 50 cent table-linen for anv purpose whatever. 1 he lowest price at which fairly dur able table-linens come is 65 er-v a cents. but this one uerman maker sends us tons on tons of (vrcllcnr coarse and homelv table-linens at 50 cents a yard, , nni1l.;n, tn nvltch for c, ,D , 1 I . ' "''' I he Other extreme : S2.5O a yard is enough for the finest and rjiu,cf Uetweeil tllCSC tWO 1 .1 . I .....,,, ..... hnvn rrnth(rrrl "-wv-.u - r. from all the linen countries the hcst nt t Kir liiarCinf s. wiiatwe could buy to the best advantage. You can hardly name an even I . , , r Heaviest, Strongest; nui iuu uuuhi; the patterns change but rarely; Very SlOW ; but the bOtiy barnsley table-linen is such that the more it is washed the better . r 1 . 1 1 . 1 li leeis ami iooks. i tuieis .um rctnurnnt niulprsit'ind it. they want the finest, richest, newest uncus, uiuy uuu 1 uuy Hamsley. If they want maglll r . Iiceill snowy uiieiih iu wer.u long tune with severe anti con 1 4 iv- awuviv-ai vt itu vv. i . , . i ,7..,,i f .......... . I Slanmnalwr'fl. stant washing, to prow more oeaiunui montn alter moniii, fine but not extremely fme.pood natterns but old, they buy Barns- ey. We have such Barnsley for i.25 a yard I 1 he proper price is $1.50. bets of table cloths with nap kins to match, $3.50 to 40, oupht to be barely mentioned. Most of our linens are made on our orders, and made to suit us. We have them made with out dressing. Washing will change them but slightly. 1 Ins is the linen school. No doubt about it. It isn't so strange as people think that we sell one-fortieth ofallthelinens thatcome through the Custom House. Within our local trading cir cuit are a million-and-a-half of people about a fortieth part of the population of the United states, and more than a fortieth part of the linen-users; for everybody knows that more linens are used near the centres of population than south and southwest. It isn't so much more than our share. Bear in mind that we buy from the makers at home their homes save every possible cent in buying ; and sell as close as we can. There isn't another such stock in the city. There isn't another such stock in the country. There isn't another store that buys as we buy and sells as we sell. It would be a reproach to the people around us, if we didn't sell our full share of the linens that come to the country. Nothing but linen for linen ; skilful and careful buying ; gen erous selling. They account for it. south-west from tho centre. John Wanamakek. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and Clty.hall square. LOCAL NOTICES. On Tuesday morning next I. W. Hart man & Son will open to the public their stock of Christmas goods. Don't fall to see them before you make your purchases. Fino ladles' shoes at F. D. Dmtlcr's. Don't fall to sec the grocery department nt I. W. Hartmnn & Son's for nil kinds of glassware, fancy dishes, &c, &c. Cotton seed meal in hundred pound sacks kept for salo at the farm of E. II. Little, nenr Llghtstrcct, also nt E. II. Little's barn In Bloomsburg. n27tf. INew hec pins, earrings and sleeve but tons at II. W. SloanV. If you want any Holiday presents be suro you see inc lurge siock or toys, uiassware, China ware, Christmas trco ornaments, at the Variety Store, Bloom, beforo purchas ing. Mrs. V. E. Ilabb Is closing out her stock or leu lints at cost to maito room tor (Jurist mas goods. For a good and cheap Holiday present. go to the Variety Store. A great ninny new articles for Chrlstmns presents in tho fancy dish lino at I. W. iiartman cc son's. Cull at J. H. Stccker's for fresh oysters. A new four-button kid glove all now shades at 41.15. We will guarantee ev ery pairs if they lip or break will give an other pair at 11. w. moan's. J. H. Stecker has elder and apples for sale cheap. Call and sec. A now let of Newmarkets tills week at II. W. Sloan's. Grcnt reduction ? Gross the N. Y. Cloth. ier has reduced tho price of Mens', Boys', nnd Childrens', suits, and overcoats cheap er than ever sold in Bloomsburg before. "tow is tho time to nave plusli mulls made to order nnd all kinds of furs cleaned. lined nnd renovated nt Mrs. O. E. llabb's. J. 11. Blccleer Keens oysters, at Ills cro- eery and provision store, Main street below Market. Getting ready for tho Inrgeot sale of Christmas goods ever offered in Columbia county. I. W. Hartman & Son. Fine shoes for gents, ladies and misses at F. D. Dentlcr's. Call anil examine. Horso blankets from 85 cents up at C. S. Furman's, Mnln, below Market street. Beautllul Christmas presents for Utile children at Mrs. C. E. Itabb's. Call and see the plush hoods. Buffalo nnd wolf robes nt C. S. Furman's, Jiam street, ueiow mnriici. People coming to court arc invited to see I. W. Hartinaiufc Son's Christmas presents. A new Btock of rubber boots and shoes at j.-, -). )entlcr's, One of the ten roads leading Into Blooms burg brings customers every day to I. W. Hnrtman & son's for their cheap coats. Harness from $10 up at C. 8. Furman' F. I). Dcntler has Just received a full lino of slippers for thu hollJnys, Tho crowd will, ns usual, be at I. W. Hartman cc Son s for Christmas presents. BUSINESS NOTICES. TIIK FIliST KEEN TWINOE. As thu season advances, llio pains nnd aches by which rheumatism makes itself Known, nre experienced auer every c.p. osure. It is not claimed that Hood's Snrsaparilln is a specific for rheumatism wo doubt if there Is or can be, such a ',, ' ,,''u """-' """"' lioou a oaraa inriiin, Hiiriuiii, 11s 111 urging tl...r lm o.iffi.r frnrn rlillm,ilUm In ti.b.. . - -....... . " u" -"u "r" Hood's sarsaparuia, acting inroiigu 1110 JjjjJ Kpoft I U (riUli b 10 llw wUli'U'iiit v tail, fv 14 1 1 1 1 1; .1 ll I, .... n,..., nf n, but a meritorious meuicmu wnicu ims won 1 Vii onnllilpntK ilkfipft. .mil null RiilIsfHrt. 1 WORK NKAT1YY Ol j,iies tho roots and herbs tn cure the ills. vaaK " "J""." impoutant. Tim sudden chanbcs in weather menu cough and croup for chil .,.,. ,,,!), iun.v. c0Ueh If I (Vnim Medicine, when needed. It relieves " , ,,. , . ,.,, ,,,..,. rKi,in..v - Liver Hcmcdy encourages sleep, creates nn nnnetlte. braces up Ihu system, and a "; the wasted powers. HI. 35 - bottle at druggists. "Most of these linlr preparations don't work." writes Mr. .1. S. Burdlck, of 8t. Loul, 'ibut Parker's Hair Balsam Is nn honorable exception. My linlr wns thin and prematurely gray. Tho Balsam mndo It brown ngaln nnd sott ns In my boyhood." h iltc.4-4t. Purgo out tho lurking distemper that undermines health, nnd the constitutional vigor will return. Those who suffer from an enfeebled nnd dlsordtred stato of the system, should tako Aycr's Sarsnparllln to clcnncs tho blood mil rcstorj vitality. For colds, croup, asthma, bronchitis nnd sore throat, use Dr. Ihomas' Eclcctrlo OH, and get thu genuine. Aches nnd pnlns long bomo mnko even tho young feci old. 'J lie true r-'medy 11 Parker's Tonic. It purifies the blood, sets In order the liver nnd kidneys, banishes pain and builds up the health. Besides It hits the reputation of doing what we claim for It. dec.-4-4t. Pnlns In buck, best kidney and Itcmcdy. or loins cured by tho liver medicine Hunt's What is the use of Suffering with back ache, rheumatism, kidney diseases, sciatica crick, stiches, chest lung troubles, torpid liver, or soreness In nny part when a Hop I'l later will certainly give you relief? Vnstly superior to all other porous plasters. You'll say so after using ono. 25c. every where. Curious to think that desks nnd chairs kill people, but they do. Tnken in large qunnllllcs olllco furniture is ns fatal as yellow fevi r. We sit and write ourselves away. Sedentary habits produce constipa tion; that begets dyspepsia; rheumatism and kidney trouble follow in Ihelr train, nnd dentil ends the chapter. You whoso lives mo passed over desks and lu the con fined nlr of offices ought to keep Dr. Ken nedy's "Favorite Itcmcdy" always at band for thu stomach and brain. novlU. The most miserable creature among all mankind is the confirmed dyspeptic, who looks ns though life hnd no charms left for him; nud yet the very worst of this class may bo brought back to health nnd happl-ncs-i by using Vlnegnr Blttcis, a remedy that even Ihn most skeptical modern practitioners arc beginning to use in their practice. Theie mnst bo nn open road between tho food wo cat and the substnnco of which our bodies aro composed. If the road is clogged or closed we sicken, faint nnd tile, nils road 19 made tin of liiu organs of digestion and assimilation. Of these the stomach nnd llvir nre chief. Most people havo had more or less experience of tho horrors of constipation. Prevent it and all its fearful sequences by using Dr. Kennedys rnvorite itcmcdy." 11 is tuo first step that costs. When Hby nt sick, us caro hr Cutoria, Wkf n sho was 1 Child, ahs cried for Castorl, When ahe became Miss, she clung tu CMtorit, When the had Children, ho gave them Cmtorla, iT.BARNUM'S Newt Book HIE KTOItV OP II V I.IFr-" IOolden Ruiei tor iloaey lltlnir. Worth 10 my )nung man .urttnir In life. 500 pares: 64 jltu.trat(.n.. Trice, 12.20. 0T7 Write It once t And the Art of MflTlv Onttlne wltH -mi roKOMfct a rwcnfiAriiria tjinoinnnT1 o A.t. uk. as . rAUII V OPAI CO IUT Hflllac rcrTeet iniTIII.1 OUDLLO I ntlrely net. in principle. Weisrh one ounce to e pound.. e ounce 10 a pounqi. . Rapid tale, turprl.o IOKS!lf.l &: McMAKlN, CINCINNATI, O. dec.4-4t.-ald. SOLVENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (then to the creditors of the un dersigned mid to all persons to whom It may con cern, that ho will apply to the Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county for the benefit or the in solvent laws of thu Commonwealth on Monday afternoon, uecemDor Tin, loto, at wuicn utno any person hat, Ing any objection to his llnal dlschargo as an lnv)lent debtor, same Known. Nov 13- lw KSSE Z. I.INN. EOlSTErVS NOTICE. Notice, la hereby clvcn to all legatees, ciedltors and other persons Interested tn the estates of tho respective decedents nnd minors, that the fol low lm; administration, cxcoiitors and guardian accounts havo been Hied in the onice of the ltegas ter of Columbia county, and will be presented for conllrrnatlon and allowance In the Orphans' Court to bo held in lilooursburg. on .Monday, pec. "th, into, at S'clockp. ra. on said day : No. 1. The flrst and nnal account of IjOvI Mlcli nel, administrator ot Susannah lluinbel lato of Ilea' er township, deceased. No. 2. The flrst and partial account of Matilda Waller, administratrix of Daniel W. Walter lato of Cutiv lssa township, deceased. No. 3. Tho first account of .. Z. Schocl:. execu tor of M. S. Appleinan late ot tho town of lHoonis. burg, deceased. No. 1. Tho flrst anl nnal account of JohnW. Miller administrator of Henry T. Miller lato of Jladlson township, deceased. No a. Tho first and final account of (JoonroA. ller- rlncr. trustee to sell real estate of Edward lx'wbt Uie ot the town of Uloomoburg, deceased. No. o. The first and final account of V. O. Wads- worth, aihnlnlstiatnr of Daniel Thomas late of x isiungcrccK vownsnip, ucceaseu. No. 7. Tho first and final account of John M. Mlller.lluardlan of Esther Miller (now Esther Men singer) a minor child oflienjatnln Miller late of CUuw Issa township, deceased. No. 8. The first and llnal account ot John .M. Miller, iruardlan of Ida Miller n minor child ot llenjamln Miller late of Catawlstsa township, de ceased. No. o. The second and nnal account of Joseph W. Keece, guanllan of I.aura M. rarker (now Ijiu ra M. Hellas.) minor child of John L Parker lato of Jackson township, deceased. No 10. The second and final account of K. II. Drown, surviving executor of Jacob Yoho into of Mtrtttn townshln. deceased as lllod by J. J. Drown executor of K. b. mown, docoasjd. No. II. Tho first and final account of Lanah J. Mellenry, administratrix of K. J. Mcltenry lue of l'lshlhtrcreek township, decease 1. No. 12. Tho first and final account of Josenh W. Kvra, executor ot Krancla Dtei lato of Greenwood township, deceased. No. 13. The first and Ilml account of I. L. and J. E. Snyder, execuuirs ot Isaac n) deflate of Mllllln township, deceaa xl. No. 11. Thotlrstnnd llnal account of Thomas liollman. guardian ot chnrlm Dolluian mlnorchlld of John Dullman lata otefrwnwood townsiup, de ceased. (iKO. W. rlTKllNKlf, nov 13 kwi uotrisier. I A nandsomo vam; LAMP given with n f5 order tor Tea and coff ee. An Iron Mono C11AM1IBK KPT tl) nttWK nrn Tt'i k.t'1' pieces, or, handsome IlliuM'.b llANdl'so iJmi1 given with a Jill order. A WlAMliKIt tBT ono pieces,wiiii uiuf, muruuit ur inuit uanu or an iuu miyink CHINA 'iT bEl'ot ft, nieces, or a (II.ass SET of&l plecM given with aia order, HAND SOME I'KKVIUMS, consisilng of Decorated China Waruln'Icasets, also Dinner and Tea beta coin, blued, and Chamber Sets, etc., etc., given with orders tor tin, m, ta, t-M and (W. Send for clrcu. lar, which win givu jou inn p.triicuians. lillA.M) I'.NION TKA COMPANY, !!5 South Main St Wilkes nine, ru. iieauqiiar ters SO Fiout street. New York I'll v. may la-u COURT PROCLAMATION. TVrilKBEAS.thellon. Kmvell V President Judgo of tha Court ot Oyer and Terminer and Ucneral Jail Delivery, court of Quar ter sessions ot tho Peace and the Court of Common Plena and orphans' Court In the 26th Judicial Dla. trtct, composed ot tho counties of Columbia, and Montour, and"tho Hons. James Lako and K. L Shuraan, Assoclato Judges ot Columbia county have Issued their precept.bcarlng dau) tho eth day of Oct. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and elguty-tuc, and to mo directed for holding a Courl ot Oyer and Terminer and Genorat (iaarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common Pleas and orphans' court, in uioornsourg, in tho county ot Columbia, on the first Monday .being tha ?th day ot Doc. next, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the tho Jus. tlcos ot the Peace, and tho Constables ot tho said County of .'olumbla,that they bo then and therein their proper person at lu o'clock In tho forenoon aald Stth day ot Doe. with their records tnqut. Bitlons and other rcmeiubrances,to do those things which to ihelr offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizance to proseouto a;atnst tho prisoners that are or maybe in tho Jail of the aaldcountyot Columbla.tobethen and thero Jurora are re- attendance, Iltoomaburg Tear of our hundred and hundred and of tho Unlt.-d AiouitKr, Hherlff. 1 rr I I and EXECUTED AT liml pi r THIS OEFICK