THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Offlco-Seoking. Tho order of tho President cxclud. i rig oflicoscekera and Senators and Hoprcsentatlvcs In pursuit of tho same purpose, for their constituents from executive Intorviows h an act of moral courngo which attaining nil that has been claimed for Mr. Cleveland as n man of conviction and fearlessness In tho path of duty. Tho act Is also ap plauded by every disinterested party in or out of politics and, if adhered to, W.ll inaugiirnto a reform and establish a precedent in tho duties of tho Presi dent for which his successors will bo thankful. The oflice-seeklng craro has not been confined to lator adminis trations, though with tho devclopo nimit of tho country and tho expansion of tho duties of tho government it hai increased moro than in equal pro- )uruoii. ino crazing ror ollico ap- iieanl to liavo been contemporaneous in iu origin with tho foundation of the present form of government. In tho very earliest davs of Wash ingtou's administration ho was terribly annoyed by the aspirants for office, in laci 10 sucn an extent that bo was seriously embarrassed in doinc his duty in his office. As tho government tumor ino yonstitntion of 1787 was then in its incipient stages thero exist ed a multitudo of claims upon tho President's attention, particularly iu getting the machinery of tho Execu tivo office iu motion. Tlio first Presi dent has left amontr his naDers an ac count of tho audacity and pcrsistcnoo oi mo ouicc-sceKer or 17S'J. Uo tens us that ho had no peace either day or uight from tho importunities of men clamoring for oflico. Thov flocked in from neighboring States, and even thoso moro remotely situated and re quiring days and weeks of hard jour neying, by private or public convey nnco or afoot, woro not without their representatives in tho general scuflle. now TIIHY I10RED WASIIINOTOM. At last, ho tells us, tho rivalry be came so great that the most bold crowded into his sleeping apartments before ho was out of bed in tho morn ing, and Mrs Washington, that stately dame in crimped caps, was compelled to lio abed, perhaps, with matronly modesty, with her head under tho bed clothes, while the President was dress ing, so as to get rid of the intruders. This last innovation upon the usual rules'of etiquette governing tho routine of a man's domestic surroudings was too much for tho dignified Washing ton. He had submitted to a great many things for the sake of his country and particularly so as to cause as liltlo friction as possible, for tho now gov ernment had then hosts of opponents amontr tho leading minds of tho count ry. IIo accordingly sent to tho Vice President and members of the Cabinet a request for their views on certain questions propounded by him aud in tended to regulato the ofiicial and social regimo of the Executive house hold. Tho replies were a subject of Cabinet conference, and tho rules drawn up by Jefferson constitute to this day tho foundation of the organic law of the Presidential oilico in its official and social environments. During the earlier administrations, the number of ofli !es being compara tively few and political contentions having higher aims than a war of spoils, the changes in office were few. As Randolph, of Roanoke, put it, few died and nono resigned. THE SPOILSMEN'S FEAST. In Jackson's time the cry to tho victors belong the spoils infused this disgraceful doctrine into American politics. Since then tho offioial hours and leisure moments of the Presidents have been occupied in catering to the spoilsmen of their parties. The in cessant badgering and importunities added to the natural perplexity of mind incident to efforts to please everybody has broken tho heart of noro than ono President. It under minded tho vigorous constitution of Taylor and drove Lincoln to a couch of illness on several occasions. It disturbed the peace of Grant's stolid nature and culminated in the assissina tion of Garfield. In a conveisation then, the Presi dent referred to the fact that-his whole time had been consumed in listening to the appeals of applicants for office and their friends ; that if that were to constitute tho sura of jiis occupation for the rest of his four 'years in ofliee it was a discouraging outlook. Whtn he lett for the summer he fully made up his mind to put an end to such an unnecessary ocenpation of the time of tho President When be returned from his summer recreation in the Adirondacks he intended not to sub mit to a rcpetion of his previous ex perience with the office-seeking throng, but yielded in hopes that iw force would diminish in vigor. THE CI.AMOK INCREASING. Tho approach of Cotmres?, on the contrary, has increased the number of olamoiouB aspirants, reinforced as they are by the Senators and Repres entatives. With his first annual messago to Uonurcs', duo in two weeks, and many important questions f . ..i.i:.. t. f..n j. ..!.,. , preparatory to certain recommenda tions the President had no other refuge than the heroic treatment which he has resorted to. In view of all the buncombe in Congress over civil ser vice reform, tho recent executive order of tho President is the first really sin cere raovo in the direction of elevating tho ptiblio sorvico above the clamors of tho spoilsmen. J.IL Mercer would especially rccom mend to the ladies Acker's Dyspepsia 'i,i.i,t Ao i.:.. ,1.,... i.:. ... equal. They aro guaranteed' to euro Chronlo Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all diseases arising from a deranged stomach. With a tree use ot the Tab lets, Sick Ileadacho is impossible. J. ii. mercer wishes to mako an assertion, which ho can back with a positive guarantee It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. He claims for it superior merits over all other reined ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a positive and sure euro for Rheumatism, Syphillis, and all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho . complexion clear Ask him about it. J. II. Mercer wishes to state that he has at last found an article be oan Bell on its merits. It is with pleasure he guarantees to tho publio Acker's Eng lish Remedy as a sure and never fail ing cure for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop ing Cough,' Croup, and all Lung Trou bles. It is tho standard remedy for Consumption. I have never found its equal. Eivo hundred years H. C , tho Etrus can ladies fastened thtir coils and braids villi spear-shaped pins, as beautiful as they wero useful. Some of thorn were made, of ivory and some of bronzo and silver. They were ornamented in vari ous ways, 6ome with busts carved upon them, and somo with fnll-leugth reclin ing figures. Venus rising out of the sea and stroking back her wet hair was a favorite design. Only Tcrjpcrniico Hitters Known. ff o other in cd 1 c I tic known bo c ffoctaftHy purges tbi Monti of derogated illwane. milloim bear tcfttliuoiif to Its wonderful curnltvo effects. It in r imrrly Vcsctnhto rrennmllon, tniulo from tlio native herbs find roots of California, the moOlrinnt propertied of wlikh nro extracted thero from without tho um of Alcohol, It remove tlio cause of disease, and tho patient rvcorera hW lienlth. It U tlio creat lllood Purifier and Life giTlng Trloclplo; a (ientto Purpnthe ml Tonic a KTfect Itcnovator nml Iuvlorutor of tho nynlcm. erer before In tho Mitory of tho world has n medic lno been compounded popBCMlng the power ot ViNECun IIittbra In healing tho Rick of CTtry disease man la .elf to. The Alterative, Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car ml native. Nutritious, Laxative, Bedntlye, Counter irritant, Had or I tic, Antl-llllloux, So Went, Diuretic and Tonic properties of Vinxoar IUtteiis exceed thoso of any other medicine In tho world. No iernoii ran take tho Hitter according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bdnes aro not destroyed by mineral polmm or other tncans, and the tital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair, IlilloiiH, Remittent, Intermittent and Ma larial Fevers aro prevalent throughout tho United State, particularly in tho valleys uf our great titers and their vast tributaries dnrug tho Summer and Antnmn, especially daring seasons of unusual beat ana urjncB. Tlieae Fever are Invariably accompanied by tenslrn derangements of tho stomach, liver and bowcK In their treatment, n purgative, exerting a powerful lnfluenco upon these organs, la absolutely aeeesnary. There la no rath art I e for tho pnrposo onnal to Dr. J. Walker's Vineuati Hittkiis, as it will peedlly remove the dark-colored vlcld matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho samo time tllmti latlng tho secretions of tho liver, and frcncrnlly restoring tho healthy functions of tho dlgvstlvo 'ortify tlio body against dlwaso by purifying .11 Its fluids ttitli ViNtciAii DiTTKits. No vpldvmla can take hold of a fystem thus forearmed. It ItiviKorntca tlio Slonincli and stimu lates the torpid Liver and BowcM, cleansing the blood of all Impurities, Imparting lire and vigor to the frame, and carrying off without the aid ot Calomel, or other minerals, oil poLonous matter from the BTstem. It Is easy of administration, prompt in action, and certainln its results. Diupcpklaor Iiiillgt'ot Ion, Headache, ratn In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Pneumonia, Dizziness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ot the Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are at onco .re lieved by VrNzuAR Bitters. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism, Gout, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, the Bitters have no equal. In these, as in all constitutional Diseases, Walker's V in coin Hitters has shown Its great curative powers In the most obstinate and Intractable cares. JTIcchnnlrnl PLcascPersons engaged la Taints and Minerals, such as numbers. Type setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance In life, are subject to l'aralynis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take occasional doses ot VrNcoiR Bitters. Nklu DNenitca. Pcrofulo, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Swellings, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, ficald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratlons, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of the Bitters. Pin, Tape aud other Worm., lurking In the system ot so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like VrNEfun Bitters. irji-o.lco, Scarlet Fever, Mumps, Whooplnir Cough, and all children's diseases may bo made less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild doges ot the Bitters. This wondeiful remedy la especially adapted to the systems of children, for 8urlfylng herbs alone give it its remarkable cura re powers. It contains uo alcohol, opium or other poison. iror rcmsie uoinpiainin, la young oroia. married or single, at the dnwn or womanni ood, or the turn of life, this Bitters has no equal. Cleanse tbe Vitiated lllood when Its lm- g unties burst through the skin In Eruptions or ores: cleanse It when obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when, and the health of the system will follow. In conclusion t Give the Bitters a trial. It will speak for Itself. One bottle is a lietter guar antee of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Aronudeacli bottleoiefulldirectlonBprlntea In different languages. II. II. McDonald Drns; Co., Proprietors, Ban Francisco, Cal., and KM, tap k tra Washington St, Cor. Charlton tit, New York. Sold bj all Dealers and Druggists. . THAT poor bed-ridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can bo made the plcturo of health by a few packages of Dr. Kilmer's COM PLKIK KKMALE ltUMaDV. Why let them suffer when so c.ihlly cured? Ask j our druggist for It. 1 rlco $ j.OU . IF YOU aro threatened with or already have Brlght's dlsease.or If you pass red or Moody-urlne. or stiingy.uilne, or mllky.urlne Dr. Kilmer's H W A. Ml'-itoor corrects ull conditions and posi tively cures. Ask your druggist lor n. U5c.,tl, IK YOU expectorate or ralso matter, froth or piilegm-l)r. lilliners INDIAN CONSUMPTION oil, win remove tho causes, and cure you, Ask your druggist tor It. 85c.. 50c, f l. IK YOUIt children havo heart dhease-clvo them Dr. Kilmer's OCKAN.WEKI) IlKAltT ItKMKDY. Ask your drugUt for It. tl, Dr. McTaggart This noted Specialist ot Scrnnton, Is tlie only specialist this side of New York, I' Ull adelplila and Buffalo who makes an e xclu. slvo specialty of treating chronic, long standing anil lingering diseases to which man and womankind nro subject, such as Consumption, Bronchial affections, Scrofu. la, SaU-lthcum, Loss of Manhood, Skin dls. cases, Ithcuinntlsin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Epl. lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, Loss of Voice, Chronic Iliiurha'a, Chills and Foyer, Worms, Liver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, Paraly sis, Tape worm, Heart disease, &c, &c, CiTFemalo diseases a specially. No mailer how long you havo been suf. fering nor how many Doctors you haye em. ployed in vain, you should apply to Du. MoTaooaiet at once, when he will tell di rectly without holding out falso hopes whether your disease is strictly curable or can only bo relieved. Ho owes his wide reputation for tho suc cessful treutmcnt of all lingering or chronic diseases to expcilcnce and close applica tion for over 20 years, and to no miraculout power. What tiis 1'ai'Kus Bay i "He is skillful honest, rnu ient, upright and re. llablo and well worthy of tlio pc-opl ' conndence and esteem. He always says exactly what he means and means exactly what he says." bcran ton llruublhiiH. "He is too useful a man to lose," Lackawanna Peimnrat, Corner Liekawanna and Washington Avenues. SCKANTON, l'A. Sept U-ly CCC A MONTH AMI 1IOAHI) TO AGENTS (or $00 aNttWandcoDipitlo mis pi GRANT The world's greatest soldier, and the nation's most honored cllUen. Low price. Itapld sales. P. W, ZfKOLKlt 4 CO., S15 Arch btrect, 1'hltadclphln. ocn.1 3U1. DEAFNESS CL'IIK, by one who was deaf twenty-eight jears. Treated by most of the noted tpecuilnts of the day Ith no U-oellU cured hlmMlf In three inouths, and tlcce then hundreds o others by same pro cess. A plain, simple and 8 ccexsful home treat ment. Address T. 8. I'ACllt, 128 l!ast mh street, New York city, nov.ia 4t-d. I niflrri Send 10 cents (osiago. and we will mall A Itlr I you res a roul, uluablo, Raiuple box II Ull 01 Koodslhat will put you In the way of mallmr moiv muitfu at once, than anything else In America. Both bexeuul all ages can live ut home and w ork In spare lime, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense uay sure for thohu who slart at once. tni.NbO.N s CO., Portland, .Me, novwiy LIKE HIS FATHER. lie Wiih AmicU-tl AVI 111 Htolio In tlic tltnililc-r. Mr. 8. W. Hicks, of Pleasant Valley, Duchcs county, N. Y., tho son of Mr. K. H, nicks, whoso namomay hnvo appeared In this lournalln con ncctton with an arllclo similar to this, wua, like his rather, nflllctcd with stono In tho bladder, only that liw cnao was moro serious than his father's. Tho father advised tho son towrlto to Dr. D.uld Kennedy, of Houmlout, N. Y who, ho said, would ten mm what to do. Dr. Kennedy replied, sug. gestlng tho Usonf KUNNKHY'S PAVnuiTeniru. KliY, which hud worked so sticcessfully In tho father n case, Mr, IIlcKn, who hart tieen nssureil by the local phjslcluns that they could do nothing moro for him. tried FAVolHTK UU.MKDY. After two weeks' uw of It ho passed a stono ot an Inch long and tho thickness of a plpo stem, wnco then ho has had no symptoms of a return of tho troubio. Hero Is a sick man healed. What better results could havo been expected? What gh?ater .n-ui,,,. ,uuiu iiieuicju seieiieo eumcrr ine end was gained; that Is surely enough. Dr. Kennedy assures tho public, by a reputation which he can notaffordto Imperil, that tlio PAViiiutk ItliM Kin does Intlgorate tho blood, cures liver, kidney -in, luiiifuuiuin, u.1 weii as nil 1110SOUI3- eases and weaknesses peculiar to femalos. TlinuHniulH f Criltc-rul lcnplc vol- warmth and lullnrRs of words hleh merobusl ness donuncnla and c'rtlilcates never possess, what "Knvorlto liemeiiy," tho great speclilo for blood, liver and kidney disorders, has dono for .i.vui ciuu lueu menus. THAI! HAHK SELLER'S CATARRH RKf, THIS GREAT Blood Purifier of tlio World. as Aiisoi.uTK cirnl: i-oit CATARRH. TtlK mttft stublmrn caca ytctil rrmllly tolt mul htntiot fulled to Ctuva pillule c;ipo whero directions nro followcil. Jtseucecs lias been rcmnrknbloninl Itactirei wontlcr ful. It la tlto most mcrei-fiil iirojiamtlon In tho uiftrketfor CATAUIIII ami tl.o only ono Unit rruintcfl nn Ahntrltitc, I'oltl'i Cure. It Is ruly a blcMlm? to manklnj. A Trial I all Hint U nkMl fur it Onco tiacd, It Is nlwnj rccommeiulod. Soiul fur tcstlmoiiluls of actual cures. IT HAS NO KO,tTAL Foil MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. Ono bottle Is Kcnenilly mi indent fur a cure. Stop taking (iulnlno, A trial only Is asked for Kel LEH'H tUTAltlUI ItKMKDY. It 1 R SIMICIFIC for nil illeafpsnrl?lnif from an linpuroblood and drives all eruptions tiom tho skin. For Syphl litloeomplafuts It la superior to any preparation In tho market. Uno bottlo will euro must of tho follow! nif complaints and a continued u?o will rosiTivtLY cure. Navo doctor bills and try It. RHEUMATISM. SCKOFULA. SKIM EUUITIOTS. VEXEKKAL DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. PEELING OF LA1YGOUR. BILIOUSNESS. LIVER TROUBLES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Kkllkr's Catahiiu JIkmedy Is no patent medicine, but a nfe and pleasant preparation to takoand surety tho greatest medical dlscor cry of tlio nic. One bottlo rejuvenates thocntlro system and pu tresses moro llrtuo than a half iloTim bottles of ordinary patent preparations. Wrlto for testimonial) and other iniurmatlon. Ci-Porsalo by druzlts Renerallj. l'l'.K'i: Stl.uO A ItOTTI-K. SIX ltOT Tl.r.S I'Olt S5.00. On receipt of i5.()0 by the manufaeturerK, SAMt'Ei. I. Kelleii & Uo.( llarrl.buiv, l'a., six bottles will bo sent ciprcsa pa Mi. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texas, May 3, 1882. "I wiih to express my appreciation ol the valuable qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral u a cough remedy. " While with Churchill's array, Just beforo the battlo of Vlcksburg, I contracted a se vere cold, which terminated in a dangerous cough. I found no relief till on our march wo came to a country store, whero, on asking for somo remedy, 1 uas urged to tryAYER'a ClIEKEV 1'ECTOItAL. "I did so, and was rapidly cured, Slnco then I hnvo kept the TEcronAL constantly by me, for family use, and I havo found it to be nn invaluablo remedy for throat nnd lung diseases. J. v. Wuiilev." Thousands of testimonials certify to tho prompt cure of all bronchial and lung affections, by the use of Aveb's CnEnny Pectoral. Delng very palatable, tho young est children take It readily. rncr-AnED ny Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowellIMass. Sold by all Druggists. SUPERIOR SPEGTAGLESAND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, TELESCOPES. MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS, I HtHMOMETERS, Drmvlog IiiBtramenta, I'htlosopliical and Lilt snd ZWrintloM of our Tea Otalojue. MDt fnhh on uppllciition. QUEEN CO. 924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. feb6-ly PIANOFORTES. UNEQUALLED In TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. TVILLIAM KNAQU &. CO., Hoi. 304audao(HVtulUlumoi8t.,l)ilUmor. Ko. 11 tifth Avenue, New York. PATENTS, Obtained and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. Our onice Is opposite the U. 8. Tatent Office, and we can obtain l'atents In loss time than those re mote from Washington. cli'?,fP0(iel or drawing. We advise as to pat entability free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent la secured. ..iP'A'J'"1 ,10 tU6 Postmaster, the supt-ot Money order IMv., and to omclals of the U.S. raleut onice. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In sour own Mate or County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., ., opposlto ratent onice, Washington, D C. T1IE "j)01 i:XOLJBl" Lamp, ara filled direct by Tin: PUMP 'Without Lift ing tho Can, tlio (lllliiBtubo nilju.tlii- to suit beluhth of any Lamp. Thla U I lie ino.t practical FAMILY CAN over offered to tho public. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAYE ONE, MAHUf AOTUflf Q or fflnlkld iganu$acturhia c, No DrnpiilliR Oil oil ll.ol'lodrorTnble! Nn Faucet tu lnk or get knocked open to wnstu tontents orciiuso Kxplmloim No Corks to UMe. Vlasn I'erfeel ly Air Tight, No Leak, go No hvaiKirnllon-Abmlulely Hnfe. A rnlvi.ul linn, hold Nm.'ly, roil HALE IS IlLOOMSliUUO I1Y I. W. HAHTMAN & SON AND PAKMKHS' l'HODUUK KXCHANOK. OCt UM Tlio IllootiiHliiirn: l'tibllc HcIioiiIh In November 13ili' Isstio of tlio Coi.tM niAN wn? publlslicil nn nrltcle entitled "Tlio LJiicntlonal Doctors of llloom District nnij their ilcmcrilcs." Tlio writer of tlio nrllclo nftcr iinotliif! tlio Menu of eovernl ntitliora of w liom tlio tmbllc In Rcnernl knows notli Inif, draws llio conrltislon Hint, "Tlio ill reclori of UlooinsburR lmvo undertaken n task for which they Invo shown n most Inmcntnblo degree of tinlltness." Tho ivrlter niso diclnrcs, "No wonder tho belter seiuu of tho tcnohers revolt ngnlnst n J recess so iintcnsonnbla nnd mi htinmii.'' As ono of thu tcnclicrs employed by tho board or directors of tho town of lilnnnis' burg, I desire to sny publicly Hint my bet ttr sense hns never yd revolted ngnlnst tho piocess to which tho willter refers! lint on the other bnnd when by coiupnilng tlio public tchool of llloomsbiirif with llko schooh of other towni nnd clllcpi I llnd that tho upper gnii'cs of the llloomsbtirg Bcliool Is nt least two years below tho cones. pomiins graiics ot mo wilKes-llurrd or Wllllnmsport schools. And when dully I witness m-iss of liuinnn beings crowded into tno primary departments wlicte ninny of them havo already been too lornr, and by the methods that havo been In use hnvo failed to mako even ordinary progress; every atom In my being revolts ngulnst such a system of education that has degrad cd Ihe Uloomsburg publlo school, wnstcd tho publlo money nnd worst of u!l Injured tlic minds of tlio chlhlieii nnd youth of tlio town, which Injury caniiovcr bo repaired It Is evident that n great wrong has been committed In the public school of lllooms. burg nnd it Is time for the fathers nnd motheis, whohnve been paying the tnxis for the purpose of educating their children to Investigate this mutter nnd decide which is the proper minnor to Instruct, to teach n ciinu to renu ueiore it lenrns us letters or tojteach It its letters beforo It learus to read to tenji a child to wnlk before It lenrns to creep or to tench it to creep before it learns to wnlkf Let the parents of llio school children visit the schools and lulk with the teachers and find out what Is being done with tliclr children. You have a right to do this and when you icnlizu that tho future welfare of your child depends upon the primary lnsti notion which it is now rccleving nt school do you not consid er that it is your duty to see Hint llmt In- sirucuon is ccrrcctiy given, nnd If you have been wronged as has (Icon claimed, to seek redress by giving your support to tho nction of the school board, whlcli pro poses to remodel the entire system nnd brlngl.the .scholar b.ick to tlio text book, the definition nnd llio rule, which vague theorists declare will bo forgotten In tho near future? Tkaciiei:. famous Modicino Men. Messrs. Hoot ifc Tinker, of Now York City, who hnvo iubliiliel from time to tiino handsome lithograph por traits of the prominent journalists of tlio United States and Groat Britain, have just isiued a vory attractive en graving, i2 by 28 inches, of the lead- UK riopnetary Medicine -Manufactur ers of tlio United States, iiieludiii'' Dr. J. V. Aver, U. I. Hood, Dr. Ilo-tetter of "Iloslctter's Bitteis," John IIoJl'o of "Merchant's Gargling Oil," Mr. Scott of Scott's Kiiiulsion," Dr. J. II. Suhenck, II. E. Jlueklen of "Ulcotiio Bittere," Mr Towel! of "Iron Bitter." Dr. Tutt, Dr. Braiulreth of "Bran, dreth's Pills," and II. II. Warner of Warners Safe Curo' and "Tippeca noe lame. Wo doubt if a more at tractive lookini: tiroim of elovcn men could be got together from any ono walk of lite. As is quite appropriate, tho central figure is II. II. Warner, tlio background of whoso vignelto is his trade mark of an iron safe, inscribed with tho names of tlio famous War ners KemcdiDS. Mr. Warner is the most prominent as well as tho most sue ecisful proprietary niedieino manufac turer tuiscountry has yet produced, and his zeal in the prosecution of his busi ness grow out of the fact, in large meas ure.that hehimself.wlien uiven unto tlio as incurablo of an extremo kidnoy dis- oruer, in ibcj, was cured uy tlio rem edy to whicii ho has given world-wide fame-"Warner'8 Safe Curo." Tho s.ilu of tho "Warner's Safo Remedies' lias been so widely extended wnru. houses and laboratories for their manufacture havo been established in all quarters of tho globe, not tho least prosperous being ono in far distant Australia. People havo erroneous no tions,both of tho motives and character of proprietary medicine men. As arulo they are solid, substantial, trustworthy citizens, who win tho success that comes to them purely on tho merit of tho goods they produce and of tho work they perform. This is especially true of the central figuro of this group. This picturo hanciner side bv sidn with prominent journalists. relicrious. political and foreign, will probably attract moro attention than those famous editorial writers, becauso there hardly a person who walks tho street, who has not either used nrnn of the remedies manufactured by these men, or had their interest stimulated in tho gentleman themselves by tho ecord made by their remedies amomr personal friend?. This iiicturn is sent out witli tho compliments of Mr. II. II. Warner, who, besides having won such distinguished fame ns tho manu facturer of "Warner's Safo Cure," is well known as tho founder of tho "Warner Astronomical Observ Rochester, N. Y and tho "WnriW Astronomical Prizep," for comctary discovery, so eagerly sought for by iiairuiiuuiers mi over ino world. JMr. V arncr is n self.mado man. and thnsn ! who know him best say that tho success which he has won thus oarlv in lifo dm being at present not over -15 years of age;, is in all respects eminently des erved, for ho is a man of very hioad views and wide-extended liberality. Thero is a pool in Utah onlv a font deep and situated at a very high alti tude, that refuses to freezo oven iu the severest winters. Thero is another that mysteriously replenishes itself with half-grown trout. Ono stream, though clear as crystal to tho oyo and tasteless, stain all tho vegetation it Hows over a deep brown. A warm spring near Salt Lako City is tho strongest sulphur water in tho world. A not spring a Jew miles off, with waters so hot that you can hardly put your hand into them, and ns bright as diamonds, is ono of tho niest remarka ble combinations of chemicals ever an alyzed. ELY'S Croam Balm CatarrH Clu a ii huh lilt liL-ud. AltayM tiillaiiiiuit 1 1 ii. IIuulH tlii-Hun-H. lteHturvH till' HL'IIHL'H UTIUHte, Hiuell, liearliitr, A Oulcir relief. A noHltlve cure. HAY-FEVER A particle U applied Into oaeh nnstrll aud Is nBreeablo tou. l'rleo 51 cents by mall oral J-XYllltonitliS, drufgUts, Owrgo, N. Y, gyapvAi THE GREAT in ron LIVER DISEASE. C!VTf DfTfiffCS nittcr or bndtaito in mouths Ioiktiio coaled whlto or cov with a brown fur,- nn! aln In tho buk, sides, or Joints often mistaken for rlieumntlsini jouh stomach; loss of AtTKitTp; somctlincs imiisea nnd water brnh,or Indigestion.1 tintiilcncy nnd acid eructn. lions, boiu'ls itlternntelv costive nnd lnv1 itmti- ACims lessor memory, with a pnlnnit sensation ot havliiif fulled to do so i c-tbtnsr which miRht to lmvo been done,1 ityi low siilrlts: a thick, yki.low I nppcurmico of tho skin nnd cjesj a dry comjh; m,.,, iiiin.w, ,iw UIII1U11 nwuuy IWI'I 111X11 colored, nnd, It nllowed to Hand, deposlti n sedi ment. d'tntixY veoi;tai)U3 Is (rcnernlly used In tho .louth to nrouso the torpid llur to n healthy nction. IT At' L IT ACTS WITH BtTIlAOIIMNAKV KFI'ICAOY ON T1IK 1VKU, KIDNKYS and HOWKLS. AfJ IIFFIX'TUAI. Wl'KUIi'lCl'Olt MAt.ntA, iivsrsniiA. CONSTIPATION, Ml.tOl'SNBlB, SICK IIRAIUl'lIK, JAUNDICE, maiska, C011C, MENTAL IIIIMIKI SION, llOWELCOUrLAINTS, ETC. ETC., ETC. Endorsed by tho uso of 7 millions of bottles as The Best Family Medicine For children, for ndulls, anil for tho nged. SltETOTUE IS AST I0XDITI01 UK THE M8TLX I J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., SOLErKorniETOiis, l'IIII,Al)i:l.l'llIA, PA, I'KICE, fl.UL may swy A r it K S K N T I Our leaders for 13 cents In poitnRe ftnmpsto pay for malllns nnd wrapping nnd nauesof two book agenui. will receive l'Ui:i: n'Meel Finish I'anor nngrnMni; of nl. our l'llKM. DK.Mt', lfcludlnj Cleveland, sl?e iNxiSlnch, worth fl.OO. Address Euler Fub. Co.,Ghicapo. III. a JulylMy J 0 RAZIiROAD TIME TBLS, D ELAWAHE, IiAOKAWANXA AND WESTEltN ItAlLItOAD. iH.ooMsnuna division. NOltTH. I .STATIONS. I bOUTH. i.i OTiiiii a.m. a.m. p m ..Nsranton.... (i 10 0 15 3 Oj ...llcllciue r. 15 u so 2 10 .'laylorvuio... o so u so a n Lacknwamiii..1 ft 37 n ai esj 0 27 u S4 .l'lttston..., 0 31 ! 41 2 30 6 40 9 41 3 SO ..West, l'lttston. I .... Wyoming. . . ..Mali by lleunett 1 ....Kingston i .. ..Kingston .... 1 I'lymnuth Juno ....I'D mouth..., Uondale. , ....Js'nntlcoko .. lliinlock's Creek .Milckshluny.. Hick's Ferry . ..beach Haven.. Ucnvlck .... .llrlar Creek., i 0 41 U 5J 2 41 0 41) U 51 2 41 li 51 10 012 47 58 10 ip5 3 50 0 58 10 05 1 50 7 US 10 10 3 55 7 07 10 153 01 7 13 10 20 8 01 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 21 10 t33 27 7 37 0 41 3 7 50 11 11 3 5. 7 57 1 01 3 58 8 01 II 114 05 8 10 11 SO 1 12 8 II II 25 4 10 ...Lbreltldge... Espy 1 ...Uloomsburg ... .... Kupcrt Catania Prldgo . . Danville 8 18 11 2U I 21 8 25 11 314 37 8 30 11 44 4 31 8 3il li 50 4 40 8 41 11 55 4 40 8 5S 13 13 5 01 ....Chulasky..,. 05 13 215 12 .... Cameron.... D 08 12 25.1 17 Northumberland 9 25 13 40 5 35 1a.m. a.m. p.m. W. F. HALSTEAD, Supt. oaice, Scranton, Feb.lst,l8 Superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. t H hiladolphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 8th. 1835. Trains leave Sun. bury. JSASTWAKD, 9.10 a.m., Sea S-horo Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrl-burg andlutermcdtatestatlous, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. j New York, 6.20 p. in. ; llaltlmore, 1.10 p.m.: Washington, 6.50 p. in., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea Shoro points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),forlIarrhburg and interme diate stations, arriving at 1" h fl a d 0 1 p h 1 a 0.50 p. m. j New York, 9.35 p. in. ; Ualtlmoro 0.45 p. in. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,50 p. in. llenovo Accommodation (dally, for ilarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv Ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. : New York 7.00 a. in. llaltlmore, 5.25 1. la. ; Washington 0.30 a. m. ; bleeping car uccommodatlons can be secured at llarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, onsun. days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp'l to 1'hlladelphla.l'hlladelphla passengers can remain in sleeper undlstui bed until 7 a. m. 7.t0 a. m. Erlo Stall (dally except Monday, for llarrlsburg and Intermedial stations, arriving ut Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. NeivYoik, 11.30 a. in. ; llaltlmore 8.13 a. m. : Washington, 9.25 a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars 1110 lunon this train to Philadelphia, Ualtlmoro and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia aud llaltlmore. WESTWAltD. 5.20 a. m. Erlo JIall (dally except Sunday), foi Erlo und ull Intermediate stations 11 ml canundal gua and Intermediate nations, Hochestcr, liulli loaudNlagaraFulls, with lluough Pullman Pal ace cars aud passenger coaches to Erlo aud Roch ester. U.M-News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven und Intermediate stations. 1.00 p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kano aud Intermediate stations and Can andalgua undpilnclpal Intermediate stations, ltochester, llulfulo nnd Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kano and liochester aud Parlor car to Wtlllamsport, 6.30 p. in. Fast Uno (dally except Sundayjfor Ke ncno aud lntcrmedluto stations, uud Elmlra, Wat klns nnd Intermediate, stations, with lluough pas seugcr coaches to ltenovo aud Watklns. 9.20 a. in. Sunday mall for ltenovo and lntermo. dtato btatlons. THltOiraU TltAINS FOlt SUN11UHY FltOJl THE EAbT AND SOUTH. Sunday mail leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m llarrlsburg 7,40 arriving at buuhury a. m. with through sleeping car noin Philadelphia to Mt. itamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llarrlsburg, 8.10 n. m. dally except Suuday arriving ut Suubury U.5J. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. j Baltimore 7.3U a. in. (dally except Sunday arriving; at bunbury, 1.00 p. m., with througU Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia und lialtlmoie. Fast Lluo leaves Now Y'ork 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladel phla,ll.50 a, 111. ; Washington, u.t0 a. m. : Haiti inoie, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) nntvlng at buubury, 6.3up. m., with througu passeugef coaches from Philadelphia and lialtfinoru. Erlo .Mull leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.00 p. m. 1 llaltl more, 11.2D p. m., (dally except.saturtlay) arriving at buubury 5.15 u. m., with through Pullmau hlecplug cars from Philadelphia, Washington and jtamuiuruuuuiuruugu passenger coacues iron? Philadelphia. MlIMItlltY, IIA.I.:T(IN ib U'lI.ItUSllAUUU HAII.KII l AMI .XIIITII AM) Y1T 1IICAM1II ItAII.WAY. (Dally except bunuay.) Wllkesbarro .Mull leaves buubury 10.00 a. m. arriving ut llloom Ferry 10.63 a. m., Wllkes-barra J-.IO p. III. Express East leaves Sunburv 5.45 n. m.. nrrlvinff at llloom Fen y 0.37 p.m.. Wllkes-barru 7,53 p. m suuuury jnuu icaes v uxesuarru 10.40 a. in. arrlv ig at Uloom Ferry 1.M5 p. in., suubury 12.55 p. m Einress West leaver U llkiiK.b.lrn, is 11. in . nr. rlWng at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p. m.,bunbury 5.10 p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunburv n. m.. nrrlvlnir at llloom Funy 10.11 n. m.. Wllkes-iiarro 11:35 a.111. Sunday uccommoilatlon leatt-s Wllkcs-llarro 5:15 p. in., uimiug ui mouiii terry, 0.1s p. in., suriuury, 1 . 1 . . in, CHA. E. PUQ1I, Ucn. .Manager. J, It. WOOD, Uen. Passenger Agent N.W.AYER 81 M ADVERTISING AGENTS buYl PHILADELPHIA Cor. Cbestliut und Eihlb M, Receive Ailicrlineiiirutia for thla Paper, For E Srlll It lDUr.TISIC rnrr COllmAICOnt Lowest Cash Rates rritt J.?.!LWr"AYER & SON'S MANUAL 1 CURE FITS! WLen t r rar I do not uab la hod tlrnn for 0 llrfi. ftu4 Una at tlirm return oitlo. 1 lu.tu t radlcl rur, i i,uidititdiMftMofrira,i:iILLi'avorrAU IhU SlCKNkM, Itlo-lwfiCiludr. I trrtoliur rruJr to curt iba wvrit Ht. um,im olbiia kovo UiUd It no rtMort fur tivl Bow rorrhlog o euro. S.u4 ftt one lor ft IratlUe ud t Vrro IluttU of lor luftllltlo rtuiodr: Ilivo fc.iirv.1 toi 1'wat UrtUo. It toon roll uotblof Iwr IrUl, u4 1 Ul curt lira, pit U. U. Hour, 111 I'Mil 11, K.I. IlOV 13-4U1 I liT K potttlvo reuioily for tno aboro Oliooto ibrlta " , CWU.VI .ItO MUltt BII1U OIIU til lOni ioB41nlitoliiucurod. luaooil, utlroiiRlo ruv folirt lutiaoul' aif.tlmt I will feomlTVI IllirrtKS FIIKU. I. iker wall a VAU'AUI.rlTUr: 1TISK on ttili dlaoaaa loaOTbUtfiircr. clivooiiiroaaiinill1 Oaadriai. PU. T, A. SLUi'uiI, 111 I'.ml at, Kaw York, I10V-13 4t-d p.m. p.m. n.m b Mil si H 30 8 51 12 SO 8 20 8 4S. 12 2J H 2.' 8 40 12 15 8 10 8 3.1 13 ( 8 10 8 37 12 01 8 01 8 23 II M " 58 8 K 11 fit r 51 8 12 II 50 7 50 S0S1M7 7 i. 8 08 II 17 7 17 8 01 II 43 7 42 7 f,!l 11 38 7 31 7 51 11 31 1 31 7 50 II 30 7 .11 7 41 11 21 7 31 7 Hi II 12 7 12 7 18 II (0 7 UO 7 11 10 51 0 5 7 05 10 47 li 41 C 58 10 41 d 41 0 51 10 3S 38 0 50 10 31 0 31 0 12 1C 27 27 II 30 10 SI I'. 21 6 30 10 10 0 10 0 25 10 11 0 11 0 OS 511 5 50 G 00 0 40 5 19 5 55 0 41 5 15 5 40 32 6 32 p.m. a.m. a.m. JUltY M3T. roR rxcixntnTEnu, first wr.ic. liloom-l'eter lilllmeyer, John Crottr.1I II Clark, Harry Fornwnld, (I M Lockard, Samuel Shaitcr. Heaver I'd I.nuer. Hentoii-Wm Doty, CliArlcsdlbbons, Wmllul mo, David llnrtman, ini ilcllenry. llcrwlck W I.Hnyder, llrlarcrrek-lt (1 Knshlnkl. cntawljsa-Aumtiius brooks, Wm It Clark, !) II rortner, Michael Feitcrinan, Charles shnrrlcss. Center Henry Do,ik. t'ontraila John J Jones. I hhlnirercek-Nonnaii McIIenry, 0 M SlmltJ:. 1- I UIIIWIII iuiiii mil-. Urccnwood-John W (Utlaspy, Henry .Mather, James Vnnhorn, A 1' Young. Hcnilock DOPursell, (leo llussel. lociut Jacob Carl, liolandus Herblnc, Uanlel l'cnsyl. .Mndlann-llolrert Johnson, Conrad Kramer, l'ct er Wcnklilsrr, D (J Helllier. .Mlllilu-Mlcliael Heller, E Seppenhl3r, A Sweppcnhlscr, Jonathan spade. A onlour-llenry Lazarus, (I WAIears. Ait. Plcasant-Kllns lloncll. Koarlngereek-Sainuel llouck, Jr. scott Da, id (lelslnger, ) W Jacobs. Sugarloaf Alllet Stephens. SEOOSH WKEK. liloom-C S FornwaU, Joslah llaUton, James Stncr, John WellUer. Heater Ellis .Miller, lienton liuv m m era tt font, J J AlcIIcnry. Hcrtvick Win llott. Win 'lhomas. llilarercek-John Sponcnburger. Cntnwlsa.t lienjamln llarndt, Pierce Creasy, Jo seph, Fry, Cornelius Henley, Al V II Kline. Conyngham-Pntrlck.Mouan, JohnAlonrce, EO Prlre, tt Itaudeiibusli. Flsfilngcreck-SainUfl Coleman, 11 F Edgar, James Jones. l'ranklin-Wm Hott er, It S .McIIenry, (ireenwood Win Ever. Jackson -'llio mm tv Mnilth. I-ocust fjDuitiel Erdmen, tt' 11 Snyder. Alalne-tvm contnlr, Solomon Dennor. Alt. Pleasant Amos Wnnlch. orange ,1 w Alnleller. (lei) Appleman. Itoarlngcreek Charles Krelaher. Scott Isaac C.evcllng, Jnmes Ktesslcr. ND JUKOHS ron DKCKMUEKTKUM. llloom-John ltehm, William Thomas. Ilerwlck-lsalah bower, Oswald (irasley, PK kitchen, John Sponenbergcr, A 1) Seeley. Citatvlssa Llovd .Miller. Center-Edward Stewart, John Wanich, Joseph Weiss. cent raila lames Djkc, Edward AtcFaddcn. conynglinm-Audrew Cain, James Koslcnbau der, (leo toiler. Flshlngcrcek-J D McIIenry. Hemlock-Franklin .Moore. Jackson Calvin Dcrr. .Maine Joseph (lelgcr. Aiimn-.M vli Keller. .Montour P s Knrshncr. Seott-Joieph Carl, Al O AtcCollum. L 1ST OF CAUSES rou I'KCEMnmi teusi, Jesso Fasten vs Jacob Hay & Son. Frederick Hosier's uso vs D 11 a V It It Co. Josl.ih Philips' use vs W Potts Hamsoyct al. Hohr .McIIenry vs Win E Patterson, James nird vs Darling cuip et nl. Alary U Holmas vs J S Woods et ux. Adams son vs FrnnclsEvuns trustee. Peter Michael's heirs vs John Hoofnagle. (i I) Fowler vs llerwick lioro. Casper Frantz tsllerwlcl: lioro. John I. sponeiiburg vs llerwick lioro. T F Cralj ts Aiahala Craig. Frank Stewart vs Daniel F Sejbeit. J J Crawford vs lllram '1 homas. 1) F Sej Lert t s U L Adams et al. Jonas Doty et nl vs John Suit. E L Adams ts 1) F seybert. A Ii Herring et nl vs s c Crcay. A M Freas Mrg Co vs O F Ferris et al. 'i hoinas ueddls vs Joph Foust et al. 1" K Vannatta vs Joseph Foust et nl. 11 F Everett vs It F sutlirf et nl. tleo o Welllver vs o F Ferris et al. xS86. ILLUSTRATED. The December number will begin tho seventy, second volume or HAitrKit's AIaiiazine. Alias Wooison's iiotcl,l,East Angels."nnd .Mk. Howell's "Indian summer-holding tho foremost, place In current serial notion will run through seternl numbers, and win bo followed by seilul stories from It. D. lii.ACKMOim and Alns. D. Al. ciiaik. a new editorial department, discussing topics sug gested by the current literature or Ameilcnand turone. will be contributed bv w. li. iiowri.ia. beginning with tho January number. The great literary ft em or ino j ear win uoine puDiicntlon or n series of papers taking tho shape nf n story, and depicting characteristic lealures of American society as seen nt our leading plensuro irsorls written by chahlss Duplet tt Aitsrii.iuid Illus trated by C. S. IlFINHAltT. The AIaiiazink will give especial attention to American subjects, treated by the best American writers, nnd Illus trated by leading American artists. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Venn HAHPEUS AlAO.tZINE HAltPEK'S WEEKLY HAHPEIfS 11AZ.M! HAltPKIt'S YOUNO PEOPLE..... IIAHPEil'S FitANKLIN StJUAHU one Year (52 Numbers) $ I (l) 4 no 4 oo 2 00 LIUKAltY, 10 00 1'ostage free to alt subscribers In tlie United States or Canada. Tho volumes of the AIaoazine begin with tho numbers for Juno nnd December ot each year. When no tlmols speclllcd, It will bo understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with tho cur rent number. Hound volumes ot Haiu'EK's AIaoazinr, for threo yeaia back, in neat clotli binding, will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot .l 0) per tolume. cioh cases, ror binding, 5i cents ench-by mall, postpaid. Index to Haiu'eii's AIaiiazine, alphabetical, ana lytical, nnd classified, lor tolumes 1 to oo, Inclu sive, from June, 185), to June, lfcso, onotol.,Bvo, cloth, ti. ltemlttances should be made by postofllce money order or draft, to avoid chance ot loss. Xeicspapers are not to cojiy this admrtltenient without the express order of Hakpeu & UuoTnEits. Address HAltPEIl & IHlOTHEItS, New York. The Jobbing Department of -OFFICE- is well stocked with mntonnl for doing all kinds of printing. 5, in great variety. All kinds of BLA1KS kept in stock. Special prices on largo orders. Ollico 2nd door below Exchange Hotel, Main Street, ISloomsburg, Pa. ONE DOLLAR. WEEKLY PATRIOT. IIARr-iaDTTRQ-, PE1TU. The leadtnir Demnernlln nanpr In f lin Ktntn. Villi of Interesting news, aud miscellaneous and polltl. cal leading, Special Rates to Clubs. sample conies mailed free on nppllcatlon, HioPatuiot nnd Now York Weekly M'u vrtd ono year for ono dollar and nrty cents. '1 he Patriot and tho Phlladelnhla Weekly Timet ono car for one dollar and botenty.ilve cents. WANTED. AdEXTH In every TownshlD In this Count v to solicit subscriptions for tho Weekly 1'atiiiot ttruu lor teiins. auuivss an communications to THIS I'ATltlOT, IlnrrlHlHirif, ln. Nov O-Utv KCNOHIY TII.K PRACTICAL HJJE,SrJTIm OF TilBE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND SmiSil FOR THE SEASON, CAN 1)K 1501TGHT C1EAFEE 1'MAN 1I1 A-Large and V fl sCJf; fSSsy -fe. taL. Ai. ,it o:sj ajj fi.l ' V JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SULKCT LINE OF Mmms9 tyaiaimeieSj) Gall and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST IIIITI OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE PowalatB mofMag Fine Carriages, liuggica am! Wagons. At his Hcposltory mnylic seen a largo un varied selection of b VEHICLES FOE BUSINESS AND PLEASUKE-0 romMliu liesl niamifnctories. l'lirohasers nro Invited to call and insuect tlio gootls or to tJtSfWrite for Inform :it ion and Prices. GMAIN Ci. 10BM1S, DEALER IN Ifareign audi ' M-ojuestxc WINKS AND LIQUORS, AMD JOBBER IN t31GA8S. BLOOMSBURG, PA. for Infants and Children. "CMtorUisBowelladaptedtochUdrenthat I Caatorla cures Collo, Constipation, I recommond It os superior to uny prescription I Sour Btomacli, l)iarriwa, luctillon, known to rue." 1L A. Aacusa, 11,1)., I K11U Worms, elves Llet p, amt promote dl Ul Bo. OHord BL, IlrooUya, H. Y. Witnotitlnjurlow modlcatlon. Tm Coiiva Coia-inT, 1S1 Iton Btrcet, K. Y, Varied Stock of B9K it OF. t. f. wmr, 320 & 322 Pcsijij Avenue, iScirMqm,, Pa For tlie ("elelirnled Cliickerlng, Ivers & I'oml, 11ml Yoso& Son I'ianos. 'Worldrc nowned F.stcy Org.iiis, Violins, Aeeordeons unit Sheet Music. Celelmitcd White, Kcw High Ann I)avl3, Kuw Hume, lioynl St. John, and Light Ittuining Domestic betvlnR Munhiiifs. Kcedles, oil nml nltucliiiients for all makes of Setting Jlnchincs. STREET,) Store and warercctts, Nc. 3S Franklin Avenue- MsoWnrcrooms 111 1'ranklln Ate. ana lOflt'cn. Icrfctrcct. SCRANTON, PA. H Anything to ninko up a now wagon or lejiair an old, iu stock. liar Iron, nml Steel Hollo, Holt Krulf, Lag Scietve, Tiiniliicklo'n IIoisu Slioin, anil all I'lackFinith eupjilics. II IF CQOM