ta)e dolumfcilm. OL3HBU n ecnT,iTB or Tnu nob, una Co lombian, Consolidated. ' Insitcil U'rcliljintorr I'rl.lnrAlornlnii. nt nLooMsnui(a,coLUMi)iAco.,ra. at f I.M per year. To subscribers out otthocotin u,u. ?lllt;lJ m advance, ,,A0.,P?," 4''?.Wn'lcl1 it tho option "jiuiBu arrearages aro paid, but loni cont mind nrcil t win i, '"i"""iuui - m ;ip'cr.3.80nt ??1 01 11,0 swt or to rt'lslant post ?,7l,iTS ,"aat l10 r;1!'' '"rlnadraucc.imlcssTresX '.bo sulncrlptlon duo on demand. Mr nilnh llltonn .Iam..i " '." uuimiiuia county assumes in n JOB PHINTING. l,!?i'?n-A'& Oftho COI.PMI1UN n 1 m i hlnery and Is tlio only omro that r, msMb jini 'i hy potter. KlUng us llio best tngLlttcaL i'h llraitoa furnlihed on largo Jobi. "'"""''mra PRQFESSIOHAL RARn.C ! r B. WA.tiI.Kl., AT rORNIS Y-AT-L AW, O.1100 over 1st. National l,.,nk. 1,l00mal),lr- ' TJ- U. i'UNIC, ' AT TO UN Ii Y-AT-L AW. mco In 3 it's tiilldlng. 11LO0HS0CRO, Pi J 011N M. Cb.YUIC, ATrOIlNliY-AT-LAW. AND .JUU'IOK OF TUB I'EAOE. 1I1.00MSBCH0, 1'A, fll!j jjr.M)yerl!rjj. Druj Storo. p W VULil.RR, J' ArroltNEy.AT.LA o.Tl 'o In Drj .vcr's bulldlng.socona floor.room No. 1 lltoomsburg, Pa. 13, KRAN'K ?, Utli, ATL'OUNHV-AT-LAW. Hloomsbiirg, Pa oni corner ot Ccntro and Mala Streets. Clark t huucud;,'. Can bo consulted In German. r EO. K. KIAVEbb, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, I1I.O0.M9HU1SO, l'A. O.Hoo on First llmr, front room ot Cot., uuiius llnllilitii, Milii street, below 1.x. change Hotel. p.VUL E. WIIiT, AUomey-at-Law. oiKce in Colombian ltcii-niKO, ltoom No. i, second Uuor. lSLOOJlSUUKQ, PA, U. KNORK. L. S. WlNIKllSTBliN. KNOKK & WINTERS TEEN, A ttornoys-at-Law. onloo lu 1st National Hank building, second noor, flr-ttdoortoihob-ft. Coineror am and nrkt btrjots llloomssurj, Pa. tSf Pensions and Bounties ColUcUd. J II. MAISE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW ynico In JI Uo-s bulldJig ever lillluiejer's grocery. John o. yocu.m. c i:. ueykh. YOCUM & GKYEK, Attornoj-s-at-Lawi CATA lhSA, l'A. (OITlco front suit of rooms on second floor or Miws Itkm bulldlnc) 8STCAN UU CONfcULTi:i) IN (IKHMAN.J Members of sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Hunker's Dlrectuiy and tho Aincrlran Mercantile nnd collection Association. Ill irrto prompt and careful attention to collection oi claims in auy naitottbo United Mates or Canada, ns well as to all other professional business intiustcd to them K. 03WALD, ATTOltNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Ilooms 4 and C. DEISWICK.PA y. H. IUIAWN. ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssn, Fa. omoe.cornerot Third and Malnstroew. JJ V. AVHITK, ATT011N1CY-AT-LAW, BLOOM SBURG, PA. Olllce In Hrowcrs' llulldlng, 2nd lloor. map 1 -If w, E. SMITH, Attorney-nt Lnw,Hcrwiclc. Pa. Csn bo Consulted in German. .!() FlltST-CI.APS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIKS HEl'llKSKSTKD. iSTOfllco first door liulow the post olllce. MISCELLANEOUS !. McKELV Y, M. D.,SurReon and Phj . ilcl.ia, norta sldo ilula streci.belovv Market A. L. FRITZ, Altorney-al Law. Olllce , in Columbian Uulldlng, C M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH HTl'in- XlnelilnPHuml Maollntrv Of all kinds r(J- p .lroil. opkua Ilonss IlullJ ig, uloomstiurg, ra. R. J. 0. KUTTER, PHYSICIAN SDKQEON, omco, North MaiUet Btrcrt, U'or ictluu, DU. WM. M. REllEIi, Surgeon nnd Physician, Ottlco corner ot Hock and Market H loot. JR. EVAVS, M. D-i Surgeon and . Physician, o llco and llesldenco on Third struct. F IKE INSURANCE. CniUSTIAN F. KNAPP, ULOOMSllUltO, l'A, i HOME, OP N. Y. V ilKltCllANTb', OF NEWAItK, N. J. I'LINTON, N. Y. l'KOl'I.KS' N. Y. HEADING, PA. TUcsoTfoLD coarouATioxs arowellteasonedby aio and kibk marhuand have never jet had a loss bellied by any court ot law. Their assets are all invested In solid sbci'kitils nio liablutotho hazard of hub only. .... . Losses I'KOuetLV and iiosesti.v adjusted and paid as boon as determined by christian r, KNAl'P, SPSCIAL AUKNTANUAIIJl'SfEllllLOOMsBCBU, IThopeoploof Columbia county should patron, lie the, agency where looses It any a.o settled and paid by onu of ther own cltlens. l'ltUMPTNEswi. EOUll'Y. FAIIt DEAIJNQ. B F. HA11TMAN RBFKKSSNTS TUB FOLLOWING AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " " I'eunsylranU, " " York, of l-unnsylvanla. Hanover, ot N. Y. oueeus, of London, Nortallrltlsh, ot London. Ollco on Mirkat street, No. 5, llloomsbiTg. OM.81, 1" SoraxitQa House, -ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Viotox' Kooh, Propi-iotor. llooms aro Uatd by steam, well ventllato4 and elegantly furnlsued. Finest liar and Lunch Coun- teMeaUtoCord'er at all hours. Ladles and oenta restaurant furnished wllh all delleacles of tho fat? d SOU liwa'tion noar V. J. J! W, IL U. Depot, scranton, I'i. Mar W-tt liXCll AN G E HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00MSBUEO, FA. OPPOSITBCOUHT IIOU8K. Mrge and convenient sample rooms, llath rooms tot and cold water, aud all modern conveniences ADVlilll'ISUUSI send for select list of local news papers. . 1'. Howell Co , m bpwy 3. E.BIiWBI.L, . ,. J K BITrsitBSNDEB, Proprieten. LABY'S BOOK. Eneli month for 18S0 OOUEY'S LADY'S HOOK, "llic old lelliblo imipnzliic," will c-nntuln n benullfolly ensraved frontispiece, i luslialiors of pruval'liur fashions in col ors and black and vvliltc, designs of tlio latest novelties in fancy worlt in colors or black nnd while, of Hr.iu.in woiik, cnociikr, KllAWN-TlllCEAIJ VOHK,KMIII!nlI)KUV,KNlTTIN(l, KNOTTING Oil .MACItAMK, I.AUK, NK1TINO, Poo- naii I'AtN'TiN'o ami TATTixo, with complete Injunction for tho same. In addition to plain directions nnd perfect illustrations of Ihu vuilous stitches, and instructions in dilTVicnt kinds of fancy woiik, thu mnga zlne will contain many useful and elegnnt designs for a great variety of articles not allictcd hy change of fashion. It is so admirably r.dnpteil to Its purpose as to ho Indespensahlu to tho work-table ot every lady. A FUMi SIZE CUT PAPER PAT TERN, of which you can make your own selection from any design Illustrated In the magazine, FREE OF COST, exhaustive notes on fashions, with full description of those Illustrated, a department of iielmpes that have been practically tested before publication, n department or. houskkkbpino and DhEssMAKiNd, two pages of select md bic, an AKciitTrxTi'iiAt. ii:skin,u department of A(imoui.TL'i!E,besides novels, novelettes, H10IIIK4, 1IIST0IIY, IIIOOUAPIIIOAL SKETCHES, l'OKTKV, NOTES ON MUSIO, A1!T, LltEIIATCHE, scientific miscei.iany and current events of the day by the best magazine writers. The mechanical production of the book will excel that of any other $3.00 magazine published. Tho twelve hooks during the year will constitute a volume of over one thousand pages. Price $3.00. A samplu copy 15 cents. Liberal terms to club misers. Address GODEY'S UUY'S BOOK, P. 0. HOX II II, PHILADELPHIA. Tho Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. lhuutifni ami Substantial Premiums In Standinl Gold and oihorWatchos.Valuablo Hooks, tho Host Family Sowing Machino known to tho trade, and an unequaled list cf object of real utility and instruction. Hates, by Mall, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without fiumiay) $6 00 DAILY, per Month without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... I 00 FOH PVFRY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... I 00 W.!r-, HIK SUV, New York dir. nov 0.81. Alexander Bros. & Co. OHer to tho Trndo their Pino llrand of Cigars. The Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, Samson, and Cosmopolitan Fine Fruits and Fine Con feet ionory on baud. P'resli every week. IMooins- burg, l'a. i Lb. 27 BoM3BifilrairiO, The undersluned havluir nut his rianlne Ml on Hallroad street, In rlrst-ciass condition. Is pro pared to do all kinds of vv ork In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. t irnuned al r-3 ison-ible prices, All lumberused la V7ell seasoned and ncno Out skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES TOE BUILDINGS furnished on application. Hans and speclflca tons prepared by au oxperlonccd draughtsman CHARLES KRIIG, niuoniNiuirir, l'a l'HICi: LIST OF ROOFING SLATE On cars at Quarry. No. l Slato f3.(0totl.oo No. l itib btato 3.00 to 3.20 seconds ifyo No. SKlbMate Hed stale H"' UreenMate "u j. i.. iiui. i., S5 Ijickavvanna Avenue, scranton, l'a .Mays-My COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers and wiiolcsalo Dealers in Crockery, (llassvvare, Table and rocket Cutlery, ludovv Olass, and l'lated-waie. Tho 56 candle-power markh electric lamp. , uo celebrated l'luaforo Uurner. lilrd Cases, Fruit Jars. 41 Laekawanna Avenue. BCHANTON, l'a. may 1-iy rrAiNWmairr & oo., WJIOLESALJC QllOCERS, PlIILADXLrifIA fEAS,SYUUl8,COFFBB,SUOAK, MOL AHb RICH, 8riOIS.BICiBSODi,tO.,0, N, S. corner 6econd and Arch streets, iw-jrdsrjwlll roielva prorant attsutlu PIANOS-ORCANS Th dmmd for tba Improvea '""HltV,h! PaymcnU, or lleute J. Mason & Hamlin Ore an and P ano Co., if,1 YOKK I BQSTTlV OIllOAUO. novMMt. WI1JU-AWAKE AQUNTS WANTHf) TOlt THE GREAT CONSPIRACY AihrllUDir ivlew(iltlio twruentlous events that ledlS ' WU1KAT1IKI1K1.1.(JN, r.tWPOWfrWl ileii of tleik John A, lgaii. Mrlko nuH tor cnoico neld. llfliliAllli 1iixis.,f'alM., mm- plila, ll.u The superiority of our Cloth ing, in style and finish, is suffic ient iniarantco atrainst a calamity like the above. Our large stock of Suits and Overcoats for Men, Youths, JJoys and Children will give permanent satisfaction. A.0.YATES&C0. G02-G0-1-G0G CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. "TMtEAS IIUOWN'S INSUKANOK P AOF.NCY. Mo)er-snevv building, .Main street, uioomsburg, l'a. , Assets. 3tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, conn jl.ws.ir.'O ltoyal ot Liverpool i3,am,oiHi Ijincashlro io,ono,ore! Klro AsociatIon, l'hlladelphia 4,mv,;io riiiDiil, of London 5,sr,3r(i London Lancashire, ot llngland l.ioiwo Hartford of Hartford 3.2T:i.ci.',o sprlngtlcld riro and Marino s,03i,sso As tho aeencles are direct, noilcienarn written for tho Insured without delay In tho ofllco at uiuuiusuurK. uct. X'S, 'HI- ii. house, DENTIST, Bl.OOMSIlUHO, COI.U.MIIIA CJOU.NTY, Pa All styles o( work done In a superior manner, work warranieu as represented, tsrtii icxtract sd without 1'iiH by tho uso of (las, nnd freoot chargo when artificial teeth ore Inserted. Ofllco over Kleim's Drug Store. Jo be open al clt hour) during the r'at, NivH-ly T.. A handsomo VAHfc LA.V1I' given b P.nPPRP. a 5 oriler for Tea and I'olT. VVk i MU An iron stono ciIAMUUlt c IB nCT j0 pieces, or a TUA SKT, 41 pieces, or a handsome llltONZK llANiilNO LAMP given with a tio order. A CIIA.MIIKK sirr ofio pieces, with blue, maroon or pink band or an IltON STONi: CHINA TEA SET of Ml pieces, Or a (ILASS set of Ml pieces given wllh utis order, HANI). SO Mil 1'HE.V.IU.MS, consisting of Decorated China Ware in Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea sets com. blned, nnd Chamber sels, etc, etc., given with orders for J1H, 120, tJ5, las nnd 1W. Send tor circu lar, wnien win give ou run particulars, uiiami UNION TCA COMPANY, 25 South Alain St vviiKes narre, r.i. neaaiiuar tors so Front street. New York city. may 15 ly 81. G. SLOAN & BRO., BLOOMSBUHG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. It EPA 1RINO KEA TLYD ONE. Pricct reduced to suit the times. V0 REWARD FOlt Every Ounco of Adulteration in the SEW PROCESS SOAP. THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAR. A DE ONLY BY Gowans & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y. Por sale by all fiist-clats grcctts. April 10-t-yr I CLOTHING! THE ARTIST (P a? s m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR. AVho always gives you the latest styles, and cuts your olotliiiig to fit you. Having had tho oxperionco lor a cumber of years in tlio Tailoring lltisi neas, has learned what matorial will give his customers tlio best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to please all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OK ALL UESCHIITIONS. HATS, CAP AND UMBRELLAS Always of tlio latest styles. Cull anil ox. amino Ills stock bctoro purchasing else where. Store noKt door toFirstNaiionalEank Corner Main & Market Sts. April AVljr E. B. 3R0WER OAS F1TTINU & STKAM 1IEATJN0. PKALKlt IN STOVES &JINWARE. AU kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. rvstrlct attention elren to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts,, Joo;u8burg, Pa. M nf If tf Iff (Hf Vyip f i HIP fit i4 BLOOMSEUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, NOV EMBER KEMEJJYJ ttfvBVJ mm imnrruum 30 YEARS RECORD. CUBES ALL sissASEa or TUB KIDNEYS tlVEIl BLADDEH ANO UnDfAllT OHOANS Eitorsr OHAVEL DIABETES Muonrs DISEASE FAINS UX THE SACK LOINS OB BIDE NEBVOUB DISEASES BETrNTION oa NON. DETENTION OF tmiNE. FBICB tlM. Bend for Tamphlet of Tcstl. monuila. iiuxt'k IIEMF.DY CO., 1'roTldonee, Ii. I. l'liyalclnns' Teatlmonr. A. W. llrown, M.D., of rrotldcncc, II. I., tayet "I havo ntcd Hcirr's (Kidney and Liver niMinTlnmy practice for tlio pnt sixteen yean, and cheerfully recommend It as being a loft and rttlabU remedy," Another prominent doctor of Provldenco caji that "I am fro niienlljr urged tn use oilier pn tiara tlonaBUbjllliile!i for IlCKT's Kid nejrnnd I.lver HtMiDT. I find on tr)lnglliem Hint they aro worthless In couiparUon to II." An Old l.iilj. "Sly mother, "0 years old, has chronla kidney complaint and drop y. Nothing has crcr helped her like Hunt's (Kidney and Liver Itr.Mcnr. Sho has received great benefit from 8 bottles and wo think It will euro her." W. Vv Bnndc: land, Ilallder, Danbnry, Conn. A .lllnlster's 'Wife. Itcv. Anthony Atwood, of Thlla deliihla, rays: "llfMT'a Kidney and Llirr) Kljieuy lias cured my wife of l)rony In it vvorKt form. All say that It la a miracle." (cneral C'haco. General Chaco of Ithodo Island says: "I always keep Hunt's Kid ney and Liver llsMEnr In my house. Taken In email doses occa sionally at night, it prevents head ache, and regulates tho kidneys, stomach and other orgaua." 10 "Disease soon shaken, by Hunt's Kemedy taken." I!. .V. CltniKXTOX. N. Y (itneral Agent. SCOTT'S OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. Tlio only prfrnratlon of ( OK I.IVUI OIL that can be taken readily aud tolerated for a long time by delicate stomal lis. ami ts a iii:m-.nv rou fONsmPTinv. St lion I ins viikiiiins. AMi:ni,, Kitvi. nKiiii.il . (minis ,i:.p TTiiiovT a i' tt.fl IIIVS, iinil nil HAMI.MI lllsnllDKlis (TP ( IllUllthS It i nurn llom In ll ri'EuH. l'rcscrilicd and cnilorsi d by tho heal I'll) slclans illthocoantritaofthovsorld. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS oct-sl ly. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i-feifc fflEaj the popular favorite for dreis viVJfi Jim in; tliehair licitotingihec ' ir Atv 1u8H wncngray,andprcventii.t l)an-JflSvf-lclrufT. It cleanse the st ilp, ftups the hair falling, nnd u ture to please, joo. and $1. tiiei at Druupists, The Best Congb. Cure yoa cau uso and the best known preventive of Consumption, 1'akker's Tonic k.cpt in a home is a sentinel to keep sickness out. Used discreetly it keeps the bloud pure and the Stomach, I.iver nnd Kidneys in working order. Coughs and Coldi atiuh be fore it, It builds tip the health. If you su Her from Debility Skin Krupt'ions, Const), Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Urinary or Female Compl dnts, cr any disorder of thp Iun, Stomach, UoweU, lllood or Nerves, don't At till you are eick in bed, but use l'Ai.Krii's ToMt to-Jav ; it wilt give you new life mid i..r. liibcux l co., u. v; Sold by Druir-ji'-ts, I-urc savins uyit-S -ii i. aug. M-ly READl -.ABOUT ll'e vonderful and miraruloui cure,." I In iiiuiville.l jnd pectl-si mcdlciac" And note the olom; DR. THOMAS' rCLrCTRIC Oil. his wide the lollowins cute, piool of which tho ptoprietors Clin fuiiiutt on plication. TooUinclic....iii s nriiiuica Enmchc " 2 " Uiiekaclic " 2 IIourH Lriikuicos ' 3 DnjH CoiisIih 20 Slluutcs Ilonrociiuus.. . 1 Hour Colils " 24 Ifoura SoreTltoat.. " 12 ' rteafnesr. 2 IJayH Paiiioruuru.. 5 ItliiuitcB In!nolScaia. 5 " Ciojpit mil ease in , minutes, rnd positivelv cut it.y caewheauked at thsout.et, nemenUr that Tr, Thomaj' Fclectiie Oil it only -a cent per tr-ttle, and one battle willed l.sl.ci tl.ail l..l'rf lioicii cl un ordinary mcJicmc. nng. 23 ly-nlil. ARE CURED BY THE HOP PLASTERS Hosts cf pooplo vuo nnX rooommeul tMs por ouj plna'cr lou30 It 1 1 tho Etronjost and best j everknown. WhcnuppUomoany sort of tore- j ntu, cr woakuotia, it (votanutaatly, removing f pala fJiq ptrcnjtUealaff llio part, I'ltp-ired cntv oc-u3lual vi-tuej of ft --A II' TUey never Vurn or Irritate auvaya inotiie, stimu late naA streogthea woalc na-Uird nuselci. I Quick relief forsuddcapalufl. Ailfadytaap- I ply. Hop Plafitera aro cold Ly all dealers, C3o. , j 0 for 1.09, lanueu on rcocjptor;-.r;;o. tmBa&aeiiesr ORNAMENTAL IROfFEHCK OF CAST CH WUOUOHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Tho follow 1di hhnws tho 1'lcl.ct (lolhlc, one of thuHuTcml bcMullfulbtylebOf I'ehuu muiiuiiicturcil by the uiiderolifnt'd. Yor lio.iuty ana DurahlUty thoy nro unsurpass eX Kct up by experienced haada and uarrantod to give uaUsI.ictlou. Prices ami spccimuim of other do slgim sent to any address. Address it) BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf SELECT STORY. MISS MIDFERN'S WEDDING. nv ih'.i.kk 10UUK3T oit,vvi:8. "Father said that railroad would liring no jrood to lis,'' said Martha Mid fern, "and now h'u words have como true." There had been a railroad accident on tho "15lnuk Hock and Ueensovoort Line," Thu engineer had been killed lit his post, tho tclc9;oed train had caught lire, one ierson was taken up for (lead, and all tlio rest was moro or less bruibed, wounded and terrified j nnd by way of sequel to thu rest, Miss Midftrn'u bain was burned to tho ground, willi all tho nowly-garnered storo of hay, and tho now patent reap er, whiuh bad cost such a sum of mon ey. The furin house itself had narrow ly escaped t tho cattlo being at pasture wcro foi Innately unhurt. Miss Mid fern never had been a nei vous woman, but sho was a little palu r.s she stood on tho front porch, look ing nt the wrecking tiain, whoso hands wero hard nt work. "How's the youug man V said Mrs. Dulcimer, who lived on tho nearest farm. "He's belter," said Miss Midfern. Mrs. Dulcimer sighed. Even in a railway accident luck seemed to go on tho opposite side of tho boundry fence, which separated tho two estatesof Dul cimer and Midfern. Why, sho nked herself, could not tho pleasant-looking young man with tlio diamond studs have been .lung into tho arms of her four unmarried daucliters instead of falling to tho lot of Martha Midfern ? "Going to recover t" said Mrs. Dul cimer. "That's what Dr. Paloy hopes." "If you want any help in nursing him feebly began Mrs. Dulcimer. "Much obliged. I'm sure,'' piomptly answered Miss Midteru; "but I don't require any assistance." Mis. Dulcimer mado no reply, but sho glanced obliquely at Miss Midfern and thought thero was no danger of any man's losing his heart to that wry faced old maid. "If it had been my Caroline Augus ta, now. or Hannah 1" thought Sirs. Dulcimer, with a thrill of maternal pride. Hut thero is no accounting for tho freaks of Cupid. Harry Suvier was young and grateful. Doctor Paley told him truthfully, that Martha Mid fern's careful nursing hail saved his life. Aud eno autumn ovening, in a burst of gratitude, ho laid that life at tho middle-aged woman's feet. "Do you really mean it 1" said Mar tha, who had never had a bona-lido of fer of .marriage in her life. And she blushed red and whito liko a girl. "Is it likclv that 1 should lest on such a subject V said Harry, earnest- "Jiut I am older than you. "In years, perhaps yes. But what difference does that make t" So Miss Martha Midfern became en gaged to tho handeomo young Geor gian whom lato hail United to her door. "I suppose people will laugh al me," sho thought. "Hut thero why should 1 caret Ho loves me and I lovo him, and that is enough. Hut I guess we'd better keep tho secret to ourselves just at present. As tho beautiful October woods blazed forth in their mellow autumn tints Mr. Sovier began to stroll out a little way at a limo to sit on mossy boulders and dream beside merry little brooks. And ouo day Hannah Dulci mer came dancing homo from a search after nuts in tho woods. "Ivo seen him, mother," said she "tho Captivo Knight 1 Tho old witch lias let him out of tho tower for awhile. And bo's as handsome as a picture ! And, oh. mother, ho is so nice 1 And he is coming hero this afternoon to see tlio viow from Apple-Tree Knoll. May 1 bako fresh nngcl cake, mother T And can Sarah Alice make some vanilla fritters t" "What will Martha Midfern say ?" uttered Mis. Dulcimer "As if that signified 1" gayly retort ed Hannah, who was tho youngest and prettiest ot all tho Dulcimer girls. Ho isn't her's, is ho 1" Ami then she ran up stairs to brush nut her auburn cuiN, which wero blown into silky confusion by llio wind, nnd to put into water the cluster of blue asters which Mr. Sevier had given her. Nobody was to blame in theso un forlunato cases nobody everis to blame. Hut tho mischief was all done before poor Hannah Dulcimer found out that Harry Sevier was thu captive of Martha Mldferu's bow and spear. And Harry liiinselt awakened at last to a con sciousness of his life's mistake. He was a Georgian gentleman, how- over, and honor was dearer to him oven than love, so ho made no sign. Hannah, however, was less reticent and self-contained ; and when Martha Midfcin came over to consult Sarah Alice Dulcimer, who was a milliner by trade, as to ibo wedding bonnet, Han nah caino into tho room with red eyes and burning chocks. "Oh, Maltha I Martha 1" sho sobbed. "I know it isn't maidenly, but I can't help it. I lovo him, and he loves me. Oh, Martha, be magnanimous aud leavo him to mo I" "Hannah, bold your tongue I" cried Sarah Alice, greatly ecmdalized. "1 can't help It 1 ' wailed Hannah, wiinging her hands nnd rocking to and fro like one in mortal pain. "I lovo him, nnd ho loves me, and hu is engag ed to you, Martha Midfern 1 Oh, what is to bo done V Murtha turned pale. Moro than onco somo inkling of this unfortunate complication hail crossed her mind, but shu had dismissed it ns too utterly mi- pronauie. "Ho hns never nskod for bis froo dnm," sho said lioar.elv. "Hecauso ho is too good too noble!" hysterically cried Hannah. "IIo would dio soonei thnn forfeit his word. Hut von you. Martini -you will not let him saerifici his life. Oh, Martha, think how terriblo it would bo 1" "Hannah, I'm astonished at you 1" said Sarah Alice. "Mother, do got her out oi tnu room. And poor llaunuh was taken, sob' bing, from tlio piesence of llio bride expectant. Marlha Midfern ordoredtlio weddinc bonnet white shirred silk, with a wreath of whilo roso buds, crossed 27, 1885. over with silvery green and whito satin strings. "It may look n little youthful," she said, "but nftcr nil, ono is not married ovcry day. "No, to bo sure,' said Sarah Alice, with a sinking heart, for, naturally enough, all tho sympathies of the Dul cimer family wcro on the side of pret ty Hannah, nnd thero had been a sort of faint hope that Miss Midfern might possibly relent in favor of her young livnl. Her thoughts wcro anything but pleasant, however, as shu went home. Harry Sevier was mady on tho porch, but sho did not join him, as would have seemed most lilting, but merely slipped In at tho back way. It seemed to her that ho had never looked so young before, nud as sho glanced at tho cherry-wood mirror in tho sitting room, her own faco appear ed absolutely haggard and old. , "Pshaw P said she. "How would I look in a while silk hat trimmed with whito roso buds V Marlha Midfern was aheroina in her way. A minute's serious thought set tled tlio question. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was her duty. Sho put the bright vision of lierlifo valiant ly away from her and went out to Mr. Sevier on the porch. "Harry," said she with a rather forc ed laugh, "it's always a woman's pri vilege to change her mind, isn't it ? And I've changed mine." Ho looked nt her in amazement. "What do you mean 1" said he. "I've concluded not to marry you," said Martha, blurting out her -vords. "I don't think we're suited. I'm bet ter off as I am. And you Hannah Dulcimer v. ill make you a good little wife, I am sure.'' "Martha,'' ho said, rising hurriedly, "I liayo never asked to bo released from our engagement, havo 1 1" "No," said she, sharply "no ! Hut don't I tell you that l'vo changed my mind f Let ns always bo friends the best of friends but nothing noro P Doctor Paley camo around the next day to see about buying a strip of Miss Mid fern's meadow land, and Martha told him all. He was ono of those snug, coinfott able, elderly gentlemen to whom it seems natural to confide all one's trou bles and perplexities. "Did I do right?" said sho. "Yes, I think you did," said Doctor Paley ; but there isn't ono woman in a thousand who would have acted as vou did, Martha." "To tell tho truth," said Martha, "I am beginning to believe that I never really loved him, or I could not haye given him up." "My opinion exactly,'' said tho doc tor, visibly brightening. And he pulled Miss Midfern's work basket toward him and began winding and unwinding her balls of colored silk. "After all, ho was a deal too young for me," said Miss Midfcrn.calmly. "I can see all theso things now ; 1 should simply havo mado myself redioulous. Hannah Dulcimer is much better suit ed to him." "Yes, I think so, too," said Doctor Paley, twirling lie scissors around and mound. "Hy the way, didn't yon tell mo that yen had ordered tho wedding bonnet V "Yes," said Miss Midfern, with a littlo grimace. "And what aro you going to do with it r "Countermand the order, I suppose,'' said Miss Midfern. 'Don't," said Doctor Paley. "Kht" said Miss Midfern. "Wear it," said tho doctor. "Where f" said Miss Midfern? "To your own weddinc," said tlio doctor. "Marry meP "Well.I declare!":said Miss Midfern, in nmaziiment. "Do 1" said Dr. Paloy. "I've liked you this long time, but when I saw now tender and loyal you could bo to that oor invalid, I fouud out that I loved you. Don't laugh at mo givo mo a chance." "Well, I will," said Miss Midfern. swallowing a lump in her throat. v or sho was only a woman, alter all, and it did seem a pity that tho wed ding bonnet should bo wasted. And so, instead of ono happy oouplo thero wero too. "Ono wedding," says tbo proverb, "makes another." And perhaps tho same rule holds true in regard to engagements. The improved kind of explosive rec ently brought to notice in foreign jour nals, and known ns cocoa powder, is said to possess such superior valuo for many purposes that it lias been intro duced in tho famous Krupp factory. It is asscrti'd that, with equal pressure, this substance gives greater velooity to a ball than cau be attained with ordin ary powder, whilo its smoko is found to bo less denso ami to clear off moro quickly. It is brown, or, rather, ohocolato colored. In sundry tests about ono-seventh less of it was re quired than of tho ordinary kind of powder to produce given results. Tho merit which is especially advanced in its favor is, briefly, that of beginning its combustion moderately and stead ily, and then, when tho projectllo has started Ihnugb the bore, burning with great rapidity, and with, of course, tre mendous impelling force. Tho method of preparation and tho cost ns oompaied wiiu oiuer explosives aro not stated. Littlo Sammy was looked upon as quite a prodigy in the Fnrr family, It was customary to havo him show oft for tho entertainment of guests, Ono morning .Mr. hnrr said! "Now, Sammy, get your Uiblo nnd read to us, beginning at tlio verso at which you chanco to open," This was to convince his hearors that Sammy had not been made familiar Willi certain chapters only, Having oponod the book, Sammy read, in loud and moasured tones: "Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bustle." A justice in Georgia recently under took to marry two couples at once and mariied both women to ouo of tho men before he was awnro of tbo fact. IIo afterward got the matter straightened out to tlio satisfaction of tlio conti act ing partite. Masses of deep-sea coral, many tons in weight, which wero torn from their ocean bed by tho voloanio explosion in Suoda Straits two years ago, may now bo seen two or three miles inland. whither they wcro borno by tlio tidal wnvo, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. X1X.NO -if) UOLUMD1A DK.MOnitAT, VOL.XLIX, HO Su A Personal OariL a MATTF.u in which Tin: rt'm.io should iiavk a ukai. op 1ntkkkjt. To the readers of the Coi.i'miuan: vVhy docs the government spend so much money and risk so many lives in trying to capture tho counterfeiter. "Suppose ho docs counterfeit gov ernment bonds and notes, surely the government is rich enough to stand any loss his not may confer V But, tbo individual citizen could ill afford to lia put to continual financial loss if such desperadoes wero left go iinwbippcd of justice. It is only the valuablo thing that is counterfeitfdi it is only in the light of purity and virtue tli.it impurity and vico can bo known. No ono in theso days would counterfeit a Cohfederato bond or note. People who commit fraud always do it by simiiallng tho highest irtuc; by preying on the cleanest reputation, by employing the fair name of virtue with which to givo respectability to vice. Let us explain: Seven or right years ago, so wo havo been informed many t'ums in public prints, a New York stato gentleman was pronounced, as many millions havo been pronounced before, incurably sick of an extreme disorder. Hy suggestions which ho be lieved wero providential, ho was led to tho use of a preparation which had been for several years employed by a select few physicians in New York city ami one or two other piomiucnt places The result was that ho was cured, he whom doctors without number and of conceded ability said was incurable. Having secured possession of I lie for mula, absolutely and irrevocably, he determined to devote a portion of his accummnlated wealth to tho manufac ture and salo of this remedy for tho benefit of tlio many who suffer as ho suffered, in apparent hopelessness). In less than threo years, so tremendous camo the demand for this remedy and so exalted tbo reputation, that ho was obliged for his purposo to erect a lab oratory and warehouse containing four ami a quarter acres of llooring and filled with tho most approved chemical and manufacturing devices. Probably there never was aremedy that has won such a meritorious name, such extraor dinary sales and has accomplished so much good for the race. Unprincipled parties who flourish only upon tho ruins of others, saw in this reputation and salo an opportu nity to reap a golden harvest, (not le gitimately, not honorably) for which purposo they have made imitations and substitutions of it in every ecotion of the country, and many druggifti, who can mako a larger profit on theso imi tation goods, often compromise their honor by forcing a salo upon tho un posted customer. Yes, undoubtedly the manufacturers could well afford to ignore such in stances of fraud so far as tho effect upon themselves is concerned, for their remedies have a constant and unremit ting Bale, but they feel it to bo their duty to xearn the publie against such imitations and substitutions, non-secret and otherwise. Tho individual who buys them and tho people who coun tenances their salo alone suffer in mind, body and cstato therefor. Tho author of somo of theso fraud ulent practices have been prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes, but tliero is another ciass who claim to know the formula of this iciupdy and ono Sunday school journal, wo aro told, has prostituied its high and holy call ing so far as to advertiso that for twenty five cents it will send all new subscribers a transcript of tho Warner formula ! This formula, by tho way, must bo a wouderfully kaleidoscopic affair, for there is hardly a month parses when somo papei- is not issued which pretends to givo tho only cor rect formula 1 Tho manufacturers inform us that they would bo perfectly willing that tlio publio should know" what the true formula of Warners safe cure is. fncne tbat havo been published are anything ukuiij, uui, uyeu ii evrry man, woman and child in tho United States wcro as familiar with this formula as with their A H C's, they could not compound the remedy. It is impossible to obtain tlio results that aro wrought by this remedy if ono does not havo tho per- icci. sKiu acquired uy years oi practice for compounding and assimilating the simple elements which enter into its composition. f ho learned Dr. Foster, the honored head of Clifton Springs sanitarium, onco said that having loughly analyzed this remedy bo recognized that tho ele ments Uiat compose it were simnlo but ho attributed the secret of its power to tho method of iu compounding, and this method no ono knows except the manuiaciurcrsnnii no ono can acquire it. Our advico to our readers, therefore. cannot bo too strongly emphasized. As you would prefer virtue to vice, gold to dross, physical happiness to physical misery, shun tho imitatator aud ruliiso thereby to lend your aid financially to thoso who seek to get, by trading upon another's reputation and honesty, a salo for wares and goods which on their meiits aro fit only to bo rejected .as tho veriest refuse You can neither nlford to patronize such peo plo nor can you afford to tako their in jurious compounds into your system. When you call for Warners Safe Cure seo that tlio wrapper is black with white letters and that tho wrapper and inoci near an imprint ol an iron saf e, tlio trade mark, and that nsafo is blown in the buck of the bottle and that a perfect lc promissory note stamp is over tho cork. You can't bo imposed on if you observe theso cautions. W o havo tlio highest respect for tho remedy wo havo mentioned nnd the highest regard for tho manufacture!. and wo cannot loo highly commend their dignified and considerato tone in relation to thoso who would traduce their fair name and ruin tho heat inter est of tho publio in such matters. In oaso of a barn or snald. thi m. SCIltinl tiling is to PXcludo thn nir frnm the injured member ns quickly and ns completely ns pcssiuic. Tins may bo accomplished by immersing tlio injured part in water, not too cold, nndthpn ns quickly as may be, cover with Hour to tho depth of an Inch, if nosslblo. with. drawing tho burned part from tho water only as fast as tlio Hour can bo applied, thus preventing pain. Cnnlloii: Never apply ootton.wool or cotton lintlim in a burn, and do not nw soda on n burn unless tlio skin remains whole. in 8W Tit"" 3 M K tu lr Hnch t 1 !S 1 CO SIX) SlO 4M 7 00 8" 1 IY1 8 00 8 CJ 4 00 4 75 7 60 18 00 .1 " Id) f!S IU BOO 6 60 10 00 10 00 4" S6OS604 60 700 8 00 18 00 18 00 If COl 3 85 4 60 6 60 8 00 8 61 14 tO 810) KCOl 6 60 7 00 8 00 HOT 1700 80 ( 0 40 00 fcolumn 8 00 18 00 IS W 85 00 HO 00 40 00 80 10 Yearly rdvf rtlsements payable quarterly. Tran sient ndrcrtlsemontii must bo paid (or footoro in. sorted except where pan lea haro account. l,eiral advertisements two dollars per Inch for three Insert tons, and nt that rato for additional Insertions without rdetenco to length. Kxecutors, Artmlnlstialor's, and Auditor's no tices thrro dollars. Transient or Local notices ten cents n line, teg. ular advertisements halt rates. 'ardsliitho"liuslwKi Directory" column, on dollar n car for each line. Progro3sivo Euchro. HOW Till. OA MB IS l'MYKI) IMI'OIITANCE OK IITHJUKTTI?. As ii variation, or addition, to tho regular game, tlio innovation known as progroosivo euchre possesses somo claims to merit. Tho ordinary rules of euchre govern the gane, with somo ob vious exceptions, and n progressive eiichto parly should consist of three tables, of four persons. Littlo strips of card board should bo prepared be forehand, witli a loop of nbbon by which they may bo attached to tho (Ire's or coat of thu player. Ono of lliesa is drawn by each person. Aro is wiittcn on four cards, king on four nnd queen on tho remaining four. Those who draw tho aco slip tako tho aco table, which is tlia highest in rank; those witli tho king slips tako thu sec ond nnd tho queens the third table, which is tnu lowest in rank. Onu amusing part of this gamo is tiial four gentlemen may draw tho slips for llio samo table, or four ladies, in which case they aro doomed to play together, for thu laws of progressive euchro aro liko thoso of "the Medos and Peisians, which alter not." Tho players scaled at their respect ive tables, thu game begins in earnest, nud as soon as the nuo tablo has mado five points a littlo bell at this tablo is rung, which moans that tho other tables is to stop playing, oven if they aro nt tho very crisis of a game. This is tantalizing sometimes, and tbo littlo bell comes to be regarded as a cruel fate. On tho other hand, tho nee tablo is sometimes slow in its playing, which gives tho other tables to go on making points ad infinitum. On tho ringing of tlio bell, lliojo who havo won tho gamo at tho ao-j tablo aro decorated, not with tho Cross of tlio Legion of Honor, or even tho Victoria Cross, but with a small wafer, which is attached to tho strip of cardboard. This couplo re tain their soits, whilo tho two defeated ones move down to tho kiug table, and tho successful players at thu king tablo move up to the aco tablo. Thu same chango is made in tho queen table, con sequently a continual chango of part ners is going on at all llio tables.which, witli tho decoration of tho successful players, occasions no small amount of merriment. Prizes aro given at tlio close of tho game. Hero the ingenuity and fun of tho hostess find nmplo scope. Ono prize is given to tho best player, tlio ono whoso strip of cardboard bears most wafers. They should bo some thing pretty, oven if very simplo and inexpensive. The second prize is called consolation and is given to tho least Hiiccosssful player. This gift may be something grotesque and have some humorous verses attached, which will add much to tho gayety of tho even ing. When refreshments aro to bo served, it is generally arranged at what time tlio aco tablo shall stop playing. A cessation of hostilites affords timo for passing around somo slight refresh ment. An elaborate supper seems out of placo on such an occasion, as tho players are usually anxious to return to their game and decide their fates for tbo evening. If etiquette lie important in tho or dinary affairs of life, how much moro so is it in tlio card room and at tho whist table, says a writer on tho game. Etiquette is often but a form. At whist, etiquetto is but a substance. If a man will not send his card or call at another's house, he may hope to bo for given! but at whist, tho player who does not attend to tho etiquetto pre scribed by good tnsto and tho usages of tho table, this offender will bo prop erly shunned. Etiquetto in whist phraseology, is a term synonymous witli honest. In-atteution to tho eti quette of tlio gamu causes moro bicker ings and hcartichPR than tho worst player out of Hedlnm, and goodness knows tho bad players aro nearly stilllc ient to drive ordinary penpio mad. Hut because men and women aro bad play trs surely thpro is no occasion to add to their oilier offonces tho total disregard of etiquette. Somo people nro so thick-skinned that nothing short of a penalty will over prevent thoir break ing x rule. Theso uiop a card faco up ward and snatch it up again and think thoy havo dono something clever in stead of having committed a heinous ottence; or they lead nut of turn, nnd when ultimately they got they send out thu exposed card likp a llish of light- ' nig, ami again mink th-y l avo dono Bonn thing clexer. It is not. etiquette to got into a nas- sion and throw down the cards. It is not etiquette for tho voiiiil' whist ulav- er to derido or bo angry with his scn- mi-, i', in iii'.iiiug, you exprso an aco and your adveisiries elect to let tho deal stand, it is not etiquetto to mis deal. In dealing it is not etiquetto to count tlio cards on the table or in tlio hand and then doolaro you havo not done so to avoid a misdeal. It is not etiquetto to bet with an outsider witli out first offe'ing tho chanco to your adversaries. Tho breach of this" law causes moro anger than any other. It is not etiquetto to wrangle with your opponent on any disputed point when tiiuro is a iiysi.inner to whom you can refer. Such bystander having decided, although you think him wrong, it is not etiqiu tto to further arguo tbo point, urn ii, m ruijuciiQ io suninit with good grace. Having revoked ouco it js not etiquette to revoke again to cover your blunder; nor is it etiquetto to mako any exclamation calling your adversaries' luit'iiuuii io mo met mat you have re voked. Tho excitable and talkalivo players may bear this iu mind, and thoy will do well to remember that at wliist nothing should bo said during the play of the hand. Quieted the Bully, Tho bnllviner 111 fill 11 01' of tlio fi(rmiti students is proverbial, as is nlso their mama lor aliening, it was at Heidel berg that a (iniet citizen lnavlnr ilm cars said to a swaggering student: ,.. n... 1! , - .j.,, iu niu iiiutvtiing hid i jveep back a littlo bit, sir I" Thu student turned fiprf-nlir nn.l snl.l in n loud tono : "Do you not like it ? en, 6ir, l am at your servico when over you ploaso 1 ' Oh, thank you I" said tlio traveler ; your offer is very kind, and you may carry my vnliso to tho hotel for me.'' Tho student lied amid shouts of laughter. Chicago pie bakers live only fifteen years, Do their customers murder them, or do thoy ent their own pies V