THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Under tlio Gallows, miniimit. conokmnation ov a mother 11V 1IEII SOK WHAT DOES IT MEAN t Not long ngo n weeping mother call otl to bid good bye to her only sou who wns soon to bo executed. "Woman," Iia exclaimed in n mom entary frenzy, "Woman I would "never havo been hero had you "done jour duty by tuo when I was joting 1'' This waa a tctrlblo parting I It linirlfud tho epectatorp, it nearly craz ed I lie conscious atiickcn mother. Ono tan scarcely overestimate tho mother's ititliiuuco in tho moulding of tho clnrjcter of her offspring. Hut how often, oh, how often, do mothers sc.cni to ignoro tnis reepotiKibiiity 1 D-irini' a icccnl trip on the rail tho writir mado tho acquaintance ot Dr. A. J. Benedict, of Sackctts Harbor, N. Y., a person who lias mado n study of human development. Referring to tho murderous tendency of tho times, wo asked that eminent man if tho out look was not discouraging f "It ISoka so,'' ho said, "but I fancy wo li.ivo a causo and tho remedy for Mich cvitt. In my professional career I have found by hard study that wo havo emerged from savagery by de velopment of tho neivou system and tho intellectual life, and wo return to savagery as wo iguoro tho fact that without tho solid, trustworthy nervous system, wo cannot hope to savo tho taeo. llojs stuff dime novels, and tho pistol U to them the only respect ably glorious inurnment to securo fame. Women read trashy literaturo and straightway try to murder their husbands and friendi by poison. Utisi-nes-i men yield to the tempter, and forgo and Heal and default. Ministers, charmed by beauty, forget tho behests of conscious. On every sido wo sco tho weakness of personal Integrity." "Do you regard it as a disease t" "More especially as tho lesult of diseaso which, uovGver,inay bo pre vented." "Please deGno how."' "I cannot now enter into details. Our people can sco their bodies, their blood, their bones. They never see nerves and consequently many do not sicpjwse they have any. Tho fanner's wife rejoices in a big, physi cal frame, and yet she dies premature ly. The nerve cannot stand tho strain of continual woik. Tho minister falls dead in his pulpit, but ho never did a day's physical work in his life. Tho lawyer faints m tho presence of the court and is soon a wreck or a corpse, and yet tho work is nervo work. Tho man of affairs is ovucomo with apo- Iczy ; tho political! and publicist, willi irichl's disease. The mind of tho un tutored man is fired by the exploits of crime ami lio longs for such tamo. These persons overwork or over excite tho nervous system and this fact kills or demoralizes them. "If all this be so how would you rectify it then ?" lit t mo tell you. A few yiars ago I had a lady patient who was an utlei wreck. Sho was tho mother of sever al children. Sho lost her mind and imagined sho was cm fed of God. Sho wbh a farmer's wife, and worked eaily and late. I never saw a fiuer speci men of physical manhood than bIic, but she was a nervous wreck I Sho became, bloodlcts, had tho very worst of female disorders and was in tho last 6tages of albuminuria or Bripht's di rcase. This latter diseaso works par ticular havco with tho nervous system and produces insanity and despair. Sho was insane and desperate and 1 fear tainted the Hood of her off spring with these teirible tendencies. 1 treated her for severel years. Ono by ono tho standard remedies of the schools failed, but I finally cured her with Warner's safe cure, and the is tc day strong and well. Ytt thousands of wc men liko her, eviry year brine ill formed and criminally-inclined child ren into tho woi Id. Is it nny wonder that neivous diseases prevail and that tlio whole moral senso is demoralized T If that remedy wero cenerallv used, we would have stronger mothers, stronger chiidien, stronger men and women, and with perfect physical and mental li en 1 1 ri , ci imo would decrease and so ciety ho moro secure." Such candid opinions are surely woith coDSidciing. The Sensatioa of Being Hangel. A MEMIIF.Il OF A LONDON CI.UII EX1 MKNTS FOIl 111MSEI.1-'. JVom Max 0' lleWs London Letter. A ciuzy Briton belonging to tho "Suicidj Club," hits published an ac count of the sensations of hanging. Ho lias actually tried it before the members of tho club. It will bo pity if his narrative has the effect of diminishing tho wholesome terror which tho ropo has hithetto inspired, and 1 tear it mav induce some silly people to try hanging as a substitute lor opium. At hrst there was a great jerk and ho felt a violent pain in his neck ; but after ho lost consciousness tho proceedings became- quito pleasant. "no seemed to no transported into now world, moro tieauttiui than any thing imagined by tho poets. Ho was Mwimming, ho thought, in a sea of oil Tho feeling was exquisitely delicious As ho swam easily aud without effott through tho liquid mass ho noticed fnr off an island of tlio most glorious emerald greeu m color. "The sea kept every instant chang ing its hue. At ono moment it was mass ot gold, as though tho sun was shining brilliantly on it. The nex iiHinnt it was a vivid blood red,but there waa nothing tcrrihlo or disgusting in thU now color. In fact it kept changing to all the hues of tho rtiubow, yellow and red being the predominant tints, He got nearer and nearer tp tho island As ho approached it there sprang ou sudilunly from tho ground a groat number ot people, whoso faces seem cd known to him. At last ho reached tho land "Then a magnificent chorus of voice, human and thesoof birds, burst forth. Ho wised Ins eyes tu ccslacy, Ho tloated calmly on to tho ehoro and lay as a child in its cradle, slightly weaktued from tho enervating iffocts of tho oily matter in which ho had been swimming. At last ho opened ins eyes, ihemaglo charm was at onco dispelled. Tho divino liarmon ccastd. iho Jacts wero still peering at him with nn expression of eager curiosity, but ho perceivtd that they belonged to the members of tho club, Tho liatn in his nick was great, it ap peart d, but ho was now in tho emtio possession of bis senses. His friends out him down and ho was ablo to till them at onco his expeiiincip. Al tht ugh he drew a t harming picture of tho blis- which he felt, no other mem ber would tiy Ids I'xperlmtnt. His leok was eitiite ghastly. To tho btst " " M" '. o' "v v i nil ni .f my knowledgo this luiiatio is ttill at are. e, Only Temperance Hitlers Known. IS ui uji.a.iLiJj.TJ Knottier in rillrlnoknownBoellectaallrpargcJ the blooil of drf p-flCAteil (Mpcmcp. million licnr testimony to Us wonderful cnrnuvo eiut-is, It In n ilirrl)- Vegetable, rrciwrnllon, ml irom tlio nutlva iierns mu: roots or California, mcdlclnnt properties of which lire cxtrncted thi (rmn without tlio lira ot Alcohol. It kiiidich llin ralliA of disc&fd. flnil tho pnUeut recovers Ml lienllli. It Is tlio cicnt Itlnnil Purifier nmltlfo fflvlng Principle! a Ocntla I'arnatlvo and Tonlct a Never before In tlio lilrtory of itio world has A medicine hoen componmlwl pocm-wlng the power of Vineoar HiTTrnalu healing Iho flck of every dlKaso wan Is heir to. Tlio Allornllvc Aner ent. Plunhorclle. Car minative, Nutrition, Ijixatlve, Sedative, Counter- irritant, sndorine, Antl-Illllons, solvent, Diuretic and Tonic nroncrtlce of VlNEOAlt lllTTElta exceed thoee of anj other medicine. In tlio world. Nn pcrnou enn take tho HiTTtns according to directions and remain long nnwcll, provided tlielf bones uro noi ucsiroycu uy mmcnu poison or outer means, and tho vital organs wasted bey ond tho point of repair. , ... Illlloiis, Itcnltttcnt, Intermittent and Ma larial Fcvcm ara prevalent throughout the United States, particularly In the VAlleys of our great rivers And their vast trlbntarlcs tltimg tho Summer and Autumn, especially timing seasons oi uuusuai jicai rlieso I'evcro are Invariably accompanied by tenslvo derangements of tho stomach, liver ana bowels. In their treatment, a purtiuthu, exertlnjr a powcrfnl iuflucnco upon theso organs, is absolutely necessary. Tlicro I no rntlmrtle for the pnrposo equal to Dr. J. WALKEn's ViNroAtt Hitters, as It will speedily remote tlio dark-colored viscid matter with which tho Ikjw els aro loaded, at the samo time stimu lating tho secretions of tlio liver, and generally restoring tho healthy lunolons of the lUgi-stlve VnrlliV Ilia liotlv niralnst diseaso by purifying All Its fluids with ViM.OAii lliTTF.ns. No epidemic can taku hold of a sjstcm thus forearmed, It Invlcorntcw (lie Stamucli and stimu lates H1U MJrpiU 1IT UUU UUnui, li.UBiiiK buu blood of aU Impurities. Imparting lire and vigor to me iramo, ami carrying ou wuuuut ui, uiu ui Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from the system. It Is easy ot adminlstraUon, rompun action, ana cenaimn iw, n-uuiiM. I ml ltrttal Ion Headache, rata In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chost, Pneumonia, Dizziness, Had Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, ralnltatlon of tho Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are at once .re lieved by Vineoar Bitters. 1'or inllniiiiiiiilory ana Chronic Rheuma tism, Oout, Neuralgia, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, the Bitters havo no equal In these, as In all constitutional Diseases, Walker's ViNKOAn Bitters has shown Its great curative powers In the most obstinate and intractable cases. JTlcclinttlcnl insertion. Persons engaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setters, Gold-beaters, ond Miners, ns they advance In life, nro subject to Paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take occasional doses of V CtEuAR HITTERS. Sliln uNpiikcr, Scrofula, Ealtnhenm, Ulcers, Swellings, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, t'nrbunclco, lUng-worms, Scald-head, Boro Ityes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Slscoloratlons, Humors and diseases of tie Bkin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of tho system In a abort time by tho use of the Bitters. IMii, Tape and otlior Worms, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vennuuges, no amneuiuuui-i-, iu mj system from worms like VrNECUR Bittcrs. ITIeaslcM, Scarlet I'cver, Mumps, Vhooplng Hniwh nml nil ehlMren'n dlflenAes mnv lie mode less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild doses of the Hitters. This wonderful remedy is especially Hdaptcu to the systems or cmiuren, tor purifying herbs atone give it Its remarkable curo- especially adapted to the systems of children, for live nowers, It I'OIIUUU! tt contains no alcohol, op! no alcohol, opium or other poison, I'or iscmale eiomiilnlnls, In young orold. : or old, ,ood. or married or single, at tlie dawn of womanni the turn of life, this Bitters has no equal. t;ieanno iiio vuiaica asiooa waen iisuu luritles burst through the Bkin In Eruptions or :nnve eleAnsn It when obstructed and Bluerfflsa In tho veins; cleanse It when tt is foul; your feelings will tell you wnen, ana tno ncaiui oi uie sysieiii niu follow. In conclusion t Olve the Bitters a trial. It will speak for itself. One bottle is a better guar antee of its merits than o lengthy advertisement. Aroundeacli botlloore full direcUons printed In different languages. It. n. irtcDonald Drug Co., Proprietors, SanTrenclsco, Cal., an-1 K, tsi.fc fca Washington St, Sold by all Dealers and Druggists. AGENTS WANTED Mix ;spy of the Rebellion." ftowaelliTu uy tha ltntcf thousand I ocoaipcll tloa. Only book of 1U kind. TUo ttSPY'revci rony ttcrett of the war never bforo publiAlird. A p rapti la acnountof too conipiricy to Esaslntrs Lincoln, l'erllous experiences of oar Fcdeuai. Epics iu tho Kobe! Capitol; their faerolo brtvery fully recounted In tbeso Ttvtd Bketcbcs. Tho "Spy" is the moat thiilllng' war book ever published Endorsed by tiuudruda of l'ress and Agents' teattmonlsls. A largo band Bom e book, Cfc3 papeB; tOillUBtritlons. CTACENTS WANTED! AQENTSl This book U out-telling all others. QrcTonehundrtttOiousatut applications for agencies liavo bneu received. Via havo tuany agents who uavn soM (rota tun to fivt hundred copiet, ITS-Tho "SPY" Is sold only by our A (rents , and ran not bo found In bookBtores, HWU to merchants, farmers, mechanics, and every l(tj. Absolutely the eatiat book to itlt ever Inoicn I W'a wantons acentln every Grand Army 1 ont iiii'l In every townithip and county In tho U,b, I'or full particulars and terwt to agents address O. CAllLETON & CO., rubUsheri, v York. The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Heatttlful anil Substantial rromluma In Standard Gold and otlierWatchesValmblo llookn, tho Boat Family Bowing Machino known to tho trade, and anunerjutled list of objocta of real utility and Instruction. Hates, by Afa7, Poatpiiiil DAILY, per Year (Mtliout suniy) $6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... I 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... I 00 iildrfw, THE MIX, 'ew Tork till. c- : nov 0-8t. Dr. McTaggart This noted Specialist of Scranton, is the only speclullst this slilu ot new lorK,i'iiu adclnliiu aud UulTulo -who makes an uxclu slvo specialty of treating chronic, lout; 8tan(UiiE ami lingering diseases to which man ami womankind arc eubjert, such ns Consumption, isioncumi niiecuons, ecroiu In, Bnlt.ltlicuin, Loss of Manhood, Skin ills cubcs, HiieuinntUin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Epl lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, J.oss of Vnlcc Chronic Diiirrliii'a.Chllls and Ft'Vcr,Worms Liver complaint, Cuuccrs, Tumors, I'nraly Bis, rape worm, Heart uibeutc, ivc, tve, rHTFcmalc diseases n 6iieclally. No matter how lone you have been suf. ferliig nor how many uoctors you naye In vain, von shnuld uunlv to Oil, AIoTauuaiit ut once, when ho will tell di rectly without lioldliiL' out falso hopes whelher your iliseaso is strictly curablo or can only be relieved. Itn owes lils wide reputation for tho suc cessful treatment of all lingering or chronic illsenses to exnerlenco and closo appllca. tlon for over 20 years, and to no miracutout power. What tub Pai-kiis Sav i "He Is skillful honest, efficient, upright and re liable and well ortliy of the peoples conndence I and esteem, lie ulwuys says exactly what he ineaiisandmeniiiexactly what ho sayf-bcraa-I ton HrimUlctin. . . , lleUtooufuta man to l08e,"-Uckawanna Corner Ltteiawar-na and Washington Avenues. fcCHANTON, i'A. r?ept TTr ftWrvTTl TO Introduco them Jjlu Ui 1 il it. we will give away loo) athlng utblncs. II Win ant una r bend uryour nauw I1, o.and expressof. " at once, this national co.. 1 a LIKE HIS FATHER. He Wan Amicteil Wltli Htone lit the lllncltler. Mr. tt, W. Hicks, ot rtcAsnnt Vntlcr, liuchcsa county, N. v., the son ot Mr. E. 8, Hicks, whoso namomay haro nnionrod In this Journal In con ticctlon nltlinn nrtlcto similar to thta, wun, llko his father, nflllctcl w II h Btono In tho Wait dor, only that his caso was moro iicrlousthan hlsrathrr's. Tho father ndvlicrt the son to wrlto toiir. David Kennedy, of Itoundout, N. Y who, ho said, would tell him what to do. Dr. Kennedy replied, Bug. f.'!n "jo KKNNKDY'H FAVOIIITK HEM- hin, wlilch litd worked so successfully in tho father's caso. Mr. nicks, who had tieeu assured by tho local pliyMelunsthntthey could do nothlnsr more for him, tried FAVOIIITK ltUMUDV. After two weeks' use of It he passed a stono of nn Inch long and the thickness of a pipe stem. Hlnco then he has had no symptoms of a return ot tho troubio. Hem u a sick man healed. What lietter results Could iin n hnpn . Vi hat creator uciicni eouid medical sclenco confer? Tl.o end was galnedj Hint Is surely enough. t)r. Kennedy assures the public, by a reputation which ho can notntrord to Imperil, that tho 1'AVultlTK 11KM. Mi does lnvlgoraW tlio blood, euros liver, kidney and bladder complaints, as well as all thoso dis eases and weaknesses peculiar to females. .,Th.,,,,,.H,!.,.",.f, PT rnlentl l'tople vol untarllv tcttlfy In letters to Dr. Kennedy, with a warmth and lullness of wonls 'which mere bust ness documents nnd crtlilcales never ioes3. what "Kuvoilto ltemedy,tho great specltlo tor blood, liver and kidney disorders, has dono for them and their friends. THE OKKAT Blood Purifier oi tli9 World, as aiisoi.itti: cutii: roil CATARRH. THU maU iitiiMorn caes ylcM readily to It nnd h.nnot f.tllctl ti Curoa elnlo caso whero illrccttonsnro followed, ItstueceM lms tic en rcuinrknlilontxl I (s cures under fill. It Is tho inott successful prepftrntlon In tlio market for CATAItltll and tlio only ono that proinlcs an Aliruilutc. INmltlvn C'tirv. It ts truly a blcs?1nK to mankind, A Trial U all tli t I iiiUi'il fur It. Onco used, it ti alwnvn recommended, for testimonials of actual cures, IT HAS IfO KQUAL POH MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. Ono bottlo Is ticn orally sufficient for a euro. Ston taUntf (iuliilno. Atrial only Is asked for Khl leh'h Cataiiuh Kiimedt. li Is a sri:cil ic for oil dleacsarllnir, from au impuraldood and drives all eruptions from tho skin. For Syphi litic complaints It la superior to any preparation In the market. Ono bottlo will euro must of tho follow I nff complaints and a continued uso will rosiTiVELv euro, Savo doctor bills nnd try It. RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN ERUPTIONS. VENEREAL DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELING OF LANGOUR. DILIOUSNESS. LIVER TROUBLES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Kulleu's Catamui Kkmbdv Is no Tiatont meulclue, but n fafo and pleasant preparation totakonnd surely tho Kreutvst medical discov ery ofllio no. bottlo rejuvenates tho entire system and poetesses moro vtrtuo than n half tlo7oi bottles of ordinary patent preparations. wrue tor icsiimoniais mm oincr lniormaiion. CJrx or sale by druir'l'ts generally. PKfCK 81.00 A JIOTTXK. SIX HOT tm:s ron 5.00. On receipt of U5.00 by tho manufacturers, Samuel 1 Keller l. Co., llarrfiburf,', l'u., six bottles will bo sent express Ml II, To Dyspeptics. Tlio most common signs of Dyspepsia, or Indlffphtlon, aro nil oppression at tho stomach, nausea, flatulency, water-brash, heart-burn, on,UIi.g, loss of appetite, and constipation. Djspeptlc patients suffer un told miseries, bodily and mental. They should btlniu'ato tho digestion, aud secure regular dally action of tho bowels, by tho uso of modorato doses of Ayer's Pills. After tho bowels are regulated, ono of these Fills, taken each day after dinner, Is usually aU that U required to complcto tho euro. Avku's Tills aro bu gar-coated and purely vegetable a pleasant, entirely safe, and re liable medicine for tho euro of all disorders of the btomach nnd bovtcls. They aro the best of all purgatives for family uso. WIUPAUED UY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AHO EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, TELESCOPES. MAGIC LANTERNS. oAHOMETERS. TncHmOMETERS. Drawing Initrumenta, Fbltoaoplilcal and Chemical AppurntUH, List na Deecrintinns ot our Ten CbUIosuob Mat tub on applloation. QUEEN CO. 924 Chistnut St. PHILADELPHIA. tcb6-ly IP YOU have Internal bllmo fever, canker, anrlil phlegm, bad table and onenslvu breath -nr. Kll. mer'a s WAMl'.UOOT removes nil theso conditions. Ask jour druggist torlt. Mci, If YOU havo lost your appetite, or tongue coated, dry and parched Upland mouth, spittle dry and cottony, or have become emaciated Ur, Kilmer's SWAMP-HOOT will build up your broken down constitution. Ask )our druggist (or It, 25o 11 IF Y'OU have sudden attacks of sinking spe'ls, the face white and deathly pale, and experience feelings as though dying, and coldness seizes your very vitals nr. Kilmer's OOKAN-WE!) routes the heart's action and saves lite, llrugguts sell It. $1, IK YOU have organlo disease, or perlcardu, or heart cabo troubles, or havo thick und sluggish blood, feel as though blmllug would relieve uu llr. Kilmer's OCUAN.WEEU coerects and Is tho remedy you need. Druggists scOl IU II. 11. PATENTS, Obtained and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. our oince ts opposite the U. 8. Patent onice, and we can obtain l'uients In less time than those re mole from Washington. bend model or draw Ing. We advlso as to pat entability freo of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer heie, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Urine v o.-der Dlv.. and to olllclals of tlio L'. 8. l'alentimicc. t-'or circular, advice, terms and relereinei to actual clients Injour own btateor l'atentiilllcc. For circular, advice, terms and County, wilie to Opposite l'nteat OAlce, Wasulugton, u V. D3P" T1AD1 UA.UK. How Oauea aro Oarriod. KNT MRTIIODS OF U8INU STICKS CltAIlACTKUtSTlO WAt.KINtl OF 11US1NI-.S3 MUK AND DUUU9. From tlio Denver Tribune. Thu first ono will carry a etout flick, and tin will try mid wnlkfast, iho snmc an Iir did boforo lie cot tlio trottl. IU will Rtnint) thnl emit: down upon tho wnlk with n votiotnotis vigor nnd grimace vlcionly every time ho sets tho rlk foot down njion nn nnrvrti placo in thu siduwolk. When ho gi l liome ho will h down in nn easy olinir nnd plnoo tho foot upon nn nlto liinn and keep tho on no in his riht hand. When mi thing oiiciira which displeases hint or somebody keeps him waiting for Boniothing longer than ho thinks they ought to dn liu will pound that enno upon tho floor or bruise all of the fiti'iiitui-o within reach. If n cat r dog gets Into tho room and behiven in a perfect lecitimuto and uniitlcimnly manner tho chances nro ten to one that tho old man will throw his cane al him before ho gets out again. A mmdio-ncod tnati ot Uuiinti-s, a bnnk president or nny of thoso kind of men will walk moJeratoly fast on a week day and strike ins cano upon the pavement at an average of ono stroke to every throo steps. As soon ns he strikes tho cane upon tho walk ho will raise it to a nearly horizanlal position, pointing directly ahead, but ns soon ns tho stick gets ut tlio proper height it will begin the descent ngain and so long as ho walks tlio cano will bo in perpetual motion. Oil Sundays this class of gentleman will wnlk slowly and Willi a comfortable, sclMntisueu atr, it they've licen making money during tho wei k, but the cano will inovo just nbout thn same. lliero is a very Imbo number of men who ennv ennes, but who verv seldom use them in walking. Their great hobby is to thrust tho stick under ono arm, with the longest portion protrud ing from the rear. When they go through a crowd in tho stieetor any whero else everybody behind them is in mortal fear of having an eye or two or thrua tectli knocked out. When one of theso Kcntlcman lump upon a street car with ono or two men tand- ing upon tlio step those men aro apt to literally "get it in tho neck.'' "When they don't dodgo adroitly enough as the gentleman swings nround they of ten get a rap in tho jaw. Theso gen tlemen with tho canes do gieat execu tion when they go into a cigar stoio for a smoke. They will lean over the glass case and tho cano will keep ev erybody else away until thoy have se lected their cigars and lighted them. Then they back away from tho caso and punch everybody in tho ribs as they go out. A dude probably makes less trouble with a cane than anybody else. Ho will generally cany it perpendicularly, with tho head nearly on a level with his chin and ho will seldom movo it from that position unless he desires to chango hands. There aro tho energetio gentlemen who carry light rattan or whalebono canes and who 'walk fast. They go with head slightly inclined forward and every time they put tho cano down they will bend it almost double. Then there are tho "flip" men, who keep the canes in constant motion. First, they will walk witli it touching tbo ground, then they will drag it along a little way and then they will place it in tho other hand. Then it goes over the shoulder liko a soldier carrying his musket at "right shoulder arms.'' Then tbey will take it between the thumb and forefinger and twirl it tho samo as au Irishman on tho stago docs with his shillaleh. Then thero aro tho high toned boys who carry a thick, stout cane and nov el' uso it to touch tho ground. Thoy ust grasp it in tho middle. "That 8 Jnglish, you know." Eaising Locust Treos. Trees of tho common locust, says tho Country Gentleman, may bo easily raised from seed j and as long as culti vation has caused to run into varities, it is importunt to get tho best seed. A yariety with white wood is inferior to Iho yellow vanety,but bears nn abund ant croj) of seed. Tho best yellow sort is a rather spaiso bearer, and henco tho importanco of taking pains to obtain tho best. Thero is oven somo difference in tbo yellow locust, somo, being stouter ami moro upright in growth than others. Tho seed may bo had ot seed dealers, or Gathered when ripo from tho trees. If only a tnoder- ato quantity is wanted, tho seeds may bo taken from tho pods by hand j or threshed out in larger quantities. Under proper management a pound of seed will produco over 10,000 trees. Thoy will not grow without scalding, ana nero is where many tail. A pint or less may bo treated at a time. Pour boiling water on tho seed, and cover tho vessel, and allow it to stand several hours oyer night if to bo plant ed in tne morning. i$y that timo a portion of tho seed will bo found to have swollen to nearly doublo size, and become lighter in eolor. These are to bo carofully separated and planted, as thoy aie tho only ones that will grow. In largo quantities they may be separated with a 'sieve, which will anow tno unswoueu seeds to pass turougu u tno mosncs are ot right size. Tho remainder aro then to be scalded again, and another pottion will swell , and so on, several limes, till all are fit to plant. Tho best way is to plant tiietn in very ricn sou, in thick rows ior ono year, tno seeds an men or two apart in tho drills, and not more than half an inch or an inch deep and tho next spring sot tho plants out where they are to remain. They may bo at first set in rows eight feet apart, and about twenty inches in tho row. They aro to bo ultimately thinned to eight teet eaoii way, and m tho moan timo the thinnings will mako good jenco staKes, which will assist in pay ing tno expenso Tho best trees may bo thus loft to grow into posts, and , will do well if not oxactlv at enueal distances. Tho chiof caro whilo tho trees aro youtig is to givo them straight anil clear shape by cutting on any accidental sido snoots, but tho thick: growth ot tlio first year will ob viato much of this labor. In n few years tlio ground may bo seeded to grass, of which Kentucky bluo grass will do best after it has becomo estab lished. In setting the youtig plants out the second year, tho labor will be facilitated by plowing a furrow for each row, passing two or throe times with the plough, to mako it straight, uim givo plenty ot mellow earth. Over one million boxes of Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past twelvo months, purely upon their met its. Why suffer with Uhronio Con stipatlon, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Siok Ileadaolie, Heartburn, and Female Troubles, when J. II. Mercer olliers you relief aud positivo cure in tho Dyspepsia 1 ablets. Ho sells them on a guarautce. pgjg HE ORE AT ron LIVER DISEASE. O VtPDTrtTTC! Hitter or bad t nstn In mouth: Q I IVir A U1V10 . tongno corncil wlilto or cov wllli a brown fur; nntn In lliobirk, sliten, or Joints chch ID1WIM.-I1 lur rncumamJii; puuk btumaiii; tirash, or Indigestion.1 llntitlcncv nnd neld emctn- iioii-, ihjwi-m luu-rnnmy i-usuvo nnu mi; hi--ai-aciir; loss of memory, Willi n imtntul rendition ot having failed tndowi i ethtntr which ought to tmo been done; hfiumtti low spirits: a thick, vmxnw appearance, of the nldn and eye?i n dry cough; fever, restlessness! tho urine Is njnntynnd tilth colored, nnd, It allowed to Bland, depuslti a sedi ment. I' (t'UItlll.Y VEOCTAUI.l!) Is generally used In tho South to nrouso tho torrid liter to a healthy nctlon. IT ACTS WITH EXTIIAOIIhlSMItVltmCACr ON TUG L ivki:, KIDNEYS a.m. HOWULS. Art KFFIXTUAt, sl'IX'lt-IO FOlt MAt.AMA, msi'FrsiA, roN-sTirATiON, muorsNfcs, SICK IIKADACIIB, JAl'NIIICB, NAl'SKA, COLIC, J1KNTAI. DIMB'glOM, HOWKLCOMI'LAINTS, ETC., KTC, TTC. Kndorsed by tho uso ot f millions ot bottles ns The Best Family Medicine For children, for ndults, and for tho teed. siiETinikK nt am ToTiiTrioi or iiikmsichi J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., 80I.hTiioi'HIETOi:s, I'lllI.ADKM'llIA, VA, I'hice, $1.00. may to-ly A ! M K IS JlN X I Ll our readers for Scents In nnstnge stamps to i h pay for mulling nnd winnplng and linuesofl i iho uook agents. ui reeiivo I ukh n s-teeif k I'inlsli lVinor thigraMng of nliour rillisl. t fj lm.NTt!, li-cludlng ciceland, Mo avxasiiich, f Address Edcr Fub. Co.,Gliicago, III. a JulylMy RAILROAD TIM3 TABLB, JQKI.AWAIIK, LACKAWANNA AND WK8TEHN ItAlLltOAD. DL00MS1JUUG DIVISION. KOItTH p.m. pan. 9 oo l a 3 I s st 13 an s -is la aa 8 40 U IS s ai la us s a; la oj s aa ii 63 S IT It 51 8 13 11 50 S OS li 47 S OS 11 47 5 01 11 IJ 7 59 11 3S 7 SI 11 .11 7 60 11 3d T 43 11 S3 7 80 11 13 7 IS 11 (0 7 11 10 51 7 03 1U 4T 0 58 10 41 o si io :a li 50 10 31 6 43 1C 37 C 33 10 31 0 30 10 1G 6 25 10 11 6 OS U SO C 00 0 4 B 55 t) 45 5 40 U 33 p.m. o.m. .STATIONS. SOUTH. n.m. u.m. p.m. ...,crnnton.... I o 10 u 15 2 05 Uellcvuc.... 15 9 so 2 10 ...Taylorvlllo.. I (1 so u 28 2 1b .. Lackawanna... li 27 9 31 2 21 l'lttbton I c 31 s 41 2 -'10 ..Weit ritt&ton. 0 40 9 47 2 30 ....W)0inlng....i 0 15 1) 52 2 41 . ..Mallby , 0 19 9 50 2 41 Ileunett 0 Si 10 0)2 47 .... Kingston .... n 68 10 153 SO a. ml 8 30 8 CO; ss-a 8 I (i S 10 S 01 7 28 7 51 " 50 7 4: 7 47 7 13 7 SS 7 31 7 31 ....Kingston .... Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth..., .... jWomlalo. , . ...N'nntlcoko... Hunlock's Creek . Shlckshlnnv.. 0 68 10 05 i 50 7 02 10 10 2 55 7 07 10 153 0) 7 13 10 20 3 03 7 13 10 23 3 10 7 23 10 82 3 27 7 a3 7 1 37 10 413 89 7 00 . lllck's Kerry..! 7 so 11 11 3 62 ..liench Haven... 7 57 li on 3 58 C 51 II 47 C 41 ucrwicK ... 8 01 11 13 I 03 8 10 It 20 4 12 8 14 11 35 1 10 8 18 11 29 4 3) ..Briar creek.. ..Willow drove. ...Lllr.olihlL-o.. 0 33 0 34 0 27 0 21 Espy S 25 11 30 4 ST ...llloomsbur..., 8 30 11 414 31 0 16 .... Itupert 8 3l! 11 50 4 40 Cntawl a lirldgo 8 41 11 si 1 40 . ..Danville.... 8 6S 12 13 5 01 ...X'hulasky.... U 05 13 215 12 .... Cameron.... 9 OS 12 255 17 Northumberland 9 25 12 40 5 33 1a.m. a.m. p.m. 11 S 5I 5 49 5 45 5 33 tun. V. F. IIALSTEAD, Hupt. Superintendent's ooice, Scranton, l-Y-b.lst.lS? Pennsylvania Railroad. 4 Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 8th, 18S5. Trains leavo Sun bury. EASTWAllD, 9.40 a. m.. Sea Shoro Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrlsburtrandlmt-nucdlatusUitloiis, arriving at l'hlladelpnia 3.15 p. m. ; New York, o.i!0 p. in. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, d.du p. m., comieciint; ui i-uuaueipiiiii wr uu aea .shoro points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 ti. m Dav oxnresis dally except Sunday),for ltarrkburg and Interme- uiaio siaiions, arriving rmiaueipuia 0.50 p. m. ; Now York, 11.35 p. in. ; Ualtlinoro 0.45 p. m. ; Washington, s.00 p. m. Parlor car through to PhlladclnUla aud passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,50 p. m. lienovo Accommodation (dally, tor liarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv. Ing at Philadelphia 4 S5 a. m. : New Y'orlc 7.00 a. in Baltimore, 5.23 -u in. ; Washington 0.30 a. m. ;. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at liarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New Y'ork. on sun. days a through sleeping cir villi bo mn; on this train troin WlUlamsp't to 1'lilladelphla.l'hlladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until t a. in. .to a. m. T.tlo Ma 1 (dally except jionday. tor llarrlsbunr and intermediate stations. arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. in. New Y'ork, a. m. ; juiumore s.i& a. in. ; asiungion, v.-m a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars uro run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Baltimore. WESTWAltD. 5.20 a. in. Krlo Mall (dally excent Sunday), f oi Erie and all Intermediate stutlons aud Cauandal- gua and Intermediate stations, lioche&ter, liuin loand Niagara Palis, with ihiough Pullman Pal aco cats uud passenger coaches lo Erie aud Roch ester. U.M-NCW3 Express (daily except Sunday) ror Lock Ilavtmnnd intermediate stations, l.ui n. m. Nlairara Exnress (dallv excent Sun day) (or Kane and Intermediate stations and uau- auuaigua anu principal luieruieuiuiu siuiiuus, Itochester, Uultalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Itochester and Parlor carlo Wllllainsport. 5.30 p. m. l-'ast Lino (dally except Sundny)tor lte novo and intermediate stations, uud Elinlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas benger coaches to Itenovo and Watklns. 'J.-M a. in. Sunday mall tor Itenovo and lntermn. dtato stations. TUltOUOH T11A1NS FOlt SUNBUItY FItOM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Kiind.iv mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4.30 a. in liarrlsburg 7. 10 arriving at suuburr 0.20 u. in. u It h through skeplngcar Horn Philadelphia to Wll ltam&port. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. lHrrtaburg, "i.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury U.M. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; llaltlmoio 7.30 a. in. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, l.oo p. in., Wliu uiruugu lunur ear iium i-unuueijuiiu and through passeuger coaches trom l'hlladel. phla uud Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New Y'ork 0.00 a. m. s l'hlladel iihla.11.50 u. m. : Washington. 0.50 a. in. : Haiti. more, 10.45 n. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at DUUUUiy, O.OJ p. in., mill luiuuuu iiaaseuei coaches irom Philadelphia and Ballunore. lirioJiail leaves iuw i urii o.uu p. in. ; i-uuauei nhla. 11.20 ii. in. : Washington. 10.10 p. m. : Balti more, ll.iiii p. in., (dally except.saturday) arrlvlug nt. sunburv n.15 a. in., with through l'ullinan sleeplugcars from Philadelphia, Washington und UUUimuru aim uuuugu passeiici i:uui;uea liviu muaueipnia. MUMltlltV, IIA.l.liTON iV WII.KESllAltltl! K.lll.lIliAi' .ru nilllTIl AIII VVlilT 1IHA.NU1I HA 1 1. WAV. (Dally except suuuay.) Wllkesbarro Mall leaves suubury 10.00 a. ra. arriving at Uloom Feiry 10.52 a. m., WUkes-barre 12.18 p. in. Express East leaves Sunbury 5. 15 p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry 0.37 p. m., Wllkes-barro T.68 p. ui Sunbury -Mull leaves W llkesbarro 10.40 n. in. arrlv Ing ut Bloom Ferry 12.15 p. m., sunbury U 55 p. m Expiess West leaves vllkes-barru2.45 p. in., ar rlvlug at Bloom Ferry 1.15 p. ui.,sunbury 5,10 p.m. I'NIMY ONLY'. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 0.25 a. m., arriving at Bloom Perry 10.1 1 a. 111.. Wllkes-Barro 11:35 a.m. Sunday aecoinmodatton leaves W llkes-Ilarro 5:15 n. m arriving at Bloom Ferry, 0.18 p. m., sunbury, 7:45 p. m. CIIA. E. l'UOII, J, It. WOOD, Uen. Mauager. (Jen. Passenger Agent v . (. to, JAt Offer to tlio Trado their lino Brand ot Cigars. The Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, Simeon, and Cosmopolitan Kino KrulU anil Kino Confectionery on hand. Fresli every woek. Ulootna burg, l'a. Keb. 27 WAITED oi SiltKX EXPENSES PAID 1 salesmen for the Hooker Nurserluj ltubllshed 18-5. All Iho newest and best sorts of fi ult aud ornamental lices, vines, Ac, bend for Terms. v." Bros II. U JIOOKKU COMX'ANV liOCtH'&tcr, Y( DirAIVireSl1'" CAUSES and Mi4i.lL" Ji33 ctinn, by ono who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most ot the noted specialists of the day with no benetlt, cured himself In threo months, and Unco then hundreds ot others by same pro cess. A plain, tlmplo and successful homo treat ment. Address T. S. l'AUK, 138 East h street, New York City. nov-3tf-4t-d. W1PH-AWAK13 AOKNTS WANTED Foil """CONSPIRACY Athrllllng levlewofinc portcntlous events that led to the tlltEAT ltllliM-UON, from tho powerful pen ot Hen. ,lohn A, Uigan. strike quick for cnolco field. IIUIIIIAIU) hltos., Pubs., Philadel phia, lla. Nov 0 it d. hAYOft POBltlrd rorafld rlor ttififthnvAillftoitsni hi. It Uro llinii.Ain-Rof cnMffltil tlio wortt kliiU and of fnniT standing hAvat-t en cured. Imltrtl, untrfinitUmvfAltli tniiitmcArT.tiiAtiwiii ron-iTuo ikitti.ks fkei!. tStthtrwlthaVA I.UAIII.IiTKKtTISKonlbladlKHI lo tnj lOSerer. (Ilrotrrofl and P UAddrita. till. T. A. B LOCUM, 111 rgtrlSt, w York. I10V-13-4WI I CURE FITS! Vn ft t My fori I if) not mein mrly to itp itim for tlQia and I lien I hurt return krtln . I nin rtllc1 i niiTBinauwtnc nmcipi oi 1 1 If, f 111 t IT) I or r tritpon for not Dow welting cur, ("end al onctfor ft 1 rviklln atvl a Fr HotlU of my Inrallltit rm.lj: Dlvs frilly an 1 Toil Ofllre, It roola jtko hot hi m tot I (rial, ana 1 will cur yon, UK. II. U. KOtiT, 1! I'aatl Btn V.Jt nov 13-iUl PIANOS-ORGANS Th demiuid for tbo Imprototl Masos A- IfAMnw PiaxosIi now bo lnrtre thnt a nccond ixidtilon to tho factory Iiar become imperfttWe. Iv not require one quarter ai much tun In n- I'ianos on the prevailing ret-pln rtem. ConMiUCatiilogiip, fno. K100Stylcaof OnnANB,(2i to(tHH), For Ctub, Easy raymt uts, or I tented. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co., KBW YORK t ttOSIoN C111UAOO. nov.04t- M.WnAYE8 a m ADVERTISING AGENTS ntf&'&a PHILADELPHIA C ri-. Clic Hint runt i:il.tli St. Uerc! o .ilxMlUomvil-i for th;j rarer. tolllTlftlLOat Lowest Cnah RatearhtC jasiWr" AVER & SON'S R1AHUAL COURSFN, CLEMQNS & CO. LlmUed, Importers nni Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Tablo nnd Pocket Cutlery, lndow Glass, ana l'lated-waro, The 50 candle-power marsh electric lamp. iuu uuiuuraini nnaioro uurner. Bird Cages, Trult Jars. 4-J3 Lackawanna Avenue. SCIIAKTON, Pa. may My yAINWUIOHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia rKAS, SYltUPS, COFFKE, SUQAIt, MOL ASEb mci, STICKS, BICAHB SODA, tc, ic. N. K. corner Second and Arch streets, twdrderawlll rocolvo prompt attcntln PIANO-FORTES, UNEQUALLED IN . J U IT. f II IIIIIIHIUIII WILLIAM KNABE 1: CO. Nos. 201 nnd 201 West Baltimore St., Baltlmoro. No 102 Fifth uvcnuo, New Y'ork, nr-13. itr. . tLY-si catarrh oream calm Clean He s tlicE Iii'ud. Allays! IllJIUIllllIll 1 1 11. 1 IleulH tlic-HoreH.I KcntorcH tli eg HU11BCH oftnHte, Hiuell, livurliiK. A OulcU relief. A poHltlve cure. A nartlclo U nnnllcd Into each nostril and Is ocreeablo to use. Prlco 5) cents bv mall ornt druggists. Send for circular. uuuiiitats, druggists, owego, N. Y. Plumber nnd gas litter. Hear of Schuyler's hard ware sune. Blooms1)urg, Pa. All kinds ot tlttlnirs for steam. cas!and water pipes constantly on hand. Hooting and spouting attended to at short no tice. Tinware of every description mado to order. Orders lett at Schuyler Co's., hardwaie storo will bo promptly tilled. Sneclal attention given to heating by steam and hot water. y-iy '"h'V PHIU1DELPHIA SINGER Including Tucker, lUifllcr, fterr botofl llrm nWwiIJ er.uiitl iisu.u ;irmnerH.atm jiiiki i.u nuiuionncive Wirranled 3 vein. I J UHiO jour . uun i ho u ir litforn you iay H our rcnl. Ao other twiny I vutrhiuv vmnMjttctMcrxn nut Ihiltetl State dares to make i this offer. Tliey aro haml Unme, tlurahlp, untl light fruniilni;. Same ai otler con eanle. tharos Irom S4Q lo SSQ PurchtiMn from n nml nnxr :iU. Hud for circular und C. A. WOOD & CO., testimonials. 17 N. Tiatb Mw, I'bllud'u, I'm, B The Inuilrat titiil iti I plcrciuRlr nli r 111 bo beam lroui ouo tu Ilfli'l two miles. j xuct oitki lira or e wilir. Btzeof a avcim- brecentreuro caririage, Invalu- able aid iwrl ner thoold 114 one. ttent rte, by iiul.for '25 cpii it la anil ctt nnr rntaloirue oi !oni. Itaveltlei. etc. Aililrcsa :NNll!. Al.f.SON Ar I'lUl.AUKKl'lUA. 1'LNNa; fcept -4-i3t.-eow, THE "GO01 liXOUCJir Lumps are nile.t direct by Tin: i'iimp trithuut Lift ing tlin Can, tliufllllngtuba adjusting to mil hulflith ufmiy Lamp. Till. Is tll moNt practical l'AMILY CAN ever uircrcd to the public. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE, MAKU'ACTURCD Of $$ln1ikld Mamilaeiurlna o WX-lZTlTiZT. euro. NonropphiR Oil on the Kloornr Table; So Fuucct tol,eak or net knorkedopen to wnkto Contents or cimso Kxplnsloiis. No Corks to Loe. Clnie t'erfeel ly Air Tlglit. No IeaU. Bge Nol-.viiporiitlou Alnluicly Knfe, A lllllvcl-iilll IIiiiin, hnltl .Vi-rNhty. FOU SALE I.V ULOOStSIlUIta I1Y I. W. IIAimiAN X- SON FAH5IEHS' PIIODUOE KX0HANGK. oct-s-l-nu JOU WOHK NEATLY EXECUTED AT KRSABE K51 t3k THIS OJTFICE EV13HY THING THAT IS NEW INI) STYLJSIf FOR THE SEASON, CAN HE UOLTCiHT (OiHiAjpjEE teaym mm. pcttibsi k. fcaLjgj. laaLtiM .acting A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AN'l) SKLECT LINE OK tot Call and be Convinced that you have the OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices at ariiE $looBl!stBa&,g, Pan, TTTT Fine Carnitires. Ilueruica and AVao-ons. varied selection of VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) r om tlie best mnnufnetorics. Piirclmsers nro invited to call nnd inspect the goods or to TldSWrite for 1 11 for in at ion and Prices. npr.-3.85-l. GgPMAIN DEALER IN M7&rigm audi ' Mome&tic WINES AND LIQUORS, M0 JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA. for Infants and Children. 'CMtorlatSMwcUaGnptodtocilldrenthit I Cutorla enreo Colle. Constipation, irccommenJItoasupcrtortoanyiircscrinttoa I Rouf Btomacli, Diarrhoea, KructaUon, knovmtomo." It, A. Ascncn, It. t., I KUU NS'onas, t'lvcs tlocp, and lromotoa 01 1 8a. OilorU Bt, Urooklyu, N. V. WitEoutuiurious medlcaUon. Tea Cmwco Coutht, 183 Fulton Street, W.Y. tolling Ste OF T. I, MUM1, 320 & 322 Pcmi Avenue, At lils Ifrnosllnrv mnvlm 1, sAiaWzmi For tlio Celebrated Clilckerlug, Ivors & Pond, and Vosu& Son Pianos. AVorldrc liovvned Estey Organs, Violins, Aecordeons nnd Slieet JIusic. Celebrated White, New IIIj;h Arm Davis, Iv'ew Home, Itoynl St. John, nnd Light Itunnlng Domestic bowing Jluc.lilnes. Nccdlep, oil und attachments for nil makes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) iinm Stcro and warerccms, No. 128 Franklin Avenue- Mso Wnrcrooras 111 Franklin Ave. anil lWtV.t ter Street, SCRANTON, PA. M Anything to mako up anew wagon or repair nn old, in etock. liar Iron, and Steel Holts, liolt Ends, Lag Sciowh, Ttinibucklo'a Horse- Shoes, nnd nil ISlackemith supplies. Aprsi-iy larg