The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, ) r.,11... J. K. Bittonlondsr.J Elltors- BLOOxMSBUUG, PA, FUIDAY, NOVEMBER, 2l, 1885 TI10 President has nimoitited John M. O.impboll ns Stirvovor of tlio Port at rniia'Hpliia, ana wm, F, Harrtty ni posiniaiicr. TIlQ Secretary nf tlm Trnnunrv nn Rat. unlay last appointed John W." O'Brien 10 uo weiguer iNo. au, v;iass 4, 111 tuo Now York Custom lIotiseviceGeorgo n. uacon, suspended. Hostilities woro commenced on Sat unity last between Servia and Bui garia. Sorvia is a stato of Europe, ana is tributary to Turkey, anil lias population of about 2,000,000. Bui paria is a provinco of Etiropoan Tur key and 101ns barvia on the north vot; it has a population of between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000. King Milan himself has assumed command of the Sorvian army. Tlio Servian numbers 170,412 men with 418 cans. The Bulgarian army numbers about 00,000 with 104 guns. AN IMPORTANT OFFICE At the municipal elections held next February, caon township will elect tax collector who will collect all the taxes for his district. The collector of county, Bchool, poor and road taxes by one person will place a largo amount of monoy in tno collectors hands, it is important, therefore, that no one bo selected for this office except men who are active, honest, industrious and com petcnt. To givo it to any ono simply as a political favor would be a great mistako unless ho possesses these quail- ncations. Tho colliery at Shenandoah, owned by tho Lehigh Valley Uoal Company winch took nro about three month ago, is still burning, 300 work men have been idle sinco the fire occured. Many thousand dollars havo been spent in endeavoring to put out tho tire. An eltort will now bo made to cut off tho course of the fire. At Halifax a man named John uayiiss was taken suddenly ill on Sunday. William Itoss a man of wealth was called in to assist Bayliss to bed. liayliss died as he was put to bed, aud while in tho act of folding Bayliss' hands upon his breast, Ross himselt dropped dead. A young man named Thomas O'Neal, aoed 17 years, of Renova, Pa, while cleaning an old gun on Satur day last, accidentally shot Ins 10-year old brother, who died soon atterward Kiel Execute!. T11H CANADIAN KUIIEI. BKCOMES A UAK TVU ON THE OAU.OWS AT REG IN A. Reoina, N "V. T., Nov. 10. Louis Kiel was hanged this morning 111 con sentience of a conviction of high trea son against tho Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. lrotn daybreak to-day the most extraordinary precautions were maintained against tho intrusion of unauthorized persons into the bar racks in which he was confined. No one was permitted to enter the guard house until o clock. The scene presented then was that of Riel on the scaffold with Pero Andre and Father MuWilliams with him, celebrating mass. Kiel was on his bended knees, wearing a looso woolen surtout, gray trousers aud a woolen shirt. Un his feet wero moccasins, tho only teatnro 01 his dress that paitook 01 the In dian that was in him. Ho received tho notice to proceed to the scaffold in tho same composed manner shown the preceeding night on receiving tho warning of his fato. His face was full of color, and ho appeared to have complete selt-possession, responding to the serviuoin acleartone. Tho prisoner decided only a moment betore starting lor luescauoid not to make a speech This was owing 'to the earnest soli citation of both tho priests attending turn. He displayed an inclination at tho last moment to mako an address, but 1'ero Andro reminded him of his pro mise, and ho then rose and walkod toward tho executioner, repeating his prajers to tho last moment, the final words escaping being, "Merci, Jsu llo died without a struggle. Not to exceed twenty persons wero permitted within tho couhnes ot tno barracks to witness the execution, and it was per formed with decorum and despatch. His body was taken in'charge by the coroner, and the verdict usual 10 all state executions was rendered. AN EASY DEATH. The scaffold had been erected with in a contracted enclosure immediately in tho rear of the guardhouse, and tho only view of it was through a window immediately under a ralter. The last sacrament was administered to the con demned within the guardhouse proper and near the opening which led to the Bcallold. llo responded to the Latin praveis with a full and clear voico whilo on his bended knees. When tho moment camo for him to riso to havo his arms aud hands pinioned ho kept looking up slowly repeating his prayers. Ho th'.'ii walked through tho opouiui; and down the narrow stair way with liis face turned away from the few civilians aud eoldicis who Mood about tho opening. When ho was about to tako his place on the trap, tho deputy sheriff asked if ho had anything to say. IIo turned to his confessor, Pere Andre-, and inquired : "shall 1 not say a lew words T No, quickly replied tho priest in French, ''mako this your last sacrifice aud you will bo rewarded." Riel turned and remarked in English, "I havo nothing more to say. ' There was somo delay in adjusting . 1 .... 1 1 j : 1 .. 1 I itie uuust, uut itiei uiu nut n-iuur iiiion it aud, as tho whito cap closed over him ho was to bo heard distinctly repeating bis prayers, lhero was barely a quiver as the drop fell, and liis death was pronounced to havo been an easy one. During tlio night Pero Andro urged upon Riel not to attempt an address upon tho roalTold, and suggested that a repricvo might still be on its way, lint this idea Riel strenuously repelled. He said lie knew his hour had come, and that ho was not only prepared, but that ho would not havo it any other way, as nothing but Ihe alternative of prison for lifo awaited him, and to him death was preferable) to that. Ho addressed letlus to liis mother and sister, which touched upon the affection ho boro them. Ho addtd a codicil to his will, specifying that ho dosircd his body to be laid bv tho sido of his father's in St. Boniface- Cemetery, at Will nl peg, wliloli request will bo carried out. Pero Andro will go there with Riel's remains within a fow days. His body was interred to-day under neath tho scaffold. IIo prayed almost continuously during tho night, using tho prayers of tho Church and then again praying extempore In both French and English. IIo directed a prayor for his friends in th.i United States, where ho declared most of them were, aud again for his friends in Quobee. lie prayed for his lawyers, speaking of there efforts in his behalf and of their going to England for him. Tho attend ing priest told him it was his duty to pray for his enemies. Ho replied: "That is so''and at onoo began to pray in English for tho Premier of Canada, but in his supplication ho asked that tho Government might soon bo rolievod of his rule. HIS LAST UKAt, Tbo condemned man nto for tho last timo at 11 o'clock last night. In con sequent of his fast ho showed signs of faintness early this morning, but they had entirely passed away when ho mounted tho scaffold. Durinc tho early hours of tho morning ho gathered up all tho papers which covered his desk, embodying supposed visions ho had seen and his propbeoies, aud asked the privilege from tho ofliccr of the guard to destroy them. This was al lowed him, and, gathering them together, ho carried them to an opon slovo firo and thrust them in, watching them until tho (lames had devoured them. IIo then returned to his cell and his devotions. The oxecutionor was a man named Jack Henderson who was a captive of Riel's in the rebellion of 1870. Rev. Charles H. McWilliams, who assisted F&thor Andro in his attendance upon Riel during his last hours and was u classmate of tho' robot at Montreal Col lego in 1860, is firm in tho belief that Riol was insane and so expressed himself to the representative of the Associated Press to-day. In this belief ho addressed a letter last Monday to tho Governor General of Canada, citing Ins hrtn conviction, and saying that, whilo ho deemed Riel a dangerous person and ono who should be confined for life, expressed the view that if the sentence of death was carried out his blood would be upon the head of Lord Lansdowno and his immediato advisers. He addressed a similar dooument to Sir John A. Macdonald, prime minister of Canada. Great Fire in Galveston, Texas- At 1:40 o'clock Friday morning of last week tho most destructiyo nro in the lnnory ot Ualvcston broko out in u foundry aud car repairing shop on tho north side ot Avenue A known as tho Strand, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. A gale from tho north was blowing, and the Haines spread with rapidity to both of the adjoining buildings, one being a gro cery aud tho other a dwelling. Soon tbo long tongues crossed tho street, and two more buildiugs were in flames, tho inmates barely escaping with their lives. At this moment the Firo Department cot two streams going, but they were of no avail. Ihe heat became so intense that the firemen had to abandon their places, and the wind rose and carried myriads of sparks to premises east of Avenue A. In half an hour two blocks were burning fiercely, and by 3 o'clock every ono saw that a great conflagration was upon the city. Peoplo for squares around on either side of the burning blocks be came panic-stricken, and tho cries of trightened women could be heard abovo the roar of tho firo and the mourn ful wind. At 3J- the fire had traveled thrco blocks distant from its starting point, but in a straight line, being con fined to the blocks bounded by Six teenth streets. About 4 o'clock tho fire began to spread to tho east and to tho west of Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, and the wind rose to a gale. For a time it seemed as though tho entire eastern half of the city was doomed. The fire spread to the southward, licking up the blocks ot fano residences hastily abandoned by their inmates. By 5 o'clock it bad reached Broadway, which threads tho centre ot tlio island, run ning east and west. At 7 o'clock tho wind began to shut, then to decreaso until by 8 o'clock only a fair breeze was blowing, But by this timo tho firo had eaten its way to Avenuo O, where, at 9i o'clock, it seemed to exhaust itself, and the firemen, coming up, checked its further ravages at this point, or within two blocks of the Gulf. From the housetops the smoking burned district resembles a huge black half-opened fan, lying across tlio island from the bay nearly to tho Gulf. Tho island at that point is nineteen blocks, or ono mile and a quarter wide. Tho business part of the city begins at Twentieth street and runs west ten squares. The burned district includes tho wealthiest and most fashionable lortion of tho city. Ono hundred olegantly furnished mansions aro in u'iih. Many of thoso residences had beautiful gardens attached to them, and the moneyed loss does notiepresout half their value. Tho scene during the progress of tho firo was frightful: so filled with misery and terror that who ever witnessed it must bear its vivid impress for a lifetimo. Tho wind roso to a screaming galo and swept through tho burning belt in swirl, carrying millions of live cinders high up in tho air and raining them down a niilo distpuco over the wooden city and its panio stricken inhabitants. Tho entire east end of tho oity contains hardly a dozen brick dwe'lings. All is wood Texas pino and it burns with ndescribable fury. Fivo minutes after a house had caught it would bo wrap pod in flames. Tho alleys and streets for ten squares on either side of tho burning belt were linen with tho blanched laces ot women hildren, and equally helpless men, who could do nothing in such a gale but crouch down for shelter fro.n the piercing norther'and watch tho flames ick up tho muts ot lifetime. Although tho victims number many of tho wealthiest residents of tho city, ncli as Julius Rungo. Leon Blum. Mrs. Magale, and u score of others, whose individual wealth runs up near tho million and half million, yet the great majority of thoso burned out loso the better poitionx of their fortunes. When the firo started tho gale was blowing at tho rato of thirty miles an hour. At 2 o'clock tho Signal Service observer estimated tho velocity of (ho galo in the vicinity of tho firo at sixty miles an nour, and this velocity was maintained until near G o'clock. The total area of burnt district is 100 acres, and foity blocks wero swept clean of ovorything combustible. More than J 400 houses burned, and it is estimated by tho Relief Comniitteo that about l.UUU (amines were unhoused, tho great mnioiity of whom especially tho poor oneu, lost everything. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our ltcgular correspondent. Washington. D. 0., ISov. 18 , 1885. The week has been ono of closo con- fluumuut to tho President, who is at work on his first mcssngo to Congress. IIo has had frequent consultations with different members net, but has Been fow than those having tho of his Cabi- other peoplo most urgent busincsj with him. 1 ho present week will bo ono of equal seclusion, as ho expects by tho close 01 it to compieto this document, and have it ready for tho printer. Tho mcssago is pretty well under way, and patls of it aro now boing copied on the typewriter. It is said ho has touched upon many points with his characteristic vigor. A good ideal of spaco has been devoted to commercial relations and the steamship contro versy, and it is believed tho President will sustain tho Postmaster Geuornl. Tho Navy will also bo given dno con- ! , .! , I . . M 1 Biucrauoii, nuu congress win 00 urged to appropriate largely for now vessels. A Demooratio Congressman who has just returned to Washington was aeked what would be tho tendency of legislation this nc?s;on. Ho replied : "Wo cuunot tell until wo see what tho President will aBk us to do in his .mes sage." Still ho thought thcro woro several matters that wero certain to come beforo Congress lor action. "Tho Army and Navy" continued ho "both requite a good deal of legisla tion.'' There is a sentiment among Democrats that this administration must ro creato tho Naval Service, aud that it must bo restored to tho position it occupied in tho world's fleet beforo tho war. It is easy to note upon tho faces of ivepubiicau Uongressmen as thoy gath er in Washington an expression of dis couragemcnt. They feel that tho party in power will stay. Tho Repub lican party has had taken away from it tho power of its Federal officers and its ability to raise assessments from office holders. Tho Democratic party camo very near beating it with all of this artificnl strength, and tho recent uieuuuus mivu proven mat tno JJemo- cratio party can Btand alone, and needs 110 I edcral patronage to back it iou hear no mora now about war ii tho Senate, and nothing about Demo cratio rovolt oven from Republican congressmen. The President's order excluding office seekers aud public men from tho !... TT . . . v nuu iiouee except wnen they havo uiuiiu uuBiueas wmi unu win probably bo revoked at tho ,end of tho month. It was mado to givo Mr. Cleveland timo to prepare his message, and ho has said that ho feels 110 inclination to restrict public men in their visits to him or to require ihem to specify their unaiuesH m uuvancc. lew days ago some prominent congressmen were protesting against tho order in the office ot Trivato Secretary Lamont Presently they were admitted to see tho President, and finding him alone once was sucn an unexpected conven ience, that they went away thinking well of the late order. The event at tho 'White House on baturday was tho arrival of its long absent hostess, Miss Cleveland. She has been at her homo in Oneida County, New York, and returns to re sume her social duties here. Alio White Houso was thoroughly overhauled and cleaned during her absence, and now it is in order again for tho coming season. Carpets, pictures, and bric-a-brac wero all tak- en out and subjected to tho process iamiuar 10 good housekeepers, and re placed. The windows are draped in lace a,nd damask us of old, and the only change in the whole arrangement irom mat or last year is tho substltu lion ci a iuu length portrait ot ex- 1'resident Arthur for that of Gen. uruui, 111 mo iveo 1'arior. The por trait oi tne latter has been placed in a conspicious position in tho corridor. During tho week several Republican officials here wero relegated to privato me. nearly an tr.c higher olhcials in tho Treasury Department now aro now men and Democrats, and tho good wors 01 tno new nroom goes on stead ily if not rapidly. o . r - Qeureiary ifianniiig seems to grasp ins wnoie complicated IJepartineut, and his energetio business methods aro felt through every brauch of it. He spread constornation among Treasury clerks last Friday by issuing an order that tho names of all clerks who "came late to the Department should bo re ported to tho chief clerk. Tho door keepers at tho Treasury wero armed with tablets and took down tho names of tardy clerks as thoy arrived. The result of tho first day's catch was 235 -1-1! " ueiiuqueuts. Catarrh Is undoubtedly caused by Impure blood. Henct a medicine which purifies tho blood removes the cause ot the disease and opens the way for a thorough cure. This Is exactly what Hood's BarsaparilU does, and It makes the cure complete by giving the system health and strength, and enabling it to throw off tlio depressing effetts ot the disease. Catarrh I permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. Mr. A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y., says i "Hood's Barsaparllla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything I ever used." "I have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for catarrh, and think It has done me a great deal of good. I recommend It to all within my reach. Hood's Barsaparllla lias beea worth eveiythlng to me." Luther D. Jtou bins, East Thompson, Conn. Catarrh May bo breaking down your health. Be wlss In time I That flow from tho nose, ringing nolso In the ears, pain In the head, inflammation of tho throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured If you tako Hood's Barsaparllla. " I bad been troubled by general debility, caused by catarrh aud humors. Hood's Bar. saparllla proved Just the thing needed. I de rived an immense amount ot benefit from It." H. l- MiLLKTT, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists. 81 j six for IS. Mads only by C.I HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosob Ono Dollar. TT AT T 'Q VEGETABLE XLilXllj O SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Tlio Ilest la tho Cheapest. BaTctyt Economy!) Certainty of Good ItesulUllt These qualities sre of prime Importance In the election of a preparation for the hair. Do not experiment with new remedies which may do harm rather than good but profit by the ex. po'lence of others. Buy and ue with perfect confldenco an article which everybody knows to Ik) good. Halt's JUm Rexeweii will not dlsapilut you. l riEi-Aiii ii riY It. l Iltill & Co., Nashua, N.H. fold by all Druggists. 0m W fiRovAi. neurit POWDER Absolutely Pure. strongtH fttid whoiesomeueas. More economical iran tuo ordinary ktma. and cannot bo sold in comretlon witn the multitude of low test, short in cans. Hoyal Bakino Iowdkb Co . ion Waiust.. M . . " ik;l in. T TUBLIC SALE OF VAtUAllLK Real IDstsilc! The undersigned executors of John Koiohnpr. ui'ii-uk-u, wm expose to puDiic saw on Thursday, December 3, 1885, he iu o ciock a. m., on tho premise?, tho following described valuablo real estate, to-wit: All that piece, parcel and tract ot land, sltuato In tho township of Jit. Pleasant, county of Columbia nnrt stnto ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as ioiiows, io-wit! neglnnlne at a corner of land of Orlmcs, thence north ten degrees west, six- iy-iour percues to n corner, thenco north seven. teen degrees west, thirty-flvo perches to a post; thenco north fifty-six and a half degrees east sev enty-three and four-tenths perches to a chestnut; thenco north nfty-flvo degrees cast lltty-threo percnesioa chestnut oak; thenco north twenty- six degrees east, thirteen perches to a corner; tnenco north twenty-six degrees west twenty. three slx-tcnths perches to a chestnut; thenco north twentr-ono degrees west thirteen perches to a corner; thenco north Hcventy-four degrees east iwemy-six percues to a corner; thenco north twenty-two degreea west, twenty and two-tenths perches to a pine; thenco north thlrty-ono degrees w esc,rorty tnreo and four-tenths perches to a corner inenco north six degrees cast thlrty-elaht andone. tenth perches to a hemlock; thenco south twenty degrees east twenty-two perches to a hemlock (down); thenco south twenty-six degrees east flf- ly-iour perches to a post; thence south twenty- one ami a nan degrees cast twenty perches to a corner; thence south fourteen and a half degrees ease, ten and four tenths perches to a corner: inenco south nvo degrees east eleven 4; llvo tenths perches to a corner; thenco south tweniy-threo degrees east thlrty-fourand six-tenths perches to a corncr;thenco south elei en degrees east twentysev. enana nvo-tenths perches to a corner; thenco south uiree degrees cast thirty-eight perches to a corner; thenco south twelve degrees west thirty-four percnes to an abuttment of brldgo at creek; thenco southforty-threo degrees west twenty-nino and six- tenths perches to abuttment; thence south sixty- one and a half degrees west sixty-two perches to an oak; thence south seventy-seven degrees west twenty-six perches to a corner: thenco south elghty-nvo degrees west thirty-seven and flvo- tenths to a corner, the placo of bcginnlng.contaln- ing 141 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, on jvhlch is erected a large two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, largo bank barn, wagon shed, corn cribs, stables ana out Duudlngs, all In good condition. A good wen or water at tno door. About 120 acres of this farm U cleared and in a high state of cultivation, the balanco Is In good timber. ALSO, All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate In Scott township, Columbia Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a corner near the Vishlngcrcck: thenco by lands of John Kelchner north clghty-flvo degrees east thirty-seven and nvo-tenths perches to a corner, thence by same north seventy-seven degrees east, twenty-six pcrche3 to a stake; thenco by tho same north sixty-one and a halt degrees east, sixty-two perches to abutternut; thenco north forty-three degrees east, twenty-nine and six tonths perches to a buttment ot brldgo across lshlngcreek; thenco north twelve degrees east thirty-four perches to a corner;thenco south eighty thrco degrees east, nine and slx-tenths perches to a corner; thenco by lands of Abram Custard, south ten and n half degrees west, forty-ono perches to a corner; thenco by lands of Jacob Ter wllllger.south eleven degrees wcst.cleven and nvo- tenths perches to a corner; thenco by tho samo south elghty-tlve and a halt degrees west, three perches to a cornenthenceby the samo south fifteen degrees west, ten perches to a corner: thenco south seventy-ono degrees east, two perches to a corner; thenco south ten degrees west, blxteen perches to a corner; thenco south eighty-seven degrees east, ono perch to a corner; thenco south seventeen degrees west, forty-nlno perches to a corner; thenco north elghty-erght and a half de grees east, torty-seven perches to a corner; thenco south eighty-one and a halt degrees east, eleven ana lle-tenths perehestoa corner: thence along an nncy south ten and three-fourths degrees west. thlrty-slx and Ovetenths perehes to a corner.thence north seventy-seven and a halt degrees west, 9 & flvctenths perches to a corner.t hence south ten and three-fourths degrees west, three and six-tenths perches to a corner; thenco south seventy-seven and a half degrees east.nlne & five-tenths perches to alley aforesaid; thenco along said alley south ten threcfourths degrees west, nineteen & two tenths perches to a corner; thence north seventy two and a half degrees west, nino tc two-tenths perches to a corner; thenco south thirty-one and ono-fourth degrees west, 14 & live-tenths perches to a corner; thence south forty-six and one-fourth degrees west, fourteen S soven-tcnths perches to a corner, thenjo south seventy-nlno and three fourths degrees west twenty-nine and nve-tentlis perches to a white oak stump; thence north sixty four degrees west, twenty perches to a corner; thenco north ntty-scven degrees west six and sev- on-tenth3 perches to a corner; thence souih elghty-thieo and a half degrees west, ten perches to a corner; thenco north seventy-seven degrees west, twenty-two pecches to a corner; thence north forty-three degrees west, nineteen and four tenths perches to a corner; thenco north sixty- four degrees west, seven and seven tenths perches to a corner; thenco north seventy-three degrees west, eleven and seven-tenths perches lo a cor ner; thenco north eighty-five and one-half degrees west, sixteen perches to a stono corner; thence north eleven degrees wost, eighty perches to a corner, the placo of beginning, contalulng 114 ACRES and four perches of land, be tho samo moro or less, on which Is erected a largo QlIST AJJD pLOJt!flq fllLL with excellent water power and water right, two Fit AM E DWELLING HOUSES, largo bank barn, sheds and out buildings. Tlio mill Is provided with four pairs ot burrs and all tho necessary machinery In excellent condition and good working order, and with plenty of water at all times, fed by the Flshlngcreek. If desired the mill and water right w ill bo sold separately from the farm. Aa tho executors have decided to close out tho estate at the earliest posslblo date, the abovo do. scribed tracts will positively bo sold and thoso wisuiug 10 iiurciiuse, suuuiu uvuu iiii-insi'ivcs 01 mis opporiuitiiy 10 secure u kihkj 1.11111. iiiu ex ecutors would alo havo It distinctly understood that none of tho heirs aro dohlrom of having or fiurcnosing luesu luuug uuu purcuust-rs iiecu lucre aro have no hesitancy In bidding, as the highest uiuaersuau uo uiepuruuuser, TKKSia OK SALE: -Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tho purchso money to bo paid at tho striking down of the I i nronerty. , tho one-fourth less the ten percent, at the confirmation absolute aud tho ro malnlng three fourths lu one year thereafter.wlth Interest from confirmation nlsL possession given April 1st, lta. purchasers to pay fordeeds. 11., i K. u KELCiiNKH. Executors, CEO. V. KELCHrlKR.J UDITOU'S NOTICE. milKur inuiLinH eini)H,uii ii. The undersigned auditor amioliited by tho Court to distribute baluuce In hands of the administra tor to and among ths parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hu oniceln Bloomsburg. on Monday, the 2Jd day of November, ltfcfi, at II) olelock a. in., when and where all persons are hereby notified lo appear and present their claims beforo the said Auditor or be forever debarred from coming In for a share of said fund. J. It. MAIZE, oct-3! tf. Auditor. Send 10 cents postage, aud we will mall you ivi a rojal, valuablo, sample box of goods that will put you In Ihe way of inaktnir more monru at once, than anything else In America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work In spate lime, or ul! tne time. Canltal not mi ul red. Wo will start vou. lmuiensonav sure for those who start at once, bTiNso.N a CO., l-ortiaud, lie. uowuiy SHERIFF'S SALES. lr vlrtuo of eundrr writs Issued out of ilm Court ot common l'leas of Col. Co.. find lo tno ill. rooted will booxpo80l to public Balont the Court houso in uioomsoun?, Oh Monday, Decombor 7, llf jit p. m., nil that certain lot ot ground sltuato In tho town of Catawlssa, county of Columbia and stnto ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wn i on tho east by on alley, on tho west by Second street, nn Ihn nnnii uv i-mn street, and on tho south by land ot legatcei of Solomon llelwhf, deceased, and Benjamin llarndt, whereon Is erected a twostorv fpnmo ii..iii., homo and outbuildings. seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of James S. Lowars, administrator of Joseph clewcll, etce'd, vs. l'aycn Weaver ami to bo sold as the properl y of I'aycn Weaver. Ithawn, Att'y. Vend. K.t, ALSO, All thu certain tnossuairo nr tenement nmi ini of ground situate, lying and being in tlio town ot Bloomsburg, county ot Columbia and state of rcnnsyivnnia, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning nt tho corner of a lot of irrouml of l'hlllp Unangst, on tho south sido ot Main or Socond street, of said town, nn 1 running thenco north slxty-ono degrees east thlrty-nvo feet to a lot ot ground of Joshua l'etterraan. thenco bv the samo on 1110 wan separating tho houso erected on tuo said premises from tho houso of JOaliua l'ct tennan southwcstwardly to the rear of tho said nouso, tnenco southwardly along the rear wall of 1110 nouso creeled on tho nremtscs heiehv rnn. vcyed or mortgaged, ono foot and eight inches, thenco by tho lot of Joihua Fetterman south- eastwardly lo a post on lino alley, thence atom? the said alley southwcstwardly thlrtv.thren fwt. and four inches to tlio corner of lot of ground 01 i-iiiup unang-st, tnenco along tho samo northwestwardly two hundred and seventeen feet ami six Indies to tho place ot beginning, contain. Ing one-sixth of nn acre, more or les3, whereon nro erected n two-story brick house nnd framo stable. Seized, taken In execution, at tho sun. of riiw iiiignes, assigned to .Margaret N. Herman, who assigned to ltobcrt O. Xeal vs. Lloyd l'axton and i. ic Drinker, executors ot Jeremiah II. Harman, with notlco to Mary N. Harman. widow, and Liz. zio t-'ulton, nnd I. W. JlcKclvy, guardian, ndlitem, ot Samuel 11. Harman and Helen Harman, children nnd heirs of tho said decedent, and to bo sold as tno property of Lloyd l'axton nnd K. It. Drinker. cAtuuiorsoi .jercmian 11. Harman. with not coto aiary n. Harman, widow, nnd iJzzlo H. Fulton, una 1. w. Jicivelvyiguardian, adlltem, ot Samuel B. Harman and Helei? Harman. children nnd heirs 01 ine aeceuent. Clark Att'y. Lev. f0. ALSO, All that certain village lot. sltuato In F.snr. col. Co., l'cnn'a, bounded on the south by Main street, on tho west bynnn'ley, on tho east by lot owned by Alexander .Vanlch, being sixty feet front on Main street, whereon Is erected a two-story framo dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. eizeu, taken in execution at tho suit of M. C. Woodward vs. John Waters nnd ltobcrt S. Howell and to bo sold as tho property ot John Waters. Howell, Att'y. yCnd. Ex. ALSO, All tho real estato of Charles and Frederick Smith sltuato on Front street in tho town of Cat awlssa, county ot Columbia, nnd state ot Penn- aylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to- wit: on the cast by Front street, thenco running niong piua street sixty and n halt feet to lot owned by John Boyer, on said Front &trcct, on tho west by lot of Jacob Fisher, on tho north by lot ot Iielwlg, on tho soutli by lot of John Boyer. running along the same 88 feet to land ot Fisher, whereon aro erected a largo frame dwelling houo nnd stable. Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of Philip , H. Miller, assigned to 11. Frank Zarrvs. Charles Smith nnd Frederick Smith and to bo sold as the property of Charles Smith and Frederick Smith. Zarr, Att'y. Ft. Fa. ALSO, All that certain mcssuago and lot, piece or par eel of ground sltuato on tho northwest corner 0 East and Fifth streets, In tho town ot Bloomsburg, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On the east by East street, on the soutli and west by Firth street and Strawberry alley, and on tho north by lot ot John Culp, being about ninety-nve feet on East street, two hundred and twenty feet, moro or less, on Fifth street, and two hundred feet, moro or less, along lot ot said John Culp and being tho samo premises which Samuel Nolten nnd ire, by deed dated tlio twenty-eighth day of May, A: D. 18?0, and Isaiah Hagcnbuch and wlto by deed dated the fourteenth day of December, A. B. 1SC9, conveyed to Stephen H. Mlller.aforesaid, on which are erected a two-story brick houso and other out buildings. Seized, taken lu execution, at tho suit of Isaiah Olger, Josiah GIger, Jeremiah Hess, Debora Har rison and C. W. Miller, In trust now to the uso ot Elralra Huntington vs. S. 11. .Miller and to bo sold as the property ot S. H. Miller. Knorr and Wintersteen, Atty's. Lev. Fa. JOHN MOUKEV, Sheriff. Q.IJAND JUltOHS. ton SECEiniEii Tmor. Bloom John Itehin, William Thomas. Berwick Isaiah Bovver. Oswald (Irnslev. F K jiiti.iicu, uuun ciiiuiicuui.-ici, .i u oveii.y. UOT Si - 1.1U1U .MH IT. Center Ldward Stewart. John wnnlch. Jnsinh Conynirham Andrew Cain. James uer, wi-o 1.1-ner. Fisinngcrcck J n Mcllenry. jieintocK rruiiKiiii .Moore. Jackson Calvin Derr. Maine Joseph ochrer. Mltlln-.M V B Keller. -Montour P s Karshner. Scott Joseph Carl, M O MeCollum. L,ST OF CAUSES X011 VECEMBEK TEKM. .Tesso Pasten vs Jacob Hay 4- son. Frederick Hosier's use vs I) II & V It It Co. .losian nn ins' use vs vv roits liainsevet ai. Bohr Mcllenry vs Wm K Patterson. James Bird vs Darllnir cum et nl. Mary U Holmes vs J s Woodi et ux. Auams son vs r- rancisKvans trustee. Peter Michael's heirs vs John lloormicle. n 1) Fowler vh Berwick lioro. Casner Krantz h Berwick Boro. John L sponenburg vs Berwick Boro. i i- irmi vs itiiiuiu wrm&r. Frank Stewart vs Daniel F Seybert. .1 J Crawford vs Hiram Thomas. I) F seybert vs E L Adams et al. Jonas Doty et al vs John suit. E L Adams vs 1) F bevbert. A II llei ring et al vs H C Creay. A M Fieas M fir Co va O F I-'oi i N el . al. Thomas (ieddls vs Joseph Foust et al. P K Vannatta vs Joseph Foust et ah II F Everett vs U F Sullirr et al. Ueo o WelMver vs o V Fen la et al. MISTER'S NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons Interested In the estates of tlio respective decedents and minors, that tho fol- inning uuiiuiiisu iuiuu, cMiciiwirH uuu guaruian accounts have been nied In the ontco of Mm lipi.i- ter otcolumbla county, and will bo presented for uuiuiriuuiiiiii nun allowance in mo orphans' uuun iu uu uviu in muuiiisuurK, uo aiunuay, uec. , tixjf Mb w limit i. ul. uu Diliu iinj ; No. 1, The first nnd Una! account ot Lovl Mich. nel, administrator ot Susannah ltumbel lato of ncavrr uimisuip, uecuaseu. No. s. Tho ilrst and partial account of Matilda Walter, administratrix ot Daniel w. Walter late ui iui tv issit lun iismp, urceasi'U. No. 3. The first account ot A. Z. Schock, exocu. tor ot M, s, Apnleman lato ot tho town ot Blooms- uurg, uecenseu. No. 4. Tho first anl final account of .Toiin w Miller administrator ot Henry T. Miller late ot .Miiuisou luwnsiup, uecensea. No 5. The Ilrst and nnal account of fienrom A. linr. ring, trustee lo sell real estate nt Edward licnls, 1 nl i nf I lin Imrn nf II Inntr tlm-r. .T.ancn. No. 6. Tho first and final account of P. c. Wads worth, administrator of Daniel Thomas late of r lauiuguiveu vuwusuip, ucceaseu. No. T. The first and final account ot John M. imiivi .uuuiuiuii ui i-nurr iiimi-r liluiv ivsmrr .MCn- slnger) amlnorchlld ot Benjamin Miller lato of uuiuvussu luiwismp, ueccuseu. No. B. The first and final account nf John M Miller, guardian of Ida Miller a minor child ot it-iijuiiiiu juiueriuig ui uataw issa township, de ceased. No. 9. The second and nnal account of Joseph W. lleece, guardian of Laura M. Parker (now Lau. ra M. Bellas,) minor child of John L Parker lato of tiui-h&uii luwiisuip, ucceascu. No. 10. The second and final account of E. B. Brown, surviving executor ot Jacob Vohe latoot -viiiuin lowiisni , ueceasou as men uy j, j, lirovvn smuwi ui j- ij. uiuivu, uuuuuseu. No. u. The first and llnal account of Lanah J. Mcllenry, administratrix of E. J, Mcllenry tuo of i lauiugviv-vn lunuauiM, uuuuuhu J. No. 12. The first nnd final Aeoniint, of .Tn-unili w. Eves, executor of Francis Eves lato of Greenwood vUYvusiiip, ueccuseu. No. 13. The first and final account nf I. T. nml J. E. Snyder, executors ot Isaac Snvderlato of .uiuiui luniiauiji, uecuaseu. No. u. Tho first and final account of Thomas Dollman. iruardlan of chartpN linlimnn minornhiiii ui ouuu jjuumau late oiuroonvvooq township, ae ceased. ueo. W. KTEUNKli. nov 18 1885 lleglster, A UDITOH'3 NOTICE. KSTATB Of LAVUA fATTON, DKC'D, LATE Of ULOOMS lll'KU, r. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute balance In hands ot I- II, Lit- tie. nilmtnUtralor, asapiioirsby his account, to uuu uiiiutiK iuu panics eiuuii-u mcrciu win micuii iu mo uuut-soi uis appointment atomceor auui. torlu Bloomsburg, on Tuesday. December I, I8K5, al 10 a, in., when and where all persons are hero, bynoillledto annearand nrcscnt their claims be. foie tho said Auditor or bo forever debarrcdt Tom comloir la on said fund. JOIIN Si. CLAltk. oct-aoti. Auditor. BLOOMSBURG MARKKT. Wholesale, ltctall Wheat per bushel 85 05 llvo nn Com " Oats " old 00 now 40 CO to 05 112 4i Flour " Mil Unttcr KKCS Potatoes........ Ilntns Dried Apples Slila nnd thouliler C to 0 18 50 40 11 03 08 03 10 03 07 10 10 13 10 10.00 80 1.00 Uhlckeiis..,. Turkeys C!cc9o Lurd per lb iiny per ton Vlnegur per gnl 20 Onions per bushel 75 Vcnl skins 07 Wool peril ur, Hides 5 to 7 UoAt. ON WltAHF. No 0 $3 00; Nos 4 & 0 43.2.5 llltnmlnns, if 4, w WOWS' APPUA1SEMEN TVS. Tho followlno- Wldnwn' A nnrntcnmmit'n .eftt lui presented to tho Orphans' Court or Columbia eotin tTpntho First Monday of December A. 1)., 1H83, frt.i 1 .1 ' nm.M3 uut-jiioii wunin w... ....jn iiivii.-iiiii-r iu uu cuiinrmeu nnsoiuic j .'oS"m willct, dco'd., Bloomsburg.personalty 129.01). realty 27Uio " J tsrntn1"1 ' de0U' J" I,l0n9ant' Personalty sirn'm' rurscl lU'c'd, IIcmlocl. personalty mlnnnC,,',, Ilcs3' acc''1- sugarloaf, personalty, .Amos J.1U7, aecii., Mimin, porsonaltytt3.r7. VVI. If HMVIIl-ll u. M. (JUICK, Denulr. ,l,Z. ,Vr Clork'sonice, .Nov, 10, isss. ' UDITOU'S NOTICE. KSTATB OP HAIIKIET BCCKALEVr. DEC'D. 1 2. S,t',l,u,e.r3!?n,pd nUl,ltr appointed by the Court 10 iiHtrlbute balance In hands ot executor to nnd among tho parlies entitled thereto, will attend to ii . . ' ul "', nppoinimcnt nt 111s on co in Bloomsburg, on Friday, November so, ot 11 n. m., wnen and whero nil noiwina ni- nmin mnke known their claims lietoro the Auditor or be forever debarred from coming In on snld fund. ,.. ., i K. WAI.I.KIC, 0ct-3- Auditor. DMINISTllATOU'3 NOTICE. ESTATK OP JOHN SrKINOER, DECEASED. Letters Of ndmlnUt r-ltlnn nn Mm Mtntnnf Tnhn bprlnger, decensed.latB of Hemlock township, Col umbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted by the Register ot said county to tho un derslgned Administrator. All persons having claims against the estate of the deceased are re quested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho estatoto make pajmentto tho un dersigned administrator without delay. . , , 1-1.1 Jilt B. lIKUULUlt, Administrator with tha will aaaaxol. l'OSt OlllCe. ltllCklinrn. Pnl. Pn . Tn nnv 1-L(liv Residence, Hemlock township, col. Co., l'a. j-OTICE TO TAX COLLECTOHS. An Act of tho Legislature and approved Juno Sd, 1R81. (see l'alnnlllpl. lilWH. n.lim i-dnnli-ln Inr collectors, township nnd borough onlcers, to mako return of seated nnd unseated lands upon which no property can bo found from which to make taxes to tho County Comlsssloners, on or before the tirs-t day or January next, with a suniclent de scription by boundaries orotherwlse.ot each scpa sratelotor tract and nbout tho nuantitv of tlm same. Thoso who fall to mako returns by said day will bo held for such loss. Taxes so returned becomo alien against thu property so returned. We havo blanks on which these returns nre to bo made nnd will thr-m linon nnnllciUnn nf collectors, c. joiin 11. oa-i;y, uomrs- omce, oct. 30, '83, Com'rs Clerk. j"OTICE. Notlco Is hereby clven Hint the following count has been lllcd In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County and will bo presented to tho 0.1m luuiiuu iuu 1 mi .lUIKKiy Ol KCl CmOCr, A. D.. 18H5, nnd confirmed nisi, and niter tho fourth day of said term confirmed absoluto unless exceu- uuusuii- uieu wiuiin mat time. 1st. First and nnal necount of Martin P. I.utz. assignee leg ot tho estato ot c. B. lliockwar. o. .. 1U1U1, WM. H. SNYDER. ucputy. l'roth'y. 1S5 nonotnry's onice, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 7lh, JNSOLVENT NOTICE." Notlco is hereby given to the creditors of the un derslgned and to nil persons to whom It may con corn, that ho win npply to tno Court of common l'leas of Columbia county for the beneilt or thn in solvent lans otthis Commonwealth on .Monday afternoon, December 7th, 1885, nt which time any person having any objection to his nnal dlschargo as an insolvent debtor, can appear anil make tho .ir-ssR .. T.I IK Nov 13-lw ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate J By virtue of nn alias order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, there will bo exposed to publlo sale, on tho premises, In Hemlock Twp., in said county, on Saturday, Nov. 21, '85, at S o'clock )n tho afternoon, tho undivided twenty-nine thirty-sixths Interest, lato of Benjamin Bomboy, deceased, In tlio following described real estate, to-wlt: WVLU,BLE FiKJ sltuato in Hem'ock township, on tho public road leading from Buckhorn to Jerscytown, nbout ono mile from Buckhorn, bounded by lands of David Wagner.uvan Thomas, Matthias Heller, (now Wm. Itambo and Win. Key estate,) Isaac Wagner, (now Philip stroup,) Johu Miller and David Wagner, con taining 1 1 2 ACRES nnd one hundred and Btty-nlne pcichfs, more or less. Tlio Improvements aro a J a spring house, over a never-falling spring of water, a hen house.a large bank barn, about G ixto feet, a good granary, wagon house, hog houso, elder houso and corn crib. A well of water nt tho houso nnd ono at the barn. The land Is divided Into convenient tlelds, with water In each field, except two. The farm Is well adapted for grazing and farming purposes; about ten ncresof tho property Is WOOD LAND, set Willi chestnut, rock oak and oilier timber. Tlicro Is a lino young apple orchard, peach or chard, ns well as a choice variety ot cherry, plum and other fruit trees. Conditions made known on day of sale by L. It, BOM 110 V N. U. Funk, Alfy for estato. Admr. ALSO, At tho samo timo and place, tho understood will expose to publlo sale the remaining undivided seven thirty-sixths interest lu tlio abovo described real estate. SA11AH BOMBOY. LOTS GIVENJWAYl Palma Sola, Florida. The naradlso of Invalids! The linmA of fruits I Climate unsurimssed I No frost t rv. tremes ot lieat or eoldl No malarial Ground nigh and dry I 1'icnty of pine I And tho finest hunting and fishing In America. 1-A1..11A buua nas 1 no name or ueingino largest, irettiest and youngest town lu Florida. Is beau lfullv located on the dull Coast, tuo initio nl. iuu iiiumii ui iuu iimiuieu river. Aircauy ine iron horso Is wending Its way to Prima sola, and boon the tourists win arrive at Its llrst-ciass hotel, wheroho can get a meal to sua his epicurean tastes. Palma oola possesses the largest store In South. im 1, 1, ,111 nail 111111, luiuumu iiiauuiaciory I'aimuK iiuiuLD. tiuiuuuuscs. Luurciit-H. krnn.s House, nostomce. stores, beautiful reslilenn-a nrm a lariro wharf at which ocean stcamcra nrrim dally from Tampa. WAllHlJ.N-LIJL.NI),Jr.,ot "long Branch" fame, has secured a location at Palma bola for the ereo. Hon ota vv'lnter resort. The nredlctlnn en one, based as It la upon the natural advantages .in. HuiHiuuuiui mu 1'iavv, mill, un Hill IliaKU this tho "LONtl BltANCll" ot l-'LoltlDA, and oth- W UIKVUU1VI3 nil. UV UUIll. With tho commetlon or the railroad, thin win im the terminus, and the direct routo to Havana, Cuba. Lola will double and quadruple their present prices. Now is tho timo to buy, LOTS 100x300 ft. to r-lHl per lot. We want PALMA COLA to keep booming, nnd ns an Induce, incnt to the publlo, und to thoroughly advertise this boiutlful mace. WK WILL HIVI! AU'V LIMITED number ONLY of our lots,gtvlug lots niiiuii.iiiicHi ua vwv vviuu iuincrs excemeu) charging applicants, lite cxpenso of deed, trans- vi. ui... tnum mil iiuv t-Aimi IV.VI. Aiiiuicauia oan send postal money order with application to maun, uruiiiumi-as, uwierwisu uevus win no sent C. 0. 1). Amilloants inuit not bo surnrlsi-d nt n.i, return of their money, as being LI Jll tliu the first oomo will be ilrst served. Title perfect. Full warranty deed. icnd for pamphlet. Address 1-A1..11A rui. i,Ami V.U., Si South William bt., New Yoik, N. Y. lUrEHENCES: 11. N neunlng, Esq., Pres. Via. It. It. and Nav. Co. II B. Plant, Esq., Ties, houthern ExpiessCo. Jqliu 8. lieach, liii.. l ies, l'ralrla City llaak. USV!llU3kl-, ( Ullllll E-U1U, I'lUllUa. '1'erro I Haute, I ml. .Tils. t!. MrflrPLrnr. Kin . Ot nllnlut olM.ln.ntl llrnry H. llubbaiJ, liij., (,'itoliler Columlila llAUK. N. N. Y. Wm. Dowlalu, iuu Now York Times. Now orl", una a boat ot others, oct-s-4t-a. The greatest offer ever made in Bloomsburg, The largest stock to select from. OUR ENTIRE STOCK excepting domestic goods -AT TEN PER CENT, off from LOWEST PRICES on all bills over 20 23 r.e 14 $1.00, and we guarantee our prices as low as the lowest if not lower besides the TEN TRA, we offer, from Nov. 10 to Holiday Goods. SEE THE JVEW FALL &OOI8. Good quality quilting Calico for Sic. per yard. Full line of bleached and unbleaelied Muslin from Gc. up " Canton Flannels from (j to 17c. " led Twill Flannels from White and Gray I'lannels, very cheap. All wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors, ; m " " " " 1 adies' quilted bottom Skirts tor a a Tf.,i:.. 1 ull line of Lathes , Gents and All"VVool Double Shawls from JNcw stock ot Ladies Wraps and New Markets. New stock of Childrens' and Misses' Coats. Some last seasons Coats and .Dolmans at less than half price. Colored Dress Silks from .40 to 1.15 per yd. Mack " " extra quality from 1.00 to 2.50 " brocade Velvet black and colored rlaiii Colored Velvets, all colors Plain Black Velvets from Silk Plush all colors from 'Ihe best all wool .Jerseys in town 2. GO. A full line of wool dress goods at the lowest cash prices and much cheaper than ever. White Blankets from 1.25 to 0.50 per pair. Ladies fine black fleeced cotton Hose, whito heels and toes. Also a full line of Hosiery, Gloves, and such goods as are usually kept in a first class El (At the old stand of Lutz & Sloan.) ZEE. W. SLO-A-ISr. TRIAL OFFER ten trial flllhrrlhara Knmn ) nnrmnnunt find USQ their Inrluonm In nan. ndT more names. Ex pen e feet certain that It will iflKPPII in inrfiiMt.ver Cnce liaVlnir tauirllt U tliU fpal ennaln thnt pay ua to make A 11 11 ICItAI O FFI' It to Indue? 3 MONTHS rii. 10c. V tder of this who will send us 10 ct. In stamps . will send "TUK FAItM AND GAHDKN ' on x the ttannr. To every readei or Bllver. wo will spmi htiie vaiim a Nn trial for three months. Mease accept thla trial onVr at once, If only tonatlsfy furiosi ty, and you will certainly be acrerah :nn. nease accept this trial otut rloslty, and you will certainly be RM AND GARDEN, 1001 POPULAR fllRappoliuea CftDM nlin PflDnrU utaroajutouco " niMfcii, BALLADS ONLY 20 CTS NlDners. Only toBeo Her Vace Acaln. I've wumiiiiu iuuc I'tMi f-vriy juy. niy rreny uorui.iite 1 our iiaa r.very jmy. my rreny rrayers. Itosy's hunday Out. . When You've iMwy s nunuuy uuu wnen tou vo Take You Home Again, Kathleen. Old-Fashioned Homestead. I'allet of fotraw. Cradle's ibv a (lone. Never Take tha llnm aiotivy irommyAngeiflioineraurave. nt I vv mini mv Ancel Mnther'n llrnvA jiume Again, we never opeaic as we 1 Pah j.mpiy, iiaDv s uoue. neyi'r juse me iiorsesnoo from the ioor. Klue Alsatian Mountains. from the (llrls. llabyMlne. Orandmother'a Old Arm Chair. nih Water I'ants. Over tho Garden Wall. A I lower from my Angel Mother's Grave. I Left Ireland and Mother Ilecau&o we Were Poor. Give an Honest Irish Lad alChance. Not Before l'a. Spanish Cavalier. Mountain bong, in the Gloaming. Love ot l'ooti Uut A Gentleman SttlL Kwett Evelina.. Met. Ttds book Is printed on paper same size ooci ui a uenueman aiuu eweetiiveiina. Forgive and Forget. All the Troubles You Havo el. T' P'lnt" on paper same size as sheet music. Order a copy now. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn'a. UIiE ON HElltS. mATEor anonas iitsa i.atk opsraAuinK TOWtibUll', COLVMUU COt'NTY, 1'ENN bVI.VANU, HECHiSlill. Columbia County, s h i TllO COIQlriOllWe.lltll nf lVlinsvlvanti in irnlnnA lless.Uuayu, cjliiton Hpss, uiiava, ltklcl Iless, ColciiCriek, allot Coluinbla county, l'a., Kmar.uci 1 .. "'"! 1 iioi-iiiii 1.UI111IJ , .,llt H 1 JJIl n , 1; sio Ile-s, (luiva. OolumLla couiu,, Anilri'w lli-S wlioao last iilaceot lusWeiico was WuiromMllo lusoolauouiity, .Mlclilsaii, Aiigu.lna (liuiions, In. tprmarrieilwltli I. ll. (iibbous, central. si r.H laker interniauleil with Wohley Haw, llnlivMIlo Lycoming counly, l'a., Mary lai.aUtli Vntz Inter, liiarr eU wlili Ainanduj l'riu, uuli'scici k, .Mexan. iter llcss, Kontfttown, Milllvan county, l'a , lineal aescenaenls ot deorne lleas, Ueceaseil, una to nil otlior peraona Inlerested Kieeilni;. You and each otymi are lieieby cited to bo and appear beroro tho Judges otour drplians' court at in ornlians" court to bo held at llloomsburu, on tho ilrst lion day ot December, next. Then and theie to accent orretuso to tako tlio real estate ornald tieoiio llesa, deceased, at the appralM d valuation put on It by thelnnueatonilawaiiledliy the said court . ..'""r uu oiicnu, ur biiow causo why It shall not be bold. And hertof tall not. ' Witness tho Honorable William Klwell.I'resldent "' !rt at lHoomsbura the Mh day ot O. M. (uick, clerk o. c. IK'puty, TyrOTlCC 18 IIBHEBV GIVEN tl.ut nn application u 111 twinadu to the aovci nor of renusjUanla on Jlonday, the boveuth day ot Decomuer, Itws, by A. Z. ridiocli, it. c. Ncal, John A. Kuukton J. C. nrown, W. m. Ileber und c W Sillier, all ot the town or Hrooiiiibuiir, Columbia county. I'ennkylvanla, under Iho Act ut'Atseinbly cntltltd, "An Act to piovldo for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations "unproted April IS). 1W1, and the tuppiemeiils thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporal Ion to bu called "The liloouuburs hlcam and Klcctrlo I Itht Co. " tho character and object of which Is lor iho pur pose of making and fcuppljlng heat and poner by bioam and tho making and uuppljl g light by eloclrtclty, tho bu-lni 6. 01 iho bald corporiiilon to bo conducted and cnirledonln thob.ild townot jiiwmauuifc, UMU.1. I'uipuftL's 10 iiavo, pas beaaand enjoy, all tlio lights. beovSW ami pi u I. icges 01 sam An 01 Assembly anil Mipplcinents lbH , JVI1.N M. cLauk, oot. N)Ucll6r. PER CENT EX oood for 20 clays room for make H. J. CLARK & SON. PUCES! 23 to G0c. " 'loc. 2er yard. (Joe. " .90 1.25 h yds. wide for ,.iti. JKlllllll UlUlll 1UI Clnldrcns' Underwear cheap. 4.2o to 7.5 50 as low as tho lowest, for for 1.00 1.00 per yard. LOO to 2.00 " 2.00 to 8.75 " Jerseys all prices to THE FARM AND GARDEN rlblc. nnd AC'UUltATl! rurnl Journal. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE and vnlunble information from every Ht&tolu the Union, but no unNmio or Motan Ideas. It laannulhorilrun FRUITS txatX VEGETABLES. Con. tains tlie HKftT Poultry pane for thoaewhij 1 it 1 11 ti riiicKeus ior prouc, ta a u r o urprlso.Tn tertst, and P 1 en n e you. Nino of every rendRrH, It ultl every nATtnr'M mm 1.1 irnr IMilldiicluhia, Pn, I'm Just Oolng Down to the Gate. Handful or VMTXh. Walt 'till tha Clouda Roll lly. I'll Meet Her When thu bun Goes l)own. A Knot of Blue and tiray. Mary's Uono With a Coon. Uweet VlnlntR. 11 rid got Donachue. Little Wife, Nellie. Hold Mclntires. Only a I'anav Hloaaom. Nobody Knows Wbai a itacket Was Them Whero Is My Wandering Hoy To-nlglUT Paddy Dutry's Curt. AVldow No lan's Ooiit. warrior Hold. We bat bytbeltlver.YouandL You Will Miss Me When I'm (lone. Old, ami (InWInthaU'ni) HI, Ham rii.T.imi Onlv iti pn Dmvn tnttm r'tut TCi-nV nrv vnn jiea jtose. 111 jiomemner you JiOve. in ilea jiose. I'll Itemember You Iiove, In My Got Hut l-'lftv Cents. Old Folks at Home. IT uoi nut l-niy tents. Old Folks at Home. I'll Mary ofthe W id Moor. I'eek-a-ltoo. Jonllardr. llv. l'nrmcr'i Unu r n Ma Kir Dai 1.' A the hhamrock. Harney McCoy. Jtutcuer Itoy. as sheet mus! Nov. C-Oiv. JUKY IiIST. TOR PECailBEn TKnil, riHSTWKEk, Uloom-I'eter Elllineyer, John Ciotty.II 11 Clark. Harry l'ornwald, (i M Lockard, Samuel Shatfer. llemer I'd Lauer, llentoii Win Doty, Charles Olbbons, Wirillul. ine, David Hartman, i:u Mcllenry, lienvlck W I. buvder. lirlarcreek It O KashlnkL Catawlssa-Augu-,tus lli-ooks, Win It Clark, 11 11 Former, Michael Fetterman, Charles bharplcss. Center Henry Doak. Cent ralla John J Jones. Hslitngcreek-Normaii .Mcllenry, C .M bhultz. Frauklln John Hue. iireenwopd-John w Glltaspy, Henry Mather, James Vanhoru, A l Young. Ileintock D o 1-urbCll, (ieo ltusscl. r(jJj't-JacobCail, ltolaudus llerblne, Daniel .Madlsoii-Kobert Johnson, Conrad Kramer, l'ct- B,w,"?.7-V,clu,el 1Iellt'r- ,: SweppenhUer, A Sweppenhlser, Jonathan spade. Montour-Henry Lazarus, ll W Wears. Mt. Pleasant i-:iihh HnvXn ltoailngcreek Samuel llouck, Jr. Scott David (lelalnger, (1 w Jacobs. bugarloar-Mllet blephens, SECOND WEEK. Uloom-c s Foruwald, Jolali itaUton, James btaer, John Welllver. Heaer-i:ilaa Miller. lienton-iiuBuian Crawford, J J Mcllenry, 1 erwiek-Wm ltoss, Wm Thomas. liiUrcreek-John bponenburger. Catawlssa -lienjaiiiln llarndt, Plcrco Creasy, Jo bepli, Fry, Cornelius iiealey, M V 11 Kline. Lonyng iam-l'atilckMoauii, John Monroe. KC 1'ilco, w liaudenbush. Flahlngcreck-bamuel Coleman. 11 V Edgar, James Jones. Franklin-Win Hower, It s Mcllenry, ireeiiHood-WinUyer. Jackbon-'I'homas w smith. IKust-Ifiiiiiel Krdmon, W 11 Enyder. Maine tt m Conialn boloinoii Ueunor. Mt. I'loasant Amos Wanlch. oraivw W Mukteller, (ieo Appleman. Itt.u Uigci-eelt-charlas Krclsher. bcott-isaao c.evclliig, jaiuea Kresslcr. A Ij VEHTIBUKg I Seui forbelect list of local news paiiere. u, f.ltowill & Co . l spruce ht., N . Y HIT XT'