THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ourran Oonfosses. IIP, Ktt.t.r.ti l'AT MATtTW TWENTV-TWO TEAKS A(10. Patrick Currnn has boen in jail nt Villinnuport, for sotting firo to tho woods in Gamblo Township, Lycom ing county. Currnn was stricken with imrnlysirt nml sinco then nt times ho tins been out of his mind. During his fits of riving ho would cry, "Tnko him nwny. Why did I kill him 1 That is my secret. I will tell you nil sonio day." Sheriff Sprnguo visittd Currnn mid told him if ho had any thing to confess ho had better do it, bo enuso ho only had n short time to live. Curran said that ho wanted to mako his statement to n barrister. Tho Sher iff told him that there was ro need of n lawyer, and that ho would tnko his statement and it would bo all right, Curran commenced to talk to Sheriff Spragttc, but before ho had spoken five luinuics his tonguo had becomo swoll en and it was Tmpof&iblo for him to proceed. Tho Sheriff left tho cell, but before ho went away ho told Curran that if ho felt better in his abseuco ho could niakchis statement to one of the at' tendants. Lalo last Thursday night Cur called ono of his nurses to him mid said i "I iell better now nnd I will now mako my confession.'' Tho nurso procured tiapcr and ink and after ho had propped Curran up in tho bod pro ceeded to write tho confessioii which is substantially as follows : I was born in a small hamlet near tho city of Cork 81 years ago. In my youth I received a fair education, my parents being engaged in tho industry of cotton bleaching. Upon my fath er's death I spent what monoy was loft mu in gambling and drinking, nnd got into any number of scrapes but was not arrested. 1 joincU tho cnians and was leader of n number of men during the insurrection which was started by 'William Smith O'Brien. My boon companion was a young man by tho namo of Pat Martin and my acquaintanceship with him was my ruination. Martin and I got into a scrape, and that together with our con nection with tho Young Ireland party compelled us to llco tho country. Wo left Cork in disguisu and camo to America. After knocking about Ihcw York for somctimo we came to Penn sylvania and procured employment in the coal mines. Wo joined tho Mollio Macuires and wcro leaders in all of their conclaves. Tiring of this ns thcrd was not monoy enough in it for us, wo lett tho coal regions ana tramp ed to Howard, in Centre County, tvhoro wo heard thero wai a band of counterfeiters. Wu had learned tho art of counterfeiting in tho old country and determined to ioin this band and grow wealthy. At Howard a coldness sprang up between Martin and mo on account of a girl whom wo "wero both paying attention to. Wo had buried our monoy in an old barn on the out skirls of the town and ono night in tho early part of 18G3 wo went thero to divide tho spoils. Martin was very ugly and we quarreled. Ho hit mo and then wo camo to blows. Ho threatened to blow on mo and for my own protection I drew my knifo from my pocket and killed linn. Reeling that my crime would bo discovered, I dug a holo in tho corner of tho barn and buried tho body. I covered tho spot with a bundlo of ryo straw and set it on fire. As soon as tho barn was a blaze I made my cscapo and come to Williamsport and havo never seen tho tho place where I committed tho crimo since. This is my secret I have kept lor tho last 22 years, and 1 feel ns it can't die until I confess. Curran killed Martin by cutting his throat. Ho is decrepit with old age, his hair is gray and his luce is covered with a shraggy beard. His body is swollen with paralysis and ho can hardly move. He chows tobacco con stantly nnd cries out for rum. His yells and oaths aro horifying, especial ly when tho delirium conies oa and he imagines that his victim, Martin, is glaring at him from tho corner of his cell. Mho physician pays that uurran is liaole to die at any moment. Take Oare of Your Animals. Live stock aro to bo our especial watch and caro (or thecoming4 months at least. Wo need to Winter them as pponornicallv aa nosailile. vet havo them all tho timo gaining. Ko animal is prohtablo at a standstill. Mock Win tci ed on tho warmest sido of a corn stack, and coming out "spring-poor," aro in no condition to make good tc- turns during tho Summer. At this season, look especially to the comiort abloncss of their quarters, that they may bo easily cleaned, warm, and well- aired when needed. Alterations that will facilitato foddering, littering, and dealing out, should bo planned and carried out at once. Tight board wans, or any others, aro a much cheaper source of warmth than much feeding, so far ns neat cattle, horses in use, pigs, and poultry are concerned. Horses nml sheep with comfortable shelter, out of tho rain, and well rooted, will bear any degreo of cold they aro likely to bo subject to, if they havo enough to cat, and the question ot economy de pends on tho price of hay and corn, nnd ot hemlock boards. J'oou con sumed merely to maintain animal heat, deducting tho valuo of tho resulting manure, is a dead loss, lieeves, sheep, and pigs gain very rapidly if well fed this month. Tho bracing air sharpens nppctites, and tho variety ot rich leed is greater now than nt any other timo of the year. They should bo crowded but not ovor-fed, Mason C. Wei.u in American Agriculturist for Novow ber.- ICcviiIiik Celery In Winter. There nro several methods of preserving celery for winter use, nil of which aru easy nml satisfactory on paper I In looking hack over tlio last twcnty.tlvo years, wo can recall more thnu one failure, even when the best methods wcro adopted. In spite of all that Is sale to tlio contrary, It is not practically such an easy matter to preserve celery In the best condition, as ono would imagine irom tue hooks, n is nn exceedingly eajy matter to innke a mis take. You should ntteml to every detail nnd either do tho work yourself, or see mat it 19 cureiiiiiy nun properly done, l havo great faith in the power of loose, dry earth, to keep out frost. Finn, unbroken oaith, if not covered with snow, will freczo to a considerable depth, and so before making the trench for tho relery plants, wo mow mo boii three or lour yams wide, leavlni: u dend-furrow in the centre. Wu plow ut leust three times, sticking tho plow in tho second or third time aim oat up to the beam. This repeated plowing leaves n mass ot line, loose, meuow sou on encn side of tlio trench. At tho bottom of this diuil-furrow dig out u trench n foot or fif teen inches wide, nnd set In tlio relery plants as in the former case. Wo draw the celery plants on stone-boats to tho trenches. And In tuklng them up, wo leave consider able sell adhcilog to Ihu roots. Do not limine llio celery, and If liny of tho leaves nio touched with frost, cut off tlio parts nf. fecial. It Is much easier to keep out de lay, than tn stop It after It has started. A ith au abundance of loose, line rurlh all around tho trencli, nothing is caster tlinn to lace the plants nicely and propeily In the trench with a little eailli between them, --Jomki-ji JIaukis in -Iwoican AgricuUvitit or Swembcr. j Only Tciupcranco Hitters Known. 18 Pfnntlinr liirillrllloknnwnBorfrpffnftnvtinTw iho blnrwl of (lppp-nentetl (ttft'tm1'. iTiuiioiiB ncinr icKiimuuy 10 us wonucnui Curative effect. It In n purely Veaelnhlo Preparation, tnmlo from ttia iiatlro lit rbs and root of (.'nlifornla, tho tneillcinnl properties of which nro extracted tbcro from without tho urn of Alcohol. It remoci tho ctuieo of illecafc, nml tho pntient recover hi health. i in mu Kruiii iiiunu 2l vliii? rrlnclnlo: n (leiitlo IMircrttho nml a perfect ltenoviitnr nnd Imlorulor of tho pyMcm. Never Iwfore hi tlio lilotory of th world ha a mettle I uo heeit cotnponiKled poweMliit; tho imwerof ViNEOAlt BiTTitns in hcnlhi the rictcot evtry UiBcao man li heir to. Tlio Alterative, Aperient, Plflphorelle. Car minative, Nutrition, Laxative, Sedative, Counter" Irritant, Sudorific. A nt 1-1 tlJlou-. Solvent, Diuretic and Tonic prortle8 of Vinkjah Uittkim vxceed thow of any other tncfllclno In tho worM. No per nit rati tako tho IliTTEns Recording to direction nnd remain long unwell, provided their bones nro not destroyed by mine ml ilfon or other Ineans, nnd tho vital orguua uaeled beyond tho point of repair. Illllou, Itemlttcnt Intermittent ami Ma larial Fever -t nro prcMitcot throughout tlio United eiwct, particularly in me iiuipjs ui our prciu nun and their Yiit trllmtarlea durhg tho Bummer mid Autumn, especially during fteuaous of unusual heat nnd rtrynew. iiicko rovrrn nro liivnnnniy ncrrnni'nuieu nj tensive duramrcmeuts of tlio ftonrieh. Hut nud bowels. In their treatment, n purcullve, ctcrtlng a jKiwerful lnfluenco upou thesu uryan?, U absolutely ecr(nry. lucre i tio cniiinriio ior wio pxirporo cqniu to Dr. J, a Mi eh' Vinkoah Hitters, as It x-edlly remote the dark-colored Ncttl mntterwItU which tho bowels aro loaded, ntlho eamo time vt t mu latlng the Focretions of tho liver, and generally reft o ring tho healthy functions of tho digestive orpins. Fortify tlio Imily flgfttn-t dlwMiso by purifying nil Its fluids with Vinfoak Hitters. No epidemic can tako hold of a pyftem thus fua'arinel. It Iiivl;oriiti' tltv Moiimtli and Rtlmu lates tho torpid IJvcr and Dow els. cleAnslm; tho blood of all impurities. Imparting life and vifrnr to tho frame, and carrying off without the aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from too srntem. it Is easy of administration. prompt in action, and certain in Its results. 1) Mpcia or I nlJi;i st Ion, Headache, rnm In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, iTieumonia, uizzincst, jhui jasui iu iqu jiuiuu, Dillons Attacks. Palnltatlon of tho Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are at onco;ro lieved by Vineoar Ditteus. For iiwiuiiiiiuitory and Chronic iiueuma tlsm, Gout, Neuralgia, Disenses of tbo DIood, Liver, Kidneys and D ladder, the Dltters have no equal. In these, as in all constitutional Diseases, WiLREit'a Vineoar Witters has Bhonn its great curative powers in the most obstinato and Intractable cases. nivclinnlrnl THscne IVrsons engageUn ralnts and Slinerats, such as Plumbers, Type setters, Oold-beaters, and iMlners, as they advance In life, are subject to Paralysis of tho Dowels. To guard against this, take occasional doses of Vineoar Ditteiis. stclu Disease, Scrofula, Salt Ilneum, Ulcers, Swellings, Pimples, Pustules, Dolls, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Soro Kyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, IHscoIoratlons, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tho use of the Bitters. IMn, Tape and other Worm) lurking in the system of bo many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicino, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like Vineoar Ditters. ITIrnslcN, Scarlet Fever, Mumps, Yhooplng Cough, and all children's diseases may be made lees severe by keeping tho bowels open with mild doses ot the Dltters. This wonderful remedy Is especially adapted to the systems of children, for Surlfying herbs alone give it its remarkable cura ve powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or other poison. For Fein nlo ConiplnlnU. In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Dltters has no equal. Cleansn tho Vitiated lllood when Us Im- Suritles burst through the skin In Eruptions or ores; cleanse it when obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul; your feelings will tell you when, and tho health of tho system will follow. , . In conclusion i OIvo tho Bitters a trial. It will speak for itself. Ono Iwttle is a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Around each bottle aro fuu directions prmtod In different languages. II. It ItlcDonnld Irng Co., Proprietors, San 'Francisco. Cal.. and 62, Km. At Ktt VTuihiOKton St. vor. tuaruon ou, nuw iur&, Sold by all Dealers and Druggists AGENTS WANTED Hk "Spyofthe Rebellion." KowselUng by the Jem oj thuutandtl ho competi tion. Only book of iUllml. ThoSPYMrc7caIs many tetrttt oth war never before published, A graphic account of tbo conspiracy to aesaseinato Lincoln. Perilous experiences of our I'sheiiai, Britain the Ilobfl Capitol; their heroic bravery fully recounted in theao vivid ptetcbea. Tho Spy" is tho moat thiillingr war book over published. Endorsed by hundreds of Press ami Agents' teetlmonlals. A largo hand some book, 6S8 pages: 0 illustrations. tSTACENTS WANTED! AQENT3 1 This book is out-telling all others. Overon hundred thoutaml applications for agencies bava been received. AVo havo many agents who haro sold from two to five hundred eopitt. ayTho 8PY" i sold only by our Agents, and can not bo found la bookstores, Bella to merchants, farmers, mechanics. and every body. Absolutely the- easiett book to tell tvtr known t Wo want one agent In every Grand Army Poet and in every township and county In the U.fcf, For full particular and tervu to agents addreai O. W. CAltLLTON It CO., PublUhers, Now Xotk, Tho Best Newspaper in America, end by far tho Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever mado by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Doaullfnl ami Substantial Premiums In Btand&rd Oold and othorWatchos.Valuablo Dooka, the Doat Family Sowing Macklno known to tho trade, and onnncqaalod Hat of objoeta of real utility and lnstrnction. .Rates, by Mill, Postpaid; DAILY, per Year rvlthout Bandar) S6 00 DAILY, per Month (without Sundiy) SO SUNDAY, per Year ... I 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... I 00 Aildrtu, TUE SUN, Keir Twk CI If. t-- nov O-bl. Dr. IMEcTaggart This noted Specialist ot Hernntnn, Is tlio only specialist mis siuo o iNcw aorK.t'liii adelnhiu and llufTulo who inukcs nn u.xclu slvo specially of treating chronic, long standing ntitl llugcring discuses to which man ami womunkliiil aro snblect. such ns Constunptlon, Dronclual nlTections, Scrofu. la, Balt-Hlieuin, Loss nt JIanlioocl,bkin (lis. cases. Ithcuinatlsin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpi lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, Loss of Voice, uurontc uiarnia'axiiiiis nun f ever, worms, l.lvcr complaint, uanccrs, i timors, 1'araiy sis, Tapo worm, Heart disease, Ac., Ac, CiTFcmnlo diseases n specialty. No matter how lone you havo been suf. icriiiR nor how many Doctors yon nave cm. ployed In vain, you should apply to Dit, .Mu'l'AiKiAitT nt once, when ho will tell db rcctly without holding out falso hopes whether your dlseaso Is strictly curable or can only bo relieved. Hu owes his wide reputation for tho suc cessful treatment of nil lingering or chronlo disenses to experience and closo applicn. tlou for over SO years, aud to no miruculout power. What the I'ai'kus 8av i "He Is skillful honest, cnklent, uprtjht and ro. liable bpU will worthy ot tlio peopl 's contlileneo una ehlccm. Ilunlways aa) a exactly what lie means un.l means exactly wliat he says." bcran ton Itfin'ltftnu "He Is too useful a man to loso," Ijickawanna IMtltULYilL, Comer Lackawanna and Washington Avenues. SCHAMON, i'.V. Bept A OTf' rtTTlDWT) To Intiuduco them I JtUU Ui' X- WAV. w e will Clio away aslilmr achlnrs. If you want ono bend us our name, 1'. (Laud express of. mco. '1J1U NATIONAL CO., I Ilco at onco. Oct. SMW U LIKE HIS FATHER. lie WitH Amlctcil Willi. Htoiiclln tlic Illatlilur. Mr. a W. Hicks, ot ricasant Valley, Duchess county, N. V., tho son nf Mr. U ft, lllcki, whoso namo may have nrpcarod Intlili Journal In con. necllon with an nrilclo similar to tliK wui, llko lili father, anilcteil with stono In tho bbuhler, only that his caso was moro serious than his father's. Tho father ndtlseU thosontowilto tour. Dald Kennedy, of Koundout, N. V who, ho said, would tell him what to do. Dr. Kennedy replied, stig. KesMnC tho usO of KKNNKIIV.S PAVOIIITK HEM J,'., iiii.ii nun uurhru bo nuccewMuiiy in mo lather's caw. .Mr. Ilkk, who had lueii iisNiired by tho local phyiilehiiis that they eould do lint lilnir tnortsfo him tiled KANoitllK HHMi:i)Y. Her two weeks' tiso of It no passed n stono . of an Inch Iniiff and tlio thlckiicsj ot a ilpo stem. Mnco then no has hod no symptoms of a return or thn trouble Hernial sick man healed. What tetter results could hae been expectetl? What greater bemllt could medical schnco rnnfir tYn m waipnineili that Is surely enoiiirh. nr. Kennedy uremia iiiu imuiii;, u n'liuiiuion which no can riotatfordto lni-rll, tint the l'AVuitiri: kkm km doesliiiliforate the blood, cures Hut, kidney and budilcr cotnnlnlntR. writ nn nil iimm it!. eases and weaknesses peculiar to females. ThniiHiiiulH r Crnti-riil I'ciiiiU- vol untarily tesllty In lettcrsto Dr. Kenneily, with a wnrmihnnd tullncsi ot wonts which merebml hess docuincnls and eertltlcales never possess, what "I'avorlto Hemedy," tlio croat speclilo for blood, liver and kidney disorders, has done for them and their Mends. TRAM U ARK SELLER'S CATARRH !H, Tin; (iUKAT ; ti I i an aiihomtti: tnfisi: roit CATARRH. film; mnrt ftnblmrn ouc8 yield rcmllty tu It I nnd hsx not r.illcd lu duiua elntclo cno Jl mIhto direct ioin are follow td. ltaimcccia Im hoe n rcmnrknhlonud Its euros bonder fat. H Ik tho tnoU niPd'opful preparation In tho market for 0ATA11U1I nnd tho only ono tint rromluft nn Absolute, INmltlvn Oiirr. It Is ruly n btc.lnu: to mankind. A Trliil N all tlmt I aIi4'l fur It. Onco used, It tsnbvtiys recommended, Hond for testimonials of actual cures. it has no mvAh ron MALARIA. A rOSITIVB CURE IS ASS U Mil). Onobottlo li generally mmclcnt for a euro. Stop taking (lulnliio. A trial only H asked fur Kbl tea's Uatauiu! IfKMniir. It Is n SITCIl'IC for all dlcn?cs arising from nn Impuroblooil and drives all eruptions from tho skin, l'or Nyplil. lltlc complaints It Is superior to nny preparation In tho market. One botllo will euro most oftho fullonlnjr ooiuplaliits and a continued uso will roaiTiVELY euro. Savo doctor bills and try It. KIIEUMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN KIUJI'TIONS. VENKHKAIi DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELING OF LANGOUH. DILIOUSNESS. LIVER TKOUIJLES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Kkixkii's (.'ATAnmt Hcmeov Is no patent iiieillcinc, but a iaro and pleasant preparation tu tako ami surely tho greatest medical dlscov cry oTthu niio. Ono botllo rejuvcnate tho cntlro s)stcm and possesses moro vlrtno than a half tlnzou buttles of orillnary patent preparations. Wiltc for testimonials ami other Information. firjM'or sale by druulst peneratly. I-I1ICH IBl.dll A ItOTTI.i:. SIX HOT Tl.r.S l'OU On receipt of S3.00 by tho manufacturer, Samtel 1'. Keller K Co., Hnrrlsliurs;, Pa., six bottles w ill bo sent express TR1DB UARS. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at homo Is nut nlu.-ns the best test ut merit, bat wo int proudly in tho fact that no other mc-diilnn ha iuii lor itself such uulurstl approli itlon In In own city, f tate, and couutr j , ami among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tho follulns letter from one of our best, known .Massachusetts Druggists should ho of interest to every suUeierr RHEUMATISM. s",S years affo I attack t lltlllll istii. fin Rt. I could not inovo fiom tho bed, or dress, uithuut help. I tried scleral lemo- uies wuuout niucii ir aay rciicr, until 1 took Avut's SiiI'A1iili., by tho use of two bottles of which 1 was completely cured. Have sold laro qiiitilitk-B of 'nur Sahsa 1'aiiili., and It still retains Its uomlerlul loptilarity. 'llio ninny untnblo cures It has elleetcd In this vicinity, eonvlneo mo that It Is tlio best blood medicine ecr oirereil tu thu fabllc. K. I'. Haiiuis." ltivcr St., nncklaiul, JIass., May 13, ItM. SALT RHFHM. o"' rithoni"i u.ili UIILUIIIi t.,iri,t,t onwatlon, was for over twenty scars Itforo his removal to ltll nlll;cted with Salt Itliiliin In its worst form. In ulceration acluallv cohered moro than half tho surfacn i.f bin body ami bulbs, llo was entire. cured by's SAiisd'Aim.LA. boo cxrtllU'nto In Ayer's Alnuinao for IbKt. I'ltCPAKi:!) I1Y Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.(Lowoll,I1ass. Soldbyallllitigir'atsj CI six bottb's for $3. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Drnnina Instruments, I'bll.nopblcnl and ii . t'beinlral Aiipnrutus. List nd Deserlptlnus of our Tn Oitiloguea seat rllhK on application. QUEEN & CO. 924 Chestnut St PHILADELPHIA. febd-ly It' YOU havo Scrofula, Kryblpelas or Salt Itlicmn llnmrtni iifTtV'tllM. till IflilnAiu n, I va, tin i.'ii mer's sWAMl'-ltnoT will cleaiio,purHy aud'euro. Ask your druggist for It. '.'30., 11, ti iuu iiai iiuiui, uri-uiiuesa over ino car diac region, or havo Jci Unit, or slapplm; quality ot heart boHt, nrOsslllcutlou of tlio VaUcs-llr, lill. mcr'sot'KAN.WIiKl) icgulatcnand cures. Ask UUI UIUSiH,,U .,, f). IK YOl'ltPlood Is full of humors affecting tho iieuii -ur, iiiuiicra r.r.u win cicauso ll rrcm an imiiuiiues, curicn it, and make new. Ask your druggist for It. tl.uo, I.ADII.S for poor appetite, llyspepsta, Conitlpa. tlon, Neuralgia Debility aud Nervousness, rely on Dr. Klliiwr'sl'KBALU ltKSlHOY. Drujglsts sell lb l. PATENTS Obtained and all patent business attended to lor utoueraiu ives. our olilce is opposite the U. H. Patent onice, and we can ouiam I'uii utsin icbs lime tuauiuosorC' mote from WafehlnL'ton. beni mulct or dratvlmr. Wo advlso as to rut. entablllty fn o of charge, and wo inaku no charge unions patent Is Mvured We ivler hen-, tc the Postmaster, tho feupt. of Patent onico, l'or circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In ) our own btato or L.UUUIJ, VlkU IU a .'. tfark Oiinoslto Patent onice, Wosblogton, b. 0, unv-u "Dropprd Doad." thi: vatu that ovmtoAJir, "i.mi.u'jtAo" ANII tiVU OTIIfclt (lOVKltNOUS. Apropros of tho sudden death of Qon. Geo. U. McClcllnii, wo note thai tho New York San, points out tho singular fact llint Governor DoWitt Clinton.Governor Silns Wright, Gover nor William li. Mnroy, Governor and Chief Justico San ford' K. Church, mid Governor It. K. l'enton, nil of New York Stnte, dropped dead of heart disease and under tjuito identical ctV cumstanees each of them diiny while reading a letter except Jlarcy who wns ptruxiiig Uowptrs poems 1 Hold your hand iigainst thu ribs on your lull, side, front, tjiu regular, steady beating of llio grent "force pump' of thu system, run by nn un known aud mysterious Kngiiiecr, U awful in its itniircesiveiuss 1 Kuw persons liko to count their own pulsc-beat, nnd fewer persons still en joy marking the "tliub tliuu' of their own heart. " What if it should skip a heat J" As a matter of fact tho heart is tho least msccptiblo to primary disease of nny of our vital organs. It is, how ever very much injured by certain long continued congestions of llio vital organs, like tho kidneys, liver and stomach. Moreover blood filled with ut ic acid produces a rheumatic tendency, and is very injurious to healthful heart action, it often proves fatal, ami of course, the uric ncid comes from imparled kidney action. Roberts, tho great English authority, says that heart disease is chiefly sec ondary to some moro fatal malady in the blood or other vital organs. That is, it is not the original sourco of tho fatal malady. Tho work of tho heart is to force blood inlo every part of tlio system. If the organs aro sound it is an easy task. If they aro at all diseased, it is a very, very hard task. Tako as an illustra tion : Tho kidneys aro very subject to conjestion and yet, being deficcnt in tho nerves of sensation, this conjested condition is not indicated by pain. It may exist for years, unknown even to physicians, and if it does not result in complcto destruction of tho kidneys, tho extra work which is forced upon tho heart weakens it evory year, and a "mysterious'' sudden death claims another victim ! This is tho true history of '-heart dis ease." so called which in reality is chiefly a secondary effect of Uright's dlseaso of tho kidneys, and indicates the universal need of that renowned specific Warner's safo cure. li. Y. Larra'jee, Esq., of Boston, who was by it so wonderfully cured of Uright's disease, in 1879, says that with its disappearanco went tho dis tressing heart disorder, which ho then discovered was only secondary to tho renal trouble. Thero is a general impression that tho medical profession is not at fault if it frankly admits that heart discaso is tho causo of death. In other words, a euro of heart diseasu is not expected of them ! Thero may bo no help for a broken down, worn out, apoplectic heart, hut mere is a help tor the kidney disorder which in most cases is responsible for the heart trouble, and if its uso put money and farao into tho treasury of tho profession instead of into tho hands of an independent investigator, every graduated doctor in tho world would oxclaim of it, as one, nobler and less proiudiced than his fellows, onco ex claimed : "It is a God-send to hum anity 1" What thercforo must bo tho public estimate of that bigotry and want of lrankness which forbids in such cases (because foresooth it is a proprietary article), tho uso of tho ono eiTcctivo remedial agency of tho ago T "iieart disease, "indeed I Why not call such things by their right names 1 Why not ? "Dead without a moment's warning." This likewise is an untruth ! Watn- incs aro civcn bv the thousand. Phy sicians aro "not surprised." They "ex pected it I 1 hoy know what tho end will bo, but tho victim 1 "oh no. he mustn't bo told, you know, it would only frighten him, for thero is no help you know, for it 1" The fato that attended "Littlo Mao" and tho five governors is not a royal and exclusive one it threatens every ono who fails to heed tho warnings of nature as sei tortn anovo. Oonfedorate Appointees. Tho attention of Governor Porter, Assistant Secretary of State, was call ed to tho statement mado by Mr. S. V. White, on taking tho chair at a Repub lican mass-meeting in Brooklyn recent ly that of the diplomatic appointments mado by tho present administration 80 had borno arms during the late war, but that only ono out of that number had fought on tho Union sido in tho contest. "That is not so," roplied Governor Porter. "In making tho appointments the fact whether those selected fought in eitner army is not taken into con sideration, and consequently no record is kept of it. But from my personal knowledgo of tho men who havo been appointed, I know that thoso figures aro not correct. Thero has always ex isted a wrong impression about the number of Confederates appointed through this department. Tho sur prisingly few appointments of this kind as compared with tho cencrallv sun- possed number has frequently been a smijeci ot comment nero in my onice, When Lawton and Jackson were npi pointed simultaneously early in tlio ad ministration the cry went up, 'tho Com federates aro to havo everything,' and a good many people hayo never been disabused ot that idea. Governor Porter then picked up an official list of all tho diplomatic and consular appointments mado by tlio present Administration, numheriug 120, and checked off thu names of those whom ho either knew to havo ueen in mo L-ontederato army or was satisfied belonging to it from their place of residence and their age. They numbered only twelve Whilo satis fiod that many of tho oilier appoint ments had been Union soldiers, ho was unable to pick out moro than threo of whoso war history lie was certain. Two of them wero uiven first class miss ions, Charles Denby, Minister to China, and Win. l Roberts, -Minister to Chili. Tho third was James M. Morg an, Cousel General to Melbourne. Only two Confederates received first class missions, Honry R. Jackson, Minister to Moxico, nnd Tlios. J. Jar. vis, Minister to Brazil. J. II. Mercer wishes to Btato that ho has nt last found an articlo ho can sell on it$ merits. It is with plcasiira ho guarantees to tho public Acker's Eng. lish Remedy as a suro and nover fail ing oure for Asthma, Coughs, AVhoop. ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou bles. It is tlio standard remedy for Consumption. I havo novor found its equal. 1HE GREAT LIVER mujjWjf DISEASE. O VTTDTnTirO nitlerorbadtastolnmouthi O I Jjltr 1 UMO . tonguo coated " lilt" or rov nun a lirown fur.- nam in the Pick, sides, or joints often mistaken for rheumatism: sour stomach; loss or jtrrsTtrsj sometimes nausea nnu water brash, or Indigestion; llatulency and acid eructa tions, bowels alternately eostlin nnd laxj iikai aciik; lossot memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do so i cthlng which ought to havo been done; iiitntitTr; low spirits; a thick, vki.uiw appearance of tho skill and eyes; a dry cough; fever, rest leanness: thn nrlno Is Hnnlvnhd hltfli colored, nnd, If allowed to stand, deposit a sodb menu E (PUIIM.Y VK0HTA1II.U) Is cencrallv used In tho South to arouso tho tornld Hut ton healthy action. IT ACTS WITH KXTKAOKDltfAMY KKFICACV OS TIIK L 1VEU, KIDNEYS and BOWELS. Aft Kl'TUCTUA!. HI'IIUIKIO l'OU MALAIUA, tlVKI'H'StA, CONSTICATION, nil tOl'SSKfS, SICK 1IKA0ACIIE, .lAUNDK'K, NACSSA, COMC, MENTAL ntrilKS!nV, I'OWKLCOMI'I.AINTS, KTC.. KTC( KTC. indorsed by tho uso of " millions ot bottles ns The Best Family Medicine For children, for adults, and for tho oged. SAIE TO TAkF. IS 111 (OlMTIOt 01' THE MSTI.S I J. H. ZELLIN & CO., soLKraorniKToas, I'lllI.AliKI.l'llIA, PA, J'KICK, i i.w. may su-iy A I" K. JK 15 P I I Our readers for IS cents In postnee stamps to I pay for mailing nnd wrapping and names of I iwu uuok agents, win recent! rui.r. n Meet i Finish Parlor Kngravlns of nil our PltKSI-l DKNTt!, Including cieNcland, slzo aixss Inch, I ivonu f 4.uu. Address Eider Pub. Go.,Glu'cago. III. .Tu 11- Iv RAILROAD TlWin TABLE. J-EIAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEUN ItAILltOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTII. STATION'S. ..,.cranton.... Iiellevuo,,., ...Taylorvlile... .. Lackawanna.. rittston..... ..West l'lttston. ....Wyoming.... . . ..Maltby Bennett ....Kingston .... .... Kingston .... SOUTH. p.m. p.m. u u) 12 3D S 51 12 2il S 4S 12 22 ruin 8 30 a.m. a.m. p.m. u m u ia u u.j 0 15 II 20 2 10 G 20 11 20 2 lb 0 27 0 St 2 22 0 31 9 41 2 30 G 40 9 47 2 30 G 45 9 52 2 41 U 19 9 50 2 41 0 31 10 012 47 G 58 10 05 2 50 0 58 10 03 2 511 7 112 10 102 53 7 07 10 15 3 0) 8 2(1; H22 S 10 8 10 S IU 7 58 7 si: 7 50, 7 4! 7 17 7 42 7 88 1 31 7 3) 7 83 7 12 S 40 12 IT) 8 ai 12 OS 8 27 12 (U S 22 it ns 8 IT 11 51 8 12 11 60 8 08 11 47 8 OS 11 II 8 Oil 11 42 Plymouth .Time m 11 38 St 11 31 no n 30 ....I'D mou i ii.. ....Avonuaie Nantlcoko...! 7 15 10 233 10 7 43 11 21 HitniocK's ureeK 72.110S2327 SO 11 12 ..Milckshlnny, .17 10 tl 3 Mi 7 18 11 10 7 00 ..luck's Kerry.. ..llcachllavcn., Ilcrwlck .... ..briar Creek,. ..Willow (lroo,. ...I.imoltldge... 7 50 11 11 3 5,' 7 57 11 00 3 58 S 01 11 134 03 8 10 11 20 1 12 S 11 11 234 10 8 IS 11 29 4 2J 11 10 51 03 10 17 G 51 G 41 G II 0 68 10 41 G 51 10 38 50 10 31 6 42 10 27 0 311 10 21 C 30 10 10 o as 6 31 0 SI .... ...r.s'j ...... ; o 11 an t i ...Illoomsburg...1 S 30 11 414 31 .... Itupert ' 8 30 11 504 40 Catawl'a Ilildgo 8 41 11 I 40 . ..Danville.... 8 58 12 11501 ....Chulasky.... 9 05 12 215 12 .... Cameron.... 9 08 12 233 11 Northumberland 9 25 12 40 5 33 la.m. a.m. p.m. W. F. 1IALSTUAD, Hupt. onice, Scranton, Feb.lst,181 ..lispy.. 8 25 11 3ii 4 27 G 21 G 10, G ... 10 11 0 11 6 OS II Wl 5 50 3 41 5 41 0 00 5 53 5 40 p.m. 0 49 II 43 0 32 a.m. 5 32 a.m. Superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. 8th. 18S3. Trains loavo Sun- bury. uaai N Al(l, 9.10 a.m.. Sea Shoro Kxnress (dally excent Sunday), for Hamburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. 111. ; New York, use p. m. ; llatllmote, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 5.50 p. 111., connecting at Philadelphia lor all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.15 p. in. Day express dally except Sunda1,for llarrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at. Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. j Ilaltlmoro 0.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. in. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches uirougll 10 ruiiaueipnia ami iiaiinnure. 7,50 p. in. ltcuovo Accommodation (dally, for llanlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 23 a. m. ; New York 7.00 a. in lialtlmore, 5.23 a. 111. ; Washington G.30 a. in. ;. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at iianisuurgior 1 'uiiaueipniaaiuirew iorK. uiinuu dajs a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp't tol'lilladelplila.l'lilladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7.E0 a. m. Mo Slall (dally except Jlonday, for llarrlsburg and Intermediate bunions, arriving at Philadelphia 8.23 a. m. New York, 11.30 iu in. ; llalllinoro 8.15 a. 111. ; Washington, 9.23 a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Ilaltlmoro and Washing ton, and through p.isscngcr coaches to Philadel phia and lialtlmore. WKSTWAItD. 6.20 a. in. Erlo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi i:rlu and all Intermediate stations and canandal gua ana tutermedlato stations, liocliester, llutn lo and Niagara Falls, wlthihiough Pullman Pal aco cars aud pa&cnger coaches to Krlo and lioch ester. 9.5.1-Ncws Kxpress (dally except Sunday) for Lock llam and Intermediate stations. l.U p. m. Niagara Kxprcss (dally except Sun day) for Kano aud Intermedlato stations nnd Can anualgua and piluclpal ltiteimedtalo stations, ltochester, liuflulo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kano nnd ltochester und Pallor car to llllamsport. 5.30 p. in. Fast I.tno (dally except Kunday)for He novo and intermediate btatlons, and Klmlra, Wat kins and intermediate btatlons, w ith through pas bcnger coaches to ltcnovo aud Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor ltcuovo and Intermo dule stations. TllliOUlllI TltAINS FOIt NUNI1UUY FIIOM THIS KAbT ANU SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 1.30 a. m IlarrlsUurg 7. 10 arriving at suubury 9.20 a. m. w ith through sleeping car Horn Philadelphia to Wil liamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a-m. HarrUburg, S.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Suubury 9.53. a. 111. Niagara Kxprcss leaves Philadelphia, 7,40 a. m. ; lialtlmore 7.30 a. m. (dally with through Parlor car from Philadelphia aim mrougu pabbcugcr cuacucs iruui ruuauej. phla and lialtlmore. Fast Line leaves New York 0.00 a. in. ; Phlladel nlita. 11.50 a. m. Washington. 9.50 a. in. : Haiti. more, 10.13 a. m., (dally except Suuday) arriving at Buuuury. 0.011)1.111., wilii mruuuu iiaBscugci coaches from Philadelphia and lialiunore. Krlu Alan lca es New ork 8.00 n. 111. : Philadel phia, 11.20 p. 111. ; Washington, 1U.W) p. m. ; lialtl more, 11. yn l. ill., (uauy eAcepi.aaiuruayj arming ut buubury 6.15 a. 111., with through Pullman bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and jiitliuuuru uiiu luruugu poaacucr cuacitca uuu Philadelphia. hUMIIlltV, iia.i.i:ton V WII.U l.'SIIAltltn ItAII.It(IAI) AND .MIUTII A.N!) WKST IIUANUII Kill. WAY. (Pally except suuuay.) Wllkesbarro Mall leaves Suubury 10.00a. m,. arriving at llloom Ferry 10.52 a. nu, Wllkcs-barra 12.18 p.m. Kxpress Hast leaves Kunbnry 5. 13 p. in., arriving at liluoin Ferry G.37 p. in., Wllkes-b.irrq 1.5 j p. 111 suubury .Mull lcaes Wllkesbarro nnu a. m. arrlv Ing at liluoui Ferry 12.05 p. in., Kunbury 12.55 p. m Uxpivbs West leaves 2.45 p. 111., ar riving at llloom Ferry 4.15 p, m.,Sunbury 5.10 p.m. UN PAY ONLY. Sunday mail leaves Sunbury 0.23 n. in., arriving at llloom Ferry 10.1 1 a. 111.. Wllkes-liarro 11:33 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-liarro 5:15 p. 111., arriving at bloom Ferry, 0.11 p.m., bunbury, 7:43 p. rn. C1IA. K PUOII, J. Ib WOOD, Uen, Manager. ucn. Passenger Agent Uoxan Wros. & Go, Offer totlioTradotnelrFlnollrand of Cigars. Tho Landrcs, Honry Clay, Normal, Samson, and Cosmopolitan Fino Fruits nnd Fino Confectionery on hand, i' resh every week. Blooms burg, Pa. Feb. 27 WMTED on SiLitY EXPENSES i'AlPt-Halesmen for tbo Hooker Kurseiles Established isvs All tlio nowest and best sorts ot fruit and ornamental trees, vines, ic Send for Terms. II. li IIOOKEIt COMPANV, Eept 2. -sm ltochester, i,Y, FMilinjSpefiific Fattoning Sheep in Winter. Coinparatlvcly few farmers - succeed in fftttcninc sheep lu Winter. A neighbor told mo tho other tiny that last Fall ho bought ono hundred and fifty sheep, fed them straw, hay, corn stalks, nnd grain, all Winter, and sold them for forty-llvo dollars ninro than hu paid for them. "I got a lot f good manure," ho said, "ami that and tho forty-livo dollars is ail I have to show for tho iced and labor. It does not pay." If win ran buy .1k.i in tho Full for tliicu ei'i,l n p in, (I, it will p;iy. It will pay still lifttir in buy thuin fur four ten's, nml noil them fur eight cunts per pound. Weoin sometiuits do even better than thi. Ono thintr U certain! it does nut pay to try to fatten poor shetp in Winter. If sheep are not iu good growing condition iu tlio Fall, get rid of them. If on aro going to bay sin op to fatten, select tho very best that fan bo found. You do not want old sheep, and you do not want lamb. If the sheep aio lone-wool, or Southdown grades, select that ato yeai lines, or two-yeat'-oldsj it merino gratles,thtii year-old wolheis aro best. I'uy moro than yon want, if netd be, anil select out tho best to keep over Winter, and sell tho poor onci no.v for what you can got. Careful selection is the main point. With good sheep, liberal and regu lar feeding, dry, comfortable quarters, fresh water every -lay, and salt onco a week, fattening sheep in Winter is de cidedly profitable to tho farmer and beneficial to tho farm. In oilier words, it will provido both monoy and manure. Joscpii IIauuis in American Agricul turist for November. How Marjy Eggs Will a Hen Lay ? Wo often road of hens that lay 200 eggs a year, Bays tho Jarm and Gard en, but such statements do moro harm than good, by inducing tlio inexper ienced to beliuvo such to bo fact. Any ono who is familiar at all with poultry knows that during tho fall all hens un dergo tho process of moulting or shed ding of feathers. This requires usual ly about threo months, or ono hundred days. As thero aro only 305 days in a year, wo havo 203 left alter deduct ing tlio moulting period. If a lion lays regularly an egg every other day slio will lay 133 eggs; but sho will probab ly loose threo mouths in hatching out her broods ; oven if sho is a non-sitter sho will tako a resting-place. As molt ing is a heavy drain on tho system, but fow bens lay during that process, though thero aro exceptions, and where tlio number of eggs exceed ono every two days, it will bo found that a cor responding reduction occurs during some portion of tlio year. Whilo wo admit that certain individual hens havo been known to lay as many as 130 to even 17.J eggs in a year, sucli cases aro rare ; and if ono has a ilock of twenty hens or moro ho should bo satisfied if thero is an average of ono hundrdo eggs a year for each ono of tho wliolo flock, or rather nino dozen. Four dozen out of tho nino should realize thirty cents per dozen, threo do.en should bring about twenty cents per dozen, and two dozen should lealizo fifteen cents per dozen, or an average of about twenty-throo cents. Ot course this catenation may bo wrong, but it will convey an idea of what may bo expect ed. IMttliiK CiiIiIkikch fur tile 'Winter. In the usiinl way of keeping cabbage ia winter, there is a considerable loss by freez ing nnd decay. In attempting to nvoid this wnstc, we have tried with success the method of pitting hero described, A long pit, three feet deep, nnd a littlo wider (it may bo mndo its wide ns desirable), wns dug out on n part of the field where the soil was dry nnd sandy, nnd thero was no danger that water would enter. The bot tom of the pit was loosened up, so that tho first tier of cabbages wero planted in it, tho stems being set so deep that thu heads rest ed on the soil. The cabbages of tho next tier were set alternately between the lower ones, buying tho roots partly In the soil. A third tier was placed on the second, but reversed, with the roots upwards. All the soft heads wero put at the top. Straw was laid between the stems, leavinc tho roots out, and enrth wns thrown upon tho straw, burying tbo roots three or four inches. In pulling cabbages, tho roots were all taUen up with them, and out off. A covering of boards was laid on tbo pit, to shed rain. In tlio spring tlicso cabbages came out in tho best condition j the soft heads had fill ed up, nnd none of the cabbages had been frozen. Tho pit was filled with selected cabbages, with tho intention of keeping them for tlio spring. The same plan has been tried for several years, and always with satisfaction. Neighboring farmers have adopted it, and continue to uso it in preference to any other method. Irom'can Agriculturist for JYoronocr. J. II. Morcer wishes to make an assertion, which ho cm back with positive) guarantee. It is all about Acker's Hlood Elixir. Ilo claims for it superior merits over nil other reined ios of its kind, and guarantees for it a positive and suro euro forlMieumatism, Syphillis, and all blood disorders, it trees tlio skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho comploxion clear, Ask him about it. J. II. Mercer would especially recom mend to the ladies Acker's Dvsiipnsm Tablets. As a laxative they have no equal. 1 noy aro guaranteed to euro Chronic Constipation, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases arising from a deranged stomacii. wan a tree uso ot tho Tab lots, Sick Headache is impossible. ELY'S Cream Balm CatarrH Clcii uses t lie liuatl. Allays lllllllllllllll 1 1 o II. IlenlH tlie HiircH. ltest tires tin HCIIHCH Of tllHtC, Niiiell, lic-nrliiK'. A milcit relief. A ptiHllUe cure. H AY-RE VER A partlclo Is applied Into caeli nostril and Is uiiivuamtj uu nice au cenis uy mall or at drut'Klats. Send for elreular. ELY into I'lllSliS, druggists, Owego, N. V. nov nut. K. Q. EsfcLlemajii number and, gas Utter. Hear of Schuyler's hard ware store, fSloomslmrg, Pa. All kinds of llttlngs for steam, gas 'and water pljKn constantly on band. Hoofing and spouting attendedto atslioit no tice. Tinware ot every description mado to order. Ordersleltat Scliuylei'Co'a.,bardwaie store will bo promptly llllod. Sooclal attention (riven tn hnnllnv liv Ktitnm ntwl hot water. yv-iy ESI mxr vo- Gut. I ECONOMY THE QUESTION OF EVEHY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR Till SEASON, CAN UK CIOEAPEB I'MAI TOE. A Large and Varied Stock of feLOTBIMGjir JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the OF THE LATEST STYLE; BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices - OF "H1 Fino Carrinccs, liusrcies and Wncons. varied selection of Gg VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASUHEO rom the best manufactories. I'urelinscrs nro Invited to call nnd inspect tbo poods or tn IJeagWrite for Information and Prices. npr.-3-83-l. QMAIN DEALER IN Fmmgu aimed ' Mome&tiG WINES AND LIQUORS, AMD JOBBER IM CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. for Infants trmcLdC"ar.t0l,t0chIIlrentl'at I gtor! cures Colic. ConrtlivHlon. irccommcna It as superior to any iircscrlpUoa I """r Rtomach, Dlarrhma, Eructation, known to cw." H. a. Aucnsn, it rj I KUIj Worms, etvc sleep, ami promotca IU Bo. OHorJ Bt, Brooklyn, if. Y. Wltnoutulurioua medication. Tub Ciuunn Coarmr, J&) Fulton Street, H. V. mmmmmmmmwammmmmmwmammmmmmm; PKACTICAX THE HOUlt. BOUGHT - T. F HILTIf , 320 & 322 Penn Avenue, At this Hcnosilorv niavbo seen n laren and For tlio Celebrated Cliickcrlng, Ivors & l'ond, and Voso A. Bon Pianos, 'Worldre nowned Kstuy Organs, Violins, Aecoideons nnd Slieet Jlnsic. Celebrated White, New IIit;li Ann Dnvis, New Home, Itoynl St. John, nnd Light Running Domestic fccwing Machines. Needles, oil nnd iittiiclnncntB for nil makes of Sewing JIachlues. STREET,) L J Stcro and warerccms, No, 128 Franklin Avenue- Mso Warerooms in Franklin Ave. anil JM Ccn. ,tcr street. SCRAjSTON, pa. tot Anything to mako up anew wagon or repair an old, in stock. liar Iron, nml Steel Holts, Holt Ends, Lag ScrowH, Tiiriiliueklo's Horse Shoes, and nil Dlackemith supplies. Aprsi-iy 3 and Children.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers