THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwall, 1 v,,i... J. K. Blttonboador.,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, NOVKMHBR, 13, 1835. - ... i Hun. Level ott SaltonstnU on Mon ti ly l.iit was npniinto'l to bo Collector of (lutonii nt I! mon, llo has been a 1) mnural sinco the disruption of tho Wnig pirty, ami for nnny yoara has been nn nutivo nml IntliK'nlial member of tho pmy in hU Siatr, repeatedly representing it in tho Ddtuocratio Nat ional Conventions. Work was resumed nt John Roach'H Bhlp-yard on Mouday. Arrangements hive been undo between tho govern ment nnil tho assignees of John lloncli, by which tho two Cruisers, Boston and Chicago bo completed under tho super vision of Chief of Construction Wil son, of tho of Construction nnd Repair, nnd Chief Engineer Lor ing, of tho llurcan of Steam Engin eering. It is generally supposed that work will bo continued even alter tho completion of theso two vessels. It will give employment to about 300 workmen. Thanksgiving Proclamation. On Friday last Governor l'nttisor. issued the following proclamation setting aside Thmsday, Nov. 2Cth as a dav of thanksgiving. During the past year wo havo been unusually blessed nnd exempted from those calamities and distresses that so often befall and afrii'it, nations nnd communities. Not only have wo ex perienced exceptional immunity from general and widespread disaster, but tho steady advance of our country in civilization, material prosperity and national grandeur has been most mark ed. Tho adaption of our form of govern ment to tho varying wants nnd con ditions of our people am) tho renewed ovidenco of their attachment to its institutions arc tho most priceless bless ings that n nation can enjoy. It is fitting therefore, nnd a duty, that tho people should pause from their accus tomed toil and pleasures to make ac knowledgement of their dependence upon tho Supremo Ruler of tho Uni verse, and by thanksgiving and praise to show that they aro not unmindful ot whoso hand it is that blesses and whose arm it is that protects. By bo doing we shall not only evince our gntitudo to the merciful God who has blessed us, but will also contribute to tho cultivation and spread of that re ligions and reverent sentiment which isthe safeguard of public, as it is tho basis of private, virtue. In conformity, therefore, with the recommendation of tho President of tho United Slates and the uniform cus tom of our Christian communities, I, Robert E. Paulson, governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do appoint Thursday, the 20th day of November, A. D 1885, as a day of thanksgiving nnd prayer, and do rec ommend that it be so observed by the citizens of this Commonwealth. WASHINGTON LETTER. CFrom our Regular Correspondent. Wabiiinoto.i.iD. 0., hov. 9, 1835. The C.ipitol has been set in order for the Forty-Ninth Congress. It has been thoroughly cleaned inside and outside, newly carpeted, and otherwise made ready for tho lteprcsontativs of sixty millions of people. Although tho new Congress meets in less than a month there is little speculation about its organization. Usually at this season an exciting con test over the speakership is in pro grcs.. This high office, third in rank of tho oflices of tho Government, and second only to Presidency in point ot power, is a prize justifying an earnest canvass. This year, for the first timo almost in tho history of Congress, no contest is indicated. Mr. Randall his said that ho would not bo a candidate for tho Speakership, and Mr. Carlisle is sure to' bo re-elected, as tho Demo crats havo a clear majority of forty two over the Republican'. Other old olliceis aro likely to bo re-elected, Clark tho clerk," and Leedman tho Sergeant-at-Armi- Thero is a vacan cy, caused by death, in tho office of ilooi keeper, which is sought by three candid ues including Mr. Eugeno Hig gins, tho much abused Appointment Cleik of tho Treasury. Tho casting of tho committees will not tako much time, cither, tor most of tho old mem bers will get their old places, or bo re gularly promoted to fill vacancies. Nearly one half of tho new Congress will consist of inexperienced men. The total number of members in tho House of Representatives is 325. There will bo 138 nonr member.'. These will liu at a disadvantage: for somo time. No matter how ablo or how well informed n man may bo on general subjects, ho will be clumsy in Congress until he learns something of its circuitous me. thods of doing business. It has been charged that tho rules ot the House wero made especially for tho purposo of retarding legislative work. The majority rulo was abolished long ago, nnd the present rules aro so constructed that a well led minority can defeat with enso the most posilivo will of tho ma- lorily. Thero continues to be much talk about tho result of tho Now York and Virginia elections. Ono effect thus far tliown is encouraging to the Administration. Th Republican Sen ntors who have been threatening to make war on somo of tho appointments nre much subdued, and not near so eager for a fight as they were. Senator Logan says he did not make a "bloody Blurt campaign nt all. In his opinion, Mugwiimpiau philosophy is a delusion and a snare, and Empire Stato Republicans aro slippery. Re ferring to the insinuation of somo of tho mourners that he had damagod tho prospects of Mr. Davenport, bv not keeping that Boiled nether garment concealed in ins vuiise, senator J.ogan said : ''If BOino gentlemen in Mow Yotk want n scapegoat in order to gel from under tho hay themselves, l Eup poio I can (leo to tho mountains as well as anyone." Governor-elect Filzhugh Leo of Yir ciuia, and also Lieutenant-governor elect Mnfsey, havo been in tho city sinco their election. General Leo came with his two sous to 'mako nomo pur chase;, and only remained a low Hour Kverywlieio he went on tho strett ho was followed by a congratulatory crowd (hat inalbted on shaking hands with him. Senator Mahono is so broken poll tically and tociully, that foiiio of his Iricnds liavo been urging htm to leave Virmnia and innko his homo In Waeli inglon in tLo frlure. Tlicio aro those, however who express tho hope that when ho emigrates from his native, stato ho will not stop short of Alaska. Thero aro others who wish for him a hotter climate. It hns been suggested that ho will rlso from tho depth of his gloom niul run for Congress next year. Everything that tho President in tonds to recommend in his message, will, it is thought, receive tho support of his parly. Tho Administration is in high spirits and great harmony nmong Democrats is looked for now. Tho parly feels united and strengthen ed by recont victories, and that it tins been given now vigor nnd n long lease of political asoendancy. Scraps of Hews. John McCullough, tho eminent actor, died at his homo in Philadelphia last Sunday afternoon. .Thirteen people wero killod nnd fifty wounded in a oyclono near Sclma, Ala bama, last Friday night. Kiel, tho leader of tho northwest re bellion, who has been sentenced to bo hangcd,has been respited until tho 1 Cth Inst. The steamer Algoma was wrecked on Lake Suporior on Monday, nnd thirty seven lives wero lost. A serious necident occurcd on tho West shore railroad on Monday, by an express train being thrown from Iho track by a washout. Mrs. Charles R. Piatt of Rochester was killed. Editor Stead of the Pall Mall Ga ulle, has been convicted in tho Arm strong nbduction case. IIu adheres in tho main to tho truth of the revelations published in the Gazette concerning tho immoralities of London. Mr Moody, tho evangelist, has fin rushed his work at Reading. Ho will hold meetings at Williamsport soon. Franklin B. Gowen wants lo bo elected President of tho Reading rail road, and has written a lengthly paper on the subject. Two orisionere escaped from tho Wilkcsbarro jail on Monday, and two trom too lunkhannock jail t lie samo day. Catarrh Ii undoubtedly caused by Impure blood. Hencs a medicine which purifies the blood removes the cause ot the disease and opens the war 'or a thorough cure. This Is exactly what Hood's Barsaparllla does, and It makes the cure complete by giving the system health and strenzth, and enabling It to throw oil the depressing effects of the disease. Catarrh Is permanently cured by Hood's Barsaparllla. Mr. A. Hall, Syracuse, N. , says : "Hood's Barsaparllla has helped me more tor catarrh and Impure blood than anything I ever used." "I have taken Ilood's Barsaparllla for catarrh, and think It has done me a great deal ot good. I recommend It to all within my reach. Hood's Barsaparllla has been worth everything tome." Lutiikk D. Bob bins, Kast Thompson, Conn. Catarrh May be breaking down your health. Be wlss la timet That flow from the nose, ringing noise in the ears, pain In the head, Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured If you take Hood's Barsaparllla. " I had been troubled by general debility, caused by catarrh and humors. Hood's Bar saparllla proved Just the thing needed. I de rived an Immense amount ot benefit from It." II. F. MlLLKTT, liOStOll, 11.153. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, ft ; six for J. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Irrril!.01l!n, Sept. 10, l'S2. CjLUS. " I In li e !' mbject to a broil rlilul nMi'itl.m, with frequent nililtf, for a mimUr of .vara, I heruby cer tify Unit Awn's CtlLltnv I'Miuiut. gives mi! prompt nllef ai..l Is tho ruoit clluctivo remedy I have ever tried. J.IULS A. lUUILTDX, Kdltor of Tht Crttcrnt." " Jit. (Ulead, Ohio, Juno 56, IM2. COUGHS. " I havo mcd A vim's Ciikiiry I'mniiAT. this spring for a so nro enucli ami lung trouble, with good cireet, ami I am plowed to recommend It to any one tlinllarly utlected. IlAIlVEY IlAl'illlM IV, l'roprletor (ilobc Hotel." PRKrAUKI) II v Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Man. Sold by all Druggists N OTKJE. Kotlce 1.4 hereby trlven that the following ac count has been tiled In the Court of Common Meas of Columbia County und will bo presented to the said court on thu First Monday ot December, A. li., I8t0, nnd confirmed nisi, and alter tho fourth day of said term continued absolute unless excep tions are tiled within that time. 1st. First and Una! account of Martin 1'. I.utz. assignee, of tho estate of C. II. llrockwar. (1. M. O.U1CK, W.M. II. SNYDER, jieputy. rrumy. Prothonotary's Office, llloomsburg, l'a,, Nov. Tin, NSOLVENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby elven to the creditors ot tho un dersigned aud to all persons lowborn It may con cern, that he will apply to the Court ot common I'leas of Columbia county for the benetlt of the In solvent laws otthls commonwealth on Monday aiieruoon, irecemuer an, irvu, ut wuicu unio any person having any objection to his final discharge as an Insolvent debtor, can appear and make the liuiue auuivu. ijiui i-inpi. NOV 13-sW HAND JUUOHS FOB PBCIHBBH TKltU, lHoom Jolin ltehra. William Thomaa. llerwlcW Isaiah liower, Oswald (iraslejr. F K irttnlini, fnhn UnnnpnhorrraF A li kOAlotr rlivuvii vuutj HvHi.Hin i(jvi 4 - uvviv; (JatawR-u Lloyd Miller. Center K3ward Stewart, John Wonlch, Joseph CcDtralla James Dyke. Edward McFaclJen. CoriviiLrlmm Andrew t'uto. Jumes Kosteubau- Uer, (ieo Letter. nsmngcrvoK j u Mcuenry. Hemlock Frank 11 n Moore. Jackson Calvin Derr. Maine Joseph (letter. Minin M v Ij Keller. Montour 1 K Knrshner. bcott Joteph Curl, M C McCollum. JUUY LIST. I0HIUCIMI1EKTIKU, flKST WKBE. IUoom-l'eter lllllmcyer, John II Clark, Jlurry roruwuiu, ti 31 MJcuaru, duiuul'i ouauer. Heavcr-F(l iJiuer. Uenton Win Doty, Charles Olbbons, Winllut me, David Ilartman, Kit McIIenry. Uerwlck W L Snyder. Itrlarereek 11 (I KashlnkL Catawlssa Augustus ll rooks, Wm It Clark, I) 11 Former, .Miciiaei reuenuan, t naries uarpiess. Center Henry Doak. Centralla John J Jones. Ushlngcrcek Norman McIIenry, 0)1 Shultz. Frank luJohn line. (Ireenwood John W Clllaspy, Henry Mather, jaiues auuuru, a r luung. Hemlock II 0 1'urscll. (leo Ilussel. Locut Jacob Carl, ltolandus llerblne, Daniel I'ensyi. Madlson-ltobert Johnson, Conrad Kramer, I'et Minim Michael Heller, ' K Swepnenhlser, A Dnrppt-umsrr, junuiuuii npauo. Mouiour Henry Lazarus, (1 WMears. Ml. I'leasant Ellas Howell. Itoarlngcrcek Samuel Houck, Jr. Scott David Oclslnger, (1 W Jacobs, bugarloaf Mllet Stephens. SECOND Wklk. llloom-0 S Fornwald, Joslah Itabton, James staver jouu euivtT. Heaver Kl las Miller. llenton llo man Crawford, J J McIIenry. Uerwlck Win lloss, Win Thomas. Itrlnrrreek John hnonenburtrer. Catuulssa-llenjamln llarndt, i'lerco Creasy, Jo .A..t. I..... HA,r..1l Ij l ' 11 111.... Brim, ru, uimim,, m , 41 iimwi conynghain l'alrltk Jlouan, John Monroe, UC 11 Ice, WrlUudenbuslu Flsfilngcnrk Samuel Coleman, 11 F Edgar, james joues. Franklla-Wm liower, It S McIIenry, (Ireenwood Win l.'yer. J&cksou-'lhomas W Smith. I-ocuat-faunuel Erdmeu, W 11 Snyder. Maine Wm Confalr, Solomon Deauor. Mt. rieasaul Amos Wunlch. orange J W Masleller. Ilea Appleman, lloarfiigcroek Charles Krelsher. Scott Isaac Ctetellng, James Kiesslcr. Thft fir tout mm tn rrih fn t.ft st win fliTmnr quick It thn.n any ctW known rem- Iturn. meal J n. Cut, Lnrntm-I fro, i-MmnT, roiriS tTort-ultrn, lutrkorhn. OtilnRr.HnmThmsit. HcUtlra. numlx, lcdnrh?J Toothsu-hf. Pprain rto. lTtco 15 ct. h bourn.. Bold by all ldrnt7iHitL I iiitlnn. Th- mm r2Sual' lno ftifivifort Oil toar our fao-ntmll itrTihtiiro. A. U.Mrrir X C& poloJ lToprietorrvfcaltlmorP.Hd, U. H. A. DR..BULL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons In advanced stages of tha Disease. For Sale by all Drug-. gists, iticc, 25 cents. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nover vanes. A marvel of parity strength and who!esomnes3. More economical than tho ordinary klnts. and cannot be Bold in comrctlon with tho multltudo of low test, short weight, alum or phosptmto powders, sold only In cans, Hoval IUkino rowusn Co , 106 Va!l-St., N. V. Oct 1My KGISTER'S NOT1CK. Nollco Is hereby clven to nil legatees, creditors nnd other net-sons Interested In tlie estates of tho reepectUe decedents nnd minors, that tho fol lowing administration, executors and (tuardlan accounts havo been tiled In tho onico ot tho liegls tcr of Columbia countv. and will bo presented for confirmation nnd nllowanco In tbo Orphans' Court to bo held In lltoomsburtr, on Monday, Dec. 7th, 13S3, at 2'clock p. m. on said day : No. 1. Tho llrst and tlnal account of Mich ael, administrator of Susinnah Itutnbel late ot ueavcr townsnip, ueceasea. No. 2. Tho first and narttal necount of Matilda Walter, administratrix of Daniel V. Walter late of Cat twlssa township, deceased. No. 3. The llrst account of A. v.. Schock. excep tor ot . 8. Appleraan lato ot tho town ot iilooms burir, deceased. No. 4. Tlie first anl Ilnal account of JnlmW. Miller administrator of Henry T. Miller lato of Madison township, deceased. No 5. The nrst and final account ot (ironro A. Her- rlnir, trustee- to sell teal cstuto of Kdward Iwls, lato of tho town of Hloomsbuiy, deceased. No. C. Tho llrst and nnal account of 1 C. Wnds. worth, administrator ot Daniel Thomas lato of fisuingcreeK tovnsmp. deceased. No. 7. Tho first nnd final nceount of John M. Mlllcr.cuardlan of Kstlier Milter mow Ilstlier Men- singer) n minor child ot Uetijamln Miller lato of Catnwlssa township, deceased. No. 8. Tho llrst and final account nf John M. Miller, Rttardtan of Ida Miller a minor child ot Benjamin Miller late ot catawlssa township, de ceased. No. 9. Tho second and Anal account of Joseph W. Ileece, guardian of Laura M. Parker (now ra M, Hellas,) minor child of John I. Parker lato of Jackson township, deceased. No. 10. Tho second and ilnal account ot E. II. Drown, surviving executor of Jacob Ynlie lntoor Mlltlln townslilt). decoased as Uleil bv J. J. Drown executor of li II. llrown, decoasoj. No. 11. Tho llrst nnd tin ll aeeount of Lanah J. McIIeury, administratrix ot V. J. McIIenry Uto of ItshlhBci'eek township, docoaol. No. 18, The first and ilnal account ot Joseph V. Eves, executor ot PrunuU Eves lato ot Greenwood township, deceased. No. 13. Tho first and final account nf t. 1 nntl J. E. Snyder, executors ot Isaac Snyder lato of jiiimu tuwnsuip, uecciscu. No. It. Tho first and Ilnal account nfThomai Dollman. Buardlan of Charles Dollnnn minor child ot John Dollman lato of Ureenwood township, do ceased. (IEO. W. STEItNEIt, nov 13 1883 lics'lslcr. rMST OP CAUSES tOll DECG1I1IRK TKKM. .Tesso I'asten vs Jacob Hay & Son. Frederick Hosier's use vs I) 11 & W It It Co. Joslah Philips' use u V I'otts llamseyet nl. llohr McIIenry vs Wm K I'allerson. Jatueslilrd vs Dai ling Cuip et al. Mary U Ilolmos y J S Woods ct ux. Adams 4: son vs l'rancls Evans trustee I'eter Michael s helra vs John lloofnaglo. (! 1) Fowler vs lierwtck Horo. Casper FranU vs Uerwlck lloro. Johu LSponenburg vs Uerwlck lloro, T F Craig vs Mahala cralg. Fi ank Stewart vs Daniel V Sej bert. J J Crawford vs Hiram Thomas. 1) F Seybert vs K L Adams ct aU Jonas Doty ct nl vs John suit. E I. Adams vs 1) V sej bert. A 11 llerilng el nl vs S u crcay. A M Freas Mfg Co vs o F Ferris ct al. Thorn is (leddts vs Joseph Foust et al. 1" K Vanuatta vs Joseph Foust et al. It F Everett vs H V sulllff ct nl. Qoo o Wclllver vs 0 F Ferris ct nl. ADVEltTI.SEItS I Send forseloct list of local news papers, o. 1'. Howell & Co , it) spruce St., N. V. I.UV,..1.4lyr. DMINISTIUTOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATK OF JOHN SI'lUNdEX, DECEASED. Letters of administration on tho estato or John Sorlncer. deceased. lato of Hemlock townslitn. ont- uinbla county, lvunsylvanln, deceased havo been granted by the Heglster of said county to tho un derslgued Administrator. All persons having tiuuus usuiusi mo c-siuiu ui inuueceascu are re quested to present them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho un dersigned administrator without delay. ri-.i l.K K. 111(1 Ul.lill, Administrator with tm will .n iitol. Ist ofllco. Buckhorii. Col. Co . l'.a nov ia.r.w ltesldence, Hemlock township, cob Co., l'a. VTOTICi: IS HEIIHUY GIVEN that an L application w 111 bo made to the doveruor of Pennsylvania on Monday, tho seventh day ot December, 1815, by A. Z. Schoch, it. c. Ncal, John A. Funston. J. C. llrown. W. M. lteber nml i:. w. Miller, all of tho town of llloomsburg.icolumbla county, lvunsylvanla, under the Act ot Assembly entitled, "An Act to provido for the Incorporation mm irKuiuuuii ui uciiuiu ctji luraiiuus, approveu April s, 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "Tho llloomsbure steam and Klectrm I ltht.rn. tho character aud object ot which Is forihepul poso of making and supplying beat and power by steam and the making and suppl)lug light by cicK.iiH.ujr, mi, uuaiut-ss vi inu saiu curporuuon to bo conducted and carried on In tho said town ot moomsburg, and for these purposes to ha e. pos sess and enjoy, all tho rights, beneilts and prlvl- leges ot said Act of Assembly and supplements lucrciu. JUHN 41. ULAHK. oct-iixt. solicitor, COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEItEAS.thoIIon. William Elweil President Judgo ot tho Court ot Oyer and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery, Court ot (Junr ter Sesslona of tho I'coco and thu Court of Common leas and Orphans' Court In tho S6th Judicial Dis trict, composed ot the counties of Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and F. L Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county have Issued thclr;preccpt,bearlng date tho cth day ot Oct. In the year of our Lord ono thousand debt hundred and clguty-nvo, and to inedlrccted for noiaing a courtoi oyer andTermlner nnd oeneral Quarter Sessions of thol'cace, Court of Common Tloaa and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg. In the county ot Columbia, on tho first Monday.belng tho 7th day of Doc. next, to continue for two weeks, Notice Is hereby given to tho tho Jus- i ices oi mo reace, and tho Constables of tho Bald County ot Colutnbla,that they bo then and tlicrs In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon Bald 58th day of Doc, with their records Inqui sitions and other remcmbi do thoso things wnicuto tneir omces appertain to be done. And those that aro bound by recognizance to prosooute against the prisoners that aro or may be In the Jail ot tho said county ot Columbia, woo then and there to prosecute them as shall be Jiut. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance. agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg f-l me inn day of Nov. In tho year ot our L. 8. Lord ono thousand eight hundred and l J clghty-tlve, und lu tho one huudred and ninth j ear of tho Indepeudincu of tho United SherlH'8 omce, JOHN MOUI1EY, Sheriff. I CURE FITS! Wtf ft I Mr car I do nok nttti mtri.W la ton thm far a lla tin ttisjQ tt Uiui itlitra flu 1 mii tftllrtvl cut. I btvaiad.!lidU.Molrntfltr!ILniYir'iU twt w vrl cm... otbtii Lv. 1.11.4 I, I If. .OB far But bow ia.iiu. . .ur. &. .... f... . In.tlM u4 t Vt. Hunt, wf lur lur.UlU. rrtu.tlr'. 01.. iirM auil 1'u.l UOlr.. It ruL ran uotul.f fori lrl.l. uj j m cm ). vu.u.v. twr, lu furl ti, ,. nov u-it-d W flROYAL'iiKII Jl AkiHc t THE "OOOU JUXOUCJII" Lamps nre filled direct by TIIK l'UMP Without Lift. Ing tho Can, tho nillngtubo ndjustlnir t suit livlglith ofnliy I.atnji, This Is tlm tnost prnctlcnl l'AJULY CAN over ofTered to tho stubllc. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE, MANiirAOTumo ev fflnPvld $Xanu1acUirlnn Wc, WAOMXX.aS OHIO. NoDropplneOII on Ihol'loororTnblei No Faurct to Leak or get knocked open lo wnilo Contents or cause Kxtdoslmm. No Corks to Lose. Closes l'rrfcclly Air Tight. No Leak age No Kvnporntlon Al imlutely Hnfe. A Ulilli'lMil lli.ii.idiold Nrrr.Kltv. FOlt SALE IN IlLOOSISIltmci 11Y I. W. IIAHTMAN it SON AND FARMKltS' I'llODUCE EXCHANGE. oct-si-nt. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Itcal lNtatc! The undersigned executors of John Kelchncr, deceased, will expose to public salo on Thursday, DecemlDer 3, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho premises, tho following described valuable real estate, to-wlt: All that piece, parcel and tract of land, sltuato In tho township ot Mt. Pleasant, county of Columbia and stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described ns follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at a corner of land of (Irinies, thenco north ten decrees west, six- ty-tour perches to n corner, thenco north seven teen degrees west, thlrty-llvo perches ton post; thenco north fifty-six and a halt degrees east sov cnty.threo and four-tenths perches to a chestnut i thenco north ntty-llvo degrees cast tltty-threo perches ton chestnut oak; thenco north twenty six degrees cast, thirteen perches to n corner; thenco north twenty-stx degrees west twenty three six-tenths perches to a chestnut; thenco north twenU'-ono degrees west thli teen perches to a corner; thenco north Hcventy-tour degrees cast twcnty-slx jierches to a corner; thenco noitli twenty-two degrees w oit, twenty and two-tenths perches to a pine; thenco norur thlrty-ono degrees wcst.f ortj threo and four-tenths perches to a corner thenco north six degrees east thirty-eight nnd one tenth perches to a hemlock; thenco south twenty degrees east twenty-two perches to a hemlock (down); thence south twcnty-slx degrees east llt-ty-four perches to a post; thenco south twenty onoondn halt degrees cast twenty perches lo n corner; thence south fourteen nnd a half degrees cast, ten and four tenths perches to u corner; thence south live degrees cast eleven & 11 vo tenths perches to a corner; thenco south twenty-threo degrees east thlrty-fourand six -tenths perches to a corncr.thencosoutheleven degrees east twentysev enand five-tenths perches to a corner, thenco south three degrees east thirty-eight perchC3 to a corner; thenco south twelve degrees west thirty-four perches to an abuttment of bridge nt creek; thenco southforty-thrco degrees veA twenty-nlno anl six. tenths perches to abuttment; thenco south sixty one and a half degrees w est sixty-two perches to nn onk; thence south seventy-seven degrees west twcnty-slx perches to a corner; thenco south elghty-mo degrees west thirty-seven and live tenths to a corner, tho placo of beginnlng,contatn ing 141 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, on vt hlch Is erected a largo t wo story BKICK DWELLING 1IOUSK, largo bank barn, wagon shed, corn cribs, stables and out buildings, all In good condition. A good well of water at tho door. About ISO acres of thts farm Is cleared and In a high state of cultivation, the balance Is lu good timber. ALSO, All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate In Scott township, Columbia Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at a corner near tho Flshlngcreek; thence by lands of John Kelchner north clghty-llvo degrees east thirty-seven and live-tenths perches to a corner, thenco by samo north seventy-seven degrees cast, twenty-six perches to a stake; thenco by tho samo north slty-ouo and a halt degrees east, sixty-two perches to abutternut; thenco north forty-three degrees east,tw cnty-nlno and six tenths perches to a buttment ot brldga across Flshlngcreek; thenco north twelve decrees east thirty-four perches to a corner.thenco south eighty three degrees east, nlno nnd six-tenths perches to a corner; thenco by lands of Abram Custard, south ten and a half dcgices west, forty -ono perches to a corner; thence by lands of Jacob Ter wllllger.south eleven degrees west.elcven nnd live tenths perches to a corner; thence by the same south elghty-flvo and n half degrees west, three perches to a corner;thenceby tho samo south fifteen degrees west, ten perches to a corner: thenco south scventy-one degrees cast, two perches to a corner; thence south ten degrees west, sixteen perches to a corner; thenco south eighty-seven degrees east, ono perch to a corner; thenco south seventeen degrees west, forty-nine perches to a corner; thenco north eighty-eight and a half de grees east, torty-scven perches to a corner; thenco south elgbty-ono aud a halt degrees east, eleven aud nvc-tenths perches to a corner; thenco along an alley south ten and three-fourths degrees west, thlrty-slx and tlvetenths pc-ches to a cornenthence north seventy-seven and a halt degrees west, 9 i: Hvetenths perches to a cornerjthenco south ten and three-fourths degrees west, threo and six-tenths perches to a corner; thence south seventy-seven and a halt degrees oast,nlne live-tenths perches to alley aforesaid; thenco along said alley south ten three-fourths degrees west, nineteen i two tenths perches to a corner; thenco north seventy two and a half degrees west, nlno J two-tenths perches to a ccrner; thence south thirty-one and ono-fourth degiees west, 11 live-tenths perches to a corner; thence south forty-six aud ono-fourth degrees west, fourteen & seven-tenths perches to a corner, thenso south seventy-nlno and three- fourths degrees west twenty-nlno nnd five-tenths perches to a white oak stump; thence north sixty- four degrees west, twenty perches to n corner; thenco north lltty-sev en degrees west six and sev en-tenths perches to a corner; thenco south elghty-threo and a half degrees west, ten perches to a corner; thenco north seventy-seven degrees west, twenty-two perches to a corner; thenco north forty-threo degrees west, nineteen and four tenths perches to a corner; thenco north sixty four degreos west, beven and seven tenths perches to a corner; thenco north seventy.thrco degrees west, eleven and Bcven-tenths perches to a cor ner; thenco north elghty-Ilvo and one-half degrees west, Blxtecn perches to a stone corner; thenco north eleven degrees west, eighty perches to a corner, tho place ot beginning, contalalng xr4 ACRES and four perches of land, be tho same more or less, on which Is erected a largo Qist flo pLoJfif,q JlTill with excellent water power and watjr right, two KIIAME DWELLING IIOUSKS, a largo bank barn, sheds and out buildings. The minis provided with four pairs ot burrs and all tho necessary machinery In excellent condition and good working order, nnd with plenty of water at all times, ted by tho Flshlngcreek. It desired tbo mill and water right w 111 bo sold separately from the farm. As tho executors havo decided to clone out the estato at tho earliest possible dale, tho above de scribed tracts will positively bo sold and thoso wishing to purchase, should avail themselves ot this opportunity to securo a good farm. Tho ex. ecutors would also have It distinctly understood that none ot tho heirs aro desiroui ot having or puahaslng these lands anil purchasers need there fore have no hesitancy lu bidding, as tho highest bidder shall bo tho purchaser. TKHMS OF SAI.K: Ten percent, of ono-fourth ot the purcbso money to lie paid at tho striking down of tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tbo confirmation absolute aud the i malulng three fourths In ono year thereafter,wlth lutereat from confirmation nlsL 1'osschsIoh gUen April isi, lira, rureuust-ntiuiiay joruceus. H. C, KKLCIINKil, ) 1!. L. KKI.CHNWt, y Executors. OEO. W. KlOCllNEtlJ COURSES, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Olasswaro, Table and Pocket Cutlery, lndow (Mass, and l'lated-ware, The W candle-power marsh electric lamp. 1 ho celebrated llnafore burner, bird Cases, Fruit Jars. 423 Lackawanna Avenue, SCHANTON, l'a, may l-iy VlliIAWAKH Ani-'VTM WAMTI.'n Villi !!!CCNSPII,ACY A lll.llllmr (-.ILlLlI, litlt.a .mC an. In.... n ........ led to tho (HIEAT ltlillKI.Llo.N, from tho iiowerful lien of (len. Johu A, Uau. strike nulck for cnolco Held. llUUUAKD 1HIOR, Pubs., I'ulladel. phla.Ha. Novo ltd. ' SHERIFF'S SALES. Hy vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot CoL Co., and to mo di rected will 1m exposed to public Bale at tho Court House In llloomsburg, on Monday, December 7, li, nt 2 p. ,m , all that certain lot of ground sltuato In tho town ot Cataw lssa, county of Columbia nnd Btato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to-wltf on tho east by en alley, on tho west by Second street, on tho north by Pino street, and on tho south by land ot legatees of Solomon llclwlg, deceased, and llenjimln llarndt, whereon Is erected n two story framo dwelling homo nnd outbuilding seled, taken In execution, nt tbo suit of James B. Lcwars, administrator of Joseph ciowell, dee'd, vs. Fa en Weaver nnd to bo sold as tho property of l'aycn Weaver. Ithawn, Att'y. vend. Kx. ALSO, Allthatcertalu mossuago or tenement and lot ot ground situate, lying nnd being In tho town of llloomsburg, county of Columbia nnd stnlo ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng nt tho corner of n lot of ground of Philip Unangst, on the south sldo ot .Main or Second street, of said town, nn 1 running thence north slxty-ono degrees cast thlrty-tlvo feet to n lot of ground ot Joshua Fclterman, thenco by tho samo on tho wall separating the house erected on the said premlics from tho liouso of Joshua Fet- terman soulhwestwnrdly to tho rear of tho said house, thenco southwardly along tho rear wall of tho liouso erected on tho premises hereby con veyed or mortgaged, ono foot and eight Inches, thenco by tho lot of Joshua Fetterman south eastwnidly to a post on Pino alley, thence nlonir tho said alley southwestwardly thirty-three feet nad four Inches to tho corner of lot ot ground ot Philip Unangst, thenco along tho suno northwestwardly two hundred anl seventeen fe.-t and six Inches to tho place of beginning, contain ing one-sixth ot nn acre, more or less, whereon nro erected a two-ptory brick house and traino stable. Seljed, taken In execution, at the suit of (leo. Hughes, assigned to Margaret N. Human, who assigned to Kobcrt C. Xeal vs. Lloyd Paxton und li li. Df Inker, executors of Jeremiah H,, with notice to Slary X. llarman. widow, and Liz ilo Fulton, and I. W. .VcKelvy, guardian, ndlllem, ot Samuel li. llarman and Helen llarman, children and heirs of tho said decedent, nnd to bo so'.dns tho property of Lloyd Paxton and E. It. Drinker, executors of Jeremiah II. llarman, with notlco to Mary N. llarman, widow, and i.lzzle II. Fulton, and I. W. .VcKclvm-uardlan, adlltem, ot Samuel II. Harmau and Helen: llarman, chlllreii nnd heirs of the decedent. Clark Att'y. iy, Fa. ALSO, AU that certain village lot situate In r.snv. Col. Co., Penn'a, bounded on tbo south by Main street, on tho west byann'ley.on tho east by lot owned by Alexander Wnnlch, being sixty fect front on Slain street, whereon Is erected a two-story framo dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. seized, taken in execution nt tho suit ot M, c. Woodward vj. John Waters and Itobert S. Howell and to bo sold as tho property ot Jo'in Watera. Howell, Att'y. Vend. Ex. A LSO, All tho real estato of Charles and Frederick JJmllh sltuato on Front street In tho town uf Cat awlssa, county of Columbia, and stato ot Pcnn- sylvanla, bounded and described ns follows, to- wlt: On tho east by Front street, thenco running along paid slteet sixty and a halt fect to lot owned by John lloycr, on said Front street, on tho west by lot of Jacob Fisher, on tho north by lot ot Ilelwlg, on the south by lot ot John Uoyer, running along the samo 88 feet to land ot Fisher, whereon aro erected a large frame dwelling house and stable. Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of Thlllp II. Miller, assigned to H. Frank Zarr vs. Charles Smith and Frederick Smith and to bo sold as tbo properly of Charles Smith and Frederick Smith. Zarr, Att'y. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain messuage and lot, piece or par- eel of ground sltuato on tho northwest corner of East and Fifth streets, In tho town ot llloomsburg, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho east by East street, on the south and west by Filth street nnd Strawberry alley, and on tho north by lot of Johu Culp, being about ninety-fit a feet on East street, two hundred and twenty feet, moro or less, on Fifth street, and two hundred feet, moro or less, aloes lot ot said John Culp and being the samo premises which Samuel N'olten and w Ife, by deed dated tho twenty-eighth day ot May, A: D. 1870, nnd Isaiah Hagenbuch and wife by deed dated the fourteenth day of December, A. 1). l'OU, conveyed to Stephen II. Miller, aforesaid. Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit ot Isaiah Olger, Joslah Oiger, Jeremiah Hess, Debora Har rison and C. v. -Miller, lu trust now to tho use of Elralra Huntington vs. S. II. Miller and to bo sold as tho property of s. II. Miller. Knorr and Wintcrstecn, Atty's. Lev. Fa. JOHN MOUItEV. Sheilff. CONSUMPTION. 1 bar. ft positive reraftdr for Ilia fttioTe dtia.1. ; br III nis thoa.tadBof caaeiol Ilia vor.t kind mid of lour BUadlDe h.v.been cured. I ii!.M, .j.trnneli tnTf.Ub lalUoale.rr.ttiHt I will .ii ri.O IIOTTLES KUR leclbr Willi r. VAI.UAIII.K rr.H TISKou tsltdUe.ia to muj sufferer. Olin ejii... .11. 1 ! u.nddrtM, . V1U T. A, SUIIA'JI, 111 l'oarl St., .N.w Tork- DI?A7TV?fi5Us CAUSES nnd jcvm.i' riiaa cuiie, by ono who was deaf twenty-eight jears. Treated bV mOSt Of the lintPil .Tiffl.illvlu nt llin il.t. with 110 benefit, cuied himself In three months, nudslncothen hundreds of others hy samo pro cess. A plain, slmplo and successful homo tieat ment. Address T. s. l'AOK, iss Kasts.'.th street, New ork city. nov-30-lt-d. KNABE PIANO-FORTES. UNKQUALLF.D IN I Jl.slKUJ II VIIIIIIMIIIflllUli WILLIAM KNA1IE i CO. Nos. S04 andCO.1 West HaltlmoroSt., llalttmoro. No l' Fifth atenuc, New York, lnv.l3.itr. 8EE TIE NBOW l AI,li iOOO.S. Good quality quilting Calico for 8 Jo. per yard. Full lino of bleached and unbleached Muslin from Gc. up " Canton Flannels from G to 17c. " Red Twill Flannels from 23 to GOc. " White and Gray Flannels, very cheap. All wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors, '15c. per yard. " " " " " li yds. wide for Goo. Ladies' quilted bottom Skirts lor ,90 " " " " Italian cloth for 1.25 Full lino of Ladies', Gents and Childrens' Underwear cheap. All Wool Doublo Shawls from '1.25 to 7.50 Now stock of Ladies' Wraps and New Markets. Now stock of Childrens' and Misses' Coats. Some last seasons Coats and Dolmans at less than half price. Colored Dress Silks from .40 to 1.15 per yd. Black " " extra quality from 1.00 to 2.50 " Brocade Velvet black and colored as low as tho lowest. Plain Colored Velvets, all colors for 1.00 per yard. Plain Black Velvets from 1.00 to 2.00 " Silk Plush all colors from 2.00 to 8.75 " 'Iho best all wool .l'soys in town for 1.00. Jersoys all prices to 2. GO. A full lino of wool dress goods at tho lowest cash prices and much cheaper than over. White Blankets from 1.25 to 9.50 per pair. Ladies iino black ileeced cotton Hose, while heels and toes. Also a full lino of Hosiery, Gloves, and such goods as aro usually kept in a first class (At tho old stand of Lutz & Sloan.) . c, Sm, HLOOMSHUItG MARKET. Wliolcsnlo. 85 05 CO ,.o!il M now 40 S3 ltctnll Wlicnt per bushel Hyo " " Corn ' 50 to C Oats " 45 5 to 0 20 Flour " bbl Huttcr 18 I'K 20 Potatoes 40 Unins It Dili'tl Apples O.'t Side nntl slioulilcr 03 C'lilnlteim IIS) 2 oe 14 07 10 10 13 Tntkcys 10 uccso , Iinrd per lb 09 Hay per ton Vliii'irnr nnr ml on 10 10.00 30 1.00 OnloiiB per bushel 73 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 3-1 Hides fi to 7 Coal on Wiiahp. No02.00j Nos4&fi$3.25 llllumlnus, $4. w lUOWS' Al'l'UAISEMENT'S. iiu luiiuiTing itiuows' Appraisement's win oc presented to tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia coun ty on the Fllst Mnrulnvrif lWvftnlipp A.ll.lhRV nnd confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions within four days thereafter wilt bo confirmed nbsoluto : . i.'""1 N- Wlllet, dee'd., Illoomsburg.personalty, J.t'ouo1''1 K ' UocU' s,t 1'leasant, personalty jaoo'tJi Pursel, dee'd., Hemlock, personalty Jl'tu'io e" J' Il0ss' lleo'll Sugarloaf, personalty, H'ios I-"!'; dee'd., Miniln, personally lltn.77. (1. M. QUICK, WM. II. SNVDEK, ii,...,,.. Clerk, O. C. Clerk's Ofllce, Nov, Id, 1&S5. A UDITOK'S NOT1CK, ESTATE OK IIAKIUET nfCKAt.KW, DEC'D. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court lo distribute balance In hands of exeeutnr t.n nnd nmong tho parties entitled thereto, will attend to mmcs oi ins appointment nt nit onico in DlOoniSbnri?. nn Frlihiv. N'nvr-mtnp Til. nt. II t m when nnd where all persons aro hereby notllled to mako known their claims before the Auditor or bo lureier ueuarrcd rrom coming in on said fund. L. E. WALLKH. Oct-53 tf. Auditor. PIANOS-ORGANS hThfl dtnasnd for tho Improved J1ajo ft Ha mm Piamos 1 now no lartre that a econl addition to tbo factory haii become Imperative. Do notrequlre one quarter as much tun Inn as Pianos on the prevailing wreut-pln system. Consult L'ataloijtH, frre. 100 Styles ot Organs, 2J to fWO. For Cash, Easy Fdymeota, or Hcntcd. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.. NKW YOltK ; BOSTON j CHICAGO. nov-(i4t- 11 Ulili ON IIK1US. KSTATK OP (lEOKOB 1IE8S I.tTK Or SfOAnf.OAP TOWNSHU', COLUM1IIA COCNTV, 1-XNM-SV1.VAK1A, tlKCKASKD. CotuMiiiA Countv, s s : Tbo Cnmmnnwpnlth nf Ppnnsvtvnnln tn llehffipn Hess, ouava, Clinton Hess, (lunta, Uzeklelllcss. coles civek, nil of Columbia county, l'a., Kmanucl Hess, Unloiivlile, Tuscola county, Michigan, Llslo Hon, (lutva, Columbia countv, Andrew Hess wnose last place ot restdenco was Watrousvllle, Tuscola county, Michigan, Angelina Olbbons, ln termarued with I. li. iiiniionH. ivntmi. s-imn llaker Intermarried w Ith Wesley linker, Unltyvllle Lycoming county, l'.i., Mary Kllzabctli Fritz Inter married with Amandus Fritz, coles Creek, Alexan- U1.-1 ni;.s, nuiit-siuivu, nuiuvan county, l'a., lineal deseendentsotocorgo Hess, deceased, and to nil other persons Interested greeting. You nnd each of you nro hereby cited to bo and appear before tholudges of our orphans' Court at an Orphans' Court to bo held nt. Hlnnmshnnr. nn inn Ili-Hl. Mnn- day ot December, noxt. Then and thero to accept orrefuso to tako tho real estate otsald (leorgo Hess, deceased, nt tho appraised valuation put on l i, iiiu iiKiuuai, miu uminicu uy me Ham uouri und returned by tho Sheriff, or show cause why It shall not bo sold. And hereof fall not. Witness the Ilnnnrnhtr. Wltllnln 1'lwr.ll Trps.lrlr.nt of our said court atDloomsburg tho bth day of v.lwuv.1, ri. u. iooj. VT. Jl. HIN1JJ1!.K, o. M. quick, clerk o. c. Deputy. LOTS GIVE-AWAY ! Palma Sola, Florida. Tho paradlso of Invalids I Tho homo ot tropical fruits 1 Climate unsurpassed I No frost I No ex- 11 ernes or neat or cold I no malarial (iround high nnd dry 1 1'icnty of plno I And tho finest hunting and fishing In America. 1'Ai.MA SOLA has tho namo of being the largest, prettiest and youngest town In Florida. Is beau tifully located ontheoulf Coast, two miles aboto the mouth of the Manltee river. Already tho Iron horso is wending Us way to Prima sola, and soon tbo tourists will nrilvo at Its llrst-class hotel, vvhero bo can get a meal to suit his epicurean tastes. I'nlma sola possesses tho largest storo In South cm Florida, with sawmill furniture manufactory, packing houses, warehouses, churches, school house, postomce, stores beautiful residences and n lanro wharf at which ocean steamers nrrlto dally from Tampa. WAIiltKN LKLAND, Jr., of "Long llranch" fame, has secured a location at I'alma sola for the erec tion of a Winter resort. The prediction Is a saro one. based nslt lsupun tho natural advantages and attractions of thn place, that ho will inuko this the "LONll DltANCII" ot FLORIDA, and oth er large hotels will be built. t Ith tho completion or tho railroad, this will bo tho terminus, und tho direct route to Havana, Cuba. Iits will double and quadruple their present prices. Now is tho time to buy. Lots leovux) ft. fit to fsou per lot. Wo want TALMA -OLA to keep booming, nnd ns an induce ment lu tho public, nnd to thoroughly advertise this bomlltul place, WN WILL (II VII AWAY n I.I.MITLD number ONLY of our lols,glvlng lot AL'IKItNATL'LYas theyeomo (corners excepted) charging applicants the expense of deed, trans fer, etc., which will not exceed U.01. Applicant, can send postal money order with application to lnsuro promptness, otherwise deeds will bo sent c o. 1). Applicants must not bo surprised at Iho return ot their money, ns being LIMITED tho first como will bo llrst served. Tltlo perfect. Full warranty deed. -end for pamphlet. Address l'ALIIA SOL LAND CO., 8-1 South llllam St,, New York, N. Y. ItEFEHENCES: 11. r.. Hennlng, Usq , Pres. Fla. It It. and Nav. Co. II 11. Plant Ksq., l'res. Southern Express Co. l'ostmasler, I'alma sola, Florida. John s. lleach, Esq., l'ics. I'ralrle City Hank, Terro Haute, Ind. Jas.c.Mc(iregor, Esq., Capitalist, Cincinnati, O, Henry s. Hubbard, Esq., Cashier Columbia Hank, N. Y N. Y. Win. Drysdale, Iq., New York Times, New lork, and n host of other.!. ou-D-lt-I. Pffl(CE! The greatest offer ever made in Bloomsburg. The largest stock to select from. OUR ' ENTIRE STOCK excepting domestic goods --AT TEN PER CENT, off from LOWEST PRICES on all bills over $i.oo, and we guarantee our prices as low as the lowest if not lower besides the TEN PER CENT EX TRA, we offer, 'from Nov. 10 to Holiday Goods. H. J. CLARK & SON. THE RADIANT HOME BASE-BURNER. (From the ", Crosse .Democrat") Wo never had a coal stovo aroiitul tliu hon&u until last Saturday, Have al ways used pine slabs and jiicees of our ncij'lilior's fence. They burn well, loo, but the fenee got all binned un, and the iiiij'hborriaid he wouldn't build a new' one, so we went down to .Jone.s's and got a coal stove. It is called the "Ka Home," is manufactured by Ui.ack & Ui:iiMi:ii, of Uric, l'a., and any man that says we didn't have a radiant home at our house for about four hours last Saturday night, is a Republican ami a villain. Vou see, wo didn't know anything about coal stoves. We lilled the Iiadiant Homo about half full of pine fence, and, when the stuff got well to going, wo filled tho artesian well on top with coal. It simmered and sputtered about five or ten minutes, and all went out, and we put on an overcoat and a pair of buckskin mittens and "went out too" to suiiner. Wo remarked, in tin- min-sr. nf fl.,, r,n,.ni meal, that Jones was a "froad" for recommending such a confounded refrige rator to a man to get warm by. After supper wo took a piece of ieo and rub bed our hands warm, and went in where that stovo was, resolved to make her draw and burn if it took all the pine feuco ill the First Ward. Our belter-half threw a quilt over her, and sliiveringly remarked that she never knew what real solid comfort was until she got a coal stove. Stung by the sarcasm in her remark, wo turned every dingus on tho stovo that was movable, or looked like it had anything to do with a draft, and pretty soon tho Iiadiant Home began to heave up beat. It was not long before sho stuttered like the now Silsby steamer. Talk about your heat 1 In ten minutes that room was as much worse than a Turkish bath as Hades is hotter than Livorman's ice-house. Tho perspiration fairly fried out of a tin water cooler in the next room. Wo open ed tho doors, and snow began to melt as far up Vino street as Ilanscoinbe's house, and people all around tho neighborhood put on linen clothes. And wo couldn't stop the confounded thing. We forgot what Jones told us about the dampers, and she kept a biling. Tho only thing we could do was to go to bed, and leavo the thing to burn tho liouso up if it wanted to. We stood oil' with a polo and turned the damper every way, aud at every turn sho just sent out heat cnoiiuh to roast an ox. Wo went to bed, supposing that the coal would eventually burn out, but about twelve o'clock the. U'holn f.'iiiiiK- liful tn get up and sit on tho fence. Finally, a man camo along who had been brought up among coal stoves, and ho put n wet blanket over him and crept up to the proper dingus, and sho cooled off, and sinco that time has been just as com fortable as possible. If you buy a coal stovo you want to learn how to cng necr it, or you may get roasted. These Stoves for sale by C. C. GALIGNAN, Opera House, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct 30 lw TRIAL OFFER mid me their Inlliivnee to Bend moro names. ijuco uaviiiK tMiElit lis this, we feel rerluln pay us tomakeA 1,1 ltl:U A I, OlFl'li to ffle pr.e;. 5 mm I HS TRftL Auvvury reani'rot timwlio will mend us 111 ctn. or stiver, we u I toml "rit iv i'a Hf A'iin.iiiiii'Milnn lrpuly tOBiUlsryfurlfmltv.Rnd vou will rprtalnlv UlULnpQlntcHL mnu A tun nunnm 61 POPULAR BALLADS OHLY 20 j " hllppi'iit. Only to Sett JTer Viice AEaln. I've . ,vui in'u MKiyiiay. nimviiisc iuui iu r.wiy imv, my jrayers. rwsy s riunday out. When You've lime ou Home Aualn, Kathleen. Old-Fashioned Homestead, l'allet of straw, cradle's I'.iiiiny, iiaov a none, .never take the Horseshoe from the Iioor. lllue Alsatian Monntalns. T. Ilabv's llonc. NcvirTaLH tlm Ifnn aioi ivy ironuuy Alucel .Mother's Urave. Ivy rrom my Anttel Mother's Grave. jiuuie Again. c isuvtT hpean as wo j Jnuinlinin 1! th4?ni ni i AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 OIU'IIANS' COUltT SALE op vai.uaiiu: By vlrtuo of an alias order ot tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, thero will bo exposed to public sale, on tho premises, in Hemlock Twn . In said county, on Saturday, Nov. 2r, '85, at S o'clock )n tho afternoon, tho undivided twenty-nlno thlrty-fclxlhs interest, lato ot Ilenjamln Ilomboy, ilocoasoj, In tho followlnj described real estate, to-wlt: K ViLU,BLE farjvi sltuato In llemloelc township, on tho public road leading from liuckhorn lo Jcrsoytown, about ono mile from liuckhorn, bounded by lands of David Wagner.Evan Thomas, Manillas Heller, (now Win. Hamboand Wm. Key estato,) Isaac Wagner, (now 1'btllpStroup,) John Miller and David Wagner, con talnlng 112 ACRES and ono hundred and lltty.nlno peichcs, moro or less. Tliolinproieinentsnroa ! a sprlug house, over a never-falling bprlug ot water, a hen iiouso.a largo bauk barn, about uixio feet, a good granary, wagon house, hog house, cider house and corn crib. A well of waternt tho house and ono at tho barn. Tholandlsdlvld-d Into convenient fields with water In each Held, except two. The farm Is well adapted for grazing and farming pu rinses; about ten acres ot tho property Is WOOD LAND, net with chestnut, rock oak nnd other timber. Thero isarlno young npplo orchard, peach or chard, ns well as a cholco variety ot cherry, plum aud other trull trees. Conditions mado known on day of salo by U H. IIOMIIOY, U. U. Funk, Atfy for estate. Adinr. ALSO, At tho same tlmo and place, tho undersigned will exposo to public salo thorcmalnlng undivided .oven thlrty-slxths Interest In tho nbo.o described .real estate. SAItAH UOMlioy. fVJlw(V,1'. "f'yMIn. (irandinother's Old Arm Chair. "llleh Water I'nii'ts. dvm tho (lardejiWnll. A Flower from my Ancel Mother's (irave. 1 I.efl lieland nn.l tinAnn. good for 20 clays make room for THE FARM AND GARDEN BRI6lrlLILI.U8Trl(itlONI,niiaiauliolllellko.rii. nlble. nnd ACUURATIl runil Journal. INTFRFSTINf! MRRFSPriNnrNrr Ifnd Tnliiftblo iiilurmnlion Irom every btato lit . uui iiu itMiMfiii.u or Hinien Kir-o.1. U an tiuili'orltvon FRUIT! ana VCCtTABUS. Con tain i be I II. ST 1'oultrr pacen for thoatiwhu lur irom. and urprbo.ln- ien-81, aua p ion n o 1 1 mt. TCI tin uf every Hinerl. that 11 will ' Induce every lUc, In stamna h nvrom.) i 1 .... I'mJuat Oolng Down to the date, liaudrul of Karlh. Walt 'till thu Clouds ltoll Hi. I'll Moot II or When the Muu iloes lion n. A Knot of lllue nnd tlray. Mary's (lono With tt (JoOU. Hweet Vlnletii. llrldeet Donaithue. IJltlo Wife. Iellle, Hold ilclmlna. Only n I'ansy Jllonsom. Mobody Knows What a Rocket Was Tlieru. Where Is My Wanderincf Uoy To-nlghtT Paddy Daily's L'ari, Widow No law's Ooat. Warrior Bold. We sat MvioHiiivrr, itiuunm. knu will I Miss Mo When I'm (lone. Old, nnd (lnlir Tti.n llntiti inil.a-ini. v..L. .. v. 1 1 I iy-ireuy jieu nose, i ii Jteuit'inner vou rmiy Jim jtose. l'J JLeuu-mtipr Ynn Tiivi nMv (lot lint Hlty Cents, till l'olk. it Hniri.. fl Marvof the Wl 1.1 Mnor. l',,n 1.0 ii.r.u. tClmnce. Not liefore l'a. bpanlah Cavalier. North Tenth St., Philadelphia; Penn'a. Nov. c-Cw, OTIOH TO TAX COLLliCTOUS. ,.An,Act 9! tl10 J-eglslaturo and npprorcd June 2d, l'J.a '.'"'iP'ilet laws, pago 43) rciiulrlng tax collectors, lownship and boiouah onicci s, to mako return of seated and unseated lauds upon which 110 property can bo found fiom which lo mako trues to tho County Comlsloners, on or before il'?,!!,'?. ".ay,of Ja.nuarj- next, wlllt a suniclent de scilptloii by boundailes or otherwlse.of each sepa. nruto lot or tract and about tho quantity of the trt??1 ,ui'a& W ml 10 ,nake returns by saht ;la will be. held for such los?. Taxes bo returned become a lien against thu property bo returned, e havo blanks ion which theso leturnsnrolo bo l.'I?ji0.nnJ Y11"urnlsh them upon application of collectors, &c. join 11. 0A-KY, ComTs' ouice, Oct. 30, '65, 6t. Com'rs clerk. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAHLE IS ess B linage I In pursuance ot nn order ot tho Orphans' court of Columbia county, l'a., tbo undersigned trustees appointed by said Court, will bell at public salo on tho premises ou Saturday, November H, II, at two o'clock In tho afternoon, tho following de bcilbedreal estato ot l'hoebo A. JIMedec' It. All that lot or plcco of ground situated In JlllUln vllle, Columbia county, Pa., bounded ou tho north by land of tho George BUumau estato, on tho cast by second street, of said vlllago of Jliminvllle, on the south by West street and on tho West by tbo Susquehanna river, containing two fields, of land, mote or less. Helng tho samo premises through whlcu tlieN. W. ll. railway passes, hereby reservlngany and all damages which havo been sustained or may bo recovered from said railway company, Horn and by reason of the election, construction aud laying out ot said railroad, through nnd upon said land. TEK.MS of SAI.K:-Teti per cent, of ono-fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of the propei tyj the ono-fourth less tho ton percent, nttho conurmatlou ot sale, and the ie. malnlnlng threo-fourths In ono jcar thereafter, with Interest from couilruatlou nisi. IK'ed or deeds at the expense of purchaser, Possession given on pa) meut of pu rchase money. STKl'HHN l'OIIH in.rsCOi. 1'11IU.U U MILlill,' Trusteci. Ikeler & llcttlnf, allys. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers