THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwell, I r.ii. J. E. BittMrtondor. ,) Elltsrs' BLOOMSBURG, PA, FlFtDAY," WvMBE7t, 0, 18BiC I i TUESDAY'SELECTIONS NEW YORK, VIRGINIA AND MARY LAND CARRIED BY THE DEMOCRACY. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET ELECTED IN PENNSYLVANIA, Quay lias been elected Stato Treas urer by a majority of 25,000 to 30,000 and the peoplo of Pennsylvania have vindicated his Pardon Hoard offenses. In Philadelphia the wbolo ticket wag elected including Ho wan for sheriff, and tho ox-convict Mount. Iowa, Nebraska, Now Jersey and Massachu setts have also given republican majors tics. David H. Hill U elected cover nor of New York by 15,000 plurality, and Kitz Hugh Leo is elected In Vir ginia. The legislature of tho latter stato will bo democratic nnd Mahonc is buried out of sight. Tho majority is nearly 20,000. Maryland was carried by tho demo crats, and in Connecticut gains wero made by the democrats, in tho legisla ture. Tho republican candidato for sheriff is elected in Montour county by 10U mrt' ioritv. Frank E. Brockway was defeat' ed for protlionotary of Luzerne by 300, Though tho voto in Columbia was light and tho majority tho smallest known for years,tho apathy hero was no "renter tuan in somo other counties, in Berks tho democratic majority falls off 2500, ana in .Northampton imv. There seems to havo been no interest in tho election and tho voto through tho stato was light. President Cleveland went to Buffalo to voto for Hill and tho whole Demo cratio ticket. His route was over the T.pliirfli Vallnv rnnrl. nnd lin wns f?reot - - -5 - ' " J ' " o , ed by largo crowds wherever tho train stopped. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany bavo declared a semi-annual dividend of 2 ner cent, oavablo on and after November 30. This makes tho dividend for tho current yoar 5 per cent. Some sururiso was created in financial circles by tho decrease. Tho funeral of Geu. Geo. B. Mo Clellan took place on Monday. The remains were taken trom his homo in Orance N. J. to tho residence of Mr. W. O. Prime, Mew York, on Sunday, and services were held at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church on Mon day. Among tho pall-boarers wero Gen. Hancock, Gen, Joseph E. John ston, Gen. Fitz John Porter, Gen. W. B. Franklin, Gen. MoMahon, Congress man A. S. Hewitt, and other disiin Guiohed soldiers and citizens. In obed ienco to the request of Mrs. MoClelhn the services were of a very simple chnractcr.'and theie was no military display and no brass bands in tho pro cession. 1 no great general naa ex pressed his aversion to bucIi funeral displays only a few weeks ago, and bo was laia away simpiy us a private citi zen. There wai an linmouso crowd in attendance. INTEMPERATE TEMPERANCE. Women who devote their talents to the welfaro of their race, are entitled to tho greatest respect and considera tion. Whether it be in church work, 111 tho missionary held at homo or abroad, in tho temperauco cause, or iu labors of love of any kind, her influence for good is great, when her course of action is governed only by a desiro to do good, and balanced by christian charily and common sense. Unfor tunately thoro arc many women and men too, who are drawn into public lifo simply by a desiro to becomo conspicuous, and becauHO they are somewhat allied to the genus "crank.' Aud of this latter class a btriking in stance has couio to our notice. L-ist week and Ilhis, for soveral das the National Woman's Christian Tempt-r- ance Union washrld in Philadelphia, tho eleventh annual convention The President of this Union is Miss F E. Willard of Chicago, and on Friday last 111 addressing the convention she gavo utterance to some most remaik- ablu lansuace. in tho course ot tier annual address she said : Crimes against women seem to bo on the increase everywlifre. It Is not by tho vain nttemnt to reintioiiuco the exploited hurein method of secluding women Hint tliey uro to lie saved. When wo remember ,tlio un avenged murder of Jcnnio Cramer, of New lluven, the ncquumi 01 1110 ravisiiem 01 11 cultivated Illinois school teacher : when wo retlect that the J'all Mall Gazette snys tho law is framed to allow men to outrago girls with Impunity ; Hint in Massachusetts and Vermont It Is n greater crime to steal a cow limn to mm a gill , that la Illinois sedue Hon la not recognized ns n crime, it is n marvel not to be explained that wc go on U10 even tenor ot our way too uciiciio, 100 refined, too prudish to uiako any nlluslon to these awful facts. Wo have been tho victims of conventional cowardice too lonrr. As to our relation with politics wo do not forget in tho midst of our unmistakable cuins that the Democratic pal ty is the oncn allv of till liquor oligarchy in the realm of national politics. Wo want the Democratic parly to bite the dust. Tho Baloon is entrenched in politics even mora firmlv than in Jaw. Wo can write and speak and pray for tho only party that tie dales "tno snioon must go. What the ladv says of the social ovil is truo and desorves tho heartiest endorsement, but tho lang uago immediately following that, clear lv indicates that sho is a republican. and is endeavorintr to ruu tho National Woman's Christian Temperance Union as an auxilliarv to that party. Her charitablo character disappears, and sho disulavs her strong partisan bias, Sho 'has no word of condemnation for tho nartv in tho state of Connecticut, moro rcfiuently republican than democratic, whoro the murder of tho 11 11 fortunate Jcnnio Cramer has gono un avenged. Sho has nothing to say against tho republican paity in the strongly republican stato of Illinois wbero the ravisncrs 01 a cuiuvuieu school mistress were acquitted, and whero "seduction is not recognized as a crime." No comments on the strong republican states of Massachusetts and Vermont whero "it is a greater crime to steal h cow than to ruin a girl." But whon sho oomes to speak of the liquor traffic, she at once awakens to I ho Jact that "llio iliioorauu paity is j tho open ally of the liquor oligarchy in tho icalm of national politic?. Wo wint tho Democratic party to bito tho dust." In other words shu wants tho Republican patty sustained notwitli Htnndiiifi the fact that in states control), ed by it seduction and murder are not ciimcs, but tho Democratic parly must be held responsible for tho great crinio of intemperance. Perhaps sho is not nwaro that in the southern Btatcs con trolled by tho Democrats thcro aro much fewer saloons than in tho north ern Republican states. In Pennsyl vania where the Republicans have bad a majority in tho legislature, and the cntiro slnto government for many years with but few exceptions, tho liquor traffio is legalized, and in Phila delphia whero Miss Willard s intern pcrato Hpccih was made, with its 15,. 000 to 20,000 republican majority, . I.,! 'r 1 ....I!..- Willi us repiiuuuaii mayor ami ,unuu force, with tho courts largely controlled by tho samo party, tho liquor laws aro a dead letter and intoxicating drinks aro sold on Sunday with perfect im punity. And tho samo may bo said of nearly overy city in tho north, and yet tins lauy says mat "tno j;einocrnuo pai tv is tho open allv of tho liquor oligarchy," forgetful of tho facts abovo given, and willuliy ignoring tho crimps of tho Whiskey ring"that flourished in tho palmy days of republican ndininis tiou. It is to bo regretted that such iulempcrato tongues cannot bo restrain ed. Tho Democratic party can stand suoh criticism, but tho temperance causo cannot stand it, and can never hope to mako much progress as a poli tical organization until tho cranks and hot-heads within its ranks can bo mono to undertand that its battles must bo fought on a platform mado for tho pur poso of benefitting tho human race, and not as a moro sido show to cither of tho great political parties. Literary Notices. A writer la tho forthcoming (November) lUii. rsKS, treating of "The Defense ot our Sea-ports," points out that In nlno of our seaboard cltlos alono property valued at J.1,-J,000,CflO Is exposed to destruction In caso ot war, beeauso ot our lack ot sea-coast defeases adequate to cope with the navies ot tho righting powers. He sketches tho remarkable development ot orduanco and armor slnco our war, stimulated In largo measure by Its lessons, but In which we bavo bad no part. Tho new English guns throw a shot of 2000 pounds penetrating SO Inches of Iron at a dlstanco ot a thousand yards, und have an affcctlne range of six miles. The writer urges that Immediate pro vision should bo mado for an oxtonslvo torpedo outfit, for gun factories capablo of producing the modern guns nnd torn general system of coast do fence, at an expenditure of ten millions a year for six or seven years. It Is announced that this paper will bo followed doling' next yenr In IUn- per's by a careful study ot "Tho Itrltlsh Navy," by Sir Edward Heed, and by 'a paper on hrupp's gun factory, both fully Illustrated. Those who have been conversant with tho lead. lng English magazines will havo noticed that of late years they havo given much more space to what way bo termed "spook literature." Ghost stories havo abounded ; and to meet the popular demand the Edltorot Tit Nkw Moov has given tho post of honor In the first number of his fifth volume to an article Entitled, "Is This the Era of Ohostafwhlch gives many instances of ghostly appearances In and around Boston ; and, strange to Bay, they havo the endorsement of being "nell authenticated." As long as peoplo will read such literature, tho supply will equal tho demand. The November number of Tub Nkw Moon Is a beauti ful specimen of good printing and proof-reading and we don't see how such an' Interesting publi cation can be furnished for the small sum ot one dollar a year, or ten cents a topy. Tho enterprise of tho publishers has placed It for sale on every news counter In the unlfd States and Canada, or a specimen copy 111 be sent on application to Tub New Moon Pdbusiiinu Co., Lowell Mass. Rheumatism It l an established fact that Hood's Bar aparllla has proven an Invaluable remedy In many severe cases of rheumatism, effect ing remarkable cures by Its powerful action In correcting the acidity of tho blood, which Is tho cause ot tho disease, and purifying and enriching tho vital mild. It U certainly fair to assume that what Hood's Sarsaparllla has dono for others It will do for you. Therefore, it you suffer the pains and aches of rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Positive Care. "I was troubled very much with rheuma tism in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bod a good deal ot tho time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla as one ot tho best blood purifiers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlugton, 111. For Twenty Years I have been affile ted with rheumatism. Beforo 1883 1 found no relief, but grew worse. I then bogan taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did me more good than all the other medicine I ever had." II. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. "I 'suffered from what tho doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sar saparllla and am entirely cured." J. V. A. Fboudfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. Wo shall bo glad to send, free of charge, to all who may desire, a book containing many additional statements ot cures by , Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all druggists. I ; lx for $5. Made only by a L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. THINK OF IT NOW! Although much is said about the Impor tance of blootl-purlfying medicine, It may bo possible that the subject has never seriounly claimed your attention. Think of it now! Almost every person naa somo form of scrof ulous poison latent In his reins. When this develops In Scrofulous So res t Ulcers, or Kruptloiis, or In tho form of llheumatlsm, or Oceanic Diseases, tho suffering that en sues is terrible. Hence the gratltuile of tbosa who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoroughly eradicate this evil from the ejstcin, At well expect life irlthont air ns health vtthout pure blood. Cleanse the bluod v, Ith AVEil'S SAUSAFAIULLA. TOKPARXD BY Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, Bold by all Druggists ; ?l,slx bottles for S5. PIANOS-ORGANS The demand for the Improved Masom A Hammm iiaxos la now so lai kq inn n econ.i naumoii 11 ma factory has become Imperative. Do not require one aunrter as much tuning at Hanoi on the prevailing rent-pin system. CouKult Catulngue, Iroe. 100 styles ot Oioivi, JJ to I'XW. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Ilenteil. Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.. NEW YORK t P.OSTUN ; CIIICAGU. nov-0-4t. CQURSEN, CLEMO & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, (lla&sware, Table and l"ocket Cutlery, Indow mass, und I'lated-waro. The f6 candle-power marsh electric lamp. 1 he celebrated 1'tnaforo burner, bird Cages, Fruit Jars. 3 Lackawanna Avenue. 8CHANTON, I'a. may My Dr. McTaggart This noteil Hpeclallst of Hcrantnn, is tho only specialist this sido of New York, l' ML adelphia nnd 11 u Hula who makes an oxcln. slvo specialty of treating chronic, long standing anil lingering discuses to which mail and womankind uro subject, such ns Consumption, Dronchml nlTectloin, Scrofu. In, Sult.lthctim, Loss ot Manhood, Skin dls. cases, Itheinnatisin, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpi. lepsy, Syphilis, Deafness, Loss of Voice, Chronic Dlnrrliii'a.Chllls and Foyer, Worms, Liver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, I'arnly sis, Tapo worm, Heart disease, &c, Ac, CiTFcmalo diseases a specialty. No matter how long you have been suf. fering nor how mauy Doctors you haye cm. ployed In vain, you should upply to D11. iluTAaaAUT at once, when he will tell di rectly without holding out false hopes whether your disease Is strictly curable or can only bo relieved. Ho owes liis wldo reputation for tho sue ccssful treatment of all lingering or clironio diseases to experience and close appllcu. lion for over SO years, and to no miraculous power. What the Papeks Sat i 'He H skillful honest, rniclent, upright and re liable and well worthy of the K'opl ' eonlldenca and esteem. Ho always says exactly what ho means uud moans exactly what he says." bcran- "He h too useful a man to lose," Lackawanna vmuriif. Corner Lackawanna and Washington Avenues, SOHANTON, I'A. Sept u.iy VOTE POLLED AT GENERAL ELECTION, TUESDAY, f ,NOVEMnER 3rd, 1885. S.trcas.' II It ! IJJ t - A t? Too u ... .:. 82 77 1 . 41 110 ... 1 180 8G 187 115 3 ... 13T, 131 7 0 88 !)l ... 8 174 109 0 ... 80 70 8 70 23 3 ... 33 SO 28 33... 1 187 30 ... i Wi 10 09 77 23 ... 79 20 0 1 104 0 110 02 1 ... 110 27 2 ... 100 8 128 89 40 35 fid 34 0 ... 107 04 ... 1G 87 27 30 21 ... 1 45 33 3 ... 72 02 0 3 133 0 2078 1414 72 38 Townships. 1 leaver HcrwIcU K " w 100 77 40 188 Denton lllooni hnst Hloom West llrlarcrccki, Cntawlssn,., 121 1)3 170 85 08 83 Ccntrnlla Centre Conynglintn, N Conyngham, B Fislilngcicek 31 101 Franklin ,., 110 100 73 104 Greenwood Hemlock .Tncksnn Locust iMuillson. Main Mllllln Montour 121 110 100 127 40 67 Mt. Pleasant Orange 11 37 80 nnc. Itonrlngcreek West Scott 31 Kast Scott Hugarlonf 73 183 SEE THE Good quiility quilting Calico for 3ic. per yard. Full lino of blenched and unbleached Muslin from Gc. up " Canton Flannels from G to 17c. " Ked Twill Flannels from 23 to GOc. " White and Gray Flannels, very cheap. All wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors, 4oc. per yard. " " " " " li yds. wide for Goc. Ladies' quilted bottom Skirts tor .90 " " " " Italian cloth for 1.25 Full line of Ladies', Gents and Childrens' Underwear oheiq). All Wool Double Shawls from 4.25 to 7.50 New stock of Ladies' Wraps and New Markets. New stock of Childrens' and Misses' Coats. Some last seasons Coats and Dolmans at less than half price. Colored Dress Silks from .40 to 1.15 per yd. Black " " extra quality from 1.00 to 2.50 Brocade Velvet black and colored as low as the lowest. Plain Colored Velvets, all colors for 1.00 per yard. Plain Black Velvets from 1.00 to 2.00 " Silk Plush all colors from 2.00 to 3.75 " 'the best all wool Jerseys in town for 1.00. Jerseys all prices to 2. GO. A full line of wool dress goods at the lowest cash prices and much cheaper than ever. White Blankets from 1.25 to 9.50 per pair. Ladies' fine black fleeced cotton Hose, white heels and toes. Also a full line of Hosiery, Gloves, and such goods as are usually kept pi a first class mm Goods S (At the old stand of Lute & Sloan.) HI. W. Nov. 0, 2m. COURT PROCLAMATION- WHEREAS, the Hon. Wuliam Ewei.l President .luugo ot tho Court of oyer and Terminer and (leneralJall Delivery, Court ot Quar ter Sosslons ot the Peace and tho Court ot Common l'leas and Orphans' Court In the 20th Judicial Dls. trlct, composed ot tho counties ot Columbia and Montour, anil the lions. Jatnci Lake and 1'. L shuman, Ass-Klato Judges of Columbia county have Issued tl)clr.precept,boarlni; dale tho cthduy of Oct. In theycarof our Lorduno thousmd clshl hundred and eyuty-llve, and to mo directed for holding a Court of 0 cr and Terminer and flcneral Quarter Sessions of tho l'eaee, Court ot Common l'leas and Orphans' Court, In Illoomsburs;, In the county ot Columbia, on tho firt Monday.belng the Tlh day otDec. next, tojcontlnuu for two weeks. Notice Is hereby ctven to the Cot tho Jus tices ot the l'eaee, and thu Constables of the said County of Oolumbla,that tliey bo then and tlicntlu their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon said 28th day of Sept. with their records Inqul. sltlons and other rementbi ances,to do thoso things which to their ofilces appertain to be dono. And thoso that aro bound by rc cognizance to proseetito a;alnst tho prisoners that are or may he In thejall ot tho said county of Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute them as shall bo lu.t. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg ( ,1 thersthdayofNov. In tho year of our I 1. M. y Ijota ono thousand eight hundred and I , J elghty-ilve, and In the one hundred and ninth yoar of tue Independence ot tho United States of America, hherltrs omce, JOHN MOUHKV, suerlff. 1E-0PE(ED, THE GLEN CITY MINES. Jot Having 1iooiciik1 tho Olen City Mines, wo aro )ropnreil to furnish tho country trade with first class prepared coal, at t:ot $?,oo Per 'Eon. McAlarney & Knight. GLEN CITV, PA. Oct 10-lw EE. Q. BsMemani number and gas fitter. Hear of Schuyler's hard, ware store, filoomsburg. Pa. All kinds ot Ilttlngs tor steam, gas ;and water Itootlne and spouting attended to at short no tlco. Tlnwaro of every description inado to order. Orderaleftat Schuyler Co's., hardwaie store win uo prumi'iij iiucu. Special attention glren to heating by steam and uui waier. y-iy TVjrAINWMUUT & UU., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia TEAS, BYUUl'S, COP1TKK, BUOAIt, MOLAHKb BICI, SriCIS. BIC1HB 80D1.&C, SO. N. E. corner Second and Arch stroma, tirordsrswilt receive prompt attentln PATENTS Obtained and all patent business attended to (or moderate fees. our olllce Is opposite the U, H. Patent onice, and we can obtain l'uients In less thno than thoso re mote from wasuiugton. tnd model or urnwlmr. We sdvlso as to nut enlablllty free ot charge, and we make no ehargo unless putint U secured. We refer heie, to (he I'ostinastcr, tho Supt, of Honey o.-der llv., and to olllUals of the U. S. I'ntent OflUo. For circular, adtlcu, terms and references to actual clients In your own state or cuuniy, wine iu opposite I'atent Onice, Washington, 1). O, UUV-II hcrUT. D. Att'y. J. Com. Coroner. Mil! a a i i o . u- ! J .5 1 h " Q an a 5 -9 -a b 1 a a JS L 1 -A 14 ... 100 t 100 83 1 04 07 73 110 ...j 31 122 38 IMS! Ill (Milt tttMl 112 4' 217 81 187 118 11 170 73 125 27... BO 25 00 105 8 177 103 103 78 0 85 78 85 24 8 C9 25 09 29... 33 29 33 80... 31 80 81 80... 187 80 188 14 30 14 30 70 20 102 70 00 20 8 80 20 80 0...1 101 0 103 51 i: 121 51 121 23 5 109 24 1 109 7 ' 101 7 I 101 8?...; 127 39 J 127 "J5... 51 81 1 45 29 5 1 G2 24-1 58 03 8 112 02 I 110 27 37 27; 37 23... 30 88,. 80 42 0 1 43 33 43 68 10 73 60, 72 0..JI lo3 I) 133 11 I! i o. Cm W13. "14 100 78 40 187 131 00 173 131 09 37 81 188 30 08 04 101 120 10!) 101 127 46 60 110 87 80 42 73 125 -T4X7. 87 83 111 Ml lift 112 118 28 160 78 33! 20 30 30 14 74 25! 0 118 118 83 102 42 23 25 80 30 14 74 41 0 51 24 7 80 80 81 04 27 28 33 68 0 51 24 7 39 30 29 04 271 28 31 58 I) FEMM tose. SLO-iLILT. 1'ItICE LIST OK ROOFING SLATE On cars at Quarry. No. 1 Slate No. 1 llib slate (.1.1 loo to 8.80 3.ou a.5i 10.51 4.00 Seconds No. 9 nib Slate i( Slate (ireen Slate J. I.. mil. i.. S5 Iickawanna Avenue, scranton, l'a -Maya-My BLOOMSBURG-PLANING MILL :o. Tho underslirned having nut hie Planlnc Ml on Railroad street, In tlrst-eiass condition, is pre pared to do all kinds of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnlsned at reasonable priced. All lumber used is won seasoned ana nono out skiiica workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOB, BUILDINGS famished on application, flano and Bpecinca tons prepared by an experienced draughtsman CHARLES KRITG, IIIooiiiHtturp;, Pa Tho Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Bountiful ami Substantial Premiums In Standard Gold and otherWatchcB.Vahiable Books, tho Dost Family Bowing Michlno known to the trade, and an uneqnaled list of objects of rnal utility and instruotlon. Rutes, by Mt.ll, Postpaid! DAILY, per Yoar (without Sunday) $6 OO DAILY, per Month (without Buudiy) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... I OO FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 OO WEEKLY, per Year . , , I OO Iddrc.i, TUE SUN, Nw York (llf. noy 0 8t. T. A handsome VASE LAMP given f. nnPPP.P. vv Ith MS order for 1u andc'orf m UUiiuU 'e. An iron Slono I'llAMllKH o SET, 10 pieces, or a TEA SET, 41 Pieces, or a handsome ulioN.E llANdlNO L.VMP given wtthn S10 older. A CUA.MllElt SET of 10 pieces, vvuii blue, maroon or pink uanu or an um bTONI: CHINA TE V SET Ot 60 pieces, or a (ll.ASS nrr of 50 nlcees given with 11 112 urder. HANI). SOME PltEMlUMS, coiiKlslhig of Decoratid China Waro In T ea sets, also limner and Tea sets com. blued, and Chamber Sets, etc., etc., given with orders for 118. fan S5. s!S and 150. Send for elrcu., which will give you lull particulars. (IHAND UNION TEA IOSIPANY, 25 r-oulh .Main St v ukes jiarie, yii. neauuuur ters so Front street. New Yolk city. may Ji-ly A UOITOU'd NOTICE. L8TATB OF IIAHBIST DIHHAI.F.W, IIEO'P. Tlie undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court to distribute balance In hands of executor to and among llio parlies entitled theteto, will attend to tho lutlis of his appointment at his onice In lilooiusburg, on Friday, November 10, at 11 a. in., when and where u 1 1 persons are hereby not Wed to mako known their claims before the Auditor or bo lorever debarred from coming in uu said lunu. I. E. VVAI LFll, Oft-23 tf. Auditor. UDITOH'S NO 1 ICE.' usrATSOf ANiuiBWs. cnsretiNO, ukcsashh. Tho undertigned Auditor appointed by tho l Ulllk IUUIMI1UU1U uuiuuin, 111 minus UT lUUUJll'CU tor to and umour the parlies entitled thereto will intend to the duties of his unnolntmeut at his ut- lieu In llloomsburir onTliuiNluv tin, istliilav nf Novimbtr, lUSal 11 a.m., when and wheio ull persons are heit by nolincdto make known their claims before the auditor or be forever debaned from couilng In upon said lund. I. E, WALLEll, Auditor pOYAl tfi Absolutely Pure. nils powdot 11 Ivor vatlm. a marvel of purity stroiigtn and wajlosom-'nn.ii. Mire economical than tho ordtn irv kin ts, nnrt cannot bo sold in comrctlon wlw tho multitude of low test, short welRbt, alum or nnospinto nowders. s ld only In c ins. I'.ovai. iucinu I'ownmt ro , inn Va!l-st n, 1 . uci 10-iy ni.ooAtsimnH jMaukh r. Wliolcsnlc. lictail. Wheat per biislu 1 85 M Hyu " " 00 Com " " ....old .10 now 40 00 lo Or, Oats " " !I2 45 Flour " bbl 8 lo 0 Uuttcr 18 20 Eitks 18 2P rotutocs 40 no Hniiis It 14 Dried Apples 0;i 07 Hide nnd shoulder 08 10 Chickens 08 10 Turkeys 10 12 Lard 'peV'i'b".!!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 08 HO liny per tnu 10.10 Vlnennrjper gal 20 00 Onions per bushel 75 1,00 Vcnl skins 07 Wool peril U5 Hides 5 to 7 CoAt. ON WllAKP. No 0 $2.00; Nos 4 Si fi $3.25 Hltutnlnus, $.4. Philadelphia Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLY. FEED- Western winter bran, spot, 15. a 15.S5 spmiKil. (4H.15 nil'lt. Western extra's 4.00; I'enna family, l.M w S.S5 Ohio clear, m winter gatent 5.S5 6.V5; I'enna. roller process 4.00 Q VVIIKAT 1'ennsyiTanla rod. No. 1, hOltf. ColtN', No. 5, si. r-o. 3, 50. OATS. No. 3 wlllto ft 35 No. S, 88 HAY AND STUAW Timothy (JUolco Western and New York, 10. fair to good Western and New York', 12. in. ; medium Western and New York, 10. (a 15. : cut hay as to quality M. o lil. ltye Btraw la, Wheat straw, 10. oat straw 93 10 Kims. Pennsylvania 31; western S3. IlUTTKlt. Pennsylvania creamery prints 30 Western extra sot ai. LIVE l'OULTHY. Fowls, 8, mixed lots 7 GS 8 roosters old 6. l-01'ATORS.-lLirly ltose. Mm 55: Burbaruta. 50 f4 53; iinlons,2.25(!S2.5i) per bbl. for yellodPl.75 IU, IVU. HOTlcn IS I1EIIKBV GIVEN nn Ion will bo made to tho Ooveruor of . ti.asylvnnla on Monday, tho blxteeuth day ot November, 18S5, by A. '.. Schoch, 11. C. Neal, John A. I'unston. .1. u. Ilrown, W. M. lteber nnd c. vv. Miller, all of or'liloouiibun;,sCulumbl.i county, Pennsylvania, under the Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act 10 provide for tho Incorporation aud regulation ot certain corporations." approved Apiil 29, 1874, and tho supp.ements thereto, for the charter ot nu Intended corporation to bo called "The llloomsburtr steam and Klecttlo U&htco.," the chaiactcr and object ot which H fori he pur pose of mnklnir nnd supplj imr heat and power by steam and the making mid supplyl'iir Unht, by electricity, tho business ot the said corporation to bo conducted and eariledouln tho sal I town of llloomsburir, and Tor these purposes to bavo. pos sess nnd enjoy all thu lights, beneilts nnd piUI leges ot said Act of Assembly and suppli'inents Ull'll'lll. iJUII .,1. Ocl-3J-3t. solicitor. PHILADELPHIA SINGER Iiicliitllrifi Tuckrr, Unfiler, boT of -t I U'lnmtTH.ainl lliml- er.utnl iiMiul uutlltnf twi'h e putt, wirraitten 3 jean. iuur own Ihuit before you piiy om ecitt. V nt her tv-u-tnfj viitr'tlnr wamifactuifr in tte Unititl StiVn tiatrx to make , tfiii offer. Tltcy nri hniitl Uouie, tlunilite, nnd Ufiiit Ermiiilntr. SiMt 11 itker cm. naalpi charot- tram Sdfl la ISO. rurrhiiNO from iw utiil -nt' t;l. srnil tor circular und t C. A. WOOD & CO.. teatlmonlnN. II N. Trnih u, rhllad'ii, I'n. 4 MILE jmtth H mo loudest uud uiu Ipierriusiy tiu nil wht si It uiude. C'uu be heard from one to ss?,ti7!J&8 iIqi'I twomtlot. Kxact vrfi?SS3V lit bIzu of ii 50-tnU- a'A 1 '?vjlilmt I a r m brecf niruilruX iyAp or ei wittr. Mm- man and ,nn farmer ihoald liva BE, btint fr,.. hv mull. Tor '25 ri.nIH In and m I our rutnluKiii ut im. rtoviiiiii. cie. aarcss nnii:. vi.r.siiM .t- i'n.. Pllll.ADHl.l'HlA, 1'LN.VA. Sept -l-l3t.-eow. THE "CSOOI) KKOVGII" Umpi are Qlled direct hj mil PDMP Without Lift ing the Can, the Oiling tuba adjusting to ult h eighth of any Lamp. This la th Most practical FAMILY CAN ever offered to the public. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAYE ONE. MANII'ACTURIO BY tylnfkUl iamaehirlna "go., NoDropplnpOll on tho Klooror Table; No Faucet to Irfnk or get k nocktxl open to watte Contents or cnuso Explosions. No (kirks to Lose, Closes Perfectly Air Tight. No Leak. age no iuvaioruiioii Aosoiuieiy Mare. A Universal lluunrliolil NeceHglty, CX,Xi TTTXI BEE TTTT-hn-. l'OIl SALE IN llLOOSllUlia 11V I. W. HAHTMAN A SON ANI FAHJIEUS' IMtODUCE EXCIIANOE, oct-S3-i:iU AGENTS W ANTED BK JSpyofthe Rebellion." Hod. Only bo.)lcufitilut. Tbo"Sly"rtveJ iany secrtti of M war never before tuUUtird. A fmplila account of tho foaipirtcy (o tBiuuio&ts .lutolu. iVrllom cxpetioncrs of our Kidibal HfiM in ttis ItoUel Caiiltult Ihefr Iirrolo bravery fully rooouutcHl tu (Ucio vivid ltetchc. Tho Bpy' la the most thiilHnflr war book fivor publlahed, tndowd by Jiuudroda of Vrmt aud A gout tcitltuooUla. A large tiaad otae book, CHS prc: 60 Uluilrilloni. tSACENTS WANTED ! AOENTS I 'I h book U vut tfllituj U ullieri, Oyer onthuiulmtthouiamt HPpHciloni(oraneuolM bivu bou luovlved We Luvo inftuy Rtivuis wkQ bave toM from fun li Jive hundt ectopia, WXUfi "fePY" U told only by our A (rents, and rau not bo found lu books(oit'B. HtiU to merchant!, f Jrmcm, ribnlci,and wry loitj, Abtolutuiy th eariett tok to Kit fi known I Wo waut ono agent In every Oraod Army l'oxt and lu every tuwnvblp and county In tbe Uu, lo r full parltftiUm and ttnm to aytntt addrs O. W, CAULUVN it CO., 1'uLlUUeri, Now York, urns hoe. Eoh tnniilli for 1830 UODBY'S IjADY'S DOOIC, "llio old K'll-ihlo MinRnzliic," will contain n lieuiitiliilly encravi'd frontispiece, llltistrullnrs of prcvnl'lni; fnslilnim In col ors nnil lilnck nml vvlilto, designs of the latest iiovi Hies In fancy work In colors or black and white, of vvuiik, okouiikt, llKAWX-imiKAl) VV(lttK,KVIIIIinll)Kl:Y,KNtrllN(l, KNOTTING Die MAdUAMB, LACK, NIlnlNO, I'OO NAll l'AINTIVtt AND TATTINO, Willi complete Instruction for the sum,1. In niidltlon tu plnln tilrccllons nnd perfect lllnstrntlons of the various stitches nml Instructions In different kinds of kancv work, the maga zine will contain many useful und elegant designs for a gro it variety of nrtlrlcs not affected by change of fashion, It Is so admirably tulnptctl In its purpose ns to bu indespcnsalilo tn the vvnrk-tnble ot cvci'y liuly. A FUMj SIZE CUT PAPER PAT TEUN, ot which you Cnn mako your own selection from any design illustrated in the mngazlnc, FHEE OF COST, exhaustive notes on fashions, with full description of those illustrated, n department of iikcii'Ks that- have been practically tested beforo publication, n department or. uoi'skkkki'inu atlll DHKSHMAKINCI, tWO pages of BKI.KOT MU SK), nn AiiciiiTKGTUiiAi. DKSKiN.a department Of AtllllCULTUIiK.bcsldeS NOVKL8, NOVBI.KTTK8, STOi:iK.4, 1I1STOI1V, lllOdllAl'llIOAI, SKETCHES, l'ORTnV, NOTES O.V MUSIO, AKT, MTEIIATCHE, soiESriKio misOeU.nv and current events of tho day hy the best magazine writers. The mechanical production of the book will excel that of any other 2.00 magazine published. The twelve books during the year will constitute a volume of over ono thousand pages. Price $2.00. A sample copy IS cents. Liberal terms to club raisers. Address GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, I1. O. BOX II II, PHILADELPHIA. lECKSTur MILWAUKEE, WIS. ICdltur and I'roprlctor. Tho Funniest Papor in America. What Vaccination is to Small-pox, PUCK'S SUN is to tho blues. FUCK'S SUltf. Is one of tho most widely road anJ popular papers in thu country to-day, nml stands without a peer in its specialty. Tho Originator of the celebrated BAD BOY PAPERS. Specimen Copies Free TO ANY ADDRESS. Boar in ininil that by sending a Postal CJaril tQ their olliee, a II Will be mailed you free. DON'T NKGLECT TO SEND AT ONCE, AND TKLTj YOUll NEIGHBOR'S TO. $1 WORTH Ol' l'UN l'OR IC. ADIIliIS GEORGE L LORD, HIHIVLM fAMl.ttt, MIIW.YITKUIC, - - WIS, Oct 31-3W VVII1K-AVVAKK AOU.NTS WANTED FOIt THE GREAT CONSPIRACY A tlirllllni; lev lew of the porlent'oua events that led to tliellltll.v I' ItiaiKI.I.ION, mnn tho poneiful pen of (len. .lolui A, Ijinn. Milko nuli'k for eholco Ilelil. llUllllAltli IIIIOS., I'uljs., rlillailel phl.l, 11a. Nov li it (I. ONE DOLLAR. IIJi.IiRI3DTJ-KO. TEXTiT. The le.ullUK Demoeratle iiaper In tho fetate. Full ot lnterftlntf news, anil lnlfcellaneoui and jwlltl. eal le.Hllnif. Only k Dollar Pgr Year. Special Hates to Clubs. Sample conies mulled free on application. TheWraiOT and New YorkVVeeMy ICuiMone year for one diillur and tin y cents. Tho 1'AimoTund thol'hllailelphl.i Wetklyrrnei one year lor one dolhtr uud beveiity.ttve cents. WANTED. AGENTS In every Township In this County to solicit subu rlDlions for tho Wkkklv I'atuiot Write for teum. AilJiesa all couimunlcatlons to TIMS I'ATUIOT, IlarrlHItitrK, ln, Kov (Wlw READ! THINK! ACT! -)(- F. (tlllld -)C(- Tho p.iradl so of Invalids t The homo ot tropical fruits I t'llinato unsurpassed I No nest No ex. tremes of heat or coldl No mahulil oround lilun and dry I l'.ruty ot pine 1 And the Uncut liuiitliit; aud llshlii' In Amerlea. I'A l.M A Mil. A has the namo of hclnir tho largest, prettiest and youuiriua Hum lu I'lorlila. Is hean ilfully located on the (luit Coast, two miles above the muuui ot tho Manltee river. Already the Iron horuo H vWiidlm,' IU way to 1'rlma hola, and soon tho tourists will urrlvo at Its ilrel-class hotel, where ho can net a meal to hull hU epicurean tastes. l'alina.4ola possesses the Invest store In south, eru Florida, with sawmill furniture manufactory, iiackliik' houses, warehouses, churches, school houso, iHistoince, stores, beautiful rildeiicos and a lanro wharf at which ocoan steamers arrive dally fnm Tampa. VVAIIIIUN ,ELNI), Jr.,of "Iinif Branch" fame, has becuuul a location at Valma Sola for the erec tion ut u Whiter resort. The prediction ts a safe one, based as It Is upon thu natural advantages ami attractions or the place, thai: ha will make this thu "I.O.Nd llltANCU" of FLORIDA, aud oth' er larifo hotels will be built. Willi the completion of the railroad, this will bo the terminus, und tho dliect routo to Havana, Cuba. 1.0U will doiblo and quadruple their present prluus. Now Is the time to buy. UiTS 1(0x3110 ft. into fjooper lot. We want I'A l.M A Mil. A to keen booming, and as an Induce. uieul la the public, und to thoroughly udvurlUe this boiutlful p ace, WK WHX (11VI! AWAY a LIMITED number ONLY of our lots, ulvlug' lots ALIEltN.VTKLY as they come (corners excepted) chawing applicants the expense of deed, trans fer, ele,. which will not exceed ROi. Applicants can send postal money order with application to Insure promptness, otherwise deeds win foe sent c o. 1). Applicants must not bo surprised at tho return of their money, as belnir LIMITED the nrst come will bo ilrst served. Title perfect. Fun HUiJUmJ utvu. swim 1UI IlUllllUll.U auuicss 1'AHlA M)LV LAND CO., ai south William tsu, New York, N. Y, liKt'KHKNCIS: II. K llennlna, Ksn , Pres. 1'la. It. 11. and Nav, Co, 11 lUl'lttiil i-iii., Vies. Niuthera Express Co. 1'ostinatter, I'alinabuia, I'IhIJil John H, lieach, Esq , I'res. I'ralrio city Ilnnlr, Terre llauie, lud. Jas. csiciireifor, Esq., Capitalist, Cincinnati, O, Henry K Hubbard, Esq, Uakliler Columula hank, N, Y., N. Y. Win. Drysilale, Esq., New York Times, New York, and a host of othera. . oct-30 It-d. Pn mo Sob flu 0oM Wave Mm mm& And CLARK & SOU Now havo in their full Htock of winter gootK Their an nex room of 70 feet long is now full of dress goods of all kltidn. Ladies' and childrens1 coals and cloths to innko up with plushes, astruchuns and for trimmings to trim with. Thu largest and greatest variety of silk velvets in plain and broeado at prices lower than the lowest for thu same quality. If you want Ladies' All Wool 0-1 Dress Cloths at OOo. and 09o a yard, well its worth 75c, and not much left. Our G-t Tricot Cloths at 80o., a yard is equal to any 00c. goods iu tho market. Our all wool 3S inch wido Tricots is tho best and cheapest goods ever of fered in this market at o0o. Those '10 inch wide Kino All Wool Cashmeres nl f0c. aro worth Cflo. n yard. Tho annex room contains too many goods to tell you all. Cull and sco and you will bo convinced. We are blowing lo your interest as well as to the printers and our own. Well tho main room is 90 feet long is filled with JVotionn, Fhmihcls, Columbia Yarns, iilvcrwarc, Jcicclnj, Jlib bons, Laces, Gaits and Children' Underwear and a largo lino of Childrens' all wool Hosiery in all sizes at low prices. Fur Mulls and Collars, Laces, full line of Arrasone, Chenile, Plushes, Satins, Cords, Ornaments and a'l goods for fancy work, also a largo lino of Stamped Linens for working. Silk Umbrellas, Corsets all the leading makes at low prices. Cotton Flannels from Gc a yard and up, and in Blankets you can save money, a largo lino at low prices, $1 a pair and up. All arc invit ed to call and see. II. .1. CLARK & SON. THE RADIANT HOME BASE-BURNER." (From the "La Crosse JJcmocrat") Wo never had a coal stove around tho house until last Saturday. Have al ways used pine slabs and pieces of our neighbor's fence. Thoy burn well, too, but tho fence got all burned up, and tho neighbor said ho wouldn't build a now one, so we went down to Jones's and got a coal stove. It is called tho "15a diant Home," is manufactured by ISi.ack it Uliimeu, of Erie, Pa., and any man that says wc didn't havo a radiant home at our house for about four hours last Saturday night, is a Republican and a villain. You see, wo didn't know anything about coal stoves. Wo filled tho Kadiaut Homo about half full of pine fence, and, when the stulT got well to going, wo lilted tho artesian well on top with coal. It simmered and sputtered about five or ten minutes, and all went out, and wo put on an overcoat and a pair of buckskin mittens and "wont out too" to supper. Wo remarked, in the course of thu frugal meal, that Jones was a "froad" for recommending such a confounded refrige rator to a man to get warm by. After supper we took a pioco of ico and rub bed our hands warm, and went in whero that stovo was, resolved to mako her draw and burn if it took all the pine- fence in the First Ward. Our better-half throw a quilt over her, and shiveringly remarked that she never knew what real solid comfoit was until she got a coal stove. Stung by the sarcasm in her remark, wo turned every dingus on the stovo that was movable, or looked like it had anything to do with a draft, and pretty soon tho Radiant Homo began to heave up heat. It was not long before sho stuttered like the now Silsby steamer. Talk about your heat I In ten minutes that room was as much worse than a Turkish bath as Hades is hotter than Liverman's ice-house. Tho pprspiration fairly fried out of a tin water cooler in tho next room. We open ed tho doors, and snow began to melt as far up Vine sticct as llanseoinbe's house, and people all around the neighborhood put on linen clothes. And wo couldn't stop tho confounded thing. Wc foigot what Jones told us about tho dampers, and sho kept a biting. Tho only thing wo could do was to go to bod, and leave the thing to burn tho house up if it wanted to. Wo stood off with a pole and turned tho damper every way, and at every turn shu just sent out heat enough to roast an ox. We went to bed, supposing that the coal would eventually burn out, but about twelve o'clock tho whole family had to get up and bit on the fence. Finally, a man camo along who had been brought up among coal stoves, and ho put a wot blanket over him and crept up to tho proper dingus, and sho cooled off, and since that time has been just as com fortable as possible. If you buy a coal stovu you want to learn how to eng ueur it, or you may get roasted. These Stoves for sale by C. C. G ALIO NAN, Optra House, Elooiiisbiirg, Pit. Oct :io iw TRIAL OFFER Hmw p 1 o II h Hll.niir.rHrHH)'flU. NlDcJ of every ton trial .subscribers become porinnncnt reiulern, mut iiso tbeir tntlutfiiee to Bencl moru names. Kxpvn- L'llCO llUVlni t Htl L lit Mt Ititd. wn fool rnrtnin Hint tt villi pay us to make A JA it HIE A It OVWU to t Si MI1N THS TM, To every retuU-i ol this who nil I i-emlua 7 rt. In Mamns ornilver. wewill koiuI "TIIM Farm and nAlilJi:N"'n trial for tlucM months. I'leain accept this trial oiler at once. If OIllV tO (Ml KlV Clirtim IV. liiwt Will will rarlnlnlv liu nrFP.,Aar.) ASS, FARM AND GARDEN, Ull U! II ID Ilam lul or linh. Walt 'till Ilia rllfllfl fln I oud Uoll lly. I'll Mecl llur Ul WbMll When tlie bun (Joe Down. A Knot M uuu or ISIub ana Uroy. JIary'B (lone, 1 With a Coou. Hwi'i't VIoIpis. Iirlrtget iMnMhue. Little Wile, Ik 1 I H M A Nellie. Bald ilclntiri-s. Only it D I I I M Pansy Blussom. Ni.lxxly Knows Kill I fll WIirI a Itacket Wu There. Whero UHLLHUU J? ,Mr WanUerlnK lloy To-night T rr-M rwmm W PailJy Duiry's Cart. Widow No HHrrHHB Ian Ooat. Warrior Hold. We sat n-Virv ur rf w bvllielilver, YouandL Ynu Will ffnL:yr Xji 2C1 GTS SllsaJIoWhenrmOone. Oid.uml JrT T"T .7T, - Only In the Way, Oh, Dera (Jolden rSllpnerii. Only to hee Her Fnco Again. I've Only Been Down to the Club. Kelly Gray. You (lit More I.Ike Your Had Kverylmy. My l'rilty lud Itoie. I'll ltenicmlier You i Love. In My l'rayer. Ilosy's Hunday Out. Whin You've (lot Hut I'ltty Cents. Oi l I'ulltn at Home. I'll Tute You Home Asaln, Kathleen. UM-l'iialilom-l Homestead. 1'alWt of htraw. Cradle's Ilinlity. liaby's Oone. Neyi-r Tako tho Horspshoo from llio Door. Illue Alsatian Mountains. Ijurur Ivy from my Angel Mother's (Irave. Maryorihe Wild Moor, lvek a lloo. Joe Hardy. HoineAgaln. e lever hnuk as we l'asn lly. I'armer's lloy, I.ullatiy. Hula, Keen Away from the Olrls. llabyMlne. Orandmotlier's Old Arm Chair, ninli Water l'ants. liver thu (Urden Wall. A riower from my Aneel Mother's (Have. I Left Ireland and Motlier llecauso wo Were l'oor. (live an Honest Irish Ijid aX'hance. Not Beforo 1-u. hnanUli Cavalier. Mountain hoiig. In the (lluamlnir. Ijve ot the hhamroek. Harney McCoy, lmtrher llov 1'iior, Iliil a Oeutlemanhtlll. hweet livellna. Fumlveand I'orget. All the Troubles You Iluvn Met. TI.U bwik Is printed on paper aauie Blre as sheet musts. Order a coliv now. Addre&i AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Penn'at . , Nov. 0-Ow. OK1MIAKS' COURT SALE (!' VALUAIILIS Real Estsile ! Ily vlrtuo of an alias order ot tho orphans' Court ot CoIuiiiIjU couuty, there will bo exposed topublloiule, ontUo prcmhci In HemlojS Twp., In said county, on Saturday, Nov. 21, '85, at S o'clock )n the afternoon, tho undivided twenty-nine thlrty-blxtlw interest, late ot Iienjamlo Domboy, deceaied, In the followln? daicrlbM roal estate, to-wit: VA.LUBLE Frll sltuato In Ilem'ock- township, on tho publloroad leadlnsfrom Iluckhornlo Jersoyton, ntnut ono mile from Iluckhorn, bounded by l.iudsof IMMd Waener.Evan Thomas, .Matthias Heller, (now Win. ltatnboaud Win. Ivey estate,) Isiao Wagner, (now 1'hlllpStroup,) John Mirer and P.n Id Wagner, con lalulng 1 1 2 ACRES and one hundred and lllty.nlno percirs, moro or ut; in P, itsw. 1110 iiuiii-ueinenis tiro a ll A SDrln'' hnnm rvir n tini'iiPfiiiin,. water, n lien house.a laro bank barn, about tixj feet, a trOOd LTAHarv. wmmn lmu 1 ... cider liouso ana earn crib. A well ot water at tho Mmovnim uuoubiut uaru. iiioianauaivlaea trito convenient liciasMiib Witter In Prtl'll Ual, avnanl , fio. . . 7 . " vvM.nnu, mo isumiaweu adapted tor grazinsf ana farming purPOftpg; nixjut tn acres or the property U WOOD LAND, net with chestnut, lock oak and other Umber Tnera limine joutiff opplo orclurd, peach or chard, as well as a choice variety oi cherry, plum and other fruit trees. 1'oiidltlom mado known on day ot sale Ity . U 11. IIOMIIOV, N. U. FtmW, Att'y fur cstato. Admr ALSO, At the, same, tlnio am place, tho undertJiacd will expose to publlo talo theremalulnB undltlded men thirty-sixths Interest In the abou described real estate. BAit.ut uoiiiiov. THE FARM AND CARRPM il.5.J."?.,?'u.''.1H".l'r'",el llionllilr Pnper, Willi ii uil AliCUHATU rural Journal. INItHESTING CDRKtSPDNnFNP.h and Ynlunble Inlurmniloii from every Ktate lu Itio Union, but nn iiininennH or Ntrilpn Ideas. It isBnnuilioriivon fnyiTlandVtGETABLCl. Con. tBliu ine lil-.KT Poultry pngca lor tlicsowuo rmnu i-iiichl'IIM iur prom, and m u r u lOi surprise, in- ten-si, ana Induce every 1 1 In. MteHifri JOTIOE TO TAX COLLECTOItS. ,An.Act 9f ,h0 IfrWaturo and approved Juno Sd, 1RJ1, (see Pamphlet laws, pago 4.11 rcmilrlng tax colleclora, township and borough olllcers, lo mako leturuof seated nnd unsealed lands upon which no property can bo found from which to mako taxes to the County comlssstoncre, on or U'foru the ilrst day of January next, wllh a surilclent do bcrlpllon by boundaries or otlierwlso,of each rciu uraielot or tract and about tho quantity of thu h,:im?,1,h0:?,,y'!oful1 10 lnlk0 returns by said day will bo held for such losf. Taxes so returned liccotno a lien against tho property so returneiL Wo havo blanks un which thoso returns aro tu bo mado and will furnlih them upon applleutlon ot collectors, Ac. joilN II. CA-KV, coiuvrs' otllco, Oct. SO,'S5, 6t. Coin'rs clerk. OllPIIANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Keal Instate ! In pursuance of nnoiderof tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, I'a., tho undersigned trustees appointed by said Court, wlllsell at publlo salo on tho premises on Saturday, November 14, II, at two o'clock In the afternoon, tho following de scribed real estato ot I'hoebo A. .Mlller.dec', All that lot or plcco of ground situated In .Minim vine, Columbia county, I'a., buunded on tho north by l:UUl Of thU (ll'DlLMI Mni'iifii, ...I ,, ,,w,,,nul by Second street, of Bald village of .Minilnvlllt', on ...nou.u Uy not bue and on tho went uy the Susquehanna river, containing TWO ACKES, of Und, moro or less. llelna tho samo pieml-sthioughwhlcii thoN, W. 11. railway passes, heicby resertlngany and all damages which lmvn luxtfl Lllvlnlrm,! nn mni' lift recovcied from said railway company, from and by reason ot thocrecllon.cuivslriictloiinud laying out ot said railroad, through and upon Bald land. TKllMS op HALl'i-Tenper cent, ot one-fourth ot tho pun-'haso money to bo paid at tho striking down of the propertyj the ono fourth less the ten percent, at tho coniirinmiixi ,.t .in n. inalnlnlug threo-fouiths In ono year thereattfr, lth Interest from conilnuatton nisi, lleeJ or deeds at tho expense ot purchaser, jWsslon, glveu on pa j meut ot pm chaso inciney, ffiSSn Trustee lkeler & lleirlng, allys, 1 II w I M I v tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers