The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 30, 1885, Image 5

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A New King on the Throne I
"Malniln," ns a "populnr nllmont,"
has given tilnoo to a now' potentate
If you havo rheumatism now, tint
medical wlstaores exclaim " Urio
Acltl r
If you havo frequent Iic&ilachc9,thcy
sagely remark "Urio Ac'ul P
If you lmvo softening of tlio brain,
Ihoy insist that It is "Urio Acid 1"
If sciatica or neuralgia mako lifo
miserable, it is "Urio Acid I"
If your skin breaks out In boils and
pimples, it la "Urio Acid 1"
If you liavo abscesses and piles,
"Urio Acid" lias set your blood on lire.
If you liavo dull, languid feelings,
backache, kidney or bladder troubles,
gout, gravel, poor bloodi nro 111 at case,
threatened with paralysis or apoplexy,
vertigo; nro bilious, dropsical, consti
patod or dyspeptic "Urio Acid' is tlio
key to tlio situation, tlio causo ot all
your diflicitllics 1
Wo do not know as madam malaria
will tako kindly to this masculine
usurper, but he lias evidently coiuu to
"Urio Acid," this monstor, is tlio
product of tlio decomposition death
constantly taking placo within us,
and unless ho is every day routed from
tlio system, through tho kidneys, by
means of somo jueat blood specific like
Warner's safe cure, which bouator H.
K. l!nico says snatched him from its
grasp, there is not tho least doubt but
that it will utterly ruin the strongest
human constitution I
It is not a young fellow by any
means. It has a long and well known
lino of ancestors. It is undoubtedly
tlio lather ot a very creat family ot
diseases, and though it may bo tho
fashion to ascribe progeny to it that
nro not directly its own, thero can bo
liltlo doubt that it it onoo trots thor
oughly seated in tho human system, it
really docs introduce into it most ot
the ailments now, per force of fashion,
attributed to its baleful influence.
Beware of Smart Young Hen.
Throo panics havo been caused by
threo young men, two of whom were
less than thirty years of age; each was
tho son ot a minister, who had lorgot
ten tho God of his father. One was a
banker, ono was a broker aud one
a confideutiM clerk. Two died homo-
less and penniless, in self-exile and
ono is now in jail. At the ago of 22
he was a bank president. Tho bank
was a success. His personal specula
lions brought him largo returns. Tho
venerablo directors encouraged him in
his career. He was esteemed a won
der in tho financial world; but his aged
lather, tlio retired clergyman, treia
bled for tho future of his son. When
the young banker had accumulated
8200,000, ho begged (lira to bo content
and stop. Jsut tlio son was sure
he could mako a million. Temp
tations multiplied. Honesty was sus
pended, the golden bubblo burst, de
tection followed, tho young banker fled
lrom Home and died a penniless stran
ger in a strange land. His lifo story,
with a-fow .circumstantial variations, is
tho story of tho confidential clerk.
The linal story of tho third is yet to
bo told.
Let us bo wary of tho smart young
man. How consummate are his per
sonal attractions. Mis address
pleasant. His imagination is his fac
ulty, lie is a most persuasive conver
sationalist. Listen to him, and tho
falso seems truo and tho fiction real
Success attends his early ventures. Ho
is envied, petted, courted, feasted
trusted. Ho handles millions.
Tiik' Rovai. Bakkk and Pastiiv
Cook. A royal addition to tho kitch
on library. It contains over soven
hundred receipts pertaining to tho cul
inary department, including baking
roasting, preserving, soups, cakes, iel
lies, pastry, r.nd all kinds of sweet
meats, with receipts for tho most de
lirious candies, cordials, beverages, and
all other necessary knowledgo for the
chef (le cuisine of the most exacting
opicure, as well as for the moro modest
housowifo, who desires to preparo for
nor lord and master a repast that shall
no ootii wholesome and economical
With each receipt is given full and ex
plioit directions tor putting together
manipulating, shaping, baking, am
kind of utensils to bo used, so that a
novice ,can,go through' ;tuo operation
with" "success; while a special and im
portant feature is mado of tho modo of
preparing all kinds of food and deli
cacies for tho sick. The book has been
prepared under tho direction of Prof.
IJudmani, late chef of tho New York
(Jockmg school, and is tho most valua
blov of, tho recent editions upon the
subject of cookery that has como to
our notice, it is gotten up tp the inch
est stylo of the printers art, on ilium!
nated covore, etc. We aro assured
that overy can of tho "Hoyal Baking
Powder" contains an order for one'of
these valuablo books.
v t jjP00'? Delivery Problems.
Washington, October 23
Tho special delivery system so) ro
ccntlv inaugurated has not proved such
a success as its originators expected p
it. oovoral problems have arison which
puzzle tho Department. In the first
place, tho law authorizing tho service
mado no provision for its support m
cities where it did not support itself.
Tbo Department found itself in many
cases powerless to carry out its own
ndvertiscd scheme. From many small
towns whero tho full delivery does not
obtain tho reports come that nobody
could bo found to deliver tho special
letters tor tho money there was in them.
As thoro wero no rognlar oarnora in
such towns np way out of tho difficulty
was found until it was suggested by an
Indiana postmaster that his assistant
in tho ollino bo allowed to deliver such
letters and collect tho rovenuo there
from. Tho Postollico Department
to-day has decided that whero such
assistants wero hired by tho Postmaster
this might he done, but that no official
appointed by the government could lie
allowed to add to his nnlary in this
way. Unless tho Postmaster or his as
sistant will nndertako to run about
town and deliver special letters in per
son lor nothing, thero will bu a good
many olllcers whero tho blockade will
'in tho opinion of legal officers tho
government is liablo for any damage
whlch'may ariso from tho non-dellvery
of lotters prepaid at tho special rates,
tho samn as a telegraph company is lia
blo for tho non-delivery of a dispatch.
Tho obligation 'on iho part of tho gov
ernment is stronger, owing to tho fact
that it enters into a special contract for
tho additional ten cents to deliver tho
letter immediately in certain specified
cities. Tlio department understands
this and feels considerable embarrass,
A Parisian manufacturer has prod no
cd a paper piano, tho compressed ma
terial fur tho ease taking a perfect pol
ish. Tlio tone of the instrument, though
not loud, Is said to bo very sweet, a
soft, full, quasi continuous sound, some
tvhat resembling that of an organ. J
At Blunt, Dakota Territory, nattiral
gas has been found at a depth of M2
J. II. Mercer would especially rcc6m
mend to tho ladies Aoker's Dyspepsia
Tablets. As a laxativo they havo no
equal. They aro guaranteed to euro
Ohronlo Constipation, Dyspepsia, and
all diseases arising from a deranged
Btomach. With a free uso of the lab
lets, Sick Headache is impossible.
.T. II. Mercer wishes to state thnt ho
has at last found nn articlo ho can bell
on its merits. It is with pleasuro he
guarantees to tho publio Acker's Hug
liah Hcmedy as a sure and never fad
ing cure for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou
bles. It is tho standard lemedy for
Consumption. I have never found its
j . j.ciuuco Hitters Known.
Itc other in ilirCii known bo effect a ally pnrp:i
ItlltllmiN lirnr testimony to Its wonderful
enrntivn (-Ift'ttH.
It In a purely Vegetnbln rrermrntlon, mado
from tlio native Ihtiis tiu. routs of California, tho
mtMllcInnt properties ol wlikli are extracted there
from without the ueo of Alcohol,
It remote tlio canto of cHfcobo, end the
pAtlcnt rororere Ms hen ltd.
It In tlio uroat lllood Purifier find Mo
tiving I'rliiclple a Urntla I'urgatltc aud TudIc; a
nerfrct Kenotntor and ImlrnrHtor ot tlio eyatem.
Never before In tho hUtory of tho world lifts medldno
been componndt-d pOMwtuJrig the power of Vinkoah
Bitteiu la healing tho. sick of every dleeaao mau Is
fielrto. -
Tlio Alterative, Apetifnt, Diaphoretic, Car.
initiative, Nutritloun, Laxative. Sedative, Connter
Irrltiint, Smlorlfic, AntMUIlou, Solvent, Ditmtic and
Tonic properties of Vineoaii IIitters exceed thoce
of any other medicine In tho world.
No person can take tlto Ditteiis according to
directions and remain long unwell, provided their
bones aro not destroyed by mineral )Klpon or other
incaus, auu uio iiiai organs wsBieu uvyonu me point
of rrnulr.
Itlllottft, Remittent, Intermittent and Mn
larlal FetTH are prevalent throuliout the United
States, partlcnlarly la tho valleys of our reat liters
nml tht'lr vust tributaries during the Hummer and
JVatnmii,jerpecially durlDg Beaeona of nnueual heat
anu iiryiicBP.
TliCHO I'overR are Invariably accompanied by
exteiisle derungements of tho fionmch, liver and
bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a
powerful iufluenco upon these organs, Is abbolutely
Thero I no eatliartlo for the purpose cqnal
to Dr. J. WAUtin't Vineoah Uitteiu, as It will
fclHwllly remoo tho dark-colored vledd matter with
which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho samo time etlmu
latlng tho Hocretlons of tho liver, and generally
restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive
Fori If v tlio boilv aeaint dUeasobv rturlfrin!?
all Its fluids with Vinkqau li itt eii. No epidemic
can taku hold of a system thus forearmed.
It liivliEorutcH tbo SComacU and Btlmu
latea tbo torpid IJver and Bowels, cleansing the
blood of all impurities. Imparting life and vigor to
the frame, and carrying off without tho aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter
irom tuo systani, u is easy ok auniiuusirauuii,
Timtnnt In r;ttnn. itnil rprtfllnln Its results.
I) yificpln.or luillirctloiif Ilcadacbe.rala
in me rnouiuera, uougns, iiprnioess oi iuu tufht,
lMpumnntiL. Dtzlnpas. Rnd Tastrt in the Slouth.
ltilioui Attacks, 1'alpitation of the Heart, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, aro at
Ucved by Vineoar Bittehs.
For inllanininlnry and Chrome Rheuraa
wm, uoui, iveuraipia, iJiseaacstu ui uiwu, i-ncr,
Kdlnpra mul lllflddfir. tho Ulttrtt have no eoual.
In the-HO, oa iu all coustltutlonal Ilsciu.os, Walker's
Vinegar UrrrEns has nhowu its creat curative
powers In tho most obstinate and Intractable
iiT.linnlrnl tllfccnwoH. Persons eniraccd in
Taints ami Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type
hottew, Uold-bcatcrs, and Miners, ax they advance
In lifo, aro subject to Taratysls of tho Bowels.
To guard against this, take occasional dobca of
Mi I ii lli'iL', Pcrofulo, &alt Rheum. Ulcere,
Swellings, llmples, lMtstuIcs, Boils, Carnuncles,
King-worms, Scald-head, Soro Kyes, Kryslpelas,
Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations, Humors aud t!ieanes
of tho sthi. of whatever name or nature, aro liter-
ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use of tho Bitters.
lMu, Th pout ul other AVnrin, lurking in
the bystem of bo many thousands, art effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine,
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will freo the
HVRtmn fnim worniRllko ViNcnAH UrrTERS.
JfrenHlris Scarlet Vcver, Mumps, Whooping
Couh, aud all children's diseases may bo made
k'sst.overo by keeping tlio bowels open with mild
doses of tho Bitters. This wonderful remedy la
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
purifying herbs alone give it its remarkable cura
tive powers. It contains uo alcohol, opium or
oiner poison.
lfnr lsVmnln CniiuilnllltM. .In VOUDC or Old.
manied or single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or
tne turn ot lire, twt miters lias no omiai.
4? I ran we tho Vitiated lllood whenitslm'
purities burst through the bkin In Eniptlont or
Soresj cleanse it whwi obstructeil and sluggish in
the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul: your feelings
win itru you wuen, anu luenemuiui luosybu-iu ui
In coiieliiHloii i CI Wo the Bitters a trial. It
will .speak for itself. On bottlo is a betu-r guar-
nntut nf If a muHta thnn n loiiirttiv flikfl t ittiMriPllt.
,Vi ouiulench hottloorufuUdia'Ctionspiluted
iu dluereut languages.
It. II. ITIcllonnia lni:r Co,, Troprietors,
Sou Frauchieo. Cat . nn l fx, K & Watahlnton SL,
uor. uuariton m., isbw i orn.
Sold all Dealers and Druggists.
N. E. corner Second and Arch stroeta.
ry"OrderswiU receive prompt attentln
Iraportcra and WUolosalo Dealers la
Crockery, Glassware, Table and rocket Cutlery,
window Glass, and 1'lated-waro,
TUo M candle-power marsh electric lamp.
Tlia celebrated l'lnaforo llumer.
UlrdCaes, Fruit Jars.
4JS Ixckawanna Avenue. BCltANTON, l'a.
may My
On Cars at Quarry.
No. 1 Blato ,.;
No. 1 Mb blato.. ,
No. 2 Ulb blato
Itoil Wale
Green blato
. ....... o to ,4.01
Kioto AJ5
J. I.. IIUI.I.,
ss lackawanna'Avonuo, scranton, l'a
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
moderate fees.
our ortlce Is opposite tho U. 8. Talent Oftlce, and
we can obtain rutents In less time than tuoso re
mote from Washington.
bend model or drawing. We advise as to pat
entability freeof charge, uud we mako uo chargo
unless patent Is secured.
We refer here, to the l'ostmaster, tho Bupt. of
Jloney order IHv., and to oflKi.ils of tho V. H.
Patent omco. For circular, advice, tenns and
references to actual clients In your owu btate or
County, write to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposlto J'atent ODlce, Washington, 6. C.
Tho undcrslirued hav'lu'ir out his 1'lanlnc Ml
on IUllroud street, In Urst-cuss condition, Is pre
parod to do al I kinds of work tn his line.
(urnisncd at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well ueasoned and noau but skilled workmen
aro employed.
furnished on application, nana and Bpccinca
tons prepared by an eiperlenced draughtsman
$5 0 REWARD.
Hvciy Oiinco of Adulteration
in tub
GowaiiM & Stover,
liuffalc, N. Y.
For trilo by oil firnt-clats gioceiK.
April 10-J-yr
STONE IN KIDNEY. AiTKit tmtNo tm. nAvin kknnk-
Ono of the mtwt remarkable cases'that lias ever
boontotignttotlionotlcoof tho public Is tint Of
Mr. J.H. lioach, o( Stone ltMge, Ulster countr,N.
Y. -Mr. Poach hail suffered slnco oot, IS, 1ST I, trora
tho presence of calculus or stono In tlio right kid
ney, tio lctts than sctcn physicians wero era
plo ed at iVtnSrent time, to whom Mr. Peach paid
hunemta of dollars' for' fhedlcal treatment, with
only temporary relict from lils agon.
llv tho urgent Nollcltallons of hhfrl"nit.1in wan
Induced to try Pr, l.ld Kennedy's! "Favorite
Itemed-," and experienced a marked Imprm einent
from tho llrstdayho begun to nan the medicine.
uu ino iuiiioi pepmnuer no vomeu n stono as
lariro as could bo named tlirouitli tho natural
Mr. noacn eonciuuesa long letter to nr. ncnnctiy
by Raying: "It will always afford mo pleasuro to
recommend tho 'l'avorlio Iteniedy'tn those who
may bo suffering from difficulties of tho kidneys
and bladder or liny disorders arising from an lm stale of the b ond.
I l.l.l A .,1 .Ml'llUY, 1X1 lrA 1 (il l K SI,, ll.M.Tl
MOW:, .MI)., says: "I believe 'favorite Itcmcdy'U
a good medicine. It Is doing ma mnro good than
anything 1 ever trlnl, and I havo tried almost ov.
entiling, for I nm a sufferer from d) spepsla."
vv mm "rnvonio iicmcuy" is a speciuc in Moinacu
and bladder diseases, Ills equally Tamable Incases
ot bullous disorders, constipation ot the bowels
and nil tlio class of ills apparently Inaepcrable
from Iho constitutions of women.
I'ltcc, Jl; Mx bottles, J5,
Blood Uk ol tho World.
AN AHNOI.IITi: ct'ici: roit
rilHK imMt ctn1l'nru cav tcltl rcntllly to It
iiut h.ili)t railed to CtU'iift pttiicto Civse
ltan Ih'u.i ruiuntknbloiuiil I tn cures homier
fill. Ulsllio lnoHfiicct'ssfHl itri piinitloii In the
market fur CATAltltll nnU the only one tlmt
Itftiiulff nu Alisnlnto, loltln (Inns It i
ruly a blt-nJlitK to liiiinkltul, A Trial Ih all
til tit Id nU'il Utv It Dnco used, It l nlways
rccotnmcnJcil. for testimonial:) of actual
it itAfl so KQL'AI Pt)lt
A j'osrrn'v cl'kh is assikj;d.
Ono iKjttlo Is (rcncrally culDclcnt for a cure. Stop
tukltiK (tulnlno. Atrial only U Abkcd fur K el
UK'S OATAllltlt liKMEDT. It It a STIIC'Il'IC
for nil illcape!inTUIiiK from an linpuro blood and
ilrUes nil eruptions from thu skin. For Syphl
lltic complaints It Is superior to any preparation
lo the market, .lino bottlu wilt euro must of tlio
following complaints mul a continued uso will
rosITiVKLY cure, S.ivo doctor bills and try It.
Kkllku'h t'ATAUiiit llevunv Is mi patent
ineillclne. but a sale aud pleasant plepuratloii
totiikcnud surely the irleatvst meillr:il dlscov
cry ofthe aire. Ono botilo U'Juvi' --thctnllro
system and postes'cs moru vlrtuo tlmn a half
ili7on bottles of ortltii.vry patent in.'p.irittlous.
Writo for testimonials nml otlior Inrurmatlo.i.
tf"l'or salo by drufrists irenernlly.
rititn: st.oo a iiottt.i:. six iiot
Tl.lW roii in.oo. On receipt of by
tlto manur.ujturerj, Samixl 1'. ICi:r.Li:i: A. Co..
Ilarrlsbur.', Pa., six bottles III bo sent cvprcss
I''""- rf4.
Aro generally Induced
by Indigestion, JAiul
Stomach, Costlvciierc,
Uellrlent Circulation,
or somo Derniifrement
of tho I.lver and lucrative Syatera.
Sufferers will find relief by tbo use of
Ayer's Pills
to stimulato the stomach aud produce a regu
lar' daily movement of the bouels. 11) tbii
action on theso organs, Ayku'h 1'ili.', divt-rt
tlio blond from tbo brain, and reticle nil.l
euro all forms of Cuugejtliu and Nervous
lleudaelie, llllliiiiii Ileudnrlie, and Shk
Hcudaelio; and by keeping tlio bouels frie,
and pre.crvlng tlio system In a hmlthfcl
condition, they insure immunity from futurs
attacks. Try
Ayer's Pills.
I'ltEfAUCri I1Y
Dr.J.C.Ayerd.Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
i.niMi,.,. iMfctrnmi iib, ridI,i.ojhieiil urn!
" ItrniM'tll .Vlilllllllllri.
ul I.m.'rtt.ii..ii4 ul Tin Ontttl iruiw spnt
r It 1 K "n i.,.li . ii,
i . .J i & v. J j
C.-.tnut si. VaiLAC'"'! L
lAlillMbbould use Dr. Kilmer's FKM.M.E jli:.M.
K1HH.S tor all diseases iieeullar lu them,
hold by drugglatH.
IS llr, KUincr'H "(luldo to IIcallli"'you will find
t he remedies, ivltli symptoini of jour caso deilnm.
Vat ohronlo ills why tlpnid jou a doctor need
when Dr. Kilmer's htaudaid lieibal ipaiedlps nuvcr
fall, bold by druggist.
11' YOU havo rlieuinatlain.bclatlea, malaria, or
lever and ague, organ-colored urlno Dr. Kltiucr'n
HWAMIMIOOT comiuera every caso. Ask your
druggist for II, iao.,11.
IV ay roLsu und plt blood, or mouth, tongua
and llnadryfi-om Internal BUnie-fevcr Dr. Kilmer's
INDIAN coNsflieriON mi, win arrest aud ro.
hUiretho Hccretlom to a healthy condition. Ask
) our druggut for it. sx., fpiw., ji, io
A VTrtlTP'n IniiuedUU-li a lew good
All ii-iU men to canvaxsfor the salo
rult 'i'rees Orape Vines, Hews. Ac.
'rations experience not ehnentlal.
11. 1', JrllKKMAN t IU., llrlghton, a, V,
Intelligent BOI.IC ITOHS WANTED for
if iwyn iiimik
1118 OWN ACCOUNT of the trreatost military
tvtrugglo of modern limes. ulieady o
deiedl Hucressut agents Is mnrielbus. Address,
IIUIHIAIID 111108., 1'iib's, Ul Chestnut St., l'hlla.,
l'a. oct-llid. II.
The 'Little rWkcs.
A bnrclegged bfy rit31ng,ft rftko on
o of tho divides near tlio Santa Fo
trail drugged Into tho windrow a rattl
er t but itnlttul of colling and giving
lortn a (tenant, buzz, inu Biiaxo mani
fested every inclination to get off
peaceably. Tho averago Kansas lad
would have taken a strap from his liar
ncBi, given tlio reptile two or three par
alyzing taiu, countod tho rattles, and
cono on his way bofdro any ono dis
covered tho rako was Idlo. Not bo did
Hilly Woodward, who is only a few
months from County Uonrgal and pos
sessed of the abundant natural curioB
ily of an It ish boy abroad, Ho got
down from his high Beat and began to
study natural history. Tlio snake tried
to runaway, but Hilly "headed her off,"
as ho Bald afterward. Onco or twico
tho fugitive coiled and threatened, to
tho boy's great delight. Vor fifteen
minutes tho leasing went on, ami men
tho Bnako darted her head into a hole
in tho pratrio sod. Perhaps a third of
her lenirth was concealed, while there
camo from under ground a noiso which
tho boy said souuded like "a tpiccr
kind of clucking.'' Hy tho timo he
had got a trace ohain looso tlio snake
was out of tho hold and wriggling
slowly toward tho uncut grasb. Hilly
followed her up, "fetched her a couple
cracks" and supposed tho pport was
Later In tho day a party of hunters
camo along and the boy exhibited his
trophy, ami toltl what ho hatt nccn.
Ono of tho hunters, a ranchman of va
ried experience, got out his pocket
knife, and witli tho remark that he
guessed he could show tlio others some
thing about rattlesnakes they never
knew before, stooped down and drew
the sharp blado across tho thickest fold
. ., . . , r . ! 1
oi tne tieati snaKC. win gmurinca
eleven voting rattlers, all of a size, say
eight inchos long and as largo around
as a leatl pencil. They wero a vei y
lively family, and had to bo laid out
ono at a lime. Billy's eyes grew big
as he saw tho revelation which added
tho best part to his snako story. The
ranchman saul that when overtaken
with her young tho maternal rattler
will, as a last means of protection,
swallow the little ones. She catls them
with a noiso which is a combination uf
cluck and whistle. Very raiely does
it happen that the act is witne'tseu. In
all his experienco tho ranchman paid
ho had never seen this snake-swallowing
peiformance but onco. Then ho
had como upon tho mother 6nako and
her young sunning among tho stones.
They had tried to get away, but, fail
ing, the young had glided into tho
mouth of the old ono In response to the
peculiar call, and had disappeared be
fore his eyes.
The Licorice Plant-
Tho licorice plant is found in Syria,
in Western Andalusia and other parts
of Spain, in Asia Miuor, Greece, and
is cultivated in Surrey and Yorkshire,
England. It is believed that it could
bo successfully grown in tho United
States, especially in tho wanner por
tions. It isia very important articlo of
commerce, tlio import of tho Iliot
alone to the United States iu 1381
amounting to 39,0.7,000 pounds, val
ued at SHOO.OOO. This is not taking
into consideration tho powdered lico
rico ami tho other forms in which it is
sold. From the reports of Ammiuaii
consuls in foreign lands we havu re
cently learned many interesting facts
about Iicorico. Stick licorico is mado
by crushing and grinding tho loot to a
pulp, whicil is boiled in water over an
open fire, and tho dtcoction, separated
from tho solid residuo of the rodt, is
evaporated in copper pans till a sullio
iont degree of concentration is at
tained, after which, on cooling, it is
rolled into the form of sticks or other
shapes, for the market. The prcpar.v
tion of the juice is a widely extended
industry along tho .Mediterranean
coasts; but the quality beat appreciated
is made in Ualubna, ami snld under
the namo of Sola.zi and Corii'liano
juice. Tlio licoiiee grown in York
shire is made into a conlcetioti called
l'ontefract cakes. Licorico was first
cultivated in Kngland in the reign of
Elizabeth. Tho plant, very graceful,
with feathery leaves, is 'planted in
ridges, and does not como to perfection
until the fourth year. Tho sandy soil
suits it, and tho fibrous roots arc somo
limes ten or twelve feet deep. Theso
aro dug in Autumn, and pounded in
tho following Winter; tho juco thus
extracted is boiled down and mixed
with gum arabio and other ingredients,
and mixed into largo cakes.
Ono of tho bc6t varieties of licorice
grows wild in Sicily, and iu parts of
that island tho farmers look upon it as
a pest, it is so hard to subdue, Tho
plant grows to tho height of two or
throo feet, and boars a small flower.
When tlio roots aro taken from tho
earth they are bound in bundles, and
upon tho backs of mules transported
from tho fields to the factories. Here
tlioy lio in store for a timo in a state
of seasoning. When tho roots are
Bulliciently cured men and women, with
hatchets cut them iu bits of from threo
to six inches in length. Theso nro
then plunged into a vat of water and
thoroughly washed. They aro then
crushed in a mill of rudo construction.
It consists of two circular stones of
lava. Tho ono is iu horizontal position;
tlto other, perpendicular, rests upon it.
Through thocentroof tlio upper stono
is an axle, to .which is attached a
mule, which revolves it slowly in a cir
cle (cart-wlicel like) upon the lower
stono. A workman with a wooden
shovol is constantly employed in keep
ing tho roots beneath the lovolving
stone. Wlion tho roots aro sufllcjcntly
crushed they nro placed with water in
kettles and boiled for twenty-four
hours. They nro then removed from
tho kettles and placed beneath a screw
press, and all tho juicu is thoroughly
squeezed out, which runs into a cistern
beneath. This juico is pumped from
the cistern and paRhed through a sieve
into kettles anil the boiling resumed.
The sediment from tho strainer is again
Thu contents of the boiling kettles
is a second timo filtered. When boiled
to tho proper consistency It is removed
to a broad, shallow kettlo over a slow
fire, whero workmen witli spades con
tinue to stir it until it becoins tleuso
enough for panto. Then it ia removed
and placed In wooden moulds of tho
size they wish tho cakes or by work
men worked Into littlo rolls or sticks.
vVhon cold pr hard the cakes arc
wrapped in paper and boxes for ex
port. ThftJittlu rolls or sticks .of licorico
aro placed upon shelves to dry. When
they become perfectly dry uud hard
they aro packed in laurel leaves mid
Iu preparing tho root for maikct
women with knives scrano off the
bark and then out it into hits of one
half inch or longer in length, ns llie
purchaser may whh. Theso mo then
dried in the sun and placed iu bags for
OVmrDTniirO liltteroruaittastolnmotith;
0 X JLY1XT 1 UJVJ.D . toncuo coated whtto or cov
with a brown fur; pain In tho back, sides, or Joints
often mlitaken for rheumatism; foun stomach;
loss or ArrKTiric; Bometlmes nausea and water
brash, or IniliK'ostinn.' flatulency and acid eructa
tions, bowels alternately costuo nnd lav, itHAn
achk; loss of memory, with a painful ixMisatlon of
havlnir fallod todoso nethliuf which ought tn have
bccnlone, tmniMTv; low spirits; a thlrk, ikmiw
appcaraneo ot tho skin nnd eyes; a dry coiiith;
lover, restlessness; tho urlno is wanly and hlitli
colored, and, If allowed to stand, deposits n sedi
ment. iYI
Is generally used In tho South to the torpid
liver to n healthy action.
Kndorsed by tho use of 7 millions of bottles as
The Best Zamily Medicine
' For children, for adults, and for tho nged.
S1IK TO 1 11C IK AM 10MHTIO Of Tilt HtSlLK I
J. H. SE1LI1T & CO..
1'IIICK, tl.tXI.
Our readers for is! cents In postage stnmpsto
pay for mailing nnd wrapping nnd nan cs of
two iKxik agents will receive l'ltHU a Mcel
Finish l'anor Kngrnvlng of nil our I'ltnsl.
HUNTS, ! eluding Cleveland, slo ilx-lH Inch,
worth ( l.oo.
Address Eider Pub. Co.,Clu'cago, III.
p.m. p.m. a.m
a.m. a.m. p m.
u Ul 12 3 I
8 M 1 art
S 4S 14
S 4(1 12 13
8 111 U IIS
8 S7 II! 01
S 17 11 SI
S It! II fill
s os it tr
S US 11 If
S 0.1 II u
7 S'J 11 US
7 St 11 111
7 SU 11 311
T J . i 11 2-1
7 SO 11 12
7 IS II 141
7 11 10 SI
7 10 10 41
C SS 10 41
0 SI 10 3S
0 f,0 10 SI
4J 1C 27
G 30 10 21
C 30 10 10
G 2.1 111 11
B 30
S 20
S 21'
S 10
, Lackawanna..
o in ia Z uo
0 15 1) 20 2 10
0 20 20 2 lb
G 27 0 S4 2 21
0 31 41 2 30
G 40 U 47 2 30
G 41 52 2 41
G 49 U 50 2 41
it M in nm AT
S 10
S ttl
7 5S
7 51
; 50
7 II
7 47
7 12
7 3S
7 111
7 31
7 23
7 12
7 00
G 51
0 41
0 41
G .'II!
0 27
0 21
G 1G
5 50
5 411
5 IS
5 33
..West I'lttston.
....Wiomlng.. .
. . ..lloltbi-
..KlUgstoll 1 5S 10 152 so
..Kingston .... g ss iu lis ti so
l'l) mouth June
7 US 10 10 2 55
.... Avoudalo. .
lluulock's creek
7 07 10 153 01
7 12 10 20 3 OS
7 15 10 23 3 10
7 2.1 10 12.1 27
37 10 41 3 !
.Hick's Fcrry..i 7 so n n 3 &j
..lleachllavcu.. 7 57 n 0J3 ss
Berwick-.... s PI u 134 03
..Urlar Creek.., 8 10 lj 20 I 12
..Willow drove.. 8 14 ll-'2J I 10
...Llmoltldgo... 8 IS 11 2D 4 21
Kspy 8 25 II 3!4 27
...Uloomsburg... S 80 11 44 4 31
.... Itupert s 30 n sol 40
CaUwln llrldgo 8 41 It 53 4 40
. .Danville.... M IS ur. in
....Chuiasky.... a os 12215 12
.... c.itncrou.... u us 12 25.1 17
Northumberland, I) 25 12 10 5 35
I a.m. a.111. p.m.
W. F. IIALSTKAll, Bupt.
o.Uce, MoMMon, Feb.lst,is
0 OS U .Ml
g no
s ss
S 40
II 4.1
0 .11
lennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effict Aug. :10th, lsso. Trains leave Sun
bury. EASTWAltD,
11.44 a.m., Sea Shore Kvpruss (dally except
Sunday), fur llairlsburg iindlutcrmcUlaicstutldiis,
arriving at ritUadcli'hia 3.15 p. in.; New York
6.20 p.m.; llaltlmore, 4.10 p. m. ; Wnihtniiton,
6.50 p. in., connecting at l'hllndelphla for all boa
Shore points. Tuiougu passenger coach to
1.40 p. m. Day etpress
dally cxcctitSundayl.furliarrKburgand Interme
diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
G.S0 p. in. ; New York, 11.33 p. in. ; llaltlmore
6.43 p. 111. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through lo Philadelphia and llaltlmore.
8,05 p. 111. Williamson Accommodation (dally,
for Harrlsburg and all Intermedia to stutlons, nrrlv.
lug at Philadelphia 4 23 a. in. : New York 7.00 n. in.
lialtlmoro, 5.25 a. m. ; Washington 0.30 a. in. ;
Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at
Han Isburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun
days athrough sleeping cir will bo run; on this
train from Wllllainsp'l to 1'hlladelphla.l'hlladelphla
passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until
2.31 a. tn. Urio Mall (dally except Monday,
for Harrlsburg and liitciincdlaio stations,
nrrlvlug at Philadelphia 8.S3 a. m. New York,
11.30 il in. ; Hall lmoro MS a. in. ; Washington, u.25
a. in. Through l'ullinnn sleeping cars are run on
this train to Philadelphia, Hallluiore und Washing
ton, and through passenger coaches lo Philadel
phia and Hallluiore.
5.20a. m.Krlo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi
lirlu and all Intermediate stations und C'anandal-
gua and Intermediate stations, Itochester, iiurti-
10 unu Magara tans, w 1111 tin ougn run man rai
ace cars and passenger coaches to Frio nnd Itoch
a.M-Newa Express (dally except Sunday) for
lJCH Iluimi unu iiiictim-uiuLU CIUUUI13.
1.U5 p. in. Niagara F.xpiess (dally except Sun
day) for Kauo and Intermediate stations aud Can
andalL'iii and uilnelnal lntermedlato ktatlouu.
Itochester. liulfalo und Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches 10 Kane and Uochester
anil Parlor car 10 Watklns.
5.30 p. in. Fast Lino ulally except Sunday)tor lte
novo and Inlcimcdtate stations, und Klmtra, Wat-
Kins anu imcrmcuiaia sinuous, w uu inrougu pas
senger coacues lu itcituvu unu ,1 uinius.
u. JO a. in. Sunday mall for ltcuovo and lntcrmo.
dlato stations.
Sunday mall leaves l'hlladelnhla 1.30 a. in
Harrlsburg 7.10 m living nt sunbury 20 a. in. w 1th
turougu sieepingcur iiom luuaucipuu to nil.
lllllilapoi t.
Nuus Impress leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n, m.
Harrlsburg, S.10 a. 111. dally except buuda;
arriving ut Suubury U.53. a. 111.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; Daltlmuru 7.30 a. 111. (dally
except Sunday aiming at buubury, l.usp. nr.,
with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia
uuu viiruugu piisseuer euueues truut 1 uiiduei'
phl.i nnd Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. in. ; l'hlladel.
nhla.ll.SO a. m. : Washington. 0.50 a. tn. : Ualtl
more, 10.43 a. m., (dally except Sunday) ai riving ut
nutiuuij, o.ou i. 111., turn imuui;u iiusseuei
coaches from Philadelphia and lialuuiorc.
Urio -Mall leaves New York s.00 p. m. ; l'hlladel
nbla. 11.20 11. in. : Washington, ldoo 11. in. -. Haiti.
more, 11.20 p. in., (dally execpt.Salunla) ) arrlvtug
at Sunbury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullman
bleepln.' ears fiom Philadelphia, Washington and
uaitiiuuiu uuu mruuu iiasaeii,er cuacneq tltuv
i uiumuipuiu.
HltA.M'll lt lll.WAV.
(pally except bunuay.)
Wllkosbarro .Mail leaves buubury lo.uin. m.
arriving ul Uloom lvriy lasj a. m. , Wltkes bari 0
12.18 p. m.
Ex pi ess East leaves Sunbury 5.43 p. in., arriving
at uiooiu r erry u.sf p. m., v uues-uarru p. 111
Sunbury Mall leates wllkesbarro HUn a. 111. urriv
lugul llluom Feiry li.tH p. in., Hunbury 1,10 p. in
Kxpruss West leaves V llkis burro 2.43 p. in., nr
riving at uiwm Ferry 4.13 p. m.,bunuury s.111 p.m
Sunday mail leaves Sunbury IU5 a. m., arriving
at llloiim Ferry 10.14 11. In.. W llkis-lliine 11:3-1 11.111.
bunday iiteommoilutlou leaves Wilkes llairo 5 30
p. 111., urn nig av 11100111 rerry, 7.i p. in., nunuury,
7:55 p. m.
lien. Manager. lieu, l'asscuger Agent
1, ffl ID.
Offer lo tlio Trado ttielr Vino Hrand ol cigars.
Tho Landrcs,
Ilonry Ohj,
Simoon, ( and
FI110 Fruits nml Kino Confeetionory
on liantl, li'rcsli every week. IMooinu
burg, J'l. I Pl, Q7
suiiscuriT)Ti"H '
$1.60 A YliAH.
Nino mohiiinonts to Grant will be
orcotcd In this country, unless some of
tlio iircBOtit jirojfccts fall.
Tho centro t of pojiulatlon In this
country Is ratiitlly moving westward,
it bo'iiitf now a littlo to tho south of
During last year thero wero postetl
in li'iulnnil 20.000 letters" without anv
address on them, and of those 1C00
I'ont'tine'l nont'v.
A recent novi Ily in Purisian sl'illon-
ary Is tcrinud 'P.iitipeiin piper.'' It is
uuiioiMly mottU'tl as If with tho damp
Hess of eighteen ciititrlts.
Jni iiifr the last vcar theio weioscnt to
tho Dca.l Letter olliuo 4,8 18,000 letters,
and among their eontenls wero over
$1,00.000 in vtuU nnd .hafts.
At Llvo Oaks, Florida, an aitesian
well Is bi'iiii' sunk, but water has not
yet been found, though tho drill has
penetrated over one thousand feet.
Hoslon has just npnroiiriatcd llvo
thoi.nid dollars towards a statuo of
William Lloyd Garrison, vet fifty vears
ago ho was mobbed In that city and
barely escaped hanging.
Near tho fool of Moosio Mountain.
somo thirteen miles from Ilonesdale,
Wayne county, this State, copper ore
has been discovered, which yields
sixty-livo per cent of the metal.
An oxcliancosays that a folded news
paper placed under thu coat in thu
small of tho back U an cxeellent sub
stitute for an overcoat. Now is the
time to subscribe. IZcanavillc Argus.
In a riibbor manufactory at South
'Vauilni'haiii, M us., tho cmnlovcs have
lately been suffering from a peculiar
affection of the eyes" supposed to be
caused by the naptha used in prepar
ing tho cloth.
Tho Now York Morninc Journal.
which on Friday assumed a now and
handsome dress of tvne. ouons its fall
campaign with a rogular circulation of
over IflO.OOO, bvititr an increaso of 50-
000 within tho last eighteen months.
Tho country evidently has not a mo
nopoly on patriotic politicians, witness
tho following advertisement in a recent
London paper: "Advanced liberal con
stituency required, payinrr expenses by
gentjomon devoting whole energies to
iimIiIim ernnA '
In New Hampshire a law has just
done into effect which inflicts a fine of
$20 for tlio sale of a cinarctto to a boy
or girl under sixteen years of ago. At
newarK, in. i , mo public Miliool au
thorities havo decreed that cigaretto
smoking by pupils shall bo punished by
The bill introduced in tho Gcoreia
Legislature imposing a 'tax on bache
lors has been withdrawn, and now an
other bill has been submitted which
proposes a tax of 8100 for overy base
ball name played in the State. Real
legiiiatiyo business must be scarce in
that section
Keeping Apples Uuring tte Winter.
A most important factor iu tho keep
ing qualities of apples and ono that
is frequently lost sight of is tho con
dition of the fruit at the time of pick
in'. Tho moro carefully fruit is handl-
t'd tho better it will keep ; the slightest
bruise or injury of any kind engenders
Tho best lime for iiickinir moles is
just before they aro fully ripu ; full ma
turity lessens their keeping quality .'i0
per cent. An applo that drops off tho
tiee uy a iiglil toucli is tt o ripe for
long keeping.
It is ono of nature's iiniiiiit'iblo laws
that fruit, as soon as it has Income
fully matured, shall decay. This pro
mcss, although it may commence and
progiess very slowly, ii sure to take
place it the lrtut is left to natural con
ditions, and every preserving method
aims to furnish means whioh shall
(I'liinteiiiet or protract this natural tend-
em y.
To accomplish this, expensive fruit
houses and othor devices have been in
vented, the experienco with all of
which ,oes to shw that, other condi
tions being equal, a low temperature,
ranging from thirty degrees to thirty
six degrees, and neer above foity de
grees, is the primary and principal con
dition of success. Everything else is
of comparatively littlo" importance.
Whichever way such a tempera
ture can be provided most cheaply will
generally bo found most suitable.
Extreme dryness of stoiaga was for
merly considered of great importance,
but later experienco has proved the fal.
lacy of this supposition. In fact, it has
been found that, if the tcmperaluio is
kept low enough, apples will keep bet
ter in a damp than in a dry atmos.
phere. We know of several instances
in whioh npplis placed completely und
er water have kept in good condition
all winter and but a few weeks nijo we
havo eaten apples that have stood niid
er tho drip of an ice liouso for neaily a
year, and that wero as fresh
and sound as when picked off tho tree
last September.
Only when existing conditions do not
admit tho loweiing of tho temperature
to tho most tk'sirablo degree, dry (tor
aito becomes mnro advantageous.
Country Jlome.
J. H. Mercer wishes lo mako an
assertion, which he can back with a
positive u'uaranlcu. It is all about
Acker's Hlood Hli.xir. Ilo claims for
it superior meiils over all other rt med
ics of its kind, and guarantees for it a
positive and sure euro for Rheumatism,
Syphillls, and all blood ilisordcis, it
fiees the skin from spots and disease,
and leaves the complexion clear
Ask him about it.
Dr. IVIcTaggart
This noted Specialist of Scrauloii, is tlio
only specialist litis side of New York, I'liil.
a'lclpliln ami HulTalo who makes nn e xclu.
sivti specialty of treating chronic, huii'
stiunliiiL' mul lingering discuses to which
ninn nml womankind tiro subject, such ns
Consumption, Hrniichtul nITcctloni, Scrofti.
In, Biilt.Itlicum, Loss nt Manhood, Skin ills,
cuius, ltliciunatisiii, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpi.
lepsy, HypIiUU, Deafness, l,osa of Voice.
Chronic Dlnrrlmia.Clillls ami ftiycri Worms,
Liver complaint, Cunrcrs, Tumors, l'anily.
ela, Tnpu worm, Henrt disease, Ac, Ac,
liilTciniilu disease n specially,
No mutter how Jonir you Imvu been stif.
icrlng nor how inuiiy Doctors ypti hityccm.
ployed in vain, you should npply to I)n.
ln I'AfHUiir ul once, when ho will tell ill
reclly without holding nut false, hopes
whether your disease is strictly curnhlo or
can only bo relieved,
Ho owes his widii reputation for tlio sue
ccsafiil treatment of nil lingering or chronic
diseases to expcilcnco and close appllcn
lion for over 20 yours, uud to no mimtwouj
power, .
What tiik IVvi'Kits Bay t
"lie i tdclllju! Iinnest, e nii(ent, upright and re
laLluani viull vjorthyof (lio iKmpl 'n iunn.len(p
undeUvln. lioalwaij h.i)b exactly what ha
nikans and ineam Mm. ily ho iuvn"-scran.
inn ipuuukvu.
"liuWiootneftiU man to ley'-lackawanna
Corner Laekawinna and Wastltgton Avermas,
Bept 11-ly
A Large and Varied Stock of
win 1 1 nm ii i i umi i n mm m n
Call and be Convinced that you have the
The Lowest
OF -
m mwmM
vnrled seleetion'oT' 1!"Bi(;S n,u! WaSons- At llli3 depository maybo seen 11 large nnd
rom tliu best manufactories. Purchasers arc invited to call nnd inspect tlio goods or lo
TjCSrWrite for Information and prices.
n p r. -3-85-1 y.
for Infants and Children.
"CMtorla Is so well ndarted to children that I Castorta ctma Collo, Conrtlpntlon.
irwommeiulHiiasuiierlortoonyiirescriiiUon I Pour Ktomaeh, liiarrhrea, Krtklalton,
laovrn to mo," il Jl, Acnii, HI) I K"18 wrra4, given Elccp, and i.romotea 1I
III So. Oxford Et, IIiwUj-b, ji, V, WltESu'tlSiurioua meJIctttton.
Tu CoTlca CoMPiy, 1S rulton Btrcct. N. T.
Possible Prices
T. IF. MltJIf ,
320 & 322 Pcnn Avenue,
Vor the C'elcliratcd Clilcljcrliirj, Ivers As
I'ond, and Vosu& Pon riniios. Worldrc
nowiied Kstcy Orj;..ns, Violins, Aecordeoiis
and Sheet Music. Celehinted While, New
llinh Arm Davis, New Home, ltoynl St.
John, nnd LIilit Humiing Domestic Sewing
Mai'liinus. Needles, oil anil attaclinienls
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
a Stove
-v. n
Stcro andZwarcrccmt;, Nc. 12S
Franklin Avonue.
Mso Wnicioomn ill Kniuklln Arc. mul KBCr..
,ter Street.
Anything to mako up n now- wagon
or rpjiair an olil, iu stock.
liar Iron, nml Steel IJoltH, Holt
Kml, Lag ScrcwH, 'rninhuckle's
Horse SIiucm, mul nil lilacktinith
Bill IpllcS.