The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 30, 1885, Image 4

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    The Columbian.
FRIDAY, OOTOIHSH, 30, 188.",.
(imiiKT miimuii Tut Ttni.i:. '
isVullowS? "I0 l'"llailt,l,," cave llupert
as follows t
(WW n. in.
Ibis a.m.
0:13 p. in.
0:31 a. in.
10.31 a in.
s so p. in.
ti::t p. in,
.i n. m.
ll:lt ii. m.
M p. in.
S:I7 p. in.
Hallway pass Bloom
18-us p. in.
4:15 p. In.
Tu 0 p in
Trains on tho N. A w. 11.
l'ei ry ns follows i
M.r.J a. in.
(1.37 p. m.
10:14 a m
Cliciei) .VtUcrllHeiuciilH.
Advertisements will bo Inserted In our
ocnl columns nt tho.followlng rates t
Situations wanted, free.
Ijoat or found, free.
Help wanted, 20 cents.
Hooma to rent, 20 cents.
Ouo time each, or ii times. 40 cents.
HIlllUlllIK OlllTH.
Tho Coi.u.miiun is olTercd on llic follow,
lug term? i
Kvery new subscriber paying a year In
ndvnnce, and every old subscriber paying
In full to duto nntl onu year In ndvance,
will receive the American Farmer, worth $.1.
n year, free for one year.
Columbian and N. Y. Weekly H'orM 1 jr.
" " rutin. " Times "
" " Amerlcnn Agrtcutturhl "
" " Tribune ,1- runner "
Ij. H. Iloinboy, administrator of Benja.
min Uoinbuy, deceased, will sell real estate
m Hemlock on fov. 21, at 2 p. m.
Shedrick L. Hess will sell personal prop,
crty on his premises In Sugnrloaf township
on Wedncsdny,Noveinber 11th nt lOo'cIock
n. m.
Stephen Polio and Philip h. Miller, trus
tees, will sell real estate of Phoebe A. Mil
ler deceased, in Mllllinvllle, on Saturday,
November 14, at 2 p. m.
Joseph Crawford and G. ,M. Kline, exec
utors of Joseph Kline, deceased, will sell
personal property on the premises of said
decedent in Mt. Pleasant township, near
Mordansville, on Thursday November 19th
nt 10 o'clock a. in.
l'tir Snle or i:xcliaii;e.
Two good cows and a top buggy can be
bought at a bargain for cash, or exchang
ed for n good, kind horse.nt Dr. Shattuck's
Hest due, near IJ. I.. & . depot, Iilooms
burg. I'ariiiH for Hale.
The farm now occupied by A. M. White
In Orange township, containing one hun
dred acres with good buildings and im
provements, Is offered for sale, possession
to be given April 1st. 1830. For terms and
particulars apply to I. W. MoKclvy or Gei .
U. Ehvell, llloomsbiirg. Sept 25-tf
A farm of 45 acres In Hemlock township
abort ISO acres cleared, owned by William
Webber. A good house and bam, fruit trees
and a good spring on the premises. Price,
jTOO. Fur further Information apply to N.
P. Moore, lluckhoru Pa. 3iv
Kill: Sams. A young Jersey cow and
mlf. P. Dillon.
Foil Sam:. A good horse nt a reasonable
llguie, gentle and safe. Inquire nt this of
lice. tf
Wanthd. Two lady boarders by Miss
Donjder on Centre street. Oct. 30 2w
Miss Annie J. liernhard is visiting friends
nt Seranton.
W. H. Gilmore is in the city buying
t goods for the holidays.
Mrs. Parker of Washington I). C, is the
guest ot .Miss S. Sloan.
Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. Sloan returned
from Philadelphia on Wednesday.
.Miss Annie Miller went to Philadelphia
on Thursday, where she will attend a inu
tile t-hool.
Sirs. .Miles Albcitson, of Georgia, who
has been visiting fiicnds in this county,
Btaitcd for home on Tticsdxy.
Miss Emma Kiihn has sulllciently recov
ered from her accident nt Ilnleton to be
removed homo on Tuesday last.
Joe Itcifsnyder nnd V. W. McKclvy
started for Newport, P.., on Wednesday
morning on their bicycles. The distance
Is about CO miles.
Mr. Arthur A. Clark started for Jackson
ville, Florida, on Tuesday, where lie in
tends to engngo in business. Mr. Lincoln
Tustln accompanied him on a prospecting
BKIt 3rd.
Jurors for December court were drawn
on Tuesday.
William Halt lost n horse by colic last
Friday night.
The list of premiums awarded nt the fair
appears this week,
Casper Kressler of this place, had a
Btroko of paralysis on Tuesday.
C. M. Vandcrsllco keeps good stock In
Ills livery nnd is doing a brisk business.
Interesting Arbor day exercises were
held nt tho Third street school yesterday
Mr. J. It. Townscnd is making additions
and improvements to his residence on
Noith Jlnln.
W. W. Uauett Is selling a new variety of
i?rano called the Niagara White crane. It
Is delicious in flavor.
Itcv. A. S. llnumgardiur, of Danville,
will preach in tho Evangelical Church on
net Sabbath, at 3 o'clock.
Iteuben Naglo was drowned in the river
nt Hicks' Ferry while taking down one of
tliu ferry ropes, lie was in the employ of
Dupont it Co.
An Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F,
P. lllllmeyer, died last week (Thursday).
nL'ed n llltlo moro than a year. It was bu
rled on Frldiy.
Do not fall to go tho polls next Tuesday,
and vote the Deinocinllc ticket. It mny
bo that your vote Is tho one that Is needed
to curry the state.
Ilnclinmn ifc Gross have contracted with
Charles Krug, for all the stono and brick
work of the new Normal School building,
They began excavating on Tuesday.
If thero nro any supervisors In this conn
ty who have not yet nttended tn the duty
of nutting up guldc.uonrus, mey nun net
terlook after the matter beloio December
IlEIt 3rd.
Two deer wcro brought to town from
tho North Mountain last Baturday. Col.
Jamison bought one, nnd Mr. $'. Neat tlio
other. It was tho first venison of tho sen.
Hon. F. W. Hughes, the well-known
lawyer, of Pottsvllle, died last week
(Thursday.) Ho wns tho lending counsel
for tho prosecution In the Molllo Magliirc
Philip V. Weaver, Esq, of llnleton,
has been appointed Deputy Ilcglster of
'.interne c unity. Application for marriage
licenses nre ma le to hlni In that part of the
Apennal ofOallgnan's now advertise
ment, headed "The Kadlant Homo llase
Iliirner," will not only make you laugh,
but furnish some valuable Information
about stoves. Heud It.
James W. Kclchner, of Fowlcrvllle, will
discontinue blncksmlthing January 1st,
nnd make arrangements to start for Kan
sas, soon aftcrwnrd. All who know them,
selves Indebted will please call and settlo
without delay.
Judge Shuinan, one of Cntawlssn'g most
enterprising citizens, has laid new water
pipes between the Wider Company's reser
voir and the springs. The Judge Is Inter
ested In tho wntcr works there, ns ho Is In
every progressive movement.
John C. Yocum, Esq., of Cntawlssn has
just won an linportnnt case by special
pleading. On Wednesday afternoon ho
was married to Miss Fannie C. Kllllnger
nt Annville, Lebanon county. We tender
our fraternal congratulations.
Persous who nro expecting to have sales
will consult their own interests by getting
their sale bills printed nt this ofllce. For
every set of bills printed hero n free notice
Is given In tho p.iper.tho notico alone being
worth as much as we charge for the bills.
The county commissioners publish a no.
tlce to tax collectors this week, requiring
them to make returns of seated and un.
seated lands upon which no property can
bo found from which to make taxes, on or
before January 1st. Tax collectors should
read and heed it.
We arc requested to state that the enter
talnmcnt eiven at the Opera House on
Tuesday evening was fixed for that date,
because the services of Mrs. Crenshaw
could bo secured for no other evening. It
was not for the puiposo of getting nliead
of anybody else.
The concert given on Wednesday even.
Ing, by Prof. Strickland's choir and orches
tra, of Danville, for the benefit of St. Col
iimba's church, was well attended nnd
highly appreciated. The singing was of a
high order; and the execution by the or
chestra was good.
There will be a meeting of the l'ennn.
Stale Hoard of Agriculture and General
Fanners Institute at lllooiiisburg, Dec. 2nd
and 3rd. HU excellency, Gov. H. E. Pat
tison will preside nt.the Meeting. Farm,
ers and Farmers' wives nnd tho public geu.
erally are invited to attend and participate
In the proceedings. Programme of Meet
ing will be published later.
L ist week there was n meeting of the dr-
scendents of the Huguenots held in New
York to commemorate the Revocation of
tho Edict of Nantes in 1085. The Hi. cen
tennial bus given occasion to many histo.
rieal sermons in this country ns well as in
France. A sermon on the subject is to be
preached in the Presbyteilnn church by tho
pastor on Sunday evening next.
Pick's Sun, published nt Milwaukee, Wis
consin, is the most humorous paper In
America to-day. Geo. W. Pick, its editor
and proprietor stands without an equal ns
n humorist. He believes in making peoplo
hnppy, nnd no one can be otherwise who
rea Is his most excellent paper. Our read.
rs aie Invited to rend the prospectus of
Vck's Sun, in another column. Sample
opies mailed free to any address.
The Washinstonvillo fair is In bad odor
ust now. After advertising very exten
sively that Maud S. would bo there, and
giving out the impression that Bonner's
ioi be was referred to, the ofllccrs palmed
oil n Danville horse by the same name as
the celebrated trotter. A largo number of
gamblers mcio arrested on the grounds nnd
taken to Danville, ami the Piesident of the
association was also an ested for allowing
gambling on the grounds.
The only alleged newspaper in Berwick
is dj Ing a horrible death. In its delirium
It utteis slanders and falsehoods, by the
column, thinking that its liislgnillcance will
protect It friiuidibcl suit, but fondly hop
ing that it may be given some prominence
by engaging in a controversy w itli respecta
ble newspapers. Its last week's utterances
arc loo false to require any denial, nnd
too contemptible to receive further notice.
List of letters rem lining In the Post Of.
lice at lllooiiisburg for week ending Oct.
27, 188!):
Mice. Hinder, Mr. John ilrowu, Miles A.
Fiey 2, Mr. W. W. ICisu, Mr. H. M. Law.
renee, Charles .Miller.
C. W. Coles. S. II. Klsn. Mr. 11. W. He
Henry, Pomeroy Dro's & Smith.
Persons calling for above please say
Ukouob A. Clauk, P. M.
iVn entertainment was given at tho Opera
House on Tuesday eyening under the aus
pices of the Young Ladies' Guild of St.
Paul's P. E. Church. The programtno
consisted of recitations by Mrs. S. E. Cren
shnw, n gifted elocutionist, vocal solos by
Mrs. Parker of Washington, D. C, nnd Mr.
F. P. Drinker, nnd instrumental music by
Miss M. Drinker nud Prof. Methcrell's or
chestra. Mr. Parker has a well-trnlncd
voice.nnd the audience showed their appre
ciation of her singing by according her
hearty encores. Though tho entertain
ment was gotten up In great haste tho pro
ceeds will leave something for the Guild
after paying expenses.
Mrs. Crenshaw is an elocutionist of no
small ability nnd has acquired somo repu
tutlon in tho West. Her selections wcro
well chosen nnd vnrlcd, nnd calculated to
display her power as a fluished elocution,
ist. She has a billlinnt futuro before her
in the profession which she has chosen.
.iiti'Mt Hotel Kaekel.
Said n friend at our elbow last evening!
1 met a couple of 'fakirs' who tnko in
country fairs, tho other day on the train,
nnd one of them put me on the latest hotel
racket. It was llko this i Tom, a rather
slouchy-looking fellow, goes luto a hotel,
pays for dinucr and enters the dinlng.rcom
He Is shortly afterwards followed by John,
who is well dressed and wears a nobby
hat, which ho Is careful tho clerk shall see.
Tom comes out, picks tho new tile and
leaves tho hotel. Then follows John with
the most disreputable hut ever seen Will
blood In his eye he demands sutUfuctlou
from tho hotel proprietor, Ho generally
gets iJ5, divides Willi his partner, and thry
are ready to work another hotel.
HE I' Urt!
O. Swnnk nttended the Sunday school
convention ot this township.
Miss Knto Crothcrs, of Hnzleton, Is visit
ing this place.
Tho township held a convention In the
Evangelical Lutheran Church on Tuesday
last tho 27lh fr the benefit of the Suudny
Messrs. Adam Miller nnd I). O. Ilond are
running opposition against 0. Swnnk and
J Wagner with threshing machines.
Mr. C. P. Hurpstcr claims ho can bent in
threshing. He threshes 40 bushels of
wheat In an hour, but O. Swank & J. Wng.
ncr bent themj they enn thresh CO bushels
In an hour.
The ITolilcm Holveil,
Flihlngcrcck Oct. 20, 1835.
Mr. Editoii. TIio following Is n solution
nf the question in mental arithmetic In
your last Issue, of tho Columbian.
lly tho tlrst condition of the question tho
first bay sold his apples nt tho rate of i
cent each, nnd the second boy sold his nt
cent each) together tho two npples wcro
cold for J plus) which equals CO of a cents
nnd ono apple brought J of 6-0 which equals
5-13 of a cent.
By the second condition of the question
tho boy that sold the sixty apples received
2-5 of a cunt each which was a loss of tho
difference between C-12 nnd 2-5 which
equals 1-00 of n cent oncaeh npplc, and on
sixty apples he lost sixty limes 1-00 which
equals 00 00 or one cent.
11. L. Kiiamek.
EUITOI! Coi.u.miiun:
Dkaii Sin: Your correspondent from
Catnwlssn In the Columbian of tho 23rd
lust, reports n Prohibition meeting held in
tho open streets of Catnwlssn on Saturday
tho 17th, of Oct., nnd thinks Unit "tho
proper place for ministers Is In the pulpit,
and not making political speeches." But
how about their work down In the dlleli
where the drunknud lies slrlpped of man
hood and money, his character and homo
destroyed by drink? Have ministers h
right to lilt up the drunkard, nnd restore to
him Ids character nnd home, nnd no right
to tell the people bow nor where that
drunkard was manufactured, or suggest
the method by which that fac'.ory shall bo
closed? If not nh) nolt A clergyman Is
a citizen as well as a minister, anil has n
legitimate right to speak his mind on any
question Hint affects the morals, the Intelli
gence nnd happiness of the people, wheth
er he bo in tho pulpit or out of it. If min
isters have no right to discuss the science
of government (Polities') as well as lawjers
and judges, and other good citizens, they
have no right to go to tho polls and vote,
because "their place Is in the pulpit," and
of course to bo seen nt nn election Is highly
disreputable to ministers, hence they have
no right to express their opinions ns citi
zens in support of free thought, free speech
and a free ballot. Your correspondent had
probably better write n work on "Advice
to Ministers," but by nil menns let the price
bo ns low ns the advice is thin.
Ml mi li TowilHllIp H. H. Contention.
'J he Mitllm Township Sunday School
Convention was held In the New School
Lutheran church, Millllnville, Columbia
county, Pa., Tuesday, Oi'tober 27, 18S3.
Itcv. Hasslngcr was elected president;
W. T. S. Denvor, Sec'y iiid J. F.Brown,
treasurer. The superintendents of llio
township wcro appointed executive com
mittee. This was the first Sunday jchool
convention held in this township.
A number of tho most difficult questions
arising from Sunday school work were
ably discussed by the following ministers
and laymen: Itcv. Galloway, of Berwick,
Itev. Ferguson and Dechnnt, of Cntawissa,
ltev. Hasslngcr nnd Deavor, of Mllllinvllle,
.Messrs. A W. Spear, of Lightstreet, Dea-
on Kirkendall, of Nescopeek, nnd Burd
Clayburger, of Millllnville. All tho Sun-
day schools wero represented but one.
The exercises of the day were very Inter
esting and from the attendance nnd ntten-
Hon, we would judge that much good
was accomplished, nnd would reasonably
expect great improvement in the Suudny
chool work of the township. A collec
tion, amounting to $4.04, was raised to
defray incidental expenses.
The evening session was most interesting.
Two very important topics, namely, "How
Can Parents Best Aid tho Sunday School ? '
and "The Sunday School as u Means of
Grace," wero ably discussed. Tho former
by Hev. Fergiibon, the Utter, in a like
manner, by Hev. Galloway, borne very
important cpiestions from tho query box
were answered by members of tho con
vention. Some closing remarks were made
by ministers and severjl laymen, nfter
which the convention adjourned "sine
die." W. T. 8. Dkavoii, Sec'y.
A HeuHon of I'ruyer.
W 011101V AND
The week commencing Sunday, Novem
ber 8, will bo observed throughout the civ.
illzed world as n season of prayer for
ouug men and Young Men's Christian As
I'lils season had its origin in n resolution
ndopted by the International Convention
of the American associations held In Alba.
ny, N. Y., in 1800, nnd lias been observed
every year since nt the recommendation of
tho subsequent conventions.
There nre now 2,000 of these associations
in the world, distributed us follows : North
America, 034; Great Britain, f03; France,
Germany, S40; Holland, 300; Switzer-
land, 208; Denmark, 43; Belgium, 24, nnd
a dozen, moro or less, in eacli of the fol
lowing countries: Spain, Italy, Turkey,
Itussla, Austria, Japan, Syria, South Afri
ca, Australia, rcw .enliind, .Madagascar
and India. The American associations nro
the strongest nnd best organized ot any.
They number 020 general associations, 100
college, 09 railroad, 84 colored and 12 Ger-
man. Tho yearly current expenses of the
associations In America amount to $ 750,
000. They own elglity-tw.i buildings, vol.
tied a $3,532,000, and havo a total net prop
crty of $4,853,000. Four hundred and flf.
teen men aro devoting their wiinlo tlmo to
the work ns secretaries, librarians nnd
gymnasium Instructors.
The expenses of i he railroad assocla
tlons Is .75,000 per year, twn-thlrds of
which sum Is contributed by the railroad
companies, who testify to tho great benefit
resulting to their employees through this
special department of the "i. M. O. A,
work. Last year 1,700 young men profess,
cd conversion in the college associations.
There are thirty-one Statu and Provincial
organizations, each with its executive com.
mittco ind annual convention. These
committees expended last year In their
work 433,034. Their International Com
mlttee, located In New York City in 1800
and continued there ever since, Is tho the
executive committee of the international
conventions which meet biennially. It
consists of thlrty.tlirco members, iilno ail
visory members and fifteen trustees, repre
seating nil parts of the United States and
the Dominion of Canada. It employs ten
secretaries, whoso duty It Is to visit all
parts of tho two countries, advising with
and counseling associations both State and
local. The expenses of tho committee for
last year wero $30,490, which amount wns
1 contributed by friends of the cause.
Tho public schools ot this township open
next Monday. ,
Mrs- Frnncls.lleck was visiting friends
ln'Hhnmokln last week.
Mrs. Dan'l Houck stilt remains In very
critical condition) nt times suffering In
tensely. Itcv. Hamlin will soon begin a protract
ed effort at the ltoartngcrcck brick church.
Clias. L. Pfnhlcr "took In" tho Wash
Ingtonvlllo fair last week. He reports a
good time.
U. W. Chcrlngton, ot Mill Grove, L. II.
Daniels, ot N'umedla, nnd W. 11. Snyder of
this phc, wero in Philadelphia last week.
Band practlco every Tuesday evening
and singing school every Friday evening
keeps n llttlo stir In our nnclent village'.
Itcv. J. 0. W. Hcrold, the U. B.Imlnlstcr
has been returned to tills (the Catnwlssn)
circuit; he has made many warm friends
Brltton Hughes, Esq,, formerly ot Slab
town who for some tlmo past has been fir
ing on the P. & It. nt Newberry has been
changed to Catnwlssn.
ltev. W. S. Hnmlln M. E. pnslor nnd
wife celebrated tholr twenty-fifth wedding
anlvcrsar; the evening of tho Kith Inst.
Some forty guests were present nil enjoy.
Ing the occasion.
A great many pe'oplo will contract largo
doctor bills or doso themselves with quinine
which Injures the system without reaching
tho seat of disease. Keller's Catnrrli Item.
cely will positively effect a specely cure.
Those of our town who went to Wash
ingtonvlllo fair expecting to sec Mnud S.
wero sndly left.
Dave and Chnrles Gibson, typos, from
Wllllnmsport are the guests of their broth
er Boyd.
A. L. McIIenry left Tuesday for Pitts
burgh where ho purposes to engage In busi
ness. John Fowler, of Pino Summit was no
ticed In town Tuesday.
Tho colt race nt the recent fair seems to
have caused much dissatisfaction. Per
haps If the Bobbins colt had not been worn
out previous to the race there would not
have been any caiiso for a wrangle. If the
decision of tho judges Is to bo questioned
wo nsk why have judges nt nil?
The new nddltlon or rather Post Olllco Is
rapidly approaching completion nnd ere
long our present Post Master will be peer
ing into his box und will nsk Instead of be
Ing (.eked for his mall.
J. J. McIIenry returned from Philadel
phia with n very large stock of goods.
Every department is tilled nnd people nre
embracing the opportunity of securing
goods at low prices.
Sam Ikcler and John Krickbaum spent
Sunday last in Berwick.
Alfred C. McIIenry purchased the hand
some New England organ exhibited nt the
fair by Filly & Williams, of Pittston.
Boyd McIIenry, landlord, purchased also
au excellent organ from the same tlrm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnyt spent l ist week in
Kingston and Dallas.
Foxes and rnbblt nre reported exceeding
ly scarce, snow will start them.
con i.iVKi: on., Mini HYi'oi'iioscHirKS,
For Wasting Children.
Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says:
"I have used jour Emulsion in Infantile
wasting, with good results. It not only ie-
stores wnstcd tissue, but gives strength,
nnd I heartily recommend it for diseases
attended by atrophy."
HaHt liiintoii.
Minor 11. Smith's dwelling with contents
except on III st Hour und cellar, was entirely
consumed by fire on last Tuesday evening.
It wns partially covered by insurance.
Turnpike street, Cambra, presents n
bcautitul and imposing appenrnncc since
the completion of the new buildiugs. All
tho dwellings, Including the Christian
chapel are models of modern architectural
urt. Cambra is a handsome country town.
Mrs. Judgo Krickbaum thinks some onu
lis disposed of her chum dog.
Mr. John Ashelmau has commenced a
now house nt the crossroad on the lower
end of Ids farm.
ltev. H. K. lllnkly, agent for the Publl-
cation Board of the licformcd Chuich,
1'hlluilelphin, preached at St. James on
last Sunday. His sermon was divided into
English nnd German.
Iteuben Gibbons bus already husked n
piece of com and hauled In the fodder.
Mr. Samuel Yost is four score years old
nnd walks regularly to church n distance
of halt a nil'e. He was also at the Benton
Several women of our neighborhood
have been complaining of late. Wr be
Heve they aro just commencing false teeth-
Jacob Wcnner, of llcndcrtnwn, Is Im
proving nnd slowly recovering Iroui Ids
rheumatic complaint.
No fool-hold on Mr. Biickhnrn's npplo
onumlriiin. The stiing seems a penny
shorter when not doubled up.
Prothonotnry Snyder, E. It. Ikelcr, Esq,,
Charles Savage, of lllooiiisburg, IUrry
Low, ot Ornugevllle, and Alibach, of Ari
zona, who is homo on n visit, arrived at
Cambra this (Tuesday) evening and stop,
ped witli C. L. Low, proprietor of theTcin
peraucu house pieparatory for a fox hunt
on the following day (Wednesday). After
they arc through wu expect that foxes will
be scarce. They aro n jovial set and wo up.
prebend that they will frighten the foxes
considerably. Plenty of hunters the "coon"
and "fox" will have to "git." I hope they
will report "lots" ot foxes
rnn.iuci.ruiA, eictober, 80, lass.
It is hicrh time to speak of
that part of furniture in which
our takintr the lead is a matter
of comparatively recent date.
It is tolerably well known that
all the resources of furniture-
makintr are ours as much as if
they were under our roof; and
that here is gathered a more
inclusive collection 01 proper
wood-work ol every grade than
there is in all rlulauelphia to
irether besides. So that, what
ever wealth or poverty seeks,
here is the place to find it, sur
rounded by similar" things that
ought to be seen before a choice
is made
It is tolerably well known too
what our system of trade is
fair trade is tho shortest name
for it. We consider what we
ought to sell an article for am:
mark it so that everybody can
read it, while the prevailing
practice is to mark with secret
signs what is the secrecy for?
So that the seller can gauge his
price by the buyer, his knowl
edge, his conceit, his vanity, his
money tact, his money. The
price of furniture is generally
made from a study of human
nature. Everybody knows it
and guards against it by going
about from store to store, com
paring and haggling. And yet
nine-tenths of tile stores per
haps ninety-nine in a hundred
stick to their crooked ways. A
common trick is to sell some ar
ticle very low indeed, so low as
to fasten the buyer. Me pays
enough before he gets through.
It is well enough known that
nothing of that sort happens
here. Hut haggling has a cer
tain fascination when the money
amounts to much. Wholesale
trade consists almost entirely of
haggling. Mouses, horses, car
riages, nianos are sold bv hatr-
irlintr whv tint fnrnitiii-p? Hank'-
,iihl wn not luniuure. xanK-
hi;, uuaiini' in iii.ihhirs ui uiuiicy
!..-.. IT ' i" 1 1' . 'IM.
useii consists oi Haggling, ine
Stock Exchange is the biggest
hagghng-machine m the world.
To the poor the little sums they
pay for daily use are big. The
business of almost all the little
local stores is done by haggling.
The world is not so full of
haggling without some reason.
Haggling has its advantages.
Here we are, our prices just so
no more, no less. A dealer
outside can ask more for his
things ; and then, if his customer
happens to know our prices, he
can drop he would rather
make a very little profit than
nothing. Hence elastic prices
and haggling. We have only
one defence. We have got to
have better things and deal with
generosity. that is our only
way to beat, a townful of hag
glers. Excuse the digression. It
was needful to state with some
fulness what you know in a
shadowy way and act as if you
didn't know at all.
The part of our furniture
stock you haven't had the chance
to know the state of so well is
upholstered work, mantels, ta
bles, chairs, cabinets, easels,
book-cases, desks for house and
office all those difficult wares
to manage well because of the
number of forms they come in,
the room they require, the skill
in choosing, the knowing where
to go on and where to stop.
Upholstered work is mostly
out of sight. Vast sums of
money in it. Somebody has got
to be trusted. There must be a
way to be sure of the maker.
It belongs to us to be sure. It
belongs to you to trust. An
other day, perhaps, we'll tell you
how we know the inside of these
things. You see here a long
array of sofas and chairs not
only upholstered, but actually
covered with costly stuffs. A
roomlul besides ot the stuns.
isn't common to buy these
things with any sense ol sure-
ness. The softness and spring
may come of something else
than steel and curled hair.
1'hey may flatten out in a twelve
month. In the higher range ot
upholstery your are scarcely
willing to buy by what you can
see and leel
The more difficult part is the
getting together ol shapes
enough and styles enough ; for
all tins getting has got to be
paid for. The things of last year
must be gone. A swift current
of trade makes everything easy
How many sliapes of tables
and chairs, do you think ? We
could fill this building no two
alike. Of all the crooked ways
of putting pieces of wood to
gether the table-maker seems to
have discovered most; the chair-
maker next ; the cabinet-maker
not far benind.
In short we have a ready-made
stock of furniture, much of it
such as people pay twice-over
for having it made to order; and
we make to order besides.
Some may get the impression
that we deal in nothing but
costly wares. Hy no means
l ne numoier wares are not so
various. 1 little space is enough
for them. This acre or more is
mostly filled with costly work ;
but the plainest of things are
We should be ashamed to
have this store a less good place
lor the things ot the poor than,
lor those ot the rich. Was it
made by the rich? Could it
ive by the rich ? Are there so
many rich in tins comtortable
city of ours as to fill such a
store as this? It's an every
body's store. "We hope the
time when we shall really need
to advertise lor the trade ot the
poor is very far off indeed.
nave every sort of fur-
a poor man can bnv
and we sell it so that he needn't
get into the hands of sharpers.
John Wanamakeh.
Chestnut, Thirteenth ana Market s treets,
sua City-ball square.
A Cug at Iast. Ely's Cream Jl.ilm
goes more directly than uuy other catarrh
remedy tn tho scat of the disease, und has
resulted in more cures here than ull others,
WaLti-llarrt, i'u., LcuJer,
My son, aged nino years, was nllllclt'd
witli catarrh, tho use of Kly's Cream Halm
effected a completo cure. W. K. Hniniiinn,
druggist, KubIoii, l'a. ocl-10-4t-il.
LONQ-WELMVEB.-On Bent. 29th,
1885. by ti. A. German, Esq., Mr. William
Long, of Jourdan, Lycoming county, to
Miss Jano Wclllverof Pine, tills county.
ltOBEHTS-WELLIVElt.-OnOct. 17th
1885, by L. A. German, Esq.. Mr. Daniel 1.
Kobcrls, to Miss Mary C. Welllvcr, all of
Pine, this county.
Go to C. C. Marr for puro elder vinegar.
Whins. Whins, nil kinds from 20c. to
15.00 nt Schuyler's Hardware Store.
Go to C. C. Matr for rubber boots.
Atwavs nhcad In stvlc. in duality, and In
giving full vnluo for money spent at the
i opuiar looming more oi u. ljowenucrg.
Tho place to buy the latest pattern meat
cutters, stuffcrs, nutchcrs knives, etc., Is
nt Schuyler's Hardware Store.
Wantkii. Ebcs.
Shnllbnrks, Chestnuts
F. Caldwell's, Baker
and Walnuts, nt J.
and Confectioner.
A very lame Block of Full and Winter
goods now on bond at D. Lowcnberg's.
The Indies have found that they can get
flrst.ciaglI oy8tcrs in cv,.ry styIo a i.j.imV
nnncry, nnd mey crown mo parlors every
use u. iv. ejoilcc llic Dcsl in tlio mnrket.
Seldom equaled. Never excelled. For
snle everywhere. Oct 2-tf
Ouecn Svrun. nt (!. fi. Mnrr'o. Ihn lmI
In town.
A beautiful lino of dress shirts a vcrv
handsome lino of gentlemen's night shirts
jiisi received ni nnviu LowcnOcrg's.
For picture and odd size window iln9s.
call at Schuyler's Hardware Store.
At Phillips' Domestic Bakerv vou can
get a first-class oyster stow every evening.
Their parlors nro larcc nnd convenient for
uic accommodation of gentlemen nnd la
Wool nnd Cotton Carnct Chain, nt O. CI
Leather and rubber bcltlnc at Manufac
turer's prices at Schuyler's Hardware Store.
The newest and neatest line of lints. Fur
caps for men, youths ami boys at D. Low
cnberg's. Phillips' oyster parlors nre well filled ov
y evening.
cry evening!
C. O. Marr wants Butter. Esrus. Chick-
ens, Corn nnd oats.
Call and look throiich tho lamest stock
of cloths, casscmeres, overcoatings, See.,
any or which can be mndo up In city stvlc
by experienced workmen. Perfect sails
faction given by D. Lowcnberg.
Carpenters nnd Mechanics should call at
Schuylet's Hardware Store nnd see thu new
line of elegant tools just opened.
Items of Interest nt
I. w.
Black Brocade Silk, for 1. wortli SI. 50.
Cheap Blight Colored Satins for Fancy
Good lilting Ladles' and Chlldrens' Coats.
Jmiw llrocado Cashmere Dress Goods 80c.
Bright Plaid for Children, nt 8c yd.
All Wool Double Shawls, for i$4.00,just In.
25c. Bed Twilled Flannel.
50 in. Dress Cloths for 02Jc. are cheap.
aiumpcei nnu rringcu Linens or outline
worn in an sizes and very cheap.
New tine white nnd cream Lnccs.
The new Corset is selling.
24 in. Silk Plush for $2.25 yd.
Felt, 2 yds. wide ijl.20 yd.
uoioreu siik velvets, si. 00 vd.
Saxony, Spanish, German nnd other Yarns
in qualities aud prices that attract all
Angora Wool 15c. ball.
Scotch Gloves for Men nt 75c. will sell.
nil line Electric nnd Hanging Lamps.
People livine out of Bloom aud bavins
any need of above goods, will find a sav
ing In money nud satisfaction in dealing
and in Goods by calling on
iV man attacked with liright's disease, or
uny kidney disease, don't waut fine words-
nut Its eoneiueror Hunt's kidney and liver
Pure blood is absolutely necessary in or.
dcr to enjoy perfect health. Hooil's Harsa
parilla purities the blood and strengthens
the system
We must tell ot the great sneciile Hunt's
kidney and liver Remedy. It never fails
to cure dIabelcs,dropsy,llri(rlit'3 disease, Ac.
The seciet art ot bcautv lies not in cos
metics, mil is only in pure moon and u
healthy performance of the vital functions.
which cjin be obtained by using llurdock
iiiooel liitters.
1 lie powerful ciiralive nroner les of u
Hop Piaster nre irri'sisliblc when implied
tn backache, swollen ioints and muscles.
sciutlcu, pleurisy, sharp pains, or any sort
of soreness. The best and slronccst nor.
ous plaster made. A trial will demonstrate
It. soc.
Rheumatism and similar diseases, caused
uy n low slate oi inn system, nre cured by
using Aye r s pursapariua.
Diphtheria is a terrible disease, re-iiuirlug
the greatest medical skill to eltect u com.
pieic cure, r-ven wnen its nower is broken
it clings to tho patient with emit nersiaten-
cy, nnu ouen leaves ine system polsoneel
mill prostrated. Just here Hood's Barsupa-
rllla noes n vast amount of good, expelling
Impurities from the blood, giving it richness
and vitality, while it renowites and
strengthens the system,
Tho best wincjn the country, that rccelv.
cu me nigiicsi premium at tuc icntcnnlal,
is opeer s 1'ort urnpe wine which has be
come a ccleliruled product of New Jersey.
Tills wine nud his I'. J. llrandy nro useil by
piiysiciuns everywnere. who reiv upon
them us tho purest to be had. It is unsur
passed for wcukly females, and old people.
For sale by Druggists.
littler stoii vour couirh while vou can.
Dye nud bye nothing will do It. It Is worth
needing, mat marker's 'i onic is tho best
thing known lor coughs, colds, torpid liv
er, kidney troubles nnd weak lungs. You
risk your life In walling. Tnko it while
ucrc is yet time. uct u-4v
Wann ruby wu lck, wi (tr ber CuUrU,
When iha wm a Child, lio cried for t'MtorU,
men i lie became il Ui, the elung to Caatorit,
vTieu he litd Cldldrea, ihe gare them Cu tort,
lly accident n man swallows a nolsoti.
How frightened lie Is. How the houso an.
tidotes uro sent down after It, und In what
glowing lernu the messenger hurries along
uic uocior. 1 et unttis 01 excellent people
are slowly dying of poisonous elements in
their blood. Tlio liver should have remov.
cd these, but it is weak and diseased, and
so 1 11 1 1 a in its tiuiy, im you understand
this fact ' If 30, vou will bo glad to learn
that Dr. Kennedy's Kavorito Itcmcdy cures
liver cuiupiuiui.
Blight pain in tho side', tlio skin nnd eyes
assume a thick Yellow rout, dlirestion Is Im.
paired, an unpleasant sinking sensation nt
the pit of tlio stomach is experienced: tlio
bowels are Irregular, the mind fretful, the
memory weakened, sometimes n slight
rough, coldness of the hands and feet.
sometimes loss of nppetelite and tit others
unnatural craving for food, dizziness of Ihe
head, blurring lefuru the eyes, depressed
spirits, bad breath, feeling of uncertainty
of having left something undono but rani
tell what it Is. Take Blinmoiis Liver ltco.
ulutorC it will remove ull these feelings mid
With bright eyes nnd clastic step, yet
f;ray, lustcrfess hair. It Is unnntiirnl.necd
ess. Parker's Hair Balnam will restore tlio
black or brown prematurely lost, cleanse
from alt dandruff, nnd stop Its falling.
Don't surrender your hair without nn ef
fort to savo It Oct 0-4w
A Complication of Dlscnscs Is the deci
sion of Incompetent physicians when n pa
tient has bi'cn "killed by drugs." Yes t a
complication, Indeed, orlgiunllng In Indi
gestion, dynpcp'la, kidney or liver com
plaint, nil of wideli yield ns readily to Vln
cgnr Hitlers ni docs the nutuinn leaf to the
gentle breeze. Cnmplleiitiona arc quickly
solved by thu Bitters.
Thousands of Ablo Men Fail In Life for
purely physical reasons. They nro not tor
pld but their liver Is, nnd the liver blocks
tho way. They nro bilious, yellow skin
ned, headachy and miserable, all becauso
that great gland declines to do Its work.
Tho medicine that can rcstoro to tills organ
Its natural power will add one hundred
per cent, tn the available force of this
world. Wo know of but one thing able to
do this Dr. Kennedy's Favorite item-edy.
Real Estate
Djr virtue ot an alias order of tlio Orphans'
Court ot Columbia county, there will be cxposoil
to public sale, on tho premises in Hemlock Tirp.,
lnsatdcouotr, on
Saturday, Nov. 21, '85,
at 2 o'clock )n the afternoon, the undivided twenty-nine
tlilrty-blxtha Interest, lato of llcnjainln
Iloinboy, deceased, In tlio following deicrlbM re.l
estate, to-wlt:
situate In llcm'oclc township, on the public road
leading from lluckhorn to .lerseytown, about ono
uillo from lluckhorn, bounded by lands ot David
Wairner.Evan Thomas, Matthias Heller, (now W'm.
Ilambo and Wm. lvey estate,) Isaac Wagner, (now
I'lilllpstroup,) John Miller and D.iMd Wagner, con
tnlalng 1 1 2 ACRES
and one hundred and lllty-nino perches, more or
less. The lmnro emcnts aro a
spring house, over a never-falling spring of
water, a hen tiouae.a large bank barn, about eixil
feet, a good granary, wagon house, hog house,
elder liouso and corn crib. A well of water at tho
house and one at tho barn.
The land Is divided Into convenient nelds, with
water In each Held, except two. The farm Is well
adapted for grazing and farming purposes; about
ten acres ot tho property Is
set with chetitnut, rock oak nnd other timber.
Thero Is a line young apple orcbaixl, peach oi
cltard, as well ns a choice variety ot cherry, plum
nnd other fruit trees. Conditions made known
on day of sale by
I. it. DOM HOY,
U. Kunk, Att'y for estate. Admr.
At the same tlmo nnd place, tlio undersigned
will expose to public sale the remaining undlildcd
seven thirty-sixths Interest In tho nljove described
real estate. SAUAIt 110MHOV.
Gieo. W. Feck,
Keillor unci I'roiirlctor.
Tho Funniest Paper in America.
What Vaccination is to Sinall-pox,
PECK'S SUN is to tho blues.
Is 0110 of the most widely read ami
popular papers m the country
to-elay, ami stamls without
a peer in its specialty.
Tho Originator of the cclebratcel
Specimen Copies Free
Hear in iiiiiul that by bonding a Postal
uani to tins olhco, a
Will lio niaileel you free.
Oct 31-Sw
Faradlsoot Invalids!
Climate unsurnasN
Tholioinoor tronlcAl
tremos of heat or coldt No malarial (iround
Lumiiiu unsurpassed I .au irosL I -u ex.
high and dry I l'.cnty of pine 1 And the ilnest
uuiuing iiiui iisning in America.
1'Ai.MA SOLA has the name of being the largest,
prettiest and youngest town In Florida. Is beau
tifully located on tho emir Coast, tuo miles uboo
the mouth ot the M allium river. Already thu iron
horsH Is wending Its way to Prima Kola, and soon
the tourists will nrrltu at Its Una-class hotel,
where he can get a ineal to suit bis epicurean
I'ulma sou possesses tho Urgmt store In South.
nvn I.I i wi , I . t . ., II I .....,..... ..
'..,, n mi uivuiu maiiuiuiiui J.
packing houses, warehouses, churches, school
uousc, posunuce, stores, ueuuiuui residences, aud
a largo wharf at which ocean stoauiers arrUo
uauy irom rampa.
WAiiKKM lkland, Jr., of "Mng liranch" fame,
has secured a location at l'ahna sola lor the erec.
tlonota Winter resort. The prediction Isasafo
ono, based as It lsuiwn thu natural advantages
and attractions ot I ho place, lluu ho mil inako
mis uiu "ui.mi lui.tne'ii" or riamiuA. nnu nth.
er largo hotels will bo built.
with tho completion ot iho railroad, this will bo
thn terminus, und tho dliect route to Havana,
Cuba. l.olg will double nnd uuadrunlu their
present prices. Now is tho tlmo lo buy.
LOTS lonxioo it. UMo tamper lot. We ant
1'Al.MA sOl.A to keep booming, nnd as an Indue,
ment to tho nubile, aud to tliomii'riiiv luiieriin
this bututirul niaee. Wrt ii.i. mvi: ni'iv h
MMiir.u nuniurr ii.ui ot our tots, giving lots'.i.i us 11117 i-uimj (corners exeenieu)
charging applicants tbo e.xcnso of deed, tnins-
ut, eic., which win not cxcccu fui. Applicants
can wiiii postal money order uitn application to
insure iiruruimicss. oinurwisu uccus- win 110 hoiiL
U, 0. 1). Applicants must not bo surprised at Uiu
return of their money, as being I.IMITKO tho llrst
coino will bo Itrst he-nod. 'lllio perfect, full
warranty uivu. ncuu tur paiiipiue'i. Allures
I'AI.UA rJl. l.Aftll ill..
33 South w tlUam St., New York, N. V.
11. K nennlng, Usq , Pres. Ha. It. It. nnd Nav. Co,
II lkl'laul.
Pres. Southei u Kxproaa Co.
l'ewtmabter. l'alma sola. Florida.
Johu H. Ileach, Ksij., Pres. I'ralrlo city llsuk,
liliviiuuir, iiiti.
Jas. o. Mcllregor, Ksq., Capitalist. Cincinnati. O.
Henry N. Hubbard, Ksu., cashier Columbia
llauk. N. V., N. V.
Wm. pnsdalK, Qui., New York Times, New
ui, uuu u iiusi ui mm r.i.
An Act of the lAirUlature and atmrnved .limn $,r
1HS1. (see l'aiunlitet laws, nagti Im niniirtui tv
collectors, township und huiougli onicers, 10 unite
return of seated and unsealed lands upon which
iiu iiiuii-iiv i-u uu iniiiiii imm w 111111 to inakfl
taxes to thu Couuty comlsssloiicrs, ou or
ralina Sola, Florida.
ma urti uuy ui auuary next, wuu a sumcieut uo
scrtpllon by boundaries urothernlse'.of each sena-
aiuioinr l run aim about 1110 uuautlty of
S.UIIC, 'Ihuso who fall to make returns by
"11 iii uriu iur suvii iuar. laxes so reiuruesi
liocomo alien against 1I111 nroitertv ui Jieiiiri.e.1.
11 v uavii uiuiiss uii wjucu iiit'su rt'iurua are to
madeand wllllurnlih them upon application
mu.iuiB,a dlillA 11. L Ar.l,
l)y virtue of a writ of sundry writs Issued outof
tlio Court ot Common rioasof Columbia Co, and
to me direct! will bo exposed to public sale at Iho
Court House, In llloomsburg, on
Sattinlny, November 14, 1885,
at I p. in, all that certain messuage and lot of
ground situate In tho town of tiloomsbury, county
and slnto tforosald, bounded and dacrtbnl as fol
lows, to-wiu Southwardly by second or Main St.,
of sild town, westward ly by the Kplscopul church
lot and cemetery, northwardly, by lot of Mary
Clayton and eastwnrdly by lands of heirs of Wm.
Snyder doe'd, containing clghty-slx nd a half feet
In front nnd feet In depth, more or 1ms,
whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling
house, barn and outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of C. W.
Xeal and Kirnia II. Ncal vs. Isaiah llagenbuchand
to tw sold as tho property of Isaiah llngenbuch.
Knorr Wluterstecn, attys. I)V, Ka.
A Ii S O
All that certain tract of land with tho appurte
nances, situate In CatanKsa township, Columbia
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to
win Adjoining lands ot Joseph Clcnell, William
I)nlson's heirs, Jesso Price's heirs, and others,
containing fifty acres, bo tho same moro or less.
Scljod, taken In execution, nt the suit ot Fred
erick t". Kjer, Wm. Kjer and I. Kyer,
administrators ot Ullllam J. Kyer, deceased,
vs. Louts I. Hodman, guardian of Joseph
Hoffman, minor, O'Cnrly '.enslnger and
Jonas llenslngcr, with notice to l'eltr Luxenbcrg.
er, terre tenant, and to bo sold as tho property of
Louts I- llotlmin, guardian ot Joseph Hoffman,
minor, O'L'arty llentlnger and Jonas llenslngcr,
with notice to ivtcr I.uxenberger, terro tenant.
Zarr, ntty. I,ev. Kn.
All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
In Heaver township, Columbia county and State of
lvnnsylvanla, and known ns (ilea City, bounded
nnd described as follows, to-wlti on the west by
Walnut street, on Iho south by Mrst street, on tho
cast by Charles Street, and on the north by Sixth
street, according to the plan of (lien City, except- ,
Ing lots heretofore sold ns foil jwa, to win Xos. I,
9, 7, B, 9, 10, II and li, In block No. I. Kos. 1,2,3,
4, .lands, In block Xo. .New. 4, 10. 11 and IS In
block No. 3. Nos. 1 and e, In blo:k No. 4. Nos.
and r, In block No. 5. Not 1, 2, 7, 10 nud 11, In
block No. II. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, In block No. 21. Nos.
ft, 7, 8, a and 10, In block No. SI. Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, It
nnd 12, Ig block No. 33. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 8, 7, 8, 9,
10, II and 12, In block No. 42, and Nos. 1, 2, 9, 4, 5. ,
7. K, , 10, 11 and 12, In block No. 43. Said lots de
signated by numbers and blocks, according to tho
town plot of said Olen City, containing ntty acres
of land, more or less, with the appertonanccs.
SolI'd, taken In oxecutlon, nt tho wilt of Joseph
Itnueh vh. the Columbia County .Mutual Saving
Fund nnd Loan Association nnd to bo sold as iho
property of tho Columbia County Mutual saving
Fund and Ijoan Association.
JOHN MOUltEV, Sheriff.
Ikcler Si Herring, ntt'ys. Vend. Ex.
HUKU, 1'A,
Thn undersigned Auditor nnnolntcd bv tho
Court to distribute balance In bunds of 1- II. Lit
tle, administrator, nsnppcirsby his account, to
nnd among the parties entitled thereto will attend
to the duties of his appointment at onice of Audi
tor In lllooiiisburg, on Tuesday, llcco liber 1, 183,
at 1U a. in., when and where all i crsons aro herc
bynnlllledto appearand present their claims be
fore the said Auditor or bo foreter debarred from
coming In on said lund. JOHN l. CLAItK,
ex-t-suir. Aunuor.
T'lo undersigned Auditor nnnoliitcd by the
Court to cJMrli'iuo balance In the hands of the
administrators to and among tho p.u ties entitled
inervw, iu aiienn 10 inu amies ui ins apimu'
menl at hlsonicu In llloomsburg, on Monday, No
vember 23d. 1KK5. at 10 O'clock u. in., when and
where all peisons nre hereby notined to appear
nnd nrescnl their claims before the said Auditor
or bo forever deb irred from coming In upon said
IllllU. uui JAtUlll.
oct-30 4U Auditor.
1 he undersigned auditor nnnnlnted bv the Court
to distribute balance In hands of tho administra
tor to and among th? parties entitled thereto, will
attend tn tho duties nf tils appointment at his
nnieelu llloomsburg, on Monday, the SU day or
U, UHUfl, l-n., ui ju UCIOCK 11. 111., wm'U 1II1U
where all iersons aro hereby notltled to appear
nnd present their claims before the said Auditor or
bo foreer debaired from coming In lor a share of
said (und. J. 11. MA17.K,
Oct-21 tr. Auditor.
coi.cmeia corsTvss :
Among tho llccordsand proceedings of the Or
han's Court or Columbia county. It la Inter alia
.tins contained :
And now Oct. 7. ltw.1. on motion of John c. Yo.
cum, the Court appoints Charles n. llarkley, liq
iu pus upuu iiiu exceptions ionic account or
(icorge llartinan, executor of scth llartman, de
ceased, and to make distribution of tho balance In
said executor's hands to and among those entitled
thereto. liv the Cockt.
Certified from tho ltecords this 13th ilav of Q&
tober, 1HS3. W.M. 11. SNYDKK,
sai. clerk o. C.
O. M. liCICK,
Tlio Auditor annotnted by the forecolnir order of
court will attend to the duties or his appointment
at his onice, in tlio Town of llloomsburg, In said
Columbia county, lvnnsylvanla, on Tuesday,
uiu rail aay oi wovi'inrjer, ism, at 11 o'clock, In
tho forenoon, when and u here all parties Interest
ed must nttend nnd present all mailers relating
to the said exceptions ns well us also present their
claims betoro tho said Auditor, or uo debarred
from coining in lor n share of such fund.
UU.Ull.l.S 11. 11.MIKI.HV,
Real Instate!
In pursuance ot nn order of the Orphans' Court
ot Columbia county, l'a., tho undersigned trustiss
appointed by said Court, will null nt public sale ou
tho premises on
Saturday, hmk 14, 11,
at two o'clock In the alternoon, the following de
scribed real estate of l'hoebe A. JlllliT,decM,to-wlt:
All that lot or piece of groutid situated In Minim,
vllle, Columbia county, Pa., bounded on the north
by land of,iin the east
by Second street, ot said vlllago of Minilnvllle, on
mo south ny west street nnd ou the West by
tho Supieliniiiiu river containing
two acbes,
of land, more or less.
llelng tho same premises through whlcu tho N,
& W. II. railway passes, hereby rescnlngnny nnd
nil damages which havo been sustained or may be
recovered from said railway company, from and
by reason of tho erection, construction and laying
outof s-ild railroad, through and upon said land.
TKIl.MS OF SAI.f:-Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at tho striking
down of tho propel ty; tho one-fourth lew the ten
percent, nt th connrmutton of bate, and tho re-
illumining three-fourths In one year thereafter!
with Interest from courtnnatlon nisi. Deed or
deeds, at the expense ot purchaser. ltMscsslon
given on pa) ment of purchase money.
STKI'MKN 1-oillL Tr,.
1'lllLl.ll' U MlLLKItif Trusieci
lLelcrS Uerilng, at!) a,
UI,K on limits.
lOwKsnir, cou-'UMAcocNnr, pink.
The Commonwealth of lennsvlvnn1n tn lipiuwi
Hess, (luava. Clinton lless. iiiiavn. ittplii iiiv
coles Creek, all of Columbia county, l'a., Bnanuel
iiess, i nioiniiie, Tuscola eounty, Mlchlgau, Klslo
lle-s, liiuvn, Columbia county, Andrew Hess
whose last place oi residence was WntrousWllc,
Tuscola county, Michigan, Ango.lna (ilbbons, In.
leniuirnt'u wuu 1, 11. liiuuoua, central, Sarah
llaker Intermarried with Wesley lLiiter. iiniiviinn
Lycoming county, l'a.. larv Elizabeth Krlti Inter.
Mian It'll Willi Alualldus Fritz. L'oles Creek. Alpinn.
der Hess, sonestowu. sulUvan county, l'a., lineal
dcsocndenlHol ileorgo Hess, deceased, and to all
oilier persons luierested greeting. You and eaeli
of you are hereby elteil to be and appear before
thojulges of our orphans' Court at an orphans'
Court to bo held ut llloomsburg, on the ilrst Mon
day ot December, next. Then aud there 10 accept
ur reiusu ioiumjiuu reuiestuia ofsnld Ileorgo
ucss, uccentcd. nt the amiratscd valuation nut. im
It by the Inquest and awarded by the said Court
aud returned by Iho sheriff, or show cause why It
shall not bo sold. Aud hereof fall not.
witness the Honorable William t:iupltirpMM,.fir
of our naldcouit at llloomsburg tut Kh day of
October. A. H. IWk
u. oi'icx,
Clerk a V.
U-turn I
said I
uo 1
of I
ma.? yuu wvn.
vuin r ume, wi. ,, vt, coiu'ik Clerk,