The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 30, 1885, Image 2

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    The Columbian.
0. E. Elwll,
1'MtIDAY, OOTOBKU 30, 1885.
OK rilll.ADKI.lMIIA.
von jchv commissionku,
I'Olt COltONKIt,
Jieaver. C. A. Sliuman, Ucavcr Valley.
ISCrwICK I. lHlwpr.
norwick w.-A. M. Front.
Iirlarcrcelc. It, (1. P. Kshlnke, Norwich,
lienton. Bruce Carey,
llloomsburg K. 1. IiH-enucn?.
v.l I). Denticr.
(Mtawlisa. J, 11. Itobbins.
ccntralla. 1). P. curry.
Centre. Samuel llldlcy, Light Street.
con)URliam N. Patrick Flynn, Ccntralla.
" s. John 1". lliuinon, Ashland.
FMilmrcrecfc. L. M. Crcvtllnff, van Camp.
Prnnklln. Daniel I orcman, l'ensyl.
nreenwood. Joseph K. Trlbelplece, Holirsbur?.
Hemlock. Wm. dirt on, lluekhorn.
Jackson. Alexander Knouse, Waller,
locust. Daniel Morris, Numldla.
-Madison. Miles smith. Jerseytown.
Main. 0. s. ltelchart, Malnvllle.
.Vlillln.-n. 11. .Vomtromery.
Mnntnur. A. O. Stontri', import.
.Mt, l', A. J. Ikelcr, Canby.
orange. Oali In Herrlnir, Orangcvllle,
lino. T. W. Sows, Sereno,
lloarlnitcrcek. David Long, MlUg-rove,
Scott W. O. I. HelKhard, light Street.
" K. F. W. ltodeker, Espy,
nuearloar. J. w. Perry Central.
Tho rollotvlntr named net-sons havo been chosen
as members of tho Vlgllenco committee f or 188S :
Berwick n. A. I). Soelcy, Freeman Sltler, David
lierwlck v. Geo. Carey, H. L. Freas, SI. D.
nearer. oeo. P. Drlesbach, Jesso JilttcDhouso.
lienton. Charles Ulbbons, Joseph Cole, Daniel
llrlarcreek. S. A. Smith, II. M. Evans, Gideon
Michael, A. D. croop, nr. L. J. Adams.
Centre. II. A. Swcppenhlser, A. D. llrader, lorl
Conytinham N. Charles McOulro, Frank Woods.
Conyngham S. John Jletilnger, 1'. Ilaley, M.
Prnnklln. iloses llowcr, Samuel rtodamer, Jon
a than lorcman, c. L. Artley.
Flsiungcreek. A. p. rhapln, Lewis nelshllne,
Moses Mcllenry, W. J. Kreamer, J. II. Ammer.
Greenwood. Wra. Black. A. J. Derr, Wm. Kyer,
U. 1. Mcllenry.
llfinlock. Wm. Wlnteretcen, Simon Ilelcliart,
l-orcnzo Ilartman, 1'. Foulk.
Jackson. Silas Mcllenry, Augustus Everhart
Calvin Derr.
Madlson.-C. 11. Fruit, W. S. Smith.
Main John, W. Shuman, V. u. John, George
Montour. John ltodnrmel, Wm. Trowbridge.
Oransc lohn Mostellcr, 1). L. roust,
line. J. it. Fowler, Ira O. 1-ursell, Iram Ilatt.
Scott & W. E. Dletcrlch, T. W. Ilartinan, David
Scott V. A. C. Hldlay, L. M. Kelchner.
Hugarloaf. Kllas Fritz, Noah cole, Wellington
llcss, Joseph Larlsh, Ocorge Van sickeL
Next Tuesday, November 3rd,
you will be called upon to cast
your ballots for Conrad B. Day,
our candidate j'or State Treasur
er. If you wish to elect him,
see that every Democratic vote
in your district is polled. Do
not leave a single Democratic
vote at home. Stir up those
ivho are indifferent, provide
means to haul old men, and
those who live some distance
away, to the polls. If you do
this, the day will be ours. Do
not neglect the county ticket in
your zeal for the State ticket.
Wo have good men who are wor
thy of and deserving of our sup
port. Once more, go to the polls,
and vote the Democratic ticket,
the whole ticket, and nothing
but the ticket.
D. Lowenhero,
Chairman Co. Com.
Tlio republican county committco
met last Saturday and made the fol
lowing nominations for county oflices ;
District Attorney, W. 15. Smith of
Berwick ; Sheriff, E. D. Ilagonbucli of
Lihtstreot Coroner, John Appleman
of JJuck Horn j Jury Commissioner, G.
A. Buckingham of Berwick. Mr.
Buckingham will bo elected under the
minority representation system, and
will make a capable and satisfactory
Our republican contemporaries
through tho btate, that have made so
much ado wheuev they imagined
they could find anything unsavory in
tho record of any appointee of the
democratic national administration,
havo not had so much to say about
David Monat now running as a repub
lican candidate for member of council
in Philadelphia. This same man has
but recently served a term in Moy
amensing, for election frauds, and his
record is so baa that oven tho 1'uila
delphia J'ress cannot endorse it and
calls upon the republicans of the ward
whero JUotiat was nominated, to with
draw his name and substitute some one
who is not a jail-bird. Mount liko
Quay, is seeking vindication, and is
not likeiv to withdraw Irotn tho ticket,
If tho republicans of Philadelphia shall
vindicate him, they will havo no room
to criticise any democratic; appointment
The Primary Eloctiou Law,
. j I ii, the Supreme Court at Pittsburg
a cane lias been decided in which tho
constitutionality of tho Primary elect
ion laws of tho Statu- was distiuctly in
volvcd,but in the opinion handed down
tho issue was very cleverly dodged.
The case camo up from tho Common
Ple.'H Court of Grccno county, and was
entitled "Common wealth for use. of
Poor Directors pf Greotio County vs.
Wells." and was an action broiinght lo
recover $200, tho amount of a wagor
mado on tho result ot a primary fleet
ion, ami $100 additional, the penalty
Ill LOCI 1ULII tiimvi WJU ui-iii;i.u JllUUUII
law in tho Court below.
Tho decision was in favor of Wells,
Judge Ingram holding that tho amount
could not uo collected, lor tho reason
that tho Primary Election law was not
Constitutional. Ju tho opinion bled
the Couit afllrmed tho judgment of
tho Court below to tho extent of saying
that tho money could not bo collected
but refrained from touching on tho
constitutionality of tho law, saying
(hut the question had not boon raised
properly ; in brief, tho Court held that
tho action must bo brought under a
specific statute, and .is tlio Primary or
(liiicral Election laws did not provide
:ij:aima betting on jiriinariee, there was
nothing upon which a claim could bu
based. It was intimated that if the
question of constitutionality was
sijtiarely raised Iho law would bo splint-'
The Corporations and tlio State.
From the Christian Union.
Men who get a charter from tlio
State for tho purnoso of building
highway ought not bo ablo to kcop It
lor tho purposo of prevonting tho high
way from being built, and in this par
ticular caso this attempt to prevent
competition appears on its faoo to bo a
palpablo violation of tho stalo Uonstl
tution which provides that "no railroad,
canal, or other corporation, or the
lessees, purchasers, or managem of any
railroad or canal corporation, shall con
solidate tho stock, property or frntishis
es of, or in any way control, any other
raiiroaa or canat corporation uwiiiug
or having under its control a parallel
or competing line, lioai proceed
ings have already been uomtneuced
under this clause to prevent tho con
summation of tho sale. Tho defense
Is probably foreshadowed by Mr.
Chauncey M. Dopew, tho President of
tho New York Central, who claims
that "a charter, a lot of holes in the
ground, soma culverts, somo grading,
and a partially purchased right of way"'
do not constitute a competing Hue.
Wo should bupposo that thuv do con
stitute "stock property and franchises,"
and though tho rtato cannot compel
the stockholders or tho purchasers to
build the road, it should liavo the pow
er to declare the whole forfeited to tho
Stato for violation of law in the
attempted sale, and to sell it out again
to tho highest bidder who will com
plete if Tlio Democratic Convention
has had the political sagacity to do
nounco this attempt aud to commend
tho proceeding ot tho Governor and
Attorney General to prevent its con
summation, while tho Republican Con
vention had tho unwisdom to refuse to
make any utterance on tho subject.
That party which shows tho greatest
promplitudo in compelling the great
corporations to act as servants, not
masters, of tho people will havo Un
popular voto in tho near futuro ; and
tho Democracy are ahead of tho Re
publicans on this issue.
MENT. A Philadelphia dispatch says :
Thero has been a marked improve
ment in tho Democratic situation
and a general strengthening all along
the line thero during the past few days.
The efforts of tho Ohio election have
not only entirely passed away, but the
reaction has como earlier and with
more force than was expected. This
is uo doubt in great measuro due to
the recent manifestations of organized
and effectivo opposition to Quay and
ltowan from tho Republicans. There
is now at work thero an efiiciont anti
Quay Republican Association, which
is spreading broadcast its address
against tho Ring Republican nominee
aud is mailing to every corner of the
State copies of his offeusivo record.
Another organization, largely mado up
of old members of tho Committee of
One Hundred and influential Republi
cans, is raking Rowan fore and aft,
and these two organizations working
separately, but not without sympathy,
will supply tho 20,000 Independent
Republicans of that city willi tho faci
lities to cut tho offensive candidates
very deeply on election day. Full
tickets of both parties, with a com
plete set of Democratic stickers will be
put into every house beforo election
day. It is estimated that in tint city
alone the names of 8,000 Republicans
in sympathy with the anti-Quay move
ment are reported, and the number
over tho Stale is double these figures.
Thousands of others will remain at
home in disgust.
But tlio best aspect in tho situation
there is the new life which has seized
upon the Democratic organization.
Stato and City Committees, clubs and
ward organizations are now working
heartily and sympathetically together
for a common cud. Bickerings and
dissensions, growling and dissatisfact
ion have coased, and each organization
seems to bo trying to surpass tho other
in zeal for the cause.
Tho Young Men's Democratic Asso
ciation, the Battalion, which did eo
much to elect Colonel Decheri, the
Americus Club, the James Pago Libra
ry Association and otlio associations
with a membership extending over tho
whole city, all have campaign commit
tees, which havo been consolidated for
general work, and are at it in full har
mony with tho City and Stato Commit-
tecs. Tho opening and ratification
meeting at Horticultural Hall was
presided over bv George W.
Biddlc and ex-Governor Curtin.
Secretary of Stato Stenger, Rob
ert E. Monaghan, John R. Read
and other well known Democrats will
speak- This will bo followed by
groat meeting this week under the
auspices of tho clubs. It will bo held
on the same night with tho Irish Par
n ell demonstration in thu Academy of
Music, and Governor Patlisou and
Hon. Samuel J. Randall, speakers at
me Irish meeting, aro expected to gu
thero to.address tho younc Democrats.
Geo. M. Dallas, Chairman llcusel and
others will be on the bills. Tho Inde
pendents wilt rally on tho following
Saturday night with Btioh well known
speakers to tho;lront as Tom Marshall,
John Field, George D. McCreary,
Francis B. Ueevos aud others whoie
voices and efforts havo so often beeu
influential in reform movements there.
At all tho Committco headquarters
tlio work of thorough organization is
being pushed with unwonted activity.
iho tilmirinan ot tho 1 democrat lo Stato
Committee reports that the demand fo
political pamphlets and reading matter
nas never been so great within his ex
perience, and nearly a million copies of
these, many of them eight-page publi
cations havo boon printed. Thoy cov
er a wido range of topics and aro most
ly in exposition of tho issues presented
by the platform. About one hundred
thousand biographies of Mr. Conrad
B. Day, with the tributes of Republi
can newspapers to his high oharacter,
havo circulated, together with tracts on
every phao of the Constitutional and
corporation questions, tho record ot
Quay, tho pardon brokerage, riot bill
lobbying, Statu Treasury misruunago
ment, some 40,000 lithograph and au
tograph letter, tickets by the million
and hundred of thousands of stickers
have been called for and are being
tout out; and though tho finances of
the oominilteo are somewhat straitened
tho work Is being pushed with cucigy
mid completeness,
J'rom nearly every county thero aro
recent favorable reports, which show
that tho revival of Democratic hopes
and party activity is by no means lo
oal, Tim number of Republicans who
openly manlfiut their opposition In
Qiiay is increasing, and the prospeut of
a full Democratic poll is brightening
Got. Hoy t on his own Ei-Soorotary of State.
. Ponnsylvanians of all shades of par
tyocling oannot forgot tho sen so of
burning slmmo that overwhelmed thorn
when a lew days beforo tho election of
1882 Governor lloyt, with a courage
worthy ot the situation, penned tho lot
"When I reflect upon tho humilia
tion attempted to bo put upon myself
as chlof-magistrato for resisting somo
ot tlio purposes ot an irksome domina
tion which puts politics above adminis
trative propriety t and when I recur to
tho force of tho insulting methods ap
plied to myself by means of threats
uitrigiio and bad faith, I rcalizo tho re
grets of Cardinal Wooleey that ho had
not served God with half tho zeal ho
served his king. In tho name of de
cency, and in behalf of my successor,
I A'ish to emphasize tho curse of the
wholo business, and send a noto of
warning to tho wholo pcoplo. Self-respect
compels mo to this avowal."
As soon ns that letter was given to
tho public Matthew S. Quay resigned
tho oflico of secretary of tho Common
wealth. As tho manipulator of tho
pardon of the riot bill bribers and tho
nead ot tho corrupt treasury ring, uov.
Iloyt's cold steel was too much for him.
This is tho man who has the audacity
now to ask tho pcoplo for a vindica
tion of his blistered oflicial life I
Pension Oflico Romances.
A good many romantic stories are
coming out of thu Pension Oflico savor
ng of cunning fraud. One of the
latest is that two families have been re
cently united through conflicting appli
cations. In one caso a Connecticut
widow applied for a pension aud tho
records show that the man on whose
account she claimed it was himself
drawing tho pension through tho Cali
fornia agency. When informed of it
she asked his address declaring that
she had mourned him as dead for
twenty years. Another caso of a
similar character reverses tlio tale, the
supposed widow having drawn tho pen
ion of her husband who had disappear
cd. When he applied tho facts came out.
this'Lut caso the man had applied in
18G8, but he had nut been heard of
again until recently, the alleged widow
having in the mcanlimo applied and
proved her claim.
Tho probability is that a very largo
fi aud is at the bottom of these Pen
sion Olliuo romances. It has fromtitno
to timo been discovered that informa
tion as to pensions, back pay aud
bounty has been given out in tho
Washington ofiices, whero the records
show that no applicant has been mado
or whero the applicant his not been
heard from for many years, thu data
being furnished whereon to baso a
successful bogus claim. The bogus
claimant is usually tho tool of some
swindling claim agent, who is the con-
Jederale outside. These agents make
tho testimony fit the cue and usually
do so with comparative impunity, as
tho real claimant rarely turns up. lhc
Connecticut soldier drawing his pen
sion in California is not easily detect
ed, unless a widow or the same soldier
turns up somewhere elso with a claim.
there are a good many such "rom
ances" on file in the! Second Auditor's
office. Some aro more extraordinary
than thoo given out at the Pension
Office. A widow conflicting with her
husband (dead by affidavit) is a mild
case. They involve such startling
factors as two or thrco identical sold
iers, two or threo mothers of tho same
soldier, several only sisters, two fath
ers, etc. A romance of a soldier who
died, leaving a couple of widows, threo
mothers and two lathers to mourn his
loss and scramblo for his back pay,
bounty and pension aud, to add to tho
departmental dilemma, suddenly comes
to life and puts in his own pcisonal
application is none too strong for the
Second Auditor's office.
Lincoln's Assassin-
TO ui: A I.I v r.
1!Y A dllNTI.I'.MAN 01' AHIIAMA,
A gentleman of Birmingham, Ala.,
will soon have published a book winch
ho has written, giving a complete.
history ot the 1 1 to of John Wilkes
Booth, incidents of the killiuir of Lin
coin, and where Booth went after tho
killing, together with positivo proof
that ho is nlivo to-day. Thu author is
ablo to produco letters with documents
ot dtltcreut kinds, bearing tho post
mark of Cairo, Egypt, Japan and other
foreign points, besides photographs of
liooili in dilterent costumes.
Producing a letter bearing an Egypt
ian postmark, lie said :
"That letter is fioin J. Wilkes Booth,
that proves beyond tho sh-itlow of
doubt thu fact that hu is alive and well
this moment.
"1 ho night of tho shoot'iiitr Booth
had hired an Irishman lo impersonate
him tor !5i,U!iu. The man had a horse
outside woititig, aud when Booth left
the Upera House ho mounted tho am
mat and was taken across Etnacosta
Creek. I hero tho two men changed
clothes, and Booth, disguised as an
Irishman, returned to Washiiitrton.
Tho statement that Booth broko his leg
when ho jumped is not true. No ono
has oversecn'tho corpso with a broken
leg. Tho night after tho shooting
Booth slipped into tlio foundry of tho
Bcuiptor Mills and slept. Tho next
morning he was on tho street, disguised
as a common Irish laborer.
"Ho spout a week in tho city, and
was posted all about tho excitement
and what was dona to catcli him.
When in tho barn, Harold, who was
on tho iuside, shouted to Boston Cor
bctt that Booth was not in tho barn,
and tho man who looked liko him was
only playing a part. Stanton know it
was not Booth when ho paid over tho
81,000 reward, for ho socurod a por
tion of tho money. Tho next heard
of Booth ho was in Leavenwoith, Kan,,
whero ho got on a big Bpree. IIo next
turned up in Memphis, Tumi., whero
ho was arrested for being drunk. 1
was in Meniphli at the time, and tho
papers all printed tho fact. IIo was
allowed to escape, IIo went to Now
Orleans in disguise. From thero ho
went to Paris and impersonated a
Frenchman. IIo went to Japan and
mado himself known to tho American
legation which fact can be substantiat
ed by General Richard Hubbard, min.
lstor thpro.
'Booth is now in tho service of tho
Khedivo of Eaypt and owns over 100
camels. In my book I will produco
a' remarkablo letter from And row
Johnson showing that Booth did make
his escape. 1 will also show letters
giving tho adventures of HjoiIi since
ho loft tho United Htalon,
I IUlfroi Discrimination.
At tho meeting of tlio Ropubltoan
sunu convention in iiarnsuurg, Juiy a,
the Ropublioan party placed itself on
record when Senator Eincrv prosontod
tho followiug which was referred to
tho committco on resolutions :
"Jiesolved, That tho Republicans of
Pennsylvania demand (he prompt and
conwlele enforcement ot the coniUtu
tional provisions prohibiting railroap
When the resolution was read in tho
committeo Chris Magco promptly re
marked s "Well, now we'll soon get
rid ol that.
And they did.
Cyrus Eider mado a speech against
"i am well nwaro this is a vexed
question," said Senator Emery in advo
cacy of tho resolution "it hns vexed
ttie party since 1808 in tho national
convention. The wail comoi up iron
tho Atlantic to tho Pacific asking for
aid in this matter. Tho national con
vcntlon at Chieago.of which I was
member, spoko ot it. You can no
lonccr dodge this oucstion. I do wisl
to biing it beforo tho people of the
state of Pennsylvania, for the Demo
cratic governor of tho Btntu has spoken
ot it in ins mussagi 1 understand
that thero will bo a special session of
tho legislature next January to consul
er anti-discrimination and apportion
ment bills. Thu lime will como when
it will be a partisan issue. Thu wis
dom of tho constitutional convention
placed a clauso in tho criistitution,
then why, as loyal citizens, should wo
not enforco the action of the constitu
tion. It is a question wo cannot dodge.
What 1 say in regard to the JJeino
crats is true. Thoy intend to put i
into their platform, and wo should
meet them. I know tho question is a
dilhctilt ono. A well-known gentleman
said to me recently : 'This question
must bo met, and tho transportation
companies should get together as soon
as possible and agree upon something."
iUagce renewed his objections, and
the resolution to declaro tor the en
forccmcnt of tho constitution was in
definitely postponed by a viva voce
Four Littlo Coffins.
OUSUUEIIANNA, Oct. 2.1, 1 bo TOlIlt
funeral of tho four murdered Howell
children took place this afternoon. Tho
scene at the littlo farm house, three
miles from Starruc.i, was one to alfeel
tho hardest hcait. Tho lour littlo bod
ies wcro stretched out upon a table in
a room adjoining that in which thu
wounded father lay. Ucloio being
put in tho little cothns that had just
arrived, they wero carried one by one
into their father's piesence, ho having
expressed a wish to sco them. IIo
showed uo emotion until tho buy, his
little Dennis, tho last to bo shown him.
was brought in, when a gleam of suff
ering intelligence seemed lo pass over
his tace. Thev were then placed in
their coffins and put into tho hearse
two in each, aud thu iuneral wound
down through tho sinuous Slarruca
Valley to tho little hamlet nestled
amoug tho hills, where tho services
were to be held.
Thero in the Methodist Church, tho
Rev. Mr Romsen, a Baptist clergy
man, of Aldenville, Wayne County,
who had mado tho Ilowells husband
and wife, preached a touching sermon
to a crowd gathered lrom far ard near
to thu. number of 1000. His text was
"Suffer little children to come unto
ni".'' Tho four little coffins that had
been carried into the church by uight
littlo lads and littlo girN, playmates of
tho dead children, stood in a row in
froikt of tho pulpit and at the elo-e of
tho Berruou the largo ciowd of plain
country lolk passed slowly by, gazing
at the waxen taces ot tho murdered
little ones. Many tears fell, and moth
ers clasped their own darlings closer
to their breasts, shuddering at the
dreadful spectacle. When all had
passed by the coffins wero again closed
and put in tho hcarsoi and the cortege
moved on to tho cemt t-jry, whero tho
last riles were to bo performed. Thero
tho four children were buried sido by
aido in ono large grave, and the crowd
silently dispersed, aid aud dispirited.
Yesterday afternoon a coroner's jury
rendered a verdict to tho effect that
Dennis, aged 11 ; Esther, aged 8
Fanny, aged fi, aud Rose, aged came
to their deaths by pistol shot wounds
inuieto.i by their lather, John llowell,
and that papers be issued for his arrest
and served immediately after tho fun
eral. While the fuueral was taking
place Howell's wounds were exMiiinud
and dressed by Dr. Boatsen, who do
cided that they were not necessarily
fatal. He will not be lemoved from
tho housu in his present condition, but
an olliivr will be detailed to watch him
Though stolid, ho evidently feels tho
enormity ot bis insane act. aud thu ox
pressed a wish that ho might not live,
Jt no shock to the mother has been so
great that she does not seem to have
sufficient reason left to feel tho extent
of her loss.
(From our Regular t'orresiwiulent.)
Wabiiixiitox. D. 0 Oct. J58, 1835.
Tho present occupant of tho White
ilouso can always bn loiiud at his place
of busines". During the week the
whole fashionable world within reach
of tho Washington race course havo
becrf,, attending tlio nutumn races.
Pro-ddout Arthuricotild always bo found
there, usually in company with Attor
ney Brewster. President
Cleveland is known to bo nil admirer
of Iioihos and during tho mooting of
tho Jockey Club, prominent men be
longing to it mado an offoit to have
him attend, but tho chief o.ieouiivu
would not ba moved.
Mr. Cleveland would havo liked to
have visitnd Richmond, Va.. during
the past week on tho occasion of tho
Stato Fair, hut ho was afraid that his
presence! might bo construed as Irving
to intlucnco tho election in that stato.
After consultation with tho Cabinet.
tho trip was abandoned. However, ho
will go to New York next week to voto
and it is understood that ho will not
mako any moro important appointments
until his return.
Much nousenso has been circulated
recently concerning lack of harmony
in thu (Jtbinet, and tho resignation of
certain of its members is now being
uisoussou. it is believed by
whowoulilbo most likely lo know.
that tho l'reslilent rooclvoi tlio moat I
conlinlHupi-oil from his CUnt-l, fin.l
tliat lliolr rulatlons aro not mrainud in
anv case.
Mr. Gatland, who, it has been said,
would withdraw from the Cabinet,
likes tho dutlos of his office, and is
making nn excellent head of thu Do-
partmeiit of Justice. It may bo inter
esting to know how ho looks upon hfc
futuro politically. Ho said i "The
ollico of Attorney Genurnl camo to me
unsolicited, tlio President sought mo
ncithci my friends nor I sought him.
wncii i accepted, 1 determined to
mako as good an Attorney General as
I could. When I lull tho Senate my fut-
uro politically ended. When 1 le.ivo
this olhee, I will go to my hoinu In
Arkansas, mid I will never again par
ticipate in politics."
Tho presence of Senator John Shei
man in this city was mado tho occasion
of a Bcrenade at the Kbbilt IIcilc. A
BUllicient Hutu was raised by thu faith-
nn uiuoaus who did not go homo to
voto to pay fur musiu and a littlo
crowd of about L'OO people gathered to
listen to a cheap niuiodv and still
cheaper eloquence of tho tall, angular
uunuiui, w iiu uuuiu out, aim Haunted
thu bloudy shin vigorously. IIo said,
near tho close of his speech, that ho
was on his way to Virginia. "Vis."
Bail a bystander, "and if you repeat
there your speech of to night you will
stnely elect Fit. I, -e." This sully can
sed a ioud deal ol laughter aud ap
plause. Senator Sherman spoko lor
about an hour. The purity ot tho bal
lot was his principal l.otiby. lie do
cltiivd iveiy iiiitional election tinoj
lHOn has bein tainted with finud and
terroiism, and slinking ins fist at tho
White House, he nbseitcd that last
year, by unlawful combination and
fraud, Grover Cleveland had been
elected President of the United States,
when if there had In-en a fair voto and
a fair count, James G. Ulaiiio would
have been elected.
He said many other things illustra-
live of his immense powers ot falsehood
and venom, but his declaration that
Mr. Cleveland was elected by fraud is
edifying, coming from a man who help
ed to steal the Louisiana voto for
Hayes in 1870. A tin eat he undo of
reducing the representation of the
South in Congress' is entitled to atten
tion merely as furnishing an insight
into -Mr. Sherman's tmrnoscs aud
In regard to tho conflicting state
ments about Mr. Cleveland's attitude
in Urn New York campaign, it is
known that he has all along been heartily
in favor of Gov. Hill and for tho elect-
ion of the entire Democratic- ticket.
Iiu hill information from his friends
in that statu that Gov. Hill aud his en
tire ticket would bo elected by a luge
majority. His action in contributimr
$1,000 towards the campaign expenses
is only what might have been expect
ed of him. Tho President's aversion to
appearing in public prints was tho
eauso ot tho misundei standing.
.f m . ....
nir.ijieveiaiid holds receptions in the
East Room on Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays. The attendance at them
is increasing every day. Manv como
desiiing to see the first democratic
president since Buchanan, All that
they ask is a handshake, and the Prcsi.
ileiit gives them that as a solemn duty.
There are many bridal couples amoui'
his callers, who will remember tho
gliinpu they thus catcli of tho Ptvsi-
dnt, and repeat tho account of their
visit to their children and grandchild
ren, and treasure the littlo lusegay ho
gives uiey as a neirioom.
Jw ureawt uuro on K&rth for Tain." Will
reliT mor quick v timn & th&-1 ..
n cumin, miix jucit, JinilNCi.R
uo, l'leui lay, Horea. i rOftrben,
lacltuclio. OulnM'.LoroThmnt
i uu nu , i i t'iuin t ho. I
Tool Lilt ho. (MiraiiK. r-ti 1'Hxil
ilniKtrlhti. Caution. TIw (ren E
fae-rimila rtpriBttiro. A. U Moyir X CcL bolol
rct'WU ml Tnule-SIurli. ninl mre
J'roiriaor. Italtliuore, lid., U, b. A.
Forthe cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Vjronchit!3,
Whooping Coufjh, Incipient Con
sumption, and for ths relief of con
sumptive persons la advanced ctacca For C!a by ell Drug
gists. Price, 85 cents.
. A Great Victory
A Torriblo Caso of Scrofula
Curod by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
" In tho winter of 1870 I was attacked with
Bcrofula In ono of tlio most aggravating forms.
At ono tlmo I had mi less than thliteen largo
continually exuding an offenslvo mass of
bloody matter disgusting Id behold, and
almost Intolerable, lo endure. It is Iraposslblo
to fully describe my sufferings, as tho caso
was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After
thrco years ot misery, having been treated by
threo physicians, I was worse than over.
Finally, on tho recommendation of W. J,
Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after
having taken twelve bottles, within tho last
twelve, months, tho scrofulous eruptions havo
entirely ceased, and tho abscesses havo all
disappeared, except tho unsightly scars, which
iiro dally becoming 'smaller by degrees, and
beautifully less.' 1 do not know what It may
havo done i for others, but I do know that in
my caso, Hood's Narsaparllla lis proved an
rlfecilre, snecltlo Indeed. As an cildence of
my, gratitude I send these facts unsolicited,
audi am ready to verify tho authenticity of
this cure, by personal corresiHmdenco with
any ono who doubts It." Ciiaicles A. Jtou
eutb, East Wilson, N, Y.
This statement Is confirmed by W. J. Hunt
ley, druggist, of Locket, N, V., who calls tho
euro a great victory lor Hood's Sarsaparilla.
ScDd for book giving statements of many cures.
' Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, f 1 ; tli for J3. Mala
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, . .
I0O9Do80s Ono Dollar. 3
" Ono j e r.r ao I .- In. In. ni to m .Unit's
I'iii.k m a rni.idy lor lmilni-.Uiiii, n.n
.lip ulu n, ii u.l il,-..ilui In-, In. in vhl.-li 1
bail l.u.y been a Html ti!!irrr. 1.'iiiiiii.i.i
li.f with n d.ii-o ol livi. i-il!.., ibilr
null.iu ri.), ni.J (iiitiiii.e-l prninpi n lnf. in
e-i.ilmiln' tlulr u.-, a t.ntlu rill n.L.-u
I.IUr illiiinr, i'uII), Ilk n ,-, I the i.n-.n.
dim I mh p iUlii-.l. Amis' I'iiu lutvi
kipt -ny hs-Uni 1 1 infer i Ml iny in .i,l,
IIU. I IkIhIHi.I III.- nil.,,! Hi.-i :, II,,. nu,.
iln.-a iter trlud. Kveiy i,.u .in,.
II ill) mulcted iti.-nM kuoH ll,. I. ..iiu.
122 sutu St., riuiat, .luiio i;.
M. V. Watmi.v "
IV nil .IIi'iiii-t i,f the ttoiu.iih ami luwu.j,
try Am ii' I'ii.i.n.
I la l-li:i:iuv
Dr.J.C.AyoriCo., Lowell, Mass.
Kul, bviill Driijj.l.ti.
tQUlH'iibuUiu.ildiicolii luuiiWot n.pputor to ami
umoii ' tho tuilK'd LMilltletl thoieto, ulll nlXvml lo
f.i'iVi ..''iS'r!',' '!"1f;u..!
Whf" "nd whero ullrsonsaie hereby noililed t'o
oct.i tf. l" "''fdit'ir
Absolutely Pure.
Thu DOWtlar nflvpr varim. a marvni f nntitt
strength an 1 wrt ilesomnos. More economical
than tho ordinary kin 1. umlcnnnnr. i,oo.ii,nn
cjmrctlon with tho multitude of low test, short
..riKubi muni ur punspunii pawners, woia oniy
'.l.' V"". JVUVAI, IltKINU t'OWDEK i;o i lun wau-si,
oet 10-iy
VrT,CK 13 HKttKllY CI1VKN tlmt rin
L 1 nppunaiion win no innda to tlio (iovcrnor o
l-uiinsylvnula on Monday, tho slTli-enth d.iv oi
Xou'mber, lo, by A. v.. Mlmnli, it. i. .Neal.Jotin
A. Kunston, .1. 0. In-own, V. M. lleber and O. W.
.Miller, nil of tho town ot'olumlila
iuiiiilj, i i-iiiiKvmiiiin, uiiuer mo .ci. in AHHcmuiy
entitled, "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation
and regulation of certain corporations "approved
April sst, 1874, and tho supplements thcieto, for
tho charter of an Intended corporation to be called
"The llloomsburir Mc.nn and Mrctrlc U&litco.,"
im- iiiuiiu.-u-r mm unjeci. in wuicu is loruiepur-P0-
ot maklnir and MiiinlWnt.' heat nml nowir br
Bieam and tho making anil suppll; llttht by
electilclty, tho business ot Iho said corporation to
be conducted am! carried on In tho said townot
iiiuuuisnunr, nnu mr ineso purposes to liac. pm
HI- mill 1-lllnL- nil tlin , I, pi, la l.i.nA.l.u nn.l
b-ires ot 8.ild Act ot Assembly and supplements
li',".''!.'3'. Jt,11J CLAllK,
"ti, rtoucnor.
IhO Underfcltrnrd Altrlltnr flmwtllo,l I.v tlin
COUrt tO distribute ll.llnn.-n In Ihr. i.vit.
vur mini nmong me partiesentltled thereto will
attend to tho duties of hu appointment at Ids or
llco In llloomsburg on Thursday the lath day of
Persons are hcrebv nntin.ii in in.tnbnnwn thai
hut t-iii ucr. irv-oui in. n.. wnen nnn wnr-rn n
claims before tlio auditor or bo forever debarred
irum coming in upon sua rund.
U l. H A1.1.K1C.
Hy virtue of n writ of Vend. Kx. Issued out of the
Court of Common I'leasot Columbia county aud
to me directed will bo exposed to public sale at
tuo court nousj in llloomsburg, on
Saturday, Oct. 31st. 1885.
atso-ciocKp. m., certain plcco or parcel
or land bituato in Main township, Columbia coun
ty nnd state of rennsj lv.inia, bounded and descri
bed as follows, to-w It i On thu north by lands ot
Aaion .Miller nnd 1). 8. llrown.on thooa-it by lands
of i- r. urovcr, on tho houIIi by a public road
leading from Malm lllo toMlllllnvlllonnd on tho
west by lsnd-i ot X. II. v. llrown.oontalnlni clgli
ty-two acres, more or less wiuivon aro erectod a
two story stone house, bank barn, wagon shed
and outbuildings.
ALSO, All tint certain piece or p ireel otland
dituato in twp. ot Main, county mid stato
atorchaid, bounded on tho north by lands of Eman
uel Mauser, on the cast by lands of Aaron Miller
nnd public road, on the south by lands of D. 8.
Hrown nnd Jacob Brown, and on the west by lands
of llenjamln Jtuss, Win. Mcnslngcr and James
heeler, containing ono hundred and two acres
more or less, wncreon arc erected a frame dwelling
uouso, i). ink- mm anu ouiimiidUigs.
ALSO, One other piece, or parcel of land sltuato
In twp., county nnd statu aforesaid, bounded on
the north nnd east by landsof llcrco Drover on tho
south by lands formerly of Henry (1. Miller's
hell-sand onthowestby lands of Jacob Drown
containing twenty acres nioiuor lessor tbnbe
AI.iO, A certain plantation or tract of land sit
uate In Miniln twp., county nnd state aforesaid,
bounded nnd described as follows: on tho uoith
by lots ot Albeit. Millard, and lands formerly ot
Samuel Creasy, on tlio cast by Unce street or said
villain) of MlllllnWllo.on the soul h by lot ot Win,
fcckroth, and Samuel Creasy and on tho west by
Falrbtrcet of said Milage, containing four acics
or land moro or less, being lot No. las ih-lgnat
In Orphans' Court Sale.
SeUed, taken Into execution at tho suit of J. W
John nnd S. Knorr Kvr's. ot Stacy John deceased
vs. liaIJ s. lirown nnd to IhihoIiI as Iho property
ot David s. lirown. JOHN MOUIIKV,
Vend. Kx. sheriff,
Knorr Atty.
1, JOHN MUlllti-.i.
lumbla county, Communweali
Sheriff ot Co.
tv. Cominunweiilih
do hereby mako known nnd pruchilm to thunuall
of Pennsylvania,
lied i-lei tors of Columbia county that a general
-..-. ii,in in im iiem uii
Tuesday, November 3 '85
being Hie Tuesday next following the llrsl Mon-
uaj vi o.ini iiiuiini, iur me purposo or electing cue
- , li--iv.uillll- lil!, MI-WlU
Onopeison for'lieasuier of Pennsylvania,
ono pel-son fur sheriff or Columbia couuiy,
one person for District Attorney of Columbia
ono person for Coroner ot Columbia muntv.
Two peisous lor, luiy Commissioners of coliim
bin countr.
1 also hereby m ike known and glvo notlcellint
the places or holding tho stores Ud ebcllon Ui Iho
several wards, boroughs, dlst lets and townships
"nun, mo c-uuiiiv ui uoiumiiia nre as fouows, u
Heaver township, ut the public Uouso of l'ottu
Henton township, at tho public nouso of Hiram
iimo, ... mu iu.,11 ui iteuiuil.
Must lllouin, at the Court House, In llloomsburg,
West IIKmiiii, at tho In lilikinwl.nn.
Host ilerwlok, at tho little onieuof Jacksou
Woodln in the borough of 11 rwlek.
West lierwlck, nt the onice of W. J. Knorr, In
UorougU of Ceutrullu, at tho public house of Wil
liam I'eller.
lirlarcieck township, at the public school house
uear r.vuns,iiie.
Catawlssa township, at the public house ot W
Centre township, at the school house near Lafay
ette Creasys.
North conynghain DlstUet,nttho school housu
UL-ui tuu punier ut uuitu .Anderson X CO.
south Con nghaiii Dlslrlet.ut tho house of Mrs
Thomas Monroe.
rishlngereek ton iishlp, at the school house near
ii. It. it lulu n
Franklin township, at tho Lawrence schoo
lircenwooii tonnshlp, at tho housu of I, 1)
1 HllUIl.
Hemlock township, at the nubile housu of Chas,
11. I'li-iii-m-ii, hi uiu tutu! oi nticK Horn.
Jaeksuu Innns'iln. nt Mm l!,Ltnl r-nt,.
locust the public house ot Daniel
unuii,iu .siiiiicuia.
.Minim township, ut tho public of Aaron
IH-SS, 1U VI1U IUWI1UI .MlllllltlUIC,
-Madison township, at thu public- school houso
In .ler'j tu n.
.Mt. I'lcasnni tuwnshlp, nt tho Mlllcrtown school
.Montour townsldp, nt tho publlo house of
ii, u. tiniiiii-s. ivi, unpen,
Main township, at the public houso of Jeremiah
K. lm;renhui-gor,
'"-t-rlngcn-ek township, at tho houso of Samuel
Orange township, at ll. Hoekman's haul in Or.
uiikui lite.
line township, nt tho (Vntio School House.
Sugarloaf township, at tho houso uf Norman
West Scott at tho public houso of It. Fairman
In Ughtstreet.
hast scult township, at tho public houso of
Jacob Miller, In Lspy,
At all i loctlons hereafter held under tho laws of
mis utttiituutieittiit. uio eiecuou lions Hhall be
opened at seven o'cloeu in the forenoon, nml
shall conttuuu oiwn without Interruption ur ail.
Journment until seven u'cloek la thu evening whon
flin luilU ulll lui i-lnul
Unit eu-ry person excepting Justices of tho
I'eacoaml Aldermen, Notnrhw Public and Per
sons In the mllllla serilce of thu state, who
sunn limn ui oiiitii uiiiiiu luumouins ualeheld
any ollico or appuintinent of niuiit or trust umur
tliouriiwl Slutes, orof this SUUe, and cltj or
.v.., ........... ...... ...iv.ji.i t, lumuussioneu
oillcer ur otiu-rw Ise, ft Bubonlliiato olileer or nirout
who Is ar shall t.u vinplunil under thu fe-.-fe.
tuie, KUHiullvo or JudUUry litipaitmont ui this
Mnlo.ui-uf any pity or of any Incorporated, dls.
trlil, and nlsu, that mery nn-mU-r if congress
and uf the stato Uglsutuic, and of thu select
or cuininou coutiell ot any city, or commissioners.
. '.'.""' i""" utstriei, uru ur law incupablu
of holding ur exercising at tho samo time thu
ollico or appointment of Judge, Inspector ur Clerk
of nnyeleaiun of this Coiuinonweulth.nuJ tiua
Iiu Iiisiwclor. JuilL'j orollie
Hon tluill bo ellglbluto be then voiod for.
viiivvr ui suuu wee.
The liupuetors ulll .ludire of the elin-iiiii,u o,ii
meet ut the respcctiio places nppoluu-d fur
resKteinely Ix-loug. befum seven o'clock In thu
inoiulug, and each of mil J Inspectors slmU an.
pulnt ono clerk, whoshullbea uuilincd vuter uf
sucli district.
The (ualliled voters of tho several districts In
this county ut all general, township borough und
jliocpil elections, uro Hereby hereafter uuihor.
ledand lequlu-a tu vole by tickets printed or
written, or partly pi luted und partly written,
setcmllyclasslilcd as follows t Ono tlckut shall
embrace the names of all Judges of (WU w lid
for. and labelled, ouUtd,, Wlo'tarr" one
ticket s-,M euibialMtlio nainos uf all tho suto
Uilecinvotod for and to bo labullod ".stuli-:"uiio
tlekut shall cmbrucu tho names ot all luuuij
olllceis uu-d fur, Including thu uilleo of Senator,
und Members of Assembry, If uled for. und
inctnbein of t'ungress, It voted for, and be label,
led "Cuunly t" ono llekct shall embruuu thu names
of all township ouicera lotedlor, und bo labelled
' 1 ow nshlp ouu ticket shull embrace the names
"liorogh" omct'"'''U;a 'r,iuid bu labetlei
rt udeacii class shall bo denotUcd Inceparnto
ballot boiics. JOHN JltiUllKV,
Piiiladelphia Markets.
FKEI)--Westcrn winter bran, spot, 19. (3 1S.85
spring 1 1. 1 .ts. ii-i
FI.OUIL Western mIsi-h nrni jnn inn.
fnmlly,4.fiOM 5,sjohlo cloar, 4.MK i.8fi winter
,.,iu,umh, i i-uiiu. ruin-r process i.wi (jt
WIIKAT Pennsylvania rtsl, No. 1, l.oiw,
COItN,-Na 2, of. o. .1, i. "
OAT8. No. 8 Whlto ( US No. , St
HAY ANU STItAW 1 Imothy Choleo WesICm
and New York, id. fair to good Western and
New York, 12. i IM medium Western and New
jork, 10. (k is, i Cut hay as to quality su. (A SI,
IIjb straw in, Wheat Btraw. 10. oat straw
(4 10
Kdiis. IVnnsylvanla si westtrn tn.
IIU'ITHII. Pemis)lvuiila creamery prints SO
Weslern extra som si.
I.IVB I'OUI.TltY.-l'owls, 8, mixed lots 7 m 8
roosters old s.
roTATOKH.-Karly llon M M tot llurhiiiits, Ml
13; i nlons, 8.2:, a i.w per bbl. for yellow, t.fs
Cor. Chi'Ntnnt niMl IIIhIiUi Mfc.
Itccclvo AilrrrtUriiiriitn fur thU I'nr.
ESTIMATES ntto"" nsh niVc" FREE
From. the "La Urosse J)etnocrat.")
Wo never hud n conl stovo ui-oiiiul tliu lionise until last .Saturday. lave al
ways used pino Blabs anil iiIccis of our nt-ijjlilior'n fi-noo. Thoy liiirn we'll too
but tliu fence got all burned up, nml tin- neighbor 8nid Iiu wouldn't build aiii-w-one,
so we went down to .Tonen's und trot u eoal ntove. It is called tliu "l'-i
(limit Home," is manufactured by Hi.ack & GunvRit, ofKiie, l'a., nml -u v
man that says wc didn't have a radiant home nt our bouse for about four
bours last Saturdav nicbl. is n Ui.niililii.iin nml n v!ll.,:., v .
know uiiytbiiig about coal Moves.
mil oi pino lencc, anil, when the Htult jiot well to Koiny, we filled the uitesi-,,,
well on top with coal. It simmered ami sputtered about live or ten minutes,
and all went out, and we put on an oercoat and u pair of buckskin mittens
and "w ent out too" to supper. We re marked, in the course of tlio fruu'-il
meal, tlmt Jones win a "fioad'' for it-coinmeuding such a confounded lefiiX
rator to it man to get warm by. After supper we took a piece of ice and inl,.
bed our hands warm, and went in where that stovo was, resolved to make hu
draw find burn if it took all the pine feticu m the First Waul. Our bettii-.h-ilf
threw a quilt over her, and shiveringly remarked that she never knew wll-it
real solid comfort was until she got a coal stove. Stung by the i-arcas-m in her
lemark, wo turned every dingus on tho stove that was movable, or looked like
It had am'thilli? to do with n di-nft. nnd ni-ntlv cnm. ilm l?,i;n4 T i i..
. . , t , '
to heave up heat. It was not long
steamer. talk about your heat I
worso than n. Tni-L-UI, l.-itl. -.e IT-.l,..,
. , n nuitvi in. iii j.i , ui uiiiu m ice-iioiihe. The
persmration fairly fried out of a tin water cooler in the next room. We open,
ed the doors, and snow began to melt as far up Vine street as Hmisemiihes
house, and neonlu all around the noiilil
4 i .-.0....,....vvu j.uv tin uiiiu viuiliuii X VIIU (ylj
COUHllll HtOl) tllO COIlfoiintk'(l tllillir. Wn fmrrnl. u1nif .Im.n, 1 .i.
jlampers, and she kept a bilmg. The
bed. and c.ivu tlin tlunrr ti Imi-n il. I,
, , ; , i , i.j. ii, t.iiiii.ti iu. ivu siooci on
with a pole and tinned the damper every way, and at every turn she just sent
Ollt IlC.1t I'tliltlrrll In v.i.iut .... r .. . J . ""v"'-
. ... .... .
would eveiituallv Imrn nut. ..!
, ... ...... ..
get up and sit on the fence. Imially, a
1111 iininilir i-ii-tl Mint-,. j .t.,,11
' ,P ".-..o, Ilu ,,n, I, l!t iMiiiiKci, over 11 1 111 ami creiit tin to tho
proper dingus, and she cooled off, and since that time has been list as coin
lOltalilo as lirissililit tf v-r,,, 1,,.. ....1 ... , ,J
... , J llJ
ncer it, or you may get roasted.
Thesu Stovnn for rmIo Iit- c
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Oct 30 lw
Cull the attention of'tlte Public to their inimnnsn sfnet nf
Our stock of Dress ft
- ,
newest novelties 111
A Special Bargain in Black and Colored Silks.
21 inch Black Silk at 1.00, cheap at 1.25.
22 inch Black Silk at 1.75, cheap at 2.25.
Canton "Flannels, at (5, 7, S, 1), 10, 12, M and l(i cents yd.
Scarlet all wool Twillnd n '". or, no m 1 ....
Blankets, 1.00, 1.25, 1,50 and up, all wool, -1.00, 1.;J5 and
Special lot of Blankets at 2.(53 pair, worth SH.oO.
Our Gents' Ladim' nnd f'l nlilr.niu' imi.I,.,.,,..,,. i ..11.. 1.
ii.;.. 1
this hcan 1. and nriciv immli n,.-..
ili-m"!' t 'i!"1,111"'1 ,l',j'-"t'ueut is very large this Season and prices lower
than CM-r. Ladies NewmarketH.Kiissiaii Circulars, Wraps and Jackets Also
. ..iige line ot Misses and Children'
This denai-tmeiit is hirm.' rniniii-iaimr nil 1 lw. .,l .i.. , 1 . .
m ,-. , ,, - - o- ; r- j.wiMti.ti Litiuti ai, utvi-M 1 1 ires
I ry our gl.Ol) Kid Gloves cheap at $ 1.2.-, pair. 1
Also a full lino of I)iiiiintii.i 'l',.tf,.lu 'P.,1.1.. t: v.. i.- . . n.i , .1
, . -.r . ,, ' i.t'MU 1.111LII-., jxaiMMll-, lilllllimi, V. ().
uinliia iarn-j, Airasune, I'auey oniainents, llanner Kods, .tu.
Bloonifiburg, Pa.
Sut) Agents Ji CREASYj Lime Ride, pa.
UD iiSeniS' H. H. BROWN, Light Street, Pa.
fcpi, -i i'lll
All our subscribe who will jn.y
rill.-! n.m,i. in 4. .11 .1...
j-i" uiu iw linn-, aim 0110 year 111 ad-
vanee, will bo presented with 0110
year's Kulweription to 9
offinHmto 7TU 'S ral','"y
everv snci-li-s nf l.,,i,,
T'L "V1- tH .?,' '"l"y.foniieete(M-itli
Z r!!7' , T M"'Sl-'' ,lim! l"'k, is NK UOI.LAII I'KI YKAli.
I KS m ? Mf Tifr . U. '" ? Ibrfr .ln.k
ham.v t in vt, r n 1 V i 1 1
SSiJSK 11,0
i.i.ts ,s a very liberal ollVr ami hoi,Ul ho taken advnntago of.
Hwdll & Biijtiteiiiilb-Biiii'ilhp,
AVhcnt per liuslicl 85 to 00
J'yO iiniiiiiiiiiiiit rn
(Virn I
V I'lll III iiiiititi fn
Onts ' "
1- lour per barrel fi qo r, nil
Till low, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
I'otntocs now
Drleil Applij
Hums ,
.Sides nnd shoulders
Laid per pound ,
liny per ton
IltcsHnx ,
Hides per Ih
Vi-nl skins per lb
Wool per Hi
No 0 $2.00; Nos 4 it C $.'), 2T,
llllllllllllllS, -1.
1(1 in)
t to 7
We filled tliu liadiant JUmio about halt.
r-'-v "" "imiiiiii, mime uciruu
before she stuttered liko the new Silsbv
In ten minutes that loom was as much
l.,. T :.. : ...
onlv thing we could do was to rro lo
,,. ;r : i . ur
n rnuuua,, supposing mat t ie coal
.-..I. .i....i. .1... ...i.i?i- .. , v
intiti v tiwu.uit. iuu iiuiu iamiiy had to
man came along who had been broni'lit
l.1..l.. . .... ... r 1 ' v
Blu,u .uu ilnli lo junrn )lovv l(, t,nL,j.
n nAimvAv r
'Jji.ijujiuui, Mliui.1,
1 '
hrkhs noons
Ov ttl1, KUUllH lain" IJIL
..t.u m.11,11 micni is iiiiusiiaiiv large
l..n 1: :.. e 1 . .1, , . .'. h.
in . sonnet an wool, while aim
Coats, Ilaveriocks and Newmarkets at
Tins old and reliable Fertilizer, which lias been on the market for
1' p,ri' 13,u'1.surPa:-s for use on l'nriu, (Jar.lcti, I,a n.
or 1 loner llctl. It is a complete manure, rich in all the necessary
Clemen s. the I-armer who plants his crops, looking to the money
they ill return, finds that every dollar's worth of V
applied to the soil, repays its cot manv times over. Try it, nnd be
cnmiiicci!. Pamphlets, with testimonial., etc., forwarded free. If
there u no local agent in your vicinity, address
(Jeu'l SelUns Agents, Uoston, Mas-y
HAlili I5Y
their subscriiition aceot.nt.s to
1 .
IW-liea l.y K. A. Ilackett, at Fort
tnWiiB rank is one of Iho lean i . Ag.i
", w;uiiuuer, anu men- house in tl, ami
that meat nmlion of iho ,,e,..,lu of
111 V ""'lacive-. Jt makes the honio
row,w ' ''-v-ast happy,