The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 23, 1885, Image 4

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TLe luvrcacc of Iufcinlty.
Huston support ii')t) insatiu, say Mr.
T.'ll: Srubcrp, not 75 of whom will
rciiovrr I
TIiIh is frijjIilfifiC Insanity Iim !n
rre.wd )() per font in a decndo nml
mOKt of llio cnsw nro Incurable. What-
over llio individual causo may !o, Urn
fact remains that Urlo Acid blood seta
the bra'.n on fire, destroy its tissue
-inn uicii comes some lorm ol fatal In
Nothing Is to plliablo as a mind din
aided. Most brain troubles begin In
the stomach; then If the blood is fille
with nnc acid, caused by failure of
kidney action, and the consequent de
struction of the blood life albumen
yon lnvo tho fuci and tho flarao and
nrain in mil maze as when ono rave.
or In slow combustion, as in milder
forms of insanity. Ucv. E. D. lion
kins, of St. Johiiiibury,Vt., a few years
ago was sontinod in an asylum. Jlu
took a terrible cold whilo aidinir in nut-
ling out n firo in a neighbor's burning
house, and for twenty-five years that
com was slowlv tilling Ins blood with
uric ncid and finally the deadly work
was done. Tho caso looked hopeless
but ho happily used Warner's safu euro
and recovered. That was thrco years
ago mm iiaving ridden Ins blood ot all
.. ri , , , . 11
surplus urio noiu, no lias remained wen
until this day.
It la indeed a terrible thing to lose
ont's mind, but it is a more terrible
thing to suffer such a condition when
it can bo so easily prevented.
"O01NO SNOOICN T()rI.TIIi:il.,
Young Clnionno (Jhatmuhriniid Jones
loved pretty Mias Lulu I)u Smith, who
losided in Harlem with her father.
Claronco met Lulu'a brothor-in-law,
Joko Snooks, and questioned him about
her and tho family.
Snooks said: "Old Dooeon Do Hmltu
is a genius. Ho is now running a broad
Rauge church. It is simple enough.
Ho keeps a drug store, nnd any man
who wants to liecome a member can pay
his dollar, sign his nnmo in tho book
whioh lies open on tho counter and call
himself n broad-gaugo niombur at onoo,"
"Is that so?" naked Clarence.
"Ah, my loy, it is to true, but it is
glorious, isn't it ?"
" Did you join I" queried Clarcnco.
"Yos. It mado it easy to marry
Lulu's sister. Tho deacon thinks I nra
a trump."
Claronoo dressed in his neatost suit
and started up to Harlem, resolved to
join tho liroad-gaugo church, and there
by get tho deacon's consont to marry
Lulu. Tho deacon was behind tho
counter dealing out chowing gum whon
Clarcnco dropped in. Claronco lookod
nt tho look.
"Want to join broad-gaugo, eh ?"sald
tho deacon, eying him closely.
"Como down with a dollar and it
will bo done."
Tho dollar was paid, and Clarcnco was
invited into tho rear of tho ilrug store.
Two men seized him, and in a second
utripped him of his clothes. Ho was
then lugged into tho deacon's small
garden and chucked into a litllo hole,
nnd tho looso dirt shovollcd ovor his
lxxly, his faco only being out. Ho
yelled to got out, but tho attendants
told him ho had to remain an hour.
Finally, tho deacon cumo out.
" How do you like broad-gnugo earth
baths i" ho nsked.
"Earth baths I" ho yelled "Who is
taking earth baths?"
"Why, you paid a dollar to tako
"Who said I did V
"I say to. You signed your namo in
tho book. I nm glad you have been
converted to broad-gaugo earth baths.
Tho minerals in tho earth will do your
system good."
"I. joined your brood-gaugo church,
deacon, not this infernal punishment. '
"Your mind is allVetod. I havo no
broad-gaugo church. I call theso earth
baths broad-gauge, liocauso it takes a
man with broad and liberal ideas to
.consont to tako one."
"Snooks told mo it wubo broad-gaugo
"Snooks is drumming for tho now
system," said tho doaoon.
"Then I want to iro Snooks with
you ?"
Ho did
This is tho origin of tho torm " going
buooks together."
At n recent banquet, Put Donan, in
his great speech says: "Earth's twq
greatest oceans, three thousand miles
opart, shall roll up in thundering ora
torio their echo of tho high and glad
refrain i tho vastest irulfs and in-urnlest
lakes in nil ereution shall join tho chant
inur uiKir river, nugo lolling Hoods,
Bhall conspire to swell tho giant pieun;
8'iiporior's waves, old Mississippi's tor
rcnfcj, Niagara's misty thunders shall
roar it fur and wido; tho hurricane,
crashing through ten thousand moun
tain gorges, from thn Alloghanies to tho
Cordilleras, from tho Adirondocks i to
tho Sierras, shall chime itj tho raging
blizzards, hurling six-inch hailstones on
fiky.bounded and horizon-fenced Nubraa
kau plains, shall whistle and attlo it;
tlio catamount shall shriek it, tho pruirio
wolf sluill howl it, tho lono owlet lioot
it, mid tlto grizzly bear shall grorl it;
and tho burdnu ol it all shall 1m :
" America for Americans! Ono country,
ono Hag, zwoi lager from Orocnhmd'B
joy mountains tollmen's golden strands I
I. Plurilms Unuml Erin Uo limnhl
Now, henceforth and forovermoro, world
without end amen, a-womenl''
too ci.i:vi:ii nv r.tu.
A crowd of exceedingly clover young
bloods about town were yesterday con
grcgatcd in ono of our jiopular lioer
saloons, whero they mot a jolly old
(lermau who was out on a day's lark
and whom they all know to bo comical
in his cups.
"Hello, Kaisorlichcr, havo you heard
tho nous r" said ono.
"Noint vanish tlasr"
"Tho water works nro bustod I"
"Vol, dot's pad mid deui tembranco
Iweples, dou'd it, poys?" (Laugh all
"Yes, and tho Atlas paper mill's gono
up I" said another of tho boys.
"Veil, chuat dou'd got akeerod nboud
dat,- it's so hefty dot it goom down
again, eh r" (A grand Jcal of laughter.)
"And-rruud tho loo hounu of Uio
olty havo all exploded, killing over a
hundred people 1" cried tho third.
"Iijh dot pozzlblu? Den dot's bad,
inldout zomo mistake, iuul it don'd rain
mltout it jkiiii-s do vaawir oud dor Atlas
mil ub no moro izo utid all you young
tthackassos proko oud of do shtablo lot I
Dot makos mo gry I
And noltody tliought it uecossary to
laugh at this point uxcept the nsso hites
of our Toutouio friend who wcro pm out.
Al'ihton 'wfc
fiver one million boxes of Acker's
I)yi"pciii.i TablelH . sold in the past
twelve month)), purely iijii their
merits. Why suffer with Chronic Con
stipation, I)yspcisia, Sour Stomach,
Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Komalo
Troubles, when .1. 11. Mercer oflicrs
you relief and positive cure in tlio
Dyspepsia Tablets. Ho sells them on
a guarantee.
There aro scores of ersons who are
suffering from soma form of blood ilia
Tiler or fkin dlseae, such as Scrofula,
IJoils, etc., etc. After a practical toM,
J. II. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood
Kllxlr will certainly euro all such dif
cases, including Syphillis and lthcuma
tism. I lis net a patent nostrum, but n
ecicnliiie preparation, he guarantee it.
After a thorough lest J. II. Mercer
most positively ntserts that Acker's
English lietnedy is tho best medicine
for A'thrna, Croup, Coughs, Whoop
ing Cough, and all I.ung Troubles that
cau bo louud. Ask him about it, for
ho lully guarantees it.
Olny lupiiaiice lllllcrs Knowru
Knottier mrllc I nktJownBocffectaflJly purges
ITlllltons bear tcfttlmoiir to Its wonderful
curative etfuct.
It U a purely Vegetable Preparation, made
from the nadro hr untf rooti of California, tho
medicinal Toi-tlh of wlilcli are extraclud tlicrt
from without the dm ol Alcohol.
It remoTC tlio cause of dlscoc, nnd tho
patient rwwren hl hfalth.
It la the treat Illood PurlHer and Lifts
jinnc rnncipiu; a uunio tnircatlvo and Tonic; t
irfrct Henovator ami Imltrorutor of tho BTotcm,
N.ver before In tlm Mb lory of the w orltl htn a medicine
lnn coinpoautlfd mMtn the iwwerof ViMKOin
IIiTTEttsln lieaUng the. tick of cttry Ulacaim man la
The Alterative. AntrleDL T)laiborcll Car-
ml native, Wutriliuun, tnxatlvu, &d&Livi:, CounU-r-
irnianc, nuuonnc, Anii'iniioun, rolvciit, Dian llc and
Tonic proiwrtluH of Vinecmu 1Iittkil eict-vU thoao
of any other mcdlclno In the world.
Pf iiemnn can tako tho HiTTint acnonllnff to
dlructlonfl and rvmalii long unwell, provided Uirlr
oones ore noi ut-Mrorwi hy mineral mn or other
)nnant and tho vital organa wtulcd bevoiid the liolnt
of repair,
IIIItoUN, Rentlttentf Intermittent and Mo-
janui rt-Ttri arts yrviaieui mrouuoui iue UInUU
Ht&tct, particularly In tho valluva of our great riur
and their vatt tributaries during tho Hummer and
Autumn, especially during wunona of uu usual la-ut
i iicmo Kovera are invariably acmmnanlcd liy
Umalvu deran eincnta of Ihu ntnumrh. llvpr ana
bowel. In their treatment, a pnrcatUo. exertlnif a
I o wort til liifluuTica upou thtfto organs, la absolutely
There- In no rathnrtle for the porposo equal
to Dr. J. Wi LKBit'a Vtsr.uiti Hittkhj, aa It will
speedily reiiKivc the durk-coloreil lcld matter with
wnirii me newel aro ioaiud, at tho namo time aliimi-
lallnjf the Hccrelloii of tho liver, and cenerully
restoring the lieallhy fuuctloua
of Uio dlceutUu
organ h.
Furllfy tlio body nifalnt dliteafeliy purifying
all lta flulda with Vineoaii Uittkub. Nu enldumlc
tan tako hold of a u Ktum tlinn f ortrannod.
It Hit liruruifH Hi i Nloiiiiirli and stlmti-
latH tho torpid Liver and lloweN, cleansing tlio
blood of all iinnutiticti. linjtartlnK lio and Tipor to
tho frame, and carrying off without tho aid of
Calomel, or other mineral, all poisonous matter
from tho syKteni. It In vaur of Oilinlnbitratlon,
pnjiui, iu aunuu. uuu l'itiuiu in iui ix'huilb.
II) ripe h lu ur I iiiI1l'-1 tcn. Headache, Pain
iu uio ruouiaors, uougris, linmww or mo i iicsu,
lneumonla. Dlzzlnivui. Ihul Tasto lu thn llnuth.
IJilioiw Attacks 1'alpltAtIon of tho Jleurt, and a
hundrtMl other milnful si-nintotna. aro ut ontm ru
lor Illlliiimiiiiliirv nnil f!limnlf Ttnniimiv.
nKm, uoui, rteiiraiia, jimeoHfHoi mo iiickmi, liiver,
iviuueya una jtiauuer, inu uitu-ra nnvo no oriuai.
In thene. aH la allaiintltiitloiial UUuim-h. Wiutri'M
Vinuiau JliTTEim has hIiohii lU f;iuit curatlvo
powera la tho inoit obutlnato and Intractable
iilurliatilrnl IIImcilmi'm. rerKnnsrneairrMi In
1'fllnU and Minerals, such an l'luinlfers, Tyiw
wtUTH, (Jold-beaterK, and Jllnerw, an they advance
In life, aro auhject to I'aralyHfa of tho I!ow,eItt.
To k'uartl a'alrut thus, tako oocatdonal doaoa of
NUIn lIlkfimcM. Rerofula. Rait TUienm. TTlrera.
H welling, llmples, Iwtulea, lioiia, C'urliuncles,
Itlni-worms, Htmld-heoil, Horn Kyen, PryMipflos,
Itch, Hcurfrt, Discoloration, Humor and dlneasea
of tnoHkln, of whatever nomo or nature, aro liter
ally dug up and carried out of tlio Hybtun Jn a abort
time by thn uno of tho JUtterft,
Fin, Ta pound other Wornix, lurking lu
tho by Usui of ho inanv tbounautlH. aro eiTectuallv
destroyed and removed. No Bvnteiu of medicine,
no vermifuge, no antbeimlntfcH, will free tUo
ttyitem from wormallkn Vinkoak Iiitteiui.
iTieuMH neuriei Fvcr, jiiumpH, whooping
CoukIi, nnd all children's dlseoHes uiay m mulo
leflMHOvero br kivnlutr tho bowelx oin-n with mild
douett of tho liittew, Thla wonderful remedy ia
tiM-cfally lulapUxl to tho ayKteuui of children, for
dh aionu kivo i iu reinaricaiiio euro
It coutalna no alcohol, oniuni or
other poison.
For l'ctiialo Coiiiplnlnt, InyounL'orold,
married or Klngle, at tbu dawn of womauhood, or
the turn of life, tMs nittem has no equal.
f'leiitiMo im vltluteu Illood when Italm
lurttles burnt ttiroueh tho 8k! n In Eruptions or
lurea: cleanse It wbt n ohMtrucU-d and alurtrlKh In
tbevelnH; cleanse it when It la foul; your feelinffi
will tell you when, and tho health of tho Hyutcin will
In roiieliiAloii i (I vo tho lit ten a trial. It
will apeak for itwlf, Ono Uittlo U a letter pilar
ante) of i( merit than a lengthy advertisement.
Aroimdeucli bottle um full uUructlonsprlutod
la duTtrcnt JauKuaea.
II II. ITIcIlonald Ilrilfir Co., rroprlt-tors,
lau IrauclHco. Cal . and Mt k M'aMhUiKtou tit
Cor, Charlton HL, New York.
Sold by all Dealers and Druggists.'
Importers and Whoiesalo Dealers in
Crockery, (lla.H.Hwan Table and lockct cutlery,
Window (Haas, und riatcd-wure,
Tho &Q candlo-powcr marhh electric lamp.
1 he celebrated Plnaroro Burner,
lllrd Cues, Fruit Jam.
m Ijickawatina Avenue, SCJKANTON, I'a,
mny My
riiici: or
On Care ut Quarry.
No. 1 Mate
Nu. 1 llib Hlato
-co mlti ,,
No. 1! IllbWaU)
licit Mate ,
(Jrwn Muuj
..f-t'iilof 1.0.1
.. a.i) to xn
.. 10..VI
J. I.. 1IUI.I..
ta l.icknwiiiina'Aviuuf, bcruuton, IM
Ohtalnul ami all patent bu.ilnou nttendia to tor
IniHlcrutu tees.
our onicn la opixwlto the U. K l'atent onice, nna
wo can obtain l'atfiila in lesw tlmo tlian lltoso lu
moio troin Wahlni;ton.
Mt'iui model or drawing. Wo udMvi an to pat
entability mool chaw, und wo nuku no cliaru'o
Ulili-sH patent U tucured.
Wo refer hftv, to tho I'ostmaste r, tlio Bupt. of
Money Order (Mr., und to of tho U. H.
l'atent omeo. For clrculur. luMeo, terma and
references lo actual clleuta In your own btutoor
t.'ounty, write to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposite l'atent Olllto. Washington, it. c,
bloomsbdm'plamng mill
Tho underBlgncd having put his Planing Ml
on Kallroad Htreet, In nrsUciaaa condition, la pro
pared to do all Itlnda or work In lila lino,
furnnucd at reasonable prlooa. All lumber used
ta well seasoned and noao but Bltlllod workmen
aro employed.
furnished on application. I'lann and apecinca
lous prepared by an experienced drauchtamau
Illoomiibiirtr, I'u
$5 0 rewTrd.
Uvery Otiiico of Ailiiltumtlon
lNEW prouess soap.
Gowans & Stover,
Ihiffalo, N. Y.
For nalo by all first-clata grcccrn.
April io-i-jt r
Kxi'KU.Kii Arrni voiMiiiit. havid kkk.nK'
two vi'.i;kh.
Ono of the most rotnatkabls cae that luti ever
been brongnt to tho notice of tho public lj tint of
Mr. J , H, llcach, Of Mono ItMge, VMtt county, N.
Y. Mr. Ite.ich had suffered since bet. 1 1971, from
tho presence of caloulus orstonoln tho right kid.
ncy. r.o iem man sctcn phjslclans wero em
plo)l at different times, to whom Mr. lleach nairt
hunen'Ai of dollars for ineJicol treatment, with
only ttmporary relief from hli ngony.
Iiy tho urgent solicitation.) of bh wa
Iri'luwrt to try Or. lMld Kpnnnlyl "Faorlte
ltem y,''and5Xltrl(iKia,narke,l linprovem"nt
fromth(t tlrstrfayho Wan louse the innllclrfe
7 Hv.'nJr, ?.yi on
rhrrnnM r-. ...iuuku mo naturol
. M.r' '""ach. "TiClnilesa long letter to Dr. Denneitr
iij mjinxi -ii win always nffon inn niKi.iifn
iJJ-l?.VlerVo. drdem affii TWZ.
pum state of iheu'nnd,
l, ll'ul " '
erythlnif. for I nm a sufferer fmin rtr.n.i.r
V, ,,T?V02, "cmoiyua sp.s.ino in stomach
SP'wV ,'icr,',n-",''s' Ittawiually Tamable T ncas
2ni? i ih S'll "?n''pat"n of the bowelS
from the H7nT?,XniT. WSZ'1 'nsepcraw.
lllco, III Mx bottles, fa,
tiii: oitiiAT
llooi.Msr o! Ike World.
an Aiisot.t'i i: et ui: rou
iiit finlfV.rn eftL ji-1.i rf-n.nii- trti.
nml f.i oil I t r.nnft unule cano
Mhi-rtMl.rt-ftl'Jimnro follotvi .1 liann..
, . V. ,r h"1-1"!. nun rf un-a
nil. Itl'llio fiiMtticrrfu pi 'ar:itloii 111 the
UMrUt fur C T.VKItll tun) t l.o wily oku (hut
HUIJ U III' V UIO, LU ItKlllklltlJ. A
Trtu I Im itti
inai ix iinui'H rtir II
Olirri llUfit (I Id nlirm
v:.. ,.l r.. j.Tt. .
a posrnvi: ci'im is Assujti-:,
One bolllo It ircncr.iUy fiimolcnt for a cure. Slon
Ukluir (lulali.o. A trial only Is nslio.l for Kkl.
LKIlV I'ATAIIIUI Itl.MPIIV. It I. a .sfi:ciric
e,r nu iie.eai'raariiiiir mini an Impure hluod nnd
ilrlvM all eruption f'rum tliu skin. Tor .Syphi.
lltleeomplalnMltlii superior to any preparation
111 Ihu ni.ii ki t. (ll,o botllu Hill ruro lilu'turtho
follow lux oiii..ili.t.. and a euntliiiud mo Hill
i'(MiriVKi.v euro. Sue doctor Mill and try It.
siciar r.ui'iTiows.
i'i:m.ij: ui:;ik'i:s.s.
IvKi.t.rn's ('AT.linm Khmkhv Ii no patent
nnil, but a f.ifo und plearant prtpariitlon
let i.o.-uicl -urtly Iho KreiiUst lai'illeal ill.-eov-ery
i.rilio iv,. line huttlu rcjuvcnati'i tho cntlro
i tiin a:nl Hir.i-es uioro vlrtuo than a half
d. im brittle of i.i.llnarv ialent tireparntlom.
A n'.u lur le.ilininiiaU and other Information.
i I or..ile by ilriluirl..u Kniierally.
r. a iiottm:. six hot.
l.l.S I'OIt o.l.ou. (In rueelpt of HlS.lll) by
tie m.iiin'ncturir', :ami'kl V, Kklu.ii & Co.,
' n buv, l'.i., lx liotlleswlll burent cxprus.
i ' r.'
ttlADH i: A UK,
Aro generally Indued
yf by IikIIkc-hIIuii, l'oul
Deficient Circulation,
or Mime I)r iani;r!iiieiit
or the I.licr mill I)lKeivu System.
Sufferers ulll Und relief by tho ui.u of
Ayer's Pills
to utlmulatc the ntranach and produce a regu
lar dally movement of tlm hovcla. Ily thil
artlori on thiso organs, Avi.n I'll i.s d.drt
tho from, ihu bialu, and ni;ie
euro nil forma of Cuirgeiitlvo and N, rum.
JIwuIulIih, IIIIIoim lleadiuhi', and M.k
lli ailiii ho; and by keeping tlio ImmU In t;
and prem rYliig tho nynti m In n liia.lhlil
coniUtioii, lnsuto liiimuiiliy lioiu fulurj
attacks. Try
MlKI'iKI'.li nv
hold by all Hrriv .1
DniuliiK IiiBlriinirnla, rhllonophlrul itnd
t'lieiiileul Aiinrnlu.
Wl tod iNMCriplionii ol our Tn rj&tUiKUo. teDl
KltKIfi un riipn-iillon.
924 Clieslnul St. PHILADELPHIA.
I AIMKBthnuld umi Dr. Kllmer'n KIIMAI.IJ HUM.
klill!S lor nil iIImiiuh peculiar lo thein,
hold by diugglatii.
IN lir. Ulliner'H "(Hilda to Health" you will llnd
the rcmedlcH, Hlth Hyinptoiiiaof joureahodetliiisl.
for chrome Ilia why mould uu 11 doctor need
when nr. Klluior'Hklahdard heibal reimsllea ueer
fall. Hold by druggWa.
11' YOU baxi rlieutnat lain, NeUt Ira, malaria, or
RY.vrJ?!V,..'! oriraiu-olunsi urlnu-Dr. KlUnvr'i
lsN AMI'-ltool' i-onnuera every enso. tnk lour
druggist for 11. to 11,
IV YOU rutso ami hiilt bloml. nr tiiroiiii rnmiiiA
and llimdryfrom InJeiii.ilaUuiu feier-lir. Klliuer'a
INIMAN l'onhUMITION oil, hiii arrest and ! ro-
hUirolho Mtretloni 10 n healthy condition,
juui uiuKifi-M, iur 11. voo.,uiu,, 11
Intelligent HOI.1C1TOHH WANTEIl for
Ills OWN ALTOl'NT of tho greatest military
struggle of modern times. aii,ni nlieady or
dcretll Hueeessuf ugenu Is marvelous. Address.
IIUIIHAIIII IIHOS., 1'ub's, Chestnut nt I'lffi
I'a. oct-Hi d. It,
WATJfRTl l'""'"lUuiy 11 lew gu,J
tlii IEjU men lu rauvahafor thetulo
nt Fruit Treca, (lruK) Vine, Hoses, 4c.
1'revloua expetleiiMi uut eMenlkl.
II. 1'. KHKhlAN I'D., Ilrlghlon, .N. y.
I'.iKnuftil, nflor Ills eventful cArocr, bo
lull of triumph Mid unpamllcleil eao
ccsscg In cortnln directions, srrui n sad
viclitn to melancholy Itv lits Utfr yonra.
Tlila vna Induced by iW LoaUli, Iiy hla
troublo in tlio lnw courta, nnd xmn riot
tho miexiicctcd result of Bilcli n lifo, full
of mystorv. iulrmtic nnd iliRlItrntlnn
llo had moved tho world with his violin.
lind seen Ilosilni burst into tonre on
juat hearing him; oottrtu had eliowarod
honors upon him, Ix-ntitlfttl ladles of
tlio highest rnnk had thron IhcmsclToa
nt his fect. Vet iu thu Inst year of his
lifo ho is nald to hnvo tiniled but onco,
nnd Hint at a lunsiail concort Tills
was on tho occasioii of n Rnmd inutianlo
given Iiy Zimmerman in Paris. Thorn
wcro iircsont Uertz, Choiihi, Thnlbenr,
Frnuk Liszt, nnd tho (Jhevnlier Autoino
do KontaH Ench iu turn pluyed, nnd
tliough rngnuini was interested, his
fnoo always More tho samo melancholy,
mournful look. Suddenly ho nskod
KonlHki to play hin "Vulso ItifcrnaL
of which ho hnrl heiinl This waltz is
dcMsripliTo of tlio muitimr of thodorils
111 their great hull, ilhiminiit(d by ilro,
nnd opons with thu hlasts of trumpets
always falsa Dm inn tho council of tho
Uuvils, illustrated by luuiio truly infer
nul, smliletily tlicM in heard tho most
nngolio of ktrnitis, which conio from tho
iniiocejita, who, Im sonm uiuuucr, havo
Btruyed into tho halls. IVr n timo tho
dovils nro iniitu und aiiumod. nnd li.iton
to tho heavenly strains bo iu contrast
with their own. At last it ooours to
thorn that tho innocents will learn their
Bocrets and must bu drivcu out. Iu all
rogo aud fury they do Huh, tho musio
perfectly describing their action, tho
trumpets again culling fulso. when suit
denly tho porhils nto lioiud tocloso with
n crash, and thoro ts sileuca So graph.
lmlly iloes tho music ilcscrilo tho terrl.
bio augur of thu devils, aud bo cleverly
arc tho fulso trumpets introduced, that
iu tho last frenetic storm of slrango
harmonics l'uguiiiiii furgot hiniNolf oud
smiled. It was thn Inst time, for ho
lived less than a year after, and his lost
smile, tho Just lay of sunshine which
camo from within nml played over his
faco, was never foi gotten by thoao
All hoalthy boys intend to Ijo downs
when thoy grow up. Wishiiiir to bog
clown is n ihaso through which must
pass every lmy wlio is a loy truly, aud
not n young lady in disguise, Iu Great
Imuun tlio clown whom tho Ixy desires
to bo lilto Is tho down iu thu Christmas
pantomime, tho pnrti-oolored person
who practices certain motry tests iu
nction butUsring tho slido, for iuntiiuco,
nnd playing with tho red-hot poker. In
tho United States tho clown to whom
tho lioy looks up with amnaoinont and
delight is tho clown in Iho circus ; for as
America is n laud given ovor to Demo
crats and Rcpublicana and other irrover.
eut persons, tho duo nnd proHir observ'
nnco of tlio sacred feiv.t of tho Christmas
pantomimo has lxxm allowod to dio out.
For this negligence tlio Americans hnvo
received n deserved and aw fill
ment purely thero is 110 need for us to
dwell on tho painful picture or to point
out tlio manifest nnd immenso inferior
ity of tho circus clowji to tho trtio panto.
mimo clown. Thus it happens that tho
American lmy has at best but n btuutod
ideal. Yet tho circus clown iu himself,
nnil separated from any crushing com
parison with tho pantomimo clown, is n
most interesting clmrncter; nnd tho cir
cus itself is n fortilo field for study to
tlio obsorver of human unture. Tho
circus, ns wo find it iu w.illod town? like
Paris nnd I'lugue, is picturesque enough;
mt it Is not us romuutic by half us tho
wandering circus which lends a lifo of
adventurous vninibiiiidaga alonr tho
King's highway. The Cirijuo d'Eto on
faslnonablo Sunday night iu the
might of tho Parisian season, and th
IIipiKxh-oino on a Sunday ufternoon
when its riting lieiichoa aro tilled, lior
on tier, with happy children, nro spoU
ujioii which the philosopher reflects
with amusement, but limy are not as
joyful or as comforting as tho littlo ring
hencnth tho smoky canvas of tho cnucs
tnan strollers who aro wont "to fold
their tents, like tho Alabs, and as
silently steal awny."
tiii: (loLD co.isr.
Perhaps tho most imirortant West
African ixjssosmou of (Ireat llritniu is
tlio gold const, whero she has been
established two centuries. Not many
yenrs ago tlio Dutch had Iho largor part
01 theso sotlloiuents, but thoy woro
llnally coded to Great ilritaiu by troaty
in 1872, in return for tho relinquish
ment of oil Dritish rights iu Sumatra.
Tho avowed object of tho Ilritish ad
ministration iu tins transaction was tho
croatlou of a solid basis for trado with
tho interior. Hut theso good intentions
wcro novor roahzod. Tlio trado of this
argo strotoh of const 340 miles in
iciigin averages Hurler fiou.iHy) a year
of combined imports mul exports. Tho
colony of Lngos lies to the eastward of
tho gold eoort, nnd has lately been in
cluded in tho siunn lubuiulstrutiou. It
has been founded about twenty-threo
years, and is admittedly ono of tlw lost
positions for trade in this part of Africa ;
tho land is fertile and well wutered, ami
it is thickly populated by oopU) noted
for thoir mdiistry und their keenness
lor trade. Thoro is a very fair com
munication with tho interior by water.
Yet tho trado of tho place, imports nnd
o.xporU oombiuod, does not ranch an
nvcrngoof 1,200,000 n year. Tho trade
of Logos beforo Great Ilritaiu nuuoxod
it was oonsidorablc, and it has not sinco
incroased in proportion to tho tnulo of
other parts lower down thu ooast, whero
tho notivo ohiofs woro left iu ossessiou,
Tho natives in tho neighborhood of
tho Gambia IMver ora unfriendly to
Knropenns. Tho jiooplo adjoining Sierra
Ijeono nro siupicious and hostile. On
tho gold coast nil Kuropoun trndo is
shut out from tho interior by tho fear
nnd suspicion which tho administration
ins Inspired in the people udioiuiug tho
Bottlemout, At I.ugos tho proeoediugs
of thn authorities havo nppnrently not
tended to diminish the disuotd butween
ndjoinitig trilk's. Nowhere does direct
Ilritish rule seem lo havo boon of muuh
benoflt to tlio people ns u whole, nnd
ocrtniuly uowharo havo Ilritish trado
prospects lioon ndvanotvl by territorial
What is tho causa of this unsatisfac
tory result? It is not diflluult to
explain. l'ho administrations pursue,
on tho wholo, a traditional polloy, which
thoy hnvo inherited from vitiated
sources. Thu old settlement woro
mostly mivdo for unlawful pitr03os
they wero slave depots, iu fuctj they
woro, therefore, from their very nuluro,
hostile to tho people of tlio interior i
they wore established us much for plun
der as for trado. On tho nlwlillou of
ulnvory fifty years ngo, Grent Ilritaiu
was lolt with theso settleiuout, but tho
policy that ruled thorn was not untiroly
and, radically dinnged, ns it should have
C! VTUrnTmUTC . l'lt,,f r nll tast In mouth!
U I 111! 1 Ulllu . toniruo coated w hltc or cov.
Hli a brown fur; pain In the back, aides, or joints
wiicn roiHiahen lor rncumaiivn; fovr ptohacii:
Aiiniiai., noiJiciiiiiTB u,u,'. dimi nairi"
branh, or Indigentlon: flatulency and acid eructa
lloni, bowcli alternately ccnllro and lax; iixau
aciii; loss of memory, with a palnml aeniatlon of
uavinK innii iuiium i eining wiucu nugni lo oavp
oeennone; rir.HiiiTT; low r-pinir n inK't.
nppearanco of tho Ktln and ere! n dri' roinrli
fever, restlessness: the urine li sointy nnd high
euion.ii, aim, it niioweuio aianu, aeposui n 811
U generally used In tho South to arouw the torpid
11, er iu u iiuuiiii uuiioil.
ani HOWHI.S.
CONSTIrATlOX, uiLiorssxts,
NAl'SkA, (OI.IC,
indorsed by tho use of r millions of bottles as
The Best Family Medicine
For children, for adults, and for tho aged.
sail to tAta 11 im imumui or tiii. kittt
J. H. ZE1LI1T & CO..'KOI'KIItTOKS, I'lllI.ADhM'lUA. l'A
IKILh, 1 l.lll.
may ifj.y
Our readers for IS cents In liostngestnmpito
pay fur mailing nnd wrapping nnd linn es of
twobooli agents will recelvn KltCi: n steel
FlnWi I'nrtnr i:ngr-Mng of nil our l'HI.
IIKNTS, I eluding cleu'iainl, sle inch,
Address Eider Pub. Co.,Chicago. III.
p.m. p.m.
.a.m. a.m. p m.
9 (11 1.' .11
SM IJ l!li
i! ?;
S 40 12 1.1
8 77 12 (II
8 17 11 M
S 12 11 UI
S OH 11 47
8 'M
....scrnnton....! 0 10 9 15 2 la
8 20
8 ,
s iu
s 10
0 .', u 20 2 10
0 20 9 20 2 is
0 27 u SI 2 Hi
c .11 9 41 2 :m
. iAckawannu..
lltthlnn.. .
8 or. .West l'lttstori.
7 IS ....Wyoming.. .
C 40 9 47 2 Sfl
a 13 II 52 2 41
. ..Mallby
6 49 9 .VI 2 41
0 &I 1(1 U2 47
7 WI,
7 41
7 47
e fM tn i,r. ni
k iw 11 ir
8 UI 11 4.'
.J SM 10 10 Ml
7 42 I'lyinoutli Juno
7 3S ....I'iymoutli....
1 31 ....Avomlalc. .
7 ill ....Nantlcokc...
7 at llunlock's creek
. 02 10 1U2 55
m 11 :w
7 07 1(1 153 0
7 si 11 .'II
7 .vi 11 :
7 41 11 2:1
7 30 II 12
7 12 1(1 20 3 Ui
7 15 10 25 3 10
7 23 IU 12.1 27
7 .17 10 413 I'J
I 12 1. MllCKSlllllIiy
7 18 II 10
T U)i
..Hick's Ferry ,
..lfeach Haven..
Berwick ....
..Hrlar Creek..
..Willow (litite..
7 Ml II 11 3 5
1 IU M
0 51
li 11
6 41
S 38
0 31
0 27
0 21
0 111
S 50
7 57 1 01 3 58
8 01 II 1'14 (15
7 (IT, 10 41
C AS 10 II
8 51 10 :
(J N) 10 31
0 42 IC
8 111 11 20 4
8 14 II 214 Hi
8 18 11 29 1 tl
8 25 11 31 I 27
6 WI 10 21
C SU 10 10
1.&17 o ki 11 ui 1
...llloomsbtirg...1 H 30 II 44 I 31
.... Hupert 8 .'in 11 504 40
Catania Ilrldgo 8 41 II 55 4 10
6 2.1 II) 11
S Ml t) 4J
I'miviiiCt... n os 1? VI
:i 4'j ....unuiasKy..., 9 or, 12 2'5
5 I'll.... Cameron 9 (is 12 29a
U 45
i 40 U XI
p.m. lun.
a. in. I p.m.
K !M, Vnri tuitti,..! t. n ,1, ,n k
Superintendent's onioe, Soranton, Fob.lst,n.'
Pennsylvania Railroad.
'hiladelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect AULT. 3llt.ll. IKS.".. 'I'r.illw lonvi. Mnn.
15 AM I V A ill),
9.4D a.m.. Sen Shoro KxnreMi Olullv exeent
uui.v...,,, iui iimiuuuiH uim iMiciiui'Utai.USiailUUSi
arriving at l,hlUdeluhla3.15 n. in. New Vmk
s.20p. in. j Ilnlilmore, 4.40 p. m. : Washington,
6.50 p. in., connecting at Philadelphia for nu hen
Mioru ikjIiiIs. TbrougU passenger coach to
1.11 n. m 1l.iv prtirouu
dally except SuudayUur llankburg nnd liilerme
dlalo stations, arriving ut 1'hilndelphlu
u.m, 11. in. , mis, ,ou 11. ui. ; lutiuiuore
C.45 II. in. : WllSllln'-'ton. S.lh) I), in. l'.irtnr pur
through to l'lilladelphla and passenger coaches
buiuugii iu 1 iiiuiui-iiiiiia iiuu liaiini.ure.
8,05 p. 111. Willlainsport Accointnodatlon (dally,
u. iiuiiuiuuiK mil uu IUIA.11111.-UIUIU siaiiuus, UmV'
log at Philadelphia 4 25 a. in. ; New York 7,uo a. m
It.ilrliiwirn. K r. 11 tn . ie,lkl. In, ...... .. ! .. ... .,
Sleeping car accommodations can bu secured at
Harrtsblinrfor I'blladelolil.i anil New Vnre. iiumiim.
days nlhrougli aleepfng car will be run: on this
iiumuuui ,iii.iuisi Liui-iiiiaueiiiiiitui niiaueipuia
passengers can ruiiatntu sleeper undisturbed until
7 a. 111.
2.31 a. in. Urlo Mall (dally except Monday,
iu, iiaiiisuiiiK ami inuTiui.'uiaiu bullions,
arriving at l'lilladelphla 8.25 a. 111. New York,
11.30 a. Ml. : llaltlmoiii 8.15 a. 111. Wiiahlni'ton. 9.25
iu 111. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run en
1111s 1 nun iu rnuaueipnia, li.iuuiiuio aim washliig.
ton, and through passenger coaches lo l'hlladel
phla und Hallltiioru.
5.20 a. in. Krlo Mall niailv ,iypint Ktmiinv rni
Kilo und nil Intermediate stations and Cauandal.
gun and Intermediate stations Hochester, Huita
foand Niagara Falls, wllUllnough Pullman 1'aU
uuu cais aim passenger coacnes te r;rio and Kocn
V.&3 News Kxpress (dally except Sunday) for
"mi ,.i..bu uim llill-llllllltlli: B1UL1UUS.
1.05 11.111. Niagara Kxnress (il.iltv eireent. sun.
day for Kuuu aiidliiterinedtateslatlous uud Can.
uudalgua and principal lutennedlaU) stations.
Hochester, liutlalo and Nlaguru Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Hochester
uiiu i ui iui tur 111 aisins.
5.30 p. 111. fast 1.1110 (daily except Sundaylfor He
ucno and Intermediate stations, and Klinlrn u'nt
kins and luleruiedlate stations. s till through pas.
sengerco.ichestoIU'Uuoand Watklns.
9.2U a. in. suuday mail lor Heuovo and intermu.
dlato stations.
iaoi Anubou in.
Sunday mall leaves I'll llaililnl, 1.1 4. an n m
UanUburg 7.4U arilvlinr at sunburv u 20 u. in. uii n
through bleeping car 110111 Philadelphia to Wll.
Nevs Kxdicss leaves l'kllnileliibm 1 'in n. m
Ilarrtsburg, 8.10 u. in. dally except Sundas
urilvlng ut Sunbury 9.53. a. in.
, . Niagara Kxprcss leaves
hlladelnhla, 7.40 a. m. : Ualtlmoru 7.30 a. in. olailv
except Sunday arrlUng at suubury, p. 111.,
with througu Parlor car from l'lilladelphla
and through passenger coaches from l'hlladel.
puia auu uauimoru.
Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. in. ; l'hlladel
PhU.ll.50o. m. : Woshluinon. 9 miil in. u.iiti
more, 10.45 a. uu, (dally except Sunday) arrlviug at
u.i..i.., ..uu .. mi., mm iiiruusii posseugei
coaches from l'lilladelphla aud llaliiinoru.
Krlo Mall leaves New York 8.U.1 p. m. i I'lilladob
nhla. 11.20 1). in. ! Washlneton. mui n. ,n. u.iiti.
moro, 11.2U p. iu., (daily exceptsatunlay) arrlviug
at Suubury 5.15 u. 111., with through 1'ullmau
hleeplng carB from 1'hll.idelphla, Waslilnglou aud
iMiuiuiuru nun vuiuugii passenger coacnes iron
ll.Wi.tliF.llf rt.lf .-MIICT11 au vi;t
(I)allr excent buuuav.l
Wllkesbirru Mall leaves Suuburr 10.0Ua. in.
arriving at Uloom R'rry 10.52 a. in., Wllkcs-barre
;.is p. uu
Ki press Kast leaves Sunbury 5.13 n. in., nrrlvlnir
at lllooin Ferry 0.37 p.m.. Mikes-barro 7.51 p. m
nuuuury juau leaves w iiket u irie a. 111. aruv
ng at liloom Ferry 12.1 s p. in., huubury I. to p. in
lix press West leaves M likes barre 2.45 p. 111., ur
ting ui. iiiiiuui rerrv 4.1a p. uu.ounuury o,lu p.m
Sunday mall leaves Stinbtirvota 11. m.. airlilnL.
at Hliifim Feny Hi.14 a. in.. WllkCh-llarro ll:i u.m.
Miiiuay iieeuinmixiaiion leaves vviikes.liarroa.3u
m arriving at liloom Ferry. 7.llii.m..hinibury.
55 p. III.
CI1AS. 1. I'Udll, J. It. Wool),
ucii. Aiuuuuer. ueu. passenger Agent
Alexander Bros. & Go.
Offer to tho Trado their lino llrand of cigars.
Tho Landrcs,
Honry Clay,
Samc:n, and
Kino KrulU and Kino Confcctlono
on linml. lrt'8li fvery week, lilooms
burg, I'u. 1 ob. 27
81.60 A YKAH.
isintvANTS in i:.N(ir,.Ni.
Kntllfh sorrniils nro trninoil TIict
walk ono strnlglit iialli, nnJ to (his their
foet becorno so nccnstomeil Hint thoy
got bcfoRgol and coufusotl if tlicy stop
dfiiilo to mnio oilier pntln for thoir foot
A cook is a 000k, slid a housemaid is
honscibnliL A footman is molded bj
his duties into n footman. Tho cliuroh
catechism must hnvo tho credit or the
discredit for this tiniursnl automatic
life. Kiif;lih itoople uro taught hy their
national religion "to Iw coutout iu that
stntluuof life uheicir to they arc called.
Tor thronu and nol'ility, for thu fellow
at the head nnd on ti this is n doleet-
nblo social pliltoso' Ity, Imt for llndg
tho farm hilxucr, nnd for llridget tho
scullery-maid, for llio liouers of wood
and the dniwers of water thu outlook Is
less optimistic.
The work of movants never
overlaps. It is rigidly delluod am
strictly ndhered to. It is an nnuoyniiee
in nu English household that this
true, for olteu curtain work goes tiudouo
for tho renson Hint theio is 110 0110 u hose
lilnco it is to do il. In (li iinniiy, l'mneo
and this country servants u ill turn their
huiids to nltnost anrlhing, but not so In
Euglnud. It is deemed derogatory to
do nnother's work, und 0110 gets neons
tomed to hear, "It is not my work.
nnd tho work goes undone. Thero nro
two sides to this. Vo do not put n
blacksmith to mend onos wutch, and
perhaps n mald-of-nll-work is gixxl nt
none. English servants as n rub do
well what they uinlerlako to do.
Tlio relation Iwiwceu master nnd man.
would bo to nil American I confess it
nlwnys wns to 1110 irksnma It is nn
unnnttiml nnd forbidding relation. Tlio
servants nro held nt nrm'a length, nud
their servility is universal. "Sir" nnd
"mam" nro used with evory lircnth,
nnd tho rnisiug of tho hand to tho head
by tho mnii-seivaiit and tho half-accom-
plishod courtesy of tho maid-servant
nro so meehnnicnl nnd n3 if dono by
machinery that it is offensive. It is
very seldom nuy lovu is lost between the
family nnd th" servants. In caso of a
servant falling ill, he or site is almost
instantly sent off to thu hopital, return
nig to tho family only when nblo to
return to duty. In Franco or America
tho family would feel under n natural
and humnuo obligation, ns well ns eon
strnined by sympathy nad affection, to
enro for n servant while sick.
All English servants havo somojiadgo
or livery. I'emalo hervnnts wear n littlo
cap, though it bo but a weo bit of mus
lin and edging, on the top of the head,
and tho men servants dress iu tho regu
lation livery of their rank in tlio house
hold. Many havo their separate tablo
fare, which is anaiignd fur day by day
or week by week, nud is plainer nud
coarser tliiin that used by iho family.
II10 servnnti seldom, nnd 111 most fam
ilies novor, havo expensive food, such us
gamo and dessert.
It is a custom observed in all respect-
nblo families to engngu servants by tho
year nnil to require a "ohamulor from
their Inst place." This is not a written
certillcate, ns iu Franco or Oeimaiiy,
and which is a worthless thing, but tho
namo of thu family lust lived with being
given, tho person engaging the servant
writes to inqniro coiieeiniirg character
mid capabilities. In no mutter would 11
housowifo bo moro scrupulously eon
fvcientious than iu lojjyiiig'to nu inquiry
of tins sort. Iu diselnugiug a sonant a
month s notice is given, or tho wages for
tho month is paid. On tho other luuid,
servnnt is lequired to give 11 mouth's
notico beforo quitting n fninily.
When tho blacksmith givos tho anvil
quick, light blows it is a signal to tho
helper to uso tho sledgo or to striko
Tho forco of tlio blows givou by tho
blacksmith's hummer indicates the forco
of blow it is required to givo tho sledgo.
llio blacksmith s helper 13 supposed
to strike tho work iu tho middle of tho
w.dth of tho nnvi' and when this re
quires to bo varied tho blacksmith indi
cates wluro tho sledgo blows nro to fall
by touching tho loquired spot with his
If tlio sledgo is required to hnvo a
lateral motion whilo descendincr. tho
ilaeksmitii indicates the snmo to tho
lelperby dalivcring hand-hammer blows
iu which tho linnd-hammer moves in tho
direction required for tlio sledgo to
If tho blacksmith delivers n heavy
blow ujon tho work and an intormodiato
light blow on the anvil it denotes that
heavy sledgo blows aro required.
If thoro nro two or moro helpers tho
OlacKsmitli strikes a blow lictwcoii cneli
helper's sledgo-hammor blow, tho object
being to mcroly douoto whoro tho sledgo
uiows nro to JalL
When tho blacksmith dosiros tho
sledgo blows to eonso ho lots tho hnnd-
hammer head fall ujiou tlio anvil nnd
continues its robouud upon tho samo
until it ceases.
Thus tho movemonta of tho hand-
hammer constitutes signals to tho holner.
and what appear desultory blows to tho
common oUscrvsr eonstituto tho mothod
of communication botwecu tho black
smith nnd his liulpor.
It Is Said that ill UO linrt nf Mm wmd.l
is drinking carried on to such on extent
M iu Wall street Whiskey is tho only
thing in Wall street that isn't watered.
Says tho Electric Mtipuiiu : Prof. Tyn-
dall thus ouduavors to explain tho
immunity obtained uguinst 11 socoud
attack of ncoutagious disuosu : "Ouo ol
tho most oxtruordiuary und miauoouut
ablo experiences in medicino was tho
immunity bceurod by u single attack of
n commuuioablo disease nguiiist futnro
nttnek of tho samo malady. .Smallpox,
typhoul or bcurlutiiia, for oxamplu, was
found as a genoral rulo-to (iccuronly
onco 111 n lifetime of tho individual,
tho Duccossfiil passago through tho
disorder apparently rendering tho body
invulnornble. llo.isoniiig from nualouv.
I havo ventured to express tho opinion
that tho rarity of second attacks of com
munioablo discaso was duo to tho
jemoval from tho system, by tho first
parasitio crop, of soma iugrcdiout
necessary to thu growth nnd piopagaUon
01 iiiopaiasitti.
'I'lttvwl r, v.. ....
'iiis 01 illpkmvvoy
prevarication nnd lying. Tho dlplonwt-
i is ino man who can steal a ring oil
your llugcr whilo ho is shaking hoods
TOltli vm, 1.. . ...
" iiiuao you uoiiovo, aftor
thnt, you presontiHl it to him. With
tho development of iHulm,,, i. 1
- - - ,uu mini
of wnr iucrenbos, without nuy roilucUou
of risk, onhniiceineut of boneflts, or
laving of lifo. Diplomacy is tho sctenoo
of lnyiiig Uw vip, 0f war jn tiom 0,
can nic uoroiiT
A Large and Varied Stock of
Call and be Convinced that you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
OF -
m mi
Fille Currmccs. liinrclus and Wnrnns.
aaSSj aa liB,i1ui
varied sclt clion of " ' 1 ' BLX" " m,Su
rom the heat manufactories. Purchasers
$3-Write for Information and Prices.
C. IB. JffiOBMl
Foreign' ajztf MamostiG
for Infants and OhllMrnn.
Irm'ijnu!1 I
ireoominenaita3uirlurtoaiiyiiriMorlniJnn I
knowntome." u a. Ancnia, u. D I Wcrnis, tlvus sloeii, ana liruiuotcs df.
UJBo.OHorUBt.Uroon.k.Y. WISjurlou, mediation,
Tim Cemticu Cosu-Asr, 1W Pulton Street, N. Y.
T. W. MOTf ,
320 & 322 Pciin Avenue,
JStn rnnf.n id q,
AllliU Dnnndin,.., .,,.,..1...
arc invited to call and inspect the goods or to
d1, A3MjZjEM
Por llio Ccleluated Clilrkeilng, Ivers ix.
Pond, and Yosoib Hon Pianos. World re.
now ncd Ksley ()ig.,ns, Violins, Aei iiidcons
nnd Sheet .Music. Celehialed While, New
Ilie,h Arm Davis, New Home, Itoynl St,
John, and Light Hiinnliig Domestic Hewing
.Machines. Needles, oil and attachments
for all makes ot .Sewing -Machines.
Stcrcfand Wartrocras, No.128
Franklin Avenue.
Also Waivrooina 111 Franklin Ave. and liwt'cn
,ter Street,
An) thing to tnnko up anew wagon
or repair nn old, in nock.
l!ar Iron, anil Steel Holts, Holt
Kiul.", Lag Screw h, Ttiriibiifklc's
lloiho Shoes, anil all lilackrinith
S"t0" CB" "o. Constipation,
Hour Btomnch. niirrhmA Krn.inun.