THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. . The Trooper's ilcrsc a MTru: BTonv ok tub wau vassino TUB l'ICKKT (lUAItl). "Oft with tlio saddlo nml shoot Mm I" It v,'M a. cnvnlry scout of a scoro of men returning to camp nflcr a rough rirto of a hundred miles. Ten miles away a trooper's horso liiul fallen lamo Voleo nml spur had urged hhn on, but ut last he could go no further, lie mint bo nbnmloticd. Aye, to pre vuut profit to tlio enemy ho must bo shot. "Poor Jim 1'' whispered the- rider as ho dismounted. That horso had oarricd hhn a thous and mile. Thoy had gono hungry to gether, thoy had" shared tho dangers of half a dozen battles, thoy had stood picket in company, tiioy wcro "panls. "Jim, old boy. I'd rather loso my arm P exclaimed tho trooper, as ho loosened tho saddle. The BiiffcNtig horso rcHovcd of his burdens, turned his head to hisjmastcr and uttered h'n gratitude, in a low whinny. "l'vo got to do it, old boy P contin ued tho trooper, as ho drew his revolver and held it in his right hand, wliilo hu patted tlio neck of his old "pard" with tho left. "If they had asked mo to tako a bullet in tho leg if a good, square sabro cut from a Johnny would savo your life, I'd bend my bare head and tako it.'' Tho last of tlio troop had passed on. Night was shutting down, nnd guer rillas lurked in every bend of tho road. "Jim, old pard, it's orders, you know," said tlio trooper, as ho stripped off tho bridle. "Look down tho road, now, whilo I send a bullet into your head. It's assassination it's foul murder but it's orders. Goood bye, Jim. and may tho Lord forgivo mol' Too horso fell liko a log at tho re port of tho pistol, and without daring to look back at his victim tho trooper snatched up tho accoutrements and hurried on after his companions. No was hardly out of sight when tho horso struggled up. What had hap pened? Ho shook his head, wheeled about in a circle, and blow a noto of alarm from his bleeding nostrils. Ho was abandoned 1 Ho was in tho enemy's country 1 Who had dono this by a faithful servant? By and by memory divinely returned. Ho hod fallen lamo his rider had dismounted ho remembered of hearing kind words and feeling a hand caress his neck. What then? Ho had been shot down I Soma hidden guerrilla must have fired tho shot. His rider his old "pard" would not havo sought lus death. With eyes aflame with fear and pain with, a limb almost useless with such torturo racking his head that ho could not repress his groans tho faithful horso searched the roadside for his master; if dead, ho would dio with him I Too search was vain. As ho had been abandoned 1 He had been over this road several times. Ho remembered every bridge and hill and turn. It was miles to tho Union lines, but ho would drag himself to tlio pickets oclorc death came. With slow rtnd painful Btcps with tho darkness rendering Ins road moro gloomy Willi a foreboding that the hand which had fed him so lone had given him his death wound at last, tho poor beast dragged himself along, and tho night wore on. "Halt ! Who comes thero ?" It was tho challengo of a picket. His quick car had detected the sound of feet on tho highway. Hero at last ! This was tho goal tho beast had driven for. JIo stood stock still as tho challenge reached his ear but only for a moment. Then, summoning his last remaining life, he rushed down the hill and fell at the picket. "Haiti Haiti Turn out tho guard 1" It was too lato to stop tho riderless, limping horso outside tho lines, but as ho passed within them half a dozen carbines flashed forth in tho darkness, ' and ho fell forward and died without a croan. Tho men of tho picket natlicr od around. They understood that it was an abandoned horse, winch had di-acrced himself into tho lines. "Too bad, isn't it ?" whispered tho enm old sergeant. And every man felt that he was almost guilty of murd or. N. Y. Sun. - Eiot in St. Louis- Tho stiiko of Iho street car men led to a riot about 0 o'clock last Thursday evening. Many heads wcro broken and ono man was fatally injured. Tlio row was begun by a crowd of strikers, who hail gathered in the neighbor hood of Seventh and Pino streets. A car on tho Union Depot line, filled with pa9sciigeis, got stuck on an up giado with ten cars behind it. A great crowd of tho idlo men at ouco gathered about tho car, nnd urged the driver, rat bullivan, yto (abandon his post. Ho paid no atttention to them, but mado desperate efforts to move his mules along. Tho strikers began shouting : "Throw him off.'1 Tho suggestion was acted upon. Two men jumped on tho platform and throw Sullivan off beforo tho wheels, and ho was run over. At tho samo timo other strikers seized tlio mules, whUo others cut tho traces, and tho animals were sent off on a gallop. ISv this timo the passengers had got out of tho car, and tho strikers gave it a running start and Kent it living down tho grade. They had chosen their timo when thero wcro only two policemen nbout, and thoy had things all their own way In ten minutes httccn cars had 'jecn seized, tlio mules detached and driven off, and tho cars set whirling down the hill, each to telescopo with tho ono sent beforo, until thti wliolo fifteen wcro pilled up in a heap of ruins. Tho alarm lor tho police had been sound ed' and was responded to by a squad of bluo coats, under command of Ser geant Kynn, Superintendent James Dcuuin oi.utu car nuu ruuu up, Bingieu out tho ringleader, and in a jiffy seiz ed him. Ono of tho strikers struck Mr. Sciilliu in tlio faco and Sergeant Kyaii grabbed the lellow. 1 hen tho light began general. J ho mob set upon the Sergeant with tho intention of releasing tho lirisioncr, but ho hoi fast; nnd shouted to his men to clear tho streets, Tho police then went fo tho crowd and clubbed them right and loll. Tlio stnkeis wcro full of pluck, and fought gallantly to rescuo thel companions who wero in tho cliithc of tho police. This lasted fully twenty minutes. Tho polioo depended solely on their muscle and their clubs. Tho result at tho end of tho fight was that seventeen strikers wero landed behliu; tho bars, flvo wcro taken to tho hospl tal with cracked skulls, wliilo probably fifty wcro sent homo with soro heads. Tho streets wero finally cleared, and tho polleo were left in possession tlio scene. Tho supeiintcndcnt of the road was beaten very badly, but it i thought that his injuries aro not fatal Tho great house built by Storey, of tho Chicago Tim cs, has beon bought for a convent. Th is is not what Mr, Storoy intended It for, but perhaps it is just as well. Only Teiuncrnnco Hitters Known. IS II11I1J 1 I.B.1L LJJ.ff 1 ff on titer turd Irlno known no effect n nil vriniw tho blood of deop-watMl iiiiuinit uor icfciiiuoiiy 10 us wonucntu Cnnttlvo fTcctf. It In a purely Vccrtitbto rremratlon, mnrte from tho native livrbit oik! roots ot Call torn tn, tho ouiliclii&l proitertU'S ot which are extracted there from without the mfo of Alcohol, II remove Hie can no of dJieare, and tho patient recover hU health. It In tlio u rent lllootl Purifier ami Ufa firing Principle; a (Jctillo PurKatho nnd Tonic; a Kjrfuct ltcnuvfttur and Imlgorutor of the yttcm. ever lcforc In tho history of tho world has a mcillclnu run compounded powHulinf tho power of Vineoaii Hitter? lu hcaliuif tho flick of CTury dlscaso lnau la Mr to. Tim Allerntlvp AtxrlonL Dlatthorcttc. Car. ml native, ntritloun, Laxative, Sedative, Counter Irritant, Hmlorlfic, Antl-lUllou, Solvent, Diuretic and Tonic properties of Vinegar 1)itt.H3 uxeved thorn of nny other medlelno In tho world. No icrott can tako tho JIitteim according to directions nnd remain long nmvell, provided their rxiucs are wn uesiroyeu ny mineral jioitiou or oilier means, nnd tho vital organs wasted Iwyoud the iKlnt of reitalr. union, jtonutif tit, intermittent and -Malarial Fctcra arc prevalent throughout tho United States, particularly In tho valleys of our great titers and their Mint tributaries during the Summer and Atitnmn, especially during Masons of unusual heat and dryness. Tlieao V event are Invariably accompanied by extcusivo derangement a ot tho vtomach, liver and bowel h. In their treatment, n purgative, exerting a power tul Influence upon tuewj orantt. Is absolutely necessary. Thero In no ratlinrtlo for the purpose equal to lir, J. W'ALKEn'a Vinkoaii Hittkus, as It will pedl1y remove tho dark-colored ilscld matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the saino tliuo tllmn Jatinj? the accretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho dlgOHtivu rortlfr tlio botlv arralnst disease tvrnurlfrlnff all Its fluids with Vinmiah ltiTTEiis. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. It litvltFiiriitL'M tlio Ntoinuclt and trtlmti lata tho torpid lAver and lioweK cleansing tho tooa ot an impurities, imparting lire ana vijcor 10 the frame, and carrying off without tho aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from tho system. It la easy of administration, prompt In action, and certain In Its results. DywitcpNlit. or I ml lifcbtlou, Headache, Pain In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tight uew of tho Chest, lneumonlat Dlzztneas, Had Taste in tho Slouth, lllllous Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are at lloved by Vinegar UiTTEits. For Inflammatory and Chronic nhcuma tlsm, Oout, Neuralgia, Diseases of tho Wood, Liver, Kidneys and Wadder, the Hitters have no oqual. In these, as In all constitutional Diseases, Walker's ViKEOAB Hitters has shown Its front curative powers In tho most obstinato and Intractablo cases. JHccIinnlrnl Il no fiNes Persons engaged In Taints ond Minerals, such aa Plumbers, Type setters, uoiu-beaters, anu miners, as mey auvauco In life, are subject to Paralysis of tho ltowels. To guard against this, tako occasional doseu of VlNEniR It ITT E 113. Mkln IlcatcN, Pcrofula, Baltltheum. Ulcers, RwellingH, Ilmplea, IMstulea, lioils. Carbuncles, King-worms, Hcald-head, Bora Kyea, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, DIscotorations, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by tho use of tho Bitters. IMn, Tape and oilier Worm! lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, uo anthelmintics, will free tho system from worms like V retain UirrEas. iTj vuni(.f ni'Hnri rcvcri iuuuipn, uwjiiu)( Cough, and all children's diseases may be made lss severe bv keenlnir the bowels onen with mild doses of the Hitters. This wonderful remedy ia especially adapted to the systems of children, for fmnrymg nerus aioue give it its remaritauie cum Ive ixw era. It coutaius no alcohol, opium or other poison. For Female Coniplnlnts, lu young orold, married or single, at the Unwn of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Hitters has no equal. Clean wo the Vitiated lllood when Its Im purities burst through the hklu in Eruptions or Sores; cleanse It when obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when It Is foul; your feelings will tell you wheu, and the health of the system will follow. lu conclusion t Give the Hitters a trial. It will speak for Itself. One lottle is a better guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Around each bottle ore fuudirectlons printed In different languages. It. II ItlcUonald Trtiir Co,, Proprietors, Ban Trancleco. 01., and IM K tftl Waahinffton Ut, Cor. charllou bL, New lork. Sold by all Healers and Druggists CQURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesalo Healera in Crockery, Glassware, Tablo and lockct Cutlery, vviimuw uiass una i'iaicuwure. Tho 6 candle-power mnr.sH electrlo lamp. 'ino ceieuraiea 1'iuaioro turner. Hlrd Caies, Fruit Jara. 122 Lackawanna Avenue. SCIUNTON, Pa. may My A "rrnr71f HUTCHKIiS AND CI A'(tAH,MANUFAUl,UUllbSI Hutchers to buy tho Star Meat Cutter, Cigar Manufacturers to buy tho DAISY SCRA MACHINE. Theso Machines aro warranted to bo tho bost la neniaiKcu henuror circulars 10 S. JJ. WANNKIt, Jiluo Hall, l'emi'a. BCp-lMl-lt I'ltlCK LIST ov ROOFING SLATE On Cars at Quarry. No. l slate $ to f No. l Mb blato 3.uo to a.ii N'comls 3.00 o. s inn siato 2.S0 licit Mato 10.M drccn Mlatc j.m J. I.. IIVIXi ia Lackawanna venue, Scranton, ra ilayssa-ly T... IIMM A imndsome VAHt L.MP (,'lven S P.firPP.R with a order for Tea and rorr ?5 UUiiUU"'- An Iron Mono CIIAMIIKU o sirr, 10 pieces, oraTIIASET. 41 pieces, or a luimlsomo liluiN.i: HANUINO I.AMI' Klvcn wltlia tiuorder. A oilAMHKK SOT nfiu pieces, mm uiue, uiuruuu ur uiik uauu ur uu iiiu. STONK CHINA TEA hKT ot wl pieces, or a (II.ASS WST of 50 pieces gltenwltli alls order, HANI)- komk i'Ki:.Miu.M3, consisiinff oi lwcoraieu unina Ware In Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea sets com bined, and Chamber Seui, etc., etc., given wlih orders for 118, jgo, ill, ri and 150. Scud for clrcu. lar, which will glvo you full particulars. (IKAND UNIO.N TKA UUII'ilHI, S3 HOUlll Main M., Wilkes liarre, ra. neaanuar. ton S) Front street. Hew YorK cny. may i-iy PATENTS Obtained anil nil patent business attended to for moueruiu let's, our omce Is oddosUo tho U. . Patent Olllco. and we can obtain Patents In less time than tnoio re mote from Washington, xend model or drawlnir. Wo advlso as to pat cnl ability free ot charge, and wo nuko no charge unless paiem. n H'cureu. o rvier neru, 10 inu i-usimuhiur, mu oupu ui Money Order llv., and to olllclals of tho U. S. Patent omce. For circular, advice, terms aud references to actual clients In your own btatq or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., Onnoslto Patent Olllco, Washington, 0. 0. an Ml BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL so. The undersigned kavlntr nut his Planlnir Ml on Itallroad street, In nrat-ciass condition, Is pre. pared to uo an kidqs oi worn m uis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned ana none dui sniueu wornmoo areompioyea. ESTIMATES TOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and speclnca ions prepared by an eiporiencea araugniaman CUAItLKS HRVD, IlloomHbiirer, Ia $50 REWARD. I'Olt . Every Ounoo of AiluHoinllon INTliK mw PROCESS SOAP TUB WONDERFUL 3-LB BAB. MADE ONLY UV ' GowuiiK & Stover, liuffalp, N. Y. For alo by all fiiHt-claas groccrn. Api 11 10-l-yr r 70 U7 us n a good ukason ron happiniSss. "For many years I had surrcrcd from h com" plaint which the physicians call gravel. ) had employed some of Iho most noted doctors Without obtaining any permanent relief, and for n long time my case was regarded ns hopeless. All who know my circumstances said 1 must die. Finally my wlfo Induced me to try a bottle of l)r. Ken nedy's 'Favorlto llemedy,' which she had some-, whero heard ot or seen advertised. Without tho slightest fnlthln it, but solely to gratify her, 1 bought a bottlo ot a drugglit In our village. 1, used that and twoorthreo bottles more, and -to mnko a long Btory short I am now as healthy n man as thero Is In tho country. sinco then 1 liavo recommended 'Favorite. itcmcdy' to others whom tknew to havo suffered' from kidney nnd liver complaints; and 1 assuro tho' public that tho 'l'avoilto llemedy' has dono Its work with nblmllar completeness in every etnglo Instance, nnd I trust some other nick and discour aged mortal may hear of Hand try tho 'Favorlto Ilcmedy.'as I dld.-Wasulngton Monroe, Catsklll, DON'T tST A Frtm.m! pmrlnnrm ncrntiiftt. nnniilnr tncdlclht1 stand betweon nu nnrl thn'tinnlVl, nr your wire, child or babv. It Is always right to '" w uiessinc. nr. Kennedy's "FaTOilto ltemly is a blessing. It has saved thousands, and It Will licit! VOll. IfVnil nr.mU.krrAm Imnhlna of the kidneys, bowels, liver and blood, sicnd ono dollar for this king ot medicines. TI1U (IKliAT I ol an Aitsoi.i'Ti: cum: ron CATARRH. rriHK tnot tut I nml )i;io nut JL uhcru illrrc (tutilmrn wc Jlchl lcmllly tult n'ji iuiuii iu uru it einifja care rretluiHntu foltnunl. ltttKtiPffwa lias uccu rcnmrknitioaiKi fUcurci wonder ful. It In tlio iiio-asucoo'riil jiri'iMiatlun lit tho lii;irWtfir CATAUKII aiul tlio only uno Unit itruiulKcH an Almolulo, roltUn (Jure. It Is truly a Ittunlnif to niaiiUliul. A Trial U nil that U iiKi'cl fur It, Dnco UHcd. It Is nlwitm rocommcmte.l. Soti.l tor te-tlniuiilah ufuctiil urvt, IT HAS x Kll'AL von MALARIA. A POSITIVE CVRH IS ASSURED. Ono Imttlo is iruncrallv rufHolent for a. euro. Sinn tnUinr Quliilm. Atrial only l ankcil fnrKKL- tEll'H (UTAIUtU IlKMKDV. It U (I Hri'ICIPlU for nil illyuit.t'Jiirl?lmr fiotn nil lintuiro hlooil nml ilrhe-4 nil crupttoiig Jroin tho tkln. Fur Si)i In tlio inurktt. Uno bottlo wilt cure moil of tho follow I nir pumhltilnti nnl a contlnuutl uo will ruaiTiVKLY rmo. S.ivo iloetor hilU nnd try It, K1IHUMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN KKUlTIOXS. VKMKIiKAL DISKASKS. DYSPKPSIA. LOSS OF AIIKTITK. FKKLIXd OF LANdOUU. IIILIOUSKKSS. LIVKK TROUBLES. KEHVOUS IVKAKTi:SS. FKMALi: WKAKMiSS. Kkm.ku'h (Utaui.ii Humkdv l no riatcnt iiictliclut', hut a fiifo mill ploimiint iri'arntioii to tako an.l curoly tho iri cutest mcdictit tlidcov ery of Iho nifi One hottlo ri'juvcnatiH thocntlro a.-tciii ami ilU8tc4 moro Urtuo than u half J urn i huttlM of ordinary pntciit l-ri-paratloni. ino nr lufitinoniai j uiui ouiit iniorniution. Hif'i ur mq bv uru'urlhtit iccnorully, iMiicr, ni.iiu a iiottm:. mx iit. t:.i:s ron is.t.oo. On reci-ipt or a.t.oo hy Ilarri huiy. l'.t.. ilx hottk-s wilt bo font oxuroia Ml.l. IT LEADS ALL. No other Moml-purlfying mcdlolno la malo, or lias ever bauix prtpuml, which so com plotcly' inoetK tho wnnU of physic ians nnd tlio general public us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It lcfitU tho Hit ns a truly sclent I lie prepara tion for nil bio I tlUo.isus. if there Is u lurk Cnnnrill n IngUlutof Scrofula about you, OUnUrULA AVi:itN SVKSVfVKtLLA will disliHjo it uiui ex-l tt from your system. I'or coiHtltutlonil or scrofulom Catarrh, PjtTJIDDU A KIt'S IAIMUILLV in tlio UfllHnnn :ruo rcinu-ly. it lui curixi uumbcrlesA cas. It will stop the iiaustioua catarrhal iINeli.troii, and reioovo tho etcken lug ottur of tho bieath, which aro ludluailouj of lorofutous origin. HlPCDnilQ 4,tto,Ter.,Sept.2M882. u U LUCrtU UO At tho ago of two yuara ono of Qfipro my children was terribly nillict.-.l UUnCO with uletirons running mvui uu Its faco atnl neck. At tho rumo thuo ltd oyea wero suolleii, much hut imM, and vcryitoro. QflDC PVCO llil "Wiin to W u that iitjow OUnu Llto frfulalterutlvumoillciiieuuut bo einiilusod. They unlteU lu recommending Avku'h Sihu'iu(.ia. A few dnsm pn-diim-d a H'reetlblo Iniprooinent, v-lilch, by an adliurcuco to your ilirertloiH, wzi euullii tied to a eomploto aud K-riiniitiit euro. No ovidenco lew !neo npoatil of tho uxUteueo of any scrofuloud teiulucies; and no treat ment of any diorilr wa ever attended by moru irnmpl or i llectiul remit. Voura truly, II. !. Johnson.' VUM'ARED IlV Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.. Lowell, Mass. Bold by all DruM; t, tlx bottles fur $5. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES. MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Mruuins Iiintriiiueiit.i I'lilloauplilral nnd Clifuilrul ApnnrntuM. lint anil DutioriuUoiM uf our Tim wtot rHKKon aplicatUm. QUEEN CO. 924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. toljiMy MOTH Kits, why will you contlnito to suffer, nnd etrugglH to boar up under your unilcllons, when 11 fow p.iekageH of Dr. Kilmer's COM I'l.KTK FHMAI.i: UUvKliV uwarrantulto curojou. Aek jour druggUt for It. ii. IK vol) linvo Urethra, Irritation, iniMromatlon or Ulceration, or Catarrh ottlio madder Hr. Kll uicr'aHWASII'.Ktwil' mil hou mlly heul you. Ask jourdrugglbtforlt, t6c.,tl. IP YOU can't llo on bide, or havo lo bo ljolslered up In Ixul, ur huio lieen ou'r-heaUl by hiitiBlroko or other causo -l)r, Kilmer's ocit.VN Wi;i:i) U jour only remedy, Hruggtstshell It, II, IP YOUH children luvo Croup, nr Whooping t'ough-lir. Kllmei's INDIAN CONSUMITIONOlt wlllguutiulckrvllet. Ask jour druggU torlt. 250., 5(C, 11. N.W.AYER 81 SON ADVERTISING AGENTS bJHSSI&o PHILADELPHIA Cor, Clu.tiiiil un.l i:llilli M. Iteccltv Adurlliuiiiit fur Hilt Taper. tollMAItObt Lowtat Cuah Rates inCC SBilSllr AVER & SON'S MANUAL jam GAfAlKH mi. The Sewing Machine. BOMK INTEllESTlNd FACTS AS TO INVENTION AND INVFNTOItS. ITS llttsburg Letter In Sewing Maclilno Times. Aa historicfil facts nro growing moro interesting each year concerning tlio lirimo movers of tlio crcat Bowlnc ma chine industry, I wish to givo you what x Know about tlio king ot tlio sowing mnohlno business, I. M. Singer. It is said that Ettas llowo nover mailo a machine that would row perfectly, but that Mr. Singer did. All authori ties givo Howo credit for tho invon tlon, and tho country blacksmith did well toward that end, no doubt) but he got his idea fiom n defective machino mado by 'Walter Hunt, of Now York, in 1832. Hunt invented tho paper collar nlso. llo demonstrated tho fact that n machine could tako a stitch, but ho could go no farther, and Howo pat ented tho model and got an offer from a Loudon firm of comet makers, who gave him two years in which to perfect Ii'h machino and adatl it to their busl ncsn. They fitted up a machino shop nnd paid him for his time, but it wns a tnlltirc, nnd ho returned to America diconsolato. Tho problem was solved thus: About forty years aro a man named Kogun owned a wood o.irving establish ment on Fifth Avenue, this city (Pitts burg). Among his workmen was I. M. Singer, who was an export in mak ing wooden letters for signs. Many of theso old letters aro still to bo found in tho rubbish of Pittsburg gar. rets. Mr. Sinccr in thoso days was 'hard up" in tho fullest sense of that term, and was somewhat of a lioliem- in habits and lasto. Ho left this iky and tramped to Now York, whero ho obtained work in a similar establish ment, his now employer being engaged perfecting a machine for sawing out letters a soit of scroll saws at any ralo Mr. Singer helped him to com plcto it. Tlio inventor went to Mr. Clark, a noted lawyer on patents, in order to gi-t his scroll saw patented. iio tooK jur. Sanger along to better ex plain to tho lawyer tho working speci fications aud plans of the scroll Baw invention. Whilst thero Mr. Olark snoku inci dentally of tho failure of Elias Howo to perfect, his sewinir mnchino in Lon don. Singer listened attentively, and. t is said, asked many questions con cerning tho difficulty. "ISy tieorge, exclaimed binijer, "1 can tnako that thing work." "Ultra is a tortuuo tor you if you do," said Mr. Clark. "I can do it. 1 havo the idea now, enthusiastically eoutinucd Singer. then it is recoided how lie looked lown at his shout, A'itli tho soles loose and his clothes in tatters and ra"4. Ho wilted (so to speak) and exclaimed: "I am talking wild; I haven't money enough to buy a screw." '1 will tell you what I will do. said Clark. "I will tit you up a shop in tho loft of my stable, furnish you wi.h everything you need to work with and live upon, and givo you two months to makuit go. If you are suc cessful I will get all necessary patents, and tako halt ot my investment. "It s a go, said Singer. Inside oi a month he had his ma chino working, using tho eye-pointed needle and shuttle invented by Hunt, but with an addition it mado a contin uous stitch. Thero was ono defeel, ion-over. His machine failed to draw up the stitches and left each ono with loop on both sides of tho fabric. Upon this ho worked night and day until tho last day of his timo came. Ho worked at it until noon and thon tarted for his dinner. A thought struck him, and back through tho streets ho started on a run for his shop. Ho sic.ed a little piece of wire, cave it several bends and inserted it in tlio machine. This was the little "spiral" called a "laku up," which to-day is found in otic form or another in every machino. It was a suceoss I I!y tho timo Klias Howe got back from England he found three machines n Ameiica Hint would sew; nil were i.ncd on his patent tho Singer, the Wheeler & Wilson and iho Grovcr & Haker. Ho found that Singer had sold 1000 machines. Ho brought suit and succeeded in getting iudgmcnt for 80,000 royalty on those sold, and fur ther established a royalty ot 20 on each machino sold by any of the three hrnv. After this Howo got a man named Taylor to work on a machine, and he finally succeeded in inventing an en tirely new one, which took Howe's name. About this tunc rumors reached tho other firms that models mado by lliiot and antedating Howes wero in existence, and they seemed ono from Baltimore. 1 hoy held a consultation and sent for Howe, nnd showed him tho model, nnd their proofs that Hunt invented it long beforo his patent was applied for. Howo was broken up badly and made n clean breast of it. llowo left tho ollico and happened to meet his lawyer on the street. To him ho confided tho whole matter. "I w fix that," said tho lawyer, and they started back. "Now, gentlemen," ho said, address ing tho sewing machino proprietors, "you nro simply killing the gooso that lays tho golden egg. You lot this thing get known and icfuso to pay Mr, Howo his royalty and you will hayo to sell your machino at $25 instead of SILT). Inside, of a year there will bo a hundred sowing machines in tho mar ket, all of them using tho patent you now hold. ' Thoy saw tho point. A compromise, was effected, by which Elias Howo continued to get a royalty of 2 on each machino instead of 820. Two dollars also went into a gcnoral til ml to light other companies into sub mission to their control. This was the famous "combination" which mado millioi's upon millions of dollars, and furnished much cause for denunciation on tho part of many will-meaning peo pie. iho llowo machino then was really tho Taylor machine, nnd Singer, who was a Pittsburger, made tho (list machine ihat would sew, llo died worth SI. '(,000,000, to say nothing of tho millions ho squandered. How to Wulk for Eieroise- If walking nlono is adopted ns tho moans to counteract tlio (.'fleet of too much sitting, then euro should no taken that system enters into the walk. A slow, desultory sore of walk is of no earthly line: it simiily tires ono with out any beneficial result. Tho walking should bo brisk, with the head up ami Iho chest thrown forward. Tho breathing should be regular and as freo as tho swing of tho limbs. Tho dis tattoo is optional, of course, but two miles ought to bo no task for tho man who wants to improve his health, The distance can bo increased as tho pedes Irian begins to feel tho benofit of tlio walking. .V. i. Mr, JOH WOHK NKATIA' EXKOUTKD AT THIS OKFICK. THE GREAT ill., ft IK C VmreTfMUTC Ul'l" or 1 vt tiwt e In mout li; O X ilLt i UlTlO toniriio raited wlilto or cov with a brown (ur; naln In tlio back, sides, or Joints often mistaken for rlieiimnthiii; four stomach; losa or at with; sometimes namo-n nmt trnler brnsli, or IndlKCKllon.' II nt nlcticy nnd neld emeu Hon, bowcli nllernntely cosllvo nml Inxj intA! AciiBi loss of memory, wllh n pnlntul sensation ot Unvlnif fnlhHl to do bo r,ct tilntr wiiich nnttlit to linvo been ilnne; VKimiTr; low nplrltn; ntlilek, viuot npponrnneo of tlio skin nml eyes n dry couirlii fever, rcstlrnHtittw; the tin no Is lunnty nnd I1I2I1 colored, nnd, If nlloweil to stand, deposit! 11 (Mil menu (1'lHtHt.Y VnOKTAW.K) Is generally used In tho South to nrouso tho torpid Hut to a lienllhy ncllon. IT ACTS WITH HXTIIAOKUIHAKV IKKICACY OS TUB L 1VUH, KIDNliYS and BOWELS. AN lil'l'KOTirAI. NI'KC'inOFOIt MAI.AI1IA, UU'KI'8IA, 1-ONSTirATION, lllt.IOl'SNKrS, KICK 1IKAUACIIB, JAUNUICK, NAl-SIA, roue, MENTAL DintK'SIOM, BOW KL COM TI.A I NTS, KTC KTC, KTC. Indorsed by thousoof 7 millions of bottles ns The Best Family Medicine Tor children, for ndults, nnd for Iho Deed. SIK. TOl im: is lit COMIITICIX Or TIIKMSTLXI J. H. ZE1LIH & CO.. SOLBriioPBiiCTOiis, 1'IIII.ADKI.I'IIIA, PA, 1'lltCK, fl.U). mny sa-ly A PRESKNTll our lenders for iseentsln poitnceMnmp'jto 1 nay for mnllltiK nnd wrapping nnd namci of two liook airenw. mil reeelv.i l'lllii: a Meel Hnlih rarior Kngruunif of nil our i'HKSi HKNTH, li.cludlnsr Clou-land, slzo itjxw Inch, worth 11.00. Address Eider Pub. Go..Gliicago, III. JulylMy RAILROAD TI1MH TABLE. D KLAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WK8TKHN A I). DLOOMSDUKG DIVISION. NOltTII. I STATIONS. I SOUTH. STATIONS. ...Scranton.... ....Ilellevuo.... ..Tnylurvillo. , Icknwantiu.. p.m., n.m n.m. tun. p.m. c 10 j 15 i U'l t is a a a 10 fl uu as 2 it, 0 sr u at a 2 u ui i .11 s M 13 '.'IS 8 4S IS i!2 8 40 12 1.1 s so , 8 21) . S 23 . 8 111 . S II) . 8 31 12 OS 8 27 12 til 8 22 11 rs 8 II 11 SI 8 12 11 50 S US It 47 S OS 11 41 5 U'l 11 43 7 5'J II as 7 .'.I 11 :il 7 so 11 :) T 4:1 11 21 7 au 11 12 7 IS II lit 7 11 10 51 7 05 10 4! C 58 10 41 U 51 10 as u .vt 10 :u 6 42 1C 27 6 3)1 1 21 6 30 10 10 0 25 10 11 0 OS IX C (10 U 4'J 6 U V 45 5 40 32 p.m. turn. ..l'lttbton u 31 u 41 a at 8 01 ..Weat I'lttbton. 0 40 U 47 2 3(i 7 ss Wyoming.. . 7 51 1. . ..Maltby 7 SO Dennett 7 t: ....Kingston.... 7 47 ....Kingston .... 7 42 l'lyinouth Juno 7 38 ....l'lymoutu.... 1 31 .... Aiondnlo. . 7 .H'... Nuntlcoko... 7 SI Hunlock'a Creek S 45 53 2 II 11 4'J 5t 2 41 0 51 10 012 47 0 5H 10 15 3 SO li 58 10 (15 1 50 7 IB! 10 102 55 7 07 10 153 01 7 13 10 20 3 05 7 1.1 10 25.1 10 7 21 10 18.1 27 7 u.MileksUlnny.. 10 413 i ll 7 00 6 M I'. 47 n 11 u tis 0 31 0 2; 6 21 Hick's Ferry..' 7 so 11 11 .1 : lieachllnven,. 57 I Oil 3 58 uerwick ... ..llrlnr Creek.. ..Willow drove. ...Mtnollklgo.. 8 (II 11 114 U.I 8 10 11 20 1 13 8 14 11 314 IS 8 18 U 2i) 4 21 8 25 11 .HiS 4 27 ...IUooiilbburg...1 S 30 11 44 4 31 .... Itupcrt 8 30 It 50 4 40 (,'atnwl'n lirldgo 8 41 11 55 4 4G . . Danvlllo.... s 5S 12 1:1 .1 01 ...X'hulasky.... u 0.1 13 35 13 ....Cameron.... u os 12 2.15 1 ...r.spy, 0 111 0 11 5 MS 5 I.I 5 I! 5 32,NorthutnberIatid U 25 12 405 as a.m. I a.m. p.m. W. F. IIAI.STIS.U, Kupt. .Superlntcndeut'ij oaiM, sorantou, 1-Vb.lbt.is3 Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Noftliern Central Railway. 1x1 TIME TABLE. In crfect Aug. 30th, 1SS5. Trains leavo Sun bury. EASTWARD, 0.41 n. m.. Sen Shore Kxnresa (dally excent Sunday), for Harrlsburg tindlutcriuedlatobtaiions, arriving ut rhll.idelplila3.15p. m. ; New York 0.20 p. lu. ; llaltlmore, 4. 10 p. in. ; Washington, 6.50 p. in., connecting nt 1'hlladelplila for all Sea Mioru points. Through passenger coach to l'hlladclphla. 1.40 p. m. Day express dally ojeceptSunday),forHarrl-.biirgnnd Interme dlato stations, arriving ut 1' h 11 n d 0 1 p h 1 n ii.50 p. in. ; New York, D.3.1 p. 111. j llaluuioru c.45 p. 111. ; Washington, SOO p. in. l'arlor car through to l'hlhulelphla nnd passenger coaches through to l'Ulladelplita and Uallltuorc 8,05 p. m. Wllliainsport. Accommodation (dally, for Harrlsburg and ull Intermediate htallous, uirlv. Ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. in. : New York 7.00 a. 111. llaltlmore, 5.25 m. j Woslilugton tt.30a. 111.; St ?plng car accommodations can bo becured at Harrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, on sun. days a through bleeping air will bo mil; on this iratn irom viiitainsp 1 to i-niiaueipuia.i'nuaueipnia jiasbengera can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 2.35 a. m. Crlo Mall (dally except .Monday, for Harilsburg and lntermedlalo btntlons, arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.30 a. in. ; llaltlmoru 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, u.2.1 11. 111. Through Pullman bleeping cuts am run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoru and Washing ton, una lurougu passenger coauues 10 ruuauci phla and llaltltnot'c. WKSTWAltD. 5.20 n. m. Krlo Mall (dally excent Sunday), foi Erlo and all Intermediate btutlons and ua and Inlermeuiato btations, uociiesier, nulla jnnd NhiL-ara Falls, with llnouiiU Pullman Pal- nee cars and passenger coaches 10 i:rlu and Koch ester. u.M-.News express many exoeni nunuay) tor Lock Haven and intermeUlatc btations., 11. 11L Mairara Exnress (daily exceut Sun- aay) lur itnuu uuu luienueaiaie biuiiuus uuu uuu- amiaiirua unu oriiicitiai inieniieuiaio buiiiuus. Um-tieter. llulralo and NluL-arn Falls with through passenger coaches lo Kauo and Itochcstcr uuu rauurciu iu auhiiis. 5.30 0. iil lasi uuu (uat y except, sunaayiror lie. nolo and lnteitneUtate btations. and Klinlra. Wat. kins aud lutei incdlato btations. with through pas- benger coacuea iu jieiiuiu ana iiimiis. t.20 n. in. Sunday man or ueuoio unu lntcrnr dlato btations. THHOUdll TUAINS FOHbUNUUHY FHOMTllIi E.STAMISUU'lll. Sundav mall leaves PhlladelDhln 4.30 a. m Harrlbburi.' 7.40 ai riling at hunburv U.20 a.ui. with lurougu sleeping car irom i-utiaueipnia tu uu iiauispoi 1. News Kxnress leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n. in. Harrlsburg, s.10 u. m. dally except Sunday arrlllnir at tiuuburv U.53. a. tu. Niagara Express leaves 1-uiiaaeipnia, 7.40 a. in. ; iiaiiuiore 7.30 u. in. (uany exceoLhumtav urrlvlng ut sunburv. 1.05 11. m.. with ihrutigu Parlor car from Philadelphia una lurougu passenger uuacues iruiu imiauei piuaunu uauimum. Fast Uno leaves New York 11.00 a. in. ; Phlladel. nhla. 11.50 a. in. : Washington, a. so il in. : Haiti more, 10.15 iu in., (dally except Huudaj-) arriving at Duuuury, o.ou J. ui., ,iiiu luiuup yunavuifei coacnes irom t-iiuaueipuia uuu naiiimure. Erlo Mall leaves New York s.u) 0. 111. : Phlladel. phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.10 t. in, ; luitl- more, 11.2U p. 111., (uauy except.saiuruay) arriving at sunbury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaluuioru aud through passenger coaches (roiu Philadelphia. NUMII'ltYi IIA.l.KTON .V Wll.KUSIIAllltl! KAII.ltOAII AMI MlltTlI AMI WEST HUA.MJIl Kill, WAV. (Daiiv exeent suuuay.l wilkflifimi Mull leaves buubury 10.01a. m. arriving at llloom Ferry 10.63 a. m., Wllkes-barre 12.18 p. in. Express Hast leav es Bunbury 0. 15 p. in., arrlv Ing at llloom l-erry U.37P. m., vviiKiw-u.irro 1,03 p. m Munbury Mall leaves Wilketbirro I0.4ua. 111. arrlv imrut nionin Ferrv 12.08 11. in.. ismiuury l.iu P. 111 Rxnn-ss West leaven Ukes barro 2.45 II. 111., ar rlv lag ut llloom Ferry 4.15 p. iu.,bunbury 5.10 p.m' bUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Bunbury 0.C5 a. in., arriving nt. Kerrv 111 11 a. in.. W llke.ll.irro 11:35 n.m. Kunday neeoinmoilatlon leaves Wllkps-liarr0 p. in., arriving ui iiiuoin i err), ,;ii p. in., .wiumy, 7:55 p. in. CIIAS. 15. PUOH, J. It. WOOD, uen. Manager, ueu. passenger Agent ALEXANDER B. :: CD. Offer to tho Trado their Pino Ilrand of Cigars. Tho Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, Dams:n, and Cosmop olitan J''ino Fruits and Fino Confectionery on hand. Fresh every week. Illooins burg, l'a. Feb. 27 SELWVM HALI READING, FEiiN. Hi tr ill ' li. i l.iiv , I. ..I r..r I'j.v. duclrl iimmi I l.i, JI HKiiry ilun. Itu) iiul uiiy age niliiiiliil s.-ii i f,.r rxtiili,,: u., I .tiiih tic L, C. BISHOP, Head Master, Reading, Pa. aug :i e-t jjjgLja LIVER lawjjrjlMjf DISEASE. ODD ITEMS. Tho first Atlantio cablo was laid in 18GG, IJIaino is tho namo of n now countv in tho State of Nebraska. Nino hundred and fiftv-fivo farms In iowa are owned by women. Ilrrtford has n 13-year-old tlrl who lips the beam at 20." pounds. A brand new kind of niiarauus is a hnrtietiltural tiititnph iu liostou. (told w.nih S3).H()t).00.1 wns duir Irom Uncle Sam's licit soil in 1 Hit I. t Ynkntsk, Siberin, Iho earth is nl- wajs frozun to a depth of over fifty kit. In Montreal they talk of annexation as though it wero a thing of next week. California is selliur; cranes by tho wagon load at less than tlio cost of ltnv wood. Seasickness ratisi d thn death of a yachtsman off tho Knglisli conut to ccntly. In lioston the richest lawyer is Syd ney Hartlett, set down as worth Si 2,- 000,000. San Dieco, Cal is to havo a water works system at a cost of some 8800,000. It is nucor, but nevertheless true, that, toasts are never intoxicated, though tlioy'ro always drunk. A Voodoo woman in Nortli Carolina actually friuhtcned four nctrrocs to death by putting tlio "evil eyo" on llictu. Tho custom of comiirossinc tlio foreheads of infants is fast dying out,'1 writes a corres ondont among tlio Flat heads. Tho school teachers of tho United States draw wag( s to the amount of $00,000,000 yearly an averago of S400 each.. Tho skull of Douclnss. tho Uto In dian war chief, is used as a naiior weight by tho editor of tho Glen wood (Col.) JMo. A Cincinnati husband who threat oncd to cut his wife's heart out and carry it around on a shingle got off with a fioo of $.5. Tho number of immiirrants landed at Castle Garden so far this year is 2o,0'H) less than during tlie corre-ipond- iij; lenuu oi joot. Near Canton Citv. Ore., tho othpr day, lightning molted an umbrella car ried by a contlomen without injuring uiu lauer in mo least. A hindooloom, comiilcto, oasts about sixty-eight cents, and weaves shawls, silks and muslins which our most ox- pensive can hardly equal. A lino lcdtro of uen nine marble has been found in the Wallowa vallev. Oregon. Tho ledge is said to ho from ten to fifty rods in width. A Cincinnati man has invented a powder, which, sprinkled upon small oysters, will cause them to swell up into lario and iuicy bivalves. A sweet poUto weighinc: 27.V noun ds and a squash of lO.lA- pounds aro among tho latent productions of San Uiego county, California. The retail liquor licemo in Fulton county, Ga., except in Atlanta, has been increased to $2,o00, lust live times as much a? heretofore. The Czar eats only one meal a day, and he doesn't oat that until it has been examined under a powerful mi croscope and tried by the cat. HonoH of some cigantio animals have been found lately in Colorado. Ono tusk belonged to a monster a quarter us largo again as Jumbo. Koiy stranger iu Sulpher Woll.Ky , s laUt'ii to see tho curiosity thero iu Uu- .aiii- ot a ucaltuy baby "J months ild atnl weighing only -t pounds. If ague or insanity U latont in a person it will almost always dovclop tsell at sea. bo Ur. t ournetiB.15rii.-o concludes, after studying tho biiqject. An Knslisli railway guard recently refused promotion, and it was elicited that his "tips" amounted to about 8o00 per annum over and above Ins wages. A consideration of tho highest im- portnuco in artificial illumination is that rooms should bo lighted only by means ot indirect rays or diltused light. Tho people of Sin Luis l'otosi, Mex ico, make war on tho grasshoppers by shooting lircworks off, Tho method succeeds admirably iu driving off tho pests. lie wished to impress a feeling for neatness upon his nlivo branches, and pointing to tho sin), observed to them: "You will perceive that oven tho sea is tuley. Europeans find tho heat of Algeria a great obstacle to agricultural work, and, to avoid much of it, they propose making harvests at night by aid of electric light. The total number of Dowering plants now known in litilisli Nortli America may bo estimated nt about 3,000 snccics against 10,000 in tho United States. Tho farmer is tho iiK'St independent man iu ino woiid. it you dou t be lievo this just follow him into tlio bank and watch him pay the interest on Ins mortgage. At the Keiiiiebuiikpoit pooihouso tramps nro given meals consisting of crackers, salt lu-li nml tea or collce, but they havo to perform nn hour's work bcloio getting the meal. Thero is said to bo such a glut of truit in Ualiloruia that hundreds of tons of plums and other varicliro will bo allowed to rot on the trees, as the prieo would not pay for tho picking, A colored blacksmith in Virginia has patented an invention which ena bles him to work a poweiful hammer with his foot while using holh hands to hold tho iron on the anvil. I no do vico cm also Im applied to driving a drill for initio or quarry work. A Wouderful Texas Boy. Johnny Kiz.letop is not ono of tho inou industrious boys in nan Anlomo. Mot long sinco hts father a-ked him "Is your teacher satisfied with you!" "Von bit ho is. Uo as much as said so yesterday." "What did ho say f file said that if all his scholars wero liko me, he would shut up tho school nud go home. lie meant that I kro.v nil that there is to be learned, and that ho can't te it-li mo anything more." ECONOMY THJG VKACTICAt, QUESTION Otf THE HOUlt. EVJ3HY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR THE SEASON, CAN JilC 150UGHT CBDEAPEE f MM EYIILt A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ntMerarnmuacHiiuRaasaE ALSO A LAUGH AND SKLKCT LINK OF Call and be Convinced that you have the T All OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THIS OF ISEooeusBHii'g, Fa, Fine Carnnges, liuggics and Wagons. At this Itepository nmyho seen a larco anil viirled selection ot (VEHICLES YOU BUSINJ2SS AND PLEASURE) rom tho best nmmifnclories. l'tirclmsurstiro Itivlteil to cull nnd inspect the gootls or to tJCSr1' Write for Information and Prices. upr.-S-SS-ly. II GMAIN STREET,) DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AMD JOBBER IM CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. for Infants and Children. I f.T.of .'f 'rcn n"1 10 children Uat I CastOTla cures Mle. ConMIpntlon. irocoiuiucmlltaasuiierlortoauyiircscrlpUoa I "r Btumach, Man-ham, llrucuilon, Imown to rao." It. A. Aucntu, J p I Kllla Wtirms, gives tlot-p, auJ jirouiotca di HI Bo. Oxford St, Urooklyn, it. y. Wlufouttojuriou, modlcatlon. Tint Cbstiub Coia-iKT, ia Fulton Street, K. V. f . f. mmr, 320 & 322 Pcim Avenue, l-'or tho Celebrated ChicUering, lvcrs it 1'ontl, nnd Vose &, Son I'liinos. 'Worldie liowned Kstey Organs, Violins, Aceoidenns nml Sheet Jlnsic. Celebrated While, New High Aim Davis, New Home, ltoyal St. John, 11ml Light Running Domestic Sewing Jliicltines. Needles, oil 11 nil titluehmenls for all makes of Sewing Machines. J Gtcreland Warerocms, Nc,;i28 Franklin Avenue. AUo Wmeiootus ill t'rauklln Ale. ami KM Con. .tcr Street. SCRANTON, PA. tot An) thing to make up anew wafjou or repair an old, in stock. J Jar Iron, and Steel Uolls, Unit Knds, Lag Screws, Turnlinekle's Horse Shoes, anil nil illaekfiiiilli supplies. Aprsi-iy asm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers