THE COLOMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tricks on the Tracks. l-ANnEHS HtOJt WHICH KNOINKE1IS RAVK THE l'Unl.10 AND THEMSELVES. The Hallway Jlevlete. Ono who Is nccuBtoincit to railway ttnvclitig can scarcely realize; how much ho la dependent for safety upon tho engliiocr. Added la tho rcspotisi bllltyiif their station, engineers nro also In constant danger of accidents caused by llio tiicka of jealous rivals. This nvalry, it is nnid, sometimes prompts to tho doing of utterly mean tricks. A Nicklo Plate rnglnecr after his very first trip was laid off becauso ho had "cut out' all tho bearings of Ills engine, llo was re-ltisUtcd, how ever, after !io pioved that somo rival hail filled his oiling can with emery. Another now engineer was suspended for burning out thu lines of his boiler. Through grief at tho loss of his position ho died, and then a coiiscionco-strickcu rival confessed that he had put oil in tho tank so that it foamed and 'showed water nt tho top gauge, when in reality thoro was scauoly a quart in tho boil er 1 Theso intense jealousies, together with tho tcrriblo anxiety incident to thoir work, has a tcrriblo straining eff ect on tho nerve, and statistics tell us that, though Locomotive Engineers may look sliong and vigorous, they arc not at nil n healthy class. Ex Chief Engineer A. S. Hampton, India napolis, lud., (Div. 113) was ono of thoso apparently hearty iuod, but ho says : '"Tho anxiety, strain and jolt ing camo near finishing mo." His RUlfcrings localized In catarrh of tho bladder, but ho used Warner's safe euro faithfully for twenty weeks and now exclaims, "I am a well man." T. S. Ingrahatu, of Cleveland, Ohio, assis tant Chief engineer, and other promin ent mombers arc cmphatio in its praise. Tho Locomotivo Engineers' Brother hood has 17,000 members and 210 divisions. Its headquarters is in Cleveland, Ohio, whero Chiof Engin eer Arthur for twenty years has exer cised almost dictorial sway. It was organized in August, 1863, by tho em ployees of tho Michigan Central. It has given nearly two million of dollars to tho widows and orphans of deceas ed members. What Ohanges Have Been Made A Iinini'' STATEMENT OF Till. CHANGES MADE IN THE l'MIMO 8EHVICE 11V rnESIllENT CLEVELAND. Washington Dispatch in tbo Kew York star. In tho Stqto Department changes havo been made in nearly all of tho important foreign missions and Con stilships. Changes havo been agreed upon in nearly ono hundred more cases, and by tho closo of tho year but few of tho old appointees will re main in tho Consular service. In tho War and Navy Departments tho pat roncgo is small and but few changes havo been mado. In the Department of Justico fully one-half of tho Marsh als 'and'listncr Attomcvs have been chanced. Tho showing in 'tho Treas nry Department is exceptionally grati fying. There aro two Assistant Secre taries, and ono is newly appointed, Thcro aro eight chief clerks, and two aro ot recent appointment, I wo Comptrollers aro new appointees, and of thirteen other heads of bureaus sov- en art- newly appointed. Out of seventy-scyen chiefs of divisions tbir teen aro, newly appointed. Of, ono liuntlre.drncd httcen Collectors oi Cus toms thirty-six aro now men. Then como in order thrco Naval Officers, ten Surveyors of Customs, nvo Inspectors of Steam Vessels and seventy-livo Collectors of Internal Revenue, each ono of whom has at least sixty places under him. Laborers to the number of ono hundred and fifty havo been appointed. In tho Post Oflico Department 523 Presidential Postmasters and 7,700 fourth-class Postmasters havo been appointed. Eight hundred clerks out ot -tjUUU. in tho railway mail servico aro new men, and so aro fully one-half ot the chiefs of bureaus. In tho Inter ior Department consolidations aro in progress for tho good of tho servico. 15ut many changes have been mado in tho Patent Ollico. There aro twenty eight divisions, and twenty-six of these divisions requiro trained men of scien lilio research at their head. Tho chiefs of tho other two divisions are now men Besides theso thero havo been appoint ed in this ollico one clerk, hvo model attendants, four skilled laborers and twcnty.soven unskilled laborers. In tho Pension Bureau, of tho 805 special examiners, one-fourth havo been ap pointed tt'mco March 4, and of tho 2, 000 medical examiners 1,300 nro Demo- crats. A number of other changes hava been mado in this bureau. In the ollico of Indian Affairs, of tho sixty Indian agents, seventeen ate newly ap pointed, and tlicso have in turn filled several hundred places under thtm with new men. Changes in tho Land Ullico navo been important and others aro to ioiiow. An Asphalt Lake. A correspondent says ho never looks at an asphalt pavement or rolls along over its smooth surlaco m a carriage without thinking of tho curious island and tho still more (angular placo lrom which the material is procured. In about tho center of tho island of Trim dad, n dot in the Carribbean sea, just off tho coa9t of Venezuela, thcro is an asphalt lake. It is said to cover about ono hundred ncrrs, and is apparently inexhaustible. It Is n black sandy substance and is believed to bo crude rotten petroleum. A singular featuro of tho substance is that, although about iO.OOO tons aro taken out of (his Jako annually, it constantly fills up so that thero is no lessening of the supply. This singular lako of paving material U owued by tho Venezuelan govern ment, but leased by a company m Washington. Tlit-y have a licet of schooners tunning to Trinidad, and, having a monopoly of tho business, they import vast quanltics ot tho malo rial. "How many people,'1 inquired a Buf falo philosopher, "heuin icadiup; their daily newspaper nt tho beginning ?'' Tho result fxcited considerable discus nion. Tho result of a comparison of ideas and experiences on thu subject was that quite as many people opened their dailies and began at tho iniddlo of tho last pago as theio were rcadcis who started nt tho beginning of a page. Said a participant in tho discussion ; "If you observe n dozen men who tako up newspapers you will hardly find two who begiirto read nt the same place. (io into a lcstauraiit, u hotel ollico, or a club room, aud mako n few notes on thu methods of newspaper perusal." Thcro is a movement among tho prominent educators of Northampton, Carbon and Monroe o-mnties for the rstnblislimcnt of u Ktnto Normal in the Fourth dibtrict, which Is composed, in additjon to tho counties named, of Luzerne, Piko mid Way no couutie. j Bob Toombs Dying' THE UNItlXONSTIUJCTF.I) CONIKilKlUTi: SLOWLY l'ABSINO AWAY. General Bob Tombs is dying nt his homo in Washington, Georgia. His mind Is seriously affected and absolute ly void as regard curtain topics. His imagination carries him back twenty years, and ho cannot bo convinced that ho is nt home, but ho boliovos himself to bo in cither New York, ltlohmor.d, Montgomery, or Boston, or else traol ing tho old court circuit of his disttict which ho covered forty years ngo. Ho makes eloquent nrgiiincnts bo foro visionary bars, and during tho week entered Into an elaborate dis courso to provo that West Virginia was responsible for her sharo of Vlr plnia's bonded debt. Ho sometimes imagines himself in tho nrmy. Ho awoKO ono night during tho present week and asked to bo raised from his bed, as "tho enemy were coming." IIo then re-led his chargo at Antlctain and naked to bo laid down again, as "tho fight had finished." He has asked tho question several times, "Who Is It Hint is taking tho troublo to movo his furniture nil over tho United States, as ho finds tho samo furh'tturo in his room in every town in which ho stops." IIo knows his con dition and wants to die. IIo wanted to dio ever since his wifo passed nway thrco years ago. His physicians havo given up all bopo and say that his death may bo looked for at any time. Suing Oolonel M'Olnre. EDITOU COON OF WIl.KES-IIAKIti:, SEEKS UEVENOE FOR. Il.l.LK(lEl) I.IIU'.I.. J. C. Coon, editor and proprietor of the Wilkes-Barro Nccs-l)ealtr, has bo gun proceedings in criminal and civil libel suits against Colonol A. K. Me Clure,editor of tho Philadelphia Times. Tho articlo complained of appeared in tho Times of Thursday, May 21, ns a dispatch from Washington relating to tho visit of Coon and some friends to tho capitol in relation to the post-office appointment at Wilkesbarro. In the dispatch it was stated that Coon had served a term in jail for conspiracy and perjury. The Times says that at tho urgent request of Mr. Coon no further allusion was mado by it to his record. It then gives a synopsis of tho record as it stands in Luzerne county, and promises Mr. Coon that a speedy trial will bo given him. Wo aro of tho opinion that tho Coon will bo treed before ho gets through with theso lawsirts. Tho Times is n tough one to tackle on a libel suit. Over one million boxes of Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past twelvo months, purely upon their merits. Why suffer with Chronic Con stipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Female Troubles, when J. II. Mercer oflierB you relief and positivo cure in tho .Dyspepsia! ablets. 11c sells them on a guarantee. Thero aro scores of persons who are sintering trom some lorni ot blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Boils, etc., etc. After a practical test, J. II. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood Elixir will certainly euro all such dis eases, including Syphillis and Rheuma tism. It is net a patent nostrum, but a scientific preparation, he guarantees it. After a thorough test J. II. Mercer most positively asserts that Acker's English Remedy is tho best medicine for Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Whoop ing Couch, and nil Lunrf Troubles that can bo found. Ask him about it, for 1,0 tuny guarantees it. Only Ti-i'jpenuicu Hitters Known, IIJ1I1 JJ U.A.IL J J.P.I A . 1 Horitiod I c I no known to effectually purges million, bear tcnllmoiiy to IU wonderful -.nrallvt I'letts. It li. u iHirrly Vcsrotnble rreparotlon, iwiilo 'Oil! t 10 UutlVM lu-rt.i. nnr nf K.llf......l .... medicinal jro-jertlc of UIUi are extracted tLero ....... ...tuuu. .no uro Ul it IIUI1UI, I remove llio cause of cUkhbc, anil tho (MUentnmirrn hl lirattli. ,'.,t' K'O" IHood Purlfler andlJfo tiring I'rlnclplui (leiitlu l'urgaUto uud Tonic: a fwrfect Kenowitor ami lmlgoriitur of tho dyntc'm. Never Ixifore in tho liUtory of tha world Iish a medicine hora cumtiotiiuled ixwaunaliij; tho liowerof ViNtojn lliTTEns In liculliij! tho. nick of every dlseaao uiau la heir to. ' Tlio Allerntlve, Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car mlnatlvo, Nnlritloua, Laiatlve, Sedative. Conntcr Irrltuut, Midorltlc, Antl-MHoim. Rohvul, Diuretic and loulc proiertle of Vineoaii Hittkiu czwed thoso of any other medicine. In tho world. No iiorxou eau tulto tho jiitteiu according lo directions and remain Ioiijj unwell, provided their bonca aro not tlctstroyed hy mineral tulnon or other means, and tho vital orgaua wasted beyond tho mint of reimir. 1 lljllotm, Itomlltoiit, Intermittent and Ma larial revi-n aro prevalent throughout tho United btatca, particularly In tho all-a uf our creat rlrera and their Mitt tributaries during tho Bummer and Autumn, eepecially during eeaaona of uuuaual heat and dryneaK 'llieao l'evers aro Invariably accompanied by citenalvo dcranirementa of tho atomiuh. liver and bowela. In their treatment, n puruutUe, vxt-rtlnic a powerful lnftuunco upon thoao organa, la absolutely necenBary. ' Tliero i no rnllmrtlc for tho purposo canal to Dr. J, Wiumi'a Vinkuau IIittbiu. ub It will i-peedHy rcnioio tho darlt-colored llacld matter with which tlio bowela aro loaded, at llio nun tlmo atlmn. latlng tho aetretloin of tho liver, aud generally restoring tho healtliy funttlona of tho illgeatho organs. , ri;'r.','fr ,U.. h.Pay BIt tUwaHi ljy pnrlfylnsr all Ita flulda with Viniuih Uittiiu. No euldeinle can taVo hold of a aynteiii thus forearmed. It luvlifiirnltiK thu Ntuiiincli and itlmu- IUm tho .turpid IJver and llowela, cleansing tlio blood of aU iiupurltle, Imparting Ufa and vigor to tbo frame, and carrying off without tho uld of Calomel, or other tnlncruU, aU iiolaonoua matter from tbo syatem. It la toay of admiiuatraUon, prompt In action, and certain In Its result. ll pi ilu or I inllgeKlliiii, Headache, rain In Uie frhouldera. Coughs, Tlghtnesa of tho Chw.t, l"ueumonla, Wzitlnean, Ilud Taste lu tbo Jloulh. lllilom Attacka, ltolpitatlon of tbo lhart, and a, bundre.1 other painful syinptoma, aro at ouco .ro Uonxl by ViKtaiji IIittiuu. I'or lliiiiiiuulory and Chronic IlUouma tiam, Oout, Neuralgia, Ulseosea of tho lllood. I-Iver. Kidneys and llladder. tbo Hitters havo no equal. In thcar, us In ulloonaUtutlonul Klacaaea, Wintu'a VtNEOin Hmtns baa ahou Ita gieut curutho lwera In the moat obatlnaU) and lnUuclablo caitea. Jili'clinulrnl HUcn.o-rereona engaged In Valuta and Alluerala, eueti aa Plumbers, I'ypo-MrlU-ra, (lold-beatera, and Miners, as they ailvanco la life, are subject to I'uralyala of tbo llowela. To guard against this, toko occasional doses of Vikuiik Uitteiui. Ml hi Fcrofulo, Bait nheum. Ulopri, Rwelllngs, llmph-B, l"ustules, Jloila, Cnrliunelea, lUng-worma, Keald head, Hora V.ytM, Kryklpt-liu, Itch, Scurfs, lliscolorations, Humors and dlseastn of thohklu. of wbatover noma or natum. urnlltr. aUy dug up auil carried out of tho system In a short MlfltJ I'J ilia USU UI II1U illlUTH. 1'lu, Tupouud oilier Worms, lurking la tbo svstein of so manv tbowuinda. aro rrrivtmillv dostroyuit and removetl. No system of uillcine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintic, will frvo tho system from worms like Vinkuu lirrrtiis. Jtlcnslrs, Neurli t I'ever, Jluunw, Whooping Cough, and all children's diseases may bo niailu lo&4bovcro by keeping tbo bowels open with mild doses of tho miters. This wonderful remedy Is esjuicLUIy adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herlsi alono glvo it Its retiuu-kublo cura tlva nowers. It contalus no alcohol, onlum or other poison, J'ur I'einalo roniplulllls. In young or old, hiarrltsl or singlo, at tho dawn of womanhood, or tlio lurti of JJfe, this IlitU-rs lias uo oiual. ('lennso I It it Vltluteil lllood when Its lm- Ruiitles burst throiigb tbo skin In Eruptions or ores; cleanse It when obstnu7teil and sluggish In tho veins; cleanse, it when ft is foult your feelings v 111 tell you when, and tho health of tho skstau wUl follow. In 1'oncltisloiii fltro tho Hitters a trial. It will 4k for Itself. Ono lsittlo Is it better guar auusj of Ita inorlU than n lengthy oiUertiM-mout. AroiiiKleai li uoiiivarvriuimrvcuutrspiinuu lu dUfertnl laoguagia. Il II. Utt'IIonnlil Kriltf C Vroprlelori, Baa Vrsuclsiu, Pal , au-1 l'j,Luk L'rj Wasnlugtou lit., Cvr. Cbarltou bL, New ork, Sold by nil Hculcrs and Druggists.' I) DRATirY BIS' WIPD. A (1001) 1IKA80N FOU HArriNESS. "For -rr-nni t hAd Buffered from a pom- plaint which tho physicians call (travel. 1 had employed somo of tho most noted doctors without obtaining any permanent relict, and tor a long t Imo my enso was regarded as hopeless. All who khewmy circumstances said I must die. Finally my wlfo Induced me to try abotllo of Dr. Ken nedy's 'Kavorlta Itcmcdy,' which she had some whero hoard of or wen mUertlned. Without llio slightest tnllh In It, but notcly to gratify her, I hdught n botllo ot n drtiggM In our lllngo. t used that nnd twoortlireo bottles more, and -to make a long story short I am now nt healthy a man as there Is In, tho country. ''Wnoo then I havo recommended 'Favorlto llemedy' to othere wliom lkncw to havo surfercd from kldnoy nnfl liver complaints! nnd I assure tlio public that the Favorite llemedy1 has dono Its work with a similar completeness in every single lnstanco, and I trust somo other sick and discour aged mortal may hear of Hand try tho 'Favorlto llemedy,' as I did"-Washington Monroe, Catskllt, Iwt ur a foolish rHKJomcK ngnlnst popular medicines si and botween you and tho health of your wife, child or baby. If Is always right lo ndvortlso a blessing. , )r. Kennedy's "I'avorlto Ih-mody" Is , n blessing. It has saved thous.tndi, and it will help you. If you nroslck from troubles of I ho kidneys, bow els, liver and blood, spend ono dollar for this king of medicines. IKADfl WATtK HELLER'S MM BIE91 T11K liRliAT VI an Aitsoi.i'Ti: cum: rem CATARRH. fElini moft rtubliuTii cacn ylcM rcu.lHy to It I and liin tint f.iilotl In Citrc n dlnrlo cno A- whero JlruclU'innro fiitlmtttl, luacccai has lieoii ri'inai knlilotiti'l ltJtcnrt-ivomlcr. fuJ. It H thu iio-tim'fpnil iri'ii'iratlou hi tho mnrkrt for (JAVAUHI1 nnj llm only ono tlmt proii.Ic mi AlMiilutr. l'oItlvn Cure. It I truly ii 1k'jln;c to in.inklinl. A Trlitl In nil Unit U atUiil Titr Its Ufico 3(.M, It Is Mvwiyi roooiniiiciulol, fur tt'tlntoiitaU of actual cure, IT it as so xgtfAL you MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURR IS ASSCRED. Ono Initio U Koncr.illy rulllclcnt for a cure. Stop Ukln UuInlnCa A trial only Is diked fur Kkl ticii'H t'ATAiimi Hkmkhy. H U a HTKCIFIC for all ill"c'ni'.nrllij fumi ait lmiurotlootl nnj ilrlvtM al eruhtfonalruui tlio rklu, l-'ur iSyithl Utlc complaints It is enTor to any . reparation In llio luarUct. Ono hottlo will euro nio-t oftlto foIlowliiK complalnti nml a continued uo will rosiTiVi.LV euro, b.ivo iloctor bills and try It. KIIKUMATISM. SCROFULA. KIr KHUITIOfS. VKIVISUKAL DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS Or APPETITE. EKELIXG OF LAlVdOUU. liILIOUSrESS. LIVEU TUOUHLES. KEKVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS.'h Cat a unit JiuMiaiv Is no patent iiuil.i-liu luit it !.ifo aiul plciimmt pnjmratlon t.i take iind 'tircly tlio jrn'iitOHt medical iIIfcov-i-ry of llio i(c. Ono 1'uttln rojuvcimtr-t thocntlro .-tiul and p." cfHiM moro vlrluo than a half .Io70ii bullion of onllimry pnlont preparatloaa, Wiiie for ti'i'llirniiilaU aiul utlicr liirormation. i;-rortiilo hy tlruirlin KPi'rnlty. l'lticK m.iio A j.ottm;. six IIOT im:s rou ftt.n.oo. on receipt or k.i.oo by tin lutuiur.vctuier', Sami'hi. 1. Kkllku & Co., tlirri dnir, l'a., nix bottled will bo ?ent oxprcaa TftACJ UA'.lK An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texas, Jlay 3, 1882. " I wish to express my appreciation of tlio valuablo qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. " Whllo with Churchill's army, just beforo tho battlo of Vicksburg, I contracted a so vcro cold, which terminated in a dAugcrous rouelu I found no tellef till on our march wo came to a country fctoro, whore, on asking for somo remedy, I was urged to try A YfcU'a ClIEltUY I'CCTOItAL. "I did eo, and was rapidly cured. Slnco then I haro kept thel'KCTOUALcuiMtantly hy mo, for family mo, and I havo found It to 1hi anlnvaluablo rciutJy for throat nnd luni; dlsousas. J, W. Wiiuluv." Tliousands of tfntlmonl.ils certify to tho prompt euro of all nnd Iiiiik ulTectlnns, by tho uso of Avi:n's Ciiruur l'Ecroit.i I. Uclng very piUtablo, tho young est children tako it readily. i-iii:i-ai!i:d hy Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co.,Lowell(IVias3. Bold by nil DrugslsU. SPECTAGLEs'ftND EYE-EUSSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Urnwlnu lualmnientt, 1'bllasopblrnl und ,. , t.'uemlral Alipiirnlua. List and Dujcriiitl, of uur Ten Uitakuo. nut QUEEN & CO0 924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. fetrt-iy vrs-viKaiiJ.iuts:-, mm 7 ? r.njn tV 'I MOTIIKUS. will' wl;l von enntlmm rvi unirn nn,i strugk'lo to Ixjar up timler your ntlllcllnni wll-'ii n kw lui-Kanroiir nr. Kilmer's t'liMI'l.urit VKMAI.Ii HI2HKI11 Ia warnnteJ tn iiir.iiini ait vn. drugulitforlU tJ. IP YOU llAVO I'retbra. Irrllntlnn. Inn imin-illnn ui uivt-iuiiuu, ur vaviirril Ol llio ll'UUiier Ur. Kll. mer-sHWAMlMttxirwlllsou ndly heul iou. Ask jour drutf ylst lor lu inc.,11, IF YI1IJ can't llo on Iddn. nr hnvt tn h latn.-,l Ull lu bed. or llvn beon nvi-r.tienl.vl liv hnn,i,ni'. or other causu -lr, Kilmer's dc;kas Wi;ui) u ,uui ujn (imiuj, lit Ul,jlUJ DUll lb, , IF YOl'lt children havo f-rniin. nr U'linniiim. CouL'h-Dr. Kilmer's INDIAN L'tiNSPMI'imMnr. .'1 .11 .-.,.101' .III-1 MIX II 1 1, Ask your druggist for It. KltlKIIU M-IIV IUIII.I. IC, SOO., II, ADVERTISING AGENTS nWa PHILADELPHIA Cur, Chi-.lnut nnd i:lhlli Ms. Ilrcelvi) Ailn rll. i nn nt. for th.j rutr, ESTIMATES at Lowest Cash Rates FREE iWr" AVER & SON'S MANUAL WwMm KM Stillwater. Wo do not nntlcijmlo riny clmiico of iiORi muster nt tins pinco, iJ.mici mc llcnry, Ksq., who lifts bcrn tho ofliclnl for n long timo holds llio position no matter whether tlio ntlmlnistrntlon Is ronublloan or democratic. Mr. Mo llcnry Is a etnunch democrat. 0. E. Frit., llio photographer, who held forth nt tins plnco for Bovcrm weeks, hns removed his gnllcry to Uontoti whero ho will remain during llio coming fair to ncrtomodnto nil who may dcalro anything in his line. Mr. Frits: Is a gentlemanly, elliciont artist, T. II. lidgnr, llio popular proprietor of llio Stillwater plaiting mill, a fow days slnco piucliascd of J. J. MoIIcnry ol "llcnton, overtwo hundred thousand feet of excellent lumbor. Hardy never loej business by halves, and ho is now well prepared to furnish his pnlrons with anything in tho lino of planing mill goods. O, C. llclshllno hns been nppointcd n member of tlio Herwick polioo force. John 1'. Creasy is worklni: tho r o.-ul s in our vicinity. IIo is making preparations to build four stouo bridg es, arch, between town .and Edgar's planing mill. A much needed im provement. O. I). Ilngcnbuch is ccUinc ready lo erect n now iuo-houso and wood shed. If a now onnaus were lo bo taken nt this place, it would Iind llio population of our town increased by one. This is n daughter nt Oscar 1). iiagcnuucli s. Pennsylvania Stato Talr NoToUles ExhlM- tioa-Excursion Bates and Special Traits. Tlio grounds of tho Ptnnsylvat'ia Slnto Agiiciilturnl Society, at German, town Junction, 1'hilndclphin, were opened to the publio on tho 23d, nnd tho exhibition is tho best over hold under tho auspices. Tlio snaco for display has been largely increased, tho nccomoilattons ol all kintls improved, nnd arrnngemciils mndo for special ex hibitions aud races that nro sure to bo attractive. Tho departments nro nil Allied, and exhibits both from homo and abroad form n collection ot unsur passed excellence. Tlio livo Block do partmunt is particularly notable, as it contains somo of thu most famous hotses indciitificd with tho American turf. Entries for the r.uos promise lino sport, and llio dog show has rep resentatives of tho choicest breeds of the world. The display of flowers und fruits is larger than over before and llio ladies depaitmcnts unusually attractive. Tho Novelties Exhibition is well under way. Tho largo buildings nro filled with all descriptions of machines, novel exhibitions of iiinuuiprablo kinds, and special displays of curious and in teresting objects. No better opportun ity to study tho progress of industrial science and mechanics could bo enjoy ed, nor does any other exhibition afford so much that is interesting and instruc tive to tho general visitor. After noons and evenings aro by fine music. For tho benefit of visitors to tho two attractions tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company aro selling excursion tickets at redncod rates.Spet ial trains aro also being run from different portions of their torritory, lor particulars of which tlio public aro advised to con sult llio advertising bills nnd tho agents of tbo company. Marriage Licenses. HOMi: KMIIAKllASlKtl (JUl'.STIONS TO UK ANbWEltl'.P imilHlt OATH. The net of tho Legislature relating to marriage licenses went into tfloct on October 1. It provides that no person within this Commonwealth shall bo joined in niarringo unlit a license shall havo beon obtained from the Clerk of tho Orphan's Court in tho county whero tho marriage is perform ed, and that the Clerk shall inquire of theparty applying for marriagu liccnso on oath or nilirmatioii lolative to the legality of tho contemplated marriage, and if thero shall bo uo legal impedi ment then ho shall grant such license, and if any of tho porsonsintending to marry shall bo under yeais of age tho consent of their parents or guardians shall bo personally given bi fore tho Clerk or 'lertilled under tho hand of the parent or guardian, attest ed by two adult witnesses. Thosigna turu of tlio parent or guardian shall be propel ly acknowledged beloro a JNo larv Public or other officer competent uudor tho law to receive tlio acknowl edgment. . It is required to givo tho date of birth of tho man and woman, their residences and their occupations, whether thoy are related by lilootl or marriage, whether thoy havo been married before, if so, how llio marriago Was dissolved, and if desolvcu by ill- vorco when, whero nnd on what ;;i otitis tho divorce was obtained, and that thcro is uo reason why tho mar riago may not bo lawfully made. Tho license will havo appended to it two ceitilicates numbered to cornsdond with tho liccnsu (one marked original and ono marked duplicate) and tho ccrtilicato marked original shall by tho pel son solemnizing tho marriago be given to tho persons married, and the ccrtilicato marked dtipllcato shall bo returned to thu Clerk of tho Court within thirty days aflcr the soleinuiv! ing of tho marriago. Two forms of licenses will bo issued, ono directed to nny minister of tho Gospel, Justico of the Pence or other olhcer or person nuUiori.'ju by law to solemnize mar riage, nnd tho other to persons who in tend solemnizing their marriago them selves in tho presenco of witnesses. The feo for the license is lify cents and when tho consent of tho parent or guardian is required fifty centB nddl will bo charged for filing tho Batno. lllank forms of affidavit of np pliennt for marriago liccnso and con sent of parent or guardian can bo had on application at tlio ollico of tho Clerk or the Orphan s Uourt. Professor Rialt, tho Italian chemist lias brought torward n now kind oi thormo-ehomicnl battery, In which tho nrml iint inn nf llieV'lirreiil results frnm tho difference of temperature of two layers ot strata lying at diiit-reni levels in a vessel filled with liquid. This cell consists of a wooden box or vessel, tra versed by two ooiiper pipes, placed tho ono over (ho oilier, and separated by a distnuco equal to nbont half tho height of tho vessel, Ihn laltor being lilli., I u-lili n solution of thu stiliilinln nf viini.r. A current of steam n.isxpu through tho upper tube, and n current of cohl wnter in tho lower, with tho effect that copper is deposited on tho latter, while tho snbstanco of thu form- r Is reduced. Hy changing, from limn In tlimi tlin tilL-dtim! nf tlin llllii-i.. equilibrium is established. Tho bat tery Is said to woru well nml not to polarize THE GREAT ill is C VUTDTflTJTC . "it or bud f nito in months tJ I MIST X W1U.U tongue- coiited v. hllo or cov Willi n brown fur; jrnln In tlio hack, shies, or Joints often mistaken for rheumatism! souk stomachs lass ok ai'1'ktit; sometimes nnusen nml water lirash, nr lmllifcstlon; llntulency unci nrld eructa tions, tioivels iilternntcly costlvo nml lnxj iikai aciik! lo-isot memory, Willi a pnlnnil w-nullnn of hnvlnir fnlleil to do so i-cthlnir which onu lit to havo u-cii done;; low spirits: ti tttlck, vei.i-ow nppcarnneo ot tho skin nnd ejess n dry rnuirli; fever, restlessness! tho urine I scanty nnd hlxh colored, nnd, If allowed to stand, dcposlti ft will. mont. (PUltKLV VKOCTABLK) Is generally used In tho South to arouso tlio torpid I her tn n healthy net Ion. IT ACTS WITH KXTHAOltniMAttV KFFICACT OS T11R L IVUH, KIDNEYS and BOWELS. Afl !II-'I'ni!TttAt. HI'Kt'tl'lf! l'fltl UAT.AUIi. livui.Bi-afi CONSTII-ATIOK, lUMOl'SSM, SICK I1KAIIACI1K, JAt'NDtCB, NAl'SSA, COLIC, MINTAh DirRBSION. nnwKf.muet.AtNTS. I.TC, KTC, KTC Kndorsed by tho uso of 7 'millions of bottles, ns The Best Family Medicine Kor children, for rulults, nnd for tho nged. SHE TO THE I ASV (dUMTIO.I IIF TlIK kSTl I J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., Boi.nritoritiBTOKS, l'UII.ADKU'llIA, l'A, I'Hicr, ti.uu. may va-ly A K Xt V.- ts B.- -SkT i a Our renders for IS rents In postnge stnmps to pay for mailing nnd wrapping nml names of two book agents, will rectivu l'UKK ft Steel Finish I'nrior Kn-'mvlni or nlinur I'Iiini. 0KN1S, li eluding Cleveland, size 2-i.vJS Inch, worth f-I.OO. Address Eider Pub. Co.,Clricago, III. RAILROAD TZIMCB TABLE. QELA.WAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WK3TKHN 11A1L1I0AD. BLOOMSBUHO DIVISION. NOItTII. STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. iuii. p, ....Scranton.... 6 io u 15 2 Iiellevuo.... o is u 20 s ...Tiiylorvuio...! o 20 u 20 s ,. Lackawanna.., 0 27 u 31 2 l'lttston ! t) 31 S 41 2 ..West l'lttston.' c 40 a 41 2 ....Wyoming.... ti 15 U 52 2 . . ..Mnlluy S 49 a M 2 p.m. p.m. n.m v ui i .1 1 S CI Vi '.'li S 4S 12 ! S 411 1-! 15 S Ul I'J US 8 W 12 III 8 .10 s an, 8 22' 8 It)1 8 10 8 Ul 8 22 II :n 7 88 7 51 8 li 11 W S 12 It M 8 IIS 11 47 8 OS II 41 7 50 llennctt C5ii0oi2 ....Kingston.... it 5S iui-52 ....Kingston..., 05SIU05 Plymouth June 7 u2 10 102 7 41 7 47 S Ul 11 42 7 42' 7 -IS ? all 7 611 11 as 7 54 11 -II ...rumouin..,, 7 or lu ns ...Avondalu. .' 7 12 10 20 3 ...Nnntlcoko... 7 la to ".t.-t W 11 -TO 7 -111 7 41 11 2.1 7 Ml 11 12 7 83 7 131 7 UO llunlook'3 Creek 7 2-1 10 k2 3 IS 11 Ul 11 10 51 03 10 41 ..MiicKsninny.. 7 37 10 413 ..Hick's l'erry.,1 7 50 n n 3 C 54 0 41 0 41 ..llcachllnvcn.. 7 57 1 1 II-, 3 S 01 11 114 8 10 II 20 4 0 58 10 41 G 51 10 as ti 50 10 .11 0 42 1C 27 6 30 10 21 8 SO 10 111 iierwick... ..Ilrlar Creek.. ..Willow drove. ...Llmollldgo.. Ksliv 0 38 8 14 11 23 4 8 18 II 294 6 .11 a 21 0 21 ...Ulooinsburg...1 8 30 11 44 4 S 25 11 34 I 0 16 .... Ulipcrt 8 311 II 50 I 3 10 11 0 II 0 OS 0 50 III) SHI 0 55 II 45 5 40 9 32 p.m. n.m. 5 Ml 5 4'J 5 15 uamwru imago 8 41 n 514 . ..unnvlllo.... S5S12 135 ....Chulasky,.,, 90.112215 ....Cameron.... 9 OS 12 25 5 Northumberland 9 23 12 40 5 5 32 a. iii. I a.m. u.m. p, W. P. IIALSTEAD, Supt. ortlco, Scranton, f'cb.lst,13J Superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. In effect AUtT. 30tll. ISSS. Trntna Ir-nvn Sim. bury. BASlWAIll), '.1.41a.m.. Sea Hhoro Ktnress M.illv evrent Sunday), for llarrlsburg and Interuiedlatestntions, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 n. in.- Now Vurk B.20P. m. j Baltimore, 4.40 p. in. ; Washliigton, o.oop. in., couuectiug ni i-iiitaueiphU for alt Sea Shorn points. TUtougU passenger coach to 1'UUadelphla. N J. 40 n. m. 11.1V nrnn-h. dally except Sundart.for llurrlsburg nnd Intertno- umiu biiiiiuiin, in li, lug 1 u 1 1 a U 1 p II 1 a (1.50 p. in. ; New Voik, u.35 i. m. j Ualtiinorv 0.43 p.m.; Washington, s.nop. m. Parlor ear through to Philadelphia nnd passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and llaltln.oiu. s,U5 p. tu. Wllll.itnsport Accoiiimodatlou (dally, for llarrlhburg nnd nil lutcruiedlato stations, at rlv lug at l'hlladelplila 4 25 a. in. ; New York 7.UI f.. in Ualtlmore, 5.251.111.: Washington c.30n. 111.: Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at llatilsburgforl'hlliuleliihSaundNew Vork. ouSuti. days alhiuugh sleeping cjr will boiun-,on this iiuiu iiuui iiiuaiii3i 1 iu 1 iinau(.-ipiiia.riiiiaueipnia passengers can remain In sleeper undlstui bed until 7 a. m. 2.33 a. m. Krlo Mall (dally except Monday, for Uarrlsburg and Intermedlato stations, arriving nt Philadelphia 8 25 a. in. New Yuifc. 11.30 a. in. ; lUltlinoro 8.15 n. tn. ; Washington, 9.23 turn, 'llirougli I'ulliiiun sleeping cursuro run on Luis iniiu lu rnuauA-iiniia, iiaitiinoro ana wastung, ton, and llirougli passenger coaches to l'lilladel phla aud Ualtlmore. WESTWA1IU. 5.20 ft. in. Krlo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi Krlo und ull Intermedlato stations nml i.-uimmtnt. Kua and Intermediate stations, Itochester, Hum iuand Niagara l-'u!ls, with tlnougli Puiiuiaii 1'al- iicu curs uuu tiasaengcr cuaeues 10 line mill ltoch ester. V.63 Nows txpreas (dally except Sunday) for U11U .lll..llllVl.aiV oi-iLiuua. 1.03 p. 111. Niagara llxpress (dally except Sun, day) fur Kane and Intermedlato stai tons nml i-in. nnd-Ugua uud principal Intermedlato sutluus, lcochesier, liuftalu and Niagara Palls with thruugh passcuger co.xclie to Kauo nnd Itochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.30 p. m. l-'asl I.lno (dally except Sundayjfor 11c- uuvu uuu iuit:iuieuiaLU SLllLluus, uuu Jviunra, WUt- kins and I11terln1.sll.1tu stations, with through serger coaches lo Itcuovo uud u'ulklns. v.2u a. 111. sunuay mall (or Itenovo aud interme dium stations. THItOUOIl TltAINS F01ISUN1IUHY FltOM Tllli L.iai .vriii auu i 11. Sunday mall le.nes Ph Ituli-i 11I1I.1 j so n tn Uarrlsburg J.iu artniugal .sunhury 9.20 n. in. with iiiiuuxu sleeping car iiuui I'uitaucipuia 10 Wll UutnHport. Nuws Uxnress leaven I'Utt.ulelntim a -411 n Uarrlsburg, s.ln a. m. dally uxcepi tjundai arriving ut Suubury U.M. u. in. , , 1 k. - , N;agara llxpress leaves miiiui-iifuitt, ,,su n. 111. , D.iiiuuure u. in. many except bunday arriving ut suubury, 1.115 p. 111.. witn mrougii I'urlor car lrom Philadelphia nnd through passenger coaches from I'liiUdcl- liuia uuu iiaililliuic. l-ast lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. s l'lilladel Ml a. in. : Woslilnirton. 9.50 n. 111. -unit t more, 10.45 n. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving ut j, w, ,., nun IIIIUUU1I pOSSCUgCr co.vehes from Philadelphia und lialilmoio. wtufliuiiiBrtiwntiM juri. (vuu 11. 111. ; I'lilliuiet Dllla. ll.'.M 11. 111. : WilahlllL'ton. Ill Ul n 111 II ill I. more, 1I.-2U p. in., (dally exceitsaturday) nnlvlng nt huubury 6.15 n. in.. Willi ilinuM-i. i-mi,, ,n, bleeping cars from l'liiladelphi.i, Wustilngtou nnd llaliluiore and ihrougli passeuger coaches frow 1 uuaueipuiu. HUNiiunv, iiai.i:ton vn,Ki:Hii.Mtiti; ALAii.iiii.iif rtllUTII .l,ll WilSi' 11KANCI1 KA.I.WAV. ...... . (Dally except sunuay.) Wilkesbarro Mall lmives Klltilillrv in.Olln. tn anlvltignt lllooni Kerry ia62 a,m., Wllkes-barre v.u l'. lu. Express Uast leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. in., arriving ..uiwiuiiiij u.oi p. in,, v uKes-uarrti 1,03 p. 111 suubury .Mull leaves Wilkesbarro io.lo n. m. arrlv lug at liluuin l-'erry p. in., sunbury 1,10 11. 111 Kxtiress West leaves VI Mk-iw.t! irr., -. 4. i, n riving at Ulooui l'erry 4.13 p. m.,sunbury 5.10 p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury u 23 n. m., arriving at Uloom l-'errv 111. I in. 111. U'llk.-s.n in,. 1 , . ! -. , , ,,, Sunday neeummoilallun leaves Wllkes-ll.irro 5..10 11.111., urrlv Ing ut lllooni Kerry, 7:oo p. 111., sunbury, CIIAS. K. l'Udll. J. II. WOOD. Uen. Manuger. (Jen. Passenger Agent PATENTS, Obtained nnd nil patent business attended to for moderate fees. our oillce Is opposite llio U. & Patent Oflico, and nvi.aiiuuiiiuiiau-iuam ii-aa iiiuu Lliuu lliusu re mote from Washington, hen 1 model or draiviiiir. .'n mivtsn nuinrmi- cntahlllly free of charge, nnd wo nuko uo charge unless patent Is secured. We refer here, 10 thu l'ostrnastor, tho Supt. of i-.u,,j iniKi uuu iu uiuciais ui mo u, n. l'ateut Onlco. Kur clrculur, ad t leu, terms aud references to netual clients In your own stntoor County, wilto tu C. A. SNOW & CO., oaOiiposlto Patent onlco, Washington, D. c. SELWYN Mil RS' A llii-ruiivli .n,.rv s, l,,.l (ur Ilv, Van. Iurl.-.l ii,ii lliu.nujii-r ,iu, iVuyuIiiuy L. c. BISHOP, lloaii Master, Rendlns, Pa. auj si B-t WANTED tU'lMMKlUATKLYj liUKi bLirV ur iiuiiiinlislon iiAltl. nu t rllu It-rn H. J. BUWDEN & CU., fKSS'V' ipp-is-d-lt , XrT w . ink .Jt liver WiftU'yi DISEASE. A Western Governor. Ill-; DIDN'T UNnr.IlSTANK style. Ono of tho most popular Governors of Illinois wns John Koynolds. I.env ing Tennc-Bsco at nn curly age, ho set tled in Illinois when it was n Territory, nnd by his courage nnd skill as an In dian lighter won tlio tltlo of "Old Hanccr." llo linti received but rt limited etluori lion, but his natural abilities, generous Impulses nnd honest dealings gnvo him such jtopulrti Jiy 1tt.1t tin.' poojifo Hindu him 11 Jtiilge, :t iiii iiilii'i' (If tJiingnss nnd Govuriior ol tlio Stnto. Hut in cveiy nation hownsalwnys "Jnek Hoy noMs:' Whllo ho wn anirniberof Congress, Mr. D.tiby, of St. Louis, who tells tho nmcdote, called upon him at tliC Onpi tol. "Well. Governor," s.iid Darby, "how do you liku lifu in Washington us inuii-, p.iicd with lifo ut your hoinu in llollo villor 'Mr. Darliy, it don't suit me, silting' around hero on thtsc line, silk-cushion-cd chairs ; I don't feel nt homo ns I do at liclluvillo, mitiug 011 tho logs nnd fencu rails with the bovs nnd whillling sticks." When tho Stato of Illinois determin ed to build railroads, it sent Govarnor Hoynolds ns a commissioner to Kuropo to ncgotinto its bonds. Tho liritish Minister nt Washington gnvo him let ters of Introduction to several noble men in London. Mr. Darby tells, with out vouching the truth, thu following story of the Governor's first introduc tion to tho English nristocracy, Illus trating tho ignornnco nnd tho lack of polish which until to bo regarded ns t'vidence of American superiority. As soon as ho arrived in London ho called on n nobleman, who happened not to bo nt home, and left his card and letter of introduction. In tho courso of .1 few hours a uoto camo ironi tho nobleman, expressing rogrct nt not meeting Governor Reynolds, and in citing him to dine tlio next day. Tho noto also stales that thu nobleman's carriage would bo at tho Governor's residence a few minutes beforo tho ap pointed hour. When the carriage w:.s announced the Governor came down to find a splendid equipage, with coach men and footmen dressed in livery. "How aro you. gentlemen t How nro you f Which of yon is tho Dukot" nsked tho Western Governor. "His Grace is at homo ; wo nro his servants'ntiswcred ono of tho servants, surpiiscd at tho salutation. "Well,'' said his Excellency, "get in, get into tho carriage." "No, sir, if you plca9e tho carriago is for Your Excellency wo rido out side." "What ! only 0110 man insido and three of you outsido in tho rnin 1 ' ex claimed tho "Old Ranger," astonished at what ho regarded ns tho selfishness of aristocratic customs so different from tho freo nnd easy manners of the Western frontier. Youth's Com- painoii. Gov. Hojt at Ilazleton. Ex Governor lloyt's speech nt tho great occasion of the unveiling of tho Soldiers' Monument nt Ilazleton hns caused moro discussion than nny speech delivered in this region for yenrs. Ho boldly antagonized Senntor "Sherman's Men of any renewal of sectional strife and discussed the issue elopuently and fearlessly. He declared that thu cause for which tho soldiers had fought wns wonj that tho entire, country now ac cepted their victory nnd that tho only questions remaining weru matters for the local governments. Mr. Thomas, of Catnsnuqiin, who is a strong Repub lican aud a Inrgo inve.-tor in Alabama, was present and heartily apptoved lloyt's speech, as did most of tho au dience of nil parlies. Mr. Thomas said that Senator Sherman's speeches will do more to hinder prosperity in tho South for Noi them capital than any or all other present causes. Ex-Governor Cur in's speech heartily indorsed lloyt's -K'Ulitneu's nnd thu thousands of heroes ol 1. -iuo who wero picsent general ly, fipj muled both. To Prevent Mcu'.d cn Jellies. Tho lady who asks for a preventive for mould on jellies will find that it will bo kept away by following this rule : Pour pure, molted mutton tal low on thu top of the jelly, or parafine will answer this samo purpose." Paper dipped in any kind of sp'uits, or mois tened on one side with tho whito of nn egg will nlso.kcep mould nwny. Jel lies should not bo kept iu a damp place." In tho last volume issued by tho n r : 1 u . r - vjcuiogieui survey is uu uceouni 01 a fiery eruption from ono of tho mud vol canoes on Chcduba Island. A body of tlaxno COO feet in circumference is said to havo at one lime reached an ele vation of 2,100 feet, petroleum being tho cause. Very simple cakes, if ono hns muffin rings, aro ru iniillins, Two cups of rye llotir, one half cup of mokissus, 0110 cup of Hour, one egg. Salt to tasto j add n lililo soda or prepared yeast ; bake quiekly in imifliu rings. Several cases of poisoning by tbo fumes of nitric acid have occurred nt Ronno and Ilalk'.aud havo excited con siderable interest. In 0110 instance n gill who was carrying along thu street a metal vessel of nitric acid inhaled tho vapor and died of asphyxia iu twulyu houis nfiorvvard. In another instance 11 young chemist, who had been work ing for somo hours with fuming nitric add, was gradually poisoned, and his recovery was vi ry tedious. AI.AIIY Oil COM.IIIHHION. w A TvTfTT'n liiiincul.uUj a lc guml illi lULI men to canvass for Ihosiln uf I'rult 'lives, llrape Vines, Hoses, &c. I'revloiw cxpei II. I'. l-'ltlaCMAN Si CO., llllghton, N, V. bep-lS d-lt T3Tft m?DT?T5 To Intiuduco them UiU, Ul'lUAT,. wu will give nvvuy a u Vlnihlhg .Machines. If you want one am'i us juur inline, i-. ii.aiui oxprvssof, llec ul once. run NATIONAL CO., Jl Dey bt N. V. Oct, S tvv i WANTF.n llELIAllLCMUN toi-ell f"L1 our goods. A full lino of I'rult nnd ornamental '1'rivs, Shrubs, or.tpo stole. AImi Introducer nnd hula iii-o'nileio'r uf -MOOIIK'S DIAMOND drupe. UlieriU terms to uncut. J. V. I.kL'LAItli, llilghtou, N. V. bep-lM-H wXnted ofj SLIY KXI'KNSKS l'AIDi-.s.ilosmeii for tho Hooker Ntuni-iloi Kutnbihheil ts-3. All tho newest nnd beit hllltMOf fril l, mill iirimi.iruilftl ii.uu uh,u . send for Tcim-i; II. K. IIOOKKH COMPANY, Hocheiiler, N, V, Sept tis-sin LADIES! With llanov er's Tailor System 5 ou can cut Dresses ,u ,,,, umi 111-iiiuiiiuiiH. iiiess-inukerti iiroiioiiiico It pcircct. PHco lorbystem Uook nnd lwublo'lioeiiitf V.lieel,i).aii, TO IHTBODVCE, A Srstcra, nook and Wlioel w III bo sent on receipt of f l.oj. Address ' John c. IIANOVHU, Cincinnati, o. Hepl85-V ECONOMY TUB liATICAX QUESTION OJF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW INI) SmiSH FOR Tllli SEASON, CAN JJE BOUGHT (CMEAPEffi f MAI Ml. A Large and Varied Stock of JLCLOTHWJI in 1 1 in iiw 1 inn i 111 i 1 urn iiwrun 'Mi i,wi"iTnfTTrnrTrlTffTiir'T-n Ksasv&aam JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND SKLKCT LINK OK Call and be Convinced that you have the LA1I ! SlilCTH OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT Tim ma m ddiijiHiHii uamt Fine CnmnRcs, Dtiggics nml Wagons. At this Ilepnsitory mny bo seen n largo ami varied selection of (VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASUIUCD rom the best manufactories. Purchasers aro invited to call and inspect the goods or to IJWrtte for Information and Prices. apr.-3-85-l. GMAIN STREET.tD C B. JBOBMNS, UEALEIfl IN Foreign amd( Mam size WINES AND LIQUORS, AND J08BE8 IM CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 25? for Infants nnd GhHciren. IremnftlH"ft,!3rlt0fW,to 1 "",0" C'M Oolte, ConMlpMlon, irecoinmenaitns6uperlortoniiyiin.-scrliiUon I Hour Btomacli, lilarrheea, Kruitatlon. kuovaitomc," 1LA. Ascutn, M.P, I K1IU Wonus, c'vca sleep, una lTumolea dl Ul 8c, Oxiorvl BL, IlrocU ,u, N. Y. WlSi'iuiurloua nMNtlw, Tui Ccim-B Cowikt, m rultoa Street, N. Y. 61tMiig Mm OF wiiiiia T. F. MUM', 320 & 322 Pcnn Avenue, 8GFanMm,j Fez JJ, BAM ftEMI(lllAllTj;J(s l'or tho t'elebratt'd (ihiektritig, Ivcrs it l'outl, iintl Vode & Hon l'iiinos, Wmldri iioned i;u-y Org.ips, Violins, Accordemis und Sliect ; Music. C'eieliinleil White, Kew High Ann DnvH, Kcw Home, ltoynl SI. .lolin, and Light Umiiilng Domeslic hewing .Muchiiics. Needles, oil nml attachments foi all mahes of Sowing Machines. St:ro and Wanrccms, No,L'123 Franklin Avenue Also Wat erooing 111 l'rnnklln Ave. and 10c Cen ter Btreet, SCRANTOH, PA. Ail) tiling (o nnkn uj anew wngon or rt'pair ait old, in tslock. ISnv Iron, and Sli'i'l Jlolts, Holt Kiiilri, Lay ciowv, Ttiniliiicklo'H Horno Stiocri, ami all Hlaukmnilh Htlilllics. AprSI-ir