The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 09, 1885, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FJtlDAY", OCTOUISH, 0, 183,'..
lOIUIMT Bill ll I II TI1K Til I F,
Trains on tho Philadelphia tc II, II. leave Kiincn
09 lOllOIVS !
i:M a. m.
:i. I J p. in.
11:4 a. m.
HMD p. in.
Tiiiliiion l hi1 1. I W. It. II. lone litooinhlmri:
Ml ft. in.
10 SI n in. p. in.
D;-Jo p. m.
8.s a. in.
Hill n. in.
4. l p. in.
5. W p.m.
Trains on tlio N. W. II. Hallway pass llloom
Terry as follows I
iii.SJ a. in. 1.W p. m.
us" p. m. 4.l p. m.
N01ITII. 80CT1T.
10.11 ft in 7:i0 pin
Clieap AdM'rtlHciiiciilH.
Advertisements will bo Inscited In our
ocnl columns nt the follow tut; rules i
Situations wanted, free
Lost or fouml, free.
Help wanted, 20 cenH.
Kooms to rent, 20 cents.
One time cncli, or H limes. 40 cents.
Tlio Coi.umiiian Is ollered on the follow,
inj; terms i
Cof.CMnUN and J. Y. Weekly irorM 1 jr. $3.50
" l'lilla. " Times " S.35
" AiMrtean AgrtmUnrttt " S.M)
it " lYtbttHP ib 1'ttviitpr "
Other piipcra will bo lidded to this list.
Tor 4 new subscribers to the Coi.umiiian
accompanied wltli tliu cash, 40.00, n copy
of the History of Columbia county will be
giver, to getter up of club.
For U new names and 44.50 we will send
tlic Coi.umiiian one year free to person send
lug names j or If names nre sent In by one
now Inking the paper wo will credit his
account willi onoycni's subscription.
For 2 new names, with iJS.OO, wo will
send pnper for 0 months to the person se
eming the nnmes tor us.
For 1 new nnmo wllb $l.fl0, wo will
send paper !1 months to person securing tho
same for us.
On receipt of 10 cents wc will send the
Coi.umiiian to any nddress in the county
for ono month on trial, and paper will not
he scut longer unless so ordered.
I'arin for Hale.
Tlic farm now occupied by A. M. White
In Orange township, containing ono hun
dred acres with good buildings and Im
provements, is olfercd for sale, possession
to bo given April 1st. 1880. For terms and
particulars npply to I. W. MoKelvy.or Geo.
E. Klwell. liloomsburg. Sept 25-tf
l'or Sale or I'.xcluuiKi'.
Two good cows and a top buggy can be
bought nt a bargain for cash, or exchang
ed for a good, kind horse.nt Dr. Sbattiick's
Host Cure, near D. L. & W. depot, lllooms
burg. I'rlvatc Hale,
Of valuable real estate located in the vil
lage of Stillwater, Col. Co, l'n., consisting
of n acre lot on which is a good two sto.
ry dwelling built In modern style, nlso a
new stable nnd out buildings.
Also another small lot on which is a good
blacksmith shop. These properties nre
nicely situated nnd in a good place for
For further Information address
Aliikkt Mktzoah,
Oct. 2. 4w. Col. Co., l'n.
"Foil Sale. A large number of first-class
empty elder barrels for sale by C. H. Hob
bins, liloomsburg, Pa. scp-25-tf.
Foit Sai.k. A good horse at n reasonable
figure, gentle and safe. Inquire nt this of
lice. tt
Fen Balk. Two buggies, one spring
wnjon, one sleigh second hand, in cood
condition ottered for sale for less than their
v.iluo by
Oct. 2 tf. I)it. J. It. Kvasb.
Thomas Oernghty, of Centralis, was in
town Wednesday.
Miss Ella McKlnncy spent a few days In
Wilkcsbarre this week.
Mrs. Wm. Warn, of Hughesville, is vis
Itlng friends in this place.
,T, It. Hnblson, Esq., went to Washington
on Monday on legal business.
Mrs. Samuel John nnd her daughter of
Shamokln are tlio gnosis of Mrs. Fieas
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jno. Purscl wcto In town
on Monday, attending tho funeral ot Jack
son Purscl.
Mr. N. J. llendershott went to Philadel
phia and Washington last week, and Is
still absent.
Jcrscytown was wll represented in town
on Monday by 11. F. Fruit, A. K. Smith
and C. Krcamcr.
Nchemlah Wellivcr, Esq., of Jcrscytown
was among the residents of that place who
attended com t this week.
Mr. J. II. Mcieerls In New York nnd
Philadelphia this week, buying new goods
for his Drug and liook store.
Mr. James ICisncr of Jcrscytown, a re.
prescntatlve of Jeltersonian deniocrncy.iind
ono of our oldest subscribers, attended
court the tlrst of the week as a witness in
tho Smith.llruglcr case.
Stationery of all kinds at Mercer's.
Foit Sai.k. A young Jersey cow ami
calf. 1'. Dili.".
Puro driiBSnnd patent medicines of all
kinds nt Mercer's.
Ij. 8. Wlnterstecn's ucw house Is In Ihe
hands of the painters.
William Kramer hiis purchased several
properties on East street.
Court proceedings and other local mat.
ter will be found on the tlrst page-
For a first class shave or hair cutting, go
to Ncyhurl's under tho Exchange Hotel.
When you come in to the Fair stop and
seo tho new patterns of wall paper at
David Lowcnberg will have a flno dis
play of clothing, lobes, trunks, Ax., at the
fair next week.
Tho finest ami best lino of extracts,
mchets, colognes and toilet waters In the
county at Mercer's.
(lilmoro's will give a ball nt the
Skating Hink on Baturiluy evening, Oct.
lOlli, Admission free.
Jl'ST IN. A big line of ladles' cloths, lu
seveu dlllerer.t patterns, ull new. Snyder
iVSIeppy, old Low stand, Orangcvlllc, Pu.
County Superintendent J. S. Oritnes will
hohl n teachers' examination at Light
Slitil, Wulncedny next, October 14th,
'thcie will bo a ball ut tho link on Thurs
day evening, Oct. IMIi. flood music Is
promised, nnd refreshments will bo served
in tho hall.
A. II. Nrylitrt has placed a gas jet nt tho
,.. .. n... oini.c io,iim. tn bis barber shop,
rendering tho r.sccnt and descent much
easier than biforc.
Wank books nt Mercer's.
l'ngc Hawkins shines your boots for a
nickel, and makts n good Job of lu
J. II. Btcckcr 1ms added to his flour nnd
feed store a flue stock of groceries, tobacco
and cigars. (Jo nnd seo him.
T'" ult of O. P. BUncr against E. P.
Albertsou was settled Inst Tuesday by a
compromise between the patties.
The first exhibition of the Milton Driving
Pnikiind Fair Association will bo held nt
Milton next week, October 14,15, 10 nnd
Tho public schools will bo closed Thurs.
day i,nd Friday of next week, but tlic
teachers will bo ex petted to mnkc up the
lost time.
Kll Hobhlus of Forks brought to our of.
lice on Tuesday n cliutcrof nine butternuts
all on one stem. Wo believe this is qullo
an unusual growth.
The Hoard of Trustees have extended
the time of receiving bids for the proposed
new building, from Saturday, October 10,
to Saturday, October 17.
A big lot of Trecolts (the new dress
goods) just lecelved at Suydcr k Sleppy's,
Orangevllle. All colors and best quality at
IWcts. Cull and get first choice.
Chargles Krug has sold thirty feet off
his lot on Iron street to Mrs. Joseph Chris,
man, and has the contrnct for creeling a
two-story framo dwelling thereon.
On our second page to-day will be found
a striking and Instinctive Illustration of
the comparative worth of the various kinds
ot baking powders now In the market.
A new oven has been erccected at Phil,
lips' H.ikery with n capacity of one
thousand loves a day. Their Increasing
trade made this Improvement necessary.
Clink Chnstinun's old horse, "Kentuck,"
died last week. Some young men
had hired tho horse nnd driven to licrwlck
hut the horse fulled to bring them home.
Friendship Fire Company will hold a
ball on the evenings of Thuisdnynnd Fri
day, Oct. lfith and lClb, In Hrowers' Hull.
Prof. Mcthcrcirs oichestra will furnish the
Mr. A. 7.. Schoch is Improving his pre
mises at tho head of Market street, by low
erlng the iron fence and extending It along
tho entire front. The front yard will bo
Mrs. Maize has renewed her storeroom
nnd lias it now stocked full of all the latest
styles of millinery goods just received, nnd
sold at tho very lowest prices. Please give
her n call.
(Masco Cameron will run three chairs in
his baibcr shop during thu fair. Notwith
standing tho strong conipetliion In his bus
iness Glusco continues to hold n fair shuro
of tho trade.
Constable Woodward nrrested n man
named Jack Fox on Satuulay morning
charged with breaking in the store of Ev
ans A Ever a few weeks ago. He was ills
charged lor want ut evidence.
Caldwell shows in front of Ids bakery n
glass case filled with grent white loaves of
bread, which looks to he super-excellent,
mid Is just as good as it looks, lie uses
the Hemlock roller process Hour.
Tho old established stand under tlic Ex
change Hotel Is a first class barber shop,
It is now owned by A. H. Neyhart, and
customers are waited on promptly and sat
isfactorily by experienced hands.
Tho North Uranch Conterence of the Sus
quehanna Synod of the Lutheran Church
will bo held at Northumberland, October
20th, 27lh nnd 23th. The first meeting of
tho session will be Monday evening.
It. H. Hlngler is now traveling salesman
for a furniture manufacturing company ut
Hiighosiillc. At present he reaches his
home eyery Fiiday evening. Ho may pos
sibly move to 1 1 u uIilm villo in the near fu
ture. Hervey E. Smith, Hq.,has been employ,
cd as ,i deputy bySlierllf Mourey to do
clerical woik. He will continue to prac
tice law, and persons desiring his services
will find him at the Sheriff's Office lu the
(Joint House.
Charles Funstnn, agent for several vari
eties of bicycles, iccclicd two of the
"Victor" on S.i'.uiduy last one fll.inch for
Joo Heifsnjder and one .Which for Ed,
Timlin. Another culled "Hudgc Safety,"
is on the way for Julius Shiver.
The prnspicls are Unit there will bo n
large atleuduuee .it Iho 1 teuton fair tills
week. t!i in I piepuialions have been made
for a big tin ii-out. The Coi.r.wiiUN Is re
presented un the giouiid', nnd n full report
of Ihe fair will iq penr next week.
T. L. Guidon mid wife relumed on Fri
ll ly hist. Tiny had n fine reception at
their falliei's rishleniT. Quite a number
of li lends wi n- Invited in to make it merry
for Mr. and Mrs. (liinton. "Tod" expects
to bo In his new house in a few weeks.
The Philadelphia papers announce the
death of Mis. Margaret N. Collins, wlfu of
Philip Collins, on the 4th Inst. Mrs. Col
11ns resided here at the Exchange Hotel for
several years, while her husband was ono
of tho contractors for building the N. &
W. I!, road.
Piof. Thos. Methcrell has shown us a
march ai ranged by him for the piano. Ho
wrote tho music entirely from mcinory.anu
the harmony Is correct and well arranged.
Ho Is a thoiough musician ami tne services
of his orchestra are in demand at balls and
parties lu this section.
Mr. Edmund J. Hover. President of tlio
Washtmrtoiivillo Fair, left for New York
on Wednesday of this week to close tho
agreement for the presence of Maud S. the
celebrated trotter on cxliiuition ni mo do
ciety's coming fair to bo held Oct. 20th to
23rd. Excursion rates on nil roads.
W. K. Deltterich. of Espy, is making cv.
cry eifort to establish a hrgo sale for his
O. K. colleo. Nearly every storekeeper In
this town keeps It for sale nnd pronounce it
ii good article. Mr. Deltterich hud somo
of his coffee on exhibition nt the llentnn
Fair, which uttructed tho attention of a
great many people.
.,,.uiin wq niriMdntnil this week to
asccrtalii how many of tho citizens would
... A tin.., ull
use steam lor licaung purpura. .iuuu ....
tho stock has been taken nd tho Company
desires to know about how many would
t. on lie rn I iff iwinri! uniLLL-uiuu tf un
UUCUIUC pwuvwv. --
the work. Tho petition was pretty freely
signed, nnd tho inilicaiious nro nun i
work will soon bo commenced.
a int nf cnslimcrcs. brocades, sack
ings, ladles' dress Ilannels, mohairs and
..!.... tost In. nt Snvder it Slepps's,
Orangevllle. Tho above comprises the
.... m,ili tH assortment of dress goous
nrf..rr,l for culo In Oriiucovillo and 20
per cent lower than usual price. Produce
tukeu for goods. Cull and set' Ihem If you
don't want to buy. No trouble, but ft
pleasure to fdiow these goods.
O. M. Vandcrellcc has opened a livery,
sslo nnd exchnngo stable, corner of Jcfter.
son street nnd nllcy. Ho has also' pur
chased J. II. Chrtstman's stock of harness,'
16 which a fine selection of robes, blankets,
whips, collars, In fact everything pertain
ing to tho trade, has been added. Persons
desiring anything In the harness line, can.
not go nmlss by giving htm n call. All
kinds of repair work promptly attended
Somebody In this town Is selling Intoxl.
eating ill Inks lo men of known Intemperate
habits. At nil events such men are fro.
qucntly seen on the streets under tho In.
Iluence of liquor nnd they must get it some
where. It may bo that some one clso buys
It for them by the bottle, but It Is more
than likely that there Is a violator of tlio
law. Some years ngo Iho court snid that
they would rcvoko tho licensed any house
that whs shown to have sold strong drinks
to intemperate men.
I.lstof letters remaining In tlic Post Of
fice nt liloomsburg for week ending Oc
0, 1885:
Louis P, lllcrly, Miss Lizzie Hogart,
Elizabeth Iluwmuu, Mrs. Mary Creasy,
Miss -Sophia Hlldebrunt, Harry A. Kin
ports, Mis. E. 8. Hobblns. Mrs. Hnnnalt E.
Smith, A. Wilson, Mr. Will Wlnney.
DA litis.
J. S. Evans.
Persons calling
for nbovc plenso sny
Ogor.UK A. Ci.AtiK, 1'
The reason of the year has arrived when
stovis, uinges and heaters must be looked
after, and got In shape for winter. People
who are wise will not wait until cold weath
er is upon them, before looking after their
heating apparatus. E. H. Broiver has n
largo stock of stoves, hcaters,Ax., on hand,
or can supply anything not in stock, on
short notice. Ho employs competent woik.
men nnd is prepared to do anything in ids
line promptly and at reasonable prices. Ho
Is nt tho old stand, corner of Main and East
The Alumni of Princeton College, N. J.,
residing in this section, met at Danville,
on last Thursday, October 1st, and organ
ized as Iho North and West llrniich Al
umni Association of tlio College. Dr.
Slrawbrldge, of Danville, was elected
President, and Dr. Shultz, of the same
place, Secretary. N. U. Funk, Eq., of
liloomsburg, was elected a member of tlio
Executive Committee. Dr. James Mc
Cosh, the President of the College, was
present nnd nddressed tho Association on
the subject of converting the college into
a University.
Tho new law in regard to tho number ot
days that constitute a school mouth, is
precise In the statement that it shall con
sist or Uventy days attaal teaching. No onu Is
permitted to teach on any of the legal liol
idays, nor during tho week of teacher's In
stitute. Wo arc Informed that some of the
directors in the county nre contemplating a
reduction in tlio teachers' salary, because
of only twenty days constituting n school
month; but when they consider that It
must be actual tcachlug, and that no teach
er Is allowed pay for attending tho county
Institute, I Ik re should bo no reduction in
the salaries.
The Madison Township Sunday School
Convention convened at Madison HapUs
Church, Saturday Olcobcr U, at 2 o'clock
p. m. After the convention was called to
Older by the President, Mr. II. O. Suplee,
Devotional eveicises were conducted by
Ilev. O. A- Murr.
The many topics concerning S. S. work
wcro very ably discussed by tho ltevs. It.
M. Hunsicker, O. A. Marr, A. S. Haum-
gardner, Mr. Spear, of Llghtstreot, and
others. The convention wus furnished with
music by tho schools of Madison and
Jerseytownj nlso, a Solo by Ella Stroup.
The ltev. A. S. llaiimgarduer sang a piecu
of music entitled Ueuutiful llnnds.
After report of standing committee, und
election of officers, the convention adjourn
ed to meet ngniii nt Deny Church ihe first
Saturday in June 1880.
S. M. ItU.NYAN. Sic'y.
Court X'roccciIiiitfH.
Petition of Mary Evans to satlefy a mort
gago of Thomas Harris to John Haimey.
deceased. Satisfaction of mortgsgc do
Estate ItenJ. I.iiidemutli deceased. IV
titton for citation tiled. Citation awarded.
Eslato John J. Stiles deceased. Pet1-
tion of Administrator fordeeieo to tmiku
deed to purchaser. Lewis a Stiles Admin
istrator d. b. n. Permitted to execute
deed for the premises.
Eves vs. Cox. Utile discharged.
Eslato ot James ltoat, dee'd, Heport
confirmed nisi.
Estate ot James Helshllue. Heport con
firmed nisi,
The lleutou Agricultural Association
charier filed as of October 3d, 1883.
MontK' Uiery Cox et ux vs Nicholas
Hoyle. Vol diet for tho defendant.
Petition of (Jeorge S. smoyer, u minor
child of Samuel Smoyer. dee'd, for
dlan. J. J- ll.irty.ull appointed, with lleze-1
Muh Keller as ids surely.
Tlic Northern Montour County Fair to
be held nt WushlngtouvHIe, Pa., October
20, 21, 22 and 23, 188.1. Tho event of tho
year, read the list of attractions und amuse
Competition open to the world. Hctween
i2,000 and i3,000 lu premiums.
Trotting races (Open to tho World).
Hace no. 1. 2.30 Class, Second Day,
Wednesday. Purse, $100. Hicc no 2.
3.00 Class, Third Day, Thursday. Purse,
nO. Haco no. 3.-2-28 Class, Third Day,
Thursday, Purse $100. Haco no. 4 2.48
Class, Fourth Day, Friday, Purse, $75.
Haco no. fi. Open to all Class, Fourth Day
Friday, Purse. $300. Entries on above
raco to close on Thursday, October 15.
Tho Society are putting forth their ut
most efforts to secure tho presence of Maud
S., the celebrated Trotter, at the coming
Hand Contests (Open to tho World),
Band Contest no. 1. Class 2d, Second Day
Wednesday. Purse, $300. Hand Contest
no. 2,-Class 3d, Third Day, Thursday.
Purse, $100. Hund Contest no. 3. Class
1st, Fouith Day, Friday. Purse, $700.
Entiles in the above Hand Contests to closo
Saturday, Oct. 10.
Ludies' Hiding Match on Horseback,
Third Day. Thursday. Purse, $25. Pig.
eon Shooting on Wing, Third Day, Thurs.
duy. Purse, $10.
For any information desired nddress tlic
Secretary at Washlnglonvllle, Pu., who
will ut onco forward the .same with Premi
um List, Utiles und Regulations complete.
Slnglo Admission, 25 cents. Horse or
Horses and Carriage, 25 cents. Exhibitor's
Check, with 0 Slnglo Tickets, $1.00. Will,
dreu under 12 years admitted Free of
Tho Managers liuvo made nil tho arrange
ments complete for the coming Fair to sur.
pass any of tho former Exhibitions, All nre
Invited to come.
There will be o number of First Class
Hoarding Houses erected on thu Urouuds
for tho amplo accommodation ot nil.
Should the weather bo extremely stormy
on Friday, then tho Fair will bo continued
on Saturday, For particulars nddress Sec
rotary. 2iv,
Sheriff Mourey sold tho property of II, C.
Nnglo on Seventh street to O, W. Miller
for $335 last Saturday nftcriloon.
The llluum if in r.
Tho liloomsburg Fair of this year will bo
fully up to the standard on all tcspects,and
In many It will surpass any previous year.
1 ho exhibit of stock will bo unlisually fine.
SOmo new buildings have been erected, tho
track Is lu fine condition, nnd (hero wilt bo
some good races. Attention Is called to
the notice of the Secretary concerning en
tries, which nppeais elsewhere.
l'Mir Nniicf.
Parties desiring to exhibit at tlio lllooms.
burg Fair will plcaso lake notice and re-
member lhat all entries for stock nnd fowls
will close next Monday evening, and nil
other entiles on Wednesday evening. Tho
Secretary will be In his olllcc In Hrowcrs'
building nil this week and Monday and
Tuesday of next week and nt tho Fair
Ground on Wednesday. The earlier you
make your entries the less trouble It will
be for you nnd for him, Plenso send in ft
classified list at once.
MiitUlvn Dentil.
Clnrencc It. Chirk, eldest son of the Into
Hubert F. Clark, died suddenly fit Wilkes,
barro lust Thursday morning. Tlio remains
wc:o brought hero nnd Interred In Hose
mont Cemetery on Friday afternoon.
Twenty years ngo twelve young men of
this town hud n photograph taken lu u
group by Hempstead who had n gallery nt
Unit time In thu third Hour of I. W. Unrt-
mun's building. Mr. Chirk was In this
group, nnd Ids death is tlio first ono that
has occurred out ot tlio twelve.
"Who was Charlotte Corday f" was ask
ed mo recently. r' o wns n young and
beautiful girl nf Caen, France, in n mou
ustnry there 1703. She found her wny lo
Paris, found her way to tlio homo of Marat
one of the most obnoxious lenders of the
Revolution: found him at his homo taking
u bath. She plunged a digger into his
heart. She was guillotined. Houcsplcrrc,
Hrissot and Dunto, tlic colleagues of Ma-
rat wcio nil executed nfler causing tho
deatli of thousands. The French Hcvolu
tion will bo remembered while language
lllK IMimpUln.
Montana, Pa., Oct. 5.
Eds. Coujmiiian:
As a constant reader of the Columbia
for nearly fifty yeur.s my attention wns
culled to nn Item in Inst week's issue, in re
gard to a pumpkin called "Jumbo," mens
uring live feet nnd four Indies in circum
ference. The same caused me to measure
four of my pumpkins and found they ag
gregate 19J feet In circumference. Tho
enormous size can only be accounted for
on the ground thut they nro . raised on good
Democratic soil. Y"s &c-
A Valiuilile iluolc.
Wo have just received from the enter
prising publishers A. H. Andrews & Co. a
most useful little volume, suggestively call
ed "Look Within for Five Thousand Facts
that Everybody Wants to Know." It con
tains 75 pages or condense Information on
Mechanics, Statistics, History, Medicine,
Astronomy, Finance, Mythology, Ediica
lion, Mathematics, The Hlble, Politics, Ag
riculture, Hellglon, Science, Temperance,
Trade, el?., etc., in fact there seems to be
something for everybody and nothing that
some one will not be glad to know. It Is
embellished with a number of colored dia
grams, and Is by far the most valuable and
complete Pocket Cyclopiedia wo havo yet
seen. It is offered for sale at the exceed
ingly low price ot 15 cents, for which sum
in stamps it will ho sent postpaid by the
publishers, A. H. Amhiiiwh & Co., Chicago.
An Old Hcitlcr (ione.
Jackson Purscl died nt tho home of
his son, Holier. Purscl, In .Montour
township, ou Satuulay morning last, aged
93 years and 3 months. Mr. Purscl came
to Columbia county from Euston when he
wns but two veins old lie was brought on
horseback the entile distance, nnd hi
father located on tho James Pursel;fnrm
he afterward moved to the piesent home of
Sylvester Purscl. Upon the death of his
futhe-, by a peciilluiily of the will, Juck
son was left to earn Ids livelihood as best
he could, lie married three times,
Ills last wire died but n low yours ugo,
slnco which llmu ho has been visiting
urouud with his sons and daughters, ltoli'l,
illiam and John, tluee sons, and two
daughters survive him. Mr. Purscl wus
the oldest of a family of eight brotheis
and three sisters three of Ids brothers,
William, Isnao nnd Sylvester, the youngest,
attended tlio funeiul on Monday Hobeit
and two sisterH, yet living, uie in the Wrt,
but could not reach here In lime tor Ihc
funeral. On necnunt of Ids lemperulo
h ibits Jackson wus not sick n day In his
life. About a week previous lo his dentil
ho complained of suffering pain whenever
he ate or drunk anything, nnd on account
nf weakness kept his bed, but ho said ho
did not feel sick. Ou tho morning of Ids
dentil he had been Bitting up In bed but a
tew minutes when ho fell back and expired
The hunters on the recent mutch report
gamo exceedingly scarce. Tlio averago
count being less than 000. Stmt Gcarhart
lead the match counting upwards of 1000,
Sum Ikeler second best.
Mrs. J. W. llnyt and daughters ot Ding
hampton, N. Y., Is vlsltlug the formers
J. II. Mcllonry proprietor of tlio "Mc
Henry House" purposes giving n grand
ball, Friday evening of Fair. The floor of
the largo bull room will be thoroughly wax
ed and un excellent orchestra Is secured to
furnish the music.
Mrs. It. A. Carman has just received ft
flnu Hue ot millinery goods.
Wo may expect this town to be painted
in nil colors this week. 'Twus slightly
coated last Saturday evening.
Those of our town who intended Inking
in the Herwlck Fair Saturday last were
sadly disappointed. Wo trust nuno will
bo disappointed In gelling to the Uenton
Hohr McIIcnry was In Philadelphia last
week purchasing his fall stock of.goods.
Miss Lizzie Hcacock of liloomsburg is
visiting her uncle John Heacock,
Well Mrs. Carman certainly put tho ball
In molion by laying her walk, Hruco and
Holly were not to be outdone by tho oppo
site sex and put dowu two excellent mud
Thcro will bo strong opposition between
the hotels of this place fair week. Tlio
land ladles nro each excellent cooks nnd
will vlu with each other In getting up tho
best meals. That's what "knocks" with
the transient boarders.
Wo doubt If John Chopin's dlsplny of
harness ut tho Fulr will bo surpassed If,
Indeed equaled.
David Crotsley and John Kerns meat.
tending court us jurors this week.
Wo hope to give an account of a success
fill Fnlr next week.
licrwlck l'nlr.
Tho second annual exhibition of tho Nor
thern Columbia and Boutlicrn Luzerne
County Agricultural Boclcty, had ovcry nd-
vftnlngo of making a grand success. The
weather was fine, with tho exception of
Saturday nnd even the rain of that day was
bdrely moro than enough to make tho race
course lu n lino condition for tho nttcmoon
race which was tlio best of the season.
Wednesday, the opening day of the fair,
was devoted exclusively to the arrange,
mcnt of exhibits. An addition having boon
made to tho main building, tho arrange
mcnt of tho articles was somewhat chang
ed from the provlous year. Wo noticed
id absence nf tho flno dlsplny ot dry
goods, so handsomely nrrnnged by the mcr.
chniits of Herwlck a year ngo.
Thursday morning tho parade of stock
took place. Col. A. D. Becly, marshal! of
ic day, headed tho procession, followed
by teams of horses, men on horseback, and
eading colts i next camo the cattle, of
which there wns a largo display of flno
stock. Wo noticed tho Jersey stock taking
ic lead In point ot numbers. In the
n good display of articles, nmong
whom wc noted II. M, Hockmnii, with a
dlsplny of choice cnndlcs. Miss Ida Bpon
cnbergj fancy needle work consisting of
mats, pillows, lambrequins, ecc. Miss LU.
Ho Evans, with artistic lambrequins, scurfs,
mats, Ac. Lcstlo Hcrgcr, painting, needle.
oik, Mrs. F. It. Jackson, flno painting
mid needle work. In the centre of ono
dc of tho oulldtng was n beautiful oil
painting of Col. A. D. Body, us lino and
natural as life. William Hertz the photo.
gruphcr had n good display of his art. A
silk quilt of Mrs. B. F. Crispin was the ad
miration ot nil. Mrs. Harry Glenn, of Her
wlck had some ornamental oil painting
upon China cups nnd saucers. Some ama
teurs of between 12 and 15 had exhibits of
end pencil work, la the lorm of maps, &c.
W. E. Michael the Berwick dentist had
some of his work on exhibition. The dis
play of dry goods by Frcns Bros, was quite
attractive. ; Wo should full In our report If
wo omitted to mention the exhibit cf Geo.
'aroy n flno specimen of "Hull dog"
about 3 mos. old Mr. Carey should have
good premium for his exhibit. 1-rank
Distlchtirst of Herwlck had some of his
suits of furniture, nnd they wcro beauties;
Berwick people need not go out of their
town to make their selections. Wesley
Coopei's display ol robes, harness and sad
dlcry nttrnctcd the attention of the farmers
nd 'jrlvcrs. Hurt Kurtz exhibited a pret
ty canoo wltli snlls, it was n fine piece of
work. Mrs. Peter Suit and Mrs. B. F.
DrelsbacU had articles of hair woik of
wreaths, crosses, roses, Jfcc. Wilbur Little, I
son of Dr. Little exhibited a stuffed bald
eagle, said to have been shot at Ncscopec.
.Mrs. John Evut.s had us fine a silk patch
pillt ns anyone could desire. Jeremiah
Walp was tlio only one having a display of
loney It seemed nice and looked tilled
wo did not gel an invitation to taste it.
The display of fruit was excellent, If our
farmers could all raise such line vnrletlcs,
the York Stato nppie would have poor sale.
Among those exhibiting were Charles Hill
f Salem township, apples ; Samuel Petti,
Berwick, apples j Benjamin Evans, Nesco
peck, grapes und pears ; Daniel Murlz, Ber
wick, quinces and ipplos j Samuel Hauck
of Summcrhill, several varieties of peaches
'eter Suit, Berwick, grapes and npples ; T.
B. Fowler, display of fruit; Charles Frantz
uid us fine a display of grapes us you could
find auy where the clusters were largo ami
C. A. Baker of Wilkes Uarro had a
display of fancy earthenware.
There were many mammoth pumpkins
nnd squnshis, William Abbott of Espy bad
tho largest. Grain of every variety wns on
exhibition. In the centre of the building
which was stored the pumpkins,
quashes, grain and all kinds ut farmers
produce, wc found J. Sallzcr, of Blooms
burg and B. F. Dreisbachof Berwick. Why
the association should assign this section
to these men wc could not perceive, unless
it wns to draw Ihe attention of the ladies
from tho lino needle work to tho exhibits
of potatoes, pumpkins and squashes. Tho
location, however, did not effect these gen
tlemen lu the least, Mr. Drelsbach with all
smiles wns presenting the merits ol the
New American, Household, nnd Now O.
Howo Sewing Machines. For durability
the New American surpasses everything ;
it is light running and almost every class
of work can bo done with it. Ho had also
tlic Estcy Organs nnd tho Chlckcrlng mid
vers and Pond pianos. J. Saltzer hud
witii lilin Thos, Methcrell nnd son of
Illoomsourg and Mr. Spotts of Shamokln
who gave somo excellent music and soon
diew largo crowds of people, Mr. Saltzer in
ids usual pleasing way would then present
the merits of the AVhlte, Dome'tic, House-
lold und Love sewing machines nnd thu
Kstcy Organ and Ivors und Pond pianos.
Tho display ot poultry was very Hue
among llio exhibitors were I, u. l-owicr
wilh Wyundotto und C, II. Zcndcr witii
Plymouth Hock, Langshan nnd others.
riiero were some very large turkeys, but
no could not uccrtntu who brought them.
John Heedy had Leghorn, Gniiio, Hamburg
and Plymouth Hock chickens.
Among tho cattle we found tho largo
Durham bull of Frank Evans, 2 years old
and weighing nearly 2200 pounds. I)r,
Hengnn's stock ol Jersey cattlo were fine,
he hud 8 cows, 1 bull, 3 young heifers, and
n pen of 0 calves. Frank Evans had on
exhibition n Durham cow and heifer. Dan
iel Hill, an Alderney cow, Henry Wnlp,
graded bull, Wm. Freas ono Durham cow
nud heifer, nnd 0 head of young heifers.
Among tlio registered Jersey stock, Mrs.
Lizzie. Jackson had 1 cow, C. II. elmder,
1 heifer, Geo, K. Hess, cow, calf nnd two
bulls, Morris Itittcnhouso and Jos. Sponcn
bcrger each had oue bull, Will Houch ono
The display of sheep was meagro and
embraced only tho Cotswald breed.
Tho department for hogs was nil taken
up, ana somo ot mo pens tor snccp wcro
used. Euoch Hllteiihousa had tho Chester
white. Dr, Heagan had Yorkshires und
Chester white, S, J, Couner nnd F, Evnus
had the Poland China. Daniel Adums hu!
tho Yorkshire. Dr. Gardner had the Duroc
Jersey, and a good representation of them,
he had a ono year old weighing over 350
pounds, a sow und 12 pigs, ono boar and a
number of shoules, In nil tweuty.threu
head. Enos Adams had a pen of seven fut
There wcro niggles, carriages, spring
wagons, farm wagons and sleighs tho
most attractlvo of which was a sleigh the
body ot which represented a deer, mado by
Trcscott Bros, of Berwick It was a hand
somo sleigh.
The usual liberal amount ot agricultural
Implements wcro on the grounds, and tho
agents of the several varieties showing the
merits of each.
Thu dinner stand by II. M. llockman of
Berwick was a decided success so far as
quality and quantity of provisions wcro
concerned. Not sufficient appetite was tho
only complaint that could bo made. Mr,
Hockiuan pleased everybody.
Thero wero too limny Inkers on tho
ground, 'iho meagre support they recclv.
ed will in all probability keep ouc liulf of
them away anolhir year,
1 llt HALES,
Tho walking race look placo Thursday
morning. There wero four entries i B. V.
Adums' "Kate," Geo. Hess' "DcMcr," J.
Walps"Prlnce,"and W. W. Butllft's "Pet."
Tlio raco wns won by B. K. Adams"'Ktc,"
"Dcxtci" second and "Princo" third.
Thursday afternoon tho first raco called
was Luzcruo county class. Thero were
four entries to this rare, Wm. Hughes,
Hazloton, "Hobert 0,"Thos. L. Oasslcbury,
Hazlelon, "John W," Thos. Simpson, 11a
zlcton, "Dan," Gcorgo Cook, Wyoming,
"Mock .Medium." "Dan" wns withdrawn
on account of lameness, and tho remaining
mado the start. "Hobert C' won the rare,
"Mock Medium" second and "John W"
third. Time 2:41, 2:40, 2:43.
In the 2:30 racu thcro were four entries,
J. J. Toole, Bhcnandoali, "Nellie T," Dr.
1). J. Lnyton, Slicnntidoah, "Dan L,"
William Hughes, Hazlcton, "Charley 8,"
F, M. Amsbry, Ulnghamton, "Frank
Downs," 11. C. Cummlngs, Harrlsburg,
"Bcsslo M." This raco was won by "lies,
sic M" first, "Nclllo T," second, both re.
talntng these positions from tlio start,"Dan
L" third, "Charles b" fourth and "Frank
Downs" last. Time, 2:401, 2:40, 2:42.
Friday morning nt 10:30 o'clock tho far.
mors' ruco was called, for which there
were flvo entries, namely: Fan, Dick, Bird,
Colonel nud Flora. Flora won tho first and
second bents and Dick captured the third
nud fourth heats when tlio raco wns ad
journed until, afternoon and Flora driven
by Harry Faux then won tho fifth heat and
race. Time, 3sll, 3:04, 3:04, 3:04, 8:01.
For the three minute raco of Friday thcro
wcro live entries, Harry Faux, Thos. M.
Casslcbury nnd Wm. Hughes of Hazlcton,
Georgo Cook of Wyoming und F. M. Ams.
bry of Binghunitoii. Tho raco was won by
Wm. Hughes of Hazlcton. Time, 2:42),
2:47, 2:47), 2:40, 2:43.
Six entries wcro made for the open to all
race of Saturday. C. E. Tilmau, Shcnan
audoah, Thos. L. Casslcbury, Hazlcton, It.
C. Cummlngs, Harrlsburg, 11. II. Deinnrlst,
Newton, Wm. O. Leslie, Elmlra, O. C.
Evans, Berwick, This raco wns won by
Wm. O. Leslie, Elmirn, Time, 2:35J, 2:37,
2:37. 2:30, 2:38.
I found It n specific for hay fever. For
ten years I have been a great sufferer from
August 0th 'till frost. Ely's Cream Halm
s the only preventive I have ever found.
Frank 11, Alnsworth, of F. It. Ainsworth
& Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, Ind.
Ilrailley'H HupcrpliOHplintc.
Manufactured by tho Brndlcy Fertilizer
Co., of Boston, can now bo obtained in
liloomsburg. It is excellent in quality nnd
Is nmong the best fertilizers in the market.
The prices arc reasonable, and tho results
nro very satisfactory. For particulars call
on O. M. Bittcnbcndcr, under Opera House,
Centre street, liloomsburg. 3m.
At tho regular monthly meeting of the
School Board of Bloom district held lu Iho
Grand Jury room on Monday evening the
following resolution was adopted:
yviitniKAS it is evident from a careful ex-
ttuiin&tlon into tlio degree of progress
among Ihe pupils of tlio public schools ot
our district, that there Is a failure in the at
tainment of results, especially noticeable
n the primary grades; and whereas, for
tho past six or eight years tho pure "word"
method so called of teaching has been
dopted as the proper method of instruc
tion in such elementary classes, and being
further convinced that such tailurc docs
not result from u lack of qualification, in
terest or enthusiasm ou the part of the
teacher; therefore be it
JenotW, by tho Board of School Dircc
tors of Bloom school district, that the
teachers be directed to again give instruc
tion Recording to tlio "nlphnbrtlcal" ineth
od of learning to read Instead of the pure
wont" nietliou now in use; that tney ue
niso uirecieu una rcquircu 10 give iiistruo-
tlon in syllabication, combining tho oral
onu wr lien meinou in;-ina tuo
nullllnlinntlnn tnhln tn 13 lm nlsn tniurtit nt I
multiplication tabic to 12 bo also taught at
tlio proper stage in luo course; and lur
thcr that mental arithmetic bo reintro
duced as ii separate nnd distinct branch ot
study lu rooms Nos. 1 nud 2 of both build
ings and Hint ull pupils in llicso rooms Do
required to study this brunch until they
nave passed tlio cxomluullous unit nro
qualified to drop It."
l'liiLiDELruiA, October lass.
A quick survey of blankets,
et's be careful of words.
Family blankets begin at can
ton-flannel, $i a pair for a single
bed. It is labeled "Scotch with
the motto "Dinna ve hear the
slogan ?" a manufacturers' lie
no matter. 1 hese lies are a
trifle inconvenient to us who
lave no use for them. They're
a serious inconvenience to you
when a store adopts them. Here,
of course, vou pay no heed to
1 lien cotton-ancl-wool lrom S2
to si 2 a pair some extrava-
gant beautiful blankets have cot-
ton warp. We ought perhaps
to say that experienced house-
keepers by no means despise a
cotton warp: they consider a
cotton-warp blanket better than
all-wool if the wool is such as
ow-price blankets are made of.
t the wool is thoroughly pre-
)ared, all-wool is the proper
material; but this relates to
rather costly blankets. H-otton-
warp blankets, remember, are
wool, nine-tenths ot their weight.
All-wool trom S3. 50 to $28.
fvou want our opinion as to
where a blanket begins to be
better all-wool, we say at $10 a
air or thereabout. Not everyl
body agrees with even so loose
a statement as that. Interpret
very loosely. We some-
times strongly enmmend a $5
6, $7 or $8 all-wool blanket.
Family blankets are : White
with borders of stripes or fig
ures or both ; pink or blue with
borders picked out with white
or a darker shade or both in
stripes or figures or both ; scar-
et and blue with borders of
black in stripes or figures or
both : and figured or dotted all
Figures in blankets are new.
The figures are woven, same as
in dress-stuns ; but the teazling,
to comb the wool into smooth
ness and softness to give it a
rich and luxurious surface, blends
adjacent colors and softens the
niankets lor wrappers are
plain, or ligureti, or clotted, or
striped all over, or mixtures with
.. t . 1 1
ui wuuum LuiiiniMing uuruers
of Stripes or figures or both.
W'-.V "
llll.-t1-,,t(. Cr .. t-L, .!..-
i-fmuri;ia iwi
more like rugs than blankets,
$5,25 to $10 each not in pairs
Blankets for cradles and cribs,
all-wool, ?i.2o to $6.25 a pair.
If the choice depends upon the
baby a sensible baby would
rather have the $1.20 blanket,
or a larger one, or two of them
if his sleeping-room is going to
be cold ; for it's light and open
the wind will whistle through
it and reach its inmost fibres
and freshen them when you
hang it out to air. But if the
baby is somebody else's baby
somebody else may think a gift
should be prctry and rich then
of course it's none of the baby's
Among all these are extrav
agant blankets, mostly Ameri
can, fifteen styles or so from
abroad. Wc don't go abroad
for good olankets we go for
variety. Certain styles you
wouldn't like to miss can only
be got abroad.
Car-drivers use a lap-blanket
75 cents a pair they throw it
over their horses sometimes and
them a shiver. Good,
stable blankets some
folks buy them for horses who
haven t any horses ; good
enough for servants, they think.
We have a whole stock of
horse-blankets not touched on
Good gray blankets, good for
whatever use permits no thought
of waste, for $1.50 to 2.25.
V e have sold three tons of them
within a week. Poor people buy
them perfectly proper blank
ets. Rich people buy them
and give them away. Asylumns,
hospitals, prisons the govern
ment buys them for all sorts of
We have kept for the last a
bit of bed-blanket wisdom worth
more than color or figure, or
fineness of wool, or finish, or
any non-essential Size is all
important. A stingy blanket is
any blanket too small to cover
the bed and tuck in at the sides
no matter how rich or beau
tiful. The part that keeps you
safe and warm while you sleep
is the middle ; but generous
sides have got to be there
wide enough to tuck in and leave
you room to turn and roll about
in your sleep. You know the
size of your beds. Sheets are
generally wide enough. Blank
ets are almost always stingy.
There wouldn't be "business"
for half the doctors, if blankets
were wide enough. Undertak
ing itself would have to wait for
people to catch up with its over
stock, if blankets were wide
i -vr i i .1
enough. You know the truth
of wnat we art; saying as well as
. ' &
we do. Hut perhaps we re ex-
ceeding our province. What
business is it of ours, if you
choose to put your money in
beauty of color and fineness of
wool on the top of the bed to
find it on the floor in the morn
ing and then call the doctor?
One thing more Blankets
are bought by the pound
merchants. First comes qual
ity of wool ; next the making.
I hese two lix the price by the
pound. The size and thickness
fix the number of pounds, and
the price of the blanket. When
vou compare two blankets,
weigh them look at them ; feel
of the wool but weigh them.
Mot one merchant in ten knows
enough of blankets to know
what make he is selling. Whole
sale dealers disguise them un
der misleading names
Uur blankets are lower in
price than last year all through
the stock, livery blanket is
lower lower by five to twenty
per cent. We have nearly two
hundred ditlerent sorts ol blank-
ets. Many of them are exactly
the same from year to year,
We know them as well as you
know your children s laces. Ihe
blanket we sold last year for $0
($i a pound) we are selling this
year for 7.20 (eighty cents a
pound). Anotner was last year
S6 (eighty-five cents a pound),
is now s (less than seventy-two
cents a pound). And so all
It is yours to look out for size
and stvle. It is ours to see that
the price is right. We have
done our part. There may be a
rise in the market. It isn t un
likely. But there's no occasion
to think about that at present.
John Wanamakek.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets,
and Clty.hall square.
O. O. Marr Is selling goods very cheap.
Now coats and wruns for ladles aud cbll
dren at II. W. Sloan's.
C. Marr wants butter, eggs aud chick
J. II. Btcckcr sells the Superlative Patent
jiuuaio uour.
Now goods at C. V. Marr's.
When you como to the Fair sco tho black
casumcres at 1. v. linnmun a eon's.
For a good sandwich lunch call at Phil
lips' stand ou tuu ruir ground next week
C. C. Marr has tho best syrup in Bloom.
J. H. Blocker sells tho Strong Mountain
sirong coiiee.
, sioan'
Bilk velvets, all colors, this week at II
For a delicious stew of oysters call nt
Hbilllps' ttund on the Fair ground next
I ,
. euicjo rend Cluik i: Son's card
Issue. The spuco allotted Is not largo
enough In which to tell of the Immense
stock 01 goous couininui in tucir two
When you como to tho Fatr sco the Ot
toman clotii for dresses nt I. W. Hartman
& Son's.
Phillips' Domestic Bakery will bo repre
sented with a full lino of their celebrated
bread, rolls and cakes on tho Fair ground.
A flno line of ladles and children's cash
meres here this week nt II. W. Sloan's.
Floor nnd tabic oil cloth nt C, C. Marr's.
Miss E. Pctcrmnn still conducts the
millinery business nt thu old and well
known stand. A largo lino of hnls plain
nnd trimmed nnit it full assortment of
millinery goods always on hand.
When you como to the Fair seo tho best
red flannel in tlio county for 25c. nt I. NY.
Hartman & Son's.
J. A. Hess keeps tho latest nnd best In
boots nnd shoes for men, women and chil
dren. All sizes and prices. Kendtg's old
stand, Evans' block, liloomsburg, Pa.
Canton flannels
from 0 to 17c, nt II. W.
Wanted. Kggs,
nnd Wnlnuts, nt J.
and Confectioner.
Bhellbarks, Chestnuts
F. Caldwell's, linker
Visitors to liloomsburg during tlio fair
can get Flno Cabinet Photos ntthc reduced
prlco of only i3.00 per doz. M'Kllllp's In
stnntnncnus process used. Baby pictures
quick as wink. Machinery, rcsidence,nni
mals photographed, nnd flno selection of
frames In stock. M' & Ciioate.
When you como to tho Fair see tho
Heaver cloths nt 1. W. Hartman & Son's.
70c. to $3.60.
Use O. K. Coffee the best In the market.
Seldom equaled. Never cjtccllcd. For
sale everywhere. Oct2-tf
When you como to the Fair seo the plain
nnd fancy dishes at I. W. Hartman &
Alter you arc weary of looking around
the Fair ground, call nt Phillips' oyster
parlors, up town, and get a good rest and
n lino stew.
Hcd twilled flannels
II. W. Sloan's.
from 23c. to 00c. nt
Ono trial will satisfy any one that Phil.
Hps' now oven bakos the very best of bread.
When you como to tho Fair seo the
shawls at I. W. Hartman & Son's.
A lino line of groceries, queenswarc,
glnsswurc, Ac., nt Wilson's grocery. Fresh
goods nnd reasonable prices can always bo
found nt this store.
When you come to tho Fnir sco I, W.
Hartman & Son's coats for yourself, your
daughter, your child.
When in town next week call at Cad
man's furniture store nnd sec his largo
stock of parlor suits, chamber suits nnd
furniture of all kinds. He will have no
exhibit nt tlic Fnir, but tho ware-rooms
will bo open, where tlio furniture enn bo
seen to much better advantage.
When you come to the Fair don't go
home wliliout seeing I. W. Hirtinan &
Son's big stock of Fall nnd Winter soods.
Notwlthstundine their recent losses by
fire and burclnrs, Evnus & Eycr nre rendy
with their Full stock of clothing, gents'
furnishing goods, lints, etc., in great vuri
cty nnd nt low prices. Suits mado to or
der by skilled bands. Call In next week
during the Fnir, or nt any other tlmo.
When yon come to the Fulr seo the black
and colored velvets nt I. W. Hnrtmnn fc
Persons who try Keller's Catarrh Hcmcdy
arc sure to recommend It, for It certainly is
a blessing that there Is a sure cure for ca
tarrh, malaria, rheumatism, &c. It Is not
to be compared to the patent medicines ad
vertised. General Chuce ot lthodo Island, says :
"I always keep Hunt's Hcmedy in my
bouse, it prevents headache and Kidney
With bright cyesj und clastic step, yet
gray, lusterless hair. It is unnatural, need
less. Parker's Hair Balsam will restore tho
black or brown prematurely lost, cleanse
from all dandruff, and stop its falling.
Don't surrender your hair without nn ef
fort to save it Oct 0-4w
Wo depart from our usual practice and
recommend Hunt's Hcmcdy as a sure cure
for all kidney diseases. Medical Gaxctle.
A peculiar virtue In Aycr's Sarsnparilln
is that while it cleanses nnd purges tho
blood from nil corruptions nnd impurities,
nnd thereby roots out disense, it builds up
nnd Invigorates Ihe whole system, nnd
mnkes one young ugnin.
After using ull thu tiumbug liniments nnd
snlves with suro failure, go und get of your
druggist n Hop Plaster. The strongest nnd
best porous plaster ever mado. Vastly su
perior to ull other cxtemnl remedies. Tho
complete paln-nllnying virtues of fresh
Hops combined wilh strengthening Gums
and Burgundy Pitch. 25c.
Among Children thcro is iro plnguc that
cats nwny life's energies so rapidly ns that
of worms, which ate tho outgrowth of
blood Impurities. They nro detected by
nervous restlessness, unnatural nnnetitc
lor ioou, nniiow, sunuen eves, unu a ccn-
eral bodily uneasiness. Parents should
note these symptoms, and relieve the little
ones by tho use of Vinegar Bitters.
Better stop vour couirh while vou can.
Hyo and bye nothlm; will do it. It is worth
heeding, Unit Parker's Tonic is the best
tiling known for coughs, colds, torpid Ilv
Kldnev troubles and weal; limes, ion
risk your life in waiting. Tako It while
thero Is yet time. Oct 9-4w
Cure for Troun. Use Dr. Thomas' Ec.
loctric Oil according to directions. It Is
thu best remedy for all sudden attacks ot
colds, pain und Inllammallon, nnd for In
Wlin rujij ni sick, wo ct her CutoiU,
When tho nt ft Child, tho cried for CutorU,
When the becam MIji, the clan g to CMtorU,
When ibt hxl Children, the give theiu CMtorte,
Can you tell mo who is in the prcntcBt
danger of catching any infectious or epi
demlo disease ? "Why," you say, "tho
persons whose blood Is In an Impure or Im
poverished condition." Exactly. Buck
people take special complaints as dry grass
bursts into tlame before tlio sparks of a lo.
comotlve. Puro blood Is a defence ; It
means eufety, and Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
iicmcuy is 111c iniuiest, safest ami surest
purifier ot the blood. Our chief dangers
ure wlthlu ourselves. sept 18-4w
The engineers ot the Central ltnllroad of
Georgia say s "Though exposed to the
worst miasmatic Influences, going In and
coming out of Savannah at different hours
01 lite nlglit, and also In spending entire
nights in tho city during the prevalence of
1110 yenow icver epidemic ot 1H7J, wltli
but the slnglo exception of ono of us (who
was taken sick, but speedily rccoveicd) we
continued In our usual good health a cir
cumstance we can account for In no other
way but by tho eirect, under Providence,
of tho hnbllunl and coutinucd uso of Sim
mons Liver Hegulntor while wo wero ex.
posed to this miliaria."
Who docs not dellcbt to seo n food too'x.
lng fnco ? Yet erysipelas disfigures tho
features almost beyond recognition. Hut
that is not the worst of it. The disease Is
ns dangerous ns It is repulsive It Is some.
nines caueu "Bi. Anthonys rire," auu of
ten causes sudden death. Mr. B. H. Car.
pouter, of Orandvllle, N. Y., had It lu both
legs nud was cured by Dr. Kcnuedy's Fav.
onto Heinedy. This medicine excels all
others for tlio blood. Especially adapted
to persons In fecblo health.
Sept) 8-4 w
Utters tebtmnemaiy cn thu ettsteof Joseph
Kilue, lute ol ML. I'leutaut towuthlp, Columbia
county, renin-) Ivoiila, Ueceoted hmo been u'rant.
ed b) iho lteBiitier ot buld ccumy to tlio under,
h gned exceutor. All pi nous liai Icb claims airaliut
the cfelalu ol bald dutilent uie luiuoted to uto
senllUeiu lor ielileiiit-ui and thorn Indebted to
iho eslato tu make pojuieut to tho uuderohfutd
without delay.
JUSHl'lI ClIAWFOIin. (lrniTi.llln !
j ;