The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 09, 1885, Image 2

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    The Columbian.
0. E. Elwell, rji,
J. K. BlUnnbondsr.J "Hon.
Fill DAY, OCTONUIi 9, 1885.
Tlio l'lymoutli epidemic, cost ono
1 m ml red mid soven lives mid Hourly
sixty thouaand dollars, not counting
tho loss in wages from enforced idlo
Hess of tho Hick nnd their oaro-takcra.
A poHnl card to notify tho County
Commissioners of n c.i9o of typhoid
fuvcr in time to enable thorn to prevent
tho up read of tho infection costs only a
When a young man picks tin tho
editorial quill with tho 'expectation of
(dialling tho earth from center to cir
cumference with tho might of ills pro
ductions ho is naturally disappointed
when his efforts fall Hat. And when tho
wind is knocked out of his relegation! by
n plain statement ot facts, ho tnvaribly
retorts by calling Ins opponent a
"blackguard." This stylo of retort is
considered somownat respectaulo ue
causo of its old age. If wo remember
rightly wo have seen tho words "billings
gate, "blackguardism, "sournlous
attacks" in print before. They nro
good words when ono lias nothing
clso to say. Thoyjiro always used as
a last resort.
Tho Columiiian is aheats strong for
tho Democratic ticket anil has novcr
wavered. When tho present editor of
tho sentinel tailed to secure the nomi
nation for Register and Itecordor for a
fifth term, nnd ran as an independent
candidate against tho regular nomineo
of tho party that had kept mm in ot'
fico for twclvo years, tho Coi.umihan
was for tho ticket, and it was elected,
When tho present owner of the Senti-
i .1 i.r . ii i r
7tei tiseu ins liuiueiicu m nivur ui uiu
republican candidato for protbonolary,
becauso the democratic party refused
to givo him a nomination for a third
term, and after ho had bold othco at
tho hands of tho party for nearly twen
ty years, tho Columbian was for tho
ticket; and it was elected. We aro
democratic from principle, and our allegiance-
to tho party is not measured
by tho desiro to hold office, nor have
wo ever betrayed tho party because of
our failuro to capture tho spoils.
The Blacks in the South.
. W. nit-glnson In tho Boston Advertiser.
Surprise is sometimes expressed that
old abolitionists liko James Freeman
Clark and Francis W. Bird and my
self should now bo lukewarm or in
credulous about tho alledged "suppres
sion of votes at the South," when tho
causo of the suffering negro is being
hotly argued by many who were not
quite so sensativo to it in tho days
when it cost something to tako that
side. Tho explanation seems to rao
very simple. Tho very fact that we
are old abolitionists lias led us at
least this is truo in my own case to
study tho Southern question apart
from tho bias of politics and to get our
knowledge from tho very best sources
our former clients themselves.
I happened to command, during tho
civil war, a large regiment of men who
had been slaves in South Carolina,
Georgia and Florida. Ever since tho
war I have kept up a continuous though
straggling and irregular correspond
enco with the so men, mostly in regard
to claims of pension. I havo seen
some of them at tho North since tho
war, and havo seen others in their own
homes and places of business at tho
South, those whom I havo thus met be
ing usually tho moro capablo and tho
moro prominent. Tho information re
ceived from all these men goes to the
samo point namely, to show that al
though force and fraud havo undoubted
ly been brought in, and sometimes out
rageously in tho past, to intimidate tho
negro vote in certain benighted locali
ties this kind of interference is now
altogether a subordinate factor in the
question ; tho veal causos which impair
tho Southern Republican vote lie in
wholly other influences, most of which
would havo much tho samo result in
any other locality.
Theso moro direct causes aro: (1)
Tho ignoranco and poverty of the
blacks, which has made it impossible
that they should organizo and bring
out their vote as against tho better
educated and wealthier white.: (2)
their disputes and sub-divisions among
themselves ; a tendency which is illus
trated by half the so-called "African
churches" at tho North and largely
tho result of tho samo ignorance ; (8)
their dependence through poverty,
upon white employers, generally Demo
crats and having a tondency to dis
chargo thoso who havo voted against
them a tendency also not cenlined
to tho South, as many Northern "mug
wumps" havo found to their- cost ; (4)
their disgust at the memory of the carpet
ing governments, under which, as they
found too late, thoy thcmsolves wcro
only singed in tho fire, wliilo their
Northern loapers got tho chestnuts; (.")
tho abaenco of all viaiblo attempt by
Republican? to hold meetings or fur
nish political guidance to their South
ern allies ; (0) tho failuro of tho Repnb
lican party, whou in power, to fulfil its
promises ; (7) tho death of Lincoln nnd
now of Grant, tho only Northern pub
lics pien whoso names wero really
known in tho Southern cabins.
All these, points of explanation havo
come to me, not from my own specula
tions, but from tho very men concern
ed. Compared with theso influences,
so far as I can form an opinion, vio
lencu and tissue ballots nnd complicat
ed ballot boxes aro wholly secondary.
Theso causes havo had tho effect not
ho much to transfer tho negro voto to
tho Democratic) sldo as to impair and
diminish it all together. All politicians
admit that it is hard to bring out tho
votes of tho very poor and ignorant
unless they have a direct money inter
cat in voting. Now, the bulk of tho
negro voto at tlio South is still and
long will bo of just this class. All
jioliticans know how hard it is to bring
out a largo voto in an off year. To tho
mass of these sluggish voters among
tho Southern voters it is always an off
year. I must say that all the accii'
mulcted speeches and resolutions of
my Republican friends do not seem to
mo to manifest so much common
kciibo as tho brief remark of Sergeant
Hnny Williams in my own parlor ;
"Wo have mado up our minds to quit
politics until wo havo education and
proiieity i then, perhaps, wo will try
politics again," or tho dill pithicr sny
ing of tho old colored man in Atlanta
to Edward Atkinson ; "Ycu can't
put ignoranco on top of knowledge
and make it stay there" J
A public mcoting of business men
was called for Thursday evening, Oct.
8th at tho Hoard of trndo Rooms, Phil
adelphia to consider the question of
tlio election of Statu Treasurer. It is
tho purpose of this meeting to mako an
effectual organization to inquire into
the ability of tho candidates to conduct
tlio ofiico of Stnto Troasuror upon busi
ness principles ; and urgo tho election
of tlio ono who wilt regard publio of
fice, as a publia trust. Conrad li. Day
tho democratic candidato for Stato
Treasurer, has known only active bit
sincss life. Ho hai not been In poli
tics ; and if elected to tho ofllco of
Stato Treasurer ho would attend to it
on business principles as ho has dono
everything else. Tho business people
of Philadelphia, republican and demo
crat, appreciate this and aro making
every effect for his election.
From the Philadelphia lleconl, ind.
The lack of Republican interest in
tho Republican campaign in this state
cannot fail to impress tho most careless
observer. Thero is a Hood reason lor
it. Tho bosses and tho boys who hero
toforo havo looked forwnrd to a somo'
timo opportunity to share in tho spoils
of Federal ofllco havo had tho door
shut in their faces. Thoy now work
without heart becauso they work with
out hope. Tho ablest and most iittlncn
tial Republican newspapers wcro ham
strung by tho nomination mado by tho
Republican stato convention. They
cannot support tho ticket prepared for
thorn without committing moral nan
kari, and as a consequence tho canvass
is left to drift along with no compe
tent hand to keep it off tho rocks or
from stioking in tho mud. Tho moro
ambitious young republicans perceive
that tho movement upon tho stato
treasury is only a preliminary Btep
toward moro substantial rewards, in
volvine moreover V a continuance of
power in tho hands of leaders entirely
mercenary and unscrupulous, and off
ering no particular inducement to them.
Tho "kickers" who put tho value of
honest government abovo partisanship
ask themselves what is to Do gained
by a republican victory this year, when
tho bosses they havo aided in putting
down aro again at tho front seeking to
bo trusted with important publio tunct
ions And so it is, the wholo Repub
lican organization is suffering with an
attack of thn megrims. lho quiet,
apathetic monotony of indifforenco has
finally been disturbed by tho organiza
tion of Independent Republicans to
oppose tho nomineo for stato treasurer.
Ho is tho incarnation in politics of all
that tho Independents detest. lie
is a believer in machine politics and
boss methods. He has been part and
parcel of nil tho trickery and jobbery
that have pervaded tho administration
of stato affairs since he cut bis political
eye-teeth, To elect him is to undo
tho work of reform and to put back in
power tho class of politicaos who, liko
Falstaff, consider it rather a proper
thing to rob tho public exchequer.
There is a sound and solid Republi
can majority in Pennsylvania which
will bo mado sounder and solidnr for
the important contest of next year if it
is not handicapped by an unfortunate
victory this year. Tho peoplo of tlio
stato want proper railroad legislation,
and thoy are heartily tired of tho sys
tem of finance which permits the use
of tho public money for tho promotion
of partisan schemes. To ily in the
faco of this desiro by tho election of
a lobbyist of tho railroad companies
and a dispenser of doubtful political
patronage is a daring experiment with
tho publio patience. Tho Independent
Republicans show their independeuco
to advantage when they refuso to havo
any hand in it. Wo aro by no means
suro that tho Blaino majority can be
all whittled uway, but such things havo
happened. Mr. Cleveland bad nearly
200,000 majority for governor of New
York and only 1,200 for president
From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington.!!). C. Oct. 5, 1885.
Tho President has been very busy
during tho past week. As tho short
ening days betoken tho approach of
tho congressional session, fresh do
mands upon his lime and patience ap
pear, and his work perceptibly increas
es. The number of callers at his in
formal reception grows larger every
day, and few men could enduro tho
strain that Mr. Cleveland and his pri
vate secretary arc obliged to daily un
dergo. But the former has a robust
constitution, and as for Col Laraont, I
know of no other slightly built, ner
vous man who can accomplish bo much
work, with no apparent fatigue.
The President has greatly lightened
his work by systematizing all his
duties. Ho is cool, calm, self-contain
cd, and naturally industrious, and with
a happy faculty of concentrating his
whoio attention nn each task, lie makes
appointments and dismissals, answers
correspondence, transacts business and
receives visitors with equal facility.
Ho is usually up by 7 o'clock and
breakfasts at 8. After his morning
meal, ho goes at onco Jto tho library,
where he spends most of his timo. It
is a largo elliptical room, on tho top
floor of the mansion. Adjoining it
nro his private suit of apartments, and
tho room whero tho Cabinet meetings
aro held. Col. I.amont's room opens
into tho latter apartment.
When tho President enters tho li.
brarv, ho finds his private secretary
waiting for him, and such letters and
papers as rcquiro his special attention
nro reaily on his big oaken desk on the
bay window. Hero ho passes several
hours in disposing of thn morning busi
ness, when it it is timo for tho rccept
lion. Tho ante-room on tho north
sido of tho Mansion nro full of visitors,
who, when tlio doors aro open, swarm
toward tho library. They hand their
cards to tho door keepers (who havo
n quaint collection of cards, somo of
which nro queer and even absurd.)
Tho callers puss into tlio library or in
to tho room of the privato secretary,
for Col. Lamout has almost as many
visitors as his chief. For a couple, of
hours thero is nn unremitting rush for
admission into tho rooms,
Tho President stands up throughout.
Ho mocs from man to man, and from
group to group, having a pleasant word
and a courtoous reply for nil who ad
dress him. Kven to positivo bores ho
is kindly, and it is pleasant to watch
him when he finds ono of those rara
avium who docs not want an oflice.
Ho has humor nnd a keen sensu of wit,
ii lid ho laughs easily and musically.
Ho lias a power of repartee, which
may be better known beforo ho leaves
the White House. It has served him
in many trying nnd annoying oonver
catinns'diiring tho set on months that
ho has been in ollioo.
Tho interviews with mnny callers
concluded, ho returns to his desk, whero
iio works steadily, only interrupted by
on occasional caller who has mado au
engagement for somo hours in
afternoon, uutil after fi o'clock. Then,
if tho weather is pleasant, ho usually
?;os out for a walk or drive Ho pro
era walking, nnd his favorito stroll is
around by tho Washington Monument,
a distant of noarly a milo. Eton
when driving, ho frequently descends
from tho enrriago nnd walks. He has
two enrriages, a pretty littlo victoria
mid a landau. Iio owns only two
horses, a $1,000 team, and ho has bcon
talking about getting a third horeo to
iltl a place in caso ono of tho pair being
indisposed. Ho is not especially fond
of lho equine race, in which respect ho
differs from his predecessor, in wheso
tlmo(the slablo was full of thorough
bred, and who used to drivo four-lb-hand.
Tho President novcr ridcM in
tho saddle, probably becauso of somo
'ccnsldoration of avordupois. In form
er 'days when ho weighed less than 200
fiounds, horseback riding was a favor
to amusement with him.
A Wcatorn Senator, who was hero
during the' week, says he has heard
very littlo about tho Republican Sen
ators fiahting tho President's nomina
tions. Ho thinks that tlio President
may possibly have a Bharp contest over
tho "offensive partisan" issue, but ho
believes that tho Republican Senators
could not afford to mako any idle op
position to him, and piny tho part of
the dog-in-the-mangor. A Southern
Congressman who was present during
our interview, says that it is his opin
ion that tho President will havo a very
sharp fight with tho Senate. Ho was
anxious to havo this fight come. Ho
said nothing uould happen which
would bo bettor for tho Democratic
party. If the President becomes invol
ved in a sharp war with tho Republi
can Senators all Democratic differences
will be forgotten.
Tho borough agitators have again
been beaten. Tho causo is that they
talk too much and say what they aro
going to do, when they get the reins
in their hands. Why ono of tho fore
most agitators in tho movement wanted
the peoplo not to keep any pigs in tho
borough. Another wanted a park fix
ed up over against tho hill. Well, gen
tlemen, you may havo thoso things
whon you get tho borough, but wo,
laboring, want bread and butter a great
deal worso than a borough and high
taxei to staryo our families and lose
our homes.
Mr. John Kiofcr, a rcspectablo and
highly esteemed citizen of this place,
departed this life on last Friday in his
seventy-eighth year. Ho had been a
friend to tho poor, having spent his
lifo principally upon his farm near tins
pince. no nan neipeu w umiu i-liner's
church twice in his lifetime. IIo
was interred in Greenwood cemetery,
Rov. Dechant ofticiating, who delivered
an cloauent sermon from thn text:
"Remember the Creator in tho Days of
thy Youth."
A child of Porter Shook was also
buried on last Sunday in tho cuiuotory.
Mr. A. L. Holshno has purchased the
businoss interests of P. 15. Erviu at tho
Masonic Hall, and will bo pleased to
supply his customers with anything in
his lino.
The P. & R. R. havo a very heavy
traflio at present.
Thero havo been quite a number of
changes made in thu Despatchers ollioo
at ims piace.
"Parents, if you havo not money
enough to buy all tho books tho teach
ers think? you need, keep your children
at home," is tho way our wist direc
tors and teachers talk.
Luther Union, on October 31st, will
bo n musical entertainment of a high
order and onght to bo liberally patron
ized. Tho principal talk among tho boys
is tlio show on tho I7lh iust.
All tho peoplo ought to attend tho
Fnir and encourago homo industries,
not tho horse racing alone; but tho
manufactures and larm products.
Mr. J. B. Ktiitllq will lake charge of
the postcfHco on Thursday, October 8.
Wo think he will mako a competent
and efficient officer.
Mr. Wm. Creasy has given tho Un
ion Cemetery a cleaning Ho is one
of the many who doos work for Christ
always, and" would bo greatly missed
from his church wero ho to leave town.
Rainy weather has como and occa
sionally a light frost; tho farmers
around in this section aro ready
for Winter except husking their
corn crops.
Mr. Wm. Ever purposes erecting a
three story brick building thu lower
end of Main street, between tho rail
roads. It will bo a fine building, ns ho
never does anything by halves.
i;ast iicutoii.
Hev. O. V. Savulge, 'Sipiiro Hirleninn
mill Julin J. McIIenry, nil of IJeiitnn, caught
83 fine buss near Hlitckslitiiny, one. ilny
week beforo last. The ltuv. caught i(J ami
tlio 'riqulro 23 nnd tlio cxpcrt9 hi arithmetic
can readily calculate tlio number caught by
John J. Our Informant says that John Is
moro expert In dividing flelics Into shares
than at capturing them.
Tho Columbian informed us last week
that "in Fislilngcrcck township nro living
six sisters who married six brothers." We
cannot call to mind such a family. The
nenrcust approach Is where six sisters mar
ried two brothers in ench of threo differ
cut families. Wo iilso knew i. family hi
thu sumo township of three brothers who
have each six sisters but only two married
brothtrs, nnd thu aggregate weight of
father, sons und daughters would score
nearly u gross ton.
Wm. Iplier threatened sending us n
"sample or bunch of buckwheat which, ho
says, is thu rulo of the Held nnd the fullest
he ever saw. There was too much early
sowluc; thu late is tho best.
This lias been nn exceptionally busy
season for fanners and thu cud Is not yet.
Thu drought has again been inteieepted
by a thoroughly soaking anil welcome ruin
on last Fiiday night and Suiidny,
Michael Wciincr, ot llendertown, has a
severe attack ot usthina.
We suggest that peoplo coming to tho
Fair will not neglect to cull at tlio follow
ing stores; Ithor, John A: Son and McIIenry
llros. Also Carey As McIIenry, furniture
store; McIIenry llros., hardware; Apple
innu llros., wugonmakers; Hess, Ilruko
nnd McIIenry llros., hotels uml nccoinnin-'
jdallons, and. hi fact, every business placo
in town, manning inierviuws wiiii nil 1110
correspondents of Benton township.
Itye, corn, buckwheat and oats, one cent
per pound at Slilckshlnny, Wheat, 15
cents per pound.
Tho Uuckliorn correspondent gives tho
dimensions of u largo pumpkin, owned by
J.ewU (llrlon, Wu am credibly Informed
that William lluhne, of Denton, owns 0110
that weighs 200 or more pounds. Wo
know nothing of Its dimensions, neither
could wo tell which is the larger, unless
tho former wcro weighed.
Borne of our Hctlcrvlllo readers ot this
paper think that thero wcro qui to a lot ot
weddings In tho paper of last week, Sco
It thero, will bo quite so many for the next
few weeks. If' not, wo judge it Is on ac
count ot tho license law.
Our genial storekeeper, II, J. (Icarhoart,
has grown quite lively since ho has taken a
wife. Wo wish him much Joy and happl.
.Messrs. 1). O. Hand nnd Adam Miller
havo bought a separator thrashing mac bine
of O. I. Unrpstnr, which Is run by eight
Mr. 0. Swnnk, of this plicc, boat in
thrashing buckwheat.
Tho chestnuts arc fast getting rlpo and
nro rather plenty.
Mr. John Mostcllcr nnd his brother, Levi,
purchased a new buggy of H. M. Hetler re
cently. On Friday, October 2d, Mrs. Emma
Wagner, wife of .Minor Wagner, was over
taken by the tcrrlblo hand of death. Sho
was 111 for a very short time. 8I10 was n
well-to-do woman and much esteemed by
ill who know her. Her death Is mourned
by nil her friends. Her remains weru laid
In tho Herwlck cemetery on Sunday last.
Sho leaves a husband unit Ilvo children to
mourn her loss.
Thco. Heck nnd E. J. Stcttler took
in tho Berwick fair witli a stand ot re
freshments. Chas. Leo, Jr., now enlivens the
early morn by travelling to Mr. Little's
farm, where ho is engaged.
Two ladies fioui Royer's Ford,
Montgomery county, nro visiting at
their brother's, A brain Custer.
Somo of our town boys took in the
uornciitting on Saturday night at Da
vid Oman's, in Mt. Pleasant,
Mrs. Geiger, of Centre, spent Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Terwilli
gor. Thought wc had a hog law in our
town, but, from tho appearance of
things, somo wero left to run at largo
on Friday night, when they destroyed
quito. a lot of vegetables for I. J. Kes
ter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pntton, of Nor
thumberland county, spent a short timo
visiting at Jacob Torwilligcr's last
Among those who took in tlio Ber
wick fair wo noticed Supt. Grimes,
Freeman Fredorici, A. C. Hidlny,
Chas. Eckroth, E. A. Brown and W.
I. Terwilliger.
Thu now band was out serenading
on Tuesday evening.
P. Jacoby and Oliver Swisher aro
now plastering Mr. Custer's residence.
Last week items should havo been
Ptillin, instead of Mullin. H. F. Con
ner should bo II. F. Oman.
ROYAL (Absolutely Ture).. I
OK ANT'S (Alumrowder)..
UUMI'OKD'S, when fresh..
HANFOKD'S, v.!un fresh.. ..
CIIAKH (Alum I'owdor) ....
AMAZON (AIumrowdori...
I'lONEEH (San Francisco)....
Kit. TRICE'S ,
SN'OW FLAKE (draft's)
PEAItlj (Andrews & Co.)
UllwahkM, (CoQUlJU Alum. )
HULK (Powder add loos).... Hkt
UUMFORD'Sjwhen no'tfresbH
Ah to l'urlty nntl Wliolcsomoncss of tho Koynl linking Powder.
"I havo tested ft package, of Koynl Ilaklnpr Powder, which I purchased In tho
open market, and llud It couinosod of iiuro and v, holesomo Ingredients. It Is a cream
of tartar powder of u high degree of merit, and docs not contain cither alum or
phosphates, or other Injurious substances. E. Q. Love, l'h.lj."
"It is a scientific fact that tho Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure.
" 11. A. Mott, Ph.D."
" I havo examined a packago of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself in
market. I nnd It entirely frco from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sub
ice. Hour JI011TON, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Technology."
"I hare analyzed a packago of Royat Baking Powder. Tho materials of which
It la composed aro puro and wholesome. 8. IUna IIayus, Stato Assaycr, Moss."
.1 J?0 Ro7.?' ,li,akl"S: Powder received the highest award over all competitors at
the lenna World's Exposition, 1873 ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1870 : at tho
American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout tho country,
No other arlida of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni
versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Boards of
llealth all over tho world.
Note Tho abovo Diaoham illustrates tho comparative worth of various Baking
Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments mado by Trof. Schcdlcr.
A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume In
each can calculated, tho result being as Indicated. This practical test for worth by
Prof. Schedlcr only proves what every observant consumer of tho Royal Baking
Powder knows by practical experience, that, whllo it costs a fow cents per pound
moro thau ordinary kinds, It Is far moro economical, and, besides, affords tho advant
age of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Towdcr will convince any
fair minded person of these facts.
' Whllo tho diagram Bhows some of tho alum powders to be of a higher degrt
of strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken as indicat.
ing that they have any value. All alum powder" , no matter how high their strength,
are to be avoided as dangerous.
"qtt;the Best:
I J K1U ptlii, tooth and tttmul&t th Urod I
muMiM. and wonderfully itreugthcn weak I
parU. AU the Taluablo mediolaal virtue of I
Imwh XXopt, combined with Burgundy Fitch I
and Canada Balaam. Applied to Baekache, I
Sciatica, KheumatUm, Crlok, Btltchoc, Sldo I
Acho, Kidney Affection, Bora Chst or any of I
tho varloue pAlna and weaknea to oommon, I
Instant relief l given. Cure Byipepala and I
liver troubles without introl dosing. Sold I
I everywhere, 26 o, B for f I. Mailed for prioa. I
HOP PIASTER CO. Frop're, Boston, LXau. I
AWoridenfut e
'outiiih DUimncinun ciuoro
iiibHuuki iiin oiiiuLn
Jucllkllnr Tuckfr, ltuHIrr,
buxuH ImiimerN.iMiiiiiiiid
er.auil UHUnl outfit oflttt-ltt
i'in-ti. wiitiiiis J ,lri.
5 days'?;
lintun bt'loro inu nnr
miwnwr inatmtirtunr in tnt
Vmliit aUutVj dm t to uuiiat
I thli ttfcrr They arv hurwl
I wrnie, tturiiitUi. hnd 1 1 lit
Ininnlntr. fiat n eihtf im.
Purrfaaae from uh uml uvr Km J fur
circular ind X C. A. WOOD & CO.,
.eatlmonlul; IT . 'iVulb u, I'MUd'a, Ta.
MILE hi!l
TJieluuiiftiU uiiJ hmi'
I n .VAlnul., u I. I I I
I uicrrlpgl, ab
txf heard from una tu
ivirj ipwu
lis lis inn
urn. njr
mull, for its cc-uia lu
aUuiiu. Order nuw,
JiNNlil. AI,lON its filZ
II.AUlJI.niM. I'tNN'i:
Bert -iin.-cow,
UI ifa'vc5ii' tit a.
v ( (& Vt' 1
Tht medicine, combining Iron Willi wire
Vcki'UMo tonlo, qnlokly uml comi.Ulclr
C urn llnpep.ln, Imlltntlon, Wrnkiirin,
nml nenrnlfrin.
I l ls an unfailing; remedy for Diseases of the
Kliliifiyii nail l.lirr.
It 14 ln,aluMo for DIwmcs rwcullnr to
Women, and nil who lend ntdentiiry lives.
Iirnduco comtlpntlon o(Ar Iron meillcinti iio.
II enriches and tirtfles the Mood, tlmulatca
lho appetite, aids tin m.lnilliUIon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Ilelrhliig, and strength
ens the muclei and nerves.
Kor Intermittent rovers. Ijuultude, luck of
Xncrgr, Ac., H has tin equal.
W Tlio Rtnulno has almvo trade mark and
crowed red Unci on urrappvr. Tako no other,
d.a.lrl.; hUOl!IIlllL (CKil.TIIUkI.aii.
"The Greatest Curo on Earth for Pain."
Will relieve more qulcldr thnn any
other known remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swcllinpjs, Bruises, Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost
bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache,
Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all
DniKRists. Price 25 Cents n Bottle.
The distress
ing feeling of
wcarlnesj, of
exhaustion without tifurt, vhlch makes lifo
n burden to nr many jtcoitle, Is duo to tho
fact that tho Mood Is poor, tin it the vitality
consequently feeble. If you arc sutTeriutf
from such feelings,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is Jnst what ou need, and will do you lucal
cul.ilile od.
Ku oilier preparation ao concentrates and
combines Mnod-purlfylug, vitalizing, enrich
ing, and Im li;orathig qualities us AYMt's
Di'.J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by nil DroRcista ; ?l. six bottles lor .".
A fiir.MTC! trr A,rTrri'i7'ni'"'"vaa r..ri
wua,i (Y Aijuiiio b.iin or our
Nursery Muck Unecin.iled Lullltics. ono ot the
UtVi-st and oldest i-subllalied Nursrelon In tin
stutes. I'or terms nddri'n. v. ,VT. SMIIII, (Jeno
va, N. Y. nusai-liv-p.(i.w. a
Notice Is hereby given that tho regular annual
meeting ot tho Mockholdera ottho llluointburg
Water I'omiMtiy will bo held lu llloomsburg, Tues
day, octolier 13th, ihks, nt onico of f, 1'. lilllmejer,
Troon,, between the houra or uud 1 o'clock In the
afternoon, for tho purpoMj or electing a 1 loin) or
Directors to sen o lor tho, uud fur
the transaction of any other business or lho com
pany. 1'. P. lllLI.MHVi:i(,
Kent SJ w-at" hecR'tury.
Illustrated American
. i7ioiiiiiii tolil (u Me irVjf. Xonrmtrcan qf
ford to le without it. Kuukut Uukkxu H)nt
It ii tlm Wt wuik of tho kind I itr saw,"
rrtcil dolli, Sri leather, 8B,7rf, Kent prepaid.
Agents Wanted. Exclusive Territory Given.
li ulckcrhockcr Muliscrliitlou Airtitcy,
!. u. Uoi UJO, liia Hiuiv tl., Nkw You.
(irt IMw r
Mason Hamlin
w 111 out Of
Cltlnom.r I I..
quitter tun Ins
I'ltnof im the
v r t t 1 1 1 n k
'wntt lu 1
yittm. Kt
..m.kmtJas t.t
1 oiCtth,
iKnltl. Cat.
It-h'UU (iv.
.uiity cf tone
pnJ JurtvUUly.
I li Tremonl SI..Boiton. 40 E.MIh SI. (Union la ),
N. r, l4UWabaihAve.,Chktgo.
Oct 04vv
nun ui m ij u"
iiLri 1-1 1-1
Cures Conern, C0W9, ir.iarwtM, Croup. Asthma, M
Bronchitis, WhootMnff Crojlb- jrclpler t Connirnp. Fl
n lent ii non .BLCjitflLH 11 i
lulilfleuycira &ZrT&&st&3n IB
Sulci. . tak f.l 1
Hy Mrtuo of a writ of Vend. Kx, Issuf d out of the
Court of Common I'leas of Columhl county and
to mo directed will ho exposed topuullo saloat
tho Court ltoui) In Uloomsburfc', on
Saturday, Oct. 31st, 1885,
at s o'clock p. m., nil that certain plocoor p.uccl
ot l.ind situate in .Main township, Columbia coun
ty nnd Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd descrN
bed ns follows, lo-wlt I On tho north by lands of
Aaron Miller nnd I), a llrown on thocasl by lands
of v. V. O rover, on tho south by a publio road,
loadlni; from Mnlmillo to Minilnvllle nnd on the
Weil by land-i ot N, II. V, lli-ovn,contalnlnscli?li-ty.trtu
itcroi, tmro ae leu wli -re-iM nro criMlcd n
twostory stonohouu, btn'cbtrn, w.ydn slu'd
nnd ojlbulldlns,, All llntccrtaln plejj or parcel .of land
eltuato In sill tn-p. of Main, county and stiito
aforesaid, boundeil on tho north by landi ot Eman
uel Mauser, on tho east by lands of Aaron Miller
and publio road, on tho south by lands of I). H.
llrown nnd Jacob Drown, and on tho west by lands
ot llenjamln Nuss, Wm. ilenslnffer nnd .tames
Keefcr, containing ono hundred and two acres
moro or less, whei eon nro erect cd n f ratno dwcllltii;
house, bank barn nnd outbuilding's.
ALSO, ono other piece or parcel of land situate
in twp., county nnd state aforesaid, bounded on
tho north and east by landsof l'lcrcotlrotcron the
south by lands formerly of Ilcury 0, Miller's
heirs and on tho west by land) of, Jacob llrown,
containing twenty acres moiebr lessof timber
ALSO, A certain plantation nr tract of land sit
uate in Mlllltn twp., county nnd stato aforesaid,
Imunded nnd described as follows t On tho north
by lots ot Albert Millard, midlands formerly ot
Samuel Creasy, on tho east by llaco street ot said
villas otMirtllnvlUo, on thu south by lot of Wm.
Kckroth, nnd Samuel Creasy and on tho west by
Fair street of Bald lllaco, containing lour acres
ot land more or less, being lot No. 4 as deslgnat
In Orphans' Couit Sale.
Seized, taken Into execut'on nt tho suit ot .1. W.
John and S. Knorr Ilxr's. of Stacy John deceased,
vs. David S. llrown nnd to bo sold as thn property
ot D.ivld S. llrown. JOIIN MOUI1UY,
Vend. Ux. .sheriff.
Knorr Atty.
V TI1U COU'MlllA COI'NTY AtllltCULTtllt.
SOCIATION. Notice Is hereby given that application has been
made to the Court or Common l'le.ts of Columbia
county for tcao toamend the charter of tho abovo
named eorioratlon, under tho Act or Assembly ot
it April, ls.l, as follows: Ily nn addition to Ar
ticle a of live seel Ions providing that the Initiation
reo ot new memlirrs shall bo paid on or beforo lie.
epmlier 1st; providing for perpetual membership I
providing for certificates ot perpetual membership
and their transfer : members In nrrenrs not enti
tle 1 to membership ticket for current year. Ar
tlclosis so amended nslo make the Treasurera
member of the Executive committee, and provides
tor the appointment of an Auditing CoiuinlttcR.
Article 7 provides that nil salarl s and pay ot olll
cers shall bo tlxed annually by tho Society, Ar
tlcle 8 changes the time of hn'dlngthe annual
meeting to January. Article M changes n quorum
Irniii l-j to '.'.-. Article 11 authoi lho Associa
tion to hold real estate. It no sufficient reason bo
shown to tho contrary, these amendments will be
allowed by tho Court on the loth day ot next No
vember. II. V. WIIIT13, ritllAS KOWIXlt,
Secretary. President.
Oct, 3-3W
ifPHirr nr iMTT'rrnnniiii
"Spyofthe Rebellion."
0V8cUln Uy it J eit tJ thuutandtt No coniiicll
tion. Ouly buokofiullu.l TlifligpYHroTeIi
many stcrett of the war novor beforo published, A
praphlo ucununtof tho rotispirjcy to RfSMsinato
Llucotn. lVrllmti cijxrii-iKos of our Fsdeiul
Bpie3 In iho Uob-1 Cupitolj their lirrulc bravery
fully rccounteil Ju thtno ivM elictchps. The
"Spy" la tho moat thiiUInir war book
over published tlndortjctl by liuiidrtls of
l'rehs and Aout' teaiiniouiftld. A largo tiuitl
koujo book, 6S3 paprs; CO lllutilratloDH.
AQENT8I This book Is mt-nllivg nil others.
Ovfr one An n'lrritMoiiian'iupplkgtluiis for ftRcnctcs
h&vt) been riN'lvt-d. Wa haiu many agents who
hava aol.l from tmt ti five huntlrtd ci'Mfs.
Ci-Tha "SPY1' Is sola only by our
Agents, sad can tiif bo found In bookstores,
tells to merchants, farmers, lncuan!cB,and errry.
body. Absolu'ely the eatutt bibk to ttll ever
known Wo wautonn airentlu every Ornod Army
Tout and In every townhhtpauiU'outityinthoU.B,
For full particulars and fo-mj to ayenU address
C.W.CAItI.l.-1'ON & CO., Publishers, Hew Yotfe,
i, .mu.Ti .nuuitM, nigu Niierirr or Co
lumbia county, Cumtuonwealth of Pennsylvania,
do hereby make known nnd proclaim to lho quail
lied electoi-s of Columbia countr that, a ironernl
ruction will bo held on
Tuesday, November 3 '85
.ii In - lho Tuesday next following tho first Mon-
l.t ut Mionth) for the nurnosu or elcitlnsr tho
iewT.ll persons lu-ielunfter named, lo-wlt:
uneieiMu lur'iieasuier or rcniifjunnia.
one iktsou for Mierlff or Columbia County.
Ono ncnou for District Attoinev or cniumhla
ono person lor coioner or Columbia county.
Two nelsons lor Jurv coiiiinlssioiieiH or cnlum.
bin county.
I also lii.robv m iVo Irn in n nnrl trlvn nndi-Atlmr
lho places of holding tho at ares ilif ehcilon In Iho wards, boroughs, dlstilctx nnd townships
"innu iuo l-ouiuv ot uiuuiuuia ure us roiiaws, viz:
leaver towns i n. nt thu nub lc liouso of 1-iitler
llelltou townshln. at tho nubile uau-M of Hiram
llevs. In thu town of llentoii.
i;.ist iiiuoin, ui mo cuurt uouse, in liioomsburg.
West Itlooin, ut tho Court House, In liioomsburg.
i;ast llerw lek, ut the little olllcuof Jackson
Woodln In thu borough of n rwlck.
West Herw c k, nt the office of W. ,f. Knorr, In
the uutough ot itcrwlck.
Ilui ouli of Ccutralt.i. ut tho nubile liouso of Wit.
Ilain 1'elfer.
Hrlaroi eeK towusiitp, at the public school house
neat KvansWIle.
Cat aw Issa township, at the public house ofW
A. Vetler.
Centro township, at tho school housoncar I-afav.
etto Creasy's.
North couyngham District, at tho school house
near tho colliery ot John Anderson Co.
South Couyn,'ham t)lstrlct,.at tho house ot Mrs
Tho'iias .Mom oo,
I'lsblngcreek township, at tho school liouso near
0. II. Wllltu's.
Franklin townshln. at tho Lawrence schou
(iieenwood township, at the house of 1. 1)
lletiiluck township, at tho public liouso of chas.
II. Dlettei Ich, In the town or lluck Horn.
Jackson township, nt tho house ot Kzcklcl Cole.
hocusl luwiishlu.ut thu public housu of Daniel
Knorr, lu Nuinedta.
MilUln townslilp, at the public house of Aaron
Hess, In the town of Miniluvlllu.
Madison township, at tho publio school houso
iU .JUI l J LUt'll.
Jit. I'leasaut township, at tho Jtlllertown school
ho. iso.
Jloutour township, at tho publio houso of
W. o. Holmes, at Rupert.
Main tuwiisiilp, at thu public houso of Jeremiah
II. lmgcnuerger.
l'oartugcieet township, nt tho houso of Samuel
Orango township, at (1. Heckman's hotel In Or
angeulio. l-luo township, at tho Centro School House,
Sugarloat township, at thu housu ot Noiinan
Westscoll nt tho public houso ot It. I'alrman
lu Llghtstrcct.
hast sooit township, nt tho public houso of
Jacob Miller, In Kspy.
At nil elections hereafter hold under III laws of
this Cuininonweullh. thu election polls shall bo
oiiened at but en o'clock In tho forenoon, and
shall continue oien without Interruption or ad
journment until scu'ii o'clock lu lho evening when
tho polls will bo llosed.
That every person excepting Justices of tho
I'cucoaud Aldermen, Noturlr I'ubllo and Per
sons tu the lullllla hcrilco ot thu Stute, who
shall hold or shall within two mouths havo held
any office or upjiolutiiient of proilt or trust unuvr
thuUii'ed stutes, or of this state, und city or
curpuruted dlstilcl, whetliur u commissioned
officer or otucrw Isu, a suboi dlnato officer or agent
who Is or bhull bu einplosed under tho Ix-gfsla-turo,
KxeculUe or Judiciary Deuaituicut of this
Slate, or of any city or ot any Incuriiorated dls
trlct, and also, that every member of Congress
and ot thu stato legislature, und of tho seleet
or common council oritur city, or commissioners
ot any lueoriuruU'd district, are by law incupable
of holding or exercising nt tho samo timo the
officu or appointment of Judge, lnsiector or Clerk
ot any clcaluu of this Cuiniuouwealtii.nnJ that
no inspector, Judge ur other officer ot such (lec
tion shall lu eligible to be thru oted for.
The Inspectors an 1 Judgu ot iho elections shall
meet ut lho iesiettito places nplwIuU'd tor
holding the election lu tho tllstllct tu which they
respcUIH'ly belong, before soldi o'clock lu thu
morning, uud each of said Inspecuus shall up
polnt ouu clerk, who shall boa qualified otcrof
such district.
The uualtilcd voters ot tho several districts In
tills county ut all general, township borough and
s)ccl(il elect ions, ure hereby heruafter author.
Iredund reiulrid to vote by tickets printed or
wtKten.or juirtly printed and parlly written,
severally cl.vssined us follows i Ono ticket shall
embrace the names of all Judges of Courts toted
for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" ono
ticket shall embrace the names of ull tho stnU)
officers voted tor and to bo labelled "Mulu;"uuu
ticket shall embrucolho names of nil county
officers voted lor. Including lho office of Senator,
and Mcmbcia of Assembly, It voted for, uud
members ot Congress, If voted for, and bo label
ted "Ct untv i" ono ticket shall cmumco the names
of ull ownshlpolllceis voted fur, and ho labelled
l ow nshlp i" one ticket shall einDruee lho nanus
of ul' borough officers voted for, uud Lu labelled
And each class shall bo deposited liiK-ipanUo
ballot boxes, JUll.N .Mdl'llliV,
Dr. IVIcTaggart
Tills notctl Hpcclnllst of Hcrnnton, Is tlio
only specialist this sltlo of Now York, l'lill.
ndclpliln nntl lliilTalo who mnkes nn exclu
sive specialty of treating chronic, loni;
stnndlnc nntl lingering tliscnscs to wlilcli
man nntl womankind nro subject, such ns
Consumption, Hronclual niTcctions, Scroiii
In, Siilt-Hliciim, Loss ot Mittilioot1,Hklu ills
cases, ltlieinnatlsiii, Ulcers, Ultl 9ores, llpl
lepsy, jjypliills, Ucaincss, Loss of Voice,
Chronic Dlarrliten.Clillls nntl Foyer, Worms,
Idvcr complaint, Cmioers, Tumors, l'nrnly
sis, i npc worm, Heart disease, c, etc,
C-rTFt'iiialo tllsenses n specialty.
No mailer hmv Innjt yon Invc liccn snf
(etlng nor Ittiw many Doctor you loiverui
ployeil in vulli, yuu slimiltl npply to I'u.
Jio I'Atio.MtT nt once, when lie will It'll til
ruetly without lioltllug out false linpes
whether your tllsensu Is strictly curable or
can only Iio relieved.
He owes his wide reptilnttnn for tlio suc
cessful treatment of nil lingering or chronic
discuses to experience nntl cliuo triplica
tion for over 20 years, nml to no miraculous
What tub I'apkiis Say i
"Ho Is skillful honest, efficient, upright nnd re
lllblo and well worthy of tho pcopl 's conll lcnea
undcslecm. He always sajs exactly what he
means and means exactly what ho says." scran
ton llfjmttthnn.
"Ho Is too useful a mnn In lose." .Lackawanna
Corner Lackawanna and Washington Avonucs.
Wheat per lmsliel 81 It) HO
Hyo " " TiO
Corn " " r,0
Oats " " !J3
Flour per barrel 0 00 it fl 00
Hotter SO
JKRfis 1
TnfW W
Potatoes new 40
Drlctl Appks 0:i
llnins 11
tildes und shoulders 'H
Chickens 08
Turkeys 12
I.nrd per pounil 10
liny per ton 1(100
Hecswn.x 2.1
Hides per Hi fito?
Vcnl skins per lb 07
Wool per lb
Coai. on' Wiianr.
No 02.00; Nos 4 it 5 3.2.1
llltumlniis, i t.
PJiiladelphia Markets.
FKKD- Western winter bran, spot, 1 l.M Q 15.
Spring 13.75 1 11.55.
FMiUie. Western extra's 3.00 (3 3.SJ; I'ennn
family, 4 00 is 4.2.1 Ohio clear,; winter
patent 5.00 6.50; l'enna. roller process 4.37
WllCAT lvnnsylvanla red, No. 1, USW.
COUN.-l'J,H( (T4 51.
OATS. No. 3 white d 31 No. S,
HAY AND STItAW '1 Imothy clioleo Western
nnd New York, 15. 15..V) fair to good Western nnd
New York, is. (J u. ; medium Western and New
ork, 10. (4 li : cut hay ns to quality so. (4 SI.
Hyo Btraw in, Wheat straw, 10. Oat straw
KtidS. Pennsylvania M; western SI.
HITITUII. l"enns)lvanla creamery prints 31
Q Sa Western ox tra sol
LIVE I-OULTKY.-Fowls, 10, mixed lots 9
roosters old 5.
l'0'I'ATOKS.liirlyltosc, 50 (); liurbands, 50
(. no: onions, l.ta (. I.T5 per bbl. for yellow,
( red.
Having just returned from New York where thoy have been
buying up the latest Novelties in both Staple and Fancy goods.
Our stock of Ldidies and Childrens Clonks, Coats, iNowniiirkots,
Wraps, Kussian circulnrs, show u larger stock and greater varie
ty of styles, over two hundred to select from, prices from 2.o()
to $50.00. Our stock of black and colored Dress Silks was never
so complete, and prices the lowest. AVe oiler all wool G-J Ladies
Cloths atGOc. and Gflc. it yard.worth inore,a good Tricot G-l cloth
at 80c. a yard, worth $1.00, a 40 inch all wool Cashmere in black
and colors at oOc. worth GO. Black silk velvets in Plain and Bro
cade, the famous Nonpareil Velveteens in Plain and Brocade,
Black and Colors. Our Flannel Stock is complete, good Bed
twilled ilannol 25c. yd. Our Blanket stock is complete, see those
$2,015 white blankets per pair worth :5.;")0. Good Prints 5c. yd.
Canton Flannels all prices. Our Sliawl Stock is largo and prices
the lowest. Our Notion Stock is complete. Columbia Yarns
best made, all colors. Underwear at the lowest prices. Cash
mere gloves, kid gloves, ribbons, laces, fringes, cic. AVe invite
all to call and see our slock of Dry Cioods," Notions and Fancy
Goods. Do not l'ail to see our Coats ami prices.
I'Olt SALE 15Y
Bloomsburg, Pa.
3n"L. A. C. CREASY, Lime Ridge, Pa.
Agents, H H Im0VN, Wglit Street, Pa.
Sept. -1 2tn
All our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts
this paper in full to date, and one year in ad
vance, will bo presented with one
year's subscription to
A sixtcen-iinyo Agricultural Mngadiio, iiililislii'tl liy K. A. llnekett, nt Kort
Wayne, Iinliniiii, mid which in rajiiilly tnkiiiL' lank in ono of tho kwiliitJ Agii
oultiiral iiiililiuatioiiH of tho coiiiitiy. It U ilovotcd exclusively to the Intfitts
of tlio Farnier, Stock lli-ectW, l).iiryui tn, Gaitlunor, nml thuir household, and
every species of industry connected with poitiou of thu people of
thu world, the Winers. Thu Hiihsciiptloii price isON'K DOMiAlt l'KK YUAIl.
Farmers cannot well get along without it. It puts new ideas into their minds.
It teaches them how to farm with prolit to themselves. It nmkes the homo
happy, thu young folks cheerful, the growler' contented, tlio downcast happy,
ami the demagogue honest,
BSrThis is a very liberal oiler nml should ho taken advantngo of.
Elwdll & BjLtibDfliilbmdOTj,
Heaver. O. A. ShlimAn. Heaver Vatler.
Herwlck K. I. Hower.
Herwlck W. A. M. Freat
Hrlarcreck. II. 0. F. Kshlnke, Ucrwlck,
llcnton. linico Carey,
liioomsburg K. 1). Iiwenlierg.
" W.-1". I. Dentler.
Catnwlisa. .1. II. Ilnbhlns.
centrnlla. 1). 1'. curry.
Centre. -Samuel llldley, I Ight Street.
Conyngham N. Patrick I'lynn, Centrnlla,
" 8. lohn 1. Ilnnnon, Ashland.
I'lshlngcreek. 1 ,M. Crovellng, Van Camp,
Franklin. Daniel I oreman, I'ensjl.
tlreenwood. Josi'ph K. TrllsMpIece, llohrsliurj
llcmlock.-Wm.(llrtnn, lliickhorn.
lucks in. Alexander Kinuse, Walter,
Ifleust. D.inlol Morris, N'luiil.l a.
Madison. Miles Smith, Je, sei,
Mntn.-c S. Il 'li liiii, Mainline.
.Mlitlin. -1). II. Montgomery.
Montniir. A. o. stooge, Itupeit.
.Ml, Pleasant. A..1, Ikeler, canby.
orange. Calvin Herring, orangevllle.
Pine, T. W. Sones, Sereno,
Itoarlngcreek. DaMd Ing, Mlllgrove,
Seolt W. II. P. Helghard, l.lght street.
" K.-F. W, lledeker, llspy.,
Sugarloaf.-J. W. lvrry Central.
The followlni? named nersons hive lirr-n i.i.nan..
ns members of tho Vlgllenoo commltleo for I85
Herwlck 11 A. 1). Sceley, Freeman Sitter, Haiti
Herwlck W.-Oeo. Carey, II. I. Freas, M. H,
Heaver. (Jeo. P. Drlesbach, .lesso Itittenliouse
Henton. Charles tllblrans, Joseph Cole, Daniel
Ilrlarcreek, s. A Smith, It. M. Hvans, (lldeon
Michael, A. 11. Croop, Dr. 1, .1. Ad uns.
Convtighain N.-('liiirles JlcOuIro, Frank Woo Is.
Con) nghain S. John Mctzlnger, l Haley, M.
Klshlngcreek. A. I'. rhipln, XevtU Holshllne.
.Mosej .McIIenry, W, J. Kre.uner, J. .M. Amincr
man. (Iieenwood. Win, lllack. A. J. Dorr, Win. Kver.
1). P. .McIIenry.
Hemlock. Win. Wlntei-steen, Simon ltd harl.
Iren?o llartman, P. Fuulk.
Jaikson.-ilas .McIIenry, Aiignslus Kverhart
Calvin Derr.
Madison. C. H. Fruit, W, 8. Smith.
.Main John W. Slntinm, W. tl. John, Oeorge
Montour. .John Itodarmel, Wm. Trowbildgo.
Orange lohn .Modeller, D. t Pnust,
Pine J. It. Fowler, Ira C. Pin-sell, Irani Piatt,
bcotl li-W, K. Hleteilch, T. W. llarlmnii, li.ivld
Scott W -A. C. llldlny, I Jt, KnIcliniT.
Su.'arloaf. r.llas Frli, Noih cole, Welllngion
iless, Joseph Lailsh, tleoigo Van Sickel.
DEM00KATI0 state ticket.
TATi: TlinASI'ltKIt,
OF l'lill. UHll.l'lIIA.
coit siiiiitirr,
V. V. IHr-LMKVIil.
G. V. DKItlt,
rou coitONl'.it,
Propos.ils will bo received by tho und ragnod
until seven o'clock, P.M., ot Saturday, October
llth, lssj, for the erection of a two story brick
building seventy-nluo feet, by eighty feel on tho
Normal School grounds. Plans und specltleatlons
can bo seen at the storoot Schuyler . Co., on and
after Monday October 5, 1KS5. Tho committee re.
nerving tho light to reject all bids It they think
D lOWENHFIt'o lnnidlng Commltteo
J.SCIIIJYL Of .Normal school.
Sept S'l, 1M.1.
This old anil reliable Fertilizer, which lias been on the market for
ciglitcpii years, is unsurpassed for ue on Fnrm, (Jarilen, Lnivn,
or Flovicr lleiL It is a complete manure, rich in all the necessary
elements. The Farmer who plants his crops, looking to the money
me; nui rciuni, onus mat every uouar s worm 01
fJ applied to the soil, repays its cost many times over. Try it, and be
iri convinced. Pamphlets, wilh testimonials, etc., forwarded free. If
mere is no local agent in your vicinity, address
Ueu'l SeHliis Agents, lloston, Mils