The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 02, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. 2. Elwoll, I t.,,1...
J. K. B..tonbar.,f El"rs'
FRIDAY, OOT01JHR 2, 1885.
Saturday October Oril Is tlio last day
for paying taxes. Every democrat
should look after this matter and seo
that ho docs not loso his voto by a fail
ure to pay taxes within two years. If
overy ono of our votes can ho got out,
wo mny carry the state. Democrats
must not think there is no use of pay
ing the tax in order to voto. Thero is
n good fighting chnuco in Pennsylvan
ia, but wo must remember that while
"ho who lights and runs away, may
livo to fight another day," those who
run away boforo they light for Day,
can never expect to win a victory.
Libel and Vnmary Elections.
Judno Hlwoll's charco to tho Mon
tour county jury at the trial of Editor
Chnlfant, of tho Danvillo Sun, on tho
charco of libeling Lewis Titel, lato
candidate for tho Democratic Slier
iffalty nomination, is a victory for tho
nilvocalcs ot legal regulation ot pri
mary elections. Chalfant had charged
that o'io of Titel' agents had offored
300 to a delegate to voto for him for
Sheriff. Judge Elwcll was asked by
counsel for tho prosecution to leavo to
tho jury tho question whether the news
oi corruption at a primary ciccuon
was proper for publication, but ho do.
cliued to do anything of tho kind. On
tho contrary, ho plainly told tho jury
that such n publication was as proper
when it related to primary elections as
it a goncral election had been the sub
icct matter, and this featuro of tho
charge doubtless had its influenco in
bunging about Chalfant's acqtuUal.
Tho incident ought to show thoso
who opposo primary election laws as
unconstitutional how easy their theory
could be porvertcd to the abridgment
of tho liberty of tho press. A Judgo
who took tho so-called broad viow that
tho State has no right to regnlalo tho
details and management of a party
organization under any circumstances,
and a jury which cherished a sort of
bpito against an editor, would bo all
that was necessary for tho incarcera
tion of ono who would oxposo such
primary election frauds as thoso that
appear to havo been committed in
Montour county.
The unrestricted liberty of publica
lion and criticism ot tlio details ot pri
mary elections will moro than compen
sato ,for any harm that tho theory of
such a law may do, for it will pronioto
tho enforcement of tho law in practice
and an increased respect tor law in gen
oral. Times
Mr. Ohalfant's Denial.
Last week wo published tho denial
of Mr. Buckingham of the chargo mado
by tho ISerwick Gazette, and as this
docs not appear to have Batished our
co-temporary, wo append what Mr,
Chalfant has to say of tho matter, not
that we consider tho chnrgo of any im
portance, but simply to show that
either tho Gazette or its alleged in
formant mado up tho story out of
wholo cloth. Mr. Chalfant says :
"Somo person sent us a copy of tho
Berwick Gazette of tho 19 tnst., in
which wo find an articlo relating to tho
oditor of tho Danville Intelligencer,
from which wo extract tlio following :
"A prominent citizen of Danvillo
who had occasion to visit Berwiok last
week, tells an interesting story con
cerning a political deal that it is alleged
was made between Buckingham and
Chalfant, by which tho former secured
tho appointment of Deputy Collector
and tho latter hopes to walk off witli
tho Stato Senator prize at tlid next
meeting of tho senatorial conferees.1'
It is a matter of curiosity to us to
loam who could perpetrato bo many
malicious lies in so small a compass.
Thero is not a modicum of truth in tho
whole Btory. Tho editor of this paper
never had a "political deal" with Mr.
Buckingham on any master, much less
on the subject of the Stato Scnatorship
or tho Deputy Collectorship. And for
sovcral reasons ; first, no ono over
heard him express a desiro to bo made
Sonalor j second, ho never cither orally
or by written lino urged tho appoint
ment of Mr. Buckingham to
tho position of Deputy Collector j
third, ho docs not bclieyo it to bo in
tlio power of Mr. Buckingham, or any
half or dozen men to hand over tho
Senatorial conferees of Columbia
county without tho consent of the
Democratic voters thereof. Moreover,
the editor, aforesaid never had a line
from nor had ho spoken to Mr. Buck
ingham since ho had been a candi
date for tho Deputy Collectorslrip un
til ho met him a few days since iu tlio
discharge of his official duties."
A State Boara of Health.
Tho following law passed at the to
cent session of tho legislature, is of
great importance to tlio citizens of this
state, and wo thcreforo print it in full.
It is entitled "An act to establish a
Stato Board of Health, for tho better
protection of lifo and health, and to
prevent tho spread of contagious and
infectious diseases in this Common
wealth." Section 1. lie it enacted bj the
Senate and House of Jlepresentatives
of the Uommomoealth of J'emuylva
nia in General Assembly met, and it
is hereby enacted by the authority of
of the same, That tho Governor, by
.uid with tho advice and consent of
tho Senate, shall appoint six persons,
a majority of whom shall bo physi
cians of good standing, graduates of
regularly chartered and legally consti
tuted medical colleges, ami of not less
than ten years' experience iu tho prac
tice of their profession, and ono of
whom shall bq a civil engineor, who,
together with tlio secretary, tlio mode
of whose appointment is hereinafter
provided for, Bhall constitute aud be
designated as tho State Board of
Health and Vital Statistics of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania. Of the
six persons first appointed, two shall
servo for two years, two for four yeare,
and two for six years from tho lira
day of July next following their con
firiiutiou; aud the Governor shall
thereafter bi-ennialy appoint, by and
with tho advico and consent of the
Senatn, two persons, of iho samo pro
fessions as those whoso terms of ollico
havo just expired, to bo members of
said board, to hold their offices for six
years from tho firBt day of July next
following their confirmation, and until
their BiicoiBsors aro appointed, except
ing tho societal-), who Hhull eonliuuo
in otllco as hereinafter provided) but
any member may be re-annointed.
Any vacancy occurring in said board
dining a recess of tlio Legislature shall
bo filled by tho Governor until tho noxt
regular session ot tlio samo.
Kr.cnoN 2. As soon as posslblo al
ter tho appointment of tho first six per
sons as aforesaid, they shall meet in tho
olhco ot tho scctctary ot tho Common
wealth, and shall proceed, under tho
direction of tho latter olliccr, to deter-
initio by lot which of them shall servo
for tho respeotivo Jtcrms of two, four
and six years. Hoforo entering upon
tlio duties of tho ollice they shall take
tho onth prescribed for Stato officers by
tho Constitution of tho htnte, and shall
filo tho samo in tho ollice of tho Score
tnry of tho Commonwealth, who, upon
receiving tho said oath of office, shall
issue to each ccrlihcato ot Appointment
for his respective term of office deter
mined as aforesaid; upon receiving
which they shall possess and oxcrc'mo
the powers, and perform tho duties, of
said board as defined in this act. Im
mediately after having taken the oath
of ollice, thoy shall organize by elect
ing one of their number to bo presi
dent, and by appointing a proper per
son, who shall be a physician nt good
standing, of not less than ten years'
professional experience, and a graduate
oi a icgauy consuiuico incuiuai col
lege, to bo secretary of said board, who
shall hold Ills appointment until re
moved by tho appointment of his suc
cessor or otherwise. Tho board may
elect ono of its own members secrcta
ry, in which case tho vacanoy thus cro-
atcd shall bo filled by the Oovirnor in
the satno manner as a vacancy caused
in any othor way. The president shall
bo elected annually. No member of
tho board except tho secretary shnll, ns
such, receivo any salary; but the actual
traveling and other expenses of any
member, while engaged on tho actual
duties ot tlio board, shnll bo allowed
and paid on presentation to and np
proval by tho Auditor General of an
itemized account with vouchers nnnex
Skction 3. Tho secretary shall be
tho executivo officer of tlio board, and
shall havo all tho powers and privileges
of a member of said board, except in
regard to voting upon matters relating
to bis own olhco and duties as secrcta
ry. Ho shall receivo an annual Balary
of two thousand dollars, which slial
bo paid him in tho samo manner that
salaries of other Stato officers aro paid;
and bucIi necessary expenses as the
Auditor General shall audit, on prcscn
tation of an itemized account with
vouchers annexed and tho certificate of
tho board, shall bo allowed him,
Skction 1. Tho said board shall
meet at least once every six months,
and may also hold special meetings as
frequently as the proper and efficient
discharge ot its duties shall remnre, in
the capitol building at Ilarrisburg (un
less otherwise, ordered), and tho rules
or by-laws of tho board shall provide
lor tho giving ot proper nnU timely no
tico of all such meetings to every mem.
bcr of tho board. Tho Secretary of
Internal Affairs shall provide and fur
nish suoh apartments and stationery as
said board may require in tho discharge
ot its duties. A majority ot tho mem
bers of the board shall, at any regular
called or adjourned meeting, organize
and constituto a quorum for tho trans
action of business.
Section 5. The Stato Board of
Health and Vital Statistics shall hayo
tho general supervision of interests of
the health and lives of tho citizens of
the Commonwealth, and shall especial
ly study its vital statistics. It shall
make sanitary investigations and in
quiries respecting tho causes of dis
ease and especially of epidemic dis
eases, including those of domestic ani
mals, the sources of mortality, and tho
effects of localities, employments, con
ditions, habits, food, beverages and
medicine, on tho health of the people.
It shall also disseminato information
upou tbeso and similar subjects among
tho people. It shall, when required by
tho Governor or tho Legislature, and
at suoh other times as it deems it im
portant, institute sanitary inspections
of public institutions or places through
out tho State. It shall codify and sug
gest amendments to tho sanitary lawH
of tho Commonwealth, and shall havo
power to enforce such regulations as
will tend to limit tho progress ot epi
demic diseases.
Section 0. In citioi, boroughs, dis
tricts and places having no local board
of health, or in caso tho sanitary laws
or regulations in places whero boards
of health or health officers exist should
be inoperative, tlio Stato Board of
Health shall havo power and authority
to order nuisances, or tho causo of any
special diseaso or mortality, to bo abat
ed and removed, and to enforoo quar
antine regulations, as said board shall
Any porson who shall fail to oboy,
or shall violate, Mich order shall, on
conviction, be sentenced to pay a fino
of not more than ono hundred dollars
at tho discretion of tho court.
Section 7. It shall bo tho dutv of
the State Board of Health and Vital
Statistics to have tho general supcrvl
sion of tho Stato system of registra
tion of births, marriages and deaths,
of prevalent diseases, and of practition
ers of medicine and surgery, to pro
naro tho necessary methods, forms and
blanks for obtaining and preserving
such records, and to insuro tho faithful
registration of tho Bamo in tho several
counties and in theJContral Bureau of
Vital Statistics at tho capital of the
State. Tho said board Bhall recom
mend such forms and amendments of
laws as shall bo deemed to bo necessary
for tho thorough organization and effi
ciency of tho registration of vital sta
tistics throughout tho State. Tho sec
retary of tho Stato Board of Health
and Vital Statistics shall ho tho super
intendent of registration of vital sta
tistics; as supervised by said board, tho
clerical duties and sale keeping of the
vital statistics thus created shall be
provided for by tho Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs, who Bhall also provide, and
furnish such apartments and stationery
as said board shall require iu tho dis
charge of such duties.
Section 8. It Bhall bo tho duty of
all health officers and boards of health
in tho Slato to coiumunicato to said
Stato Board of Health copies of all
their reports and publications, and al
so such sanitary information as may bo
requested by said board. Aud said
board is authorized to require reports
and information (at such times aud of
such facts and generally of such nature
and oxtent as its by-laws or rules may
provide) troin all public dispensaries,
hospitals, asylums, infirmaries, prisons
and schools, and from tho managers.
principals, and officers thereof, and
all other public institutions, their offi
cers and managers, and from tho pro
nrietors. managers, lessees and occu
nanls. of all places of public resort In
the State ; but such reports shall only
he required concerning matters or par
ticulars in respect of which it may, in
its opinion, need inlormatinn lor tho
nroner (lisohariro of its duties.
Section 9. Said board may, from
limu to time, ongago suitable persons
to render sanitary eervlco or to mako
or to superviso practical aud scientific
investigations ami exuiiiiiiiuimis roiiuu
ing oxpert skill, and to prepare phns
moro than two thousand dollars shall
bo oxpendod in any ono year for such
special sanitary service
Section 10. It shall bo tho duty of
said board, on or beforo tho first Mon
day of Dcccmbor in each year, to mako
a report in writing to tno uovernor ot
this Stato upon tho sanitary condition
and prospects of tho State s and such
report shall Bet forth tho aot
ion of the said board and its offcers
and agents, mid tho names thereof, for
tho past year, and may contain other
useful information peitincnt to tho ob
jects for which it was created and
shall suggest nny further legislative
action or precaution deemed proper
for tho better protection of lilo and
health t and tho annual repot t of Bald
board shall also contain a detailed
statement of tho State Treasurer of all
money paid out by or on account of
said board, aud a dclallod statement
of tho manner of its expenditures dur
ing the year last past, but Its total ex
ponditiiHH shall not exceed tho sum of
five thousand dollars in any ono year.
Section 11. ThoBiimoften thous
and dollars (10,000) is hereby appro-
priated from tho treasury tor the pur
poses of this act and tho expenditures
properly incurred by tho authority of
said board and verified by affidavit,
subject however to tho limitations
hereinbctoro imposed, and snail no
paid by tho Treasurer upon tho warrant
of tho Auditor General.
Suction 12. Tim act shall take off
cct immediately, and all acts or parts
of acts inconsistent herewith shall be,
and aro hereby, repealed.
AiTitovr.b Juno 3d, 1885.
Th Oreateat Cum An Earth tar V!n will
rellT mor. qulcklr than any other known rem-
nlft lllicuinatiem, r-miralirlA,
llumii, hcalda. Cut, limba-
f-o, l'lcmrlir. Bore. Kroet-blu-i,
Uckarhe. Oiltnnr, Boro Throat,
Hclattra. ounUa, Headache,
lieu, a botllo. .Hold by all
lent-. K'
DCa6 reglatrmtTrailA-Mark, aiidour
farxtmiltt Ujnatnro. A. li Meyer A Co, Bote
ITOpriatora, IlaUlmora, Md., U. H, A.
For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Couch, Incipient Con
sumption, nnd fcr the relief of con
sumptive persons la advanced stages
of the Disease. Fcr Sale, by cM Drug,
gists. Price, 25 cents.
If you uro growing Gray or Bald)
If your Hnlr Is Tliln, Brash; , Dry,
Harsh, or Meakj
i If you arc troubled with Dandruff,
Itching, or nny Humor or Dis
ease of tho Scalp,
It licals nearly every illseaso peculiar to
tho scalp, clicckB the falling out of tho Hair
runt prevents It from turning Rray, anil U n
unequalled dressing ami toilet article.
ntri-AUlcii n v
Dr. J.C.AyorctCo., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all PruggUts.
I. JOHN, HiKii Slicrin or Co
lumbia county. Commonwealth of I'eunHjivanla,
do hereby make known and proclaim to tho quail
nod electors of Columbia county that a genera!
election will bo held on
Tuesday, November 3 85
belnir the Tuesday next following tho lira Mon
day of Bald month) for tlio purpose of clecll'jg tho
several pcrtoni hereinafter named, to-nit:
ono person ior treasurer or rennsyivnuia.
Ono person tor Mieiln of Columbia County.
One ucrron for District Attorney of I'olumlla
uno person ror uoroncr ot uoiumuia county.
Two neisona for Jury commissioners of Colum
bia county.
1 also hereby mtko known and glvo notice that
tho plaeea of holdlni- the aroresald election In tho
several ward, iiorouclis, districts aud townsu'ps
within tlio count v of Columbia am as follows, viz:
Heaver township, nt tho public houso of l'ottur
llenton township, nt tho public nouso ot Illrum
lions, In tho town of Kenton. nioom, at tno court House, in uioomsourir.
West liluoin, at iho t'ourtllousa. In lilooinsbtiri;.
i:ast llorvtlck, iitthollttlo onicoot Jackson o:
Woodln In tho borough of II -rwlek.
West Hern lek, at the ollico ot W. J. Knorr, In
tho borough ot ncrwlck.
ltorouirh ot Ocntralla. at tho nubile house of Wll-
Ham Poller.
nrurcrccK township, nt mo puouo scnooi uouso
near Kvansi 111c.
OtaiWssa township, nt tho public houso ot W
A. Yctter.
Centre Uiwnshlp, at the school houso near Latay
otto Creasys.
North ujuynRham District, at the school houso
near tho colliery ot John Anderson a Co.
south couj irguam District, at tho houso ot Mrs
Thomas Monroe.
l'Uhlngcrcck ton nshtp, at the school house near
C. II. White's.
PruuMlu township, at tho lawrenco school
(ireenwood township, at tho houso ot I, D,
Hemlock township, nt tho public houso or C'lias.
II. Dtettcrlcu. Iu thu town ot Ituck Horn.
Jackson township, at tho houso of Kicklct Colo.
Ijocust township, at tho public houso ot D.iulel
miorr, iu luuctiia.
MUllln township, at tho public houso ot Aaron
lloss. In thu town or .Mliltlnvlllc.
Madison township, at tho public school houso
In Jerseytown.
,Mt. I'lousant township, at the Mlllertown school
Montour township, at tho public houso ot
n . u. uutiuos, ut, uuperi..
.Main township, at tho public houso ot Jeremiah
E. Lonsrenberger.
HoaiTugcieek; township, at tho houso Ot Bainuel
Oraii'.'o township, at O. Heck man's hotel In Or
anccv Hie.
1'ino township, at the Centre School House,
Hugarloat township, at tho houso ot Norman
West Scott at the publlo houso of It. Valrmam
lu tlghtstreeU
Kasi scott township, at tho publte houso ot
Jacob Miller, lu Kspy.
At all elections hereafter bold under tho laws ot
this Commonwealth, tho election polls shall bo
opened at seven o'clock In tho forenoon, and
shall continue open without Interruption or ad
journment until seven o'clock lu the ov enlug w huu
tho polls will bo closed.
Thatuvery person excepting Justices of tho
Peace and Aldermen, Nourlov Public and Per
sons lu tho mllltla service of tho State, uho
shall hohl or shall within two mouths havo held
any nrtlco or npixilntinent ot proill or trust undur
thullpi'ed SUb'H, orot this state, and city or
corporutvd district, whether u commissioned
olliccr or otncrwlse, a subordinate olllcer or agent
who Is or shall bo employed under tlio legisla
ture, Executive or Judiciary Depaitmeut ot this
State, or of any elty or of uny Incorporated dis
trict, and also, that every member of Congress
and or tho slato legislature, uud ot thu select
or common couucll of uny city, or commissioners
or any Incorporated district, uro by law incapable
of holding or exercising ut tho same time tho
ollice or appointment ot J udgo, I usgioclor or Clerk
ot any election of this Commonwealth, unJ tuat
no Inspector, Judge or other onicer ot such elec
tion shall bo eligible to be luen voted for.
Tho Inspectors and Judge ot tho elections shall
meet ut tho resnectivo places nppotnuid for
holding thu election lu tho district lu which they
ruspectlvcly belong, before seven o'clock In thu
inurulug, and each of said Inspectors shall ip
polut ono clerk, who shall bo u iiiullUed voter of
such district.
Tho (ualincd voters of the several districts In
this county at all general, towLsulp borough and
seclaS elections, ure Hereby hereafter author
ized and required to voto by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed and partly written,
severally classllled ok follows: One ticket shall
embrace thu names of ullJudgesof Courts voted
for, und labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" ono
ticket shall embrace tho names o! all iho Mate
oiilcers voted for and to bo labelled "Stale;" utio
ticket shall embrace the names of all county
onlcers volt d for. Including thu ollico ot Senator,
and Members ot Assembly, It voted for, und
members of Congress, It voted for, and be label
led "County ;" one ticket shall embrace tho names
of nil township onlcers voted for, arid bo labelled
'Township ;" one ticket shall embrace the names
of all borough olllars voted tor, and bo labelled
And each class shall bo deposited In separata
ballot boxes. JOHN MOUltKY,
Kntlco Id hereby L'lv en that the regular annual
meeting ot the stockholders or the liloomsburg
Witter company will lie held In Hloomsburg, Tues
day, October iith. inks, at ollico of ft v, liulmo) or,
'J reas.. between thu hours ot 1 nnd 4 o'clock lu the
nltetnoan, for the purioso of electing a lioirdot
Directors to servo tor tho ensuing year, and for
tho transaction of uuyojwr business of the com.
. pany, ft r, uiu.mkvkic,
" ' sept SJ secretary,
"Spyopthe Rebellion."
NowMr-llin uy th rent r tfioutamlt hurompcU
Hon. OulybookoMUkliHl. 1'..s'8PV"roTe.i
Itunr teereii othi iievar lfor Jiubllihtd. A
crai'hld account of tlio ronplrtcjr to tuiuilnata
Lincoln. I'tfHImu eiiMrluure uf our KftliKiut
fink lu the IUtbfl Cil(ulj ttitlr tii-rolo trtrcry
fully reeouutotl lu tbM vlvlil kUlioi. Tho
"Spy" 1 thu most IhilUlny war book
ovor publuhmV Kndori! by Lund it. or
l'reii Bini AttonU tottlninnltla. A Urgo bud
oiuUoktft88pAroti toilluitratlo&i.
AOENTBI Tbla book la out uUinp all othara.
Over one Aumlrri! Uwutaal appl It stlorii fur a'uucUt
hava born roCrlVrd W Lavn many agcnlf bo
hftv lolil frum (kv j m kumirni topitl.
sr"lu "H'Y" l sold only toy our
Airenti, snd cau ttof lis found lu uookatoroi.
Hflll to met-chanta, farmer. inachAnlei.snit rrry.
!ry. Ab-oluleiy tkt eatiett book to tell trrr
I anient Wo vraiit tna aittnt In erery Grand Army
1 nat m 1 In miry township and county tn Hi U.M,
ar full parllrulara aud (trim to aotntt iddrtat
U, W. CAIllXTUN A CO., l'ubllalieri, Haw ut.
Agricultural Society !
Thirtieth Aunual Fair
Wednesday, Way, Friday
and Saturday,
Oct. 14, 15, 16, & 17, '85.
Clais 1-Horses.
Judees-Samucl Hldlny, Supt.; Daniel Zarr.John
Best 2d Heat
Wooded Stallion, tlO 00 15 00
Stallion for nil work, 8 00 B 00
stallion colt not over four years, A 00 !i 00
Judges A. C. Creasy, Supt. ; J. W. EcL, Frank
llest 3d Ilest
l'alr carriage horses or mares, $10 no iw
Slnirlo carrlairo horso or mare, 5 00 a to
l'alr matched colts under 4 years,
broken to harness. I 5 00 s SO
Pair ot mules, 6 on 2 so
Judgos-John Vance, Supt.; li. I. Lcmon,(Ieorffe
llest 2d Host
llroo.1 marc, colt by her side, $10 00 $s 00
Horse or rnaro bet. 3 and 1 ears. 5 oil a 50
MareoreeldlnitbcUaandasears S () a 60
Horse or mare colt bet. 1 and a years, 3 00 I so
Colt under 10 months, S 00 1 so
Inhibitors under ubovo clissos will havo their
stock on tho ground by 10 o'clock, Thursday morn
ing, wncn tney win oe cxamineu.
Class 2 Cattle.
Judgcs-Doyd 1L Yettcr, SupUi Geo. P. Learn, J,
8. Woods.
Vest SdVeut
112 00 ll 00
Dull S years and upwards,
111 ui 5
5 10
3 00
llelfcrundcrs years,
Calf under 13 months,
null 1 years and unwarJs.
HO) 4 00
7 u) 3 so
3 00 1 so
lienor uciwccu o nnu 1? momus,
Hull 2 years and upwards,
ItclfcrunderS years,
Cult under 12 months.
12 00 00
10 u) 5 00
s 00
3 m
Hull D years and upwards, 8 00 4 00
COW, 7 00 3 SO
Heifer between Band 12 month", 3 oj 1 to
Hull s years nnd upward",
Heifer under 3 years,
Calf under 12 months,
12 00
10 00
s no
3 10
s 00
Bull 3 years and upwnrdi, s On
cow, 7 IK)
Uelter between ft nnd 12 months, 3 to
Hull 2 years and upwards, 12 w
cow, 10 0)
Ileltcr under 3 years, s
Calf under 12 mouths, 3 00
Hull 3 years and upwards 8 no
cow, 7 nu
llelter between fl and 12 months 3 no
Hull 2 years nnd upwards, 12 M
cow, in it
llelter under 3 years. son
Calf under 12 months, 3 00
Hull 3 yoars end upwards, 8 00
cow, 7 01
llelter between c and 12 months 3 00
nun, 00
4 00
3 to
1 so
n m
& 10
4 no
3 u
1 so
s 00
4 on
3 so
1 yt
3 00
nun uniicr ten inonins, si"
Cow two years and upwards; 4 00
llelter under two years, S 00
null, 4 no 2 ft)
cow, s (u a to
Exhibitors will havo their fctock ready for tho
Judges to examine by 10 o'clock a. in.. onThurs-
uay, nuu 10 remain uuiu uu ciuck uu oaiuiuuj,
Class 3 Swine.
Judges-Jonathan loreman, Supt. ; Oliver He!
ler, l'iilllp Creasy.
licet 2dHc6t
1 ln:i r. IS U) 1 111
how. S 10 3 00
sow and nh not less than 6. 5 00 3 00
Pen shoals, not lessthan 6, sou J 00
Hoar. 5 no 3 on
sow. s 00 3 to
sow and pigs, not loss than 5, s 00 3 00
Pen bhoats, not less than s, s 00 3 no
sow and pigs, not less 5,
Pen ahoals, not less than e,
Sow nnd pigs, not less than 5,
pen Bhoals, not less than 5,
how and pigs not less thnn &,
Pen shoals not less thaus,
Sow nnd pigs, not less than 5,
pen thuats, not less than S,
S 0)
ft 00
s 00
b 00
3 no
3 ft)
3 00
3 00
s no
s no
s to
3 on
1 u
3 no
s 00
s (11
s mi
s no
S no
3 on
3 ui
3 (XI
3 10
4 01 2 ni
4 no a 00
4 to a on
4 10 a ui
Class 4 Sheep.
Judges-Joseph Dowllt, Supt.j William K. Sands
vv m. jiauincisicr.
;HeHt 2d Host
tlO (10 ti (0
8 00 no
1M of lambs not less than 8,
0 00
8 uu
3 00
4 no
Class 6 Poultry.
Judges-M, P. I.UK, ; O, II. Zehmler.llenry
All exhibitions In this class must
bo In trios.
llest 2d Het
Display of fowls
Dark llruhuiujt,
light Ilrahinas
While cochlas
Hun Cochins
Parti Mgo Cochins
While leghorns,
Hlack Spanish,
Uray itorklns
(loldeu Spangled llamburgs
(3 iu Fl (U
1 ui so
I ou M
1 (10 so
1 on so
1 on w
1 no so
1 01 r
1 00 so
1 () r.)
1 on su
1 ui ut
1 10 so
I 00 so
1 00 to
1 UI so
1 UI su
1 U) su
1 UI so
1 00 so
I no so
1 no so
lllnck and lied dome,
Muscovy ducks
Wood ducks
Poland ducks
I on so
1 00 so
1 0) 10
1 no so
1 00 CO
i 00 so
1 m so
1 00 so
1 00 so
1 00 so
1 00 so
1 no so
1 00 so
1 HI &)
1 00 so
1 ru so
1 ru so
1 on so
1 U) so
1 01 so
1 00 so
I III 5)
I UI 61
1 00 so
Toulouso geese,
llirmen geese,
Hong Kong geese,
Native geese,
Hronzo Turkeys
White turkeys
Huff turkciK,
Hluo turkeys
Clan 6-0raln, Seed and Flour.
Jiidcreft If. n. Kelchner. RunLi Andrew Powlcr.
John V. Urown.
Dost 2d Hest
60 lbs. wheat flour, Holler Process t 00 II 1 0
- nunr - a uu 1 w
buckwheat Hour. 1 on m
Half bu. clover seed, 1(0 60
" " timothy seed, 1 fin so
Uu. lted wheal, bearded chaff, a (10 1 (11
sinootu - 1 Ml 75
" buckwheat, 1 00 so
" rye, 1 00 so
" oats 1 00 so
" corn, red cob gourd, 1(0 51
11 11 tnriit rowed v etlow. 1 no ril
Peck sweet corn, so 25
popcorn, w so
Class 7 Vegetables.
Judircs John llartinan. Sunt. : Josonh ltccdcr.
Daniel Uryfoglo.
Host adDcst
Ijirgenl display ot potatoes half bu. of
each variety, 1210 It 00
Hnltbu. llurbank, 1 00
snownakc, 1 00
Kurly Rose, 1 00
Ijite Itose, ! no
Prldo ot tho Valley, 1 01
sweet potaloosralicd by cxlit
bllnr. I ID
flu. Held turnips !"
Halt bu. rutabagas 61
sugar oocis in
manglc'wurt7cl, M
beets, 6 '
carrots H)
parsnips sn
onions. SO
l'eck hops. &
D07en mangoes so
l'eck tomatoes SO
Half (I07- vegetablo oysters Ml
Hnu.vsncs, mi
heads c ibbatre. SO
Three neld pumpkins 60
citrons SO
Three bunches celery, Ml
f our egg plants w
Tno do.en poppers 60
Two quarts lima beans Ml
uuuer - nu
dozen radishes. SO
Three wnfr melons 1 0
iiuaner peck pens
Peck onion sets 60
Cactus 1 00
Three heads cauliflower, so
Persons eomncllnir for nremlums on tholircest
nnd best display of iratntoes will not bo allowed a
premium ou inu amu separately.
Clasi 8 -Fruit.
division 1.
Judtrcs Chandleo Kvcs. sunt. : llarmnn Fah-
rlnger, James P. Froas.
Best 2d Dost
Display of winter, not lcsi than five
vniletles six of each, 2 00 1100
l'eck or tailor winter apples 100 SO
Keeping winter apples half bushel, 1 01
Fall apples not less than " 1 (O
Flavored full or winter annles. 100
(juart yellow Siberian crabs 60
reu - - ou
Display dwarf or standard, flvo varie
ties, six ot each, ano 1 0
Host looking, any kind, halt dozen, SO
Flavored, most Juicy, " ' 6,1
Largest halt dozen, dwarf or standard,
mil or muter, uu
Display of any kind, five varieties six
ui eacii, if 114
Flavored and most Juicy half dozen, so
Finest looking halt dazon, 60
Largest variety half dozen, 30
Dozen, 1 0) 60
Display, wild or cultivated, (hot Uouso
excluded.) tlvo varieties. 2 10 too
Six clusters Concord, 60
Delaware, i
Clinton, 60
Isabella. Ml
Hartford Proline, so
Iona, 60
Rebecca, M)
Diana, M)
Cahtornta, 60
Martha, so
Rogers M)
Display, not less than two varieties
uuu uozcu eacii, 1 uu ou
DlsDlav. an v kind, not less than two
varieties 1 U" 60
Judgos J r. White, Supt, ; Mrs. lla'.ilia Swank,
Mm. J. 8. vtoous.
Host 2d llest
Quart dried apples w
" " pears. Si
" " quinces, 60
" " peaches w
" " cherries pitted, 60
- " uupltted. Ml
" ' raspberries. Mi
" blackberries, M)
" ' dewberries Ml
" ' whortleberries mi
" plums so
' twetcnera, M)
' " prunes. Ml
" ii chestnuU, 60
The fruit not to be removed until the close of the
exhibition, nnd particular caro to uo ouscrveu uy
all persons that tho samo Is not Injured.
Class 9 Wines aud Liquors.
Judges-W. O. Holmes Supt. ; J. It Ulbby, Win.
Bent 2d Uest
tuart currant wine, t 50
" blackberry wine, so
' grape wlno, so
" cherry wine, s
" elderberry wlno, to
" rhubarb wluo, Ml
" rye whiskey, 60
" cider Vinegar, SO
Class 10 -Domestic Manufactures.
Judges-I). A. lleckly, supt
Mrs. E. Kostcubauder.
Mrs. C. F. Ferris
llest 2d!!0ht
Loaf wheat bread,
Loaf rye bread,
Loaf graham bread,
Dozen biscuits
ivo.en rolls
Roll of butter, 3 lbs. or more,
Apple pic,
lcacb pie,
Pumpkin or squash pie,
lllnce pie,
Imou pie,
drain) pie,
Custard pio,
llalsln pie,
houge cake,
lound cake,
Fruit cake,
(Slugcr cake,
Ice cream cake,
uruuge cuke,
Imoti cake,
; 10 si no
I SO 16
1 (II SO
1 UI
1 no
1 M) 1 no
1 no
1 II)
Judges T. I). Strauss Supt. ; jam. J. C sponen,
berg, Mrs. Tbos. K. Sands.
Rest 2d llest
Display canned fruit, different kinds
uot less than ono quart each, 2 00
Can huckleberries, now, 51
" peaches " so
" pears " "
' plums, " 60
11 quinces " 60
11 apples " SO
' grapes " SO
blackberries, " M
" raspberries ' SO
Cucumber pickles ' Ml
Variety " " I no
Chow chow, so
Catsup, M)
Cu'cd ham, 1 no
Samples yeast, Ml
Hard wap, Ml
Soft soap, Ml
(lallou maple inolasaes 1 no
Judges J, P. Sands HupU ;
Mrs. John H. Mens.'h,
Display fruit preserves new,
" " butU'rs "
" " Jellies "
Cup elderberry Jelly, new,
"crab oppio ' '
11 j,ear "
" npplo "
" grape
" eiirruiit " '
' blackbetry " "
laspburry " "
" tomato "
Jar crab npplo butter, "
" applo ' 11
(war '
" plum "
' peach
grapo " ii
' quince ii ''
14 tomato H
blackberry Jam,
" raspberry " "
" cuirant "
preserved appltw,
" ar, '
' plum, '
1 11 peaches
11 ii quinces M
' tomato, '
' ' cllrou, '
Mrs A. W. Snyder,
Hest 8d llest
II 00
a no
a ui
Cass ll-Household Uanufacturet,
Judges-Web. W, Eves Supt. Miss Kato Mers
Mrs. Laura Urobst,
llest SdUott
Ten yards ilannel, (2 no
1 woolen cloth, a no
11 11 carpet, a UJ
plain linen, 1 no
Knit wool stockings Ml
11 couon so
" wool mittens M
1 pound or moro namplo stocking yarn, 1 0 1
fancy colon yarn,, 1 pa
Pair woolen blanket!. I 101
Pair linen sheets 1 00
Hand made night drens I 10
Patch quilt by girl under I) yearn, 1 CI
The sum of 110 hM been net armrt In this den art.
mcnl for the dlicictlonary uso of tho Judges.
Class U-Ketdlework and Embroidery.
Judgcs-F. D. HartmaD, Supt,'.
Hest 2d Heat
11 60 f 75
I 60 75
1 60 75
1 60 76
I (X) Si)
1 M) 76
60 25
M) V5
SO 25
60 25
Ml 25
1 00 60
MJ 25
1 00 Ml
1 (U Ml
I 00 60
1 UJ Ml
! 00 60
1 HI Ml
1 IK) Wl
M) ar,
) 60 25
60 25
60 25
, 61 25
I &J 75
, t 25
SO 25
1 M) 25
60 25
60 25
1 00 60
SO 25
1 10 60
1 60 76
1 50 76
5) 25
M) 25
2 CO I 60
101 60
Ml 25
60 25
1 60 ,5
1 60 15
60 25
M) 25
SO 25
60 25
50 25
51 25
SI 25
1 (U MJ
1 (0 MJ
bl) 25
1 10 50
1W 1 to
In this depart-
Silk embroidery,
Worsted embroldtry,
Silk bed quilt,
Hand mado chemise,
Machine mado chemise,
Suit lad) underclothing,
1 ,,, nil,,,
01 Ionian cover,
I Utow Rhatns
Sheet bliuuis
Annlleallon embrolderr.
Tnblo mats
iiciuicu tuiiei cusiiion,
toilet net.
Cambric embroidery,
numieu wiviuii,
Japaneso patchwork,
Cake napkins
net louet mats
Scrap bag,
(lentleinan's scarf,
nuiiuiiiiuie nura,
Knitted shawl,
101 let work basket.
Infant's shirt,
Card receiver,
r.niuiiKicrcu suppers
Hair snitch,
Embroidered cap nnd collar,
embroidered handkerchief,
Ijicc embroidery,
I land-made lace, "'
Head pin-cushion,
Head canvas rjln-cushlnn.
Child's dreas
KinDroiaercd nota pillow,
Netted chair tidy.
t.iinu nitan i,
Knit dress.
Canvas tidy,
Worsted tidy,
Col ton crochet tidy,
Knitted tidy,
Tutting tidy,
htmd spread,
i.iiiuruiiiercu nignt uress,
Child's clirochet wnp,
Cray work qallt,
The sum 01 ISO has been bet anal
lucnt tor the discretionary use ut tho Judges.
Jndees-K. C. Hut. Sunt.: Miss Ncttlo Vastlno.
uost 2d nest
Specimen leather work, $101 I Ml
ueiui 1 uu mi
" shell " 1 UI 60
" burr " 1 no so
' hair " I U) M
" wax " 1 0,1 Ml
" moss 1 iu so
set artlilclal teeth, 2 no so
Tucsum 01 ( 5 uas been set apart in tins depart
ment lor the discretionary usoot the Judges.
Class 13 -Fine Arts, Fen&suushi; and Ho
st &s,
Judces-Prof. W. U. Wilbur. Sunt.! Mrs. 1. II.
Seeshultz, Miss Eva ltuiwrt.
liest u llest
oil painting, (5 00 1.1 no
Drawing, 3 ui l Ml
siieclmen penmanship, I 00
" book-blndlng, 1 no
' woodgralnlug, 1 0)
" lettering on marble, 1 00
" sign painting, 1 10
Display priming, l 00
Transparent painting, 1 no
T ho sum of 110 has been sot apart In tills depart
ment for tho discretionary uso of the Judges.
Judges Thomas Seaborn, Supt.; Mrs. Lydla (111
more, Mrs. S. J, Conner.
Best 2d Hest
Display of flowers f 3 00 $2 00
Collecilon ot dahlias 60
Siicclinen of house plants In bloom. 1 U)
Hanging basket with growing plants to
flats l.-Vehieles.
Judgeg-M. C.Vance.Supt.; AdainTruckenmlller,
John Applcinan.
Hest 2d Hest
Phaeton, S3 00
Famllycarrlage, 3 no
open buggy, 2 ou
Top buggy, 8 00
Farm wagon, 3 00
Sprlug wagon for farm use, 2 ai
" ' " pleasure, 2 (10
Whcelbairow, 1 00
si Igh, 2 00
sulky, 2 UI
skeleton wagon, 2 00
Class 15 -Agricultural fcnplements, Ma
chinery, &c.
Judges-A. IJ, Herring, Supt.; W. F. Manhart,
Jerrc walp.
Hest 2d Hest
Right-hand plow, Diploma.
Lett-hand plow, '
Right and left-hand plow, "
Corn plow, ii
Subsoil plow, '
Square drag, '
Ouo-horso cultivator, "
Two-horse cultivator, 1
one-horse corn-planter, "
Two-norso corn-planter, "
Thresher and bep.iralor combined, "
.Mower and reaper, "
Hay tork, "
IMrtablo elder press "
Clover huller, "
8aus.ige grinder, "
Washing machine, "
Clothes wringer, "
Grubbing hoe, 5)
set inluer's picks 50
Pair of tore and hind horso shoos 1 no
Axo haudlc, 60
Ornlu cradle, Diploma.
Roller, '
Fanning mill, "
Corn shelter, n
straw and todder cutter, '
Harvester, "
Hay tender, '
Any new or meritorious linnlomonts exhibited
nnd 1101 prov Ided for In the foregoing class, tho
juuges may re-pun uiu uienis ui iuo 8.11110 lur piv
mlumsto iho Uovlslng Couimlttec. 1
Class 16-StOTes, Tinware, Earthenware.
Judges C. C. Mcudcuuall, Supt, :' J. 11. Dclong,
A. C. MlllariU
llest 2d llest
Cooking stovo with tlxlurcs, 2 01
Parlorstovn Willi tlxlurcs '-' '0
Variety tlnwaie, 2 10
Variety earthenware, 4 on
Display marblo work, 2 00
Class 17-Cablnetware, Tanners, Shoe
makers, la.
Judges-John K. (Irotz, Supt. i Vernon P. Kvcs,
Jacob Sclsloft.
Host d Best
Sot doub'c draught hirnesH, $.1 01
Set double carriage harness s 01
Slnglo carriage harnes 1 , 3 no
l'alr call boots 1 OJ
Pair kip boots 1 ou
Pair miner's shoes, so
llureau, 1 no
Dressing stand, 1 OU
Display cabluctwarc, 5 UI
Set Windsor chairs 1 UJ
Set ch airs, 1 00
hettee, I U)
Rocking chair, 1 11 1
Halt dozen blooms 0
Tvio sides solo leal her, 1(0
Two sides kip hulher, 1 no
Two Calf skins, 1 i0
sample brick, so
Class 13-Sees i Bee Hives.
Judges-J. F. Alkiiuii, Supt. ; Emanuel Lazarus
rump hiruup.
Host 2d Uest.
Swarm Italian bees f5 00 1 3 ui
Swurui black bees, 3 01 2 in
Display white clover honey, I U) si
Display buckw heat honey, 100 Ml
Jar extracted honey. Ml 26
Uox honey, 5 lbs. or more, 1 no
Tho bees uud honey to havo been the produco of
tuo cxinuiiom
Class -Miscellaneous.
Judges A. II. Herring, Supt. ! lllram Sterling,
U. II. Int.
Articles not hereinbefore named will bo entered
In this class and tlio Judges will examine all such
us havo interest or value, und award such pre
miums as they deem proper, subject to revision by
tue iiuaru ui .Muuua'cm.
Glass 20 Musio-
Hest 2d Hest
Hand In tho county, 125 00 110 00
Hand engaged by tho Society not to competo
conlesl to be on Friday. Cnmpeleiit Judges to bo
selected. Not leas than three to enter. Eulrunco
Glass 21 Musical Instruments and Sewlnc
A BUllublo place In the building will bo set apart
lur llie exiuuiuuu ui umeica cuieicu ill una tiuaa.
Glass 22 Eqnt'8trianiem.
Jud?ea-Capt. II. J. Conner, Bunt. ; Miss Y'crnn
1 roasy, .ure. 1 nanus.
Best ad Best
Female Equestrian, 110 00 5 ai
Not less than three to start.
Glass 23 Bioyole Eaoe.
Judges-Rev. I. M, Kumler, Supt. ; Uncoln UI
Hard, Will Knorr.
Friday 1 o'clock.
One halt mllo-for novices (connned to Colum
bia county blcyclUb.)
First prize, Cold modal
second prize, Sliver medal
Saturday at 10 o'clook.
One mile daih-troo to all.
First prize. nold medal
Second prize, silver medal
Best three out of flvo beats.
Judges-ivter A. Kvans Supt. 1 A. Xi Sehoch,
W. A. Yettcr, Dr. A. P. llcllor, V. W. Sutlllt.
iut horse or maro lu the county, under
H years old, owned and used by a tanner, 10 u)
Secind U-st, 10 ui
Third best, 6 UI
Fourth beat, i 00
llest trotting horso or mare that has never
mado u lulls u loss than 2.50, SiO
Second beat, 25 UI
Third best, 15 01
Fourth Ixtt, 10 00
Best trotting horso or mare colt In tho coun
ty, iinuei
Second best,
ty,iinicr4ycara ota,
110 00
6 no
3 no
2 00
1 nmi uest.
Fourth best,
Best trotting horscor maro that lias never
made a mile in less than 2.30, $100 no
Second best, Ml 00
Third best, .10 UI
Fourth best, 20 no
cohniv ai-ORTiKd akii oms to am.
Best trotting horso or man) nwned nnd Used
In the county that has never mado a
mile in lo-s than three minutes 125 no
Second iK'st, U Ml
Third best, 7 Ml
Fourth best, 6 (
Hest trotting horso or mnrr, ' 12 0 on
second Ixsit, luno
1 bin! vest, uno
Fourth bes,t, 10 CJ
I, No horse or mare will M eligible tn enter tho
Colt, Farmer's or Count jr SKirl Ing List, unless
owned by tho comiietltor thirty d.ija provlousto
tho Fair.
. Homed ellglblo to tho Colt, Farmer's or
County sporting trots, will Ix? eligible to Ml.
3. All entries to be put in writing! they arc lo
coi rectly show t ho name and residence of I ho no-
tnlnnlnr nla. I Ik. iinitin nrilm nicMr ulllitlt,
tolor, rex and name ottho hoi'so (liidlealing
wneiner 1 ne entry lie n Mitinon. inare,orgei'iing,j
nnd to give tho pedigree, so tar ns known.
I. Entrance fee. ten ner rent, of nurse. Allen.
t rnncc fees must bo paid beforo the entry can bo
fi. Not less than four rnlneslo 'make n race.
All trials to bo decided by tho best three out ot
live heats.
6. A practical ntarternnd timer has liecn ho.
cured, and nllraees will lie suhlect In his dert.
Hons under tho rules of tho National Trotting As
sociation. '. Caction. All innttern relatlni? to thlsrliss
will boL-ovcrne,t bv III,) rules orilm National
Trotting Association, ot which this mclityls a
H. Entiles mav lie made bv annlleallon tn. or
addressing tho Secretary at his onice at an) tlmn
before Saturday, oclolier 111th, ats o'llock, 11.111.
when all entries w 111 positively be closcl. ,
II. V. Will fK. Sec'y.
ofllco In Browcrs' Block, liloomsburg, Pa.
Opposlto Kxchnngo lintel.
Dr. McTaggart
This noted Specialist of Scrnnlnn, is llic
only spccinllst this slilu of New York, 1'liil-
nueipiila nmi llullulo who mnKcs 1111 exnlii.
slvo spcclulty of treating chronic, lone;
stnmllne ninf lingering iliJeiiscs to which
man null womaiililntl nru milijcct, such ns
Coiisiiiiiption, llioiiclilul nlTcctions, Scrolu
In, Sult-ltlieiim, I.uss nf Mnnlinoil.SUin lic
enses, Illieinniitisiii, Ulcers, Olilgnres, Kpl
lepy, Syphilis, Deafness, Loss of Voice,
Chronic JJliirilm'n.Clillls nmi Foyer, Worms,
I.ivcr complaint, Cancers, Tumors, l'liinly
sis, Tnpe worm, Ilenrt disease, itc, Ac,
vb retnaio inseiises 11 specialty.
No matter how lonir you Imve liccn stif
fering nor how ninny Doctors you lmyc em
ployed in vnlt), you should npply to D11.
.MoTAfidAitr nt once, when he will tell di
rectly without holding out false linpes
whether your disease Is strictly cumblo or
can only lie relieved.
IIo owes his wide reputation for tho suc
cessful treatment of nil lingering or cluonlc
diseases to experience and close applica
tion for over '20 years, uud lo no miiaculoiu
What tub Pai-eks Say :
"nc Is skillful honest, ffllclent, upright and re
liable nnd viell worthy ot tho people's conildeneo
and esteem. Ho always says exactly what ho
means nnd means exactly what ho says." scran
ton Iteimtillinn.
"He Is too useful a man to lose," Lackawanna
Corner Lackawanna and Washington Avenues.
Sept U-ly
Here we arc for the fall of 1885, with Lower Prices and Larger
Stocks, and at thu same time give you the
Our II. B. Clark is now in New York to enlarge our already
Large Stock.
for Ladies' Dress Cloths, Trimmings, Ladies' Mifses' ami Child
rens' Coats, te., etc.
Kvor shown hy us.
s',-1 applied to the soil,
Eloomsburg, Pa.
Snh AfW A" C CREASY, Umc Riclcc, Pa.
bUD. Agents. H H BROWn; Light Street, Pa.
Sept. 4 2m
All our suliserihei's who will jiay their subscription accounts to
this paper in full to date, and ono year in ad
vance, will ho presented with one
year's subscription to
A BixteciMiago Agricultural Magazine, jjuI.HsIio.1 by K. A. Hacki'tt, at Fort
Wayne, Indiana, ami winch is rapidly taking rank as (.no of thu leading Agii
otiltiira I publications of tlio country. It is iFovoU'd exclusively to the intcroMH
ot tlio 1 armor, htock Hreodor, Dairyman, Oanlener, nnd their household, and
every species of industry connected with that great poition of tho pooplo of
tho world, the l iinners. I he subscription price is ONK DOLLAR 1'Kl t YKA1!.
l-arincrs cannot well got along without it. It puts new ideal into their mind".
It tcaclics them how to farm with profit to theinsclvc". It makes tho homo
happy, tho young folks cheerful, tho growler contented, tho downcast happy,
and tho demagogue honest,
eavTliis is a very liberal offer and bhould bo taken advaula"o of,
SlwollI & Biiuilirai!bEd.ei',
K, P. llir.UtliVKI!.
(1. W. DUWH,
1)11. J. M. aWIlNNKU.
1 ILOOJliTiU l" (Tm"V UK UT.
Wheat per btishcl 81 lo (in
Hyo " " SO
Corn " " fto
O.ils " " :ij
Flour per Imtrcl fi 00 & II 00
Hotter 20
USB? 10
Tnilovv o,"i
1'otutocs new 40
Dried Apples o.l
J funis )i
Sides nnd Rhodhlcrs (13
Chickens (is
Turkeys 12
Lard per pound 10
liny per Ion IP, 00
j Bees wax 2,1
1 Hides per II Bio 7
I Venl skins per lb ,, 0?
I Wool per II)
Coal on Wharf.
No 02.00; Nos4 & 5 $3.2.1
Illlumlniis, $t.
Philadelphia Markets.
FEUIV Western winter bran, spot, 15,
isprlnir lfl.'D 1
VLOUlt. Western extra's 3.31; l'enn a
family, Am ( 1.2", Ohio cleir, ui; wlntor
patent 5.1KJ ts f.5o; I'enn.i. loller piocevi l..'j?kj ,
WHEAT l'ennsvlvanla red, No. 1, my.,
t'OII.S'.-l'J.K, 51.
OATS. No. 3 while O, 31 No. 2, Sllf
HAY AND STRAW Tlmnlliy I'hnleo Western
and New York, in. (Air.VI fair to ifooil Weslein and
New York, 12. (. 1 1. ; medium Western ami New
Yoik, 10. (.4 12. : Cut hay ns to rtuulllv Ut. ( 21.
lljo straw in, Wheat straw, 10. oat straw
uti 10
liiKis. Pennsylvania 20 i western 81,
IIU'ITKU. Pennsylvania creamery pilnts 81
8." Western extra SO!
LIVE l'oULTUY.-l'owls, 10, mixed lots u
loosters old R.
I'd l'A TOES. Early Rose, 50 i,n r); liurhands, sn
Wj unions, 1.C5 0 1,7a per bbl. for yellow, l.-ji
t-4 1.11 red.
Notice Is hereby Riven that an application will
lie made In tho Coun of Common pleas ot I'olum
bl 1 county, 011 Saturday, tho 3rd day of Ot tuber,
1KS5, at two o'clork p. m, under tho Act ot Assem
bly ot tho commonwealth nt l'ennn., entitled,
"An net to provide for the Incorporation ami regu
lation of ccitnln corporations" approved April sri,
1871, and tho supplements therein for thoehailer
ot an Intended corporation to bo called, -'Tho
Denton Agricultural Association," tho character
and object ot which Is tho malntnlnanco ot laclll
ties tor holding ot fairs or exhibitions ot ncrlcul
tural and horticultural producls with tho rlnht to
rent, purchase and hold real estato necessary for
these purposes and to havo. possess and enjoy nil
the rights: boneilts nndprlvlleKCs contcrieil by tho
said Act of Assembly and Its supplements.
This old and reliable Fertilizer, which has been on the market for
eljrli tocn years, is unsurpassed for use on Farm, (lardeu, law n,
or I loner lied. It is a complete manure, rich in all the necessary
elements. 1 he Farmer who plants his crops, looking to the money
they will return, finds that every dollar's worth of
CAI DDI a DAiMrin m s
repays its cost many limes over. Try it, and be
tiuniiicui. ranipnicts, Willi testimonials, etc., forwarded free. If
k ji ........ .w ,v. Hutu, in juui vieiiiuy, auurcss
o Ocu'l SeHlns Agents, lloston, Mas