The Columbian. BLOOMSBURPA, FRIDAY, SEI'TKMHKU, 25, IBM. (unmet atn.notii tut mil. Trains on tlio Ifitlnclciplila It 11. leave Ilupert MOllTI. r,:.w a. 1 1. 3:13 p. i i' SOl'TU. 11:49 n.m. 8:18 p. tn. Trains on llic 1). I. W. II. 11, leaio Moomshurir aa follows I wviuauuii. NORTH. (1:51 ft. m. 10.31 a. m. mso p. in. 80UIU. 8:30 a. in. 11:41 a. m. 4:34 p. m. 0::)n p. m. 8:17 p. m. 1 Trains on tlio N. tV. II. Hallway pass llloom iwrv nit fiillmvfl t NORTH. SOtTB. a. in. 12:08 p. m. CSV p. m. 4:19 p. tn, SUNDAY. NOHTn, SOtmi. 10:11 a in 7:iopm Clicnp AilvcrtlHcmciilH. Advertisements will bo Inserted In our ocnl columns nt tlio following rates t Situations wanted, free. Lost or found, free. Help wanted, 20 cents. Kooms to rent, SO cents. One time each, or 3 limes, 40 tents. Hliuullnu- OilcrH, Tho Columman Is ollcrcd on the follow, ing terms i Coi.umbun and N. Y. Weekly World 1 yr. " Phlla. " Times " " " American Agriculturist " " " Tribune J: Farmer " US0 9.35 S.50 Oilier papers will bo ndded to tills list. lor 4 new subscribers to the Columman accompanied with Ilia casli, J 0.00, a copy of tlio History of Columbia county will be giver, to getter up of club. For 3 now names and S4.G0 we will tend tlio Columman one year free to person send' Ing names ; or If names arc sent In by one now Inking the paper wo will credit his account with ono year's subscription. For 2 new names, with 3.00, wc will send paper for 0 months to tho person so curing the names for us. For 1 new namo with $1,150, we will send paper U months to person securing the same for us. On receipt of 10 cents wc will send the Columbian to any address in tho county for one month on trial, and paper will not bo sent longer unless so ordered. I'UIII.IC HAI.KS. Tho executors of John Kclchncr, deccas cd, will sell a tract of land in Jackson township, on tlio premises, on Friday, September 25th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., wood land with water power Baw-mlll. Also, on Saturday, September 20th at 10 n. m., land in Scott township, a grist mill, dwelling houses, Ac. See advertisement. l'erHonnl. Judge Elwcll Is holding court at Dan villc this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Mcllenry spent hist Saturday In town. Francis Ilcck is assisting in editorial work at tho Sentinel ofllcc. Col. A. D. Seclcy and Will T. Snyder, prominent democrats of Berwick, were among the numerous visitors to town on Saturday last. Court next week. Several communications arc omitted this week lor want of space. A picnic consisting of twenty-four cars of people was in Oak Grove on Tuesday, Mrs. M. E. Nuss found her spectacles through n nollco printed in the Columman. Tlio Premium list of the llloom fair occupies considerable of our space this week. The largest picnic of the season occu pied Oak Grove on Saturday, from Ply mouth. Foit Sai.h. A large number of first-class empty cider barrels for sale by C. B. Hob bins, Bloomsburg, Pu. scp-25-tf. Elisha U. Drown, of Milllinville, died on Wednesday afternoon, aflcr a long illness. His age was 00 years. The Sentinel appears this week printed at home, having di -carded the patent outside. This is a step forward. II. F. DiclTenbach will open a meat mar ket on Iron street, at tho old Bomboy stand on Iron street on Monday next. Tho trial of John T. Cox for the murder of Milo Jump nt Northumberland, has been postponed until December term of court. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Marr celebrated their silver wedding last Saturday. A largo num. ber of friends wero present and partook of ft feast. Tho band mado Its first appearance in now uniform on Monday night. The suit consists of bluo coat and pants with gold luce and helmet hat. II. M. Hockman's boarding house Ber wick fair ground will havo a first class tur. key dinner. So you need not bring any lunch along this time. On Monday last A. M. Whlto traded his farm in Orange township to I. W. McICclvy for a larm in Wood county, Ohio. Mr. Whlto expects to movo west in the spring. Daniel Gross, son of Peter dross, died on Sunday morning at his father's homo on South Main street, aged 24 years and 4 months. The funeral took placo on Tues. day. Hcbecca Carmen, of Benton, takes tho lead In that section lor millinery goods. Blio has Just received a fine new stock. Call and examine her Full and Winter styles. You canuot fall to bo pleased. The ofllcoof Creasy & Wells at their lumber yard U lined with wood of all kinds, wulnut, chestnut, ash, cherry, ma ple, red, white and black oak, hemlock birch, southern pine, and many other va rieties. Tho lining has a hard finish, and (jlvcs tho Interior of tho olllco a handsomo appearance. Hev. Dr. Conrad, of Philadelphia, dcllv. ercd n very entertaining sermon In tho Lutheran church on Sunday eventng. All tho seating capacity was used. Dr. Conrad Is ono of tho leading ministers in tho Lutheran church. For tlio pat twenty years ho has been located In Philadelphia, and attended to tho editorial management of tlio iMheran Observer. List of letters remaining in tho Post Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending fept, 22, 18S5i Miss Mury E. Uctz, llobcrt A. Faust, Mrs. Marg't lilnslcy, Sidney Blialler, Mr. Jesso Coleman, Mr. John Gordon, Mr. Philip Maust, George K. Wilson, Persons calling for iiImjvo pleaso say "advertised." . .. (Ikoikik A. Clark, P. M. The aiendowcr Iron Works at Danville ZrJL 80,11 10 ' Scranton fv ;' , . ln,-,rovc,1 "MWnefy for n il I l " "0Ur 1189 bcCn 1"1 ..viuiuuk nun. Hon. Ira Davenport was nominated for Governor of New York, at the Republican oaraioga on Wednesday. According in l.i ... , , , ' census uiooinsuurg acks less than 300 of what is requisite to have it Included In tlio Immediate delivery . -uarics rrultaml Miss Emma Swish er, daughter of Dr. T. J. Swisher, botli of .yiown, were married at thoM. E. par. 8nngG t Huckliorn on Monday forenoon. The Berwick fair will l.n t.i.i . i. Benton the week following, and Illooms' u rB i ,o ween following that. Three weeks atlcmll"B fair ought to satisfy everybody. Special trains and reduced rates via I cnnsylyanla railroad for tlio unveiling of tho soldiers' monumental Hazlcton to-day, (irlday) September 25th, under auspices of tno U. A a. a. special accommodation tra n will leave Bloom Ferry 7i03a. mar tivlng at Catawlssa VM a. m., where con nection Is Made with regular train, arriving it Hazleton, 0,45 n. m. Excursion ticket. 20th Ea 'r rt'Urn 1"l8Sng0 8cI,-cm--c' Less than two hundred out of our fifteen hundred subscribers, owo for a year or more subscription, and very fow of these are two years behind. This shows that our list Is made up of tho most substantial men of the county.nnd therefore our paper s read by the best class of people and Is the best advertising medium. We carry no dead heads, neither as a reward for pol itical favors, nor for tho sake of claiming tho largest circulation. Special Noiick.-TIiu Columbia County Agricultural Society, at Bloomsburg, wish to call special notice that all entries of stock and fowls must bo made before Mon. day, October 12th, at 8 o'clock n. m.. and all other articles by 8 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, the 14th, when all entries will be closed. The exhibits arc so lapldly In. creasing from year to year that the associ ation find It necessary to have as many entries mado as possible on Monday, ore- ceding the exhibition. The marriage of Mr. T. L. Gunton of this place and Miss Amanda Gunton of WIIkcs-Barrc on Wednesday nftcinoon ut half past one o'clock was quite a brilliant affair. About forty Invited guests from Bloomsburg attended the wedding. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. P. Manlmrt. The presents, consisting of sil verware, glassware and other useful house hold articles, were numerous and hand some. A handsome check was given by the fnlher of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Gun ton took the train for New York, Phlladel phia and other points. May long life and happiness attend them. Miss Emma Kuhn,who has been visiting friends at Hazlcton for some time past, met with a painful accident on Satuiday last. She was out riding with a friend and in jumping from tho buggy for the pur- pose of gathering some flowers, broke her leg, between tho ankle and kneo. She was taken to the home of her friends where the bone was set. The physician in charge says tho limb was easily set, and that in n short time will bo healed, without uiy deformity. Her parents received a letter Wednesday morning giving au ac count of the accident. Mrs. Kuhn went to Hazlcton at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, to render what assistance sho couhl, and, if possible, hove her daughter brought home. l-'uriu far Bale. The farm no w occupied by A. M. White in Orange township, containing ono hun dred acres with good buildings and im provements, Is offered for sale, possession to bo given April 1st. 1880. For terms and particulars apply to I. W. McKclvy or Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg. Sept 254f llraUley'u Superphosphate. Manufactured by tho Bradley Fertilizer Co., of Boston, can now bo obtained in Bloomsburg. It is excellent in quality and is among the best fertilizer in thu maiket. Tho prices are reasonable, and the results nrc very satisfactory. For particulars call on C. M. Bittcnbcndcr, under Opera House, Centre street, Bloomsburg. 3m. To tits Holders of Bonds of Bloomsburg Stats Normal School, Secured by First Mort gage dated September 1, 1363 : Notice is hereby given that the Interest due on said bonds up to September 1, 1885, will be paid on presentation of the same to tho Treasurer at his ofllcc in Bloomsburg at any time within 15 days from the 10th of September 18S5. After which tlmo tho interest will bo defaulted and applied on the paymeut of the principal debt. II. J. CLARK, Trcas. CntawlHHU. Farmers In this section arc busily en. gaged sowing, cutting corn and digging potatoes. Tho paper mill is In full operation and finds ready sale for nil the pulp they can manufacture. Freight trallic on the P. & It. R. R. is very brisk at present. Mr. Bahmcs' house Is being rapidly pushed to completion, also Mr. Charles awrence'a house, who, we understand, Is putting up a neat and substantial residence for his own use. Could thero not he something done to prevent those young uicliln from parading tho streets with torchlights and making night hideous with their yells? Mr. Daniel Smith, from Milton, has been In town looking at Mr. Holshue's houso with a view of purchasing It If satisfactory terms can bo agreed upon, for his son, William, who resides near Fisher's church. Tho Hunlor Army Drum Corps arc prac ticing preparatory to going to Hazlcton to Attend the dedication of the soldier's mon ument in that place. Tho Luther Union was well attended and tho exercises were of their usual good character. Tho next meeting Is to bo a musical entertainment and somo of tho best musical talent Is lo be engaged to make it a success. Come otic and all and help a good cause. Judging from the amount of phosphate and other manures our farmers uro hauling, they Intend to try to raise good crops and mprovc their laud. Mr. Wood, tho person who assaulted Mr. Mndara, from Dauvlllo, who had been em ployed by Mr. Weaver, In his stono quarry, and was going from bis work, Is still at large, but wo trust will bo captured, as persons who act as ho did should havo tho full penalty of tho law, Tho wedding bells rang out joyously upon tho quiet Sabbath air and bringing Joy to tho hearts of two young persons from this place, who entered tho matrhno- nlul engagement for life. They wero Jir. Grant and Miss Kclchncr. It appears that our young ptoplo are hurrying up this bus. ness as they do not wish, to wait until aucr the 1st of October, when the now law goes Into tiled. Only a few mora days, so hurry up. but bo careful to make no rash promises. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, 5LO,QMJ3Bf ,Rj?f $)LU11 A Dend ncnl. O. H. Brown has left Hloomsburir and. It Is said, that he lias gono to Lewlslown to cngngo in butlncss. Ho camo to this place from Montrose over a year ago, and open ed a laundry over Dcntlcr's store, and stayed hero as long at ho could obtain credit. When this failed bo was sold out by the Bkorlfl. Ho was apparently doing a paying business, and could havo rmld Ids hills If ho wanted to, but as ho Is a profes sional dead beat It Is not his plan to pay for anything ho get by cheating or lying. Ho played the samo game at Montrose, whero he went by the name of Burl, Wo have a list of nearly twenty business men of this town whom ho swindled out of va. rlous sums. If ho is at Lowlstown tho people of that place had better look out for him. This cheat should bo passed along the line, nnd put out of any community he may curso with his presence, until ho Is taught that Iho best way to get n living Is to earn It by honest labor. Ho will proba ably turn up under a new name, as Brown and Burt will no longer do for him. Ho is nbout 23 years old, 5 feet 8 Inches tall nnd has a sundy mustache. Pais him nlong. Ilcrwlck. Wc should havo said that Archy Avcrlll hauls cxprcssnge and baggage from the Pcnna. depot freo of charge. What mild wcatlicr. Patterson of Ncscopcck is selling plenty of meal In Berwick. One of our venerable citizens, John Eg. gcrt died Wednesday, 10th Inst., burled on Friday, 18th Inst., p. m. He was a long while citizen of Berwick. A man of no mean literary attainments. He was sick for some months, was over 70. Another of our old land marks havo disappeared. Who next ? There Is always room enough In the grave. Its avarice is ns Immortal as the race. Now, that towns all along the river have postal delivery why should not Berwick ? How comes that Berwick should bo behind Nantlcoke, Plymouth, Kingston, and all such places. This would glvo employment to nn Industrious boy. Stctler, tho watchmaker U doing a good business. His new sign Is quite an attrac lion. The marble works of Kurtz Is turning out some flno work. Rev. E. Yocum's essay on the Missions of .Mexico, Thursdny evening 17th Inst., In the M. E. church was very Interesting. Our race course at our fair grounds is well occupied dally with rapid steeds. Our G. A. R. expect fine limes at the un veiling nt Hnzleton. They have mado every preparation to be there. Tonsorlal Heller has been away for some time visiting the races of tho fairs. We arc glad lo note .that the times arc commencing to look better. Business prospects nrc brightening. Wo trust they will grow brighter continually. Many families In Berwick will suffer tho coming winter, If things remain as they havo been. It will soon bo proverbial that America Is a hard country to live In if affairs don't change. Wo hope for better. Our schools arc completely tilled. The Berwick Water Works have declar ed dividends for the second tlmo In their history of about 30 years. High tlmo for dividends. It is John Smcthcrs who Is so successful In fruit raising and truck. Ills name was mlspellcd last week. Tho Y. M. C. A. literary society starts under favorable auspices; so with the other Literary Club. A. J. Suit will run Ids fine steam yacht conveying passengers to nnd from our fair grounds, the fair commencing on Sept. 30tb to continue four days. The yacht went to Oak Grove Saturday last, attending three days. This is nn elegant little steamer col eulated to hold 25 passengers. The rides up tho canal arc very plca3aut nnd agreeable. Only 5 cts. a trip to the fair grounds. Billy Clemens will go into the oyster bu-, slness upon the fair grounds. He is pre paring largely to accommodate the public. He is'iinild caterer. Hockman has chartered the dining build ings at tho fair grounds where all will be furnished good square meals at reasonable prices. The Bedrock Sunday School held their picnic In Learn's woods, not Legru's, near Stephen Thomas' residence A mistake of type. Wo challeugo any one to point out a prettier view of the Susquehanna than to be found above the Berwick brhlgo or a more beautiful glen than to be found In rear of Foundryvllle. You ought to see those new boots built by Drum at Newtown. They are first- class. Mrs. Rambach starting away from Ber wick last Saturday morning camo near having a runaway. She was on her way to the picnic of the Sunday school held in Williams' grove below Ncs copcck. Nothing worse happened than the spilling of the eatables she had with her In the buggy. The picnic was a sue- cess. ThoG. A. R. held their encaiupmout at Mllllln on Saturday last. It was a success. Those nobby suits Unit Hertz Is framing up for our boys are just the thing. Go look at them. Mrs. Gideon Hosier of Foundryvillo died on Saturday morning last, after a painful and lingering Illness -rupture of tbo bow. els. She died surrounded with friends, In the triumphs of the Christian faith. Burled on Sabbath last, p.m., at More's school house. Tho funeral was largely attended. Mrs. Ellis Wulton nud daughter Mrs. Devorcs ot Plymouth have been tho guests of Wm. Ulrtou; also Mrs. CUnctob and daughter of Hiuletou. Mrs. Rarlch of Butler township Is also visiting at tho rcsldcnco of Wm. Glrton. G. W Mossier is engaged In tho buggy business at Foundryvllle. He has been at It for the last year, and Is constantly in creasing In his line of business. Ho fur nished one of tho finest buggies wo havo ever seen to Wm. Adams of Butler not long since. Mrs. Walton and daughter and Mrs. Dov- ores, also Joseph Hosier and wire ot Ply. mouth, havo been visiting friends hero and attending tho funeral of wife ot Gideon Hosier on Sabbath last. Mrs, Kllnetob and daughter of Hazlcton, Mrs, Simon Rarlch of Butler was also In attendance at tho fuueral, and visiting friends. The fun eral was largely attended, ono of tho largest that has occurred for years in this sec Hon. Wo aro happy to notice that Walter E. Hurler, formerly Identified with Patterson la tho butchering business for himself In tho meat lino at Shlckshlnny was wedlock, cd to ono of Sldckshlnny's falroat daugh ters on Thursday night, last. Wo wish Wuller abundant success In Ids matrlmon lal life. May poyerty never strike him and always think his wlfo Is tho best folks in existence. Long may they wave. I.lRlttMlrcet. Jacob Oclslngcrand crew have kit town and gono to Koliriburg or near thero to finish a house, leaving Mr. Ousters rest, denco retdy for the carpenters. It. E. Hcacnck Is still buying wool) driv ing through tho country trading goods, of which he carries somo flno quality. J. L. Crawford expects to attend tho Ber wick fair. Miss Emma Sankcy returned to her homo Harrisburg on Saturday last. Mr. Wagner of Bcranton assisted by A. F. Tcrwllllgcr finished n sulto of J. M. C. Ranck's last week In walnut water color. Mrs. Jacob Mellck Is now convalescing. Her husband ranks as itio oldest man of our town, moving on toward tho nine, tics. William Custer of Mlllvlllu spent Sunday with his parents. Matthew Quick attended morning ser vices at tho M. E. church on Sunday. Taylor Fowler nnd family of Willow Grove spent Sunday nt Mr. Hicks'. A. C. Vanllcw and wlfo have gone to Philadelphia to visit and sec a physician In regard to his physical condition. Philip Creasy and wife of Jit Pleasant spent Sunday with their son. In-law A. C. Illdlay. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Albcrtson ot Geor gia wero guests at II, S. Marr's last week. Evangelical Sunday school held a picnic on Saturday on Kclchncr's Island ; tho new band furnishing the music, Jacob Tcrwllllgcr raised from a ptccc of land seventy steps long and thlrty.two steps broad ono hundred bushels ot pota toes. Who can beat It ? Mrs. Angcllnc McDowell departed this llfo on Friday morning last ; aged sixty two years and eight months. Funeral took place at her late resldcnco ou Monday at 2 p. m. Sermon by Rev. E. II. Yocum, of Berwick from 41 verso ot 24th chapter of Matthew's gospel. She has kept her bed for nearly n year and a half or so nnd for two years been a continual sufferer. Rev. Pilchard preached on Sunday morn ing to quite n lareo congregation ; from Phlllipplans 2d chapter, last clause of the 15th verse. "Amongst whom yc shine as lights In tho world." His sermon was full of enthusiasm and spirit of tho mastcr work. Miss Lundy of Wllliamsport Is visiting Miss Rebecca Custer. Mr. nnd Miss Tcwksbcrry of Catawlssa were In town on Sunday. Tho former drives a flue team. John Raup has made quite an Improve ment on his property by treating It to a new coat of paint. How well It would be If some more of our town property holders would do likewise. R. B. Grimes and wlfo ot Mlllvlllc were tn town on Monday. Oh ! See my new hat 1 Is what tbo dudes meant when they stopped the ladles on tho street to let them have a fine view, better go to their homes next time boys. The probationers nt the M. E. church will be taken Into full membership on Sun day morning Oct. fourth. neiiton. An exciting game of ball was playod last Saturday on the Fair grounds, between the "Modocs" of Cambra and Bcntons, the latter winning by a score of 21 to 16. This is the second time that the Bcntons have played this season, consequently they did not work together very well. There wero no particularly brilliant plays on either side and It would take a great deal of space to enumerate the errors. The umpire, Dr. Davidson, furnished by the visiting team, gave, with few exceptions, satisfaction, and the "kicking" was chiefiy by his nine. The return game Is to be played on Cambra grounds Saturday next. J. J. Mcllenry, Rob Boyer and Rev, Savldge left Monday afternoon tor Shlck shlnny, where they purpose spending a few days, bass fishing. We may expect lots of bass. Everything Is bustle and excitement around tho new hotel. Boyd, the new landlord, Is busily engaged In making ev ery preparation for the grand opening Thursday evening. Good music will be furnished and all lovers of dancing will have an amplo opportunity afforded for a "giddy" tlmo. The Benton correspondent to the A'ni- Dealer last week remarked that now would be a good time to tacklo tho Benton base ball club as tho fingers of tho players were sadly demoralized. We wonder If the visiting club ot last Saturday embraced this opportunity. Well, they were slightly (10 the tunc ot 21 to 10) left. Great was the surprise when It was learned that our worthy and efficient post master, John Heacock, was to be succeed ed by Miss Ella Appleman. We trust his succssor will meet with tlio success and approval of tho citizens as ho while serving his term. Sam Ikelcr and El wood Kuoubo wero choosers for tho coming hunting match Tuesday. Ira Mcllenry and Strat Gcarhart, who havo been engaged at work upon the hotel, left Monday for Cambra to complete the work began some time ago upon Alt. Mc- Hcnry's new house. Mrs. R, A. Carman, our busy milliner, has added greatly to tho appearance ot her property by laying a walk. Keep thu ball rolling, worthy neighbors, and then It will no moro be unsafo for a stranger to walk the streets of Benton after night without a guide. A new postolllce is to be erected. The members of tho Christian church contcmplato putting a bell on their "Chapel on the hill." Wo wonder what excuse will bo resorted to now for tardiness at Sunday school, Charles Fullmer Is erecting a ucw dwell lug on tho upper end of Main street. J, C. Brown and Frank Sloan, survey ors on tho "way in tho future railroad," stopped over night at tho Exchange Hotel after tramping all tho way from Long Pond. B. W. Ikelcr purposes assisting tho Ber. wick band at their coming Fair. Alfred U. Mcllenry and wlfo left ou Monday tor Philadelphia. They Intend "taking in" the mate Fair at tho same time. Alf. purposes laying In his Fall stock of goods. Lorn Drako will hold his own at tho up per stand no matter how tho "storms ot opposition round him howl," It you waut good buckwheat cakes al ways go to "Billy" Patterson. Ho Is not to bo surpassed In cither buckwheat or wheat flour. Housekeepers need not growl over their bread or cakes If they use Ids flour. IUY t'EVKI! 81'KOIVIO. I found it a specific for hay fever. For ten years I have been a great sufferer from August 0th 'till frost. Ely's Cream Balm s the only preventive I have ever found Frank B. Alnsworth, of V. B. Alnjworth & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, 1ml. Mimm. The campflro on Saturday cvenlng'wns't success financing Especially tho land lord. Adam Miller lost a gdod horse. Ill Evcland met wltii an accident on Sat urday. Ills team ran away, hurling htm some, Frank Frnntz, ot Carvcrtbn,,, visited his Hctlcrvllle friends on Sunday, Somebody, cither of tills or some,' other township, are frequently seen and heard hunting squirrels on Sunday. There Is somo talk ot their being "gobbled up," which would bo pcrfectly,rlght. Ono of our farmers has several acres of ground plowed for corn to be planted In 1880. Who Is ahead of this f Wo hero glvo n list of our pcopld who have been married In the past.two weeks and como In one round nlicad of that dreadful law of license: Michael Knlttlv, Mrs. J. Knittlo, II. J. Gcathart,, Alice lief, lcr, John Nuss, John Kclchncr, Dan. Hut tcnstlnc. Other weddings nrc rumored. Peace and good will to all of them. Mrs. Wm. Kunkcl, ot Franklin township, died suddenly on the 14th Inst Her re mains were burled in tho Mlflllnvllto cent. ctcry, Rev. Hnsslngcr officiating. aHiumimilicr's. lliiLiDiLmiA, September 81, 1985. Did you ever see a " fashion article " about trimminrrs for dresses and coats that gave you any help in picking out your fringes and buttons and braids ? We'll try. We shall not grab the first handful of stuff we come to and go into ectacies over it, as if that were the.fash ion; nor pick out what we want most to get rid of and make a fashion of that. We recognize the fact that it is a uithcult tiling to do to tell you what' thousands ot things are good and what other thou sands are not. You want the good. Can we help you at all ? Imagine our buyer going trom city to city in Europe looking! for novelties. What has he brought? At, home again, he itf besought by every other imJ porter to see his gatherings. American makers too are afterj him. What is the fashion ? What has, he got from them, all ? I here s something in namesj though a name may stand for a hundred different things. black chenille lnnges, etc.: Single and double ball; leech looped; mallet; pinched; rat- tail; leech and rat-tail mixedj leech with Milan drops; leech with rosary beads; leech with cut beads; tape thistle; balls and beads; loops and beads; tassels; marabouts. These for mourning: plain and fluted tapes, single, double and treble; mixed tapes; tape and grass marabout and moss; crimped- silk moss. Braid and ribbon fringes and marabouts. Lolored fringes and mara bouts of braid, tape and che nille. Moss trimmings of wor sted and silk to match every thing plain and mixed in dress stuffs. Black passementeries: With and without beads; drop galr oons; ornament gimps; mohair gimps; all-beaa irtnges straight and pointed in cut and pressed beads; pendant drop fringes; eaded nets, grenadines and aces; crochet gimps, colored passementeries of braids and cords, narrow and wide the widest 31-inch, for dress-fronts and panels. Braided balls, black and colors. Feather trimmings, American and foreign American are much the richer and finer; the foreign excel in the lower grades and in extreme combinations. Braids: Black, white and col- 1 1 i ors plain colors anci mixeq; cotton, worsted, mohair, silk, tinsel and mixed; shaped braid trimming. i' I his by no means exhausts the trimming resources; but most of the materials are here grouped together. The names alone convey a better notion of what is going to be worn than we could otherwise put in words, however many we might use. lhe difficulty is in the endless variety of forms the va nous trimmings take. It, isnj t possible to touch them. You wouldn't read a hundredth part. Of buttons another day. Northwest from tho centre. Everybody knows that Failje Francaise is crowding hard upon cros-cfrain silk has crowded ,it out of favor in strictly fashion able dress. On the whole, though we shall self more gros-grain than of heavier cord in spite of fashion. I here s no difference but the size of the cord' and1 he lustre. We have the' new silk from Guinet at 5 1.75 $2- We divide the colors; Those, that ninety-nine in a hundred vl buy are at $1.75; a tew rare colors that very few buyers v)l care for. s2. Black cotton-back Velvets p'f more than markcbfulness forl to 3.7 -i: but we shall have" to keen those above Sa.-'o till the all-silk velyet at $4 is out of the way. lhose at 52 and $4 are supposed to be the cheapest velvets are nam to measure ac curately, , . Eolith trom the centre, ' " The beat time to cot fur made over is now. 1503 Chestnut, Black spun-silk hose wjth sto'Hflialbtffeiri Kdlek W ' Wi had nearly as good last year can get them only now and then. 1319 Chestnut, ninth counter. Thick skirts for next-to-notli ing, Gray canton-llannel, .Farmer's satin quilllngatbottom, 75 cents for the whole1 skirt; plaid canton flannel, 85; melton, 95; stout twilled black cotton With a bit of color, 1. 11H and si Chestnut. Kntcr from Areailo by um brellas and Hosiery. It is a mystery to us why we don't sell three-quarters of all the shoes you wear. We don't. We could sell five, times as many. We should want more room; but there's room enough to bd got we make it by build ing straight tip in the air where land is cheap. When we think of shoes alone it seems that we ought to sell five vt!mes asrany.tThere are1 two-million'eopjebi and lit tle, within what "we think of as pur local trading-circuit. They initial wear as many as .five-million pairs of shoes a year. Hut they, whoi buy the worst' shoes bity tlie most; arid 'tf don t sell them any thousands df poor people and 'thousands not poor btlt mistaken 'people.' lucres the difficulty. Half le people think they save money by buying poor shoes. We must teach them better. We keep the poorest shoes any- )otly ought to buy. We giVd hem thef benefit of tho. rdoulif. We rarel $peak of theni! We sell as lew as we can. Wed rather scll the shoes you ought to wear. Dy the middle Market-street door. John Wanamakeu. Chestnut, Thirteenth and ,Market Btrectn, and City-hall si'u.ire. MARRIAGES: ENQLEHAllT HESS. On lhe 10th Inst, at the homo of lliu bride, by'Itev. Aj Houtz, Mr. William F.nglehart to MIs3 Ida Hess, both ot Afton. UEMAREE HEIF3NYDEH. At tho Vestdenco of Dr. 1 W. Willctts, by Hov. Stewart Mitchell Mr. 'William L. Demarco Newport, Pa., to -Miss Kitty 8, Helfsny- tier of Bloomsburg. HEICUARD-IIAOENBUCll. At tho homo of tho'brldo on tho evening of the' 19th lnst.;by Hev. A. Houtz, Mr. James E. liclcharil of Hemlock township to MI33; arn L. Hngcnbuch of Orange township. MANNING-LOUE.-Sept. 18th, 1885, by the Iter., ILO. Muuro, Mr.rW. G.-fMan- 1U UL i-JAlUYlUU 1141 UJ3S l. LHJTU VI iac Summit,,! a. LOCAL NOTICES. Wanted Calves, spring chickens, pig; eons, oak and licmlnck bark nt Silas oung's, Lightstrcet, 1 It you want dress c6ods of any kind co to Clark it Son. Look nt the best black silk for ifl.OO we havo'ever had. Black silks from ijl.00 2.25 at II.W. Sloan's.f ; V ' ' V 'I he Star Light yarns at I. W. Haitmnn Son's arc selling, 1-hosphatc for salo at'Iilg!itstri.'Ct by Silas oung. sep-l-4t. New colored silks' iust received, from 40 cents to $1.10 at II. W. Sloan's. Ladles all-wool cloths. COc. 7ic, 00c. and $1.00 at I. W.- Dartman ifc Son's. Ladies' coats, coats. wraps", &c, t assortment, low Clark & Son's. Largo prices, f See them. nice line of single nnd double shawls this week at 11. W. Sloan's. Cashmeres, trecots, , ivelvets. plushc? asirucuans, .ac, ai.uiatK & son., Half .wool coodsfifor' bovs and men's pnuts 80c:,-40c. and DOc. nt I, W., Ilarlmnn X: 2nM,aV'Jnnil atvlpaV y y J.v. ' .a Do not fail to' sec Clark & Bon's dress cloths" nnd their low prices. 83-ccnt ladles" cloth will mako' d cood school dress. .Buy Itnt I. W. llartman & Son's. Tlio 84 different styles ot ladles, misses and children's Winter coats' nru beinc i w man & Son's, You can savo money linnets ot Clark & Son. by buying your ne llko Dr. Thomas' Ec. lectrlc Oil to milckiy'curo rt cold or rdlovb loarseness," written Dy Mrs. ji. j. rel ows,.Burr Oaky St. Joseph Co., Mich it wok't'pax" . :t aftcr'BO much labor and capital has'been expended lo.bUUd up this medicine, to ul to 'deteriorate You can-' tako.BIm mons Liver Regulator Willi ticrfccttlfaltli. as It is mado by no' "adventurers whojplck buVliy educated, practical .druggists ,who II I, LUU IlllHlLlL:r!B UL LiUlltlJULl II IT III11I11I.1I1I.H. tlUVU ItllUlU IUU BlUUy Ul IML'UlCLUU uuu US compounds 'tho labor of a lifetime.- IThc care,- precision, neatness and perfection ex hlblted bv'tho vcrv anneanmce'of Itho He uuiavur' nruves h iu ug vuu ucbi. iircpurcii medicine In tho market, and J. II. Zellln & Cp: fully carry .out their motto i "Purls- Bimu vv uiiumii luuruat tvnu pent. i. 1 -V. ' M ' :A.n old nnd intimate friend of mlno h ;rirkeVs.Halr Balsam. I have used It live Years. 'nnu coum not uo wuuuui n. it na3 stoppea my iiair from tailing, restored its natural black color and wholly cleansed It fronKd-wdrulI, Miss, Pearl Aueson. St.. Louis, Mo. Sept ll-4w 1 '. Blon using uululne, It s Injurious to' the'syslcm and does not cure. Keller's uatarru a saio ana positive euro ioraiaiari oneoouiois generally sum. clent. CalarrV'and 'all blood diseases speedily cured. Thousands of cases' ol kidncv diseases'! uavo ueen cureu uy iiunis itcmeiiy. jmcv?! eriaiis, Can you tell mc who Is in the crcaiu'st danger 01 cutciiing uuy inicctious or cp). uenuu U16CU3U r '-iviiy, - you Bav. "iuu persons whoso blood is" 1 11 au Impuro or im poverished condition,'' Exactly. Such people taltp special complaints as dry femes bursts Into tlamo before tha sparks ot a lo. comotivc. t'uro1 uioou is a ueiunco 1 It means safety, and Dr. Kennedy's Favorltu Hemcily is tlio mildest, sufost and surest purifier of the blood, Qur chief dangers uic vviuiiii ourselves. cept to-iw There are more Diseases than thero uro visible s'ais, but thero Is ono remedy 'that goes to their common source In secretldns and tho blood, That Is Dr. Walkei's Veg ciiiuiu uiegur uincrs, 11 prompt una per. feet remedy for nil discuses ot tho blood. It itlves new vitality to thu secretins nnd excreting organs, and tills the arteries wjtji new niau'iiai lur streiigui, Tho tenacity wlrii which ncmilc nblda bv their carlv faith In Avcr's tiarianarllla can only bo explained by tho fact that It is best uiuyu inciiicino ever t.scu, nnu is not an. proached In excellence by any new candl. date for public favor. A smooth complexion can bo had by mujr wnu win use i-arKcrs ionic. I or promptly regulating tho liver nnd kid. ncys imd purifying the blood, there Is nouiing ilka II, nnd this Is the reason why It so quickly removes pimples and gives n iu;y UIUIIU w IIIU CIICCKg, Hcil lMw VThm nbj to tleV, gtrt Ur CMtorl. When th wm a Child, itis trial for CmtorU, Wl6n tlie'beeun Ulu, tU clunt to Cutorlt, Wtn tlx LJ Children, ,h g,T, them Cwtoris "From 18CQ to 18S0. I had rheumatism i at one tlmfe cttuld not walk a step In four inbnths. Now entirely w ell i cured bv Hunt's Hcmcdy. STEPHEN O. MASON, l'rovidcnce. Who doc's notdolleht tn srn n irnnil nnU. Ing' fnco? "Tct bryslnclns dlsllgurcs tho features almost beyond recognition. But that Is thu worst of It. The disease Is as dangerous as It is repulsive It Is some times called "St. Anthony's Fire," and of ten causes smldcn death. Mr. 8. It. Car. penter, of Orandvlllc, N. Y., had it In liolh legs and was cured by Dr. Kennedy's Fav orite Hcmcdy. This medicine excels all others for tho blood. Especially adapted to persons In fccblo health. Sept J8-4w JLECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby riven that the annual meeting ol the Hlockholdera or tho Moomsbunr Wiitcr Company will lw held In llloonMbunr, Tues day, October lillh, 1885, atonico of 1'. 1'. uulmeyer, Trcn, between the hours or s and 4 o'clock in tho nfwrnoon, for tho purpose of electing a Hoirdot Directors to servo for the earning year, and for the transaction of any other buMurxs of the com pany. F. 1". UILLMKYElt, bcpi us .- secretary. N OTICK. VrooosAIs will bo received bv tho umleralirnpil until seven o'clock, v. M., of Saturday, October, nnu, inoj, lur iuu critwuu ui a iwu mury oncK building seventy-nlno feet by eighty feet on tbo Normal School irround.4. Plana niul Huocinrnf ton can be seen at the store of Schuyler & Co.. on and atu-r Holiday October 5, ia5. Tho committee re pervlng tho right to reject all bids it they think It. "oWKNm'u'o i "'illillng Committee J. SCI1UYLEU, I ot Normal school. Sept 23, 18K5. llyMrtuoofawrltof KL issued out of tho Court of Common l'leas'of Columbia county nnd to me directed will bo exposed topublld sale at the tVurt llousi In Bloomsburg, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 1835, nt 2 o'clock, ,1'. M. all that certain lot ot ground situate In .Bloomsburg, coliunbU county, i-yunayirania, oounaou anaaescriDcu as follows, totwitt Northward! bv Seventh street, prist. wardly by lot of Jos. C. Brown, southwardly by an alley, and wcstwardly by lot ot Delbler, fronting on said Seventh street about titty feet, and extending In depth ono hundred and seventy-, nlno feet bo tho samo moro nrlcss, whereon Uj erected a two story frame dwelling house, and out building'). seized, taken In exocutlon at tho suit or (I. 51. l J. K. lockard vs Henry C. Naglo and to bo sold as, the property ot Henry c. Nagle, Ft. Fa. JOHN MOUKKV. Uttlcs' atty's. Sheriff. SUBtaC SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate! Tho undersigned will 'orrormt public solo on Friday, Sep. 25, 1885, at 11 o'clock a,m., on the, premises, all that cer tain piece, parcel and tract' of' land situate In thq township of Jackson, county of Columbia and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a post, theneo by land now or late of latthew Mcllenry, north tltty- fecyen, degrees west i two hundred and ,thlrty-onq perches 'to' a white dak; 'thenco by land of tho heirs ot Wesley Snyder dee'd north thirty -One and one-half degrees east one-hundred andslxty-two perches and elght-tcnths to a post: thenco by land of Joshua Savago south sixty degrees east sovon- ty-nlno perches to a post; thenco by land now or lateot Kphrlam Mcllenry south eleven and o no- halt degrees west, thlrty-thrco 'porches, and nve- tenths to a post; thence by land of samo south nt teen'degreos east hlity-ono perches and four, tonths to a post; thence by land of.tho tamo south torlSono degrees ' west thlrtytwo, perches to ol part;'thenee by land ot tho samo south'flfty-scvcn degrees east, one hundred nnd twonty-threo perches and nlnotenths toa post; thenco by land now or lato ot Daniel S.JIoUcnry south thirty two and lino-fourth degrees west clghty-threo penjhes; to the placo ot beginning, containing 171 ACRES and Ml, perches, strict measure. On which Is erected a good . 'T O HfMl "dwi rower .oaw Mill Tlio abovo described tract ts a timber tract well covereu wun gooa growing tuuocr. As mo prop erty must bo sold this Is a rare chance for securlog a good tract ot timber land. TERMS OF SALK: Same as tho usual Orphans' Court terms, to-wlt: Ten per cent, of one-fourth 0! the purchase money to bo paid atthcstrlk Ing down of the property, tho one.fourth less tho ten per centi at the conflrmatton absolute and tho remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter wltli interest from confirmation ntsl. Purchaser to glvo approved security for tho faithful paymont of purchase money, according to the above terms. AAllON KELCIINKH, E. L. KCLCHNKIt, JOHN FESTEIt, II, C. KELCHNKlt, LEVI FESTEIt, (1. W. KELCHNEIt, Kxecutors of John Kelchner, doe'd. ALSO In pursuance ot nn order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, Pa., tho undersigned execu tors ot tho cbtato ot John Kelchner deq'd will ex pose to pubUe Bale on the premises on Saturday, September, 26 '85. commencing at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day tho following described valuable real estate, to-wlt: one farm situated lu M(, Pleasant town- snip, uoiumuia county, pa. 141 ACRES ot land b Ing near tho UUge, Ot Lightstrcet, ad' joining Fishingcreck on tlio south and east, and iand pf A. C. Vantiew on tho north and - O rimes on'tue west, about 130 acres c6arediuul In a good state ot cultivation, the balance In timber, I a largo BRICK HOUSE and a good w ell ot water at tho door, large bank- bam and welt of water, alt In good oondltlon, wagon uouso nnd out buildings ou the premises. ALSO at the tamo time a large QtlsT Jd pLodriMq Mill and farm tn Soott township, in tho t'tltago ot Light street, Columbia county, pa., over ioo ACRES ot jaud, 75 acres ot tana Uud and in a good stato of cultivation, tho balanoo socurlhz tho watir "uv Inr. 11 -wr - uw uiiin nouses and a. bank barn and out buildings on tho premi ses, tour pair ot burrs and all ot thq necessary machinery In mill, all in good condition and work ing order, good water power and plenty ot watf r in uu utaes, tea oy r umngcrocK, uurveys oj auovo aoscriwa trooU will bo fUr. nlshod on day of sale for tho Inspection of partk-s desiring to purchaso, giving metes and bounds aid the exact acreage ot each turn. THUMB op BALK: Tun per cent, of one-fomth ot tho purchase money tq pa paid at the striding wmu ui iuu rroperty, v no one-iounu ies thq ten percent, at tno connrniation absolute and the re maiuiuo um'u-iourius 111 ono year tiicreaftor with interest from confirmation 11U. cnaBcrs to pay for deeds. Purchasers raiulred to give approved security for the faithful payment ot purchax, money, nooordhig to tho abovo terms. II. C. KELCHNEIt, C U Kt-LClINKlt, (IliO. W, KLLClINKlt, NOTICE OF APt'I.ICATION FOH IN COllPOItATlON. in run common n.Mis ron Till CO. or COtCMSU. Nollco H hereby given that an application will bo mncto to tho said court on Monday, tlio SMlli day of Koiilcmbcr, A. I. isns, at thrco o'clock in tho afternoon, under tho "Corporation act, of ono thouwnd eight hundred and sovontv-four," and lhe supplements thereto, by James Dyke, Ocorgo II, Coi, John lAmnct, llobcrt p. Jones and John Ji Davis, for tho charter of an Intended corpora tion lo lie culled "Thnodd Follows Cemetery As sociation of tho borough ot centralis, Columbia county, Pa.," the character and object of which M fMnbltihlng and maintaining a cemetery or burlat place for deceased bodles,ln or upon grounds on the !ocuit Mountain, cat nt the borough or centralis, In said Columbia county, and for these purposes to have, pos'ess and enjoy all tho rights, bencmsnnd privileges conferred by tho said act CHAltt.KS 0. 11ARKI.KV, solicitor. Aug.-ll-tr. w 1DOWS AI'PIIAISEMENTS. Tin- following Widow's appraisement's will Iio presented to the orohana' Court ot Columbia county on th fourth Monday of Ncptember, A. I).. IW. and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are niod ttlihln tour days thereafter will bo connrmed absoluro j John Kelehner estate, dccc.isM, Centre, realty, HJ.(Jl Michael Htliin p! jilp. (1rw",nil Locust, person- Frederick II. Kalnbeck deceased, son alty, f-Kjo.ou. Jackson, cr- Kinmuel Savage, deceased, Jackson, personalty, I2WI.II. Thomas J. Hntchtwn doeeawd, personalty, f.ioti.ou. FlshlDgcreek, rlysscs J, Bird deceased. Locust, personalty, J lm Yohe, Jr., deceased, Mlfllln, realty, fi(n.5, personalty, I94.T5. 1. M. oxrer, VH. II. SNYDKIt, ueputy. clerk, a a Clerrs omce, Bloomiburg, Pi, Bept. 1st, 1885. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs issued out of tho Co irt of Common rioas of Columbia county and to mo directed w 111 bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg, on Monduy, Sept. 28th, 1885, at . o'clock, p, m., all that certain mcsMiago nnd lototg.Tjund tltuate In tho trilagoof Centrovlllo Columbia county, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ! On the north by a public road running from Bloomsburg to Berwick, on tho cast by a public road loading to a ferry across tho Susquehanna river, on the we-it by lot ot Wesley l'rlco being lot No. 7 In the Plot of said village, and on tho south hv n mipv. The jail lot being markedon tho plot of said vll- lajt".No.8, b.'loj seventy-uluo feet and si inches la front, and ono hundred and sevcnty-nlno feet and tl Inches In depth. Whereon aro erected a large two-story tramo building used as a hotcLlnn ortmru, with out buildings, stable or barn, a well ot water with pump. Relied, taken In execution at tlio suit ot II. 11. Low vs John S. Mann, and to bo sold as tho nron. erty of John S. Mann. Ikelcr .v. Herring, atty's. vend Ex. ALSO. All that certain meMuage or tractof land situate In U19 township ot Benton, county ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt t On the north by lands ot Val entino Meyers oa tho east and south by landj of Alfred ItaoU and on the went by public road lead ing from. Stillwater lo Benton, containing threo anil one-third acrc3 whcrcoi are erected a two Etory'plankhouso and other outbuildings. teued, taken Into execution at tho suits ot 11- Mcllenrys uso, and U. F. Kinney's use vs Wm. A. Columan nnd to bo sold as tin property ot Win, A. Coleman. Lilt e's Atty's. Knorr Wlntcrstecn atty's. AL FL Fa. js Ol'lCE. Null c is ncrenr invon mat tue follow nc ac count has been tiled la the court of common Pleas of Columbia county, and will ho presented to tho sa'u court on 1110 rourtn Monday ot September, A. D. mo; undconnrmod nuu and after the fourth day of said Term connrmed absolute unless exeep tlons are tiled within that time. lt. first and final nccouu.' if Anrtrnw Vrnvlpr couiinl tea ot tho person aDd estate of Elizabeth ijeucrun a lunatic. 1 1 AM, H, SNYDKIt, f Prothonotary. ProihoiiOtary'a1 ofilce, nioumsburg, Pa., Sept. 1, '85. n.IINTISTllATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATK Or 8A111H COLS DKCKJlSED. 1 rtters of administration In the estate of Sarah Cttlo l ite of Jackson township, deceased, have been granted by the Itegtster of said county to the undersigned Administrator. All persons hav ing claims against the cstato of tho deceased are requested to present them for settlement nnu tiiuHO inaeoted to uio estate to mako pay ment to tho underilgned Administrator without delay, AI.INAH COLE. Administrator, IJerrs P. O. am si-tt Ex,o (jUroit'd NOTION US TATS 01' JOSKl'U KL1.NB, DECEASED. Letters , testamentary on tho cstato of .IoMnh Kline, late of Mt. Pleainnt township. Columbia county, ivnusylvanla, deceased have been grant ed bj I'm liegliierof said county to tho under signed executor. All persons having claims against iuu vm ato ui saw ueceacm, are reuuestcu to pre sent t'l"m for settlement and those Indebted to tiieurtitotoiaako payment totue undersigned without delay. .ionbi'h uitAwi'Xiiiii, orangeviue, Pa, U. M. KLINE. Canbi-.Pa. 11 Executors. TOlTCE IS HUltEUV OIVEN" that au N annllcatlon will bo mado bv Williamson owell. Charles C. Adams. William McMullen. KdnaidC. Halt and David 11. Davidson on tho 51 d f at September, 183, at IS M., to the Gov ernor ,t tuoBtatoot Pennsylvania, under tho Act 11 1110 uommonweaitii 01 rcnnsyiva An act to nrovldo for tho Incornora- tloa nud regulation of certain corporations," np- aiiuvi-ii.'iirii -'-j, 10,4, uuu uit-Hupim-mi-uis mere to, 101 the charter of an Intended corporation to lie c lied tho "Postal Telegraph and Cablo Com- panv Number Tnrec." Tlio charter and object Is to con t met, maintain and oncrate lines of tele graph, commencing in Lackawanna county, at or near t'arbondalo, and running thence through the couiith's or Lackawanna, Luzerne, Columbia, Mou- tour, .--.unuuiuucnand anu jjaupnin to a point at or ii'' ir llarrl-iburg In said last named county, and rort!i-o purposes to have, possess and enjoy all iito nius, ix-iiciKs nnu pnvnegnsoi inesaiu Act Hn mbly and Us supplements. Philadelphia, Aug ua, Aug. yi, irvsa. WILLIAMSON HOWELL. Treasurer. Scpt 4-4t d A: TITft M?PT?T To Introduce them JJlW UrrHlXV, wo nlll glvo away looi Washing Machines. If you want one send us your name. P. O. and exnress of. nco nt ci bept.- nco nt once. THE NATIONAL CO.. bcpt.-Wt-d. si LVy br., N. Y. F. r-r Wl a la Stt! We vtlll send free, on receipt ot stamp, n sample of tho best selling. ,liMt iinyluir artlclo ever Invented. .Kells aL Kliht and In evcrv hnn. Men and uuinen wanted as Annua everywhere. Address DUDLEY CO., 1018 Chestnut St.. PUIla. delphli, Aug-s-MLa. 1 a fWTtmp rrr a Tm"rmto canvas roi AO VV AlN XaUiht sale ot our INurwry mock uncquaieu facilities, ono ot the largest and oldest established Nursreles In the "tale". For terms address. W. T. SMITH, ticne- 1, 1. aug si'iw-i-.o,w. A handsomo VASL LAMP given with a ts order for Tea and coff ee. An Iron stone CHAMUEH bET. 10 nieces, or a TEA SET. 41 pieces, or a handsome BlloNZK HANdlNO LAMP given' with a flu order. A CHAMBElt SET of 11) pioctvs" 1111 Diue. maroon or pink nana or an ikon STUN K CHINA TEA SET Of 68 pieces, Ora OLASS i-ET utW pieces given with alls order, HAND. some PREMIUMS, consisting of Decorated China Wuii'lnTeascts. also Dinner and Tea setscom. blued, and chamber sets, etc., etc, given with orders for 118, fid, , ss and ISO. Send for circu lar, which win gito you iuu particulars, uiiaku UNION TEA COMPANY, 85 South Main St., wiiite-i narre, ra. ut-aui-uar-ters K.1 Front street. New York I'liy. may 15-iy PHILADELPHIA SINGES InclncMnsf Tucker, 11 u flier, boi of I Hammers. AtMlllliul cr, in- usual out tit of twelve VC'TKIALN I O tour dwu liouo before rou par one rrnc, Ao wVr tewing frbfMfn imuinaeturtr in the 1'iuttu .va'i (Wrfi to moA thU ttfrr. Thy r band Mime, tlornMp nod lis hi rminlnr. Sim ii m m HiltiUirtt inm Ml U U. mill snvf .'0. Hnd for Purehfme from it imil nvf .'10, cirruiur anu i twttmonUl, J C. A. WOOD & CO.. I A MILE A,', Tt laudeal nd tnut inerciDsir Hiiriii w uriii1 uiMur. au (h, nvarq troiu one iwouiuca. liocl Usui a KU' Drrruirure j ririrldjjB. lnvalu- mtti u 1 ISI. tHQ tit. ull.fDr 2.1 rmtm In Or J r cuLitl n1 rL lilir m liirvi rvl (ill. MlvtUlci. lie, AOtlrrM t'ept -4-iat,Kow. SUBSCRIBE FOH TUH COLUMBIAN, I'ur - FOH T1IIH NTYUK 'ihi mi l J&.A-3s lira jmSfilEB imu UmK kZ& KucctsoiH Sl.fiO A YEAH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers