THE COLlfMBlitf1 'Att ViffllRMX, BLOOlifSMr COUMBli" cWnW, VA. ThoPool Tribe. A (JUKKlt MOUNTAIN HACK THAT MVF, IN rKKNSVI.YANU. Two broad, low foothill?, a spur of tho Atipnlachlnti range, comprise almost tlio whole of Durcll township Urnd ford county In tho northern tier of Pennsylvania. To tho surrounding country this rtoublo olovation is known ns Huckloberry Mountain, or Pool Hill, tho first, namo from tho luxuriant growth of this popular fruit, which covers sides ami summit of tho mount ain. Tho appellation Pool Hill it tnkos from tho nondescript peoplo who populato Its hroad sides hko prairlo docs, bolter known ns tho "Pool tribe." Tho oricin of these peoplo is un known. A current tradition says that early in tho century a man named V an dor Pool, a Dutch Bailor, loft his life on tho briny, and travelling up tho Suscpiohanna Iiiyor, built himself a cabin near tho baso of Huckloberry Mountain. Tho saino tradition credits him with raarrvinc au Indian woman However that may havo been, ho left a baker's dozen or mcro of children with Characteristics as varied as their complexions , that was an inherent dis likojoLwork. Tho Jiercditnry, and fow of tho descendants havo cvor been known to do a week's continuous work, unless hard pressed. Tho tribo now number somo fivo to seven hum dred people. In pedigrco they are cosmopolitan and tho kinky hair and thick hps of somo of tho number would lead to the belief that If tho under ground railroad, which ran through this section, did not havo a terminus here, it nt least had a way station. Fugitives from justico and other vagabonds wcro attracted to tho settle ment, and helped to givo it tho lawless namo it had to tho outsido world. A fow of original Van der Pool Block settled down into honest but easy-going farmers, and some half a dozen or moro havo accumulated somo property. But they wcro1 handicapped with tho namo of Pool, and outside of their im modiato, neighbors havo alwaj-B carried tho approbrium of bolonging to tho Pool tribe"' for all aro called "Pools," whether thoy boar tho namo or not Hunting, fishing, and picking huck leberries aro tho mainstays of a maj ority of tho tribe. In lato years tho disappearance of game, even of tho smaller varieties, has at times driven somo of them to work for a fow days at a timo for tho neighboring farmers. This contingency, however, rarely aris es save in tho spring .before berries ripen. Now and then a male Pool, with a bundlo of hoop poles or whip sassatras root or slippery cim uanc, may bo seen on tho streets of tho neighboring towns. Chickens and turkoys roost very high, as a rule, in tho vicinity of Pool Hill, and smoko houses aro double-locked and watched with shotguns during tho hamcuring season. Tho circus comes up fully to tho Pool's idea of heaven, and tho ring master's whip is about tho only thing besides ;tho pangs of hunger ' which will drivo tho rank and filo of them to work. A hundred or moro havo been known to walk fifteon or twenty mileB to sco a circus como into town. A gen eralhilarioua drunk,followed with afield fight either with tho show1 attaches or tho'polico, it is always done on their programme. Tho shooting of a couplo of tTiem by a policeman two or throe years ago rather put a flampener on their festivities at tho courty seat, but tho natives still keep a weather eyo open when tho Pools come to town. Huckleberries are their great crop. Thoy are to' tho Pools what summer boarders aro to tho Jersoy farmer. When the berries ripen thoy camp out among t)io bushes, and stay out till frost qomop. When a Pool gets a bushel of berries picked ho starts for Towanda and sells them, buys a few pounds of corn meal, a piece of salt pork, and a jug of "coffin varnish" whiskey, and then goes back to tho mountain. Fanners from tho surrounding country to a distanqo of twenty or thirty mill's havo a custom each year of visiting the mountain at tho con elusion of haying. A big lumber wag on is filled with hay, baskets and pails and sufficient provender for a two day's stay. Then all hands start for tho mountain. It is a "treat'' which every right minded farmer is expected to give his helpers, and thoy raanago to get considerable fun out of it, and rarely go homo with less than two or moro bushels of berries. Tbo hill swarms with rattlesnakes. To bo prepared for a possiblo bite, tho borry-sceklng grangor carries two or threo quarts of whiskey. Tho wily ruralist doesn't pick many berries, however. Ho starts out from tho camp with a quart bottle of tho liquid and a half bushel mcas-, nre. Ho will not have to travel moro than a hundred yards beforo something like tho-followmg- dialogue may bo heard : 'Lo, raistah, is yo' got auylhiuj; to drink 7 "I dunno, Pool. Purty dry T "I'm inos' dead for suthin. Say." "Wal," "I'll donogivoyo' fo'iqua'ta o' buck leborriea foh a snifter." "All richt Pool, produce.'1 The fruit is produced, and for a1 moment tho Pool sees heaven as ho shuts his eves and elevates tho bottle. A quart of 40 cent whiskoy will buy moro berries than b2 in money . Thotc is ono thing peculiar about these people. They never get bitten by tho rattloiimkeH. Malo aud female, little and big,- they bang around over tho rocks and through the bnshes, gen erally Jbarcfooted nnd never wearing stockings, and no ont-'evor heard of one of them being poisoned by a snake bito. I camped two nights on tho mount ain a fow weeks ago, and took a stroll up among tho rocks, kooping an eye out for rattlesnakes. All at once I heard a call : "Say, Mistah.'' It was a bont old man', with white hair, and a weather-beaten, old-copper complexion. Ho wrw half sitting, half lyiu; on tho fiat surfaco of n big bould er, (iunninir himself. In his hand ho held a heavy stick, with two short Drone at tho end. "Hollo,'" said I i "what do yo.u wantl" "Whati a yo goto I "Lookinir for a rattlesnako and a Pool." I answered. "Wal, I'm ono pf 'om, an' I reckon yo' won't havo to go mo'n a milo'to find th' other. Has yo' got auything to dunk T I had a pocket flask of snako-bight annihilator with me. Pulling it out, I said ; "I'll givo you n drink if you will show mo a rattlesnako.' "I'll haf to go yo', mistah." ho said, ns ho climod down from tho rook and led tho way up umonc tho rocks nt a pace w hiuh loft mo breathless. Twico on tho way ho stopped, aud, looking up blankly Haiti : "Oodlemity, but I'm dry, mistah," Both times I moistened tho old man. and again wo proceded Finally ho said ; "Bottah no a lectle koe'fuf, mistah, Doy'll bo up dah Bundin' dejsclfs." Proceeding cau tiously, wo climbed up on a rock nnd looked over on tho other side. There, stretched lazily out on n flat stone, lay a largo snake. "Boos yo' want Mm, mistah t' said tho Pool. "I'll haf to go yo' was his reply, as ho cautiously climbed iloWn from tho rock on which wo rested, nnd thon crept along on all fours until within a fow foot of tho snako. Then ho noise lessly straightened up and reached for tho snako with hid forked stick, plant ing it just back of his head. Tho rep tilo writhed and twisted and rattled his alarm, but tho old man had lfim plnnod fast After watching him a minuto or two tho Pool picked un r stono with liis frco hand and crushed tho snake's head. Palling a rusty old claspkulfo from tho depths of his pocket, ho cut off tho rattles. Thoro woro nine of 'them, showing, according to tho old man's figuring, that tho Rnako was Id years old. "Aro you afraid of gelling bit I" I asked. "Naw," ho replied, "l'vo been bit mo'n a hund'ed times. Gin mo iittther drink.". Alter tho old man had irrigated, I asked why it was tho bita of a ratllo snako never hurt a Pool. "Ho looked up with a cunning leer nnd said : "That's wuth suthin' to know, mistah.'' "Well," eaid I, "you can havo tho rpnialndcr of this firo juico if you will tell mo." Ho rolled up tho slovo of his ragged old hickory shirt nearly to tho should er, flight below tho biceps was a deep corrugated scar as largo as a sil ver half dollar. ''Yo' sect it f" ho said, and then con tinued : "When I was a ycahlin' ray faddcr killed n rattler an' took out ouo o' do pizon tccf. Ho cut a hole in my arm dcro an' put Bomo o' do pizen in it. It was pow'ful so', an1 I didn't get well foh mos' a yeah. Jos' as long as yo' can seo that ,6car 1, won't get pizon ed. Wo folks alius docs dat : larnt it f'om do injuns." Tho idea has struck mo that tho old man was lying, but I don't know. Easiness Getting- an Unexpected Boom. "Oh yes," said tho Ohio passenger, "onr campaign is warming up. Got ting right lively. It's helping busi ness, too, so it is." "Helping business t" "Yes. Forakcr rando a speech at our town t'other night and siiico that wo havo. bad tho darndest liveliest trado in guns and ammunition ever seed. Our town is close to tho- Ohio river, you know, and our folks aro wido awako, they are, and they don't intend to lot tho rebels catch 'cnl nap pin', thoy don't." Giant trees that woro 1000 years growing aro wantonly burned along tho Kern river in California by sheep herders. "Put a stop to it," is tho cry of tho San Francisco papers. "Tho Life and Adventures of Nicli olas Nicklcby,'' with ten illustrations by Mr. Barnard, is now being sold about tho streets of London for n penny. Tho story fills 210 octavo pages of very small typo in double columns, and has been thus reprinted to servo as a convnniout medium for tho. advertisements of an enterprising Leeds firm. Only 'j'l.ipcmucc Hitters Known. LIJ1 lJ.ri..ILJJ.TJ No otlior nictl I c I no known so effectual) jpwgca Uio blood ot deep-Heated disease?. millions bear tentlmoiiy to Its wonderful tnratlvo effects. It In u purely Vccotablo rrcrmratlon, marto from tho unUre hi rbs and root ol California, tho medicinal properties ot nlilch aro cxtractud lliero rom without tho um of Alcohol. It removes the can so cf disease, and tho paUcnt movers his health. It Im the croat lllontl Purifier nnd mo tiving Principle; a (lentlo Purgative and Tonic; a perfect Renovator and Invlcorutor ot tho (VBtem. Never before In tho history of thouorldhaa&rnedlclno been compounded possessing the power of Vineoaq BitteusIq healing the. sick ot every disease man Is heir to. The Alterative, Aperient, Diaphoretic. Car minative, NutriUoin, Laxative, Sedative. Counter Irritant, Sudorific, Antl-llilious, Solvent, Diuretic and Tonic properties of Vineqah IIitteiu exceed Ihoso of any other medicine in the worlds No peraon cau take tho IIitteiis according to dtrecUons, and remain long unwell, provided tuclr bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the-vital organs wasted beyond tbo point of repair. Ulllous, Roinlttrut, Intermittent' anil Ma larial i'evers aro prevalent throughout the Vniud States, particularly in tho valleys of our great rivets and their vast tributaries during tho Summer and Antumn, especially during seasons of unusual heat and dryness. Tlicso I'overs are invartalily accompanied by cxtenslvo derangements of tho stomach, iivcr and bowels. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon thesti organs, la absolutely necessary. There I no ratliartle for tho purpose equal to Dr. J, Walkeb's ViNEQArt Hitters,, as It will speedily remove tho dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stlnm latlng tho secretions ot the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions ot tho dlgesUvo organs. Fortify Uio body against disease by purUylDg all Its fluids with Vimaiu Bittiiu. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. . It Iiivli:orun tho Momncli and stimu late the torpid Liver and llowels. cleansing the blood of all Impurities. Imparting lire and vigor to tho frame, ana carrying off ' without tne aid of Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter from tlio system. It la easy of admlnlstr&Uou, prompt In action, and certalnln its results. Ulniiupkiiior lullKel Ion, Headache, Tain In the bhoulders. Coughs, Tightness of tbo Chest, Pneumonia, Dtzuness, Hod Taste In tbo Mouth, lliUouji Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro at once .TO llevod by Viseoab Uittcus. For ItillHiiiiurttory and Chronic Rheuma tism, Oout, Neuralgia, Diseases of the lllood, Liver, Kidneys and llladunr. the Hitters have no equal. In these, ns in all constitutional lHsea&es, Walker's Vinegar. Hitters has shown its great curative powers la tbo most obstinate and Intractable cases. Mcclimilrnl DUcrwui rersons engaged In Points and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setters, Cold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance In life, aro tubjoct to Paralysis of tho DoweU. To guard agalust tills, toko occasional doses of VlNEOAll niTTEDB. his III lllscnkes, Fcrofulo, Salt nheum, Ulcers, Swellings, Pimples, 1'uiUiles, llolls, C'nrliuncles,' lUng-worms, Scald-head, Sore Hyeu, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlseolorations, Humors ami disease of the Skin, ot whatever name or nature, are liter ally dug up and carried out of the system lu a short time by the use of tho Bitters. l'lu, Tape uild other Worms, lurking lo the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will tree tho system from worms Uka Vikeoah Ilrrrsns. IHeuslcn, Kcarlrt I'evrr, Mumps, Whooping Cough, aud all children's diseases may lie madu less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild doses of the Hitters. This wonderful remedy Is especially adapted to the systems of children, for purifying herbs alone give It Its remarkable cura tive (loners. It contains SO alcohol, opium or other poison. . , , For l'cninle Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the duwn of womanhood, or the turn of lite, this Hitters lias no equal. , . . Cleanse the Vitiated lllood when Itslm purltWs. burst through the skin In Erupuons or, Sorest cleanse It vhen obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanbeit when It is foult your feelings will tell you when, aud the health ot the system will III conclusion (live the Bitters a trial. It wtU spuik (or Itself. One bottle is a better guar-1 auteo of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Arnuiulcacli hot tie are full direction printed lu different languages. It. II. McDonald Urn Co,, Proprietors, San rranclsco, Cal , and vx. u ft KQ Washington Bt, Cor. Charlton bt,Hnw ork. Sold by all Ucalcrg aud Druggists. i.tublUheil FAY'S ISi" MANILLA ROOFING! Ilrsembles line enlliert for ltIIIFN,(ll)THIIIK W Al.l.N. and 1NMIIK In nin e uM'latlrr. CrV blruuiramt ilnriiule. CAIti'lSTM nnd 11 IN J of nine material, catalogue Hii testimonials and samples free, W II. FAY oV I'll., tniiuleii, Sopt HW d 10 mm in m. A GOOD 11KASOM FOB. UAlTmESS. l'or many yearn I had suffered from a com plaint Which tho PhysletaM Call fcravcl. 1 liad omploycd somo of tlio most noted doctor without obtaining ,uiy permanent, relict, and tor a long tuna my caso was regarded as iwpctcs.'!. au na knew my circumstances' said lfaustdfo.. Finally my wlfo Induced mo to try- nbottlo of'Drt keni nedys 'FAvorlto Itomedy,' tilou wio hatl nomo- whero hoard of or seen advertised.. Without the slightest faith in It. but solely to gratify her, 1 oougnt a tioitio or ft tiruggist in our Tiiiago. i used that and tw6 or three bottles moreVad'4t6 makd n long story short I am mow ns healthy 'a. man as tbcro Is In tho country. 'Sinco then I havo recommended 'l'avorlto Uemcdy' to others whom1 1 kaew to havo suirerod from kidney and liver complaints,' and I nsauro the public that tho 'l'avorlto Itemed)-' has dono Its work with a similar completeness in every single Instance, and 1 trust somo other sick and dlsoouV aged mortal may hear of It and try tlio .'Favorite llemedr.'mi I did." Washington Monroe, rntnllll. N.y. ' " " ImnT LkT toousiti 1'RejdiiiCe fiffnlnst, nonular medicines stand lictwoen you and tho .health of your wire, child or baby. ' it Is 'always right td odvertlso a blessing. Dr. Konnody) VFavorlW Itcmodyis a blessing: It hass.'Vtod thousantli, nnd It wilt holp you; if you aro sick from troublos of tho kidneys, bowels, liver and blood, spend one dollar ror this klngot inodlclnos. AN AUSOLUTK OUHK 1'OR CATARRH: Till! mmt Jtubbotn cnci yield readily toil and li;i not failed lo run- a f iiniio cAjo whoro illroctlons ara followed. ltsrnceeM has been Tcraarkahlo nnd Its cures wonder, fill, It Is the moilt successful preparation In the ' market Tor CATAItltll and tho only one, that f remlncs nn Absolute, l'osltlvn Cure. It Is ruly a blessing lo mauklnd. A Trial Is all; tlml Is hhKciI Tor It. Once used, tt is always recommended. rJondi.fbr leillinoillali of actual cures. it has. no xqtMbi von MALARIA. A POSITIVE CUKE IS ASSURED. Ono bottlo Is generally mfflolont for a cure.. Stop taking (lulnluc. Atrial only Is atked forKsL lkh's Cataiuiii llEUKiir, 11 1 a HI'IICIFIO. for all dUeac,a arising from an Impuro blood and drives, nil cruptliiu from tlio ikln. 1'orHyphl-'. lltlccoinplnlnt it Is superior to any preparation In Iho lnurkot. Ono bottlo will euro mostof the following complaints nnd a contlnuod uso will .rosITiVKLV euro. Mavo doctor bills and try It. KllKUMATISM. SCUOFULSv ' ' SKIM UltUlTIOKS. VENEUEAX DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OV APPETITE. , FEEMSIG OF LA'GOl)R. UILIOUSKESSj I.IUEK TROUBLES. MERVOITS 1VEAICNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS, t Ku.i.rnD C'atahiui, JtxMHOT Is, no patont tnedlcliio, but a Mifo and pleasant preparation' to tnko and surely the greatest medical dlFooV-. ery of tho ago, Ono byttlo rejuvenates tho cntlro . sjstctn and porcins moro vlrtuo than' a 'half1 iloi liottlos of ordinary patent prcparatlonffv Write for tcs tlnionlnts and other infurmatiorl.r' OS- Forsilte bv drtigeWs gonorally. "ir IT.tCK St.t'O A 1SOTTI.K. HIX.BOT. Tlilis roll $.1.0(1. On receipt of W.1.00 by the uinuursetiireb', Hamckl Y. Kkxxuu f Ao., It " burg,.Pn ,lx bottles will bo sent express 1 -Wffjr AYER'S Sarsaparilla Is n hlglity conccntrntfit c,xtrftt ,of Hariitarlll i.nntl tlier tiloo-purirjhi5' root, ctinhlnel with to til do of 'lotao elum nml Iron, Rildlv tho e.'ifeeiiiost roll tttle, ami most economical blood-piiii ftor thit cnu bcusoiU. It Inrartibly tipls all tkxxl poisons from the Bysteni, enriches auijcnewit tlio blood, nnd restores (t ylUiHtiyp t-owcr. It Is,, tho twist kiiowirumcUy fpi .ScrofulV y nnd nil Scrofulouti CfiuipliilntA lirjKlpj oIas. Kcicma, Itlnffwoirni, lf(otcliii8t Sores Holla. TumoWt, ami ilMillniis of tho Skin, lis alsci'rrir'hU itUnpttrs'citiix&l ' by n thtn mul iinpoverisltetl, or corruitcd, condition of lhob1oo4lt5UClasIUirunn'tUni' Neuralcjln, IthoiinuitJcl .OoutY; Ctnoral Debility, nnd fjcrunloO. CiUnrrh, 1 lDflamn;atory phelimailsm 'Cured. . "AVKlt's SAIUAPAUII.I.A has cund mo of. , tho Iiilliiiiiinatiiry ltheiinultlKtii,, M'ltli vh)ch I havo sulfcred1 for-nmny 'c.1rn. V, II. Minim:." Durham, la., March 2, 1862. riim-Aiicn ny Dr.J.C.Ayor4Co.,Loyvoll,fi';is,s. Sold by nil IlrugijMs i 51, six tmttles for B. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. nftSLGriMSES- melC ""TERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS,, UriiMlug Inmrnmriiis. Phllosopbleul nnif ... . CbeiiilcHl Aiipnrntns. , Ust nd Doecmitloiw of mil Ten UnUlMracs sont ZfltKl.nnespplietioD.l QUEEN CO. 024 Chestnut St, , f)lllADELP,ljty. - If yen havo to tell, your docto, your Wery Aeho. and pain, who then Is the doctor t Echo ansit era again, it is always bent to rely on Dr. Kilmer's remedies for all dlseabca ot a chronic charactph Hold by drugaUtB. If you have attacks of very .rapid and violent heart action, rush or' blood, and fvelas though your heart would burst, uud Impending shook seems threatening your lite, Ur: KUmur's (lerim. Weed iiuletH, corixtia and pvercomcs all OAinre'r, Askyourdrui;Blst,torlt, ft. T ' If'yuu havo venereal bfood'polscin. ai'phllltlor ulcers, bkln eruptions, blotches, chroma' ulcere or old ftorea rely on Dr. Kilmer's atnnmp-ltoiii. Ask your diuBtrtjt tor It, no., tit ir you have coniObtlon, 'Inihunmatlou or pneu monia, or inilnrlal coturhrllr. Kllnicr's7 InJIun Con. iniiiitliiii oil will arrest nnd cure Ask your drusBlstforlu ttc., too , II. ' T JOH WOHIC N 12 ATI s Y EXECUTED A'! THIS OPPICE.' SSO TIIADS MARK r mm catarrh an, Till! CKBAT Blood Furifisr ot tbo World. ODD ITEMS. ArlificlftMiumiin enru mailn of cellti- lbltl tiro new. $bw York's oriLlo roaMi itf rliiliilnu iU'rilpUt'iiow. ijook; with' g"'' edges. ' Utis'sift' nifinufaotiircs 120,000,000 vvodtlcil 8p6ons ftttntinlly: , Jnjr Gotilit (Vul not pftrlicipato (it tlio Now York labor pavnUo. T,wpn(,y Stato mutnoipal olTicca in Bpstpii nrp held by, nowapapcr men. Tlio fiito of the oily of Uoston was ,ho1(1 in 1005. by John Black for X30i Slxty-fivo melons brought recently iiito LVcsno , Cal., weighed nearly two tons. Tlio guard of soldiers at Grant's tomb will bo continued until January il, I88O1 ' ; Tho fresh oyster and tho fresh 1 ,, 1 . .1, 1 . 1 roller ,8Kaior win uegin vo go uown this ii)Oiitli. A rash man U liablo to break out fitly moment no matter how ho may 'feel about it. Tlio'lccman'tf 'lot is not so very hard .after'all. llo has his chops vory early in uio inornnig. A.whito ground dinner set, witlt sim plo gold vines and Autumn-tinted leaves is a novelty. , , Very popular novel (among, tho of fice hunters just nt prcsont) "Put Yourself in liis place.'' 1 Persons who Intcrviow Louis Kiel .say ho does all tho talking, and it is l(ard to edgo in a word. Poitauo stamps aro used commonly ait currency in parts of Oregon', owing tp scarcity of copper cents. ' Oregon has just had completed a memorial stono for tho Washington monument at a cost of 2,000. Humming birds aro reported to bo very numerous at tho foot of tho mountains west of Edmonton, Ky. Jay Gould has becomo so much af fected by his peculiar mania that ho Qv'cn waters the flowers in his garden. Tho cows at Key West go about lfibeled with tho names of the persons for whom their milk is exclusively kqt. ' Sixteen million cows, five million 'horses : mi d ono hundred million sheep Sriizijjuu itiu jiampua 01 1110 .argentine Republic. Tho. choapesttthing in lifo is com mon sense,! but a few peoplo seem to havo a. corpcr jn it and aro holding for a xjso. : A. man vrlo had in stall in a Cincin 'nati .market lost both legs, in tho 'army. What a splendid cashier ho vfould make. Of tho nowspapcrs of tho world nearly one-half in number and two thirds, in point of circulation aro printed in English. A woman can't bo a rrooil hnnlc '.dasluer unless sho is quick at figures, iKit almost any woman makes a good teller. If this be a chestnut mako tlio .most of it. LA woman 'In Logan county, Ktn cky, takes her rest in batches of tjiroo'days and nights' sleep at a time, and then keeps awake for a liko pe riod. Sho is SO years old. I rrV. ;l, nitfn 1l.n,t, ..nMl,!n 'illols mado of .brass. How tlmy would dot down on their kuecs if only an .American commercial traveler wcro to dot around that way. Pulnrniln lina Hli Ofln nf in(lln Valued atr S22,000,000: Only ono f tatb west of (tho Mississippi has a I irger showing Texas, which has ,1,500,000, valued at S92,000,000. Patent medicines aro not an Ameri c in notion, as' ono might suppose; but a!u English idea. Few fortunes aro ijiadb in; tho business, although ono ,qoncern clears 8000,000 annually. ThO cslimato that all tho people liv ifigin tho world, about 1,'100,000,()00 oould bo comfortably seated In a field twenty miles squaro suggests fascinat ing possibilities of big nudionccs. It is asserted that crows havo twen ty. bIxi distinct cries, calls or utterances, each readily distinguishable from tho. Others, and each having'an unmistak able connection' with 'n certain cla9s of action. From 1881 to May 1881, inclusive, tho French Government has expended Oil Iho puroliaso of pictures and soulp turcs by living artists 12,700,113 francs, Averaging moro than 900,000 francs per annum. I Careful estimates placo thri' nuinbor 6, deaf mutes at 800,000. Thero nro 307. institutions .in tho world for, their education, of which Germany has 00, France 07, Great llritain -1G and tho yh'ttpd States 38. (A cane containing 1,000 different fiicced of wood, all cemented upon a nuskct ramrod found on a Southern battlefield, and .nicely polished, has just been finished by a physician of H"rf rewburg, Tenn An .Essex, (yt.) man recently paid a debt,, it in said, of $0,000 with tho hard cash all in silver he had Jioardcd up, Tho box .weighed 300 fipundrt, and the new 'owner stays iwakp nights watching it. Tho Portland (Me.) police hayo uiii fiauhed ono of the moat remarkable . iquor traps over tilflqove red s'tneo the prphibitory law wqnt into fnroc A .lead pipo containing whiskey, and laid in cement, was followed 138 feet over ,a pttbllo way to tlio sourco of supply. Two illiterate beggirs were seen tho other day near the Paro Moncoaii, Paris, wearing on their necks two in scriptiojH. Upon iho blind man ''Fell fiom thn llfth iorv!" TTnon tho cripple '"'A woman's vengeance 1" 1110 placards had been exchanged. Tho 1 Feb row now year commenced Wednesday evening of last Week at (unset, It w ntunliered 5,010 from tho creation. Tim day is ono of the most solemn in 'tho Jewish ealeudar, occupying a placo" second only to tho Day of Atoncmont. It is observed in the strictest manner for two days and marki the season of preparation for ropentano. In tho Pentateuch it is known as a day of memorial, tho coin mand being principally found in LevitU ons, xxiii, 23) 24 and 25. Tho namo new year wavgiyen to it in a later age, though tho tradition allirms that tho Himti period always marked tho beginning uf another year. An es pecial fpaturo jn tho worship in tho blowing of tho idiofar or cornet a ramjt ioii which signifies that an other, j ear has dawned, its stirring tones bjiug a. warning to man to ox arainq bis past course and amend his faults. Iho servlocs Thursday and Friday began earlier and continued later than on tho Sabbaths and fetti vala in all tho synagogues. Tho differ ent rituals in uso are of a very impos ing character. MaLARIaL POISON. . Tho principal eauso of npany all tdcknew at this tlmoot tho vrar has Its origin, In adlwrderrd Liv er, which, It not regulated in tlmrt, great surfcrlnn wretchedness nnd death will ensuo. A gentleman writing from Sout h America, says 1 'l havo used jwir Wmmons' Liver ItcRuiator with Rood crtrict, both as a prevention nnd euro for Malarial Fevers on tho Isthmus of Panama." (-to:-) TAKE Simmons-' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE An Eltecttmt Spcclflo ran -MAbAltlAI, PBVnriH, 1IOWKIJ t'OliriINTS,' JAUNOIUr, lieMrl.KdMNKN!). JtDNTAlilK1'ltI5SS10N. BlUli 11ISA1IAU1II': CONSTII'ATION, inuousSiKSf 1)VS1'KI1SIA,C. If you feel drowsy, debilitated, havo frennent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you aro sttrfcrlng from torpid Uvcr 0reblll0U3ncHS.n nndnothlnir will euro vnu no Brcodlly and permanently as to tako SIMMONS' LIVKIt REGULATOH. It Is irlven with safety, and hannlnar. rentilts to the most delicate Infant. It tokos tho placo ot nulnlno and bitters ot every kind. It Is the cheap est, purest nnd best family medlclno In tho world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Phila, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. may !l)-ly PATENTS. Obtained And all patent business nttended to for raoderato fees. our ofllco Is opposlto tho U. S. Talent Onice, and wo can obtain Patents In less time than thoso re mote from Washington. Bend model or drawing. Wo ndvlso ns to pat entability frco of charge, and wo mako no chargo unless patent IS Socured. Wo refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho suptof Money order I)lv., and to offlclals of tho U. 8. Patent Ofllco. Kor circular, ndvlco, terms and references to actual clients In your own stato or county, wrlto to Am sjsow & co., an Opposlto Tatcnt ontce, Washington, f). O. Any well rated business house In city or country, with banking facilities, 'Whomavbo emh.irrrLHsn.lnr rtralrnna nf nl talnlnir tcmnorarv accommodation on their nnner. can securo Bamo by addressing AbsolutAily Conn-i ueuvi;u, iiuakoii, now iorK. pept.-4mrd. PRE S J aVTI 'Oar renders for it cente In postagd stamps to pay for mailing nnd wrapping nnd names of two book agents, will receive 1'HKE a steel Finish Parlor Kngrnvlng of nil our PltESI DKNTS, including Cleveland, shto saxss Inch, worth 14.00, Address Eider Pub. Co.,Chicago, III. July 17-ly JQELAWAltE, LACKAWANNA. AMU WESTERN ItAiLltOAD. 15LOOMSBUKG DIVISION. ,NOUTII. . p.m. p.m. fuln STATIONS. ....Scranton.... Ucllcvuo..,. ...Taylorvlllo... .. Lackawanna.. llttstnn..... ..West Plttston. ....Wyoming.,.. Maltuy Ilcnnett ....Kingston.... ....Kingston .... SOUTH. a.m. n.m. p.m. u 00 13 3D 5 51 12 SI! B 48 13 8 4(1 13.1S 8 S3 13 08 8 27 13 03 8 23 11 58 8:17 11 51 8 13 11 GO 8 00 11 47 8 08 11 4J 8 O l 11 43 7 50 11 S3 7 51 11 31 7 DO 11 SO 7 43 11 23 7,80 11 13 7'l8 11 W) 7 It 1Q.51 7,or 10 47 G 5B10 41 0 54 10 as a'-tv 10 31 0'42 10 27 6 31 10 21 G 30 10 1(1 6 25 10 11 8 08 9 511 6 00 0 40 5 53 0 45 5 '40 I) 31 p.m. a.m. 8 30, 8 20 H 23 8 10' 8 10, O 1U V 10 if Itt o 15 9 20 2 10 o 20 0 20 2 15 li 27 0 34 3 23 G 31 9 41 2 80 G 40 9 47 8 80 0 43 9 53 2 41 li H II 5'J 2 44 G S3 10 00 2 47 68 10 05 2 50 0 58 10 03 9 50 7 02 10 10 2 53 7 07 10 15 3 0J 7 13 10 20 3 03 7 15 10 253 10 7 23 1 0 82 3 27 7 37 10 41 3 89 7 50 11 11 3 53 7 5T 11 003 68 8 Ol 11 134 03 8 10 11 0 4 12 8 14 11 23 4 10 8 18 11 29 4 2J 8 85 11 30 4 87 S 30 11 44 4 31 8 30 11 50 4 40 u II 11 K .1 4a 8 Ul 7 68 7 01 7 50; 7 41 7 47 7 431 7 33 7 31 7 3d 7 23 7 13 7 00 6.51 6 41 6 41 0 38 II 31 G 21 G 21 Plymouth Juno, ....1'iymouiu.. .... Avomlalo.. ....Naullcoto. Ilunlock's Creek ..bmckshinny;. ..nick's Perry.. ..Beachllaven.. Ucrwlck.... ...Briar Creek... ..Willow Oiove.. ...Llmellldgo... Espy ...Illoomsburg... .... Itupcrt...'.. G Hi G 11 5 50 5 49 5 45 5.32 a.m. Cntawl'a llrldgo . -Danville. ."..j 8 58 12 13 5 01 Chulasky.... 9 m 12 2J5 12 tt 08 12 25 S IT ..Cameron,... Northumberland 23 12 40 5 33 a.m. a.m. p.m. W. F. IIALSTEAD, Supfc. ofllco, Scrantort, Fcb.l8t,18J superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. H Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. w TIME TABLE. In effect Aug. aoth, lsbs. Trains leave Sun bury. EASTWARD, 9.40 n, m., Sea Shoro Express (dally except Sunday), for llarrlsburg nnd Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. ; New York 6.20 p.m. j ' Baltimore, 4.10 p.m.; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all rJeu Shoro points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.40 p. m. Day express dally except 8unday),for Uarrlsburg and interme diate btatlona. urrlvlmr at Phlladolnhla 0.50 p. in. ; 1 New York, 9.83 p. in. j llaltlmoro G. 15 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. in. Parlor car through to 1'lillndclphla and passenger coaches luruugu uniiiumeitiuufcunu iiaiumoru. 8,05 p. m. WUUatnsport Accommodation (dally, for Uarrlsburg and all IntcnnodUte stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 23 a. m. : New York 7.00 a. m. italtlmore, 5.25 s. m. ; Washington 0.30 a. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can bo Becured nt Han lsburir for Philadelphia and New York: On sun. days a through, sleoplng car will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp't to Phlladelphla-Phlladelphla passengers can remain lu sleeper undisturbed until 7 a.m. 2.35 . m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, for Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. in. New York, 11.30 a. in. j llaltlmoro 8.13 a. in. ; Washington, a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on uiis train ui miiaueipnia, naiumore ana wasiung. ton, and through passenger coachC3to Phlladul. phla and Baltimore. WESTWAltD. 5.S0.1. m. l'rto Mall (dally except Sunday), tot Erie and ull lntcrmedlato stations and Cauandal gua nnd Intermediate stations, Rochester, Uurra loandNUurarnl'alls, with through Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erlo and Roch ester. 9.53-Nows Express (dally except Sunday) tor Lock Haven and lntcrmedlato stations. 1.03 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun. uuyj lor rvauu uuuiiiu;ruicuiuiubuiiiuua uuu uau andalgua and principal lutcrnicdlato stations, Itochenter. llullalo and Nlairara Falls with through passenger conches to Kane nnd ltochestcr and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.30 p. in. Fast lino (dally except Sunday)for lte. novo and Intermediate stations, and Eluilra, Wat klns aud Intermediate stations, with thruugh pas- suuec vutieuus lu iieuu) u uuu ivulklus. V.20 a. m. Sunday mall for Itcnovo and Inlerme dlato stations. THltOUail TIIAUSS FOH SUN11UHY FItOMTlIIS JSADT AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n. m jiarnsuurir i.iu arriving ut. ouuuury v.2u a. in. wuu llirough sleeping car 1 10111 Philadelphia tu WIN llamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. in. Uarrlsburg, 5.10 a. 111. dally except Sunday urrlvlmr nt Suuburr u3. n. in. Niagara Express loaves 1 uituuciiuiKv, (,4u u. uu ; uiiunuru ,.au a. in. tu.iuy except Sunday arriving nt sunbury, 1.05 p. in., with through. Parlor car from PhlladelphU nnd through passenger coaches from Phlladel. phla and Ualtlmoru. Fast Llna leaves Now York 0.00 n. m. Phllnitel. plila, 11.50 a. m. Vashlnglon, 9.50 a. in. ; Haiti, more, 10. 13 a. in., (dally except, Sunday) arriving ut pmtuuij, o.ou i. in., ,iui iiiivuuu uusseuirei coaches from Philadelphia and Ualtlmoru. Erlo Mall leaves New York 8.0U p. m. ; Phlladel. phla, 11.20 p. in.) Washington, 10.00 p. in. ; llaltl luore, 11.20 p. m.. (d.Uly exeeptisaturday) arriving ut Sunbury 6.13 a. in., with through l'ullman bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. HUNUUltV, IIA.I.HTON A" WlI.KIMIIAUItli HAll.ltOAII AMI MIUTII AND H'HST 1IKAMOII ItAII.U'AV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkosbarro Mall loaves suubury lO.tOa. tn. anlvlng ut Uloom s'crry law a. in,, Wllkos-barrs 18.18 p.m., Express East leaves Hunbury'B.45 p. m., arriving at lllooin Ferry 11.37 p.m., Wllkes-barro 7.58 u. lu. i Sunbury Mall leuv us Wllkesbarro 10.40 u. m. urrlv loir ut lilooiu Furry in.os p. in., Hunbury i.oo p. m. Expn'ss West leaves , Wllkos-barru 2.13 p. in., ur. .living at, lilooiu iWry 4.15 p. ta.Sunbury Ml) p.m. SW1MY ONLY, Sunday moll leaves Sunbury 9 23 a. m,, arriving at lllooin Ferry 10.11 a. m., Wllkes-llorro ilsss bunday accommodation loaves Wllkes-liarre 5:30 P. in., arriving at Hioom Ferry, 7:30 p. in., sunbury, lis p. m. ciiah. K. ruuu, j, u, wood. Uen. Manager. ucn. Passenger Agent j4' , ' , " 1 RCdWG, lnUfJ. tlui lid mi., ii (l. Jlili,, ,iuu. lV.yuluuy l-fJ!!",.,., "ii'l fur i ial,iue, trrmi.t. Ci BISHOP, lload Mauler, Meadlnsi Pa. aug st 8-t RAILROAD TIMS TABLE. FATHER IS GETTING WELL. "My daughters say I "How much better fathtrls slncoho used Hop Bitters.'! . llo is get ting well after Ms long Buffering from A disease declared Incurable." "And we are so glad that ho used your Dlttors." A Unr ot lltica, N. Y, I WHITE THIS ai A Token ot tlio great Appreciation I have of your Hop Dlttcrs. IWAiamlctod With Inflammatory rhoumatlsmlJt l'or neatly Sovcn years nnd no medlclno seemed to Jo mo nny Good 1 1 1 Unlit I tried, two bottles ot your Hop Bitters, nnd to my surprise I nm ns well to-ilny as over I wns. 1 lippo - "You nmy linvo nbiindnnt success" "In tills great and" Valimblo medlclno t Anyone I wishing lo ktaow moro nbout my euro? Can learn by addressing mc, I!. 31. Williams, 1103 10th street, 'Wash., D. O. I ooNSlbKri Your llemdy tho best remedy In oxlstcnce For Indigestion, kidney CotmilaliU "And nervous debility, I linvo Just" Returned "From Uio sbuth In a fruitless search for health, nnd find Hint your bitters nro doing mo tnoro Qood 1 Than anything else, A month ago I wa9 extremely "Emaciated 1 I t" And scarcely able to walk. Now I nm Gaining strength I nnd "Flesh!" And hardly n dny tmeses but whnt I nm complimented on my Improved nppenrnnce, nnd It la all due to Hop Hitters I J. Wlckllire Johnson, Wilmington, Del. tirTJono gentilno without a bunch of green Hops on tho white label. Shun all tho vlln, poi sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their namo. Tho Mystery of Seeds- Tlio Massachusetts Ploiiffhman ox plains to its readers why when a pino forest is cut off it comes up with Heed ling oaks. A pmo forest, it ,8ays, is probably better adapted to tho preser vation of tho aoorn through tho Win ter than any other place, and tho mois ture in tho Spring, togothor with tho shade, is just whai tho presorrod acorn requires J.o mako it sprout, and encoiirago tho young troo to growj so wlicn, by any chance, an acorn is dropped in a pino forest, it is very suro to groto aud iriako an oak trcev It Is well known that a pino forest 'is an excellent placo for tho squirrels to mako their home, and what is mora rifitliral than that they should bring homo ncorns, though they aro required lo go long distances for them; and would it not bo very unnatural for them if thoy did not often drop somo ol them from their overloaded pouches wlion frichtened by somo passing ani mal, or fired at by somo thoughtless gunner t Thus ono by ono tho seed is dropped year after year by squirrels, apd probably birds, until nearly cvory rod ot land is planted, by a natural proccs?, with seed .that is perhaps brought a half miloior more; After tho liltlo oaks begin to grow tho shade of tho pino trees is so denso that they make but liltlo progress. Tho troe that comes from the seed two years beforo the pino is cut, is almost as tho ono that camo from, tho seed twenty years boforo. For twenty-fivo or more years tho littlo oaks aro thus accummulating, and all aro patiently waiting for tho pines to bo out, that they may havo tho help of tho light anil sunshine. But tho explanation of tho Plough- man will not sullico in all cases, nor havo wo aver seen any satisfactory ex planation of tho fact that a space of 'ground cleared off in a forest miles away from open holds will at onco spring up with a great variety of plants to which the placo boforo had been an ontiro stranger. Tho firewood, tho blackberry, dandelions, crasscs, and tho common weeds of tho field and garden will thus put in an appenranco as. quickly as though tho ground had been expressly prepared for tho pur pose. Tlio common theory that the seeds aro transported lo theso distant points by birds or winds, and that they may lio latent in tho ground for many years beforo tho proper conditions arrive for germination and growth, seems plausible enough, but we havo never seen any prooi ui it. Coomno the Ceixahs. A great mistako is sometimes mado in vcntilat inc cellars and milk-houses. Tho ob ject of ventilation is to kcop tho cel- lars coai aim ury, uul tins oujuut mien fails of beinc accomplished, by a oom- moi) mistake, aud instead, tho collar is mado both warm and damp, A cool placo should never bo ventilated, unless the air admitted is cooler man the air within, or is at least as cool as that, or a very littlo warmer. Tho warmer tho nir, tho moro moistnro it holds in susension. Necessarily, tho cooler tho nir, tho moro this moisture is condensed and precipitated. When a cool cellar is aired on a warm day, tho entering air being in motion appearB cool; but as it fills tho cellar, tho cooler air with which it becomes mixed, chills it, tho moisturo is con denscd, and dow is deposited qii tho cold walls, nnu may otton bo seen run ning down them in streams. Then tho collar is damp, and soon boo omcs mouldy. To avoid this tho windows should only bo opened at night, and lato tho last thing before retiring. Thero is no tiood to fear that tho night air is unhoalthful it is as pure as tho air ol midday, and is really drier. Tho cool air outers the apartment dur ing tho night, and circulates through it. Tho windows should bo closed be fore 8iinriso in tho morning, and kept closed nnd shadowed through tho day. If tho air of tho cellar is damp, it may bo thoroughly dried by placing in it a peck of fresh limo in nn open box A peck of limb will absorb about rovcii pounds, or moro than thrco quarts of water, and in this way n cellar or milk room may soon be dried, oven in tho holiest weather. American Agricul turist. If your poultiy cannot pick up In ct food, feed n littlo chopped meat twice a week, tLvs Catarrh Cream Balm CIUlllH Hay Fever, SUMMER TrUFEVER! mm A particle Is applied Into each nostril and te OKreeablo to use. l'rloo fiO contH bv mall or nt clrugitlsu. sond for circular. KU IlltOTIHJIls, . .ft V'vav 4, ELMIRA COLLEGE Foil WOMEN, offers superior courses of study In wumi,", lAiwuu, uuu rirji.irui.urj jn'uariuicu(g HUtueU with an elevator. Address , A. W, VVWUa, W. W., iilinira, N. V, Bept.-vit.-d. 9M KtaiiH' Ray? ECONOMY TIIJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. rniMuu unit EVERY THING THAT IS !m and stylish for the season, CAN m BOUGHT OTEAFEE THAI 1EYIEIH A Large and Varied Stock of CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND miiwjiMU i mat Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Pf mlmw CloiMsg Stove - OF RIooEBBSlpaB&'gj Pia, Fine Carriages, Ilup;gic9 mul Wagons. varied selection of VEHICLES FOll BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) rom Hie best manufactories. Purchasers arc invited to call and inspect the goods or to tfcsrWrite for Information and Prices. apr.-3-85-l. GMAINISTREET.rD C B JBOBBINI DEALER IN , WINES AND LIQUOES, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. for infants and Children. r 'f.'0 WcU rtod to cUMroa tliat I CastoHa cores Oolle. ConMtpalln, irecciiimcnrjItaaiiuperlortoanjrprCBcrlpUon I Btomadi, Dlarrliaja, Eructation. KBOWBtomc," IL A. Ascnsn,H.D I Kllla Wortou, clc Bleep, mul jiimotes dl 111 Bo, OxlorU 6t, UrooUjn, il. y. VTItLwlSjurlouj modlcotlon. Tun Coiira Ceitr-isT, 18 Fulton Btreot, N, V. SELECT LINE OK m npm?niH m finmu1 f . F. MUM', 320 & 322 Peun Avenue, Bcmmiam,j Fa At this Heposltory may bo seen a Inrgo anil For the Celebrated ClilcUcring, Ivors & I'ond, antl Voso& Son l'lnnos. nowncd Estcy Organs, Violins, Accordeons and Sheet Jlusic. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, lloynl St. John, and Light llunning Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil and attachments for all makes of Sewing-Machines. L J Store and Warerocms, No, 123 Franklin Avenuo- Also Warci-ooms ill Franklin Ave. nml ina Cen ter street. SCRANTON, PA. W An) thing to mako up a new wnyou or repair nn old, in stock. Har Iron, and Stttl UqIIh, Holt Ends, Lag Scrowe, Tiirnlmeklo's Ilorso HlioiH, and nil lilnckpinitli fiiilijillcs. A(ri-iy