The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 18, 1885, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
F1MDAY, SEPTKMUKH, 18, 1885.
(omtElT RAlLnOAt) TI3R Hllr,
Trains on tho llilindclphU 4 II. It. loavo ltuncrt
r,:M n. in.
.1:11 p. I".
11:19 ii. m.
:I3 p. m.
Tralnson tho 1. 1. & W. II. II. leave llloomsbunr
f.:21 n. m.
1021 ft. in.
2.20 p. m.
6:30 p. ra.
.8:30 ft. m.
11:11 a. in.
4:31 p. m.
8: IT p. in.
Trains on tho N. & W. II. Hallway pass Bloom
Kerry as follows i
north. boctd.
10.!W ft. m. 12:03 p. m.
0.37 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
nom-h. pocrit.
10:1 1 am 7:10pm
Clivni ArtvcrllsciiiciilH.
Advertisements will bo inserted In our
ocnl columns iU tho following rates i
Bltuattons wanted, free.
Lost or found, free.
Help wnntcd, 20 cents.
Booms to rent, 20 cents.
Ono tlmo each, or 0 times, 40 cents.
St milliner OflerH.
Tho CoutMiiUN Is olTercd on tho follow,
lug terms i
Colombian and N. Y. Weekly Il'oiMl j r.
" " l'hlla. " Times "
" " Amertmn AgrtmUurM "
" " Tribune it Fanner "
Oilier papers will bo added lo tills list.
For 4 new subscribers to the Coixuman
accompanied with tho cash, 90.00, a copy
of tho History of Columbia county will bo
given to getter up of club.
For 3 now names and $4.60 we will send
tho Coltjmiiian ono year free to person send,
ing names j or if names are sent lu by ono
now taking tho paper wo will cicdit Ids
account with one year's subscription.
For 2 new names, with $3.00, wo will
send paper for 0 months to tho person se
curing the names for us.
For 1 new namo -with 1.G0, we will
send paper 3 months to person securing tho
same for us.
On receipt of 10 cents we will send tho
Columbian to any address in tho county
for ono month on trial, and paper will not
be sent longer unless so ordered.
runi.ic sai.ich.
Tho executors of John Kclchncr, deceas
ed, will sell n tract of land In Jackson
township, on tho premises, on Friday,
September 25th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., wood
land with water power saw-mill.
Also, on Saturday, September 20th at 10
a. m., land in Scott township, a grist mill,
dwelling houses, &c. See advertisement.
Hotel "Property I'or Sale.
Tho hotel property at Orangcyllle, known
as the Orangcvlllo Hotel, kept for many
years by Samuel II. Hagenbuch, now de
ceased, Is offered for sale by his heirs.
This Is nn old established stand with a
good business and a fine opportunity is of
fered for a good property. For terms and
particulars apply to W. K. Hagenbuch 023
Market street, Philadelphia, or Geo. E. Kl
well, Bloomsburg, Pa. aui-2S-4t
Mrs. M. H. SIcKinncy spent a few days
in Buffalo this week.
William Oman of Orange made us a
pleasant call on Tuesday.
Frank Wilson has accepted a clerkship
nt I. W. McKclvy's store.
Harmon Krcnmer returned from Phila
delphia, on Saturday last.
J. H. Llnglc of licllfonte was lu town for
a few days tho fore pait of the week.
Hey. F. P. Mnnhart attended the dedica
tion of tho now Lutheran church at Hughes
Vlllo on Sunday last.
Henry M. Hupcrt now adorns the boot
and shoo store of F. D. Dentler by his pre
sonco behind the counter.
Charles P. Klwcll went to Reading on
Wednesday, where ho will attend Selwyn
Hall, the Episcopal Diocesan school.
Ornnd Aimy Cards of all kinds at this of
lice. 2t
Joseph 13. Knittlo was appointed post
master at Catawlssa on Tuesday
Foil Kent. Two desirable houses in
centre of town. Apply to J. D. Shaffer.
Miss Elln K. Appleman received the ap
pointment of post mistress of Benton on
Invitations for Wooden, Crystal, ami Sil
ver Wedding Anniversaries can always be
obtained at this ofllcc. 2t
There tiro more boarding students at tho
Normal School this term tliau any Fall
term In tho history of the school.
II, M. Hnckman has leased the boarding
houso on Berwick Fair ground and will
satisfy the people with a first class din
ner. Itcv. Dr. Conrad of Philadelphia, editor
of the Lutheran Obterver will preach In tho
Lutheran church of this place, Sunday
Invitations are out for tho wedding of T.
L. Oiinton of this place and MUs Amanda
Ounton of Wilkes Ilarrc, on Wednesday,
Bcptcmbcr 23d.
B. F. Hnrtman started for tho West on
Thursday of last week. He expects to
visit In Allchlgan and Illinois, and will bo
absent four or fivo weeks.
Bcnj. Bluett was hurt in McKelvy's
mines on Monday, Ho wus squeezed be.
tween somo pillars and a passing car, Tho
accident was only n slight one.
Hcv. D. J, H. Straycr preached lu tho
Lutheran church of this place on Sunday
morning, and Ilev. 1). M. Hlnkle, D. D. of
Catawlssa preached in the cvenli'g.
L. M. Wlllets, who has hail chargo of
tho blacksmith shop on Iron "street, died
on Friday last of obstruction of tho bow
els. He was about fifty years of age.
Thero will be an excursion to Hazlcton
on tho 25lh for tho unvellln g of the Sol
diers Monument. Faro from Bloom Ferry
and return $1.45. Tickets -good until tho
A fine assortment of Wcddl ngluvltatlous
are kept on hand at this ofil co. Wo also
havo an elegant lino of iam pics to select
f i cm , unci tho goods can "no obtained In
three days. 2t
A. B. Croop of Brlarcrcck twp., present
ed to Prothonotary Hnytler on Wednesday
a musk-mclon that measured 3S? inches
arojud lengthwise, und 20 tho Barrow
way. It was raised by Mr, Croop. Who
can beat It 1
Slmo flno bi-cyclo riding was done &l tho
rink on Friday of last week, by Boyd Cml
man of this placo and, A. L. Hood of Hu
pcrt. Boyd Cadnmn U only ilvo years of
ajo, but handles tho blcydo well. He is
tho youngest rider in this section.
A partial ccllnso of tho innnn tnlr-. t-ln-A
on tho 24th, visible on tho Atlantic ocenn
n North and South America, and on th6
0 xm- Tho ccllpso will bo easily
observed In this region. It begins lh. 16m.
n. m. Tho lllhhlln nf ll. ll. i.
ft. 4h
,.,v tviijou W II lis
22m. a. m., after continuing 3h,
On Bnlurday Inst lu tho afternoon there
was n trial of speed at tho Fair Grounds.
W. A. Yetler and J. K. Hhawn of Catawis.
sa wcro tho contesting parlies. Four heats
were (rotted. Tho first was won by J. K.
Hlmwn's hortc and tho Ust threo by W. A.
Ycttcr's horse. A purso of 25 was made
A mttllng was held at the M. E. church
on Monday evening for the purposo of con.
sldcrlng tho question of organizing a Chau
tauqua Literary and scientific circle. Scv
cntccn names wero enrolled nt this first
meeting. Auothcr meeting Is called for
this (Friday) evening at seven o'clock In
tho Prcsbytcrlau church.
Win. Webb had n seycro attack of sick
ness, from weakness of tho spine, on Mon
day. At this writing ho Is much Improv
ed, und It Is thought that he will bo suffi
cient strong In a few days to bo at his work
again. Mr. Webb has had frequent attacks
of a Blmllnr nature, and dates them from
the tlmo he was hurt lu the mines.
The Northern .Montour Agricultural So
ciety, are making special efforts to have
this yeat's exhibition surpass any former
ones. Their band contest will bo ono of
the prominent features. They havo increas
ed tho premiums for trotting horses, and
expect somo good trotters. Tho exhibition
will be held October 10th, 20th. 21st, 22d
and 23rd.
As the controversy between our East
Benton and Stillwater correspondents has
becoino personal wo must decline to print
anything further of an unpleasant nature
between them. Tho misunderstanding
arose from a very small beginning, In
which we feel assurrcd there was no Inten
tion lo Injure tho feelings of any one. Now
is a good tlmo to drop tho matter.
Jno. W. Olhhs met with a painful ncci
dent on Mondoy. He was trotting his
horse In tho fair ground, and in making
a quick turn, was thrown from tho
wagon and his collar bono broken. Ho
was taken to the Exchange Hotel, when
Dr. Ilcber was called In and set the broken
bone. Mr. dlbbs suffers cousldcrablo pain,
but aside from that is getting along nicely
and will be about again In a short time.
Tho trial of John Cox for the murder of
Mllo Jump In Northumberland will bo call
ed up at Sunhury court to-day (Friday),
Tho prosecution will bo represented by.
District Attorney Mahonc, cx.Distrlot. At.
torney Lewis Dewart,and Con. Smith, Esq.,
of Scrunton. There will bo sevm lawyers
for the defense : Hon. S. P. Wolverton,
Hon. A. H. Dill, Hon. Charles Wolf, Hon..
T. 11. Purdy, J. Ncvin Hill, S. 11. lloycr
and Daniel Cox, Esqs.
Tho Berwick Independent m Its last Issue
announced that it would suspend publica
lion because of delinquent subscribers.
Undoubtedly editor Bowman Is discontin
uing a republican newspaper In order to
hold a post office under a democratic ad
ministration. His bitter partisan views,
ns expressed in his columns nro too fresh
in tho minds of the people to bo misled.
This new "dodge" should not save him.
"Turn the Hcpublicnns out."
Mr. Jacob S. Evans died at his son's re
sidence on Fifth street on Monday night,
of dropsy. Mr. Evans moyed from Hohrs
burg to Bloomsburg about llvo years ago,
and has been living with his son. The cur
valure of his spine, brought ou by a severe
attack of rheumatism lias prevented him
for somo years from earning a livelihood
and he has been dependent upon his child
ren. A coflln of peculiar shape was built
for him, and ho was burled In Ilosemont
List of letters remaining In the Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Sept,
15, 1885:
Wm. Brooks, Beason H. Brown, Mrs. F.
A. Crowl, Mrs. H. A. Emerson, Mr. Harrv
Fcdder, Mr. Samuel Garner, Mrs. Emma j.
Grist, Mrs. Maggio Hayman, Miss Marg't.
Heldprant, Mrs. Maggio liirlcmau; T.
Trench, Esq.
Mr. T. G. Clements, Mr. II. P. Erwin,
Everett it Gross, Mr. Thos, Mallck,
Persons calling for abovu pleaso say
Gcoi:an A. Ci.akic, P. M.
The Watcrtowu AVics states an incident
that was furnished by n physician of that
place which should be read with thought.
It is tho case of n little gill, who was dy
ing with scarlet fever. She sent a "dying
kiss" to n little friend, which was Imprin
ted on n letter which her mother was
sending to a relative, and a elalo was
drawn around the kissed spot, The "lit
tle friend" kissed tho sumo spot when tho
letter was received, and shortly afterward
became a victim to the disease. It was
the only caso In tho place, and tlio physi
cians believe was communicated through
the mails. '
Tho Democratic County Committee met
In the Exchange Hotel parlor, Tuesday at
at 11 A. M., to nominate a candidate for
tho ofllco of District Attorney. Sixteen
members were present. Mr. A. O. Stongo
of Montour, placed the tiaino of Mr. Frank
P. Blllmeyer of Bloomsburg beloro tho
committee. By motion of Mr. Isaiah Bow.
cr nominations were then closed, nnd as
thero was but one candidate, Mr. lllllmey.
er was nominated by acclamation, Messrs
Herring and Crcvcling wcro appointed a
commlttco to bring the nominee before the
committee. Mr. Blllmeyer responded In a
short speech after which the committee ad
joumed. A. M. Fheas,
Tho Stato Sunday School Convention of
Pennsylvania Is to meet at Bunbury, com.
menclng Tuesday evening, Oct. 20th, and
continuing through Wednesday ondThurs.
day. Au attractive programme is being ar
ranged. Eminent Sunday School workers
will take part in tho proceedings, and a
feast of good things may bn expected.
Each county Is entitled to ti n delegates.
Arrangements have been made for a ro
ductlon of faro over all railroads centering
In Bunbury, tonllpeisons attending tho
convention. For particular regarding rajl
roads, nddrcis Mr, Jacob Shipman, Sun
bury. Pennsylvania now ranks a Banner
State, all tho counties being organized aux.
lllary to tho Bta.'o nild, International work.
A largo delegation may bo expected, nnd
tho approachlog convention will doubtless
bo of rare interest. Delegates arc request.
ed to address Mr. G, W. Dcppen, Bunbury,
in regard to entcrtalumcnt, prior to Oct,
To tbs Holders of Bonis of Bloom torg Stats
Normal School, Beewea cy rlrrt Hon
gtgo d&tei September li 1863 1
Notlco is hereby given that tho Interest
duo ou said bonds up lo September 1, 1885,
will bo paid on presentation of tho same to
tho Treasurer nt his ofllco In Bloomsburg
ut any tlmo within 15 days from tho 10th
of September 1885. After which tlmo tho
Interest will bo defaulted and applied on
tho payment of the principal debt.
H. J. CLAIUC, Trcas
Opening ol ii New Hotel.
Tho largo new hotel nt Bonjon will bq
opened on Thursday, September 24th,whcn
grand entertainment will bo given during
tho day tlmo and evening. This houso was
erected by McIIcnry Bros., and Is the lar
gest m tho county outslda of Bloomsburg.
Tho public Is Invited to attend the open
ing. Mrncllcy'H HtipcrpltoHiilintc.
Manufactured by tho Bradley Fertilizer
Co., of Boston, can now bo obtained In
Bloomsburg. It Is excellent In quality and
Is among the best fertilizers In the market,
Tho prices nro reasonable, nnd (ho results
are very satisfactory. For particulars call
on C. M. Blttcnbcndcr, under Opera House,
Ccntro stnet,Bloomsburg. 8m.
Bi-KciAi, Mail Deiiveiit. Tho following
towns In Pennsylvania will enjoy tho
special delivery system i Allegheny, Al
toona, Ashland, Bcavct Fulls, Bethlehem,
Bradford, Bristol, Carbondale, Carlisle,
Chamhcrsburg, Chester, Columbia, Con
shocken, Corry, Danville, Easton, Erie,
Franklin, Harrlsburg, Hazlcton, Hunting,
don, Johnstown, Lancaslcr.Lebaiion, Lock
Haven, MoKeesport, Mahanoy City, Mead,
vllle, New Castle, Norrlstown, Oil City,
Philadelphia, Phrenlxville, Pltlsburg.Pitts
ton, Plymouth, Pottstown, Pottsvllle,
Heading, Scranton, Shamokln, Sharon,
Shenandoah, South Bethlehem, Bunbury,
Tamnqun, Washington. West Chester,
Wllkeslnrre and Wllllamsport. At all
these towns letters bearing tho 10 cent de
livery stamp wilt bo delivered Immediately
upon arrival. The stamp will bo sold at
every olllce whether It Is n special delivery
office or not. The now system will go Into
effect Oct. 1st.
BliocUtiiK HcclntloiiH.
A scandal at the Insane Asylum of the
County Almshouse has been brought to
light and the result of an investigation
charges James Meehan with having
wrought the ruin of Maty Jano Doncgan
nnd Mnria Maley, Insane single women.
Meehan wis for two years an assistant In
tho insane ward of the nsylum, but left the
place In May last, and after working a
month on the fuim of Poor Director Hclch
crt, disappeared. Ho has not been heard
from since and his whereabouts Is unknown.
An Investigating committee consisting of
the Poor Directors, and Messrs. Passmorc,
Donaldson nud Wolljen, ol the Board of
Public Charities, heard tho story on Tues
day of Maria Maley, during it lucid Inter,
val. The other woman, whoso Insanity is
inoro marked, also appeared before tho
committee. Tho facts of the case, it Is
chargcd.wcre known by Dri Edward Hunt
zlngcr, physician in charge,, when Dr.
Ourt, of the Board of-Publlc Charities, vis.
lted the asylum in May last, but no report
was made to Dr. Onrt or tho Poor Direc
tor until Tuesday when the condition of
tho women made further concealment lm
possible. Athland Advocate, Sept. 11.
A New Departure.
H. V. White & Co., havo just completed
anil opened for trade at Bloomsburg tho
first and onlyOrnln House in Columbia
County and are now ready to buy nil kinds
of grain nt nil times at tho highest cash
market price. The approach to the Grain
Houso is by an easy driveway from Seventh
street between Iron and Market to tho side
of the building where grain Is unloaded
without lifting or any of tho hard work
necessary to empty bags in a car which
will make quite an object to tho farmer
having a largo quantity to market. TI1030
who havo tried it pronounce It a complcto
success. All weighing dono on a now
Standard Fairbanks Scale by n careful
In a warehouse on the same lot they
keep a stock of Flour and Fc6d from which'
dealers can be supplied with job lots at
wholesale prices at all times.
They also keep constantly on hand tho
celebrated Kingston Coal and customers
will be accommodated with any brand or
size, in gross lots on cars or delivered to
any part of town at lowest market prices.
Country dealers and farmers would ilo well
to see their stock of coal and get their
prices before buying. In short parties de
siring anything In their line should call and
sec them and learn for themselves what it
would bo difficult to explain In a newspa
per article.
Tho faimcr is busy with corn and seed
Wedgctown, ono of tho suburbs of
Buckhorn, broke its usual silence by giv
ing a danco and a quilting last week.
Abijah Swisher was tno originator of ths
dance. It was conducted in an oriental
manner, each sex dancing with those of
their own kind. Tho males turned out but
the females did not come. We supposo
they have a good reason.
Mrs. Wm. Tillcy gave the quilting in tho
Interests of her daughter, Mrs. Tronic
Chamborlln. It differed from tho danco
in that it had all girls and no boys. Our
opinion is that tho boys wcro about as
well qualified tor quilting ns tho girls wero
for dancinc All say it was tho nicest
quilt they ever saw, nnd we seo no reason
why It should not be, ns n very nice girl
pieced It nnd the nicest girls nround hero
quilted It. Tho day was pleasantly spent
by conversing upon sucu topics as quilt'
ings, tho Buckhorn correspondent, matri-
rlmonial affairs, and other things too nu
mcrous to mention.
Mrs. Jano Baum, of Bloomsburg, visited
at Wcldy Dent's Saturday and Sunday.
Tho Misses Kramer, of Danville, paid
their uncle, Jackson Emmitt, a visit during
the week.
Miss Anna and Laura Shoemaker, of
Bloomsburir. wcro homo to sec mother
Sunday last.
Hcv. Bodlne fulfilled his appointment
In tho Lutheran church last Bunday after.
noon. Thcmo of 'discourse was "Christ-
Ian Meditation."
Hugh Appleman and Petio WorkhcUcr
tried coon hunting ono nlgUt or tlio wccK
but without success.
Isaac Watts says It 13 utterly tinposslblo
to know cvcrvthlnc. but last week whllo
wo wcro reading tho Comjmuian a series of
questions ran througli our mind. Who is
that East Benton correspondent 1 And
this question gavo rlso to another. Who
Is that Stillwater correspondent? Ana
these , Questions suggested a third. And
wnat U the matterwltli tho aforesaid cor
respondents?, Tbeso wcro uncapped
without the Jourtb. Which ono lo going
to havo tho last word f It appears that the
ono Is Bcnt-on bis foo, Stillwater and
havo always hosrd It said that Still-water
runs deep. Brethren, can't you comprom
iser (Tuesday) tho funeral of Mrs,
Jano Girton took nlaco at Heller's church.
Sho was tho mother of Win. and Samuel
1 .LightMreet and Buckhorn are becoming
q'ulto thick again. 'Messrs. CrevcUng and
Bitter serenaucu our town oaturuay even.
Ing with somo choice selections of Instru.
mental music with a violin. An acquaint
nnco of theirs says they did not return un.
Ill 1.7 of tho tlmo to mldnlRht, Of course
I do not mean to say thoy tlddlcd all this
Miss Maud and Cal Hartman aro vlsltluz
their sister, Miss Maggie Werkhclscr, of
Daniel Wanich is making imnrovcmciit
1 in tuc way oi uuumug a new uara.
Daniel Bcybcrt Is out On ball,
A fow inoro lights on iho bridge.
Tho farmers aro busy cutting their corn.
Farmers will havo but "few" elder this
Tho guns nro cracking every day In tho
Tho clothing of Lovy goes off llko "hot
What melons A. B. Croop furnishes our
Flno prospects for buckwheat nnd chest
nut cr6ps,
Tho Hoyt hotel has a good run of tran
sient custom.
Charles Williams Is running n good ho.
tel at Nescopcck.
There are two changes among our teach
ors from last year.
Joseph Ycngcr ha? started n now express
ofllcc In Brlarcrcck,
Spournbcrg has ono of tho fanciest sa
loons along the river.
Wild grapes must grow on trees tho
way they como to town.
Strangers ndmlro our cemetery ns fixed
up by O. H. P. kitchen.
John Jacoby Is meeting with flno success
In tho Insurance business.
Tho Columbian Is ono of tho most pop
ular papers taken nt Berwick.
Shuman, agent nt tho Penii'n depot, Is
fast growing Into popularity.
Hiram Williams was In town last Friday.
He Is bartending at Catawlssa.
Two child doaths In Newtown last week,
burled on Friday and Saturday.
They are enlarging the works for making
water pipes ut the new foundry.
Sovcn engagements nro booked for our
opera house to como off shortly.
The Bedrock Sabbath school held a pic.
nlc in Lcgru's woods on Saturday.
Houscknicht and Carey are found always
polite and prompt in Freas Bros, store.
Tho now houso nnd tailor shop of Plfcr,
of Nescopcck, presents a fine appearance.
A fellow would have drowned himself
last week, but he was nfrald of getting
Charles Frantz returned on Friday last
from his week's pleasant visit at Phlladcl.
Archy Avcrlll bawls baggage nnd express,
ago from tho Pcnn'n depot across the
John Smctlicss has met with entire suc
cess In the fruit and truck business this
Bruhakcr has a ficsh Installment of hard
ware that competes with anything In tho
Lloyd Sharplcss Is often sccu In our
midst. Ho appears to bo doing good
Wm. Girton claims that ho has tho big
gest cabbage for m'lcs along tho river nud
plenty of it.
They say that E. J. B. makes the hand
somest canes to bo found anywhere out
of crabapplc.
Charles Boss, at present writing, lies
very 111. So with Gideon Hosier's wlfo at
Behold tho quoit pitchers behind Bow.
man & Crispin's store these mellow days
of September.
As tho Independent has suspended tho Oa-
telle- will bo tho more eagerly read as woll
as tho Columbian.
Our young friends should nvnll them
selves moro liberally with the privileges of
ho Y. M. C. A. library.
Mrs. General Bowman was buried lately
at Kansas City. She followed her husband
x weeks after his death.
Thomas Lauer, our tonsorlal artist, re-
turned from Philadelphia, visiting his nu
merous friends last Friday.
Mrs. Terwilllgcr, Mrs. Fowler and Mrs.
Campbell, of Berwick, visited Mrs. Ram
bach on Friday last at Brlarcrcck.
Mr. Keen, of Nescopcck, has entered
Into supplying the market with a lot of
superior agricultural implements.
E. K. Adams makes n flno display of
fresh goods. His clerks know how to ar
range them to the best advantage.
Will Davis, of Summer Hill, racing on
the Fair grounds on Saturday last, broka
his buggy into smash against a post.
Dan Hecdy and son shot five large
quirrels in a couplo hours on Saturday
last in the Smith woods across tho river.
Ave aro glad to note that Prof. Hocbsck
is convalescent. Ho will soon be ablo to
rcsumo his duties ns teacher nt Ncscopeck.
Wm. Girton proposes to lcavo for tho
land of oranges, Florida, ero long. Sue
ccs3 to William among tho orango groves.
Georgo Washington Is dead but that
docs not affirm that II. M. Hockman has
not tho finest nnd largest water melons for
The new tlnshop of O. W. Buckingham,
near his rcsldcnco on Pino street, is In full
operation. So with Gerard's blacksmith
A pity that Enoch Rlttcnhouso's 000-lb.
hog could not havo lived till after tho Fair,
When skinned It looked largo as an clc
no are pieaseuto note mat Mrs. uoyt is
enabled occasionally to tako n pleasant
ride. Sho has been nn invalid for many
Ash Bros, are making fiuo sales of whls.
key along tho FIshingcrcck. They nro
also Belling tho finest brands of flour to be
found lu the market.
Georgo Miller, of Nescopcck, has bright'
ened his restaurant with fresh paint. Ills
new sign looks well In front of it. Georgo
sells the best of beer.
Seven fast horses at present writing havo
been entered for tho races at our Berwick
Fair. Every effort Is making for tho Fair
to bo a success better than last year,
Col. A. D. Seely, we aro told, strongly
resembles Fltz Hugh Lee, now running
for Governor of Virginia. According to
this Fit, must be a good looking man.
"When shall my labors havo an end,"
sho asks, getting up about ten o'clock In
the morning after her mother has got tho
breakfast and has all tho dishes washed.
Drlcsbach has just received a fresh in
stallment of musical Instruments and sew.
ing machines. Mrs. Drlcsbach keeps on
hand the finest assortment of millinery
Our opera house Is now In full readiness
for troupes and entertainments. It presents
a lino appearance. The scenery and
paintings aro Iresb, striking and appro
Isadora Chamberlain has almost finished
a new residence on his lot up town, whero
ho was burnt out last Eprlng. It is ready
for plastering, Ilo will occupy It beforo
tho snows como.
Our literary society met iast Saturday
light to Inaugurato proceedings for debat
Ing and exercises during tho season. Wo
biipposo thero will bo no courso of literary
lectures this season, owing to tho deprcs'
sion of the times.
A base ball contest came off on tho
Fair I
grounds on Saturday afternoou last
tween tho Berwick Commercials and tho
Bloomsburg Commercials, Rcaulti 17 to 0
In favor of Berwick, Elmer made a run.
Wo find eomo urchins running tho
streets nnd aro not going to school. We
go In for compulsory education. If the
parent Is bound to protect tho physical
welfare of tho child how strange It Is that lie
ll permitted to neglect tho higher being of
tho child, tho mind, tho soul. Ho is per
mlttcd to rear his child to adult years, to
tho slzo and ago ol tho citizen without tho
qualifications of citizenship. What super,
lativo Inconsistency I
A party of married nnd slnglo women
last week dressed themselves up In men's
clothes, nnd formed themselves Into a
party at tho homo of C. C. Evans. Somo
pcoplo hnvo tho cranky Idea that thoy
could havo been nt belter business nnd
saved themselves vast credit. But wo
think they might as well wear tho "breech
cb" ns nftcr whllo when thoy get husbands.
Wo refer lo thoso of tho party who havo
no husbands, of course. Try it again yo
married pud maidens. Yo havo tho ap-
plaudlts of your acquaintances.
Berwick should bo looking up to prepare
for her centennial next year. Tho tlmo Is
not too far ahead to get ready. Every
old relic should bo carefully hunted up for
tho occasion. Tho only reliable history of
Berwick from Its foundation was prepared
and rend to the public by E. J. Bowman
In 1870. That history, nt this date, could
never be prepared, ns tho citizens who
remembered its history nro dend. Tho
record was printed in tho old Berwick
Gazette. Tho old members of our "Fear
less" lire company proposo to have n re
union ns soon as their headquarters aro
completed lor the purpose of a thorough
rc-organlzation. This looks llko busluess.
Now Is tho opportunity for our citizens to
help our fire company. They proposo lo
savo your property. It is as lltllo as you
can do to tender thnm all the moral and
pecuniary assistance possible.
Iletlct vllle.
Hctlcrvlllo has becomo qulto u lively
place plenty of weddings on haud before
the first of October, wc suppose It Is ou ac
count of the license law.
Tho boys of Hctlcn'.llc seem to say over
tho fence is out wo hopo next time they go
homo from Sunday School they will be
havo themselves, then they nccd'nt say
over tho fence is out.
Wc are informed that tho Union Sunday
School at this place Is going to havo a Sun
day School picnic In Bonds Grovo on Sat
urday afternoon. Sept, 10th, 1885- A good
time 13 expected and tho public are cordial,
ly Invited, come one, como all nnd enjoy
It is reported that Mr. O. Swauk lost n
very valuable horse some time ngo.
Mr. Sam. M. Hotter of this place traded
ponies with W. H. Hartzcl somo tlmo ago.
Wo understand that tho schools of this
township nro being pretty well filled with
Thomas McMurtrle and family were the
guests of Georgo Moury's on Sunday last.
Mrs. E. L. Klrklndall and daughter Lu
lu havo been visiting her sister nt Wutson.
town nnd also relations nt Milton.
Wo nro glad to report that there aro scv.
oral of our young pcoplo attending rate
clilso at Minilnvlllo under Rev. J. E. F.
Mrs. Daniel Houck still lies in a critical
Last week and this farmers hero began
their early seeding.
Squire Ycagcr had a wedding recently j
n couple from Shenandoah.
Mrs. Gossip reports another wedding in
our village for next Sunday.
Mrs. Harriet Ycagcr .nnd sister, Mrs
Lawrence Uachman of Wilkes Barrc are
visiting their parents hero at present.
Ex-Judgo Hughes put In au nppearanco
in our village on Sunday evening, after
which ho "took in" the bush meeting at tho
Several farmers arc engaged In plowing
down their buckwheat destroyed by the ro
ccnt hnll. Tho expense of gathering It
being greater than tho proceeds of tho re.
rnatndcr of tlio crop.
Bush meeting nt Fishcra is still In pro'
grcss, nlso tho M. E. nt tho Quaker, whero
C. II. Barnard of Ashland preached an ablo
sermon to n large congregation on Bunday
Parsonago in this place, Sept. 1st, by the
Rev. J. G. W. Herold, A. J. Shook to Ag.
ncs Hoffman both of Catawlssa.
tho Free Will church Sept. 0th by tho same
Clarence Longenborger to Louisa Hoffman
both of Catawlssa.
ASH GABLE. At tho N. B. parsonago
tho evening of Bept. 11, by tho samo John
Ash of Catawlssa to Sarah Gablo of Roar.
Ingcrcck twp.
time and placo by tho same, C. B. Ludwtg
to Mary Hoffman.
Dc rH.
Tho farmers are busy ploughing nnd har
rowing the soil, getting ready to sow
their Winter grain. The buckwheat and
corn looks promising. If Jack Frost stays
awny n couple of weeks longer wo will
have a full crop.
Bloomsburg was represented hero last
week by n couplo of her distinguished
young men, who camo armed to the teeth
for tho purpose of bagging a lot of squir
rels. They dono nobly for tho game was
scarce. They enjoyed the fun and rccrca
tlon and report a good time Como again,
boys, It will do you good to Inhale the
pure air that abounds in this vicinity.
Elder William Lane, of Hartford, Conn.,
preached in tho Christian church on last
Friday evening. The houso was crowded
to hear tho venerable scrvaut of the Lord.
He dono nobly for a man that has been for
seventy years sounding the Word of life to
a dying people. May the Lord spare his
llfo yet many days to bis ftlends and his
Master's cause.
There was qulto a gathering of tho young
folks at the homo of Mrs. T, W. Smith last
Tuesday evening, tho occasion being a
birthday party for her niece, Mlas Kltlo
Wclliver, who Is teaching school at this
place. After a Jolly time, which the
young people knew how to enjoy, they
were served with an elegant supper, which
all partook with pleasure. After a good
tlmo generally, wishing Kltle a long and
happy life, they bid their host and hostes
good.byo and severally they took thel
departure for home, there, perhaps, to
dream over tho recollections of tho past,
Mrs. J, 0. Bobbins, who lias been vis.
Ring friends In Rochester, N. Y., will re
turn this week.
Mrs. David Colo Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. G. W, Strong.of Bradford county,!'.
There Is a move to build a wire fence.
around tho cemetery nt the Jack boh church
This U a much needed Improvement. Hurry
up, committeemen, push the Improvement
to a completion. Remove the rubbish
from the yard and beautify Iho resting
place of our departed ones.
Rev. Thos. I'rltclmrd of Philadelphia
111 prcftch In, tho M. K. Church on Sunday
at 101 o'clock. A'l are cordially In.
vltcd, no pews rented.
Mrs. Jane Grimes who has been sick for
somo tlmo Is now convalescing.
Mrs. Catharine Oman has so far record
ed from n second attack of what was sup.
posed to bo apoplexy, ns to walk out.
Messrs Clark & Agcr endeavored to start
Up (he new machinery nt tho mill when
somo of tho old cog gearing gavo way
causing a delay of nt least ono week. Sat
urday thoy expect to bo nblo to show what
tlioy can do.
Mrs. Mellck Is now on tlio sick list, sho
ranks ns rno ot tho oldest ladles of our
Iter. Snm'l. Shannon nnd his daughter
left for their homo Havre do graco on Tues
day. Augustus Stoddard nnd family of Rohrs-
burg spent a short tlmo In town on .Sun
day last visiting nt J. 1). Aramcrman's.
Rev. Bycr preached on IHundayilast on
account of tho protracted services at Espy.
J. W. Bhannnn and sister from Riverside
spent a few days visiting J. W. Oman and
other ncqualntcnanccs of Miss Shannon's
with whom sho became acquainted whilst
engaged as teacher of public schools,
Mt. Pleasant.
J. W. Bhannon returned on Tuesday to
Hartford College, Conn., whero ho Is pre
paring for tho Episcopal Ministry.
Mrs. Deborah Whlto is stopping for n
short time with her step eon, A. B, White.
Miss Etna Sankcy of Harrlsburg Is now
visiting at J. M. C. Ranck's.
W. P. White of Union county spent a
few days In town last week his visit being
extended on account of his driving horso
. , , , i
Supt, Ream of Montour county spent n I
short time with Supt. Grimes last week.
name of tho visitors instead of Mrs. Strlck.
cr ttstiouid navo been Mrs. Erbino of
The following Is n list of tho ladles of
town who have passed three score and ten:
Mrs. Jacob Mellck, Mrs. Cath. Oman,
Mrs. Martha Brown, Mrs. Cath. Brown,
Mrs. Rcmley.
A largo crowd of people assembled on
tho Fair grounds Saturday last to witness
a raco between horses owned by Clint
Lewis nud L. Stevens. Stevens came off
Gus Colo has opened a barber shop In
Ficdler's shoe emporium and Is doing a
rushing business. Gus is n good tonsorlal
artUtond deserves liberal patronage.
People of Benton and vicinity anticipate
a great big Fair this year. Farmers are
looking up their big pumpkins, squashes,
etc.; horsemen aro training, their steeds;
mothers are looking up their pretty babes;
band practice twice a week (thanks to
tho Fair). Tho Secretary, H. O. McIIcnry,
is dally in receipt of many letters from
parties who aro desirous of exhibiting their
wares, which certainly is an indication of
a promising Fair. All premiums paid in
Charles McIIcnry's present term of mu
sic is closed. He reports a class of forty.
three for next term.
Jacob Wclliver proposes a "tradesman's
iwfiiin nt Mm mminir Vnir. nPPnt
flrliomo Pnali It in rnmnlrtlnn Julfn. nnil I
your name wm ccnaimy go uuwa m uiu l
,,, i
history of the Benton Fair as one who, in
183S, added greatly to its Interest.
Mrs. Jacob Carey and Miss Maud Pcaicr,
of Cambrn, spent Sunday with tho former's
son, Bruco Carey.
"Rallroadlsm" Is again agitating this
community. If It would only agitato a
Sutton McIIonry proposes selling off all I
his personal proporty. Wo nro not aware I
f 1.1. .,,. 1,t ll.tV .,.!. ol,l n, I
West will seo him In the Spring.
Mrs. W. D. Beckley spent Sunday In
"Holly" Is remodelling tho A. D. Shultz
property preparatory to moving in tho
Thos. Chapin purposes occupying the
houso In which J. 8. McIIcnry is now liv-
The hunters In this section nro all In a
qui ylvc over tlio hunting party which
takes place Saturday ono week. Lots of
game will, no doubt, bo secured, ns there
arc somo very lino marksmen in this vi
cinity. Somo one was. heard to ask why there
were bo many Coluuuians camo to this
ofllco than other papers. The paper Itself
auawcis umu uu accessary ijuctiiiuu.
. . . . .!
Wm. M. Annlcman & Bro. are turn nc
out a great many new wagons. They do
excellent work nnd as for workmnnship
and durability their wagons are second to
none in the county.
A game ot ball will probably take place
on the Fair eround Saturday next. Cam-
bra and uenton me contesting nines
A band of gypsies passed through town
last uunoay. uucy nau nno wagons and
aro above the average bands that travel
through this country,
II,ai-I. il.I- niMinlrtf
The judecs of poultry this vcar at the
Fair are llirco ministers who are morc
competent to judgo chickens than they
won't tno roosters squall wnen tncy see
tnem npproacuinr
We think it would bo certainly morein-
rullMtt 1 1 1la..M V. nanlnn aM,1 C3H11
tcresting If Messrs. East Benton and Still
water would devote tho space they occu
py In "flinging sarcasms into each other's
faces" to actual happenings of tho respect
ive places.
Mr. Daniel Clcywcll. one of our oldest
and most respected citizens, was called
away from llfo very suddenly on last Wed
nesday after an Illness of about one hour.
He had been troubled with heart diseaso
for the past few years, but appeared as
wen as usual until tno aiternoon oi nis
death. Interment In Greenwood cemetery.
Pamn tnthn linunn nf Phlnnnn A.wonvnr
one day last week, a small girl and thoy
nave adopted u astneir own. iuo parents
are happy.
Grandmother Brclsch, as she Is generally
Tildrapt WgVM
dren nssemoung anu pariamngoi a sum-
..' . - .... . .
seems lively ior nerago and urns luirtoi" " suuu w n.uu uuuu,,
cueer us wun tier presence a many a year.
Toe potato crop seems to uo rawer a
small crop as well apples and peaches. Tho
farmer docs not suffer more than the con-
flttmrr. for tlio farmer ceta n. hiplipr nrirn
for a less Quantity wWle the consumer has
to pay more anu gets a less quantity and
. r . . ...
Wilt not somo person rid us ot the trnmr.
that nuisance among us f They are impu.
dent, saucy, ragged und dirty, a uint upon
our civilization. Wo think tlio remedy is
in the hands ot tho people, let tho peoplo
say you cannot havo anything to eat unless
you give us an equivalent in labor nnd
wuen a tramp asics ior a mcai point nun
to the wood pile, ar somo other work, and
say, it yon want a meal earn it nrsi, and
then they can relish a eood biscuit and
butter, or things which they now throw to
me uogs, ivct tnc people tauo a iirm stand
and this thieving, marauding pest carrying
class will leave us or becomo lawabidlng
The borough question has again come
tho front, and the agitators aro going
pennon court proviuing luey get enough
signers tor a borough. There is one
thing you orough men must do, and that
is to encourage your taxpaying population
by gtylng them employment at home and
not go to other places where no better than
the Lome talent can be obtained ami cm.
ploying them, nnd then when monry Is to
bo expended again for Improvements, why
let tho taxpayers produco tho money nnd
sonic ono from nbroad earn It and carry It
to somo olbcT place. It is all right enough
to want a uorougu, but men you ougtu to
show tho taxpayer that he will bo recom
pensed for his tnx nnd not bo pushed aside
lor some other person, who squanders his
money nnd sneers him In tho fnce.
Tho reservoir has again been cemented
and repaired, but it is uat yet full of water.
What the cause is wo nro unnblo to state.
Mr. Adam Mensch, our genial nnd obllg.
big constable, keeps n good supply of
knives nnd weapons ou hand, In case nuy
otic wishes to commit any deeds, ns some
of our citizens nttcmptcd the last week.
Tho annual Fall petty thieves has again
begun, chickens, apples, etc., suffering.
Let the dog loose nud hunt up tho old shot
gun nnd keep nwakc.
liiiLiciaruiA, scptemtXT 14, iste.
Rebuilding is going on not
all over the store By any means
but in so many parts as to pre
sent the appearance of a gener
al interruption of trade. But
really there is no hindrance
worth speaking of.
The fact that we can tear
down and build up or rather
build up and tear down after-
wards, for that is the wav we do
when we can and keep trade
going on all the while in the
midst of uproar and dust shows
what ?
Nearly the whole of the furni
ture part of the store has been
rebuilt or is rebuilding. The
samples we have scarcely more
i, ,..,,,,.,l ;,, oi-l.t-
tiiciii aiiiuwii-a in iif ilk -tit v-
, . . . , .
uareiy roo n iu gci. uuiwcch
tnem. it iooks even' uay line
moving day ; and so it is. And
vet we are seuiiifr more lurni-
ture morc than we ever sold
before in September, more,
doubtless, than any two or three
other houses in town. What is
the reason ?
Our last year's things are
gone. We have bought suc
cessfully this year. Our this
year's things are good beyond
the usual croodness of furniture.
With all the disadvantage of
noise and dirt, disorder and
crowdintr wc are selling the fur-
; Never was there such
"lcuVu i-yer was UK-re sucn
furniture. It does not seem
possible mat improvement can
continue in fumiture-makincf.
See a poplar bed-room suite
for SB.1; for instance. And that
is one out of a thousand
West side, second noor.
Take car nortnwest trora
bo ol carpets. lhey arc
here and ready to look at ; and
hands are ready to cut and sew
anH nv thptn tut t in rarnnts
j . i i
and builders are next-door
neighbors. There's a roar of
hammers and smell of paint and
I 1 T..t.
pientv oi ciust. i otwitnsranu-
inn fl n tii r tpmnnnrv rirnwrinrlrQ
jjje trade IS aCtlVC.
,. .
What can the reason be ?
North front, second Boor,
the center.
stairway nonh trom
Upholstery, upside down for
a week perhaps, has tumbled
into a space, a hundred feet
square with plenty of light and
every facility.
What can t we
vnect there
Second noor ot 131M01321 Chestnut.
Arcado ; btalnvay on tho lcit.
Enter y
Musjin underwear, corsets,
skirts and baby-tnings are m
confusion more or less from
moving into a place by no means
ready for them. You will see
them under some disadvantage
awhile; but the things are ready
and right where else will you
find them so ready and right ?
Hear of 1310 and 21 Chestnut.
Bedding, blankets, comfort
ables, quilts, etc., have had a
house built over their heads.
They've been open to out-of-
A rrfa nr i-rr ctiAetc TIip rlitct
I VIV-U1 . Wl I IIIU J l.l.J , 4V
I r 1 1 1 1 U 1
uuiiuiui- dim, wui st: uuiu mat,
the debris Ol tearing down have
nued the air around them. They
are not hurt a bit. Don't you
. . . , J
M1UW 1 UllliyS 1U1UU ill 11.1 JU SU
last that dust hasn t time to set
tle on them. It isn't a store
house, a resting-place for tired
stuff. It's a Store. The things are
I . . .
impatient to go. There are tons
of things behind them pushing
them out. Where there's trade
in snite of mortar and sawdust.
don't YOU believe there's some-'
1 - . J- -
thing, ?
We are selling for four dol
lars a pair such blankets as no
where else are less than five.
That's only a sample.
West of Arcada steps.
1 he bookstore is having its
overhead pulled down and built
up. Are you going to stop
reading ? Not a bit of it. You
are subscribing for Book News
too fast. We know what It
You are cominer for
by the million. You
think the place the Book News
comes lrom at 2 r ct:nts a year
- lie n rmrr , i 1 1 , tr l-nrx.i, I r , i f
U s a POOd place to Q to too.
a . i I .. i i ..
Any book got and not a bit
hurt by the dust. Why, Some
- . - . . J '
Ot tlie books don t Stay over
I a "
niOJlt here
Dx tho Tlilrteentn-ktroet aoor.
Jqhn YVan.vmakek.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets.
ana City-hall square.
hay FBVEn srxcirio.
I found it a specific for hay fover. For
ton years I havo been a great sufferer from
August 0th 'till frost. Ely's Crcant Balm
is tlie only preventive l navo ever lound
Frank B, Ainswortb. ot i B. Ainsworth
it Uo., Publishers, Indianapolis, lnd.
DA.VIES-BiTLEU.-Ou Sept. 8( 1883,
ll.-, l?.,.,r.llnrtl .xD-.n-,A l.'..nn..lllJ
lib kUU MlttUUVllWttl IfllOVUUKVl X4VPUVtllV
by Hcv. D. 1'. Kline, air. William T. Davlea
nnd Miss 1'jmmn Ccdclln
hitler, liotli
Brlarcrcck, Col. Co-, l'a.
I. W. Hnrtman & Son's plain and bro
caded velvets nro nttracting tho ladles.
If you want dress poods of any kind, go
lo t'huk & Son's.
Phosphate for saTn at Llghlstr. tt by Silas
Yoiim- scp-4-4t.
You will find nt Clnrk & Son's a lnrgo
new line. of Indies coats, very low.
Ladles cloth for :ic, C0c, 75c. nnd up
to 41 00 nt I. W. Hnrtman ASon's.
The best lino of flannels, blankets, cotton
flnnnnl, prints, gingham, tickings, &c, nt
lowest prices, nt Clark b Son's.
h anted Calves, sr
chickens, pig,
bnrk nt Silas
cons, oak and hemlock
Young's, Llghtstrcct.
Tho 5-ccnt dark caltcoo nt I. W. Hurt
man b Son's for comforts, nro tho best
grades, but odd styles.
Havo you seen our big blanket bargains
Clark A Son's.
I. W. Hartman & Bon havo n bargain in
red twilled and shaker flannels at Soots, n
yard. Go soon, if you want any.
You can save money
dress cloths of Clnrk & 8i
by buying your
I. W. Hartman & Son aro now opening
84 different styles ot ladles Newmarket
and other styles of Winter coals. All
Dr. A. W. Brown, Mystic, Conn., says i
"I havo n case ot dropsy resulting from
henrt dlsensc which Hunt's Remedy reliev
ed at once."
An old nnd Intimate friend of mlno is
Parker's Hair Balsam. I hnvo used it five
years, nnd could not do without It. It has
stopped my hair from falling, restored Its
natural black color nnd wholly cleansed It
from ihndrulf. Miss Pearl Ancson, 8t.
Louis, Mo. Sept ll-4w
Can you tell mo who Is in the greatest
danger of catching any Infectious or epi
demic diseaso ? "Why," you say, "tlio whoso blood In In nn impure or Im
poverished condition." Exactly. Such
pcoplo take special complaints ns dry grass
bursts into Hume before tho sparks of a lo.
comotlvc. Pure blood Is a defence ; It
means safety, and Dr. Kennedy's Favorito
Remedy Is tho mildest, safest and surest
purifier ot the blood. Our chief dangers
nro within ourselves. Sept 18-4w
A smooth complexion can be had by
cvety lady who will use Parker's Tonic.
For promptly regulating tho liver and kid
neys and purifying tho blood, thero is
notliiug llko it, nnd this is the renson why
it so quickly removes pimples nnd gives it
rosy bloom to tho checks.
Sept ll-4w
When Bby wu dole, ct her Outta,
Whon the wm Child, the cried for Cmlori,
When she beoimo Ulii, th Iunt to CwtorU,
Whon the hd Chlldrta, iha thorn CMtorl.
( ti'mh is one of the most prevalent and
disapK cable of diseases. It is ono of the
prim iii'tl causes of consumption. It never
cures itself. Keller's Catarrh Remedy is
tho only remedy that promises n positive
Then; is no nart of Life's Citadel where
Iho enemy can make a lodgment that the
Vliifgir Miners" will not nnd mm, and
put Mm lo rout. Impurity of blood Is ths
' V. .' ': " "". ..,V "" ,'
i in: niniis, me nerves, uvcry villi uriiim 13
"ffictid primarily from this cause, and in
this dliccllon the Vinegar Bitters acts with
magical Influence.
Ocurgo Campbell, Uopklnsville, Ky.,
says i "liurdocK lilood Ulltcrs Is tlio best
I preparation for tho Blood and StC m:ch
ii.iiu,,ii i.i.
Ludli'S in a delicate condition find that
they dcilv great benefit from Spccr's port
crnpt' wine. It has becomo the most popu
lar wlno made for the use of aged and dc
biliUiUd persons. It is also used ns n com
munion wine. For sale by druggists.
re.iilu from impurfect dlgestlou. Tho
cau i' .tcs In the torpidity of the liver. A habit of body can be secured by
taking Simmons Liver Regulator tq aid
dlgetlon, to stimulate tho dull nn 1 slug
gish liver and rid the system of exccssivo
and " isonous bile. Tho Regulator cor.
redd m Idtiy of the stomach, cures dyspep
sia anil permanently creates regularity or
tbubottcls alike fieo from laxity or cos
tiveni s.
"1 li.ivo never sccu or tried such u mm-
pit-, elllcaclous, satisfactory and pleasant
remedy In my life ns Simuious Liver Re
gulftli V.
"ii. UAiru-.u, ot. ijouis, iuo."
'Illiiiid food is the succcslivo name of
ten glv.'n to Avers' Sarsaparilln, bccatiso
of lis blood-enriching qualities.
S In, docs not delight to sec a good look.
ing lace ? Yet erysipelas disfigures tho
feuliiri s almost bcyoud recognition. But
tliat l not tlie worst of It. l lie uiscnse li
ns dangerous as It Is repulsive It is some,
tlini s l ulled "St. Anthony's Fire," and of
ten ciiiscs sudden death. Mr. S. B. Car
penter, of Grandvlllo, N. Y., had It In botli
legs nnd was cured by Dr. Kennedy's Fnv
orile ltmnedy. This medicine excels nil
olliem for tho blood. Especially adapted
10 'M,,s,,nRs ts01l! "oau"
Sept J8-4w
Dr. I.. A. Palmer, Westerly, R. 1. says :
Hutit'j Remedy is the best medicine for
dropsy. It has almost raised tho dead."
1 Jl7f4nir Wanted Agents to sell our
V tyiVIV. American edition ot tlio Jlo.
ip1 MMf, rhatograph Alliums. Ufo of (IruH,
l'ror. o. s. I'owier'u oroat Work, eta bend soc. for
coinplt'lo outflt. rvmuinent nnilouinenl, paytQjr
flu lu --u nt-eKiy. ulubk iiiulk ruuuau-
inu Co., ;os cnestnuc BU, rnlla., l'a.
I "V
men to canvass tor the sale
Fruit Trees, Urnpo Vines. Hosch, 4c,
Previous ex
'xpenence not essentia
rl?nra not ossentlaL
U. 1'
yitUKMAK 4: CO.,
, urigutou, M. v.
.Vo will send free, on receipt 0
m k stamp, a sample ol tlio boot selling.
L. tb"t i'yln article, ever Invented.
Men iiiul women wanted ns Aarnia everywhere.
Address HUU1JSY CO., 101B CHESTNUT bt.. j niia
delphla. Aut'-Ss-lt-o.
l DUN inCI Dull c uncD
I muiui.1.1 urn uiiiui.ii
liii-hidlng Tucker, Hufller,
DOS bi4 llfmuirra.lUKlliUkl.
tr.atul umuaI ihiHUii twelve
p.. wimiiH 1 vein.
mi" " la URTb u'ril
IhotiM bofore you pur
one irnl -Ao UKer -uiii
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Enuiitinc. 1 1 at u cm
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tttliiuonUItt. IT .N.TrnU I'klUd', l'a.
I The loudmt nnii timl
IrrcLnclr U r 1 11
to luard from one to
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the -lltf.
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au til twi
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hrnt. fTM. hv
Dlt.lL for 23 eenta !
Ktampa, Order how.
W 6m. HfvillUt, itc. Attarnti
KiiNriiiT. jtiioN v
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