The Columbian. 0, B. Elwoll, It-ju... J. K.BlUontoniar.J E4lt6"' BLOOM3BUUG, PA. FRIDAY, SBl'TKMHEH 18, 1885. Belf-convlctlon. Senator Shcrimn continues to ravo anil rail against tho South for provctitttig tlio nefroo3-from exercising tbo right ot voting oy mui'cionng tliom when ever thoy attempt to go to tho polls, According to Mr. Sherman. Blaino Was defeated bocatiso the colored voters of tho Southern States were dotorrcd from voting for him by throats of violenco and by actual assasinatlon. If tlio negrooj had really been thus outraged in tho Southern States no ono but tho Republican Administration would bo to blame. Tho Republicans have passed a law giving United Stales officials extraordinary powers in all (.'lections at which President or Con gressmen aro to bo elected. Thoy havo had Republican United States Judges, Ucpublcan Supervisors and Republi can united states .aiarsiiais to cntorco this law. If such criminal acts as Mr. Sherman alleges had been practised at tho tiolls in tho South, it could only bo because tho Republican United States authorities havo been indifferent about their duties or too corrupt or cowardly to eutorco tlio laws. Mr. Sherman's tirado is, in fact, an arraignment of tho Republican party, which has been charged with' the forccment of tho laws for tho past twenty-four years, and is a proof that cither from incapacity, mdiirercnco or corruption thoy aro unfit to govern. How could restoring tho Republicans to powor correct tho ovil practices which Mr. Sherman alleges, when, according to his own Btatemont, thoy havo existed and been successfully car ried out under long years ot Kcpubli can rnlo T World The iJible in Schools- judob mehard, of Mimcun, decides THAT IT MAY HE UKAD. Murceh, Sept. 12. Judge Mohard to-dav meet his decision in tho cole brated Sharpsvillo sohool case, a suit brought by certain Roman Catholic citizens of Sharpsvillo to restrain tho school directors ot tiiat placo irom further authorizing and permitting tho reading ot tho King James liiblo in pnblio schools. Tlio plaintiffs alleged that such exercises violate Arliclo 1, Section HI, and Articlo 10, Sections I and II of tho State Constitution, the only correct English version of tho Scriptures being tho Douay Bible, and all others being unauthorised and sec tarian in character. In an cxhaustivo opinion Judrro Mehard decided in favor of tho bchool directors. Ho holds that public schools were established, not out of regard tor tho children or individuals, but as part of an organized community. Thoy are not tho outgrowth ot tho tstato poi icy for thcencouragemcnt of virtue and tho prevention ot vico and immorality, Tho instruction to bo imparted includes tho cultivation ot morality as won ai tho attainment of knowlcdsjo and in tellectual culture. The morality which tho State dooms it important thus to cultivate must be tho morality whioh is regarded necessary for tho support of tho laws and institutions of tho State. This must bo tho morality on which they aro based, and this is tho morality ot the liiblo. it loilows. tlioreforc, that tho sourco of that mor ality is not excluded, but that tho Uiblo may be used for tho moral cult ure ot tho pupils ot tho pnblio schools. With regard to the plaintiff's asser tion that tbo highest ecclesiastical tri bunal ot tbo Koman (Jatholtc Uhnrcli has declared tho King James vemion to bo sectarian, incorrect and incom plete, Judgo Mehard holds that tho decision of ecolesiastical courts do not bind tho State, and that, as no prefer ence is given by our laws to any par ticular version, all versions stand equal betoro tho law and that school direct' ors havo power to authorizo tho uso' of any version in tho schools. Tho decision quotes many author ities, both of this and other stato courts. Tho caso will doubtless bo taken to the Supremo Court. Bourbon Sherman and tho New South A (juarter of a century ago, John Sherman was ono of tho ablest and broadest progressive leaders of tho country against effete Democratic Bourbons of that day. They learned nothing, forgot nothing, and Sherman, with all tho firo of youth to inspiro his groat ability, was one of tho boldest and best teachers of liberal and patrio tic advancement. Progress camo j it carao in tho tempest of battle ; it brought emancipation ; it gavo the nation half a century of progress in a aiuglo decado, and thoro can bo no halt in tho growth of liberal ideas that' Sherman so largely aided in swelling to a Hood tide. Tho Democratic lioiir bonR who confronted him, higgled about tho war, bayed emancipation as I no poodio bays tho moon, and havo snarled at tho grandest nchiovementd ot tho worlds history until thoy drop 1 . t ... , i , t t - peu oni oi mo and laiica irom mem ory. The Bourbons of Democracy aro dead j or tho tow who livo aro unfelt In Democratic authority. Democracy won all its battles in Stato and nation only by an absoluto and visiblo severance from its liourbou loaders ot 1800, Hero and there ono turns up and sheds his shroud t'i tako anjfollico, but there aro gust enough ot tnora to prove ttiat tho raco enco lived and is now no more, But Bourbonism is, liko history, re peating itself, and it logically comes trom tho tetid lountatns ot long con tinued and greatly abused partisan power, Tuo aggressive, patriotic lie- publican leaders against Democratic Boiiiboinem a quarter pf a century pgo haverso long nestled in. the old Jjour bon channels of authority and enjoyed their power and plunder,- that they now oomo shivering to thu froiit of tho progress they onco championed and bent up their pitiful wails against tlio logical sequel ot thoir own good work ot their bettor days, rower and spoils bred Democratic Bourbons, and now Sherman, Blaine, Logan, Boutwell, Hoar, Dawos, Cameron and their fel lows aro tottering along- in tho old thorny Bourbon path in which Buch anan ar.d Thompson and uouu and Vallanulgham and their lollowers stub bed and prickod thoir toes when Re publican revolutionary progress began twnty-fivo years ago. Of nil tho pitiable Republican Bour bons of to day, John Sherman is tho most pitiable Ilia brother fought from Belmont by Vicksburg and tho inarch to tho sea to Raleigh, whero tho insurgent ting win lurloJ, but ho knows that tho war is over, that peace has como, that tlio laws nro supremo in ooulli and .Norlli, and that tho humb lest clllzen, black or white, is protect ed in all tho prerogatives of citizen ship i but John Sherman, who nover laced tho perils of battle, and who, os Grant said in his last admonition to tho country, did not fully wnrm up to tho war until tho conllet was over, is now fighting tho war over again, ill Ohio in tho fronzy of dotage. When iiii'ru is universal pi-ucu nnu uuii'iuiij'i when tho South is vastly morn success ful and. harmonious with its labor than is Ohio innd when tho industry pf tho South presents inoreascd products, up in tho hundred millions, John gticrinun rises up from his Bourbon tomb nnd chokes tho people with tho dust of his tattered Bourbon spoilsman's .shroud by declaring that thero is only lawiem-: .. I .... 1 . 1.. ncsa nnu anarciiy in me wmuiu ouuiu, and that tho North must return to tho dead issues of tho war to renew tho incalciiablo evils of aeolioiial strife. Ten vears ago thero might havo been divided sentiment as to tho truth. fulness of John Sherman's .senseless Bourbon tirade; against tho South, whether truo or untrue ; but to-day there can bo no divided sentiment among intelligent citizens of any seo tion or paity. His statement accusing tho Southern States of denying ns frco and independent suffrage to tho blacks as is accorded them in tho North, nro not only false, but Sherman mint know them to bo faUo if he is not bereft of memory and teason, Tho oolosfiil fraud of 187G, in which John Sherman was ono of tho chief criminals in tho Louisiana electoral burglary, was the last groat wrong perpetrated agaiust tho integrity pf tbo ballot in, tho. South, and since then, tens of thousands of tho most intelligent colored voters havo openly voted the Democratic tic!? et and other hundreds of thousands of colored voters havo refused to Vota bo causo their party leaders, largely ap pointed by Sherman wore notorious and shamoies thiovcs. it joim aucr-, man would go to tho Southern States, visit tho centres of politics, confer free ly with the intelligent colored voters of each State, ho would learn in detail what ho must know as a general truth, that Sherman's plundering oarpet-bag Treasury agonts and their lollow cir-pct-bag adventurers, .forced every col ored man who wanted honest govern ment to separato from tho Republican parly or retire from all participation iti politics. Tho vvritor hereof hcanl,lhcso facts irom intelligent laud trustworthy colored men in nearly every Southern btato in 1881 and again in 1885, and thoy aro now as well known to every citizen of averago information as that two and two make four. Such ming led Jslupidity and falsehood oomingi from one of" the Republican Bourbon spoilsmen, must grato harshly upon tho intelligence of tho pcoplo of Ohio, and outside of Ohio, both in North and South, 'they simply toll tho story that Republican Bourhoriism- is repeating' tho history of Democratic Bourbou ism of 18G0. Phila. 'limes. A WEEKIH OHIO. - SCENES AND INCIDENTS ' ON TIiE ROAD.' Thero were very few editors, left in Columbia County last week, Monday. At C o'clock in ,tht- morning a party consisting of J. C. Brown of tho Re publican, G. A. rotter pf tho Journal, J. IS. (Jasoy, Uommissioncrs Ulcrk, and the senior edito'r'of tlio Coi.wintAN, all subpoenaed as witnesses in a' suit be fore tho United States Court at Williamspprtand Cdl. S. Knorr, coun sel in tbtSoaso and Joshua Fcttcrman, n party to tbo suit, boarded Bnckalow's little bus, en route' for Rupert. Having reached that point, ono of tlio party lit a fresh cigar, an oxpensivo ono ot' couse, as editors smoko no other kind,' and, as ho was watching a passing train, tho. smoko of the cigar curled up about his nostril and gavo tho smoker tho impression that his fino Havana emit ted a 'very .d'Hfigrc'criblo odor. Taking another puff with tho same result, ho was about to cast tho offensive weed from him, when somo bpdy suggested that tho passing train was loaded with phosphate, which discovery saved tho cigar. Vyilliamsport was reached in due time, and rooms nt cured at the City Hotel, an e'xecl'.bnt house, kept by Col. 'r. II ... ...... 1 . . oauaac. uaring mcuay mo party was augmented by tho arrival of' Messrs Randall of tho Arcuw Items, Marge-rum of tho Gazette, and 0. M. Vanderslico formerly of tho Sentinel. The (Joint convened at, 'i p. m. Judges MoKennou and Atchison on tho Bench'. Tho former is a very ven orablo gentleman with white hair and full beard. Judgq Atchison ,is n much youger man, and ha? a black mons tacho. Tho writer was excused from attend ing oourti by agreement of counsel on both sidoj. mid started on a busine&s trip to Ohio, on Tupsday morning., Taking thb rhlladelphia en ioaa, a scat in tho smokimj car was obtained for tho purpose of finishing another cigar of tlio "PhpHpbatq" brand. Wo had not, proceeded far before eonn? nm,3 icbroko luosttir. the back end pf.thc car, and on')nokinK,fvound I observed that it, proceeded. jroiu'P Gjnuau.accprdupn in thu hands oLthoumblq Roman with liair lied inji,kiiot, b.ebiml with a very dlr tv Kink ribbon, wliohiM been seen about Bloomsburg for porno tiuio past. His hat wna decorated with various ribbons, thu original colors, pf which could not bo (distinguished,, After protracted struggles on tho part of tlio'Romau to get an Italian tuuo out of his Toutooio instrument and a vain epdenvor on his part to sing a pong that was neither Italian nor Qermnu, thu uixc&sity pf doing SQmt thing to bileuce such a dii cord of liaiah sounds hvoamu apparent to ,n young Euglibh einigimit who had just conio trom uouniv jJurnain, England, ard who was oi) tlm car. with his parent? and-brother and sister, -and so ho produced a il'Vcuch ncoordy-on upon which ho playp,d remarkably well. This, wjw too, tho Uonun, who soon,came,.tQ j.ho ppii.tru qf, tho par and, endeavored. ,to lrku, a bargain with htyrivnl by ufTrnng t,Q tradj;nstru nients. Ho did noj, succeed, ,m thin, however, uif).j".a, few, niotuonW ,,when the yoipig einigtant rattled off a lively air. the R-jmaii danced i ui) and down tho tho ainuncmwl pf tho other passcngeifl. Hero was a peculiar combination, nrade up pf an Italian with n insviuniput in his hands dancing ail Jriidi jig v musiu made by Au Englishman on a French accord eon., i . This outoitainuieuL lasted for' about an hour, and was endad by tho Jtahitn leaving tuo iram sa a way simum uo yond Lock Haven, At Look Haven a gang of six mon hand-cuffed together in palis with their hraeekU connected by n long chain which hung over tho bircks of tho seats wiiuthoy sat dofii, boardyd tho train, ilio.w of two oMeers.' They Wcro piisiouoip from Cainoi'on comity, and, thoy had buui in tho Look Haven Jail.' THE COLUMBIAN NDlf DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. becauso, ihojMrisou-dt Emporium was lire' &Thnfflnfiro on their rhr not secure. to tho latltoriPlnco.ldrlrial. f. w Tho!'.. A' ';. road runs through u very wild, Hntl plotutesqlio section of tho stateV Much of tho rOadHri nlong, th6 sldfl of n strcatn, and on nil sides high mountains lower up to tho skies, most of tliom covered with trees of stunted growth" Ah you gol- towards thfl western end of tho stato derricks arc seen all around, Kohili of which appear to bo diimantlcd and dbahdon TdTVv'hilo'mhord clbso" by iirff lioW, fttld in full operation, Hero and therp aro groat oil tanks marked "Union l'lpo linos," and in these tho crude petroleum is stored. Warren hm tho greatest riiimbur of dorricks near .by,and appears to, be thq chiof oentra pf Ilia oil. ,bini licss nlong thi road. ' through, this section aro pipes landing 0 or, 12, feot high, from flames burn day .and ,uight .nlong tho roads, and aboul tnauy farjn, .hoinos, , Tho dames nro fed by natural gas. The 1', ,& E. roid, being a bianoh of thp l'euiia. is rjip in such a way as to foroe all through -western travel over tho main lino by way of PittBburg. Thero is no direct thiougb train. Ono can leave WiHiatnsport at 7.15 in tho morning nnd reach Kria at O p. m., but theuiho.must wait, until ll p. m. and then can go no further than Cleveland. IIo must then wait until 3 a. m. boforo ho can go strnight through. By leav ing Willinmsport at 2 p. m. one can get as far ai Ivane, and must remain there over night. So it scorns, to bo purposely arranged .solhat travellers going farther viAt than Erio will not ,o this way. Tho reason i$ obvious j tho I'enna. controls lines to points wpst of Pittsburg which cau bo roacb o;d that way, while from Erio out tlio lines aro controlled by oilier colupan, ies. Passing on from Erio the writer spent a few hours in Toledo, which is ngt,a very attractivo city. Tho tri stato Fair was in progress, embracing thuiStatcs of Ohio, Indiana and Michi gan, apd 1 to.ok advan,tago of this op portunity to witness a western Agri cultural exhibition. It, had been ,rain ing tlio day boforo, and tho grounds and raco cqurso wore wot and muddy, and thcro wero only about 1000 people in attendance. As to thq .display the thrco states, .combined iriado, about three times ns big a show as our county fair does cyqry ,ycar. It was about thq sanip .tiling, only ,moro of it. Tbo fat Bteci-, the snako charmer, tho ring tosser, tho ball thrower, all wero there, just, as (thoy arc everywhere on similiar occasions. Thq, bad weather lasted most of tho week, so that financially tbo fair, failure: I spent, twp, days at Buwling Green, a very nice littlo, town, tho capital of Wood county. Tho most etrikiug feat tura of this plaqo is tho natural gas that gus)ies from thrco wells, and fur nishes light and fuel to tho villagers at very low rates. Among tlio prominent citizens is Joseph II. Sand-j,Ma 3011 ,of tho late ox-cominisiqner Sands, of oqr county. Ho wont wpst, somo years ago, nnd is now engaged in tho hard ware business, and is interested in most of tbo enterprises of tho tovn. ,Manypcoplo in our county will re member Captain Silvers, who was dep uty provost marshal of tho district dur tbo war. . A few, years later ho camo to Ohio, and died at Weston where ho kept a saloon. IIo left a wife and sev eral children. An administrator was appointed and his cstato settled np, leaving about liv.e hundred dollars for distribution to his heirs. But before nay of thc moijoy waSjpaid out, .no'tico wai served on the administrator by M10, rtttornoys of a woman in Eugland who claim-! to bo his first and only lawful ,wifo. She says that thoy wero married -"r- nr.-J.-.T-- - . in, England when quito young, and lived together but a fow years, when ho .desorted her and her children, and who never saw him again. Tbo caso has not yet boon tried, but it is alleged by thp attorneys of tho claim ant that tbo evidence in her favor is conchmvo I receivd this informa tion direct from tho administrator against whom suit has boon instituted. On my way homo I passed a very pleasant day in Cleveland and nmoug other interesting plaqes tho tomb of Garfield .was visited, in Lake View Cemeteiy. The bronze casket con taining tho, remains is exposed to viow in a private vault. Tbo interior of tlio vault is decorated with (lags and floral .offerings. Jt is four yejirs since Gar- hpld, died, and all this timo tho vault has been guarded by a detail of United States troops. I)iy and .night a soli tary sentry passes, up and, down beforu 'tho vfiult,through winter and summer. The guard is relieved every two hours. Tho vault is snrroundod by a low wiro fence to preveut viskois front pressing too closo to the entrance, as thq casket can be touched through the bars of the gate. Whilo we stood gazing at tho bronzQ casket of the murdered Presi dent, and perhaps pressing a littlo too closo upon tho wiry screen, the sontry marched past, and in accents thai wu at onco recognized nstlio-m of a French man, ho exclaimed, "Piano don't lanu 011 the fiuce, Its ferninat tho orders." As ho had a gun in. his hand and de termination in his oyc, wo ,at onco re moved' ,our lien, Cleveland is a beautiful city of near ly, a quarter of a million inhabitants In tho cen tit) near tho park are two efeclriq lights at, aiijjlqyaticu of U70 feet, and their bright rays" cast a t-had-ow a quarter of a milo away. In tbo park is a slatuo in memory of Com mander Perry, and tho batllo of Liko Erio fought September 10th, 1813. Several old cannon that did eervioo, in this batllo aro stationed through tho park. Thcsu guns would not 'amount to much 011 a war ship of to-day, but iney made .sad havoa on that mouior able occasion. But I havo nlfcaly oo upied too much spacq with what may prove of little interest to your readers, though H was greatly onjuyed me. As 1 pavo hoiiio moro travelling betoro 1 reach home, I must closo. E. Sfong Praise for Mr. D.vy. From Hiai'hllcUclphUTolegi'apli, Rep. It is not tooijm'ucli to say of Mr, Conrad B. Day that ho is nfflr6t-rato candidate, and othorwiso pretty niuoh everything whioh tho Ropiiblicau. can didal U not. Ho is.a busiooss'nian of nxqellent crqdit and largo oxpciiouce, whp has nqver beon conuectcd ju any way with machine politics, .and,, w jo, if ejected, will bring lo tho ndinimstra .tion of, the stnto treasurcrahip a tried integrity and careful business habits and methods, Hjs party will ha.vo no apologies, explanation, or defences to nakq with regard to him in auswor to charges of bavipg.dcvQted a (ong car ,ccr tp political wirepulling, tQ abuso qf thp prprpgativo of tho pardqn board, and to schemes to lovy pi) tho pockets pf tho trades pconlo of a great city Under cqvor of the law' nnd tho liko, and woro tho question of cntiro fitness botwoen tho rival candidate.! tho only one to bo considered by tho volers-as it should b? the only ono it would bpi ns easy to predict tho election of Mr. Day as it is, under existing circum slliices, daw, lb predict thu electing ot Mr. an 0IH60 for which Mt. Day haVovory qualification nhd for whioh Air. yuny nns no qtianticaiion whatever that ho lias permitted tho publto'to ccomo acquainted, with. Tbo If'utir is thftfiivo Years ago tlio idea of Mr. Quay standing ns a candi date for nny eleotivc ollico would havo been regarded as entirely preposterous, but tho 81,000 majority wliloh was Sfvoil for tl)o Republican Presidential ekct last 'year lias inspired him and his political co-workers willi tho notion that thoy cau afford to tako risks that a few, years ago thoy would not havo dared' to take. Of com so tho notion that .8,1,000 majority last year is any tueasuro of a probable or possible Re publican majority this year is n pre posterous ono. Uccent political hist ory sliows that by acting upon this presumption tho Republican candidate might corao to grief. Thu?, in 187G, Hayes carried tlio stato by 17,G-M plur ality, but Schell, tbo Democratic can didate for Auditor-General, was elect od in 1877 by 8,903 plurality, and Noycs, tho Democratic candidate for Stato Troasuror, by 9,901 plurality and this happened in spito of tho prcsoneo of a Greenback party in tho field which drew its support largely, if not chiefly, from tho Diinocratio ranks and polled over TiO.OOO votes. Agnins in 1880, Gai field carried tlio Statu by 07,270 plurality, but in 1881, Bally, tho Re publican caudidato for Treasurer, had a margin of only G,82l votes. This was, of course, lio year of tho Inde pendent movement headed by Wolfe, who drew ncarlv fiO.000 voles from the regular Hcpublioan ticket, but it should not bo forgotten thatthosamoiiilluonco are still at work there is a Prohibi tion cnndidnlo in tho field for whom dissatisfied itepublicans will cast their votes, while many others will not hesi tato lo volo .outright for a mail witli tho singularly ptiro character and un assailable record of Mr. Day. Tbero wero mauy influences which noiitribut- cd Blaine's 81,000 majority which have almost no bearing at tho present time. The Democrats last voar let Pennsyl vania go by default, and very wisely, concentrated their efforts whoru they would tell with postiveness on tbo ul timata result : and tho Republican majority of last yoar meant Demoenii tic negligence, excitement concerning disaster to the industries of tho Stato through tho possible unfriendliness to tho Protectivo poboy of a. Democratic administration , and many ollioi' things which will inllucncq tlio volo .of this year littlo or nothing. As for the Democrats, thoy did a thoroughly piece of work in nominating a business man of tho best credit for what is essentially a business office, and in placing him on a platform which is at onco an effectivo arraignment on Re publican shortcomings, and a direct appeal to interests which aio quito ns pressing and impoitant to n very largo number of people of tho Stale ns the tariff issue was or ever can be. With such , a caudidato anil huch a platform, and with the aid of a campaign con ducted with a view to foicing the Re publicans to act upon tho defensive, tlio Democrats should bo able to reduce that 81,000 majority to a nju'o shadow of itself. Absolutely Pure., Ttate Bowaornovnrvailns. A marvoi omnritv streatftliand wliileaomonesa. Moro economical tlmntbe ordinary Hinds, una cannot liosoldtn competlon wltn tlio multitude of low test, short nuit;uL, utumur puosnnaio powaors. worn only In c.ius, llovAL UKiNa Powder 00 , 100 Wa!l-bt N. y. auirll-ly. THE ST TONIC. ? This reedlclno, combining Iron with pure Yc-iretawo tonics, quickly and completely Cuimlljapcpaln, Imliui'Dtlnu, YVrnltnma, Jimiiirolllcmil,.1Inliirlii,t'hUIumll'cirri! and Nonrnlfflu. 1 1 Is an unfallltip remedy for plscnses of tho KMiipyn unl I.lvrr. II 11 lnraluablo for Dlirasca peculiar to Women, and all who lead tcdentary lives. 1 1 iloca not injuro tho teeth, cause hcadachcor rroduoo coiutiuition vlhr Iron nellcinct do. ItcnrlchM and rurillcs tboblood.ttlmulates tho appetite, nidi tbo assimilation of food, rH llcvc8 llearthurn and Jicltlilutr, and strength. ens tho muscles and nerves. For Intermittent fevers. Lassitude, Lack of Kiiergy, c., it has no equal. 5 Tho genuine has abovo trado mark nnd crossed red lines on wrapper, lako no other. !..! out, l,r nU01'(IIIIIClL-tOL'll.TlllOUE,XD. CRYING T.oga of Appetlto, HendncliP, Dcprcx slon, Indigestion oml Const I put Ion t llll 1ou8uppb n fialloir 1'aco, Dull Kyes, ainl a lllotchcd hkhi.aro among tho eyinploma vhith iudlcata that tbo Liver li crjlng for aid. Ayer's Pills will Btlmnlato tho Hver to proper action, and correct all theso troubles. Ono or moro of theso rilU should bo taken dally, until health Is tally established. Thousands tes tify to their great merit. Ko family can afford to bo without Avcu'a VlLLB. I'JlEVAltEn DT DrJ.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DrueglsU. caunsEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, pnporterj and Wholesale pcateri in Crockery, Olasswaro, Tablo and rookef Cutlery, Window tllas3, nnd l'lated-wuro, Tho 50 oandlo-power marbli clcctrlo lamp. Tli oelebratod I'laatoro Jturner. lilrd Caifcs, Fruit Jars. Ki Lackawanna Avcnuo, bCUANTOK, i'a. may My " tt;'J1llAlt.MANUl''AC'T'l'HKltbI Uutchcis to buy tho Star Meat Cutter. Cigar Manufacturers to buy tho DAISY SCEAP MACHINE. ThCbOAlachlnftani-o warrunted to bo tho bet la tUo marU-t, Kuui for circulars to T w. wan N Kit, Mug nail, rcnu'ft. Igfl BE UroacnUiat lVhoor'ns Couph, jnclptcnt CPtiump ho dlA3( rrlro C5 rt CVtt tort, lho Gt'Dtilao IT, PuU't Vovah fiyrvp U BoVl only in I H7HI0 iiTt77'n"i mm in.wir vur Altuli'eltecul In a CYrr.n. I btrip CUvHon-Ixihct, tint tho I l'rcp'i, IialtLmoro, Hd. SALVATBOMOSL, ",Tho Oreatest Cure on Earth for Pain,'' Will relieve moro quickly than ar.7 other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all DrufTKists. Price 23 Cents o Bottle. M ATTHKW TKLTFUL, Stairbuildine in All its Branchos, Mr. Matthew Teufel, ot Catawlssa, Vx, wishes to Inform tho public thnt he la prepared to nil all orders in tho stntrbulldlntr lino on the shortest no tice. Hand-ralllnc. newel posts. c. mado to or der nnd shipped to any point. Mr. Teurel being n practical workman lnhljllno nna does his own work, enables him to bcII at reasonablo rates. Shop rear or Grango hall, orders by mall prompt ly attended to. bcp-ll-U. WATUTWim ItELIABLESIKN to sell W -tA.rV A AlfiLtf. our good-t A mil lino ot rrult and ornamental Trees, NUrubs (irano Vines, ltose3, &c. noveral hundred varieties In stock. Aljo introducer nnd solo proprietor of MOOllirs DIAMOND drape. Liberal terms to agents, j. r. i.kclahe, iingiuon, . v. sep-13-d-lt 1885. State Pair. 1885. 31st-ANNUAL EXHIBITION jvan,ia CrtCJLXlIr(l, SoCIEXY, Broad St. & Lohigh Avo., PHILADELPHIA. ENTRIES AND CDMPETITIOH FREE. Septembor ll to October H, li. $50,000 in Proruiums. i IJxcuraion Tickets on All ltrtilroads. A. WILIICLM, rrcstdent. 1). W. aEILEll, ELUHtDOE McCONKEV, liccordlnj sec'y. corresponding Scc'y. Bep-ll-5t, N.W.AYEH&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS bu PHILADELPHIA Cor. Chestnut nnd Eighth fit. Kccelvo Adri-rtlseincnts for this Taper. COIIHIAICOat Lowest Cash Rates rnr.C ?VAYER & SON'S MANUAL This noted Specialist of Soranton, is the only specialist this side of New York, Phil ndclpliia nnrt Buffalo who makes un exclu slvo specialty of treating chronic, long sianuing ami lingering uiscascs to wiueli man niul wonianUind aro subject, such ns Consumption. Bronclnnl niToctions. Serofu. la, Salt-IiUcum, Loss of Hanhoftd.Skln dis eases, Hhcuinntism, Ulcers, Old Sores, Kpl- icpsy, ftypuiiis, uearncss, ioss ot voice, Chronic Dlnrrliiea.Chllls and Foyer, Worms, Liver complaint, Cancers, Tumors, Paraly sis, Tape worm, Heart disease, &c, &e, C-iTFemalo diseases a specialty. No matter how long you havo been suf fcring nor how many Doctors you liaye em ployed iu vain, you should npply to Dn. -MoTaooaut at once, when ho will toll di rectly without holding out false hopes whether your disease is strictly curable or can oiuy uo rciiovcu. He owes his wide rcnutntiou for the sue cessful treatment of nil lingering or chronic diseases to experience and closo annllca- tlon for over 20 years, and to no miraculous power. What the Papkks Bay : "Ho is skillful lioncit, enicient, upright and ro llablo and well worthy ot tho people's contldence nndehtcein. no always sajs exactly what ho iiit-ain mm means exactly wnai no says." aeran ton iteimbltam. "lie is too usehil a man to lose," Lackawanna Ccrnor LaeJtawanna and Washington Avenues. SCIi ANTON, PA. Sept 11-ly AGENTS WANTEDtnotloo'u0!' Nursery Mock Uncqualed (acuities. Ono ot the tarKcst nnu omest esiaoii3nea .Nursreies in me states. 1'or terms aildrrss, W. ST. SSIIT1I, lleno va, X. Y. nug2l-4w-o.o.w. a AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION pro posed to tho citizens oi UiH commonwealth tor their approval or relectlon bv tho (leneral As sembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of tho Becrctaiy of tho com- pursuance oi tno nrst. section oi Ar ticle XVIII of tho constitution. Joint resolution pioposlng an nmendment to the uuusiuuuuu oi iuu Lommonweniui oi i-ennsyivu-nla : 110 it resolved by the Senate nnd Houso of Itepro sentatlves of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, that tho following la proposed as an amendment ot tho Constitution of iuu uuiiuuuncuiin ul i L-nns) ivuuia, in uucur- danco with tho provisions of tho eighteenth arti cle theieof. AMENDMENT. Tiiat section tlva or nrtlclo nva of tha CnnRtltu. tion of the Commomvoalth of Pennsylvanla.whlch reads as follows i "Wheneer a countv sliall con tain forty thousand inhabitants It bhall constitute nseparato juuiciaiuistnct, nna snail elect ono iungo learneu in uie law; anu me ucnerai Assem ly shall provide tor additional ludnes.os tho busl. nessoftho said districts maj' require, counties containing a population less than Is suniclcnt to constitute separato districts shall bo formed Into convenient single districts, or, Itnocessary, may bo attached to contiguous districts as tho tioneral Assembly may proMde. Tho office of associate Judgo, not learned la tho law. Is abolished In coun tries forming separato districts: but tho several assoclato ludiresln oltlce w hen this Constitution shall bo adopted shall servo for their unexpired terms," bo nnd tho samo Is hereby amended, bo as to read as follows i Whenever a county shall con tain sixty thousand Inhabitants It may constltuto a separato Judicial district, and may elect ono luugu icorneiiininoiaw nnu ino uenerai Assem. l.U- ..lift 1 1 nrm Mi, fnf n il.tlf Inn .1 tiwT.rn na t., t.i. slnoss of said districts may require, countlos not forming beparnto districts, shall bo formed Into convenient slnglo districts, as tho (leneral Assem bly may pro lde. The ollico ot assoclato Judgo, not learned In tho law, is abolished In counties forming ceparuto districts and having moro than ono law Judges every other county shall elect two assoclato Judges, wild shall not bo required to bo learnod In tha law s but tlio soveral assoclato Judgos In ollico, when this amendment shall bo udoptod, bhall servo for their unexpired term, A truo copy of tho Joint Ucsoiutlon. July 81-3 luos. YV. s. STsxdKK, Secretary ot the Commonwealth. SHEIFFR'S SALE. EyvirtuoofawrItotFl.l'.i. Usuod out ot tho court of common Pleas ot Columbia county nnd to mo directed wilt bo exposed topubllo salo at tno court liousj in juoo'nsborg, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 1885, , at 8 o'clock, p. At, nil that certain lotot' ground bltuatoln Uloomshurg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described' as follows, to-wlts Northwardly by Seventh btreet, east wardly by lot of Jas. c. Brown, southwardly by' an alley, and wcttwardly by lot of. . ..Dclbler, fronting on said sc enth street about nfty fa-t,, and extending In depth ono hundred and seventy, nhie feet bo tho same moro or loss, whereon Is oi'CCtod a two btory frame dwelling house, and out, buildings. Belied, taken In oxocutlon at tlio suit ot U. M, 3, K. Lockard vs Hoary C Naglo and to uo sold as tho property of Tieury C. Nagle. 11. Fa. JOHN MOUHEV, Littles' atty 'a. Sheriff. Tho Magic Insect Exterminator and MOSQUITO BITE CUBE. We oDer ono thousand dollars for Its equal. Bend lor circulars. BALLADE A CO., 8 East 18th St., New York. scp-18-Jw d Ef WIMMKDIATELVai Lf inn OAiramar Hood salary or commission nald. Outfits free. H. J. B0WDEN & CO., tiSffiffi Bep-18-J-lt T HAHUHH A handsomo VAHB LAMP Riven 5 RllPPRR wlthftl.'iordorforTea and Colt-aUUiiiiU00- An Iron mono CHAMDGH a "" HKT. inrlecea. or TEA HIST. 41 pieces, or a handsomo IlltON.k HANdlNii LAMP given with a lioonlcr. A CMAMIlBlt HET otto iileces,wtth blue, maroon or pink band or an lltoN HTONI5 CHINA TEA BET Ot M pieces, or ft ObABS NET ofw pieces glvonwlth a 119 order, HAND some PltEMlltMS, consisting ot Decorated China Wnro In Tea Bets, also' Dinner and Tea Nets com bined, nnd Chamber Beta, etc., etc., given with orders for Us, 20, JSB, ss nnd 150. Send for circu lar, wnicn win givo you run particulars, uiiaiw UNION TEA COMPANY, 25 Bouth Jlaln St., MHKoa iiaric, la. neauquar ters ho Front Btreet, New York City. may 10-iy SHERIFFS SALES. Hrvlrtuo of sundry writs lssuod out of tho couft tit Common Hoas ot Columbia county nnd to mo directed will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court House, in Uloomshurg, on Monday, cit, 28th, 1885, at J o'clock, p. in.. All that certain messuairoand lot of ground Bltuatoln tho vUlagoOt Centrovillo Columbia county, .and Btato ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described .as follows, to-wlt i On tho north by a publlo road running -trom liloomsburg toUerwIck, ontheca3tby a ptibllo roait loading to a ferry across tho Susquehanna river, oh the west ay lot oi wesiey moo ooing lot No.7 in tho plot of said village and on tho south by nu alloy. Tho Bald lot being marked on tho plot of Bald vil- lago No. 8, being soventy-nlno feot and six Inches In front, and ono hundred and Bevonty-ntno foct and six inches In depth. Whoreon nro erected a largo two-story frame building used as a hotoi.lnn or tavern, with out buildings, stable or barn, a wen ot water with pump. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of II. D. Lowvs John S. Mann, and to bo sold as tho prop crty ot John s. Mann. lkcicr A Herring, atty's. vend Ex. ALSO. AU.that certain messuago or tract of land situate In tho township ot lienton, county ot Columbia and stato Of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i on tho nortli by lands of Val entine Meyers on tho cost and south by lands of Alfred Itantz and on tlio west by publio road lend- Ing from Stillwater to Benton, containing threo ana onc-tnira acres wncrcoa aro erected a two story plank house and other outbuildings. SeUcd, taken Into execution at tho eulta ot D. Mollcnry's uso, nndB, F. Kinney's uso vs Wm. A, Coleman and to bo sold as the property ot Wm, A. Coleman. Lltt'c's Atty's. Knorr 4; Wlntcrstecn atty's. AL Fh Fo. TVTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that nn 1 1 application will bo mado by Williamson Iiowell. Charles C. Adams. William McMullen, Edward C. ltatt and David B. Davidson, on tho S3d day of September, 18S5, at is M., to tho Gov ernor ot tho Stato of Pennsylvania, under tho Act of Assembly ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, nnt.ltlivl "An npt tn nrnvldn fnr thn inMnu... Hon and regulation of certain corporations," np. aDnrov cd April !?J. 1871. and the sunDlements thnm. to, for tho charter of an intended corporation to bo called tho "Postal Telegraph and cablo Com pany Number Three." Tho charter and object Is to construct, maintain and opcrato lines of tele graph, commencing in Lackawanna county, at or near Carbondale, and running thence through tha counties of LackawannvLuzerno.Columbla, Mon tour, Northumberland and DaUphln to a point at or near Harrlsburg In said last named county, and for theso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tlio rights, bcncllts and privileges ot tho said Act ui AHscinuiy nnu us supplements. Philadelphia. Aug. 24, 1885. WILUAMSON HOWELL, Treasurer. Sept 4-'4t d - '. milNISTKATOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATK OP SAU11I COM DECEASED. Letters of administration In tho estate otsarah Colo lato ot Jackson .township,' deceased, havo been cranted bv tbo Kceistcr ot Hald countv in tho undersigned Administrator. All persons hav- ineiuiuis uKaiusv iuu ustaio ot tno aeceascu nro requestcu to present mem tor settlement nndthoso Indebted to tho cstaf o Ito mnkn nnv. ment to tho undoitlgned Administrator without ueiuy. AL.11WAH UULK, Administrator, nug Si-tf Dcrrs P. p. JgXECUTOU'a NOTICE. ESTATB OF JOSEl'n KLINE, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on tho estate of Jnwnh Kline, lalootMt. Pleasant. township Columbia uuuuij, i t-jiusjfivuuio, uouoasou navu ucen grant ed b v the llee-lster of salil count v to unrlpr- slgncd executor. All persons having claims against iuu esLutu ul iuuu uovuuub aro requcstca to pro Bent them for sottloraent. and those indebted to tno estate to maxo payment to tho undersigned H liuuui. utri.i) . Joseph citAWFOiiD, orangovillo, Pa. (1. M. KLINE, Canby.Pa. Sept, ll Executors. N OTICE. Notice Is hereby elven that tho following nn. count has been tiled In tho court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, and will ho presented to tho Buiu uuuri. un tuo iuun.ii juonuay oi Bonicmoer, A. D. 18S5. and conilrmedBlsl. nnd after tho fnurth day ot said Term confirmed absoluto unless excep- UUIU U1V 111CU nibiuu iniib lime. 1st, First and final account of Andrew Fowler committee of tho person and estate ot Elizabeth jicucricu a lunatic. WM. 11. SNYDER, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's ofllce, Bloomsburg, Pa., Sept. 1, '85. N OTICE OP APPLICATION' FOR IN- COliPOItATlON. IK TnE COMMON l'LE.13 FOR TOE CO. OP COLUMBIA. Notlco is hereby given that an application will bo made to tho said court on Monday, tho MtU day of September, A. 1). 1885, at thrco o'clock In tho afternoon, under tho "corporation act ot one thousand eight hundred nnd Beventv-four," and the supplements thereto, by James Dyke, Oeorgo 11, Cope, John Lamnct, Kobert 1. Jones and John E. Davis, for tho charter ot an Intended corpora tion to bo called "Tho odd Follows Cemetery As sociation ot tho borough of centralla, Columbia county. Pa.," tho character and object ot which Is establishing and maintaining a cemetery or burial placo for deceased boaies,ln or upon grounds on tho Locust Mountain, east ot tho borough of centralla, in said Columbia county, and for theso Eurposos to have, possess nnd enjoy all tho rights, enetlts and privileges conferred by tho said act andlts supplements. CHAItLES O, BAltKLEY, Atlg.-ll-tf. Solicitor. rAiNWiuaux & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia fEAij. SYltOr.i, UOITFBK, SUUAll, MOLV l lhb RICE, SriCKS, BICARB SODA. SC., 0. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, rworderjwlll rocolve prompt at tentln Read and Save Money, Now is tlio timo to Build. Not German PlnoSldln; 5 or il In. nldo l7 0ii perm. No 1 M Inch siding planod, il oo " " Homlock Herman siding, 6 Inch it nil " " " flooring, 14 no " " whlto plno " 17 to " " yellow " " jo oo " " surfaced plno boards, 17 00 " " sawed plno shingles, .1 no " No 2 " " " s m NO 8 " " " 1 75 " NolBapsawalplnoBhlnglea, 175 " " hemlock Bawod " 201 't " heart shavedplno " from fi 00 to 7 011 - " Bap " " " 11 ooto4 &o " hemlock " " " " 1 00 to 1 50 " " shingle lath, 2 75 " ' plastorlng lath, 2 00 " Hemlock fencing, u mi " " guageif fencing 8 Inch wldo, 10 00 " " boards 10 to 12 inch wide, 10 Ml " " bills anyslzo from tlOOOtollOO " I keoi) a full stock of the abovo kinds of Lumber always on hand, and will sell at these prices during year of 1885. Si. B. JLQW, Oriingeville, Columbia Co., Pa. niir 3.0m S50 REWARD. i'on Uvury Ounco of Adulteration IN the New Process Soap THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAB., MAPK ONLY 11V Govans & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by all firBt-clasa grocers. April io-1-yr r PI1ICK USTOF' ROOFING SLATE on cars at Quarry, No. l Mate i.M.outoH.oo J.O. 1 lllb BtatO 4(10 to 8.25 hecondj ., a.00 No. 2 lllb slate 2.60 ItedbUto , 1060 lliociimto , ,, 1.60 J. 1,. IIUI.I,, M Lackawanna .Avenue, scrantc o, p Myny j PUBLIC SALE OF VALUA11LE UiMit listen i Tlio underslgneil will offer nt publlo salo on Friday, Sep. 25, 18S5, fttllo'clocfe n.m., on tho premises, all that cer tain piece, parcel nnd tract of land situate In tho township ot Jackson, county Of Columbia and Htnto of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning nt n post, thonco by. land now or lato ot Matthew McIIcnry, north fifty. fleven; degrees west two hundred and thirty-ono perches to a whlto oak; thonco by land ot tho heirs of Wesley Snyder doo'd north thlrty-ono anil Ono-half degrees cast ono hundred andslxty-two perches and eight-tenths to a post; thenco by land ot Joshua Savage south sixty degrees east soven ty-nlno perches to a post; thenco by land now or lato of Epurlam McIIinry south elovcp 'and ono half degrees west, thlrty-thre6 petchos'-nnd rive tenths to a post; thonco by lind of iamb south fit teen degrees east thlrty-OBo pereiiorf and four tcnths to a post j Ihcnco by land ot tho stimo south torty-ono degroos west thirty-two perOhos to a P03t; thence by land ot tho samo south flfty-sovcn degrees cast, ono hundred and twenty.thrco perches and "nlno-tcnths to a P03t; thenco by land now or lato of Daniel a McIIcnry uouth thirty two nnd one-fourth degrees W03t ciglity.lhrco pcrclics to tho placo ot beginning, containing 171 ACRES nna lit porches, strict measure, on whlclUs tTUCU'U II RUOU E I. Tho abovo described tract is a timber tract well covered with good growing timber. As tho prop. crty must bo sold this Is a raro chanco for securing a good tract ot timber land. TERMS OP SALEi-Samo as tho tnual Orphans' Court terms, to-wlt! Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at the strik ing down of tho property, tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation absoluto and tho remntnlar three-fourths In ono yoar thereafter with interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to give approved security for tho faithful payment of purchaso money, according to tho abovo term?. AAltON KKLCIINEIt, E. I- KEI.CHNEH, JOHN JT-STEIt, H.C.KELCIINEH, LEVI FESTER, O. W. KELCHNEIt, Executors ot John Kclclincr, deed. ALSO In pursuance of nn order ot tho Orphans' Com t ui lummoia county, ra., tno unticrsigncu execu tors ot tho cstato of John Kelchncr dee'd will ex poso to public salo on tho promises on Saturday, September 26 '85. commencing at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day tho following described valuablo real estate, to-wit$ ono farm situated in Jit. Pleasant town ship, Columbia county, Pa. 141 ACRES of land lying near tho vlUago of Llghtstreet, ad Joining Flshlngcreek on tho south and east, and tana or a, c. vanLlew on tho north and Grimes on tno west, about 120 acres cleared and in n good state of cultivation, tho balanco In timber, & largo BRICK HOUSE and a good well ot water at tho door, largo bank nam ana well of water, all In good condition, wagon nouso nnu out buildings on tho preinUog. ALSO at tho same timo a largo and farm In Scott township, In tho vlllago ot Light orai, lumuiuia county, ra., over 100 ACRES of land, 75 ncrcs of farm land nn.1 in ji mwi atmn of cultivation, tho balance Roeuriiie iim wg right, 2 Dwelling Houses and a bank barn and out. huiidinr-a nn ..t ses, four pair of burrs and all ot tho necessary machinery In mill, nil in good condition nnd work- ins ui"i-r, goou water powor and plenty of water at all times, fed by Flshlngcrcek. Surveys of abovo described tracts will bo fur nlshed on day ot salo for tho inspection of parties desiring to purchase, clvlwr me! es nnd lvnmrta nn.t the exact acreage ot each farm. TEHMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of ono-fouith of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho sulking """u property, tne one-fourth les tho ten percent, nt tho conllrmatlon absoluto and tho re maining mrco-fourths In 010 year theieafler With Interest from conflrmntlnn nlcl n..-- chascra to pay for deeds. Purchasers requhed tu aWru)L-u security lor tno faithful payment of purchase monoy, aocording to tho above terms. 11. U. KISLCIINEIi, S. L. KELCHNEIt, (IUO. V. KELCHNEIt. Executors. A BIG OFFER. w0 TT0 SOLUBLE PACIFIC aPP".cd ,(? "'0 soil, repays its cost many times over. Try it, and bo y.'Sfdl convinced, ramnhlcts. u-iih tntilmnia i r. r.. ic "'e 13 no local agent in your vicinity, address FOR SALE BY FARMEK'S PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 0- W, KITCHEN, MANAGER, Bloomsburg, Pa. Sub Agents C CREASY, ILitnc Ridisc, Fa. ' SntS H. II. BROWN, Liglit Street, Pa. Sept. 4 2m AMERICAN TO ALL il Allaur'Btibscriboiu lvho aYJ1 pay their subacrintion hccoiuiIh (o tins paper 111 lull to date, anil one year in ad vance, will bo presented with ono 1 1 THE "MUtf mm Wav. 6 T, ilfnn Jbg.uJnc, publiHl, by K. A. llackctt, at J''ort offiral ) I 0h U raI,ltly taking rank aii ono of tho loaning Agri of 'r tem 'K n 1 C"ivr 11 is ,'ovoto,1 oxol.mively to tlio iiTtcmti Sorv Bi Slo o f L ,C0 ''' Daf71?''..G'-'loner, au.l their liousclioUl, ami thrworT hoFa that great portion of tho pcoplo of Far men cl mlU,' """I'tion prico is ONk'dOLLAII l'JCll VkAK. SI 'S H ft fWiS hml 11 l,,lls no' lc "'to their mind, hamiv - thu v , flu1 nnnrw;rt,J l't to then.selvec It makes tho homo OTotfflSSJt ecr-dohtonfed, tho downcast happy, BAfri.ta io - III .' n. . . " " 'y "UU1( owv ami Bhoiiltl ho taken atlvantago of. lllwdll & IBiiitilBiiAeii-lw, DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. STATU TttUASUltKII, CON HAD H. DAV, OF PHILADELPHIA. CEMOORATIO COONTY II ICEr." I'OU SlIEltll'I', SAMUEL SMITH, VOIl DISTi'.IOT ATTOltNI'.Y, V, l niLLMHVKIt, roit .tunv cojuiissioNEit, a. W. DEUH, I'OIl OOltONElt, DU. J. M. GWINNEU, flrkET FEpOrTS. IJLOOMSmj'UG iMATUCHT. Wlicat per bushel $ 85 oo Ilyo " " co Corn ". " Co O.ils " " 02 Flour per liatrcl 5 00 is 0 00 Ilutlcr 20 sg9 10 Tailotv ... oi Potatoes new. 40 Dried Apples 01 Hams if Sides and shoulders (13 Clilckcna 10 Turkeys , 12 Lard per pound 10 Hay per ton moo llceswax , , 25 Hides per lb C to 7 Veal skins per lb 07 Wool per lb rj-, roWtTAl'WfAlSiJirKNT'S Tho followlb? Wldow'n appraisement's will lio presented to tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county on the fourth Monday ot September, A. I) 1883, and conllrmed nisi, and unless exception? aio tiled within four days thereafter will bo confirmed absoluto i John Kelchnor estate, decctsed, Centre, realty, JUehael stlno estate, deceased, Locust, person Frederick lf. Kambecl: deceased, Jackson, per Bonalty, taoo.oo. " )manuel Savage, deceased, Jackson, rcreonalty, Thomas J. Hutchison deceased, Flshlngcrcek, personalty, f.moo. ' JJ.'F9 J' mnX ilecctscd, Locti3t, personalty, f-.UU.UU. 1 John Yohe, Jr., deceased, Miniln, realty. fMl.55. personalty, J9J.73. -"., O. M. JOICK, VH. 11. SNVDEll, Deputy. clerk, o. c. Clcik's ofllce, liloomsburg, Fa., Sept. 1st, 18S5. "COUfr PROCLAMATION. " WHEREAS, tluiHom Wii.liam Ei.wei.i. President Judgo ot tho Court of Oyer and TcrmlucrandtJencralJail Delivery .'.CourtofQuar tor Sessions of tho Poaco nnd tho Court of Common Picas and Orphans' court in tho 2Gth Judicial Dis trict, composed of the counties of Columbia; and Montour, und tho Hons. James Lako and F. L Shuman, Assoclato Judges of Columbia county havo issued their prccept,bearlng dato tho 10th day of .May In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and clghty-llvc, and to mo directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ucncra! Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In liloomsburg, In tho county of Columbia, on tho lomth Monday.bclng tho SMh day of Sept. noit, to continue for two weeks. Notlco Is hereby give n to tho tho Jus tices of the Peace, and tho Constables of tho said County of Columfcia.thnt they bo then nnd therein their proper person at lo o'clock in tho forenoon said sath day of Sept. with their rocord3 inqul sltlons and other rcmombranec.l,to do thoso things which to their onices appertain to be done. And thoso that aro bound by recognlzanco to proscauto against tho prisoners that aro or may bo in tho Jail ot tho said county of Columbia.tobo then and thero to prosecuto them as shall bo )ust. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg f. ' ,1 the 10th day of August In tho year ot our -j L. S-Lord ono thousand eight hundred nnd l" ) eighty-live, and In thu ono hundred nnd ninth joar of tho Independence ot tho United btates of America. SherlU'sonice, JOHN .MOUREY, Sheriff. QIIAUTEIl NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that au application will bo made In tho Couit ot common Pleas ot Colum blt county, on Saturday, tho Srd day of October, 1885, at two o'clock p. m, under tlio Act of Assem bly ot tho commonwealth of I'enna., entitled, "An act to pro ldo for tho Incorporation and regu lation of ceitaln corporations" approved April 1, 1874, and the supplements thereto for tho charter ot an Intended corporation to bo called, "Tho Denton Agricultural Association," tho character and objeet ot which Is tho malntalnanco of facili ties for holding of fairs or exhibitions ot agricul tural nnd horticultural products with tho light tn lent, purchaso and holdroal cstato necessary for theso purposes and to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights; bench ts and prlv lieges conferred by tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. sep.u-3t. 7 Percent, secured by FIltST Mohtoaoes. EJU Interest to Investors safo as ooviihN.MENT 211 IIONUS. lntcre&t paynblo semi-annually, at ollico or bank of mortgagee, la years' ev peilenec, and nccr lost a dollar for any customer. Host of references given ns to ability, Integrity nnd financial standing. Wiltousfor circular giv ing reference and particulars. LE1IOLI), FISIIEK s CO., Dauuers and Loau Agents, Abilene, Kan. ecpt-lMt. ANNUA! SALES, 80,000 TONS. This old and reliable Fertiliz:r, which has been on the market for SI Vim ZuH' is.uln.surPasse(i for use on Farm, Hnrtlr-n, Lawn, or t lojrcr lied. It is a complete manure, rich in all the necessary !w!"n' . ?ar,me who I,fanl5 his croPs' looking o "e -7 they will return, finds that every dollar's worth of SOLURLP PA meim ftiiAMA WfiiUIIKiV & CURTIS, Ocu'l Selllnir Agents. Boaton. 3Ins FARMER ,j-"n''i-rvf'rrf-r- Ti' 11