The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 11, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
a. ff. .
J. s.,ct
Tho members of tho Democratic
County Committed will moot in tho
parlors of tho Exchange Hotel, at
liloomsburq, Pa., at 11 o'clock a. m.,
ou Tuesday, tho lflth day of Septem
ber, to nominato a oandidato for Dls
t '.ct Attornoy. All mambors aro ro
quostcd to bo prcsont.
D. IiOATENfiKna, Chairman.
A. SI. FitEAs, Secretary.
A sovuro snow storm occurroil at Da
kota on Saturday. In Minnesota, Iowa
ana Wisconsin irost fell, and in Bomo
placo ico found. On Monday n hail
storm passed through Maryland.
Tho Philadcltihia 1'rcss of Stondnv
gave Bovcral columns of reports of tho
revival of trade throughout this state.
Very encouraging reports in tho iron
trado camo from Pittsburg, Johnstown,
Kaston and Columbia. At Ilazlcton
and wilkcsbarre, all tho mannfactor
ics aro working on. full titno with or
dors increasing. In tho oil region the
oimooK is ucttcr than it uas been for
many years. In tho counties border
ing on Philadelphia all tho manufao
torles are in operation and look for
general activity in business this win
rrofessor Muttnoh, of Berlin, lias
reached tho following conclusion from
uis loresi meteorological researches:
I hat tho forest exercises a positivo in
fluence on tho temDcraturo of thn nir.
That the daily variations of tomnemtnrn
aro lessened by tho forest, and m Sum
mer moro than Winter. That tho in
fluence of tho leafy forest is in Summer
Creator man that of tho pino forest,
wlnlo in Winter tbo tomporing influ
onco of tho pino forest preponderates
over that of tho defoliated forest. An
attempt to determine tho ipfluenco of
the forest on tho mean annual tempcr-
muru ion io no sure results.
Roports reoeived at tho War Depart
ment from tho Indian Territory indi
cato that tho terms of tho President's
proclamation in regard to tho removal
of tho cattlo aro being fully complied
wiiii, uuu mo cattlemen aro moving
their cattle as rapidly as possible. So
long as the authorities aro satisfied
that tho cattle-men aro acting in good
faith in tho matter and aro using duo
diligence in moving their hords no in
terference will bo alloyed, hut. if it. ia
found that they are unueoessarily pro
longing their departure aud aro willful
ly disregarding tho proclamation,
United States troops will bo ordered
to drivo them and their cattlo from tho
The Commissioner of Internal Rev
enuo was recently notified that tho con
tractor for manufacturing intornal rev
enue stamp paper was using wood pulp
in violation of his contraot. Tho Com
missioner thoreforo declined to acoept
G0,000 pounds of paper. Tho contrac
tor is Mr. Alexandor Belfonr, and tho
specifications provided that tho paper
should bo made from cotton and paper
pulp, whereas, ho was making it from
a chomically prepared wood pulp. It
is stated that when tho 60,000 pounds
wero first rojeoted tho contractor want
ed tho Commissioner to take it at a
greatly reduced price, but this was re
fused and tho paper was absolutely re
jected. Tho specifications havo sinco
been fully complied with, and tho pa
per now being mado is accepted.
Tho report that a wild man was
wandering in tho woods on Bald Momi
tnin near Wilkesbarro was followed up
Saturday last by a searching party who
found an apparently insano young man
in tho hut of Jacob Knecht, a wood
chopper. Kneoht said ho had found
tho man roaming tho woods and had
taken oaro of hira.
Ho lay upon a rudo bonoh in a small
outhouse, his arras and legs cut and
bruised and his clothing disordered.
Ho secmod to be a maniao with lucid
intervals. Ho gave his name as John
Connor, and his homo as Lykons, in
Dauphin County. .Sorao guardian
angol had sent him to tho woods, ho
said, but ho could givo no account of
himself. He had been several days on
thn mountain and had lived on leaves
and berries.
Tho searchers clothed him in decent
garments, had him washed, brought
him to Wilkes Barro and placed hira
in tho hospital.
Worklngmen's Holiday.
Nuw York, Sept. 7. Tho annual
parado of tho labor organizations of
this city and vicinity took placo to-day,
fixed as a workingmon's holiday
throughout tho United States. It is
estimated that fully 20,000 men
wcro in tho ranks. Theso represented
every trade that could bo named. In
the ranks wore brass bands and drum
corps, and men boating flairs, banners.
and transparencies with mottoes of dif-
icrent KimK lticre wero also wagoiiB,
coaches, and stages filled with girls
iroin tno siik motorics. The proces
sion attracted a oreat deal of attention.
Tho best appearing body of men were
uio osKors, nut tno Typographical Un
iou turned out tho largest number of
men, tho chapols of tho prominent
newspapers ueing indicated by hand
somo banners.
Ciiicaoo, Sopt. 7. Tho labor dem
onstration hero to-day was an affair
of consldcrablo magnitude. Tho day
was a perfect ono for tho parado and
fully 8,000 mon wcro in lino represent
ing tho various trades assemblies and
i . i - .. ...I .
unions oi mo city, ino parade was
the outgrowth of an effort to havo an
annual holiday for tho working classes
of tho country, and was conducted
nnder tho nuspiocs of tho various Hades
assemblies. In arrrnging for tho
domenBtration it was decided to not
allow tho red flag of tho socialists to
bo carried, and this provoked a count
ur movement on tho part of tho an
arehists, who paraded yesterday. In
Sio column today tho American colore
only wcro displayed, together with
banners of tho various socities and im
proniptu banners emblazoned with
inrltoes to thoiirict that eight houis
huiild constitute a uorkiug day, aud
denouncing convict labor. In tho
column wtie a number of decorated
wiigoi s on which tho process of piint
lug n paper, making horso-shoca and
cutting Htono wcro illustrated.
Judicial Amendment
For somo tlmo past n notice has
appeared in two of tho County papers
in each County of tho State nnnoutioo-
nt a proposed Amendment to tno
Constitution. Tho first ono to noto
tho error was Dr. Stovcnson, of Law
renco county, who voted against tho
bill and was awaro of its defeat. After
Dr. Stovonson had announced the error
nn investigation was mado among tho
records and journal of tho IIouso and
Sennte and it was discovered that the
joint icsolutiuu proposing to amond
tno constitution so as to maico mo
population of a judicial district GO,
P00 instead of -10,000, which it was
supposed passed both branches of tho
Legislature, did not receive tho consti
tutional majority in tho lower House.
Tho "joint resolution'' referred to
was passed by tho Scnato aud Bent to
tho House. It went through tho usual
preliminary stages successfully, but on
final passage, as was ascertained by tho
IIouso Journal, as yet printed but not
bonnd and ready for delivery, it was
dofcatcd by 83 yeas to 27 nays, not io
cciving the 101 votes required by tho
Constitution for its passage. In tho
rush and hurry of last day legislation,
after thn bill had been messaged to tho
Sonato as defeated, It must havo been
gathered up with bills that had passed,
transcribed and presented to tho Speak
ers of both Houses, who signed it
along with the other bills. It was
then sent to tho Governor, bearing all
tho marks of having passed both
branches, but tho Governor did not
sign it, choosing to allow it to becomo
a law but not taking action on it with
in tho thirty days allowed him after
tho adjournment of tho Legislature.
Secretary Stengcr, himself, was misled
in tho matter, and sent out tho adver
tisements referred to in tho enclosed
slip. Tho fault, undoubtedly, lies in
tho Senate, which messaged a defeated
Tho advertisement of tho proposed
amendment to tho Constitution has
been published for tho past five weeks
and yet out of tho 201 mombots of tho
IIouso and 50 members of tho Senate
tho error has just beeu discovered, and
all this expense to tho Stato mado for
naught or rather on account of iho
loose manner in which business is
dono at Harrisburg.
Honest vs. Sham Reform-
Tho livening I'ost is satisfiod with
tho results' of tho first six months of
President Cleveland's Administration,
beca'uso in that Bpaco of time, which is
one-eighth of Mr. Cleveland's term,
"only about one-eighth of tho Repub
licans whom he found in placo havo
been succeeded by Democrats." Our
Slugwump Republican contemporary
shows that among "tho chiefs of divis
ion and heads of bureaus" not em
braced in tho "classified service" not
ono chango has bceen made in the
State, War, or Navy Department, and
only fifteen out of eoventy in tho
Treisury Department; that Mr. Bay
ard has mado no more changes in con
sulates than Sir. Blaino mado" in tho
samo spaco of timej that tho President
has only given 524 appointments as
postmasters out of 2,800 in his gift,
and that tho changes in fourth-class
offices filled by tho Postmaster havo
numbered 0,309 in tho six months out
of 49,000, while tho changes under
Arthur averaged 6,000 in eaoh six
months of bis term.
The Republicans may well bo satis
fied with tho interpretation of a Civil
Servioe Reform law which leaves their
partisans in possession of nearly all
tho offices. Mr. Thomas V. Cooper,
Chairman of tho Republican Stato
Comraitteo of Pennsylvania, has al
ready commenced tho customary party
praotice of levying assessments on the
Kepubltcan ollice-holuers in tho sovcral
Federal departments and bureaus, do
siring from. eaoh "an early subscription
to tho Stato Committee and as liberal
as you can afford it." As tho "staud-
and-deliver" circulars havo been ad
dressed to the Republican employees
and delivered to them in tho publio
buildings where they aro employed, it
is suoposcd thatthoso who send thorn
aro iiablo to prosecution under tho
Civil-Servico law.
What a spectaclo of Civil-Servico
Reform" is hero presented I Republi
cans ou the ono baud eulogizing the
Democratic President becauso ho keeps
moro than soyon-oighths of tho Fed
eral offices filled with Republicans and
Kcpubhcans on tho other hand de
manding under a Democratic Reform
Administration political assessments
from these retained Republican office
holders. Wu favor honest Civil Service Re
form, one of tho featuies of which is
to protect federal oflico-holders from
political sharks of tho Thomas V.
Cooper breed. Wo insist that a fair,
non-uartisan uivit oervico means a Bcr-
vico in which both political parties
shall bo represented, and not ono wnich
keeps nearly 100,000 Republican
spoils-grabbing partisans in oftico, to
the exclusion of Democrats, who aro a
majority of tho people. Wo insist
also that President Clevelaud is bound
by his pledges nnd was oleotod to turn
out Republicans not embraced in tho
classified service, and to put Democrats
in their place until the offices shall bo
more equally and liistly divided be
twecn tho groat parties, to get at tho
bottom of tho books and accounts, to
unearth and uproot dishonest methods
nnd to clcanso and purify tho publ'o
Whon tho just and proper sharo of
tho offices is filled by capnlbe, honest
and faithful Democrats, it will bo in
accordanco with honest civil-Scrvico
Reform to mako no removals excopt
for cause. It is not in accordanco
with honest Civil Service to keep sev
en eighths of tho offices in tho hands
of Republican partisans and to afford
political highwaymen an opportunity
to rob them under tho mask of point
cal assessments. "World.
Bald Eagles-
A pair of fino specimens of tho Gray
or Bald Eagle, wero captured recently
by Davo Spcalman and Joo Carney,
two daring nnd inseparable woodsmen,
citizens if Saltsbnrg, Pennn. Tho
whereabout aerio of theso 'rare ornith
ological specimen, had been sighted
soveral days previous in one of tho
secluded dolls that abound in tho valley
of Beaver Run. After tho perilous
adventure of climbing a treo over thrco
feet in diameter nnd 7o feet high bo
foro reaching tho nest, Davo succeeded
in securing his prey in the nest, which
was ingeniously conslructe1,and having
tho oapaolty of holding about a bushel,
tho two young ones, nearly lull Hedged
with two eggs that wero unsound
wero secured, and our bold advouturvr
mado haste to drop tho two beauties to
his ardent aud awaiting comrade jar in
the deep dell below. Uio nimrods pro
poso domesticating their nowly acquir
ed prices which we think will bo very
easily accomplished, as thov seem quito
teachable and docile in their hands.
"Tie President Home Again.
.Wasiiinotok, Sept. 7. Tho Prcsl
dent and his private sccrolary arrived
hero a few minutes after 8 o'clook this
morning over tho Baltimoro and Poto.
mac rrfad.' Albert Hawkins tho old
colored coachman, met them nl tho de
pot with tho coupo and thoy were booh
taking breakfast in tho White House.
Tho President looks as brown ns a ber
ry, nnd his nose is beginning to peel
from tho scorching of tho fierco Adir
ondack sun experienced during tho prut
few weeks, llo was nltircd In n Bilk
hat and black Princo Albert ooat, and
looked liko a' country merchant como
to town in his Sunday suit.
Prcsldont' Cleveland has decided
that oflico peeketn will bo restricted in
their visits to ono day per week, and a
second call by an ollico-scekcr will not
bo permitted. Tho publio will also ,bo
restricted to ono day per week.
Several hours wcro spent this morn
ing In going oVcr tho 2,000 letters
which havo accumulated in tho White
IIouso mail during tho summer vaca
tion. Tho President scanned tho
nowspapers of tho past thrco weeks
hastily, as ho had not kopt up with )tbo
current nows of tho day wlnlo on his
fishing trip. Tho Prcsidout denied
himself to nil visitors during tho fore
noon oxcopt Secretary Bayard nnd
Secretary Manning.
Speculative State Treasurers-
If any ono is desirous of securing tho
Stato'Trcasuror's oflico for tho pei-sonal
profit that may bo mado by tho old
Republican custom of putting out tbo
Stato funds with the banks, for a per
ceiitace, it might bo well enough for
such a spcoulativo individual to consid
or well tho oaso of ex-Treasurer Bailoy
as illustrating the risk attending such a
custom. Tho ofheer placed $70,000 in
a snaity uanKing institution in mo uu
regions. Tho Supremo Uourt has do-
oided, on a question between him aud
his bondsmen, that tho Treasurer is
personally responsible for tho loss tho
Stato sustained through that venture.
When n candidate for Stato Treasur
cr is a professional politician who lives
upon what ho can pick up in politics,
and is not adverso to pick up enough
to oo auiu to mo in gouu aiyiu, iu is
tho noxt thing to a certainty that ho
will risk the Stato's monoy in suoh ad
ventures. It is tho only way in which
tho otlice can bo mado wortti having.
What would be tho uso of throwing the
whole stato into 'consternation about
tho danger to tho tariff involved in the
Treasurer question it there could bo no
more mado oul of tho office than just
tho salary T H wouldn t pay to tight
tho war ovor again and stir up thi
dead issues of the rebellion in a Stato
Treasurer campaign if there wasn't a
chanco for tho incumbent to mako a
handsorao percentage by londing mon
oy to tho banks t That is what tho
oflico is for in tho opinion of tho pro
fessional politician who, it may bo re
garded as certain, will uso tho Stato
money for all it is worth to his own ad
If 870,000, or any other sum, largo
or small, is lost by tho failure of ono
of tho banks that have boon accomo
dated with the stato money, and tho
Treasurer hasn't enough property to
mako him responsible, and tho Court
decides that tho bail is not responsible,
as has just boon tho case- in tho Bailey
suit, tho only party responsible for tho
loss is tho people for being so foolish
as to elect to s'o important an oflico a
person who had no other visible means
of support than politics. It is much
safer to elect to that offico an honest,
practical business man, who would no
more think of putting out tho .state
moncv at wild cat interest than ho
would think of investing his own in
such a speculation. 1'atrlot.
(From our Hogular Correspondent.
WAsriiNGTOjf. D. C. Sept. 7, 1835.
President Lincoln used to say that
ho looked undor his bed every night
for concealed otfioo seekers. Tho pres
ent Administration, perhaps takes the
samo precaution. But it also has
been looking over aud under tho desks
and books so long hold by tbo truly
too good Republican party and tho
day that somo long concealed fraud
is not discovered is an exceptional
day. Tho list has now become so
largo that it can not well bo carried
around in ones mind. It will bo in
teresting to see it written out ill full
and tho amounts saved by tho Govern
ment added np. And yet, has hardly
begun. Investigations aro now in
progress in which tho publio knows
nothing, but thoir results will bo dis
closed in duo lime.
It is well known that tho work of
discovering and reforming frauds and
abuses is hindered nnd frustrated by
tho Republican clerks which surround
tho now Administration on all hands.
How can they allowL much loss ass'iBt
with enthusiasm, tho work of their
over-throw, and how much moro could
bo accomplished if tho malefactors and
their accomplices wcro turned out, and
sincere sympathizers put in their
places I Tho Republican clerks are
doing ovcrything in their power to im
pede tho work of investigation And
discovery. Thoy aro fertile in excuses,
and specious explanations for tho mem
bers of their party who havo dono
1 am told, on what seems to bo
nrettv L'ood authority, that tho Civil
Scrvico Commission is likely to bo re
organized in tho interest of reform. If
the halt that is said is true it certainly
needs it. An oxpenso account of
Commissioner Gregory has just boon
made publio which shows that this re
former, when he travols, charges tho
Government for tho nowspapers ho
reads and tho "tips" which tho sleep
ing-car' porters and tho waiters at five-dollar-a-day
hotels aro given. It
would seem to bo straining a point
for a reformer to mako such charges as
theso under tho clauso of tho law that
provided for tho payment of "neces
sary travelling expenses.'' If a Civil
Service Commissioner is to have his
"tips" nnd newspapers paid for by tho
Government, whero can it end T Why
should not unrips and cigars bo paid
for as well. There aro officials who
might consider theso necessary travel
ling expenses. But- for a reformer who
is getting S 11.50 per day and his tra
velling oxponses to chargo tho Govern
ment with fivo cents a 4tco for tho
nowspanors ho reads and tho two-bit
pieoo with which ho fees a servant
seems small indeed, and under tho law
it is a littlo short of potit laroeuoy,
Wouldn t the Commissioner havo to
black his boots and road a nowspaper
it ne was not travelling, or does no in
dulgo in thoso luxuries simply whilo
on tho road t
A prominent business man and
Chaiiuian of tho Democratic Central
Committco at Cleveland, Ohio, was in
tho city last week. Ho said that every
thing was looking particularly bright
lor tho democrats in that btato
Hoadly carried tho Stato by 12,000
majority two years ago. And ho
thinks that ho will havo at least 20,
000 this time. "Tho Demoornoy," ho
says, "ia united and harmonious. Thoy
appreciate tho importances of success,
and thu people see, sinco Sherman's
bad freak at Mount Giload, that tho
Hcpublicans havo noxt to nothing to
stand on except tho bloody shirt issue.
nils lias becomo tiresome nnd a largo
number of Republican, who are dis
gusted with their parly, but who do
not exactly wish to vote tho Democra
tio ticket will voto for Prohibition."
Tho return of tho President to
Washington will bo tho signal for an
exodous from tho watering places. It
is expected that all tho mcmbeis of tho
Cabinet will bo in tho city boforo tho
ond of the week. Secretary Whitney
is'oxpcctcd in tho Navy Department
to-day. Secretary Manning has re
turned to tho Treasury Department
nnd is at work. Nobody knows where
Secretary Lamar is, or if lm does know,
ho will not Ull Ho Btolo away last
week and it is supposed that ho is' en
joying a brief rest within easy roach of
tho Cabinet table. Post Slastor-Gon-oral
Villas has telegraphed that ho is
on his way East. Atty. Geueral Gar
land has left his farm and log cabin in
Arkansas, nnd is on his way to Wash
ington. Secretary Bayard has not
been nbscnt oxcopt on Sundays.
An Ohio Town in Bnins.
A tornado on Tuesday evening at
eight o'clock almost completely demol
ished n town called Washington Court
Tho storm camo fiom tho northwest,
and broke upon tho town very sudden
ly, carrying everything boforo it. Tho
tornado whirled up Court street, tho
main business thoroughfare, and ruined
almost every business block in it, at
least forty or fifty in all. Hardly a
private residence in tho town escaped,
fnlly 400 buildings going down. The
Baptist, Presbyterian and Catholio
churches all suffered tho common fate.
Tho Ohio Southern, Pan Handle,
NarrowGaugo and Midland Railroad
dopots wcro blown into "smithereens,"
and every building in tho vicinity was
carried away, making Ingres? or egress
almost impossible. Every wire within
a circuit of two miles is down.
Tho reports of tho catastropho wero
sent by a telegraph operator who tap
pod a wire two miles west of towiT,and,
sitting in a heavy rain storm, worked
his instrument. Tho panic stricken
pooplo wero taken completely unawares,
and fled from tho tumbling buildings
in ovory dircotion through tho murky
A mad frenzy seemed to soizo tho
pooplc, and they hurried hither and
thither in their wild distraction, littlo
knowing whither they wero fleeing.
After tho whirlwind, which lasted
about ten minutes, a heavy rain set in,
which continued unabated throughout
tho night. Sheriff Rankin ordered out
tho militia, which took chargo and
helped got order out of chaos.
All tho gas went out when tho
storm camo up. Tho gas works were
destroyed. Json lircs had to bo burnt
n streets to givo light for tho search
ers. Uuo ot tho injured is the man
ager of tho Telephone Exchange. Ho
was hurled across tho street and had an
arm, leg and collar-bono broken. Somo
houses wcro lifted up and carried bod
ily several huudred feet.
As soon as a tew ot tho cooler heads
recovered their senses, searching par
ties wero organized and tho sad work
of looking for tho dead began. Tho
glimmer of lanterns, procured from
farm houses in the vicinity and from
tho fow houses left standing, was tho
only light they had to work by. Two
or thrco bodies wero stumbled upon in
tho middle of tho street, whero they
wore stiicken down by flying bricks or
timbers. Tho collars of houses and
ovory sort of refugo wero filled with
shivering people, huddling together in
tho vain attempt to keep warm. Uno
babo in arms died from exposure.
i uiiy uuo pcopio wero mm. Tho
loss will exceed 81,000.000.
Absolutely Pure.
This oowilor navcr varina. A murrm nmnritv
BtreaKtb and wholosomeness. Moro economical
thantue ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
oompetlon wltn tno multltudo ot low tost, short
welgtot, alum or phosphate powders, sold only
In cans. Hotil Uiiinu towdih Co , 100 Wa'.l-st.,
- . uur ii-i y.
ThU racdlclno, combining Iron Willi puro
YrcclaMa tonlcn, quickly and completely
dirr Djrapeiula, fiicllui Hon, Wruknrwi,
Iuiiiurnllluuil, Mai iu In, L'ulllaiiudl''urt'r,
ami NeuralRlo-
1 1 1 an unmillntr remedy for Diseases or the
Ivwltirya nnd I.lver.
It li Invaluable for TCecaws peculiar to
Women, and all who lead kedentary lives.
ltuoes not Injuro tho teeth, cause headacho,nr
prndueo conitipatlon othrr Iron medtcinei do. and purines the blood, stimulates
the appellto, aids the assimilation of food, re
Ueves Heartburn and liclchlng, and strength
ens tho muscles and nerves.
. Kor Intermittent Kcvers, Lassitude, lack of
Knergr, tc., It has no equal. i
- Tho cenulno 1ms above trado marV'and
Crossed red lines on w rapjicr. Take no other.
tMtuUSr imoi(uiinciL(o,ULTIiOKS,u.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
fni no "Orrvlllo.Ohlo, Sept. 10, 1M2.
lULUb, "Having been subject toabron.
rlilal um-rtlan, ullh frequent
ctilils, far a number of fears, I hereby cer
tify that Aykii's ClIKimr I'litTOitAl. glvos
me prompt relief, and Is the roost effective
remedy J have ever tried.
JAuns A. Hamilton,
Kdltor of Tht Vrttctnl."
rniinnn " "-anal. Ohio. Juno iO, 1N.2.
LUUUHb. "I nave used A vrit's C'liuinY
1'k-touai. this spring for a so
me coiirIi and luns trouble with good
effect, and I am pleased to rreommend It
to any ono similarly affected,
IlAUVKV Uavuidiak,
Proprietor Globe Hotel,"
l liCl'Alttll uv
' Bold by all brupgUta
' isi -J n
rtUTrrior. qttfcklT un Mr hor known l-om.
6v lTi , Hhrumntlum, Jioiiralela,
rurn rcKldn, cut", Ijomttfi
po, rimrU, BnrrA. Kirot-bltM.,
ISsvkfM-ho, Gu1nT, bom Trmwit.
Kelntlci. Woumlit, JlradnchnJ
Toothache, f'praino, eta. iTiml
Met botllft. 8rl by Ml
Klrticirtrti. (Mtitlnn. Thn mn
sltt'ln .fonitto M bear our
. TT rrguwTPcl TpudMlnrk. and onr
fMWrlmn stoTiahiniw A. ti Jlryrr A Co fiolo
rrprictort,iAltlmort,Wl., U.H. A.
For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Couch, Incipient Con
sumption, ond for the relief of con
sumptive persons in advanced stages
of tho Disease. For Sale by ell Drug-,
gists. Price, s$ cents,
Stairbuildingin All its Branchos.
Mr. Matthew Teufcl, of Catawlssa, Pa., wMioi
to Inform tho public that ho la prepared to nil nil
orders In tho stnlrbulldlnK lino on tho Bliortcst no
t Ico. Hand-railing, newel iwbtn, Kc, mado to or
der nnd shipped to any point. Mr. Teufcl belnp; n
rracllcal workman In his lino nnd doeshla own
work, enables Mm to ecu nt reasonable rates.
Shop rear ot Orango hall. Orders by mall prompt
ly attended to. sep-ll-tu'
Tho unilerstimcd auditor appointed by the Or-
tho account of ) li. ltupcrt. cnardlan ot said
ward, will sit at his onlco In llloomsmirg, on
cdnesday, Septemlier 10th, lssr, nt 10 o'clok a. m.
for tho purposes of his appointment, when nnd
whero nil persons Interested may attend It they
think proper. F. p. UHAMHYKIt,
Autf. 81, 4w. Auditor.
llyvlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho
Corrt ot Common rica3 of ColumbU county nnd
to mo directed will bo exposed to publio salo nt tho
court House, In Blcom3bure, on
Monday, Sept. 28th, 1885,
nt s o'clock, p. m., nil that certain messuago and
lot of ground situate In tho vlllagoot Ccntrcvlllo
Columbia county, and stato ot Pennsylvania,
bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt : On tho
north by a publio road running from llloomsburg
tolicrwlck, on tho east by a public road leading
to n ferry across tho Susquehanna rlvor, on the
west by lot ot Wesley Prlco being lot No. 7 In tho
plot of said village, and on tho south by an nl loy.
Tho said lot being markod on tho plot of said vil
lage No. 8, being sovcnty-uluo feot nnd six Inches
In front, nnd ono hundred and soventy-nluo foot
and six Inches In depth. Whereon aro orected n
largo two-story framo building used as n hotel, inn
ortaverr, with out buildings, stabloor barn, n
well of water with rump.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of H. 11.
Low vs John a Mann, and to bo sold as tho prop
erty of John S. Mann.
Ikclcr Aliening, ntty's. Vend Ex.
All.that certain messuago or tract of land situate
In tho township oflicnton, county of Columbia
nnd stato ot Pennsylvania bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : on tho north by lands ot Val
entino Meyers on tho cast and south by lanUj ot
Alfred ltantz and on tho west by public road load
ing from Stillwater to Benton, containing threo
and ono-thlrd acres whereon aro erected a two
ttory plank houso and other outbuildings.
seized, taken Into execution nt tho suits ot H.
Mcltcnry's use, and u. P. Kinney's uso vs Win. A.
Coleman and to bo sold as tlw proporty ot Win, A,
Little's Atty's.
Knorr Wintcrstecn ntty's. Al. Fl. Fa.
Not Ico Is hereby given that an application will
bo mado In tho Court of Common l'loas ot Colum
bU county, on Saturday, tho 8rd day of October,
1NS5, nt two o'clock p. m, under tho Act ot Assem
bly of tho Commonwealth of l"enna., entitled,
"An act to provide for tho Incorporation and regu
latlonof cei tain corporations" approved April ay,
1871, and tho supplements tberoto for thocnartcr
of an Intended corporation to IK) called, -'Tho
lienton Agricultural Association," tho character
and object of which is tho matntnluanco of facili
ties for holding ot falrx or exhibitions of agricul
tural nnd horticultural products with tho right to
rent, purchase and hold real cstato necessary for
thebo purposes and to havo, possess and enloy all
tho i lghtfc; beneilta aud privileges conferred by tho
said Act of Abscmbly and Its supplements.
Fill OmB
II Percent, secured by FlltST MoitTOAfins.
'5 U Interest to investors safo as GOVERNMENT
Shi BONUS. Interest payablo semi-annually, at
" onico or bank ot mortgages. 13 years' cx-
m-iiL-nue, aim never lost n uouar tor any customer.
Best ot references given as to ability. Integrity
and nnanclal standing. WrltoU3for circular giv
ing rcterenco and particulars. I.E1IOL1), FISHElt
fi CO., Bankers and Loan Agents, Abilene, Kan.
Importers andWholesalo Healers in
Crockery, (Uasswarc, Tablo and Pocket Cutlery,
Window (llass, and Platcd-waro,
The M candle-power marsh electric lamp.
Tho celebrated Plnaforo Burner.
Bird Cases, Fruit Jara.
1 Lackawanna Avenue, SCHANTON, Pa.
may My
1885. State Pair. 1885-
qtictJLjiJtrL Society-
Broad St. & Lehigh Ave.,
Ssptember l to October 14, 11.
$50,000 in Premiums.
Kxciiirsinu Tickets on All Hnilroads.
A. WiLIIIil.M, President,
1). V. hKILElt, ELllltlDUE McCONKlIV,
liecorUlng scc'y. Corresponding Seo'y.
Cor. Cbt-atuut itml 1'lilitU HIh.
Kccclvu Advcrllneiucnta for this Taper.
COIIMAItOnt Lowest Cash Rntesrntt
iuu,i fur
Dx. IVIcTaggart
Tills uotcd Bpeclnllst of Bcrnnton, Is tho
only specialist tills side- of New York, Phil,
ailclpliin itiiil UulTnlo wlio makes nn cxclti
slvo specialty of treating chronic, long
stnmUnc nmf lingering disonscs to which
man mul womankind nro subtcct. such ns
Consumption, Bronchial nirectlous, Bcrofu-
in, ait-i(iicuin, t.oss ni .Manhood, blUn tils,
eases, Ithctiinatlsin. Ulcers. Old Bores. Enl.
lepsy, Bynullls. Ucufness. Loss of Voice.
Chronic Plarrha'n.Chllls nnd 1'cycr, Worms,
j.ivur cuiiipiuim, unucers, -minors, I'nraty
sis, Tnpo worm, Heart disease, &c., &c,
rHJ'Fcmnlo diseases n specialty.
No matter how lone vou have been suf.
fcrlng nor how many Doctors you lmye cm-
pioycu in vain, you Biioum apply to un.
3Io Taoqaiit at once, when ho will tell di
rectly without holding out false hopes
whether your disease is strictly curablo or
can only ho relieved.
Ho owes his wide reputation for thu suc
cessful treatment of nil lingering or chronic
diseases to experience- and closo applica
tion for over SO years, nud to no miraculwt
What tub Papers Say t
"Ho is skillful honest, cnicient, upright ond ro
llablo and well worthy of the people's conlldenco
and esteem. Hoalwajg ha) a exactly what ho
means and moans exactly what ho says." Scran
ton AfjiuMfaui.
"llo la tog useful a man to lose," Lackawanna
Corner Laciavranna and Washington Avenues.
Bcpt 11-ly
It. nAHHHH A handsome VAHR UMP given
5 nilPPP.K with a order for Ton andcoff
3 ( rA An Iron Stono CHAMBBH
ploed, or ft handsomoDllONZR IIANUIMI LAMP
given with a 110 order. A CHAMHKltSET of 10
Kiccc,wimi uiue, maroon or pinx nana or an iiiun
TONK CHINA TKA SKT Of M pieces, or ft (1LAH9
SET of 60 pieces gtvonwlth nflJ order, HANI).
so.MR P1IRMIUM3, consisting of Decorated China
Waro In Tea sets, atso Dinner nnd Tea Seta com
bined, and Chamber Sets, etc., etc., given with
orders for IIS, jo, j, 2S and ISO. Send for clrcu.
lar. which wlllgltojou full particulars. (IIIANI)
ui-uui-i im t;u.Mriwii, noum juainra.,
tcrs so Front street, Now
miMt imrni. i-n. ncnanunr-
YorK city.
may ia-ijr
roil SmiMBBK TKRM.
Illoom-Isaao Yost, S. C. Shlvcs, 8. V. Shutt.
lieacr Jesso luttcnhouso.
Iierwlck-Danlel lteoily, John U Moss, II. M.
CatnwLssa Kmory Octchy, (ico. Gulnn,
Center M. Millard, (lea L. Proas.
Centralia-W. J. Sweeney, D. C. lllack,
Klihtnecreok ltlelmnl IIku. Frank Wolf. .Install
.lacKson li j. Hones.
Locust-Vm. Pfahler, John Hcllg.
ornngo-Phlncas Young, Frank Klcfer, It U.
Pino John Potter.
Scott .John Waters.
Illonm lames Cadman, William Shoemakor, Jr.,
lioaver Moses Schllcher, Isaac Harrlgar, Simon
Henton-John Kcetcr,
Berwick 8. u Mclirlde.
llrtarcrcck Uco. Dower, J. W. Eck, Lovl Shaf
fer. Catawissa Lewis Hajhurst, Ham'L Long, Jr., A.
ll. niitiriueHH.
Center Jacob Holler, John W. Miller.
Conyngham-Oeo. Keller.
Franklin Sylvester Howcr.
oreenwood s. 11. Kisncr.
Jackson-Frank Yorks, Frank Young.
Iiocust Sam'l. Adams.
Malno Joseph llartnelt, Nathan Miller.
Miniln ltoubcn Fry, M. u. lienor.
Orange D. W. Hicks,
line lleniamln Lee.
scolt Alfred Jacobs, a lilttcnbcniler, Joseph
Sugarloaf-DaniclFiitz, D. II. Stoadman, Win.
Bloom Joshua Fctterman. Charles Hassert.
Kenton David crossley, J. J. Karnes.
lierwlck-uoyd Hosier, A. T. Croasy.
llrtarcrcck A. H. Fodder.
CatawlRKO Nelson Hartman.
Ccntralla-Wm, K. Davis, John Hcnnoscy, O. II.
Conyngham-James Levins, Jr.
I ranklln Uco. Slunson, Hcnjamln Sheets,
Greenwood-John nruner, Abram DrelblcbLs,
Geo. Oreenlcy, Cornelius lteece.
Hemlock Uco. Hartzcll, Joseph Hummer.
Jackson Isaao Lowls, Miles Kverhart.
Locust-Wm. Dcmlck-. Charles Wagner.
Madlson-Uiwls Heddlngs, Hobt. Mannon, Jacob
MU Pleasant A. J. Ikclcr, Joseph L. Crawford.
orango o. p. stlner, M. U Kline.
Iluc-A. It (llrton.
Scott-Charlcs Winters, A. C". Hldlay, It 11. Pur
sell. sugnrloaf John W. Kile.
William II. Ivey vs Clara Ivoy.
Mary c. Shealter vs William savldgo.
Frederick Hostler to uso etc. vs D. II. & W. II. 11.
Jacob Buyer vs David Vanllorn.
Stephen lllttcnbender vs Samuel Bowor ot nl.
Henry Thomas vs Hen). Goarliart ct aL
W. A. M. drier vs J. McAlarny Ex'r.
Thomas Oeraghty vs Wlllltm Tyson ct aL
Itohr Jlcllenry ct ut vs William E. Patterson.
James Bird vs Darling Culp ct al.
Htchard (loorge's uso vs Conyngham twp.
(icorgo Boyer vs Thomas Gerlts.
Hess and Thomas vs H. F. Kverett.
Mccready Bros, vs Com M. F. Ins. Co. ot Colum
bia. Adams Son vs Francis Adams, Trustee.
William F.bncr vs M. (1. Smith.
J. J. MoIIenry vs Dyer C Moss' Bx'r.
Mary U. Holmes vs J. S. Woods ot ux.
W. II. Y'orgey vs Locust Mt. Water Co.
Archibald Patterson vs William K. Patterson .
II. E. llcacockvs William Mastcller.
Slontgomery cox et ux vs Nlclolas Bcaglo.
c. D. Fowlor vs Berwick Uoro.
Casper Frant i! vs Berwick Boro.
William It Tubbs et al vs Isaiah Bowor ct nl.
John U Sponcnburg vs Lerwick Bom
John llomboy vs M. M. Hartzcll.
T. F. Craig vs Mahala Craig.
Frank Stewart vs O aulol F. Soybort.
Nicholas Boaglo vs Montgomery Cox.
A. K. Smith vs Samuel Brugler.
J. J. Crawford vs Hiram Thomas.
C. B. Brockway vs Locust Mt. o. I. Co. ct al.
Walnwrlght S Co. vs Conyngham s ccntralla
Poor District,
c. W. McKelvy etal vsC. B. Brockway.
D. F. Soybcrt vs Adams & son.
A. B. Herring ct al vs S. C. Creasy.
John 11. Casey vs II. A. sweppenhlscr.
Geo. P. Stlner vs LllJnh Albertion.
Notlco Is horebv crlven that thn following nr..
count has been tiled In tho court of Common Ploas
of Columbia county, and will ho presentod to tho
naiu vuui i. uu iiiu luuriu jtiuuuay m ijepiumoer, A.
D. 185, and conllrmcl nut, and after tho fourth
day of said Tenn conllrmod absolute unless excep.
Hons aro tiled within that time.
1st, First nnd final account of Andrew Fowler
committee of tho person and ostato ot KlUabclU
ueitcricii a lunatic
Prothonotary's omco, Bloomsburg, ra., Sept. 1, '83,
Notlco Is hereby given that an application will
bo mado to tbo said court on Monday, tho 2Sth day
of September, A. D. 13S3, at thrco o'clock In tho
afternoon, under tho "Corporation act ot ono
tho supplomenls thereto, by James Dyke, Georgo
n, uopo, jonn lunnec, jtoDcrL v. oonesana joun
It Davis for tbo charter ot an Intended corpora
tion to bo called "Tho odd Fellows cemetery As
sociation of tho borough of Ccntralla, Columbia
tuuuiy. i-u.," iuu cuurucier ana object ui wmcu
Is establishing and malntalntntr a cemetery or
burial placo tor deceased bodlcs,ln or upon grounds
on tho Locust Mountain, cast ot tho borough of
Ccntralla, In said Columbia county, and for theso
purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights,
bcnetlt8 nnd privileges conferred by tho said act
ami us supplement s.
Aug.-14-tf. Solicitor,
M. K. Corner Second and Arch streets.
Itr.jrd.irj'Viil rooolvu prompt attentlii
Read and Save Money,
Now 18 the time to Build.
noi German PlnoSIJln, 5 or o in,
No I winch siding planed,
" Hemlock (lerm:m siding, 6 Inch
" " lloortng,
" whttoptno "
" yollow " "
' surfaced pino boards,
" sawod plnoslilnilos.
No a
No 3 ' " "
No 1 sap sawod pino shlnglos,
117 oo peri
li uu
ll oo 1
U 00
17 00 '
IS 00 '
17 00 '
3 U0 '
2 90 '
1 74 '
1 75
UJ '
J heart shayodplno " from J5 00 to 7 00
" hemlock " " " 4 00 to 4 M
' Bhlnglo lath, s 75
" plastering lath, i 00
Hemlock fencing, u CO
" guagoil fencing o Inch wldo, 10 00
" lioards 10 to 1J Inch wldo, 10 00
" bills any sUo from llOOOtoHOO
I kcep a full stock of the
above kinds of Lumber always
on hand, and will sell at these
prices during year of 1885,
Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa.
npr 3-Cm
Omico of Adulteration
Gownns & Stover,
HulTalo, N. Y.
For salo by all first-olass grocers.
April 10-l-yr r
I'llICK list OP
on Cars at Quarry.
SS' J !i.!ft2i". Utoto
fco-lltlb Blato iouto iuj
Seconds ,. (
No, g itlb Slato , .
Mod slato .......,. ....!, . . io m
flpwn ..... 1 '"-'V
uiviMu.uw , 4.w
J, I.. IIUI.I.,
ia Lackawanna Aveuuf, Bcranton, Pa
Tho undersigned will oner at public salo on
Friday, Sep. 25, 1885,
at 11 o'clock n.m.,on tho premHos, all that cer
tain ploco, parcel nnd tract ot land sltuato tn tho
township of Jackson, county ot Columbia and
Stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded nnd descrllicd as
follows, to-wlt! Beginning nt a p03t, thenco by
land now or late ot Matthew Mcllenry, north fifty,
seven; degrees west two hundred nnd thlrty-ono
perches to a vrhlto oak; thenco by land of t'10
lielrs ot Wesley Snyder dee'd north thlrty;no and
ono-halt degrees east ono hundred and sUty-two
perches and eight-tenths to a post; thenco by land
of Joshua Savago south sixty degrees east seven-
ty-nlno porches to n post! thenco by land now or
latoot Ephrlam Mcllenry south eleven nndono
halt degrees west, thlrty-thrco pefches nnd live
tenths to a post) thenco by land ot samo south lit
teen degrees cast thlrty-ono perches and tour
tenths to a post; thenco by land of tho samo south
forty-ono degrees west thirty-two porches to n
post; thenco by land ot Iho B.vno south fifty-seven
degrees oast, ono hundred nnd twenty-thrco
perches nnd nine-tenths to a post; thenco by laud
now or late ot Daniel S. Mcllenry south thirty
two and ono-fourth degrees west clghty-threo
perches to tho placo of beginning, containing
nnd 111 perches, strict measure,
erected a good
On which Is
Tho abovo described tract Is a timber tract well
covered with good growing timber. As tbo prop
erty must bo sold tills 13a rare chance for securing
a good tract ot timber land.
TKK.M3 OF SALK: Samo ns tho usual Orphans'
Court terms, to-wlt: Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of tho purchase money to bo raid at tho strik
ing down of tho property, tho one-fourth less the
ten per cent nt the confirmation absolute and the
remaining threo fourths In ono year thereafter
with Interest from conllrmatlon nLsl. Purchaser
to givo approved security for tho faithful payment
of purchnso money, according to tho abovo terms.
Executors of John Kclchner, dee'd.
In pursuanco ot an order ot tho Orphans' Court
ot Columbia county, Pa., tho uhderslgnod execu
tors of tho cstato of John Kclchner doe'd will e.x
poso to publio salo on the rremiscs on
Saturday, September 26 '85.
commencing at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said
day tho following described valuablo real estate,
to-wlt: ono farm situated In Mt. Pleasant town
ship, Columbia county, Pa.
of land lying near tho vlllago ot Llghtstrcct, ad
joining Fishlngcreck on tho south and east, and
land of A. C. VanUcw on tho noi th nnd
Urlmcs on tno west, about ISO acres cleared and in
a good stntoof cultivation, tho balance In timber,
a largo
and a good well of water at tho door, largo bank
barn and well of water, all in good condition,
wagon houso and out buildings on tho rreinlses.
at the samo time a largo
and farm In Scott township, in tho Milage ot Light
street, Columbia county, Pa., over
of land, 75 acres of farm land and in a good state
of cultivation, tho balanco socurilig tho water
2 Dwelling Houses
and a bank barn and nut. liniiriinra nn iim n..,.L
sos, four pair ot burrs and nil ot tho necessary
iiuwuiuvry in mm, an in good condition and woik
ing order, good water power anil plenty of water
at all times, fed by Fishlngcreck.
Surveys of abovo described tract3 will be fur
nished on day ot salo for tho insneet Inn nf n-ii-tlAj
desiring to purchase, giving metes aud bounds nnd
nu uAum utiuuu ui L-ueu larm.
TEHMS OF SAM!: "Ten nor rnnt nf nnn.Mn.n,
of tho purchase money to bo paid nt tho striking
uuiyu ui vnu property, i no one-fourth less tho ten
percent, at tho conllrmatlon nbsoluto and tho re
maining threo-fourths in ono year thcroaucr
mm mwiiai irum coniirmauon nisi. l"ur
chasers to pay for deed?. Purchasers required
to givo approved security for tho faithful payment
of purchnso money, nocordlng to tho nbovo terms.
A BIG. OFFER. ?;0 ifflSS SSS
100) Wahlng Machines. If you want ono
.,.. . 601111 113 l'our nalni P- and express of
at once T11B NATIONAL CO?T
bept.-4-lUl. at iiey sr., N. V,
-pSiS) applied to the soil,
j wit ii uu lucai agent
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Sn"h Acrpnc; A C CREASY, Lime Ridge, Pa.
bUD. Agents. . H BROWN, Light Street, Pa.
Sept. -1.2m
All our subsenberri who will jmy thoir subscription necounts to
this paper 111 lull to dato, and ono year in ad
vance, will bo presented with ono
year's subscription to
W,HfJ;& 1V hy H. A. Ilnckett, nt Fort
nniTO ,,""?! n,Ml ivl,ch 13 rosily inking rank as 0.10 of tho loaaiiiK Ami
0 kCtlt t,,0i C0XT'- U i90VOle(l cxolusivoly to tho interests
over 5 o of b, ,'CC,1C'' I)'?,rrv",?,,,' Qnnloncr, nn.l their household, nnd
th woXZl ! C0,T0t'l(!vil11 that great ,.ortio of tl.o pcoi.lo of
Uio world, the I armors, 'iho subscription price s ONU DOLLAH PK14 YKAU.
STm Ho If' ?,0"B ,l,'o,,l,, 11 rta ow i,lci,to i'oiv ...1,1.1-:
taSl lnltlh f("nMv.t , profit to tf.e.nselves. It makes tho homo
swslsj lS,n,, 11,0 8,owicr co"to,,tc,l th
BSTThis is a very liberal oiler ami should ho taken advantage of.
Hwdll & BiifctenltendOT,
PdQLisliEa Cor.iirmiAH.
STATU Tltl'.AStJItl'.lt,
I'Oll Slll'.ltll'l',
roil JUIrt'cO.M.MlSStONKIt,
(1. w. mui,
i ou couoniiii,
DR. .1. M. OWINNUll.
PlrkEy RfOFJS.
Wlicat per bushel $ 0, 1 00
Ityo " " GO
Corn " " 00
Oats " " 40
Klour per bairel B 00 it 0 00
lltittcr SO
Tallow 0,"!
I'otatocs now.... no
Dried Apples Ot
Hams 11
Hides and shoulders 08
Clilckcns 10
Turkeys 12
Lnrd per pound 10
liny per ton....' 10 00
llecswnx 25
Hides per Hi 5 to 7
Veal skins per lb 07
Wool per lb 3.',
Philadelphia Markets?
FEED- Western winter brau, spot. 15.50
Choice, 15.T5.
t'Louit. Western extra's 3.a a 3.7s : Penn a
family, 4.00 4.21 Ohio clear, I.S 4,t5: winter
patent S.S0W 5.35. 1 a '
co'n-M WM,'IVan!arC'11, N"' ,,,,M ,01'
OATH.' jio. 3 w'hlto ( 3T: No. 2, 38
1IAY AN1) STltAW Tlmothy-Cholco Vcstern
and Sew York, V.l. fair to good Western nnd
Newlork, l. 21.: medium Western and New
)ork, 10. ( 12. : Cut hay ns to quality 21. a 2.1.
straw s S!W I6' at 6traw' 9 Oat
i?;HJiSST7I,e?J',ylv?n,n ,s! western li.
UUTTEIt. Pcnnslvanl.i creamery pilnts ch
Western extra ir.
II.UrVte1u"iyitTrow'q' 13' mlJ lot8
nrTi!?nKl0V,'1?,'K?w;,' ni'Praisemcnt's will bo
presented to tho orphans' Court of Columbia
fi!,DtJ'(!a "'0 fourth Monday of Heptember, A. I) .
!S 2SS ?0l;nrln,;ll n'sl, nnd unless exceptions arc
absolute a" thcrca(ter will bo conitnued
.?!1.nKclclmcrc,t:l(l?"(lc'00A'iCl1. Centre, realty,
i?Llci'jlcJ..stluo Cs,ftte deceased, Locust, person.
UHY, f.'Jtj.rjJ.
sonalty,rlOT.oo!iftmbet'k aeora8C'1' J'ison, per-
J!n,anucl SavECi deceased, Jackson, personalty,
vSSSEKk'iJST1"1 ,lcccasc,,
..V.'K3 J' Ulnl (JocMscd, Locust, personalty,
Jolm Yohe, Jr., deceased, Miniln, realty, W.l.25,
rersonalty, IUJ.75. ' '
(1. M. Quick, WII. II. SNYDI5H,
Deputy. t'lerk, o. C.
Clerk's onice, liloom,burg, P.t., Sept. 1st, 18S3.
WilKKEAS.tlioiron. William Elwell
President Judgo of the Court ot Oyer nnd
Terminer and General Jail DeliveryCourt ot Quar
ter Sessions of tho Pcaco and tho Court of Common
ricas and Orphans' Court In tho 20th Judicial Dis
trict, composed of tho counties ot Columbia; and
Montour, and tho Hon3. James Lako nnd F. L.
hhuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county,
hav e Issued their prcccpt.bcarlng dato tho 10th day
ot May In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and cighty-llvo, and to mo directed for
holding a Court ot Dyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of tho rcace, Court of Common
Picas and Orphans' Court, In Dloomsburg, In tho
county of Columbia, on tho fourth Monday .being
tho sstli day ot sept, next, to continue for two
Notice is hereby given to the tho Jus
tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said
County ot Columbla.that thoy bo thon nnd there In
their proper person nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot
said 2Sth day of sept, with their records Inqui
sitions and other remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their oaices appertain to bo done. And
thoso that aro bound by recogntzanco to prosecuto
against tho prlsonera that aro or may bo In thoj.ill
of tho said county ot bo then and thero
to prosecuto them as shall bo ust. Jurors nro re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg
f 0 tho 19th day of August tn tho year ot our
-j L. s. Y Lord onu thousand eight hundred and
l J elghty-llve, and In tbo ono hundred nod
ninth car of tho Independence ot tho United
States of America.
Sheriff's onice, JOHN MOUHKY,
We want 1,000 Moro HOOK AflKNTH for tho per
sonal ;HWory,of
40,000 copies already sold. Wo want ono agent
in every tJiaud Army Post nnd In eve.-y township.
Send for Special Terms 1 0 Ageuts, or secure agency
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This old and reliable Fertilizer, which has been on the market for
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Gon'l Selling Agents, Uoston, Mas