The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1885, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct llnllronil Time Tnblr,
FHIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1885.
Trains on the Philadelphia II. II. leave Kurort
(SfOllOYtSI '
0:3il a. m.
Ml r- tn.
H: a. m.
6:13 p. la.
Trains on tho 1). L. & W. It. It. leave Uloomabunr
as follows!
(1:31 0. 111.
10.31 A in.
1.C0 p. 111.
0:36 p. m.
Trains on tho N. & V. U.
l'erry as ollows i
10.5) a. m.
0.S7 p. in.
8.TO a,m.
11:11 a. in.
1:34 p. in.
B:17 p. m.
Hallway pass Bloom
1S:08 p. m.
- 4:is p. in.
Chcill Advert IhciiiciiIh.
Advertisements will bo Inserted tn our
local columns nt tho following rates i
Bituntlons wanted, free,
Lost or found, free.
Help wonted, 20 cents.
Hooms to rent, 20 cents.
One time cncli, or S times, 40 cents.
HtnmlltiK OIlcrH.
Tho Columuian is offered on tho follow,
lng terms i
Coi.t'VBUN anil N. Y. Weekly H'orW 1 jr.
" " I'hllo, " Times "
" " American AgrtaMurM V
" " Tritmne it Farmer "
Other papers 'will bo ndded to this list.
For i new subscribers to tho Cohj-mman
accompanied with tho cash, $0.00, a copy
of tho History of Columbia county will bo
given to getter up of club.
For 8 now names and $4.G0 wo will Bend
the Columhian ono year free to person send
lng names j or If names aro Bent lu by ono
now taking tho paper wo will credit his
account with ono year's subscription.
For 2 new names, with if 3.00, wo will
send paper for 0 months to tho person se
curing tho names for us.
For 1 now namo with $1.00, wo will
Bend paper 3 months to person securing tho
same for us.
On receipt of 10 cents wc will send tho
Comjnman to any address in tho county
for ono month on trial, and paper will not
bo sent longer unless so ordered.
U. A. Herring, Trustee, will sell tho undl
vldcd onc-balf interest of Edward Lewis
deceased, In certain real estate lu Blooms,
burg on Tuesday, Beptcmbcr 1st, at 3 p. m.
Tho executors of John Kclchner, deccas.
cd, will sell a tract of land In Jackson
township, on tho promises, on Friday,
September 25th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., wood,
land with water power sawmill.
Also, on Saturday, September 20th at 10
a. m., land In Scott township, a grist mill,
dwelling houses, &e. See advertisement.
U. F. Fruit, of Jcrscytown, was hi town
on Monday.
Paul E. Wirt, Esq., went to Now York
on Monday.
Judgo Elwcll expects to reach homo
next Monday.
Itobcrt Hartman spent' last week nt
Ocean Qrovc.
Miss Annie Bcckloy Is visiting her rela
tives in Union county.
J. It. Townsend is in New York on busi
ness and pleasure combined.
L. A. German, Esq,, of Jackson town
ship, was In town on Tuesday.
C. M. Smith has changed his address
from Tamancnd to Beaver Valley.
C. O . Evans, Esq., of Berwick, spent a
few hours in Blnomsburg on Monday.
Col. J. G. Freeze and wlfo arc among tho
guests at tho North Mountain House.
Howard Ohl has returned from tho West
and expects soon to go to housekeeping.
Miss Bcssio Marplc, of Philadelphia, Is
pending a few weeks with relatives in
William Hnmscy, Esq., of Malianoy City,
spent last week with his sister, Mrs. O. W.
Frank H. Wilson Is taking a vacation of
a week, and has gono to Capo May to en
joy himself.
John O. Butter, Jr., a graduate of this
olllee, has purchnsed a half interest in tho
Milton Economist.
Miss Irene McCIurc, of Columbia, nnd
Miss Emma Boyd, of Tyrone, are tho
guests of Mrs. W. Neal.
Mr. Charles Marple, of Philadelphia, and
Mr. Arthur Hcaton, of Itavcn Bun, spent
several days last week with friends here.
Wo received n pleasant call this week
from Mr. Lloyd S. Sheep, of Elizabeth
City, North Carolina. Ho is n graduate
of tho Normal school and Is engaged In
Tho public schools will open on Septem
ber 7th.
Foil Balk. A
Phillips' bakery.
good cow. Inqlro at
Fino Bluo Point oysters at Girton's this
week. Try a stew.
A largo picnic party from Scrnnton, oc
cupied Oak Grovo on Monday.
Henry Gable, nu old nnd respected citl
ten of Locust, was buried on Tuesday.
An infant daughter of Oscar Alexander's
died on Tuesday afternoon, of cholera in
fantum. A caso of dtunk lodged lu the lockup on
Monday night, at tho pressing Invitation Qf
Constable Woodward.
A fino Hue of gent's furnishing goods for
salo nt cost at F. I). Dcntler's, to close out
that department In his Btore.
Administrators and executors who Insert
notices of estate In tho Columhian nru -.pre
seated with a receipt book, gratis.
A Bradford county man named J. C,
Waldron was suffocated by gas lu Ids roam
In a Wilkcsbarro hotel last Saturday.
H. II. Grotz exhibited a beautiful pes ch
In our oDlco tho other day. Wo arc ui in
bio to testify as to tho flavor of tho fruit.
'lho Odd Fellows of Pittston, were to
hayo held n picnic in Oak .Grovo on Mc n
day, but owing to tho dampness In t ho
woods It was postponed until next W d
Tho bam of John Longcnbcrgcr, In
Heaver townslitn. was struck by llglitnli ig
last wick, Wednesday, and burned, wl th
tho contents nnd n colt. It was partial ly
Tho rain of Tuesday brought tho mo r
cury down from tho elevated point that .it
reached on Monday, On Wcdncda;y
rooming tho thermometers ranged amon;B
wo fortlos.
A. II, Ncyliart has purchased James
llellly'g barber shop and pool iooiu, under
tho Exchange Hotel. The services of Will
Fornwnld will bo retained by Mr. Neyhait,
and tho customers of tho placu will find
their wants carefully attended to.
Hcv. A. Houlz will have Harvest Homo
Services In the tipper Brlarcrcek brick
church, on Sunday, September 0th, at 2:80
p- m.
Collector's receipt books, neatly and
b rongly bound, for salo at this ofllco as
cheap as tho cheapest. Every collector in
tho county should use them.
J. J. Allen's Sons fertilizers In exchange
for ensh or lumber.
H. B. Low,
Orangcvlllc, Pa.
J. It. Strnver will nrnnM, lilt
Hcv. 1).
farowcll Bciinon next Sunday. Ho has not
decided yet whero ho will go. Wo will all
miss him, but whh him biicccbs wherever
ho may gn.
The Bccond aunual exhibition of the
Northern Columbia and Southern Luzcrno
County Agricultural Association will be
held at Berwick on September 30, October
1. 2, and 3.
Taxpayers should tako advantngo of tho
thirty days In which tax list will bo left In
Treasurer's hands and pay their town
taxes, for after that time will bo added flvo
per cent, for collecting.
An unsuccessful attempt was mado by
burglars last Friday night to break into
I. W. Hartman & Son's Btore. After bor
ing n few holes In a shutter tho burglar was
probably trlghtencd away.
Tho skillful hand of James Hcllly will
bo missed by many of his old patrons who
have for years been accustomed to havo
him Rtihlo tho keen razor over their coun.
tcnanccs twlco of thrto c a week.
Having decided to conflno my trnde to
tho boot and shoe business I will closo out
my entire stock of neckwear, collars, cuffs,
underwear, hosiery &c; at cost.
F. 1). Dentlkii.
The hall storm of last Saturday did con
slderblo damage In somo places. Only a
few hall stones fell here, but nt Bupcrt and
Catawlssa thcro was a heavy fall. At Mil.
ton the stones were r.s large as lions' eggs.
Pclinsgrovc has two companies seeking
charters for tho erection of water works.
Peter Hcrulc 1m a contract from tho bor
ough to build tho works, and a prlvato
company opposes the granting of a charter
to him.
B. F. Taylor Is agent for a book entitled
"Wonderland of Work." It contains 375
pages, with 350 Illustrations and gives a
complete history of tho leading Industries of
tho world. There is much valuahlo Infor
mation hi the book and It will be found
useful In every house.
Miss Boxy Person, daughter of Aaron
Person, nnd slslr of Mrs. B. F. Zarr, died
In Plymouth on Monday of pneumonia,
aged 25 years. Tho remains were brought
down on the cars on Wednesday morning
to Catawlssa, nnd taken from thcro to Nu
media for Interment.
Judge M. O. Hughes went up to Ganoga
Lake last week, Wednesday, and Bpent a
couple of days. Whllo thcro ho went out
flihing with Hon. C. It. Buckalew. and
though tho Judgo failed to havo any luck,
tho Ex.Scnator secured a fino two-pound
bass. The weather was cool up there, fires
being required morning and evening.
Mr. F. B. Hartman and Miss Annlo M.
Sterner wero married at tho residence of
tho bride's mother on South Main Street,
on Thursday August 27th nt half
past one. Hcv. Dr. Monroo performed
tho ceremony in the presenco of a num.
her of rclatlycs and friends. Tho happy
husband nnd his fair bndo departed on
the 2:20 train for Wilkcsbarrc and other
points. We tender our congratulations.
At tho picnic at Oak Grovo on Monday
ono man grabbed somo money from anoth
er and refused to return it. The services
of Constable Woodward were solicited, and
ho drovo out to tho grovo and recovered
the money from tho wlfo of the man who
had taken It. When tho funds wero re
turned to the owner ho generously paid tho
officer the sum of ten cents for his sei vices.
The man who is soprodlealwith his money
os that cnu never expect to get wealthy.
List of loiters remaining in the Post Of
fice at Bloomshurgfor weekending Aug.
25, 1885:
Mrs, Mary Crawford, Miss Llzzlo Hicks,
Mrs, Hannah Fodder, Mr. K. h. Keller,
Mrs. Annie Boat.
Miss Hay Labanbergcr.
Persons calling for obovo phnso Bay
George A. Clawc, P. M.
Wo nolo with pleasure tho rapid progress
that has been made by Mr. E. V. Drinker
since ho went into tho railroad business In
the freight olllco of tho New York Central
railroad. While there ho was seyeral
times promoted, nnd now ho has been ap
pointed assistant freight agent on lho Con
necticut Western road and removed to
Hartford. Ills closo application to busl.
ncss and his qualifications lor the duties of
his position havo Insured his success and
put him In the lino of promotion whero ho
will bo sure to work his -way up still
Tho Hcno Colliery, at Molilalia, is doom-
ed. Tills colliery Is owned by tlio Lehigh
Valley Company, and, until recently, was
operated by tho -Montana Coal Company,
which sunk an additional slopu nnd erect
cd a now breaker, but, owing to shortage
of funds, was compelled to glvu up Its five-
year lease In thrco years. The Lehigh val
ley Company then took hold or tlio colliery
and recently struck a vein of coal eight
feet thick, which, after tunneling, proved
faulty. After several other unsuccessful
attempts to reach tho rtkldmore vein tho
company has abandoned all operations
Tho steam pump was removed hist week.
Mrs. Jano H. Elliott died at Washington,
D. O,, last week, Thursday, after an illness
of nbout two years. Sho was tho oldest
daughter of tho lato Wm. Itobison, anu
her ago was 00 yenrs. Her husband, who
,s a prominent Democratic poiiucian
and editor, died in Washington In 1850,
leaving no children by licr. einco mat
time Mrs Elliott lias liven lu mat cny.
During tlio wnr sho devot' d part of her
tlino In carlug for wounded soldiers. Tho
last few months of her llto sho was rcn
dered almost helpless by paralysis and her
eyesight was seriously alfected. Her fu
nernl took place on Saturday nt tho George
town cemetery, by tho side of her hus
band. Professor Charles B. Bldde'l, Supcrln.
tendent of Publlo Schools of Lycoming
rnimtv. died suddenly at his home
inMuncv lait Friday. On Wednesday,
whllo carrying somo slato up a plank
to a new house which ho has been
building, he fell, coming In contact with a
scantling which projected nnu strucu nira
full on tho stomach. Ills injuries wero in
temal and medical assistance was of no
avail. Professor Blddtll was serving his
second term ns County Superintendent and
bad been connected with tho schools thcro
for years, being tho founder of tho now
nourishing Muncy Normal School, in
which up to tho timo of his denth ho was a
iwtnrcr on eneclul sliidic. no wns a nn'
tlvo oi Lycoming county, oged forty and
leaves wJfe nd tiro cuiwrcu,
Wo havo been offering lho uso of our col
umns frco for tho announcement of articles
lost and found. Thus far tho public has not
availed Itself of this pnvllcgo to any mark,
cd extent, but herein they make a mistake
It they think that It Is not worth whllo to
call attention through tho paper to such
things. A few weeks ago wo announced
tho finding of a breast pin, and within a
few days there wero several dliTucnt calls
for tho article. When you loso nnythlng
that Is worth finding, or find any thine? of
valuo to tho owner, put a notlco In this pa
per. It costs you nothing, and It may ben
efit you or somo ono else.
Tho Berks County Fair will bo held In
tho city of Heading, on September 8th, 0th,
10th aud 11th, and promises to bo tho best
exposition of products of tho farm, garden
and orchard, of thorough-bred horses and
cattte, of tho household and dairy, and of
agricultural Implements aud machinery,
ever held in the county. Entries aro being
rapidly made, and every department will
bo full. Thcro will bo n number of new
features, among which may bo particularly
mentioned a Slate display by tho North
Carolina Bureau of Immigration, compris
ing cereals, woods, minerals, precious
stones and other natural products, hand
somely arranged In cases. All tho railroad
companies will sell excursion tickets at re
duced rates, and on Wednesday, Septem
ber 0th, there will be n special cheap ex.
curslon from nil points on the Philadelphia
and Beading Hall road and branches, at
one-half the usual rates. Visitors to tho
Berks County Fair will find many opportu
nities for enjoyment, and will return homo
greatly benefited.
Tho Stato Normal School of this district,
at Bloomsburg, has outgrown its buildings.
Tho trustees have been obliged to tako
steps to provldo four more recitation rooms,
and for tho Model School moro commodi
ous quarters. Thoy will at tho same tlmo
add a large library and rcadlug room. An
other teacher will be added to lho faculty.
The attendance last term and tho graduat
ing ctass wero the largest tho school has
ever had. Full professional standing is
given by the diploma, and tho tuition Is
almost frco to those graduating within two
years. Thorough training Is secured by a
largo corps of skilled teachers nnd long
recitation periods. Many students arc
prepared for college. The next year will
open Tuesday, Bcptember 1, 1885, and tho
examination of candidates for tho Senior
class will begin on that morning. Stu
dents on the Lehigh Valley, Beading and
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western rail
roads, get half faro by writing to tho Prln.
ctpal for orders. For cataloguo address
Bev. D. J. Waller. Jr., Principal. 4t
Ilrnctlcy'd Hupcrplioaplinte.
Manufactured by the Bradley Fertilizer
Co., of Boston, can now be obtained in
Bloomsburg. It Is excellent In quality and
Is among tho best fertilizers in'tbc market.
The prices nro reasonable, and tho results
aro very satisfactory. For particulars call
on C. M. Bittcnbcndcr, under Opera House,
Centre street, Bloomsburg. 3m.
At Prlvntc Bnle.
Belmont parlor heater, Boyal range, No,
8, book case and desk, solid mahogany,
old stylo nnd lu perfect condition, walnut
marblo top chamber suite, maplo do. or.
gan, cherry dining table, old style, walnut
breakfast table, old style, ball rack and
stand, walnut extension tabic, wulnut cen
tre table, cottage bedstead, bed springs.
Rev. D. J. B. Sthayer,
ails. 28,2w Bock street.
Hotel Iropcrly For Hole.
The hotel property atOrangevillc, known
as lho Orangev'llo Hotel, kept for many
yens by Samuel H. Hagcnbuch, now do.
censed, Is offered for sale by his heirs.
1 1lls Is an old established stand with a
good business and a fine opportunity is of.
fertd for a good property. For terms ana
pa i tlculars apply to W. B. Hagcnbuch 023
Market street, Philadelphia, or Oco. E. El
well, Bloomsburg, Pa. aug-28-4t.
A Great Offer.
By rcfcrcnco to our advertisement print
ed elsewhere In this paper, it will bo seen
that wo will send tuo American luimu, a
first class agricultural magazine of sixteen
pagos, to all subscribers who pay up their
subscription, ani one year in advance, for ono
year frco. It is n paper that every farmer
should take, and thoro is no reason why
every ono of our subscribers should not
havo it, when ho can get it for nothing on
such easy conditions. Tho regular price is
$1.00 a year.
Tho American Farmer is not offered as
premium to subscribers, nor m tho nature
of n chroino, but it is glvon as an induce,
mcnt to thoso who aro behind on subscrlp.
Hon, to pay up so that wo will not bo
obliged to spend our time and money in
making collecting tours through tho coun
ly. It costs less to glvo away tho American
Fui mer than to spend several weeks each
year traveling about tiylng to collect rooh
cy that Is past due. Beforo October 1st wo
hopo to hoar from hundreds of ou sub.
scrlbcrs, who should tako advantago of
this very liberal offer.
Tho reply of Mr. East licnton to our
question concerning tho Uy only confirms
our assertion of the insect, when wc said
that tlio fly was a nuisance. Ho does not
answer tlio question iu tin argumentatlvo
manner, ho simply mocks It. Further, Mr.
East Benton ridicules tho syntax of a ccr.
tnln young man who said "Them aro good
oats." The author of the above quotation
docs not, and never did nssumo the role of
a grammarian. Mr. East Benton, If wo
mistake not, makes scholarly pretensions
yet wo question his grammar. In ono o
his Items in last week's Issue, he says;
"Tho buckwhoit Is looking finely." Will
Mr. East Benton be so kind as to parso the
word "finely" as he uses It, and glyo tho
The buckwheat crop In this section is
looking fino, and corn is doing finely.
Wo expect to havo a butcher in this
place boforo long. Wo heard tho Benton
butcher say somo tlmo ago, "1 guess 1 will
movo to Stillwater and occupy a part of
the now houso adjoining Isaiah Itabcr's.
Frank M. Hess owns a calf which is
llttlo moro than seven weeks old and weigh;
200 pounds. Who can beat It f
A. J. Kline, of this place, commonly
known as "Squire Kline," will bo 84 years
old on tho 8th of November, Hu Is re
markably well and active for a man of his
years. This Summer ho shouldered his
cradle, went to tho harvest field and made
a full hand for a half day. This Is certain'
ly a good record. Ho told us lately that
ho would run a foot race, jump a fence, or
swing tho cradle with any man of his
ago that wo could Cud.
Mrs. Mary Drcscher, mother of Stephen
Dreschcr, of this place, died Monday even'
Ing, August 14th. 6ho was 65 years of
Eyldeutly tho agents of tho underground
telegraph company havo been Interviewing
Mr, East Benton, correspondent for Haven'
creek Valley, ns he has been devoting con.
slderablo spaco of lato to tho subject ot
"Neighborhood uoesip."
1 have been n periodical sufferer from
Hay Fever slnco tho summer of 1870, and,
until I used Ely's Cream Balm, I was ncv.
ablo to find any relief. I can say that
Cream Balm cured mo. L. M. Georgia.
Blnghamton, N, Y. Aug, 21-4wks.
Quito n number of town pooplo have
gono to attend cnmpmcctlng at Patterson
Tlio Fall term of our Bchool opened on
Monday, tho 17th Quito n good many
students nro In attendance from abroad.
With Prof. Harklns In chargo tho school Is
bound to bo n success.
A goodly.numbcr of our not-ovcr-cour-
ngcous youths aro anxious to know wheth-
tho boar seen a fow days ago has been
killed or driven out of country ni lt.scrl
ously affects their nerves when going Into
tho country to sco their darlings.
Dr. Mcgargcll's, James Patterson's and
W. W, Williams' houses arc all being rap.
Idly pushed toward completion. They are
handsome and when finished will bo oma.
mental to our town.
Mr. W. S. Flcckenstlnc, our now livery-
man, now sports a very nlco double car.
Miss Elizabeth Bock was bitten in t ho
hand by n rattlesnake a fow days ago
whllo picking huckleberries.
Mr. It. W. Brumstctlcr nnd Mr. J. F.
Mcnglo killed live copperhend snakes last
week, all nt ono time, whllo chopping
ood In the woods.
Mr. A. M. Hughes has his kiln ot brick
now ready for salo nndho says they are as
god as tlio best and just ns cheap as any
where else.
Tho building committee of tho now
church have a strong forco nt work, as It
looks quite necessary so as to bo ready for
tho laying of tho corner stone, ns arranged
for September 0.
It wns reported that n largo bear had
been seen last week near llohrsburg. Ac
cording to accounts Brum stuck to tho
brush nnd so far hns eluded his pursuers.
Drs. Amcrman nnd Mcgargcll, our old
and rellnblo physicians of our little village,
by appearances, must have a very wide
practice, as they aro constantly on tho go,
looking after their many patients.
Mr. Bryson Grimes, of Mlllvllle, was
calling In our town last week.
On last Monday evening tho SGth anni
versary of Mrs. Dr. Amcrman with a select
party of ladles and gentlemen gave her a
very cnjoyablo surprise. Sho had gono to
pay somo of her friends a visit and when
sho returned in lho evening great was her
astonishmeHt and joy to see so many of
her town friends nnd tho excellent disposi
tion of their surroundings. After feasting
the senses of sight and taste, especially tho
latter, and after a social chat, each re
turned home well pleased with tho even
lne's entertainment.
Some of our townsmen were at Light-
street on the 22ml and took iu tho gamo ot
baseball. Ono ot tho spectators snld that
the most comical fcaturo of tho game was
'Jumping Jack," tho bravo and daring
captain of the Iola baseball club. Ho re
ceived tills name because ho having stood
twelve or eighteen inches to the right of
home base, jumped up for two successive
trokes to avoid being struck by a ball that
wns called in each case a strike. In the
last inning ho wns so embarrassed and
frightened that ho forgot to exhort tho
men to make the desired eleven runs ho
wns no successful In making on a former
occasion nt Orangcville. I think the ex
pert too much n strategist and athlete to
wear out his time In lho Iola nine. And
therefore suggest that he apply for a posi
tion lu tho Baumtown nine, that will give
him a much larger field wherein to display
his extraordinary but only partly developed
Mr. G. W..Tru-up reports a raise of 104
bushels of ryo oft of seven acres. Who
cau beat it 1
Mr. L. P. Sterner is taking subscriptions
for Grant's Memoirs. Ho lias tho agency
for six townships, Greenwood, Jackson,
Mt. Pleasant, Madison, Hemlock and Pine.
He claims that so far he is having n very
succccssful canvass.
iCiiHt ncntou.
Tho storm on last Friday afternoon
passed a little north of this place and was
exceedingly severe and destructive to crops,
demolishing fences, uprooting numerous
fruit nnd forest trees nnd blowing down
tho dwelling of Silas J. Benjamin. Several
vehicles wero crushed by falling timbers at
the Harvcyvillc camp-meeting. Much
other damage was doue. Tho storm seem
ed to chooso for its path thnbasc of North
Mountain and oxtcuding south, a distance
of seven or eight miles, thu clouds rolled
and tumbled In wild confusion, evincing
the fury ot the elements that were wreak
ing destruction in their course. Somo me
chanics employed In the building ot a new
house In Jackson took refuge In tho cellar.
Mr. Tommy Chapln and Miss Annie S:iv-
Idge, both of Benton, wero united in the
bonds ot matrimony on last Thursday
morning by Bev. G. V. Savldgc, father of
tho bride. Wo havo known Tommy from
a boy, and Annie, wo believe, from our
short acquaintance, is a most estimable
lady. A long and happy life with Joy ww
alloyed is the wish ot tho writer of this
Item. Hurry up, Bruce, and follow suit,
tho first of cruel October Is coming on
The huckleberry crop was and is still
Immense. Hundreds of bushels, no doubt,
will go to waste In nnd near this locality
Everybody seems to have gathered to his
heart's content. Tho swamp huckleberry
was also abundant and of superior quality,
It is a better berry than tho mountain ber
ry. It grows on shrubs ten to twclvo feet
in height. One ot thoso swamps contains
about 15 acres and the muck Is 10, 15, and
20 to twenty-llvo feet deep. A person can
easily push a polo down tho whole length
10 or 15 feet long,wlthout touching bottom,
Thero wero hundreds of bushels of berries
picked In this swamp, and wo got over two
bushels ot them.
J. Kuousc, a photographer, has located
a gallery at Cambra. It Is said that he Is
nn excellent artist. Hu is a man of Hue
appearance. Let auwno wisu to Know now
they look como and havo their faces taken,
Our M. E. neighbors seem to havo
somewhat rainy time for their camp-meet
lng at Harveyylllo duriug this showery
Tho Harvest Homo services at St. James
wero highly edifying, and tho people were
reminded ot tho goodness and mercy of
Almighty God in bestowing tho richness of
Ills blessing upon them through tho soil
in tho appointed order of seasons, rain aud
sunshine, heat aud cold, in tho beautiful
harvest just In to barns, and tho duty they
owe In return to their fellow creatures less
favored in temporal and spiritual blessings
Bevcral ministers woro present. Bev,
Peters, of Danville, preached tho regular
sermon, Tlio words or tuo text wero sug-
gcstlvo of tho gcucral outlines of tho scr
Lightning Btruck lu n trco on tho camp
ground ut Harvcyvlllo and caused In.
tenso excitement. Quito a number wcrs
terribly shocked aud Miss Emma Stlne ww
qulto numb.
Tills week wo report first In our Items
tho saddest nnd most shocking death that
ever occurred In our village. At tho ap
proach of tho shower last Friday evening,
tho first houso north of Tcrwtltlgcr's store,
occupied by Wm. Glrlon, was struck by
lightning, Instantly killing Mrs. Glr
ton. Sho wns up stairs nbout to closo n
window when tho stroko fell. The electric
bolt first struck In n walnut trco that Is
Tcry closo tho houso and ran from the trco
Into tho root of tho houso right nbovo Mrs.
Glrton, and from thenco down tho chimney
knocking off tho flro doors below, Bhc
was very closo tho roof ns tho houso Is but
n story and a half high, nnd strange marks
about tho neck show that tho lightning hit
her, Girton's thrco children and Ktstlei's
two boys were playing In tho kitchen and
not Injured, not even stunned. It wns
somo minutes after tho stroko beforo It wns
known that any harm had been done. The
children In thu kitchen missing their moth
er started across tho street to Hiram
Hccco's supposing her to bo over there.
Mary Shnffcr accompanied them back and
after searching tho lower part ot tho bouse
and not finding her, cnllcd Wm. Old and
O. M. Tcrwllllger. Tho up stairs was then
turned to nnd thcro they found tho miss
ing mother dead with her head lying on
tho window slit and her body reclining on
a barrel. Her husband wns away at work.
Tho news rapidly spread, shocking tho
whole community. Tho funeral services
wero held In tho M. E. Church Bunday
morning and tho body laid to rest In tho
Dutch ;lllll gravoyard, Hcv. Tubbs, her
pastor, officiating. Ho spoko from the 40th
verse of 0th chapter of St John, tho Res
urrection being his theme. Although tho
day was stormy the Church was filled with
thoso who camo to drop a tear of sympa
thy with tho bereaved.
"Thcro is a reaper whose namo is Death,
And, with his sickle keen,
Ho reaps tho bearded grain at a breath,
And tho flowers that grow between."
Foulks, Emmltts, nnd Wlntcrsloens, rep.
resented tho Iliickliorn Lutherans at tho
picnic last Friday held In Bupcrt grovo.
Last Saturday was tho day appointed for
cleaning the Vnndcrsllco graveyard. Two
weeks notlco had been given but for all
that only flvo of thoso who havo lrlcnds ly.
lng there could sparo tlmo enough to help
John Klstlcr, Samuel Ohl, Ell Old, Sr.,
John Wilson nnd Qulncy Shoemaker.
Somo work was dono but not near all that
was needed. This burial ground was lu a
disgraceful condition.
Bob. Wcllivcr and Chas. Fruit of Jersey
town, drovo through here Saturday.
Saturday noon S. II- Ohl returned from
Michigan. Howard looks fresh and hale,
but docs not think that tho west is tho
most pleasant place he even saw.
Saturday evening somo of our fellows
took too many potations of flro water and
thereby lost their equilibrium. Buckhorn
sidewalks are in a poor condition for zlg.
zng street parades.
Henry Mapstouc and family in company
with Messrs. Sldcll, merchantmen of Dan
vlllo, drove to Samuel Ohl's Sunday.
Wm. Krickbaum and Wm. Jacoby, pro
prictor of tho Sentinel, called ut E. J. Ohl's
Sunday afternoon. Also, a Mr Boup aud
Miss Flora Blchart, of Llghtstrcet.
D. Montgomery, our village physician,
has gono homo to his parents near Potts
grove to rcCiuit in health. He has been
ailing all summer but did not glvo up his
practice until quite recently, llo will re
turn ns soon ns his health will permit.
Monday Wm. Homell and family moved
In with Wilson Pursel.
Tuesday Miss Charity Stccker left town
for WashiiiEtonvillo to spend some tlmo
llli her brother, Moses HlccKcr.
VllilVs I UUIIIUlrl Ut llltl Ulllllbll JIVUpiU,
111 attend tho harvest homo at Dutch Hll'l
uu mis i uurtmuy.
.1.1- .. 1
An Interesting ns well as amusing game
of haso ball was engaged in on Saturday
last between the Mlllvllle club and tho
club of this place: which was witnessed
by qulto a number of peoplo from town
and the country round. The gamo was
one ot the best that ever has been played
in this neighborhood nnd wo doubt if it
was not one of tho best over played in tho
county ns lho following scoro will show.
123 4 50780
W. Kinney,
W. Eves,
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
5 0 7 8
Edgar, 1
B. Ent, 1
T. Falrman,
1 1 1
0 2 0 1 s, 1 4
2 0
Yohe &
n. L.
iV. H. Fowler spent tho
past week nt Knntlcoko dam trying lho
catching of tho finny tribe; they brought
homo about forty bass.
Will McDonell is now nt homo spending
a month with Ids parents slnco ho has a
vacation from work.
Geo. Grimes and wlfo took a trip to
Btoomlngdalo camp during tho week.
Humor has It that ono of our young la.
dies took to herself a better halt on Thurs
day last.
Our young ladles held a selfish picnic
last week and served up all tho delicacies
themselves ; all report a grand tlmo.
A few of our town peoplo took in camp
on Sunday afternoon and evening at Ey.
Tillle, wlfo of 0. P. Bcighard Is tho only
ono from town who is spending a week nt
tho Evansvlllc camp.
Tho widow of l'ctcr Ent dee'd is vlsttlng
In town stopping principally with Mrs. N,
B. Ent. Sho looks as well as ever and bids
fair for a llfo to bo remembered, slnco
sho and Caiit. U. 11. But her son nro tho
only surviving members of tho Ent family.
F. 1'. Kelly who is employed at Bhick
shinny spent Saturday and Sunday with
his family.
Corn crop now looks as though there
will be an abundance In this section: whilst
tho oats Is light corn makes It up.
riiilip Creasy of Mt. Hcasant with
part of his family and Mrs. A, 0. Hidlay
and John Wanlch took a trip to Ncscopcck
Mts, fur whortleberries and camo back sue.
A. B. Whito is now improving his store
by throwing seventeen feet moro in tho
main room nnd raising tho back part to
two story houso with an extra room back.
Mrs. Theo, McDowell still lingers on tho
brink of llto 110 ouo knowing her lutense
Hcv. Cunlleld did not UU his appoint'
incut hero on Suuday,
Wesley Hlppcnstcel returned homo from
lho west last week looking fresh and rosy,
WiihIiIiik itlic l'ncc.
Many otherwise very tidy persons nro
very neglectful of the face, using only suf.
flclcnt water to mnko n presentable appear
anco. The following remarks of tho
Household aro certainly In placci Thero
are somo who object to washing tho face
often, especially with soap, thinking this
an Injury to lho complexion. But those
who havo mado a specialty ot skin diseases
say no part of tho body needs soap so
much; that tho face, being exposed to
dust, collects so much, It is not enough to
wash It lu clear water. They fay If soap
makes tho face shiny, as so many claim, It
only shows that It Is tho moro needed, nnd
that tho work of drying after tho bath has
not been properly performed. Tho face,
however, should not bo wet Immediately
beforo or nftcr going out. Its most thor
ough ablution should bo performed nt
night, beforo going to bed, nnd tho follow,
lng method should bo observed In tho pro
ccssi Fill a basin with soft warm water,
lather a iiicdlum-Blzcd spongo with good
soap, and wash tho fuco carefully. Then
lake fresh water, without soap, and wash
again with the hands, and rub thoroughly
with a Turkish or crash towel until tho
fnco Is dry and tingling. This will do
much toward Improving and preserving
the complexion; nnd th o llttlo vexatious
black spots, called "flesh worms," wl!'
usually disappear after a time, If It Is per
severed In.
rmt.iiiEi.rnt a, August 24, lsss.
The buildinrr-work tjoinrr 0n
almost all over the store inter
feres with trade no more than it
must in some parts more than
in others of course. The dread
of the din of work may keep
some away; but they who come
find that jroods are plenty and
the opportunity to see them not
seriously impaired. It is no
time now to speak of new things
for Fall; too early. It would
savor rather of last Fall than of
next. What is here is a breadth
and depth of general merchan
dise such as nowhere else on the
continent nowhere else in the
world is gathered under a
single roof. But, when you
think of goods that fashion gives
their chief value to, it is a be-tween-season
The thousands that pass
through the city are buying; but
what are they buying i iuostly
staple thincs that change but
little from season to season;
and they buy them where they
can buy them advantageously
Speaking of such, the store is
as full as need be, however
empty the city itself may be of
even the thought ol the iashions
of six weeks ahead.
lhere is much to see even
now; and travelers are always
welcome not to buy to see
and pass on. We never made
a better investment than that
for making visitors comfortable.
Experts in linen do not need
to be told that the most sub
stantial of table-linens is made
at Barnsley, England. But most
buyers are not experts how
can they be.'' You take in your
hand a Barnsley table-cloth, you
think it double. It is thick, but
so fine that you wonder how
can be so thick. It is soft, but
so closely woven that you won
der how it can be so soft. And
so it is trebly durable.
Barnsley table-linen the
price! $1.25 a yard; six pat
terns; best Barnsley.
Southwest from tlio centre.
One who isn't looking at fur
niture every lew weeks can
lardly comprehend the improve
ment in making these years of
lard times have brought about
not so much 111 design as in
making. Why, a bed-room suite
for $25 is made as well as one
for $50 was a very few years
1 he place to see the improve
ment is where furniture comes
and goes not where it loiters
from season to season.
West hldo, bccond noor.
Take car northwest from
John Wanamakek.
Chcfetnut, Thirteenth and Market streets,
and Clty.hall square.
A strictly vegotable prepa
ration, composed of a choioo
and skillful combination of
Nature's best remedies. The
dlsooveror does not claim it a
euro for all tho Ills, but boldly
warrants it cures every form
of dlsoaso arising: from a tor
pid liver, impure blood, dis
ordered kidneys, and where
there is a broken down condi
tion of tho System, requiring; a
firompt and permanent tonlo,
t never falls to restore the
sufferer. Suoh Is BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all
druggists, who are authorized
by the manufacturers to re
fund the price to any pur
chaser who is not benefited by
their use.
pxuce, oua
YOST-DEVITT.-On tho 22nd Inst, at
tho Hctorincd parsonago in Orangcvlllc, by
Hev. A. Houtz, Mr. Clarence Wllbcr Yost
to Miss Ida May DoWitt, both of Fishing
creek township.
HICK BK1DKU, At tho bride's homo
In Catawlssa, August 3, 1885, by Bov. T
II. Tubbs, Mr, Bmanucl K. like, ot Beaver
Valley, Columbia county, Bit., to Miss An
na it. Beidcr, ot Catawlssa, Columbia
county, l'a.
HELLEll -WKLL1YEH, At tho Ho
farmed parsonage, Bloomsburg, I'u., July
80, 1885, by Hev. H It. Brldcnbaugh, Mr,
Leo Heller, ot Montoursvllle, Lycoming
county, to Miss Nettle Wcllivcr, of Weill
vcrevllle, Columbia county, ra.
Numerous llcHceititeiitH.
Mrs. Philip Dietrich, of Hubley town-
ship, Schuylkill county, who died rccontly,
wns tho mother ot 11 children, 03 grand-
children, 150 gicnt-grandclilldrcn, nnd 11
grcat-grcat-grnndchlldrcn. Sho was 02
years old at tho tlmo of her death, and
was born and had spent nil of her long
llfo In Hubley township. Sho was almost
as old as our government, was born during
Washington's administration, and had
lived to sco the population ot tho United
States grow from 3,000,000 to nbout 55,000
000 of people.
C. C. Mnrr buys tnllow.
Tablet, of many kinds, ntMciccr's.
Don't forget it school books nt Mercer's.
100 boxes of underwear now open nt I.
W. Hnrlman & Sou's.
For splendid elder vlnccar go to O, C.
Sco tho $1.00 velvet nt I. W. Hartman &
Bread, rolls and dikes the very best
always to bo had at runups' uomcstic ua
kcry. 2t.
isiitiui uuun,. una, , itu ,
everything to make thu student happy nt
I.MI.fl ...1a. lnnll. ntt.l
Tho new rashmcrcs are on sale nt I. W.
Hnrlman it Son's.
Ken- prints, muslins, tlcktncs &a, nt
Clnrk & Son's, nt usual low prices.
C. C. Marr has a full sunnlv of roods and
Is selling cheap.
School books 1 school books I school
books I of-ovury kind nnd description at
The yams nrc ready nt I. W. Hartman A
Buy ..Columbia" yarns, best made, nt
Clark & Son's,
Evans & Eycr aro ready for tho Fall
trade. New goods just received. Cloth
ing made to order In latest styles by ex
perienced wotkjiicn.
J.A.. Hess has as fine n lino of boots nnd
shoes ns enn be found In the county.
I. W. Hartman & Sons
have their new
cotton flannels open.
Boots nnd
shoes, for men, women nnd
children, nil
grades nnd sizes, at J. A.
Cotton flannels, wool flannels, at Clark .
Havo you seen thoso new GO cent black
and colored cashmeres at Clark & Son's,
worth GO cents.
The best line of black dress goods Is nt
Chirk & Son'. Also black shawls.
Wc nre bolter prepared than ever beforo
to supply you Willi anything you may
need in school supplies. J. ll. .llcrccr.
Another lot of thoso C9ct. all-wool 0-4
dress cloths, Fall shades, at Clark & Son's.
C. C. Marr wants
and chickens.
butler, eggs, lard
Ono week from Monday school com.
mences and you will need new books. Get
them nt Mercer's.
Ladies and childrcns underwear at Clark
& Son's. Children's nll-wool vests, 17
cents nnd up. See them.
Thoso Sij-ccnt, 40-ccnt aud $1.00 corsets
at Clark & Son's.
M. L. Blair, Alderman, 5th Ward, Scrnn
ton, Pa., stated November 9, '8iii Ho had
used Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil for sprainf,
cuts, uruiscs and rheumatism, uurcd cv.
cry time.
Narcotics nnd sedatives murder sleep:
tho unnatural stupor is soon followed by
111 enecis. Simmons i,tvcr liccuiator re-
moves the cause of restlessness by regulat
ing me uowcis, uy establishing good diges
tion and by quieting the nerves. Try It,
and you will soon know tho blessing of
good health and sound sleep.
"I have been n great sullcrer from dvs
pcpsla and loss of sleep. As soon us I feel
the least nervous I take a dose of Simmons
Liver Begulntor, nnd sleep all nlitht.
Miss. H. Biivant, Gilswoldsville, Ga.
Vital power Is Infused into tho system,
every organ regulated, every secretion
purilled. the neivus of motion and Hcnsa-
tlon strengthened, the brain refreshed, tho
pneiuo renewed, lho dlccstion improved
uy uini irrcsisiiuic vcceiauio restorative,
Dr. walker's Vlnecar Hitters. It does not
chanco disease from one form to another-
t kills disease.
Dr. Bleckcn. of Minneapolis, savs: "I
shall uso Hunt's flvidncy and Liver Hem.
;iy in dropsy anil Kidney disease licrcat-
"I havo Advised my Daiiehter to try It,
id sho is coinc to do so." Ho further
says : "I called on you nbout six weeks
ago sick with bilious disease. You gave
mo a uottio ot ut. ivenneuys f avorite
Hemedy and it set mo all right. I want
moro of it." Thus writes a man who
lives In Lubcc, Mo., to the proprietor. Wo
arc suro of hearing favorably from the lady,
iur ims preparation is exactly suitcii to tuo
trouuies irom wnicn women so ouensuuer,
Also for llttlo children.
aug 81.4w
Hev. Anthony
Atwood, of Philadelphia,
Sidney nnd Llvcrl Bcmedy
says: "Hunt's Kidney nnd Liver Remedy
nas cured
my wife of dropsy In its worst
Do you wish a beautiful coranlexlon ?
Then use Aycr's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses
nnu purines tuo btoou, anil thereby re
moves blotches and nlinnles from the skin.
malting 11 smooth and clear, anil giving it
n iingui nnu ucaiiuy nppcaraiicc.
Persons who aro past flftv will find Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Itcmodv lust a' out tho
meiucinu tney need when they need a medi
cine at nil. The ten years which follow
that ago aro full of dangers which do not
threaten younger men and women. This
preparation clyes tone to tlio system, cen.
tly expels impurities nnd prevents tho out
cropping of tho seeds ot which
may havo been sown In earlier life. Why
not lire out all your days In hcallli and
strength. aug 21-4w
"novaii ON HATS."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, tlio
Palpitation, dropsical swell nits, dizzi
ness, indigestion, headache, sleeplessness
cureti iiy "wens' ueaiui llcnewcr."
"nccoit ON OOItNS."
Ask for Wells' "Hough 011 Corns. 15c.
Quick, complete cure. Hard orsolt corns,
warts, bunions.
Onlck. complete cure, all Kldnev. Iliad.
dcr and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irri
tation, btone, Uravel, Catarrh of thu Iliad
tier, vi, uriiKi'isis.
IlltlMll'US. t'MUS.
Flics, roaches, ants, bcd.bucs. mts. mice
gophcrs,chlpmunks,clcarcd out by "HougV
on hum," 10c.
"Wells' Health Hcnower" restores henltk
and vigor, cures dyspepsin.lmpntence, sex-
uai ucbiiuy, $1.
"notion on pais."
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, dlanncea,
aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia,
rheumatism. 20c. Hough 011 Pain Plas
ters, 15c.
If you aro fulllne. broken, worn out and
nervous, uso "Wells' Health Bencwir,"
f 1. Druggists.
1.1 IK PltlMKUVUli.
It you uie losing your grip on life,
my ens- iiciiuu iteuower." uocs
weak spoU.
"notion on paw. '
direct to
Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itching, pro
trading, bleeding, Internal or other. Inter
nal nnd fxtcmnl remedy in each piskago.
Sure euro, 50c. Druggists.
riiitTtv W0.MEH.
Ladles who would retain freshness anil
vlvnclty. Don't fall to try "Wells' Hcallli
Hcnower "
"HOUnll ON ITOlf
Unugrii on Itch" cures humors, crup.
Hons, ring-worm, tetter, salt ihcuni, Iro'st
cd feet, ililllblalns.
Coricc i offensive odors nt once. Complcto
cure of worst chronic enscs, nlso unequal-
cd as gnrglo for dlpllicrln, sore tnroni, ioi
breath. Wc.
the noi-n or the nation.
Chlldieii slow in development, puny
scrawney, nnd Hellene, use evens' ueaiui
Ilencwrr " s
cATAitwt or Tim budukii.
Silmilnc. Irritation. Inflammation, nil
Kidney nnd Urinary complaints, cured by
"Buchu-l'nllm." $1.
"WATRII 111-0)8, llOACIIES."
'Kuiiith on Hals" clears them out,
Beetle". Ants.
lly Mi tuo ot sundry writs Issued out ot tho
Court or common lleaa of Columbia county, ana
to me (Hut ted will bo exposed to public sale at tliq
court Ilou', In llloomsburg, on
at 3 o'clock, p. in., all that ccitaln lot or piece of
land situated In tho vlllauo ot Ttohrsburtf, In tho
township of Orcenwood, county ot ColumDU, and
6tato of 1'oon'a, bounded and described as follows,
to-wlt: On tho north by lot of WUlUm Bogart, on
tho south by lot ot Hannah U.Uoii, on the east
by lot oi Jt. St. Appleman and on the west by a
public 1 od. containing about one-fourth ot an
ncieof 1.1 -ni, more or l&w,wlth tho appurtenance,
whereon .11 e erected a good framo dwelling houne,
tranio stablu and all convenient out buildings, and
a good well ot water at tlia door,
Setml, taken la execution at tho fault of 1'. !)
black vs. Thcodoro Mcnccr and to bo sold as the
property ot Thcodoro Menccr.
Ikeler s Herring, attys. Vend. Ex.
A certain messuage and lot of ground tltuato In
the town ot Bloooitburg, In tho county of Colum
bia, and stato of 1'ennsylranl.i, bounded and de
scribed as folows, to-wlt: Beginning at a comer ot
an alley, on tho south bMo ot i'Ktli street, thenco
along s.ild Fifth street north elxty-four nnd one
eighth degrees cast tltty-flvo and a half feet, thence
by lot of c. V. Miller south twcnty-nlno and a
quarter desrecs cast, ono hundred and fltty-flv
fect to rearto street, thence along tho samo south
blxty-ono degrees went ntty-slt and a half foct
to on alley aforesaid and thenco along said alley
north twcnty-nlno degrees west ono hundred and
llfty-elg'.t feet to tho placo of beginning, on
which nru erecloJ a two-story framo dwelling
houso stable and out buildings.
Kckod, tiken In execution nt the suit of C. v.
Miller assigned to Samuel Williams vs. ChartM
Ahlcnmi and to be sold as tho property ot Chnrlos
Miller, Hlt'y. H.i'a.
A UbU,
All certain messuage, piece or parcel of
land, fcltuale In C'entro township, Columbia Co.,
l'a., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a stono thenco by land of Wesley
Hess and other laud formerly ot Samuel Seyhard
south "7 degrees west 30 l-io perches to a stone in
line to 1 iml of Jeremiah Hngenbuch, thenco by
tho same iouth U degrees cast CO 9-lu perches to
a stonu In publlo road, thenco along tho mlikllo
thereof north "6; degrees east 10 perches M a
etone, thenco by land of Joseph A. Hess, north
UU degrees west 'Ji 3-10 perches to a stone, north
it) V degrei-3 east 14 4-10 perches to a stone in lino to
lander lun'l Hngenbuch,thence by the saino north
14.V degiecs 37T-10 perches to tho placo of begin-
nlng, coi Mining nine acres and 80 perches of land,
neat me.i ,ure-
Scl?ed, taken Into execution at tho suit of F. 1,
Davis, administrator, a t. a., d. b. n. ot Godfrey
Mellck, dee'd., vs. Samuel Nej hard, nnd to bo sold
as the pru.icrty of Samuel Neyhard.
Ikelei .v Herring, atty's, Ft, Fa.
Letter t t administration lnthoestato of Sarah
Colo l.uu ut Jackson township, deceased, havo
uoen granted uy mo Hegisicr or said county 10
tho umlnilgncd Administrator. All persons hav
ing chums against lho estate 01 1110 ueceased
are requested to present them for settlement
and Uiov; indebted to lho estate .to make pay
ment lo lho undenlgned Administrator without
delay. AL1NAS cou;
Mi Jl-tt Dcrrs 1". O.
urnioifs NOTICE.
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho or
han' 1 nun or I'olumbU couw v. to distribute tho
funds In tho hands ot tho administrator of satd de-
cedent, toiindamoiiirtho parties entitled thereto,
wllldl-"nuvo tho duties of his appointment at his
olllee In nioomsburs, on Saturday, tho llfth day of
bcpicmuiT, iv, ab ten uciueit iu uiu lureuuuu,
whero nil parties lnteret,ted In said fund must ap
pear, or ! forever debaned from any share there
of. PAUL li WIItT,
Auj.- -it. Auditor.
Tlin uiulci-slL-neil. nnnolntcd Auditor to distribute
the fund In th hands of tho ndinlnlstrator ot Han
nah Knorr, lato ot said county, deceased, will
meet the parties Interested In said fund at hlsot
Hco In liluoTisbur,?, on tho fourth day of bcptem
ber, A. U. ibS5, at ten o'clock, a. m., when and
whero ull jiersons having claims against Kaldestato
must appear and present tho same or bo forever
debaned from coming In on said fund.
num. jiuujviiuiiA.M,
Aug.-Mf. Auditor.
A3ii:n'iimi:n'T to the constitution pro
posed t lho citizens ot ibis Commonwealth
lor l heir approval or rejection by tho General As
sembly 01 tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Published by order ot the secretary of the com
monwcaltli.tu pursuance ot the tlrst section of Ar-
iicio .wniui mu luusuiuuuu.
Joint ico utlon proposing on amendment to the
conalltui 1 in ot thu Commons ealth ol Pennsylva
nia: l c it reso.ved ny me senate anu nouse 0: itenro-
sentallu'sot tho C'oinmot'W ealth ot Pennsylvania
in cenorul Assemuiy met, luaitne louoniug h
lho commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In accor
ioscii as an ainenumeni 01 mo luusuuiuoa 01
dance Ith the pro lslons ot the eighteenth arti
cle thereof.
1 hat nu Ion lho ot artlclo moor the constitu
tion of t In- commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, which
reaus as mmous : -whenever a county sjiaii con
tain roily thousand Inhabitants It shall constltuto
a sepuratn Judtclal district, and shall elect ono
Judgu learned lu t ho law ; and tho General Assem
bly shall provldo for addltlonaljudges, as the busi
ness ot tho said districts mayicimlre. Counties
containing a population less than Is suftlclentto
constitute separato districts shall bo formed Into
convenient single districts, or, It necehsary, may
uu utiaciii-j to conuguousuisiriciH as uiuujncrui
Asscmbl) may provldo. 'lho olllco ot arsoclato
Judge, not learned In tho law, Is abolished In coun
tries tom.liiL-separate districts; but tho soverol Judges In onico when this Constitution
shall bo adopted shall tene for their unexpired
terms," lx) and the same Is hereby nmeudot, so as
to read as follows : hene era county shall con
tain hlxty thousand inhabitants 11 may constltuti
a separate Judicial district, and may e'ect ono
Judgo leai mil In tho law: aud tho General Assem
bly snail provldo tor additional Judges, as the bu
slness of said districts may require, coi'itles not
forming separata districts, shall bo lo.ineil Into
convenient single districts, as tho General Asst-in-bly
may proMclo. Tho olllco ot associate Jufge,
not. learned in uitf iiw, is uixmsiu-u iu cuu'iues
forming separato districts nnd having moro than
010 law Judge 1 every other county shall e'ect
two nssmlalo Judges, who shall not bo lequlred to
lie learned In tho law; but the beveral aisoelato
Judges lu olllee, when this amendment shall bo
adopted, shall servo tor their unexptred term.
A true copy ot tho Joint Hesolut'on.
July 31 :) inos. w. s. Stlnck.
fcecrciary 01 me luiiiuiunwcuu.
iiug.ll lv
pnr'rWii will wud free, on receipt ct
L U ! Fu stamp, a sample ot tho best belling,
1 II 51 Li-t imiu artlclo ever talented.
1 ii... Tt 1 k""J at sight and lu every house.
Men uuirwomcn wanted as Annua cmywhero.
Address III UUIY CO., 1018 ciisutM't ST., Phila
delphia. Aug-Svlt-a.
Life of U.S. GRANT.
An elegant octu'oulumo of'ts pages o Illus
trations. Pilcet&co. 'ilils work gl ub a lull ac
count ui l.UAM'H ocr.tlul lite, Including hU mil
itary career, Ids llto as President, and his renown
ed 'flip Amund tho World. Iwy admirer 0! tho
Nations llt'io w IU dcslie this, tho best selling Llto
ot Orunt send to cents at once for outfit.
PAliK Pi a cu, llautoid, conn,
aug smw d