The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1885, Image 1

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    le ColuiilDiki.
laancil NVeekly, every lVrldny Mornlnsr, nt
at 11.50 poryoar. Tomibscrlbcrsout of thocoun.
ly mo terms aro strictly In advance.
trNo paper discontinued except at tlio option
or tho publlilicrs, until all arrearages aro paid, but
ion? continued credits will not bo KUcn.
All papers sent out of tho stato or to distant post
offlcos must bo paid forln advance, unless a rcsnon
siblo person In Columbia county assumes to nay
t'io subscription duo on demand.
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I Yearly advertisements payable quarterly, i rnn
I Blent ndvcrtlsements must bo paid for betoro in.
! serted except where parties havo accounts.
Iat advertlsemenls two dollars per Inch tor
threlnwrtlons,nndat that rato for additional
insertions without reference to lengtlu
Kxecutors, Administrator's, and Auauor s no
tices tbrco dollars.
Transient or I-ocal notices, ten cents a line, reg
ular advertisements halt rates.
ranis In tho Miiusincss Directory" column, on
dollar a j car for each line.
Tho Job renting Department of tho Cotwuiiin
l.inrvrwmntnln It pnntnlna tlm I n n-. ..... .
nnd m.ulilncry and Is tho only onico that runs Job
pros cs by power. Rlvlnft us tho best facilities. &.
tfmntpa f urnlnliM nn liYnn Inlm.
3, E, HLwELIi, It...........
llloomsburir, Pa
omco over 1st. National Hank.
moo In Ent'a Uulldlnir.
lltcw over Jloycr llros. Drug Storo.
"1 W.MfLtjElt,
umVoln llrowcr' No.l
Uloomsburg, l'a.
Bloomsburg, l'n
onico corner of Centro and Matn Stroota. Olark i
Can bo consultod la German.
Bi-ooMsnona, Pa.
onim on First floor, front room of Col
umbian lJulldinu, Main Btroot, below
chango Hotel.
Offlco in Columbian Uuildino, Itoom No. 8, Bocond
onico lu 1st National Dank bulldlnsr, second floor,
nrst door to tho left. Corner of Main and Market
stroota Dloomsburg, ra.
t&'Tensiont and Eountict Collecltd.
omco InMalzo'sbulldlJg, over lilllmcycr'a grocery,
C. E. tlKYKU.
Attorney s-at-Law i
(omco front suit of rooms on second noor or
tw-HA-M 111! CONfcTJl.TKD IN JEltilAN.t
Members ot Sharp and Allcman's Lawyers ond
banker's Directory and tho American Mercantile
and collection As.voclation. . .V 111 KHo prompt and
careful attention to collection or ciaiius m uuj
part of tho United States or Canada, na well as to
nl 1 ot her professional business entrusted to them.
E. B. 3R0WER
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing nnd Spouting promptly
attended to.
tfHtrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Cornor of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
:., & CD,
Offer to the Trade their Fine llrand of cigars.
Tho Landros,
Henry Clay,
Samson, and
Kino Fruits nnd Kino Confectionery
on hand, P'riHli every week. Blooms
burg, l'n. Feb. 27
Tho undersigned having put his Planing Ml
uu uuuruuu street, in ursiciaifii cunuiuon. is pre
parod to do all kinds ot work In his line.
farnisnca at reasonablo prices. All lumber used
Is welt seasoned and nono but skilled workmen
aro employed.
furnlshod on application. Plan" nnd npccltlca
loui '.iropuoa by an oxperioncva aruuem Binun
nioomKburff, Pn
Jackson Uuililtng, Booms 4 and 5.
catawtssa, ra.
Ofllce, corner of Third and Main streets.
Olllco In Urowcrs' Building, 2ml lloor.
map 1-tf
Attorncy-attiaw, Berwick, l'n.
Cn lo Consulted in German.
ronicc;nrst door below the post ofllce.
a. UAIIKLEY, Attorney-nt-Luw,
, onico in Drawer's bulldlug, snd story, ltooms
II. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy
. alclan, north Bldo Main stroet,below Market
L. FKITZ, Attorney-al Law.
, in Columbian Building,
Who alwnvs eivca you tho latest
Btyles, and cuts your clothing to fit
von. HaviiiL' had the experience ior a
number ol vears in tho Tailoring lluai
ncsa, lias learned what material will
trivo his customers the best satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
nloaso all who civo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Alwnvs of tho latest styles. Call and ex.
amino his stock before purchasing else
Store nest door t
owine Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re-
alrod. UriBi Hocus llulldlntf, nioomscure, ra.
rR. J. 0. RUTTER,
omco, North Market Btroot,
liloomaburr, fa
Dlt. WM. M. HE1JEH, Surgeon and
Physician, onico corner ot Hock und Market
JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and
.Physloian, Ollco and llosldonco on Third
:onniHTiAN p. knai'p, uloomsuuho, pa,
' HOMU, OV N. Y.
CLlN'IXlN, N, V.
l'KOI'LKa' N. Y.
Thoso old cortobatioks aro well tcasoncd by
ftBonndFiiiKTBSTKiiand liavo never yet had a
luss settled by any court ot law, Their assets aro
all Invested In Bonn bkcubitibs aro Uablototho
hazard of nils only, ,,
Lossoa rxounxY and honestly adjusted and
raid as Boon as determined by ciikistuh y.
Tliopeoploot Columbia county should patron
Uthoo agency where losses It any are Bellied and
paid by ono of ther own rlllzons.
Ilumbcrand gas fitter, near of Schuyler's bard
waro ttore.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
i for steam, gas land water
pipes conbtantly on hand.
lloonngnndBpoutlng attendodto at short no
tlco. Tlnwaro ot every description mado to order.
Orders left at sehuylcr Co'a, hardwaro Btoro
will bo promptly filled.
Bpoclal attention given to boating by Btoam and
hot water,
All kinds ot fittings f
Semntoa House,
Victor ICoqh, Propriotov
Hooras aro heated by ttoam, woll ntl';? "JJJj'
oieganiiy lurnuueu. riui, uui .u -
MeaU loonier at all urs. Udles nnd,lcn,a
restavrant furulihcd with all delicacies ot tho
Corner Main & Market Sts.
ii Pa.
April !
ffl. C. SLOAH & BRO.,
Manufacturers of
Flrst-claBS work always on hand.
Prieet reduced lo mil the timrt.
Tho Jobbing l)oiartinout of
is well stocked with innteriiil for
doing nil kinds of printing.
Calling Earls, and Walk
in great variety. All kinds o
kept in stock. Special pncea
nn lni-L'0 orders. Ollico lint!
door below Exchange Uote
Main Street,
Lots of People Say,
Hero Is Solid
Hard Working Hen.
'1 must
to tho
iinv inv
- yoiinc Duke,' siio eaul ploaa.intty.
Slio took littlo Hodcrio V hand in horn
and looked at liim lone and Intently
but not with tho expression that Ills
Fraulein, am I to blnmo because the
Whito Lady stole away his honlth nnd
beauty in her death Wen 1"
Tho girl fell upon hor knees in n pa
roxysm of grief, nnd 1 could undor
stand no moro of her incoherent cxola
Tho whole fleno wai so weird and
shooking that it seemed ai if my hcihcs
wero loavins mc. Every possible rem
edy had been tried for tho child, who
Tho whole
Mrtchlntst and TJnllder.
"I havo been troubled years with kidney nnd
bladder difficulty. After tiling four bottles ot
Ucirr's Kidney and Liver Hikidt I havo been
completely cured." William 0. Clark, Maion and
IlttUdcr.Aubnm.N.Y. t
"iicaltala better than wcaitn." -Macblnlst.
Mr. flenrrn Tturfr. Machinist. 1133 lUdzo Ave..
rhlladf lptiia, Ta., ears s "My dlieaao atartcd when
1 was quite a young lad by havlni? weak kidneys.
l nave- iinca jusibix ooiucboi jiuai wiuuj auu
I.lver IUxedt, and I solemnly proclaim, 'I feel
llko a new man.'"
1 "aoodconn!olha9noptlcc,obcyU.,
Mr. Ilcnry Williams, Mechanic, East Bridge
port, Conn., say: "About two months ago I
canghta heavy cold, which settled in my kidneys.
I got a bottlo of Hunt's Kidney and Liver
ItEBiDT and with Iho first dosobegan to getwcll."
"Light suppers makes long lives."
Railroad Man.
Frank n. Lcc. offlco N. Y. C. & IT. It. It. Littlo
Fall,N.Y.,Jnno8, 18), saya: "My father, tl
roars oio, naa povcro Kianoyanu uiauuvr uisca.o
nrsa vears. nrlnatlon canalnc acnto tain. Tho
weakness was so great he was obliged to wear a
rabbcr bag. Twelvo bottles of Uust's Kidney
ltEXEnT completely cure a mm, ana wo consider it
Bloomsbm-g, Ph.
oars old, had covcro kldnoy and 1
imnletelv c
remarkable Wo cheerfully recommend It."
"Deeds sro better than worda."
ncirr's fKIdnev and Liver Umidt has stood
tho test of time. It has been before tho public for
twenty years, and has cured every year thousands
KMnAva unit T.Unp. ftnd kindred disorders, who had
failed to got relief from doctors and who expected
My father had been clergyman in tho ,.osy chocks and bright bluo oyoa ought
inlet littlo English parish where I waa iQ havo nwakonod in tho faca of n
bom, and I. his only child, had reaped woman. Her look waa moro aa if
tho benefit of a caroful education, ghu boro tho innocent littlo fellow mal-
which ho had given mo during his ice. nll(l whcii ho tiointcd with deliuht
spare Iioum. When, a littlo after my in tho lion's heads in dead trold which
20th birthday, ray father died, leaving fastenod her mantle, alio drew nway waa ovidontly dyinir.
l.ia iit.tnt.talir.,1 unmn na n.iln Inl,niit. If ...1 A. t.I I I t. t.1.1 t.J t I 1.... t
ua uiiuiiiuaiaM ov.u iiiii);iviuiHiy. filter uKiUii ,1 iuw iiuen- iiuiibuiiuiu nuu ueuu uruusuu, uub-iuiiu.
anco for my mother nnd myself, 1 bo- ti0na about Iloderio's health and men- Elizaboth had not yet appeared on tho
gan to realize tho valtio of his toaohing, tal dovolopmcnt, which 1 was proud to Borrowful aoono. 1 Inquired whero alio
for it aided by my vigoroiia health anawer with glowing praiao, aho roaum- wai, but no ono Buomod to know. Bo-
and a fair spirit of determination cj iicr walk with a stiff adieu to mo foro tho physicians, for whom servant
must now kt-ep tho wolf from tho door. nmj not a word or look for littlo Amo- hsd boen diapalohod in all dircotioua,
My father had i ich lnlluentlal rela- Ha, who, aided by her brother, throw could arrlvo ti.o bajy had broathod hia
lives, but they were too much occupied m03t affectionate kisses from her rait- last. Ono could not help a fooling of
with Iho responsibilities which wcnllh toned fingers after tho retreating figure, reliof that his gufforing4 woro over and
brings to lako to hoait Iho troubles of I felt a audden uncouquorablo aisliko no ono Reomcd ablo to realizo fully tho
liieir poorer Kimireu iiiougu pernaps n0 u,ih woman j she was tall, stately great loss that tho duoal houso hatl sua
1 am ungratelul to say thH, lor it was anj beautiful in a Btatueerjuo, heartless tamed.
luiuiu Way, out 1 know ihero was no more rno uoctors contcisod inoiVHotyoa
USaiir- I Inmlrirnnaa in lipr tlmti lliorn u'fiq lilnntl I nnmnlntnlv linfltnil nnd tinfililn In nn.
ed to inu nt last the happiness of my jn i,cr volvety croaraliko complexion. count for Iho sudden and fatal turn of
life. "Who is that lady?" 1 asked of tho tho child's apparently slicht illness.
In Southern Prussia, in tho Duchy footman, when she was out of hcarintj. Tho story of Iho Wluto Lady and her
of IJeroldstein, tho position of nurs- "Mme. Elizabeth, of Bcroldstein, tho deathly kiss was firmly believed in by
ery governess to two children was va- wjf0 of tho lato Duke's youugor broth- servants, and among the moro respon
cant a moat desiiable place, tho chil- cr. Sho would bo Duchess now if it sponsible members of tho liotiaohold it
.11. i i 1 . I - .... .. . I . .
Uren uemg mo lniant hon arm iinugiitcr Wcro not tor this littlo man gently
of tho lato Unko ot lJerolilstcin, vllo touching ltoderios curly hair.
had died only six months before. "Thoy say her mind is sometimes
Thanks to my undo, I waa tho chosen 3stray, and I beliovo tho goasips aro
applicant for tins position. 1 lull tair- rinhu"
ly confident with respect to my proh- in foaturo, carriago and gesture alio
cioncv. for at first my taak would bo
only to havo tho supervision of tho no-
ecemcd to gain credence,
The whole oociirreuco socmod to mo
monatroiM and impoasiblo, and I half
boliovcd it all a horriblo dream, but
Ihero waa tho dead child boforo mo a
sad reality. Lato in tho afternoon I
I liln n II rirnn nml tn tnnmi tlinni TO fltinilK I ... ,.iti nlin.i.a n.t.1 ,1 anni. I I nnlrn.1 at
such porsonsattcit its vaiae. HcnawroooK. I mv Knrlisli toiltfltO correotlv : but 1 U,l nflnrw.inU tn mo as if Mmo. E hza- unnviolion se
toiuraMUii PSia o confess that I felt very downneartcd beth protested silently against tho fato foroo that
mtKT'a rtr.Mrsnv co ' providence. 'n. i. as 1 went aboard tho boat that was to I tliat had not elevated her to tho plaoo of Beroldt
N. cuiTTESlox. Otneral irtnt. i. Y. take mo to an unknown country. which sho would havo adorned so well, easily oxist
the popular favorite for drew
Inc the hair, Restoring the color
when gray,and prevenllng Dan.
drufT. It cleanse. the scalp,
.tons the hair fallincr. and is
sure to please, goo, and $l. sites nt Druggi.ts.
The Best Cough Cure you can use
and the best known preventive of Consumption.
1'akker's Tonic kept In a home is a sentinel to
keep sickness out. Used discreetly it keeps the
blood pure and the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys
in workinff order. Coughs and Colds vanish be
fore it. It builds up the health.
If you suffer from Debility Skin Eruptions,
Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Urinary or
Female Complaints, or any disorder ot the Lungs,
Stomach, liowels, Blood or Nerves, don t wait
till you arc sick in bed, but use Parker s Tonic
to-day ! It will give you new life and vigor.
' inscox & co., n. y:
Sold by Druggists, Large saving buying $i tiie.
"Your brother need not bo uneasy
about you wo shall land safo enough
on the other side," said tho cheery Cap
tain, standing near me,
I smiled through my tears, for the
tall, frank-eyed young fellow who
watched mo from tho shore with such
a look of anxious regret on his face
was not my brother.
Aa Charlio kissed mo ho had nover
kissed me on the lips before and whis
waa much moro tho high-born damu had stolon in unknown to ovory ono and
than was tho amiablo molhor of tho stood beforo tho bod whoro ho lay. As
tho quiet, rigid lorm, tho
ized me with a atrango
this child waa not, tho heir
stein treachery might so
whero misfortune waa
"lias Mmo. Elizabeth any children?" traced to supernatural infliioneo.
I naked. Tho littlo face, marked and drawn a?
"Yes. two boys ; but thoy cannot bo if from a burn, gavo no idea how tho
Dukes of Bcroldstein unless misfor- child hid looked 111 health tho limbs
tunes overtako my young master, seemed tho same and tho light curling
which heaven forbid 1 Mme. Elizaboth hair waa like Iloderio's, but still my
cannot become reconciled to tho fact oyoa woro dry, and I could not mourn
that her husband is only tho second ovor this mysterious changing. Somo
son." thing within mo rebelled against tho
Tho dislike I had conceived for tho mockery of the ducal coronet and rich
now comer only wsroasou on nearer lace auormtig mo uoatnocti oi a poor
known na Mmo. Elizaboth. Sho had
brought with her hor littlo boy, 1 year
old a pretty child when in health, fair
nnd blue-eyed, but nt that time much
disfignrod uy illness. The doator had
said that tho child waa too ill to travel,
that ho might dio any day t and she,
Anna, had not wished to mako tho
journoy ; but Mme. Elizabeth had giv
en hora largo sum ot money, with a pro-
misoof moroitslie would bring t ho child:
and she, baing a poor widow, had not
been nolo to resist tho otter, oho was
required to givo a promiso to livo alone
in tho cottage that Mine. Elizabeth
would chooso for her, and to tell no
ono who alio was or whonco' sho came.
Sho did not know for what reason sho
had been sent for, or what purpose alio
was destined to servo ; sho was only
content that tho promised money was
paid her at regular intervals. Tho
baby grow much woiso and becamo
shocking to look nt, with its faoo liko
a scarlet mask. Ono night whon Anna
thought it very near in end, Mine.
Elizabeth dressed in white, camo alone
nnd on foot to the cottage her pec
ond visit thcro that day. Sho seemed
much excited, and said Anna must let
her tnko tho child to tho castle, whoro
thcro waa a great physician who might
perhaps euro him. Tho woman was
accustomed to obey, so she wrapped
tho baby in a blanket and gavo him to
her. Mmo. Elizaboth camo again that
night very late, still holding something
in hor arms. "They could not euro
your baby ho is dead,'' she said, "but
I have brought yon this child in his
plaoo.'' And sho laid in Anna's arma
a littlo boy not unlike tho one she had tak
en away. Mme. Elizabeth then gave her
an astonishingly largo sum or monoy,
and told hor that sho was to prepare to
go Willi tho child back to lhuungia as
soon as possible there to roar him as
hor own, und sho madu hor promiso
nover to tell a soul of the exchange
that had been made. Anna had no
idea of tho great wrong sho waa doing;
sho had only blindly obeyed every ord
or of tho mistress who had her com
pletely in hor power.
pered, "Keep a good heart, Alice, my acquaintance ; aho had como for a visit little stranger.
I told no ouo my suspicions I had,
alas, no proof aud to lull my excite
mont I went out into tho gathering
darkness, paying littlo heed to tho dia
tanoo I walked. At last, fooling weary
I waa miles away from the caatlo I
waa about to return when I saw a light
aug. M-ly
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
tho several beautiful btylesof I'cnco manufactured
Dy iuc uuucrsicnca.
For llftautr nnrt Durability thpv aro unsurnaas
ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted
lu Kivu BUUSMieilUu.
Prices and specimens of other de
signs sent to any address.
May 4-tf
darling wo shall meet again when 0f some weeks, perhaps mouths, to tho
prospects aro brighter, l leit more castle, aud I noticed that without ex
a tho older servants nt tho placo
sooko ill of her or never men
them certainty of fulfillment. tioned her name.
uuarlio Kent and I had been lovers "Sho is ono of tho bcautilul demons
almost from babyhood ; and, now that that ono hoara about in tho atorics of
childhood had long sinco passed, I can- mv country." remarked Fran Brenner I glimmering from a cottago window
not say that our leelmgs lor each otn- with a shako of tho head, "liut ono within a fow steps trom wnoro 1 stood,
or had changed, savo to intensity. Wo should not judgo her too hastily ; sho I was surprised to find a houao in that
wero both very poor, but woro content lived all her youth m a lonely part ot lonely spot, tor 1 had boon told that
enough to wait for better times. Ilussia, with uo mother to guido her that portion of tho moorlands was too
schloss licroldsteiu proved to bo a nnd under tho influence ot a lather who low lying and barron lor human ham
very stately old mansion, a tritlo repol- Was nono too saintly." tation. Aa the idea of a short rest was
lant in its air of antiquity and issola- Shortly after this ray attention was not unwelcome I looked through tho
lion from tho rest of tho world. A parte taken up by an ovent much moro in-1 thinly-curtained window, and saw that
. it i - - i i . r 1 1 . .. i .. - . . i i . r i 1 1 l i i ,i:
a tan, uarK woman uuuuiui; uvur u
my winnows at tuo tho Von BeroliUtoin family. Utiarlie, steaming aauocpan on the stovo aud a
back I had a beautiful view of tho Ei- my lover bless hia faithful heart! littlo child in ragged clothes making
fol Mountains. Tho grounds at ono had by dint of porsistont search ob- friends with a shaggy dog wero tho
timo most havo been laid out and tend- taincd a noaition in a bank at Trier, a only occupants of tho room.
ed with royal caro ; but now tho atat- trilling diatanco by rail from Berold- 1 waa about to mako ray arrival
lies wero broken, tho fountain out of stein, and had inatalled himself in that known when a second look at tho child,
repair, and an air of neglect pervaded town. Tho delightful knowlodgo of a whoao faco waa turned full towards tho
tho avenues and shrubbery. truo friend and protector boing near at window, mado mo pauao auddoniy.
Tho Duchess lived in tho strictest 4C- band gavo tho world a wonderful Was I drowning or wero thoso really
elusion on account ol her recent be- brightness for me, aud ovon littlo Aim-
reavemont, her only concern being tho ii0 began a baby attempt at repeat
welfare of her children. My littlo ing the simple homo tunes which from
charges were charming a twin broth- shocr lightness of heart I sang in her
er anil sister, aim inu ouiy surviving cars all day.
children of tho family. I Tn son p.ieh other acrain was haitni
... I t.j - i y
Koderic, tho voting heir to tho duke neas nnouch for Charlio and mc. and deceived.
dora, was a ttuly beautiful child, rosy wo found no timo during our brief Liko a woman mad, I flew back over
and clicrublike, with a promiso ot intel- meet ngs to mourn that tho prospect of tho long drk road to tho achioas. n
ligenco in hia iaco which well befitted 0tir beginning lifo together waa still in was not safo to let my investigation
tho high rank to which ho waa born, tho dim future I had a moat trust- go farther alone ; so I scizod on tho
Amelia, tho little girl, waa n quieter, worthy messenger for my innocent first servants I found Mar, tho
softer copy of her brother, and already communications to Charlio in tho per-1 coachman, and the maid Liaottc, whom
tho pair wero dovotedly attached to 80n of an Alsatian nursemaid, lvsotto 1 had bofrionded and giying them a
each other. by name, who declared herself ready hurried account ot wnat i nnn seen,
Tho children wero rather moro than and anxious to servo mo by overy led them baok to tho lonely cottago,
a year old when I arrived at Berold- means in her power. Her attachment Wo mado our way in unceremonious
steiu certainly too young to derivo dated from an occasion when I had ly enough. At tho first glance tho
muoh benefit from my prescnoe, 1 shielded her from a severe reprimand, room seemed vacant, and my heart
thought; but, as it was customary in ShQ jiad carelessly allowed littlo Hod- sank ; but the noxt moment wo discov
high families to havo tho children loam eric to nlav with a dog known to bo cred the baby aaloop upon a in
foreign longuoa from tho cradle, my I fierce, aud tho littlo fellow had boen I a dark corner. Tho man gathered up
conscience quieted itself. bitten just below tho kneo only a I tho little bundlo and boro it to tho light;
Verv little timo elapsed betoro 1 slinht wound, but enough perhaps to tho baby awoko and looked with sloopy,
found myself tho friend and confidant causo tlio cirls dismissal if discovered. I hazy oyoa at tho disturber of his rest.
of Frau Brenner, housekeeper at tho With a littlo forethought I arranged I Evon then I saw no look of reoogni'
to drosa and undress Ilodcrio for a fow I Hon on the servants faces. Could 1
. . ,1 . t. .. I. a mi.. .1 I.. i .
davs so tnai tuo wouna wouiu not uo uo misiaitou i xne tnuugia was mis
noticed, and neither Jjisetto nor l ovor ery,
called attention to the throo littlo soar Um, becoming fully aroused, tho
loft on tho baby's round whito log. utile child sat up and hold out its
littlo Iloderio's bluo eyes looking u
with tho frank, wido opon gaze that
know so well T Tho soft golden curls
had boen cut off, aud tho ooarsc, ruatio
clothoa woro a good disguise, but
know my young ohargo too well to bo
It waa provod beyond a doubt that
Mmo. iMizabcth, disguised as a "ghost.
had stolon nway the young heir of
Beroldstciu with tho intent to secure
tho succesion of her son, a crime do-
serving bittor expiation, liut a worso
punishment than tho law could intact
awaited tho miserable woman alio be
camo permanently insane, and in tho asy
lum, whore she traa kept in close con
tinement, it was said that her mental
sufferings woro terrible.
fcormy otlorta in restoring little
Hoderio to his ancoatral home I receiv
ed a recognition from tho Duchess,
which mado my union with Charles
possible, without any fear of want in
tho future.
A Little Boy's Sermon-
Two littlo boys were playing togeth
AGENCY. Moycr's new bulldlnsr. Main btrcet,
7)nms.bunr. ra.
.(Etna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, conn f t,ots,iko
LSashiS.r.'.'.:::'.'.":::'.'.:::::: castle. Among other bits of informa-
Kiro Asbociation. Philadelphia J'1."?"! tion sho told mo what 1 rather expect
iJK' i:W.7u cd to hear, that Schloss Boroldstoin
Hartford of Hartford wn haunted
mrlnnyM Uln.nd Mnrtno . "Otti.SSO I WilS IlilUllltU.
As tho aeencles aro direct, policies aro written
llloombbunr. Oct. W, 'SI
"It la quito tho spot for a ghoat to
ah inn i lire ii Lies iiru uiruui. uuinitn uiu niiiitu i . . . . . i i . i . . . .
for the insured without delay in tho onice at chooso for midnight wanderings, 1 ro- l.isetto repaid mo oy accounting most arma to mo, claiming in baby-lnnguago
marked, and though secretly amused at ingeniously ior my unci nuseuco wiiu an old friend.
North American ot Philadelphia.
Franklin, " '
lnnsylvanla, " "
York-, ot I'unnsylvaula.
Hanover, of N. Y.
oucens, of London.
North Urlttsu, ot London.
Ofllce on Market Stroot, No, 9, ltloomsburir.
Bloomsiiuho, Coi.usiuia Couxri',
11 styles of work done In a superior manner, work
warranted oa ruuruueuieu. iiithmikilt-
ku without 1'iIH by tho uso of (las, and
freoof charge w hen arttnclal teeth
aro Inserted.
Ofllce over Klelm's Drue Store.
To be open at all Murt aurtng im aaj,
"It is your young raastor I havo no
longer any doubt 1" tho man said, in-
gtictlvoly raising hit hat,
urge and convenient simple rooms. Bath rooma l)ark with tho two children,
tint, iimi cold water, and all modern conveniences I u'. "
tho old woman's credulity, I encourag-1 Charlio.
cd her by ray air of deep intcroat to
tell rao more of this spectral visitant. Littlo Hoderio had boon Hlightly ill
It was tho woll known story ot a la with somo cmmisn maiauy, auu ior a "Look for tho mark ot tho dog bito
dy in whito appearing aa tho stlen her- fow nights I slept besido his bod, until on his kneo, to mako sure," put in Lts-
aid of a death in tho family. Thrco at the urgent rcquost ot mmo. kUza- ott0i trembling witli oxcitemont.
years before, one dark stormy night, both, I went to take undisturbed rost m not thought ot this boforo, and
thn sentinel nt tho gatea had seen tho in mv own room. I wondorod at her was thankful for the cirls suggestion.
a ... I ...... r . i, in .1 1 . " . . aa .. .
Whito Lady gliding among tuo trees soiicituiio, ior suo was uauaiiy Boiusniy a I oxpootod, wo found tho three littlo
. 1 ll.A nn.ll ...1 l.nrn,i .nn,.!iin I I ti.l ! fTirin . Willi 1-nUlinnK If. tll P.nmfnrt. I . .. t... .1.,. Jl, In 4l,
en dead with paralysis. Threo times signed my caro of Uodeno to a r?y- proof of my darling's idontity I Ml
tho whito apparition waa soen during faced country maiden, who promiaod u.,on my kneea and sobbed for puro
tho week boloro his Highness JJiiko laitniuiiy to Koep a vigilant oyo on inu delight, thanking from tho depths of
Albreoht died : and according to Frau young Dako. my heart tho notorious l'rovidonco
Brenner, no member of tho Von Ber- in tho oarly gray of tho following I that had directed my steps to tho deso
oldstein family had over been gathered morning I was awakenonod from a I lato cottago.
to hia fathers without tho aaaistauco of gound sleep by an uproar iu tho houao, I At that moment the woman whom
tho W into i.atiy. 1110 mero mention at tho thought ot which 1 buu snud-1 had een on my nrst visit onterod tno
of her mado every servant in tno piaco ,ier (Joes and lamentatwna sounded room and tho look of torror that camo
shudder, and even tho more enlighten-1 from tho children's apartments, and, I over her faco at sooiug us I shall novor
ed members ot tho nousohoKi uiu not mailing to tho spot, 1 saw tho JJuohcss forgot.
deny her evil influence. In fact, I had on iier kneea beforo Iloderio's bod, I "What. who 1" sho began confusod-
frequoiiv ocoaaion alter Una to wonder wju, a group of frightened sorvanta ly ; but Mar interrupted hor by Buying
at tho nmouni oi superstition prcva- gathered near her, tho ouo who had I coolly
been loft in chargo of tho baby moan
ing nnd calling on tho namo of all tho
saints, her faca ghostliko with torror.
"In heaven s namo what la tho mat-
tor 1" 1 cnod.
"Look !" waa all tho Duohoss oould
'Eddie,' said Harry, 'I'll bo a m
tor and preach you a sermon.'
All right, said H.ddio, 'i ll bo
narry began : vaiy text ta a shot-
and caayono: 'Bo kind, ihero are
somo texts in tho Biblo on purpose fo
little children, nnd this is one of them
Thorn are a great many heads to my
'First, Be kind to papa, and don'
make a noiso whon ho has a headache,
I don't believe, Eddie, you know what
a hcadacho is ; but 1 do. I had one
once, and did not want to hear any one
speak a word ; and if I heard a noise
tho pain waa dreadful 1
'Second, lie kind to mamma, an
don't make her tell you to do a thing
more than once, think how tired sh
must get saying, "It is timo for yru
go to bed," half a dozen times over.
Third, Bo kind to baby.
'You havo leaved out, be kind
Harry,, interrupted Eddie.
'Yes, said Harry, but you will be
nd to mo if you aro kind to all the
others, because you will forgot to bo
nkind. I waa saying, Bo kind to ba
by, and lend hor your rod soldier when
sho wants it.
'Fourth, Bo kind to Jane, and don't
kick and scream when sho washes you.
Here Eddio looked ashamed, and
said : 'But she pulled my hair with tho
'Poopio musn't talk in meeting," said
'Fifth. Bo kiud to Kitty. Do what
will make her purr, not. what will mako
hor cry.
'Uh Jlarry, cried liddie, with tears
his oyes, don't preach any more,
cause I will always bo kind n nv.
lent among oven tho higher class in
this littlo corner of tho world whither
fato had drifted me.
Somo months later I was out .in tho
It was
midwinter, and thcro was snow enough
A school for both soxes. separata bulldlneot
brick, noateu uy steam, ior mo uso ui muica.
Special attention paid to students whoac school
nriv!lP(roMhRV lK!t'n limited.
4 -
Location Exceptionally Healthful.
PER YEAR $154.
ltoducod rates on 1). U c W. It. It,. Seventeenth
year begins August Hi I or catalogue or lufoi ma-
lion oaunwi
children, clothod utter pointing to a littlo form moving with all ipood and Bond two or
soft whito fur aud uneasily on tho pillows. men to rcli6vo his guard ovor tho
"Wo havo oomo to relievo you of
tho caro of this child. Ho is needed
at tho oastle, whero ho belongs."
Putting tho littlo boy into my will
ing arim holwhispored a fow words to
mo to tho effect that I was to go back
for Blodding ; tho
from head to foot in soft whito fur aud tmonsllv
half buried in a nolar bear robe, woro Tiwtn.1,1 nf thr, beautiful sleotilno Inlcious promisos.
enjoying a rido in their swau-shapod cherub that Iliad kissed only a fow An hour later tho Schloss Borold
sleigh 111 whito and silver, witn an nrcn 10urs hofore, a torriblo faco, purplo and biciu was mo suunu 01 vuu greoiusi, u
nr I 111 K I III l I1IMIH 111 Lill'.Ul'tl ItlTIUliL. Ill L11U I rlldTArriiil Willi UTI M tlvHH II II II im 14 LILVIIIVIIlx tt liwnn RI'IVUl nJ TI
w v... Q lUlOWl tvu I fit " J ' i 1 I ll Illl 1
UUKsian lasinon. rigid with sultonng lay boforo mo. nru inrougiioiii uiu wnum ucijjuuonjuuu
While a footman pushed tho dainty "When did this happonl'' I asked, that tho young Duko had boon rvstor
littlo vohlolo I walked on ono sido talk- ,iih n al.aWinf vnlno. Beininrr with a I ed from tho doad. I drossod littlo
to tho children and onioving their ba-1 rm likn imn tlm nrm of tho nursa. I Uodorick in his own clothes, gavo him
byish dollghl at tho glistening frost ma'ui Lottchen. M toy on luo hoarthrug, and thon
and snow. -'Tho Holy Mother forgivo rao," tho brought his griof-Urickon mothor to
1?(Mlni'frt urna ltrnmiiinfr nvnr U'illl lifn rrlrl Imrrnn. "lor tho flvo short mli utcs I look at tho protty picturo. I shall not
litiin I iinf T rinrml l IIU vniituf Inrilnliln I altompt to uoticnbo how tlio houso
rtllU VAtUVIIIWiHt .vnv.u i iMilV "v J -""Ci - III I. !
hands, mittenod in fur, clutched at ov- was sleeping liko ono ol tho blossod mourmng ouangou wuuu.oi rmuimug.
cry low-hauging icicle and glittering angels or I should not havo givon A last but striking proof mat tno
twig, theroby lotting in niuoii ot tno away,
VI A DIIUUIU IIUv IIUIV IjtTUU 1 ' " - ' " a I
Ah I opened my eyos I glanced I young heir had returned was tho un
feigned dolight with whioh littlo Am
alio welcomed back her brother.
cold breath of winter on his moro com- toward tho door, whon tho saints do-
nosed sister. As wo went briskly fend mo 1 I saiv tho long trailing
down tho nvenuo a lady riohly dressed I garments and ghostly form of tho
in b ack ve vet and sab o met and stop Whi o J.adv disappearing in tno uarK
ned our littlo oavnloado. I wondered noss 1 Aly voioo was gono In fright,
who this crrandu diuno could bo who or I should havo scroatuod. As tho
nreferred a lonely walk in tho deserted lifo oamo back to mo I looked at tho lowing effect : Sho, Anna Freitaohk
avenues to n drive in a luxurious carri-1 bed and saw the awful change that had I had come somo wooka boforo from
age with good company. I como over tho young master. Oh, jThuringa to Boroldstoin with tl,o lady
Tho dark woman of tho cottago was
nut under arrest, and with very littl
hesitation mado a statement to tho fol
How Gold Rings are Made-
Gold rings aro mado from bars
nino or liftoen inches long. A bar fif
teen inches long, about two inches
wide and threo sixteenths of an inch
thick, is worth about $1,000. It would
makn 300 four ponny.weight rings.
A dozen processes nnd twenty minutes
tunc are required to change tho bar in
to merchantable rings. A pair ot
shears cut tho bar into strips. By tho
turn of a wheel, ono, two or threo
times, the guillotino blade of the shears
cuts tho bar into slices, one, two or
three-sixteenths of an inch wide. A
rolling maohino presses out tho strips
and makes them iiat or grooved, liaci
strip is then put undor a blowpipe and
aunoaled l ho oxldo ot copper comes
to tho surface, nnd is put into a picklo
of sulphuric acid, and tho bit of gold
is stamped with its quality and tho
namo of tho maker, ami is put through
a machino that bends it into the shapo
of a ring of any size. Tho cmU aro
soldered with an alloy of inferior fine
noss to tho quality of tho ring. Many
puupiu imagine inut rings aro run in
mold, becauso thoy can't seo wher
iney. aro soinereu. tho ring spins
through the turning lathes, is rounded
pared ana poiwioa, nrst with tnpoii
and then with steel fillings and rouge
A nearly perfect skolotou of tho mo
sasaurus was recently discovered in
quarry near Mons, in tho I'rovinco of
minaut, Bolgium. It has the extraoi
uinary length ot titty-nvo loot nino
inches. It is to bo preserved in tho
National History Museum, Brussels
It is stated that since carmine tins
boen abanloned in favor of cosine reds
painful spots on tho skin and colics
havo becomo common among girls cm
ployed in making red artificial llowcrs.
The eosmo lakes Used have a lead base
aud tho substitution of aliimuious lakes
has been recommended by a leading
cucmicai authority.
What Sporting Men Rely On.
When Lewis It. Uodmond, tho South
Carolina moonshiner, cornered, atlor
eight years eluding the government,
ciils, was asked to surrender, ho
Kuvcr, t" men who firo at my
back I" . .
B foro he was taken, five bullets had
goti' clear tin ough him, but strange to
relat-,lio got well, in tho hands of a
rud backwoods nurse.
By tho way, if Garfield had been in
the hands of a backwoods nurse, ho
mig t havo lived. A heap of volun
teer testimony against tno iniaiiioiiuy
f tlm nlivHiciniis has been accumulat
ing -if late, and poopio aro encouraged
to 1 1 I tneir own uutiiuiuit; muiu
inor '. It is cheaper and quite as cer
tain .
I! foro Detective Curlin of Bultalo
caught Tom Ballard he "covered him
with his revolver, Tom saw tno point
and tumbled 1
Joe Goss was "covered n few weoka
. . ill . l . T.
ago anil ho liimuicu, aim so uiu uu
Mil".-. Death "fetched 'oin" with that
e.iled weapon kidney disease.
But thoy should have been lively ami
ra-.rn first. They oould nave casuy
i' irmcd tho monster had they covered
him with that dead shot Warners
sale cure, which, drawn promptly, nl-'
w ij s takes tho proy. It is doubtless
true that sporting men dread this ono
my moro than any mishap of their
profession, and presumably this ox-
lam why they as a ruie are so
: 'h it celebrated ''dead shot."
Redmond was right. No man
sho'il 1 surrender when attacked in the
bii'k. He Bhould "draw, faco about
ard proceed to the defence, for such
attacks, so common among all classes,
will fetch a man every timo unless
!civered" by that wonderfully success
ful "dead shot;" Sportman'a News.
Mr- Beeoher's Maiden Sermon.
tiii: rri.rir ok a i.itti.i: trai
inn cuuitai-
lUtnTla corresiondeuco of the Missouri nepubll-
What is beliovod to havo been the
fir i sermon of Henry Ward Becchcr
w i preached about fifty years ago in
wh t was then the Presbyterian chnrch
f ' is village, when tho now distin-
guiihed orator was but an unknown
Ivy and a green theological student at
L-i:i'i Seminary, at Cincinnati, under
hi- f ilher. The church had been with
out a regular pastor for a short timo
ii-ioi- to 1 833, and Dr. Lyman Becchcr,
lii- "on-in-law, Kov. Charles E. Stowe,
and other professors from "Old Lano"
i i i i : i i .
unit occasional services ;um hujii uu
c e mi tho littlo flock in Batavia. In
1833 Itcv. tieorgo needier was caned
to tho pastorate, and remained in
charge till 1837. It was while Ins old
er buMier was the pastor that iienry
Ward first entered tho pnlpit. lie had
boi-n a btudont at Lane for a year, and
wr.i "pending a week at his brother's
houso' when Judge Owen T. tisliback,
who had somehow becomo imprcssod
thai the young man had more than or
dinary ability, persuaded him to preach
on I'tio Saturday night.
When tho timo camu the sexton
light' ilthe tallow candles in the tin
(court's hanging against tho wall, rang
the 1'ieer, squeaking old bell, and so
cubed tho villagers together. It was
gfiii-rally known who tho speaker
won I be, and most of tho congroga
ti'Mi were drawn by curiosity. Many
kni"i him as a rather "green'' youth,
haii'ly out of boyhood, and full of
praii s of all kinds whenever opportu
nity nffered, and thoy exchanged glanc
es with each other as they saw "Hen
ry'' in the, box like pulpit, evidently
ui'iii' than half frightened at the or-
ileal i eiorc him. iNObouy ncro can re-
all i he text or much of tho sermon,
cl all who heard it concede that the
spe:ikt r had more than ordinary talouts.
Uncle John White, a young man
leu, says of it: "His appearance was
ag-iui-.t Mm, tor lie was a shy, boyish
ooking young nun, but betoro ho got
thio-iijh ho cast off his scare, and I
likul him belter than his brother
?! ;o. His contrast to tho stern, un-
iu! 'big Puritanic stylo of his revered
fat r was marked by all."
M . Lowe, at that timo a young la-
ly or Batavia, says: Young Beechor's
sermon was a grand effort, mnthodical
urn to and impassionato in delivery,
though he was greatly in fear and
tru biing until neatly half way
thrmuh. Then his timidity left him,
and he closed in a most ablo and happy
.In! n W. Ivain, the oldest of Bata
iaV citizens, was a man grown when
Bo' uher preached here, and still retains
viv l recollection ot the impression
t in i In on him. Says ho: "I liked his
jib uu 1 stylo, becauso I thought hr had
memo in him, though most of tho
youu : folks thought ho was poor tim
ber, owing to his greenness. And I
was light; for, after a hesitating pray.
er umiI a timid way of reading tho
lijinn. nnd after stumbling somo in tho
ginning ot his sermon, he warmed
up and went through his discourse
which was a doctrinal one, in a manner
strongly indicative of his futuro sue-
cer". Although not a church member,
I wi so moved that I wont up after
the congregation was dismissed and
congratulated him on his success in his
first ITort."
The old chinch was sold in 1859,
and a brick edifico erected for tho
grovx'ng congregation, and in timo tho
old building became a part of tho
'll'i'i'iltoninu houso" hotel property,
and is now used as a carriago-liouso
and stable, whilo on Sundays it is not
infrc'piontly tho resort of thirsty lop
erf, who smuggle into it the whisky
and beer tho town ordinance docs not
allow thorn to enjoy elsowhete.
A ilvor dollar weighs very near an
outlet". Henco any letter not heavier
than a dollar can go for a two-cent
stamp. A livo cent piece added will
givo tho ounce. If you havo not tho
silver dollar, livo nick Irs nnd a Binall
oopj'or cent will givo an ounce.
Copying letters in tho Treasury at
Washington is now done by caligraph
on scp'irato sheets of paper for binding
in volumes. Tho new process saves
llnio and money.
Not many farmers know that on tho
nvMil'e stem underneath a "otton leaf
is a small coll, or cavity, that contains
a droji of blood which can bo seen by
I rising between tho thumb nails.
Looatlcn noar l U W. II. It. JJP''"nton'rfl-
May w, sir-