The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 21, 1885, Image 4

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Story of n Stage Btntok Man.
Tim r.xrnniRNCF.s of a season on tub
rtOAi in a comio orr.nA ciiortus.
"So you want to know nomctlilnp
nbout tliu inner life ol tlio show liuii
nessf' said a dapper young man to the
reporter. "Well, I'm just tlio ono who
can civo you tho Btrnlght Up na to
roughing it on tlio road.
"Ever since I was a boy I have had
a hankering nftcr tho show life, and a
couplo of years ago, whllo I was en
gaged in n church choir, I felt tlio fever
coming on mighty strong. I began to
culttvato an acquaintanco with theatri
cal people, and almoil beforo 1 know
it I had signed a contract with a comio
opera company for a forty weeks' en
gagement, 1 was to receivo SI 8 a
week besides travclirg expenses, and
I had it figured out how I was to do
tho oountry, and have a few hundred
dollars saved np when wo disbanded in
tho spring. Everything Bccmcd rosy t
there was an air of business about all
tho details, for tho contracts were
drawn up by a well-known agent, and,
although tho chorus was mostly com
posed of amateurs liko myself, the prin
cipals wcro public favorites, and well
up in their several lines.
"It was tho middle of August, so wo
had about two weeks in which to re
hearso our parts. Tho theatres wcro
vacant at tho time, and wo had littlo
difficulty in treltini? a suitable place.
Although or repertoire consisted of sev
eral comio operas, wo wero to bo put
llirotich only two. tho others being rc
hearsed while on tho road. It was hero
tlio troublo beirati. Tho chorus was
itaimtakinir and ouick to lcarn.but tho
principals, who wero blown m with
Rolfsuflicienoy, seldom appeared togeth
er at tlio rehearsals! and when wo
mado our debut in a small town in Jer
sey ono of tho men. who bad boasted
ho know tho wholo thing, word for
word, forcot his lines. Wo had struok
our first sn.vr, and tho local papers
cave U9 a poor sendoff tho next day.
"But I enjoyed the life The gilt
had not yet worn off tho business tor
me, and 1 had conquered all traces of
nervousness. Tho only thing we wcro
afraid to face was the empty benches,
and wo saw plenty of them until wo
got into Pennsylvania. Tho boys wero
a jolly, devil-may oaro lot of fellow,
and wo had not been two weeks on tho
road before I had blown in tho little
sura of money I had stored away for
an emergency. Then until I again set
foot in Brooklyn, I hardly knew what
it was to havo a dollar in my pocket.
"As soon as tho manager got his
clutches on tho door receipts, thoy wero
sent, off to tho backer in JSow lone,
Of course tho principals, whoso reputa
tions mado Uicm independoni, got mun
salaries : but llir. chorus and tho rest o
us cot nothing but promises. It die
not matter how food tho houses wero,
we wcro always told wo would bo paid
in inn as soon as wo sirucn guuu uu.n
ness Our traveling expenses had to
be paid, as well as tho board bills ( but
wo never had the money in our own
hands. When wo struok a stand, tlio
manager would mako arrangements
with some thirdclass hotel to board tlio
chorus. Tho principals, who had tho
spending of their own money, never
put up at the same hotel with us, and
didn't blame thorn.
"Why didn't we kiclct What was
tho nsoT Wo were far away from homo
without a cent in our posVcts, and as
long as wo stayed with tho show we
had something to cat and a place to
sleep. Somo of tho members who
could affr rd it telegraphed horuo for
enough money to take lliem DacK to
New York, while othors slipped into
rival companies and took tneir chances
of jumping from tho frying pan into
tho fire. Wo thought of nothing but
schemes to raiso the wind, and thero
wasn't a crook in tho country who was
so full of ways that aro dark and tricks
that oro vain' as we. bomo curried ia
vor with tho principals, and managed
in that way to squeeze tho box, whilo
others bribed tho staco manager to dis
count their notes. But tho best of all
was tho box office racket. It was this
way. You see, a man would buy
something an umbrella, a valise,
any article ho liked and enter into
agreement with tlio storekeeper to tako
it back for a consideration. Then it
would bo sent to tho box oflico with tho
bill. This panned out immensely until
ono day when wo wcro in Galveston
Jonan sent a cooo in with a mule, up
on whioli thero was SC5 to bo paid
That was working it a littlo too much,
and tho manager shut right down on it
thero and then. Wo never got up any
thing so good afterward, although
Jcrseyman we had with us, a pretty
hard drinker, hesitated at nothing when
hn wanted a drink. One afternoon
whilo wo wero rehearsing, ho rushed
into tho greenroom clad only in an old
oilskin suit all smeared with paint and
tar. Ho told tho manager ho had been
taking a swim nit one ot tho docks
and somo sailors in a skiff had stolon
his clothes and left tho iumpor and ov
eralls in their place, lie was drunk
for threo days, and when tho manager
as k oil him how ho got such uno IV ew
York clothes in Texas ho never winked
an eye.
'Tho manager thought of nothing
nut making money, and aflor tho treas
urer had skipped with tho receipts one
night, ho becamo harder than ever on
tho company. Ior weeks wo had noth
ing but ono-night stands, and when tho
cities wcro a hundred or more miles
apart wo had no sleep except what we
goi on the ears. At hrst wo tnouuh
that when the hut train left tVfore tin
chow was ovi'r wo would havo a full
night's ri-Kt, hut wu soon found (hat tho
engineer hail necived cxtri inty to
keep tho tram waiting for us. Wo got
our meals in tlio name haphazard way
as our sleep. Wo'd telegraph ahead to
ino next station lor so many covers,
and as thero wasn't tlnio for any exam
luation they didn't caro much what
thoy served. Sometimes tho dinner was
good, but tho temptation to cheat was
ho strong that wo soon began to antici
pate it, and seldom got what wo want
od. Tho empty dishes wcro loft at tho
following station, whence thoy wcro ro-
...... .v.l . .1 itri. .i- .
lumen iu weir uwnur. ruuii inu uiu
ncr was particularly bad, tho plates us
ually met with some accident.
"Aftor being on tho road somo seven
months wo disbanded at Philadelphia,
all glad to bo droppod so near home.
I was all brokou up. Instead of being
iccuporated by tho travelling I was
ick in body and mind from hard work
nnd disappointment. Wo wero prom
iscd settlement in full, and instructed
lo call at a certain placo in Now York
lor our statements. Alter charging
mo for many things I had never heard
of, and over $100 for 'bus hire, they
figured that thero woro a fow dollars
coming to me. I called a couplo of
times, but never got it. Tho Jersey
man found himself in dnht to tho man
ager, and I'm nfraid ho never paid up.
" But as hard as it was on us, it was
worso for tho poor girls. Many of
thorn, allured by tho tempting Balory,
gave up their place in churches and
loft 1 iappy homes and mothers, somo
through poverty, and othors through
ambition. It was a hard situation for
innocent girls. Their slender ward
robes woro soon worn out, and tnoy
had no monoy to purchato moie, nnd
when tho winter sot in, while tho men
could keep themselves warm lu tho bar
or hotel office, thoy had often to stay
In bed all day, as thoy had not tho
?uarter to pay for a firo in their rooms,
havo often seen them singing in opera
boulto with tears in their eyes.'
Summer Seeding to Grass.
Tho Summer work should not all con
sist in cultivating and harvesting crops.
There may bo some judicious seeding
dono nnd it should bo done well, ino
American Agriculturist says: Tho
most successful seeding lo gras-t may bo
dono in July nnd August, nfUr the
grain crops arc taken off. The picsent
season has been a bad ono for llio seed
sown last Fall. Tho hard Winter de
stroyed tho timothy, and tho lato
Spring has interfered greatly with tho
Heeding of tho cloyer. As a rule, it
may bo said that Summer seeding is
moro successful than Fall and Spring
seeding, but the ground must bo thor
oughly well prepared. Tho wholo se
cret lies in this preparation. Tho fol
lowing plan has been found excellent:
Tho stubblo is well plowed, not moro
than four inches deep, nnd immediately
harrowed in a thorough manner.
Thero aro several new implements
which do this work in the best manner,
pulverizing tho soil, leveling tho sur
faco and smoothing it, so as to get the
land in tho most perfect condition for
tho seed After all this has been done,
and tho furrow marks obliterated, tho
Bced is sown nnd tho surface immedi
ately rolled. If this U dono in July
nothing more is required. If it is left
later, it will bo dcsirablo to sow turnip
seed, at tho rate of one pound per a ire,
with tho grass seed. This affords pro
tection for tho young grass and clover
in tho Fall and Winter. Wo havo
fonnd it a good plan to leavo tho tur
nips or. tho ground and not gather
them. Thoy will bo killed by tho lroat,
and the loaves falling down, furnish
protection to tlio grass during tho
Winter, and in tho early Spring, when
so much damage is usually dono by tho
alternate thaws and frosts. Tho grass
will usually furnish ono cutting tho
next season, but it should not bo pas
tured, as tho stir faco is not yet firm
enough nor tho plants sufficiently well
rooted to stand such a tax.
Tho principal cause ot nearly nil sickness at this
flmo oi tho year has lta origin In a disordered Uv
or, which, It not regulated In time, groat suffering
wretchodncfB and death will ensue. A gentleman
writing rrora south America says : "I havo used
your Simmons' JJvcr Hegulator with Rood effect,
both as a prevention and euro for Malarial Fevers
on tho Istumus or ranama."
Simmons' Liver Regulator
Au Effectual Specific
If you feci drowsy, dobllltatcd,.havo frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and
tongue coated, you aro suffering from torpid liver
or "biliousness." and nothing will euro you .so
speedily and permanently as to tako
It la given with safety, and tho happiest results
to tho most delicate Infant. It takes tho placo ot
quinine nnd bitters ot every kind. It Is tho cheap--est,
purest and best family medlclno In tho world.
J. H. ZEILIN & CO., phila,
may SV-iy
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in
Crockery, (Hassware, Table and rocket cutlery,
Window Glass, and l'lated-ware.
The M candle-power marsh electric lamp.
Tho celebrated llnaforo liurner.
Bird Cages, Fruit Jars.
433 Lackawanna Avenue. SCKANTON, I'a.
may My
The Jobbing Department of
is well stocked with mntcriiil for
.doing nil kinds of .printing;
ttg Cards, and Invitations
in great variety. All kinds of
Kent in stock', special prices
on largo orders. Oflico 2nd
door below Exchange Hotel.
Mam btrect,
ISlooniHluirg, Pa.
E. B. 3R0WER
All k'tiKln of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof-
ing ami Snouting promptly
attended to.
restrict attontlon Btven to healing by titeam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Ilearmblra llun Imlkrri for ltOOI'SOIlTMIIIi:
W.tLI.H, and INNI11K lu idui-11 ofl'lu.ier. Very
trundaud durublft. ftAlil'KTH mid IlirfJbi.t-
MUU10 MIBl.rlllL CutaloifUO With tChMmnntnU nn.l
BauipU-H Free, W, II, VAV fc CO., Omidi-u,
Happy Children.
The lor of every wcll-rctrulMed household comes
chiefly from the children. Thousands of affection
ate .parents do not tako caro o( their children.
Through ignornnco, moro than rulpablo neglect
they suffer them to fall nick and die. when knowl.
Odgo might havo saved them to lovo and home. Pr.
uaTKl ivenneuy um-rs 1113 'i-nvuniu nriiiLny" m
emphatically a medicine for tho children Kentlo
in lis Rlliun, cuuutiiuiiK uu minium iiiKrvuii'ms
whntnvnr. cmlntr Rtralvht to the blood, which.
when Impure, Is the seat and source of disease.
"ravunio jtemniy ismu menu ui iimuiiuuu nun
Alintihl tin founil
Keep It in your houso for your cnuflrcn'n sake,
wen A3 lur juur uwn. iry u nun juu win uj
tnat you saw mis nnicie. .iiuko no mismhCH.
Tho medicine U "Fa vorllo ltemedy" and tho pro-
lrictors name and aacircss: nr. i.itia Kennedy,
toundout, N. V. ono dollar a bottle,
oood woiiiis ran a noon tiiino. Tr Da
vid Kennedy's Favorite ltemedy" 1.1 exactly what
It claims to be, and deserves tho praises that aro
showered upou it by all who lute used It. Mr.
Israel II. Snyder, of saugcrtKs, N. Y., days: -'.My
Uttlo daughter was eoered with salt rheum from
head to toot; Pr. Kennedy's 'Favorlto ltemedy'
curedher. This was tn o j care ago."
patent medlclno In our columns, but wo hapjwn to
know nr. lMVId Kennedy, of lioundout, N. Y.,
ana can personally lesiuy to mo excellence ui mo
medlclno which tho Poctor culli "Favorlto Rem
edy." And If a word ot ours will persuade, any
body to uso It and thus find relief Irom suffering
no professional ouquotto shall hinder us from giv
ing that word. Fordlsoasos of tho blood, kidneys
and bowels It has no onuaL. Wo would not b3
wunoui lor nve umcs uiu uouar 11 lusih. i my
nine.', Trov, S. 1 . Aug.-iii-iu
(or cancer symptoms), scrofula, erysipelas, salt
rheum, skin blotches Dr. Kilmer's I-Vmnle Kriu
edy Is warranted to cure. Druggists sell It. tl.
If yon havo spxsmodlo stricture or enlrrgcmcnt
otthe prostato gland Dr.KUmer'sHnninp-Koot
conquers every nuocK nuu ruuicauy curt a. ask
your druggist for it. soc,, f l.
If ymir sleep 13 flttuL or out ot a sound sleep
you awako struggling for breath, your whole be
lntr filled with terror, vour erv cxlstcnco threat
ened Dr. KUmcr's Orenn-Wrrd should always
no at nana, ask your aruggisnoru. si.
ir mil havo a cold. or 'Elmnlo coul'Ii. ever
light, when neglected, often leads to consumption
Dr. Kilmer's Imllmi C'onmnitinn (Ml will
breakup all early attacks,, and cure the most
stubborn cases. Ask your druggist for It. 25c.,
btK.i II. i.
iwm IE. & C3
offer to tho Trade tlieir Flno l'.rand of cigars.
Tho Landres,
Honry Clay,
Samson, and
:J;n. .
Fino Fruits nml Kino Confectionery
on hand. i'rcsli every wool:. 151ooms-
burg, Pa. Feb. 27
Tho undorslgnod bavlnc put hla Planing Ml
on icauroaa ireoc, in nrsciasa conauiou, is pre
pared to do all kinds of work )n hts Uno.
furnished at roaaonablo prices. Alt lumber UBed
la well scasonod and noao but skilled workmen
aro employed.
furnlshod on application. Plans and specifics
ions proparoa oy an experienced arausaisman
- v , v
litOolliiNbtirK, Pli 1
- - l'HiueaisT-'ov-
On (Jara at Quarry.
No. l Klato
NO. l nib Blato.,
Hecond.-) ..'..-.. f, j
Jtcd Slate,..,,.
,tm,cn bliur. .. ,-n
.7. . . ioo to .1.S5
.. . - J.,I.. 1 1 VI. I.,
23 Lackawanna Xvenue, Scrtuiton,
. ...1U LJJL
Who always gives you ithu Jateat
styles, and'euta 'your (olothing to tit
you. Ilavifig had tTiooxpbrXrjn'eolpr n
number b ycarH in 'tlio TilorinVlJusl
noaii, ha learned what material will
give his oudtome'rs tlio liMt-Batisfnction
for wear' ,n;id .'Rtylp' will try .to
jileaso .all who. ,giyo liim a , call. Also
on hand n
Qe'Fbfehin Goods
u ri Of.ALL I)KSCltII"TI0N8. .
Alwiiynof' tlio'liliest Blylcs. Callnntl'titt
amine Ills stock before purclmslnj; else,
where, ' '
Store nent door to First National Bank
Corner Main & Market StH.
Blooiriiirg, Pa.
April as-iy
I One Mt lift.
niAnuR t.
"1 was taken tick a year uno
With bilious fovcr.-'
".My doctor pronounced mo euro d, hut I
Sot sick ngnin, with tcrriulo pains in my
ack nnd shies, nnd I ant so had I
Conlil not movo 1
I slirutik I
From 228 llu. to 120 I I had been doc-
toting for my liver, bill It did me no good.
I did not exneel to llvo more thnn tlireo
months, I Legan to uso lion llltlc rs.
ltlrectly my nppctlto returned, my palm left me,
my entire sj-tem neemed renowed as It by magic.
hum um-r u-,iiik m-vi-iai irjiik-! i uin inn onij na
-vundnsa wnereK'n, but welgli moro than I did
before. To Hop Hitters I owo my life,"
ipublln Juno 6, 81, lM-'mmiucK.
ciurrsit ll.
"Maiden, Mass., I'eb. 1, isho. tlentlemen
I surfcrcd with attacks ot sick headache."
Neuralgia, female trouble, for years In
the most terrible nnd excruciating manner.
No medlclno or doctor could give mo re
lict or cure, until I used Hop Ulttcra.
"Tho first bottle
Nearly cured mcj"
The second made iru as well nnd strong
ns when-n child,
"And I havo been so to this day."
My husband was an Invalid for twenty
years with a serious
"Kidney, liver nnd urinary complaint,
"Pronounced by Uoston's best physi
cians "Incurable 1"
Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him
and I know of tho
"Lives of eight persons"
In my neighborhood Hint have been
saved by your bitters.
And many moro aro using them with
great benefit. "They almost do mlraclcsl"
Mm. J!. I). Slack.
How to (Hit Sick. Fiposo yourself day nnd
ntfrnt; ent too much without exercise, work too
hard without rest, doctor all Iho time; take all
tho Mlo nostrums advortlsed, and then jou will
want to know
Howto Out Wru. Which U answered In threo
.words-Take lisp Hitters I
irr-Nono ccnulno without a bunch of green
Hops on the white labeL Shun all tho vile, pol
onous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name.
" Independence, Teia, Sopt. 20, 1WJ.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Has Ixhii used' In my' household for throo
lt! To prevent falling cut ot the hair.
2d. To prevent too rapid change of color.
3d. As a dressing.
It has given cntlro' satisfaction In cvory
Instance. Yours respectfully,
Wu. Cahcv chase."
ATEn'S HAin VIGOR is entirely fro
from uncleanly, dangerous, or Injurious sub
tanccst It prevents tho hair from turning
fray, restores gray hair to its original color,
t rcycuts baldness, proscrves tho hair and
'promotes Its growth, cures dandruff and
all diseases- of the hair and scalp, and Is,
at tho samo time, a very suporlor and
doslraUo dressing.
riiEi-AntD nv
Dp. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggists.
IS MfiUmcTcRS.
Drawing Instrument. Philosophical and
Ust and DoScrinUons of our Ten OeUlofBM m
, ., , FAEE on eppUution.
924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA.
' " fewiy
i i Fon
'Ounce ' of
. '" IN THE
Gowans & Stover,
Uuffald, N. Y.
. For sale by all firetclasa grocers.
April lO-l-j r r
Rend and Save Money,
Now is tho time to Build.
No n Herman HnoSldlng sor o In.
W1U0 ,
No 1 x lnch'stdlng planed,
' " Hemlock oerman hiding, cinch
. " " lloorlng,
1 " whltoplno "
; " yellow " " . ..
j " surfaced plno boards,
fir oil per m,
ll m "
14 DO "
17 (in
in oo "
17 00 "
3 90 "
2 (10
1 75 '
1 73 "
NO 2
WO 3 " " , "
Ho 1 sap sawed'plno shingles,
i " hemlock sawed "
3 00
, " heart shaved plno
''- hemlock"'
'i .jdilnplojathi
from 5(iu to 7 oo
" 3 00 W 4 60
" 4 0Utd4W)
a oo
tl 50
I ;a . eujiged fencing o Inch wide, 10 oo
uuaius ju iu i iiicu wiue, lu tu
" bills any slzo from fioootonoo
I keep a full stock of the
'above kinds' of Lumber always
'on band, and will soil nt 'these
ip"ricos (luring year of 1885
B. 1,0 W,
Qrangevillc, Columbia Co., Pa.
npr S-Cm
Croam Balm
Hay Fever
, particle (3 applied Into each nostril and Is
eeablo to use; I'rlco 51 cents by mall or at
aug 21.4iv
Mr t SLOAN & BRO.,
I nr,oojisnuRQ, pa.
nt-class work alwas on hand,
Prim rtttucetlto luit thejimtt..
linder tliQKxcliango Hotel, still takes tho lead.
JaiucH Rcilly,
Ji" 3Q-tf I'rojirjetor.
Maxwell's Statement-
I.OL'IS TltL'NK UlL'ltlH'.n.
Tlio Uno of defenao which will bo
pursued by W. II Lennox Maxwell,
tho Englishman, charged with murder
ing Ids companion, 0. Arthur l'rcllcr,
at ino Soiitnerit Hotel, in SU J.ouin,
last April, anil who waa brought back
on Monday of last week by extradition
imperii from Auckland, Now Zealand,
hag been Indicated by an interview be
tween Maxwell and an ex-United States
secret set vlco ofliccr, nt San Frnneisco.
Tho story ns giycn by tho ofllcer is ns
follows !
"When I told him who I m-as nnd
what I knew of tho case, his manner
changed at once. Ho seemed to fori
nliof, and lighting n fitsh cigar
cite, ho 8.1. d : 'You know enough
about this caso to know there Is a mys.
tery in it which has not yet como out.
I will toll you frankly that I didn't
murder l'rcllcr j that Prcller is nlivo
to-day, and proof of his cxisleiico will
bo forthcoming by tho timo of my trial.
You can't blame mo for lying lo these
people. Nero is a crowd of reporters,
some of whom try to wheedlo and oth
ers to bully my secrets from me. Then
come detectives, nnd say this thing nnd
that has been discovered, and that they
havo all this circumstantial cvidenco
against me. Knowing every fact in
tho caro as I do, I know that they arc
lying and aro on an entirely wrong
scent, bo I simply puzzle them more or
stuff them with new inventions. They
havo nil gjt ono theory and they nro
trying to lit facts. They havo been in
hero to-night with certain articles and
havo said I did this at such n place,
when I know very well that no wich
occiitrenco over happened.
'They have traced mo very well in
my first visit to this city, because I
mado do effort to cover.;my track. I
used the samo name nnd tho samo dis
guise as n French officer all through
from tho timo I left St Louis to tho
timo I boarded tho Auckland stoamcr
nnd throughout the voyage. It oama
to ray mind on tho train becauso the
pcoplo asked mo questions and it was
amusement to mystilify them and tell
them ntorits. Tnii was tho origin of
tho French Captain mid all his exploits.
It was simply n blind to preservo my
identity unsuspected, mid to allow mo
to reach tho Colonics, which I thought
could bo easily dono beforo any news
ot the St Louis affair could reach
them. I didn't know that eablo com
munication was so pet feet or that tho
news could be possibly sent to Auk
land betoio the steamer reached there.
"Kut what about tho St Louis mys
tery t Can't you ;jivo any detnils t"
'All I can give you is an outline,
nnd that is more than any ono else got
out of me. They brought in hero to
night General Clonic, a lawyer of this
city, who offered to get out habeas
coi pus papers for ino to-tnoirow and
who was eager to go on to St Louis
as my counsel. Ho may be square,
but it wouldn't do for me to trust a
stranger with my secrets. No, I pre
fer to wait till I get to St Louis before
engaging counsel. Hero is tho gist of
tho St Louis mystery which has puz
zled tho country for four months,
l'reller and I wcro old friends. Wo
camo to Boston from Liverpool togeth
er on tho steamer Cephalonia. Wo
wero constant companions, and mado
arrangements to meet at St Louis at
tho Southern Hotel and thero to carry
out a scheme which l'reller had dovis-
cd for getting insuranco on bis lifo.
Wo wero in room 144, in tho hotel, for
about all tho timo wo spent there, but,
mind yon, Preller was at tho hotel
only three days. Ho remained in so
elusion for tho remainder of the mys
tery at tho Southern Hotel, and he left
on tho samo day I started West.
"1 hat wasn't Preller'n body found
in tho trunk at the hotel. When the
case comes up for tiial I shall havo
proof of where tho body found in tho
trunk was procured, who it was bought
ui ui. wimi, iiuui it, w.i uruimiit, lu inu
hotel and all tho details of the nlot. I
can tell you now that tho corpse was
urougui to ino noiei in a trunk in
broad daylight and was carried up to
llKU'lNIl AN Ol.ll KltIF.NI.
'Everything was arranged to give
color to tho theory of a sudden murder
and hasty flight. Nothing was omitt
ed which I thought would add to this
misconception. My design was to get
clear out ot tho country beforo the
body was disoovered, and, onco in
Australia, I thought it would bo easy
to.ourv my uieniuy in ino Jiast mates
until things had been forgotten-1 will
show you how entirely I trusted Prel-
ler and how completely I waj his assis
tant in this Eolieme when I tell vou
don't know to-day how largo an insur
anco ho carriod on his life. I know it
was for a big sum, and gave ray help
in uiu enterprise soiciy oncause no was
an old friend and associate. Where
ho is or what arrangements I havo for
oomtnunicatiug with him, of cotirso it
is outlot tho question for mo to toll.
but you can rest assured of tho accur
acy of these facts 1 havo given you
ana thoy will au be proven on trial.'
Concerning Maxwell's statement ono
ot tho prosecuting attorneys says s
j. no insuranco pnaso ot tno caso
'was published somo timo ago as a sen
sation, and it is entirely without foun
.elation. We looked into that matter
thoroughly, and havo not been ablo to
nun any insuranco .on i roller s inc.
The only insurance he hnd was an acci-
ii iit policy for i?2,000 which expired
when he disembarked from tho Cenhal
opia. If ho had his lifo insured, I
think wo would havo found somo trace
of '.he fact among his papeis, but I
havo been all through them, nnd thero
is not a scrap relating to lifo or anv
other kind of insuranco. Again, if ho
wero insured it would bo for tho bene
lit of Somebody, his family or some
body else, and that somebody would
havo tho pcliny: but wo havo not been
ablo to hear of anybody boldinc such
a document. Maxwell hasn't Got anv
policy on Preller's lifo. Prellcr's fam.
ily say nothing nbout any insurance.
Nobody elso says anything. If thero
was such a thing in existence tho com
pany or companies holdinc? tho risk
would apply to tho Coroner or the
Health Jloani for a certihcato of death.
and no such application has beon
Experiments bv Iiakcr nnd Divnn.
Knglish chomists, havo shown that n
highly explosive mixturo of carbonin
oxido and oxygon is not cxnlosivo
when dry, nnd havo indicated that
moisture is necessary to ordinary com
bnstion, Paradoxical it must snnm.
but it is probably truo that without
water thero could bo no fire.
tiilters Knovriu
Pfo other tiirttlrhieknomi bo effectnaHjr purges
thf Wood ot dwivjcatM rileeiw.
IHIIIIoiiM bear tcntlmoii) to Its wonderful
II In n purely Vegetable TrcpfirMlon, mMo
from tho native lirrlw ant', tootn ot California, tlio
medicinal proitrrtlca ot which are extracted thero
from without (tie wi of Alcohol,
It remove tlio cnUfto of dlsc&fo, nnd tho
patient recovers hU health.
It m tho grcnt mood Purifier and Lifo
;tvlng l'rinciplot ft (Initio 1'urgativo and Tonlej a
(KTfect Renovator and Invlporutor of tho Fyptcm.
Never heforo In tho Mrtory of tho world haa a medlclno
Iwcn compounded iKwwwlDff the power ot ViNEOn
lliTTF.nsln hcallus the, tick of every disease man la
heir to.
Tlio Alterative, Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car
minative, Nutrition", Laxative, Sedative. Counter
Irritant, Hadorlflc, Antl-llllioua, Solvent, Plarcttc. and
Tonic propertied of ViNiriAn ItiTTEiw excoed thoao
of any other medicine In the world.
No pcrnmi can lako tho BiTTKns according to
directions nnd remain long nmvell, provided their
bones aro not destroyed hy mlnernl poison or other
means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond tho polut
of renalr.
IIUlou, ncmWtent, Intermittent and Ma
larial 1'cicm nro prevalent throughout the United
Mate, particularly In the alleys of our preat rhers
and their rati tributaries On ring the Summer and
Autumn, especially during Bcasone of unusual heat
and dryness.
These tVovcm aro Invariably accompanied by
txtensUe derangements ot tho stomach, liver and
bowels. In their treatment, n pnrpathe, exerting a
ljwcrfi)l Influence upon these organs, la absolutely
There 1 no rathnrllc for the pnrposo equal
to Dr. J. Walk Kit's Vineuah Hittehs, as it will
speedily remote tho dark-colored viscid matterwllh
which the bowels aro loaded, at tho samo timo stimu
lating tho secretions of ttio liver, and generally
restoring tho healthy functions of tho dlgcetlvo
Fortlfr tlio body against disease by purifying
all lta fluids with Vineoau Hitters. No epidemic
can tako hold of a system thus forearmed.
It invlfconiicN Iho Ntoniiich and stimu
lates the torpid Liver and Unlets, cleansing tho
blood of all Impurities, lmpartitifr Hro and vigor to
the frame, and carrying off without tho aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter
from tho system. It Is cosy of administration,
prompt In action, and certain in lta results.
II ywpcpnia r litdlireMltoii, Headache, Fam
In the bhoulders. Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest,
lne union la, Dizziness, Bad Taste in the Mouth,
IMIlous Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, aro at once;ro
lieved by Vineoar Hitters,
For iminiiiiiiatory and Chronic Rheuma
tism, Gout, Neuraleia, Dlseonefl of the Blood, Liver,
Kidneys and Bladder, the Bitters have no equal.
In these, as in all constitutional Diseases, Walker's
Vineoar. Bitters has shown its great curative
powers In the most obstinate and Intractable
irieclinnlcal Ulsciifces Arsons engaged In
Taints and Minerals, such as numbers, Type
setters, Gold-beat ere, and Miners, as they advance
In life, are subject to Paralysis of tho Bowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
Vineoar Bitters.
Nit In DUcnicN, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers,
Swellings, IMmpIes, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles,
Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas,
Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations, Humors and diseases
or me uun, or wnaiever name or nature, are liter
ally dug up and carried out ot the systvni in a short
time by tho use of the Bitters.
IMn, Tape and other Worms, lurking In
tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually
dost roved and removed. No svstcin of medicine.
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free tho
By stem from worms like Vineoar Bitters.
Men si cm, Scarlet Fever, Mumps, looping
Cough, and all children's diseases may bo made
less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild
doses of the Bitters. This wonderful remedy la
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
purifying herbs alone give it Its remarkable cura
tive powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or
oiner poison.
Vor I'emalo Coitmlnliits. In vounirorold,
married or single, at the dnwu of womanhood, or
ine turn oi me, mis in tiers nas no equai.
Clean no tho Vlttnteil ltlootl when Its Im
purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or
Sores: cleanse It when obstructed nnd sluggish In
the veins; cleans It when it is foul; your feelings
will toll you when, and the health of tho system will
In conclusion: Give the Bitters a trial. It
will speak for itself. Ono bottle n better guar
Antra nf lta ttiArita thnn n IfniHhvnilvertlRpmrntL
Aroiiiidench botilcarufulldlrccUonspriutod
in uuiereci languages.
It II. McDonald Drnir Co., Proprietors,
Bon Francisco. C&l., and K. & Ac fi.13 Washington Bt,
Cor. Charlton Ht, Niw York.
Sold by nil Dealers find Druggists, .
tbas, syhups, copfrb, sugar, mol vss s
BICE, ericas, BICARB BODA. AC, c,
N. B. corner Second and Arch streets.
y"Orderswiii receive prompt atte ntln
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect July; 5tU, 1885. Trains leave Sun
9.40 a. m., tea Suoro Express (dally except
arriving at I'lillailelpUla 3.1D p. m. ; Now York
6.20 p.m.: lialtlinore. 4.40 t. m . Wnshininnn.
s.Wp, m., connecting nt rimadelplila loralibeu
Bhoru points, 'i'lirougu passenger coacli to
,. 1.40 p. m. Day express
dally except Sunday),for Harruburg and lnterrae.
Ulatu stations, arriving at 1'hfladelpUla
l. u. , t i.e.. auik, y.M ll, (u. ; UiUUjnore
C45 p. m. : Washington, 8.00 p. m. I'arlor car
turougu to l'ntladclpbla and passenger coaches
8,05 p. m Wllllainsport Accommodation (dally,
for llarrlsburg and all Interinedlato stations, arrlv.
lug at l'hlladelplila 4 asu. in. : New York T.uo a. in.
Iialtlmorc, 5.25 a. m. ; Washington CM a. m. ;
bleeping car accommodations can bo secured at
Uarrlaburt: for l'hlladelnbla and Nmv York, i in Nun.
days a through sleeping car UI bo run; on this
train from Wllllamsp'i to Phlladelphla-Phlladelphla
fuooiugtia i,ui4 ivuii lUBlwvvr UUUJSlurUCU UUUI
s.33 a. m. Erie Mall '(dally except Monday,
arriving at Philadelphia 8.S5 a. m. New York.
11 JO a. in. ; lialtlinore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 'J.:o
a. m. Through l"ullmaa Bleeping cars aro run on
this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing.
iuii, uuu luruuKu imsoeuger cuacues 10 ruuauci
phta and llaltunorc.
. 5.S0a. m.-Erle Mall (dally except Sunday), foi
Erie and all Intermediate station and mimmtni.
gua and Intennedlato stations, Kochestcr, llurTa-
iuuuu .latiuru ruua, mm mruugii nuiinan i'ai.
aco cars and passenger coaches to Erie and ltoch
eter. w.M-News Express (dally except Sunday) for
Lockllaienand intermediate stations.
1.U5 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun.
day) lur Kane and Intermediate btallons and Can.
andalgua and principal Intermediate stations,
llocliester, liurfalo and Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and ltochester
and I'arlor car to Watklns.
5.30 p. in. I'ast Uno (dally except sunda) Jtor lie.
noo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wut.
kins and Intermullate stations, with through pas.
benger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns.
a, in. Sunday mall for Iteuovo and Intcriue.
dlale btallons.
Sunday mall leaves 1'hlladolphla 4.30 a. m
. i.i. uitl.,UK u DUIIUUIJ W.U ll. ui. wuu
t hrough bleeping car Irom 1'hlladelphla to WU.
llarrlsburg, s.;o a. in. dally except Sunday
arriving at Sunbury .w. a. m.
..w..., u M. 111. , 4.U1IUI1U1U I.QU U. III. lUUUlT
except Sunday arriving at sunbury. 1.05 p. in.,
wit"., through Parlor car from PhllaJi'lphla
and through passenger coaches from Phlladel.
phla and llaltluoro.
ruoi. uuuicaes new lorKv.uu a. m. ; Phlladel.
phla,U.50 a. m. i Washington, u.50 a. ui. ; Haiti,
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) urrlvlmr at
Buuoury. fcsop. in., with through paaseugei
coaches from Philadelphia and UaUfmore.
Erie Mall leases New York 8.00 p. m. i Phlladel.
i'u.u, ii.mi I', ui. j n usuiiib'iuii, lauo p. in, ; nam
more, p. in., (dally cxcept.sat unlay) arriving
at sunburv r.A& n. ,n it.w.....i.' i.,ii:!
Sleeplnz cars from 1'hUadelniiin. Wnanincinn
!S!i'mo.r,Sn(1 lnroufu passenger coaches frony
llltANfll 1U1MVAY.
IDallr execnt Runrinv.
Wllkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m..
f frlWugatUloomlVrry 10.W a. in., WUkes-bane
lif.18 p. in.
Express East leaves Sunhurv n. m. nrrivim.
ttt lilomrerry6.S7p.m.. Wlikes-barre nua n. m.
SUnbUfV Mall 1.1V41 U' IL'n.lmrm 111 ...l n ... n.-ttT
Ing at liloom l-erry la.os p. in., Hunbury p. m.
txprt'S3)cstlu.nes Wlikes-barre si.45 p. m.,
riving at Woumrerry 4.15 p.m., buiiburyMO
Pen. Manager. den. Passenger Agent
L'llltl' gives Instant roller, and driven tlutm
away. Address
BAiMAvz i. w., 8 wst istu st., New York,
aug 8Mw u
IVclly Suits lor C'liildreio,
llaiMlsomc Suits lor ISoys.
Bcsl Oootls, lilies! Styles,
Ncalcsl Fits.
The Merchant Tailoring Establishment
Is now Roploto in
s m m
Ppste lotting StI
BIooiiiiHii'tf, Pa,
Fine Unrrmgcs, llugglcs anil Wagons. At tliia Itepository mny ho seen n large nml
varied selection of
from the best Manufactories. Purchasers nro Invited to call nnd Inspect tho goods, or to
tJr'-'Writc for Information and Prices.
npr. 3, '85-ly
fijjj jj
. 1. JKOBim:
Foreign and Domestic
n ...1
ll U) 11! 31
8 St IU SI)
8 IS 13 '."J
11 In ntn
8 SO'
8 80
8 a-j)
8 11)
8 10
8 OJ
a.m. p m
....Scrnnton.. ,
6 10 U 15 8 OJ
huh 'U 8 10
80 U 88 " 14
0 87 DM 8 81
8 ill 41 a -jo
0 40 9 47 8 SO
0 13 U 53 8 41
6 i'J 0 ttt 2 41
0 53 10 03 8 47
AM in n . tj
a 41) 1 15
H Lt lii m
,,. aj iui ,1110,,,
,, !.nekawnnnii,,
8 87 18 03
"... iiiotuu
8 ' 11 M
7 5l
8 18 11 60
8 Of) 11 47
8 CD 11 41
. mum
7 II
7 47
7 48
7 S8,
1 SI
,...K usston....
lljiiiouili Juno
..Atoudalo. .
0 M 10 (8 8 W)
8 03 11 1J
T Ml 11 MM
I U8 10 III 8 65
7 07 10 ni
T 51 11 31
7 18 10 20 3 Ui
7 UI 11 UI
7 43 11 S3
TU1I1 lu
7 SO
7 83
T 18
llunloek's free
. ID IU 85 3 10
7 83 10 888 87
7 00
a 51
6 41
0 41
..Hick's Ferry.
,.l)eaeli Haven,,
lierwick, ..
.. irtar Creek.
.Mllow (irate.,
1 Hi IU 41 3 lt
1 60 11 113 61
1 61 11 (MS 68.
8 01 11 134 11.1
8 10 11 80 4 13
8 11 11 25 I 10
8 18 II 80 4 20
8 25 11 30 4 27
8 80 11 44 4 31
8 811 11 60 4 40
8 41 11 65 4 40
7 11 10 61
7 Ui 10 41
r. in 11
8 81 10 88
ti as .
6 50 1U ol
0 41 10 7
K M 1U 11
0 SI
6 81
6 81
8 16
6 11
5 M
5 4'J
6 43
6 38,
a. m.
SO 10 1(1
6 85 10 11
tt 08 V Ml
S 00 U 4V
5 55 0 45
S 40 V Hi
p.10. a.m.
.C'lltflVV 'n lii-IH..'
;.,,,. , mis is ooi
...thulakky.,., u 05 13 8J6 13
.. Cameron. . . U 08 13 25 5 11
Northumberland1 K 83 13 405 S3
1a.m. a.10. 11.111,
imim n
W. V. 1IAL8TEAP, Bupt.
oniw, Bcranton, l'cb. Ht, isoj
OF -
f . F. ffllDIf,
320 & 322 Pcnn Avenue
Bcvanten, Pa;
For the. (Vh'liriitpil riilpl.nrinir. Tvrro Ar
Fond, nnd Vosoi Son Pianos. World-re
nowned l.stey OrR.Mis, Violins, Accordi ons
nnd Sheet Jlusic. Celebriitcd White, New
High Arm Davis, New Nome, ltoynl SI
John, and Light Illuming Domestic Sewing
Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments
for all makes of Sowing Machines.
Stcro andlWarsrooms, No. 128
Franklin Avenue-
Alsowuieiooma 111 Franklin Ate. nnd 101 cen
ter street.
An) thing to make up n new w non
or lopair an old, in stock.
liar Iron, ami Slcel Itolte, Holt
UikIk, Lag Sciowfi, TuiiiliiickloV
IIoiso Shoi'8, ami all Ulauksniitli
Obtalnod and all patent outness attended to (or
inoderato lees.
Our offlco is opposite tlio U. S. Patent onice, and
wo can obtain Patents lu less time than tlio-c ie
inoto trom Wa&lilngton.
Kend model or drawing. Wo ndviso as to pit
entaollltyrreo of charge, and wo mako no cliarfe
unless patent Is secured.
.We reler here, to tho Postmaster, tlio hupt. ot
,.aJtK Wr 1i1vm nlld" to olllclals ottliel'. K
Patent onice. For circular, adMce, terms and
re'erences to actual clients In your own btateor
Lounty, wrllo lo
C A. SNOW & CO.,
anlPP061to I'alent oalce, Washington, 1). t'.
' A""plRKls'liilN;i;TB
. " . "-""V. ,or ' ecnis in postogo siainpa iu
r.r,orulalllnl! and wrapping and namesor
two book ageuls. will receive VUKK a Mcei
i,'i?v. L 1 ar'.or WiKraMng ot all our 1'HfcM
worth ii oa s cluu''anU Uio ssx88lii(U,
Uddress Eider Pub. GoM'wgo, III.
1.60 A YEAH.