The Columbian. blqomsburgTpaT Correct Hnllronil Time Tnldr. KUIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1885. Trains on tho riillauclplila & It. 11. lcavo l(ucrt II D IVUVI'DI NORTH. r,:M a. m. 3A3 p. m. flovtu. 11:49 a. tn. 8:18 p. tn. Trains on tlio 1). I V. It. It. teato Moomsburg III! lll.wi. o . NOHTIt. 11:21 ft. ril. 10.21 n in. 11.31) p. III. tl::io p. in. south. 8:30 a. m. 11:11 a.m. 4:31 p. m. ts: 17 p. in. Trains on tlio N. ft V. II. pjrry us follows : Nomu. n. in. o.b" p. ra. Hallway pass Uloom SOUTH. Utti p. rn. 4:19 p. m. Cheap AilvcrltHciueiitH, Advertisements will bo Insetted In our locnl columns nt tlio following rates i Situations wanted, free. Lost or found, free. Help wanted, 20 cents. Uooins to rent, SO cents. Ono. time cncli, or H limes, 40 cents. HtnmllMK Oltcrs. Tho Coi.ujiuian Is offeicd on the follow. Ing terms t CommuNnndN. Y. Weekly ll'mfdl jr, " " l'hlln. " nmtt " " " American AgrtculturM " " " TrtlAim .C- i'umirr " JJ.S0 S.35 2.60 2.55 Other papers will bo ndded to this list. Tor 4 new subscribers to tlio Coi.umman accompanied with tlio cash, iJO.00, n copy of tlio History of Columbia county will bo giver, to getter up of club. For 3 now names and $4.G0 wo will send tlio Columbian one year frcoto person send ing names j or If names nro sent In by ono now taking the paper wo will credit his account with one year's subscription. For 2 now names, with $3.00, wo will send paper for 0 months to tho person se eming tlio names for us. For 1 new namo with $1.00, wo will send paper 3 mouths to person sccurlug the panic for us. On receipt of 10 cents wo will send tho Columman to tiny address In tho county for ono month on trial, and paper will not bo sent longer unless so ordorcd. ptm.ic bai.i: 8. O. AY. Suplce, executor of AY. J. Allen, deceased, will sell real estate In Jerscytown on Saturday, August 22, nt 1 p. in. FranUlIn Rhodes, administrator of Hen ry Rhodes, deceased, will sell real cstato in Ronrlngcrcek township on Friday, August 21st, nt 1 o'clock p. m. O. A. Herring, Trustee, will sell tho undi vided one-half Interest of Edward Lewis deceased, In certain real cstato In Blooms burg on Tuesday, September 1st, nt 2 p. m. Tho executors of John Kclchner, deccas cd, will sell a tract of land in Jackson township, on tho premises, on Friday, September 25th, nt 10 o'clock, a. m., wood land with water power saw-mill. Also, on Saturday, September 20lh at 10 n. in., land in Scott township, a grist mill, dwelling houses, &c. See advertisement. I'erHonal. Frank Heeler and CharleB 1'. Klwell went to Townnda on Tuesday. Mrs. A. C. Smith and her son Arthur, nro visiting friends here. Prof. Tustin nnd family, of Lewisburg, are visiting lelativcs in town. Judge Lawicnce nnd wife, of Washing ton, I). O., arc guests nt tho Sanitarium. AV. R. Tubbs has been spending n week I n Philadelphia nnd Atlantic City. Mrs. A. A. Mnrplo Is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. H. McKinney, nnd other relatives in town. Cieo. P. Rlnglcr, who is attending tho Collcgo of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, is at humc on a visit. Mrs. King, Mrs. Harris nnd Mrs. Ycrrick, of Danville, were visiting fi lends in town on Wednesday. Michael Casey, who was hint a few weeks ago by being thrown from a hay wag on, is still confined to the house. ltcv. Dr. Mitchell is taking a month's va cation. He Is at present nt Northfleld, .Mass. His little daughter is with him. Dr. J. It. Evans spent last week in tho west visiting his son nnd daughter. Ho took In Chicago, Detroit, and other cities. Arthur A. Clark, who has held a clerk ship in I. AY. McKclvy's store for tlio past nlno years, lias been compelled by ill-health to resign his position. There will bo n meeting of the Town Council tills Friday evening. W. H. Kocher has bought n lot of AVil inm Thomas on Sixth sticet, and will erect a dwelling thereon. A lino lino of gem's furnishing goods for salo at cost at F. D. Dcntler's, to closo out that department In his store. "What Is tho best thing for potato bugs?" nsks a rural subscriber. Up to tlio hour of going to press nothing has been found more satisfactory than potatoes. J. J. Allen's Sons fertilizers In exchange, for cash or lumber,. II. II. Low, 4t. Orangcvllle, Pa. '1 ho Second ltc-unlon of tho survivors of the Sixth Itegimcut,FennsylvnnlaKeseryes, will be held nt tlio Grand Army Rooms, Athens, Ph., Thursday, September 3d, 18S5, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. Thu Pennsylvania Grain and Fertilizer' Drill, and tho Lansing Spring Harrow nro both warranted first class. Call and sec them. J, Howard Kline, ngent, Orange vlllc, Pa. July uT-lw Samuel Smith, democratic candidate for sheriff, was In town on Saturday. His nomination has given general satisfaction, and his election will bo a mcro matter of form. Ho will make n thoroughly cfllcicnt olllccr. Our olllco cat can whip nny dog In town. At least that Is her opinion, and sho Isn't afraid to tacklo tho biggest canine that comes anywhere within reach. Thus far sho bns.como off victorious, but sho may attack tho wrong dog, some day. Tho weather vnno on tho Court House steeple was taken down last week to bo re placed by n now one, tho old one havlug ri'Sted out. In tho ball of tho vnno was found n small hole which Is said to have hecu made by a bullet fired from a rllle in the hands of Valentino Docbler, over 30 years ago. Capt. J. II. RobUon says ho tcmembcra seeing Doeblcr (Ire tho gun. Ono day during tho sitting of court nt 1 ottsvlllc, Inst week, n Hungarian woman, who wns giving testimony on tho witness stand asked'to bo excused. Going across Uio street to u hotel she asked for a room, Which was refused. Tho woman then walked Into tho com t house yntd nnd there cavo birth to a child. Tho Dlstiict Attor. ncy took up a collection for tho woman, Great Indignation was expressed aglii9t it . ... j -Hire mocic oi neckwear, collars, cuffs, " "I "usury rec, ni cost. F. 1). DitNTLtn. J. IIowardKilnoofOrangovllle, 1. agon or l,o Pennsylvania Grain and Fertilize, i ' ' n?,tl") UnslDK SPrl"fi ""row. ..memoes nro rully warranted, Call ... uAnmiiio before purchasing. July iil.lw 'i'i ...n". . . ...u.u win no a lciinlon of tho lives fain- ..j in uiu grove, near tin, n ,l l,n t Millvllle, Pa., August 82d convening "t noon. The various branches of this iiniiy mo all invited to be on this occasion. present V.,1 li--. - u""wo. '0U. U. A. It., tvlll - v..-.,,.,, on Saturday, Aug. 29th, at Oak Grove, where they will be glad to servo all who may them with a good dinner and supper. Amiv bean ni, d. .... mm VMllUU i.u uuiirs, nucrnoon and evening. Tho corner stone of thn,... church nt Oratipcvlllo will bo laid Sunday morning, September Ctli. A collection will lie taken but no personal solicitation. Hey. D.J. Waller. Sr.. will nrp,.nl, n In the Luther nil church, nf ei-LIM. I. laid the corner stone nearly half a century ngo. J Additional mnll service to this place by a pouch which is sent up the river on tho 10:20 a. m. train to Scran ton. This contains the mnll for Hr-mninn and points beyond, and also mall for Inter. meillate points, which is distributed on tho way down. This Is in nddlllou to thn pouch sent to Hunlock's Creek nt 2 20 p. m. and distributed from tlicic down. Tho registry list ot voters should tin plnccd nt the tcspectlve polling places there to remain open to examination until tint 2nd nnd ilrd of September, when Ihi v will bo taken down for correction nnd to add the names taken on the extra assessment. Ml who propo-o voting should examine the books and if llieir names are not there on have them placed thereon before Sep tcmber 2nd, 188.1. Now guldo in ards have been erected at every necessary point on the roads In Mon tour township. Constables of other town ships should bear in mind that they nic re quired to answer at court, under oath, whether the guide boards arc all up, and as the Columman propojes to sec that tho aw Is complied with In tills respect, nnd has n list nf numerous points whcie signs are needed, they will do well to make a true and correct return to the court. List of letters remaining In the Post Of- lice at llloomsburg for week ending Aug. 18, 1833: Mrs. Hester Achcnbnch, .Mrs. Susan J. Brown, Susie Buckingham, Sarah K. Crev- cling, Jllss Maltha Gulliver, Mrs. Hcttlo Hnrtzcll, Stephen Harlzcll, Miss Mary Kir- by, Joiin Knut, Gussle Merrcll, George Sclgler, W. S. While. OAliDS. 1). W. Oordner, Esq. Persons calling for abovo please say advertised." Geoikie A. Ci.aiik, V M. The Stale Normal School of this district, at llloomsburg, has outgrown its buildings. Tho trustees have been obliged to tnko steps to provide four more recitation rooms, and for the Model School more commodi ous quarters. They will at the same time add a large library and reading room. An other teacher will bo ndded to the faculty. The attcnelanco last term and the graduat ing class were the largest the school has ever had. Full professional staneling Is given by the diploma, nnd tho tuition is almost free to those graduating within two years. Thorough training is secured by a large corps of skilled teachers and long recitation periods. Many students aro prepared lor college. The next year will open Tuesday, September 1, 1885, and the examination of candidates for the Senior class will begin on that morning. Stu dents on tlio Lehigh Valley, Heading and Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western rail roads, get half faro by writing to the Prln cipal for orders. For catalogue address ltcv. D. J. Waller. Jr., Principal. 4t llratllcy'H Hupcriiliosplinlc. Manufnrturcd by tlio Brnillcy Fertilizer Co., of Boston, can now be obtained in llloomsburg. It is excellent in quality and is among the best fertilizers in the market. Tho prices arc reasonable, and tho lcsults nro very satisfactory. For particulars call on O. M. Ulttcnbcndcr, under Opera House, Ctnlro street, Bloomsburg. 3m. All liny Meeting. Rev. Richard Illnkle, of St. Paul's M. E. church, Danville, Pa., has been en. gngod to hold a special meeting nt the M. E. Church nt loin, on Sunday, September fltli. Preaching nt 10 a. m. nnd 3 p. m. Tho object of the service is to removo Iho church debt. If tho weather Is favorablo It will bo held In the grove. Rev. Richard Hlnklo is an eloquent preacher. All nro cordially invited. Bring your dinners. A good time Is expected. A Hulclilc Uleiillllecl After .MoitthN On the 18th of last May the body of an unknown man, evidently a German, wns found In tho river at Nantlcoke. No per son Identified thu remains. Upon tho dead man's clothes were found several pa pers which showed that he win u Oerman nnd that ho had been granted a passport by tlio authorities of Strasburg on condl. tiou that ho leave the country for good. Deputy Coroner Donohuo forwarded these papers, together wun remnanis in iuu dead man's clothing, to tho Commissioners of Emigration in Now York, who in turn forwarded them to tho American Consul nt Strasburc. Tho latter made a thorough Investigation of tho case, nnd now writes to tho Coroner at Wllkcs-Uarro tual wo dead man's widow has been discovered nnd that sho fully identified the piece of cloth, ing sent ns that of a portion ot her elead husband's cont. His namo Is Franz wans chensky nnd ho was possessed of some ws.illh. Ho left his homo In Germany on account of domestic difficulties. Hrie to Have the lluuic. Tlio soldiers nnd sailors' homo commls slon, of which Governor Patllsou is liter head and General Beaver and nlno others aro members, has decided to convert tho marlno hospital property at Frio into an asylum, to bo kuown ns tho Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors Home, mo resoiw tlon wns unanimously adopted. Tho homo consists of a largo bilck build. ng erected for marlno hospital purposes and standing amid 200 ncrcs of land on tho site of the old French Presquo Islo Fort, commanding the cntrnuco to tlio port Tho nronertv Is worth $500,000. Tho ap proprlatlon of the $30,000 will bo used for mnovatluc and furnishing iho ttmcturc. Inilltrciit soldiers ami sailors not provided for in tho Soldiers' Homo bill will bo ad- milled nnd cured for to tho number of or more. Tho ellicctors for the first year consist of the Governor and the other mem lu'M nf the commission. Tho cominHtcu on Invitation und Recep tion appointed at a meeting of citizens sev ing eiec del to confine my trad, to Iho boot nnd shoo business 1 will closo out THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, JPA.) I.ycotiiluir County I.eltcr. Munot, Co., Ami. 15, 1885. A fow lines describing some of tho In eliistrlcs nnd ways of this county may bo of interest to our renders, WILLIAVsrOIIT. rcnnsylvanla's lumber city docs not show tho usual activity of tho place. Its chief Industry, lumber, Is overdone, and millions of feet of lumber are piled ready for tho market, but notwithstanding this, tho mills arc running on nearly lull tlmo and nddlng still more to the vast stock of lumber In the hope of the speedy revival of business activity, and a rendy sale of their products. Tho manufacture of furniture, a comna. ratlvcly now cnlcrprlso to some, Is now nn Important Industry. First among this list s the firm of A. H. Hcllmnn & Co. Mr. 1. N. Kline, born nnd rnlscd In Columbia county, Is a member of tlita'tlrm nnd has chargo of tlio wholcsalo department. They havu n largo factory, supplied with tho latest and best machlncry,nnd keep a great number of men constantly employed. Their furnishing building nnd ware rooms, a largo ftvo story building on West Third street, Is not sufficient for the great quau tlty of furnlliiro they manufacture nt their factory and thoy nro now shipping unfin Ished goods to Philadelphia and New York city. Otto & Sons havo been engaged In n like enterprise since, their planing mill wns burned, about four years ago, nnd have largo nnd beautiful buildings, witli improved machinery, and aro enjoying a largo trade. Mr. Lupcrt has a largo fac tory on the South sldo of tho river, but makes only unfinished furniture. There nro a number of others In the same Indus, try. The West Branch Boiler Works, by K. Kcelcr & Co., nro the only firm of tho kind In this section nnd havo a whlo trade. Mr. Isaac Barton a former member of the firm of J. Hcathcoato & Co. is the superinten dent. Rowley fi Hermanco are busily engaged In tho manufacture of Wood Working ma chinery. Their machines nro used in nil tho furniture nnd pinning mills In this sec tlon, nnd nre highly recommended. This firm began this now industry a few years ago and hnvo been very successful. 111-nilKSVII.LE, is an actlvo little town. There are two large furniture factories, employing a num. her of workmen, nnd working on full time. A planing mill, busily engaged, although they havo just met with nn accident, elc. priving them of tho uso of part of their main shaft they havo continued with their press- ng orders. It will tnko about a week to epalr their damng'i when they will again work with a full number of workmen. A number of Bloomsburg people aro living In this placo and nil contented. About five miles above this place Is TIVOI.I. Here Is a general resort for picnics throughout this section. The Willlamsport & N. B. R. R. Company havo placed a switch and furnish special trains for tho excursionists. The woods have been nicely cleared, a flying horso nnd swlncs erected. An abandoned saw mill has been fitted up into a convenient dancing lloor or for shel ter in time of storm. Chamounl Grove is the name given to the placo. Tho grove is occupied nearly every ilay. Nino miles above this place is I.BWIs' I.AKK, which promises to bo the finest summer re sort in the stale. A number of tho citizens of Hughesville have fine cottages there. It is said the railroad will soon be extended, when they anticipate constant travelling. At the present time, the stago coach is the only means of reaching the place, unless you go direct to Hughesville, where you can be taken to the lako a distance of four teen miles, by Pursel & Montgomery, liv erymen, formerly of Bloomsburg. A great many prefer this way, because thoy can reach the lako much sooner, and without the annoyance of an overcrowded stage. MUNOY is growing slowly but Its additions arc sub stantial buildings. The Woolen Mills of Coulter, Rogers & Co., erected a few years ago are successfully mauaged. They make a specialty ot woolen blankets nnd enjoy a wide traele in them. Their woolen yarns arc also highly recommended ami when dealers once buy of them they continue their trade. The mill is now run to its fullest capacity. A liay elevator, torn anil pulley inctory is one of the industries of the place, and not a small one cither as they give employment to a number of workmen, and make full time. Their liny forks and pulleys arc scut into about every state. Tho firms namo is Waldncr & Sprout. Mr..Sprout is the paten tee of the hay elevator. The planing mill of this placo gives em ployment to a number of workmen, and has orders for almost continual running. The Public school building is three and one-half stories high has largo and con venient rooms for tho accommodation of pupils, and Is ns fine n public school build ing as can bo found in the state. It was built In 1873. In tho summer season a county Normal school li held In this build ing, under tho supeivlsion of tlio county superintendent. A small tuition feo is charged for tho support of the school dur ing tills season. The Lycoming Firo Insurance! Company, of Muncy which was In such a nourishing condition until 1880, nnd had erected n beautiful building at an expenso of over if -10,000, has nothing left to remind of its existence, except this weather worn monu ment which wns sold at Sheriff's silc about three yeurs ago, for $0,000, and Is now used ns a private residence. At tlio Munty Luminary olllco wo found G. L. V Painter. His father Thomas Paint, cr, was tho editor and proprietor of the Columbia County Ktglster. G. L. I. Painter entered tho printing ofilco of his father when ho was but eleven years of age, and remembers how they first Inked their typo by means of leather balls, and printed on a wooden press called a Ramagc. About tho year 1830 or 40 a nowspaper olllco call, cd the lllicimaii was moved from Dnnvlllo to Bloomsburg and after a trial of nbout six months was suspended for want of pat. ronngc. William Hurley and William Mc Kclvy wcro stockholders In this office. In the early part of 1811 Mr. Painter called upon tho stockholders of tho IrafcAinaa of. lice. They told him that If ho could uso tho office he should tako It and they would charge nothing for It. Accordingly ho made arrangements to move tho office, and In March of the samo year, Mr. Ellas Men. dcnhall with n two horso sled moved tho entire outfit to Muncy and Mr. Painter be. gau tho publication of tho ifancy Luminary. In 1841 Mr. Thomas Painter discontinued tho publication of tho Columbia County lit' (litter, nnd Bhortly afterward tho material was moved to Muncy and combined with that of the Luminary. Mr. G. L. I, Painter continued tho publication of his paper un til 1879 when ho gayo way to his sons W, P. and T. B, who havo continued until tho present lime, nnd now havo a first-class ofilco with new cylinder press nnd steam power. Wo found furniture establishments lu Willlamsport, Monloiirsvlllc, Hughcsvlllo nnd Picture Rocks, all busily engaged, and tho suggestion wns made that a like Indus try might bo established, and successfully carried on In Bloomsburg, where wo aro surrounded with ash, birch, beach, chctt Nurtlillclit. Northficld Is n plnco of which tho world generally know very little a few years ngoj but It Is beginning to ho famous, nnd may Boon rlvnl Chautauqua in that respect. It lies In tho valley of tho Connecticut, on the northern edge of Massachusetts. As 1 wrlto I look Into New Hnmpshlro nnd Ver mont, over n sccno as beautiful as tho view from tho Bloomsburg Normnl School nnd moro extended. Tho hbsenco of fences gives a pnrk-llko or European nspect to tho landscape. Tho two railroads, from New Haven nnd New Loudon, across tho river, do not mnr tho benuty or brenk tlio still ness. Tho village consists of ono long street, wide enough to contain from two to four rows of largo elms ami maples and room for play grounds between. lean find only two general stores. These with a tailor, shoemaker, harness and tin shop, n barber and n hotel, monopolize tho busi ness without nny difficulty. What threatens to secure a placo tor Northficld on the maps Is that D. L., as ho Is called by his townsfolk to distinguish Mm from the other Moodys, came back to the homo of Ids boyhood a few years ngo to reside, has established a seminary for girls nnd In the neljolnlng township a school for boys nnd Is gathering some kindred spirits around him. Snnkcy, tho singer, and Pentecost, tho Evangelist, havo settled here; McGranahan is coming nnd John Wnnnmnkcr has a cottago near tho sem inary. Tho seminary was started on n small scale In a dwelling house. It wns soon housed In a laigo brick building on n com manding site, tho East Hall. Another largo brick dormitory has been added by tho Marqunnd estate; and n beautiful stono halt has been built for rccttntlons. Moody's object is to help girls of moderate means to obtain nn education that shall fit them for real usefulness In life by Its thoroughly Christian character. Each pupil is to pay $100 a year and take n share In the lighter work of the household. There Is, of course, a heavy deficiency for Mr. Moody and his friends to mako up. I understand that part, if not all, of tho royalty from tho hymn books goes Into this enterprise. It nil goes to benevolent work of some sort. Tlioboys' school nt Mt. Hcrmon, on a largo farm, is conducted on tho same principles. There were 100 pupils last year nnd they aro preparing for 300 next year. It con tains representatives from China, Japan, our Indian tribes, nnd Europe. There nro somo 40 boys from Great Britain. Apropos of Great Britain, among the r- rlynls on Saturday night wns Mr. Studd, ono of tho gentlemen cricketers who havo just como over. I sco htm now, in his short pants nnd russet shoes, with his Bible under his arm, tramping away from tlio stono ball, where the meetings oi tuo Northficld Convention of Christian Work ers Is held. Ho wns ono of tho students who stood by Mooely at Cambridge Univer sity in England nnd was converted. In tho men's meeting last evening (for there was a woman's meeting nnd so tho men were left to themselves) Mr. Studd told in n very simple and Interesting way of the Interest awakened In ibe British univcrsi ties on the subject of "Foreign Missions," nnd of the seven young men (of leading society in London, according to Moody) who have lately gono to China, ono of them his brother. He traced tho movement back to tho meetings of Moody nnd Snukcy nt Cambridge- Tho principal interest of tho Convention, so far, centres around Dr. Gordon, of Bos ton, Dr. Picrson, of Philadelphia, and Mooely, ns speakers, nnd Messrs. Sankcy, Towner and Parker, as singers. Mr. Park er Is a singing Evangelist from Spurgcon's college, who tells mo ho has been holding meetings In every country In England, save one. Mr. Towner was brought in connec tion with Moody in Cincinnati where ho was teaching music, nnd has now devoted himself to evangelistic servlco under Moody's direction. He has a powerful voice and Is a good leader. Sankey's sing ing seems to mo ns sweet as ever. Mooely presides at all the meetings in the stone hall, and keeps everything under con. trol, from the timing of n speaker downjto tho seating of the people nnd even to the chnrges of tho hackmcn. Ho docs not talk often himself. I havo heard but ono sermon, or long speech, from him. That was grand in its simplicity nud fullness of Gospel truth. 8. M. IvilHt Ilc-litnli. The Stillwater correspondent nsks this pertinent question, "Of what real practical uso is tlio lly, anyhow ? nnd denounces him ns a "parasitical nuisance," or ns a hanger on; and solicits an answer drawn from "reasonable and logical conclusions." The reasonable and logical answer Is found Genesis 1. 24-25 where each ons can read It for himself. Besides ho Is the most sociable, patient nnd friendly creature In existence Ho will etniul nnd knock by tho hour, and If any ono will open tho door, he will como In and sup with him and takes no olfenso at n little brushing. In a literary senso ho cannot bo excelled In ex actness. All his pauses are marked with periods at short Intervals, whether on saucer, plato or window pane. And not infrequently wo sco the ceilings and walls of houses prolific with the punctuated bis tory of this much persecuted little crcn ture. Asa G. Tubbs killed a black snnko tho other week which measured seven feet in cngth. The season has so far advanced that the nlghti aro comfortably cool. Tho coin prospect in this neighborhood Is promising more than an ordinary crop, Tho oats aro nearly all housed nnd tho farmers are giving their nttcntlon to Fall seeding. John Belles informed us that ho threshed lllty-four sheaves of oats and had fifteen bushels. Oily said, "them aro good oats, This Is a frco country and tho tongue Is' n frco looso thing nnd wo aro taught that It cannot bo tamed. It Is of tho lleetness of lightning and blasting ns tho frost, of every maKlnablo color ami taste, and from tho sweetness of honey to tho polBon of asps, And gossiping communities will mako tho best of It, notwithstanding Bomo corrcs. pondent's efforts to curtail It, for "people will talk." The buckwheat is looking veiy finely. If tho yield will correspond to Its piescnt prospects, It will bo im unusually heavy crop. Thcro aro no signs of a hnrd Winter, Minim. Every farmer lias a large plum crop this year. I). L. Swank met with an accident on Friday whllo moving n thresher. A chain hit and severely bruised his face. Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Brands, ot Hucketts. town, N. J., aro visiting relatives In town They nre accompauled by their daughter and sondn-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Frco. man. J. II, llastuschcck's now houso Is nearly completed. Wcs. Harlzcll Is on Ids way homo from tho West with another lot of ponies. Jonas Kreblcr moved from Kingston to this placo on Friday last. Geo, W. Hess Is dangerously 111, Bugs nro damaging tho potato crop very JcrHcytowii. M. E. Harris Is at Willlamsport, attend. Ing to 11. o building of a house, which he Is having erected there. Messrs. Chns. Fcnstcrmakcr nnd Henry Hartllno aro at homo for a short time. Geo. Wagner recently returned from his visit to Kansas. Mr, Wagner gives n very unfavorable account of that far off land. T. Baker, n former resident here, who has been nwny fifteen years, was In town on Sunday. His friends wcro glad to sco htm ngaln. Several of the boys took In tho festival at Eycr's Qrovo last Saturday. They report good time, as usual. Jerscytown Is to havo Its festival next Saturday afternoon and evening. Proceeds for tho M. E. church. Dr. nnd Mrs. Swisher spent tho latter part ot last week at Bloomsburg. Prof. Lloyd Sheep and family, of Eliza. belli City, N. C, aro visiting his parents near hero and friends In town. Misses Amanda and Anna Krcamcr, of Philadelphia, aro visiting nt Mr. C. Krcam. cr's. Miss Anna Prlscr, of Tnmaqua, Is visit ing nt Mr. I). M. Sheep's. Mr. A. K. Smith owns tho fastest Hainll- tontnn horso In town, recently bought of Mr. Hop. B. F. Dlldtnc is nt work on the Vandlno school house. Still another festival on hand, Dcrry, Balurday, tho 20lh. Extensive prepara tions aro being made to have a big time. C. Decker, of Bloomsburg, has been en gaged to mako tho cream. A largo at tendance nnd n good tlmo is anticipated. Rov. M. Phillips, of Iown, preached in tho Methodist church hero last Sunday morning to nn unusually largo audience. The church wns filled to Its utmost capac ity and tho congregation were obliged to keep their scats much longer than cither prudence would sanction ns good, or the most job-llka patience could endure without a murmur. Mr. Phillips delivered v very long, rather eloquent nnd somewhat excellent Bcrmon from the text, "Behold your houso 1 left unto you desolate." Htlllwntcr. Tho Temperance Houso enjoys a fair pa- tronngc, anil It deserves, too. Mine host, Frank Wolf, h n genial man and tho hosicsi Is nn amiable, cultured lady, who understands well how to provide for tho patrons of tho house. If you wish to bo treated well and faro In a first-class man ner, give tho Stillwater Tompcrauce Houso a call. Last week the threshing machines nnd separators were humming on every side. M. W. McIIenry, Moses Mcllenry nud J S. Woods threshed portions of their crops right out of the fields. Tho Stillwater drum corps is rapidly gaining a proficiency which older organiza tions of tho kind might well envy. Their playing last Saturday elicited for them tho applauso of all wno were permitted to hear them. The manner in which they beat tlmo is worthy of comment, and last but not least, tho members of tho corps aro I gentlemen. Mr. Samuel Ncyhnnl and wife, of Bloomsburg and Mr. Benjamin Price and wife, ot Shamokln, wcro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dreschcr on Friday and Saturday last. On Saturday, August 15, tho M E. Sun day school of this place went on a picnic excursion to "Billy" Colo's, nt the head waters of Fishlngcrcck, up In tho North Mountain. Through tho kindness ot ouc ot the lady manacers of the party, wo wcro invited to accompany the excursion, nnd gladly availed ourselves of tho oppor- tunity. U was tru y nncnjoyablo occasion up tho bcnutlful nnd ever historical Fish- ingcrcck, amid scenes of natural nnd va- ncei beauty, eieiigiiting the eyo at every ucnil or tne stream wncn wo reached Cole's Creek, awaiting us In the grove at C, l1..t..ti. t. .1... IT..I r. ut. uuuiiiriB VMUruil, WHS iuu union ouu-1 Union Run. I .Inir Bnlmnl Pino fW... Tl,. mcntcd. numbcriiiir about 150. we wended our way on toward our point of dcstlna- lion, which renclicil, all proceceleel to enjoy iui;iiisvivv;s. iviuuu inujr uiu ttuccessiuuy. Wo have not tho spaco to describe all tho scenery of that mountain retreat. It needs to bo seen to be appreciated. Nothing oc curred to mar the plcasurc of the occasion. All passed off happily. Tho Stillwater rum corps accompanied tho party and dis coursed excellent music. Ilctlervlllc. Mr. Sillier and W. Engle, of New Lon- dou, wcro the guests of Ell Brown on Sun day last. Sir. Thompson, of Baltimore, general agent for drills nnd other farming imple ments, accompanied by Mr. A. H. Herring, were seen in this plnco on business a fow lays ago. On Saturday last Mr. M. M. Hnrtzcll, school director for tho Smith school, re paired tho grounds ot that school with sev oral of his neighbors. Mr. Linn, of Berwick, was seen In this vicinity on Monday last. Miss Qussio Andreas nnd sister, Hester Snyder, of Conyngham, wcro here visiting icir parents nnd friends. Mr. Shclp, of Moscow, has commenced a writing class In Snyder's school bouse. Wo wish him good success, for he Is a lino teacher. iimirliiK Creclt. I'hims nro very plenty through this sec tlon. "Ham" Ycager, of Erackvllle, was la town on Saturday. Win. l'fahlcr built an addition to his dwelling recently. Thrcshcrman with their machines havo started on their annual tour. Tho proceeds of tho Roarlngville band festival tho 8th Inst, was $114. A very pleasant birthday party among tho little folks last Monday cveulng. S. K. Carl smiles "all over his face." Keason j It's a little girl. Sunday School convention in tho Uulon church nt Numcdia, Thursday, Aug, 27th. Mrs. W. 11. Garret, of Philadelphia, Is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ycager hero. Rev. W. S. Hamlin tho M. E. l'ostor of this placo was In attendance at tho Moun tnin Grove campmcetliig. A scries of bush meetings will begin In Fisher's Grove near Boar Gap, Monday evening, Sept. 7th, under tho auspices of tho United Brethren churcli. Visitors In our village last Saturday wcro rpil'.a numerous ns Catawissa, Danville, llailetou, Philadelphia and Ilackcttstown, N. J. wcro represented hero. Tho ItoarlngviUo band attended thu Cat. awtssa Camp-llro last Saturday evening, re turning at n lato hour. Wo understand tho boys havo an engagement to play at the Locustvllle band festival next Saturday. Quito a number wcro out Bunday evening about our village "taking in" a moonlight promenade. As wo passed a damsel with her swain sho was sweetly T chiming "ho Steele's Physiology has been adopted unanimously by tho Uloom school board. O. W, Sterner has purchased the projier ty of .1. B. Relit on tho comer of Main nnd Market Streets. HAT fEVBR CURED II T UI1KAM 1IAI.M, I have been a periodical sufferer Irom Hay Fever slnco tho summer of 1870, nnd, until I used Hly's Cre am Balm, I was nev cr ablo to find nny relief. I can sy that Cream Balm cured mo. h. M. Georgia. Blnghamton, N. Y. Aug. 21.4vks. Teachers' iCxniiilnntiaiiH. Brlarcrcck Kclchner school house, Au gust 24th; Mlllllnvlllc, August 27th; Mnln nnd Denver, Malnvllle, August 23th; Jersey town, August 31st; Greenwood Centre school house September 4th; Buckhorn, September 8th; Centre Grnngo Hall September 11th; Pino Iola school house September 15th; Canby, September 17th; Porks, September 22ud; Orangevlllc, Sep. ternber 23th. J. S. Griues, County Superintendent. 'Soliiniunaltcr's. rmuDsLruiA, August l", issj. Pure advertising prompts us to invite visitors to our city to visit our store ; and, to make the invitation more effective we afford them all the conveniences that we have facilities for. We are making here such a mart as we believe to be good for our city, good for our coun try and good for ourselves ; and we want as many people to know about it as we can get. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is only a place where many sorts of merchan dise are gathered together, many grades of a sort, every thing called by its true name, and everything sold for about as little as we can afford ; a place where a great many wants are supplied, and no cheating done; a place where all the skill you need in buying is to know what you want, or to be able to recog nize it when you see it. "We are making such a mart, we said. Eight years ago, when we began this general trade, some thought we made it in a twinkling. We covered a part of the ground and begun only begun. Every year since has brought increase of room and of use for it, to say nothing of the increase of knowledge, by which we buy better, sell better, and walk with firmer foot. We have not done by any means. Our building and trade are growing together, One is tem porary ; tne otier appears to be as secure of permanence as the wants which give it life. One is local ; the other appears to have no necessary limits. One is easy to see and understand ; the other strikes most persons as vast, various, complex, intri cate. We invite you to enter; leave your luggage under check; wan- der at will over every part of thestorei w;th a uide jf you Pref?r ! cary away With you as much knowledge Ol our under- taking as you can ; tell your neighbors What VOU have seen n,l wI1fn wn rpirlv wrirn and when you get us for some trifle; . J . ' . r . i j i " SUIUC UIIIC, HUU 5CC 1IUW carefully, how Studiously, how faithfully, how fully We Serve a straiicer, John Wanamakek. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and Ctty-hall square. LOCAL NOTICES. Sec tho Star Light Yarns at I. W. Hart- man & Son's. I. W. llartmau & Son havo lust opened llieir mack Dress ejoods lor rail, viz.: Plain Cashmeres, Diagonal Cashmeres, Striped Cashmeres, &c. A lot of 15. cent half-wool Dress Goods reduced to 121 cents at I. W. Hartman & Son's. 00 nieces of Ginghams. 0 to 18 cents a yaru, at l, w. imrtinan iSBon s. The new Dishes and Glassware nro arriv ing dally at I. W. Hartman & Son's. Sco tho new Satlno finished calico at I. W. Hartman & Son's for 7 cents a yard. BUSINESS NOTICES. HAY FKVE1I 81'IOIFIO. I found it a specific for hay fever. For ten vcars I have been a great sufferer from August Oth till frost. Ely's Cream Is tho only preventive i nave ever lounei. x ranic li. Aluswortu, oi r. i. Ainswonii cc uo, Publishers, Indiauapolls, Ind. 4w. "I havo Advised rav Daughter to trv It. and sho Is going to do so." Ho further says i "I called on you abeiut six weeks ngo sick with bilious disease. You gave mo a bottle ot Dr. Kennedy's Favorito Rcmody and It set mo nil right. I want moro ot It." Thus writes a man who lives In Lubec, Me., to tho proprietor. Wo are sure of hearing favorably from tho lady, for this preparation Is exactly suited to the troubles from which women so often Buffer. Also for little children. aug ! l-lw Bad d ml ii a go causes much sickness. Bad blood and Improper action ot thu liver unci kidneys is bad drainage to the Human system, which liurilock lilooel miters will remedy. Alcohol was not Invented nnd minerals wcro never used medicinally In the days of old. Invigorating and alterative herbs wero then tlio only curatives. Sick ani mals, with unerring Instinct Invariably sel- ect straneo uorus lor tncir aliments, vine- gar Hitters is tho greatest ucrb nutliloto and tonic over known. Persons who aro past fifty will I Kennedy's Favorito Remedy just i Had Dr. about the medicine they need when they need a medl clno at all, Tho teu years which follow that ago aro full ot dangers which do not threaten younger men anil women. This preparation elves tone to tho system, cen liy expels impurities and prevents tho ouu cropping ot diseases the seeds ot which may havu been sown In earlier life. Why not uvo out an your eiuys in ncaitn aim strength. aug 2t.4w A M1LLIOU AI11B. "All the lieallli I enloy. anil even my llle. l may say, is in consequence oi cum mons Liver Regulator. I would not tako si.wu.iAKj tor my interest in mat incut clno. "W. H. WILSON, Lecturer Fla. State Grange Millions of us uro bilious. Wu aro a bll ions race. Half of us nre born bilious with a predisposition to dysiicnsla. Tho Ic9t known remedy tor biliousness and In. iiigcstiou is mmmoiis Liver Regulator. It has stood the test ot time. Dr. Gilbert Clark, of Warren. R. I., savs; "Hunt's Hcmcely for dropsy nnd kidney diseases, is n standard remedy." Young, old, and inleldlc-agrel, nil exper ience tho wonelcrful bcnclltlal effects of Ay. crs Sarsaparllla. Young children suffering from sore eyes, sore cars, scald head, or with nny scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may bo made healthy and strong by Its use. Dr. W. Wilson, of" SprTiigllclel, Georgia, says i "Hunt's Remedy ts tho best mcdL clno for dropsy nnd kidney diseases that 1 over used." ' "Koran us hats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, fib-bed-bugs. ants iieaiit pains. Palpitation, elropslcal swell ngs, dizzi ness, indigestion, headache1, sleeplessness cured by "Wells' Health Rcncwer." "iicuein os ooitss." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns. 15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft corns, wnrts, bunions. "llUOIIU.l'AlllA." Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bind der and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irri tation, Stone, Ornvel, Catarrh of the Bind der. $1, Druggists. IIKD-IIUOS, FI.IRS. Flics, roaches, nnts. bcd.bugs, rats, mlco gopliers,chlpmiinks,clcarcd out by "Rougli on Rats." 15c. this rKoriB. "Wells' Health Rcncwer" restores henltk and vigor, cures ilyspcpsln.impotcncc, sex ual iieijinty. i. "1IOLOII OS I'AI.N." Cures cholera, colic, cramps, dlnnueva, aches, pains, sprains, headache, ncuratcla, rheumatism. 20c. Rough on Pain Pias ters, 15c. If you are falling, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wills' Health Renewe-r." 1. Druggists. LIFE rilESEIIVKII. If you nre losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Rcncwer." Goes direct to weak spots. "notion on riLKf. ' Cures plies or hemorrhoids, iichlng, pro trudlng, bleeding, internnl or other. Inter, nnl and external remedy In each pi;kngc. Sure cure, 50c. Druggists. rilKTTV WOMEN. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vivacity. Don't fall to try "Wells' Health Rcncwer." "iiocon os itoil" "Rough on Itch" cures humors, erup tlons, ring-worm, tetter, salt ihcum, Irost cd feet, chlllblains. "itouau os oATAiimi." Correct offensive oelors at onco. Complete cure of worst chronic cases, also unequnl ed as gargle for diptlicrla, sore throat, foul breath. 50c. TUB HOT! Children slow E OF TUB SATIOS. In development, puny, scrawney, and dellcLtc, uso "Wells' Health Rcncwer." OATAUIIIl Ol' TIIK U LA I) OKIE. Stinging, Irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "llucbu-Paiba." 1. "WATEIt HCas, r.OAOUKS." "Rough on Rats" clears them out, lice ties, Ants. also ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E8TATS OF SAHA1I COLE VECE18BD. Letters of administration lnthoestato ot Sarah Colo late of Jackson township, deceased, havo been granted by tho llegUter of said county to tho undersigned Administrator. All persons hav ing claims against tlio cstato ot tho deceased are requested to present them for settlement nnd thosoi Indebted to the estate, to mako pay ment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. ALINAH cole. Administrator, aug Sl-tl Dcrrs V. O. SHERIFFS SALES- lly virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to mo directed will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House, In llloomsburg, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, '85, at 3 o'clock, p. m., all that certain lot or plcco ot land situated In tho vlllago ot Kohrsburg, In the township ot Greenwood, county ot Columbia, and state ot l'cnn'a, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lot of William nogart, on tho south by lot of Hannah Baton, on the east by 101 f St. M. ApplemananU on the west by a public roait. containing about one-fourth of an aero of land, moroor les.s,wlth tho appurtenances, whereon nro erected a good framo dwelling house, framo stablo and all convenient out buildings, and a good well ot water at the door. SeUed, taken In execution at tho suit of I'. 1). Mack vs. Theodore Jlenccr and to be sold as tho property of Theodore Mencer. lkcleri Herring, attjs. Vend. Ex, ALSO, A certain messuage and lot of ground sltuateln the town of llloomsburg, In tho county ot Colum bia, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded nnd de scribed as folows, tc-wiu Beginning at a corner of an alley, on tho south sldoot Filth street, thenco along said Fifth street north slxty-tour and one- eighth degrees cast tltty.llvo nnd a halt feet, thenco by lot ot c. w. sillier south twcnty-nluo and a quarter degrees east, ono hundred and Iltty-llve feet to rearlo street, thenco along tho samo Bouth blxty-ono degrees west fltty-six and a halt feet to an alley aforesaid and thenco along said alley north twonty.nlno degrees west ono hundred and ntty-elgbt foct to tho placo ot beginning, on which aro crcctod a two-story trams dwelling houso, stable aud out buildings. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of c. v, Miller assigned to Samuel Williams vs. Charles Ahlcman and to be bold as the projierty ot Charles Ableman. Milter, att'y. 1 Fa. Al.SU, All that certain messuage, piece or parcel of land, situate In Centre township, Columbia Co. Fa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; Hegtnntng at a stono thenco by land ot Wesley Hohs and other laud formerly of Samuel Neyhard south 77 degrees west 30 M0 rcrcues to a stono In lino to land of Jeremtah Hagenbuch, thenco by tho same south us degrees oast W 9-10 perches to a stono la public road, thenco along tho middle thereof north 76'i degrees cast lis perches to stone, thenco by land of Joseph A. Hess, north US degrees west si a-io perches to a stone, north S degrees east 114-10 perches to a stono tn lino to land ot li.ui'l Hagenbuch,thenco by the samo north US degrees 37 M0 perches to tho placo of begin ning, containing nine acres and 86 perches of land neat measure. seized, taken Into execution nt tho sultot V. V Davis, adinlulatrator, c t. a., d. b. n. ot tlodtrcy Mellck, dee'd., vs. Samuel Nejhard, and to bo sold as tho property of Samuel Neyhaid. Ikcler Herring, ntty's, Ft Fa. JOHN MOUltEY, Sherttl. iN( OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR IN' COltl'OltATlON. IN TIIK COMMON I'l.KAS 1011 THE CO. Of COLl'UBI Xnilralalierebv elvcn that an amplication will bo inado to the said court on Mouday. the -Jatli day ot September, A. D. Ibttt. at three o'clock In tho niieruuun, uum-r iiiu --t-urjiuriuiuu mi ui uiiu thousand eight hundred and bocntv-four," and tho supplements thereto, by James D)kc, eioorgo II, i'oiks John Lamnct, Robert 1'. Jones and John E. Davis, for tho charter of an Intended corpora tion to bo called "Thntidd Fellows Cemetery As sociation Of tuo uorougu ot ceniraua, coiuniuia county, Fa.," tho character and object ot which la ustabllshlmr and maintaining a cemetery or burltl place lor deceased bodlcs,ln or ujkui grounds on tho Locust Mountain, oast ot the borough ot centralla, in said coiuuiDia county, ami ror uieso turpobcsto hae, pos'eas and enjoy all thu rights, enents and prtvlli-ges conferred by the said act audits supplements. i, uAiini.r.ii Aug..H-tt. solicitor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. limtOI' EI.IZ1HKTII WENNSK, DECK. COU'MBIA COUNTY 68: Tho underslimed. an auditor annotated on tno- tlouot 1'aulE. Wirt, attorney for estate, by Iho unmans court oi loiumma county, 10 maKo eus trlbutlon ot tho balance In the hunds of tho ad- inlnlatrator and of tno balance in tho hands o John A. Funaton. trustee, nrlslmr out of tho sale oi lue real e-siuioui aaiu uis-eut-ia 10 uuu uuiuug the parties entltlexl therein, will attend to the amies oi nis appointment ui ms umc lu lue iuwii Ul JlltK,ill3UUI, UU 1111-i.lllJ.lllH n,IIIU lid, UI temuer next, at lu ociuckiii euo ion-noon, w ut-ii and where all parlies Inte'restcd ure reiueiitd to prevent their claims or bo forever alter debarred from crming upon said runaa. Is. V. FUNK, Aug.-ll-tf, Auditor, N J OTICE Notice Is hereby given that my son. William, no longer cont rolled by me, and doca not lite me. Alltteraoiuiaro hetvbv cautioned not to wuu har bor or trust htm on my account, as I will pay bills ot Ids contracting. W. II. eilLMOllE. A UDITOR'S NOI1CB. KST1TS OK WILLIAM IVST, DSO'B. Tho umlerstirned Auditor appointed by the Or phans' court or Columbia county, to eustrlbuus the lundi Inllio handset tlio administrator oi mij no cedent, to nnd nmontf tlio parties entitled tlicrclx), will dlichnnro tlio duties or lili appointment MM; omeo In liloumnburtr, on Snturday, the nflli day ot Hcptcmljor, iwft, at ten o'clock in the i forenoon, where all parties Intftrxtwl In Raid fund must ap pear, or he foreter debarred from any share there of. I AUI. K. WIllT, Aug.-Mf. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. EST III CP HANNAH KNOKK, DtO'P. Tho undersigned, appointed Auditor todhlribntn tho fund In tho hands of tlio administrator M Man nah Knorr, lato of said county, deceased, wilt meet the partial Interested In said rund at htioi lleoln HluoniKbunf, on the fourth day of Soptcm ber, A. Ii. lnw, at ten o'clock, a. m., when and where all iieraons haMng claims atfalnst sold etal must appwir and present tho samo or bo forever debarred from coming In on said funcl. ltOUT. 11UCKINOIIAM, Autf.-Mf. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. KSfiTS OP CUAIll.SS IUVP.S DKCKAKBP. The undersigned, appointed Auditor to raalec distribution and settlement of tho balnncoln the handi of Clinton Jims, auminmraior yi yuuni Hayes. lateof Columbia county,dcceaed,wlllineet thepartlciiliitcrentcdlli said estate attnoonico oi W. II. Illiatvn, Etui., in uaiawLssa, sniu cuuuiy,uu the second day ot K-pU IMO.atlOa. m.. when and where all persons lia log claims against aaldwt- Inln mlmt. nnnf-nr nnrt tirPHpnt the RamC. Or bO for- ver aeeiarrcu irora mmmv m uu muu luuii. 110 i nr. 1IUCK1NI1I1AM, Auditor. Aug.-7-tf A MKNIIMKNT Til Tim constitution rr ru.1 t.itim rttivpna nf thin commonwealth lor I ielr approval or rejection by tho liencral As sembly ol the commonwealth ot l"onn8ylvanla. ItibMslird by order of tho Secretary of tho exm monwealth.In pursuance of tho Ilrst section of Ar tlelo XVlllot tho constitution. Joint re-Ho utlon proposing an amendment to the Constitution ot tho Commonwealth ot I-cnnsylva- "'llo It rewdved by tho Senate nud House ot Itepro Rontnlleenof tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In eiciinral Assembly met, that the following Is iroposed us an amendment oi ino uoraumuuii ui im (-nmttinnvvnnitli nf l'cnnwlvanla. In accor dance Willi tho protlsloni of tuo eighteenth arti cle thereof. AMKNDMISiT. That srvtlon tlvu of article in oof Iho constitu tion of the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, which reads us follow s : "Vhenccrn county shall con tain forty thousand Inhabitants It shall constitute a ncparatii Juiilcl.ll district, and shall elect ono Judge le u ned In tho law : and tho tlcneral Asscm bly shall proUdo for additional Judges, as the busl nessoflho said districts may require Counties containing a population less than la sumclcntto constitute Heparato districts shall bo formed Into convenient .single districts, or. If necessary, may bo attached to contiguous districts as tho ticnenil Assembly may protlde. Tho onico of associate Judge, not learned In tho law, Is abolished In coun tries forming separate districts s but the several assoclatu Judges In onico when this constitution shall be adopted shall BCrvc for their uneiptred terms," be und tho same ts hereby amended, so ns to read as rollows i Whenever a county Bhall con tnln fJxty thousand Inhabitants It may oonstltuto a separate Judicial district, and may elect ono Judge learned In tho law : nnd tlio eieneral Asscm f,tr shflit nrmMn rnr niliUtlonal ludires. as the bu siness ol said districts may require. Counties not forming w parate districts, shall bo formed Into convenient stnglo districts, a3 tho General Assem bly may provide, Theonice ofassoclato Judge, not learned In tho law, Is abolished In counties forming separate districts and having moro than ono law Judge ; every other county shall elect two nssoi l eto Judges, who shall not bo required to be learned In tho law j but the several ossoclato Judges li, omee, when tnls nmcnament man oc adopted, Khali serve for their unexpired term. A true cony ot tho Joint Ucsoltttlon. July 31-3 mos. W. S. STKNeiER. DCCrciary Ul luu vunniiuunuunu. OIM'IIANS COURT SALE OF VALUAIILU Kesil Instate! In purMiniicoot an order of the Orphans' Court of columl la county, rranklln i:hodes,admlnlstra torof lleiiiy lthodes, late of Itoarlngcroek town ship, In said county, deceased, will expose to sale, by public vendue upon the premises, on Friday, August 21, 1885, at one o'clock In the altcrnoou,a ccrtalnjmcssuago and tract ot land situate In ltoarlngcrcck township Columbia county and;stateof rcnnsylvanla,bound edby landiof UenJamln Wagner, David Wagner Nicholas Liighart, Henry II. lthodcs, Charles Wag ner and others, containing !1 ACRES and eighty-four pca-ues, whereon Is erected a J bank bain aud other outbuildings, about twenty acres of tin- aboc tract of land Is woodland, and contains good t lmber. There Is a good orchard on thcprcmlvK. The nboe described property Is i-Ituatcd about two miles fi om slabtown, and near Kernstown. TEltMi of SAUi Ten per cent, ot ono-fourth ot tho purchase money to be paid nt tho striking down of the property ; Uio ono-fouith less the ten per cent, nt tho confirmation of sale ; and the re maining three-tourths In one year thereafter with Interest frou connrmatlon nisi. FRANKLIN ItllOUJ&j, July ..l-tl Administrate T TRIAL LIST ok nriuiiu TXKM. William II. lveyvs Clara Key. .Mary c Sliealter vs llllain savldge. l'redcilel; Hostler to use etc. vs 1). II. a W. It. It. t'o- . .. Jacou nnyer vs liaviu vnnuorn. stepli- n lllttenbcuder vs Samuel Ilowcr et aL Ileury I lwmas vs Uenl. Oearhart et al. W. A. i drier vs J. Mc.Uarny Ex'r. Thomas Heraglity vs William Tyson et nl. ltolir Mcllenry et ux vs William K. Patterson. James I vs Darling Culp et aL ltlcliard i.eorgo's uso va conyngham twp. lleorge Hover vs Thomas eierlla. Hess and Thomas vs 11. F. i:erett. Mccre uly llros. vs Com M. F. Ins. Co. ot Colum bia. Adams son vs rrancis Aaams, Trustee. William i:bnervsM. el. smith. J. J. M Henry vs Dyer C. Moss' Ux'r. Mary I' Holmes ts J. S. Woalact ux. W. It. Yorgey vs Iwust Mt- Water Co. Archill dd Patterson vs William K. Patterson . 11. E. Ileaeock vs William Masteller. Montgomery cox et ux vs Nicholas lleagle. u. ii. rei b'uwler vs Berwick lloro. Casper 1 r intz va Ucrwlek lloro. Caspei Wlllla lain li Tubba et al vs Isaiah llower et nL John I- i-pononburg va Berwick, lloro. John llouiboy vs M. M. Hartzcll. T. F. vaMahala Craig. Frank stt-wart vs Daniel F. Seyberl. Nlchol is lleagle vs Montgomery cox. A, K. smith va Samuel Ilrugler. J. .1. 1'riwford vs Hiram Thomas, c. II. llrujkway va Locust Mt. c. s I. Co. et al. Wntnwrlglit Co. va conyngham s centralla Poor UMilcU c. w. vcivcivy etai vac i. uroexway, D. F. Se bert va Adams son. A. II. Herring et al va S. c. creasy. John li. c.isey vs 11. A. SweppcnhUer. llco. 1'. f-llner vs Elijah Albertson. A handsome V.vsli LAMP given with a ts order tor Tea and con ee. An Iron stono clIAMIimt SET. 10 pieces, or a TEA SET. 44 pieces, or a handsome IlltONZK IIANHINII LAMP glVeil W1UIU tlV-UIUCI. AlllAJUIMlObl UIIU pieces," 11 li blue, maroon or pink band or an I HON STONE e'HINA TEA SET of to pieces, or a eiLABS SET otiO pieces given with alia order, HAND. SOME PUEMIUMS, consisting of Decorated China Warn In 'I e i sets, also Dinner and Tea Seta com blued, and chamber Seta, etc., etc., given with orders for lis, flO, 1S5, lis and 160. send for circu lar, which will glto )ou full particulars, el HAND UNION TEA COMPANY, 25 south Main bt.. Wilkes inrre, ra. neauquar tera no Front street, New York city. may I3 ly Ei NONES. VIBRATORS, THRESHING MACHINES. DRAIN DRILLS, CIDER MILLS. Warranted tho best, drain Drills : the celebrat ed Pennsylvania, the onlv perfect forco feed phos- liuaiu aiiiiciiuiuut iu use wurr jiiiia ; iiiuct-iu. firated America and Young America. e tlltN Hlllil, irated America and Young America. e tlltN SHKU i:us. hay rnthhi.s ana sta.miaud IM1I.K- MENTSirenerallr. send tor catalogue. A. 1L FAIL IJirilAlt, I'liusyivuui AKncuuurui works, tone, I'd. nugltlw FI HE Agents Wanted for the ANllUl-AMKltlOAN FlltE TOlll'ElHi, the best Hand llrenade nro ExllnL'ulahcr In market. Works automatically. Always ready, sells ut hU'it. l'as a Handsomely. Tho best pay. ing agency t?er uiierca. Agents waneeu every where. Address, ANllI-AMEIiIlN FlltE TORPEDO Cel., No. 10 H Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Fa. aug. I l-lw d CUMAX- PLUGTOBACCO; HEDTIN7AC. SUHSCiUHE vow Til OLUM11IAN, Sl.oO A YEAR. Is no V IIC 'lllllsEke aug. tt-lw d mo uotel keeper. eral weeks ngo, may uow uv uiuBei, nut, mid other hard lumber, 11 much. Icadeth mc." We take It for granted be did' ug. 7, jw, Mioomsuurgi i a,
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