fVTs of DsivpsMq COLOVMA nsMOClUT, STAR OF Tim NORTH, and CO. unmix, consolidated. ' Inanoil Weekly, errtj Friday -ttornln.. ni HLOOM8I)UIt(I,t'OLUMUIACO., l'a. SM 3 60 4 00 9M oh 1 rl 3(0 1(0 7 00 4T5 7 K IS 00 aw lo oo in cm 8 00 13 00 19 00 0 81 II tO S3 (10 atii.wj iicrjunr. i u nuDwriDcrs out 01 tho conn, tytnn terms are strictly In advance l"l"ocmln lrNo paper discontinued except at thoontlnn ol ttio publishers, until all arrearage aro mid but l.mir nnnt nuod credits will tint i,n ffiSUA u , IUU uul All nunnrn nont ftnt nf Mm ufntn n. .1.1.. . . onicos mii3t bo jialcl for in advanco, unless a rcsnon. the subscription duo on demand. lu pny JOB PKlNTlNGr. ThoJob Printing Department ottho colbmmin Is very complete It contains tho latest new inm and machinery nnd Is tho only onico that rims lob pros cs by power. giving us tho best facilities, Ki llmates furnished on largo Jobs. PROFESSIONAL JARDSi r K. WALLER," " ATTOKNE Y-AT-L A W, onico over 1st. National Hank, mom " N. U. FUNIC. ATTOKNE Y-AT-LAW. nico In Ent's llulldlng. Ul.00M9tlCR(l, l'A, J 011N M. 0LA11K, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, AND .JUS TICK OP THE PEACE. lllOOMSBCKO, l'A. nice over .Moyer llros. Drug storo. p W. MILL Kit, J' ATTOHNBV-AT-LAW onico In Uroivor'a bulldlng.sotond iloor.room No. 1 Uloomsburg, I'a. B, Pit AM K ZVKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, I'a onico corner of Contro and Main Streets. Clark j llulldlng. Can bo consulted In German, i EO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HLOOMBllUIia, l'A. Ofllca on First floor, front room of Col. umbian Hiilldlnj:, Muln street, below Ex. chnngu Hotel. pAUL E. WIltT, Attornoy-at-Law. onico In Colombian Building, Hoom No. a, second Moor. B LOO MSB una, PA. 8. KNOHK. L. B. W1HTSR8TKIN. KNOBIt & WINTERSTEEN, A ttornoys-nt-Law. onico In 1st National Bank building, socond ttoor, llrstdoortotholcft. Corner of Main and Murkit streets Uloomsburg, Pa. tSSTensions ami Itounliet Collecttd. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW onico In Mateo's bulldljg ovcrlllllmcyer'sgrocery. JOHN C. YOCU.M. C L (IHYL'lt. YOCUM & OEYEH, Attorney s-at-Law CATAW1SSA, l'A. (onico front Milt of rooms on second lloor or Nkws Item building.) SW-CAN HE CONSULTED IN HKllMAN.i: Members, of Sham and Allcman's Lawyers and Banker's Directory nnd tho American Mercantile, nnd collection Assoclal Ion. 111 gU o prompt and careful nttentlon to collection ol claims in any part of tlio United htntes or Canada, ns well as to all other piodf&lonal bus,lncbs entrusted to thein. K.OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Itooms 4 and C. BERWICK, PA -yy. II. HIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawtssa, I'a. Office, corner or Third and Main streets. H V. WHITE. i nvnrTiTWr A'P T A 'WT BLOOMSBURG, PA. Olllco in lirowcrs' Building, 2nd floor, map 1-1 f yyr. s. smith, Attornoy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa. Cn be Consulted in Oerman. ALSO FIKST-OLASS FIUE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ltKl'ltESKNTED. 3"Ofllceillv8t door below the post olllco. MISCELLANEOUS. CO. UAHKIjKY, Atiomcy.nt-Law, , . , onico In Drawer's building, !nd btory, ltooras -.vs mjoWN'S 1NKCRANCK 1unu:i- V- Atinxcy. Moycr's new building, Main street, " Ctbouisburg, I'a. ,T ,nCSYm0'MllnDkSS tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn U m slclan, north sldo Main Btreet.beiow MarEet ioyai of Lhernool.. 13,mx),ouo Lancashire..... 10,(x),0W A Ij. FKITZ, Attorney.nt.Law. OlBce S?:::;:Z: SS Jt. , In Colombun llulldlng. London & Lancashire, of L'ngland 1,;icj,970 Hartford of llartlord a,STd,uM p M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH Dprlngtlcld l'lro and Marino 3,08J,5S0 D It. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN 4SUK0B0N, onico, North Market stroct, Bloomsbure, Fa DR. WM. M. RE11ER, Surgeon and Physician, onico corner of Itock and Market ireot. JR. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and .Physician, UJlce and Hosidoncu on Third street. F IRE INSURANCE. PJUIIISTIAN P, KNAIT, BLOOMSBUKO.l'A, HOME, Of N. Y. MUKCHANTS', OP NKWAItK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. l'liOl'LKS' N. Y. ltKADl.NO, l'A. Theso old cohtohations aro well bcisoned by ago and 1'niK TidTED nnd havo nouT jet had a loss bcttled by nny court of law, Their assets aro all Invested In solid BKCURiTiKS nro llablototho hazard of hub only. losses imiomitlv and honestly adjusted nnd paid as boon ns determined by ciikistian r. KNArr, BrEt'iAi. aoknt and Adjustbr bloomsdubo, I'a. Thopcoploof Columbia county should natron lz thoo agency where loam's If any are settled and paid by ono of ther own ell Uo ns. l'ltOMlTNESS. KliUlTY, l'AIH DEALINO. HE. Q,Bghlemaa, number anil gas nttcr. Hear of Schuyler's uard. waro store. Bloomsburg, Pa. All kinds of nttings for steam, gas nd water pipes constantly on hand. Itoonng nnd spouting attended to at short no tlcv. Tlnwaro otovcry description mado to order. Orders left at Schuyler SCO's., hardware btoro will bo promptly llllod. Special attention given to heating by Bteam and hot water. Serantcm House, ON THK KUHOl'HAN PLAN. Viotor Koch, Proprietor. liooms nro heated by steam, well ventilated and o'.eganlly furnished, llneot liar and Lunch Coun- tCMeala'toCord'cr at all hours. Ladles and dents restaurant lurnUhed wllh nil delicacies of tho iioca'tlon near V. U & W. Jt. Denot.Bcranton, I'a. MarS-t' 3. Ea EL77ELL, s ; S BITrSUBEUCEIJ. K"PrltOti Mm 1 30 YEARS RECORD. ctrnEo ALL W8EASES OP TUB IUDNEYB L1VEH ELAnDEIt AND tnUNAItY OHOANB DH0F8T OIIAVEL DIADETa BIUOHT'B SIS EASE TAINS IN MB BACK LOINS OH SIDE Nenvotra DtflEABEfl HETENTION on NON. DETENTION or tmiNE. PIWOE 1.39. Bend for ramphlot Of TMtl. tnonlAla. HUNT'S IIEMEDV CO., X'rfltldvnct, It. I. t'liyslrtnns' Testimony. A. W. Drown.M.n. nf rmti.if n It. I., sayei "I havo used Utmi's liuuncynud Liver ItSMiDTlnmj nrattlCG fnrllin tnat alf.n iia . B..VfcM and cheerfully recommend H si miHB y nnu rciiaote rcmcay." Another prominent doctor of rrovldenco fays that "I am fro- nilpnlt ti i.l h. .t.. tlonaannbstliutPifor Hunt's Kid ncy nrt Liver) IluMEDT. 1 And on tr)lng tlicm Hint they aro worthlces In comparlsou to It," An Old Lady. "My mother, 70 years old, has clironla kidney complaint and drop fly. Kothlnf? Imft rritr TirlnoJ linw llko IIcnt's Kidney and Llvcr hemedt. uuo has received great benefit frora8boltlei andnolhlnlc It will euro her." tY. W. Sunder land, llulldcr, Danbnry, Conn. A Jllnlster'a Wife. . Rev. Anthony Atwood, of Phila delphia, says: "Hunt's Kidney and Ltvcrl HiMtnY has cured mv All eay that It Is a miracle.' ftcntral Chace. General Chace of Ithodo Island says! "I always keep Hunt's Kid ney and Lhcrl HEMsnr In m, home. Taken la small dotes occo. eloually at night. It provents head ache, and regulates tho kidneys, etoinach and other oreans." in "Disease soon shaken, by Hunt's Remedy taken." t'- S- CltlTTEXTOy, N. I., General Agent. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tho popular favorite for dres inc the hair, Kcstoring the color when gray.antlpreventingDan drufl, It cleanser tho scalp, Stops tho hair fal liner, and is sure to please. 50c. nnd $r. sizes at DrujrcistS. The Beit Cough Core you can oao and the best known preventive of Consumption. Takker's Tonic kept In a hooie is a sentinel to keep sickness out. Used discreetly it keeps the blood pure and the Stomatfi, Liver and Kidneys In working order. Cough 1 and Colds vanish be fore it. It builds tip the health. If you sutler from Debility Skin Eruptions, Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Urinary or Female Complaints, or any disorder of the Lungs Stomach, liowefe, Hlood 01 Nerves, don't wait till you arc sick in bed, but use Parker's Tonic to-day ; it ill give you new life and i;ror. . . HISCOX & CO N.V5 Sold by Drusclsts, I.arge saving buying $1 sire. :iug. M-ly ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CIt WKOUGIIT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: Tho following shows tho Picket Gothic, ono of tho several tieautiruUtylesot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. l'or licauty nnd Durability they nro unsurpass ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de signs went to any adores". Address BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf JD F. IIAHTilAN HBniKSSNTS TUB FOLtOWIKO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES Kortu American of I'hlladelphla. Kranklln, " " renusj lvanla, " " York, of l'unusylvanla. Hanover, of N. v. ouetns, of London, North lirltbli, of London. onico on Market street, Ho. 5, Illoomsburg. OCt. Hi 1" 11 HOUSE, DENTIST, JJi.oomsiiuiki, Columbia County, I'a 11 styles of work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkktii Kxtkact luwunorTl'iiNbythe use of oas, nnd treeot charge w hen artlmial teeth aro Inserted, Olllco over Klelm's Driif; Store. Jo be open at all hourt during the aj Nov 33 .ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00MSBUH3, PA. OPI'OSITKCOUUT IIOUSB. Urge nnd convenient simplo rooms. Hath rooms hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences KEYSTONE ACADEMY. A school for both sexes, separate building of brick, heated by bteam, tor tho use of Ladles. PROPERTY COST $50,000. 1'ivpares For BUSINESS For COLLEGE, AND FOR TEACHING. ripeclal attention paid to students whoso school privileges hat o been limited. CLASS IN I'HYBIOUKIV EACH TKHM. Location Exceptionally Healthful. COST TO UOA11DEIW PER YEAR $154. lleduecd rales on 1. L. W. 11. H.. Seventeenth J ear begins August -a. l'or catalogue or Inlorma. tlou iiddresj HKV. JOHN II. IIAHUIS, Pn. D. 1'ACTOItYVILU; I'A. May Si, im. I lie SELECT STORY. WINNY. Stiaiicer to Canada, I think voit snidt 1 irst visit to Ontario? Vcll,you aio Heartily A-clcomo to Indian Uroek. Tako a eliair on tlio iiiny.za until din ner's ready wo dine early in tlieso now-world pnrts. Finot farmt Well, yce; Indian Creek is nico place, if I do own it. All, as far as yoti can sec frass land, corn fields, woods and creeks all be long to it. Stock, too tlioy call it tlio best stocked farm in Ontario, I be lieve, and I daro say they'ro right. All mine; and yet I camo to Canada twelve years ago without tho tradi tional half-crown in my trousers pocket. Would you like to hear tho story! There's a good half-hour to dinner time yet, and it's a story I never tiro of telling, somehow. I began hfo as thu boh of a village carpenter in tho south of England. You know that class pretty well, I daro say, and what a gulf was fixed between mo and tho vicar of tho par ish. And yet and yet from tho time she was 7 years old ami I 11, and she fell down in tlio dusty road outside tho carpenter's shop and cried, and I picked her up and smoothed tho little crumpled pinafore, and kissed tho dust out of her golden curls. I loved but ono girl in mo world, and mat was the vicars daughter, AVinny Iiranscomc. Madness, you'll say. Well, perhaps so,and yet a man is uut a man, and a woman a woman; and love comes. whatever one may do. 1 horo s no class distinction recognized by child hood, and wo wero playmates and friends till she. went loboardiiic school If Miss Winny had had a mother, no tlouul things would liavobecn very till ferent; but wo wire alike in never hav ing known a woman's care, and the old vicar was blind to everything but his theological ticatises. lint when she catno back from her London boarding school, a beautiful young lady, all smilrs and laces and little lovely way.!, tln n I know. I had tried my best to btudy and work, and make myself moie liko the men sho would meit, but what can a lad in an hnglish village dot I iust had enough education lo make every other lau in inu place hale me; and liesiue the men of her woild I suppose I cut rather an astonishing figure. Yet tho love was so beyond all elso in me, that mad, hopeless as I felt it, I bad no power over myself; and tho hrst timo I caught her alone in tho woods sho avoided me, I saw, and I had to watch for a chance 1 told her the wliolo story, and waited for her answer. Sho grew Bcailct a rush of color that dyed her fair, sweet face then deathly whito. "Dick,'' shu said, and sho was trem bling from head to foot, "you know it can never never be; you know you ate wrong even to dream ot such a thing, Some girls would think it an insult I know you better; but if my father heard of this, ho would Bay you had atmsca ins kindness to you; ho would never forgivo you. Forget your mad ness. And she ran Jrom me. I let her go. I had seen tho blush and tho tremor, and I guessed that if I had been Mr. Loftus, tho young Squire, instead of Dick Ilawtry, the carpen ter's son, her answer might havo been different. A great resolvo sprang up in my soul, and I took a solemn vow in those Juno woods. That very night l sold tho old shop (my lather was dead, and I had taken to tho business), and with tho money I bought an outfit and started straight for Canada. It was pretty tough work at first, but I worked liko a galley slavo starved aim pir.cncd and saved, and never spent a penny on myself except for tho nooks 1 sat up halt tho night to read and study. Well, in this country tho man who works and doesn't drink, is suio to get on; and I had a mighty purpose in my head. Jiy-aud bv bought somo land dirt cheap, and sold it for three times what I gavo for it then 1 began to make money last. 1 should call my luck wonderful if I bo lieved in luck, and didn t prefer to think I was helped by a power far abler than my own. At last, ton years to tho very day after I sot loot on Ca nadian soil, 1 bought Indian Creek farm, and botran to build this house, All the neighbors thought my good lortuno had turned my brain, lor 1 lit ted it up and furnished it for a lady, down to a rocking-chair by my study. table, and a workbasket with a tiny gold thimble in it. And when all that was finished, I took tho first ship for Liverpool, Ten years builds a city ovor here, It doesn't make much chango in Devon shire villago. Tho very gates wero still half oil their hinges, as I left them, only tlio people were a little older and a tritlo more stupid, and there was a now vicar. Old Mr. Uianscomo had been dead six months; died very poor, they told me; thero was nothing lolt tor Jiiss Winny. My heart gavo one great leap when 1 heard that And Miss Wiriny f Oh, sho had gono governcssiiig with somo people who wero just off to Canada, and tho shir sailed to-morrow for Liverpool. Tho Liverpool express novcr seemed to crawl so slow before. I got thero to lind every berth taken on board tho An tartic, and tho captain raging at the iion-appearanco ot two ot tho crow, Without a second's pause I offered for ono of tho vacant places. I was strong as a horso and active enough and though tho captain oyod mo rather askanco I had been to a West End tailor on my way through London ho was too glad to got mo to ask any questions. So I sailed on the ship with my girl, Uttlo as sho know it. saw her tho first day or two, looking so palo and thin that sho was like tho ghost of her old solf, and yet sweetor to my eyes than over beforo. Tho children sho had ohargo of woro trou blcsomo littlo creatures, who worried and badgered her till I longed to cuff them well. Hut thero was a gontleness and a patlcnco about her quito now to my idea o Miss Winny, and I only loved her tho more for it. After tho second day out tho wind freshened and I saw no moro ol her. wo had an awiui passage, it was Into in November an early Winter, and tho cold was intense.. It blow ono continuous gale, and some of our ma chinery was broken tho screw dam agpd and wo could not keep our coirse. As wo drew near the other sido of tho Atlantic, wo got moro and moro out of our boarings, nnd at last BLOOMSBURG, PA., tho fogs told us wo were somowhero off tho banks of Newfoundland, but wlicro no ono was quito sure. It seemed to mo it had .ill happened before, or I had read It, or dreamed it. At nil events, it was hardly a surprise to mo whon, on the tenth night, tho awful shock and crash took place a sensation which no ono who has not felt it can imagino in the least and wc know that tho Antarctic had struck. It's a foarful thine, if you como to think ot it, a groat steamer filled with living souls in tho full How of Hfo and health, and in ono moment tho call com ing to each of thorn to die. lloforo you could havo struck a match the wliolo ship was in a panic cries, ter ror, contusion, agony (J, it was aw ful 1 I triiBt novcr to sco such a sceno again. I mado my way through it all as if I had neither eyes nor cars, and got to the state room I had long ago iotind out was tho ono belonged to my girl. I knocked at tho door witli a heavy hand; oven at that awful mo ment a thrill ran through mo at tho thought of standing face to faco with her again. "Winny 1" I cried, "come out! mako haste I thero is not a moment to lose 1" Tho door opened as I spoke, and sho stood just within, ready dressod, oven to her littlo black hat. Tho cabin light had been loft burning by tho doc tor s orders, ami it loll lull on mo as I stood there in my sailor's Jersey and cap. I wondered if sho would know me. I forgot the danger we were in forgot that death was waiting close at hand lorgot that tho world held any ono but just her and me. Dick! she cried, oh, Dick, Dick; and sho fell forward in a dead faint on my shoulder. All my senses came back then, and I threw her ovor my arm and ran for tho deck. A great fur lined cloak had been dropped by tho door of tho ladle's cabin. There was no light, but I stumbled over it as I ran. I snatched it up and carried it with mo. Up above all was in the wildest chaos; tho boats overfilled and pushing o(T; tho ship settling rapidly; pcoplo shouting, crying, swearing. One hears tales of calintiesi and courage often enough at such times which makes one's heart glow as one reads them, but thero was not much heroism shown tho wreck of tho Antarctic. Tho captain behaved splendidly, and so did somo of tho ntssengers, but the major ity ot them and tho crow woro mad with terror, aud lost thoir heads alto gether. I saw that there was not a chanco for tho overcrowded boats in that sea, and I sprang for tho frigging. I was not a second too soon; a scoro of oth ers followed my oxample, and with my precious burden l should not havo bad a chanco two minutes later. As it was 'I scrambled to tho topmast aud got a firm hold thero. Winny was just coming to herself. I had wrapped her round liko a baby in tho fur cloak, and with my teetli I opened ray knifo to out a ropo which hung looso within reach. With this I lashed her to me, and fastened us both to the topmast. Tho ship sank gradually; alio did not keel ovor, or 1 should not be telling you the story now; eho settled down, just her deck above water, but tho great seas washed over it every second and swept it clean. The boats had gone. Ono or two of tho crow, floating on oose spars, wero picked up afterward no more, ihonggiug was pretty full, at least in tho upper part; down below tho sea was too strong. Tho captain was near mo. I felt glad to think he had beeen saved ho was not a coward liko somo of tho others. How long was tho longest night vou ever know 1 Multiply that by a thou sand, and you will havo soma idea of that night's length. Tho cold was awful. Tho spray frozo on the sheets as it fell; tho yards wero slippery with ice. 1 stamped on Wintry sleet to keep them from freezing. Did you notice that I limp a little ? I shall walk lamo as long as 1 Jive, sometimes there was a splash in tho black water below, as somo poor fellow's stiffened hold re laxed, aud he fell from his place in the rigging. Thero was not a breath of wind, nothing but tho bitter, bitter tog. How long could wo holdout! How long would tho ship bo bofore sho broke up ? Wo asked ourselves these questions again and again, but thero was no answer. Death stared us in tho face; we seemed to livo ages of agony in ovnry minute and yot, will you believe me, that all seemed littlo in comparison to the thought that af ter an thoso ten long weary years, I held my girl in ray arms at last ! Sho had pulled one comer of tho cloak around my neck (I stood on a level iust bolow her), and her hand lay thero with it it was tho hand that warmed mo more than tho cloak and her check rested against my own. Of ten I thought its coldness was tho coldness of death, and almost oxultod in tho thought that wo should dio to gethor. And thon I would catch the murmur of the prayers sho was utter ing for us both, and know that Hfo was still there nnd liopo lived, too. Well; well. Why should I dwoll on such horrors, oxcopt to thank tho Mercy that brought us through them all! Day dawnod at last, and there was the Bhoro iic.tr by, aud soon rockets woro fired and ropes secured, and ono by ono tho half-dead living wero drawn from their awful suspension between sky and sea and landed safo on shore. Tlioy had to tako Winny and mo to gether, just as wo were, and even then thoy had hard work to undo the clasp of my stiffened arms about her. I know nothing then, nor for long after, and it was wonderful that Winny was tho first to recover, and that It was alio who nursed mo back to life and reason. And now diu i askoa Her to marry mo ! Upon my word, now you ask, I cant remember that I ever did. That seemed utterly unnecessary, somehow. Caste distinctions look small onougli when you have" been staring death in tho face for a fow hours; aud words wero not much needod after wo had boon together mtho rigging that night Somehow I was glad it was bo: clad my girl had taken me, in iny cap and jcrBoy, or a common sailor, and yet loved tho out u:ck turougti it all; glad sho never ureamod i was owner of In diau Crock farm, and tho richest man in that end of Ontario, and had wealth and position higher than Mr.Loftus.tho young Squiro at homo. Tho people that alio was with had all gono down on that awful night, she had uoono in tho FRIDAY, A UGUST world but rao. Wo wero married at Montreal tlio captain of tho Antarc tic gavo hor away and then I brought her to Indian Creek. To seo her face when sho saw tho rocking chair, and tho work basket and tho thimble I Hoavon bless her t Thero sho comes, with her baby on her shoulder. Como into dinner, friend, nnd you shall sco tho sweetest wifo in tho now country or old; tho girl I won amid tho ocean's surges. Sleeping in Church. STHANOK MKANS OF COSIMANHINO ATTEN TION. l'reaohors havo frequently resorted lo cold and outlandish modes of draw ing attoulion to themselves or their doctrine, Bays tho Albany J'rcss, either by tho perlormanco ot somo mounte bank trick in the gown, or by somo ut terance or talo that was all awry. Tho Hov. Daniel Burgess, observing but a small congregation assembled ono day, roared out, as ho entered the pulpit : "Fire! Firol Firol'' The astonished and frightened congregation instnntly exclaimed: "Where! Where! Where!" "In boll, hell, holll" roared tho preach er, "to burn such wretches as regard not tho tidings of the gospel." In Charles II.'s timo thero lived a certain Mme. Creswcll, whoso character was notoriously bad. oho was at last im prisoned in Bridewell, and as her death approached sho desired to havo a ser mon preached at her funeral, and left by her will 250 for that purpose, only tho preacher was lo say nothing except what was well of her. Tho preacher gave a sermon on mutability, and concluded : "By the will of tho de ceased it is expected that I should men tion hor nnd say nothing except what is well of her. All that I havo to say of her, thereforo, is this: Sho was born well, sho lived woll and sho died well ; for sho was born with tho namo of Croswell, sho lived in Clerkenwell, and she diod in Bridowoll." Some pi each ers have given illustrations in their pul- uts which havo savored ot acting. Tho Hov. Hilly Dawson was preaching about David's encounter with Goliath, and, after dramatically describing tho challcngo of the Fhillistino and tho de- banco ot David, lie took out a pocket handkerchief and mado a sling of it, put in an imaginary 6tono and flung it with such imaginary torco in reality that Sammy Hicks, the villago black smith, lost all control over his foolings and shouted : "That's right, Billy ; now hoff with his 'cad !" A clergyman in Norwich, Conn., seeing many of his par ishioners asleep, pausod awhile, and then said : "I como now to the third hoad of my discourse, to which I ask the serious and candid attention of all who aro not asleep," Dr. South, whon once preaching bo foro Charles II., observed that the mon arch and his attendant began to nod, and as his nobles aro common men when thoy aro asleep, somo of them soon after snored, on which ho broko off his sermon and exclaimed, "Lord Lauderdale, I am sorry to interrupt your repose, but let rao entreat you not to snore bo loud, lest you awaken his majesty." It was no easy thing in ear ly times to keep congregations awake, and that others besido tho proachors themselves mado efforts praiso worthy UUUUgll 111 11118 uiruuiiun is cviucuccu by tho fact that on the 17th of April, 1725, John Kudge bequeathed to the parish ot Tyrsull, in Shropshire, twen ty shillings a year that a poor man might be omployed to go about during sermon and keop tho people awake. A bequost by lticiiard JJovey, ot I'arni- cote, dated 1C59, had in view, tho pay raenl ot oight shillings lo a poor man for tho performance of the same duty in Ulovcrly Uhurch, Shropshire. At Acton Church, in Cheshire, about fifty years ago. ono of the church wardens or apparitor used to go around the church during the servico with a long wand in his hand, and if any of the congrogation wero asleep thoy wore in stantly awakened by a tap on the head. At Dunchurch, in Warwickshire, s similar custom existed. A person hear ing a stout wand, like a hayfork at the end, stepped stealthily up aud down Vho nave and aisles, and whenever bo saw an individual asleep bo touched him so effectually that tho Bpoll was broken ; this being sometimes dono by fitting tho prongs of tho fork to the napo ot tho nock. A moro playlul method ot arousing sleeping sinnors from tho arms of Morpheus was used in another churoh, whoro tho beadle wont round tho edifice carrying a long stair, at one end ot winch was a knob, at tho other a fox's tail. Tho latter was used to tioklo tho faces of tho lady sleepers, tho former to thump the heads ot tho somnolent men. The day lor personalities in tho pulpit has long ago gono by. Somo years sinco tho Rev. Dr. Ben don was rector of tho parish church in liltnara, Kent. Ono day ho took lor his text, "Who Art Thou!" After having read this ho paused, as was his custom, to gtvo tho audionco timo to think upon bis words. Just then military officer entered, and walking down tho aisle, supposed tho question was addressed to mm. "I am, Bir, Sergeant McDufiie, of tlio sixteenth Kegiraent of boot, and re oruitlng othcor horo," replied tho man giving tho salute. Tho congregation of course, roared, and tho clergyman had troubio in collecting his thoughts A Scotch proachor saw bis wife asleep in tho kirk, and ho immediately stopped in tbo midst of tho sermon and shouted: "Susan 1 susani i did na marry vo for yor wealth, Binco yo had nono ; nnd did na marry yo lor yor boauty that all tho congregation can sco; and if ycr hao not graco I hao mado a sero bargaiu wf yer. ' She slept no more. Not a fow of tho vagaries of tho luipit havo been directed against sleep mg sinners, llobcrt Hall s audionccs wore composed of thoso asleep and thoso going to sloep, despito tho fact that bis sermons wero tbo most brilliant of tho ago. Sidney Smith said thatsomo sermons aro written as if Bin were to bo taken out of man, liko Evo out of Adam, by putting him to sleep, Dr, Barrow onco preached so long and so dull a sormon that everybody loft tho church but tho sexton and himself, Finally the soxton, seeing no prospect oi uiu mugwump uivuie coming to conclusion, cried out: "Sir, horo are the koys, ploaso to lock up tno cnurcii wucn you aro throng ,with tho sermon.' 21, 1885. Thero havo been many odd ways de vised by dull preachers to overcome the desiro on tho part of thoir congre gation to slumber. A Now York min ister, who was holding forth in a style that ought to havo kept them awake, but, being unsuccessful, ho suddenly stopped and said ; "brethren, I havo preached about half of ray sermon, and I perooive that twonty-fivo or thirty of my congrega tion are fast asleep. I shall postpone dolivery of tho rest of my sermon un til they wake up 1" For fivo minutes there was a dead pause, a suppressed titter, a good deal of looking nround, signs of rustling uneasiness, and tho preacher concluded. National Guard Rations. what tiii: statu pays camp sniKitir.p KKJIINtSUNCKS. A complaint having been made by somo of the Philadelphia mombcrs of the National Uuard concerning the sub sistence in camp nnd tbo pay for ser vice reporterotthc Ilarnsbnrg rain ol mado inquiry concerning tho matter t a prominent olhcer ot tho liuard. I can't iinderdstand," said the gentle man, "what is meant by tho per capita ollowanco for subsistence referred to by tho Philadelphia complaint. Ho fixes the sum fiftcon cents a day. Now, thero is no such thing as a per capita allowance, iwory soldier is allowed a full ration. A full ration includes ham, fresh beef, mess pork, potatoes, peas. fresh onions.coffee, sugar.hard and soft bread, canned tomatoes, and other veg etables in amplo quantity. If this can bo supplied lor httcen cents a dny Hint is nil it costs. If moro is necessary tho State has to pay tho bill. But no Com missary is limited to fifteen cents a day per man so far as I havo any know ledge of tho Guard enoampments. The ration as furnished to tho .Na tional Uuard is practically tho samo as that stippliod to tho regular army, ex cept that it is of better quality and in greater abundance During tho recent encampment of the Third Brigade, at iMt. uretnn, Surgeon iicncral Keed said fter examining the coffco and other commissary storei that tho goods wero fully 25 per conl. better than similar articles sold by retail dcnleis to their customers As to the quantity, that is egulatcd by tho judgment of tho most xpenenced men, and that it is ample is proved by tho fact that at Gettys burg la6t year somo of tho companies had a surplus, which they sold at tho termination of tho camp. Of course somo companies exhaust their supplies and nro compelled to make assessments to renew them. But this is not by rea son of an insufficient amount for tho soldiers. It is becauso visitors to tho camp aro entertained from tho common storo. In somo cases this has been carried on to such an extent that men havo had to invest tho full amount of their compensation to keep up tho sup ply. But even this year it proved in tho Third Brigade encampment that tho supply was suflicient,for tho companies that entertained no guests or only a few bad surplus stores at the close of tho camp season. Another reason that some companies aro compelled to pay assessments lies tho lact that the boys think tho camps aro intended for picnics, and thoy want to indulgo in tbo luxuries of picnio occasions, For example, when tho Third brigade was going into camp the other day a Bquad trom one of tho companies stopped at Lebanon, and mado arrangements to havo ico cream, cantaloupes, green tomatoes and other kindred luxuries, supplied to them ev ery day. Of course tho state will not pay for such articles of diet as those. As a matter of fact tho commanding officers and medical officers of regi ments are derelict in their duty if thoj permit the men to indulgo in such arti cles of food. Tho rations chosen with a view to strengthen tho men against tho arduous labors of the camp, aud givo them forco to resist the intluenco of heat and other elements incident to oamp life. But ico cream, cantaloupes, watermelon and similar edibles, howev er palatable, invito rather than resist theso influences, and tho Stato is right in not providing thorn, but tho olhccrs in eharao should prohibit their intro duction. Ice was supplied this year. eaoh company being allowed fifty pounds a day. Fresh boof was furnish ed, ono ponnd and a quarter to each mar. two days in a week. Ham of tho finest grado in tho samo quantity was turmshed tho other days, and collee. sugar, beans, rice, bread, fish and hard tack, salt, pepper, vinegar and candles and soap in abundance all tho timo. It scorns that such a commissariat ought to have been sufficient for any set of men. If their frionds outsido tho guard camo and ato them out of house and home, tho stato authorities aro not re sponsible for that. Tho stato feeds the soldiers according as thoso charged with the work think it for their best comfort and health, and if their friends come to camp and consumo the proven dor thero is nothing loft for them but to supply tho deficiency out of their own pockets. Smiles when She Speaks- The power of unconscious inlluctico was illustrated recently by a littlo inci dent that occurred in Eastern Massa chusetts. A lady called at tho house of a neigh bor ou an errand ; but, as tho family was away, sho asked tho lured man to toll his employer sho would call again lieing in a hurry, and not thinking but mat tno man know who sho was, sho did not loavo her namo. Tho lady of tho house returned boforo tho rest of tho family, and tho man told her that a lady had boon thero who Baid sho'd call again. "Who was it! inquired Mm. M. "Oh, I don't know her name," ro plied tho man. "But you should havo asked her," eaid Mrs. II., "so wo Bhould know who had been hero. Can t you toll mo any thing by which I can toll who camo! w bore does sue livoi ' "I don't know," snid tho man, "but she's the one that always smiles when sho speaks. Tho pleasant look and tho courteous manner in which tho lady had spoken to the servant i.ad been noticed mid re membcrcd, leaving a sunbeam in that man's heart. Let us each rcmomber that religion is recointiieuded by tho way in which we treat oven tho servants. Tlio com mand, "Bo courteous," reaches to all with whom wo havo to do. The Con pregaUonaUet. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL, XIX, NO 82 COLUMBIA DKMOOKAT, V0L.XL1X, NO S.'i The Epldemio of Orime. Whcnco comes this epidemic of sui cides nnd murders! Itcccnt discussions havo named several causes. Hon C. H. Hcove, of Indiana, charges it to in fidel teachings holding that hopeless ness oi it iuiuro Btaio cnppics lurumuu for bearing lifo's Ills. Another de clares suffering from tho universal busi ness depression the cause. A third writer attributes it to incrt-asing in sanity, a physician thinks much of tho tendency is inherited, while temperanco advocates lay tho responsibility upon strong drink. Free-thinkers have committed sui cide, but bo have orthodox churchmen. 1' mancial straits havo besctmany, but tho wealthy havo also taken their life. Insanity and dissipation havo pre ceded suicideo and family murders. Ono feature common to almost ovcry such crime challenges attontlon. Well nigh ovcry report of suicide and fam ily 'murder mentions tlio perpetrator as having "for somo time been subject to melancholy." Whcnco comes this ! All recognized medical authorities tell us that tho firo which consumes tho brain is always kindled by derange ments of digestion; that good digestion is impossiblo without puro blood, and pure blood is never known whon tho liver and kidneys aro out of order. Under such circumstances, a preven tive should bo sought, and Jfor this Warner's safo cure is a sovereign -a fact conceded by tho best authorities in tho land, and especially commended by thn celebrated Dr. Dio Lowis. Jlochcstcr Democrat. How Two Men Were Executed in Siarn. "It was our first Sunday in port,' said tho young sailor, "and wc natur ally sought a chango on shore. Hear ing that there was to bo a public exe cution wo repaired to tho grounds of tho War-ltok, or church, where wo found tho military andseveral thousands of people. Two prisoners were brought out, each wearing a yoke, from which hung a bar to which their hands wero fastened. Heavy irons chained them at the ankles. Two palm leaves had been spread on the ground in front of the two strong bimboo crosses, upon which tho criminals sat down. Thoy wero then lashed to the crosses, when tho preparation for the final ceremony began. Clay was stuffed in their ears and a small lump on each neck. Joss sticks were placed in their hands and set on firo by tho chief executioner, whon they prayed for a fow minutes. Their hands wero released by tho re moval of tho yoke and placed boforo them so that their heads would fall in to them. At this juncture a thrill of excitement passed through tho multi tude, caused by the entranco of two executioners from behind ono of tbo buildings. They wero dressed in red and carried sharp straight swords, and as they advanced both were perform ing a dance and waving their swords as if keeping time with tho move ments of their bodies. Stopping be hind tho criminals tho two headsmen bowed down and prayed, and at a sig nal from tho chief executioner they ad vanced, waving their swords, and with a swoop camo down upon tho necks of tho doomed men. Ono head was cut clean off, but tho other was only par tially severed, but the executioner soon made a clean job by sawing it off with bis keen blade. The heads woro thon stuck on bamboo poles and ereoted bo foro tho throng, who laughed at the twitching movements of tho dead men's lips and terrible rolliug of their eyes, which lasted a short while. A supernumerary cut off the feet of tho doad men that ho might re- movo tho manacles from their limbs." lialtimore Sun. The Leaning Tower of ttsa. A correspondent writing of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, says that, whether by accident or design, no ono can now tell, tho inclination of tho structure makes it look aud feel to tho visitor as if it wero about to fall. It is 180 feet high and is thirteen feet out of the perpendicular. This is stated everywhere, and is no doubt true, but 1 suppose there aro many persons who, liko myself, expected to seo a building erect, tho center of whoso top was out sido tho centre of grayity. This is not tho caso by any means. It is Iruo that a ropo falling from tho center of tho top would striko tbo wall at tho bottom of the tower side, but the ropo would not fall outside tbo tower wall. In a short time I satisfied ray- solf aud two other visitors of this fact. Tho apparent contrad'otion of tho laws of nature disappears, then, in a mom ent. Taking the building as a wholo lotting a lino fall from tho center of tho top if this lino fell outside of tho base in that caso the building would violato tho law of gravity if it remain ed standing. I believe tho architect planned this optical delusion. There aro no signs of any giving way in the structure. No crack or crevice giyes ovidenco of a rapid or slow settling of tho walls. Tho architect knew very well how easily tbo oye can bo deceived. Tho firmness of the masonry, tho gradual aseonf. tho svmmotrv of tho whole. provo beyond a doubt that it was built as it now stands, me wans beiow are very thick, and unless these Bhould givo way there is but ono other method by which tho building could bo over thrown. If tho stones wero to slip from their places, then, little by little, it would bo dislodged. But tho wholo structure is keyod and bolted and cem entcd into a solid mass. If it leaned nine feet more than it does, then it would fall, becauso tbo sum of its weight would fall outsido tho center of gravity. This mystery disappears at onco when wo examino it, but tlio cur ions effect upon ono s nerves in making the ascent and standing on the top is nevertheless real. Drinking water, says a hygienic writer, may bo tested in this Bimplo way: "Fill a pint bottlo three quarters Ilia oi inu water, jisioiyu in iv ouu half tcaspoonhl of tho best white su gar. Set it away in a warm placo for forty-oight hours, it tho water bo comes cloudy it is unfit to drink.'' Two Swedes were confined in tho Butler county iail as witnesses for al most a year and wero only released last week. They demanded a dollar a day each for their timo and tho Judge said that whero persons nro kept in jail a witiiehSCB tlir nro lawfully entitled , to receive pay. 1 W IV 1 M 1 Inch I i8 1 25 l w 3 " 1 50 3 01 3 15 it " a oo n a w 4 " !tO 110 IM V COl 3 8S 4 60 H 60 i COl 5 60 7 00 8 00 l column 8 oo 13 oo 15 w S 00 7 00 8 00 li on '17 00 so po 40 oo 25 00. SO 00 10 00 80 M) Yearly advertisements payablo quarterly. Tran sient advertisements must bo paid for before In serted except wlicro parties have accounts. Jgnl advertisements two dollars per Inch for I hrcu Insertions, and at that rato for additional insertions without rclcrcnco to length. Kxccutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tices three dollars. Transient or local notices, ten cents a line, reg ular advertisements half rates. cards In tho "llustness Directory" column, one dollar a year for each line. The Old Oarroll Mansion ANOIIIKlt HISTOniO I.ANDMAUIC IN WA8I1- INtlTON VKUA llLI'OllU Till: march ok iii'iutovi:MKNr IIISTOKV Ol' TIIK l'llOl'IHlTV. Another Washington landmark has fallen a victim to tho fovcr of specula tion. Thero has been placed oh record the deed of tho transfer for tho sum of 800,000 to Ex-Congressman Ellis, of Louisiana, of the old Carroll man sion, on Capitol Hill. Tho place coin- irises six acres and is sitttnieu at ino intersection of Second street and South Carolina avenue, southeast, a location that is expected to become a popular lesiiloncc site. Tho purchaser repre sents a syndicate, who intend lo de molish tho old mansion erected by Carroll and to cut tlyi property up into building lots. Daniel Carroll, it will bo remem bered, was ono of tho original owners of tho land on which tho city of Wash ington was built. Mr. Carroll had bo gun tho erection of a house on a sito which stood right in tho centre of what L'Knfant had marked out in tho plan of tho city as Now Jcrsoy avenue. The irascible Frenchman, as soon as ho discovered this, directed tho hotiso to bo torn down, which Mr. Carroll rc f iii-ed to do. Thereupon L'Enfant sent a gang of men one night to tho now building aud had it razed lo tho ground. L'Enfant, however, was soon relieved from duty, and tho com missioners who wero entrusted with tho work of laying out tho new city and erecting tho new buildings mado pioper compensation to Mr. Carroll fer the damages sustained. Soon after WituW bo began tho erection of tho present building. It is built in tho Uricun style and is two stories high, with an attic There is a pillared por tico in front. Thn central hall, run ning tho cntiro depth of tho building, is twenty-two feet wide. Tlio rooms, which aro very large, are arranged on eai'h side of this hall, and with tho old- ashioned furniture and tho seclud ed position of the house, tho placo is strongly suggestive of old times. Tho house has been continuously oc cupied by the family since its erection, but at present the occupants aro two nmidoii daughters of the original own er. Daniel Carroll died in 1819, at tho ag- of eighty-five. His latter years weie mado unhappy by his poverty. Ho was, however land poor, as tho city did not Improve as rapidly as ho thought it would and many of his spi'euiations m tno lino oi crccung hoiH' s only added to tho burden of a large landed property which gavo no return. He baa tho reputation of hav ing caused tho city to bo built in tho worst section by Holding his land at ucu exhorbitant figures as to prevent purchasers from buying. Eating Lemons. Setentiilc American. A good deal has been said through the papers about tho healthfulncss of lemons. Tho latest advice is how lo ujo them so that thoy will do tho most good, as follows: Mobt pcoplo know the beuefit of lemonado bsforo bieak fast, but few kuow that it is moro than double by taking at night also. Tho way to gct.tho better of the bilious system without blue pills or quinine is to tako the juico of ono, two, or thrco lemons, as appetite craves in as much ico water as makcs.it pleasant to drink without sugar before jjoing lo bed. In the morning, on rising, at least a half hour befo'o breakfast, tako tho juico of ono lemon in a goblet of water. This will clear tho system of humor and bilo with ellicicncy, without any of tho weakening effects of calomel or Con-gres-s water. People should not irri tate tho stomach by eating lemons clear ; the powerful acid of the juice, which is always most corrosive, invar- iabli'lproduces inflammation after a whilo but, properly diluted, so that it docs not burn or draw tbo throat, it does its medical work without harm, and when lie htomach is clear of food, has abun ant opportunity to work over the sys tem thoroughly, says a medical auth ority. It. v. W. It. Coovert, of Pittsburg, has laid claim to Harlem Commons, in Now York city, including that part of Hiv rside Park in whioh Grant's tomb h eated. Of tho Coovert family there aro about a hundred and if tho claim is proven 600,000,000 will bo dmdod among them. Mr. Loovcrt has a transcript taken from tho documents on file in tho Stato Capitol in Albany. I his transcript shows that Thomas is. Lovell, John Velvelcn, Dan Tumour, Joot Oblene and lvesolved Waldron patented ten thousand acres of land in tho town of Harlem, N. Y., under pat ent mado by Governor Richard Nich oils, May, 10GC. Tho patent was re- made October 1 1, lui7; reallirmcd to them, their heirs and assigns by Gov ernor Thomas Uoiiegan on inarch 5M, 1GS0. Then tlio title passed to Wal- dron, afterward to a man named Wil liam, then to tho Van Zandls and tho last named patentee is Luke Coovert. Luke Loovert had a son, jaspor uoo- vert. Thomas Coovert was a son ot the latter and Kev. W- H. Coovert claims that Thomas was tho father of his father, Joo Coovcit, who is uow living in Mercer county. Hov. Coovert says further that as far as can bo learn ed l.nke Coovert never deposed ot tins prop rty, but leased it for uinety-ninc years, which leaso runs out shortly. Attorneys havo offored to tako tho caso subject to a contingent feo and Benja min l'. 1 sutler, it is claimed, has guar anteed to win it for S5.000. Immediately after tho death of tho late President Garfield tho manner of Ills taking off aroused public feeling to tho project ot building a grand monu ment to his memory, tho location to bo at Cleveland. Only 125,000 or tho 8200,000 contemplated for this purposo has been raised. Publio interest in ro gard to Garfield has greatly declined, and tho designers of the monument missed their opportunity in not pushing the project to a fiuisb beforo a moro deliberate viow of his public character Biiccetdcd tho feeling excited by tho tnaniier of his death. It is not likely that I ho deficicuoy in tho amount need ed for tho completion of tho monument will i ver bo raised. It U said that cami hor gum placed on shelves or in drnwtra will effectual- y drive awfiy mice- 1 4! I i il it .1 l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers