The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 14, 1885, Image 1

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    Vle dolunbikn.
i.DMdHH, consolidated.
l-muril Weekly, every Friday Mornlai, Hi
if l.M norro.u. To subscribers out of thfimnn.
iirso nuDur discontinued cxeent nf ihnnnfiAn
ot mo puoiisncrs, uhui mi nrrcaraices nro palil, but
Alt tinners sent out Of tllO HtAtnortAfllatiint nr.dt
onices must bo paw forln advance, unless a respon
siblo person In Columbia county assumos to par
tho subscription d ue on demand.
mini fh tHntlnr tlnnntlmnnt nMtin rn. ..........
livery complete. It contains tho latest new typo
and machinery and Is tho only onico that runs lob
pros cs by power, Rlvlnn us tho best facilities, ja
ilmates furnished on lanro Jobs.
Uloomsbuiv, l'a
o.llco over 1st. National Hank.
lO" U. KUNK,
UiAOKSBcao, I'l.
nico In K'lt's Uulldlng.
nice over Moyer liros. Drug Btoro.
p V. MIL I.HIt,
unico In llrowcr's bulldtng.socond No. I
Uloomsbure, Pa.
A A AUlimii A-JVA-liYW.
Bloomsburg, l'a
onico corner ot Contro and Main streota. Clark j
Can bo consulted In Gorman.
1 nwntrisif 4 m t 1 iit
BLooMsnona, Pa.
Ofllco on First floor, front room ot Col
OMMAN UulliUni:, Main street, below Ex
chnngo Hotel.
onico In Columbian jjuildiho, Iloom No. s, second
r,nl..n 1.1 laf. Mntlnnnl TtAnk hulldlntr. flCCOnd flOOr.
llrst door to tho left. Corner ot Main and Market
stroota moomsours, i-o.
terrenttont and BoutUitt Colltcitd.
onico In Malio's bulldlig: over Ulllmcyer'a grocery,
Attoxnoy s-at-Law 1
Offlco front suit ot rooms on second lloor or
-nAiM in- rovsllI.TKli IN (
Members of Sharp and Alleman's lawyers and
and collection Association. V 111 give prompt and
part ot tho United Mates or t'nnada, ns well as to
1IU Oilier proicbbiuuill uuamvBoiiin"
K. 03WALD,
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
Catawlssa, Pa.
0 nice, cor nor ot Third and Main stroots.
Olllco In Browcrs' BulUUng, 2nd lloor.
Attorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Cw bo Consulted in Clcrmnn.
OTOfflceiflrst door below the post olllco.
CO. BARKLEY, Atiorncy.nU.nw,
, onico in llrowcr's building, snd ulory, lti
1 UIIU u.
" B. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy
. slclan, north aide Main Btroot, below Market
L. FRITZ, Attortiey-at-Law. Office
. . in Columbian uuuaing.
owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
uirua. wiu nous uuuaing, uiooicsdutk, r.
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
Office, North Market Btroet,
bloomsbuii, l a
PiR. WM. M. REBER. Burgeon and
ll'tiyslclan. Offlco corner of Hock and Market
.l'Uysloan, once and Itosldonoe on Third
1'KOPI.KS' N. Y.
UKAblNO, l'A.
Thcso old cokfokatioks nro well seasoned by
aiTQ ftnil I1MH htiii nuil linvt. ii.v.r el. Iiml
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets aro
allinvostodlnsouu sbcuhitibs aro Uablototho
uuzura 01 hue only.
Losbca i'K0Mi-n.r and honestly adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by ciiiiistian r.
The tiennln nf Pnliimhin nnnntv &I1A11I1I n.itrnn.
U thoe agency where loss's It any are bottled and
l-rt.u ujr uitu ui lliur UWI1 Ull lJ 11s.
Plumber and gas fitter. Itear of Schuyler's hard,
waro store.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All kinds of fittings for steam, goa .and water
i'k cuusianiiy on uanu.
Itoonng and spouting attended to at short no-
Tinwaro ot every description mado to order.
Orders loft at BchuylcrSCo'a, hardwaie Btoro
Will bo promptly nilcd.
Special attention glvon to boating by steam and
hot water.
Serantcm Houeet
Viotor Kooli, Pi'opriotor.
llooms nro heated by steam, well ventilated and
olegaut ly lurul.uod. Finest liar and Lunch couu
tcrlii the city.
Meals to order at all hours, t-adles and dents
restaurant furnished with all delicacies ot tho
ijocutlon near I), h, & v. Jl. II. Depot.ncranton,
Pa. MarS-tf
il. fi.BIiWEIiIi, 1 .
mm . . . I . L UaikklAlAkA
'Lois of People Say,
Hero is Solid
from Hard Working Men.
Machinist ud DaUJer.
"I hty been troubled yean nlth kidney and
bloddcr dlfflcully. After uilng four bottles of
npift'Kldny.nd LlTcr Rkkidt I Iistq been
completely cured." ffllllan 0. Clark, Msson and
Builder, Anbnra, N.Y.
."Health Ii better than wcalih."
Mr. Oeoreo Krg, Machlnltt, 1133 Itlileo At
rhllAdelpHIa, Ta., ayi i "My dliewe urtcd when
I was quite a young iadby hating weak kidneys.
I havo uted Jnt six bottles of IIomt's Kidney and
Mm IlimsT, and 1 tolcmnly proeUUn, J feol
"Good coumcl hn no price, obey It."
Mr. Henry Williams, Mechanic, Cast Bridge
port, Conn., says: "About two months ago I
caughta heavy cold, which (titled In my kidneys.
I got a bottle of Hunt's (Kidney and Liver
llEMKnT and with tho flrct dose began to get well."
"Light snppcrsmakcs longllvcs."
Itallroad Man.
Frank n. Lee, offlco N. T. C. A IT. IT. It. Little
Falls, N. Y., Juno 8, 1SS3, says: "My father, 62
yoars old, had fovcto kidney and bladder dlteaso
for 20 years, urination earning aeuto pain. The
weakness was so crcat he was obliged to wear a
rubber bag. Twelvo bottles of HirsT's Kidney
Itr.MEivr completely cured him. and we consider It
remarkable. Wo cheerf ally recommend It."
"Deeds &ro better than words."
Hurt's Kidney and Ltrcr RiMtnr has stood
thotcitof time. Ithasbeen beforetho public for
twenty years, and has enred every year thousands
of pcoplo suffering from various diseases of tho
Kidneys and Liver, andklndrcd dliorderi, who had
failed to get relief from doctors and who expected
never to bo enrcd. Thousands of testimonials
from such persons attest Its value. Bend for book,
"Alls well that ends well."
Soldbyalldrnggliti. Prlco (1.23. 9
HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Providence, It. I.
N. CttlTTEXIOX, General Agent, ft. Y.
the popular favorite for dress
ins the hair, Restoring the color
when gray, and preventing Uan
drufl. It cleanse, the scalp,
storrt the hair falllnir. and 1
turc to please. 50c. and $1. tires at Druggist!.
The Beat Cough Care you can uia
and the best known preventive of Consumption.
Parker's ToNiokent In a home it a sentinel to
keep sickness out. Used discreetly it keeps the
blood pure and the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys
in working order. Coughs and Colds vanish be
fore it. It builds up the health.
If you suffer from Debility SUn Eruptions,
Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Urinary or
Female Complaints, or any disorder of the Lungs,
Stomach, liowcls. Blood or Nerve, don't wait
till you arc sick in bed, but use I'arker's Tonic
to-day it will give you new life and vigor. .
Sold by Druggists. Large saving buying $1 size.
aug. 14-ly
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds,
Tho following show s tho Picket Oothlc, one ot
tho several beautiful styles ot Kence manufactured
uy iuu uuuerfciKUCu.
For Beauty and Durability they aro unsuroasa
cd. sot up by experienced hands and warranted
to givo satisfaction.
Prices and specimens of other de
signs sent to any address.
May 4-tf
1? AGENCY, ilojcr'snewbulldlut'i Jlaln street,
Ttifinmstiurt?. Pa.
Jtna Insurance Co., otllartlord, Conn it.otisu
ltoyal ot Liverpool J3,WU,0U0
Lancashire io,(xx),oo-j
Flro Association, l'hlladelplua 4,105,710
l'lia-nlx, ot London s.srayrrts
London & Lancashire, ot England 1,700,970
llarttordot llarttord 3,873,050
Bprlngtteld Flro and Jlarlno 2,o.',6SO
Aalhonfrenrlesnm illrept. nolleles aro written
for the Insured without delay In tho onico at
Illoomsounr. uci. -a, oi.
u house,
I3LooMsiiumi,Coi.UMiiiA Countv, Pa
II styles of work dono In a suporlor manner, work
warranieaas rupresuuuju.
so without Tain by tho use of Uas, and
tree of charge hen arttflclal teeth
are Inserted.
nnirn nvor Klnlm's Drni? Ktorc.
Jo be open at all hourt during the rfaj
NOV 'is -17
OWOS1TJ5 coukt nouss.
T wn nn,l nnnnlnnt anmnta rooms. lt.Ull TOOIOS
hotliud cold water, and all modern conveniences
A school for bottt sexes, sepjrato building of
brick, heated by steam, lor uiu use ui uuui-a.
Special attention paid to students whoso school
' nrlvllptrvxlmtobocnllUlltCd.
Location Exceptional!) Healthful.
PER YEAR $154.
lteducedrotcsonl). L. W. Koventocntli
ear begins Augubt S3. For cataloguo or Informa.
lion address
May SO, 3m.
Parker's Tonic.
It gives tono and power. For cpmplalnUof the
kldnijs, bo oi8,stoiuach, liver and luutMlor
iibtlo troubles of omeu and for thj Uxllly pdl
onli-rs induced by anxicty.caro and i, euta Btraln.
liseliects will surprise and charm ou. Il l not
nncteciico ot cinder. Delicious to tho pa ato, an
flrtito to tlio Wiuor habit, and exceedlwly help
IS! tlotl.o aged iacYJiiJ'k.
I can stand it no lonircr. I must
put down my uonfessisn on paper, sinuo
thvru is io living crealiiro left to wliom
1 can conicss 11.
TI10 snow is driftiiiL' Rercor than
over to-day against ttio cabin tlio Inst
biscuit is almost finislioili my fingors
arc so pinched with cola I can hardly
grasp tho pen to writo with. Hut I
will write 1 must wntu and I am
wilting. I cannot die witli tho dread
ful story unconfessed upon my con
It was only an accident, most of you
who read this confession will perhaps
say; nut in my own heart 1 know UcV
tcr than that I know it was a mur
der, a wicked murdor.
Still, UioiiL'li my hands are very
numb and my head swimming wildly
with delirium, I will try to bo coherent
and to tell my story clearly and collect
1 was appointed snrueon of the Co-
topaxi in Juno, 18S0. I had reasons of
my own sad reasons tor wishing to
loin an Arctic expedition. 1 nidn t
join it, as most ot tho other men did,
from pure love of dancer and adven
ture. I am not a man to caro for that
sort of thine on its own account. I
joined it because of a terriblo disap
b or two years I had been encraccd
to Dora I needn't call her anything
but Dora; my brother, to whom I wish
this paper sent, but whom I daren't ad-
Ircss as "Dear Arthur how could J,
a murderer t will know well onouel
who I mean; and as to other people, it
isn t need tin they should know any
thing about it. Jitit whoever you are,
whoever finds this paper, I bee of you,
1 lmploro you, 1 adjure you, do not tell
a word of it to Dora. I cannot dio
unconfessed, but I cannot let tho con
fession roach her; if it does, I know
the double shock will kill her. Keep
it from her. Tell hor only ho is dead
dead at his post, like a brave man
on the Uotopaxi exploring expedition
l'ormerovs sake don t tell her that
ho was murdered, and that I murdered
I had been engaged, I said, two
years to Dora. SI10 lived in Arthur's
parish, and I loved her yes, in thoso
days i loved her purely, devotedly, in
nocentlv. I was innocent then myself,
and 1 really behovo Kood and well
meaning. I should have been genuine
ly horrified and indignant if anybody-
had ventured to say that 1 should end
by comnnttiiiK murder.
it was a great relict to me when 1
had to leave Arthur's parish, aud my
father's parish before him, to go up to
London and take a post as surgeon to
a small hospital. I couldn't, bear being
so lar away irom JJora. And at hrst
Dora wrote to mo almost every day
A-ith the greatest of affection, (Heaven
forgivo mo if I still venture to call her
Dora; her, so good and pure and beau-
iiful, and I, a murderer.) But after
awhile, I noticed slowly that Doras
tono seemed to grow coldor and colder,
and her letters less frequent. Why
eho should have begun to ccaso loving
me, I cannot imagine: perhaps sho had
a premonition of what possibility of
wickedncs was really in me. At any
rate, her coldness grow at last so
marked that I wroto and asked Arthur
whether ho could explain it. Arthur
answered me, a littlo regretfully, and
with brotherly affection (ho is a good
fellow, Arthur,) that ho thought he
could. Ho feared it was painful to
say so but ho feared Dora was begin
ning to love a nower lover. A young
man had lately conic to the village of
whom bIic had seen a great deal, and
who wai very handsonio and bravo and
fascinating. Arthur was afraid ho
could not conceal from 1110 his impres
sion that Dora and tho stranger were
very much taken with 0110 another.
At last, ono morning, a letter camo
to mo from Dora. I can put it in here,
because I carried it away with mo when
I wnt to Ilammcifest to join tho Co
topaxi, and ever since I have kept it
sadlv in mv nrivatu Docketbook.
"Dear Ernest (sho had always called
me Ernest since wo had been children
together, and sho couldn't lcavo it off
now when sho was writing to let mo
know sho no longer loved mo): "Can
you forgivo me for what 1 am going to
tell you f I thought I loved you till
lately; but then I had never discovered
what lovo really meant. I have dis
covered it now, and I find that after
all I only liked you vory sincorely.
You will have guessed heforo this that
I lovo somebody else, who loves mo
in return with all tho strength of his
wholo nature. I have made a grievous
mistake, which I know will render you
terribly unhappy. Ilut it is better so
than to marry a man whom I do not
roallv lovo with all my heart and soul
and affection; better in tho end, I am
sure, for both of us. I am too much
ashamed of myself to writo more to
you. Can you forgivo moT lours,
1 could not forgivo her then, though
I loved her too much to bo nnprry; I
was only broken-hearted thoroughly
stunned mid broken-hearted. 1 can
forgivo her now; hut sho can never
forgivo me, heaven holp mo I
I only wanted to tret away, any-
wheie, anywhere, and forget all about
it in a life of danger. So I asked for
tho placo as a surgeon to Sir Paxton
llatenun's Cotopaxi oxpodition a few
weeks afterward. They wantod a
man who knew something about nat
ural history and deep-sea dredging, and
thoy took ino on at once, on 1110 reconi
mendation of a well-known man at
Tho very day I joined the ship of
Hammerfest, in August, I noticed im
mediately thero was one man on board
whoso mere face, and bearing, and
maniior wcro at first sight excessively
objectionablo to mu. Ho was a hand
somo young follow enough ono Harry
Lcmat'ohaut who had been a planter in
Queensland, and who, aftor boing
burned up with thrco yoars of tropical
sunshine, was anxious to cool himself,
apparently, by a long Winter of Arctio
gloom. Handsome as ho was, with
black mustacho and big dark oyes roll
ing restlessly, I took an instantaneous
dislike to his cruel thin lip and cold,
proud mouth tho moment I looked upon
him. If I had been wiso I would havo
drawn back from tho expedition at
once; it is a tooilsn thing to bind onos
self down to a voyago of that sort un
less you nro pcrtcctly suro beforehand
that you lmvo at le'ast no instinctive.
hatred of any 0110 among your mess
mates in that long forced companion
ship. IJut I wasn't wise, and I went
011 with film.
From tho first moment, oven boloro I
had spoken to him, I disliked Lemur-
chant; very soon I grow to hato him.
llo scorned to mo tho most recklessly
cruel and devilish crcaturo (Ucd for
civo mu that I should say it li I had
over mot with in my wholo lifetime.
Uu an Arctio expedition n man s truo
nature soon comes out mine did, cer
tainly and he lets his companions
know moro about his inner sou in six
weeks than they could possibly learn
about him in years of intercourse tin
ier other circumstances. And tho
set-.ond night I was on the Cotoimxi I sary for carrying out of the ship's busi
learned enough to make my blood run ncss.
cold about Harry Lcmarchant s ideas
and feelings.
Wo wcto all sitting on deck togclh-
or, those of in who wore not on duty,
i:. .,:.,......,-..., c..., .,.. .,.(.. 1
and listening to yarns from one nuotli-
cr, as idlo men will, when tho convcrsa'
tion happened accidentally to turn on
Queensland, and Lomarohant bogan to
enlighten us about his doings whon he
was in tho colony. Ho boasted a great
doal about his prowess as a dispcrscr ot
tho black fellows, which ho seemed to
consider a very noble sort of occupa-
tion. Thero was nobody in the colony,
he said, who had over dispersed so
many blacks as he had, and he'd liku
to bo there dispersing again, for, in tho
matter of sport, it beats kangaroo
hunting, or any other kind of shooting
ho had ever yet tried his hand at, all to
The second Lieutenant, Stepworth
Patorson, a nice, kind-hearted young
Scotchman, looked up at him a littlo
curiously, and said: "Why, what do
you inn.iu by dispersing, ijcraarcbant T
Driving them olt into tho bush, 1 sup
. . . . . ,..' .i.i : 1 . . . . . . 1 . r : .
pose; hnt that it I JNot much fun in
that, that I can sec, scattering a lot of
helpless, black, naked savages."
Lcmarchant curled his lip contempt
uously (he didn't think much of Pater-
son, because his father was said to bo
a Glascow grocer) and answered in his
rapid, daro devil fashion: "No fun !
Isn't there, jnstt That's all you know
auoui it, my goon ionow. iNow, 1 11
just givo you ono example. Ono day
1 . : . r T,,,l
tho inspector camo and told us there
wero a lot of blacks camping out on
our estate, down by tho Warramidgco
river, so wo jumped on our horses
liko a shot, went down thero immedi-
atcly, and began dispersing them,
Wo didn't firo at them, becauso tho
grass aud ferns and things were very
high, and we might have wasted our
ammunition: but we went at them
.' with nativo spears, just for all the
world like pig-sticking, "i on should
have seen those black fellows run for
their lives through tho long grass
men, women and littlo ones together,
Wo rodo ntter them lull pelt, and as
wo camo un with fhem. ono bv one. wo
just rolled them over, helter-skelter, as
if they'd been antelopes or bears or
.1 T 1 - - P. - - 1 I
somctuing. Ay ami uy, niter a gooa i
long charge or two, we'd cleared tho
place of tho big blacks altogether: but
tho gins and tho children, some of
them, lay lurking in among tho grass,
vou know, and wouldn t como out and
give us fair sport, as thoy ought to
havo done, out in tho open; children
will pack, you see, whenever thov're
hard driven, exactly liko grouse, after
month or two s steady shooting,
Well, to mako them start and show
crime, of course we iust put a match
to tho grass, and m a minute the
wholo thing was in a blaze, right down
tho corner to tho two rivers. So wo
turned our horses into tho stream and
rodo alongside; half a dozen of us on
each riycr; and overy now and then
ono of tho young ones would break
cover and slide out quietly into the
stream and try to swim across without
being perceived, and get clean away
into tho back country. Then we just
made a dash at them witli tho big
spears; and sometimes thoy d divo
ami precious goou uivurs uiuy are, too,
thoso uiiccnslandci's, l can tell you;
but wo waited around till thoy como
up again, and then wo stuck them as
suro as houses. That's what we call
dispersing tho natives over in Queens-
land; extending tho blessings of civil-
izatlou to tho unsettled parts of tlio
back country.1'
IIo laughed a pleasant laii"h to him- Im finished tliU ntrn.
oious devilish story and showed his
WhitO tCCtll all 111 a row, as it 110UL er pillKlb iuu uuuuu kiiuwb wmii i
thought tho whole romuusconco ex
ceedingly amusing.
ut course, wo wero an simply
speecmcss witn norror anu asioiusu-
. VI. , 1 f.l.
inent audi deliberate brutal murder-
ousness gracious heavens I what am
I saying 1 I had half forgotten for tho
moment that J, too, am a murderer.
"But what had the black fellows
dono to you !'' Patcrson asked with
linil nil unt. Bilnnt. mill linrrnr.dl rinlrnn
in a circle for a moment: "I supposo
they had been behaving awfully bad
to some whito pcoplo somowhero
masacrcing women or something to
get your blood up to such a horrid
pieco of butchery.
J.emarciiant laughed again n quiet
ohuckle of conscious superiority, and
only answered: "Behaving badly I
MnssiiRrninrr whitn women ! Lord Mess
your heart, I'd liko to seo them I Why
tho wretched creatures wouldn't oven sort of adventuro I like; 1 wroto and just opened my oyes and peored about As soon as they all heard Lemar
daro to do it. Oh, no, nothing of that volunteered for it, and then 1 managed as well as tho dim light of the littlo oil chant wasdead-a sovero relapse,! called
Bnrt. I nnn toll vnn. Anil nnr lilnml
w.Wr. nn. citlint-. Vn went in for it.
iust bv wav of somoth'nf to do. and
- . , . P '
to keep Olir hands in. Ul course, yoil
can't allow a lot of lazv.hulkinr blacks
to go knocking around in tho neigh-
borhooi of an estate, stealing your
fowls and fruit and so forth, without
let or hindrance It's tho custom in
Queensland to disporso the black el
lnnra fun nftim liann nut. ndtnrr ur'tli
a friend, and I'vo seon a nigger skulk-
ioc about somewhere down in tho hoi-
. " . .
low among tho troo-ferns. and I'vo iut
drawn my Bix-shootcr, and said to my
friend: "Xou seo mo disporso that con-
foundod nigger 1" and I'vo disporsed
him right oil into littlo pieces, too,
you may tako your oath upon it.
"But do you mean to tell mo, Mr,
Lemarchant," Patcrson said, looking a
deal moro puzzled than shocked, "that
thcso poor croaturos had boen doing
absolutely nothing T
"Well, now, that's tho way of all
you homo-Bticking sontnmcntalists,"
Lcmarchant went on, with an ugly
simper. "Vou want to pusli on tho
outskirts of civilization, and to seo tho
world colonized, but voir ro too Bdiieam
isli to listen to anything about tho
only practicable civilizing nnd colonic
ing agencies. It s tho strugglo for ox- t0
istence, don't you see; tho plain out-
como of all tho best modern scientific
ineurius. aiiu uiuuK man nas gov 10 oi
!...-.-! mi.- 1 . I
UIU Willi) lUU WIUIU I11UII, Willi 1118 Mil- I
penor moral and intellectual nature,
has got to push him thoro. At bottom,
it's nothing moro than civilization,
blioot cm olt at once, 1 say, and got
rid of 'cm forthwith and forovor.''
"Why," I said, looking at him with
my disgust Bpcakiiig in my lace (ncav
en forgivo mo). "I call it nothing less
than murder. ;
Lcmarchant laughed, aud lit a cigar
but nfter that, somehow, the other men
didn't much caro to talk with In in in
an ordinary way moro thnn was necos-
And yet ho was a very gonllomanly
fellow, 1 must admit, and well read and
decently educated. Unly there scorned
to bo a certain natural brutality about
1,;, ,,,t..ii,i .,.t,ii,,...,i
him, under a thin veneer of oulture and
goo 1 breeding, that repelled us nil
dreadfully from tho moment wo saw
him. I daro say we wouldn't havo no
ttcod it so much it wo nadn t boon
thrown together so closely as men aro
on nu Arctio voyage, but then aud
there it was positively unendurable.
Wo notio of us held any commuuica
tion witli him whenever wo could help
it, and he soon saw that we all of us
thoroughly disiiKou ana distrusted
I hat only mado mm reckless ami ue-
fiant. Ho knew ho was bound to go
tho iournoy through with us now, aud
ho set to work deliberately to shock
and horrify us. Whether all tho stories
he told us'bv tho ward-room firo in tho
evenings wero true or false, I can't tell
you I don't believe they all were; but
at any rate ho mado them Becm as bru
tal aud disgusting as the most loam
somo details could possibly mako them,
Ho was always apologizing nay, glo-
rying in bloodshed aim slaughter,
which ho used to defend with a snow
of cultivated reasoning that mado tho
naked brutality of his stories seem all
tho more awful and unpardonablo at
the bottom. And yet one couldn't de-
ny, an tno time, inatiucro was a gracu
. l l..r c 1,
01 manner ana a snow 01 poiuo icuiiug
about him which gave him a certain
external pleasantness, m spite of overy-
thing. Ho was always boasting that
women liked him; and I could easily
understand how a great many women
who saw him only witli his company
manners might think him bravt- and
handsome and very chivalrous.
I won't go into the details of the ox-
pedilion. They will bo found fully and
officially narrated in the log. which I
havo hidden in tho captain s box in tho
hut beside tho captain's body. I neod
only mention hero tho circumstance im-
modiately connected with tho main mat-
ter of this confossion.
(Jno day, a little while boloro wo got
Hummed into tho ico off the Liakov
Islands, Lcmarchant was up on deok
with me, helping mo to remove from
. .1 - . L.J
me net tuo creatures tiiui, wu uuu i
dredged up in our shallow soundings.
As bo stooped to pick out a Leptocar
a gold locket bad lallen out oi mo
front of his waistcoat and showed a
lock of hAir on its exposed surface.
Lcmarchant noticed it too, nnd with an
awkward laugh put it baok hurriedly,
"My little girl's keepsake 1" ho said in
a tono that seemed to mo disagreeably
flippant about such a subject; "she
cave it to mo iust before I set off on
my way to Hainmcriest
I started In somo astonishment, tlo
had a littlo girl then a sweetheart ho
meant, obviously. If so, heaven help
her I Ivor any woman to bo tied lor
luo to such a creature as that was
really quito too horrible.
I didn't oven
liko to think about it.
1 don't know what devil prompted
me, for I seldom spoke to him, even
;vhcn wo wero told olt on duty togeth
er; but I said nt last, after a moment's
pause, "ft you are engaged to bo mar-
noil, as i supposu you ure, iruiu wiim
you say, 1 wonder you could bear to
como away on such a long business as
this, when vou couldn t get a word or
letter from tho girl vou'ro engaged to
for a wholo Winter.''
Ho went on picking out tho shells
and weeds as ho answered in a caroless,
iauntv tone: "Why, to tell tho truth,
Doctor, that was just about tno mean-1
t. - .-. ....
ing of it. Worogoing to be married
"oxt Summer, you see, and for reasons
mv littlo girl couldn t possibly bo ai-
lowed to marry ono woek sooner.
Thero I'd been; knocking about and
spooning with her violently for about
three months, nearly; and tho moro I
spooned, and the moro I got tired of it,
tho moro sho expected mo to go on
spooning. Well, I'm not tho sort of a
man to stand billing and cooing for
n wholo year together. At last ino
thing grow monotonous.
I wantod to
get an cxoiiso to go off somowliore,
whero thero was somo sort of fun go-
mg "i till tho bummer came, and wo
could got spliced properly (tor sho s got
SU111U tin, luu, uuu a uiuu if waui. iu
throw her over); but I felt that if I'd
got to keep on spooning for a wholo have taken of him has mado him roal
Winter without intermission, tho thing ly feel a littlo gratoful to me." So I
would really bo ono too many for mo,
and I should havo to givo up trom
sheer weariness. So I heard of this
precious expedition, which is just tho
to muko mv littlo girl and her doar
papa beliovo that as 1 was an officer in
I tho naval reserve, 1 was compoiloa to
I ...l ..!..! ...III.. 11 iT. 1..
I go wueu asueu, winy, iiwjr. no uuij
for half a year, you know, darling,'
and all that sort ot thing you under-
stand tho lino ot country; and mean-
whilo I m saved tho bother ot over
writing to her, or getting any loiters
from hor, cither, whioh in almost in its
way an equal nuisance.
"I po," said I, shortly. "Not to put
too lino a point upon it, you simpiy noa
10 ner.
"Upon my soul, ' ho answered, Bhow-
ing ma iceiii again, uuv uy no means
pleasantly, "you fellows on tho Coto
paxi aro really tho steruest set of mo
rahsts 1 ever met with, outside ot a
book of sermons or a Surroy molo-
drama, iou ought all to havo boon
parsons, ovory man
I what you'ro fit for,
an jock oi you; mam
On tlio Mth of September wo got!
iaMimcd and tho Cotopaxi wont to
pieces, i on will tiud in the uaptain a
log how part of us walked across the
pack to tho ijiskov islands nud sealed
ourselves on Point Sibiriskoff in Win -
tcr quartors. As to what became of
the other party, which went southward
tho mouth of tho hona, I know
It was a hard Winter, but bv tho aid
. . I
our stores anu an ocoasionai walrus
managed to got along till March with-
out serious illness. Thon, ono day, n(-
tor a spell of terriblo frost and snow,
tho Captain camo to mo and said:
"Doctor, I wish you would oomo and
sco Lcmarchant, in the other hut hero.
I m afraid bo s got a bad fovcr.
I wont to see him. So ho had. A
raizing fever.
Fumbling about among his clothes
to lay him down comfortably on tho
boar8kin'(for, of course, we had saved
no bedding from the wreck), I happen-
cd to knock out onco moro tho samo
locket that I had seen when ho was
emptying tho dragnot; thoro was a
photograph In it of a young lady,
1110 scai-ou lamp uiu not givo mucn
light in tho dark but (it was still tho
1. .1.- t!.i
long Winter night
on tho J.iakov
islands), but oven so
I couldn't help
soeing and recognizing tho young la-
dy's foatures. Great heaven support
me I uphold niol I reeled with horror
and amazement. It was Dor.
Yes, his littlo girl, that he spoko of
so carelessly, that ho lied to so easily,
that he meant to marry so cruelly, was
mv Dora.
I had pitied tho woman who was to
uo Harry liemarchanl s wite oven
when I didn t know who sho was in
any way; 1 pitied her terribly, with all
mv heart, when I knew that sho was
Dora my own Dora. 11 1 navo bo-
comu a murderer after all, it was to
savo Dora to save Dora from that un-
utterable, abominable niflian.
I clutched tho photograph in tho
locket oagorly, and held it up to tho
man's eyes. lie opened them dreamily.
"Is that tho ladv vou aro going to
marry ?" I asked him with all tho boil-
ing indignation of that terriblo discov-
cry seething and burning in my faco.
Ho smiled, and took it all in in half
a minute. "It is." ho answerod. in
gpite of the fovor, with all his old dare-
devil carelessness; "and I recollect thoy
told mo the fellow she was engaged to
was a doctor in JiOnaon ana a brotner
ot too parson. uy jove, a never
thought of it before that your narao,
. .. t t I
too, was actually Ilobinson. That's
the worst of having such a deuced
common name as yours; no ono over
dreams ot recognizing your relations,
Hang it all; if you'ro tho man I sup
pose now, out of revenge, you'll bo
wanting next to go aud poison roe.
"You judgo others by yourself, I'm
afraid," I auswered sternly. Oh, how
tho words seemed to rise un in iudcr-
mcnt against me now tho dreadful
thing is all over I
I doctored him as well as I was able
hoping all tho time in my inmost soul
for j wjjj ccmfees all how) that he
would never recover. Already in wish
I had Iioroiiig a murderer. It waj too I
horrible to think that such a man as
that should marry Dora. I had loved
I ITl -lt ..,1 T l
per onco anu i lovea ner sun ; a love I
her now ; I shall always lovo hor.
Murdorer as 1 am, I Bay it nevertheless
I shall always lovo hor.
But at last to mv grief and disap.
pointmont, the man began to mend
and got bettor. My dootoring had
dono him good ; and the sailors, though
oven they did not love him, had shot
him onco or twico a small bird of
which wo mado fresh soup that Hccraed
to rovivo him. Yes, yes, ho was com-
ing round : and my cursed medicines
had done it all. Ho was getting well,
and ho would still go back to marry
Tho vory idea put me into such a fe-
ver of terror and excitement that at
last I began to exhibit tho samo svmp-
toms as Lemarchant himself had dono.
Tho captain saw I was sickening, and
feared tho fever might prove an epi-
demic. It wasn't ; I know that ; but
tho captain insisted on disbelioving mo.
So ho put me and Lcmarchant into tho
hut and mado all the others clear out,
ho as to turn it into a sort oi lumpora.
ry hospital.
Every night I put out from the mod-
iciuo chest two quinino powdors apiece
for myself and Lemarchant
Ono night, it was tho 7th of April
(I can't forget), I woko feebly from ray
foverisb sleop, and nolicod m a faint
sort of fashion that Lemarchant was
moving about restlessly in tno caom.
i . . ......
"fjeinarchant ' l cried authoritative-
ly (for as surgeon I was of course ro-
i Buuuniuiu jur mu uuauil ui tuu uaijuui-
tion), "go back and lie down upon your
1 bearskin this minute. You'ro a great
I deal too weak to go gotting anything
for yourself as yet Go baok this rain-
ute, sir, and if you want anything I'll
pull tho string and Patorson'll oomo
and seo what you're after." For wo
had fixed up a string between tho two
huts, tied to a box at tho end,
as a
rough means ot communication.
"All right, old fellow," ho answered,
moro cordially than I had over vet
heard him speak to mo. "It's all square.
I assuro you. I was only leoluig
whetiior you were quito warm and com
i luitiiuiu uu yuui i biiuiu.
"Perhaps," I thouaht, "tho caro I
dozed olt and thought nothing moro
at the moment about it
Presently I heard a noiso again; and
woko up quietly, without starling, but
lamp would allow mo,
I To my great surpiso
out somehow that ljemarchant was
I .1 .11 : . 1. J!
i unuuimi; nun mu uuiuta in iuu meui
cine chest
"remaps," thought l again
want another doso ot quinino.
how, I ra too tired and sloepy to ask
him anything just now about it."
I know he bated tno and I know ho
was unscrupulous, but it didn't occur
to mo that no would poison tho man
who nau jusi neipod mm through a
i i e
uaugurous jever.
At 4 I awoko and proceoded to tako
Ol0 0 ray powders. Curiously enough.
beforo I tasted it tho gram nppoared to
bo rather ccareor and moro granular
than tho quinino I had put there. I
t00k a iilnoh between mv thumb and
finger and plaood it on my touguo by
way of testing it Instead of being
bitter, tho powdor, I found, was insipid
ami almost tastoiess.
Could I possibly in my fovcr nud do
lirium havo put somo other powdor in
I stead ot tho quinino Into the two na
I pers. The bare idea made mo tremble
i with horror, it, so, l might lmvo poi
1 soned Lenarchaut, who had taken ono
I of his powders already, nud was now
i sleeping quietly upon his bearskin. At
14, 1385.
least I thought so.
Glancing accidentally to his placo
that moment I was vnminlv cnnscinm
mini 110 wis not really sleeping, but ly
... .. .
ing at mo cautiously and furtively
through his closed eyelids.
Then tho horriblo truth flashed sud
denly across mo. I.cmarchant was try.
inp to noison mo.
Yes, ho had always hated mo. and
now that ho knew that I was Dora's
disoarded lover ho hated mo worso than
ever. Ho had irot up and tiken a bot
ttc from tho modicino chest. I felt cor
tain, and put something elso instead of
quinino inside ray paper,
I knew his eyes wcro fixed upon mo
then, and for tho moment I dissembled.
I turned round nud pretended to
swallow tho contents of tho packet.
and then lay down upon my rug, as if
notning unusual nau happened. Tho
fovcr was burning mo fiercely, but I
1... i. 1 1 .. .1 J '.
lay awako, kept up bv tho excitement.
till I saw that ho was really asleep, aud
then onco moro I undid tho paper,
I saw at onco what Lomarohant had
done. Ho had emptied out tlw qui-
nino and replaced it by somo other
whito powder, probably arsenic. Hut
a littlo of the quinine still adhered to
tho loids in the paper, becauso ho had
been obliged to substitute it hurriedly.
and that at onco proved that it was no
mistako ot my own, but that l.cmar-
chant had really mado the dchberato
attempt to poison me.
This is a confession, and a confes-
Bion only, so 1 snail make no cltort in
any way to cxculpato myself for tho
horrid crimo I committed tho next mo-
incut True, I was wild witli fever
and delirium ; I was maddened witli
tho thought that this wretch would
raarryDora. I was horrified at tho
idea of slecning in tho samo room with
him any longor. But still, I acknow-
ledge it now, lace to faco with a lonoly
death upon this frozen island, it was
raun'cr, willful murdnr. I meant to
poison him, and I did it.
"Ho has set this powder for me, tho
villian," I said to him, "and now I
shall make him take it without know-
ing it. now uo i know that its ar-
, ... , . . ..
sonic or anvining oiso to ao him any
harm 1 His blood bo upon his own
head, for aught I know about it.
What I put there was simple quinine.
If anybody has changed it, ho has
changed it himself. Tho pit that he
dug for another, ho himself shall fall
I wouldn't even test it, for fear I
should find it was arsenic, and bo una
ble to givo it to him innocently and
I roso up and wont over to Lemar-
chant s side. Horrors of horrors 1 ho
was sleeping soundly I Yes, tho man
had tried to poison me. and when he
thought ho had seen mo swallow his
poisonous powder, so callous and liar.
dencd was his nature, that lin iliiln't
oven ho awako to watch tho effect of
it Ho had dropped off soundly, as if
l.l.! Ll 1 .1 J ,
uuiiiing nau uappeneu, aim was sleep
ing now, to all appearance, tho sleep
of innocence Being convalescent, in
fact, and therefore in need of rest, he
slept with unusual soundness.
I laid tho altered powder quietly by
his pillow, took away his that I had
laid out in readiness for him, and crept
back to my own placo noiselessly.
Thero I lay awake, hot and feverish,
wondering to myself hour after hour
when ho would ever wake and tako it
He sat up, took tho spoonful of treacle.
and poured tno powder as usual into
tho very middlo ot it. I watched him
drink it off at a single gulp without
perceiving tho difference, and then I
sank back exhausted upon my roll ot
All that day I was very ill ; and
Lemarchant lying tossing besido me,
groaned and moaned in a terriblo fash
ion. At last tho truth seemed to dawn
won him gradually, and ho cried aloud
to me; "Doctor, Doctor, quick, tor
Heaven's sake! You must get mo
out an antidote. Tho powders must
navo got mixed somehow, and you'vo
given me arsenic instead of quinine,
a m certain."
"Not a bit of it, Lemarchant,'' I said.
I with som'o devilish malico ; "I've given
you one of my own packets, that was
lying hero besido my pillow.
Ho turned as wbito as a sheet tho
i . , i . .
moment, ue neara mat, and gasped out
horridly, "that. that why, that was
arsenis 1" But ho never explained in a
single word how ho know it, or where
it came from. I know, I needed no
explanation, and I wanted no lies, so
I didn t question him.
1 treated him as well as I could for
arsenic poisoning, without saying a
word to tho captain and tho other
men about it ; for if ho died, I said, it
would bo by his own act, aud if my
skin could still avail, ho should havo
the benefit of it, but tho poison had
had tun timo to work boloro 1 gave
I him tho antidote, and ho diod bv
I o'clock that night in fearful agonies.
Then I know I was really a murdorer.
My fingers are beginning to get
numb, and 1 in at raid I shan t bo able
to write much longer. I must bo
quick about it if I want to finish this
After that camo my retribution. !
havo beeu punished for it, nnd punish
cd terribly
it they set to work to carry mm out
and lay him somowhere. Then for tho
..... ., i ....
n rsi nine me idea uasueu across mv
mind that thoy oouldn't possibly bury
him. Tho ico was too deep every
where, and underneath it lay the solid
rock of the bAro Granito islands.
Thero was no snow even, for tho wind
swept it away as fast as it fell, and wo
couldn t eo much as decently cover mm.
Thero was nothing for it but to lay
him out upon tho loy surface.
oo wo carried tho stark, frozen body,
with its hideous staring eyes wido open,
out by tho jutting point of rock behiud
tho hut, aud thero wo laid it dressed
and upright We stood it up against
tho point exactly as If it wero alive,
and by aud by the snow camo and
frozo it to tho rock, and there it stands
to this moment, glaring forever fierce
ly upon mo.
Whonover I went in or out of tho
hut, for thrco long mouths, that hide
ous thing stood thoro staring mo in tho
faco with rautu indignation, At night
when I tried to sleep, tho murdered
man stood thero btill in tlio dai knees
besido me. Oh God I I dared not say
I n word to anybody, but I trembled ov
I cry timo I passed it, nud I know what
I it was to bo n murderer.
2 M
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sorted except wlicro parties hai c accounts.
Ix-eal advertisements two aoiiare ki ty.','
thrcu insertions, and at that rate for Additional
insertions without rctcrcnco to length.
v,i,,trf Administrator's, and Auditor's rfo-
tlccs three dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, n-g-......
.Ht.iiHt.rmpM. hnlf rnten.
cf.iainiiin"tininew Directory" column, on
dollar a year lur eatu win-.
Ill May tho sun camo back again,
but still no open water for our Coat.
In .luno wo had tho long day, but no
opou water. Tho captain began to got
impatient nnd despondent, as you will
read in tho log,;ho was afraid now wo
might novcr get a chance of making
tho mouth of tho Lena.
Uy-and-by tho scurvy came. (I
havo no time now for dctails,my hands
are so cramped with cold), and then
we began to run short ot provisions:
Soon I had them all down upon my
hands,and presently wo had to lay Pat
terson's corpse besido Lemarchant's on
the littlo headland. Then they sank
one lifter another sank of cold and
hunger, as you will read in the log
till 1 alone, who wanted least to live,
whh the last left living.
I w.n loft alono with thoso nino
corpses propped up awfully against
tho naked rook, nnd ono of tho nino
the, man I had murdered.
M iy heaven forgivo nio for that ter
rible crimo ; and for pity's sake, who
ever you may be, keep it from Dora
keep it from Dora I
iVly brotherV address is in my pock
et lmok.
Tho fever nnd remorse alone havo
civil mo strength to hold the pen.
My hands are quite numbed now. I
can write no longer.
There tho manuscript ended. Heav
en k-iows what effect it may havo upon
all of you who read it quietly at homo
in ynur easy chairs in England, but wo
of tho search party, who took thoso al-mo-ii
illegible sheets of Rhnky writing
from tho cold fingors of tho ono soli
tary corpso within the frozen cabin on
the Liakov Islands we read them
tliMiigh with such a mingled of awe and
horror, and sympathy and pity, as no
one c in fully understand who has not
been upon nn Arctio expedition. And
whu i wo gathorod our sad burdens up
to take them off for burial at home, tho
corpii to which wo gave the most re
verent attention was certainly that of
the f i lf-accused murderer.
What Bueridan Says.
m um'oitr
nn: ikiiian
(t ueral Sheridan's report on tho con
dili 'ii of affairs in tlio Cheyenne and
Aiujipahoc reservation and tho cattle
men leases in the Indian territory lias
been made public. General Sheridan
upo i his arrival learned from Indian
Agent Dyer that tho leasing of reser
vation lands and tho presence of many
whi'L'4 had a teudoncy to breed discon
tent .Hid dissatisfaction among the In
dian. He then consulted some of tho
Indian chiefs nnd tho burden of their
complaint was the leasing of lands of
their reservation, which they had op
piiMihin tho strongest terms whenever
opportunity afforded. Thoy complain
ed ih-it many of their ponies had been
sloli'ii and their small herds of cattle
nln- i bed by cattlemen and cowboys.
General Sheridan blames Indian
Ag- nt Miles for much of this trouble.
Inti'i views with Indian 'chiefs who had
Hignid leases showed they had been
impo'ed unon by Miles. General Sher
idan saw tho leaseholders, who claimed
that a general council was held and
that chiefs and head men representing
!)." per cent of tho Indians consented
to lu iiug tho land. Whether this bo
corn et or not, ho says, is hard to de
termi.'ic now. He estimates that 210,
000 cattle aro ou the leased lands.
Tho icnt has been paid and tho les
teen havo fulfilled their contracts, al
though tho Indians havo dono much to
nggrivnto them by killing their stock
wh n latiotis wero short Thcranches
of t'losu lessees, however, without
fauli of theirs, havo becomo tbo head-
quut'ers of a roving, rcstlees class of
adventurers, who aro lawless and tin
cout rolablo and whoso influcnco on tho
Indians is of tlio worst character when
friendly and leads to theft and some
t'nii' s murder when at enmity.
fu concluding tho ueneral recco-
iiienils in tho strongest terras a com
plete reorganization of tlio affairs of
the reservation.
There are," he says, "within its
limit!- too many whito people who
have no business there. Tlieso should
bu ob'iged to leave at onco and no ono
alio ted to remain who is not officially
connected with the agency or tho mili
tary post."
With a view of regulating this white
population General Sheridan recom
mends a military officer as agent and
say Indians blame the agent nnd em
ployes for causing tho excitement
whii'h has prevailed there for somo
weeks past by threatening to disarm
the Choycnnes and Arrapahocs and
add": "Therefore tho agents' power is
gone and I doubt if it can bo restored,
except by absoluto subjugation or plao
ing, hero now officials, in whom tho
Indians will havo faith, turmness,
justice and above nil, patience, shoyld
govern lu dealing with them. They
cannot bo expected to do in a day or
two or in a long series of yevrs what
their eastern brethren, the Cherokees
and Choctaws, havo done. They aro
plaint. Indians nomads and meat cat
ers and have nover until recently
even attempted to till the soil and any
other than slow progress must not bo
exp e'ed, unless it bo tlio desiro of
tho government to accomplish their
civiliz ition by forced menus."
The Gold Summer of 1816.
S'uty-nino years ago, says an ox-
chaiiL"', was tho "year without a Sum
mer." Frost occured in every month
in the year 181G- Ice formed half an
inch thick in May; snow fell to the
depth ot thrco inches in the interior of
Now York and Massachusetts in June;
ico wbb formed tho thickness of com
mon window glass throughout New
York ou tho 5th of July; Indian corn
was trozen bo that tho greater part
was cut down and dried for fodder
in August, aud farmers supplied them
solves from tho corn produced in 1815
tor seed in tho bprmg of 1817
Chili pays a bounty of $5 a head for
tho scalps of condors, but thejbirds aro
bo sly that it does not pay to hunt
t w i J u
I !J US 1 M
1 Ml J 00 JSJ
3 0(J T5 S W
JM iW 4 DO
A Missouri editor, soliciting sub
scriptions to his paper, declares that n
neglect to tako interett in reading the
hows of tho day is an infallible sympt
om of early death.