The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Correct Itnllrnnil Time Tulilc 1-MtIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1885. Trains on tho Philadelphia & 11. It lcavo ltupcrt s follows I MOHTU. r.::is a. in. 3:12 1'. m. SOUTH. 11:49 a. in, (1:19 p. m. 1 rnlnson tlio II. U ti V. II. It lcavo Illoomsburg as follows i NOIITII. 0:21 n. m. ft. in. K.8U p. in. i):3t p. in. o Trains on tho N. A V. 11. I'erry as follows i NORTH. lii.5i ft. m. 0.37 p. in. south. 8:M a, m. 11:41 a. m. 4:31 p. m. 8:17 p. in. Hallway pass Illoom SOUTH. 18:iw p. m. 4:19 p. m. Cheap AclvcrllHvmciilH. Advertisements will bo Inserted In our local columns nt tho following rules i Situations wanted, free, host or found, free. Help wanted, SO cents. Rooms to rent, 20 cents. Oho tlmo each, or 3 times, 40 cents. HlniiilliiK UfTcrH. The Uour.MMAN Is ofTered on the follow, lug terms i Colvmdmn awl N. Y. Weekly ll'orld 1 j r. 11.10 " " l'hlla. " Timet " 8.35 " "Hiifi'cnii.toTlctflliirfrt" 8.W " " Tribune J: fanner " S.S3 Oilier papers will ho ndded to this list. For -1 new subscribers to the Coi-umiiian accompanied with tho cash, 50.00, n, copy of tho History of Columbia county will bo giver, to getter up of club. Tor 3 new names and $1.60 wo will send tho Colcmdian ono year free to person send. Ing names ; or If names are sent In by one now taking tho paper wo will credit his account with one ycai's subscription. For 3 new names, with $3.00, wo will send paper for 0 months to tho person so curing tho names for us. For 1 new namo with $1.60, wo will send paper 3 months to person securing tho samo for us. On receipt of 10 cents wc will send tho CoLUMiiiAN to any nddrcss in the county for ono month on trial, and paper will not bo sent longer unless so ordered. I'UIII.IC HAI.I-.H. O. A. Herring, Trustee, will sell the undl vldcd one-half interest of Edward Lewis deceased, in certain real estate lu Hlooms burg on Tuesday, September 1st, at 2 p. m. O. W. Suplcc, executor of W. J. Allen, deceased, will sell real estate lu Jerseylown on Saturday, August 29lb, at 1 p. m. Franklin Rhodes, administrator of Hen ry Rhodes, deceased, will sell real cstato in Ronringcrcck township on Friday, August 21st, nt 1 o'clock p. m. l'erHonal. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Miller, Mr. and .Mrs. V. S. Moycr, and F. 1. Manhart are ut As bury Park. Mls3 Francis Mussclman, of Danville, Is tho guest of Miss Annie Miller. Dr. L. A. Shntluck has been unwell for a few days past. 11 of. Wilbur's present address is Peck vlllc, Luzcrno county. Mr. George Mann nivl Miss Alice .Mann of Syracuse, N. Y arc visiting Misses An. nie nnd Iila llcrnhard. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hanks and stores will bo closed on Satur day. All communications must reach us by Wednesday to secure Insertion. Norlh Mountain views now ready and on sale at M'Kllllp's. Rev. L. .'diner preached a memorial scr inon on Grant last Sunday morning. 60,000 celery plants, the finest In town, at O. M. Uittenbcndcr's on 6th St. July 31, lw. An order for Fountain Pens was received by Paul K. Wirt from Dublin last week. Tho fifth annual fair of the Lackawanna county Agricultural society will be held at Scranton on September 22, 23, 21 and 2.. Wasted. A young man to learn Photo graphy. Must como well recommended. II. A. M'Killlp, Illoomsburg, Pa. Mnud S. trotted a mile iu two minutes, eight and three-quarter seconds last Friday. This Is tho fastest time ever made. Camp meeting began at Mountain Groyo on Wednesday. A number of families of Uloomsburg arc in attendance. E. A. Hawlings delivers fresh meat at Mountain Grove camp-mcetlng every morning. Tho Ordinance regulating the use of sew crs appears In full in this Issue. Wo would suggest to our town readers ',to cut it out and preserve It for future reference. Tho lima special news train reached Illoom Ferry at 0:63 last Sunday morning, just thirty minutes after it left Sunbury. This Is tho fastest time ever made on tho N. & W. 15. road. Tho Pennsylvania Grain and Fertilizer Drill, and tho Lansing Spring Harrow aro both warranted first class. Call nnd see them. J. Howard Kline, agent, Orange villc, Pa. July ilMw Letters mailed hero In tho morning reach Danville at 11 o'clock, by way of Northum berland and Milton. Heretofore there has been hut ono mall n d"V. and that in tho afternoon. J. Howard Ktlno of Orangevlllc, Is agent for tho Pennsylvania Grain nnd Fertilizer Drill, and tho Lansing Spring Harrow. Hoth machines aro fully warranted. Call July 3l" .wC'0ro m,rclmslB- Hev. 1). M. Klnlcr, of Stillwater, started on Tuesday for Indiana county to attend the 80th birthday anniversary of his father. Ho took with him as n gift to his father an ebony cano with n heavy gold head, hand, somely carved. Thcro was n reunion of tho family and friends at tho old home stead yesterday. Tho remedy for corpulence, according to the Ixinccl, Is In the method of e:tlug nnd thinking. If wo only ale more deliberate, ly, It says, wo should find halt of our ac customed quantity of food sufficient to sat Isfy Uio most eager cravings of hunger Let men of all classes who lead healthy lives resolve to cat and drink ilowly. Dr. Delaunay, nn eminent French phys. Iclan, says that the most general position lu sleep Is on tho right side. Dreams which como to a sleeper lu that position, ho says, as a rule are Illogical, absurd, full of vivacity and exaggeration. Thoso which como to a sleeper who lies upon Ids left side, lu Dclaunny'a opinion, arc not only less absurd, but nlso more Intelligent. They are apt to bo concerned with recent actual events and less with icmlnlsccnces. List of letters remaining In the Post Of. cent Illoomsburg for week ending August 1 1885: Mrs. Llz.ziu Christian, Mr. A. F. Clink, Wm. Crltzcr, .Mrs. I), llnrilson, Clms. F. Machln, II. C. Mnycr. CAIUlS. Peltr Case, Wm. II. Hailzell, Mrs. H Frohleck, Mr. llobeit Wilson. Persons calling Tor above please 'advertised." Onouuii A. Ci.aiik-, P. M. Newspaper readers nie of sn many differ cut classes, with such n wide difference of curiosity, Interests, tastes, associations, pursuits and prejudices, that the editor who would attempt to mako even u sln.le copy of his paper so as to be sure to please every reader, and evoke no fault finding or criticism from anyone, would prove him self a fool and his attempt n failure. It may, therefore, be set down as certain that somebody will find some fault with every newspaper, nnd this is usually proof that It is lu some respects a good paper. The publishers of the several local news papers iu Indiana, Pa , have announced an agr-emcnt that afler Oct. 1 they will issue no papers that are not paid for.ln advance. It will bo a foitunate day forcountiy news papers when all the publlshcis shall unite in such a practice. The long credit sys tem has for years been abolished In every other business, and only remains a bane to the country press. Why they should not all stand up in honest competition nnd do a legitimate business on strictly business principles is a mystery. None of them can purchase paper, ink or groceries upon any such credits n9 they extend to subscribers, and if they could it would bankrupt them. IU. Tho Twelfth Annual Intcr.Stato Picnic Exhibition (Gramrcrsl under thu 'nusnlcca f tho Patrons of Husbandry of Ponnsyl. vanln, Maryland, West Virginia, Now Jor. soy nnd Delaware will open at Williams' Orovc, Cumberland County, Pa., on Mon. ay, August 81st, 18S5, and continue until Monday, September 7th. Excursion rates at reduced fnro will bo arranged oyer tho principal roads In Penn sylvania and adjoining Slates. Agricultural and scientific addresses by prominent farmers and statesmen will bo delivered on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs. day and Friday, and great sales of Implo. mcnts nnd Stock will take place on Friday and Saturday. .Manufacturers of agricultural and do. mcstlc Implements nnd machinery, nnd breeders of good stock will do well to mnko note of this exhibition. Last year over ono hundred thousand farmers, representing twenty.flve States, attended this gathering nnd from present Indications the number will bo much great, er this yenr. Over threo hundred manu. facturcrs of agricultural Implements nnd largo number of raisers of fine stock ave already made application for space exhibition. circulars nddrcss It. H. Thomas, Mcchaiilcsburg, Pn. say The State Normal School of this district, at Illoomsburg, has outgrown its buildings. The trustees have been obliged to take steps to provide four more recitation rooms, and for tho Model School more commodi ous quaiters. They will at the same time add a large library and reading room. An other teacher will be added to the faculty. The attendance last term nnd the graduat ing class were the largest the Bclinol has ever had. Full professional standing is given by tho diploma, nnd tho tuition is almost free to those graduating within two years. Thorough training is secured by a large corps of skilled teachers nnd long recitation periods Many students nro prepared lor college. The next year will open Tuesday, September 1, 1885, and tho examination of candidates for tho Senior class will begin on that morning. Stu dents on tho Lehigh Valley, Heading and Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rail roads, get half faro by writing to tho Pnn. cipal for orders. For catalogue address Hev. 1). J. Waller, Jr., Principal, If Hov. Dr. .Monroe went to Hurrlsburg last 'Saturday to Interview tho Governor nnd extend tho Invitation to the Soldiers' Homo commission to visit Illoomsburg. I ho Governor wns not at homo but Dr. Everett, his private secretary, expressed tho belief that tho Invitation will be accepted. Tho Democratic Hag that was first draped nnd hum: out at Lowcnbcrg's wns entirely demolished by tho rnm and wind. The llepubllcan Hag was nlso badly torn and liad to bo taken down. A second flag was hung out at Lowcnbcrg's, and that, too, has been considerably damaged. Tho suit of G. P. Stlncr vs. E. P. Albert sou was arbitrated on Monday, and on nward was given In favor of tho plaintiff, This was nn nctlon brought for tho rccov cry of money entrusted to tho young man In Albcrlson'd employ ns stago driver on tho llcnton route to bring to town for do. nnslt In bank. Tho money was lost, and tho young man arrested, tried and acquit ted. Tho civil suit lias proven more sue resstul. An clcennt edition. Illustrated, of tho tender tributes of tho poets E. O. Btcdman IJ. F. Taylor, John Iloylo O'ltlclly, James Fltts end others, to tho great licro urnni, has been published by Vnndcrcook is Co., publishers. Chicago, HI., and will bo sent bv mnll for 60 cents. It is on heavy satin paper, tied with black silk ribbon, and furnishes an equlsito parlor souvenir and a suitable memorial of tho death of U. 9 Grant. Tho edition Is limited. (Agents Itracllo 'H Suiieriiliosiiliato. .Manufactured by the Hradlcy Fertilizer Co.. of lloston. can now be obtained in Illoomsburg. It is excellent in quality and is nmong the best fertilizers in the market. The prices are reasonable, nnd the results are very satisfactory. For paiticulars call on C. M. lilttcnbendcr, under Opera House, Centre street, Illoomsburg. 3ni. New Coal Vein I1hcoctciI George Snyder, of Nnnticokc, who has been prospecting for coal in tho Nescopeck mountain, claims he has struck a coal vein about eight feet thick. He has samples in his possession which indicate that the find ,s worth developing. Ho made tho tliscov. ry a short distance below -utminvnie, uoi utnbln county. It is hoped coal exists there In large quantities, and that mining will be commenced nt once, as It will have a tendency to revive business in that rath er dull section, Xcus-Dealer. Law Kales to New AllKUHt Htn. Vork oi For tho nccoininodatlon of those who dc sho to witness or participate in tho funeral ceremonies of tho lato General IT. S. draut, to bo held in New York on Saturday, Au gust 8th, the Pennsylvania ltallroad Com pany will sell rouiul-trlp tlcKets in evv York from nil prominent stations on tho 7th and 8th, and good to return until thu 10th. nt greatly I educed rates. Special rates will bo granted to military, Grand Army Posts, and other organized bodies. For full detailed Information npply lo ticket agents of the company. Hiilllvan Couiit8 Murder. Zobroski, tho lllllsgrove murdeier, now confined In tho Sullivan county jail at Laportc. A reporter, who visited him I tho jnll, found him lying on his face upon tho rude couch which Is piovldcd for tho use of prisoners. His face was covered by his hands, and ho paid no attention to tho fact that he was the object of curious eyes He was asked If he would not llko a glass of water, when ho moused himself an roso to his feet, Afler drinking tho water lie conversed soino moments, ho repeated that ho did not intend to kill Gerskl, that ho wns sorry, that hi intention was to strike Gerskl with his revolver, not to shoot 1dm. As ho stood there ZobroskI was a pitiable object. His limbs trembled nnd his face was ashy pale. Ho complained of headache, and his every movement showed that the demon of remorse was Ills constant companion. Ho Is n small man, about Hvo foot fo ur m heicht nnd weighs 125 to 130 pouuds age about thlrty.ono years. Ho has dark hair, and wears dark moustache nnd side whiskers. Ills complexion Is very fair an his general health appears to bo poor. Ills nvi a nro erev. but at this tlmo were red ..tilinr frnm weenlnu or loss ot sleep. II woio very poor clothes, having bee brought to jail lu tho same suit ho woro ,!inn im iltil tlui deed. Ills victim was burled In the Catholic comctcrv at Onshore- Ho was about twenty-three years of ago, and was employ, cd In tho tannery of Hoy I llrolhera at HllUgrove. The county commissioner's on Tuesday ppolntcd the following persons to take charge of the burlnl of deceased soldiers ndcr the recent Act of Assembly. Heaver, Thomas Sliuman, A. W. .Mann, llcnton, Samuel Harvey, J. J. Knrns. 1 llcrwlck, A. I). Seelcy, W. W. .Morton, rchy Averlll, Itcubcn .Moycr. Illoom, U. II. Ent, C. S. Fomwnld, Wil liam Thomas, Jno. II. llrlttnln. llriatcrcck, Gideon Ilossler, Charles Heed. Catawlssa, O. W. Heifsnyiler, M. V. 11. Kline. Centralla, 1). F. Curry, Abram Krclsli- Centre, Edwnrd Stuart, Wm. H. Hess. Conyngham. W. H. Itelnbold, Martin Cain. Fishlngcreek, Jno. M. Huckalcw, Geo. Haber, C. J. Ash. Franklin, Lloyd Hldcr, T. M. Mcnsch. Greenwood, G. W. Utt, II. II. IJangs. Hemlock, G. W. Fry, Andrew Hcngle. Jackson, Frank Derr, Paul Kllnger. Locust, William Heaver, Holandiis Her- bine. .Madison, Charles Dodson, ltobcrt Man. nlng. Main, W. H. Utt, John llellz. Mifilin, J. N. Pifcr, Aaron Andreas. Montour, G. W. Mcars, Joslah Hccdy. Mt. Pleasant, Amos Wnnich, 11. H. amis. Orange, II. J. C inner, William Mastel. er. Pine, it. F. Whltmoycr, Jneob Chamber- lin. Hoaiingcreek, Abram Heaver, John Dyer. Scott, William llngcnbuch, David Gel- Inger, J. S. llachman, J H. Town- send. Sugarloaf, Jesse Ilailman, James Pen nington. Minim" w.i:s. The following is n list of propcilles sold by Shcilff Mourcy at the Court House on Saturday last. Farm ot Jonas llredbcnncr, Milllin X Roads, to Eliza llredbcnncr for $4,225 Hotel at Mifilin X Roads, sold as prop- cf ty of nbovc, to Catawlssa Deposit Hank for $000. Sale of Fnycn Weaver's property, Cata wlssa, was adjourned. Lot of David llrumbach, in C'ttawissa to John O. Yociiui, Esq., for $230. .Itrtnorlnl Hervlcp. Tho Grant memorial funcrnl services on Saturday afternoon at tho Opcrn Homo will commenro nt half past two o'clock P, M. Tho ceremonies will consist of lncmorl. nl services by tho Grand Army with chants nnd hymns by the choir and nudtence, nnd addresses by tho several ministers of tho place, Tho following named ministers have sig nified their intention ot being present nnd taking part In tho ceremonies! Hovs. Waller, Ttistln, Zahncr, Monroe, Spear, Stownrt, Slrayer, llrldcnbaugh nnd' railroad. Permission wns also granted G. lluck. All citizens nro cordially Inyltcd to II. Martini to erect a pair of Falrbank's attend nnd unlto In tho tribute of respect scales In front of his shop nnd within tho to ono ot America's Illustrious men. Par. limits of tho LIchtstreet road, ho to re tics having charge of public bells aro re- move tho samo upon thirty days notice, quested to havo them tolled from two whenever it shnll appear that tho location Council Propf rilln. Council met on Friday evening, July 21, pursuant to adjournment, tho president nnd Messrs. Mdycr, llngcnbuch, Rosen, slock' nhd Sharpie's, members present Upon 'Motion of llngcnbuch and Moycr, tho Solicitor wns Instructed to mako tho best, possible terms with tho Illoomsburg Gas Co., with reference to reduction of In. tcrcsi and stay of execution upon their claims upon which suit was Instituted. HuHd)ng permit was granted H. V. Whllo & Co., for the erection of a grain honso, nlong,lho south sldo of tho D. U & W. o'clock until half past two. J. 11. Homson, C. 8. Foknwalh, II. F. GlI.MOlIR, S. L. I'OTTKI!, C. P. Sloan, Committee, Helpless Uoil a J'rleiullcHH Hen t Who. In taking pnssago In a great trans iVllantlo steamer, docs not feel a thrill of exultation over her magnificent power. galnst her the Storm King may hurl his elemental forces, nor pierce her armor, nor stop her onward course. Hut let modcscilbc a scene whl-n, one morning in mid-ocean, there came an alarm from tho pilot house followed by a cry i The ship's rudder Is lost!" From the con fident expression, consternation enme to every face. The whcclmaif.belng helpless to direct her course, the vessel was at tho nurcy of tho wind nnd wnve. Tho captain had been negligent tho hangings of tho rudder were allowed to wear weak, nnd suddenly It had dropped deep Into the sea I Strong In Intellect, in physical vigor, In energy and in ambition, man confronts,un dauntcd, gigantic tasks and commands ap plause for his magnificent achievements. Hut, all unexpectedly, an alarm comes tho rudder of his constitution Is gone. Ho hns been careless of Us preservation j men tal strain, nervous excitement, irregular habits, over-work, have destroyed tho action of Ills kidneys and liver. This would not occur were Warner's safe cure used to maintain vigor. And even now It may rcstoro vitality to thoso organs and give back lo the man Hint which will lead him to the haven of Ills umbltion. The Traveler. of sald.BCalcs obstructs tho travel on said road.' Tho ordinance to roculato tho sew ers and sanitary condition of tho town as repotted by tho committee was tlicu con sidered and unanimously adopted. On motion ndjourncd Urtoliitlonn of C'omlotenrc. At tho regular meeting of Espy Lodgo No. 031 1. O. of O. F. held Aug. 1st, 185, tho following prenmblo and resolutions iwero ndpptcd i Wiikkbas, It has pleased the Almlehty . iu his omnipotence to rcmbvo by death from amongst us, our welt beloved brother Jackson Garrison, endeared lo us ns n member, therefore bo It iletohed. That whllo wo lament the death of our esteemed brother, wo humbly bow in submission to tho decree of Divine pro vidence, believing that Ho is an nllwlso ruler and that His decisions nro rMit nnd Just. Resolved, That that In this dispensation of our Father, wo feel called upon to re new our diligence to work In tho cause of humanity, knowing tho certainty ot death nnd tho uncertainty of life. Retched. That wo sincerely nud affec- liquate)) sympathize with tho bereaved family nnd friends of our deceased brother. and express a hope that ho who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, may sooth them In their soro affliction and comfort them In their bereavement. Ruohtd. That tho charter of the Lodce bo draped in mourning, and tho members bo rcqupsted to wear the usual memorial badge f6r thirty days, also Retailed. That n conv of these resolu tions be 'sent to tho family of the deceased: a cony spread on the Lodge Journal and Hint they be published In the county papers nt Illoomsburg. P. G. J. D. Weukiieisei:, "I P. G. 11. O. Wai-i-ks, S Com. P. O. T. W. Haiitman. 1 i.lKlilitrcet. 'jJJ M U HtlllwntiT. Minim. Everybody happy since the rain. The democrats nro satisfied witli tho nominee for sheriff. Lots of huckleberries are being gathered on the mountain' E. II. Hrown, Is dangerously 111. His recovery is doubtful. The Snyder shcoolhouso will be supplied with Conner desks this fall. The latest enterprise of our town Is n steam hatcher. It will no doubt bu a suc cess If the incubator works. "There is more than one way to kill a dog." Quite a number of tho section hands have been suspended. The school board on Saturday adopted the Mills Physiology and Hygiene by a unanimous vote. Heaver township will use the same work. This work is probab ly tho best of the kind for school purposes. Thoso wishing to examine It can do so by calling on E. 0. Jones the genial agent. Mrs. Polly Kirkcndall died on Tuesday evening. She was 81 years old. She was buried this (Friday) morning at the Hrown Hill cemetery. Tho deceased was n good neighbor nnd respected by nil who knew her. A. U. White, wife and adopted daughter, Mrs. Custer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Young havo gono to spend a week nt Mountain Grove Campmccting. Our little village has been tho recipient, of some very line rains during tho past week the wind succeeded in lowering the corn quite a considerable. Quoit pitching is engaged in to a degree that makes some of the boys say try your luck- Tho oats crop looks lino nnd bids n good yield. Mrs- Alice Oalin has returned to her home in WHliamsport. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McDonald from New York art yisiting the formci's parents, Supt. Grimes from all accounts will have the largest class at the examination in this town that has been known for years. A visit to II. II. Hrown's the ucc man will any ono that ho understands mo uusincsa. The band Is now doing very well under the instruction of Prof. Brooks, William now 1ms tho tenor drum whilst Ebcr lias the bass. Fred. Hice took a Hying tilp to Scran ton, this week. Tho actions o some ot tlie young men who visit town on Sunday evening nrc such as should bo characterized with tho rod or else by the mode set forth In law as they aro burden to the young ladies going homo from chruch. We learn that some have gone so far as to slap some of them' last week. , Miss Mlnnlo Hondcrshott Is vlittlng nt C. Krcamct's. Hobt. ,0. Stout of llcrwlck has been ht homo during the last week. District Attorney Uuckingham and Frank Illllmcycr, Esq., of Illoomsburg wro In town last week. Hov. M. E. Philips of Iowa will occupy tho pulpit In tho M. E. church Sunday tho 10th. The directors at their meeting last Thurs day evening, decided on furnishing tho school houses with desks ot Andrew & Co. A number of people have been going to the mountain for huckleberries. Some ot our people talk ot attending the Mountain Grove camp meeting. Our friend, Mr, Hobt. Wclllvcr who hns been for tho Inst three years learning tho drug business at Illoomsburg, lias com pleted his courso nnd has come out a full fledged druggist, and Is at homo tor a time. Tho funeral ot Mrs. II. II. Stout ot Lime stone, formerly ootids place, which occur red on Monday last was largely attended. Tho services conducted by Hev. Golder of Washlngtonvlllo were held In tho church here. Mrs. Stout was a lady possessing unliable qualities and was known and re. spected by a wldo circle of friends. It wns said that sho became n member of tho Methodist church nt the early ago of twelve, nd was an exemplary woman and nn ac tlve worker In church up to the tlmo of her denth. j 'uSIanmniiltcr's. at began began" at Kuvencreclt Valley Ever since tho first of July there has been a dally mall at Cambra, and wo hoped to receive our Illoomsburg mall via Shlck shinny and on Friday evening 7 p. m. in' stead of Saturday, 10 a. m.. by tho tri weekly Stillwater, VunCump and Cambra route. Ily tho latter route wo frequently do not get our news till tho following Tucs day. Stalo news Is like stalo fish, having lost all its flavor. At Stillwater and Ben ton, and all along that line, tho people re ceive their news on Thuisday evcnlng, and wo In the vicinity of Cambra, by tho tri weekly route, cannot possibly get it sooner At present writing wo are having plenty of rain, and tho summer crops nrc looking Hnq.,, Jin Andrew Ikeler, proprietor of tho Stillwater llouring mills, U a very sick man. Ho is nlllictcd with a compfll. cation of diseases, and his advanced ago in connection with the malady make his iccqycry doubtful. Notwithstanding the business depress. ion, the nonappearance of tho long-talk. cd- of railroad, &c, tho population of our villago and community is gradually In- creasing. This tlmo tho new comers mado additions to tho families of M. W. McIIcn ry. nnd W. W. Hess, and they arc both said'lo bo right good looking boys, too Our townsman Mr. Samuel Smith, was successful in securing the nomination for Sheriff last Tuesday. We heartily congra- tulajcr Mr. Smith. Wo supported him be cause wc.bellevc him to bo an upright, conscientious, honorable man, ouo who would conduct himself soberly when In , 'ana not in ,... mat would re licet discredit upon his constituency, ns has been tho case too often In this county. Sqvcral times during last week our town was.almost entirely depopulated of the fe- mal c portion of its Inhabitants. Itcnson there is an Immense crop of fine largo hucklebcrrlos on the surrounding hills, nnd they hied themselves hitherto In search of the tempting fruit. When they returned tho statistical report of our town popula- lion did not vary from those formally mado and then we had many quarts more ber, rics than before. The mechanics of this place aro all kept busy. Our carpenters, G. W. & I. Haber, have more work than they can do. At thdugh they employ a number of assist- ants they have been obliged to refuse many jobs of building. They nrc compe tent workmnn. 1'IIILlDKI.rmt, AUgUSt", 18-M5. More of that cream colored albatross, forty inches wide at 50c. is now in stock ; it had be come very scarce, for two weeks we had none of it ; plenty now for a short time. Southeast from center. Three small lots of Lupin's black dress goods for a portion of their cost nothing better for comfort and service from now 'til November. Lupin's Sultana $1.00 now 55c. Lupin's Mignon $1.00 now 65c. Lupin's camel-hair grenadine began at $1.25 now 75c. Southeast from center. Sateens the neatest, the pret tiest, the quietest, the most charming of the season's pro duction, made for us, after our own designs, and, with the ex ception of a pattern or two, to oe 1011 na nowhere else. Little dots and tiny figures of white and cream and gold and ecru, on brown, plum, myrtle, navy-blue and garnet ; they're captivating ; they're ele gant ; they're in the best of taste. Northwest from the center. Tennis stripes inch-wide and three-quarter-inch-wide stripes mane ior uiebs uiait-riui ana used for dress material until we got hold of that one hundred and fifty thousand yards, since which it has been used lor near ly everything ; for dresses, for underskirts, for furniture-cov- BUSINESS NOTICES. HAT FKVKI! SPECIFIC. I found It n specific for hnv fever. For ton yenrs I have bocn a great sufferer from August Oth till frost. Ely's Crcnm Is tho oniy preventive 1 nnvc over lounu. rrnnu II. AInswortli, of F. 1). Alnsworth & Co., Publishers, Indlnnnpoll-, I ml. 4w, It Is nmuslne that any human bclne should contlnuo to suffer from biliousness, nervous headache, Indigestion, or gencrni weakness, when it Is ns notorious ns that tho sun Is tho source ot light that Vinegar Hitters lncvltnbly cures these complaints. This medicine Is sold everywhere, taken everywhere, and cures every where. Rend er, It will euro you. "notion ox hats." Clcnrs out rnts. mice, roaches. 1 1 1 1 - nnts bed-bugs. UKAirr l'AtNs, Palpitation, dropsical swell ni!9. dizzi ness, indigestion, headache, sleeplessness cured by "Wells' Health llcnowcr." "ncuoit on oonNS." Ask for Wells' "Rough 011 Corns. 15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft corns, warts, minions. H-ction 7. The fotlowlwr refutations shall (fov cm the planning of all house drains and houjo connections BltliBcwcn -..,. int. All connections with tho public sewer shall be miclo I17 means of a four-Inch, Haiutfliucrt, vit rified plpo, which shall extend to not nearer than mm toot from tho outer wall of the honso nr bulldlnir nnd below the reach of frost, from thenco tho honso drain shnll bo four-Inch plain or enam eled heavy cast Iron rtro, or, asphalt coated wroueht Iron plpo nnd shall extend under orthrWh tho wall, and from thenro upwards 03 n soil pine, nt least two foot nbovo tho highest part of tho roof and open at tho top, accessible for InsixHJtlon, Its entire length, wltli loaded nnd caulknd or rust Joints. Traps shnll bo placed un der nil opcnlntrs for dlschartfo Into tho sower, bc- hoonerdnif asprnctlcablo, All traps lo bo pro- led with nnnir inict pipo, 01 nuiameu.-rin, km I tin nnonlnir i ii,inf win, nn nlr Inlpt nlno. Hum mm inch nnd a ha 11. and said Inlet iilpo mar bo of lead or Iron, nnd shall bo carrlod to tho open 3 p.lSSUU UL 11114 UlUllIi.llUt, , bo required to bo carried "IIUCIIIM'AIIIA." O.ulck. romnlcto euro, all Kidney, Hln. der and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irri tation, Stone, Grnvcl, Catarrh of thu Iliad der. il. Druggists. iiBD-nuas, FI.IKS. Flics, roaches, nuts, bed-bucs, rats, mica gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "HougV on Hats," ISc. THIN I'KOI'I.K. 'Wells' Health Itcnewcr" restores heallK nnd vigor, cures dyspcpslii.lmpntcnce, sex. uai debility, ii. "ISOUOII ON l'AI.N." Cures cholera, colic, crnmns. dlnimaa. aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rhcumntlsm. 20c. Hough on Pain Pins ters, 15c. mothers. nlrnboNO tho roof, or It mar bo connected with tho soil nine, nt n point nbovo all other connections with tho same: lTotlded, howovcr.thnt In ony onto wheno-cr thoflxturcs or receptacles to bo used, tn t, ,ir.iinri tntnuiid Kewpr. nnd tho nines with in the honso connected therewith, shall havo been constructed bcioro inoi thn unll nhrfl KlltlllndL 1 In place thereof tho house drain shall bo provided with a running trap, and with cntllatlnjr four Inch plpo ot Iron ns aforesaid, from the sower sldo ot thu i tinning trap, extending upwards outstdo tho walla ot tuohouso or building ton point nt leant four feet nbovo.the eaves ot tho roof and ns remote n-s practicable from nnr window. s-1. When connections nro to bo mado with said (wer through prlvato courts or alleys or across pnvaio grounu- vuu Biiiiviiiui-utii-ui. ui ijh-iti mar Iwmitt a pli0 ot tho samo diameter as tho service plinlo bo laid through the samo tor the at tachmeut of more than ono house drain ns nforcsalrt thereto, and every person so connecting shall par the samo tappagc fee, as It connecting direct with the mam. .frd. No privy vault or cess-pool shall bo con nected In any manner with tho publlo sewers, nnd w hen rensed to bo used t her should be thoroughlr cleansed out and nued with fresh earth. 4th. Tho nrrangement nnd connections of soil and waslo pipes andtho traps shnll bo left so that they may at all times bo readily examined nud re-lulled. bUU iUl WIULT LlUTtU, UtUU VUlia, lltuil (J..ailU) nnd other llxcd rcccptncles, drained Into tho sewer, shall bo cHectually sated. section 8. Drains from factories, breweries, im at preparing and packing establishments, may be connected tnrough a salt-glazed Mtrlned pipe, not excredlng four inches In diameter, with said bewer, for thu conveyance of scwerngo matter nnd woaIo water tlwrcfrom, but la ah connections with such establishments and factories, tho own ers or operators ot the bamo shall provide BUltnblo aiulerrectho traps, or catch basins for arresting grease orany subsfanco halngn tendency to ad here to, or settle lu or clog the pipes. tiKcrios 9, Connection may bo mado with said sen error tho purpo-iO ot draining cellar, wherev er the .samo snail bo subject to luUow and accum. tilallon ot water, and such lnilow nnd accumula tion cannot Ire erfectually and economically pro ventni. or the cellars othcrwlso ns erfectually and economically drained, rrov'dcd, however, that If you aro falling, broken, worn out and I the nccesltj for such connection for cellardraln- irvous. tun "Wells' Health ltencwtr." age shall bo determined .by tho superintendent ot nervous $1. Druggists, LIFE l'llESEIIVKi:. If vnu nre lnsinif vnnr irrin on life, trv "Wells' Health Itcnower." Goes direct to weak spots. "notion on hi.ks. Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itchlnc pro triiding, bleeding, internal or other. Inter nal and external remedy In each pukage. Sure cure, COc. Druggists. i'i:p.TTr WOMEN. Ladies who would retnln freshness nnd vivacity. Don't fnll to try "Wells' Health Hcncwcr." "itOt'OII ON ITCH." "Honeh on Itch" cures humors, erup tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, trost cd feet, chillblaius. "llOl'OU ON OATAItltll." Correct offensive odors at once. Complete cure of worst chronic cases, also uncijunl- cu as gargle for iliptlicrla, sore throat, foul breath. 00c. THE 1101'E OF THE NATION. Children slow in development, puny, rnwney, nnd delicate, use " Wells' llenltl: scraw Hcncwcr." UATAIilill OF Tint Ill.AIlOKIt. Stinging, Irritation, inflammation, nil Kidney nnd Urinary complaints, cured by "lluchu-Paiba." $1. also Venus and Jupiter, WIIEIli: T1IEV A1IE TO I1U SEES IN THE KVKN1NO tKY HOW T1IEV A1TEA1! IN TIIE1II TEIMM'STKIAI. CILOUY. Venus has again leturiicd to tho evening sky, and may now be seen sparkling in tho early twilight. Sho is accompanied by swift little Jleicury, which passed her in her eastward flight two weeks ago, but will turn back and meet her ngain early in iVugust. Jupiter nlso glows near by, and to tho linked cyo there Is not much differ, enco lo be perceived between Jupiter and Venus, Hut iu a good telescopo tho differ ence is very gieat, ami tne asironoiner kuows that it would tnko 1,-100 globes llko Venus to cijunl the bulk of Jupiter. Yet Venus is only a trlllo smaller than the caitli. Theso two worlds now shining nl most sldo by sldo in tho sky aro still moro different In their condition. They repre sent two opposlto points In planetary his tory. Jupiter, notwithstanding its enor mous size, is, speaking In n geological sense, a mere baby beside Venus or tho carlh. Tho telescope shows that its huge globe is still in tho throes of that age of flro and vapor which precedes tlio lorma- lion of a plauctnry crust, and when tho observer understands tho magnitudo of tho forces at work thcro is hardly any phenom enon In tho heavens so awe Inspiring as t telescopic vlow of tho drifting, tossing and whirling surface of Jupiter. Venus, on tho other hand, appears to bo in very much tho samo condition as tho earth, possessing a cool and rigid surface, wrinkled nnd diver, silled with mountains and plains, and en veloped by an atmosphere lu which float clouds llko those that refresh tho earth Tho study of the planets has never been pursued with so much Industry nnd success ns at present. Astronomers aro Jim begin nlng fully to understand that It Is posslbto for them to learn much about tho past and futurl of the earth by studying tho present condition of its Bister planets. Whoever looks nt Jupiter and Venus lu thu western skies sees two worlds, ono having all tho phases ot tho ciuth's history slnco It was "without form nud void" still before It and tho other as old In a planetary senso as tho globu we tread, and perhaps pos- Bcssing as wonderful n history since llfo eating among her friends here. Wo. wero favored with a very good nun than Saturday, 101 a. m., and, ns beford h9f on Monday last, stated, frequently not till Tuesday. Thcro is no good reason why thero should be un necessary delay, as It will not cost the government any moro to send our Hlooms- burg malls via Shickslilnny than by tho former route. Wo believe that under the Democratic administration tho people should bo served In the most prompt nud satisfactory manner. Papers frcsli from tho press nro llko bread, palatable and dl' gestlblo to the intellectual organism ns the latter is to nn exhausted physical body We desire our papers nt tho earliest possi ble date, for obvious reasons, and, mainly, hecauso they accumulate lato on Saturday afternoon or evening, nud having quite a number, either compels us to read lato on' Saturday night or Sunday, when wo should appeared upon Its surface. Crs, for awninc, fors floor-cloths, females. It gives the elasticity, lifo nnd " . . cheeks with roses on mem iui tin i lagu-tuvurs, cic ; iiiuin of a twenty-five cent stuff for ten cents ! of course it would be used for other purposes than that for which it was made it would be used for any purpose tlie mmcl ol man or woman could think of a twenty-five cent stuff for ton rnnts ! well. m:l,t- ,ln.,l-,f iV t-n if n ,,' 3 aa activo purge; utter the removal ot we mignt doubt it too it we were lll0 bUe) it NJU1 Vgo the bowels ami not ClOlIlg JUSt SUCH tilings every- impart vigor ami ncnun to uio wiioio sys- day ; not a hundred and titty tliousanci yards in a lump, per- ltnnrliiK Creek. Henry Fahringcr has put up a new barn. lleceipts of the Chesnut Hldge Sunday haps, but just as great consider School festival were 15. me the circumstances. And of Miss Clara Fcattig, of Pottsviiic, is rustt. an these hundred and fifty thou sand yards we haven't but two or three thnui-and Inft. and hnre and this medicine will be fast triends. !. i Favorite Hemcdy would have Dennis Fahringcr, ot Scrauton, (but moro recently of here,) nnd J. W. Snyder took-in tho sights at Hupcrt last Sunday Tho boys say they had ft day out. Tho showery weather of last Saturday evening completely Bottled tlie deep dust, itlso scattered tho plcnlccrs at the Furnace and Kcruvlllo festivals. illss Gcarhart, daughter ot Wm. Gear- hart of ncer Hear Gap, tlio fleshy girl who was exhibited on tlie Columbia County fair erounds one or two seasons past, was last Thursday buried In tho Free W ill U, II. Cemetery, aged HI years, 8 mouths nnd 23 days. Sho at one lime weighed almost .300 pounds. are the colors : garnet-and-cream, brown-and-cream, black and cream, red and blue, red and black, gray and black ; twenty-five cent fabric for ioc !!! Northwest from tho center, All of our eight-cent lawns reduced to 6c. Northwest from tho center. Cool, comfortable, delightful "XTO'iTCH i dressing sacques for part of ' Notice Is her their values ; beautilul in design bv I wyvpcl nmi thnKiinto shall bo douo under hts su pervision and control. Tho cel'ar drain shall bo nrotl.led with acomblnod trap and catch basin, to Iw lo ated by tho superintendent ot bewers which shall Ik) adcsiuato to pro e t tho passage of sou or silt or other non-fcolublii matter into tho sower, nndtlioeidrincoot sower gas therefrom IntJ Ho cellar, and tho said cat h ba-slu shall bo erf ectuallr venl Hated. Provided turt.icr, that no connection shall bo allowed lor tho drainage of surfaco water ilowlng-orpercolatloglntonny cellar by reason ot dcrectiw) embankments or grading around tho outside walls t lereor. Ssction 10. Tho superintendent of sewers shall have (tower tocattso iho drainage of any roof, or portion thereof Into said sewer, which may havo been prc lously allowed, ahd which can bo as ef fectually and economically drained Into tho street or otherwise, to bo dlscontlnt whenever tho want of capacity ot tho sewer may require It, and If any lapping feo has been paid, shall be repaid by iho town. Hrc-rioN 11. It shall bo unlawful for any person to tlnow or depositor causoor permit tobo thrown or dejioslted. In any vessel or any receptaclo con necled with tho publlo sewer, any garbage, hair, ashes, fruit or vcgetableM, peelings, refuse, rags, cotton, cinders, sawdust, or any other than sewer ago matter. (tenon 13. lleforoa drain shall bo laid from any building nnd connected with the said sowers, building, orsomo person In his behalf shall nrst mako application to tho Superin tendent ot sow er?, who shall view tho premfsea to be drained and tho plan of tho proposed drainage; upon his approval o( the same, tho said supenn t;ndeut shall Usee to tho applicant an order on the President for a permit for such sewer connec tion, nnd for which purpose, tho Superintendent shall bo provided with an order llooKln printed form, with sultablo stubs in duplicate ot tho order, and each order when issued shall btato tno namo ou tuo appucanr, the location ot tho property, street nud number, or udjolners, tho namo ot tho owner ot tho property, tho character ot tho build Ings to bo uratned, tho kind ot dralnago al lowed, whether house, or cellar, or other build ings tho proper tapping fees required, nnd shall bo numbered and dated, nnd shall bo signed by tho bui'citutendeht. on presentation oteald order, and ujion tho payment ot tho proper tappago feo 10 me rresiaeni. 10 uu uy inui ucpusuuu wilu iiiu Tow n Treasurer, ho shall lssuo a permit In con tommy with said order, for whlchpurposo he shall be pioildcd with asower permit Boot, Inpcrmlt rnnii. with suitable stubs In dunllcato ot tho per mit, lletoro proceeding to lay tho drain, and mako connection with said sewer In pursuanco ottho permit aforesaid, tuo person authorized thereby shall give at least ono days nollco thereof to tho Jsupeiinienuent, anu noarain inusiaiu uuu con structed shall be covered, until the btipcrlntcn tendent shall ha u inspected and approved the same. In opening any street or public way.all matclal forpailugor ballasting must bo removed with xue H-asi possiuiw injury unussui uiusaiuu, uiiu, together with tho excavated material from tho ti enches must bo placed where they will causo tho loast possible Inconvenience to the public, ns ill the junction piecu ruvntfnvt.Tvitt--liur.un. It Is Hrst determined to mako a new opening Into the sewer. . , . Tho least inclination that can bo allowed for water closet and kitchen drains of four inches In diameter, Is ono-halt Inch In threo feet, Tho back nillng over drains must bo puddled or thoroughly tamped, w Ithln forty-eight hours after tho com pletion ot that part of tho drain, lying within tho public way and tobodono to tho satisfaction of the commissioner ot highways, and tho owner will bu held responsible for any subsequent settlement of ground. AU water and gas pipes must bo pro toned Irom Injury or betuing, lo the satisfaction nt ti., Miit.i.rinffniifiit nf silvers. Everv drain lay. er, must incloso any opening which he may mako In the publlo streets or ways, with suniclent bar riers, and must malntaUi red lights at tho same at uljhts.aud mast take altothcr necessary precau. lions lo guard tho publlo effectually against all ac ldents, from tho beginning to tho end of the work, and can only lay drains on condiuon that heslull uso every precaution ngalnst nceldcnts lo persons, horses, vehicles, or other property of any kind. M.i rios 13. Tho tappage feo orcUargo for con nectlnz with said se era. for sewage, or drains, Irom tno following descilbed bulldlnga shall bo aa set loi iu, co-wn. : l'or every cellar " house for each family not herein other wlionrovlded for For a bufldlng used as a store, or shop, or tor olllces, or any uninhabited building not herein otherwise provided for For a building used as two stores or two shops or as ono storo and ono shop, and olllces over all and not herein otnerw 10 prov lded for " 1 OT a UUlUlIUn USVU U3 U OLU1V Uiw uuu Ily residence. For a building used nsa btoro or shop, with moro than ono and not exceeding threo family residences therein For each Itallioad passenger station and In ight bouso with oillco therein For uaeh Hotel or boarding house, with ae coinmodatloDs for not exceeding titty suets - For each Hotel or boarding house, with ac commodations for uwro than ntty rrnncla.. ... .. .............. For each factory cmplo lng not exceeding lltty persons :; iv... .. ..,t, r.iptnrv imnlnv1n? mora than 111- ty persons 1" oO For any bulldlng.not herein othervvlso pro v lded tor or any factory or other cstab llshmcnt, requiring lu tho Judgment of tho superintendent of sewers, excep tionally largo dralnago, and on report thereof by him, the council shall by re solution Hx tho amount of tappago fee lo bo charged for tho same. Suction 11. It shall bo tho duty ottho superin tendent of bowers to prevent tho open end ot any .nntiMitn, ntim nimvn tho roof as nforcsatd I sold in two years tldrtv-tlirco thou- frombelug located wias ; ow," sand ono hundred and twenty (33,120) hot. QaJ" "lu ,KMU luu """""" "WATRIt HUGS, ItOAOIIKS." 'Hough on Hats" clears them out, Hectics, Auts. Hunt's Hemcdy is purely vegetable, and n speedy euro for heart disease anil rheu matism. The curative nowcis of Aver's Sarsana- rllla is too well kuown to rcquiro the spe cious aid of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate. Witnesses of its marvelous cures aro to-day living In every city and hamlet of the land. Write for names it you want homo cvidenco. Dip ono end of a sponge in water nun tuo whole will soon bo saturated. Sn a disease in one part of tlio body affects other parts. You have noticed this yourself. Kidney nnd liver troubles, unless checked, will induce constipation, piles rheumatism and gravel. A timely uso of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will prevent these re sults. It is pleasant lo llie taste nuu may bo talten trceiv by ciiuurcn anu ueiicaio TONIO. ALTEUATIVli AND OATIIAltATIO. Simmons Liver Heculator, purely vege table, is not unpleasant to tho tnstc. It Is tho medicine generally used in the Soutli to Arouse Uio torpid liver to iicauiiy action. It cures malaria, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation and piles. Tho ac tion of the Ilegulator Is free from nausea or griping. Ills most effective in starting tue secretions oi uio liver, causing mu uuu to act ns a cathartic. When thcro is an excess of bile in the stomach, tho Regulator tern. "It fairly wearies me to think of the mul titude of things advertised to cure disease," you say. JNo wonder, nut in the mount ains ot chall iticir arc grains oi goiucn- wheat. Wo may find it difficult to induce you to test tlio merits of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Hemcdy, but when you nave;douo so, our worn is ended. Alicrwnrus you long ago except for its real lint it Is good ami does good. died out usefulness. 15 0) D oo 5 00 6 01) 10 0) 5 00 10 CO 13 00 ! 10 When baby was sick, wc gave her CAS TOHIA, When sho was a child, she cried for (.'ASTORIA, When she became Miss, she clung CASTORIA, When sho had Children, she gave them CASTORIA. ties of Hunt's Remedy. It Is n valuable medicine for kidney diseases." W. is. hlakdino, Piov, hereby given that my son, William, Is no longer controlled by me, and does not live w ith me. All persons aro hereby cautioned not to bar uor or trust him on my account, as I will pay no VV , II. UU.MU1U-.. lnooiiisburg, Pa. Next Saturday, Aug. 8th, tho Roaring ..111. ...III .,t,,l l .Tlinnn' nrnv.l 1 .1 --..M -.1 .. 1!l. II Dor Or trUSt 111111 Oil my rest or havo some other employment. Thus ': . "", I anu Ilmsn hills ot his contracting. it is plainly seen that In the point of news r. . . ' L .1. , .... our underwear ; as pleasing to wo labor under great disadvantages. Letl. , , , ...i I in wfi as thev art! conuortable Rl)lANCLi ivO. JO, , , , ,, , inui .1 I 00 puc up : mu usual iciiesmiii-ma nuu -j j -- - I us havo a chani?o 111 this resnect. Will thO1 ' '. 1 ... .... .. .. .. !. 1 1.. editors of the Coixmiuax uso their influence to secure the desired end ? Wo had n refreshing shower on Saturday evening. The nights nro getting longer. .Mrs. I, aura llllinaii is spending n season with her imclo nnd mint, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Krlckbauni, Your occasional correspondent, I.. J,, and his sister, attended church nt St. James last Sunday, Ellas Wcnncr, from near VanCamp, lost n valuable horse last Saturday, Madam Gossip has not resided in thin lo- callty for a long time, but let somo sensa. tlonal mishap occur and sho will locate here soon. Cambra U a neat little villago with a first- class lot of well-to-do citizens, kind aiul obllcliik' to all. Many of them nrc, building fine and substantial houses. A contractor, from Orangevlllc, by tho name of llenre is putting up several ot tiicin. We have had very light rains for arndnth or more back whllo both north nnd south of us havo been heavy and drenching rans. It has now (Monday morning) (be nppcuranco ot n settled rain. A person will, onco In a while, wnuder in the ways of old, and disregard and vio lato tlie laws of morality, etiquette, or grammar, without pausing or stopplng,as In tho caso of "Reporter," In last week's Sentinel. Hut, this Is a fast age. Now, who says It didn't rain last Mon, day r ' This Is n com stretcher. bo put up : .warm meals. Come, ns this will be tho lea. der of the season, and don't you forget it. Edward, son of Charles Reaver of Mill Grove, who was bathing in Chcrlngton's mill dam Sunday week with several com. panlons was overcomo by somo means nud making peculiar leaps out of the water his comrades thinking him only m sport ; not requesting any help he soon sank to to tho bottom a corpse ere human aid could nvnll; after which the dam had to bo considerably let oil before the body could be recovered. Tho body was taken to his homo Irom wlicuco tho funeral took place tho follow. lug Wednesday. Aged 21 years. Service by Rev. Nelmatij tho Kcrnvlllo band-was pres. cat (ho having been a member,) and ren dered somo appropriate pieces. Ills re. mains wero followed to their last resting place by n largo concourso of people ns relatives, friends und ncquulntuuces, who mourn his loss, ns ho was a sober, steady, Industrious and kind young man. jerhjej. town. Tho rnln tho beginning of tho week though gicatly needed and gladly received Interfeicd somewhat with the farmers who aro working nt thu oats. Yon can look out about four weeks for that festival In Krenmer's Grovo i but don't bo discouraged boys, It's comlii'. Mr. N. Wclllvcr Is on tho Blck list. Ed. Ilruglcr of Willlamsport and Samuel Johnston of Danville are visiting friends. Messrs Elmer Mcllride nnd 1). Casey of Whllo Hull were In town on Saturday, 1, i 1 ..!.!.! 1 1)1 lls, j, jircuiucr Yiaucutu uiuuiiisuurgi to the body, Filth counter cast ot Arcade. John Wanamakkr. Chestnut, Thirteenth nnd Market streets, and City-hall square. MARRIAGES. McCASI.IN 1IERRINGT0N. At tho residence of John Mugarvcy in Mnrdans- vllle, Pn., Aug. 1st, 1R85, by 0. h. Sands, Esq., Mr. Wlllard W. McCaslln to Miss Annie E. Herrlngton. LOCAL NOTICES. Ladles medium welcht underwear. cents piece, at I. W. Hartman & Bon's. Lacn Curtains a Clark & Son's. 60 Fifty remnants of dress goods, half-price fiISSmZ at I. W. Hartman & Son's. I btc-rioK 4. ti Colored Dicss If you want Black or Silks go to Clark & Son's. Carpet chain at I. W. You can buy Counterpanes. csupKins ami iuuio mucus Clark & Sou's. Hartman & Son's. Towels, cheap nt vrnvlillm- for the anoolntlueiit of a sanitary committee, and regulating tho uso of bewer and connections therevv lib. lio it ordained and onacted by tho Town Coun. cllot tho town of illoomsburg, and It Is hereby enacted uy tno nuiuoruy or mo same. (jkction 1. That It shall bo the duty ot tho President and Town council Immediately afler tho passago of this ordinance, nnd annually thereaf ter, nt their llrst or second meeting after their election, lo ciuci ur uiqiuiuc u buuuurjr ixjiuumic-v, to serve ono year, ur uuiu invir ancx.-1-ssuni uru up. pointed, to consist of threo caucus of said town, whoso duty It shall bo to look alter the sanitary cumimon or tho town, and renort to tho sunerln- lenueni or sewers, vvitu Huggc&iiuns ur uirccuoiia- lor improving nua remeuj nig any urivci. Section 2. That It shall ulso bo tho duty ot tho said rresiaeni ana Town council in uko manner to appoint a superintendent oi an satdtarv condition of said town ior me cerm oi ono year, ur uucu appointed, to recelvo reports from tho sanitary coinuiuico, anu co ace on cuu same, to uup?nmcnu tho lav Ingot all sower connections, or ask for lu. st ructions from tho said president and town council. suction 3. luai whenever any portion o: uio system of buvverago ot this town, constructed un der tho resolutions ot tho town council, dated Oc tober Tth, ISO, nnd tho supplements thereto, shall bo reported by tho suiverluteudent of bowers, as being completed, the council shall, by resolution. nociaro cue same ujien rur puuuu uuu uuu countc- U11M lUL'n!W IL11. bccTioK 4. That no connection with said sewer shall be mado by any person. In nny other manner than as provided by tbtsordluancoor amendments hereto mado, and tho samo shall bo under and subject to tho direction and control ot tho super- lucc'uuc-uc ui bvneca. suction o. vvuen me sanitary committeo snau vj 1". it inii m unlawful rornny Demon to mako connection with any ottho sewer pipes laid t r to bo laid by tho Town under and m pur suance of said ordliunco or to cut or opcii into tho samo unless It bo done uuder tho authority direc tion nnd Immediate supervision ot tho superlntcn- dlSKnIiosWie.riKor any violation ot any of tho pro vlslonsot this ordinance for which a penalty ti not otherwise herein provided, there shall boa penalty ot not leas than ten dollars, nor moro than ono hundred dollars, for each oneuso, and in ad dltlon it shall bo tlio duty ot tho superintendent , of bewers to causo any unlawful connections with the publlo sew era lo bo discontinued at tho ex cuse ot the person offending. bKCTios 17. That any and all ordinances and rails of ordinances inconsistent with this ordl. iinnce bo and the samo are hereby repealed. l'ased at a meeting ot Town Council : held Jul) 21 lVCV. I U. HUrJiKl, Attest! President. T110-tOIM.110BOf10?. Bctfy. A I DlTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK WILLIAM IVEV, PKO'D. The undersigned Auditor appoinieu oy ino ur lilunv court ot Columbia couuty, to distribute tlio funds in the hands of tho administrator of said do cedent, to ami among tho partlos entitled thereto, w 111 discharge tho duties ot Ids appointment at Ids oiuee in iuoomsuun, on oai.Liiv.ij, vn am like manner to yvn, lbftJ a'lCn o'clock In tlio forenoon, n KS,,S. ' 'ie " l'ailiSlntere.te.1 In said fund must a- ft h's KSr'fe !;. or ' f0'r MtumA "TvuTii win-m AUW'.-Mt, A I DlTOR'S NOTICE, Auditor, ESTATE Of 1UNNA1I ENOHB, Hk.C'11. Tho undersigned, appointed Auditor todlstrlbulo tlio fund in the hands ot tho administrator of Han nah Knorr, lato ot said county, deceased, will meet tho parties Interested In said fund at hlsot lice In llloomsbun,'. on tho fourth day ot Septem ber, A. 1. 1NA nt ten o'clock, a. in., when nnd where all persons hav lng claims against said Ostato must npiwar and present tho eamo or bo forever ueuarreu irum wm.u.s ,,?, Aug.-Mt. ItOIIT. 1IUCK1SQIIAM, Auditor. very deem any privy, cess-pool or house drain, located ,hall or others, and it In their judgment, tho said nul. on nny proiierty f rontlug on any btrcet, on which buu sewer shall bo onen for use. to uo a nul. bunco or a danger to the Inhabitants of tho house, A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE Of CUAULES HAVES PKCEAHBU. I.adlcs extra good unbleached llalbrici-an itoso icr.oa, at t. . iiarimnu ccsonv. You will tlnd onu ot tho best lints ot I Ui Clark & Son's. llllr IW.. ,it ll.n -.1 af?'4.-Uy.."""."uH".' ' "?!'"" lV.6uV.r.'uJl? 850 pairs ladles buttoned shoes, from 1.35 to $3.00 a pair. All warranted. Just received at 1. W. Hartmau & Sou's. .adieu extra good black rubber cossamvra ior Ti i. n. iiarinuui it ooirs. sanco cannot othervvlso bo abated the said com. lattice snail airect tno superintendent or bowers to cause wrltteu notice to bo given tho owner or agent having charge of tho property, or tenant, forbidding tho further usoot bald privy, cesspool or house-drain, and requiring uio nouso to bo drained by connection vv uu I no puuuu bewer In ac cordance with tho provisions of this ordinance; and upon default of said owner, agent or tenant, after thirty das from tho service ot such notice, he or they shall pay a penally ot not less than ouo dollar for each day's default. Section o. It shall bo unlawful to construct and uso any caw-pool on property fronting on auy street, alley or court, or any portlou thereof, In tersecting any btroet on which publlo bovvers shall have boeulald, after tho same shall havo been opened lor public use. Tho undersigned, appointed Auditor to mako distribution and settlement ot tho balance lu tho hands of Clinton Kills, administrator ot CharlM llayeb, lato of Culumbucouuty,deooasad,w 111 meet tho parties ltitereied til wild ostalo nttheonico ot VV, ll. lthawu, 151., in Catawlssa, bald couuty, on tho second day ol K'pt. luss.atlOu. in., when and where all persons having claims against said es tate must appear and pi-ewnt thu same, or bo lor. ever ueuarieu irom uouuiuc in uu saui iiiiiu. Aug. 7-11. UOirr, lR'CKlNUllAM, Auditor, JOll WOUlv NKATLY KX120UTKD AT THIS Ol'TICK. wanted.)