The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 07, 1885, Image 1

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    Vlje Columbian.
oomMiiiA BRMOcniT, m op inn norid. and co.
I.ITURriV. ('nnanll,ln(n.i . Uml 10
' .""""ivu.J
lantirit Werhlrt rvrrr I'rlilnr aiorntns, nt
at f I.BO per tout. To sutucrlbcrs out ol tlio conn,
tjrtho tiTimnro strictly In advance. u""co'm
I" P;ilp uisconunuiM except ftt tlioontlon
pt tlio pulilWic-rs, until nil nrrenrnwa nro palil. but
tonir contlnuod credits will not bo Klvcn. '
All papers sent put of tlio Htato or to distant post
onices mint bo nam for In advance, unles in tnon.
slblo person in fjoliirnbU county assuracs to par
tlio subscription duo on demand. 1 7
Tlio Job l'rlntlnff Department of tlio Columbian
is very complete. It contains tlio latest now lym
and machinery mid Is tn0 only onico lliat runj job
pros rs by power. KlvlnB us tlio best facilities; i
llmotcs furnished on largo Jobs. ""i
r k. wamjEh",-
omco over 1st. .National Hank. mom '
nlio In Knt's llulkllng.
J OtlN M. OIAlUf,
ill i r out Jloj er Ilros. Drug Store.
lli.ooMsnuiwi, I'A,
p V MIIitiKK,
ofilco In llrowor's bulldlng.socond No, 1
Dloomaburg, Pa,
Illoomsbtirg, 1'rt
omco corner of Contro and Main Strocts. Clark J
Can bo consulted In Ucrman.
BLOOMsnuno, Pa.
Olllco on First floor, front room of Cm.
minus UulUUnfi, Mum street, below Ex.
change Hotel.
Office- In Columbian Bcildino, Itoom No. 3, second
onico In 1st National Dank building, second lloor,
llrst door to tho left, corner of .Main and Market
strocta Dloomsburg, l'a.
tSrentiom and EouiUiu Collechd.
onico In Maize's bulldlir, over nillmeyer's grocery.
Attorney s-at-Law .
(omco front Milt of rooms onbecond lloor or
Nkws Item building.)
Members ot Sharp and Alleman's Lnwjcrsimd
Dnnker'H Directory mid tho Ameilcnn .Mercantile
nnd collection Association. 111 Kit e prompt and
careful attention to collection or claimant nny
part of tho Vnlled Mates or Canada, ns wen as to
nil other piotet&lonnl busliuta enliuMcd lo thein.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 mid 5.
-y". II. R II AWN.
Catawlssa, l'a.
omco, cornor of Third and Main streets.
Olllco in Biowcrs' Building, 2nd lloor.
map 1-tf
E. 8M1TI1,
Attorncy-atLnw, Berwick. Pa
C.n bo Consulted in Herman.
WOlllcCiflrst door below tho post odlce.
, onico In Drawer's building, snd fetory, Dooms
4 nnd 9.
JD. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon amlPhy
. slcl.iu, north side Main utroet.below Market
L. FRITZ, Attornoy-at-Law.
, In Columbian Dulldlng,
owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
alred. Ofira IIousi Dulldlng, Dloomsburg, l'a.
R. J. 0. RUTTER,
OOloe, North Maiit, street,
Dloombt-'c, l'a
R. WM.
M. RKUEIt, Burgeon and
omco corner of Hock and Market
JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and
(Physician, oilco and Itosldenco on Third
Thcso olp coitroiiATiONS aro well beaconed by
ago and wins tihtkh and havo new-r m had a
loss bottled by auy court of law. Their assets are
all Invested In solid sbTUKinks nio liable to tho
hazard of fihk only.
Losses I'Komitlv and iionestlv adjusted and
raid as soon as determined by christian r.
Tlio peoplo of Columbia county bhould patron
lzo the agency where losseslt any are bettled and
paid by unoof I her own ell lzo ns.
J, B.HLWSIiL, , .
J K"Prlll'
vrES of DVEVTsiMq
I tncli
s "
it "
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Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient ndVertlsemcnts must bp paid for Jbetoro In
serted excepi wncro pnnics raio kwhu
Iftnt advertisements two dollars per Inch for
threo Insertions, and at that rato tor additional
Insertions without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no
tices threo dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg
ular advertisements halt rates.
cards In tho "Duslness Directory" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
Bond for
of Toeti.
It. I.
Physicians' Testimony.
A. W. Drown, 11, D,, of ProTlicnco,
It. I., says! "I havo ncd Hunt's
Kldncjand Liver ItssitDT in my
practice for tho past sixteen years,
and cheerfully recommend It as
Mug a a and rttlablt remedy."
Another prominent doctor of
Providence .nys that "1 am fre
quently urged to use other prepnr..
Hon? a snbstllnles for 1 Ickt's I Kid
ney and I.licr Dcmrdt. 1 find on
trying them that lliry ore wortiilcej
In comparlcon to It."
An Old Lady.
"My mother, 70 years old, has
chronlt kidney complaint and drop
sy. Nothing has ever helped her
llko Hckt's Kidney and Liver
liEMBsr. Sho has received great
benefit from 8 bottles and wo think
It Mill euro hcr."-W. V. Sunder
land, Dulldcr, Danbury, Conn.
A .Ulnlatcr's Wife.
Dev. Anthony Alwood, of Phila
delphia, eays:-"llvirs IKIdney
Moonlight, nnd loo,nnd inagnolla tiecs;
, bare, gray houo on a lonely hill i
tlvcr below, with tlio sweep of sons!
An a'r of stlllnsss, ho strangely stl'l-
so still of troublo or btrito or stir,
heard my hentt as It beat for her.
Her lo cr nud sho and tho cj press t rcos i
And I ? A'onoby the black lagoon
A placo of ghosts and of mysterlcL -
Lake lilies upheld lo tho loveless me m i
Tlio darkness slain by tho sword of day
Anil vider tho cypress tress hidden away.
Her wondrous hair I Her eyes were as large
As torch-let deer's, that feeding In moss.
And seeing tho light In tho huntsman's barge,
Lifts up its head and comes wading across,
Wlde-ej ed and dazed, and reaches Its head
Trusting and reaching nnd so, shot dead I
'Tho cj press Is secret as Death," said I,
And Death, ho Is dearer to mo than gold."
.So tho cypress woods and tho waves hard by
Have many and many a secret to hold
or w hy did sho turn to tho wood and tho wave
And look and look as In dead love's grave?
Joaqvln Miller In the Current,
ltEMEDT has cured mr
.; .!. worn lorm.
All eay that It Is a miracle."
Oencrol Clincc.
Ocncral Chaco of Ilhoilo Island
says: "I always keep Hcnt's Kid
ney and Liver Hemeot in my
house. Taken in small doses occa
sionally at night, it prevents head
ache, and regulates tho kidneys,
stomach and other organs." 10
"Disease soon shaken, by Hunt's Remedy taken."
C . CltlTTKMOX, N. y., Gencrtl Agent,
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds,
The following shows tho Picket (Jothlc, ono of
uiuhuvi'iiu uc.iuiiiuibiyieaof tencc manufactured
l-'Or IlPallt V and lllirnhllllr llinv nro nnuimnca
ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted
iu give saiisuiciion.
Prices and specimens of other dc
signs seal to any nddresa.
May 4-tf
AdUNCY. Mover's new building, Main street,
Loomsburir. l'a.
yi:tnaInsurancoc'o.,of Haitford, conn jt.uVh.j.'O
lloynl ol Liverpool i:l,,M),(x)
Lancashlio m,(iw,0(
vim Af.MM'l.itlrm. l'hllailelnhia 4.1(15.710
l'hujiilx. of London 5,'JWi,:)7tl
l.niulnn A: I.nnp,is.lih e. nf l!ncland l.tOV-liO
Hartford ot Hartford :i,'.T3,050
(prlnglleld l'lro and Mailno S,os;,5i?0
As tho ngenctes are direct, policies aro written
for the liisuicd without delay In the onieo at
Diooimuurg. uci. oi-
ii nousi;,
11 3tyles of work dono in a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Tkktii Kxthact-
Bn wiTnoi'T I'ain by tho uso of uas, ana
free of charge w hen artlllcial teeth
aro Inserted,
nninn nvpr Kleini'a Drill Stole.
jo be open at all houri during the day
Laruo and eonventent sample rooms. Hath room
hot and cold water, and all modern convenience
A school for both sexes, separalo building ot
brick, healed uy sieain, lur mu uso ui wuu-s.
special attention paid to students whose bchool
pt ivtleges lu o been limited.
Location Exceptionally Healthful.
PER YEAR $154-
lieduced rates on 1), L. W. K. It-, heventeenth
ear lieirlns August . l'or cntuloguo or miormu.
Hon addicts
liKV. JOHN II. IIA1MMS, I'll. D.
May S'J, 3m,
for Infants and Children.
"Cutorla Is so well adapted to children that
recommend It w superior to any pruwrijitlou
known to me." If. A. Aacnan, if. p.,
Ill Bo. Oxford Bt., llrooklyn, H. Y.
CaitorLl cures Colle, Consllpnllin,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhea, LrucUitlim,
KI1U Worms, glvw fclwp, ""J pruuiutes dl-
yul injurious medication.
An nlmnlnto euro for Itliounmtlsn), Sprnins, Pain In
tho Uncle, Durns, Cnll9, &c. An Iiistantnncous Paln
rollovlu nud Healing; Komouy.
11 Y II. I..
'Ktelle, are you le.nlyt"
A little slniek of horror is tho an
swer, and m another moment bstello
Vcrries comes Hying tlo n stairs, boots
imlmuoned, neekerchict ttnlastened,
lat anil cloves in liana.
".My .mgolto -Mary, if yon scold mo
shall die I Hlamo tho chair you have
put m my room. It is positively too
seductive, i could not keep awako in
it. Suddenly I hear a great strike of
the clock; 1 jump up and hud I Iiavo
only a tiny live minutes to dress iu !
All I dear, patient -Mary, forgive the
foreigner and her aboniinablo ways !''
"iNcver mind about apologizing.
child, but buttor. your boots and put
vour nat on.
".My boots 1"
Kstelle looks down at them in dc
spair, and then (hoping on her knees
in the hall, tries lo uo llicm up with
her weak littlo fingers.
.Mary Lotlcrell pulls her up, orders
ier peremptorily into ,i hall chair, and
drawing a button hook from her own
ocket, proceeds to do up tho high for
eign boots.
1 here I rsow turn slowly round,
and let me see that you are all right.''
Kstello obeys submissively.
"I hadn't time to do my hair again,''
sho explains.
"bo I see, but as it is always rough,
that makes very littlo difference. I
suppose you must do now. Put on
your gloves; and whore's your para
sol f'
"Up stairs. I don t want it."
"Yes, you do. I'll get it for you."
l'Mello doesn't object at all, but
when Mary comes down again sho
dings both arms round her, and calls
her her best-beloved cabbage.
Tell me, Mary," sho asked, as they
walked down tho garden on their way
to Airs. (Jharleswortli s tennis party,
will that dreadful red-haired engineer
be there you know; tho man who is
so stupid and gaucho V
Suro to be, satd Alaiy dryly.
"lie's devoted to Eva Charles worth "
"Poor girl I I pity her," observed
MUo Venies, emphatically.
"Oh, you necdn t do that; sho doesn t
care a tig lor nun. mm uesuie, tno
Ireadful red-haired engineer, as you
politely call Arthur Ilivcrs, is a very
good fellow."
"I call him a beast, !" said Estolle,
with exceeding frankness.
"Now, P.stelle, said Alary sharply,
"I won't havo you pick up bad words
from mv young brothers, and I won't
havo you speak rudely ot my inends. '
'Do you like him ?" inquired her
companion, stepping iorword, so as to
get a good look at her face.
"Certainly," replied Mary, not tho
least disconcerted by tho mischievous
scrutiny of tho dark eyes.
Estello let go ot her arm and held
up uoth nanus in amazement.
You aro ninny, you p.ngusii i i ou
positively liko peoplo becau.-o they aro
"Certainly," replied Mary again.
"lint men never aro good," answered
Estelle, changing her ground.
"Oh, indeed !
"My mother says so, and sho knows.''
'Vour noor mother was unfortunate
ill her experience of theni; bnturely,
because ono Englishman was a wic!.od
msband to her, sho would not condemn
all tho rest I
Oh, that is only part oi what sho
knows, said Estclle, confidently
Sho has seen a great deal ot lite, and
sho has always taught mo never to
trust any man at all, however good
ho may seem.
.Mary was suent, not lining to say
what sho thought of such training.
Estelles Prench mother had been
forced, when hardly moro than a child,
into a marriage) with a woalthy P.nglish
man. who had treated her with neglect
nnd brutality and linaiiy deserted her
Iteleased Irom galling bonds by tho in
tcrvention of tho law, sho had immo
diatcly quilted his hated country, and
retired with littlo Estello lo a quiet
suburb of Paris, whero the child was
brought up to call herself French, and
, .1.! .1... 1.' 1!1.
10 liato uv erviiiiHH unit wuu uugiiau,
Yet. when an invitation camo from
Mrs. Cottercll for Estello to spend
wholo Summer with her atCoppcnham
tho girl s reluctanco lo go was ovorrni
ier mother, who never Jorgot
10 uottereiis, husband nnd who.
had beon tho only peoplo in England
whoso sympathy she had beon able to
accept or rely ou. So Estello ucrved
herself for a visit to her nativo country.
and onco at Copptnham, found to her
suriiriso mat sno was going to enjoy
herself. Sho found English country
lifo charmingly novel; sho particularly
liked tho admiration accorded to her
beauty and vivacity, and sho took at
onco to Mary Cottcrell, who had much
of her mother's intelligent tact am'
thoughtl uincss.
Tho two girls liaa walked on another
hundred vanls or so without speaking,
when Mary was roused from her reflec
tions bv feeling hor arm suddenly
pinched. Looking up, sho discovered
vapidly approaching them tho young
man whoso ''goodness" had been so
Ion by In
that tho
sninmarily disposed of by Estello a
low minutes proviousiy.
lie corlainly was not a beauty.
Slightly abovo tho avcrago height
dispropoit'ionulcly broad, ho not only
had no good looks to boast ot, but car
ried himself particularly badly, with a
kind of undignified shamble, his head
forwaul nnd his hands forever iu his
pockets. Estello managed to convoy
her opinion of him to Mary by a rapid
little grimaco and shrug of tho shoul
ders beloro ho came tit) to them.
"How no yon do, Mary T Now do
von do, Mademoiselle cr 1 really
forget your name."
Ho put out his ' hand to Estclle in
an unthinking way, much to her dis
pleasure, lio ought only lo havo
bowed; and how dared ho forget her
name 1 Her reluctant littlo fingers jut
touched his.
liivcrs saw now, and his lips
twitched with amusement.
'!15eg your pardon, I'm suro. I'll
only bow another time," lie said,
bluntly. "Hato shaking hands myself
u s a barbarous custom. I suppose you
aro bound, liko tno, for Charles worth'",
On her assenting he lurred and
walked beside her, without nsking
whether his company was desired or
it you wero pome, Arthur, you
would offer to cai ry my racquet and
shoes,'' observed Mary, laughing.
"You can't imagino what a bad opinion
Mademoiselle Vemcs is forming of
Ho took tho things from her, rapidly
glancing up and down Estello, who
looked betwitchingly pretty tinder her
rosc-iincu parasol.
"Quito right, too," ho returned, with
a smile. "ou see, ' Mademoiselle,
I,vo no sisteis to lick mo into shape.
Estello was not sulliciently well tn
in English slang to understand quito
what ho meant by this, but. catheriiiL'
from tho pleasantness of his smilo that
it could not havo been anything rude,
sue condescended to answer.
"I've, no sisters or brothers either,'
sho said naively.
"Ah ! I thought so."
"Why V
Uivcrs had gtusscd it JVom her man-
,. . ...
nor, which was very much that ot a
spoiled only child; but ho managed to
escape blunderingly fiom telling her
so. I5y this time they had reached
Mrs. bouthworth s lawn, and with f
short "Oh, can' t say; intuition. I sun
pose," he hastily crossed over to whero
tho fair, slender Eva Charlesworth was
standing, racquet in hand, talking to
tho Arnntage. Neither ot thcso two
particularly wanted mm, and alter a
littlo while Eva gracefully sent him
back to Estclle, who did not play ten-
nis anu wno nau ueen leu stranded on
garden chair, while tho rest of tho
guests wero occupied with tho game.
Sho felt so neglected and uncomforta
ble that it was nuito a relief when
Hivcrs camo and sat down besido her.
"Wo OUL'ht to fratornizn. " lin aniil.
drawing his chair rather forwaul eu as
to get a good view of her tace, "smco
wo neither of us play this all-engrossing
game. Aro you over in England
lor long!"
Estello allowed herself to be grad-
ally drawn into conversation, and
was getting quito interested in compar
ing notes with him about tho Hivcrs,
when an amused, approving littlo nod
and smilo from Mary brought tho color
to her face. Sho was a complcto child
iu many respects, and her voxation at
finding herself blushing was so groat
that tho tears started to her eyes.
Hivcrs wondered what on earth had
happened; but if his manners wero
abrupt, his good feeling was rarely at
iault, and he showed tact now.
"I brought home no end of memen
toes, ho continued, quietly, "and
among them somo tlowera from Mcn-
tjne roots I mean which I planted
iu tho garden hero for Mrs. Charles
worth. Would you like to seo them ?"
Estello sprang up, ready to go any
whero rather than contiuuo to sit with
her faco in full view of all tho players.
She was suro overy ono must bo looking
at her. llut in a very fow minutes,
thanks to Kivers tactics, sho was her
self again, and inwardly determined to
pav alary out.
This littlo episode had cured her of
her dishko to tho young engineer, and
before tho evening was over her feel
ings had undergoiio a further revulsion.
Sho and Mary were asked, with some
of tho other guests, to stay to tho 8
o'clock supper at .Mrs. Charlesworth's,
and later on there was a general vote
tor music. Ivitello was known to have
a beautiful voice, but sho was exceed
ugly nei vous, and could not bo pro
vailed upon to sing until Eva suggested
that she should bo supported by a vio
lin obligato.
That would rrivo mo courage, Es
tello admitted, "and 1 know tins song
for voico and violin; hut who is tho
"Oh I my fiddlo and 1 are at homo
in this drawing room," said Hivcrs,
coming up quickly ami drawing a caso
irom under a low settee.
Eslello regarded himdoubtfullv.mak
ing up her mind that sho would stop
singing at once if his playing did not
please her. She need not have, been
alarmed, lie was a thorough imiHiciaii,
and soon sho confessed to herself that
sho hud never been accompanied with
t. ! .; .! .t ti . . i
siicii lUHuucuvu Kyiupainy. tier mel
low voico gathered strength and owen
i ess as sho felt sho could rely on (-ho
response of his violin to its faintest in
ilections, nnd at tho end of tho song
their eyes met m a glanco of mulua,
understanding and admiratiou.
Hal Armitago turned to Eva Charles-
worth with a significant chuckle.
Uur good Arthur is smitten, ho
said "settled and dono for."
Eva followed tho direction of his
eyes and appraised Estclle critically.
"I hopo it may bo so," sho answered
hnppyl oh.
that sho would nover seo or speak lo
Arthur again. IIo left tho houso in
"I am so happy I so
Mary, can't you guess f"
"What a child you are, Eslello I Of
courso I can guess, nnd I'm as glad
as over I can be, dearie. Tell mo all
about it."
"I was in tho garden, and ho camo sho said, and Hivcrs oboyed, devoting
up tho path oh, I can t go on now all his energies lo getting Hal Armit-
I in
heat t s beating all over mol ' bv
said Alary mischievously. by now, heard tho nows of his Bttccess
despair, pinning his only hopo on Mary,
who promised to bring tho poor girl to
to mo for a few davc"
energies lo getting
"Lcavo her
n Just overwhelmed frantic my ago tho colonial post desired for him
ait's boating all over mol" by Eva.
"That dreadful rcd-haircd man?" Estclle, sorely ashamed of herself
id Mary mischievously. bv now. hoard tho nows of his aiimoua
"How daro you call him dreadful! from Mary, who added an explanation
Yes, yes, I know that's what I said, of tho part played by Arthur,
but then I began to liko him just a "Aro you satisfied now 1" asked tho
tiny utile, and then it went on crcs
cendo crescendo forte fortissimo I"
She waved her hands as if conduct-
latter, with tbo sternness sho found
more salutary than gentleness.
"Whv hasn't Arthur bnnn tn snntnn?"
ing an orchestra, and ended on tiptoe, asked Estolle, looking down
tossing inem mgii nuovo ner ncad. "lou went too far this time; you
ue r,.. n . i t i If,., ' J
ou, unui .in, juii ii, nu niuiiu ii man lorgei mat no nas his pride.
you uiiu iiusi, said .uary, nan jolting
ly, and not at all prepated for Hie sud
den cloud that settled on Estclle's face.
Sho did not answer at once, and then
her tono changed.
"Mary, you told mo ho was devoted
lo Eva Charlesworth."
"Oh, il'id I?'' Haul Mary, much em
Estello sprang up and dronnod on
her knees besido Mary's chair.
"i.ot mo go lo him I Mot to ins
houso I don't mean that, but some
where where I shall meet him. Oh I
my dear Mary, do this ono thing for
me, I implore you I"
i uon i inniK you ucservo anv
assed. "Well, I used to think so, thintr of tho sort." said Mnrv slmmlv.
but clearly I WP ? mistaken.'' land I10thllH liko ;i lirnmwn nnnld lin
"No, you wero not. IIo told mo extolled from her.
about it himself. IIo says a long timo It wrs therefore, of course, only a
ago ho asked her to marry him, but sho singular coincidence that tho following
wouldn t. Sho said she liked somebody day Arthur should bo walking through
else, but ho musn't bo angry with her; Coppcnham "Wood just when Mary
they must always bo friends. So ho and Estello happened to bo nutting
took it very quietly and stayed near there or rather Mary was nutting
her till I camo, aud then ho found out while Estello stood by her in Fronchp
ho only carod for her liko a brother, fied dress, and never so much as took
but for mo in quite a different wav. off her l-Iovps. It. w.m liinlfv. ton.
IIo says Bhe is very good, but I hato that when Arthur camo upon them
her. I am frightened of her; she is so Mary should bo high tip from tho
pretty and sweet and I'm such a rough, ground in a thick bush, and quito out
dignified baby !" 0f sight and hearing behind the
"Do you mean that you are going leafy screen which encompassed her
to begin by being jealous 1" asked about.
Mary quite coldly. Where wore Estello'a low spirits
"I havo told him ho must never let uow t Sho had meant to bo very hum
mo see him near her 1" declared Estello bio and penitent, but it was never any
passionately. Uso for her to decido beforehand how
Marys first impulse was to bo iudig- she would behave, and now, when sho
nant, but the memory of Estelle's train- saw tho "dreadful red-haired man" ap
ing came into her mind, and she re- nroachW lmr. tlm nln-nnm nf it u-na
solved to bt very patient and gcntlo so thnt nvi.i-vthinrr olr. wont nut.
with her. For tho moment sho dis- of her head. There was a stilo be-
missed tho subject lightly. tween them, and hastily gathering a
As to Arthur Hivcrs, ho walked field daisy, she went and stood on her
away, too full ot tho happiness Estello side of it with a faco full of childish
had conferred upon him to think seri- gayety.
oitsly of her confession of a jealous "He loves mo a little, much, more,
disposition. In tho Consciousness of not. n.t nil." slin linmn. rnni.llv wint
his singlo hearted devotion to hor, ho ing out tho potnls, and glancing mis-
thought it impossiblo but that sho must chievotisly up at her lover, "a littlo,
quickly learn to trust him. There much, most of all!" sho ended.triumph-
were other considerations that seemed nntly, expecting him to clear the stilo
to him of more importance, and cspec- in a moment and punish her with kisses
ially ho had on his mind the difiicult for her bad behavior,
letter that must bo immediately wiitten Hut Arthur did nothing of the kind,
to Madame Vcrries. Hut gradually There was not tho vestigo of a smilo
ho became aware that Estelle's distrust on his wan face, and ho looked at her
was far deeper seated than he had so nravelv thnt. n Rmliir-n fenr nml
conceived possible, and it is hard to say hcartache'took possession of her.
which of the two suffered most; Estclle,
alternating between inalousv and re
morse, or Arthur, under tho continual
necessity of behaving not only to Eva
Charlesworth. but to all women, with
ininntmnl fnrmnlitv. mill of
strating wun .!" n.,8, betrothed.
Estello honestly strove to crush tho un
worthy feelings down, but their deep
roots in her temperament and education
put iorth iresh shoots as soon as tho
old ones wero killed off. At last a
crisis arrived.
lesworth had long ago
promised to marry Hal Armitago as
soon as lie should bo able to keep a
Wife, but her parents would allow no
open engagement, as Hal was a Ilar
uin Soarum fellow,w!th a great distasto
for hard work, and correspondingly
littlo prospect of making a sufficient
income. Tho poor girl was beginning
to suffer from llto effects of long wait
ing, and to icel, though sho never
iloubtcd her lovers altcction, that ho
was not doing all ho might to forward
their marriage, when it was mentioned
before her ono day that Arthur Hivers
tad a voico m the appointment of
manager lor somo engineering works
in Now Zealand. Eva resolved to
"Arthur, forgive me," she said, tim
idly, and taking in both hers tho hand
ho had laid on tho stile.
"Am I never to bo moro than tho
plaything of your jealous caprice, Es-
"Ah, you aro cruel 1 You aro tor-
mcntirg me humbling rao 1" cried tho
girl, her cheeks naming, "xoa tlunK
I have not suffered. Aithur, for pity's
sake, do not look at mo liko that!
What could tho man do ? Did ho
not lovo this wayward child, with all
her um'ustifiablc distrust of himself,
better than anything else in tho world!
Pirst tho position ot their hands
changed, for he put out his other one,
and took both her littlo ones into his
strong grasp. Then his tono soft
"Estclle, Estclle ! how long will this
phaso last?
"1 will nover, never doubt you
again !' she exclaimed, passionately
'Never till next time," said Hivers,
a just perceptible smile. How
am I over to feel safo V
Sho would havo protested, but ho
silenced her.
"Words aro useless, my child," ho
said. "We must begin again from
''Mark Twain's" tension.
A Washington telegram is ns fol
lows! On the 2Dth of Juno General
Hlack addressed tho following letter to
Samuel Clcmcntr, a pension applicant
iMmtra, incw lork:
Qrant and the Young Sentinel.
from tho Clnclnattl j-'iqulrcr.
Uiiitain John H. Steorc, now an in-
"Heplying to your inquiry relative main of tho Soldier's Home, tolls a
to your pension claim, ceitilioalo No. good story, showing how lie, when but
207,520, it is proper to stato that so 1G years of age, mado General Grant
much therein as is based on rheitma- obey his own orders,
tism, piles nnd soro eyes was rejected Th ocourrenco took placo in tlio early
Alay 23, 188.r, on the ground that thoro singes of tho war, shortly after Grant
has beon no pensionable disability there- hnd rocciyod his commission as briga-
t ... T rtn , r,, . , . . .I?..- Inli.i Qlnn.n 1 1, n.t n lino
irom Hiiicu iiuue zu, looi. mo uaio I umi-ui,'in,-iiii. .,unu ubiv.v, ,..,
your claim therefor was filed."
Clements claim was being looked
after by Senator Hawloy, and Mrs.
Hawlcy atlonds to all her husband's
pension oflico business. Sho sent Clem
ents tho following postal card:
I am informed that your pension is
allowed, and 1 congratulate yen.
very truly,
Josnt'ii 11. IIawlhy.
per II. W. IIawi.f.v.
Elmiha, N. Y., July 8, 1885. John
0, Hlack, Esq., Commissioner Dear
Sir: I havo not applied for a pension.
I havo often wanted a pension often
ever so often, I may say but inas
much as tho only military service I
a lilllo over 10 years of age, enlisted.
The morning after young Stcoro got
his gun ho was stationccT nt General
Grant's headquarters n9 guard. It
was in November and tho day was
a cold and boisterous one. As every
pcrs in who camo near tho place seem
ed lo be an officer ho molested no one,
devuting nil his timo and attention to
keeping himself warm and comfort
able Morpheus courted him and ho
wa-i on tbo vcrgo of taking a pleasant
sno 'zo when somo ono coming down
tho stairway aroused him. hooking
up lio saw an olliecr buckling on an
eleg int sword. After passing through
the door tho othcer camo to a halt, and,
performed during tho war was in tho looking at tho guard indignantly ask-
Lonlcdcrato at my, I havo aiwavs felt ed.
a delicacy about asking you 'for it. "What aro you doing there 1' "I'm
However, sinco you havo suggested tho tho guard," replied Stcerc.
thing yourself, I feel strengthened. I "An excellent guard indeed Do
haven't any very pensionable diseases you know wnoso iieauquariers mis i mi
myself, but I can furnish a substitute sir; General Grants
a man who is just Bimply a chaos, a Tho officer looked at tho guard a
musoum ot all tho dilterent kinds ot mom-ni in siicncc, anu men munucr-
aches and pains, fractures, dislocations ed: "Stand up there, sir, and bung
ana maiiormations there aro a man your gun to a snouiner i
who would regard rheumatism, piles Young Steero did as requested, bring
and soro eyes as mere recreation and ing his gun to a Bhoulder liko a squir
rcfrcshmcnt after tho serious occttpa- rel hunter. Tho officer took tho gun
tions of his day. If -you grant mo the from him and went through tho man
pension, dear sir, please hand it to ual of arms for him. Ho remained
Gen. Hawloy, United States Senator, with him for fifteen or twenty minutes
I mean, hand him the ceitificato, not until iio taught him how to handle his
tho money, and ho will forward it to g", when ho asked,
me. You will observe by his postal "How long have you been in tho
card, which I inclose, that ho takes a servio-j 1' "bevcral days."
"lj you Know wno i ami "rso,
sir ; nover saw you before.
"I am General Grant. You have
deserted your post of duty, sir, wh'ch
is a very serious brcacli of discipline.
I will not punish you this time, bin,
young man, be very careful it does not
occur again. Orders must be strictly
obi'j ed always.
S.veral days after this young Sleere
was put on guard on a steamboat
which was being loaded with provis
ions aud ammunition, with orders to
alio no ono with a lighted pipo or a
ciga'- to come within a given distance.
He had not been at his post of duty
more than an hour when General
Grant approached with a lighted jcigar
between his teeth. IIo seemed to bo
deep in thought but, tho moment ho
camo near tho gangplank his musings
were interrupted.
"Halt!" cried tho young guard,
bringing his gun to his shoulder.
Tiiu General was taken completely
guaT.Twlftf naaTftiAncO'JeTWK .SP"im
gun, amazed and then his countenanco
show ed signs of rising anger. But ho
did nut budge an inch.
"I havo been taught'to obey orders
strictly and promptly," exclaimed
hteore, quoting the Ueuerai; "ana as
myorders aro not to allow any ono to
approach this boat with a lighted
oig:ir, you will please throw you's
Grant smiled, throw his cigar in to tho
rivi r, and crossed tho gangplank ou to
tlm boat.
friendly interest in tho matter. Ho
thinks I'vo already got tho pension,
whereas I'vo only got tho rheumatism,
but I didn't want that ; I had that be
fore. I wish it wero catching; I know
a man that I would load up with it
pretty early. Lord, but wo all feel
that way sometimes. 1 havo seen the
day when but nover mind that, you
may be busy. Just hand it to Hawlejr
tho certificate, you understand, if
not transferable.
Very truly yours,
Known to police as "Mark Twain."
Stop Urowhng.
Tho dollar is mighty ; tho Btrong
arm of man is mightier still. The ono
represents labor completed ; tho other
represents labor in progress. Both aro
of kindred origin and destiny. If each
is permitted to pcrlorm its legitimate
functions, without help or hindrance,
wrought such marvels that our capaci
ties of production appear to havo out
grown our requirements ot consurapt
ion. We aro in something liko tho
condition in which the Egyptians wero
after their seven years of plenty. Uur
granaries are overflowing ; our ware
houses aro piled full of all sorts of
merchandise; there is a greater accumu
lation of monoy than ever before, and
tho farmers, mechanics and bankers,
forlorn ot asprat and heavy of heart,
aro bemoaning tho hardships of tho
situation, and inquiring, "When will
times be better ?" Everybody remem
bers tho veritable story that has been
repeated so often about Eben Francis,
who was tho Cnesus of Boston half a
century ago. Called upon for a mod
erate subsciption, ho exclaimed, "Oh
dear 1 don't ask mo to give anything ;
I'vo had half a million a dollars lying
idle in tho bank for six weeks ; I'vo
lost tho interest on it all that time."
There aro a good many millionaires
Relics and Oures,
The relics of saints were onco used as
a cuio for nearly every disease, and tho
miraculous oures reported to havo been
pei foi incd by saints aud bishops aro
so numerous that, as Mr. Thrupp
points out, tho accounts ot them "pro
bably occunv moro than one-half the
writings of Bedo and many other of
mako an anneal lo him on behalf of the beginning," and therewith ho got lnmnntinn- Inaaoa nf n. imilmr Win.1. hut the e:ulv chroniclers." In the Church
tho mau she was ready to follow to tho over tho stile and proceeded to make tnejr je88 atHuent fellow-beings can of St Sophia, at Jerusalem there used
end of tho word, and an opportunity lovo so delightfully that when Mary nar(iv i,0 expected to regard them to be exhibited a stono upon which
mesented itself shoitlv at tlio Cotter- descended from iter perch and insisted nm,wainnntnlv. 'Plipm am vnat mul. C'nist was alleged to havo stood when
ells, where sho was spending the oven- on going homo, Estello thought and tuudea whoso toil is Bweetencd and being examined before Pilate. This
nc. caned her a horrid uore." u..l,nenaniritanrnlifrliti.nPI( livtliRknowl- stone was considered so miraculous
I ...nn tf doa. . In ..n. ... ..v.iinln I lillt .llflrif U-HJ IHA U'H PMIlTPIIT Hi. I f ,1' ! .1
X llilUI kl Dl'Ui.n. IU UU 111 UllV.klU I .'..v ...
presently, Arthur," sho said in a low tho comii
voice, a most as soon as thev had sha- to nunu uciug auuscd. rsor una siiu ,. -. - mi
ken hands. ' any fear for the ultimate stability of an(j ln090 .lcomjent upon them com- said to bo perfectly visible, which thoy
Arthur bowed with tho stiffness re- their happiness, knowing that thero
fnrtnliln fl lnrtunn 13 iifivnr iirnilifrnl I henceforth woro around their necks as
(mired of him bv Kstello. but his words was iu Estello plenty of good material, ;,, ilor n:f,u fn ihom. hut. tlinv lmvn loss a lemedv for disease. As further ln-
. ' I ....,, .1 t . 1 I ....w -w . , - j .. . . t r .., i .
wero cordial. ami mat Aiinur not, oniy uiiucrsiooa caus 0f complaint about hard times stances ot this Bpccies oi laiin-iieanng
"Whenever and wherever vou ike. her well now, nut would conquer in ti,, 11(llmi nnil tlmt i n liloas nr that wo aro told how an abbess was neaieu
Eva." the end by sheer force of lovo and pa- 0UL,i,t t0 reconcilo evcrvbodv to tho of a disease which had bailled all phy-
t..i . .1. ... , ..
in tno conservatory, men, wuuu iieuce.
her a horrid bore." whosospiritsaroli'ditened bythoknowl- stone was considered so miraculous
Mary was too well content at c(,,o thatthey arodwellingintho midst that pilgrims flocked by thousands to
nplctencss of their rcconcilation 0f abundance in which thoy can so the church to sea it, and took tho
id being abused. Nor had sho far participate as to mako themselves mea-uro of tho foot punts, which wero
Estello is singing," sho replied, indicat
ing by a nervous littlo laugh her com
prehension ot possiblo dilliculties.
boon P.stcllo was called to tho piano,
At tho end of her first song sho missed
Hivcrs, but it was not till sho finished
a second that sho discovered that Eya
hail also absented heaself. In a mo
ment her indignant jealousy surged up,
and trembling; all over with suppressed
fear and anger, she went to tho head
of tho steps which led down into tho
conservatory. Two figures werostaud
ing bolow her, half hidden by a tall
"You know I will do all I can for
you, Eva," said tho man.
"1 know you havo always been bet
tor to mo than I deserve," said the
woman, her voico hardly under control,
"You will keep my secret, now Ar
umr ' "Well, 1 asked his name and bust
"I will keep yoi-r secret and sci -o nnd ho told mo to go to Sheol, With
you, sain uivcrs, with just that strong ti,at I popped him, and you ought to
gentleness in his voico which sho havo seen him get up aud tly 1 In
thought ho had no right to uso to any leas'n half an hour I met another."
ono but her. i. no miscrablo girl
Knocking Out Burglars
Any of your detectives got on to
that new mob of burglars yet V ho
asked as ho entered tho oflico of tho
Chief of Police of Detroit.
"Well, no arrests havo yet been
"And thero won't be. Tho chaps
Iiavo got enough, 1 reckon, and it
thoy haven't left town by this timo
1 m a siuuer.
"What do you know about burg
lars r
"Seo that f lie queried, as ho held
out a hand with every knucklo skin
ned. I dont wait for burglars to
up and burglo roc; 1 try to
. i : . ;..,iin w
temporary curtailment ot tho resources si-iaus uy wearing mo yuuiu ui ui.
of tho favored few, who in their worst Culhbert. There is, too, the famous
estato havo more money than thoy can legend relating to tlio Virgin of tho
finii nnv rrnnd usn for An?, ot Steel. Pillar at Saragossa, who is related in
A New Theory As to Disembodied Spirits.
bodied spirits. His idea was
entire nervous system of a human be-
. . . . -1
ing, not uto contents oi mo cranium
alone, constituted tho mind. There
fore, tho ramifications of tho nerves,
forming iu themselves a shapo conform
ing exactly to that of tho wholo figure,
made the soul of man just liko his body
ffi't I un fur na nnnfifrnr.itinn wrm p.nneernnd.
in tho first blow, hast night I took a He believed that at death this contour
littlo walk around and met a burglar," and semblanco of tho dead body sopar
"llow do you know t" ated itsolf, and became tlio eternal
form of tlio spirit, visiblo to its fellows,
and, under some conditions, to tcrres-
tual folks. Dr. Wheden described how
tlio soul gets out of tho body. "Emerg-
Spiritualism has a now hobby. That
famous Methodist, tho Hov. Dr. D. 1).
Wheden, had, shortly before hia death,
uiu Ytu u,iui. .iw., . t on of the wood of a cross
that tllO ' 1 Ct n,.l,l nl Inmimnr.
answer to tho prayer of ono of her
worshipers, to havo restored a leg that
had been amputated. Thero is a pict
ure of tho liiiraclo in tho cathedral of
Saragossa, opposito the imago. Again
a broken arm was mended by tho
ablo cures aro said to havo been
wrought by holy wator into which
chips of oak blessed by St. Oswald, or
pieces of Bishop Earconwald's horr-o
litter had been dipped. Onco more
Mr. Thrupp mentions how tho hair of
a saint's beard dipped in holy water
and taken inwardly was constantly
prt'soibed as a powerful remedy for
lever, whilo blindness was said to iiavo
been frequently cured by rubbing tho
eyes with relics. Hallam. it may bo
remembered, denounced in no measur
ed terms theso pretended miracles of
the church which ho explains as "the
For a week or two Eslello went
about iu a frame of mind which is apt
to upset tlio calmest natures, and,
which iu a girl of her oxoitablo tem
perament, took tho shapo of oxtremo
fitful alternations between turbulent
gaiety and tearful depression, Sho
would havo A-orked herself into icvor
had it not been for tho sincere good
sonso nnd tinohtrusivo sympathy of
quiet Mary Cottcrell, who understood
her visitor well.
Then ono day she darted into tho
house, dragged Mary to her room, nnd
thevo burst out crying and laughing
blenched her hands and teeth iu tho of-
fifrt to ret; trail i herself, conscious of tho
iin'iitness of making a scene, but self
control was not to bo learned !n a mo
moult and passion asserted itsolf,
"Arthur," sho said, in a low and
ohokirig voice, and stopping down to
ward 'him, "you aro a traitor you
"Row did you indentify him V
"I took him hy tlio collar and told
him that his jig was up, nnd his con
tusiou gavo mm away, with that
I popped him, and you ought to havo
seen him tako tho grass I The third
ono I met at about 11 o'clock
"What I Another t"
"You bell IIo was walking along
1 II 1 . ... 1 . j. lilt- Ulllllt:!! W HlliU liu VAI'lUliia o i.ti.
ing upward, he says "tho s ri k f llelibcrat0 iini,0sture." Every
awakes into tho pure eil er-a blessed 0BlllC(Irnl and mona9lclv had its tutelar
atmosphere. 'I Ins paradisiac ether is ...,..., !.,, i,i r0i;
:.., ... oi.. t.; in,i ft,i.
from tho divine essence, "' ' ' L" ? l. Z
havo deceived mo you " sho as soflly as you ploase, and 1 dodges
pntil.l I,of".llv annuls nn,l iiaii, aim mil I ! 1.!... , T.
"v "i " D" i'" i in ou uiiu mill says i;
ouu uniiuiu nei iiuuti, tvnuu mu oilier
extended, forbado his approach. So
sho stood for a moment, then her fig
ure Bwayedsho missed her footing
and ho only caught tho words, "Ah?
you havo killed mo I" boforo sho fell
at ills feet, sobbing, crying, raving,
Hinging horatlf about iu violent hys
terics, liko one possessed.
"Eva, shooAced boyond measure,
called Mary fJotterell to her aid. and
with as littlo, fuss as possiblo, they got
Estello up flairs, where sho continued
all uig,U iu a stato of half-delirious
m' very aud rago. Tho only thing sho
A'fts distinct and poralstont about was
an cllluenco from tho
1 .1. . !...., 1 l.-.l !
uiiu t .., cmmiuimn.-u uu, u.uuw, ,.,., , , . .,roleclion by exaggerating
lives m its own gonial aud native olp. .. w, vlr nmf conBGb.
ment. Paradise i Urns pervades . our )' Lnenilv hi. Vowcr of serving those
auovo ana arouiia us, anu in aeam mu , . , ,., . . .,atron0 v
spirit enters thereinto , through a hl '"45'.;",?
vpi I In mtimntpil Hint niinnrilinns I . R . ... ... ...
,. ; :r ';'.i I miraculous taitn cures associated witn
are g. mpses i oi o uc.ugs oi tins M Lon, ftml Ul0 ga5nl9 whloh 8tm CK.
JV UUL USUM1IV IUV1D1UIU nuilU, 1U1I I. . ... ,. .
r. i ii j-",, i , I . . . . . x.. . .. . I laL 111 Uur Dwll CUUIILIV 11111V UU IllUIlt
apoueii, oiu lenow, ami you ro my tin resurrected uoav oi vjhrtsi. no .," ' :. '' ...i
meat !" 8avs. "walked through tho solid wall of 01 m . luu. T1" "
"Ho yells for tho police, but I'm up tho house, and first revealed itself to
to aH thcso dodlfCS. With that I POP- His iliacinles at tbo table." IIo callod
... . I 1 ' . : . i nn flip nprann la I
ped liuu, and 1 lelt Him crawling theso beings angeloids, and argued thoy '
around on tho grass. Say, I want to lcavo bwhmd thein, in thn discarded V!lmo akaum m
bo a delccuvo. I coipse, tho baser attubutes. Tho per-
lio was told that tho matter would tinenov of Whedeu's theory to modern
bo considered; and within tlio noxt spiritualism lies in tho harmony witli
hour threo oinmont citizens, having nn tho alleged phenomena of inateriallza
eminent black eye, called nt tho oflico I tion. It has beon seized upon by sov
aud each story Dogan wilb, oral of tho professional mediums, and
is i was uuout to outer my gato m boiiio ot tno seancex, tonus in bciu-
Edessa, a copy of which when worn
on tho person is considered a preser-
Au English cutler now makes what
ho calls a fisherman's knife, which
weighs loss than a pound, and is car
ried at tlio belt, vet contains a gaff,
weing fccaie up to twenty
scissors, wclng tcalc up to
pounds, largo and small blade, a screw
last night a desporalo sooundrel rushed I bianco comporting with tho conditions I driver and tlio, a tin oponer, n cork
upon mo and dealt mo a stunning of augoloiils. havo been bIiowh to as- screw, a gimlet, an eighth-inch meaeur-
blow." ltonishcd disciples. Ier, tweezers, and pricker.