The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 31, 1885, Image 2
The Columbian. "on 0. E. Ehrdll, 1 r ji,.., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Fill DAY, JULY, 31, 1885. l'rlnco Henry of Ualtonburg, tho forlunalo young German who has just married Beatrice, Queen Victoria's youngest daughter, has hitherto been very poor,lu9 military pay amounting to S tOO a year and his'patornnl allowanco being only 250. Thcro is much dissatisfaction at tho selection of Kiversldo Park as tho burial placo of 'General Grant. Tho prevail ing publio sentiment is that the nation's hero Bhould bo buried at tho national capitol, aad this sentiment is undoubt edly correct. Tho gravo of tho soldior and cx-prcsldent should not bo used as an attraction in a publio park. Tho only material chances inado in tho Rules of Nomination by tho report of tho committee which was adoptod by tho Democratic convention last Tuesday aro these: Tho cumulative system of voting is abolished, and only one vote can bo given to each delegate Tho dolcgato election will bo held on Monday instead of Saturday. Both changes aro good ones. Tho first simplifies tho manner of voting, and tho second will provont a good deal of Sunday work in endeavor? to manipulate; delegates. Thero is every reason to beliovo that tho nomination of Samuel Smith for tho office of sheriff on Tuesday last was fair and honest in every respect. His nomination camo as a natural result of a determination on tho part of a majority of tho party to put a stop to questionable means of securing office. Tho canvass of all tho candidates so far as wo know, was properly nnd lawfully conducted, but thoro was a strong sus picion that a combination existed bo tween two of tho candidates, and that that combination was manipulated by tho samo element and directed by tho samo head that undertook to lead a re volt in tho democratic ranks last fall. Tho suspicion may havo been unjust, and unfounded. However that may be, it had tho effect to wnilo those who aro opposed to anything that smacks of ring rule, upon tho strongest of tho two candidates who wcro known t- be outsido of tho influcnco of any combi nation, and Mr. Smith's nomination followed as a natural sequence. Thero may bo a lesson in this worth remem bering. The Rejntblican of last week says : Tho laboring men who aro working for from ninety cents to n dollar a ilay hi this community nnil board themselves, begin to cnqulro ot each other, about when tho good times promised uudcr a democratic administration will set in. These assur ances were so po9itlyo that many voters wcro misled and cast their vote for a change. Nono for tho better is apparent but every day makes tho depression still worse. Business In Bloomsburg Is more depressed than It lias been for twenty-flvo years. Thcro Is less being dono and wo need not be surprised that there is illscon. tent apparent. The change has noi brought tbc promised improvement, and from alt indications the prospects are far irom ungut. Tho Democratic party never mado I tho assertion that if it wero placed in i lower it would bring about good times, t did say that tho Republican party had mado such promises repeatedly and failed to keep them, and asked tho country to try a chango and Bcojwhethcr it would make any differen ce in business. Tho republican party lias always claimed to bo the only party that could tun this nation ; its great battlo cry lias always been that it alono could bring prosperity to tho people, and that if tho Dem ocratic party camo into power that all furnaces would be closed, and a gener nl panic result. Tho Democratic party claimed that business cannot be control led by thj administration, and that prosperity depends upon tho laws of supply ana demand. Tho Republican forgets that within fivo years tho men employed by republi can manufacturers of a highly protected industry wcro paid only 08 cents a day in tins town and that it has been a long lime since laboring men received moro than a dollar a day, under any republican administration. Our con temporary makes a statement that will not bear investigation, when ho says that business is moro depressed than it has been for twenty-live years. It is no duller now than it has been for three year! ;it is not nearly so dull as it was in 1H77, when a republican occu pied tho White IIouso ; it is no duller than in 1880 when tho organs nnd tho orators of tho G. O. P. predicted a gen eral smash if Hancock should bo elect ed, and promised great prosperity in caso of Garfield's biicccss. Well, Gar field was elected, aud most of his term was filled by Arthur, and for four years thcro was no improvement. Then tho peoplo said "wo havo had enough of these falso promises. Let us try a change." And ho tlio chango was made, and lo and behold, boforo tho now administration is fivo months old our contemporary wants to know why it does not causo a sudden revival of bujincs.", why wages aro not higher, and inonoy moro plentiful. If they aro right that an administration con trols tho business of tho country, still thoy ought not lo expect that a Demo cratic President can do in a few months what successive republican Presidents filled lo do in so many years. Wo havo no doubt that thero is dis content at tho low wages paid laboring men. It would ho strange if thero wero not, for it is almost impossible for a laborer to keep a family on what ho gets for his work, but it is nothing now. It is tho samo complaint that ho has inado for many many year?, even when ho was induced to voto tho repub lican ticket under promises of bettor times. Tho promises w"ero nover re deemed, the bolter limes never came. And now our neighbor would make it appear that tho Democracy made tho name old promises Inst fall, that tho Ki pUlillcaii pany nat liven uu wr un lit n years. But tho charge is alto gelher loo attenuated and cannot bu ......I I I .,..i:.l.,..i:ll., I, MlflllllllUll. -WVIIMI4CIIII1.IIJ- liununi) we fuir tho Republican would bo very much disappointed if thcro should bo n revival of business during this ad ministration. By its gloomy predict ions it is only following tho lead of tho bigcer organs, and their hopo U tlint the revival of toiifidcnco can bo nvcrtfd until tho next Presidential i liviion, when thoy will raise iho samo i ld war ciy, and attempt to deceive tho laboilnij man uy tuo repuiuon of promises which they havo uovcr kr t. Gen. Fill Hugh Leo has been lioint natetl for governor of Virginia, by tho Democrats. Baibicro ought nover lo havo boon appointed, for ho is an unropont ant robcl. His appointment by Gen. Davis as assistant Pension ngont, was a blunder, and his obstlnato retention is tin insult to all Union soldiors nnd an injury to tho Dcinocratio party. It has finally boon decided that Gen. Grant will bo buried in Hlvcrsido Park, Now York. Tho surroundings of this park aro so lovely that it Islieliovcd it will ulti mately becomo tho most aristocratic residenco region of Now York. Tho ground rises to a bold bluff nbovo tho Hudson river nnd tho views from tho rivor drivo-way aro very charming, giving glimpses of tho uiululating,trco covorcd park, tho Bhlning sketches of tho river dimpled into innumerable wavelets and tho Wcchawkcn heights opposite. Tho drives of Klversido begin at Seventy-second nnd extend three miles to Ono Hundred and Twenty-ninth street. Thcro aro several of theso drives curving gracefully along tho banks of tho Hudson, in soino places throo hundred feet abovo tho water. Tho bank slopes gradually to tho shore and the intervening space be tween tho drives and tho river is filled with groves of tall trees. Llttlo has yet been dono to improve this park, which in its primilivo.stato is a favorito resort for picnic parties and promenades of peoplo living in tho western portion ot tho city. Tho drives nro broad, level and macadamized so as to bo smooth as a iloor. A heavy stono parapet runs along tho brink of tho hill, with recesses for scats, pas sages and steps down into tho groves along tho river bank. Workmen aro now engaged inthoimprovementof the park. At tho Seventy-second street entranco is a handsorao bronzo statuo of Washington, which was subscribed for largely by tho publio school child ren of Now York and was uuvciled by thera last year on tho Fourth of July. Tho hills continno to riso in an ea9y grade to Ono Hundred nnd Twonly lifth street, and on Ono Hundred and Twenty-ninth street a deep cut sepa rates them from tho range known as Washington Heights, on tho northern end of Mauhattan Island. Sir Moses Montefiore Dead. London, July 28. Sir Moses Mon tcfioro is dead. Sir Moses was, perhaps, tho best known Jow in tho world, not excepting tho Rothschilds, with whom ho wa3 united with his wife. Ho was born at Leghorn, Italv, on the 24th of Octo ber, 1781, and was thercforo over a hundred years old. Ho roccivcd a commercial education and began lifo in tho Stock Exchanges. His first trip to tho Holy Land was in 1827. Ho was an eminent philanthropist whoso life and fortune have been devoted to tho upholding and protection of tho Jews in all parts of tho world, and es pecially in Palestine, to which ho mado many pilgrimages and where much of his fortuno was expended. Ho was mado a Baronet by Queen Victoria and Sir Robert Peel Tho centennial anni versary of his birth was celebrated in almost every country on tho globe. He Stands to His Guns. Tho President is showing that ho can tako a position and stick to it in moro ways than one. 1 ho disappointed office-seekers who desired to tear his before-clection civil servico promises to taticrs in order to furnish them places have been aware for some tirao that ho is a very stubborn man who stands by his utterances. Now it is the cattle men who havo been pasturing their herds on Indian lands who aro learning that ho means what ho says. They havo been to Washington to complain that forty days is too short a time in which to move their herds, and ask an extension. The President has declined to extend tho time, and tho cow-boys and their employers will Bpend what is left of tho forty days in trying to obey tho order. It is refreshing to realize that for onco an executive order means what it says. It may bo a great inconvenienco to office-seekers and cattlo ranchers to havo a man in tho White Houso who uses plain English and then stands up to his utterances like a man. But tho peoplo who havo no axes to grind will relish this sort of plain dealing, and after tho soman and clamorous crow who beliovo in making promises to tho ear to bo broken to tho hope, havo got tired of lashing themselves into a iury over their disappointment it will be found that the publio service of tho country is being performed moro effic iently than ever before. Aa this is what tho peoplo want thoy will havo increased respect lor tho man who can mako a pronuso or isetio a proclamation then buck to it. J tines. The Governor's Proclamation. ASKINO TIIK PKOl'I.l! TO HUSI'KND I1USI Nl'.SS AND OIISKltVK TIIK FUNKItAI. "- ,1AV. Tho Governor has issued Iho follow- inu' proclamation. "To tho people of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania : I havo learned with nrofound recrret of tho death of tho illustrious soldier and ex- President, Ulysses S. Grant. Union? inu from tho iiuiet-walks of n citixen lifo nl a critical period in tho history of our country, ho rapidly attained tho hiKlioHt renown in her military service, and on tho return of pcaeu was twloo called to occupy tho chair ot htate. ISritliant anil surccasiul hi war, mag nanimous and conservative in Htatenian ship, distinguished at homo and abroad ior ins pursouui virtues in iirivmu mi-, ho tilled tho measure l a uselul, lion ornblo aud patriotio caieer and has bequeathed K his fellow-citizens ami postciity a name that forever will bo revered. "Now therefore, in view of tho sail event which has filled tho nation with deep sorrow nnd as a fitting mark of respect to tho memory of tho eminent man who in tho providence of God, after a painful and patiout strugglo with disease and death, has closed his martial life, I do direct that tho Hags on tho public buildings of tho .State bo placed at half mast until sundown on iho day of his burial and that on that day the ordinary business ot the sev eral departments of tho Stato Govern ment bo suspended, and I recommend to the peoplo ot' the Commonwealth that during tho funeral obsequies on that day they do generally observo tho great solemnity of those hours by tho suspension of business, iliu lolling of bells nnd such other maiks ot lo aned for tho distinguished dead ts to them may be deemed appropriate. 'ltobcit E. PatlHon." THE COLUMBIAN AND Bettor Prospcots Thoro is cood nuthority for tho statemont that thcro Is a larger num ber of workmen employed now than thero was a year ago, nnd at somownat bottor wages. Thero Is an improve ment in that respect, of not very de cided nppearanco as yet, but still enough lo mark tho beginning ot a better con- lition of business, iho tears ot a very great shortago in important items bf agricultural production, which nt tho beginning of the season caused consid erable uneasiness, aro not going to bo realized lo tho extent that was appre hended. The feeling of despondency in regard to tho harvest has in n groat measure disappeared as tho crops liavo approached maturity and given evidence that tho damages ot a sovcro winter and a lato spring havo been to n great extent repaired by tavorablo conditions later on in tho season. Tho whoat crop is Rolno to bo larger than tho croakers wcro willing to allow, nnd it will bo found that much that has been lost In quantity will bo mado up by tho superior quality of tho produo lion. Tho other cereals aro satisfactory both in yield and quality. Tho tcxtilo production will bo moro than ordinarily abundant ami good. With evidences of a rovival of business both in manu factures and trade, and a reasonably fair crop with which to feed tho people, with somo lo soil lo toreicn customers, tho prospects of belter times ahead have a good deal in tlieni that is en couraging. MX, The Bum of Roaoh. It is tho opinion of n number of good republican organs that John i I .1- 1 I 1 1 jvoacu, uiu snip-uuuucr, nas ueen "hounded" to his ruin by tho Democra lie Administration, and it is tho opin ion of Mr. Sccor Robeson that tho great ship-builder was. destroyed by "tho Jjrco Traders and tho Inntl re visers." though why theso malevolent enemies of American industry spared those other great ship builders, Cramp tSs Son and Harlan & Hollingsworth, is not mado plain. Mr. Robeson in an interview with a reporter of tho Bos ton Journal, says that during his term in tho Navy Department Mr. Roach considering his facilities, "did not havo his sharo of tho work contracted for," and adds: "In theso eight years Mr. Roach built moro than ono hundred iron ships, not moro than fivo ot which woro for tho United States; in fact, but a small pcrccntngo of his work has over been for tho Govcrment.'' The New York Tribune tells us that Mr. Roach failuro is "tho compulsory with drawal from business of a great firm that has built 114 iron steamships alone and delivered tho nation from tho reproach of having no commercial marino and of surrendering to foreign ers tho coasting and South American trade." Let us sco about this. For fully fif teen years under Republican Adminis-, tration Mr. Roach ruled Cabinets and Congresses. Secretaries of tho Navy wero his counsellors and sido partners. Tho Tariff and tho Navigation Laws wcro made in his interest. ivory bill ho ever presented to tho Government until now was paid without dispute. Contracts taken at low prices wero changed so as lo afford him largo pro fits. Repairing jobs opened tho mon oy-bags of the treasury to him and en abled mm to retain a mngmhecut lobby inoanwhilo ho was building '.ho finest of merchant ships that over fur rowed tho oceans. His shipyards re sounded with tho hum of prosperity. Ho ought to havo mado enough money to withstand a month or two's perse cution at tho hands of a Democratic Administration. And what are tho plain facts about theso "disastrous" contracts for tho Dolphin and tho steel cruisers t Mr. Roach has been paid every dollar of tho Dolphin contract of 8315,000 ex cept S15.000 to S20.000. Tho con tracts for thrco cruisers and the dis patch boat aggregato $2,-M0,000, and although tho boats aro not nearly finish ed Mr. Chandler before ho went out of ollico had paid moro than 2,000,000 to the contractor and thero is less than S500,000 owing to him on tho whole business. Out upon such glaring fraud and falsehood as tho shallow pretenso that tho refusal of Secretary Whitney to allow the Government to bo robbed has bankrupted tho contractor 1 Is it not tho boost of Mr. Roach's friends, that he has made enough money to pay every dollar of his liabilities and havo a surplus over, rather a proof that his bankruptcy is a sham and that his assignment is intended to defraud the Government out of tho moneys Sea- retarv Chandler has helped to got out of tho Treasury t And if Roach is a failure after all that has been dono for him, what is tho uso trying to ('protect" anybody else T bimply for National honor 7 world. How to Keep Oool. Don't work as hard as usual during tho middle of the day if it can bo es caped. JJon t cat as much as usual, ft is not necessary, and a littlo fasting in hot weather always pays. Don't drink extremely cold ico water. It is always bettor to eat tho ice or let it melt in tho mouth. Don't havo any fires going in tho houso unless absolutely necessary, Uso cold foods and do without hot drinks. Don't wear your clothes tight. It impedes the already depressed circula tion nnd is a great source of comfort. Don't eat any meat or butter, if you can do without thorn. Thoy aro heat ing cnd anyone is belter without thom this weather. Don't fail nt-meals to give prefer euco to iruits and a nils, which aro nmro ngrecablo now to tho stomach than mi thing else that can bo offer ed. Don't diink any strong stimulant, ns tho simplest anil plainest beverages, such as lemonade, milk or iced coffee, do moro for tho tired energies nt sue) n timo than tho best brandy. Don't wcrry and fret. Try and put olt tho unpleasant things with which you havo to deal until cooler weather, aud mako up your mind not to get mad at anything during July and August. Don't neglect your feet. Batho them night and morning, pay moro atten tion than usual to corns and wear tho oldest and roomiest shoes you have. No ono can keep cool with tight shoes on their feet. Do not miss any opportunity that is offered to batho or go in tho water. If nothing elsooan bo dono dip tho hands inn basin ot water and rub them all over Iho person on niieingnnd boforo retiring. Don't wear a stiff hat. Compromise on somothing light or soft straw, if possible and ventilated to lot outtho air. Frequent shampooing and wet ting tho top of tho head is ono effective means of keeping cool. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Is the Will a forgery ? Till! CONTEST FOH,AH,lNSimANCE roi.iov i.eAds to a i.itkution. I ft ,,, t t , . , ... f t, .1 . Alio will ui iU'CKWiiii o. uruuKtviiy, of Salem township, Lur.erno county, was probated in 18G8, and no caveat ucing uieu at mat nine, rvegisiur cj. it. Boyd Tuesday Issued n citation, return nblo on the 'tlh of August next nt 10 o'clock a. in., when a re-hcnrlng will bo had nnd, it is said, evidence will be adduced to show that tho alleged will was a forgery and a fraud. In tho nllegcd will Daniel F. Soybert is named as tho exesutor and a bequest of twenty thousand dollars, n polloy Is sued on tho life of tho deceased by tho Aetna Insurance Co., and a policy of 310,000 issued by tho Mutual Insurance Company of Connecticut, giyen him by tho deceased in Iho pretended will. Charles B. Brockway and Frank Brockwny, Bons of tho decoased, arc contesting theso claims. They aro represented by Senator Hughes, of Philadelphia. Tho hearing will, no doubt, dcvclopo somo very interesting facts. Tho children of tho deceased express themselves as confident of be ing able to prove that tho alleged will is a forgery. ctes-JJealer. Very Near Death Before. AUTllOItlTATlVK SKKTC1I OK SCIINTS ONB NIOIIT IN .MAltOH WIII'.N SUITOSI'.D DYINO. During tho latter part of March Gen eral Grant's life hung by a thread and tho whole country nvaitcd with feel ings of Iho greatest apprehension tho news of each day. Tlio doctors had now becomo convinced that the disease wos cancer of tho tongue solely and that all they could do was to caso tlio General until his inevitable death. They remained in tho houso Jay and night. At times tho General beoamo very much alarmed and gave up all hope. On that eventful evening when he was expected to dio at any moment tlio forms of all newspapers wero held n readiness lo issuo a special edition. There wcro in tho houso Doctors Shrady and Douglas. Dr. Shrady had staid up tho previous night alono and was completely worn out. JJr. Doug las, too, being an old man, was very tired. Tho family wero up all night and witli them wero Dr. Newman and General Badeau. General Grant was very low all night and in tho early morning had an alarming hemorrhage. Tho family wero gathered around him, every member crying. Tlio General reclined in ono chair, with his pillow behind him nnd rested his feet on another chair. Dr. Shrady was sleep ing in another room. In rushed Dr. Douglas and roused him with the words, "It's all ever." "What 1" said Shiady, "do you moan to say that tho man is dead!" "Noj not dead, but ho will bo in a few minutes. Nothing can savo him." JJr. ohrnuy lumped up and ran into tho room where tho General was. Mrs. Grant, weeping, reached out her hand and said : "Ulysses, do you know mo ?'' Tho General's chin was resting upon his breast. Ho slowly raised his head and said "'es.'' Dr. Newman exclaimed : "It is all or ; I will baptizo him." Ho went quickly into another room, got a silver bowl, filled with water, camo back, dipped his hand into it and said : "I baptize thee, Ulysses Simpson Grant, in tho name ot the father, bon and Holy Ghost- The ucncrnl slowly raised his hoad and remarked, "I thank you' Then turning to his family he raised one hand and uttered tho words, "I bless vou all." To Doctor Newman ho observed : "Doctor, I intended to nttend to this myself. Meanwhile Urs. bhrady and Douglas wero consulting with each other in Iho corner. The strain was intense. Dr. Douglas said : "Ho will dio sure. Ho has gono ; tho pulso has left tho wrist." Dr. Shrady, as if struck by inspira tion, replied : "I will civo him bran dy." "l on cannot do it ; ho cannot swal low," said Dr. Douglas. 'I will givo it to him hypodermical ly," answered Dr. Shrady. "How much 1" asked Dr. Douglas. "A barrclful if necessary," retorted Dr. Shrady. Dr. Shrady rushed into another room. "Harrison," said ho to tho man-servant, "havo you any bran dy V Harrison answered "Yes," and handed him some. Dr. Shrady rushed back and gavo Grant a syringcful in cacli arm. Tho General revived, tlio pulso returned to his wrist and his lifo was saved. Dr. Newman walked into an adjoin ing room with Dr. Shrady and askod : "Doctor, how is ho t" "I don't think ho will die," said tho dijetor. "Our prayers havo been answered," said Dr. Newman. "I think it was tho brandy," respond ed Dr. Shrady. Tho General rallied for a few days and there was no other severe attack until tho night when the spells of choking camo on. Then ho was con vinced that ho would soon die. Ho went about the room on his hands and knees and coughed with groat effort. "I am choking to death,'' ho said, in a foeblo voice. "Bo quiet, bo quiet, you won't," said Shrady , "it will bo over in a mo ment." Drs. Shrady and Douglas passed up and down tho room, looked at tho re porters on the sidewalk in front of tho house smoking their cigars and swing ing their caues and wished very much to chango position wilh them. Sinco that timo tho General's system am' ap petite had grown much better, ft was no longer necessary to givo liim mor phia to iiiduco lest. During his se verest attacks the physicians would 'al most beg of him not to tako any, but ho insisted and it was given him in small quantities only. Gen. Grant's Death. TDK CI.OSINIl SCKNKti. After n slrugglo of nine months against an iiiourablo disease, Gen. Grant breathed his last on Thursday morning July 2a. Ho had been rapid ly failing for two days. After their long vigil, on Thursday morning with tho coming of light tho doctors urged tho family so strongly to tako bomo rest, Idling them that they would bo called in caso of a crisis, that Ihoy ro lucllautly complied. Dr. Sands had gono to tho hotel at 8 o'clock tho evo ning before, nnd took no sharo In tho vigil. Drs. Shrady and Douglass wero left on tho watch, with tho assis tance of Henry, tho nurso. At about 5 o'clock Dr. Douglass walked up to tho lawn in front of Iho hotel and Btood for a few moments admliing tho beaut! I n I sunrise that was bringing out in sharp relief the peaks and should ers of tho distant oasteru hills, Ho J soon joined Dr. Shiady again. Dr. Nowman camq tip to tho hotel also rtbout hnlf an hour after, and remained ten or fifteen minutes. Ho said tho General Was dying by inches just as Dr. Douglass had said a fow minutes before. Dr. Newman then returned nnd paced slowly up and down beforo tho cotlngo for half an hour, while Drs. Douglass aud Shrady sat on the veranda. Henry was in tho sick room, never taking his oyes off tho dying man. Occasionly ho applied to the Gcnoral's lips a cambrio wet with cool water, as ho had dono at intervals dur ing tlio night. Tho lips moved in re sponse to the touch, but it was only mechanical. All during tho night also tho doctors had given tho General hypodermic in jections of brandy ns often ns requlr cd lo stimulate tho hearts action. Sometimes the intervals between the iiinctious weio not longer than fivo minutes, and sometimes thoy woro an hour. This was kept up from 7 o'clock Wednesday evening until shortly bo foro tho death. About 0J- in tho morning Dr. Now man asked Dr. Shrndy if thoy should not go up to tho hotel to breakfast to gether. Dr Shrady said ho thought it was unsafo to leave tho Uoncral and Dr. Newman went up alone. Tho doctors wore seated on tho porch at 7:45 whon Henry tho nurse camo nut and summoned them to tho bedsido of Iho dying man. All tho family wcro in tho room at the time, excepting tho grandchildren, U. S. Grant and Nellie Grant, who wcro asleep in the nursery. Mrs. Grant was by tho Gen eral's side, looking into his fnee. Mrs. Sartoiis was immediately behind her mother, looking over her shoulder. Col. Frod Grant was at tho hoad of tho bed. On tho opposite h'kIo of tho bed from his mother and directly boforo her stood Jesso Grant and U. S. Grant Jr., and near tho corner of tho cot on tho samo side as Jesso aud near to each was Mr. N. E. Dawson, tho General's confidential secretary. At the foot of tho bed and gazing directly down into the uenerals lace wcro Mvs. Krcd Grant, Mrs. U. S. Grant Jr., and Mrs. Jesso Grant, while somewhat removed from tho family circle wero Henry tho nurse, Harrison Tyrrel tho General's body servant. Dr. Newman had gono to tho hotel, and was not present. Mrs. Giant controlled herself remark ably. 1 ho doctors noted that already tho purplish tinge which is a signal of fin al dissolution had settled beneath tho patient's linger nails. Tho hand that Dr. Douglass luted was growing cold. iho pulse had tlultered beyond tho point where tho physician could dis tinguish it from the pulse beats In his own finger tips. Tho respiration was very rapid, but so weak that its pain ful sound was gone, and it was scarce ly audiblo at all. Mrs. lirant almost constantly strok ed the face, forehead and hands of the dying General, and at limes pressed botli his hands, and, leaning over, kissed his face. Tims twenty minutes or so passed, tho General lying with his oyes closed. Mrs. Sartoiis eagerly sought to ho recognized by her dying father. At last ho opened his eyes and Ihcy met those of his daughter. IIcis was the last face ho Haw. In a moment moro the tenso and weary lcok went out of his race, his eyes closed, and with ono faint breath his lifo left him. The watchers waited for another breath in a Hilenco so complete that the singing of the birds outsido tho cottage sound ed loud and clear. The doctors in a low voice annouueed that tho end had come, and they withdrew. Tho nurso closed down the dead man's eyelids, and tho family (.'roup pressed lo the bedside, and ono after the other, touched their lips upon tho quiet face. a i'ainu:ss ii:tii. Tho General's death, as his physi cians predicted it would be, was duo to sheer exhaustion. Dr. Shrndy said somo weeks ago that there would come a time, how Boon ho could not tell, when tho General would bo unable longer to tako nouri-ihment, and that then the end would be near. 1 to reach ed that point on Tuesday, and from that time went steadily down hill wilh no hopo of saving him. Tlio littlo strength on which ho lingered so many hours was duo to the consumption of his own tissues, with no possijijlity of.1 replenishing them. When ho'dicd ho' weighed much less than 100 pounds a mero skeleton, in his conscious moments in this last relapso he know that death was near at hand, but ho did not fear it in tho least. IIo had not, in fact, from the first shown any dread of death, his only apprehension having boon that the end would bo ac companied by extremo pain, ilia doc tors assured him that ho should not Buffer, and they took such measures that ho did not. His dissolution was absolutely painless. From midnight until tho moment of his death ho never made n motion, except in opening his oyes auu now uuu men luuiiiy Burring his lips when a wet cloth was applied to them. Tlio body was embalmed, and will remain nt Mt, McGregor until August 1th when thoy will bo taken to Albany whero thev will no ni.siato until Mon day August 5th. They will bu taken to .New lork where thoy will lio stato in tho OUy Hall until tho 8th and will then bo buried in Rivcrsido Park, with National honors General llan cock will havo command of tho mili tary display. Democratic County Convention. Th'i Democratic County Convention was called to order In tlio Opera House by Da vid Lowcnberg, chairman of the county comiiilltcf, at 11 o'clock a. in., on Tuesday morning. C. O. Murphy was elected chair man, and F. 1'. Hillmcycr, Heading Cleric On taking the chulr Mr. Murphy thanked tho convention for the honor, and express cd tho hope that the deliberations would bo harmonious, and that tlio nominees would recelvo tlio undivided support of tho Democracy of Columbia county. 8. W, Mclfcnry of Jackson and J. B. Mnnii of Centre wcro elected secretaries. The list of townships was called ami tho creden tints presented. Following Is tho LIST OV Dl&LKOATES. Ukavkii, Charles Bhiiman, Charlcs'Mich ael, W. A. Drtcsbach. IIkktox, Ell McHcnry, O. W. Knouse, Charles Kase. Hkuwiok, W., Ell llrcdbcniler, O. A, Carey. Ukuwicic, E., Hiram Whltiuoycr, Free, man Siller. H1.00M, C. B. liohblns, Grant Herring, John Kelly, (Jeo. M, Lockard. Bloom, W., William llhodomoycr, I) 11. ColTman. BitiAUCitKKk-, A. It. Adlcman,Wm. S. Ash. Oatawissa, Henry 1'fahler, Alleu Barmlt, Bamuel Fegley, Ckxtualia, James QuIglcy.C. U, Murphy, Ckntiie, Allen Shclhamcr, Frank Hagcn' btich, J, B. Maun, Co.nvnuium, N., John l'addeu, John Monahan, ( Oonvnoiiam, B., Daniel Clcrity, John Mctzlnacr. Fisiiikooiirek, Bllns Mcllcnry, N. W. Hess, W. B. I'cnnlngton, William Kreamor, Frakkms, It. 8. Jlcllcnry, J. T. llcedcr. Greenwood, O. W, Derr, Uycr Allen, llKMi.ocK,l'crclval Foulk,Chas. Hartman. Jackson, Calvin l)crr,Sllns W, McHcnry. LocesT, Daniel Morris, Alex. Earnest, Christian Small, 0. W. Ycagcr. Madison, John Krcamcr, Hobcrt Man ning, I'ctcr Wcrkhlser. Main, Jcro Longenbcrger, Boyd Yelter. Mifflin, It. C. Hess, 1). 0. Bond, J. D. llotick. Montoui!, James Quick, David Mouser. Mt. Pleasant, Hobcrt Howell, Win. Johnson. Oiianok, I,. JI. Bleppy, George Hess. 1'ink, J. It, Fowler, Joseph Sweeny. HoAi:iN(iei!EEK,Wm. Zancr,l K. Mcnsch, West Scott, J. II. Kclm, 0. C. French. EastSiiott,G. W. Kelclincr, Chns. Polio. SroAitLoAF, J. W. l'crry, Wellington Hess. The voto by districts was then read, and the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. m. Pursuant to adjournment tho convention was called to order at 2 p. m by the chairman. Tho delegation from Lo. enst reported that W. A. Earnest ono of their number was abscnt,and that Welling ton Yeager was deputed by htm to act hi Ids stead. On motion Mr. Yeager was ad mitted. It was also rcpoitcd that W, A. Drlcsbach ono of the Beaver delegation was absent, but no deputation had been made. The chair decided that under Hulo 5, Chapter 1, no substitution could be made. List ot delegates was then called. On the first ballot the Instructed vote for SherllT was as follows : Smltlf, 25 Miller, 17 ICelclmcr, 10 Kunkle, 1 Hoffman, 10 There being no nomination the name of Kunkle was dropped and on the second ballot his one vote was cast by tho delega tion for Smith, giving htm 20, with no change In the other vote. Un Uio third ballot the name of 11. C. Kelclincr was dropped and tlm result was Smith, .'11 lloffmun, 10 Miller, 23 Tho name of J. W. Hoffman w.n drop. ped and tho fourth ballot gavo Smith!!!) 1-13, Miller o0, whereupon Smith was declared tlio nominee. J. I). Wilson of Blooimbiug, and G. W. Dorr of Jackson were nominated for Jury Commissioner. Derr received -13 and Wilson 21 votes Derr wa declared the nominee. Dr. John M. Gw Inner of Ccntrnlln was unanimously nominated for coroner. C. G. Murphy,Frmik Wolf, J. C. Yocuin, and 0. JI. Lockard were elected delegates to the Mate convention. Geo. E. Ehvell was re-elected member of tho Democratic State Committee. J. G. Yocuin read the icport of tho com mittee appointed last year to revise tho rules, and the report was adopted. On mo tion the convention adjourned. VOTE OAST AT DEM00RATI0 DELE GATE ELECTION 1885- I For SherllT. c! . . S g g I i V o 3 vi a t; b ai 37 .. .. 3 It ... 1 .. .. 111... S .. 1 CIl 1) 17 1 27 55 IK 52 , , 33 ii ai -ji .. t H. ... 11 1 3 13 10 55 .. li 1 ... 73 .. (HI 11 10 .. .. 5S ... 11 22 .. 4S 7 .. 50 103 1 1 28 .. 11.... r. .. 8 2H 23 SI .. 2 27 3 V 1 sa I 20 2 II .. 4 12 21 7U 1 11 58 2 .. .. 1 21 17 2 .. 23 S'J 8 2 .. CI 21 12 15 .. .. 4 17 5 .. 13 SI 12 2-1 .. 1 3 ... 12 .. 10 7 1 17 1 4 ... 51 3 .. .. ... 21 1 .. 38 I U 1 87 .. 2 1 1178 302 008 33 5I5 TOWNSIIII. Hearer lierwlck 1! llemicl: W nenton llloom Kast Hloom W llrlarcreek UutnwNsa CenlrnUa rcniro conyneham N.. conynuliam S.. ri-jinnKcreeK... Franklin ilreemvooil Hemlock Jackson Locust Madison Jloln .Minim Montour Mt. Mcuant.... Orange , l'luoi lloarlngcreek-.... Scott w Kcott U hugnrloar Total Eolirahurg Items. Afr. M. AI. Annhun.m linn mii1i nn addition to his houso by building a vcraniia in lrnnt. There will ho a festival at Forks in tho nl nrn nt . I. ml, ml, n., irday afternoon nnd evening, August Mr. mnl Afra. .Tnu Vnun Imvrt oAnn in housekeeping in Mr. Samuel lYmcle's !.. HlMiar in uiu liuiu IIIWII. Thero will bo meeting in tho M. K, Church Siinduv nvitninc Tho farmers of this vicinity havo their harvest nearly all done. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ,4"" v ""u' a marvel or purity R rcuciianl wU-il(aornnesi. Moro economical TMj nmn.l. i..i . "'o wiuiu4ij mum, umicnnnot do sola in omiouoa who tlio multltmloor low test, short Weight, illtimnr nhntinlintn r,...i.., Z,,.V.t 111 OIQS. KOYAL 1UK1NU 10VIKU CO , 100 Wall only aurii-i Y. si., rpAX NOTICK. "ThO Undersigned Treasurer nf thn tnu- n nf Bloomsburg, hcrtbygiu'a notice that sho la pro. pared lo utlio Town Tux ascertained for tho sear 1MB, on nnd after .Monday, July soul ltw, at her residenco H. W. Corner or Third aud ceutio streets, In said town; nnd nil tax-paycra aro heie. by required lo pay tho Bame, Any tax unpaid nt tho expiration olSUdajs from the bald Sulh day or July, shall bo paid wllhs per ccuium added to tho amount thereof. KVA Itl'PKltT, July 15, jrviJ. tw TowuTieasurer. JDMINISTHATOH'S NOTICK. ESTATK OF WILLIAM T. 1IKSS, DECKtSKn. IMtera ot administration on tho estate of Wil liam T. Hess, late or Benton township, Columbia county Pennsylvania, deceased lmo boen grunted by the Itcglsler ol said county to tho undersigned Administrator. All persons having claims ugalust the estate of tho deceased nro re quested to present them lor settlement, and thoso ludcbtod to tho esinto to mako payment to tho uudcrsl ined administrator without delay, JOlil. KEKFBlt, Juno S0-6w AdinlnUlratsr. DMINISTKATOH'3 NOTICK. KdTATK Of JACOB UCCULLEN. letters of administration ontho estate of Jacob ilccullen, late of .Madison township, Columbia county, Italia) Ivunla, deceased liato been grant, cdby iliu Keglstcr of said county to tho undersign ed AdiutuUt rut or. All iktsoiis having claims against tuo estnto ot tlio deceased are requested to pre sent I hem lor bcltloment, aud those Indebted lo tho estate tomato payment to tho uudcmlgued administrator without delay, M. A. WATKOV. mi ?ggp JJurylO-tP Adinlulstratilx, I p e Isjl iraffiiif THE TONIC, p TI1I4 medicine comMMnz Iron with rmro Tcirctfllilo Ionic., quickly nntl completely 4'tiren llr.prp.1n Imlljrc.tlon, Wrnunr... Impure lllooit, ItlnlnrlHL'!illI nnd Fever., nmi rtenrnifiin. . . 1 1 is an uniamncr rcracuy ror viscasci oi uic Hl'lnrj. nnil I.lrrr. , ,. It lit inraluablo for Pticnucs iwciilmr to TV omen, and all wlio lead fedentnry llrci. tiroduco constipation o(At Iron mcdlantt ifo. ltcnrlcliciand purlflM the Mood, tlmulntc tho appetite, aids tht annlmllatlon of food, re llorei Heartburn and llclclilng, nndttrcngth cn ttic muncles and ncrrcs. , . For Intermittent Fcrcin, Lassitude, Lack of Energy. Ac, lt-has no equal. ttv The genulno has alxiro trado marV and 4 rwwed red lines on wrapper, Tako no other. iw mui"niuirL to, cmiaoRK, TIRED OUT, The distress ing feeling of weariness, of exhaustion without otlurt, which makes Itfo a burden to so many people, Is duo to tho fact that tho UoM Is oor, and tho ltallt consequently feeble. If you aro surfcrltiif from such feelings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is jtul icu 1'eed, and will do you local enlab!? i-notl. I.'o ether prepir'.tln o concentrates and combine, bio-v! ptrllylng, vitalizing, enrich tin, and InvliinrAlIng qualities as Avi.n's SAl'.JAr.MULI.t. rr.rrAr.r.n nv Dr. J.C. Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sob) by all Druggists , 51, six Imtiles for f J. SHERIFF'S SALES- lly virtue ot sundry writs ot Fieri Facias, Issued out of tho Court ot Common l'lcasot Columbia County, and to mo directed will bo exposed to Public Salo at tho Court IIouso, In Iiloomsburg, on Saturday, August 1st, 1885, at s o'clock, p. in., all that mcssuago and tract or land situate at Mifflin Cross Iloada, In tho town- tshlp ot Heaver, in tho county ol Columbia, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns lollows : lleglnning at a gum, thenco by land of Jno. Hauck and scotch ltun south Co degrees west Si and l-io perches to a stone, thence along side ot public road leading from Beaver Valley to Miniln MUosouthSdegreejcastll and MO perches to a stono near tho Danville.IIazlcton and Wllkesbarro Itallroad.t hence up said road nortli CHdegrcca cast 49 perches to a stone, tiicnco by land ot John Hauck nortli i8 degrees cast 49 perches to tlio placo ol be ginning, containing two acres and 110 perches. Whereon aro erected a hotel, shed nnil otlicr outbuildings ALSO, All that certain t ract ot land fcttuatc In Heaver township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as lollows : Beginning nt tho Mountain Survey, at a post, nortli 35 degrees west 523 perches to a rlne, thenco by surveyed land south 73 degrees west IWO perches to n whlto oak, south c degrees east 70 perches to a black oak, thenco south S3 degrees west vsx perches to n pine, south 17 degrees west i3pcrchC3toa Whlto oak, south oif degrees cast II perches to a stono , north 08 perches to a pine, thenco north 5 de grees casts 10 perched to arost, tho placo o bo - ginning, containing K9 acres more or less, where on Is erected a two and u half story fr.nno dwell- ing house, bank barn, wagon shed nnd other out buildings. SeUed, taken In execution nnd to be sold as tho propci ty ot Jonas Itredbenner. ALSO, All that certain lot ol ground situate In the town o( Oatawissa, county ol Columbia and State ol rennsjlvanla, bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt: On tho cast by an alley, on tho west by Second street, on tho north by Pino s'.icct, and on tho south by land or tho legatees ot Solomon llel- wig deceased, and Benjamin Barndt, whereon Is erected a two stoiy frame dwelling house aud outbuildings. ScUcd, taken Into execution at tho bultol tho Catawlssa Deposit Bank vs. Faj en Weaver and to bo sold as tho property o! Fay-en Weaver. cnd. i:x. JOHN JIOUKV. Miller Att'y. Sheriff. SATISFACTION OF A MOUTQAOK. C P. No. sept. Term, 18S5. In tlio matter ot tho petition of I, w. McKclvy ior satisfaction or a mortgago given by Bernard scj ucrt to Thomas Harder. Columbia County ss : To n. P. l'ortner. administrator nf Timmna Hin der, lato of Catawlssa, deceased, and all persons claiming to uo tuo owner or owners of said mort uiiL-t : Wlumm, itappoars by thoiecords In tho ollico Of tllO Hei-nrilPl- nt. Itlnnmuhnn, ,1m, n iwrlnln ,.v ...uv...uu.,.b ,,. t. vi. tun. inOrtimtrn ilfltPil tlio Si-il tnv nt Anrll lUJO Hvnn In- ui-i uuiu duj uviv iu iiiuma uaruer, to secure mo I'ujuK-iuui certain money, rccoraeu in -Mortgago uuuk :m II 1 :i' . rpmnnci nnuiiiuMAii , HVlflTIZ.I. Halil Thom.lfl llfll-iler iltivlnn tlm iln-nf lBco, anu tuo said Bernard Seybcrt Is also be lieved to bo dead. ,lnl Whpri'n. ttUnllei.pil tlmt nil tlio money duo on said mortgago was paid iu uiu sum i uomas jiaruer rrior to ins death, and a legal nresummlon now exists of tho navment nf said mortiatro from lanso of time. Atut lri.!-.,- 1. . JICKCIVV. nrt-'SOnt Owner nf t hn !iinrtni nremtsos has annlled to tho ennrr nf cnmmnn Picas of said county whero said premises nro elt- uaiuu.praying sam court, to aecrcoand direct that satisfaction bo entere.i imnn tim mnni.f ani.t mortgage.on payment or tho.costs duo on the samo uuu iuu Biuisiaction so entered snail forever dis charge, nDd rcleaso the lien ot said mortgago from tuo said premises Therefore all persons Interest ed im u ucro ur uoiuers oi sam mortgagc,aro required uy an urucr or aniii cnurr. nnnnmr.i ih. imii oi sam court, loboncidat Bloomsburg, on uio mi jionuay ot September, A. D., 1883, to an. swer tho petition ns nfnwaniii niHiinjniVnn..Dn It any there be, why said moitgage thallnolbo sausucu as praycu ior in said petition.! Ehvell Att'y, JOHN MOUltKY. July 17-liv sheriff, A .Mr.NUMI.M TO TIIK CONSTITUTION pro- , ,i i nuwM, u, mi-, uiuuiuiiivi-aim vui.i iii.iuiui ui ivjutiiuii uy iiioiicncrai as hombly of tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. ......... .uiot.uii.u ui luu nral, Hucuon Ol llclo xvniot tho constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to Constitution ot tho Commonwealth, of Pennsy r.r tho lva- lio It resolved by the Sena to and House of Itenro. i?fallu'7 ?' tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania - ui.., ,iiii, uiu lUllUWllllf 1 proposed as an nmondmeiit ot tlio Constitution oi tho commounealtli or Pennsylvania, In nccor clrhernf 01'rOW0nS ' th0 WltWIlUl artl AMENDMENT Thatsovllon live ofartlclotlvoot tho cnns.titn JmTi? ! t l'ionrlh 01 reniwylvaiUa, winch alnfortvti' bly shall provldo for additional ludires. ns tlio Sn r, 1?'an SS UW, "WWr-.J: constitutoanitodlsuicu sIli.Y ed m o UUUW.-111U111 siugiu uistricis, or, t neeessarv. mav udgnotlwTnSiintTolaiVrua'bo si eil hun" irt.!!;'n "H' districts i bit tho several pireu so as al l s X V hnn, ,. 'n Y.",5 I0 .- bly :bliaunm do fn,7i,liffi..V.P .iSfflfUSS ilL H1. i.?.lia tUo General Ass nnf. 1)1). ronvenrent'sTnLJled smSF ?Vi" 'S Inti Into bly may provide, Thoonico ot ossiwlato not learuoiltn thninir i- nKXli.T. 'u.u.Sei rorinlnirKeiTaratP .lutAii-n" """" ono law li ,r,n. r . "oru one law judge j every other coutitv shall -..iivu uiailllin UUU IiaVlI limn elect iJ. ioTi .'....?!. "'v'."1"" "ot no required to idonto,r k .miW vv , R?W. kl"i A true copy of Iho Joint ltmluthii . "U July 31-3 mos. w. S. 8TBN0I1L Kecretary or tho itaunSiiKii SUH.SOIUIIH FOR TUB COLUMMAN, tUi III Ml Ui W BEST 81.60 A YEAR. DEMOCRATIC CO0HI7 TICKET. VOn SIIKItlFF, SAMUEL SMITH, FOIt J lilt Y CO.M.MIB810NKII, G. W. DE11H, rou conoNi'.it, 1)H. J. M. GWIiNNKK. M.OOMslfmKa MAUKKT. Wheat per bushel $ 0 1 Hyo " " Corn " " Oats " " 00 CO no 10 to 18 11 or. 7J Ot IS !l 10 13 10 0J 2.1 Flour nor batrcl S 0(1 & o lluttcr Keits Tallow Potatoes new Dried Apples Hams Bides and shoulders Chickens Turkeys I. artl per pound Hay per ton 13 00 cold Ilccswax Hides per lb... fi I o7 Veal skins per lb Wool per lb 07 Philadelphia Markets. COUHKCTmT WEKICLY. FKKD- Western winter bran, spot, Choice, 15.50. Fixiult. Western extra's 3.3T a X7S; Venn a family, l.ou 4.2.1 Ohio clear; 4.31 & ui; winter patent MX) S.I5. iiivvi i-emisyivania rcu, .o. i.i.ui linitf. COlt.N. M (31 53. " oats. No. 3 whlto a tnu NO. 3, IH'f HAY AND HTJtAW '1 tmof hv Choten Western and Now York, f l. fair to good Western and New York, 15. g 17. i medium Western nnd Now York, 10. m 13. ! Cut hay as to quality at. si. ltio straw S3. Wheat straw. 11. m n. straw n 13. rennsyivania lav western is ms y.. BUTT Jill. Pennsylvania creamerv nrlnts yn t. Western extra 17. I.1VU POULTltY.-Fowis, 13, mixed lot3l3(i li, roosters old ow7. ORPHANS' COURT SALK OF VALUABLE Ileal Instate! n pursuance- of nnordcr ot tho Oiplians1 Couit of Columbia county, Franklin llhodos,admlnlslra. tor of Henry Ithodes, lato of lloarlngcreek town ship, In said county, deceased, will expose to sale, ny public venituo upon tho premises, on Friday, August 21, 1885, at ono o'clock In tho nftcrnoon.n certain mossitago and tract ot land situate In lloarlngcreek township Columbia county and state of Pennsylvania, bound ed by lands of Benjamin Wagner, David Wagner Nicholas Enghart, Henry H. Ithodes, Chailes Wag nor and others, containing Ol ACRES and eighty-four perches, whereon is erected a J bank barn and other outbuildings, about twenly acrcs of the abovo tract of land la woodland, nnd contains good t Imbcr. Thci o is a good orchard on tho premises. Tho nbovo described property Is situated about two miles from slabtown, and near Kcrnstown. TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent, of one-fourth of Iho purchase money to bo paid nt tho striking down ot tho property ; tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, nt tho confirmation of salo ; and tho re maining threo-fourths In ono year tliercalter, with interest from conllimatlon nisi. FIIANKL1N ltUODEH, July 31-tr Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABL Real Estate. ByUrtucotanorder or tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, thcro will bo exposed to pub. 11c salo, on tho premises, In Hemlock township, In aid county, on Saturday, August 1, 1885, nt 2 o'clock In tlio nlternoon, tho undivided tlx sevenths interest, lato ot Benjamin llomboy, de ceased, in the following described real estate, to wlt : A valuable farm bltuato In Hemlock township, on the public road leading from Buckhorn to Jer seytown, about ono mllo from Buckhorn, bounded by lands ot David Wagner, Evan Thomas, Mathl.w Heller, (now William Itambo, and William Key estate) Isaae Wagner (now Phillip Htroup,) John Miller and David Wagner containing 112 ACRES. and ono hundred and lltty-nlno perches, moro or less. The linpioveincnts aro a Two Story Frame House, a spring house over a never-falling spring ot wat er, a hen house, a largo bank barn, about u) by w feet, a good granery, wagon house, hog house, elder houso and corn crib. A well of water at the houso and ono also at tho barn. Tlio land Is divided Into convenient Ilcld-s, with water In each ticld, except two, Tho farm I-i well adapted for grazing and farming purposes; about ten acres ottho property Is woodland, set with chestnut, rock oak and other timber. Thero la a lino young apple orchard, a young peach orchard, as well as a cliolco variety ot cherry, plum an I other fruit trees. Conditions mado known on day ot sale, by I. It. BOMI10Y, N. U. Funk, Attorney Administrator. Also, at tlio samo time and place, the under signed will cxposo to public salo tho remnlnlng un divided ono-sincnth Interestln tho abovo desciHi cd real estate. SAUAII BO.MBOY. June 33 1885. ALL KIND OF J015 PRINTINw ON SHORT NOTICE AT THIS OFFICE. SATISFACTION OK A MOltTOAfin Statu or Pknksylnania, COLUMBIA COUNTY S3 : In tho matter ot tho petition or Mary L'vans for satisfaction of mortgage. Court of Common Pleas, No. s, Jlay Term, lfM. Toll. F. Hartman, administrator and legal re presentative ot John Uamsey, lato of Bloomsburg, County aforesaid, deceased, and all persons and parlies claiming to bo tho holder or holders ot tlio mortgago In Bald retltlon referred to : llVecmis, It nppenrathat Thomas Harris lato ot Bloom kburgalorcsald did ontho 1st day ot July, A. D 1813, exceuto to John Hamsoy, a mortgago In duo lorm ot law for lico.oo which mortgagor recorded In tho onicofortho recording of deeds c., at Bloomsburg, In Mortgago Book 3, pago l&n. til Wlmeas, Thomas Harris tho mortgagor died on or about July 83, A. D., 1855, nnd John Itamscy the mortagco died In February, 18. Ami HVipic as, It U alleged that all tho money owing on said mortgago was paid prior to the death of said Thomas Harris, to the said John Uamsey, M't Whereat, legal presumption dtthe payment of said mortgago now exists from lapse ot timo and no salsttaetlon appears on tho record thereof. Iiid, ll'Afmia, Mary Evans, tho owner ot the mortgaged premises, lias applied by jictltlon to tho court ot common lioas ot Columbia county, whero tho mortgaged premUcu are situate, pray ing said court to decroo and direct that sallsfac Hon bo entered upon tho record ot said mortgage by thc;ltoeorderot deeds, ouljiaymentot the coats duo rolatlvo to tho entry of said mortgage, or any proceedings thereon, and tho satisfaction so en tered shall forever dlschargo, defeat and rcleaso tho saino mortgage, accordlug to tho Act of As sembly, approved June 10, A. D. Thercforo, nil parties interested as holder or holders ot said mortgago nro required, inpursut nnco of an order of tho cour t,to appear nt thonex term of tho court of common lioas of columblt county, on tho fourth Monday of (September, A. D., 18(0, to answer tho petition as aforesaid aud show causo If any they havo why said mortgago shall not bo satlafled according to tho prayer or tho petitioner. IlllUmeyor Att'y. JOIIN M OUltKV, uly JT, fw fa'j e riff.