THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLO'OMSBtRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Ueorgla Willow Farm, A (lying trip teccntly lo tho osier willow farm of I. 0. Plant, n mile be low tho city presented a surprise. In n building on tho premises wcro n num ber of negro wotnon and boys nt work Htrlpping tho bark and leaves from tho willow switches. ThU is tlio first cut ting of tho crop of two years' growth, and tho yield will bo two or threo tons. Theso switches aro from four to eoven feet long, and nro cut and placod in bundles liko sheaves of wheat. Tlioy aro then taken to tho stripping building and placed in a vat filled with water. Tho largo ends aro then placed in a peculiar littlo machine, winch loosens tho bark for a couplo of inohos. Pass ing along on tho tablo thoy aro placed ono by ono in tho strippers, a littlo ma chino, tho invention of Mr. Plant, and with a pair of pliers nro pulled through with ono jork. This process takes off all tho lurk and leaves. Tho switches aro then wiped off witli a woolen cloth by passing them through tho hand. They aro then bundled and laid away to dry. Tho littlo contrivance used for stripping performs its work admirably. Mr. Plant Bent to Switzerland and tho willow farms in tho Nortli and West for machines, but all wcro crudo and worked unsatisfactorily. Ho Get about and sorm mado ono for tho rmrpoao which docs its work rapidly and effect ually. All tho leaves and bark aro dried and baled, and command a price of 2o cents per pound. They aro used for a certain kind of medicine. Mr. Plant has 400,000 willows now growing on his farm. Ho has within tho past week set out 80,000 and aro growing finely. Ho will set out his ctitiro leveo with them, and will thon havo sixty acres in willows alone. A ton to tho aero is tho avcrago yield, and tho wil' lows, Wbon shipped dried, command $200 per ton in a dozen markets. In threo years all ho has set out now will bo high enougli to cut. Tho willow farm is a success throughout, and Col. E. O. Gricr, who was looking at it says tho bark and leaves alone, to say nothing of tho valuable switches, pay better than cotton. Macon (Ga.) 2'clcgraph. The People With Him. Tin: rnr.smr.NT keei-inci iucsht on in THE COURSE WHICH HE IS CON- VINCEU is maiiT. From tho Now Yor k Evening Post. Confidence in himself and con fidenco in tho peoplo aro two qualities which aro indispensablo in tho public man who would do patrioitio service- for tho country. They wero possessed by Abraham Lincoln, who lelt that ho was called upon for the tremendous task which fell to his lot, and who al ways had faith that tho "plain peoplo" would support him, no matter how loud tho politicians might grumble. Thoy aro possessed by Liniolii's suc cessor in tho Whito Houso to-day. Mr. Cleveland beliovcs that ho can givo tho people tho reform in government which they demand, and ho believes that tho peoplo will support a Presi dent who does his best lo seryo them. It would probably surpriso the lilaino editors and their congenial follow workcrs among tho Hpoils-hunling Democratic to know how littlo tho "captious criticism" of tho ono class to uso Thcodoro lloosevcll's apt char acterization of tho Republican organs or tho furious Abuse of tho otiier af fects tho composuro aud determination of tho President. Mr. Cleveland set out upon his administration with a fix ed purpose to pursue a well-defied pol icy 'and with a thorough confidence that tho people would sustain him in it. Four months of cxperieneo at "Washington havo only strengthened his purpose and deepened hislcon'fidenco. His friends and his enemies alike may rest assured that he means to keep right on in what bo is moro than over convincod is tho right course, und that ho feels no shadow of doubt that a largo majority of tho American peoplo aro with him. lor Dyspeptics. Something for thoso who havo weak and dyspeptic stomachs, that I know from oxpcriouco is good. When tho stomach becomes weak, in flamed, or ulcerated, wo must eat tho food most easily digested, and go back to tho diet of mfanoy and feed upon milk until the stomach recovers its strength. Boiled milk, with lime water, is tho most easily digested. Raw milk contains sugar, and is apt to sour on the stomach. AVhen the stomach is greatly inflamed, uso only a few tea spoonsful at a timo, and tako it often, say every two hours. As tho stomach gains strength, eat a littlo boiled rice, or faiina, a small quantity of chicken or mutton broth, or beef tea. For several months I havo mado my break fast of two teaeupfuls of boiled milk, taken as hot as I could, and havo eaten nothing elso. For dinner I havo a lit tlo tea, a cud of milk with a pieco of toasted bread on it, and for supper tho same; sometimes I uso rice, oat meal, farina, or toa9t water in tho placo of toast. For fruit, I eat bananas, as this is all tho fruit I can cat until later in tho season, when I eat grapes, almost living on thorn. Uutter or fat meat is ouo of the worst things peoplo can put in their stomachs. I seldom cat meat, bat drink tho broth, which I al ways save. 15y taking caro of my diet I get nlong comfortably, but as soon as I overeat I havo hcadacho and sour stomach. Some of you dyspeptics, try my remedy, and tell mo if you do not feel better. When any of tho lower animals suffer with disease of tho stomach, thoy instinctively stop eating, and wo ought to know as much as thoy. Givo your stomachs a rest. Moro peoplo dio of overeating than ever do ot starvation. Miis. 1). Kikuki. 78 Uunivcrsity avc, Syracuse, N. Y Management of Youne; Pies. Tho greatest danger to which young pigs aro subject is overJcetling. A pig nt weaning has a very small stomach ami very limited powers of digestion, and yet theso young animals aro per mitted to gorge themselves with sour milk and meal slops as soon as tuey nro weaned, until their sides nro swollen. This overfeeding produces indigestion, witli disorder of tho brain, or so-called staggers; nervous disordcis, with par alysis or epilepsy: tho crowth is ar rested, tho breath is fetid, tho teeth be- como black, and some peoplo ignorantly believo that black tcetli is doing it all. Tho teeth aio knocked out witli a stono or a bolt in a rough manner, and tho mouth is mado so soro that tho pig ro fuses to eat for awhile, and then sho recovers from tho abstinence. So that tho presence of the teeth is claimed to bo tl.o mil causo of tho disease; thoy nro a symptom ot it only, and wticn tho health is good tno teetii aro nil right. Hid tho pigs been led moder ately, mid not given all they would oat, the trouble would have been avoid ed, Half n pint at a timo of sweet skimmed milk is a sufficient meal for n weaned pig. Fanner's Call. A pretty corner cupboard is mado of plain deal, upon which is traced a prot ty pattern of plums and blossoms. Tho background Is covered with oak stain ing, nnd tho pattern is shaded with sepia. This may bo easily made at home, and when Frenoh polisliod,lt has tho effect of inlaid wood. Tho color of tho yolk of an egg is a partial indication of tho treatment giv en to tho lion ihnt laid tho egg. A very palo yellow shows that tho llock is closely confined nnd gets no variety of food. Tho color indicating good caro and high health is rather a dark orange. A yolk that spreads as soon as turned out of tho shell indicates that tho egg is a littlo anciont. Sick hens do not lay at all, hence the actual faults of eggs aro duo mainly to their treatment after being laid. Tho yolk of an egg in an unchanged position for many weeks will cling to tho sholl moro or less. Very good littlo cakes aru made by this rcclpo s Mix thoroughly n quattir of a pound of pounded ftlmonds,a qunr tcr ot a pound of powdorcd sugar, two ounces of butter, a littlo grated lemon peel and ono egg. Add just Hour enough to toll and cut in small cakes with the pasto cutter ; glazo witli egg and bako n delicate brown. malarial poison. Tho principal causo ot nearly all sickness nt this timo ot tho year has Its orlffln In a disordered Liv er, which, 11 not regulated lu time, great an (Terms wretchedness nnd dcat h will ensue. A gentleman writing from South America says : "I havo used your Simmons' Lhcr Hegulator with good crrect, both as n prevention and euro tor Malarial Fevers on tho lstnmus of. l'anama." (:o:) TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE An Effectual Specific MALAilIALVEVEltS. liU tilt l'lJ iHl"i JAUNDICE, COUC, ItESTLESSNKSM, MENTAL PEl'ItESRION. NICK lllSAUAUIlli, CONSTll'ATION, NAUSEA, BILIOUSNESS, DYSI'EIISIA.AC. -(-:o:-)- It i-Ati frml .Irnu-av. ilphtlltfltrtl. lmvft frOOUCnt hcadacho, mouth tastes badly, poor nppetlK-, and tonguo coated, you nro Buffering from torpid liver nrhilloitsncss and nothing will euro you so speedily and permanently as to tako SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. lla rrlrnn Willi HfxtolV. nllll tllfi llfltltllCSt fCSUltS to tho most dclicato Infant. It takes tho place of nulnlno ana outers or every kiim. 11 is uiu guvuii est, purest and best family medlclno m tho world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., phila, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. may su-ly Statue of "Liberty Enlightening tho World." Tho committee In charge of tlio construction of tho base and pedestal for tho reception of this great work, IN OltDUlt TO liAlSE FUNDS FOK ITS COMPLETION, liavo prepared a miniature Statuto six Inches in height, tho Statuo llronzod; ivdestal, Nlckol.sllvcrcd, which they aro now delivering to subscribers throughout tho United States at ONE DOLLAR EACH. This attractlvo souvenir nnd Mantel or Desk or nament Is a perfect fac-slmlle of tho model furn ished by tho artist. Tho statuetto In samo metnl.twclvo Inches high, nt FIVE DOLLARS EACH, demered. Tho designs of Statue and Pedestal aro protected by U. S. Patents, and tho models can only bo fur nished by this Committee. Address, with remit tance, RICHARD JiUTLER, Secretary. American Committee ot tho statuo; ot Liberty. 33 Jlcrccr Street, New York. number ana gas fitter. Hear of Schuylcr'a bard- wnru mure. Bloomsburg, Pa. All kinds of nttlnirs for steam, cas and water pipes constantly on nanu. Hoofing and spouting attended to at short no- iicu. Tlnwaro ot every description mado to order. Orders left at Schuyler Co's., hardwaie storo will uo promptly iiueu. Special attention given to heating by steam and yo-iy TNMMMR A handsome VASE LAMP given Y. PniWP with a 15 order for Tea andeorr. Yi UllI 1 DD no. An lion stono L'llAMllEU w heT, 10 pieces, or a TEA SET, 41 nlwoa nr u handsome 11HONZK HAN01NO LAMP given with a JlOorder. A CliAMllEH SET oflO 1I10C0S.W1U1 U1UU, IlluluuuuriJlUkuauuvi UJ4 IHU.l STONE CHINA TEA SET of W plccoa, or a (1LASS Hifp nf.m niece irlvenwlth a 112 order. HANI). SOME ritlt.MlU.MS, consisting ot Decorated China Waro In Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea beta com btned, nnd chamber Sets, etc., etc., given with orders for 18, 130, $35, ts and 150. send for clrcu. lar, which will givo ) ou full particulars. (IRANI) UNION Tr.A cu.Mt'Am, puuiu aiuiu nu. Wilkes narre, r.i. Headquar ters M Front street, Now York city. may 15-iy B. P. HAKTMAN llCKKSNTS THU FOM-OWlNO AMKIUOAN IN8UUANOK COMPANIES North American of riillulelplita. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, M " York, ot Pennsylvania. Hanover, of N. V. Omi'iiM, of lnidon. North Italian, or lAndon. omea on Mirkot so net, No, 5, lllonmtburg. net. U, I ' A 1 K. 1 S IS N X ! Our readers for 1 c ents In ixtetago stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping aim names oi Uobook agenu will mdvo FREE a steel Finish Parlor Engraving or nil our raiai. DENTS, including Cleveland, slo iwxw Inch, worth f 1.00. Address Eider Pub. Co.,Chicago, HI. July lT-iy Mem"sfU.S. GRANT Ills own account of the greatest military Btrugglo of modern limes. lui,ui oidcra already taken. Hill hell Immensely. For particulars, oddrcsa IIU1I1IA1WI JIUM.. l'UU'tl.,,-fl I'llCglUUl Bl., J'llllU., ru. Juno vo-iiv u Important to Canvassers. WANTED l.lvo C'anvnfkcrs In every county In tho united Mat to sell fdx'm pa i knt iikvkk- PI 111. r. OA li . ill,.. , Ulc u win ui ii. a inu nun uuw. PolMier, Fluter, Ac, ono Iron doing the work of an entire m i of ordinary linns, la wlMicallinr by gas or ulrohol lamp. DOES AWAY WITH HOT KITCHENS. I'llco mode rale. A largo and lasting income insureu to gcxm canvasM-ru. Auurehs, lor, circulars, &c. iua had iuua to., w ueauu at, N. Y. July 10-tw .1011 WOKK NEATLY EXECUTED AT TilJK OFFICE Amputation of tho Leg, Money Is tho universal necessity, and nono but a cynlo or a tool will fiffcct to desplso It. Mr. Abrnm Ellsworth, ot Pott Kwcn, Ulstor County, N. Y., had realized this truth. Ills disease Involved thowholoot his thigh-bone, and tho suffering man looked forward, not without nprarcnt reason, to death as his only delivery. Tlio family physi cians refused to nmputato tho limb, asserting that tho operation would kill tho patient on tho spot. Dr. MrM KENNEDY, ot llondout, N. Y., Who was consulted, held n dltlercnt opinion nnd amputated tho limb. Tlio Doctor then administered freely his great Mood Ppccino l'AOUITH REMEDY to afford tono and strength to tho system nnd pre vent tho return of tho dlsoaso, nnd Mr. Ellsworth remains to this day In tho bloom ot health. This gentleman's dlsoaso was tho offspring ot foul blood, and Kennedy's EAVOlttTK REMEDY purl, fled tho blood nnd restored tho blood and restored to him tho power onco moro to enjoy his Ufa. Aro you suffering from any dlsoaso traceablo to tho samo causo t Try Favorite Remedy. Your drug gist has It. ONE DOLLAR a bottle, near In mind 1 ho proprietor's namo nnd address I Dr. David Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y. To keep tho bloat puro Is tho principal end ot Inventions nnd discoveries In medlclno. To this object probably no nno has contributed moro sig nally than Dr. David Kennedy, ot Rondout, N. V., In tho production ot n medlclno which has bocomo famous under the title ot tho "FAVORITE REVt. KI)Y." It removes all Impurities of tho Blotd, reg ulates the disordered I-Ucr and Kidneys, cures constipation. Dyspepsia nnd all diseases and weaknesses pocullar to females. 5 Offer to tho Trade their lino Rrnnd of Cigars. Tho Landros, Honry Clay, Normal, Samson, and Cosmopolitan Fine Fruits and Fine Confectionery on hand, i1 resh every week. lilooniH burg, Pa.. Feb. 27 BLOOMSBURIt planing mill The undcrsloned having nut his Planing Ml on Itatlroid streot, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pro- parou w uu uii Ktnus u( worit in iuh unu. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aroemployod. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and speclflca ions prepared by an ciporlcnccd draughtsman CHARLES KltllG, llloomsbiirpr, I'a TQtfSGRJiL lQQIS. THE OLD STAND under the Exchange Hotel, still takes tho lead. Hair Drmslnr, Shaving, Dyeing, Shampooing nnd nil work In my lino pruinptly und neat ly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James Rcilly, Jan 30-tf Proprietor. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., 15LOOMSIJUUG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. REPA1RINO NBA TLY DONE. Pricct reduced to itiit the timet. COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers andWholcsalo Dealers in Crockery, Olasswnre, Tablo and Pocket cutlery, winuuw uioss, auu I'jaicu-wurc, Tho 58 candle-power marbh electric lamp. i iiu ccicuraicu nnaiuru jmrner. lllrd Cages, Fruit Jars. liJ Lackawanna Avenue. BCItANTON, Pa. may l-ly P11ICE LIST OF ROOFING SLATE on Cars at Quarry. No. l Slato Ma 1 1Mb stato Seconds , No. a Hlb slate t-l.ioto $1.0,1 3.W) to 3.25 3.00 2.S0 J. I.. IIUI.I., a I.ackawannn Aenun, Scranton, Pa may 22-ly CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! THE ARTIST AND MliRCIIANT TAILOR AVho always gives you tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to (It you. Having had tho oxpcriouco lor a number ol years in tho Tailoring ISusi Jiess, has learned what material will givo his ciistonieis tho best satisfaction for wear and stvlu and will trv lo plcaso nil who givo him a call. Also on liantl Gents' Furnishing Goods Or ALL DCSCltllTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of tlio latest styles. Cull and ox niulno his stock before purchasing else, w lie re. Store ncHi door ioFtrstNationeilBahk Comer Main & Market Sis. irg, Fa. April cs-ly Scranton House, -ON THE Jil'UOPKAN PLAN.- Victor Kooh, Proprietor. liooms am heated by steam, well ventilated nnd' elegantly furnished, rincbt Uar ami Luuch fouu. tcr lu iho elly. Meals to order at all hours Ladles and Oents restaurant .furnished with all delicacies of ins bcason. lcut!oii near D. L. W, It. It. Depot.scranton, l'a. ilar-tf Bloonisbi "Slnrylniul, Sly Mnrlnncl." "rrctty Wires, Lovely daughters' and noblo men." "Jly farm, lies' In a rntlicr low anil inlas malic situation, and '.My wife!" "Who?" 'Was a very pretty blondel" Twenty yours ngo, bccnlnn "Snllowl" "Hollowcyttll" "Withered and nged I" "lteforo her time, from ".Malarial vapors, lliotmh she nuulo no particular complaint, not botng ot tlio grumpy kind, yet causing mo grent uneasi ness. 'A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of tlio children, who had n very sovcio nltnckof blllousncsi, and It oc curred to mo that tlio remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "Lostl "Her sallowncss, and looked ns fresh as a now blown daisy. Well tlio story is soon told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old timed beauty with compound Interest, nnd is now ns handsome a matron (It I do say It myself) ns con bo fouund in this county, which Is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Ulttcrs to thank for It. "Tho dear creature just looked over my shoulder, and says 'I nnn Hatter equal to the days of our courtsblpnnd that reminds mo thcro might bo moro pretty wives If my brother farmers would do ns I hnvo done." Hoping you may long bo spared to ilo good, I thankfully remain C. h. Jamks, nKt.TsviM.ti, 1'rlnco Ocorco Co., Mrt , ) May 20th, 1883. )" JP-None cenuInO without a bunch of green llonson tho white laliel. sliunnll the vile, nol- onous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. To Dyspeptics. Tlio most common sign ot I)ynpopala, or IiiilIgrKtlnn, nro im opiircsslon nt tho etomaoli, iiame.i, flatulency, water-brush, hertrt-lmrn, Miinltli', loss of npi'tIto, an. I constipation, I)jpjopllo patients suiTur uh toM miborle, Uxtlly nmt lnontal. Tlicy shouM fttlniulato tlio digestion, and tecuro regular ilally action of tho howcls, by tho uso of moderate doses of Ayer's Pills. After tho txiwels aro regulated, nno of theni nils tikcn each day nfter dinner, Is usually all that Is requlrf d to complcto tho cure. Avnu's IMM.s arc sngar-eoatod and purely vegetahlo n pleasant, entirely cafe, and re liable medlclno for tho euro of nil (llordcr of tlio Momaeh tunl boTrlH. They aro tho best of nil puigatlvcs for family uso. Dp.J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all I)nyLU. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES ID EYE-ELASSES MICROSCOPES. TFIFSMPFS FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, Drawing Instruments. Philosophical nnd Chcmlcnl Apparntus. List nd Descrintinns of oar Ten 0&Ul0ffnt Bnt tKEKon application. QUEEN CO. 924 Chetfnut St. PHILADELPHIA. febO-iy $50 REWARD. von Every Ounce of Adulteration INTHH THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAR. MARK OM.Y BY Gowaiis & Stover. Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by all first-class grocers. Apitl io-i.jr r Read and Save Money, Now is tlio time to Euiltl. Koi ncrman Plnoshllns 5 or c in. ldo iiroipcrm. No t K Inch Elilliii' planetl, 1 1 mi " " llemlockttcrmanslillnif, filnch II 00 " " " lloorlng, 1 1 no " " whlto plno " l" no " " yellow " " 10 ) " " Biirfaccd plno boards, 1" no " " sawed plno uhlnles. .1 no " Nou " " s no " NO 3 J T5 " No 1 sap sawed plno bhlngles, 1 73 " " hemlock sawed " s uo " " heart shaved plno " from 15 00 to 7 00 " i " sap " " " " ;i no to 4 60 " " hemlock " " " 4 00 to I 60 " " shinKlo lath, a 75 " " plasterlnif lath, a 00 ' Hemlock fencing, CO " " guajred fencing C Inch wide. 10 00 " ' boarda 10 to Vi Inch wide, to (H) " " bills any slzo from Jioootouwo " I keep a full stock of the above kinds of Lumber always on hand, and will sell at these prices during year of 1885. Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. apr 3-Cm liny iVvrr Catarrh la attended by an In named condition ot the lining membrano of tht nostril;? tear duett and throat, nffectlns tho lungs. An acrid mucus U becretod, the discharge 13 accompa nied with a burning sensation. There are 80 ero snasms of sn'' Ing, frequent altacts' ui iienuacue, waterj and lmluined ooi Kly's Cieam lialm U a real euro for thta ills- caMi nud cuu bo ilc-U AVCPUTD pendedupon. - JCJfe.w Ei f A parllclo Is applied Into each nostril and l ngreeablu to use. Prlco 5) cents by mall or nt (liuinrUta. Druggists, owego.N, Y. ponu lor circular. niiuiui.iis. J 111)21,0. E. B. 3R0WER OAS FITTING & STEAM IIKATINO. DI.'M.KIt IN STOVES &T1NWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof injj and Spouting promptly attended to. lmrlct attention gven to heating by sloam. Corner of Main & East Sts,, Rloomsburg, Pa. WflHTPni,NTEt-UOE!'Ti AmUtloua, Hnrrtctla. nfllll CUItohOCuremid Oil our orderf In hit sco A MAM 1 1 Ua- luuntlblij llousn. lu Unuo a n man ii.iciuiikkl .iiiiaic,i ry July 10-4w r Soap AFumotra Orchard. In a recent number of tlio Maya' sfio of American History, U. 1 Powell writes ctitertninlngly of tlio Kirklnnd oruliard, on College Hill, Onedia Co.. which takes its namo from Sainnucl ICirkland, or Dominic Klrk land, as ho wns better known, to whom a largo tract of land, including (ho slto of tho orchnrd, was granted by tho Onedia tribe of Indians and tho ntnlo of New York, acting jointly, in 1789. Ills supposed that the apple trees wero planted about tho begining of tho present century, tlio lings in logs recently out from tho trees con tinuing that dale. "The trees, having attained suitnblo sine, wero transplant ed to tho hillside above, nbout half way to tho site of his school or academy for Indian youth, now Hamilton College. The selection of a site for his school showed Kirklnnd's admirable pt actio nblo good sense as well as lusthetio taste. Ho was equally at homo in horticulture, for a moro favorable loca ion for lruit does not exist in cen tral'Now York. Opening just below tho college nnd running down with amnio spread into tho vnlloy is a com plexity of swales, fully to the sonth east. Sheltered from both west and north-west winds, this vnlo opens to tho full morning sun. It is to-day tho homo of such fruits ns cannot bo suc cessfully grown and ripened at tho distauco of half a tnilo to tho cast or half a milo to the west. Uesides, thero is in central New York no finer outlook than over tlio broad Oriskany Valley down into tho Mohawk nnd over tho Trenton nnd Deat field Hills and tlio ranges that llatik southward to Paris and Hanover. To-day you can Btand under tho Dominic's trets and count tho chimneys of New York mills, tho steeples of Utica, tho fur naco stacks ot tho iron smellers, bo sides a half dozen thriving villages of great beauty. "Tho original orchard numbered about 200 trees, coveiiiiK four or fito acres. Another orchard further south is probably to bo tiaecd to this little nursery sowed at tho foot of Collego Hill. Tlio fiult was as varied in qual ity as is usual witli secdlinc. No grafting was dono until Mrs. Kobln son, the daughter of Kirkland, nnd Iter liusuantl, the Kcv. Dr. Edward Jiobin- sou, deeded a portion of tho land to John Powell. Two men then lived on Collego Hill whoso tastes wero pre eminently horticultural; ono was Jonas Noyes, Professor of Chemistry in Hamilton College,. and John Powell. Both of these men put forth strenuous efforts to introduce tho best varieties apples, pears, plums, and whatever elso they could acclimatize. They grafted with enthusiasm. Powell went so far as to graft tho wild chciries in tho woods, 'tor tlio birds ho said, with a mingling of poetry and gentlo good nature. Ownincr a lsr'eo part of tho Kirkland orchard, ho began to im prove tho fruit by gralting. In the middle of the cculury whilo tho trees were in full viuor, no finer autumn sight could be seen than theSp'itzenburps ami rtiiseU that clothed the branches. No cod lii m moths or ctirculious had then cnteied a claim to our choicest fruits. "Manv of tho original fruiU were, however of such special value as lo preserve them from the gralting saw. It was easy to trace tho blood of tho stock back to English and French ap ples of fame over 100 years ago; nota bly tlio Swaar, the English pippin and bellctlticr. A good horticulturist will thus detect the ancestry of almost any wild fruit. Of tho better seedlings ono alone has proved of such superior quality ss to enable it to sccuro a placo among tho market apples of to day. This shows bclllluer blood pre. dominating, but as Patrick Barry thinks was tlio result of a cross wiln tho Swaar. It bears the name of tho originator; and along sido Hamilton Collego I think tho Dominie would now rejoice to seo the Kiikland apple growing in its luxuriance and beauty. Certainly tho collego has been less just to its founder in taking the namo of another patron, than tho owners of the orchard in giving his memory a perpetual youth in tho ever-proiagated and rejuvenated apple. "The orchard retained its vigor un til about tho middle of tho century. When John Powell died, proper care of tho trees ceased. Tho professional grafter was allowed to cut at will. To increaso his peneo no man's propensity is so violently toward slaughter. Tlio trees wcro otherwise, for a few years, neglected. As n result most of them aro dead, and tho rest bear the wounds received in tho era of professionalism. A few aro suro to fall each year, and tho hardiest will hardly outlive tho century. But among tlio survivors is the original Kirkland apple tree. This will bo carefully guarded, and at last replaced by a root sucker that will only repeat tho samo fruit and stand as a memorial in tho twentieth century, or even twenty-fust, of tho man who taught tho Onediaus the arts of peace in tho eighteenth. To mako it moro euro of preservation, a stono will oven bo set up beside tho tree: re cording its historical value." How to Break a Balky Iforse- A correspondent of the Country Gentleman gives a rccipo for tho euro of a balky horse, which may bo well worth trjiug: When a horso balks in a wagon, cart or carriage, I hao him taken out, the harness taken off, except tho bridle, a boy or man put on tlio's back, with inedrucliohs to mnko him uioo lively for ten minuted up and down the road. Alllio expira tion of that timo I put on the harness and hitch up, and tho animal goes all right. It may hnvo to be dune once ore twice more, whenever the hileh-up after meals takes place. A farmer near mo latt Summer had a nice young l-jar-old horse, which worked steadily from Spring to midsummer; then tho horse, having had a long rest, when put to work again, refused to draw. Ilo tried him some days, aud then told mo that ho was going to send that horso to Baltimore to bo sold, becauso it would not work. I told him what to do. Threo days after I saw him again, nud ho said that he followed my directions and tho horso worked all right. Thero is no uso to beat or oth erwiso ill-treat a balky horso. Tho simplest and best way is to do what I havo recommendod, as all hones will go under tho saddle, and somo of tho mettle is taken out of them during tho ride. I havo seen horses strapped aud thrown down several times in succes sion, and yet thoy did not go. A Now York man living in this section throo ycarB ago, if his horso would not pull, would jerk out a fenco stako and striko tho horso over tho head and knock it down. Onco I went out and offered to buy tho old horse, to savo it from such cruelty, but ho would not sell. The favorite resort with most farmers Is a good, long, klokory switch, ono man to hold tho plow, and a boy lo us o tno swiicu, which is Kept very busy. . ..'.oi's Known. Wo other inrilli'liiofcnownBoeffectaaMypurEtl Uio Wood of dwp-neatetl cllien'P. irilllloiiH henr tchtlmoiiy to Its wonderful Ctuatlvo effect, It In n purrl) Yeurtnnlo Preparation, man from tho Jiatlvo lu-rbs mid root a of Callfornin, U medicinal properties of ulilth aro extracted there from without tho no of Alcohol. It remoter tlio cnimo of disease, and tho patient recovers hU health. It In tlio urcnt Hlornl Purlllcr find Life giving PrincIpKii n (Initio PurKatUo and Tonic I a K'tfect Itenoviitor nnd Irutoonitor ot tho nyrtcm. ever belore hi tho history of tho world lias a medlclno hoou coninonudi'd puwicMlng tho jwworof ViNEOin HiTTKita lu healing tho pick of CTcry dlscaso man Is heir to. Tlio Allorntlvcf Aperient, Plaplioretlp, Car minative, Nutrition-, Laxative, Hotlntive, Counter Irritant, Sudorific, AntMMlou, Solvent, DlnrcUc and Tonic properties of ViNroAn IUttehs exceed thoso of any other medlclno In the world. Ni porno ii can tako tho ItirrF.n according to directions nud remain long miwcll, provided their bones nro not destroyed hy tnlneiul pol?on or other mcana, nnd the ltJtl oigans wanted beyond tho point of repair. Illlloiifi, Remittent, Intetmlttcnt and Ma la rial Fecrs are prevalent throughout tho United States, particularly In tho pallets uf our preat rivers nnd their vact tributaries during tho Summer nnd Antnmii, especially during seasons of nnupual beat nnd dryness. Tlicfto I'ovcru nro Invariably accompanied by extenrivo derangements ot tlio stomach, liver nud bowels. In their treatment, n purgative, exerting a powcrCut Jnflucnco upon thcee organs, Is absolute! necessary, Thcro In no cnllinrllo for tho purpose oqnal to Dr J, Walker's Vinfoaii Hitters, ns It will fpeedily remove tlio dark-colored lcld matterwltli which the bowels nrv loaded, attho samo timo stimu lating tho secretions of tho liver, nnd generally restoring tho healthy function of tho digestivo organs. Fort Iff tlio lo(lj ngalnst dlpcapo by purifying nil Its 1 n Ids with YiNhOAit IIittf.iis, No t-pUkinlc can talto hold of nsyMcm thus forearmed. it liivitrorntct Uiu Moimicli and stimu lator the torpid Liver nnd Bowel, cleansing the blood of nil Impurities. Imparting lira nnd ylgor to tho frame, nnd carrylnf? off without tho aid of Calomel, or other intneials, all iwlsonou matter from the sysLem, It U easy of administration, prompt In action, nnd ivrtalnln Its results, II) petlii or I ml Igrmilou, Headache, Pain In tho bhouldor. Coughh, Tightness of tbo Chest, l'noumonla, DlzzfnpHS, Bud Tasto In tho Mouth, Billou Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, aud a hundred other painful Bmptoiua, aro at OBcajre llcred by Vinegar Bitteiis. For iftiitutiiiiiuory and Chronic Kheurna tlsm, Gout, Neuralcln, DlNeasea of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, tho Bitters havo no equal. In these, as lu all constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinkoafi BiTTEtts has shown Us great curntUe power in the mont obstiuato and intractable Merlin nlrn.1 I)Icnu, Persons engaged In Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type Fetters, Clold-beaters, nnd Miners, n they advance in life, nro subject to Paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, tako occasional doses of Vineoau Bitters. Mcln Dlsriihcm, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Swellings, PimpleR, Pustules, Boils, Cnrbuncles, Iting-worms, Scald-head, Soro Hyes, Krysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, aro liter ally dug up and curried out of tho sytteiu lu a short time by tho uso of tho Bitters. IMn, Tnpounil other Worm, lurking In the sybtem of bo many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free tho Bjtera from worms like Vineoau Bittehr. lUeush', Scarlet Fever, Mumps, Whooping Cough, nnd nil children's diseases may bo made less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild doses of tho Bitters. This wonderful remedy Is especially adapted to tho systems of children, for purifying herbs alone givo it Its remarkable cura tive iowers. It contains no alcohol, opium or Other poison. For Fcmnlo ComplnliitM. In young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Bitters has no equal. CI en 110 tho Vlttuted Itlood when Its Im purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or Sores; cleauso it when obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse It heu It Is foul; your feelings will tell you wheu, and the health of the system will follow. In conclusion t ClUo the Bitters a trial. It will speak for Itself. One bottle Is a letter guar untco of Its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Around each bottlcarufuudla'ctiopsprlntcd In different languages. It. 11 ITIcIloiinlil Drug Co., Proprietors, Sou Prancitco. Cul , and fix M & .'-'3 Washington St, Cor. Charlton tit., New York, Sold by nil Dealers nnd Druggists , AIN WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCEIiS, Philadelphia rKAS,SYKUP3.COyfKR,SUaAK, MOLVSS1..1 HICK, STICKS. niCAKUfiOIH, SC., AC. N. I!. Corner second and Arch streets. EB"i)rrtorawiu rocotvo prompt atto nt1n P nnsylvania Railroad. INI Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. x TIME TABLE. In circxt July. Mil, 1833. Tralni leave Sun bury. EASTWARD, D.ioo. m., Sen. Expres3 (dally except SunUay), lor IlnrHaburtr andlutcuneaiatoHtatlona, arrlvlnt; at 1'lilladclpbla 3.15 p. m. ; NcwVoik 0.20 p. 111. i lijltlniore, p. m. ; WaslilDMoii, 6.Mi. m., couuectlnuatl'lifhulclplila rornllbea snoio points. '1'btougli pasiji'iiirer coacli to l'lilladclplita. 1.10 n. m Day express uiiuy fsuipi. ouiiuaj j,iur iiuiiiduuri; una inienne Utalo btauons, arrlvlnt; at r UI 1 a tl o 1 p h 1 a p. ui. ; New Yorlt, 0.35 p. m. : llaiumoro 0.43 u. ni. I Waslilneton. 8.0OI). ni. Parlor ear through to l'lillatleliibla and passenger coaches luruuii lu raiinuL'iiiuu unu iKiiuinurc. 8,03 p. m. llllamsport Accommodation (dally, tor Harrbburs aud all Intennedlato btatlona, arrlv. Ins at Philadelphia 1 23 a. in. : New York 7.00 a. in. D.iUlmore, 5.33 in. ; Washington 0.30 a. in. ; sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at llarrlsburg tor Philadelphia and New York, on Sun. days a through bleeplnir ear will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia pabbcngcrs cau remain In sleeper undisturbed until i a. m. a.35 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, for llarrlsburg nnd Intennedlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.23 a. m. New Yoik, 11.30 a. in. ; llaltlmoro 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, U.25 o. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and llaltlmoro. WESTWAKD. 5.80 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Sunday), tot Erie and all Intermediate stations and Canundal. gua aud lutcrmodlato stations, llochester, Hum. loandNlagaraEalls, wllh tluougli l-ultinan Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Ei lo nnd Koch ester. l).53-News Express (dally except Sunday) tor Lock Ilaen and intermediate btauons. 1.03 p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun. day) tor Kane and Intermediate stations- and Can. andalgua and principal Intennedlato stations, liochesler, lluiialo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kauo and Hocliestcr aud Parlor car to Watklus. 5.30 p. m. East Lino (dally except Sunday)tor lie. novo and Intennedlato stations, und Hhnlra, Wat kins and intermediate stations, u Ith through pas senger coaches to ltcnovo and Walklns. 0.20 a. in. Sunday mall lor ltenovo and Inlerrae. dlaie stations. TUUOUU1I TI1AINS I'OUhUNUUUY EHOMTIIK EAST AND SOUTH. Sund.iv mall lcaea Phtlariulnlilu 4.r.n n. in llarrlsburg 1. 10 arriving at Sunbuiy V SO a. in. wit li luruugii sleeping car uoin l'liiiaueipnia lu Wll. Uamsport. News Express leaves l'hlladelplila 4.30 a. ni. llarrlsburg, 8.10 n. in. dally except Sunday arrlt lug at sunbury 0.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7,40 a. m. ; llaltlmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 1.05 p. in., with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia tun imuuKu iiusai;ucr cuueucs iruiu J'Uliauci. phta and llaltlmoie. East Lino leaves Now York o.oo a. m. s l'hlladel. phla.ll.50a. in. : Washtnt'lon. 0.50a. in. : Haiti more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Buuday) arHvlng at coaches irom PhiiadeWila anil itniifinnrM. Erlo .Mall learn Now 1 ork 8.00 p. m. ! l'hlladel. phla, p. m. j Washington, 10.(0 p. m. j Haiti, more, p. in., (dally cxcept.saturday) arriving nuuuuij u.ij u. iu., iui iiiruugn 1'uitmuu Sleeping cars rrorn Philadelphia, Washlugton aud lialllinoio and through passenger coaches (row l'lilladelphia. HiiNiiuuv, iia.i,i:t(in vii.Ki:iiAitit. KAll.UtlAII AM) MIRTH AND WENT 11UANCII HAII.WAV. (Dflllv oxcpnt Runi1nv. Wllkesbarro Mall leaves bunbury lO.OQa. ia.. arriving at Uloom IVrry 10.W a. in.. Wilkes-barrs Ll.18 p. in. Express East lca es Sunbury Ms p. in., arriving at Uloom l'erry 0.37 p. in., Wllkcs-barro 8.UI p. m. Mltt.lill-i. Inn. ...1 tl'lll.i... an ... ... i.uuuij "uu ivutvo , unusual iu mwu. 111. urriV lng at Uloom ferry is.ui p. in., Hunbury l.U) p. in. Express West leaves Wllkes-barru s.45 p. m", nUug at liloom Eerry 4.13 p.m., sunbury CIIAS. K. l'Udll. Uuu. Manager, J. 11. WOOD, (len. l'asscnger Agent ALL KIND OF JOH l'UINTINu ON SHOUT NOTIOK AT THIS OFFICE. 18 RAHROAP IIMB TABLE. ELEGANT NEW IN MEN'S, HOYS' IclothmgJ THAT NEED ONLY TO HE SEEN TO HE APPRECIATED. IVeUy Suits lor Children, Handsome Suits for ISoys. Best Goods, Latest Styles, Neatest Fits. The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Roplote in HANDSOME DRESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, CHEAPEffi THAI E1E. MADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLE, AT THE - ISIooinsbnr, Sa, Fine Carriages, Buggies nnd Wngons. At this Heposllory mny lie seen n lnrgc nnd vnrled selection of GVEIIICLES FOB, BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) from tlio best Manufactories. Purchasers nro invited to cull nnd inspect tlio goods, or to 3Csr5''Write for Information and Prices. apr. 0, '85-ly CMAINTSTREET,) C. B. JBOBMNa DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. TKIVWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WXUTKUN ItAlLllOALl. HLOOMSHURG DIVISION. NOHTII p.m. 11.111. 6 00 IS! 31 a si 11 11 tl 4.S 13 8 40 1!! 15 8 8.1 i M 8 ST IS oa 8 V! 11 118 8 II 11 51 8 13 11 M 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 17 8 UI 11 43 7 VI 11 an 7 SI 11 31 7 W 11 30 1 (i 11 2J 7 SO 11 li 7 18 11 00 7 II 10 61 7 OS 10 47 G 58 10 41 0 51 10 38 6 50 10 31 5 43 10 '.7 6 311 10 SI 6 80 10 111 S ! 10 11 8 08 II 50 0 110 U 4U (STATIONS. I SOUTH, a.m. n in 0.111 8 30 8 2(1 8 ft! 8 1(1 8 10 ...Hcrnntoii,,,, ,...llellevuo.,,, ..Taylorvlllo... , !.aelcawaiiia,. ....I'Utbton..... West nttbton, ...Wyoinlnif.,,, ....Jlallby;,,., ....Dennett ...Kliik'tlou ,,,, 0 15 20 g 10 0 SO U l!(l s 15 I) S7 1I S S3 0 HI 9 11 S 30 0 41) U 47 8 30 0 45 1) 53 it 41 6 49 V 50 8 41 0 51 10 Oil S 47 6 58 II) 06 3 50 0 68 10 05? 50 7 03 10 10 8 55 7 07 10 15 3 IM 7 13 10 803 OS T 15 10 85 8 10 7 S3 10 93 3 37 7 87 10 41 3 UII 7 50 11 11 3 63 7 61 11 00 3 58 8 04 11 134 OS 8 10 11 80 4 13 8 It 11 354 10 8 18 11 3114 0 8 S5 11 30 4 87 8 80 11 41 4 81 8 80 11 60 4 40 8 41 11 55 4 40 8 01 7 88 7 51 7 50 7 41 7 17 7 88l'liiioutu.,,, 1 31 7 3d 7 SJ 7 12 7 U) 0 51 6 41 6 41 tl 38 U 31 S '.'7 II '.'I Mnll.M.n ' Hunlock'H creek .Biiicusiiiuny.. .Hick's Kerry,, .Ucaclillaveii,, ....Uerwick..., ..Itrlnr r-ri.L- ..Willow drove,'. ..ijoio iiiugo,,. ! . UkioinL fu"rL? II 10 II 11 Catowll liri'diio 5 M 5 411 5 fl ....t liulasky .. I a lis 13 SJ 5 13 ? U'i; . Vameiou. . u 08 13 85 6 17 'um inc. 8 M 13 13 5 01 5 55 U 45 5 40 83 p.lll. U.II1. U 08 13 85 6 17 5 13 405 85 v uHUIluuuluCri&!lUi I a.m. 0.10. ) w, jr. HALSTEAP, Bupt, surcrtntendent'e oflice, scranton, Feb, 1st, isoj SPRING STYLES AND OIIILDUEN'S OF - f . F. MUIT, 520 & 322 Pcmi Avenue, vUUlUAItTtfs For tho Celebrated Chlckering, Ivcrs A. Pond, and Vose& Son Pianos. World-re nowned Kstey Orcans, Violins, Accordeons and Sheet JIusio. Ccluhrated White, New High Arm D.ivls, New Home, Itoyal St. John, and Light Hunnlng Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil anil attachments for all makes of Sewing Machines. Ul Willi!! Stcro and Warerocms, No. Franklin Avenue- 128 Also Warerooms ill Frankllu Ae. ami umt'en. ter Street. SCRANTON, PA. -M- Aulliing lo iiinkn up anew wnnii or repair nn old, in Ktnck. liar Iron, iiml Sti i-1 Hultn, Holt Knil.'', Lag Scrown, Tiii'iihucklo'n Horso SIioih, ami nil IJlankumitli supplies. Arrsi-iy PATENTS, Obtained ana all patent business attended to lor moderate, lees. our onice 13 opposite tlio u. s. ratent onlec, and wc can obtain ratents in Inn time tbau tlioso re. mote from Washington. Send model or drawlnff. Wo advlso nstorat enlablllty treeolcliarse, andwomako no cliarst' unless patent Is secured. Wo refer liere, to tho l'ostmastcr, tbo Supt. of Money Order Plv., and to oniclals of thu V. S. Talent onico. For circular, advlco, terms ami references to actual clients In your own staloor county, write to C, A. SNOW & CO., anPPOsUoi'utentouico, Washington, (i. c unu iirmruj linn iiiitin I TCELEBRAT?!Dif in .."W" hm llU, U.ltl!1lUllll. HI o ... u , , . .. . e-r-'Ua hi-Ht, IVlillu lunlu .fc. la l,n,w IM.Ilitj md d... - J do. InjarUiui liiBrwiK.iil.. A . llur ltimgil li.. I wiltKl oacU tuvnwiuu.!, buia tjr til lliUtfiiuUl. Juno 2C4w d SUUSOHIHl!: FOH THE COLUMBIAN, 61.60 A YEAIt.