THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Eyerjbody's Alr-Brake. "Yea, bi.1i," Haiti Undo Znoli, "l'so watched It for forty years an' its I scz: Do fust day of May mi' Christ mas day of tlic same year alien comes on do same week day." Further conversation proved Undo Zich a most Incredulous person. Chancing to mention Dr. Carver's feat of breaking glass balls with a rillc, lie said: "I heerd 'bout dat sliootin' and knowed right off it wasn't sqiinr'i dat was a Yankco trick, boss, aIio'h you born." "What was tho trick t" "l)ar wii7. loadstono put into do glass balls, nu' likouiso onto tho bullets; so when tho bullet tly outcn do gun, it an de ball jes drawed tergedder, which, in course, brokes do glass data do trick 1" Later, Uncle Zach observed a ropo running along tho h'uIo of a oar "Boss, what's dat lino furl'' "To apply tho air-brake in caxo of accident.'' Then wo had further to ex plain how tho forco of tho brako was obtained, to which Undo Zach re sponded: "Look a hero boss, you sholy don't Vpcct mo to b'liovo dat foolishness! Why, do biggest harricano whatever Mowed couldn't stop dis train, runuin' forty mile a hour. An' you think I gwino to b'lcovo a littlo pipe full of wind under tho kyars can do it V No, sah-rcol" Thero aro a threat many Undo Zachs who judge everything simylv by ap pearances. Tho air-brako docs not seem to bo a very powerful thing, but power and ofliciency aro not necessarily equivalent to bigness and pretense. Phillip 15ecrs, Esi., who resides at tho United States Hotel, Now York city, and is engaged in ra'.sing subscrip tions for tho Now York World liar, tholdi pedestal fund, was onco up braided by a distinguished relative who was a physician, for commending in such enthusiastic terms, a remedy that cured him of bright's diseaso eight years ago. IIo said: "Sir, has tho medical profession with all its power and experience of thousands of years, anything that can euro this torriblo dis order V No, no, that is true, thero is no mistake about it but that Warner's safe euro is really a wonderful offectivo preparation. That remedy is an "air brake" that every man can apply and this fact explains why it has saved so many huudrcds of thousands of lives. Copyrighted. Used by permission of American Jlural jomc. The Seventeen-Year Locusts- Tho cicada1, or ''seventcen-yenr lo ousts,1' have appeared in largo numbers at Louisville, Kentucky, and in other districts throughout tho States, and as wo hsyo in former articles said some thing about tho expected arrival of these insects, a few particulars about their life history will doubtless bo in tercsting to many. So far as can be learned these insects should not bo called locusts at all, see ing that they belong to the cicada: or harvest flies. Tho insect under consid eration has the modest name cicada septendecim, or seventeen -year cicada, they havo broad, short bodies, broad heads, largo red eyes on each side of tho head, with thrco eyelets on the crown. Tho wings and their cases aro veined and transparent, tho body is brown, tho legs reddish-brown with no power of springing liko tho ijrassliop pers. Tho male supplies the music from a pair of kettlo drums, ono on each side of tho body just back of the wings. Tho insect has been known in'lhis country sinco 1633, having appeared at regular intervals of seventeen years since that date. Tho soventecn-year cicada docs no groat damage to crops, for his food is taken under ground, and when visible his mind is on lovo intent, not food. Egg-laying Tho process of egg laying is interesting, as tho only dam age done by this insect is when tho fe male lays her egg'. Tho female is provided with an in strument by which she pierces tho limbs of trees, at tho samo timo depos iting her eggs in pairs, in a sort of nest which usually contains from fifteen to twenty eggs. After laying an aggre gate of from four to five hundred eggs in nests mado in different trees, tho fe male becomes exhausted and dies. Frequently tho limb also dies and falls to tho ground, whon tho young hatch out after a month or so, and at onco burrow into tho ground and search for tho rootlets of a tree, whero they anchor themselves for a Boycnteon-year sucking match. Tho treo frequently dies alter a year or two if tho insects aro attached to its roots in largo num bers. In tho course of timo they grow larger, and when their hunger is satis fied, that is to Hay, after seventeen years of continuous teeding, they begin to think of getting up into tho air, for which purposo they mako passages to wards tho earth's surface. Thoy issue from tho earth and usually alight on tho top of a blado of grass or some trecj hero they begin to feel uncomfortable, and after a severe strugglo and con tinued wriggling, crack tho skin and issuo forth a now and perfect insect. "In this state ho remains a week or two, perphaps more, exhausting in this short timo tho strength it required sev enteen years of earnest eating to ob tain." At this stago of life tho cicada is bent on lovo alone, enjoys it for a short season, and starving, dies. Farmer's Jlevieir. "RHtherJ" ho baid, tho old gentle man looked up, "you aro the presi dent ot a silver mining company, nud can tell mo what an assessment is." 'Yes, my eon. Wo aro just now sending out an nshcssmunt of twenty per com. It means that everyone own- niy HiiurvK in uiu uuiiipuny must py .twenty cents on every dollar. ' "Oh, that's itt And now what's a dividend T'1 A dividend is tho sliming nf a pio fit with .tock holders. That is, when tho otlicers of a company so far forget thenuelvcs as to havo more cash on hand than thoy know what to do with, it is divided up. There isn't much use in your remembering the word and its interpretation. Certainly never forget that. When asssussineiits fail tho country fails. One dividend of threo per cent, excuses fivo assessments for ten per cent. .Now run out ami play. ' A good test for the fitness of water tor animals to drink is tho placing in it of live fUli. If thoy continue, to live tho water Is good enough for tho pur pose. Try to so arrange your garden as to tako at least two crops from tho wholo land ; let lato squashes, melons, turnips, orcabbago follow tho early liens, greens, and lettuce i celery fol lows onions, early cabbage or greens, nnd horseradish follow beets or lettuce. A littlo forethought in planting will unable n skilful gardener to tako n good dual of produce from a littlo land. A Jersey Tanner's Daughter Kuns Away to he Married, Jkiiskv Citv, July 10. Uesldes a well-stocked farm in North Hergen, Farmer Lockhaus has a very pretty daughter, Amelia, who is just 17 years old. In tho early part of March her father hired Frederick Wagner, giving him $11 a month and his board. IIo was n manly fellow, induslrlrious and economical. On Saturday Amelia asked permission to spend a week with an old schoolmalo at Manhassct, L. I. It was granted, and Tuesday morning bIio stnrtcd out. Her father supplied her with monoy, and sho promised to write. That samo evening Wngner Bald ho was conic to Now lork, and would not bo back until lato in tho evening. Ho did not return, and yes terday Farmer Lockhaus telegraphed to Machasset, inquiring after his daiichtcr, and received a reply Baying that bIio had not been there. Then ho searched her room. A ptally-folded note lay on tho table. It lead thus: Papas I know you will not consent to my marriago with Freddie, but I lovo him dearly and will not givo him up. Wo havo arranged to get married in tho city. Forgive mo for telling you a falsehood, but I have no intention of going to Manhassct. Amelia. That explained It. Farmer Lock haus tried to keep tho matter secret, but during tho day several neighbors called and told him to mako tho best of it. They said that tho plans for tho elopement wore arranged in May, and although thoy know about it, thoy did not wish to spoil tho happiness of the young couple. Even this did not appease tho worthy Farmer Lockhaus. IIo declared that his soti in-law should never darken his doors. Amolia wroto to a friend saying that sho was living in Now York and would return homo as soon as her father agreed to rcccivo her and her husband. malarial poison. Tho principal cause ot nearly all sickness at this tlmoot theyearhasltsorlgln In a disordered Liv er, which, II not regulated in time, great suITcrlng wretchedness and death will ensue, A gentleman writing from south Amcrlea says: "lhavo used your Simmons' liver ltcgulator with good effect, both asa nreventlon and euro torJIalarlal Fevers on the Isthmus of Panama." (:o:) TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE An Eftcctual Speclllc MALAIIIAL FEVERS, IIUWKb CO.Mri.Al.NTH, JAUNDICE, COLIC, llESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEl'ItERSION SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA. 1M.I0UNNESK, DVS1'EIISIA,C -(-:o:-)- If you feel drowsy, debilitated, havo frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tonguo coated, ou nro suffering from torpid liver or "biliousness." and nothing will euro you-so speedily and permanently as to tako SIMMONS' LIVEH REGULATOR. It is given with safety, and the happiest results to tho most delicate Infant. It takes tho placo ot qulnlno and blttcra of every kind. It Is tho cheap est, purest and best family medicine lu tho world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO, Dhila, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. may !V-iy Statue of "Liberty Enlightening tho World." Tho committee In charge of tho construction of the basonnd pedestal for the reception ot this great work, IN OUDEU TO ltAISE FUNDS FOB ITS COMPLETION, havo prepared a miniature Ktatuto six inches In height, the Statue Bronzed; I'edestal, Nickel-silvered, which they nro now delivering to subscribers throughout tho United States at ONE DOLLAIt EACH. This attractive souvenir and Mantel or Desk or nament Is a perfect fac-slmllo of the model furn ished by tho artist, Tho statuetto In same mctal.twelvo inches high, at FIVE DOLLARS EACH, delivered. Tho designs of Statuo nnd Pedestal nro protected by U. H. Patents, nnd tho models can only bo fur nished by this Committee. Address, with remit tance, RICHARD IJUTLEIt, Secretary. American cornmltteo ot tho statuo ot liberty. 33 Mercer Street, Now York. number and gas fitter. Hear of Schuyler's bard, waro storo. Blooiushurg, Pa. All kinds ot llttlngs for steam, gas and water lupus cuuauuiuy Ull uuuu. Hooting and spouting attended to at short no tice. Tinware of every description mado to order. Orders left at Schuyler Co's., liurdwa.e store mil uo prompuy iuuhi. Special attention given lo heating by steam and nut waier. ytMy PR. MflflRN A handsomo VAKI; LAMP given WW VVV llii u isomer fur Tea aim con 1 Ulil I UU ee. An Iron Mono CHAMIlElt u ...-- HBT io pieces, or n TEA SET, 41 pieces, or a liandaomitllkONZE 1IAN0IN0 LAMP given wltha tlO order. A CllAMUKlt SET of 10 iliws,vtlth blue, maroon or pink band or ull IKON STONE CHINA TE V SET Of tO pieces or II (ll.ASS M2T of 60 places given ultli alii order, HAND SOME I'UENIIUMS, consisting ot Decorated China Wurolu Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea bets coin, blnwl, and Chamber Sets, etc., via, given with ... ....... r.A tiil (! 'IU nml ,UI kiiml ( lar, which will give ou full particulars. (IRANI) UNION TEA COMPANY, 45 South Main St., wiites jiarre, ro. neauipiar ters HI Front street. New York city. may 15-ly B. P. IIAHTAIAN KHI-KtSKNTS Till KOU-OWIKII A1IKIU0AN INSUUANOK COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia, Franklin, " " Ivunsylvanla, " " York, ot lDnusylvanla. Hanover, of N. V. Oueons, of London, North llrltlsh, of London. Onico on Market Stieot, No. 9, lllonmsburg, oct. SI. I JOB WOUK NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE Amputation of tho Leg, Monoy Is tho universal necessity, and nono but a cynlo or a fool will affect to dcsplso It. Mr, Abram Ellsworth, of fort liwcn, Ulster County, N, Y,, had realized this truth. Ills diseaso Involved Uo wholo ot his thigh-bone, nnd tho suffering man looked forward, not without apparent reason, to death as his only delivery. Tho family physt clans refused to amputate tho limb, asserting that the operation would kill the patient on tho spot. Dr. baetd KENNEDY, ot ltondout, N. Y., who was consulted, held a different opinion nnd amputated tho limb. Tho Doctor then administered freely his great Wood Spcclflo FAOMTE 11KMEDY to afford tono and strength to tho system and pre vent the return ot tho disease, nnd Mr. Ellsworth remains to this day In tho bloom of health. This gentleman's diseaso was tho offspring of foul blood, and Kennedy's EAVOlttTE ItEMEDY purl fled tho blood and restored tho blood and restored to him tho power onco more to enjoy his life, Aro you suffering from any diseaso traceable to tlio samocausot Try Favorite Itcmcdy. Your drug, gist has It, ONE DOLLAIt a bottle, near In mind i ho proprietor's namo nnd address: Dr. David Kennedy, ltondout, N. Y. To keep tho blood puro Is tho principal end of Inventions and discoveries la tnedlclno. To this obloct probably no ono has contributed more sig nally than Dr. David Kennedy, ot ltondout, N. v., in mo production oi n meuicino wiucu nan uccomu famous under tho tltloot tho "FA V01IITE ItEM EDY." It removes all Impurities of tho Hlod, reg ulates the disordered Liver and Kidneys, cures constipation. Dyspepsia nnd all diseases and vveuhncsses peculiar ui icitiuies. 1 if CO. J Offer to tho Trado their Kino Ilrnnd of cigars. Tho Landros, Henry lay, Normal, Samson, and esmopolitan Fino Fruits and Kino Confectionery on hand. Vrcuh every week. ISlooma burg, Pa. Fob. 27 BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho underslonod havlne but his l'lunlnc Ml on Itallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition. Is pre- pureu tu uu uii Kiuug u wurK in ma lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furntsnca at roasonablo prices. All lumber uscfl is won seasoned ana nono out, sinuca workmen aroemployed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Flann and specinca loas prepared by an experienced draughtsman CUARLES KRIfG, OIooitiNburg', Vn TOflSORJL tQQtfS. THE OLD STAND under tho Exchange Hotel, still takes tho lead. Hair Dressing. Kliavlnc. l)v.lnir. sli.tmnnnlni? ntiil all work In my lino promptly and neatly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James Reilly, Jan 30-tf Pronrietor. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS- SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. REPA1RINQ NEA TL Y DONE. Prices reduced lo suit the timet. COURSEN, CLEMONS &, CO. Limited, Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in Crockery, (llasswnrc, Tablo and Pocket Cutlery, Window utass, and I'lalcd-wnrc, Tho M candle-power marsh electric lamp. i nu eeieuraieu rimuoru uurncr. Bird Cases, Fruit Jars. IK Ijckawanna Avenue. scltANTON, l"n. may My 1'ItlCE LIST Ol-' ROOFING SLATE On Cars at Quarry. No. 1 Slate UUtoft.oo No. l nib Blato Alio to &S3 seconds 3,00 No. 3 ltlb Mate 2.50 J. I.. HUI.I., SJ Laikavvnnna Aenue, Scrnnlon, 1'a may w-ly CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ""A'C J - VMillMVM MJ THE ARTIST (P W "3? ffi H IE AND MERCHANT TAILOR 11 Who always gives you tho latest stylea, ami cuts your clothing to lit you. Having had tho oxperieuco lor a number ol yearn in tho Tailoring Busi nesH, has learned what material will givo his oiistoiiiem iho best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try lo iileaso all who givo him a call. 'Also on hand Gents' burnishing Goods OK All, DESCIMTUINH, HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latest styles. Call nml ox. amino Ills stock lidoro purchasing else where. Store nent door toFirstNationalBank Corner Main & Market 8tn. Uf April K-ly ON TIIK EUltOl'ISAN l'LAN.- Viotoi' Kooh, Propriotor, Itooms nro heated by neam, well ventilated and e.egaiitly furnished. Finest liar and I.uuch t'ouu. ter In tho city. .Meuls to order at all hours I.idles nnd Oents restaurant furnished with all delicacies of tho bcason. Iwatlon naar U.UH W. It. It. benot.scranton, . ilara-tt Ulnnmoliiii "Miirylnnil, My Maryland." rretty Wives, Lovely daughters and noblo men." ".My farm lies In n rnthcr low ami rnlas mnllo situation, nnd 'My wife!" "Who?" "Wns n very pretty blonde!" Twenty yenrs ngo, heennio "Sallow!" "Hollow-eyed!" "Withered and aged !" "lleforo her time, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of tho grumpy kind, yet causing mo great uneasi ness. "A, short lime ago I purchased your remedy for ono of tho children, who had a very sevcro attack of biliousness, nml It oc curred to mo that tho remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "I-ost! ' "Her snllownoss, nnd looked as fresh as a new blown daisy. 'Well tho story is soon told. My wife, to-day, 1ms gained her oltl timed beauty with compound Interest, and Is now m handsomo a matron (If I do Bay It myself) ns can be foiiimd In this county, which Is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Hitters to lliiink for It. "Tho dear creature just looked over my shoulder, anil says 'I nan Matter equal to tho days of our courtslilp,'nnd that reminds mo there mlclit bo moro nrettv wives If mv brother farmers would do ns I have done." Iioninc you may lone bo snared to do gooti, 1 iiintiKiuuy remain U. li. JAMES, Uki.tsvii.i.k, l'rlnco Ocorgo Co., Md., ) May 20th, 1883. tlT-Nono eonulno without a biincii of preen. Hops on tho whlto label, i-hunnll tho vile. not. onous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. IT LEADS ALL. No other blool-purlfylrig medicine is made, or has over been prepared, Mlilch so com pletely moeH tho wauU of physicians ftud tho guneral public a Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It lead the Hit a a truly scientific prenini tlou for nil blood diiuiisufl. If thero I a lurk Onnnpin n Ing taint uf Scrofula about yuu, QuKUrULA avkh's huiu-ahima will dlalodga It and cxcl it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, PATADDU AVUK'H SUWAl'AUlLi.A U UlO Ufll flntin truu romotly. It ha? euro! immbcrlctis cacs. It u ill stop thonauseoua catarrhal dlscharti, and remove tho sicken ing odor of tho hri'ath, tthich aro indications of scrofulous origin. HlprnnilO "Hutto.Tox., Sept. 28, 1882. ULbtnUUO "At theaRO of two yoars ono of Cnnro my chlhlren was terribly mulcted UUiiuO witli ulcerous running sorea on Its faco and neck. At tho samo timo Its eyes were swollen, much luiUmed, and vory soro. QflDC CVCO l'h8lci'instoldusthatapow uUnu UluO erf ul alterative meiliciuommt Iki einployo-1. 1 liey united in recommending AYKii'h Sariai'ahi,IA. A few doses pro duced .1 perceptlblo Improvement, which, hy An adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a completo and perm.inent cure. Ha evidencohisslncoaptioared of tho oxistenco of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by Oioro prompt or effectual rexults. Yours tiuly, It, V, JoiINSOK." MinpAnrri nv Dr.J.C.Aycrdt Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all !ru?s!vts; $1, six bottles for 35. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS. Drawing Instrument Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. LUt and Descriptions of our Ten Oatsloflios sent Y REK on application. QUEEN CO. 924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. febd-ly $50 REWARD. FOlt Oiinco of 1NTI1K- Every AduUornlion Pr THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAR. MAUU ONLY 11 V Gowans & Stover. Buffalo, N. Y. For srilo by all first-class grocers. April 10-l-jr r Read ami Save Money. Now is the time to Build. Noi ncrinan l'inosiillns nor o m. UKlo No 1 is Inch bKUti pi jnnl, 117 oo per m. I 1 uu 14 00 " II (W " IT (JO " l(i on ' 17 l " 3 DO ' 2 IU " 1 75 " 1 75 " jiL'miucKtieiinun Hiuiutf, n incn " lloorlutr, whltopluo jellow " " surfaced plno boanls, ur,wil ntnft tlilnf In. 05 'V. NO 3 " " No 1 sap sawed plno Blilnelca, " hemlock s.iwei1 ' hemlock sawed t 0) licaribliavedplno " from 5noto7 ui sap " " " ' :i mi to 1 50 " hemlock " " " " 4 ui to 4 50 " bhlllKlo uth, s 75 11 MasltrliiL'. lath. " oil Hemlock fencluc, v 50 " K uuKeu lencniif o men wme, lu uu " board.-) 10 to n Inch wldo, 10 ijO " " bllla any hUo from Jiouiloiiocl " I keep a full stock of the above kinds of Lumber always on baud, and will sell at tbese prices during year of 1885. m r. kaw, Onuigoville, Columbia Co., Pa. npr !5- Cm Tlila remedy evntutns no (njurlutts diu(. ELY'S Catarrh CREAM BAL! Cleanse s t h c Head. Alliivs Inilnuim a t i o n Heals the Sores. Uestores ihu Sen ses ot Taste, Smell, Hearing. A (iiick Helief, A positive Cure. HAY-EEVER Ul 1IAI.M linn tru nor! nnfnvh rflntit... tlon wherever kuown, dlsplaclnt; all other prep ttmtlons. It la a creamy substance, A particle U ppplleU lnlo i-iich uuslrll, causluir no pain and Is uniTcablo to tine. I'rleo 50 cents bymall, or at i rut'K sis. ena lor circular. KLY II HOT IKKS, UrusuUts, owek-o, N.V. JunoSWw d E. B. BROWER GgPI.UMBING,sg GAS FITTING & STEAM HEATING. DKALKIt IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. t"strlct attention (,'lven to heatlDtr by stnani. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomshurg, Pa. New Soap The Body and Its Health. Writers In tlio Lancco call attention to tlio valuo of hot wntnr ntmlin.i. lions to tho head in oases of fainting or syncope. Thoy say also that a prompt uio ot ii, applied to tlio lorelicad with cloths, will very often avert siieli at .lacks. Tho number of bones in the human framo U 20 i. This does not, include tho teeth and certain small bones df vclopcd in tendon. In tho head thero aro tight bones, and in tho earn six very sttiMi ones concerned in hearing 11 bones mako tin tho faco : 20 tho sninal column t 21 tho ribs, with two olhcis connected with thorn , tho lower extre mities contain CO bones nud tho tipper 04. Neither water, beer, nor any other liquid which has stood over night in load pipes is lit to bo drunk. Lead poisoninj: and paralysis may result from carelessness in this respect. Tho drink ing water, soda water, etc., which has been standing should bo allowed to cscapo before using. A simple test for tho detection of lead in drinking water n uy tincture ot ooclilneal, a law drops of which will color tho water blue, if mere do tlio remotest trace of lead pre sent Medical World. Iu tho day timo plants and all vege table lifo give off oxycen, which is necessary for man's lifo and health. At. night they reverso tho process and evolvo carbonic acid gas, which is pois onous to man. This is the reason that plants are always objected to in sleep ing rooms. Man absorbs oxygen and gives out carbouio acid gas from bis lungs at all times. lYtlenkofer has shown that two dozen plants givo off as much ol this gas as is exhaled by ono baby sleeper. Sleeping looms snouid always uo well ventilated. Light and lifo aro inseparable ; that is, such was tho gcnoi ally received opin ion many years ag and in accordance with it bouses were built liberally sup plied with windows, and as liberally now : but go along any of the fashion able streets of Now York and you will find not less than three, and often six, distinct, contrivances to keep out this sunshino and gladness. First, the Venetian shutter on tho outside ; sec ond, tho close shutter on tho insido : third, tho blind which is moved by rol lers ; then, fouithly, there aro tho lace curtains ; fifth, tho damask or other material. In tho samo train come tho exclusion of external air by means of double sash, und a variety of patent contrivances to keep any littlo stray whiff of air f i om entering at tho bot tom, sides and tops of doors and win dows. At this rato wo will, in duo time, dwindle into Lilliputs, if indeed wo do not dio off sooner, with all science and art, and leave the world to begin anew from tho few sons of tho forest who persist in cschewiiiK civili zation. Wo lay it down as a health axiom, the moro out door air and cheery sunshine a man can have, the longer ho will live. flail's Journal of Health for May. How Are You Off? IIo was leaning against the railing at tho ferry dock looking decidedly out of sorts when along camo an oily, smooth-faced man and Baid : "How aro you off!'' "What for ?" "Money." "Haven't got a red.'' "Say, can you tell a lie!'' "I can." "Then you are tho man I want. Old Captain Smith, of Buffalo, is over iu that saloon and has got a crowd around him. Ho's a great liar, but always sticks to ono anecdote. It is about his vessel being wrecked, and of a mer maid taking him iu her arms and swimming nshore. Now, then, I want you to go over and hear the lie out, and when ho is through just get up and claim that you ans tlio identical mermaid that saved his useful old life. I want to set him back, And it will be lifty cents in your pocket." The matter was arranged and the pair went over to tlio saloon. Captain Smith was feeling good, and in a little timo ho worked around to remark: "That was a curious thine: that happened ino in 1818. Did I ever tell you of tho wreck of the M.iry Ant" "JNo. IIo sat down to describe tho imagin ary wreck, and when lie got along to where tho vessel showed an intention to founder tho chap who was to play mermaid got tho wink and pricked up his cars. "Well, sir," continued Smith, "sho finally went down and I found mvself struggling iu the lake. It was twanty- e: :i . . . i i i uvu nines iu iuiiu, aim now no you sup pose I got thero !" "I havo heard that a mermaid tow ed you ashore," answered ono of tho gang. "Humph 1 an infernal ho ! I float ed ashore on tho inainhatcli cover, and never had a nicer ride in my lifo I" Tho man who hired tho liar seemed completely broken down, whilo tho liar stumped olf out of doors with his cottrago all gone. Smith hnd seen them iu conversation, suspected a job, and left tho mermaid out altogeth er. An Accomplished Young Girl Hopes With a Kail road liana, Lock IIavkn, Pa, July 10, During tho construction of tlio Hcoeh Crock, Clearfield and Southwestern Kailroail, a branch of tlio Vaudcibilt system, two Italians worked in a eonsti notion gang at Wayne who were of a better class than tho average, and, being cood scholars in their native tongue, were lesiroiis of exchanging in their knowl edge for a liko accomplishment iu En glish. Living at Wayne was tlio daughter of A. S. Slabley, a well-to-do merchant and postmaster ot tho village. No pains or money had been spared upon tho young la'dy's education, nnd at tho ago of 22 sho was a briulit. pretty girl of many accomplishments. To her the ambitious Italians went and to her a mutual exchange of knowl edge was agreed upon. Tho railroad was lunched and tlio Italians took their leave Miss Stabloy afterwards re ceived letters from one of tho Italians, but this course was not thought irregu lar by her parents and no heed was taken of tho future until last week, when Miss Stabley camo to Lock Ha ven ostensibly to attend the Normal School commencement, but as she did not return that night her father camo hero and on investigation discovered that she bought a ticket at tho Penn sylvania station for Mowaik, N. J,, aud had hor satchel and other baggago which sho had smuggled away from home, ohecked for tho samo placo. Later a letter was recoived by the pa rents telling of their daughter's mar riago to tlio Italian at Newark. WANTFni!NTELUaEI?Ti.A'I'tulon- rJncrellc A .. ! hHlf? ecroami inlouroiUc-tK lu hU uo MAM I tautx. lUvpoiulblo llouw. HUc.iviu.m July HMw r ,. liters Known. ffo oilier itirillolnolvnownpoeffcctnaUy purges tho hlrMKl of depv-rcnt(il illnr?, Itlllllmi hear lotltiiuny lo Its wonderful enrntho i-ITeit. It In it (Mi rely YructitMc rreiiflrnttoti, mmlo from Ihu imlivn lui'lh' iumI rnotft cf ('iiUforiiin, Iho iiH' iroKrilc of nro citrnctud there from MlthMit 1li! tti of Alcohol, It miKMc llm caiitto ot dlscwe, una tlio pnlLmt rernvt'M hi IkhIHi, It In tlm urn I I IIo ml IMnIUcr nnd Life jltlus Pritirl)l ; n (initio rurpntlvo nixl Tonic a iK'rfett Itcwiviiltif ntnl lutttrnrulur of tlio pyMcni, Never Mora In llm Mstory of tlm world Um a tucrikluo heeii ruiiirKiiuiih'd jxikMii)! tho rower of VlNEOAli BiTTEtii iti htn1lua' Iho Mtk of every illst-uso iiitm U lirtr lo. Tlio Alforntlvo, Aperient, Diaphoretic, Cnr tiiliinlUt', ISulrliititift, IjituIIvc, ftnlntlvi', Coimter Irrlhuit. Sii.tmiiV. AtilMliHuu. Solvent, Itimvtlc nml Tonic proportiei of Vinicuah Uittkih exceed lliooo of nny oilier mMicIno In tlio uortd. No pn. on um tiiko Iho ftcconum? to dlreellotm nnd letnnlii lon timwil, provided their lumen nri' lint drMruv'd hy mineral poleou or other iiK'iuiMUiil tlio i tnl oigniM Willed lrojoud tho point of reinilr. HlllotiN, Itcinlltetil, Tnlertntltcnt nn1 Mft lnrlnl Kt'Ver- nru pruvnUnl throughout tlio Unlled Mtci, piiitlcnUrly In Ihu n1U-j of our pn-nt rhcis nnd their tt-t liibutmleii during tho Summer nnd Autnmn, riK'cia!ly dating K-tisons of iinufunl heat nnd drnei. Tlicwo rcvcTN nro lnvnrlnhly nccompnntoa by CTleiieUu ilerunpementa of tho KonnUi, liter nnd bowcK In their treatment, n pmytitlw, eteitlnjj a powerful liilliicma upou tlicw ur'uti", Ij absolutely neecrMiiry, Thero In no cnttinrtlc for tho pnrposo equal to Dr. J.'s ViNMtAtt HiTTKiia, nn it 111 hpeilHy reiwno tho dark-eoli-red l-idd iiintterllh Mlileli thalnmelanro loaded, ntlho funui timo t-llmn-Inline tho cetielidiH of tho liver, ami gem-rally reetoilnj tho liouthy functions of tlio dlgeelivo orimn. l orlify dm ImmIj niln't dlfenfcby ptirlfylns nil Ha llultU with Vimoau IIittkiio. No i-pldemlc (nn tako hold of ticti'in thu- forciirmed. It Iim ljjoral llio Stomach nnd F-tlmu Ifitos tlio toipld Liver and UoweN, clennslny tho lilooil of nil imnurltleM, imitnrtititf lifo nml vicnr to tlio frame, nud emryiiiff oil without tho nid of Calomel, ur other inlneruK nil pohotioiw mntter from tho system. It is easy of ndmlnistiaUon, prompt la action, nnd ceitalnlu iUiemilts, 11) ietltior liiilli'siioiif Iletidnche.rnln In tho tdioulden, Couglm, Tlirlilnutw of Iho Chest, i'ninnoiila, Dizziness, Had Tnsto iu tho Mouth, llllioiH Attacl;1, Palpitation of tho Itmrt, nnd a hundred other painful syniptoma, nro at lieved bv ViscnAn IIittf.hs. 1'or liilliuiuiiitlor)' nnd Chronic Rheuma tism, Oout, Neurnlia, Disosert of tho Itlootl, IJver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, tho HHtcrg lmvo no eiunl. In these, n In nllconstitutlonal Disenscn, AValkeh's Yinhiau ltiTTEKS lin-t rIiouii lis tfieat curatfvo powrero ia the mot obstinuto and lutmctablo cases. Ictliniilrnl Dlscnst. rersens enpneed m Tnlnts and Minernln, Bueh ns PlumU'i-B, Typo betters, Ci old-beaters, aud Slineis, n they ndvaueo In life, nio subject to PnrnlyMs of tho ltowels. rJ'o puanl against this, tako occasional doses of VlNEflAll ItlTTKnS. Mitn lllsmses, Scrofula, Fait P.houm, Ulcers, Su'llins, Pimples, utules, llolln, t'nrhuneles, Itinj worms, ycald-hend, Foro J'ye-, Kryslpelns, Itch, Seurfa, Decolorations, lluuioi'8 and disea.se8 of the Skin, of whatever namo or nature, ainibter nlly dug up nml cnrrleil out of tho pyt.tem lu a short timo by Ilia uso of the lUtteiK. I'ln, Tapomul oilier WorniN, lurklnffln tho sihtem of bo many thousands, nro effectually destroyed and removed. No Bittern of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will freo tho sytem fnmi wonns liko Vineoaii IIitterr. niniNle, Scarlet I'ei rr, Slumps, VhoopIn" Cough, and nil children's diseases may Ui mado less severe by keeping the bowels open with mild doses of tho Pltters. This wonderful remedy Is especially adapted to tho systems of children, for purifying herbs nlono elvo it Us n-marknljle cura tive poucrs. It contains uo alcohol, opium or other iiolson. For Fcinnlo rompDiIiitK. luyouncoroM, married or pIdrIh, at tho dunu of woniauhood, or tho tutu of life, thU Utttei-s bos no entinl, Cleano tlio Vitiated IMooil wlien its im purities burst through the F-kiu In Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it vlan oh&tnicteil nnd BlupuKh In tho veins; tieansolt when it i foul; your feeiincs will U'll you hen, aud tho health of tho system ill follow. Ill coiieliulmi i Oho the Bitters n trial. It will Rjxnk for Itself. Ono lottlo Is n bi'tterEimr ante of its merits than n lengthy advertisement. A ron each tint lie are f ull direct Ions pt luted la different languages. It, 11, im-Doiinlil Drn Co., Proprietor, Him l'runclcot, nnd r.2M, f'ii hfl WiuuiuKton HL, Cor, Uhai-:tuii bt., New urk. Sold hy nil Jlenlcrs nutl Druggists. 'AINWHIGIlT it CO., WHOLESALE OROOERS, Philadelphia reas. syuupd, coffee, 3uqah, mol vss kick, spicks, bicarb soda, &cm to, N. fi. Corner Second and Arch streets, lifvirderswlil receive prompt ntto ntln RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. wi Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H TIME TABLE. Hi cITuct July 5Ui. 1SS3. Trains lo.ivn Sun bury. UASTWA1IU, 0.1) a. m.. Soa Mioro Kxnrcss (d.illv pxppnt Sunday), turll.rrUljun!nndluU,riiH'illiUufctatlon, nrrtvlns ut l'lilladclplilaiMSp. in. : NuwVoik (i.s;op. in. ; mitlmon.', 4.1H p. m. j Wnshlnetan. i.'M t. in., councclliii; at l'lilludelphl.i for all Sen Mioro noints. Ihrousli passeuyer coach to I'UUilucinuia, dally except Sunday),forllaiiUburL'and liilcnne dlato btatlons, arriving at r h f 1 a d o 1 n h 1 a UN) p. in. ; New York, u.35 p. m. ; llaltlinoro c.45 p. in. i Washington, noo p. m. l'arlor car through to 1'hlladeliihla aud paihenger coaches luruugu iu i iiiiavieipiiia auii luillimore. 8,05 p. m. WUUainsport Accommodation (dally, (or UarrUburg and all Inteimcdlato Mai Ions, arrlv. lug nt rhllauelnlila 4 ss a. in. ; New York v.oo a. in. lialllmorc, 5.25 in. ; Washington a. in. : bleeping car accominodatlons can bo secured at IlarrlsburgtorriilladelpblaaudNew York. onSiiu. days ntbiougli bleeping car mil bo run; on this train from Wltllarasp'l to I'hlladelphliul'hlladelphla passengein can remain In blecper undisturbed until S.33 a. m. l.rlo Ma 1 (dallv excent Slondav. for llanbbuig awl intennedlato stations, arrUlng at Milladelplila 8.S5 a. in. New York, ll.iiu a. in. ; llaltlinoro 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, v.;5 a.m. 'J'hrougli Pullman sleeping cars mo run on this train to Philadelphia, lialtlmoro nnd Washing, ton, nnd through passenger coaches1 to 1'hlladel. phlannd lialtunon,". WLSTWAltl). 5.20a. m Krlo Hail (dallv cxeent Snnd.ivi. fni Erlo and all Intermediate stations and gua and luteruiciilato btatlons, ltoehestcr, lluiri w and Klagara Falls, wltluliiougU milinan 1'al. aco cam and passenger coaches to Krlo and ltoeli ester. u.M-NewB Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intennedlato btatlons. 1.05 n. in Niagara l:xnres.s M.illv i-vrmil. Hun. dayitorKaue audlnteimedlatobtatlons aud Can. undalgua aud prluclpal luteriuedlato stations, Koehcster, lluilalo and Niagara Vails with through passeuger coaches to Kane and Kochester und Parlor ear lo Wntklns. 5.30 p. iu. r'ast I.lno (dally except Sundayjfor He. novo and luteriuedlato stations, und Elmliu, Wat. kins nud intennedlato stations, v, 1th through pas benger eoaclus to Itenovo and U'ulklus. V.M a. in.-suuday mall tor Iteuoto uud Inlerrne. dlato btatlons, TllltOUUll TUAINS roltSUNllUltY K110.M Till! EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.0 a. in llanlsburg T.iO nriltlug at Nunbury v.-M a. in. wltli through sleeping cur Hum Philadelphia lo WU Uainsport. Nuns Expiess leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. llanlsburg, n. m. dally except Sunday arriving at suubury u.53. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. : llaltlinoro T.3U a. m. (dally except Sunday uiiUlng at bunbury, p. in., with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia und through passenger coaches Iioin 1'hlladel. phla uud Ualtliuoie. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. in. ; Phlladel. phla,ll.5Ua, in. i Wushlngtou, v.50a. in. Haiti, more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except suuduy) an U lng ct bunbury, 5.ip. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia nnd liallfiuoro. Erlo Mall leaves New Yoik tt.ojp. in. i Phlladel. pUla, H.vop, in. ; Washing! ou, KWU p. m. i Haiti, luori', p. m., (dally exccpt.saturday) arriving nt bunbury 5.15 u. in., with through Pulluiau bleeping cars Ii om Philadelphia, WusUlugloii uud llaltlinoro und through passenger coaches trow Philadelphia. MIINIItlltV, IIAZI.liTIIN iV U'll.KEMIIAItlt. UAII.ltllAll AM) NCIltTII AND WE.-sP IIUAM'II Hlll.VVAY, (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbano .Mall leaus suubury lo.oo a. m., arrtvlug at Ulooin IVrry V1.M a. in., WUkes-barre I'.'.lbp, m. Express East leaves Sunbury 6.45 p. in., nrrlvlng at lilooin lerry 6.37 p. in., Wllkes-burru S.U1 p. m. Suubury ilall leaves llkebbarro a. in. arrlv lngnt liloom l'eiry p. m.,Muubury p. in. Express West leavm UUn-barro U.45 p. ui rlvlug ut liloom Eerry 4,15 p.m., sunbury 6.10 ciias. ic ruuii. ueu. Manager, J, It. WOOD, Ueu. Passenger Agent ALL KIND OK J015 PKINTINu ON SHOUT NOTIOK AT THIS OFFIOIi:. ELEGANT NEW IN MUX'S, HOYS' IclothimgJI THAT NHHD ONLY TO llli SHUN TO Mi Al'PItliOIATHI). Prctly Suits lor Children, Handsome Suits for Boys. Best Goods, Latest Styles, Neatest Fits. The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Roploto in HANDSOME DRESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, (0HEAFI1 THAI ITEM, UP IN THE AT THE Peiute Clothing Mom - OF - 131 iiWIBM ISIoonislMir, Fine (Jurrintcs. Buccics nml Wncons. varied selection of QgVEIIICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) from the best Jtnnufnctories. l'urclmscrs nrc inviteil to cull nml Inspect the gnoils, or to tJtWrite for Information and Prices. npr. 3, '85-ly IIS una LT&jKm QMAIN STREET,) DEALER IN ForeigM mi Bammim WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. J-JELAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WtSTKUN ItAlUtOAD. ur.oojisnuivG division. NOUTII. BTATIOK8. Kcraiiton,.,, ....lleilevue,,,, ..Taylorvlllo... . Lackawanna, , I SOUTH, a.m. num. p m. p.m. p.m. it uu it 3 1 h et in :i H 48 1 Hi B 40 VI 15 H ill li OH s sr 11! W H Si 11 6H 8 IT 11 M 8 VI 11 00 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 41 8 03 11 7 5'J 11 38 7 M 11 31 7 50 It 30 T 43 11 S.1 7 80 tl 14 7 18 11 (0 7 11 10 61 7 05 10 41 G 58 10 41 6 51 10 38 3 60 10 31 6 44 10 i!7 6 311 10 SI 0 SO 10 13 e S3 io u 6 118 0 Ml 0 OO K ID & 53 0 43 5 40 U 34 p.m. a.m, O.I1I 8 30 8 SI) o is u so s 10 20 U SO 8 13 3 iff 31 8!J 3 31 V 41 S 80 0 40 li 41 li 39 li I) ti it 41 0 I'J U 511 4 41 0 61 10 Oil 4 47 68 10 034 60 3 58 10 03 4 60 T 04 10 108 53 7 UT 10 15 3 OJ 7 14 10 SO 3 03 7 15 10 S3 3 10 7 23 10 84 3 87 7 37 10 41 3 eg 7 60 11 11 3 54 7 51 11 (HI 3 MJ 8 01 11 134 05 8 10 11 SO 4 14 8 11 It S3 4 10 8 18 11 SO 4 SO 8 S3 11 33 4 St N SO 11 41 A !1 8 S4 8 111 8 10 N UI 7 88 7 51 T 60 7 411 7 47! 7 44 .....ruiBiou...., ..West pittbton, ....Wyoinlnif,,., . .....Mallby;,.,. lienneit ....Kingston..,, ....Kingston..,, Plymouth Juno 7 38. .riyiuoutu.,,, .Avondalo. , 1 31 7 3'1 7 S3 lluiilock'a Creek 7 IS ..niucKsninny,, ..lllck'a Ferry.. ..Heaclillavcu,, Ilcrwlck..,, ..lirlar Creek... 7 00 0 51 3 41 3 41 6 38 3 31 0 41 3 SI ...Uinelllilgo,.! Il.'uioomsuurg'!.'. a is jiupcrt. 8 33 It 60 4 40 3 11 Catawpa llrldgo 8 41 11 53 4 49 llnvllln U KI3 ... . n. 6 60 5 I'J 3 13 .(llUlllsky..., 0 03 14 SIS 14 9 3J 0. 111. . .. u"uciuu . V IB 14 S3 3 II ilsorlliumberland u S5 14 40 S 33 v.. r. 1IA1J3TBAD, Bupt. buperlntentient'a onice, Bcrauton, Feb. 1st, ibos SPRING STYLES AND CIIILDKEN'S LATEST STYLE, f . F. HUNT, 320 & 322 Pcnn Avenue, At this Uenosltorv mav lie seen n Inrcrn nml J MAEfflZEM.. For tho Celebrated CliickcrhiE, Ivers & roiul, ami Vosoit Son I'lanos. World. re nowned Estcy Organs, Violins, Accordeons nnd Sheet JIusic. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Hoyal St. John, nnd Light Itiinnlng Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil nnd nttiichnienls for all makes of Sewing Mnchlnes. '5 Stcro and Warerooms, No. 128 Franklin Avenue. Also Warcrooius ill Franklin Ave. nml livicen. terstieet. SCRANTON, PA. tot Anj tiling to iniikti tip niu w wnfoii or repair an old, in Hock. liar Iron, and Sln l HoltK, Hull Knils, Lag Scrowc, Tunibiicklo'H Horso Shoes, anil all HlackBinilli sujipllcs. Apr8My PATENTS, Obtained ana all patent buslacsn attended to for lntxlerato tees. our omce U opposite tlio U. 8. Patent omce, and S.S.o".'1 0,Jlf.1,n Vtnts In lea time than tlioso re mote from Washington. nm'."0elor.d.l'wlnS- We advlso as to pat. P,ntiLbllUy.r'0.otcuarfeianilwoinilo no charge unless patent Is secured. ,)v?rt'!V,',1";rtul1'0 l'ostmaster, tho supt. ot fK ,0-r,der H nnl 'o oniclals of tho 11. H. jatentomce. For circular, aduce, terms aud county0 wrl0tetoUUlCllentl' 'n'our own "atl,or C. A. SNOW & CO., n opposite Patent Ofltce, Washington, 1). 0. Till., old nud ufll- IJLCELEBRATEDi! h Ji'Wn" fr t ?i!,V . ta "C' lfatllll nd di..ol d uii. Iirinril ... . . i 1,"."i,iiu. j Klliur 1U.U1M1 lis. w .".nMiirms. vvlvwl iucU vuvuuiiuui, iu uiitt( iwttivuj nam I bul4 f ftU ttfUKrfUtfc Juno 20-'lw il SUIlSOHIHIi; FOlt THE C0LUM11IAN, 816.0 A YEAH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers