The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 03, 1885, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct Itnllrond Time Tattle.
KKIDAY, JULY 0, 1885.
Trains on tho Philadelphia & II. It. leave Hurcrt
0:30 A. m.
.1:44 p. 111.
11:49 a. m.
(1:13 p. til.
Trains on tho 1). I. & V. It. It. Icaio Dloorasturir
as follow si
(1.21 a. in.
10.81 n. in. p. in.
twin p. in.
SOUTH. a. m.
ll:4l a. m.
4:31 p. Hi.
8:17 p. tn.
Trains on tho N. W. II. Hallway pass IHoom
ferry as follows t
10.6'.' a. in. 18:08 p. in.
0.17 p. in. 4:15 p. in.
Clicnp Atl-crtlHCiiiciitH.
Advertisements will bo Inserted In our
local columns nt the following rntes t
Situations wanted, free.
Lost or found, free.
Help wanted, 20 cents.
Rooms to rent, 20 cents.
One tlmo cncli, or 3 limes, 40 cents.
Hlnmlliig OffcrH.
Tho Co!.u.MiitAN Is ollcred on the follow.
Ing terms t
C0I.VUBUN nna N. V, Weekly H'urM 1 J r.
" " Phlla. " Times "
" "4merfiiil(n-cti!(tirf("
" " Tribune ,t- farmer '
Other papers will bo ndded to this list.
For 4 new subscribers to tho Comjmmah
accompanied with tho cash, 50.00, a copy
of tho History of Columbia county will bo
giver, to getter up of club.
For 3 new names and $4.50 we will send
the Cow.MMAH ono year free to person send
ing names j or If names aro sent In by ono
now taking tho paper wo will credit his
account with ono year's subscription.
For 2 new names, with $3.00, we will
send paper for 0 months to tho person se
curing tho names for us.
For 1 new namo with 1.50, we will
send paper 3 months to person securing the
samo for us.
On receipt of 10 cents wo will send the
Columbian to any address in tho county
for ono month on trial, and paper will not
bo sent longer unless so ordered.
rilUUC HAI.liH.
L. 11. Bomboy, administrator of Benja
min Bomboy, lato of Hemlock township,
will sell real estato on tho premises on Sat
urday, August 1st, 1895, at 2 o'clock In tho
John Dorr, trustee, will sell on the prem
ises, in Jackson Twp., valuable real estate
of Christina Young, dee'd, on Saturday,
July 25, 1885, at 2 o'clock, p. m., 29 acres,
in good state of cultivation, and supplied
with timber.
W. C. McKlnncy returned from the West
on Monday.
C. W. Ncal and family spent last week in
Now York City.
Miss Sue II. Miller and Annie Hoffman,
of Danville, arc visiting Mr. Kulm's.
Miss Mame Frick, of Danville, is visiting
friends here.
Mr. W. II. Clark has returned from Phil
a lelphla considerably Improved in health.
Mia. It. C. Neal nnd sons aro visiting in
Thomas Geraghty of Centrallu was in
town on business on Monday.
Louis Lowenbcrg was appointed on Sat
urday last, to bo mailing clerk between
New York and Pittsburg.
Mrs. E. W. Drinker, and sister Miss
Harrow of New York are visiting at E. R.
Miss Ella McKinney returned home last
week, after an nbsenco of several weeks
with friends at Canton and Troy.
Oeorgo P. Forrce, son of the Fiofessor,
has just returned home, having graduated
with honor at Allegheny College.
Prof. "Waller attended a reunion of his
class at Lafayette College last week. It
was the fifteenth anniversary of his gradu
atlon. Daniel McIIcnry, of Stillwater, was at
Uethlohcm last week attending commence
ment exercises of tho Moravian Seminary.
His daughter carried oft tho honors.
ort Sai.k. A fresh cow. Apply to Mrs.
S.uah A. Creyellug, Light Street.
I IHIghcst price for butter and eggs and
goods at panic prices nt Snyder ASleppy's.
Edward Tustin exhibits much skill in
riding a bicycle, for ono who has but just
Messrs. Thompson & Qoodcnough have
eold tho Towanda Btvitic to E. B. and F.
O. McKcc.
Go to Harman and Hasscrt's and havo
your mowing machines put in repair for the
coming harvest. 4w.
Thero were 2!) in tho graduating class of
tho Stato Normal School at Lock Ha.
A uumber of persons are sick with ty
phoid fever at Sugar Notch and Warrior
llun, near Plymouth.
Wo will glvo you cheap goods and fair
and honest dealing nt Snyder & Sloppy'.
Oivo us n call.
The Invitations sent out by tho Normal
Senior class this year aro very attractive,
They nre printed from an engraved plate.
Thuvcty best Binder Twlno for sale at
Harman & Hassert's for 15 cents per
pound. 4v.
E. L. Snyder has purchased one.half In
terest In the Llllev & Sloppy store. Tho
firm will bo Snyder and Sloppy. Friends
glvo us a call. (
July will havo two full moons and Is the
only tnonlh in thu year which will bo lion
ond with such a distinction. The first and
thirtieth dnys aro tho dates.
Tho weather prophet struck it right In
his prediction for Tuesday. It was a cool,
windy day moro llko early Spring than tho
last day of June.
Tho Governor has signed tho new Mnr
rlago law, which wo published lit full last
week. It does not go into effect until Oc
tobcr 1st.
Tho gross receipts from tho Jl'hllologlan
festival held In tho rink on Friday nnd
Saturday evenings of last week were about
Tho tramps aro complaining Unit the bu-
Biness la lamentably ovi-idou-. There aro
a hundred men now whore I lit I e was one
fifteen years ago.
Lumber and grain taken In exchange for
J. J. Aliens' Son's., fetllllzcrs.
II. B. Low,
Juno 20-2w Orongevlllo.
Jacob Hclclmrd, of Lclghton, Iowa, lias
been vlsitinir friends In this section. Mr,
Rclchard moved West few yenrs ago,
nnd by closi attention to farming has mado
himself verv comfottable, Ho notices
great changes lu our town during his nb
Ice cold water sprlnkltd upon cabbago
plants, Infested by tho Imported cabbago
worm, Is claimed to bo sure death to that
Insect. Tho water should bo sprinkled
upon the cabbago during the heat of tho
day, when tho worms will roll olf and die.
Hnrtnan & Hasscrt aro selling the light
est draft BclMllndcr In tho market, 4w.
A Citt in Sullivan County. John A.
Funston of Bloorusburg, Columbia county,
owns n Inrgo tract of land near Bcrnlcc
which ho lias named "Sullivan City." He
will make a town nlot nnd null luilt.ltnlni.
cheap. Ihcanda Rniew.
Wo received several lino specimens of
writing from O. P. Zancr, of Audubon,
Iowa, uno was a monogram of Tub Co.
I.D.M1HAN, nnnther n letter heading. They
aro certainly very handsome, nnd show
that Mr. Zaner Is proficient with the pen.
Ex-SherlfT PamuelVnn Loon, nged CO,
died suddenly at Wllktsbarrr, Sunday af
ternoon, of paralysis. Deceased was a
prominent Democratic tmlltlrlnn nf r.,n.
county, having been ono of the leaders of
mo pany lor mnny years.
Faiimkiis-Now Is tho tlmo to have your
threshers and poweis repaired. Cylinders
nnd concaves, spiked with Iron or steel.
Old power rods cut and re-turned at low
prices. Itcapcr renalrs nf nil kln.u b
on hand. Sections put on without extra
tiiurgo uy mo Jlloomsburg Agricultural
Works. Work guaranteed.
ltev. A. S. Bannianriliipr. nf ri.,.,m
win. is acknowledged to be one of the finest
singers m mo country, will bo nt the Gos
pel Temnernnce Unl Oil lllppllnir. in llin
Evangelical church, on ucxt Tuesday even
Ing. July 7th. If you appreciate good
pinging go and hear him.
A. Bawling nut a new wnirnn nut nn
Monday for hauling his meat from tho
slaughter house tn tho market. It Is a
platform spilng wagon and ouo of Sloan's.
Wagon IiaS no toil but ll llOawVnnvnaa
fastened oyer the meat tn protect it from
Ins and thodust. Hawllngt always keeps
i with the times.
All kinds of reaper seel Ions can be had
at Hnrmau & Hnssert's. 4w.
The Thirty first annual mcctlmr nf tlm
Stato Teacher's Association of Pcnnsvlva-
a will be held in the Onera House, nt
Harrisburg, commencing on Thursday of
ncxi weeic, July 7lli, and continuing until
Saturday evening. Excursion tickets will
be sold on all roads leadln? Into IlnrrUlmrir.
The programme is amineed for sessions In
the morning, afternoon nnd evening.
A parly of gentlemen from Lost Creek
went to the Catawlssa creek, six miles dis
tant, on Sunday, to bathe. They spent
some time hi the woods before they cntcr
ed the water, where they remained only a
short time. Almost Immediately after
they came out Jacob 11. Ledden, one of the
party, fell In the arms of his companions
nnd died. Heart disease Is supposed to
have been tho cause.
The Paul E. Wirt fountain pen U g lining
a wide reputation. Last week there wero
orders of a dozen each sent into Wiscon
sin, Mexico, New Mexico, Texas anil Cali
fornia. Messrs. Bobbins nnd Peacoc k, tho
general agents, expect to establish agencies
in every State of the Union. The pen is
well spoken of all over, and thoie who se
cure tho agencies for counties will receive
good profits for their investment.
On Saturday last we were shown a lluto
made by C. M. Drinker, of this Tho
instrument was mnilo from a piece of
dog.wood. Mr. Drinker made it
complete from the rough wood to tho
finely polished silver-plated keys and tho
tuning. It is seldom you pi e a mechanic
with such natural gifts as possessed by
"jlorg." It is doubtful whether you can
bring any small machine, but that he will
bo able to repair It or make a similar one.
Here Is a hint for farmtis: List fall a
man at Clyde, N. Y., had a number of
stumps which he wished to remove. Ho
bored holes in them, inserted saltpeter,
filled up with water and then plugged tho
holes. About a month ago lie took nut the
plugs, poured In kerosene oil nnd n-t fire,
The stumps have smouldered nwny without
blazing and now there is nothing left of
them but ashes.
whirlwind that struck a Held near Ma
rietta, Ga., ashoittlmc ago, caught up
David Reedy, a colored man, w ho wns
working in the field at tho time,and whisk-
cd lilm into the nlr to a height that must
have been great, if ho does uot exaggerate
his experience. He says that whllo up In
the air the trees looked like little bushes,
and tho ronilng wind sounded llko rushing
waters. His descent was so easy that ho
was not In tho least harmed.
Reuben Hess' groyo at Rupert lakes the
lead for picnics in this section. Tho M. E.
Church of Berwick were there on Wcdnes.
day of last week. About 700 people were
In attendance. Special excursions wero is
sued over tho D. L. & W. road. On Friday
the M. E. Church, of this place, went down
on the 8:27 a. m. train. Gllmoro's band ac
companied tlieni. They returned at 0:3(1 p,
m. and report u joyous time. On Thurs'
day of this week a party from Danville oc
cupled the grove.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E
Church, Espy, have been very kindly re
ceived slnco their organization, and would
return thauks to friends nnd patrons for all
favors. On .Monday afternoon they wero
Invited by Mr. Win. Dcittcrich to his house
and wero treated to a royal cup of his "U.
K." colfce. A vote of thanks was uuani
mously tendered him by the society. Thoso
who missed tho treat wo would adviso to
purchaso a packago of his carefully pre
pared colfeo and test for themselves.
iVbout ten o'clock Thursday night of last
week John Cox, proprietor of tho Palmer
House nt Northumberland, ehot and killed
Mllo Jump, a former porter of the hotel.
Jump and Cox had n difficulty about a
bottle of whisky, which Cox alleged Jump
had stolen. Tho latter entered tho bar
room Thursday night as tho band was sere
nading Cox, nnd was ordered out. Ho
started to go,but Cox followed him to tho
door and seizing him fired a bullet Into his
breast. Jump fell dead.
Harman ii Hasscrt have now on exhibi
tion, at their works, tho New Blccl From
Belf.Bindlng Harvester. 4w,
Letters remalninir In tlm postofllco at
Benton for the quarter ending June 30, '85:
Mr, Samuel Colo.
" Philander It. Potter.
A. T. Hobbs, 3.
" Edward Frust, 3.
" Warren McCreary.
'' W. II. Blaln.
Mrs. Luclnda Cook,
" Dennis Palmntlcy.
' Lonzo Milton.
Miss Sadlu Cramer.
It. F. McIIcnry.
Miss Jennie Weston, card,
Ameta D. Cole, card.
A, Y. Hess, card,
T1 l- Smith, card.
Persons calling for tho above will plcaso
say "advertised,"
Jons Heioocc, P. M.,
Benton, Pa,
Tin Iioousr Belt. It tmiftt not lip
ought that tho locust, which has made Us
appcaranco so suddenly In tho mldsl of us,
IS a Visitor In All SOCl ona nf tlm Fntintrv.
Ihrvcr't WecUv nulillsliea
tho locust bolt. From this It nmirnrn thai
tho locusts comoup In spots. Northern
Now York, Central Massachusetts nnd Ver
mont have each a good crop of locusts.
Hut tho wholo of Southern Pennsylvania.
with a belt extending southward through
Virginia and North Carolina Is tho largest
locust nrcn on tho mop. From tlia southern
end of Lake Michigan a scml-clrcular bell
extending through Ohio to Southern Indl-
also presents a largo area for n locust
. Beyond tho Mississippi tho locust
no habitation. The thirtccn.vcar.old
locust appears In patches in tho West, but
principal homo is nlonir the Eastern
shore- of tho Mississippi from Kentucky
nearly to tne uulf.
Wo would remind our friends nnd former
patrons and the public generally, thut wo
aro still handling D. M. Osborno& Co.'s
Reapers, Mowers and Binders, of which
o nayo on nana a Mill line, covering all
io latest Improvements, which are added
theso excellent machines every year.
Wo keen constantly on hand a lino of
extras for the above machines and make a
specialty of rcnalrlnir not onlv the Oahorno
machines, but all kinds of mowing and
reaping mnciiinos.
Wo have always on hand a full lino of
klvcs for all makes of machines. Wo
mvc a largo stock of the yery best Binder
Inc, which wo nro offering for 15 cents
pound. Invitlnc nil to cxnmlnn nnr
machines before purchasing elsewhere we
nre i
respectfully Uahman & Hassbkt.
I-'ourtll of July IMclllc.
The congregation of St. Columbia Cath
olic church will hold their annual picnic at
Troub's Urovc, 5th street, Bloomsburg, on
Saturday, July 4th. A string band will
furnish music for dancing. Refreshments
of all kinds will be served in abundance.
good day's sport is assured. Admission
free. All nre Invited. Bv nrdcr of
w. Committee.
I'.xciirHlun TIclcetH to Yellow Htonc
It Is announced by the passenger depart
ment of the Penna. Railroad Company
that there has been placed on sale at all
principal ticket offices of tho company a
stock of excursion tickets to Yellowstone
National Park. These tickets will bo sold
In connection with Pennsylvania Railroad
tickets to Chicago, Ihcnco by tho several
roads from that point to Council Blufls or
St. Paul, thence by the Union or Northern
Pacific to Yellowstone Park. The tickets
by both tho Union and Northern Pacific
routes bear liberal conditions ns to limit of
going and returning trips.
Tlie "Query Column
It was once the fashion for newspapers
especially weekly papers to have an In
quiry column, In which correspondents
were gravely Informed that Napoleon Bon
aparte was born In Corsica; that gunpow
der wns invented about 1320j that thero
was no wcu-auiuenucatcu instance or a
man walking on three legs. But the fash.
Ion fell Into desuetude many years ago. became too valuable to bo devoted
to gratifying the curiosity or completing
the education of single individuals. An
inquiry column, moreover, to bo really
valuable, Involved the services of too many
high-price writers to bo a judicial feature
in a well-conducted newspaper.
To answer miscellaneous queries correct
ly half a dozen professional meu would uot
bo too many. Mischief might be done by
blundering answers. Hence, ono by one,
the papers which used to have a standing
heading of "Answers to Correspondents"
dropped It out, and there is no chance of
its being revived. Papers nowadays fur
nish their readers with such information as
they deem best suited to the largest num.
her. Seekers after special facts will find
them in wcrks devoted to that order of
facts. Wo can say to them as Dr. Aberne-
thy said to tho man who wanted to get a
deadhead opinion out of lilm: "In your
case, if 1 were you, I would consult
doctor !" Sin Francisco Chronicle.
Most of tho farmers will finish haying
this week and quite a number commence
their harvest.
Our hens don't lay any big cgis, nor our
fishermen catch any big trout, but some of
our women do tell some mighty big btor
ies. Hugh Mcllrlde, Reuben Giles, Jackson
Ikelcr nnd John Driserodc, drove a team
or colts to llazleton nnd from thence to
Wllkesbarro with tho intention of selling
them. They returned Friday evening with
out effecting a sale.
Jacob Rcichard, now a resident of Iown
but formerly a citizen nf this township, Is
visiting a week with friends and relatives.
He came homo Saturday to attend a home
-Miss Jennie Barclay and Miss Mnttio
Itunyon of Bloomsburg spent a few days at
Hugh Jlcllride's.
In our last Items we unintentionally lie
glectcd to nnnounco tho rejoicings of a
lid ppy father and mother over their first
born. It Is a boy and more than that it is
a Bom boy. Charlie and Magglo aro over
proud of their boy. We believe his Sun
day name is to bo Thomas Bruce, but for
every day it Is designed to Just call him
Bruce. His grandfather, Reuben Bomboy,
was seen taking home n handsomo shifting
top baby carriage, and we doubt not but
what it was Intended for Bruce.
Three Misses Tubbs of Benton, lately
spent two days with their sister, Mrs. J
E. Whlto of tills place.
The Lutheran congregation talks of hold-
Ing a harvest homo during tho summer sea-
Quito a uumber of our people attended n
festival atStroup's Church In Frosty Val
ley last Saturday evening. The Buckhorn
Baud was also In attendance nnd discours
ed somo excellent music. Our boys re-or
ganlzcd lato la the spring with a number
of now members, but by paying close at
tention they havo attained n success worthy
of commendation.
David Ikelcr of Mount Pleasant spent
Buuday with Willets Belz.
Clark Blttcnbcndcr and William Shoo
maker, two prodigals, returned to this
place from Illinois last r riday. They say
thu west is not what it is cracked up to be,
and prefer tho ups and downs of Pcnnsyl
vania to tho beautiful Hats of tho Mlsslsslp
pi Valley.
Frauk Ptirsol of Bloomsburg spent Sun
day with his grandfather, Isaac Purse!
Miss Hannah Poolcy expects to return to
her home In MlUcrsburg, Pa., on Thursday
of this week.
Wo are glad to eco Mrs. O. M. Tcrwllll-
gcr up and around again.
Miss Lizzie Richurt closed her term of
select school at this place Friday.
Mr, Reuben Bogart'was taken suddenly
111 with palsy last Sunday,
Mrs. L. M. Hartman Is lying very sick.
Mr. II, O. Kelclincr of Light Street was
through hero last week distributing candl
i date cards for ebtflHi
List of letters remaining In Post Office
nt Bloomsburg, l'a., for week ended June
80th 1885.
Lnvlna Blttcnbcndcr, Mrs. Hannah Con-
ncr, Miss Ida E. Drake, Hannah Dclghmll-
lcr, Mr. S. W. Gltton, Mrs. Kate Keller,
Salomon Mourey, Lloyd T. Mowrcy, Miss
-Mary O. Scott, Mr. 8. 8. Strlcby, Miss Al-
Ho Taylor.
Mrs. E. Clour, Miss Mary Heddcns, Mrs,
j'rnuk Maleoy.Mr. O. A. Spanglcr.Wm. H.
Persons calling for these letters plcaso
say they arc advertised.
Gkoihie A. C'laiik,
P. M.
Biitisctlptlon has been Mado up by a
number of gentlemen for the purchaso of
fireworks, and tho people of this town will
be given a fine exhibition on tho evening of
tho 4th. The display will be set off on tho
hill In Frcezo's grove, and can bo seen
from the forks of the road at the foot of tho
hill. At clcht o'clock, or as soon as dark
enough, Is the hour fixed on.
Ilettilelicm Hcmliiury.
The centennial commencement exercises
of the Moravian Seminary at Bethlehem
for young ladles wero held Wednesday of
last week. The exercises were opened
1th reading of the Scripture nnd prayer
by Rev. M. W. Lclbcrt, followed by essays
delivered by tho graduating class. Tho
salutatory was delivered by Miss May Mc
IIcnry, of Stillwater, Pa. Other essayists
were Misses Georglo Hickok, of New York
City; Mary B. Miller, of Omaha, Nebraska;
Mamie Klstler, of Sciota; Nan T. Bruerc,
of New Egypt, N. J.; Lillian May Taylor,
of Brookline, Mass., nnd Florence Baker,
o Chicago. 111. The class historian was
Miss Itoso A. Abbott, of Natchez, Miss.
the class prophet, MIsi Mary I. Shultz, of
Bethlehem, Pa., and tho vnlcdlctorian,Miss
Mary A. Hcltsku, of Moorton, Del. Bishop
Edmund dcSchwclnltz, S J. 1). , addressed
the graduating class and presented the di
plomas. Gold medals were presented to
the following: For the best record in logic,
Miss Mny McIIcnry; history, Miss Brucre;
nlgcbra, Miss Heltshu; silver medal for
best record In arithmetic, Miss Bell Ladd.
musical entertainment in the evening
closed the exercises.
On Saturday evening a meeting was held
the directors and citizens nt tho
school houso for tho purpose of inquiring
nto tho necessity of building a new school
house. Certainly its need cannot be doubt
ed by any sensible man. But thero aro
somo of them would be lu favor If wo could
only wait ten or fifteen yenrs.
Silas Young lost a valuable horse last
Prof. Brooks gave tho young band a les
son on Wcdnesdny night last.
Pompcy walks very straight, cause, horn
too heavy to cairy. Better get a lighter
On Sunday the 21st of Juno ns Queen
Victoria Elizabeth Crouse and John Hidlay
son of m. Hldlny's were on a swing en
joying themselves the swing gave way
causing the breaking of young Hldlny's
arm and shoulder blade whilst the lady had
her leg broken.
The grain In this section Is the best for
miles around us and Is now putting In an
appearance for warming Foine human
beings ns well as horses.
Hay making will be the order of the day
during the week.
A. C. Brown visited town on Saturday
last to sec that Tink keeps u full supply on
A game of baso ball was played on tho
island on Saturday between the Blooms
burg nine nnd a nine from town which re
sulted in a defeat for Light Btreet boys.
A. C. Hidlay sold his sorrel gelding Huck
tail to Johnty Lemons. Look out for John-
ty, now ye fast horses.
Ups and Downs of the Iron Business-
An article in '.ho Philadelphia rrm of
last week gives an account of tho death of
II. E. Steel at Danville, and attributes the
causo to business reverses. Ihe article
further says: His last venture was in tho
Gleudower Iron Works at Danville, nnd in
nomiual possession of these died. These
works havo an Interesting history nnd this
is probably tho last sad tragedy In connec
tion therewith.
About thirty years ago two experienced
and enterprising Englishmen named Wil
liam Hancock nnd John Foley, came to
this country, and, from their small capital,
but intelligent and untiring industry, grew
the old Rough aud Ready Iron Works, one
of tho busiest and most profitable iron
hives in Pennsylvania. During tho war
and for several years thereafter tho rolling
mill was conducted by them, until finally
Mr. Foley retired with what was then con
sldercd a large fortune, and shortly nftcr-
waids Mr. Hancock followed lilm in relin
quishing active business, though ho per
mitted much of his fortune to remain in
tho works. A stock company was formed
under the title of tho National Iron Co., of
Danville, and tho late Gen. W. H. Painter
was actively interested as tho president of
this new organization.
roratlme there was every appearance
of push and prosperity. Puddle aud blast
furnaces were fired, tho machinery was
put In motion, au associate bank nnd com
pany stores wero started, and thero was
substantial evidence of a new prosperity,
but tlmo proved that it was simply an ex
change from tho slow but solid business
methods of tho experienced Englishmen
iron founders to the hollow dash and glitter
of modern enterprise. Soon the National
Iron Company went down, Involving sev
eral fortunes nccummulatcd In Its better
days. Subsequently tho works were sold
for a mere song, and tho nnmo again
changed to thu Glcndowcr. An effort was
mado to instill new life Into Iho establish
ment and bring back something of its former
prosperity, but lack of capital and orders
general business depression and the de
preciation of the plant all combined to
force it again under tho Sheriff's hammer,
and thero it hangs to-day, quivering under
an order of court and awaiting somo new
John Foley is dead and his accumulated
fortuno scattered lo the winds. William
Hancotik is burled and a few hundred dol
lars'aro carefully husbanded for his minor
children. General Painter's body lies In a
neighboring .cemetery, nnd now Mr. Steele
follows to join tho great majority. Of all
former prosperity and accumulated for
tunes nothing remains. Tho money has
vanished, tho men arc dead, and;tho plant
remains a huge decaying mass of ancient
and superseded machinery, useful only as
scrap Iron and to mark tho progress of tho
age, and this is tho business Hie, prosperity
und decay of a single generation, A quar
ter of a century ago stock lu tho Rough
nnd Ready Iron Works could not bo pur
chased at any pilec, aud Its holders wero
esteemed rich beyond auy pcradvcntiire.
Every vestige of that piospcrlty, both di
rect and indirect, is now begging for a
purchaser. As In war so in peace, "Victory
docs not belong to the strong ulone, but lu
tho vigilant, tho active and tho bravo." No
business can reach that stage of prosperity
where It can run ItscU.
Put nwny your ulster and try your over
Miss Mattlo Flcmmlng returned on Fri
day evening from an extended visit to dif
ferent points In New Jersey.
Tho farmers busy tlmo hns come. Somo
havo already commenced mnklng hay and
arc thinking about harvesting till tho
Wo had no preaching In our church Inst
Sunday, owing to tho quarterly meeting at
tho valley church. Thero will be preach
ing next Sunday evening.
Diphtheria has broken out In our com
munity, tho victims being two children of
Mr. Welllvcr's nnd the daughter of Arthur
Roberts. Sco that your back yards aro
free from any refuse, and do not glvo tho
disco so a harboring place.
The beautiful picnic grounds hero nro
known ns tho Hess Park. The grounds aro
tho most beautiful, and havo tho best lo
cation for railroad convenience, steamboat
riding, rowing and promenading of any In
Eastern Pennsylvania. There wero two
picnics held there last week and was oc
cupied on Thursday of this week. Bicycle
riders can uso the park to good advantage.
Mr. Henry J. Kelly spent Sunday In
Mahanoy City,
Don't forget the festival tn the Methodist
church to-morrow evening.
Fourth of July will bo celebrated hero
only by the small boy with his toy pistol
and shooting crackers.
The quota for Logan nnd Ccntralla col
lieries fur the month of July will bo 30,000
tons, which will glvo them but fifteen days
work each, instead of working n full month
as was anticipated by the workingmcn.
Mr. Wm. Pelffcr, Sr., ono of the old
landmarks ot town, passed away on Sunday
morning. Mr. Peiffer made considerable
money ns a contractor, but during tho past
five years ho has had business troubles nnd
has lost nil, and leaves a wlfo and three
children in poor circumstances.
Young men and boys visit n breach mid-
way between Ccntralla and Logan collieries
for the puposo of bathing. Those persons
who enjoy this sport aro aware, no doubt,
that they do It with tho greatest of danger,
as It Is but n few months back that this
body of water was taken Into tho mines be-
low nnd is liable now nt any moment to do
the same.
Tho fire at North Ashland Colliery is at
present nearly under control. The com-
pany has been dumping coal dirt down the
main slope, until Monday when they found
there was sufficient down to make it air
tight. They aro now pumping water into
the mlno from ail surrounding collieries,
and expect to have the -lire extinguished in
a short time.
John Mowry, jr., is tho happiest man In
tho township. Wo understand tho reason
is because of the arrival of that bouncing
We nro iuformed that M. M. Hartzcl has
cherries that will measuro 3 Inches
around. If any one can beat that just let
us know of them.
I). L. Swank & Co., started out on an
excursion trlp,last Saturday the 27th. They
went to Wcpwallopen and Hobble and be
fore they readied homo they took in Coun
cil cup.
Mr. John Lockard and wife were the
guests of George Moury on Saturday and
Sunday last.
Mr. J. Thrash and Mr. E. Long were the
guests of M. M. Hartzel's on Sunday last.
Mrs. T. A. McMurtrle was the guest of
E. L. Klrkindall on Sunday lust.
Miss A. E. Miller hns been dangerously
111 for a number of days but It Is reported
that she Is Improving again.
Messrs. Charles Gcarhart and Charles
Steely, jr., were visiting friends nt this
place lately.
The rain on Sunday evening was wel
comed very much as the ground was very
Tho gram Is nearly ripe nnd some Is
being harvested.
Thero was au ice cream party atGeorgo
Moury's on last Saturday night. Those
thero report a good tune, good crcam,good
drinks and a lively time. Come boys let
U3 turn out and have snmu good times too,
and not bo always behind.
Mr. Michael Moury who has been hero
to visit his brother and sister for the first
time for forty long years, started for Illi
nois on last Monday with ttic expectation
of never seeing this stato again.
cnlnwl ssn,
Last Friday there was a sad caso of
drowning happened at tho mouth of Roar-
ingcreck. It appears that two boys, aged
about eight years were watching the cows,
when they thought they would enjoy a
bath, but they wero carried into deep water
and wero diowncd. The bodies were no1
found until late In the cycnlng. Tho one
was a son ot Mr. Bidding and the other a
son of Mr. Lynch.
There was also n man drowned upon the
other side of tho river at tho I). L. station,
in the canal on Saturday ntternoou. Hi:
remains were taken to Shenandoah on Sun
day wlicro ho resided.
Tho G. A. R. Intend holding a festival
before long. Wo will announce it in time.
Tho teachers' examination wns not large
ly attended.
Mrs. Julia Booth's school had a picnic on
Tuesday. She has had a very successful
term of school.
Pay day on tho P. & R. railroad livened
the town nnd made a happy smile on many
a face.
Festivals and picnics ore all the rago at
present. Wo hear of one every few nights
and all seem to bo well attended.
Mr. Chas. Polio has moved back again to
Ids former residence at Espy.
Thero aro qulto a number ot people out
enjoying tho pure country air.
A slight shower ot rain enlivened vege
tatlon ou Sunday but was of too short dur
ation to do much good.
We notice qulto a number of femnlo fish
crs going to tho river, and attempting to
catcli tho finny tribe. If somo ono will re
port 1 will state, tho biggest catch.
Mr. II. J. ltecdcr grows tho largest ber
ries. C02 qts. In ono picking and boiuo 01
Inches In circumference.
A. L. Holshlvo lias returned from his
western trip.
Would It uot bo well for some of our of.
fleers, to sco where all this liquor is ills
pensed and try to iniiko some stop to this
drunkenness. Bad for tho rising genera
Tho school term has been fixed
at seve
months and wages from $30 to
75 per
Our streets are In some places being wat
ered with hose, but other places are dusty,
More water, or rather moro people to take
advantage of Its bcnMlts I
Commencement Week.
Tho Baccalaureate sermon wns delivered
in tho M. E. Church Sunday morning by
II. A. Buttz, I). D President of Drew
Seminary, N. J. The church was crowded
nnd tho audience delighted with tho ser
mou. Tho entertainment by the model school
on Monday evening wns liberally attended.
Tho programmo consisted ot solos, duetts,
trios, and an operetta, entitled "Dragon
Fly Day." The opcrctln was very amusing
and entertaining, calling fotth much ap
plause. Tho Instructor of tho model school
deserves much praise for tho clllclcncy ot
the pupils.
Tho address beforo tho literary societies
announced for Tucsdny evening was post
poned until Wednesday. Tho spoakcr,
Gen. W. II. McCartney, being unable to bo
hero on Tuesday.
At four o'clock on AVcdnesday afternoon
the class assembled In tho Campus nnd car
ried out tho following programme!
lnstruumcntnl eolo, Miss Mary Curran;
President's nddrcBs, Mr. C. F. Mcllugh;
History, Miss Mary Curran; Doublo quar
tette, "Tho Swiss Girl's Dream," Misses
Mickey, Ent, Vaughn, Phillips, aud Messrs.
Bldlcman. Blcrly, Kratz andDcchant; Class
oration, "The Duties of a Young ,Man to
his Country," Mr. Myron Geddes; Instru
mental duett, Misses Crocker, Nowhouse;
Essay, "Wo Will Find a Way or Make
One," Miss Lusio Cole; Trio, Misses Miller,
Mussclman, Homage; Prophecy, Miss Cora
Hagcnbuch; Prcscntalon of Memorial, O.
E. Dechant; Class Bong, composed by Miss
Annie Miller, by the class.
Commencement day exercises wero open.
ed nt half-past nine o'clock, and the follow
ing programme observed!
Prayer, Rev. S. B. Brldenbaugli; chorus,
"Hall Smiling Morn." Spofforth; Oration,
"Qualifications of American Citizenship,"
George M. Wllncr; Essay, "The Means nnd
Ends of School Discipline," Sallle M.
Cocklll; oration, "Constant Occupation
Prevents Temptation," Charles F. Mc
Hugh; Essay, "The Force of Prejudice,"
Rosa Cohen; Piano Solo, "Bubbling
Spring. Rive King, Norn Reedy. Oration,
"Imagination In Education," T. Bruco
Birch; Essay, "Tho American Dude," Mary
S. Cary; Oration, "Tho Teacher's Influence,'
Charles M. Petty; Vocal Solo, "The Suab-
ian Maiden." Proch, Annlo Miller; Essay,
"Thu Intellectual Qualifications of the
Teacher, Mollie Mickey; Oration, "Intelli
gent Teaching Makes Intelligent Pupils,'
Jacob M. Renrick; Essay, "Is Woman
Fickle?" M. Kate McNiiT; Instrumental
Trio, "Andante and Waltz." Dora, (com
posed and arranged by I. W. Nllcs) Annlo
Ent, piano; Dora Nlles, violin; I. W. Nlles,
cornet; Oration, "Necessity of Compulsory
Education to the Perpetuity of n Republi
can; Form of Government," II. Howard
Bldleman; Essay, "Progress vs. Conserva
tism," Nellio Bonstelu; Oration, "The Pros
pects of tho Coming Teacher, Harry O.
lline; Vocal Solo, with correct obligato, "I
Live for Thee." Casseppaua, Jennie Ram
age and I. W. Niles; Essay, "We Live for
a Purpose," Katie Volgt; Oration, "The
Nature of Rational Teaching," Louis P.
Bierly; Essay, "Unwritten Music," Mary
R. Curran; Lustspicl Kclar Bella. Mary
Curran, Maud Runyon, piano; Dora Nllcs,
violin; I. W. Niles, Cornet.
Tho elementary degrco was then con
ferred upon tho following named persons:
Lillian O. Barton, Herbert O. Bell, It. II. Bldle
man, Louis P. Bierly, J. Blanche BtUmeycr, T.
Bruco lurch, Nellie Bonsteln, May S. Cary, Florence
J. Cawley, Balllo M. Cocklll, Hosa Cohen, Suslo W.
Cole, Win. S. Conner, lllnnto E. Crocker, Mary K,
Curran, Chas. E. Dechant, M. Margaret Elliott,
Carrie II. Ely, Martha K. Ensmlngcr, Edith V. Ent'
Elizabeth Ebhleman, Anna M. Fox, Suslo A. oal
laghcr, Myron Geddes, Agnes V. Olennon, M. Paul
ino Grorr, Cora Ilagenbuch, ChrUtlno C. Hess, M.
Lllltas Hicks, Harry O. Illne, Jus. C. Houser, Han
nah Kennedy, D. Hiram Kratz, E. Harry Lurlsh,
Oscar O. Laudlg, Charles Mcllugh, M. Katlo Mc
Nltr, Molllo Mickey, Annie Miller, Walter A. Moore,
Wm. F. Mullally,Mary Mullen.Frances Mussclman,
Ella M. Kewhousc, Chas. 11. Noetllng, Sarah E,
Patterson, Chas. M. Petty, LUzlo J. rhllllps, Annio
Potter, Jcnnlo II, Itamagc, Jacob M. Kcarlck,
Mary C. Sites, Ella M. Sterner, Roberta Vaughn,
Katlo Volgt, Mary Walsh, Sallle O. Watson, Goo.
I). Erncut Lantz, of Manhattan, Kansas,
received tho degree of tho scientific course,
I'ermancnt degrees were conferred upon
the following, most ot whom nro from the
class of 1883, and have taught In our pub
lie schools for the pa6t two years:
Cella J. Itagcn, Jennie Wells, A. L. Hunt, Jr.,
OranUlle J. Clark, Christina Woolcock, Mary E.
Whipple, Kato E, Harvey,
y.MaiyKMciiaie, jurr
.Sarah Ii Itichards, Nel-
McGulre, o. B. steeley,
llo T. Burnett, Louise G. Hutchison, Algcnla Biers,
Allco Edgar, E. Josephlno Nicely, Balllo Mcoulro,
Emily Fethcrolf, J, O. Sccor.rctcr F. Fallon, J. W.
King, Ed. Moore, May lteagan, Ira C. Deltterlch,
Miss ltlttenhouse, Cordelia II. Broughton, Martha
Willis, 1). Musgravcs Hobbes, C. It. rowell, Susie
It.-FelIona, Abblo E. Mack.Frank K. night, It. c.
iemberllng, Abbto J.Leonard, Clara 1), Kittle.
Chorus, Hallelujah from tho "Messiah,'
was rendered by twenty-four voices, and
tills closed the exercises.
The Alumni met immediately after the
exercises, and received the Senior class as
members. Officers were elected for the en
suing year, and other business transacted,
when they repaired to the Central Hotel
and partook of a bounteous repast
KavcucrceU Valley.
The corn is looking very finely.
Harvest is rupldly approaching.
Tho hay crop will be middling short
Ice cream festivals are tho order of tho
Beaux and bouquets nro very fashionable
Tho young people curse the new
rlago law.
Mr. and Mrs. Boston are rapidly recover.
Ing from tho Injuries received by accident
several weeks ago,
The heavy drought has been broken by
a refreshing and thoroughly soaking rain
on last Sunday. It has rained every Sun
day at this place slnco Whitsunday.
Tho Hon. U. R. Buckalcw put In an ap
pearance t Cambra last Baturday on his
return trip from tho North Mountain.
whenco he nnd a party of tho Reading rail
road officials had gone on n pleasure aud
business trip. The up creek railroad Is by
no means in a stato of despondency. Tho
Ex-Senator Is always on tho alert,, looklnc
after tho Interests of tho country and its
people. They owe 1.1m a debt of gratlludo
that they cannot pay short of a seat In tho
chair now occupied by Cleveland. Hon.
Jas. McIIenry asked hint whether ho re
mcmbcrcd thu 4th of July celebration In
that town many years ago, where and
when ho made his first speech. The occa
sion ho remembered very well, but tho re
murk ho made, relating to himself nt his
first attempt, wo will not hero Insert. Ho
was also nsked by your correspondent
whether lie remembered the political dent
onstratlon and meeting of the Democracy,
nt New Columbus nt which ho was chief
speuKcr in tuo t oik nnu tiaiias campaign
of 'U. We found his recollection of that
occasion more vivid than that ot our own
Wo nre Inclined to believe lhat cverv lnel.
dent nnd transaction of his life aro In open
vision to bis intellect at all times. On
quesllons of official removals ho is very
much rpfirrvpil nml Inllmntiwl Inffilnrlt.
was afraid wo were revengeful. Certainly,
we fchould like lo see tho Democracy reap
all the fruits of Its victory, honestly, fairly
ana squaicly, Right wrongs uobody,
The precedent that tho Republicans i-ttub
lUhed and rigidly adhered to for years cuu.
not bv gainsaid if the boot U now put ou tho
other foot.
mi min.
Tho prospects aro for a quiet Fourth nt
this place,
But very little rain fell dirlng the show.
crs on Sunday and tho vegetation Is suffer.
Ing very much from the drouth.
Mrs. Michael Knlttlo died on the 22nd
Inst. Tho early part of the year of '85 will
be remembered for a long tlmo on account
of the many deaths of aged people.
West Mifflin organized nnothcr Sunday
School on Sunday.
Kcv. G. B. Dechant of Catawlssa preach-
cd to the Reformed congregation nt this
place on Sunday P. M.
A letter from Lloyd Gcarhart of Ilia.
wnthn, Knnsfts. reports wheat a half crop.
Tho hay crop Is tho lightest for many
Mr. and Mrs. Horaco Creasy vlsttcd Mrs.
Crcasy's bi other ot Danville on Saturday.
Wo can boast of having had no festivals
thus far this summer.
It Is rumored that there nro to lie two
more weddings soon. That's right boys,
skip the license law.
J. II. Sccsholtz of Catawlssa thinned a
car load of phospliato to this depot for tho
.... ,
buckweat crop.
Itonrlnir Creek.
Cooler again, but still no rain and very
Chas. Krug, ot Bloomsburg, was in our
vlllago Saturday evening.
'Squire Swank, of Niunldla, was In town
on business Friday.
Darius Ycagcr, of Plymouth, mado hts
parents here a short call on Saturday last.
W. M. and N. E. Cleaver aro homo from
Carlisle, wlicro they wero attending college
Simon R. Carl lost a valuable horse the
latter part ot last week.
Miss Cora Edwards has returned homo
from Lancaster, where, she had been during
the lust few months.
F. S. Drctsbach, of Roaringircck Twp.,
Is building an addition to his house.
Frank is an active, widcawako and ener
getic young farmer.
Miss Mary I.uso has gone from our midst
to her home In Mlllhelm, Centre county,
having been living with the family of Rev.
G. W. Herrold, of this place.
Tho Roarlngvlllc band received and test
ed their new instruments on Saturday
evening, nnd they did real good on them
for the first time. The instruments were
selected by Prof. Wnlshaw, of Catawlssa,
arc of the bell front pattern, with Dlston
valves, altogether making a very handsome
appearance. Tho Professor thoroughly
understands his business, as our band will
prove by the progress they made since un
der his instruction.
Nothing preventing, by the time this
reaches the public tho mall on the route
between Catawlssa, Roaring. Creek, Nu
mldla, Newlln and Mill Grove, will be car
ried by W. M. Rlioads, of the latter place,
D. II. Kasc's time expiring June 80th. Mr.
Rhoads has purchased two fine ponies for
service Trust he will bo as kind, court
eous and obliging, as was his predecessor.
Our enterprising citizen, Christian Small,
has just about completed quite an exten
sive barn, (for this section) its dimensions
being, including the extending wings, 00x70
feet. Clark Rhoads Is the carpenter.
The raising took place last Tuesday.
Among the more familiar faces present wo
noticed those of Charles Beaver, Daniel
Morris, D. E. Kehres, J. R. Bibby, of Cut-
nwissa; Daniel and Nathan Knorr, 'Squire
Ycagcr, in all somo fifty or Bixty persons.
Mr. S. used them right, with plenty of re
freshments, both in the line of eating,
drinking, etc.
1'uiHDEi.rmi, JuncS9, 1885.
To save writing we printed
the most of a letter we had oc-
casion tO send to tWO or three
hnnrlrprl nrnvsn.-innrf?. A few nf
1 i
these papers not altogether
pleased with the part of the let
ter written, to them has given
vent to their feelings ; and this
expression of theirs suggests a
, nnr rn rliem but
for whom we print our news of
the store.
We incline to advertise all the
year round in all the well man-
aged papers within Our local trad-
incr circuit. 11 we don t it s be-
cause of some obstacle of which
nn mnttni- 1irf
UU IUilUCI licit-.
. . .
nx urtiuuii: lutnvu triiriy unu
wide-spread news ot arrivals ol
notable poods, ol chancres ot
fashion, of shifts in prices, of
opportunities, bargains. We
like to explain the natu res of
hundreds of things that mer
chants rarely talk about frankly
manulacturers secrets, mer
cantile systems, buyers' rights
and privileges. These things
ought to be known. We happen
to know that newspaper-readers
Illlbb our IlUWb WUCIl It uroiJb
out of a paper. Readers value
such information quite as much
as dog-fights, divorces and other
such dainties
Possibly we differ from mer
chants in general. Are they
not a tt e apt to OOk on castia
. t 1 t l
uuytis as su many taiiiua iu uc
1 eeced and let po r lhev serve
their regular customers better
perhaps. W e reckon every
buyer a regular buyer. We look
tn (.vfr., bnvnrwft rrfitthtt chnncR
. ; :? -.-,,f
lu P1-' """ - "
support. We keep a Store or
all the people. We deal With
all alike. Our plan of business
is larger, wider, more compre
heilSlve. We are on the buy
ers side. We rather together
buyers' interests and make them
our own.
AVe have called it reform. It
f iti i t i
is reiorm. nuiaueipnia mer-
Chants used to be very "inde
pendent some call it -unac-
commodatincf, impudent. Not
so now. If they refuse a buyer
a reasonable privilege, "Very
well, I'll PO to Wanamaker's
bnntrs them to terms, l'htladel-
nlti.i'e n ltu.r rltv tn hnn in
I,.. I I. . X '
liberality, less cheating. 'Every
body says our system lias
broueht this about. The very
fact of our getting the largest
trade here largest several times
over of course proves wehayo
sought the people as people
ought to be sought. Only eight
yenrs remember.
John Wanamakku.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market ttrecta,
and city-hall square. .
27, 1885, by Rev, C. K. Canflctd, James F.
Montgomery to Jcnnlo It. Bhnrplcss, both
of Orangcvlllr, Pa.
the home of the bride, Juno 12, 1835, by
Rev. Blmrrctts, Mr. Henry F. Dleflcnbach,
of Bldomsburg, Pn., to Miss Laum 11
Dlcttcrlck, of Buckhorn, Pa.
day evening, June 25, In tho A. M. E.
Church, of Bloomsburg, by Rev. A. Brit
tain, Mr. Samuel Burnsldo to Mrs. Sarah
Williams, both of Bloomsburg, Cot. Co.,Pn.
J. Richmond's, formerly Coo & Rich
mond's, fertilizers, arc cnual to the best In
'lle market and can be bought at fair prlcys.
Special terms for car lots. Call on or nd-
dress. A. P. Young, MUlvlllc, Columbia
county, l'a.
Juno 10-8w
For nil diseases of the kidneys, and liver,
Physicians prescribe Hunt's Remedy.
A celebrated doctor says that "other
preparations as substitutes for Hunt's Kid
ney Remedy, nre worthless in comparison
to it."
This Is going to bo an off year. No po.
lltlcal booms for "Plumed Knights" or
"Reform" will help keep up tho health nnd
strength of the vast multitudes whoso faith
is pinned on thu glowing party promises ot
election year. Multitudes of such will
need a reliable tonto to tone up tho system,
a purifier to work oil the bad blood, and n
sure remedy for lamo backs, rheumatism,
etc Such a remedy Is Kidney-Wort. It
has long stood at tho head of the list of
kidney remedies, and It receives tho high
est prnlso from all that use It.
When baby was sick, wc gnvo her CAS
When she was n child, she cried' for
When sho became Miss, she clung
When sho had Children, she gavc them
A celebrated physician declares that
"Hani's Remedy will cure any enso of kid
ney disease that can bo cured."
out of soirrs.
Many persons complain of not feeling
well; and, though not absolutely sick or in
pain, arc perpetually In u state of discom
fort caused by the digestive organs not
properly performing their work. To cor
rect the disordered condition ot tho stom
ach nnd restore health, tako a half-table-spoonful
of Simmons Liver Regulator after
each meal. Try this' purely vegetablo
cathartic, tonic and alterative and It will
convince you that no one can take it und
remain long unwell.
1 'r.orjan ox rats."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, 111c ants
Palpitation, dropsical swell ngs, dizzi
ness, indigestion, headache, sleeplessness
cured by "Wells' Health Itenewer."
"BCUail ON OOKN8."
Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns. 15c.
Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft corns,
warts, bunions.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Blad
der and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irri
tation, Stone, Ornvcl, Catarrh of tho Blad
dcr. $1, Druggists.
llEIl-ia'03, FLIES.
Flies, rouches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice,
gophers,chlpmunks,cionred out by "Rough
on Rats." 15c.
this PBorLK.
"Wells' Health Rcnewer" restores health
and vigor, cures dyspcpsln.iinpntcnce, sex-
unl debility.
KOcan 0! I1At-
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrheca,
a.cll(;3' Palu9. sprains, headacbe, neuralgia
tcrs, 15c.
20c. Rough on Pain PlaB.
If you aro falling, broken, worn out nnd
nervous, uso "Wells' Health Rencwtr.''
$1. Druggists.
If you aro losing your grip on life, try
"Wells' Health Rencwer." Goes direct to
weak spots.
"kocoii os raw.
Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itching, pro-
.. .11..- l.UA,lln rtll.. i I
nal and'cxtcrnal remedy In each package.
ouru uu"-t ouu- ""'ks'3"-
i'kktty woven.
1 Ladles who would retain freshness anil
..i..i... ii,,..,, ., uur..iioi ifin.
I vivuviijr. iuii .iuu lu u r
"ltouaii on itou."
"Rough on Itch" cures humors, erup
tions, rlng-worm, tetter, salt iheurn, host
ed feet, chlllblains.
"itOCail OS CATAItltll."
Correct offensive odors at onco. Complete
cure ot worst chronic cases, also unequal,
cd as gargle for dlpthcria, sore throat, foul
breath, 00c,
Children slow In development, puny,
scrawney, nnd dcllcLtc, uso "Wells' Health
Stinging, Irritation, inflammation,
Kldncv and Urinarv comnlalnts. cured bv
"Buchu-Paiba." i.
"wateii uuas, r.oAcnEs."
'Houirli on Rats" clears them out.
Beetles, Ants.
In no other mcdlclnnl preparation have
thu results of tho most Intel
ligent study aud scleutific Inquiry been so
lcaayR nnu rrogresiveiy u uzea as in
I Aycr's barsanarllla. It leads the list as a
truly scientific preparation lor an uisoases.
ru ., .,,! .. ,ni,n
wli;;lo wiU oa bo 8aturWa. BTa disease'
In one part of the body affects other parts.
d i'lvVe? tables,rcheckedr wif.
Induce constipation, piles, rheumatism and
Fravc, A timely uso of Dr. Kennedy's
- favorite Remedy will prevent these re.
u ,. s p to no , as o nna may
females. It gives tho elasticity, life and
cheeks with roses on them.
- (llt hrl WCttrlcg Ino ,0 tUnk o( tho muK
- tltude of things advertised to cure disease,"
8"y' e"fit'r' "ui t T.
(till O J t V. tJ II IIIVII MIU fjlttltID J 4 kUtltbll
wheat. We may rind it ditllcult to induce
you to test the merits of Dr. Kennedy's
Vuvorlto Remedy, but when you unve.done
60, our work is ended. Afterwards you
nnd this medicine will bo fast friends.
Favorllo Remedy would havo died out
long ago except for Us real usefulness.
But It is Rood and does good.
Notice is hereby gvt en that an application wilt
t made to tne liou-rnor oliho siumut Peunsl
vaula on Friday tho llth day of July, A. 1)., 1HM3,
under the Act o( ASM-muly o( tho I oinuiouweulUi
o( lvnnbylvanla, entitled "Au Act to provide- lor
tho Incorporation ami ltegulallon ol certain Cor
poratlons," approved April t 1B74. und tho cup
plementa thereto, tor tho iliarler otan In
tended Corporation to bo called Tlm bchool
Famishing l'a, of lilooutburg" the character
and object w heicot Is lortlio purpobo ol the
manufacture ot school nnd cliurvli lurnlturo
andfcuppuen and general planlui; mill, four dry
and machine w orw.uml tor theso purpose, to lia o
tKMaesi and enjoy nil llu) rlnhts,'beueilla aud pilv
lieges ot the tuld Act ot Atoemtily and Us bupple
mints. The names of the turucribeni to tho certltlcato
ot orgauuutlou no u. v. Miller. 1, J, Waller, Jr.,
Win. ll, Jlebcr, A. Z. gchoch and J. c Urow n.
U. V. MILLKlt, I-resldent.
r. V. D1IXJ1EYKH, Key,