The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 03, 1885, Image 1

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    Vl)e Columbian. I
. . . V
I..uril Wrrlil,.rrTFrl.ln3Iornln. nt
&fiWJeTjcM. Jo mtoKtlbtsnoixt oftliocoun.
, iiis ro iiiriciiy id nurancc.
Itrxo DaDor illsconttmm,! ... ...
lonir continued ere i it 11 At fi '.?" "r0 Pal. but
'.VM''''"' tno Htato orto distant nnt
Yl ..... . ""v "u MIIVII.
. omcc3imisi,uorurorinadvance,urilcs.s
8 bio person In Columbia county assumes to "naV
tho subscription due on demand. 10 Pa
ThoJobrrlntlng Department ottho OoieiiniiN
Is very complete. It contains the latest nbivtvm
nnd machinery ami is tho only omee . thnt run rtffi
pros cs by power, giving us tho Lost ficUllSi
ilmotcs furnished on largo Jobs. ""'"''
onice over 1st National Hank. """"""
unuo in Snt's Building, ". pa.
J OHN M. GfiAltlv,
llLOOXSta'lUl, l'A.
nice tuiMojcrltros, Drugstore.
p W MI Mi 15 II,
onicoln Urower' No.l
Uloora3burg, l'a.
Bloomsburg, l'a
onlco corner of Centra and Main streets. Clark s
Can bo consulted In German.
Ri.oomsiiuho, Pa.
Ofllco on First floor, front room of Col
dmiiian IJuiUlIni:, Main street, below Ex
change Hotel.
OIUco In Columbian Building, Room No. 3, second
onico tn 1st National Bank building, second llocr,
Urstdoortotholeft, corner of Main and Market
utreets Bloomsburg, l'a.
K&'Penitont and Sounties Collechii
J" 11. MAIZE,
Draco In Halio's bulUJir. ever Blllmeycr's grocery.
john c. yocu.u. c. u (ieyeii.
Attorney s-at-Lawi
(Olllco front suit of rooms on second lloor or
News Item building.)
Members ot Sharp and AUcman's Lawyers and
Hankers Directory and Iho Ameilcan Mercantile
and collection Association. Will give prompt and
careful attention to collection ot claims in any
part of tho United Mates or Canada, ns well as tu
all other professional business cntiusted to limn.
Jiickson Uiilldliig, Rooms 4 and 5.
yy"- II. It II AWN.
Catawlssa, l'a.
Ofllco, cornor ol Third and Main streets.
OIUco In Urowcrs' Ilullillng, 2ml lloor.
map 1-U
Attornoy-atLaw, lletwlel;. l'a.
Cm bo Consulted Iu German.
firOlTlco first door below the post ofllce.
0. HARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law,
a uiiilu 111 JUUII LI a UllllUIII, IJiu oiui ) , iiuuuis
4 una S.
JR. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Pl.y
slclan, north alio Main street, below Mai kct
A!i, FRITZ, Attorney-at Law. Office
i In Columbian Building,
twing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
nlrca. UrnuA Uocsk Building, Blocmsburg, Pa.
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
omco, North Market street,
MloomsburCi l'a
DR. WM. M. REIiER, Surgeon and
Physician, omco corner of Hock and Market
T R. EV NS, M. D SurKeoi.
O .Physic an, nice and Residence on 'h!
Thoso old ronroiiATioKs aro well seasoned by
ago and jiub tksteu uud havo never jet hud a
loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets aro
all Invested in soi.iu secukitiks aro Uablutotho
hiuard of hue only.
Losses 1'iioui-TLv and honestlv adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by Cuhistian f.
Tho people of Columbia county should natron,
lzotliongeucy wliera losm'slf any tre settled and
paid by ono of ther own elllzo lis.
for Infants and Children.
"CoJtorla Is so well adapted to children that I
known to me." II. A. Auniun, M.U., I
111 So. Oxford St., Btwklyu, N, V.
An nbsoluto euro for Khoumatlaiii, Sprains, Paiu In
tho IJaclc, IJiinis, Galls, &c.
roliovlnij and lloalliir; ltomcdy.
3. E.EL773t.L, l .
) S BITr3H33KDEn,f?rerrl,te"'
Bend for
cf Tcitl.
n. i.
l'hyslrlans' Testimony.
A. TV. Brown, M.D., of rroTlJcnco,
11. I., eay! "I havo nied Hcst'
Kidney and Llverl nrnrnT In m.
practlcoforlho past ttxtccn jenrs,
nnu cnccrrully recommend It at
being a $afi and rtllatilt rcmcJy."
Proddenco my that "I am fro
qocntly nmcd to mo other prcpnri
tlonsaBmibstltntpafnr Hitvt'b (Kill.
ncyand Lhrr Hemkdt. I find on
In comparlton to It."
An Old Lady.
"My molhcr, TO years old, has
chronI kidney complaint and drop
sy. Nothing has ever helped her
like IIcnt's Kidney and Liver)
HofEDT. Sho has received great
benett from8bottICB andwolhlnlc
It will euro her." V. W. Sunder
land, Builder, Danbury, Conn.
A ."UluUlcr'H -Wife.
Hcv. Anthony Alwood, of Phlla
delnhla, nays: Hints Kidney
ami Liver Bemedt h cured my
wjfo of Droiny In It word forni
All tay that It la a miracle."
Rcncrn.1 Clmco.
Ocnerol Chaco of lihodo Island
says! "I always keep Hunt's Kid
ney and Lher Kemedit In my
houBe. Taken In small docs occa
sionally at nlcht. ItnrcTtnta LoaiI.
ache, anil regulates tho kidneys,
stomach ana other organs." lo
"Disease soon shaken, by Hiut'sHemedt taken."
C N. CUITTEMON, N. Y., Ueneral Agent.
Clotlimg for Everybody.
With .i large and varied sin !; of
Clothing for Men of overy triuli-, for
Loys and Children of all ago-, we aro
quite cei tain of meeting the ih mands
of every class of buyera nl priees that
must givo Batisfaction.
A. C. Yates & Co.
3ft I'lillnili'lpliln
I ' AORNCY. Jloyer's now bul illng, M
BlooinsUui'g, Pa.
-TItna Insuranco Co., of Hartford, Conn
Royal of l.Uerpool
l'lro Association, Phtladclphu
Phccnlv, ot London
LoiKloa Lancnshlie, of Kngland
Hartford of Hartford.
sprlngiield Plro and Marine
iiln street,
10,01 ,ooa
As tho agencies nio direct, pollclo.) mo written
furtlio Injured without delay in the onice at
Hloomsburg. tut. S3, l-
yy ji iiousi;,
Ji.i)UMbiii uii, Columbia O inty, Pa
11 styles of work dono In a superior m inner, work
warranted as represented. 'iKkm hiiact
ki without Pain by the use of ..u, and
Ireo ot charge w hen artincla! teeth
aro Inserted.
Olllco over Klelm's Drug Store.
'Jo be open nl all houri during the day
Nov S8 -ly
Large and convenient sample roomi Bath rooms
hot and cold water, anil all modern coinenlences
A school lor both se.xcs. Feparato building of
brick, healed by steam, for tho uao ot Ladles.
r 1 10 PERT Y COST 50,000.
Special attention paid to students whoso school
prlt lieges Lav o been limited.
Location Exceptional Healthful.
PER YEAR $154.
Reduced rates on D. L. k W. R. It., (seventeenth
5 ear begins August -a. l'or catalogtioorlnfoima
t Ion uddiess
May 59, 3m.
Cnitorln cures Colle, CnnMlpallnn,
gjjJJ f" 'mi
iromutea dt-
Without lujurious mcJJcaUon,
An Instantaneous Paln-
Luly Mary Minx was cluvcr. slrontr-
minded mid bad-tempered, and sho im
;iiinel she hehl her tiootl-mturo'l. vain
old mother, tho Countess dowager
of Sellly, in complcto sub&idlnation,
Wiion, tlicrelore, one morning at
hrcakfaat tho latter informed her thnt
sho had on tho previous evoning ho
coino engaged to tho able young actor,
Mr. St. Ocorgo Coningsby, herlndyshlp
wai Doin surprised and linligiiatit, mid
expressed her opinion of the Oountesi
and the Uouuties betrothed with great
vigor and liulu iqiiiv cation. As lonir
as the rcmaiks wcio applied to
uerseit, thu tJounlcss uoio them in her
usual meek and submissive manner;
but when Lady Mary proceeded to de
nounce; Mr. Coningsby in all tho tcims
of her varied anil powei fill vocabulary;
she suddenly became so exceedingly
wroth, and used inch strong language,
that her daughter found herself, to her
amazement, completely eelipsod. Sho
then felt sho had gone loo far, and that
it would be wiso to withdraw her ob
servations and e.xpiess her regret for
them. This shu accordingly did as
soon as her mother's eloquence allowed
her an opportunity. 13ut tho cllect of
litr lemaiks was not effaced. Hence
forth the Countess boro herself to
ward her daughter with a coldness
and hauteur to which that young lady
un not accustomed, and which she did
not like.
Lady Mary knew well tho handsome
young actor to whom tho Countess had
become engaged; and, before that event
took place, Bhe had admired him very
much, and even liked him. Hut since
his ciiRaiiement sho absolutely detested
him. His presence to her was almost
intolerable, and when ho came, as he
now frequently did, lo lunch at tho
dowager's house, sho usually found
somo excuse tor ucing irom home.
Occasionally she had to inert him, and
then sho watched his behavior very
closely. As far .13 mere beariug was
concerned, she had to f.ilmit lo herself
that ho was a perfect uentieman. Ho
was easy and polished in his maimers,
ami there was about him a certain
stateliness of mcin which, tliouuli to
an unfriendly critic like herself might
savor of the stage, sat well on one of
his noble and distinguished aniiearanc
But though 111 theso respects he was
all ono could desire, overy timo Lady
Mary saw him sho disliked him more
and more. To her keen eyes it was
clear that he was insincere in bis pro
fessed affection for tho fond dowager.
Again and again sho saw in the smile
ho cast upon his hc-trollu d something
that seemed to her very like a sneer.
She noticed as everybody but the
Countess did that in company his at
tentions were directed, not to the
younger and more attractive ladies, but
to tho wealthy. To another widow of
very homely looks, but of great for
tune, Sirs. Blunt, he was almost as af
fectionate in his manner as toward his
betrothed. Before siio had watched
him long, ttierefore, Lady Mary bo
camo convinced (if she ever doubted it)
that ho was nothing more nor less than
an unprincipled foitur.o hunter.
Under theso circumstances, sinco she
wished to believe it, sho had little dilli
eulty in persuading herself that it was
not merely her interest, but her duty,
to break off tho engagement; and she
was resolved it should be broken off.
As to tho means she felt no scruples.
If sho could find any, bo tftoy fair or
foal, sho would willingly 1130 them.
For somo time all her observation
and all her ingenuity were unsuccess
ful. The course of the engageiVcouple's
lovo was, on the whole, running very
smooth. The dowager was as warm
and conslaut in her affection for Mr.
Conningsby as ever; and if he seemed
scarcely so attcnlivo as at first, hu could
hardly bo called negligent. Formerly
ho carao almost every day for lunch,
and not infrequently after ho had left
tho theatre ho would sup witli them;
while now he thought two or three
visits in tho courso of tho week quite
sufficient. This inattention (which
Lady Mary attributed simply to his fiel
ing secure in his betrothed's affections)
ev'dently annoyed and alarmed the
Coi'ntes-i. She seemed to suspect that
somo ono else was making advances to
him, and sho was thercforo naturally
anxious to havo the marriage hurried
on. So it was clear that if Lady Mary
wanted lo pi event it, she must take
somo decisivo step without delay.
Though not so regular in visiting as
formerly Mr. Conningsby was still very
attcntivo in writing to his betrothed,
livery morning, as sure a-t tho sun,
camo a littlo nolo to her from him.
Lady Mary sometimes, in her mother's
absence, mado voyages of discovery
into her apartments in order to study
theso productions. It was while en
gaged on 0110 of theso that a devico
occurred to her which, though mean
and despicablo as sho know it to be,
might, sho considered, if carried out
well, enablo her to put an end to tho
match sho so hated. It was to bo
worked by means of a forged note.
Sho would write a letter purporting to
bo from Mr. Conningsby to somo lady
of the ballet, and direct it to tho dow
ager. Iu tho morning it would, if
posted after tho last mail of tho pre
vious night, arrive by tho samo post as
his letter. She, through whose hands
all tho letters by tho early posts passed
before reaching tho Countess, could re
tain tho real letter and allow tho forged
ono to go 'to her mother instead. Tho
latter, if tho noto was ingeniously writ
ten, would nt oneo conclude that Mr.
Conniugsby, when ho was writiug to
her, had also written to an humbler
love, and, by mistake, had enclosed tho
wrong note 111 tho envelope addressed
to her. If sho could but do this with
out discovery, Lady Mary was certain
tho match would bo at an end. She
knew how jealous her mother was, how
easily her vanity was hurt. Tho rago
and indignation she would feel at his
supposed duplicity and contempt for
her would soon put an end to her love.
Tho only objection was that it was an
extremely dangerous undertaking. If
it wero discovered thoro would bo an
incurablo breach between her mother
and herself. At tho same time, if tho
letter woio addressed to "Tottlo" or
"Lottie," or somo such common name,
it would bo difficult for Mr. Coningsby
to show that it was a forgery by any.
thing savo his own assertion, which
Lady Scilly was scarcely likely to be
lieve. At any rate, it was tho only
chance, and, lei tho danger bo what it
would, Lady Mary determined to try
Next day she epent several hours
writing a letter which might pass for
one of Mr, Coningsby h. Sho had a
pretty turn lor imitating other people a
handwriting, and before slio had prac
ticed very long sho had written somo
linos which it would havo taken a very
clever expert to havo said were not his
work, oho then composed the follow
ing note:
Dearest Tottii:: 1 am sorry I shall
not bo able to call on you to-morrow
night, as I have to pay my rospects to
the old gold-bag I am going to marry.
Sho is getting rather disconsolato of
latii nt my negligence, nud so I havo to
console tho poor old thing. After mar
riage it will be different. It is late. 1
am extremely tired, and I havo to write
to her. So good-by, my littlo fairy.
Your own Georoie.
As sho knew that Mr. Coningsby
was to sup with them tho following
evening, sho took tho opportunity that
night, when returning from a ball, to
post her own production.
Next morning, while tho Countess,
who, sinco their quarrel seldom came
down for breakfast, was still in her
bedroom the forged letter and ono from
Mr. Coningsby arrived. Lady Mary
received them witli a score of others,
but so well had sho imitated Mr.
Conlngsby's writing that for a moment
sho was placed in somo dillicnlty. Sho
could scarcely distinguish tier own
billet doux from his. In a moment,
however, sho remembered that the en
velope sho used had a peculiar water
mark, and holding up tho one letter be
tween her and tho light, sho noticed
this peculiarity, and thus settled any
doubt sho had. Retaining, therefore,
tho other letter, sho gave tho forged
0110 to Lady Scilly's maid. Lady Mary
then hurriedly locked up tho purloined
note. Sho was glad tho handwritings
wero so identical, if she hcrsclt I omul
somo difficulty in distinguishing them,
surely her mother would never suspect
Sho had hnrdly got tho letter secreted
when Lady Scilly b maid returned to
her, pale and lriglitened-looking.
'Oh, my lady,'' sho cried, "her lady
ship has taken ill. I think she's in
hysterics. Will your ladyship pleaso
sco her 7
"Has sho sent for mu ?'' asked Lady
-uary. very much scared.
"No, my lady,'' answered the maid.
"Then ask her if I may come. I
don't liko to intrude on her without 'nor
The fact was Lady Miry was not at
all anxious to sco her mother. Her
guilty conscience had already begun to
trouble her, and she was afraid if sho
went lust then into her mothers pres
enco her crimo would some way or
other como out. She waited uneasily
until tho maid returned, which sho did
not do for a considerable length of
time, and then, by the Uountcss dtrec
tion, she informed Lady Mary that her
ladyship was much better, and did not
wish to see her just at present news
which cased Lady Mary's mind not a
In about an hour Lady Scilly's maid
again camo to tell her that her ladyship
would not bo down that day to lunch,
and, in reply to inquiries, said that tho
invalid was much better and engaged
in writing. Lady Mary had littlo dilli
cnlty in guessing what sho was writing
about, alio telt so uncomlortablo that
she could no longer remain in the
house. So, after lunch, on the plea of
having some purchases to make, she
spent a considerable timo driving
about rather aimlessly.
When sho returned it was about G
o'clock sho noticed that tho household
was iu an excited state, and sho soon
learned tho cause. Tho Countess, after
writing and sending to tho post two
letters (0110 for Mr. Coningsby and tho
other for Mrs. Blunt), had become so
ill that tho butler had felt it his duty to
send for the family physician, Dr.
Killon That gentlemen was now with
her, nnd they were waiting to hear his
Lady Mary was horrified by this in
telligence. Her mother was, it seemed,
seriously, it might bo dangerously, ill,
and that illness was caused by her act
an act, as sho now had to confess to
herself, dono not for her mother's but
for her own interests. What would
she do if tho Countess died? Would
sho not bo her murderess 1 The
thought was terrible boyond expression.
How she bewailed her stupid anger I
How sho wished sho had never wittcn
that letter 1 Torn with regret and
fear, too conscicnco-stricken to veuturo
into her mother's presence, sho waited
in ngony at the bed. room door until
Dr. Killen camo out.
"Oh, doctor," sho said, when ho at
last appeared," "is she seriously ill V
"Yes, Lady Mary,'' replied the doc
toi; "very seriously, I am afraid. Sho
must havo suffered a terribly Bhock of
some kind or another. It seems as if
sho were going to havo brain fever.1'
"Binin fever 1 Is that very danger
ous f"
"Very," replied the doctor iu n sol
emn tone. "Ami 1 don't think it right
to conceal from you, Lady Mary, that
I greatly fear her ladyship's easy will
prove "
"While the doctor was speaking,
Lady Mary gassed at him with a dazed
look. Suddenly, beforo he could reach
her, sho fell fainting at his feet.
It seemed likely for a timo that
Lady Mary would soon bo suffering
from brain fever as well as tho Count
ess. Sho was certainly scarcely in her
right mind for sovcral days; but for
tunately as her mother grew worso shu
grew better. Beforo a week was over
sho had, as if by a superhuman effort
or will, thrown off her illness; nnd sho
insisted, against Dr. Killen's strongest
remonstrances, iu nursing her now de
lirious mother.
Lady Mary had notlho reputation of
being a very dutiful or affectionate
daughter. All her friends had seen
how sho again and again had annoyed
or shocked her jtoor mother by her wil
fulness or her bitter tongue. But now
sho exerted herself iu her caro in a
way almost beyond belief. Day and
night saw her ly the sick bed, watch
ing and tending tho sufferer witli an
indefatigable tenderness, l'eoplo wero
surprisod to find her capable of sucti
As long as it was uncoitain whether
tho Countess would live through tho
illness or not, Luly Mary thought littlo
ot anything else: but when tho crisis
was over, nnd tho patient was onse
more conscious sho began to wonder
how it was that Mr, Con
ingsby had not called or written
lo her mother over' sinco that event
ful morning. It was strango that ho
should boar so calmly a false charge,
which dem such a blow to his pros
pects. Sho had resolved that when
her molhcr was sufficiently recovered
sho would confess to her everything,
and absolve tho young actor from the
charge. But now ns sho pondered over
hU conduct, sho felt inclined to chango
hnr resolution. It was plain ho was
cither glad of an oxenso of breaking
off tho engagement or was actualy car
rying on an illicit correspondence, in
which ho imagined ho had been discov
ered. In cither case, it would bo a
small kindness to her mother to bring
him and her again together.
One day Dr. Killen, after he had ex
amined his patient and pronounced her
to bo progressing in tho most satisfac
tory manner, on leaving the room mo
tioned to Lady Mary to follow him.
When she went out ho said to her: "I
suppose you havo heard of Mr. Con
ingsby t"
"No, doctor,'' she answered eagerly.
"What is it?"
"Well, he's engaged to Mrs. Blunt,"
said tho doctor.
"To Mrs. Blunt,'' exclaimed Lady
"Yes. Now, tho reason I asked you
to come out was to caution yon on no
account to mention this, or to let it be
referred to in tho Countess' hearing.
Wo did not know what tho shock was
which caused her illness, but it was
clear from her remarks when delirious
that it was something about Mr. Con
ingsby." "Yes," answered Lady Mary, but iu
such an absent-minded manner that Dr.
Ivillcu, witli an annoyed air, bado her
good day and went away.
When Lady Mary returned from the
sick-room tho Countess had fallen
asleep, and so sho had both time nnd
quietness for retlection. Sho now re
membered that her mother, when she
received tho forged letter; had written
both to Mr. Coningsby and Mrs. Blunt.
There was nothing in ttio letter sho
sent to indicate that it was written to
Mrs. Blunt in fact, it could hardly
seem to be. Was it merely by change
that her mother had set it down as in
tended for Mrs. Blunt 1 Or had sho
somo private information of tho way
things wero tending in that quarter?
One thing was certain, the causo of
Mr. Coningsby not replying to her
mother's charge was now eyidentj on
consideration, Im had doubtless con
cluded that Mrs. Blunt was a better
catch than tho Countess.
While Lady Mary was engaged in
thtso reflection', her mother awoke.
Sho had been lrco from deliiium for
somo days past, and had noticed, and
been greatly touched by, the devotion
of her daughter. All "traces of their
quarrel was gone; and mother and
daughter wero on more affectionate
and confidential terms than they had
been Bince Lady Mary was a child.
Though by the sad, regretful expres
sion that occasionally passed over the
Countess' faco Lady Mary know that
sho was thinking of her lost lover and
of tho letter which had caused her
such pain, neither had alluded onco lo
tho subject. On this occasion, however,
the Coutcss suddenly turned to her
daughter and said: "Havo you heard
anything of Mr. Coningsby lately?''
"Not much, mamma," answered Lady
Mary, vaguely, and in an embarrassed
'Has his engagement with Mrs.
Blunt been announced yet,'' asked tho
Lady Mary staited. How did slio
know of his engagement ? Was it
merely an iufeienco from such infor
mation sho had beforo her illness ? Or
was it a delusion of her delirium still
with her ? Lady Mary would havo
given tho ivorld to have asked bet one
or two questions; but, remembering
the doctor's orders, she bent over her
and, kissing her, said: "Mamma, dear,
you should not think of theso things.
They aro all tho past now. Mr. Con
ingsby will, 1 m sure, bo hero b?toro
long to seo you."
"Novor!" exclaimed tho Countess,
with strong vehemence. "Never," with
my consent. Ho is a mean adventurer
a fortune-hunter of tho lowest kind. I
always suspected as much, but I will
fully blinded myself. And I never
thought he would bo so cold blooded.
Mrs. Blunt may havo him with all my
heart." Lady Mary was frightened at
her mother's passion. She endeavored
to calm her and to tuin her thoughts to
somo other subject. For a time sho
failed, and the Countess continued
talking in broken passionalo phrases;
but sho was very weak, and soon be-
camo exhausted. Lady Mary, who for
somo tunc leared that tlio lover had re
turned, breathed freely once more when
sho saw her sink back into a sound and
quiet sleep
That night Lady Mary went back to
her own bedroom to sleep thero for tho
first time sinco she left it to nurse her
mother. Tho return to her old ways
induced her to relied 011 all she had re
cently gone through. In tho midst of
her meditations sho suddenly remem-
uered that tho letter sho bad stopped in
transmission lay in that room locked
up whero slio had placed it on tho day
she perpetrated tho fraud. She took it
out to destroy it. When sho saw it,
and thought of all tho sufftring it had
caused, of the long days and sleepless
nights ot lrmtless repentance and pain
ful watching, of the weeks of sickness,
when tho shadow of death seemed to
be over the house, and when sho feared
overy moment would make her a mat-
ncide, sho had hardly tho courage lo
touch it. Sho had intended to tear it
up without looking at it, but a strango
curiosity possessed her to read tho last
of her mother's lovo letters, and with
trembling hands sho opened it. When
bIio glanacd at tho contents shu turned
ghatly pale, and a moment afterward
burst into bitter and almost hysteiical
laughter. Tho note bIio had stop
was her own.
Diciilnfait has shown that boiio acid
is not nl wnvii of vnh'nnm nt-iinn. 1
that vast quantities exist in tliu s
1.1 i .i.t.. .ii .i
IU&L-N Ullll nillllll) IIIirMIII'M. 1111 I 1111 II
incuts of which are of a sedimentary
nhnrnntfir. nnd uliinb nmbl mnrn iir
less complox physical and chemical
viiiiugvn nuu iiuveiiueuBi uieir ungi
nation iu tho evaporation of normal nu
rino basins,
Maryland's ttrawberry crop this year
has been very profitablo to growers,
besides paying from seventy-live cents
to $2 u day to women and children
Oounterfeitinc Monty,
Of the many different wavs of sw'in.
lling practiced nowndavs linon the
public there is probably no ono thing
so dangerous as countcrfeit'iig. Of late
tl.t. I... I !-.! ... .--ft.- .... ..
uin ui.n uuuieu on quitu CAICI1-
Ively iii different Darts of New Knc-
laiul, nnd in a number of instances tho
principals havo been arrested with all
their paraphernalia, convicted and sen
tenced to penal institutions for various
periods. Thinking that tho general
Miuuu ivuuiii uu liueresioi ni Knowing
how some of tho "aiioer" is coined nnd
circulated, a Traveller representative
siarieu out wim mat end in viow, and
had tho good fortune to fall in with n
government official connected with tho
Secret Servico Department, who has
had many years' experience in appre
hending counterfeiters. When tho wri
ter announced his mission tho official
readily gavo his consent to bo inter-
viewed, nnu said :
"Counterfeiting is practiced moro
extensively than is penoially known.
In my official capacity my work has
been almost entirely confined to un
earthing counterfeiting places. It is
almost Impossible for mo lo say to
what extent paper money Is counter
feited. Strango as it may Bccm, but
one counterfeit 20 gold pfeco has ever
been discovered, and that was dated
1S09. It was made as follows :
A genuine doublo caglo was sawed
n two, ono side being left thicker than
tho other. As much gold as possible
was then scooped out of tho thick side.
and a mixture of platinum and somo
other metal substituted lo bring it up
to tho standard weight. It is what is
known as a 'filled coin,' and is worth
from 8" to $3. A 810 gold picco filled
in the samo way is wortli from S3 to
81.50. There aro quite a number of
810 counterfeits. Tho dales of thoso
filled or counterfeited aro 18411719-
oj-Cl-7.)-79 and 80. The ono con
sidered tho most dangerous is dated
1817. The fust counterfeit half-eagle,
or live-dollar gold piece, that tho Se
ciet Service discovered was in 18."i0,
and no less than twenty-two havo ap
peared sinco then, some of them being
absolutely worthless, while others aro
worth from 82.70 to 8 1.C3 each. Tho
ones dated 1882 are the most skillfully-executed
counterfeits known. Gold
pieces aro not counterfeited so much as
silver coins, for the reason that gold
counterfeit coins aro mado from dies
and not cast. The manufacturers of
tho queer must buy tho gold, which ro
quires of course considerable capital,
and tho machinery is not only expen
sive but of such largo proportions as to
tender it liable to detection. In manu
facturing counterfeit silver dollars,
most ingenious mechanics can do that
after a littlo experience. Tho recent
capture and conviction of a gang of
counterfeiters in New Ilampshiro illus
trates how few things aro required in
coining the queer.
Tho articles found in tho houso
whero the counterfeiters mado their
spurious money, wero plaster of paris
moius ot genuine com, britnnma, block
tin, lead and silver wash. The men
engaged in manufacturing theso coun-
terteit silver pieces stolo the lead pipo
and bought m tho neighborhood old
britannia teapots, from which they got
their metal, and the block tin thoy pur
chased in Boston. Tho writer was
permitted to examine twenty or twen-ty-fivo
of theso moulds and dies for
manufacturing different coins of tho
United States, and they wero found to
bo lino pieces of workmanship. Dur
ing me past year new counicrieit silver
pieces wero discovered almost every
other month. In a leather bag were
about 200 or 300 silver dollars in tho
rough, that is, before thoy had been
finished upai.d mado ready for the
marKet. mey wero mado in England.
A number of others that had been fin
ished, wero shown, and it was almost
impossible to distinguish tho difference
between tho genuine and tho spurious
coin, so finely were tho latter finished.
Ihey aro detected by their general ap
pearance and their weight. Tho weight
test i9 tho most accurate and reliable,
especially with gold coin. Tho Treas
ury has set a maximum and minimum
weights, which distinguish tho weight
of all coins. For example, tho maxi
mum of twenty-dollar gold piece is
510 grains and tho minimum 513.42
grains. Tho differenco is exactly one-
half of 1 per cent, the amount allowed
by law.
A great deal of coin becomes light
from natural causes, and when they
come into tho hands of the Netional
Ireasury they aro sent to the Mint and
recoined, the government bearing tho
loss. As a general thing nothing smal-
or than a 810 gold pieco is ever filled.
though tho smaller coins aro plugged,
which is, perhaps tho most common. A
new process, however, has taken tho
place of plugging, to a great extent,
and is called "sweating.'' Somo pho
tographers are credited with doing this
kind of thing. Tho modus operandi
of this new process is to takoa number
of gold or silver pieces and suspend
iiiem in somo uciu ior a lew moments
nnd then withdraw them. llv using
fresh coin a considerable nuantitv of
metal is obtained without reducing tho
weight of tho piece to any great extent,
and they aro then passed off again on
tho public. Sometimes as much as fif
ty cents in valuo is takeu from a 85
gold piece, and as much as eighty
cents has been known to havo been
taken from a doublo eagle. Another
way 01 tampering with doublo eagles
is to remove their rough edges and re
mill them. Between fifty and eighty
cents can bo obtained in this way from
a single coin, and tho differenco is not
perceptible to tho naked eye. Silver
coin that is less than tho minimum
weight is rejected by tho Treasury of
ficials, and the owners aro obliged to
pass them if thoy can, or sell them for
bullion. Some unscrupulous brokers
ouy iiiom ior snipmont to Canada,
wheio maximum and minimum weights
aro not considered, nnd thoy pass thero
for their faco valuo. Tho government,
however, Inn slopped this to a certain
extent by stamping on the faoo of
such tho word light. Tho silver dollar
is called the vagabond of all coins, as
it is tampered with and counterfeited
so much. Silver coin will not permit
r . .i. . . i i . .
ui ho miicii tampering as gold coin.
For instance, take a 820 gold piece,
stamp it and punch holes in it at ran-
dom, and, if tho weight lias not been
detracted (its minimum weight) it is
worth its faco valuo to any gold beat
er. If as much as a siuglu letter is
put upon a silver dollar, it is bullion,
worm irom u to bu cents. Tpo pub
i .
lio cannot ho too caroftil in watching
for theso swindles In counterfeit money,
A man in Maine mado somo counter
feit gold half dollars, which ho said
wero mado for ornaments aa bangles.
As thero is a law against imitating
United States money, tho wholo lot
was confiscated. Thoy wero first
tamped Cal. gold coins, and were
shipped from New England to San
Francisco, nnd from thero shipped
East and sold to tho trade. That
business has now been entirely stop-
Tho "boodle gamo'' is ono that the
publlo ought to bo acquainted with, as
it has been practiced quito successfully
of late in a number of Instances. This
is tho swindle where n genuine $1 bank
note accompanied by a circular olToring
to givo a number of similr.r bills for ho
much money, is sent out
Orders aro sent with good money to
pay for it, but tho orders arc never ful
filled. The last caso that camo to light,
in which tho prisoner is now held lo
await further action of tho Court, is
that of George G. Mastern, who was
arrested in tho Post offico just as ho
was collecting his mail. Tho latest
swindlo discovered relating to spuri
ous money is tho split bank noto fraud.
A 820 bank note is taken, and by somo
ingenious method the noto is split in
two nnd I he raw sido "dootored up,"
and each half is passed of as a genuine
fi9fl .mln 'Pl. . t. J.
v.v ..WW. .uu nuiiv la UUHU HU UlllB-
lically in most cases that it is difficult
at first to detect the fraud.
It is not generally krown that the
professional counterfeiter rarely,if ever,
passes his own goods Ho sells tho
coin to tho "shover," who passes it upon
the public.
Tho vigorous war waged upon tho
counterfeiters in NowEngland by the
Secret Service Department during tho
past twelvo months has had the effect
ot making the counterfeiters more cau
tious of late, and as a result no spur
ious coin or paper money has m ulo its
appearance. Jloston Traveller.
An Interesting Comparison Made m a Chi
cago Murder Case
Tho only instance on record when
tlio blood of two persons was compar
ed in a criminal trial, was in a murder
caso in Chicago. The comparison
settled tho innocence of tho woman on
trial for her life. A comely woman,
with 20,000, married a man in Chi
cago, and placed her snug littlo for
tuoo in his business. In the courso of
time ho began to abuso her, and finally
sho decided to apply for a divorce.
Thu doublo calamity of losing a woman
to beat and withdrawal of her 820,000
from his business, mado the brute fur
ious and tho next morning ho was
found dead in one corner ot his bed
chamber, a bullet having gono through
his heart. His wife was found wound
ed in another part of tho room. She
said that her husband had come homo
tho night beforo in a rage and began
to abuso her whilo she was in bed;
that he hit her on tho head with tho
butt of bis revolver while her head was
on tbo pillow, and spattered blood over
tuo linen, that sho jumped up, ncd he
Bhot her, inllicting a sliaht flesh wound
in her side. She then rushed at him,
and, snatching the revolver from him,
snot nun through tho heart. Ho reel
cd to the cornel whero he was found
and aieu. 'tho prosecution did not
believe her story, and set up the theory
that she shot him when ho was
asleep, and draged him to tho corner,
and then inflicted the wound on her
self. Tho carpet where tho dead man
lay was saturated with blood. Accord
ing to the theory of tho prosecution,
buu uiuuu uu i,uu jjiuuw was jus also.
Dr. Piper put the section of tbo pillow
wuu oiooa upon it under the micro
scope, and drew ou a cardboard tho
shapo of the corpuscles, enlarged about
two inousano diameters. Uo then put
tuo oioou on tno carpet under tho
nucroscopo in tho samo way. Tho
compaiisou was wonderful. Tho cor
puscles on the pillow were bright.
round, and clean. Thoy wero beautiful.
1 he corpuscles on tho carnet wero
largo and disfigured, tho result of disease
Tho comparison settled tho question at
oucc. The blood corpuscles wero as
different as day and night, and sustain
ed tho woman's account of tho shoot
ing, bhe was acquitcd on that and
other evidence.
is between human blood and dog's
blood, tho miscro9Copo enables tho ex
pert to determino precisely whether a
Biiuciiiicii is irom a iiuman oeing or a
dog. But it is impossible to determine
human blood and a hog's
A Spot iu the Bermudas,
Tho Queen's Stairway, tho lako that
tiatnes up like a vast sheet of sulphur
wuL-u uu uui is miiisi ii. to ii ui nigm,
the pincapiilo iunglcs. Iho snonco fish.
ers, tho gardens in plain sight beneath
tno sea these aro nil very interesting,
mougn it would seem Hint tho clim-to,
tho luxuriant vegetation, nnd the rav
ishing beauty, combined with a good
hotel lo start with, ought to bo enough
lotho man who was thero fivo davs
it constantly returns to his mental sight
like a dream or a vision of something
almost too reposeful, too beautiful and
too strange to bo real. Tho prettiest
spot of tho wholo island, without
doubt, is tho littlo covo at Waterloo,
two miles or more from tho city. Im-
agino a placid little bay, whoso water
is colored liko tho rainbow, framed in
a horseshoe of white sand, fringing the
.!.1 r 1..11-. ' ill. P.
oiieivmj; oiueo ui u I1UHUW iiku U UUgC,
broken bowl of vcrduro. Picture this,
decked here and thoro with Btatelv
paims ami uroad-ieaved plant, orna
.1 . . . ...
meiHCd wim a proiiy, toy.iiko lort
and a few tropical country houses
Add tho blue and white sky abovo tho
gaudy water and beyond where skv
and water blend together, the dark blno
Pure beeswax is obtained from iho
ordinary kind by exposuro lo the'intlu
enco oi mo sun and mo weather. The
wax is sliced into thin Hakes and laid
on sacking or coarso cloth stretced on
frames restiog on posts to raise them
from tho ground. Tho wax if turned
over frequently, and occasionally eprin
klod with soft water if there bo not
dew or rain sufficient to moisten it,
I ho wax should bo bleached in nbout
four weeks.
Senator Logan's banquet in Balti
. 1... .1.. 1.. ..:...!!. I . .. 'II .-1 1
iiiuiu uy mu JiiYinuiuius will iuku piac
ucpiuiiiuci j. in.
Whito egg shell china lias ngal
lotimi invor.
fTB3 Of DVBixtsiNq.
1 W 3 W 1 M
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S SO S 60 4 so
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111 6 M IT
a TO 4 W) 7 00
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n6o lo to is oo
800 ii m m on
1 Inch
3 "
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o 6i 1 1 to ei do
B 60 1 W til)
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14 00 1700 80 00 40 OO
column 8 00 13 00 15 (10 S3 00 00 OO 40 00 60 10
Ycarlr sdvertlsements pnyablo nuarterly. Tran
sient advertisements; must In paid for Deforo In
serted except where parlies liaro accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for
three, Insertions, and at that, ralo for additional
Insertions without refcrenco to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no
tices three dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg-
Iular advertisements half rates.
Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, ono
dollar a year for each line.
Plague-Stricken Plymouth.
now attention is directed ro
personal perils.
Rochester (N. V.) Correspondence Indianapolis
"Judge," said a young lawyer to a
very successful senior, "tell mo Iho
secret of your uniform success at tho
"Ah, young man, that secret is a lifo
study, but I will give it to you on con
dition that yon pay all my bills during
this session of court."
"Agreed, sir," said tho junior.'
"Evidence, indisputable uvidencoi"
At tho end of tho month tho judgo
reminded tho young man of his prom
"I recall no such promise."
"Ah, but you made it."
''Your evidence, please?''
And the judge, not haying any wit
ncsse, lost a caso for onco I
The man who can "produco indispu
table evidence wins publio favor. I
had an interview yesterday witli tho
most successful of American advertis
ers, whoso advertising is most success
ful because always backed by evi
dence. "What styles of advertising do vou
use?" 1 asked II. II. Warner, Esq.
"Display, reading matter and para
graphs of testimonials."
"Have yon many testimonials!
In answer ho showed me a largo
cabinet chock-full. "Wo havo enough
to fill Boston, New York, Chicago,
St. Louis and Philadelphia morning
".Do you publish many ol themT '
"Not a tithe. Wonderful as aro
thoso wo do publish, we have thous
ands like them which wo cannot use.
Why not?' Let me tell you. 'Warner's
safe cure,' has probably been tho most
icccssltu medicine tor lemale disor
ders ever discovered. Wo have testi
monials from ladiojof tho highest rank,
but it would bo indelicate to publish
them. Likowiso many
crs, clergymen, doctors of worldwido
famo have been cured, but we can only
refer to such persons in tho most guard
cd terms, as wo do in our reading ar
"Aro these reading articles success
"When read they mako such an im-
iression when tho 'evil days of ill
lealth draw nigh they aro remcmborcd,
and Warner's safe euro is used.1'
"No, sir, it is not necessary now, as
at first, to do such constant and cxtcn-
b'ivo advertising. A meritorious medi
cine sells itself after its merits aro
known. AVe present just evidence
enough to disarm skeptics and to im
press tbo merits of tho remedies upon
new consumers. We feel it to bo our
duty to do this. Hence, best to accom
plish our mission of healing tho sick,
wo have to use the rcaduig-articlo
style. People won't read plain testi
Yes, sir, thousands admit that had
they not learned of Warner's safo euro
through this clover stylo thov would
still bo ailing nnd still impoverishing
themselves iu lees to unsuccessful 'prac
titioners.' It would do your soul good
to read tho letters of thanksgiving wo
get from mothers grateful for tho
perfect success which attends Warner's
safo euro when used for children, and
the surprised gratification with which
men and women of older years and im
paired vigor, testify to the youthful
feelings restored to them by the samo
"Aro these good effects permanent?"
"Of all tho cases of kidney, liver.
urinary and female diseases wo have
cured, not two per cent, of them re
port a return of their disorders. Who
else can show such a record ?
'What is tho secret of Warner's safe
cure permanently reaching so many
serious disorders?''
"I will explain by an illustration :
Tbo little town of Plymouth, Pa., has
been plague-stricken for several months
because its water supply was carelessly
poisoned. Tho kidneys and liver aro
thu sources ot physical well-being. Ii
polluted by disease, all the blood be
comes poisoned and every organ is af-
iected ami uus treat auuger threat
ens even one, who nenlects to treat
himself promptly. I was nearly dead
myselt extreme kidney disease,
but what is now Warner's safo euro
cured me, and I know it is thu only
remedy in the world that can cure
sveh disorders, for I tried everything
elso in vain. Cured by it myself, I
bought it and, from a seuso of duty,pro
sented it lo the world. Only by re
storing tho kidneys and liver can dis
ease leavo tho blood and tho sys
A celebrated sanitarian physician
onco said to me. "Tho secret of the
wonderful bucccss of Wnrner's safo
euro is that it is sovereign over all kid
noy, liver and urinary diseases, which
primarily or secondarily mako up tho
majority ot human ailments, hiko all
great discoveries it Is remarkably sini
The houso ol 11. II. Warner ifc Co..
stands deservedly high in Rochester,
and it is certainly matter of congratu
lation that merit has been recognized
all over Iho world, and that this suc
cess has been unqualifiedly deserved.
1 kn Point.
A Ball of Blue.
Sparrows may bo cross, uiitnmablo
littlo prutes, but they aro intelligent
enough to know on which sido their
bread is buttered. Tho other morning
a lady was waked by a mournful noise,
and, looking up from her pillow, beheld
two sparrows on tho sill of the open
window tugging away at a ball of blue
wool that had been used for somo fancy
vork aud loft on a tablo tho previous
night. Tho object of tho sparrows was
burglary, for they had not only entered
tho room, but had dragged their plund
er nearly out of the window beforo bo
ing discovered. Tho lady looked on
at iho performance with breathless in.
terest, and finally had tho satisfaction
of seeing tho lattcst buiglar tly away
with the spoils, closely followed by
tils pal,
It is said that thcio is no better in
dex to the henllli of cattle and liorcs
than tbo condition of tho hair. Indi
gestion and all other diseases that farm
stock is heir to, t en in a short time,
is plainly indicated by a rough, harsh
coat of tho animal.