Wit and Humor. A West Lynn lonelier asked a lilllo boy tlio color of tlio Atlantic Ocean, and lio said lio guessed it was water color. , A Jersey City Doctor forms his writ ten prescriptions into poetry. A doc tor's prescription is bad enough under any circumstance?, but written in verso it must bo an awful doso 1 Yonkers Statesman. In Bomo of tho New York skating rinks a novel fcaturo is tho presonco of boys dressed in femalo attire. Young America is cute. Ho soon learns that it is moro comfortable to Bit down on a bustle than on a pair of dudo pants. Jiurlmglon Jirec I'ress. Trousers with two logs aro a pair t a shirt with two arms is only ono shirt. Philosophers had better glvo up trying to find out whether tho moon is inhabi ted with spooks and cloar up somo of tlio dark mysteries ol tins life. JJe troit livery Saturday. Miss Anna L. Dawes, daughter of tho Massachusetts benator, Henry J Davvcs, takes pains to announuo that tier now work, "How Wo Aro Uovern cd," is especially for young pcople,wiso- ly supposing ttiat men who aro married know all about it. A Now York circus is advertising lor tlio second year a sacred wliuo do pliant. An animal that can keep tho company of circus men for a year aad remain sacred must certainly bo a can o.si ty worth stealing under the tent to see. lonkers Statesman. "No, sirl" yelled tho grocer, as ho shook his fist at a retreating customer ; "ho can't bulldoze me. I won't havo it. No ono over called mo a coward.'1 "That's so,'' rcmaikcd a friend admir ingly. "Lveryono says you havo lots otsand. Y. X. uraphic. "Papa," said a little bov, "where can I get somo wild oats!" "You cannot cct any lust now, my son but, it you wait till that man comes out of that saloon across tho way, I will bIiow you 8ome,a3 no is sowing them at present. Carl 1'retzel a Weekly. "Well, uncle, how's business with you" "Pooty, slow, sah, but I hyar say dish yer Africanistum War am gwino tcr mako a big deman 10 bread Btuffs, an I'so spectin' a powerful 'viv- al o' bizniss wen do effeok gits roun ter sandwiches sau. Columbia Spec tator. Physicians say that smoking short' ens tho memory. It must bo so. We re- member that cigar-drummer that came in mariy long days ago. Ho gavo us a cigar, smoked two himself, and then borrowed 10. His memory must havo tailed next day. Alas, we navo never heard from mm since. Jivansville Argus. Tho Supreme Court of Ohio has de cided that a subscriber cannot swear over a telephono line without the con sent ot tuo company. lint tho sub Bcriber can derivo consolation from the fact that he is still permitted to swear at tho company without tho consent of tho telephono line. Nbrristoion Jlerala. Visitor (to convict in a Western pen itentiary) Do they treat you kindly, my poor fellow! Convict (cautiously) Well, 1 don t want to make any com plaints, sir, but it's hardly right to make a man listen to a Baptist minister every Sunday morning when ho was born and brought up an Episcopalian. JV. X. Times. "Dr. Chapin's wit,"says Henry Ward Jiecchcr, "Hashed like tho spokes ot a wheel in tho sun." One day ho sat down on Ilev. Dr. Emerson's hat, and then instantly arose and passed the crumpled thing to its owner, Baying : "You ought to thank me for that, for your hat was only silk, bat now it is eat-in. Smith keeps a savago dog upon bis premises and near its kennel a board is displayed with tho warning in larcu letters, "Uewaro of tho dog.'' "I sup pose, ' said Jones, pointing to the warn ing, "you havo painted that sign in large letters so that 'ho who runs may read.' " "No," said Smith, "but that ho who reads may run." Jloston Con rier. A famous English writer and wit be ing on a visit in bouio country house, an elderly maiden lady set her heart on being his companion in n walk. lib excused himself at first on account of tho badness of tho weather. Soon af towards, however, tho lady intercepted him in an attempt to escape without ncr. wen, sue said, "it has cleared up i see. "Why yes." ho answered "it has cleared up enough for one, but not lor ttco. A man in New York who could speak Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, French and English fluently applied to tho Justico at the iombs a tnw days ago for employment. While this unforttinato man was frit tering away his valuable time master ing several languages ho might have learned tho art of pitching a curved ball, and would now bo overwhelmed with tempting offers to become tbo pitcher ot a score ot professional base ball club!". JMorristown Herald. A good jooko is told on a Sheriff of a neighboring county, who went in tho country to "level on a mule, but being loui mat the mules great ago exempt ed him from a levy tho Sheriff retraced his steps to town, a distance of nine miles, to examine the code in reference thereto, lie round that tho mulos age was no bar to a levy, and went back and found that Lho owmr hail nvnilnil himself of the interim to run themulo off. Macon Ga.) Telegraph. A California Judge has decided that a man cannot recover damages from imu'iuN wuu I'jucieu mm jrom uicir house for frightening their baby into spasms while attempting to kis it. Good for him 1 Tlio babv has been put upon too long. Whv should ho be kissed by old and young, and by ir. validd of cverv namn anil vnn'piv whether ho will or no. and nobodv rise and protest J Let it be known that the nan or woman who kisses a baby hero after, without first obtaining tho con sent of tho baby and the baby's guar dian, must du it at his own risk, and not altogether at tho risk of tho baby, as hitherto. Jloston Transcript. Somo Germrii bulls aro quitu as amusing as their own famous Irish rivals. Here aro a fow collected by a German paiier: "After the door was closed a soft femalo foot slipped into tho room and with her own hand ex tinguished tho tapor." Tlio chariot of revolution is rolling onward and gnaeli ing its teeth as it rolls," is what a Jier liu revolutionist told lho students in 1818 in a epurcli. "The Ladies' 15eno lit Association lias distributed twenty jmtra of alines among the poor, which will dry up many a tear." "I was cit ting al lho l(ib't) enjo)ing n cup of rpf. fro li n a ieiitli voice iHppH me tip lho slu uMcr I looked ur ii' d and saw my old friend once moro." The Chinaman and His Ooffln. Tim tilun nf I.Sn t'l.lnomnn !a 1 1ml wlinti lin fll.ifl tin (mailt. In tin litirlml tn tiic trunk of n tree, and so it oomea about that all colli in aro designed Willi a view to keep up tho illusion. They consist at four outsldo trco-boards, and aro so tasmoticd together as 10 iook very like a treo at a lilllo distance. They are, of course, troraenduously heavy, but then that is considered an excellent fault. If a son wishes to bo very pohto to his father, or ono friend desires to obtain tho good-will of an other, ho makes htm a present of a good, solid, heavy coffin. Tho gift is put in an honored place In tho house, ready for use) and is shown for tho nd- miration ol any lriend who may can. Tho owner would rather go Into his coffin than part with it) and generally speaking, though a Chinaman inny get into debt and bo very harshly tmatnd I LI- .1!..-. .1. .!!! 1 I.!. uy ins urcuiturp, uiuy will icuvu inn coffin, not wishing to prejudice his en try Into tho next world, which, Annnriilncr In Ihn f!n1nsttn1. itnnpndd - t , r . very much upon tho way In which a man is buried. I was told that halt tho Cbineso living in Hong Kong were alrcady.in happy possession of their coffins, and ready to enter them when wanted. Grcensborough has a certain young gentleman who has lately been en i.a1m...i n.n atii.n r.iAM r "..,i.i and thoughts of tho fair enchantress constantly fill his mind. Ho has a special book in which, during the week, he notes down tho thoughts which occur to him abont his lady-love. When Sunday comes ho visits her, armed with tho note-book, and proceeds to read therefrom the most tender ex pressions which havo occurred to him from timo to time. This can reully bo called courting by note. Savannah tfa.) JVetcs. A cement very much used nt the present day in China and Japan is made from rice. It is only necessary to mix rico flour intimately with water and gently simmor the mixture over a clear fire, when it readily forms a deli cate and darablo cement which an swers all the purposes of common paste. Thero is a bird roost at Lako Gen try, in Brevard county, Fla., covering a tract of eighty acres, in which, it is estimated, over 7,000,000 birds gather ovcry season. It has been a rest ing piaco lor birds trom timo immem orial. An eighteen-year-old boy was beforo a Kentucky court for carrying deadly weapons. The judge oonsentcd to dis miss tho caso on condition that his mother openly cowhided him in court, which she did with a will, stripping him to the waist. In glass works near Paris air stored under pressure has been made to buo- cessfully supersede glass-blowing by the mouth, except in a low cases. MALARIAL POISON. Tbo princlDal cause ot nearir all Blckncss at this time ottbe year baa Its origin In a disordered Uv er, which, II not regulated In time, great suffering wreicueuuesa uuu ueaui nm ensue a gcmiuui&u writing trom South America says : "I havo used your Simmons' Liver Uegulator with good effect, both osa Dreventlon ana cure tor Malarial Fevers on tho Isthmus ot Panama." (-co:-) TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICIE. An Effectual Speclflo MALAItlAL FEVERS. BOWEL COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, COLIC. RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEPItESSION MICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA, BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEII')IA,4C -(-:o:-)- It you tool drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you are Buffering from torpid Uver or biliousness." and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently, as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. It 13 glvcn'wlth satetr, and the happiest rosult3 to the most delicate Infant. It takes the place ot quinine and bitters ot every kind. It Is the cheap est, purest and best family medicine la tho world. J. H. ZEILIN & CO,, phila, SOLD BY AlTdRUQQISTS. may saiy TRICE LIST OP ROOFING SLATE On Care at' quarry. No. l Slate , No. i mo slate... Seconds No. 8 Rib Slate... .ruoton.oo . 3.W to 3.25 3.00 ;2.5j J. I.. HULL, 85 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, 1'a may 23-ly CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! ill -A'P,,r il THE ARTIST s? v us & AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always gives you tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho exporicnoo ior a number oi years in tlio Tailoring lousi ness, has learned what material will give his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and Btylo and will try to please all who givo him a call. Also on nana Gents' Furnishing Goods OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always ot tlio latest styles. Call and ex. amine Ills stock beforo purchasing else, where. Store nest door to First V&tional Bank Corner Main & Market Sta. rg, Fa. Apr)l :tt-jy Scras&toa House, ON TIIK i.UHOrKAN PLAN. Victor Koch, Proprietor. iwoma are neaieu uy ueain, wen Tentllated and e egantly furnished. Finest liar and Lunch Coun. jiuau to oruer ai an noun Ladles and Oecta ruhtaurdnt furnished wlih nil ii.ii.ninrii.. - -' . .... H.Hvnn M UD Loculaa near D. L . t w. It, R. Depot.scranton, Pa. Blofliiislii THE COLUMBIAN AND Amputation of the Leg, Money is tho universal necessity, and bono but a cynlo or a fool will affect to dcftplso It, Mr. Abram Ellsworth, ol Port Kwcn, Ulster County, N. Y., had realized this truth. Ilia dlscaso Involved thewholoof his thigh-bone, and tho suffering man looked forward, not without apparent reason , to death as Ms only delivery. Tho family physi cians refused to amputate the Umb, asserting that tho operation would kilt tho patient on tho spot. Dr. Dattd KENNEDY, of llondout, N. Y., who was consulted, held a different opinion and amputated the limb, nio Doctor then administered freely his great Blood Speclflo KAOItlTE REMEDY to afford tono and strength to tho system and pre vent tho return of tho dlscaso, and Mr. Ellsworth remains to this day in tho bloom ot health. This gentleman's dlscaso was the offspring ot foul blood, and Kennedy's KAVOIHTE REMEDY purl Hod tho blood and restored the blood and restored to him tho power onco moro to enjoy ids life. Aro you suffering from any dlscaso traceable to tho same cause t Try Favorite .lemedy. Your drug. fist has It. ONE DOLLAR ft bottle. Dear In mind he proprietor's name and address i Dr. David Kennedy, llondout, N. Y. To keep Uio blood pure Is tho principal end ot Inventions and discoveries In medicine. TO this object probably no ono has contributed more sig nally than Dr. David Kennedy, of llondout, N. Y , in the production ot a medicine which has becomo famous under tbo title ot tho "FAVORITE REM KDY." It removes all Impurities of t he lllood, reg ulates tlio disordered Liver and Kidneys, cures Constipation, Dyspepsia and all diseases and weaknesses peculiar to females. 1 & C3 Offer to tho Trade their Flno Urand of Clgnrs. Tho Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, Samson, and Cosmopolitan Fine Fruits and Fino Confectionery on hand. Fresh every week, ltlooma burg, Pa. Feb. 27 BLOOMSBURI PLANING MILL Tbe undersigned having put his Planing Ml on Itatlroad street, In nrst-ciass condition. Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. tarmsnea at reasonable prices. All lumber used la well Beasoned and nono but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and speclflca ions prepared by an eiperlenced draughtsman CHARLES KRIIO, UtoomMburff, Pa TOpiSORJiL f0QIS. THE OLD STAND under the Exchange Hotel, sUll takes tho lead. Hair Dressing, Shaving, Dyeing, Shampooing and all work In my line promptly and neatly done. BILLIARD & FOOL TABLES. JaineH Reilly, Jan 30-tf Proprietor. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETONS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &.C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the timet. E. B. BROWER, QgPIJLJMBING, GAS FITTING & STEAM HEATING. DRALKlt IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. WStrlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. Tills reined v contains no Injurious drvgs. hrs Catarrh Cleanse s t h eRwfrAM BP neaa. Allays Inllamm n I i n n Heals the Sorcs.ffoyFEVER ses of Taste, bmell, Hearing. A quick Relief. A positive Giro. CREAM liALM hasgaiuedan enviable reputa tion wherever known, displacing nil other prep arations. It Is a creamy substance. A particle li applied Into each nostril, causing no pain and Is agreeable to use. Price wcenMbyninll, or nt Druggists. Send for circular. ELY liKUTilKRS, June26-iv , d COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Table and l"ocket Cutlery, Window Glass, and I'lated-waio, Tho M candle-power marnu electrlo lamp. The celebrated l'lnalore llurncr. Bird Cujes, Fruit Jars. iil Lackawanna Avenue. SCRANTOH, Pn. may l.y KEYSTONE ACADEMY. A school for both sexes. (Separata building of brick, heated by stea.n, for tlio use of ladles. PROPERTY COST 50,000. Prepares For BUSINESS For COLLEGE, AND FOR TEAGHINC. Special attention paid to studenU whoso school privileges hae ln limited. CLASS IN PHYSIOLOaV EACH TKltM. Location Exceptional Healthful. COST TO IlOARDKItS PER YEAR $154. Reduced rates on I). I. W. 1L IL. Keventemith year begins August 3. For catalogue ur Informa tion address UUV JOHN 11. HARRIS, Pn. D. FACTOHYYILLK, I'A. Mayen. an. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. "Mnrylnntli My Mnrlnncl." . . npretty Wives, Lovely daughters andnoblomcn." "My farm lies In a rather low and mias matic situation, nnd 'My wife!" "Who?" 'Was a very pretty hlomlt!" Twenty years ngo, hecanio "Snllowl" "Hollow-cytill" "Withered nnd nged I" "Hcforo her time, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being ot tho grumpy kind, yet ruuslng mo great uneasi ness. "A short time ngo I purchased your remedy for ono of tho children, who had a very sevcro attack ot biliousness, nnd It oc curred to mo that tho remedy might help my w ife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "IiOSlI" "Her sallowncss, nnd looked ns fresh as n new blown daisy. Well tho story Is soon told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old timed beauty with compound Interest, nnd Is now ns lmndsomo n matron (If I do sny It myself) ns can bo touund In this county, which Is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Hitters to thank for It. "Tho denr crcaturo Just looked over my shoulder, and says 'I ami llat'.cr equal to tho days of our courtslilp,'nnd that ro minds mo tliero might bo moro nrotty wives if my brother farmers would do ns I liavo done." Hoping you may long bo spared to do good, 1 thanKiuiiy remain C. h. Jamk-i, Bki.tsvim.k, Prlnco Ucorgo Co., Md , 1 May 2(1111, 18S3. ) IfNono gcnulno without a bunch ot green' lions on the white labeL Shun nil tho vile, not onoua stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. Clothing for Everybody. With a largo and varied stock of Clothing for Men of overy trade, for lioys and Children of all ago, wo aro quito certain of meeting the demands of every class of buyers at prices that must givo satisfaction -)C(- A. C. Yates & Co. G02, 004, GOG CHESTNUT St., 3-0 l'lillitdclphln. Y'j flTT'Q VEGETABLE LtAjlj O SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Seldom docs a popular remedy win cucli a strong hold upon tlio public coufldenco aa bas Hall's Il.uit Kuncwki:. Tho case in which It his accomplished a complelo restoration of color to tuu hair, ami vigorous health to tho scalp, aio Ihnuiucrable. Old people UUc it for Its wonderful power to restore to their whitening locks their original color and beauty. Middle-aged ioplo like it because It presents tbem from getting bald, keeps dandrulf away, nnd makes tbe hair grow thick and strong. Young ladles Ilk 3 It us a dressing because It gives the hair a beau tiful glossy lustre, and enables them to dress it In whatever form they wish. Thus it is tbo favorite of all, and it bas becoruo so simply becauso It disappoints no ono. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE fou tiik ivmsiu:ns Has become one of tho moot Inii'ortntit pu lar toilet articles for gcntlemcn'i use. When the beard U gray or naturally of an umto clniWo shnje, IU'CKiMUiASi's Dyc It tho remedy, rur.rAHED uv It. P. Hall & Co.,Nnslmn,N.II. Sold hy all Druggists. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES MB EYE-CUSSES MICROSCOPES. TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES. MAGIC LANTERNS, BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Drawing Instrument.. 1'hUo.ophlcat end vl , Chemical Apparatus, list ind Descriptions of our Ten Cstslofoet sent FIlhK on sppllcstlun. QUEEN CO. 024 Chtstnut St. PHILADELPHIA. feb8-ly $50 REWARD. FOU Every Our.oj of Adulloration in the few Process Soap THE WONDEBFUL 2-LB BAR. MADE ONLY UY Gowans & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all first-class grocers. April 10-1. r Rend nnd Save Money, Now is tho time to Build. No I German l'laestdluj 5 or a lu. No t f lncti KlJtnir planed, " jletnlockileruMtt skiing, Olnch " " lloorlnif, " white plnu " " jellow " " " surfaced pine boards, " sawed phio shlnMea, No a " " No 1 Rap sawed plno shlnele " hetnloek kawhiI " ji" m per i II Ml ' li ni 14 () 1" 00 ' 10 (HI ir oo 3 lO ' 2 1 1 1 75 ' 1 75 heart shaved plno " from f5 no to 7 uo " hemlock" " " Bhlnclolath, " plasterlnif lath han .KUI0 4U1 4 0.) to 4 W " S 75 ' 8 Ul ' (i tn itcuuocK tenciuir. &uat'f fencing 0 inch wide, 10 ui " oants 1U to p. inch wide, 10(0 " bllUanyslw from fiovotaituo I keo) a full stock of tho nbovo kinds of Lumber ulwnys on hand, and will sell at these prices during year of 1885. h. bT'Eow, Orangoyille, Columbia Co., I 'a. apr 3-Gra Stimnicr ResortH. fllKNDALK COTTAQE. Vn 1A Mnuuiilmsntla Ivan.iA I ll..,ll.nu.. fln location, tlirvo Ocean view a, twouimr'4 uaimuir. uoatiDg, tuer ana lUflu houso, iliu kMuuiiuuuiiuuq uim lllllf LMJUIU. If l(J street riilUJelnbla, or No. 10 MaaaaclTuaetti Arts.. 1 Atlantic City. N. J,, formerly from wiuiauwtioit' l l0". SPl! 'P011!1 13 'K'retoforo. law Chestnut Juts. c. V, Thomas, i Methods orABnculturo In tho Eub Tho methods of atrrioiiltiiro tmrsued in China and tho tools used aro of tho rudest and most primitive form, Even an apology for a shovel is seldom to bo met with, whllo the hoo is of a long, narrow, heavy blade, and is used for almost all imrposts. It takes tho place of n shovel when soil Is to bo moved, as It is carried in Bhnllow baskets do pending from a yoko on tho cooly's 8houlders,and tho hoe U used to scrapo tho eaith into tho baskets. After liloncliii'B, and often without it. the earth is dug up and prepared for tho seed uy tne lioe, and tho growing plants aro cultivated by its aid. Tho jilough is a rough and clumsy nffair, with only ono "stilt," and only tlio point shod witli iron. It loosens tlio soil, but iiirns a very slight furrow, from its nnrrownes. Tho harrow is more llko tho well-known form at home, and tho rako when used at all, is form ed of curved and pplit bamboo, but is frail and of littlo value. Farm carts or wagons aro infrequent very clumsy, solid wooden wheels, and rudely fash oined. Thrashing is porformed as in tho times of Moses, by sptcading the sheaves on an earthen thrashing-floor nnd driving unmuzzled cattlo over the grain to tread it out. Winnowing is dono on tho samo floor by pouring tlio grain from uplifted baskets for tho wind to drive away tho chaiT, with sometimes a huge fan wielded by an assistant cooly. Sometimes the grain is ground between mlll-stoncs, tho un der ono stationary and tho upper turn ed by a bullock that travels in a circle. Sometimes two women grind at a mill as iti tho timo of Herod of Galilee. Quite often a still ruder process is ob served. A stono coping is firmly set in a continuous circle" about a space of ground Ifl or 20 feet in diameter. Tho coping has an unbroken groove cut in its upper surfaco V-shaped, and a cir cular stone, 3 feet in diameter, has its penpliary liewu to lit in tho groove, which is ') inches or moio in depth, Into this groovo tho grain is placed and lho stone wheel revolves over it, Its ccntro fixed to a pivot on tho outer extremity ot a uoim, whoso inner end is attached to a pivot in the centre of the inclosed space. A bullock hitched to tho beam revolves tho grinding stone, and in lime tho grain is crushed to powder. Nearly ail burdens aro borne on men's shoulders, nnd thus crops aro cathored and transferred Labor is cheap and cultivation is sub divided that often every plant has a special culture, and daily irrigation with liquid manure is applied, especial ly with all food vegetables. Tho soil of tho Island of Java is pro duclivo to a degree, tho crudest imple ment scrvinK tho native. The plouuh is a crooked or bent slick, drawn by tho buffaloes, and merely scrapes or scratches tho top of tho earth : tho spado is never used, unless here and thcro on an cstato under European management, and the hoe, an instru ment in universal use, is a great, un wieldy, heavy, and "impossible" thing, at least twice tne weight ot our own. The priraitiveucss in implements for use in cultivating land, and tools us ually employed by husbandmen, is uni versal ; a simple hatchet, for instance, is rarely seen in tho hands of a native j an ax is also a vara avis, though both these tools aio procurable. It will bo understood, of course, that the inodo of cultivation amongst tho natives is rs simple as their implements ; tho Boil is so rich and nature so bountiful in this favored island that it takes but littlo labor to produco a good result, given that insects, disease, want of or too much rain, does not interfere. Owing to the paucity of population of Asia Minor, when compared with tho extent of arable territory, and to tlio fact that except for gardens, cotton and tobacco fields, fertilizing substan ces are not used, the land is allowed to remain fallow every third year. Thus a field which is sown with a summer crop, such as Indian corn, millet, ses ame, beans, vetch, etc., is sown again tho following autumn with wheat, bar Icy, or horse beans, etc , these beinc the winter crops ; the third year it is not planted. The agricultural implements in gen eral uso are of the most primitive stylo and make. Oxen arc used for plough ing and thrashing purposes. Tho yoke is a long straight stick, usually fasten ed to tho horns. Tho plough is sim ply a triangular block of hard wood, with an iron cap on the point, ono polo in front, to which tho oxen nro fasten ed, and ono behind to guide it. The other implements aro the harrow, rako. sickle, spade, pickaxe, shovel, pitch fork, siove, winnow, and clumsy low wheeled bullock cart, all of which tho least progressive of our American farm ers would scorn to use. Tho nlouah- ing is about four inches deep, with a paco between each furrow of twelvo inches or more. Irrigation is confined to vegetable gardens, although thero is seldom any rainfall from May to Oc tober, ith such methods of cultiva tion, barley and wheat yield about twelve-fold, beans from twenty to twenty-five, millet, and maize from twenty-tivo to thirty-five. Tho thrash ing of ceicals is performed by horses and bullocks ; beans and sessamo by ilail or stick. Tho straw, after thrash ing is cut up and used as fodder for cattle. Of tho smaller articles above H numerated, tliu pitchfork is ol wot.d, mere crotched stick : pickaxes, hoes. spades and scythes aro inado hero part ly of iron, arc imported from France. To induce tho peasants to adopt moro modern hand-tools is not so casv as tho introduction of labor-saving machinery, but it may bo dono in time and by per severing effort through tho largo pro portions. What the Brain Does. It is a well-known fact that ntonlo whoso limbs have been amputated till you that they feel their Unguis aud toes a long time afterward for years, sometimes and will even desciho pains and definite sensations affectinc cettain joints of individual digits. This is readily understood when wo lemember that tho brain is tho only part of tho body that feci, nil sensations and im pulses being convoyed to it fiom differ- ent parts of ncrvu fibres. Feelings of pain, heat, cold, touch, and the funct ions of tho special senses arc telegraph ed to it: and when tho coniioctiiicr nervo is divided it may bo somo lime beforo it learns to localizo truly the seat of tlio sensation it appreciates. When wo knock our "futiny bones'' wo oxperienco a thrill in tho littlo fing er and inner border of tho hand: tho fact being that wo havo stimulated the bundlo of loleoraph wires known as tho ulnor nerve which transmits sen sations from that finger and part of tho next, in tho middle- of its course, as it winds round tlio joint of tho cldow. A blilllant black varnish for iron. stone, wood, or concrcto cm bo made by SlirrillL' UP ivoiv black in nnlinnrv ullftllfln I'ni-nleli Tt ntmlil I,, linn... li..l to tho surfaco when lho artlulo to bu coat 3d is cold. '1 ho varnish dcos well for Btovot or liroplnccs. i ELEGANT NEW IN MEN'S, HOYS' IolothimgJ THAT NEED ONLY TO HE SEEN TO HE APPRECIATED. Ptpclly Suits lor Children, Handsome Suits for Boys. Best Goods, Latest Styles, Neatest Fits. The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Replete in HNUDra MflDin HANDSOME DRESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, (CM1EAPEK THAI I VEIL MADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLE, pdLL SvtisfactiqH AwVfs Qd1lTEED' AT THE - !$!ooiiislnrg, Pa, Fine Cnrringcs, Iliiggles and Wngons. At tills Repository may he seen a Iiirge nud varied selection of QgVEIIICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASUIIE) from the best Manufactories. Purchasers are Invited to call ami Inspect the goods, or to tySgr" Write for Information and Prices. apr. 3, '85-ly QMAIN STREET,) & IL JBOBimS, DEALER IN FareigM audi Bome&tio WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. RUP .,,m..,....,. ereroCiy ffiE WEW'l0' 1 ui relleMU trom .nt- 4 BUWU114 w iiiHK iiuu juu ut uiht'n my cast) in nana. 1 wi'Iku low itu iinnmu miif,uw, .r. laVmSlinU- 1 tWak J0U muU W amount ol &$S& tfiSffiSi You owe It to my son In Iloton. who lias known many ot your natlenta before and m ,,.. I applied to you. "do." uld he. ''to Ur. bhcrman ho li dofnir wonders 1 had f ilSS of helnfi down others and doubled, hut he would not let me rest till I went. I bless tliediv 1 , m it P 1 ifT.S me a mystery, Doctor, that sou have so wonderfully outiiktaneni .11 1,. SSi' ?m to IxSrWno foiu of physical uoundne. ihouul loae uo tlmem sl-euJuF remedU-s. Ills hook, contalnlui likenesses of bad caws h fore and alter cure with evidamS ?V?i.Sf f cessand lndorMmeutsfromdl!.Unfc'uWiwlpliy!jcUns, clcrKymen, merchanlH. flrinrrs PmSJi "Ji0; othere, U exi.rebwxl jo thoa who tend 10 eenla. Dr. SherTnar. caril ti con"uttcd d" "ly at iS?'onfS ".HS liroadway, iot ork, except 1 hurhdays and Fridays, when ho win 1 m l-hSdehihla omcVaHVS taanreaTtSOerm,0n ''S'Sft SPRING STYLES AND CIIILDHEN'S OF - i mm T. F. MUIf , 320 & 322 PennAveuue, For tho Celebrated Cliickcring, Ivers & Fond, anil V090& Son Pianos. World-rc nowned Estey Orpins, Violins, Accordeons and Sheet Music. Celebrated White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Koyal St. John, and Light llunnlng Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments for all makes of Sewing Machines. Stcro and Warerooms, No. 128 Franklin Avonuo. Also Warerooini 111 l'runklla Ate. ami nut-en. tcr Btrcct, SCR ANTON, PA. H r Ati; tiling lo mikn up anew waunn or repair tin old, in Btoelc. liar Iron, and Slccd Hollo, Holt hod., Lag Screws, Turnbucklo's "iirso anocH, and nil islacksmitli HUJl)lici. AprSI-ir TURE . """",. i., w jieiter St. buffering wlilcl Twos llli Vre ?,0" A wxsiv If PATPNTR Obtained and all patent builnesa attended to for rnoderatfl fcefl. ... our ofilce Is opposlto tho U. B. Patent omce. and w.r.nnlitalnNtMUln 1CH9 tlmO thnn1linunn than thoso re. inolo from asninsiui . Hcnd model or drawing, wo nnvlm as to pat. cnlnblllty freo of charge, and wo mako ho chareo unless patent h secured. .... We refer here, 10 tho rostmnstcr, tlio Supt, ot Jloney order IHt., nnd to oniclnls otthou. a l'ntcnt omce. For circular, advice, terms and fff(.mnroa1nnr.ttlfllCllCnt9 In Your 0W11 fttnlnn.. county, wrlto to C A. SXNUV : tJU., nn nu ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. OF CAST CH WHOUailT IKON. Suitablo for Yards, Cemetery Lots mill Public Grounds. m.n .nllAi.lni. almtp. 11m IHsl-nf fin. 1. In the several beaut If ul styles of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For llcautr and Durability they aro unsurnnsn ed. tiet up by experienced hands and warranted to givo sausiacuon. Prices and specimens of otlicr de signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA. .May 4-tf RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. In effect April nth, 18S3. Trains Icavo Sun bury. EASTWAltli, 9.4)n. m., boa Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for llarrl-burg andlntermedlalebtntlons, arriving at l'hlladelphla 3.15 p. m. j New York aao p. in. ; lialtlmoie, &ui . m. ; Washington, u.110 p. in., connecting at l'hlladelphla lor all beu hhore points. 'Ihrough passenger coach to l'hlladelphla. 1.40 p. m. Day express dally except SundayUurllarrkburg and Interme diate Btatlons, arriving nt Philadelphia 0.60 p. m. ; New York, ll.si) p. m. : llalumoro o.55p.m.; Washington, aiMp. in. l'nrlor car through to Philadelphia and p.i&scngcr coache through to l'hlladelphla and Baltimore. 8,80 p. hi. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dally, for Ilarrlsburg nnd all Intermediate stations, anlv lug at 1'lilladelphla 4 S5 a. m. j New Y ork 7.00 a. m. bleeping car accommodations can bo becurcd at Ilarrlsburg for l'hllaaclnlilaand New Y'ork. on Sun. days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp't to Phlladelphia.l'hlladelphla passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed until 7 a.m. 8.30 a. m. Erio Mall (dally except Monday, for Ilarrlsburg and intermediate btatlous, arriving at Philadelphia 8.S5 a. in. Now York, 11.30 a. m. ; llaltlmoro 8.30 n. m. ; Washington, u.55 a. m. Through lullmau bleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, llalllmoro and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to rhlladcl. phla nnd Ualtluiorc. WESTWAltD. 5.S0a. m. Erio Mall (dally except Sunday), toi Erio and all Intermediate blatlons nnd cauandal gua and Intermedlato stations, llochester, lluffa roandN'lagaraFalls,wlthtlnough Pullman Pal aco cars and passenger coaches to Eilo and lioch ester. v.ta News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1.05 p. m Niagara Express (dally except Sun dayjforKnuo and Intermediate btatlous and Can andalgua and principal Intermedlato bUitlons, llochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to liano and llochester and Parlor car to Wlllllainsport. 6.35 p. in. Fast Lino (dally except Sundayjfor lie novo and Intei mediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat kins nnd Intermedlato btatlous, with thiougli pas senger coaches to ltenovo and watklns. o.ao a. m.-sunday mall for llcnoio and Interme diate stations. TIIIIOUQII THAINS FOlt SUNllUltY FltOMTIIK EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves l'hlladelphla 4.30 a. m Ilarrlsburg 7.40 arming at bunbury D.20 a. in. with through sleeplngcnr Horn Philadelphia to Wli Uauisport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. Harrhburg, 8.10 a. in. dally except Sunday arriving al Suubury u.5.1. n. in. , M , ,, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j llaltlmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday aiming at sunbury, 1.05 p. m with through l'nrlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from l'hlladel phla nnd Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New Y-ork 0.00 a. m. ; Phlladel. phla.ll.so a. m. ; Washington, 10.50 a. m. ; Balti more, 10.40 a. in., (dally except bunday) arriving at bunbury. 6.35 p. in., with through passengci coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie Mall leaves New York 8.U) u. m. ; Phlladel. phla, ll.ao p. m. ; Washington, 10.10 p. m. ; Balti more, ii.au p. m., (dally cxcept.saturday) arriving at bunbury 5.15 a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Ba pmoro and through passenger coaches froiu Philadelphia. SU.NUUKY, HA.I.liTON & WlI.KESIlAllll. KAII.ltllAll AMI NIIUTII AND WKST llltANfll IUIMVAV. , (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbarre .Mall leaves Sunbury 10.00a. m., arriving nt Bloom Ferry 10.63 a. m., Wllkcs-bari u UM8 p. in. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 0.37 p. in., Wllkes-barru B.UJ p. m. sunbury Mailicaveallkesbarruio.4ua.m.arrlv Ing at Bloom Ferry VMS p. m., Hunbury l.uo p. in. Express West leaves Wtlkes-barre a.45 p. in., living at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p. iu., Bunbury 5.10 CIIAS. E. PUOII, Uen. .Manager. J. It. WOOD, ucn. I'asscnger Agent JQELAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKItU HA1I.HOA1). ULOOMSIJUHG DIVISION. NORTH STATIONS. ....Scranton,... Bcllevuo.... ...TaylorvIUo... SOUTH. ,m. p.m. a.111. uo 1 30 tt M 0 IU o.m. a.m. p.m 8 64 8 48 1 'JI 1 l'J l li a 60 40 3 20 6 65 tt 2 25 0 01 i) 50 2 30 0 lit) II 67 2 38 (I 17 10 01 2 40 G 23 10 W 2 51 0 28 10 II 2 50 tt 33 10 17 3 UO 0 30 10 20 3 01 0 ID 10 23 1! 00 tt 48 10 21 3 00 u 60 io :-J a li 0 65 10 at 3 15 7 00 10 37 3 30 7 10 10 41 3 SI 7 13 10 48 3 32 7 31 10 tU 3 13 7 47 11 10 3 67 7 M II 10 4 IU 8 00 11 (S 4 10 8 Wl 11 31 4 10 8 10 11 37 4 IU 8 It It 40 4 3J 8 81 11 4J 4 30 8 28 11 63 4 311 8 31 II 61 4 42 8 30 12 IU 4 4T 8 65 13 SO 5 (0 U 03 13 28 5 13 V 00 13 33 b 10 u at 13 HI 6 30 U 14 a oo 8 50 8 53 8 40 8 3.1 l in 8 27 li 67 Plttbton..... l..'Pttt. I'llt.lnn 8 W 13 53 8 17 13 II 8 13 13 41 8 U8 13 10 8 08 13 37 8 03 13 31 7 511 13 30 7 61 13 30 7 60 13 15 7 41 13 07 7 SU 11 &5 7 18 13 43 7 11 11 t5 7 05 It 38 C 68 It 33 0 51 11 18 0 60 11 15 fi 43 11 01 0 30 11 01 0 U) 10 50 0 85 10 61 0 US IU 33 6 00 10 38 5 65 10 31 5 40 10 10 p.m. 0.111. 8 48 8 4.1 8 UO H 35 ..vtyouuug,.,. ....iiiauuy,,,, ...llcunelt.,., ..Klnr.atnn 8 35 Klnirstnn 8 30 8 23 8 21 K l? Plymouth Juno .,.i umuuuu.,. ....Nautlcoke..'. 8 10 7 58 7 47 7 41 731 7 27 7 23 7 1 7 II 7 05 uuniocK's urcek ..bhlckbhlnny,, ..luck's Feiry, .. Beach llaveu.. llerwlck.... ..Itrhir rr.!.L- ..Willow Urove., .iaiuu iiiuge,,, .'ilioomSlfurg !.! Klliiprt 7 00 0 64 0 31 0 CU U 25 tt 10 0.10. Cat aw To Bridge ..I'UllVlllU,,,, ...Chulasky,,,,! f'limpntn Northumbei land a.m. li. in. P. in W, F, HALSTEAD, Supt. Superintendent's onice, scranton, Feb. 1st, 1803 suHsomnu foh TIIK COLUMBIAN, r Slfi.d A YKA1J. yAINWWQUT & uo., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia .U S, S VltUPi, CO f FKB, BUQAlt, UOUH t E KIOI, 8NCH, BICABB 80D1, SC., CO. N. E, Corner Becona and Arch strents. 'IVraors fin reoelvo promit titttntl prf HsHavHBHnMBBisisbi