doltiiibiki. COLOMBIA PKMOCRAT, STAB O'TIIK NORTH, Mid CO LUMBIAN, consolidated, iMiird WrrUlj,, evcrj Frlilm-3lorntn, nl nr.oojtSBUito, Columbia co., pa. ATft.M pcrycar. To subscribers out ofthecoun. tytnn terms nro strictly In advance rr-.No paper discontinued except at tho option ot the publishers, until all arrearages nre paid, but lone continued credits will not bo Kiven. All papers sent out ot tho stato or to distant post onices must bo paid forlnndrancc, unless a respon slblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho subscription duo on demand. MMpaMMBMMMMIIIHMMMHMA. HI tTBS of DefVpsmq 1W 9 W IK 1 tncll ( 75 1 23 1 60 3 " 1 60 2 00 2 23 S " 2 00 2 75 S 60 4 " 2 60 S 60 4 6) V COl 8 25 4 60 B 60 u col 8 60 7 00 H 00 fcolumn 8 00 12 00 15 00 S II 3 M 4 00 ft 00 T 00 3 U H IT a to 4 CO 7 oo 4 75 7 60 1J 00 oso lo m mm 8 on u on m oo 0 81 It CO 23 00 8 00 14 00 1700 20 CO 40 00 23 00 UO 00 40 09 SO tl Yearly sdvertlscmenta payable quarterly. Tran sient advertisements must be paid for before In serted except where parties have accounts. tz-gal advertisements two dollars per Inclj for three Insertions, and at that rata for additional Inscrtlpns without rf ercnoo to length. Kiecutors, Administrator's, nnd Auditor's no tices three dollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg ular advertisements halt rates. cards In tho "Ba'lness Directory" column, one dollar a year for each line. JOB PRINTING. ThoJob Printing Department of tho Colombian Is very complete It contains tho latest new typo and machinery and Is tho only ornco that runs Job pres cs by power, Klvtnir us tho best fact Itlos. lis tlinntes furnished ou largo Jobs. .u 3, E.ELWELL, - S BITTSMBaMCEBjT''1811'"" BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1885. THE COIiUMBIAN. VOIi.'XlX.NO 24 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XL1X, NO 17 lie PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r "K.'WAIjfjEU,"" J' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JJtoomsuuiv, Ofllco over 1st, National Uantc. l'a XT V.VU. Ly' ATT. FUNIC, ORNEY- omco In Slit's Building. I OHN M. CfiAUIC, AT-LAW. BLOOUSBL'KO, I'A, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTIOK OP THE I'BAOE. 1II.00MSBU1U!, l'A, nl ce tut Mover Bros. Drug Store. mm itamfirmtti Lots of People Say, "MM back:' Hero Is Solid A. 1 TESTIMONY Hnrd Working Men. W MILLKR, ATTOHNBY-AT-LAW onico In Browcr's bulldlng.socond No. I Bloomsburg, l'a. B, FRANK Z-VRR, ATTOHNEY- AT-LAW. Bloomsbttrg, l'a onico corner ot Contro and Main Streets. Clark i Building. Can bo consulted In German. G KO. E. EMVEMj, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Uloomshukci, l'A. Ofllco on First floor, front room of Cm, umiiias llulUlini;, Main street, chnngo Hotel. below Ex- pAUL E. YIT, Attorney-at-Law. onico In Columbian Bcildino, Boom Ho. 2, second tioor. BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Itlnclilnltt nnd llnlliler. "I havo been troubled years with kidney and bladder (lIBkuHy. After using four bottles of Hum's Kidney and Liver Itr-Msnr, I liavo been completely cured." WlUlas C. Clark, MaBon and llnlldcr, Auburn, N.Y. ... "Health libeller than wealth." Machinist. Mr. Ocorco Karg, Machlnlit, 1133 TUJgo Ave., Philadelphia, l'a., says : "My ducase started when I was quite a yonng lad by having weak kldneyf. I have useiljuit tUbottlcnOt Hunt's (Kidney and Mvcr ItEMCDT. nnd 1 aolcmnly proclaim, 41 feel like ancwinan.'" . "Good counsel has no ptlce, obey It." Mechanic. Mr. Henry Williams, Mechanic, East Bridge port, Conn., earn "About two months ago I caught a heavy cold, which settled In my kidneys. 1 got a bottlo of Hunt's Kidney and Liver ltEMEDr and tilth tho first doso began to get well." "Light suppers makes long lives." Itallrond Ulan. Frank B. Lee, ofllco N. Y. C. & H. It. Tt. Little Tails, N.Y.,. Juno 8, 18S.1, says: "My father, C3 roars old, had severe kidney and bladder dlsea.e torn) years, urination causlne acuto pain. The weakness was so great he was obliged to wear a rubber bag. Tivclvo bottles of Hunt s Kldnc IttMEnT completely cured him, and wo consider I remarkable. Wo cheerfully recommend IL" "Deeds nro better than words." Host's rivldncr and Llverl ItssinnT has stood tho test of time. It has been beforotho public for twenty years, and has cured eiery year thousands of people suffering from various dUcascsof tho Klilnevs and Liver, and kindred disorders, who had failed to get relief from doctors and who expected never to bo cured. Thousands of testimonials from such persons attest its value. Bend for book. "Alls well that ends well." Sold by all druggists. Mco S1.53. I HUNT'S IlEMEDY CO., Providence, II. I. ' N. CBITTF.NT0X, Csneral Agent, N. Y, Seventy-One Below Zero, l.ll'i: IS '1 1 1 K AHCTIU UKUIONS. Tin ro at o few places in tho United Slates proper (tlio woul "proper" being put in to exclude our colony 01 AiasKa, almost a third of which lies in tho iVrctlo regions) whero tlio winter weather is intensely cold and where oven the Biimtner is bo cool that both seem liko the polar region?, but thisc few places ato no lar in tlio west, among tho high mutilaiiii, nnd no thinly poiilated, thai l Joel iiuo sure that tho mero mention of seventy-one degrees below ztr.- or 103 degrees below tlio freezing point will ir.aku the chills rut. over my leaders, and if it bo a warm day when llicy peruse it they will bo cordially thankiui, and, i hope, will not east it asido with a mere glance at tho heading if it bo not. The author was in a heavy Btonti, lasting sonio two or three hours, on July 8. 187G. while elk hunting in the 8, KN0RR. KNOBR L. B. WINTIB8TBIK. & WINTEBSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. onieo In 1st National Bank building, second floor, flrstdoortotholett. Corner ot Mam and Market streets Bloomsburg, Pa. t&"Pensions and Bounties Colkctid J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW onico In Maize's bullOJig, over lilllmcycr'g grocery. JOHN C. YOCUM. cTi:. OEYKlt. YOCUM & QEYEB, Attorneys-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, l'A. (Onico front suit ot rooms on second lloor or News Item building.) SITCAN BE CONSULTED IN OEllMAN'.sU Members of Sharp nnd Alleman's Lawyers and Banker's Directory nnd tho Amcilcan Mercantile nnd collection Association. 111 glio prompt and careful attention to collection ot claims in any part ot tho United Mates or Canada, ns well as to all other provisional business entrusted to them. K. 03VYALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and C. BERWICK, l'A II. RIIAWN. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Catawlesa, l'a. Office, corner ot Third and Main streets. V. WHITE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. OfflCB In Browcrs' Building, 2nd lloor. map 1-tf W; S. SMITH, l'a. Attorney-atLaw, Berwick Cm bo Consulted in German. ALSO rittST-OLASS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES KEI'ItESKSTED. WOfllco first door below the post ofllce. MISCELLANEOUS. n a. BABKLEY. At'orncv-at-Law. j .Olllco In llrowei's building, nnd story, ltooms 4 mm 5. " B. McKELVY. M. D..Sureeon and Phy .slclan, north Bide Main street.bclow Market AL. FRITZ, Attornoy-al-Eaw, , m COLOauriN Building, Office p M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH uwmg Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re- aired. oriui uocsi Building, utoomBDurg, ra, D R. J. 0. RUTTEB, PHYSICIAN iSUHQEON, Offlce, North Market street, jJloomBburt, Fa ru. wm. JLl'hyalclan. Treet. M. REI1KR, Surgeon and Otnco corner of Hock und Market JR. EV I'hyslclan, street. NH. M. D.. Burceon iml nico and Itosldencu on Third IRE INSURANCE. ;OnilI8TIAN P. KNAl'I", BLOOMSUUIta.l'A HOME, OF N. Y. M KUCHA NTS', Of NEWARK, N. J. CLINTON. N. V. 1'KOI'LES' N. V. ItEAUlNO, l'A. These old conroitATioNs aro well beasoucd bj ace und niiK testku and havo never set had a loin settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested in solid secvritiks are liable to the hazard ot hue only. Losses l'liouiTLY and honestly adjusted and paid as Boon as determined Dy christian r. JiNAft', SfKCUL AOKNTANDADJl'SrKRULOOMSBl'BU, 4 u. Thn nonntn of rnliimtild eonntv should natron lj the agency whero losses It any are settled and nam uy ono oi mer own cuuo lis. FHOMlTNEhS. EQUITV, JAIIl DEALINQ, CAIN Health and Jappiness. DO AS OTHERS V&yuF $ HAVE DONE. Aro your Kidneys disordered? "Kidney Wort brought mo from my irrfcTe, aa II were, arier 1 hal Ufti kItc n un by 13 best doctora in Ktrc-lt." it W. jJtturaur, Mechanic, Ionla,Miclu t Aro your nerves "weak? ''Kitlnty Wuit ruroil ino from nerTom vrfivVnoM 4c, lift it I wris not i'ipf ted to llvi"-Mra. M. M. 11. Uoudwin, Ld. Chrttthm Monitor Ck'Tcland, U. Havo you Bright's Disease? "KJdner Wort rurrd mo when iny ater vas Juit Ilka chalk aui thin liko blood." Frank Wilson, reabody, Mum. Suffering from Diabetes? "KI tin ty -Wort Ulh most iuccti.tiful remeity I hare CTtr used, UIich almot lmmodlato rvllvr," Dr. rtlilCBaUwU, Mocktcn, Vt. Liver Complaint? ort cured mo of chronic Li tit UImosci SELECT STORY. Esquimau, whuro wo coitlil buy rein Jeer meat for imiaclvM and dot;s. Wo werd just ready to start when a sharp wind pprntig up from tho North west that felt liko a sooro of razor blades cutting tho face. Had it Blarled fif teen or twenty minutefi sooner wo would not of thottgl of going, but the dislatico ahead was hiicIi a short one and tho road bo cood over a uently roll ing country that wo clioso to go ahead rather than unload our sledges and go back into the same old camp. Wo kept tho dogs at a good round trot and ran alout; sidu of the sk'tlces tho whole way, except one short rent, and I can assure my ruadem that when wo reached ilio enow housu of tho Kinne pcto lMmiunau it wag as wtueomc a refuge as if it had buen a first class hotel. I was frozen along my left arm from my BhotiUler lo my wrist, and a was qtiilo painful for a number ol days; and many ol thu others, JVitpumau ns wel' as while men, wcio also "nipped" hero and there more or less severely. The wind was strong enough to drift thu loose snow along thu ground, but I Biiiiiioao our linarrinattons iluiiut; high spurs of the Uig Horn Mountains such a strain made us tliitik it was very of Montana, and when returning to mUch stronger than it really was if caiiiplcaniedtliatanothcrhiinling patty we could have measured with a prop had croscd their horses on tlio ice ol cr instrument. When wegot to tho end a lake on tho -1th of July nt a still of our iournev we again looked at tho higher level, the ice not having melted thermometer, and indicated ." decrees iroin iiiu winiuiB uvu. jivv.uif,. " ueiow zero mat is it nau got wanner l tth of August tho same year ice form- by l.'l decrees in a half to tliico quart- cd on tho water in our aamp-kettles ers 0f a hour, the time it had taken and buckets, anil in short, iu that por- tls to get througli, allhoilgb it. seemed tion of the country it is cold .'iiotigh a, if it, might havo been thirteen times to give a person who may live llieio I thirteen degiees colder, judging by the Havo you Kill nrv. Wort pi Aftf p 1 tirnril tn itlo ' llenry Ward, lato Col. Mth Nat. Guard, K.T. Is your Back lame and aching? 'Mdney.Wort.O buttle) cured mo when X waieo lunio 1 had to roll out of ted." 0. M. Tallmaffc, Milwaukee, Wi Havo you Kidney Disease? "ICUner-V, ort made mo found itillrcr and kldncya pftir cms of unBHcrtssful (liK-torlns. Its worth lilAbox."-Sainl Hodea, WilUaimtcmt), West Va, Aro you Constipated? "k'ldnrv.U'titt rAii-u-a paay iaoufitioiiS nnd "Ured S mo alter W jeari utw of other mcdielneH." Havo you Malaria? I remedy Iharo cicr ns'd In my practice, Kidney-Wort htu done, better than any other i nave cicr us'i in my rracure." Ur, IMC Cork, South Hero, VI. Aro you Bilious? "TTI.tnfirAVfii-t linti ilnnnina mora truod than OUT 3 other remedy I liar cur taken." ill 1 a. s). i, uwu;U wn viiftvui Are you'tormontod. -with Piles? . lr, w, i . Kuno rccuuinienciti u io me. Geo. il. Uorkt,CuahlcrU.iLanL, iljvntown, To. 2 me iAro you Rheumatism racked? "Kidney-Wort cured me. after 1 iriisii up to dlo by iihjblclain and I liad suiTired thirty jear.1 Ladies, nro you suffering? "Kldiipv.Wort cured ma of mcullar IrimtK-l of B neveral TLari Bttlullntf. Al&nr f rieml. ubo .nil t.n.1-. n it." Urfc 11. Lamorvaux, Io La Mottv, t. !l you would Banish Disease i ana gain noaitn, laito Tub Blood Cleanser. i'eb 0-3 mo lontr a chanco lo see a snow-storm uverv month in tho vear aa the auth or has but it is not ot tneso uisincis we will writo in describing seven ty-one degrees below zero. way wo lell. who had been I told tho Esquimau, with us on tho short trip as sledge di ivers and bo on, that it was much colder as shown by tlio instrument m the quiet air lint be It was in tho Arctic recions. not far foro wo started than it was when tho from Hack's Great Fish river, when wind was raging tho highest, but I the author was conducting a homoward think from the incredulous glances sledge journey to Hudson Hay in tho they took at each other that they vot- depth of an Arctic winter November, ed tho thermometer as tho moat accom- December, January, February and plished Ananias they evermet,and won- March. Severe wtather, that is, in- dercd how wo could lie duped into such tensely cold, had set in just before preposterous idoas directly against our Christmas in 1879. the thcrmomotei' common senso and personal observa- sinking down to sixty-live and sixty- tions of cold. They might believo tho eicht decrocs below zero, and never world was round and turned over every o . . . . , i i I .............. i i:.t! getting above sixty degrees ociow, uay wiinout uiu puim- uearanuuuig un find wo have a verv hard time with our the slippery icebtim when it was up. leedging along the river, our camps at snio down, simply uecauso tne wnuo licht almost in Bight of those wo had man, their acknowledged superior in Ipft. in tlio mnrniiifr. so close wcio thev intelligence, had said so, but nothing- together and so slowly did wo labor would persuade them that when they felt along. Heindeer, on which we were perfectly comfortablo and w'arm load- lyinc on lor our daily supply ot looti, ing tne sieuge ami iiarncsjing inu uogs were not found near tho river, and it was colder than when their arm ami being seen some ten or fifteen miles lojjs were frozen, and their noses and lmekfrnm it I determined to leave its clieeks "nipped'' most furiously with mul Ktiikn straicrht for homo in tho frost. Wo triod to explain tho -niiEAS nitOWN'S INSUltANUE 1; AOKNTY. Jloj-cr's new buliains, Mnlu trcct, lilooiusuurg-, i .i. .Ktn.i InsurancoCo., ot Hartford, Conn Itoyal ot Mvcrjiool 1-mcaslilro l ire Association, I'lillailcliiliu l'lioenlx, ot London I.ondon S Lancashire, ot Unyland H.irtfonlot llartforil Sprtugtlckl rireand Marine ao n.n foncipsi nre iiiiwt. nollcle3 aro written for the Insured without delay in tne omco ai tuoombuurir. " Assets. 7,(i7S,2-.'0 13,N,Wa lo.wo.oirj I,1IU,7I0 5,aWi,3-.ll i.;ou,9;o 8,578,050 w 11 1IOUSK, DENTIST, Hl.OOMSllL'ItOjCol.UMUIA C'OUNTV, l'A II styles ot work done In a superior manner, worn Vrurranveuus luiJicatuuiu. BB:7,rrjr: d wnnorr I'itN oy tho use ot (las, and free of chargo when drtldclal teeth tiro Inserted. Olllee over Klclm's Drug Store. 'Jo t open nt all hours during the ctaj ,.'iv n A F, M R Af R N rVAN'ri?l to canvass for the talo ot nursery mocu i cvt-auj viihiuj...v.. guaranteed, muu unu nuan .... AlU'ly CHASS BROTHERS, npr ,1.2m Rcciester, N. V, EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR 3L00iIS3UnO, PA. Ol'I'OSlTB COOHT nousE. .irt'O and convenient sainnlo rooms. Ilatl lot and cold water, and all modern couve IlatU rooms llllMICO B f- for Infants and Children. Cutorla 13 bo well adapted to children that t recommend It as superior to any prescription known to mo," H.A. Ancntn.M.D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, V, Ciutorla cures Colic. Constlpatlor., Hour Stomach, Dlarrhaa, Ij-ucutlon. KUU Worms, elves sleep, and promot. dl- Wltfout lujurloiu medication. entaurIinimentI . l)n II in An absolute euro for Kltoiinmusm, DIirii...B, x iinoK-. lJtirns. OftUs. &c. An Instuutnncous I'ftln- rollovlni; and Ileallnc; ltotncdy. effect of tho wind, but thev said they had known tho wind to blow them oft their feet in the summer and not freeze them a parcliele, anil very much pre ferred to bcltvo that the little thermom eter told a lib, or at least was badly mistaken. Thev said they know it seemed colder when the wind blew.but thatwas because it actually was colder at those tunes than others, and not sunt tud hero thoy ludson Hay. We had been gone three or four days, and as we ascended the higher levels the thermometer commenced lowering, and on tho 3d of January, 1880. at 4 o'clock in tho afternoon, reached 71 decrees below zero, the coldest we experienced on our sledge journey ot nearly a year m lengtn, aim men tiavclin a out of eloors: for that because it seemed so ilav we moved our came somo ten or Btoon iirm. twelve miles to the southeastward. The thermometer stood at soveuly The dav was not at all disagreable, I one below I'alirenheit, thn uncloudci must. Hnv. nntil lone toward the eatly skv m the vicinity ol tho sun, liangini: night, when a slight zephyr, the mer- low in the southern horizon, assumed a est kind of a motion of the wind, that dull leaden hue, tinged near tho sun's would hardly rttlllo tho leaves on a rim with a taint browimii red, not uti- rce. or even sumcieni to euui me nnu uiu hm hcdi;uw.duj i'.iu,i.i 1 . e I i .1 I!. I 1 on a warm day, sprang up iroin mo on cneap ciiromu-imiugi.i)iis ui3nuyi-n outhward, and, slight and insignificant for sale in tlnrd-iate picture shops. At as it was, it cut lo the bono every part night time tho stars glittered like dia- of the body that was exposed, and monds tinder the electric light, and which fortunately was tho face from fairly seem on fire with their brilliant the eyebrows to tho chin and about radiance. Should you pour water half of tho cheeks, We turned our co'd water taken from tho well dug backs toward it as much as possible, through tho ico of tho I.iko near which and especially after we got into camp you are camped upon the suriace ot and got to work building our snow tho ice, it greets you with an astonlsh- hottses and digging through tho thick itig crackling noiso like firo running ico in tho lake For fresh water, and so through cedar brush, or like a dozen lazily did our breath that congealed bunches of miniature firecrackers, and into minature clouds float away to the the ice, that was so clear before that northward liko tho little light cirrus you almost felt tlin'td about putting lnmlu nf .i summer skv that we Knew vour icot on it lor iear mat it reauy well enough how terribly cold it must was not there, now instantly turns as be without looking at tho thermometer, whito as marble and as hard to seo that stood at 71 degrees below zeio, through as so much snow, caused by Fahrenheit. tho infinite number ot littio seams run- It is not so much the intensity of the ning m every direction through it lrom cold expressed in degtccs on tho ther- the unequal expansion. Ainny ot tno momete'r, that detetmincs tho disagree- Esquimaux children amuso themselves ableness of Arclio winter wcatner as u )'uk,"" ....,.. w,....... ....... istheforco nnd relative direction of tho white spots on tho clear ico of tho the wind. I havo found it far pleas- lako give it a mohUjinottled appear- anter with tho thermometer at .r0, GO, ance. or even 70 degrees below zero, Fahren- Vapor and steam seem to rcll away lick, with a littio or no wind blowing from everything of a living nature, and at tho time, than to faco a rather stiff the slcdgo with ten or fifteen dogs and breeze when tho littio tell-tale showed its four or five humans in harness looks 50 degrees warmer temperature. Een liko a starting locomotive enveloped in an Arctic acclimated whito man fao- Us escaping steam, and leaves a trail of ing a good strong wind blowing at 20 vapor behind them resembling the dust or 25 degices below zero is almost 6tiro stirred up on a well-used road by roll- lo freeze tho nose and cheeks and tho ing wagon wheels. Should tho party thermometer does not havo to sink over stop to rest in a basin-like valley this 1 ur 5 degrees to induce tho Esqui- vapor rapidly collects aa a fog bank, maux themselves to keep within their and in a littio whilo becomes so denso suug snow houses under tho same cir- as to obscure the originators from a cumstances unless want or famine de- person at a distance, but really makes mauds their presence in tho storm, their whereabouts oasuy tieicrmmcu uy With plenty iu tho larder for all the this very sign. Herds of musk oxen . 1 , .. ..Cl ... l... t. n!(! mouths, brute and iiumuu, uuirj ui anu renmeer urai iivmuuuh them venturo out in such weather. bio by this means at quito long Tt. U verv consoling to add however, lances il tno nciei uo largo ci eased proportionally! Occasionally my sledge would bo iu tho rear, and before wo started in tho morning It would sometimes bo useful to know If tho party ahead had moved on, and Tooiooah, m sledge driver, would climb a near hill, and if tho weather was intensely coid and clear was al most sure to bo able to tell mcgalthough tho measured slcdgo journey to the snow housu that had discerned by its ascending vapois was often eight and ten nrles, and probably three fourths ns much in a straight Hue. Whenever tho slcdgo was traveling along, its iced runners dragging over tho line, gritty snows would givo forth a clear musical ring in tho bitter cold air that sounded very much like tho drawing of a resincd bow over a tuning-fork, a well-known experiment in acoustic lectures. Many of my readers who live, or have lived, in countries whero tho thermometer gets down tq zero and twenty degrees below iu tho winter havo heard this sound coming from the iron running sleighs, and es pecially upon a clear quiet night with but a single bell within hearing. Could you imagine that clear, frosty ring as much louder as tho whistlo ot a steam boat is above the whistle ot a man, or certainly multiplied manifold limes, you could rcalizo how the iced Blcdgo runners fairly sing with their polished surface dragging over tho marble-like snows ot inleiHO Arclio cold. ly hold ing tho car near tho snow this mus'c of tho cold can bo hoard a couplo of miles away, and nt this great distance sounds liko the soft murmurings of an -iKi- lian harp or distant minglings of gui tars. Sometimes when breathing this ex tremely cold air my tongue felt as if it was freezing in my mouth, but l could readily lid myself of this uncomfort able feeling by bicathing through tho nostiils for a nunuto or two. .Natur ally you will ask : "Why not breathe through the nostrils at tho time ?" as you havo so often hoard advocated. This bitter cold air passing through tho nostrils keeps up an irritation so that the consequent catarrh makes it desir able to use tlio mouth nearly altogether in breathing. Also tho noso is more liable to freeze when breathing through it. These freezings ot thu noso and cheeks aro very common affairs, occur ring over a dozen times a day in very low temperature-sand especially if there be any wind blowing in tho lace, inc Esquimaux cures these slight frost bites by applying the hand, warm from the reindeer mitten, to the spot. They knew nothing of rubbing frost bites with snow, so extolled in our own cold climates, and I doubt its oHicaov my self in those extremely low Arctic tem peratures, when the snow is liko sand if loose and like granite rock if in mass. Another fallacious idea explod ed by my least to a great extent, was tho use of snow to quench thirst, which every Arctic writer has been so unanimous in condemning as hurtful. My Esquimaux used it at all temperatures to alleviate their thirst, first breathing on the piece of snow a few times beforo putting it iti the mouth. I havo often seen Esquimau boys place a steel snow knifo to their tongue" and let it freeze fast, and then swing it backward aud forward until it fell, and try to niako it stick up right in the snow. Frederick Schtcat-ka. Oow-Boys on a Drive, lien. Ouster and Wife. dis four or .i ,i. :..L i7i lomnoMtnrn nf flvo miles away, and at from very fa- the Arctic aro nearly always nojom- vorable heights even three or four !-J U.. ai of lonut UV 1 1 rv 1 1 1. I lllUvn Villa lBlulltl bu uiu uiumiimu a limi. nn.1 m.0l. was tho case on our hunters claim ; to fur away, in fact, it momnrinl .ird of January. 1880. In has been known to take two days to font, with the exception of n very few quiet days during the warmest weath er of tho polar summer, theso clear, quiet, cold ones of the Arctic winter aro nuoui tno oniy mum u,u mo wind is not blowing vigorously lrom somo part ot tno compass, ur bu iv uuiu ed nt least in that part of it whero my travels wcro oaBt. i tionut, nowever, if thero aro as many diirlnrr low temperatures in the t " o ' , reach them f but my readers must bear in mind that a day in tho Arclio win ter is very short, often only an hour or two long. Even at these wonderful and extreme distances tho most keon oved hunters claim (and theso Esnni man aro never given to prcmediated fa school!) that they cmi leu wheincr tho herd is ono of musk oxen or rein fonrf.,1 .inrma deer uv somo varying peculiarities oi tVUI till HVVIH1U ' I , - . (ho Arclio the vapors which i did not cieanv ..!.. r .i....n.,n nntt nf nnv uiidersiaiiu, mm which i never toon. US III IIIU till IIWI HIH VffcV. M '.V V. w". . ... .11, 1 own country .whero thoy are known as an opportunity to practically apply, 'blizzards." Certainly in proportion Even tho foot of a person walking to tho ability of withstanding extremo along as it is lifted from tho ground rtn il ntii I tlm methods tho nolar inliabi- leaves n littio miff of vapor to float r . . ., , .i ,..! .i. ...ii. tnnu h!iv of combat ng it. inero aro away iroin me ui us u mi annii .tniirrers run bv thorn of life had stepped upon a sponco saturated or eiiscomfort as by our brethren of with smoke, which wits liberated by n,r far nri West when the "northers" tho pressure, and this, too, when thero comedown on them in tho elead of aro four thicknesses-of heavy reindeer winter. skin beneath tho Intro foot and tiiomiow Thorn wero a few exceptions to this underneath. geueral rule of quiet weather with ex- So scarce was tho gamo through this tremo cold.and when thoy had to bo en- part of tlio country, and so absolutely ,i.nn.1 ilmv were simp v terrible. One dependent were wo upon it for our mnrnlmr tho thermometer nt 8 o'clock dailv supply of food, tint to increase aiinwpil ua that it was sixtv-eight do- our chances of securing it wo separat grecs below zero, but as it was calm ed into parties, ono ar.d two days jour and quiet wo paid littio attention to it, ney apart from eacn ether, although and harnefsed our dogs and loaded our traveling the same trail, and thus each JoiWa fnr onr day s Iournev. which spaco between camps was gono over was an exceedingly short ono ot three twlco or three times, or four miles to the snow houso of on ' of seeing reindeer Tho author gives no hint of the pomp and circurmtanees, if any they were', which attended that wedding of Into hearts and loyal spirit, but goes on in the most matter of fact way to do all in the plainest and least roman tic language from tin-beginning of her married career: "Wo had no sooner reached Wash ington on our wedding journey than telegrams came, following one another in quick succession, asking him to givo up the rest of his leave of absenco and hasten without an hour's delay to the front. I begged so hard not to bo left behind that I finally prevailed. The esult was that I found myself in a few hours on the extremo wing of the Army ot tho Potomac, in an isolated lrginia farm home, finishing my oneymoon alone. 1 had so besought im to allow mo to como that 1 did not aro to own mvsclf thu desolation aud fright I felt. In tho preparation of tho hurried raid which my husband had been ordered to make hu had sent to cavalry headquarters to provide for my safety, and troops were in reality near, although 1 could not see them. 'Tho General s old school servant, Sliza, comforted me, and thu Southern amily in the houso took pity upon my anxiety. It was a sudden plunge into life ol vicissitude and danger, and 1 i.ardlv remember tho timo during tlio twelve years that follwed, when 1 was not iu fear of somo immediate peril, or in dreaJ of somo danger that threat- ued. After the raid was ended wo pent some delightful weeks together, and when tho regular spring campaign tecan 1 returned to Washington, whero I remained until the surrender and tho close of tho war. "After that wo went to Texas for n year, my iiusuaud sun acting as major genernl in command ot volunteers, in 18GG we returned to Michigan, ami tho autumn of the same year found us in Ivansai, where tho genernl assumed charge of tho hoventh (regular) caval ry, to which ho had been nssigncd, with tho rank ol lieutenant colonel in tho regular army. Wo remained iu Kansas hvo years during winch tune I was the only otliccr's wifo who nl. ways lollowed tlio regiment. Wo were then ordered with tho regiment to Kentucky. After being stnlioncd In Klizabethlown lor two years wo wentto uakoia in tho spring ol lHia. Jie Custer .Hook. A picturesque, hardy lot of fellow, these wild "cow-boys, ns they sit on tho gtound by the fire, ench man with his can of collcr, his fragrant slico of fried bacon on the point of hi) knife blade, or sandwlcheel In between two great hunks of bread, rapidly disap- pcai ing before the onslaughts ot appo tiles mado keen by tho putc, invigorat ing breezes of these high plains. Seo that brawny fellow with the crisp, tight-curling yellow hair growing low down on thu nape of his massive neck rising straight and supple from tho low collar nf his looso flannel shirt,his sun browned faco with the piercing gray eyes looking out from under the broad brim of his hat, Ills lower limb) clad iu heavy "chaps'' or leather overalls stained a deep reddish-brown by long so and exposure to wind and weather, his revolver in his holster swinging from tho cartridge-filled belt, and his great spurs tinkling at every stride, as, having drained tho last drop of colTee, he puts down the can, and turns from tho lire toward the horses, picking up as he goes tho huge heavy leather Bad die, with its high pommel and stream ing thongs of rawhide, that has served him as a pillow during tho night. Quickly his "cayuso" is saddled, the great broad ha'tr-rotio girths tightly "siuuhed, the huge bit slipped into the unwilling month, and with a bound tho active fellow is in tho saddle. Paw, pony, paw ; turn your eyes till the wlnles show : lay vour pointed ears back ; squeal and kick to vour heart's content. Oh, buck away 1 you have found your master for tho Btrugglo does not last long. Tho practiced baud, the heavy spurs, and stinging whip soon repeat the almost daily lcsson,and will) ouu last wicked shake of the dead the wiry 'caynse" breaks into his easy lope, and away go horse and rider to their appointed station ou tho flank of the grent diove. The others soon follow, camp is broken, the wagon sccuroly packed ready for tho road, and tho work of tho day commences. Tho cattle seem to know what is coming. On tho edges of their scattered masses the steers lift their heads and gaze, half stupidly, half frightened, at tho flying horsemen; as tho Hanks aro turned they begin closing in toward ono another, moving up in little groups to a common centre. Now and then a steer or sono young bull, more headstrong or moro terrified than his comrades, breaks away and canters off clumsily over the prairie. Iu a moment he is pursued, headed off, turned, and driven in toward tho herd again. As they "close in mass to use an apt military phrase "rounded up" ouall bides by tho swifl-iiding cow-boys, they are gently urged on ward by tho drivers in the rear, until tho whole herd is slowly moving for ward, feeding as they go, in a looso wide column, headed toward the break in tho mountain that indicates the mouth of tho canon through which it is to pass. Gradually the prairie is crossed quietly and gently tho nervous brutes aro crowded more closely together two or three ot tlio men gallop on ahead to the opening of thepass,guard ed by two cone shaped mounds like re doubts thrown out to protect tho en trance to the fastnesses of tho moun tains, m order to head oft stragglers and to turn the leaders of tho herd into the narrow trail that runs in between tho high, tree-covered, rocky wa Is of the canon. So! 60 o-o I gently calling, quietly and patiently urging, the driv ers bunch tho horned multitude into one almost compact mass. So-o-o! So! gently ! gently! push, boys, push in from both sides, curb your horses.keep them quiet, no! sol drive Blowfy from the rear, press on slowly, yet firmly until the head of tho herd enters the pass. Patter! patter! patter ! tho rushing, confused roars of hundreds of hoofs striking tho hard road bed, a queer sound, filling Hie air with liko tho their pretty heads in tho soft brceze.tho gayly colored wild flowersyellow sun flowers, daisies, bine harebells mingle inuir ungni onus, inciting into ono another on the distant round hilt-tons. covering them soitcsl velvet. Short Talks With Boyj. "I am n farmer's son and am not sat isfied with my surroundings." This paragraph or a portion of it is as with a carpet of tho certain to bo found in four out ot every fivo letters received from tho country, Let tho herd move more ealy now, and it is a matter which should bo In drifting slowly along, nnd openiog its vestigatcd. Our statesmen and jour- ratiKs a nine, so as to cnauio tno uuugry I uaiwm mm iiiiiuiiiiuuiinu ,uuw.... brutcs to crop at the fresh juicy grass ally praising agriculture as a vocation, as thoy goj jouhavc leisure to open and tno idea mat uio lamieris muu your saddle-bags and tako a littio lunch, pendent and happy prevails in every sur le pouce, and a "swig ' of whisky story ot rural inc. and water, if you havo any. Or vou What has dissatisfied farmer h sons! can light your pipe as you let your Why it that so many of them want bridle tall on your cayuso s to leavo mo iarm iurauy wuir. ui.ii. neck, and lounge in your sad- will bring them n living t In most die, folding your arms, and resting cases tho troublo will bo found with tho your elbows on tho flat, round top of fanner instead of his son the high pommel, keeping, however, n It is a curiouj position in which an watchful oyo on your charges lest somo old fashioned farmer and his son aro adventurous two-year-old wander away placed. Tho old man is content with from tho drovo and lose himself in the some improvements on the ideas of deep coulees or ravinoa that, cutting fifty years ego. Ho can t see why any througli tho lotitided spurs ot tlio lulls, ono snouiu waiinui Hung uvim ui.i.i run down to the edge of tho trail. Al- baro floors, Windsor chairs and cow- though tho sun is now high in the hoav- hide boots. Ho would ns soon go to UU9 his and dust cloud now and then whore somo tyran- barn. He can't really seo how any one nio bull oi surly steer widens tho spaco can sit down and get interested in about him by a short, vicious ohargo at books, and why Henry and William f. should want "real cloth' collars and teinoon wears slowly away, tho herd auffs is a deep conundrum. When 8 constantly advancing.except for n short o'clock comes ho gets ready for bed, halt now and again nt somo inviting and ho can't seo how tho boys and spot, whero tho grass grows luxuriantly girls can "abcar" company who keeps or tho stream crosses. The hills aro them up until 10. Tho farm is con. smaller, thero aro wide openings bo- ducted after tho fashion of a quarter of tween them, and soon a broad plain, the last century. Tho houso may be rich in tho marvellous color of its shift- painted onco in five yeaw, but tho inrr Hrrtit find nlinili nnd nirnrnl witli o ances aro that it is allowed to go ten. brown waving grass and great patches The bams havo needed repairs for years sage brush, stretches lo past, but it is cneapcr to iosu u um ui .1 ,1 il a II ...Ilh nun , and pours down tho full power of meenug wtmom, conm i im rays, the breeze tcmpors tho heat, Ho "rayther likes" tho music of an thero rises no blinding, choking organ, but if ho buys an organ r.o won t from tlm soft. rrrn9. nrfr-nt. a littln feel like building that addition to 1110 of bluish-gray tho far horizon, flat and apparently level as a billiard table, full of promise of rest and refreshment for the hot aud tired beasts. R. F. ZoniuuM, iu Har per's Magazine. Bartholdi's Big Uirl. Till". VUliJUDlCKS met iiv a canvasseu FOR THE l'EDUSTAI. KUN1I. Tho IJartholdi pedestal fund is near ly complete. Tho statue has arrived aud soon Mow lork harbor will bo hav bv the leaks than to buy new shingles. Tho fences are rotling down, but next Winter will bo a good timo to split rails. Thero aro half . dozen panes of glass needed about tho house, but if the broken lights were renewed thoy might bo smashed again. The democrat wagon has been "about worn out" for tho last fivo years, and that's tho reason for not having it painted. Tho harnesses will hardly hold togeth er, but thoy must answer for another year. Tho boys aro held to "serve their lime, ' like so many siavus or uun- graecd by the most magnificent col- .-iniu. and the amount of cash finding ossal stattto tho world has ever seen. it9 Way into their pockets yearly would "Liberty Enlightening tho World 1" not keep a bootblack in stook to do What a priceless blessing personal business. liberty is. It is tho shrine at which Is the picture overdrawn! I can add people, ground under the heel of ty- twenty per cent to tho strength of ranny in tho older worlds, worship eacii assertion and then not exceed the with a fervency that Americans can truth. scarcely realize; it is a principle for nd now what's tho matter with which Nihilists willingly die the death fanners' boys t They live in a new of dogs ; and fit nnd proper it is that World tho father in an old one. No at tho very entrance of tho liay of ln!,iier i10w little schooling thev havo Now York this emblematic statue -nn,i. t.iiov aro better educated then he should flash a welcome to tho world. A vn matter if tho father refuses to Tho press is eutitled to the credit of ,n mnrB than subscribe for a weekly this achievement. Mr. Philip Beers, ,,,,.. his bovs aro fairly posted on the who has been nraking a circuit of tho ,iaiy happenings all over tho world, country on behalf of tho Pedestal hie wants to farm after old ideas they fund, says that tho fund will certainly after now ones. He got along with bo raise 1, as tho World does not L,,,,. kowin whether England was cast know tho worlddtX or we3t of the United States without Mr. liccrs says that, fie has lound .,ramnlar. orthography, or being ablo tho most pronounced generosity among t0 raore than writo his name without thoso of foreign birth. Thoy seem ...ollars or cuffs or neckties without moro appreciative of liberty than elo hooks or papers or amusement?, and ho our native born. Moreover, among ;g (u,;lc certain lint tho boys can do somo. a strange prejudice seems to exit. tho same. "Prejudicot In what particular!" ho number of farmers' sons who "I havo ever found that however nro leaving home, either with a half meritorious a tiring may be, thousands hearted consent, or running a ray, is of peoplo will inevitably bo prejudiced cveater than you dream of. They against it. I havo spent most of my tlock to the towns and e.ities lo learn lilo on the road and 1 know tho Ame-1 trade; to accept of menial positions; rican peoplo 'liko n book.' In 1879 a t0 take any work to pay their way and personal liuslortuno illustrated this prcvcnt tho necessity of returning to farm work. Tho farmer who realizes this must ask himself where tho blamo lies, and then seek a remedy. Is thero a rem ody ! Let us see. In tho first place farmers' sons arc overworked. There is no doubt that tho farmer is, too, but that doesn t alter When you rout a boy ol 11, 8 out of bed at -1:110 or hvo o'clock in tho morning, and work him till 7 or half-past, you nro making a whito slavu ot him. You not only peril his health, but you deform his body. That's tho caso of so many sons of farmer) being lop-shouldered, bow backed or otherwise defoimed, and tho origin can 1m traced to over-exertion while growing. Thero isn t n farm in tuts country on prevailing prejudice. I was very ill, had suffered for several years with headache, ficklo appetite, dreadful backache, cramp, hot head, cold hands and feet aud a general break down of tho system. I dragged myself back to Now York, seeking tho best, profes sional treatment. It so happens that a low, yet among my relatives is a distinguished the caso. falling of physician who upbraided mo roundly I ifj) or penetrating none, millions of hailstones on drv leaves, for preaching so much about my case not tho heavy and sharp ringing tramp Finally, with some spirit, I remarked of iron-shod horses, but a shiiflliug. to mm soft, although distinet marked muffled ' "Sir, you know that much of your rolling, something liko that produced professional wisdom is pretense. You bv the distant passago ot a heavily aro controiieu uy prejudice, loueau laden freight irain. Slowly, irresistibly not reaoh a caso like initio and you onward through tho wild oanou the know it, can vou T frowning walls of sandstono and gi- "I had him; and ho finally conceded gantio pines towering on ono side, oo tho point, lor it was origin s disease oi the other and below, rushing and foam- tho kidneys which had prostrated me. . . . I . . , r. .. uieiced aJUrs. Two Kansas City voung ladies wcio lately mado acquainted with grief through thu iiiblriimentahty ot castor beans. Two gentlemen wagered that they could eat more of tlrcm than thu Indies, nnd swallc.v'it two or three tho girls ate a dozen or moro each. It was a rather dangerous business. Tho symptoms of poison wcro terribly so vere, and lasted sovcral hours, leaving tho patients greatly prostrated, A mi in her ot writers report deaths from eating castor ncuia. Tho oldest, nnd nl tho same time the thickest ti co in the woild, so far as known, is a chestnut near the foot of Mount Etna. Ills hollow, and large enough to admit two carriages driving and our chances abreast, I ho ciicumfeitncc ( f the mai or musk oxen in-1 trunk is 212 feet. which tho hours of labor couldu t be ing over its rough bed, the river push- and the schoolmen admit they cannot I shortened to'ten hours without causing ing forward like a stream of liquid cure it. Having cured myself, howev alosa of S25 per yoar. If ton hours aro lava from some vomiting crater, long or. in 1870, and not having seen a sick lonnmrh for a ditch-digger it is all that i . i. i i i l.i...! ..).. .i. 1 . n . , , n i rawn out in a cruwueu, uunsu uuiuuin uuy ninvi, nry iciuuiu uuciy ouunmu i a larmcr s soil SIIOUIU uu caiiuu upon 10 n tho narrow, winding trail, moves that Warner s safo cure, which accora-1 endure. If thero aro two hours between tho miahtv herd. A thick, smoko-liko plished this result, was really a wonder- p, oV.lock nnd darkness on a Summer's cloud of yellow dust tnrougli which lul preparation, nnd rresident nut- evening tho boy can take up n book or the sunlight breaking lights up tho ter, of tho Central-IIudson used it, I paper, or put it to good use somo other tanglo of horn, swaying aud tossing am certain lie would be alivo to day, way. As it is now, ho knows ho in tho distanco liko foam cresting tho for lie could not havo been In a worso ,8 expected to slave lrom daylight till angry billlows ot somo dark, storm-1 condition men i was. dark, and when night comes ho is lashed tot rent hovers above; a heavy, "l navo lounu similar prejudices weary in body and aggravated in wcelish odor fills tho air ; and mitig- among all classes concerning even so Si)irit. ling with tho pattering rush of the laudable a schemo as this pedestal fund. I And tho remedy is not altogether in hoofs and tho roar of the stream comes Mr. IJeers's experienco and the recent shortening tho hours of work. Tho the occasional booming bellow of somo death of President Uuttcr, of tho Cen- hovs must have things to interest and frightened steer. tral-Hudson railroad, of an extreme Umuse them. Thoy want books, niaga- Verv slowlv and caul bus v tho herd kidney disorder, proves mat mo pnysi- j.jne3 and newspapers.. It there's a moves forward : sometimes there is a cuns havo uo real power over bucIi dis- uiial)c0 10 fix up a bowling; alley let the halt in front : those in the rear crowd oases, and indicates tho only course ono hovs go ahead nnd make one. Tho up moro closely; very gently, nnd should pursuo il, as tno lato ur. WU- gamo of bowls is a healthy exerctso with soothing cries, tho experienced I lanl Parker says, headache, sichnoss of atui furniihcs plenty of sport. If ono cow-boys urge them on again. It is l" stomacn, dropsical swoiung), uaok 0f th-j boys has a taslo for inusto help ticklish work, for a momentary panic luJllt "arlv enaivu umus. uem inw iliiv.. mmrea nf them Hnwn tin- nm. lurely impaired eyesight, loss of i-iniinna uhlr-a nf tlm mnuntnin. Al.. strength and energy ot citr, for they till- I . .. . . I ...!.!. :.,.!!,..,. . r...l ....!, tt ready tins morning an untortunato ""uuv. " ""' stiw. viiiulipd in n midden, nnnlr-.kv null not promptly arrested. of his comnanions over tho edtre of thu "Yes, sir-ee, every cent needed for .. . I .. . . . c1. . I ...iii i... : i rt : I ... . . . ' " ti ail, has fallen down into tlio foaming iiuihi wm u riu. ui bhuio u, cinsses, wliicii might meet aroiiuu irom torrent, and been dashed to death on will bo a great triumph for the II orld, house to house. A young people's so- tho lagged rocks a hundred feet below, ""i wouiu u uut uuvu ueen an eternal cmi dub. to meet in the same manner, l il ! I I.. ;.. I I. ..I I .tidni,,.!) lio.l Mir tinm.l.i fntln.l trt irn. I i !... I.... itiuing siowiy in inu rear, iuok niuiig ""b""v'" ......... i-,u wouui pruvu very micn-iuiui;. tho Irail and over tho backs of the ad- vido for tins pedestal 1 Tho farm oan ba mado pleasanlcr vancing cattle up tho canon ahead. than tho work-shop the farni-houso as Sometimes tho road elesccnds until tho A lady not a resident of Lisbon, 1). fii 0f comfort and happiness as any stream licks tho earth at its side, T.i had a houso and lot there, and tlio homo in tho city. When this takes him along with it. Let him have a fiddle, accordion, organ, or whatever in strument he feels ho can bring music out of. Uoth boys and girl) should bo encouraged to sing. To this end they should be encouraged to get up singing spreading in litllo shallow pools across city ordered her to build a sidowalk by place tho farmer s son will not be tho !. .! .! .t ...1. 1. 1. I 1 Cl.. i.n..lniln.l i-nfu.a,! I n liiill.l I ' 1... .. IT.. ...ill 1... !...!! It. Sho uegleotcd or refused to build voung mail ho is. lie will bo iovial, it, and tho city constructed the walk cotent nnd enthusiastic. Ho will bo and sent her a bill for 8100. Sho wax- ablo to appear well in any society, to ed wroth, had tho house torn down and converso with any one on tho topics of taken away on tho cars, and sho then the day, and he will have somo futuro informed tho city authoritses they might outsido of tho day in and day out toil lot. I which is crooking his spino nnd thick- have tho old lot. A f.ew fish, the ohorna, belonging to tho halibut family, has mado its appear unco iu the Gulf of Mexico. enlng up his brains. Jl. JJetrott J'ree J'rcsa, Quad, it, eonutimcs cutting through it, ns il curves abruptly around somo point of rocks, only to rccross it again further on. Aud now tho cation widens, aud, succeeding tho high walls and great trees, its sides gradually merge into gently rising, gi ass-covered slopes; tho river too is broader, its surface shining liko polUhed silver, nnd betraying its onward movement only by mi occasion al soft lipplo aud low lap-lap of thu w.iti'r ni'nlnst its nvcrliAiiinne hnnlia. from, which, breathing out tho sweet that cholera is essentially a diseaso of application of a match, is ono of tho frngranoo of thousands of nowly open- tho nervous system. wouders of Nevada. Within live mill- eel hlllts, tho Wild rose bushes hang uvea u uuauuuu Bieu.i-iiev, nun ppi vim- down their Blender blanches. Away An English paper stiys Terry antl ing brunches, is changed into a charred up the slopes, dancing and nodding Irving will soon marry, A tree resembling tho cedar, but with foliage so full of combustible oil Dr. C. II. Hughes, tlio allcnest, tays that it goes off liko n Hash on the . . . . " -., 11 i. - . -i .r.. c . . and blackened trunk.